Sentences with word claim

Synonym: demand, due, interest, require, right, title. Antonym: disclaim, surrender. Similar words: proclaim, AIMS, aim for, explain, complaint, plaintiff, clay, complain about. Meaning: [kleɪm]  n. 1. an assertion of a right (as to money or property) 2. an assertion that something is true or factual 3. demand for something as rightful or due 4. an informal right to something 5. an established or recognized right 6. a demand especially in the phrase «the call of duty». v. 1. assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing 2. demand as being one’s due or property; assert one’s right or title to 3. ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example 4. lay claim to; as of an idea 5. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs. 

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(1) He says his claim is not negotiable.

(2) All four claim that officers fabricated evidence against them.

(3) They claim that the new drug normalizes blood pressure.

(4) Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat.

(5) Is the claim capable of proof?

(6) I refuted his claim that he was innocent.

(7) She relinquished her claim to the property.

(8) They lodged a compensation claim against the factory.

(9) My children have a prior claim on my time.

(10) I have priority over you in my claim.

(11) Existing commercial broadcasters claim the new stations are illegal.

(12) Their claim had no basis in fact .

(13) Edward renounced his claim to the French throne.

(14) She renounced her claim to the property.

(15) He renounced his claim to the property.

(16) Critics claim the trucks are unsafe.

(17) He has relinquished his claim to the throne.

(18) She lost her job and had to claim dole.

(19) They have a valid claim to compensation.

(20) Her ex-husband renounced his claim to the family house.

(21) If you are unemployed you can claim social security.

(22) On investigation, his claim was found to be bogus.

(23) Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.

(24) Critics claim he exploited black musicians for personal gain.

(25) Can I claim for yesterday’s journey?

(26) This claim seems to us to be rather dubious.

(27) Andrew renounced his claim to the property.

(28) Can you claim for the loss on your insurance?

(29) I don’t claim to be an expert.

(30) We disproved her claim.

More similar words: proclaim, AIMS, aim for, explain, complaint, plaintiff, clay, complain about, class, declare, a class, classic, classify, classical, classroom, clandestine, middle-class, the working class. 

Sentences with the word Claim?



  • «Judaism, Christianity, and Islam each has a special claim on Abraham»
  • «an adjusted insurance claim«; «the car runs more smoothly with the timing adjusted»
  • «The evidence argues for your claim«; «The results indicate the need for more work»
  • «base a claim on some observation»
  • «his claim asked for damages»
  • «his claim that he was innocent»; «evidence contradicted the government’s claims»
  • «they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day»
  • «his claim on her attentions»; «his title to fame»
  • «a strong legal claim to the property»; «he had no documents confirming his title to his father’s estate»; «he staked his claim«
  • «The efforts were intensified»; «Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her»; «Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness»; «This event only deepened my convictions»
  • «the dubiousness of his claim«; «there is no question about the validity of the enterprise»
  • «the judge recognized the fairness of my claim«
  • «Falsify a claim«
  • «slight evidence»; «a tenuous argument»; «a thin plot»; «a fragile claim to fame»
  • «I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest»; «resign a claim to the throne»
  • «an indefeasible right to freedom»; «an indefeasible claim to the title»
  • «vindicate a claim«
  • «the city proper»; «his claim is connected with the deed proper»
  • «he feels he is in the right»; «the rightfulness of his claim«
  • «the full and final satisfaction of the claim«
  • «there wasn’t a trace of evidence for the claim«; «a tincture of condescension»
  • «a specious claim«; «spurious inferences»
  • «a claim for treble (or triple) damages»; «a threefold increase»
  • «a validated claim«
  • «a verified claim«
  • «Please verify that the doors are closed»; «verify a claim«
  • «the kick was wide»; «the arrow was wide of the mark»; «a claim that was wide of the truth»

The Claim is a 2000 British-Canadian Western romance film directed by Michael Winterbottom and starring Peter Mullan, Wes Bentley, Sarah Polley, Nastassja Kinski and Milla Jovovich. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

With fewer claims being made on their reserves, some of their reserves that were previously «desired reserves» are now seen as «excess reserves,» and Banking Rule # 1 is in play: these now excess reserves can be lent out in the form of a larger supply of bank liabilities (most likely in the form of new deposits granted to borrowers).


I was reminded of the excellent video where economist Milton Friedman defends against the claim that «Capitalism is greedy:»


— Thursday, a new initial claims report complements earnings from ConAgra Foods, Constellation Brands, Darden Restaurants, and Paychex.


But no countries have yet agreed to enter negotiations, making the claim «empty,» Levy said.


Example number one: Many claim that the 1611 version of the King James Bible is the only accurate English translation of the Bible.


After filing just one claim, car insurance premiums increase by an average of 41.81 %, according to an annual study -LSB-…]


You’ve presented no facts at all to back up your claims, just more baloney about the wonders of creation.


In August, authorities arrested the deputy tourism minister for pocketing public money, and President Rousseff was forced to remove her transportation minister over claims of wrongdoing.


Due to the nature of the Product, repair or identical replacement parts may not be available at the time of the claim.


In light of the Israeli claims and the impending May 12 deadline, Congressional committees should press adviser Bolton and Secretary Pompeo on the specific sections of the Iran deal that evidence supports are being violated by Iran and to seek assurances on U.S. actions to continue diplomatically to address these as provided in the JCPOA itself.


Gustafson and other supporters of the book claim that Niebuhr’s description of five types of Christian ethics elucidates various approaches to the «enduring problem» of how Christians relate their loyalty to Christ to their other loyalties.


In my experience, doing it successfully is a matter of patiently tracking the claims and showing your clients where they break down.


In November 2012, JPMC paid $ 296,900,000 to the SEC to settle claims that the bank misstated information about the delinquency status of mortgages that served as collateral for a securities offerings underwritten by the bank.


A nifty claim by Lori Greiner and many an entrepreneur — but somewhat depressing nonetheless.


The fact that I am convinced of the truth of Julie’s claims are solely because of her relentless honesty, and her posture of openness.


The craze for the rap reality show then turned into 2.6 billion views for the 12 episodes and 6.8 billion views of the hashtag for The Rap of China on Weibo (in Chinese), iQIYI claims.


De Galhau: We «Should Work On» Exchanges Speaking at the City Week banking conference in London April 24, de Galhau, who has gone on record to make some curious claims about cryptocurrency in the past, appeared to choose the industry as a specific point of interest.


Their basis of this claim they say, is that they are the outcome of a deep understanding of the forex markets and the analysis of these markets, current data, analyses of the main indicators and prevailing market conditions by experienced and professional staff at Fast Cash Biz.


The four-week moving average for initial claims, which tends to be a better measure of the underlying trend of the data, fell by 7,750 to 221,500 in the April 28 week a second straight decline that takes the average to its lowest point since the March 3, 1973 week, when it was slightly lower at 221,250.


Lord Carlile emphasised that the review was not to establish the truth of Carol’s claims, but only to investigate the Church’s handling of the case and establish best practice for handling future complaints.


A judge says he will consider dismissing a claim by Sumner Redstone’s ex-girlfriend that the ailing media…


So many people out claim to know about SEO and keywords etc..


Upon your death, the beneficiaries file claims and are paid directly by the insurer, as the money isn’t considered a part of your estate.


Third, he criticizes the Liberals for pursuing their progressive trade policies in these talks: «Did anyone really think that the Liberals could somehow force the Trump administration into enacting their agenda — union power, climate change, aboriginal claims, gender issues?


The bill contains no religious exemption, so it is true that some Christian books that address the issue of homosexuality could be banned from being sold, but as The Federalist notes, «It is virtually impossible that California will immediately attempt to ban the sale of the Bible itself» (though they disputed Snopes» claim that the idea is «demonstrably and clearly false.»)


Attorneys for Sumner Redstone have denied the claim.


It’s a claim the Federal Government has against both your property and your rights to property for delinquent taxes.


Rather than assuming suppliers are telling the truth or being ambivalent over the difficulty of verifying claims, product producers and suppliers would do well to acknowledge just how limited their quality-control reach really is.


The text says that Christ is the church’s «Savior,» but (thankfully) I have never heard a husband claim he could step into that role for his wife!


Finally, I’d like to address the claim made by some critics that Bitcoin is a haven for bad behavior, for criminals and terrorists to transfer money anonymously with impunity.


Google, the report claims, would by far be a bigger security threat compared to Facebook.


However with the transaction stalled, things have gotten ugly, with Cigna filing suit to break off the merger amidst claims that Anthem had stolen confidential information and harassed its customers, and Anthem in turn blaming Cigna’s CEO for sabotaging the deal after his request to head up the combined entity was shot down.


But there are other authorities whose claims we would question.


The executive also reiterated claims previously made by Tesla founder Elon Musk, that the company plans to sell 500,000 vehicles annually by 2020.


«The knocking back of claims, and the publicity and government interest which followed, made a bad situation worse for the company,» he said.


A trust for General Motors holding many of the carmaker’s liabilities from before its 2009 bankruptcy has revived a deal with plaintiffs suing over faulty ignition switches that might require the company to pay $ 1 billion in shares to resolve millions of claims.


Ayyadurai bases his claims on systems biology, a computational model that looks at biology as a whole, rather than individual components.


Very quickly, the headlines switched from the perils of AT&T growing even larger, to claims that AT&T would be ramping up competition in the streaming space by offering the skinny streaming option.


enforce this policy, take precautions against liability and defend ourselves against claims; or


The court-appointed monitor, Alvarez & Marsal mailed a letter to all Target Canada team members on June 16th to provide information about the recently approved claims process.


That was a bigger increase than expected, but claims have now been below 300,000 for nine straight weeks, suggesting firms are well past a cycle of elevated layoffs that began in the recession.


Contrary to claims in the literature, we found no evidence of a growth imperative arising from the existence of a debt-based money system per se.


Later, host Laura Ingraham of the Ingraham Angle was aghast that Giuliani had trampled all over Trump’s previous claims.


About one-third of tax filers opt to itemize deductions on their federal income tax returns (figure 1), and virtually all who do itemize claim a deduction for state and local taxes paid.


The Enlightenment gave birth to a variety of philosophies which, based on exaggerated claims for the role of human reason, rejected the positive historical nature of Christian revelation.


The essence of the plaintiffs» claim was that Uber entered the Philadelphia taxi market without complying with existing municipal regulations, and that as a result, Uber obtained «a stronghold in the Philadelphia taxicab market.»


The blog post predicting an «eternity in the lake of fire» for gays and lesbians and claims of a caucasian advantage by mostly unknown candidates in that election likely cost the Wildrose Party its chance of forming government in 2012.


HMRC is considering the claims made by a whistleblower to Frank Fields MPHM Revenue and Customs is considering allegations the parcel delivery company Hermes «coerced» managers into misleading an official investigation into whether the company has paid some of its self-employed couriers below the «national living wage».


Despite moves by the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China to lower tensions over conflicting territorial claims in the South China Sea at their recent meeting in Bali, Indonesia, the dispute remains a dangerous flashpoint for the Asia-Pacific region.


«The only person who’s been inconsistent is the one making the claims


претензия, требование, иск, утверждение, утверждать, претендовать, требовать


- требование; претензия, притязание

territorial claims — территориальные претензии /притязания/
to lay claim to smth., to set up a claim to smth., to put in a claim for smth. — предъявлять требование /притязание/ на что-л.; претендовать на получение чего-л.
does anyone make a claim to this purse? — разг. чей это кошелёк?

- право (на что-л.); (законная) претензия; юр. тж. право требования

claim to attention [to sympathy] — право на внимание [на сочувствие]
moral claim — моральное право
prior claim — преимущественное требование, преимущественная претензия
he has no claim on /upon/ me — он не имеет права рассчитывать на меня /на мою помощь/
what claim has he to the property? — какие у него права /основания претендовать/ на это имущество?

- патентные притязания, патентная формула
- (отдельный) пункт патентной заявки
- иск; претензия; рекламация

- юр. иск о возмещении убытков или ущерба (в связи с увечьем и т. п.)

to put in a claim — подавать иск о возмещении ущерба

- разг. утверждение, заявление

his claims to the contrary notwithstanding — несмотря на то, что он утверждает обратное

- участок, отведённый под разработку недр; горный отвод

to jump a claim — а) незаконно захватить чужой земельный или горный участок; б) незаконно захватить чужую собственность
to stake out a claim — а) отмечать границы отведённого участка; б) закреплять своё право (на что-л.)

- заявка на отвод участка


- требовать (обыкн. как принадлежащее по праву)

to claim to be exempt — требовать льготы /привилегии/; требовать (для себя) исключения
to claim one’s right — требовать того, что полагается по праву; требовать своего
to claim attention — а) требовать внимания; б) заслуживать внимания
this matter claims our attention — это дело заслуживает внимания
he went to claim his bags at the station — он пошёл на вокзал получить свой багаж
does anyone claim this umbrella? — разг. чей это зонтик?

- претендовать, предъявлять претензию, требование, притязание; заявлять права (на что-л.); добиваться

to claim a court of inquiry — требовать назначения следственной комиссии
to claim the throne — претендовать /заявить о своих притязаниях/ на престол
to claim a fault — спорт. считать ошибкой
I claim that the hearing should be postponed — я требую, чтобы рассмотрение дела было отложено
may I not claim your confidence? — разве я не могу рассчитывать на ваше доверие?

- юр. возбуждать иск (особ. о возмещении ущерба)

to claim damages — требовать возмещения убытков
to claim on /against/ smb. — возбудить иск против кого-л.
to claim compensation for the loss — требовать возмещения убытков, подавать иск о возмещении убытков

- амер. разг. утверждать, заявлять (что-л.)

I claim that it is false — я утверждаю, что это неправда
he is claimed to be the only survivor — утверждают, что спасся только он
he claimed to have reached the top of the mountain — он утверждал, что достиг вершины горы
he claimed to be the best tennis-player in the school — он считал себя лучшим теннисистом школы

- амер., австрал. занимать участок земли на основе своей заявки

Мои примеры


his claim that he was innocent — его утверждения о собственной невиновности  
an indefeasible claim to the title — неоспоримая претензия на этот титул  
base a claim on some observation — основать утверждение на некоторых наблюдениях  
to claim the inheritance — заявить права на наследство  
to put smth. in a claim — предъявлять права на что-л.  
under a claim of right — со ссылкой на наличие права  
to admit a claim — признать справедливость претензии  
to counter a claim — опровергать утверждение  
to claim a discount — требовать скидку  
to claim an exemption — требовать освобождения  
to claim one’s luggage — получать багаж  
rejection of a claim — отклонение претензии, требования  

Примеры с переводом

He claimed that he’d been cheated.

Он заявил, что его одурачили.

The girls claim to have seen the fairies.

Девушки утверждают, что видели фей.

All claims must be made in writing.

Все претензии должны быть сделаны в письменной форме.

The claim does not lie.

Это незаконное требование.

All claims should be made in writing.

Все претензии следует изложить в письменной форме.

The discoverer claimed the island for the nation.

Первооткрыватель заявил о присоединении острова к своей стране.

He made false claims about his past job experience.

Он лгал о своём прошлом опыте работы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

If you are entitled to sickness allowance, you must claim it from your employer.

…the newspaper was spoofed by a supposedly plausible claim of a UFO encounter…

…you need a verifiable letter from your doctor to file a claim for short-term disability…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

claimant  — истец, претендент, предъявляющий права
disclaim  — отказываться, отрицать, отрекаться, не признавать
reclaim  — восстанавливать, исправлять, исправление
claiming  — претендующий
claimer  — лошадь, которая может быть куплена после скачек, претендент, претендентка

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: claim
he/she/it: claims
ing ф. (present participle): claiming
2-я ф. (past tense): claimed
3-я ф. (past participle): claimed

ед. ч.(singular): claim
мн. ч.(plural): claims

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


In the next 18 months, the Seller will only bear the relevant costs if the Claim has been substantiated.

В течение следующих полутора лет соответствующие расходы будет нести продавец только в том случае, если претензия была оправданной.

Claim for stock item awarded in full.

Претензия в отношении потери запасов присуждена в полном объеме.

Claim: Farmers can’t replant genetically modified seeds.

З) Утверждение: фермеры не имеют возможности повторно высаживать генетически измененные семена.

Claim: GMOs create super-insects and super-weeds.

Утверждение: ГМО способствуют появлению супер-насекомых и супер-сорняков.

Section A. Claim for personal injury

Раздел А. Требование в связи с личным вредом

The Creditor may in turn file a Statement of Claim.

Кредитор, в свою очередь, может подать прошение с требованием.

Claim for relocation expenses awarded in full.

Претензия в отношении расходов по переезду присуждена в полном объеме.

Claim for boats awarded in full.

Претензия в отношении плавсредств присуждена в полном объеме.

Claim for «portable office» awarded in full.

Претензия в отношении «мобильного офиса» присуждена в полном объеме.

Claim 5000183 is for expenses and other losses related to public health damage.

В претензии Nº5000183 истребуется компенсация расходов и других потерь в связи с причинением вреда здоровью населения.

The latter figure represents the full cost of capital items purchased in the period covered by the WBC Claim.

Последняя из указанных сумм представляет собой полную стоимость капитального оборудования, приобретенного за период, охватываемый претензией ТПН.

This documentation is only a fraction of the documentation underlying the WBC Claim.

Эти документы представляют собой лишь часть всей документации, положенной в основу претензии ТПН.

Accordingly, the Panel cannot recommend compensation for the portion of this Claim relating to the robbery of the trade office.

Поэтому Группа не может дать рекомендацию о представлении компенсации по этой части претензии, касающейся разграбления торгового представительства.

Claim in writing should be sent to the mail address of the Agency.

Претензия в письменном виде подлежит направлению по почтовому адресу Агентства.

The bulk of the costs claimed in the WBC Claim were incurred in United States dollars.

Основные расходы, требуемые по претензии ТПН, были понесены в долларах США.

Rise in the Pollution-related Claim in a year

Возрастание в претензии, связанной с загрязнением, через год

Decision Concerning the Well Blowout Control Claim taken by

Решение по претензии в связи с тушением пожаров на нефтепромыслах,

The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Claim relates to the cost of repairing its «security systems in Kuwait and Baghdad».

Претензия министерства иностранных дел Венгрии касается стоимости ремонта «систем обеспечения безопасности в Кувейте и Багдаде».

Protesting Students and Teachers in Myanmar Reject Law They Claim Will Strengthen Junta-Era Schooling System

Протестующие студенты и учителя в Мьянме не признают закон, который, по их утверждению, укрепит введенную хунтой систему школьного образования

At the outset of its review of each Claim, the Panel determined whether a Claim was, in principle, compensable.

Приступая к рассмотрению каждой претензии, Группа устанавливала, подлежит ли претензия компенсации в принципе.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Claim

Результатов: 58802. Точных совпадений: 58802. Затраченное время: 260 мс


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