Sentences with word club

клуб, дубина, дубинка, клюшка, булава, трефы, бить, собираться, собираться вместе


- дубинка
- дубина, средство устрашения; угроза

the club of a nation-wide strike — угроза объявить всеобщую забастовку

- булава (гимнастика)
- клюшка (хоккей, гольф)
- бита (бейсбол)

ещё 8 вариантов


- бить дубинкой, прикладом
- бить прикладом (ружья)
- (into) вынуждать, заставлять под нажимом (кого-л. сделать что-л.)

the unions club bed the employers into giving the workers better terms — профсоюзы вынудили предпринимателей улучшить условия рабочих

- (обыкн. club together) собираться вместе; объединяться
- устраивать складчину

to club the expense — разделить на всех расходы
the family clubbed together to buy a new car — вся семья собирала деньги на новую машину, новую машину покупали всем семейством


- клубный
- дежурный (о блюде)

club breakfast — стандартный завтрак

Мои примеры


a club for physics majors — клуб для студентов-физиков  
an active member of the club — действующий член клуба  
to join a club — стать членом клуба  
life member of the club — пожизненный член клуба  
a loose atmosphere at the club — свободная атмосфера в клубе  
night club — ночной клуб  
club sofa — диван с невысокой мягкой спинкой  
fan club — клуб болельщиков, фанатов; фан-клуб  
initiation into the club — принятие в клуб  
flying-club airfield — клубно-спортивный аэродром  
club steak — бифштекс из филейной части  
billy club — полицейская дубинка  

Примеры с переводом

He carried a club in self defense.

Для самозащиты он носил с собой дубинку.

You have to play a club.

Вам придётся сыграть в трефу.

We had a mad time in that club.

В том клубе было безумно весело.

They always club together.

Они всегда тусуются вместе.

Shall we go to a club?

Пойдём в клуб?

The club has 300 members.

В этом клубе состоит триста человек.

Women were not allowed in the club.

Женщины в этот клуб не допускались.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She performs at the club nightly.

He spent five years with the club.

I’m not into the club scene at all.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

clubbable  — общительный, достойный быть членом клуба, любящий клубное общество
clubbing  — избиение дубинкой
clubber  — завсегдатай ночных клубов, полицейский с дубинкой, член клуба
clubbed  — булавовидный, утолщенный на одном конце
clubdom  — клубы, мир, клубов, мир завсегдатаев клубов

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: club
he/she/it: clubs
ing ф. (present participle): clubbing
2-я ф. (past tense): clubbed
3-я ф. (past participle): clubbed

ед. ч.(singular): club
мн. ч.(plural): clubs

  • Use the word Club in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He had his friends in the movie industry, which he’d see every day at the Hillcrest Country club.

….and Vitolo, representing Virtus club, Lucania.

So if I could get into his locker at the Racquet club… I could make a mould, to make a copy of our own key.

I will accompany you to your appointment, and then we’ll lunch at my club.

In fact, I just invited your sister to lunch at my club.

What you can do is, you can go find your supporter’s club.

Josh, how many times do I have to tell you, a bookstore is not a strip club.

You should meet and form a club.

Um, well, I’ll… I’ll get him at the club.

No, no, I left Hugh at the club.

He called his wife at 10:30 from the bar at the club.

We invite you to our tournament this evening. The Chess club

«It’s just a suicide club

«Would you like to be a member of the club

«Professor Manini has promised to join us for a game of cards at the club later tonight! And he can afford to lose!»

«Searchers club,» of which people had begun to talk … but whose true place of meeting was shrouded in mystery.

On the day of the show, Natasha received a food ration at the club.

«I’m sorry, but I have important business at the club that will keep me there all night.»

Behind her fashionable shop, she operates a private club.

It’s Winx club! Want to watch it?

Lehninger (Charlottenburg Sports club)

The match between the Scottish seminary and the Lazio Sports club in Rome

Rowing (Wannsee Rowing club)

A dance club for those who live in the large cities along the coast of Danzig.

As deep beneath the earth as the City of the Workers lay, so high above it towered the complex known as the «Sons’ club«, with its lecture halls and libraries, its theatres and stadiums.

We’ll take the children to the Sons’ club!

Set up a gentlemen’s club?

«Shall we gnaw a chop at the club tonight?»

Wanda was expected in the military club. She had promised to dance that day in front of the officers of the Russian-Polish regiment

The Exclusive club had, among its members the most important men of the big city.

One night, the members of the club met to celebrate the return of their respected member, Robert Jackson, after a ten-year absence in South America.

«You know that I have to go to the club

«The Doctor already left for the club

Tueasday morning.Û The Westport Yacht club Regatta

For my women, nothing butJockey club.

Usen’t you be at the old Chatham club in Chinatown in New York?

club Vladimir Ilitch Oulinaov of the station of Odessa.

Lenin club, the first five-year plan.

In behalf of the Rotary club of Minneapolis, I want to take this occasion of welcoming you to Waukegan.

How do you use the word club in a sentence?

CK 254111 I want to enter the club.

  1. [S] [T] I met Tom at a club. ( CK)
  2. [S] [T] We went out clubbing. (
  3. [S] [T] It’s a pretty big club. (
  4. [S] [T] Will you join our club? (
  5. [S] [T] I have the ace of clubs. (
  6. [S] [T] He joined the English club. (
  7. [S] [T] I don’t belong to any club. (
  8. [S] [T] I don’t belong to the club. (

What type of word is club?

noun. a heavy stick, usually thicker at one end than at the other, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel. a group of persons organized for a social, literary, athletic, political, or other purpose: They organized a computer club.

What are words or phrases?

A phrase is a group of words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund, infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute. Take a look at our selection of phrase examples below.

What does the term the club mean?

informal. —said to indicate that the problems or feelings someone is having are problems or feelings that the speaker has had If you don’t understand the rules, join the club: no one else does either!

What is it called when you join a club?

noun. the fact of being a member of a club, organization, or group.

What does club together mean?

British. : to combine the money of the individuals in a group (in order to pay for something) We clubbed together to buy him a new watch.

What club up means?

To select an iron for the upcoming shot that is one length longer than the club you’d normally choose for this distance. For example, you’re 150 yards from the center of the green and you’d typically choose a five iron under calm conditions.

What is the word together?

into or in union, proximity, contact, or collision, as two or more things: to sew things together. into or in relationship, association, business, or agreement, etc., as two or more persons: to bring strangers together. taken or considered collectively or conjointly: This one cost more than all the others together.

Can be club together?

If a group of people club together, they share the cost of something between them: If we club together, we’ll be able to get her the complete dinner set. Want to learn more?

What means club down?

Club up, club down Clubbing up could also be referred to as taking “more club” or using a “stronger” club, as clubbing down could be referred to as taking “less club” or using a “weaker” club.

What does drum up mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to bring about by persistent effort drum up some business. 2 : invent, originate drum up a new method.

What is the meaning of mount up?

to gradually increase in number or amount: It isn’t a good idea to let bills mount up.

What is intuitively mean?

: having the ability to know or understand things without any proof or evidence : having or characterized by intuition. : based on or agreeing with what is known or understood without any proof or evidence : known or understood by intuition.

What is the synonym of mounted?

In this page you can discover 67 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for mounted, like: reinforced, seated, riding, in-the-saddle, attached, firm, staged, ascended, cavalry, provided with a horse and horsed.

What does it mean to mount a guy?

verb. you ride on top… as in having sex. I want to get mounted with Hunter. See more words with the same meaning: sex, sexual intercourse.

What does MT mean in text?

Technology, IT etc (31) MT — Mistell. MT — Empty. MT — Miss Tell. MT — Mother Tongue.

What does a melt mean?

On Love Island if someone describes you as a melt, it’s usually because they think you’re being over-the-top or pathetic. The word melt originates from the Greek ‘meldein’, meaning to liquefy or dissolve. Example sentence: ‘Kem is an absolute melt’ 2.

What does amounting mean?

1. the sum total of two or more quantities or sums. 2. quantity; measure: a great amount of resistance.

How do you use amounting?

Tahiti suffers from a severe imbalance in trade, with imports amounting to nearly ten times its exports. Tahiti suffers from a severe imbalance in trade, with imports amounting to nearly ten times its exports. Tahiti suffers from a severe imbalance in trade, with imports amounting to nearly ten times its exports.

What is a total amount?

A total is a whole or complete amount, and “to total” is to add numbers or to destroy something. In math, you total numbers by adding them: the result is the total. If you add 8 and 8, the total is 16.

Is the word amounting correct?

The word amount is always paired with to. Your example sentence should read: “The withdrawal, amounting to 10 million, was not stated in the books of account.” (You could also say in the amount of.) One well-worn usage: It (or he or she) doesn’t amount to much.

What is another word for respectively?

separately, correspondingly, consecutively, accordingly, severally, seperately, individually, appropriately, consequently, -rrb-, adequately, properly, suitably, similarly.

What is another word for amount?

What is another word for amount?

quantity volume
mass measure
number bulk
lot proportion
capacity consignment

What is the meaning of frivolous?

1a : of little weight or importance She thinks window shopping is a frivolous activity. b : having no sound basis (as in fact or law) a frivolous lawsuit. 2a : lacking in seriousness a frivolous conversation. b : marked by unbecoming levity was criticized for his frivolous behavior in court.

Is Bimbo a bad word?

Bimbo is a slang term for a conventionally attractive, sexualized, naive, and unintelligent woman. The term was originally used in the United States as early as 1919 for an unintelligent or brutish man.

How do you use the word frivolous?

Frivolous in a Sentence ?

  1. My mother often spends her monthly pension on frivolous purchases she never uses.
  2. When Jane gave me a frivolous apology, I was unimpressed by her fake sincerity.
  3. Students who consider test instructions to be frivolous often fail exams.

What is a frivolous woman?

1 adj If you describe someone as frivolous, you mean they behave in a silly or light-hearted way, rather than being serious and sensible.

What is the legal definition of frivolous?

A frivolous claim, often called a bad faith claim, refers to a lawsuit, motion or appeal that is intended to harass, delay or embarrass the opposition. A claim is frivolous when the claim lacks any arguable basis either in law or in fact Neitze v.

What is a big word for amount?

What is another word for huge amount?

load lot
oodles plenty
great amount great deal
large amount vast amount
copious amount decent amount

How do you use the word club in a sentence?

Alex Heath


How do you use the word club in a sentence?

CK 254111 I want to enter the club.

  1. [S] [T] I met Tom at a club. ( CK)
  2. [S] [T] We went out clubbing. (
  3. [S] [T] It’s a pretty big club. (
  4. [S] [T] Will you join our club? (
  5. [S] [T] I have the ace of clubs. (
  6. [S] [T] He joined the English club. (
  7. [S] [T] I don’t belong to any club. (
  8. [S] [T] I don’t belong to the club. (

What type of word is club?

noun. a heavy stick, usually thicker at one end than at the other, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel. a group of persons organized for a social, literary, athletic, political, or other purpose: They organized a computer club.

What are words or phrases?

A phrase is a group of words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund, infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute. Take a look at our selection of phrase examples below.

What part of speech is club?

Definition of club (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb.

What are the 10 parts of speech?

Commonly listed English parts of speech are noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, interjection, numeral, article, or determiner.

What does club stand for?

Well, prepare to have your mind blown, as we can tell at ‘club’ is a nifty acronym that actually stands for ‘chicken and lettuce under bacon. ‘

What are the 5 types of sandwiches?

There are five main types of sandwich here in the States,1 and they’re all dictated by the type of bread used: hard roll sandwiches, soft bun sandwiches, hero sandwiches, sliced bread sandwiches and every other sandwich which doesn’t fit into those other four categories.

Whats the difference between a sandwich and a club?

Lay the bread flat on the plate, pile the meat, etc. on top of that and you have an open faced sandwich. Make a bread, meat, bread stack and you have a closed sandwich. Add a third slice of bread as in bread, filling, bread, filling, bread and you have a club sandwich.

What is the difference between a club sandwich and a regular sandwich?

A club sandwich has three slices of bread. A normal sandwich has two slices of bread.

What does BLT sandwich stand for?

The BLT was one of two sandwiches listed on the menu: BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) and grilled cheese.

What are mini sandwiches called?

A tea sandwich (also referred to as finger sandwich) is a small prepared sandwich meant to be eaten at afternoon teatime to stave off hunger until the main meal.

Is a club sandwich a BLT?

The mainstay ingredients are: toasted bread, sliced turkey or chicken, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise. The Club is a close relative of the equally beloved BLT, which consists of Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato.

Why do club sandwiches have 3 pieces of bread?

Economy: Adding an extra slice of bread saves money! Restaurants use it, as they can avoid using (perhaps more expensive) veggies/meat. Extra Slice as a Binder: Adding a slice can make the make the contents bind together, as it absorbs moisture.

What is a Boston club sandwich?

Wikipedia goes on to list the classic ingredients as turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise, allowing for variations on the turkey (chicken, roast beef, etc.), the addition of cheese, and condiments such as mustard or honey mustard. Is it obligatory that a club sandwich have three pieces of bread?

Does a club sandwich have to be toasted?

According to The Sandwich Tribunal, one of the earliest published recipes for a Club-House Sandwich was in an 1894 book called Sandwiches: “Club-house sandwiches may be made in a number of different ways, but are served warm as a rule on bread carefully toasted at the last moment.

What makes a sandwich a melt?

A melt sandwich is a type of hot sandwich containing bread, cheese (sometimes grated) and some type of filling such as meat or vegetables. The sandwich is then heated until the cheese is melted. It may be served as an open face sandwich or a closed face one.

How do you eat a club sandwich?

Besides, it’s quite dumb to eat a club sandwich with fork and knife. Instead, hold the sandwich firmly (in the middle and towards the end of the sandwich) so that the fillings don’t slip out and the sandwich goes into your mouth properly. Then eat it flat.

Is club sandwich a cold sandwich?

8. Club Sandwich: The sandwich is usually served hot and consists of two buttered slices of toast. One slice is the base on which sliced cooked chicken, Egg lettuce, tomato grilled bacon, and mayonnaise or ham is placed.

What are the most popular sandwich fillings?

Five of the most popular sandwich fillings for everyday occasions:

  • Cheese.
  • Ham and cheese.
  • Ham salad.
  • Sausage.
  • Cheese and onion.
  • Egg mayonnaise.

What are the classifications of sandwiches?

Major types of sandwiches include:

  • Two slices of bread with other ingredients between.
  • Two halves of a baguette or roll with other ingredients between.
  • Club sandwich.
  • Hero, hoagie, or submarine sandwich.
  • Open-faced sandwich.
  • Pocket sandwich.

What is the most commonly used bread for sandwiches?

Yeast Bread

How can you classify the 5 types of bread?

The five types of bread is

  1. Ciabatta..Getty.
  2. Sourdough.. Parker Feierbach.
  3. Rye bread..Getty.
  4. multy Grain..Getty.
  5. Brioche.

What is the softest type of bread?

Japanese milk bread is the fluffiest, softest bread you can find.

What are the 5 types of bread?

Below, learn about some of our favorite types of bread, and what makes them unique.

  • Ciabatta. Getty.
  • Whole Wheat Bread. June Xie.
  • Sourdough. Parker Feierbach.
  • Rye Bread. Getty.
  • Pita Bread. Parker Feierbach.
  • Focaccia. Getty.
  • Multigrain. Getty.
  • Brioche.

What is the most popular type of bread?

Most eaten types of bread in the U.S. 2011-2020 The data has been calculated by Statista based on the U.S. Census data and Simmons National Consumer Survey (NHCS). According to this statistic, 192.68 million Americans consumed whole wheat / multi-grain bread in 2020.

What is the most popular bread in America?

Whichever way you slice it, it’s safe to say bread lovers everywhere have their own personal favorite way to get in their grains….Ranking the “Most Popular Breads”

  • Irish Soda Bread.
  • Ezekiel Bread.
  • Naan Bread.
  • Pita Bread.
  • French Bread.
  • Sourdough Bread.
  • Keto Bread.
  • Pumpkin Bread.

What is the best tasting bread?

  • Our Criteria.
  • Martin’s Old-Fashioned Real Butter Bread.
  • Bimbo Soft White Sandwich Bread.
  • Pepperidge Farm White Sandwich Bread.
  • Arnold Whole Wheat Bread.
  • Pepperidge Farm Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread.

Предложения со словом «clubs»

In Lagos I cannot go alone into many reputable bars and clubs .

В Лагосе я не могу пойти одна во многие солидные бары и клубы .

So there’s no schools, there’s no hospitals, there’s no police, there’s no banks, there’s no athletic clubs , there’s no utilities.

Нет ни школ, ни больниц, ни полиции, ни банков, ни фитнес — клубов , и коммунальных услуг тоже нет.

Now, we’ve danced Liquid Lead in clubs , convention centers and as part of First Dance, the play we created with Lisa, on stages in North America and in Europe.

Мы показываем гибкое лидирование в клубах , конференц — центрах и как часть созданного с Лизой спектакля Первый танец на сценах Северной Америки и Европы.

Personally, I think Scarlett should tour clubs and summer festivals.

Лично я считаю, Скарлетт должна совершить тур по клубам и летним фестивалям.

Attending some clubs for communication is also a hobby for many people.

Посещение клубов для общения также является для многих людей хобби .

Clubs unite both old people and young ones.

Клубы объединяют и старых , и молодых .

There are a lot of youth clubs .

Существует множество молодежных клубов .

The purpose of such clubs is to guide youth in physical, mental, vocational and social development.

Целью таких клубов является физическое , умственное , профессиональное и социальное развитие молодежи.

Activities of youth clubs include recreation, arts and crafts, music and dramatics, vocational and individual guidance, athletics, sports and physical training.

Деятельность молодежных клубов включает отдых , искусство и ремесла , музыку и драматическое искусство , профессиональное и индивидуальное обучение , атлетическую , спортивную и физическую подготовку.

Many clubs have day and resident camps.

Многие клубы имеют дневные лагеря и лагеря с постоянным проживанием.

Boys’ Clubs of America is a national federation of boy clubs .

Юношеские клубы Америки — это национальная федерация клубов для подростков.

Boys’ Clubs appeal especially to boys of low income families who lack opportunities for constructive activities.

Клубы для подростков в основном рассчитаны на мальчиков из малообеспеченных семей , у которых нет возможности заниматься творческой деятельностью.

Medical examinations are part of the Boys’ Clubs of America program.

Медицинское обследование является частью программы организации юношеских клубов Америки.

They came with their clubs and chased them away.

Они пришли со своими дубинками и прогнали их прочь.

He even writes letters to some fan-clubs in other countries, so he has to brush up his English.

Он даже пишет письма в некоторые фан — клубы в других странах, поэтому он должен освежить знания английского языка.

As well as numerous fashionable bars, night clubs , shopping centers, opened on or around the Boulevard back to Hollywood as a center of nightlife in Los Angeles.

А также многочисленные фешенебельные бары, ночные клубы , и торговые центры, открывшиеся на или в окрестностях Бульвара, вернули Голливуду статус центра ночной жизни Лос — Анджелеса.

Theatres, night clubs , restaurants are crowded.

Театры, ночные клубы , рестораны переполнены.

Schools, clubs and churches decorate the cemeteries.

Школы, клубы , церкви украшают кладбища.

On the evening of December 31st, people gather in one another’s homes, in clubs , in pubs, in restaurants, and hotels, in dance halls and institutes, to see the New Year in.

Вечером 31 — го декабря люди собираются в других домах, в клубах , в барах, в ресторанах и гостиницах, в танцевальных залах и институтах, чтобы встретить Новый Год.

The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs , parks and houses are situated there.

Лучшие гостиницы, рестораны, магазины, клубы , парки и дома, расположенные там.

This area is now famous for its theatres, clubs and shops.

Эта область сейчас известна ее театрами, клубами и магазинами.

Sport clubs are characteristic youth organizations in the US and UK.

Характерными для Англии и США молодежными организациями являются спортивные клубы .

You can attend any club: from theater clubs to bird-watching clubs .

Можно посещать любой клуб: от театрального до клуба наблюдения за птицами.

Bird-watching clubs are very popular, especially in Great Britain.

Клубы наблюдения за птицами сейчас очень популярны, особенно в Англии.

At first, films were shown anywhere: in music halls, clubs and shops.

Сначала, фильмы показывались в любом месте: в концертных залах, клубах и магазинах.

But I have got many favorite footballers from different foreign clubs .

Но у меня много любимых футболистов из зарубежных клубов .

There are a lot football teams, football events, fan clubs in almost every country of the world.

Существует множество футбольных команд, футбольных мероприятий, клубов болельщиков почти в каждой стране мира.

I take an active part in social life, attend sport sections and subject clubs .

Я принимаю активное участие в общественной жизни, посещаю спортивные секции и клубы .

Whenever I get spare time, I go in different sport clubs and complexes and play different team and single games such as tennis, football, volleyball, and basketball.

Всякий раз, когда я получаю свободное время, я вхожу в различные спортивные клубы и комплексы и играю различную команду и единственные игры, типа тенниса, футбола, волейбола, и баскетбола.

They visit disco clubs , concert halls to listen music and to dance.

Они посещают клубы дискотеки, концертные залы , чтобы слушать музыка и танцевать.

Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.

Много людей увлекаются спортом, они бегают, занимаются ходьбой, плавают, катаются на коньках и лыжах, тренируются в клубах и различных спортивных секциях.

Usually he wears T-shirts with emblems of football clubs , such as Dinamo (Moscow) and Zenit (St. Petersburg).

Обычно он носит футболки с эмблемами футбольных клубов , таких как Динамо (Москва) и Зенит (Санкт — Петербург).

In Minsk there are 6 theaters, concert halls, a circus, dozens of cinemas, many places of culture, libraries, clubs .

В Минске есть 6 театров, концертные залы, цирк, множества кино, много мест культуры, библиотек, клубов .

In Minsk there are 6 theatres, a number of concert halls, a circus, dozens of cinemas, many palaces of culture, libraries and clubs .

В Минске есть 6 театров, множество концертных залов, цирк, множества кино, много дворцов культуры, библиотек и клубов .

Cordon off all the clubs in Seoul which can hold competitions.

Перекроем им доступ во все клубы в Сеуле, которые могут проводить соревнования.

What I do know is: after hours clubs are allowed to flourish in Watts under unofficial LAPD sanction.

Зато я знаю наверняка, что нелегальные ночные клубы Уоттса процветают с негласного одобрения полиции Лос — Анджелеса.

They were no match at all, were it not for their arrows and spears and clubs .

Без своих стрел и копий и дубин они не могут равняться силой с ним, Бэком!

Three clubs in high school, trainer for the football team.

3 клуба в старшей школе, тренер футбольной команды.

I’ve already joined and run for president of eight clubs .

Я вступила в восемь клубов , и везде баллотировалась на пост президента.

The hunting gear, equipment, licenses, Membership in bow hunting clubs .

Охотничье снаряжение, оборудование, лицензии, членство в охотничьих клубах .

He had his clubs re-gripped last week.

На прошлой неделе он сменил ручки на своих клюшках.

He didn’t even let them go to the clubs and take willing food there.

Он даже не разрешал им ходить по клубам и там выбирать добровольных доноров.

He’d sell the bars and clubs , pay off his debts with a wicked swipe, then play with his money.

Он продаст бары и клубы , одним махом рассчитается с долгами и окунется в денежные игры.

They walked into Brewer Street, at the Piccadilly end of Soho, wandering past the lights of the peep shows and the strip clubs .

Они свернули на Брюэр — стрит и пошли вдоль витрин секс — шопов и фонарей стрип — клубов .

Could you compare the highlighted names there with the membership roster from the health clubs ?

Не могли бы вы сопоставить выделенные там имена с членскими списками оздоровительных клубов ?

and they’re heaving sharp cutting ice, oyster shells, clubs .

затем бросают в них острые куски льда, ракушки, дубинки.

He was acting just like one of those preteens who belonged to secret clubs and wouldn’t say anything about them to outsiders.

Он вел себя прямо как эти подростки, которые организуют тайные клубы и соблюдают ужасную конспирацию.

I’ve kept the hoodlums out of my clubs , and they’re gonna stay out.

Я держу хулиганов подальше от клуба , и они собираются там оставаться.

I am ready for fun of Vegas clubs and dancing with high rollers.

Я готова веселиться в клубах Вегаса и танцевать с высокими роллерами.

They are shutting down any gatherings, postings, or clubs that promote terrorism.

Они запрещают любые собрания, издания и группировки, которые поощряют терроризм.

Elric saw Carkan’s chequered cape in the midst of a sea of rags, filthy limbs, clubs and knives.

Элрик увидел клетчатый плащ Каркана среди драного тряпья, грязных тел, дубинок и ножей.

Swords and clubs came up at the ready, and the dwarf holding the rocks cocked his arm back for a throw.

Мечи и дубинки взметнулись наизготовку, а дворф, державший камни, отвел назад руку для броска.

Country clubs , golf courses, 80 miles of paved streets.

Загородные клубы , поля для гольфа, 130 километров дорог.

And army of determined men with clubs had seized a modern military camp with all its equipment.

Отряд целеустремленных людей с дубинками захватил современный военный лагерь со всей его техникой.

Ownership of his clubs and bars was transferred to a business consortium with interests in Reno and Vegas.

Право владения клубами и барами перешло к бизнес — консорциуму с процентными доходами в Рино и Вегасе.

See, I don’t know anything about golf clubs , But I know Carlos does, so I was hoping you guys could snoop around and find out what kind of driver Brad wants.

Понимаешь, я ничего не знаю о клюшках для гольфа, но мне известно, что Карлос знает, поэтому я надеялась, что вы, ребята, поразнюхиваете вокруг и узнаете, какую фирму предпочитает Брэд.

Museums, gardening, clubs of all sorts are blossoming in today’s France.

Музеи, садоводство, разного вида клубы процветают сегодня во Франции.

There are all sorts of clubs and classes for you…

Тут все виды клубов и классов для вас…

His dry cleaners, health clubs , gas’re all on the verge of Chapter 11.

Его химчистки, фитнес клубы , заправки… все они на грани Раздела 11.

I own a string of businesses, which includes Dry cleaners and health clubs .

Мне принадлежит та ветвь бизнеса, в которую входят химчистки и оздоровительные клубы .

Synonym: colony, district, people, society, town. Similar words: communicate, incommunicado, communication, communicate with, telecommunications, munitions, unity, opportunity. Meaning: [kə’mjuːnətɪ]  n. 1. a group of people living in a particular local area 2. a group of people having ethnic or cultural or religious characteristics in common 3. common ownership 4. a group of nations having common interests 5. the body of people in a learned occupation 6. agreement as to goals 7. a district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences 8. (ecology) a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other. 

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1. Community of purpose makes friendship.

2. A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. 

3. He’s well-known in the local community.

4. The aid appeal has galvanised the German business community.

5. He did it for the interests of the community.

6. The local community was shocked by the murders.

7. The new arts centre will serve the whole community.

8. All members of the religious community keep these fasts.

9. Community punishment is used for less serious offenders.

10. The community is appealing to everyone to save water.

11. Local councillors have a duty to serve the community.

12. He refuses to join any community.

13. It is a superstition-ridden community.

14. He succeeded in negotiating Britain into the European Community.

15. We interviewed each individual member of the community.

16. Farmers are the backbone of this community.

17. Unemployment is a blight on our community.

18. He was sentenced to 140 hours community service.

19. A large community of expatriates has settled there.

20. They believe that the European Community needs a common foreign and security policy.

21. They wonder if their community is no longer insulated from big city problems.

22. The community is demanding a less aggressive style of policing.

23. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.

24. The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort.

25. His name has become a byword for honesty in the community.

26. His speech was an affront to all decent members of the community.

27. The villagers displayed the typical narrow-mindedness of a small community.

28. Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers,( under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.

29. Not until this turbulent region can shuffle off the burdens of the past will it be able to settle peacefully into the community of nations.

30. The country has been threatened with complete isolation from the international community unless the atrocities stop.

More similar words: communicate, incommunicado, communication, communicate with, telecommunications, munitions, unity, opportunity, immune, unit, unite, municipal, commodity, unique, union, punish, uniform, junior, run into, initial, monitor, in itself, comment, in common, initiate, initially, commonly, commence, commander, cognitive. 

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