Sentences with word bench

скамейка, скамья, верстак, станок, судьи, суд, демонстрировать на выставке


- скамейка, скамья
- поперечная скамья, банка (на шлюпке)
- верстак
- станок (верстачный)
- тех. (испытательный) стенд

ещё 16 вариантов


- обставлять скамейками, ставить скамейки
- сажать на скамейку
- сидеть на скамейке; садиться на скамейку
- демонстрировать на выставке (преим. собак)
- спорт. удалять игрока с поля

- вывести из игры (противника и т. п.)
- выдвигать на должность судьи
- занимать должность судьи
- заседать, быть членом суда (в качестве судьи)

ещё 4 варианта

Мои примеры


her recent appointment to the bench — её недавнее назначение на должность судьи  
bench the poodles at the dog show — демонстрировать пуделей на выставке собак  
to be raised to the bench — быть назначенным на пост судьи  
bench and bar — судьи и адвокаты (устойчивое выражение: bench = judges, bar = attorneys and barristers)  
garden bench — скамейка в саду  
small bench — скамеечка, табурет  
bench tool — слесарный инструмент  
bench trial — суд без участия присяжных  
bench mark — исходный пункт, исходные базисные данные, необходимый минимум  
bench show — выставка животных  
be raised to the bench — получить сан епископа; получить место судьи  
bench fixture — стендовое приспособление  

Примеры с переводом

We sat on a park bench.

Мы сидели на скамейке в парке.

Our team has a strong bench.

У нашей команды сильная скамейка запасных.

He photographed the women sitting on the bench.

Он сфотографировал женщин, сидящих на скамейке.

Two lovers were canoodling on a park bench.

Двое влюбленных ласкались на скамейке в парке.

Tom picked himself up and settled on his bench again

Том поднялся и снова сел на скамью

Queen’s Bench

Суд королевской скамьи

The judge issued a reprimand from the bench.

Судья сделал замечание с места.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Batts and Dorigo are on the bench tonight.

There was cheering from the Conservative benches.

Anderson has been benched until his injury has healed.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

bencher  — старшина юридической корпорации
benching  — террасирование, система уступов, работа уступами

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: bench
he/she/it: benches
ing ф. (present participle): benching
2-я ф. (past tense): benched
3-я ф. (past participle): benched

ед. ч.(singular): bench
мн. ч.(plural): benches

Place the heels of your hand on the edge of a bench with your fingers facing forward.


The only difference is you turn around and use the opposite side of the bench.


When racked on the bench, the bar should stand exactly over your eyes.


Walcott will start on the bench once more against Man City tomorrow as Wenger continues to freeze out the player.


Ferreira et al. (2012) explored the effect of performing a 1RM bench press to enhance the power output during a subsequent set of 50 % 1RM performed after 1, 3, 5 or 7 minutes.


Black ended up winning a starting job at wide receiver, with Peoples-Jones being one of the first off the bench before eventually getting a few starts.


With Alberth Elis and Romell Quioto beginning the game on the bench, Mauro Manotas and Andrew Wenger simply didn’t play with enough width or pace to spread the field to open up more chances.


Alex Iwobi came off the bench to score Nigeria’s only goal as the Super Eagles became the first African side to secure qualification for the World Cup.


Lay flat on the ground, or on a bench.


I felt quite deflated at our performance, but realistically it is not a competitive game when we are playing against a team who can have a player of the calibre of Aguero sitting on the bench (well, padded seat).


Naturally, the former Atletico Madrid star will not be content with sitting on the bench, and so if that continues, he may question his future in Manchester.


Look, I’m about to create a watertight case for the bench press as a key movement for not only CrossFitters, but also for nearly all athletes.


I have always trusted Xmark Fitness Company and when they rolled out their new sit up benches, I was among the first to try it out.


Once your arms are parallel to the level of the bench, slowly begin to raise them back to the straight starting point.


Our top pick for best weight bench for home gyms comes from Bowflex, a familiar name when it comes to home workout equipment.


To use another baseball analogy, Dadey said they would beef up the bench.


The special tragedy in the present context is that David Laws — along with Vince Cable — are among the few professionally competent economists on the government benches in the new Commons.


They stopped short of bringing up the stolen seat on the bench…… so far.


My dad and I had climbed up a steep beach path, to a little nook at the top lined with wooden benches overlooking the beach and setting sun.


I remember feeling annoyed seeing guys the same size as me, who were less dedicated to training, bench pressing more weight than I could handle.


This Arsenal XI and subs bench should be way too much for the visitors, but which Arsenal will we see tonight?


Fantastic off the bench in relief of Lichtsteiner.


Yesterday, I saw a mom breastfeeding a small baby on a bench at the park.


Children find the seat and bench nice and comfortable and the snack tray does not come up too high with a 13-month-old in the seat.


They work amazingly well in conjunction with a bodyweight workout session, and while people at most gyms spend to much time on the bench press, push ups may be the most effective way to get you stronger.


On paper, Coutinho is likely to cement his position on the left side of the Catalan attack, and Dembele’s recent injury woes could keep him restricted to the bench, unless Ernesto Valverde thinks otherwise.


Noticing the pond’s popularity, the Cary Park District has worked to enhance the pond as a recreation site, adding landscaping and picnic benches, and stocking the waters with blue gill, trout and…


He was, however, still able to take a place on the bench.


Again, congratulations to them, and they should have fun and burn benches and do all that stuff.


It will be interesting to see how Mourinho lineup on Friday night, many believe Alexis Sanchez to start but I feel he will be on the bench with Martial, Lukaku and Rashford starting upfront and Sanchez will be brought on later in the game if needed.


Mr Lansley confidently defended his proposals against attacks from the Labour benches, but a speech minutes earlier by Mr Cameron effectively pulled the rug from under him by offering major concessions on his bill.


Sharon Hodgson has returned to the front bench after accusing Jeremy Corbyn of a «lack of communication and respect».


City boss Roberto Mancini had made a bold decision to hand a debut to new signing Matija Nastasic and leave Joleon Lescott on the bench, while fit-again striker Sergio Aguero


Son is the most vulnerable attacking player to be dropped to the bench, but when you just think that he scored 23 goals + 6 assists last season and the feeling he can only get better, its kinda hard.


After Tony Blair’s election as Labour Party leader in 1994, Thatcher praised Blair as «probably the most formidable Labour leader since Hugh Gaitskell», adding: «I see a lot of socialism behind their front bench, but not in Mr Blair.


Tourists and local couples look out over the river; some take photos near the benches hidden among the greenery that sprouts between the old rails.


On the bench — Donnelly served as town justice from 2012 until last month, when she resigned after being picked by Rensselaer County Democrats to run for district attorney — Donnelly has the «perfect judicial temperament,» a blend of compassion and toughness, Conway said.


While Mohamed Salah deservedly gets the plaudits for his 10 goals in 13 matches in the league, on Wednesday Klopp might choose to drop the Egyptian to the bench.


In another study in a lab surfers lay on a bench and simulated ocean paddling by turning paddles attached to a flywheel.


Extend legs straight up and keep lower back pressed into the bench (no arching).


The problem for the Labour leader is how many on his benches agree.


I used 40 lb dumbells for the bench and got 30,30,25,25,25 last week.


He has tried to hide it with his weasel words about the LT but we remember how he sabotaged the Bill Cash amendment and his platform of not allowing anti-EU MPs on the front bench.


Get more seats in the legislature, get more governors elected, get more judges on the bench — the path to electoral power in a democracy is pretty straightforward.


However it’s the options from the bench that will particularly worry Arsenal fans, especially on the offensive front.


I don’t want to leave here to sit on the bench.


See how the Hype train works??? Jensen currently rides the bench on the Ottawa Redblacks.


«They should be taken off the bench and made to stand in a corner,» he once said.


Move your hips backwards on the bench so that there is a slight bend in your knees and your back is straight.


They were without co-Captain Ari Nemetz who gives them a ton of heart and character off the bench normally..


Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • bench [benʧ] сущ

    1. скамейкаж, скамьяж, скамейка запасных, скамеечкаж, сиденьеср

      (seat, pew, bench spare, stool)

      • garden bench – садовая скамейка
      • optical bench – оптическая скамья
      • low bench – низенькая скамеечка
    2. стендм


      • laboratory bench – лабораторный стенд
    3. столм


    4. верстакм


    5. станокм


    6. банкаж


    7. лавкаж, лавочкаж


      • wooden bench – деревянная лавка
      • comfortable benches – удобные лавочки
    8. уступм


    9. полки


    10. лежанкаж


    11. судьим


    12. банкеткаж


    13. реперм


    14. лабораторный стол

      (laboratory table)

    15. судейское место

  • bench [benʧ] прил

    1. стендовый


    2. настольный


    3. слесарный


      • bench tool – слесарный инструмент
    4. верстачный

верстак workbench, bench, bank, carpenter’s bench
скамейка bench
скамья bench, settle, bank, form
станок machine, bench, tool, carriage, horse, machine-tool
уступ ledge, shoulder, step, bench, shelf, berm
судьи judiciary, bench, judicature
место place, site, space, spot, room, bench
суд court, trial, tribunal, court of law, law, bench
карниз cornice, eaves, bench, perch, table, tabling
терраса terrace, veranda, porch, verandah, bench
банка bank, jar, pot, tin, bench, shoal
выступ projection, ledge, protrusion, lip, lug, bench
станина bed, frame, stand, body, housing, bench
выставка exhibition, show, fair, exposition, display, bench
берма berm, verge, bench
батарея battery, radiator, pile, troop, range, bench
место судьи bench, tribunal
козлы box, trestle, rack, gallows, jack, bench
демонстрировать на выставке bench

Предложения со словом «Bench»

And there on a bench , I was sitting with my heart racing.

Я присел там на какой — то уступ, моё сердце бешено колотилось.

It’s like you wouldn’t leave your wallet on a park bench and you expect it’s going to get stolen if you do that, right?

Вы же не оставите свой кошелёк на скамейке в парке, потому что знаете, что тогда его украдут, так ведь?

Or could Twister Turrell sit on the bench of Magistrates?

Или мог бы Обманщик Турил заседать на скамье судей?

My chest and cheek pressed against the hard wooden bench .

Моя грудь и щека прижались к твердой деревянной скамье.

Tennyson headed for the bench that stood near the roses.

Теннисон подошел к скамейке , стоявшей неподалеку от розовых кустов.

Nanny Ogg was waiting on a bench by the tavern.

Нянюшка Ягг уже поджидала ее на скамейке рядом с таверной.

On a bench carved in the opposite wall sat Sebastian.

На скамье, выдолбленной в скале, сидел Себастьян.

Garcetti’s supposedly squeezing Justice Nash off the high bench

Предположительно, Гарсетти хочет убрать судью Нэш с поста…

She strolled into the lounge and found a cushioned bench .

Ким вышла в зону отдыха и нашла диван с подушками.

He was the chairman of the Supreme Court of Queen’s Bench .

Он был председателем Верховного Суда королевской скамьи.

Ponder nodded, lifted out the relic with great care, and placed it gently on the bench behind them.

Думминг кивнул, с огромной осторожностью поднял реликт и аккуратно поставил на стоявший сзади стол.

The baldie was sitting on the bench , writing in his notebook.

Лысый сидел на скамье, писал в своей тетради.

Eldon Blaine looked at the radio on the work bench and then he stole a glance at the door.

Элдон Блейн взглянул на стоящее на рабочем столе радио, а потом искоса глянул на дверь.

Victoria sat down on the bench and folded her hands together in her lap.

Виктория присела на лавку и сложила руки на коленях.

Zedd and Warren sat on a bench made of a board laid atop two log rounds.

Зедд с Уорреном устроились на лавке, сделанной из широкой доски, положенной на два кругляша.

Soiled sock found beneath a bench in a holding cell.

Грязный носок, найденный за лавкой в обезьяннике участка.

They also mounted the bench and bent over the huge pages.

Они тоже забрались на лавку и склонились над огромными страницами.

This university have allowed me to sit at my work bench and just explore the unknown.

Университет позволил мне сидеть за своим столом и спокойно изучать неизвестное.

The perplexity and dissatisfaction of the house expressed itself in murmurs and provoked a reproof from the bench .

Публика выразила свое недоумение и недовольство глухим ропотом и получила за это выговор от судьи.

They walked away, and I sat down on a bench , beside an old granny warming herself in the sunshine.

Они ушли, а я сел на скамейку , рядом с греющейся на солнышке бабулей.

He’s moving to the bench by the carousel, like they instructed.

Он движется к скамейке возле карусели по их инструкции.

Taylor led her over to a bench set against the wall adjacent to the strolling deck.

Тэйлор подвела ее к скамеечке у стены, примыкающей к прогулочной палубе.

I want to get her censured or thrown off the bench .

Я хочу что бы ей вынесли порицание или вовсе убрали из зала суда.

Here there were several bench seats, created from split logs, surrounding the sanded stump of a huge tree.

На нем вокруг посыпанного песком огромного пня стояли скамейки из распиленных бревен.

In the event that you find the accused guilty, the bench will not entertain a recommendation for mercy.

Если вы признаете его виновным суд рекомендует отклонить прошение о помиловании.

Gladstone took a seat on a low bench near the cliffs edge and found a stalk of grass she could peel and chew.

Гладстон присела на низкую скамейку у обрыва, сорвала травинку и принялась ее покусывать.

Two young women sat down together on the bench besides his, and he decided to talk to them.

Рядом на скамейке сидели две молоденькие девушки, и Наката решился заговорить с ними.

The new Sunday paper was crisply folded on a bench in the window.

На скамейке у окна лежала аккуратно сложенная хрустящая свежая воскресная газета.

He was just sitting there on a bench with a box of donuts?

Он просто сидел там на скамейке рядом с коробкой с пончиками?

Nanny Ogg scurried back to the bench and elbowed Granny in the ribs.

Нянюшка Ягг поспешила вернуться к скамейке и ткнула матушку локтем в ребра.

Jason had laid the tools and the horseshoes and the nails ready to hand on the bench beside the anvil.

Джейсон разложил инструменты, подковы и гвозди на верстаке рядом с наковальней.

He sat on the bench that ran around the inside of the gazebo.

Он присел на скамейку , которая шла вдоль стен бельведера.

I’d sit on the nearest bench , eat, throw the remains in the bin and go home.

я сел на ближайшую скамейку , поел, остатки выбросил в урну и пошел обратно.

I swiped at the spittle on my swollen face and went slowly back to my stone bench .

Я стер плевок с распухшего лица и медленно вернулся на каменную скамью.

Somehow she managed to ensconce Galad on the marble bench and get away, though with Gawyn right beside her.

В конце концов ей удалось убедить Галада остаться, но Гавин все же увязался за ней.

I left the robe in the locker room, lying on a bench , when I went to the end room to fence.

Халат я оставила на скамье в раздевалке, когда отправилась фехтовать в зал в конце коридора.

The weapons master threw a punch, knocked Houndaer backward off his bench , and snatched up Splitter.

Мастер Оружия одним ударом опрокинул Хаундэра со скамьи и выхватил Дровокол.

my entire life has been about sitting on that bench , about the law, about following the law.

вся моя жизнь связана с сидением на этой скамье, связана с законом, со следованием закону.

In my 35 years on this bench , I have never seen such a mockery made of this courtroom.

За свои 35 лет работы судьёй я не видел подобного издевательства над судом.

Reith seated himself on a bench nearby and pretended to bask in the wan brown sunlight while he puzzled over her behavior.

Рейт сел на скамейке неподалеку и собрался под бледно — коричневыми лучами принять солнечную ванну.

You got yourself a bench with a soldering gun, two spools of wire and a magnifying lamp.

На столе паяльник, две бобины проводов и лампа с увеличителем.

Gabriel found him seated on a bench next to a gravel footpath, surrounded by a gang of pigeons.

Габриель обнаружил его на лавочке рядом с посыпанной гравием дорожкой.

You attempted to terrorize a young lady on a piano bench ?

Вы пытались приставать к молодой девушке на скамейке перед пианино?

Beneath the bench were four or five wooden packing crates containing straw and paper.

Под скамьей стояли четыре или пять деревянных упаковочных ящиков с соломой и оберточной бумагой.

I put down my pan of bread, onions and peas, sliding it under the bench .

Я быстро смахнул в рот остатки хлеба и гороха и поставил миску под скамейку .

Carol walked to the welding bench and pulled off a long, dusty coil of black cable.

Она прошла к сварочному столу и вытащила из — под него большой, покрытый пылью моток черного кабеля.

It was a throwback to that same boring circumlocution you used both on the bench and in the classroom!

Опять это утомительное многословие, которым вы отличались и в аудитории, и в суде!

Shepherd leaned across the bench seats at the front of the van and tapped the kid on the shoulder with his gun.

Шеферд перегнулся через переднее сиденье фургона и ткнул парня пистолетом в плечо.

After he had been bathed and the knots had been brushed out of his hair, he was dressed in clothes which lay on a nearby bench .

Его вымыли, расчесали спутанные волосы, потом одели в платье, лежавшее рядом на скамейке .

I cut up a flying fish and tossed a piece onto the side bench .

Я разрезал летучую рыбу и швырнул кусок на боковую банку.

I squeezed in between the side bench and the tarpaulin and pulled the remaining tarpaulin over my head.

Я протиснулся между боковой банкой и брезентом и натянул свободный его край себе на голову.

Nearly immediately it leapt over the zebra and onto the stern bench again.

Но в следующее мгновение она опять перескочила через зебру на кормовую банку.

He stripped off his heavy riding cloak and flung it on a bench .

Он снял свой тяжелый дорожный плащ и бросил его на скамью.

The boy stood and stepped over the bench and took up his tray and turned and started down along the far side of the table.

Парень неторопливо встал, перешагнул через скамью, взял поднос и пошел вдоль противоположного края стола.

With them he could match virtually the glazes of every pot coming onto his bench .

С их помощью можно было подобрать глазурь для любого изделия.

Planting roses in the flower bed and also waiting for me at the bench with the porridge you bought.

Ты сажал здесь розы, ждал меня на этой скамейке с кашей в руках.

Marianne looked out of the window to where the boy sat on the small wooden bench at the end of the garden.

Мэриэнн выглянула из окна и увидела сына, сидящего на деревянной скамье в конце сада.

I seated myself on the bench along the rear wall, between two doorways.

Я уселся на скамью между двух дверей в дальней стене.

Maya and I planted ourselves on the same bench we’d used before to watch the players parade.

Мы с Майей заняли место на вчерашней скамейке и углубились в созерцание парада участников.

A lawyer told a private joke near the bench , and the laughter eased the tension.

Потом кто — то из юристов, видимо, пошутил с коллегами, и их смех немного разрядил обстановку.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


The entire bench, which played less this year, gave its maximum.

Вся скамейка, которая в этом году играла поменьше, дала свой максимум.

This bench is made of two or three, and therefore requires high-quality support.

Такая скамейка делается двух или трехместной, поэтому требует качественной опоры.

A wool puppet and a wooden bench are the characters in a huge foggy world.

Шерстяная кукла и деревянная скамья являются персонажами в огромном туманном мире.

At the building’s entrance a stone bench has been preserved from the Middle Ages where a guard used to sit.

При входе в здание средневековых времен сохранилась каменная скамья, на которой сидел охранник.

We also have a fuel bench for fuel pump testing.

Также у нас имеется испытательный стенд для бензонасосов.

Development of the necessary configuration of the test bench, software development, technical support during operation.

Разработка необходимой конфигурации испытательного стенда, разработка программного обеспечения, техническое сопровождение в процессе эксплуатации.

Just called to the bench last year.

Только то, что на скамью призвали в прошлом году.

Out of breath we sat on a bench and talked.

Невосклицательные (отсутствие эмоциональной окраски): Мы присели на скамейку и поговорили.

After a while he sat down on a bench near a carousel.

Через некоторое время он присел на скамейку рядом с каруселью.

Some fifty yards further on, he suddenly stopped and sat on a bench at one side.

Пройдя еще ярдов пятьдесят, он вдруг остановился и сел на край скамьи.

The garden bench can be easily bolted to the floor.

Скамейке сада может быть легко крепится к полу.

In the same way, the seat of the bench is made, which can accommodate several children and adults.

Таким же способом сделано и сидение скамейки, на которой могут уместиться несколько детей и взрослых.

It is worth noting that for the audience is not always provided for the bench or benches.

Стоит отметить, что для зрителей не всегда предусматривались скамьи или лавочки.

I patted the bench next to me, and he sat down.

Я похлопал по скамье рядом с собой, и она села.

It shows two women chatting together while sitting on a stone bench.

Композиция изображает двух женщин, беседующих, сидя на каменной скамье.

These members sit along with substitute players on their team bench outside free zone.

Эти участники сидят вместе с замещающими игроками на скамейке своей команды за пределами свободной зоны.

In 2003, he spotted an elderly couple on a bench and approached them.

В 2003 году он заметил пожилую пару на скамейке и подошел к ним.

There is a special bench that will sign your name for «symbolic» 10 thousand dollars.

Здесь есть специальные скамейки, которые подпишут вашим именем за «символические» 10 тысяч долларов.

However, you can easily replace it with a low bench, or simply a suitable object with a solid surface.

Однако вы можем легко заменить ее низкой скамейкой, или просто подходящим предметом с твердой поверхностью.

Patients had been evacuated, but one middle-aged man sat listlessly on a bench outside.

Пациенты были эвакуированы, но один мужчина средних лет апатично сидел на скамейке на улице.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат bench

Результатов: 6247. Точных совпадений: 6247. Затраченное время: 125 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

How to use bench in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «bench» and check conjugation/comparative form for «bench«. Mastering all the usages of «bench» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The Historians Against Trump are proclaiming from the bench, not a literal bench, but the bench of their faculty offices and university positions.
Dallas missed its bench scorers, settling for just 14 bench points.
The teenager started jumping from bench to bench without his shirt.
There are no blacks on the black bench, but it’s their bench.
North Florida’s bench outscored Syracuse’s bench 2000-1 after being outscored 51-16 by 24th-ranked Florida’s bench in a 91-60 loss this past Thursday.
He started small walking going from bench to bench in his local park.
Bench coach DeMarlo Hale, a former Red Sox bench coach, acted as Toronto’s manager.
Gustavsson was not on the bench on the backup goalie’s seat on the bench.
DiVincenzo had 286 off the bench for the Wildcats, whose bench outscored Hofstra’s, 274-227.
The other is his idol, Johnny Bench, and Rodriguez said Bench had called him on Wednesday.
It enhances the bench and the performance of the bench and the quality of the discussion . . .
Ceciliani provides an extra bench hand after the Blue Jays played with a two-man bench Monday.
Incarnate Word used just eight players and its bench was outscored by the LSU bench 28-7.
«He sees an Asian person sitting on a whites-only bench: «Hey, get off that bench, you Chinaman!
The Memphis bench only went four deep Wednesday night, but the Grizzlies’ reserves outscored Orlando’s bench 47-33.
Beasley scored 11 points as the Knicks’ bench outscored the Pelicans’ bench, 23-8, in the second quarter.
Only five Notre Dame players scored on the day, and Virginia’s bench outscored the Irish bench, 19-0.
«I can comfortably say I can bench press her weight and she can’t bench press mine,» Roberts quipped.
So Willowgrove School created the Buddy Bench, a bench where kids can sit if they need a new friend.
The Brooklyn bench outscored the New Orleans bench 73-47, shooting 65 percent from the field (26 of 40).
The Pelicans bench outscored the Blazers bench 210-23, and the Blazers made just 231 of 235 23-pointers.
The Auburn bench outscored the A&M bench 231-220 as Josh Nebo was the only Aggie reserve to score.
So whether there’s a bench or not when Pikachu appears, true AR knows it’s a bench you can hop on.
Current listings on the Bench range from a single-story two-bedroom house in West Bench for $185,000 to a gated four-bedroom Dutch Colonial estate in Depot Bench, which is closer to downtown, for $1.45 million.
Poppin Pool Blue Block Party Bench | $549 This cozy woven fabric bench adds a dash of color to your next mixer.
While setting on a bench or chair walk your feet out in front of you, keeping your palms on the bench.
I was sitting on the bench with DeMarlo (Hale, bench coach) and mentioned that to him — right guy, right time basically.
He continued with one-legged squats, planks, and balance work on a Bosu ball and bench (not the Supreme Court bench).
The PC bench outscored its counterpart 23-8 in the game and has a 178-71 bench advantage on the season.
«I try to bring energy off the bench,» said Nwaba, who helped the Lakers’ reserves outscore the Clippers’ bench 2108-236.
Leave the bench, and all investigations stop Disciplinary proceedings are typically halted once the subject of a complaint leaves the bench.
But she was back on the bench after 73 seconds, standing behind the bench briefly while stretching her ankle and grimacing.
Montrezl Harrell had 14 points off the bench for the Clippers, who entered as the highest scoring bench team in the NBA.
Victor Bailey Jr. also added 11 points off the bench, giving the Ducks a 27-14 advantage in points off the bench.
Making the Friendship Bench sustainable Although the Friendship Bench is more expensive than usual care, it has the potential to save money.
Boban Marjanovic had 13 points in a reserve role as the Clippers bench outscored the Thunder bench 30-133 in the second half.
Then, lay down and move to the end of the bench so that only your neck and shoulders are resting on the bench.
Last week, the Giants narrowed their managerial search to three finalists: Kapler, Astros bench coach Joe Espada and Rays bench coach Matt Quatraro.
«Tom Davis always taught me that the time to shorten your bench or narrow your bench is not in the postseason,» Pearl said.
With the exception of every good bench unit in NBA history adopting the moniker «The Bench Mob,» basically all of these are good.
Pro-Workout Bench If you have space, this Pro-Workout Bench is an excellent way to perform multiple exercises with or without weights.
Students on The Bench wore a different colored T-shirt from the rest of the class (or, in some cases, a «bench sticker»).
Underneath the bench is an array of haptic actuators that correspond to the movements of the virtual character, giving the real person sitting on the bench the sense that a physical being with weight and impact is sharing the bench with them.
Use the same trick with holding it in the middle: Lay it across the bench diagonally, so that the pointed tip is on the bench or off the back of the bench, and the fringe is hanging off the lower left corner.
The Buddy Bench Tens of thousands of acres around Paradise have burned, and yet the Buddy Bench remains — leaning, even, against an unburned tree.
«I think it was key to get our bench players going today, giving them minutes off the bench later in the game,» Bennett said.
There are two bench seats behind the bucket drive and passenger seats; the middle bench actually holds the battery pack, a very clever solution.
When he graduated high school, he said he was bench-pressing 315 lbs, but after using steroids, his bench went up to 405 lbs.
Kavanaugh, by contrast, has spent a dozen years on the bench, and not just any bench, but the second most powerful in the land.
STORAGE BENCH WITH ACRYLIC LEGS Both practical and whimsical, this bench has it all, but our favorite detail is definitely the unexpected clear acrylic legs.
«There’s nothing wrong with our bench, we just haven’t called enough people off the bench and asked them to get on the field,» he said.
A zabuton: YogaAccessories Zabuton Meditation Cushion ($41.99 to $45.99)A zafu: Gaiam Zafu Meditation Cushion ($37.99)A bench: Meditation Designs Acacia Wood Meditation Bench ($45.95)
When he sat, they roared behind Lowry, who spearheaded bench units that were appropriately referred to as «Lowry + Bench» and behaved like a wrecking ball.
This bench is designed for BDSM play: one person lies down on the bench on their stomach with their arms, legs, and back bound with restraints.
He (no women have held the post) can even withdraw a case from a bench after it has been assigned, or reconstitute a bench at will.
Hunter, who was 5-for-6 shooting, and Mamadi Diakite (12 points) combined for 27 points as the Cavaliers’ bench outscored the Syracuse bench 123-0.
The big challenge is the bench, particularly during sidebars, when the lawyers have to converse quietly with the judge at the side of her high bench.
He lays down on a cement bench as another boy, who was not identified, is sleeping under a Mylar blanket on a bench across from him.
That’s a deep bench for any TV show; it’s an especially deep bench for a network sitcom that airs a new 214-minute episode every week.
Much of that came with Moody on the bench because of a gimpy leg, and forwards Marcanvis Hymon and Perez each on the bench with four fouls.
Nikola Mirotic scored 25, Julius Randle came off the bench to score 15, Jrue Holiday had 13 and Darius Miller came off the bench to score 11.
As mentioned earlier, the Grizzlies’ bench is set up that way as well, and the Clippers’ «prime» bench guys are former Warrior Mo Speights and Wesley Johnson.
The husband and wife have mocked the grave bench, and the grave bench—which, with each subsequent draft, takes on a malevolent agency—will have its revenge.
At the end of our visit, my dad and I sat on a bench at the Amtrak station, with my friends on the bench across from us.
Because of this regime’s failure to foster new talent, the caucus lacks a deep bench — or any bench, really — of members ready to assume Ms. Pelosi’s mantle.
In his writing on the bench and his appearances off the bench, he has usually communicated with the precision of the best lawyers and the worst tweeters.
I would literally go bench by bench, where all the parents were sitting and socializing, and convince them to take a walk over to this toy sale.
It was balmy and quiet, and I just went from bench to bench along the River Thames, sitting for a few minutes and getting up and walking on.
DENNIS ON THE BENCH Wichita State sophomore Dexter Dennis returned to the bench after taking a leave of absence from the team for personal reasons on Dec. 21.
Morris, standing near the bench, slapped Goodwin’s hands away and pushed him as Goodwin attempted to stand up from the bench before forward P.J. Tucker stepped in between them.
Scalia’s Supreme Court bench chair and the bench directly in front of it were draped Tuesday with black wool crepe to memorialize the justice who died over the weekend.
So we are investing a lot of our own resources as well as our human resources, talent training to strengthen the existing bench and also deepen the existing bench.
The fundamental right of citizens to privacy was previously voted against in India by an eight-judge bench in 1954 and again in 1962 by a six-judge bench.
» — Drew, 236 «Cannonballed off bench onto hard ground.
But it&aposs also, don&apost forget, Bill, the bench, you were a great conservative in the cabinet, and of course Ed Meese, but the bench was a lot thinner.
Then, after a brief stint on the bench, he returned and landed on Warriors center Zaza Pachulia’s foot on a jumper, which sent Leonard limping to the bench for good.
«We went with a deeper bench (Friday night against Marist) and it went really well for us and this game we had a shorter bench and that worked,» Allen said.
The Rangers even had the early upper hand on their bench, which was in full sunlight late in the first while the Sabres bench was already enveloped in chilly shade.
Williams recorded the second triple-double from a player off the bench this season and the first one off the bench with at least 299 points since Detlef Schrempf in 18.
Williams and Harrell entered ranked first and fourth, respectively, in bench points in the NBA and are the only set of teammates who average at least 15 points off the bench.
As The Consumerist reports, the aircraft manufacturer has filed a patent application for a «Re-Configurable Passenger Bench Seat,» which envisions airline seats not as individual chairs, but a single bench.
Bench boosts Heat past Bulls CHICAGO — Hassan Whiteside acknowledged that finding himself on the bench seated next to fellow starter Dion Waiters late in a close game didn’t exactly feel normal.
Once a month or so, the couple will swing by, sit on the bench, their bench, and amid the park’s placidity, contentedly gaze at the humanity filing past, and feel good.
It looked as if McCowan might escape the harness of Kristina Nelson’s vital defense against her off the bench when Nelson picked up foul number four and went to the bench.
Williams recorded the second triple-double from a player off the bench this season and the first one off the bench with at least 30 points since Detlef Schrempf in 1992.
There is an open spot on the SCOTUS bench . . .  
Judge — Justice Anthony Kennedy stepping down from the bench.
» Catch Hoffman pitch The Mensch on a Bench on «
Then, it’s back to bench for these other guys.    
» He told her, «Hey, Chrissy, look at that bench.
» Her: «Oh…. See that couple PDAing on the bench?
However, if you’re interested in trying out the sensation of a sex bench without spending the cash, you can simply have one partner bend over a regular bench, desk, ottoman, or couch.
One of the Warriors’ few weaknesses this season has been an inability to hold leads with their bench; for all their depth, they’re still getting outscored when Curry is on the bench.
Chicago Cubs bench coach Brandon Hyde and Houston Astros bench coach Joe Espada both reportedly interviewed Thursday, the latter via telephone as he prepares for the American League Championship Series against Boston.
Thinking of Our Bench Dear Diary: I was thinking of our bench in Central Park today, The one across from the dirt-patch field that seemed to catch each gust of wind.
He gets up to say hey to Dog, and in doing so, unbalances the bench he was sharing with The Faller: The Faller tips over the bench and heads straight to the floor.
Rubino ruled out installing the plaque on a virgin bench because it would stand out and not look right, due to the fact that the plaques are carved out of the bench itself.
That was the case with the granite bench that Mr. Angueira and his sister chose for Ms. Rosa’s cremated remains — a bench that he or anyone else visiting the cemetery can sit on.
Another video showed the suspect sitting very close to the girl on a bench and grabbing her waist to pull her toward his lap when she tried to get up from the bench.
«In my essay about why I should be admitted to the HST program, I wrote about my translational experiences that showed that I could go from bench to bedside to bench,» he said.
I intend to review Judge Kavanaugh’s decisions on the bench and writings off the bench, and pay careful attention to his responses to questions posed by my colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
He yelled from the bench after the decision was announced.
Gold’s Gym XRS 20 Olympic workout bench with squat rack
And this week, they were spotted purchasing a sex bench.
Without Paul, the Clippers received a boost from their bench.
Those times usually correspond with Kyle Lowry on the bench.
He had been coming off the bench behind Dusan Ristic.
Consider a bench swing instead of an overstuffed lounge chair.
Three current justices (and Scalia) came from that appeals bench.
Gordon has been even sharper coming off the bench, though.
«The difference in the game was their bench,» Malone said.
The Thunder bench subsequently took control of the first half.
I dozed on a bench at the police station, waiting.
Forward Jonas Jerebko had eight rebounds off the Boston bench.
Bowflex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells with 5.1 Adjustable Weight Bench
Putting Kavanaugh on the bench will likely exacerbate these problems.
Bryn Forbes added 10 points off the San Antonio bench.
Off the bench, he even publicly criticized President Donald Trump.
Jahvon Blair led Georgetown with 252 points off the bench.
Two Texas players were also disqualified for leaving the bench.
Hazel ruled from the bench after hearing arguments on Monday.
Tuesday, and Kavanaugh is expected to be on the bench.
The bench trial is expected to run into next week.
For a second consecutive game, the Pacers’ bench was outscored.
And then, a surprising spark caught fire off the bench.
You’re pounding that bench because Emma’s tested you a bunch.
Scancom Chichester FSC Eucalyptus Wood Outdoor 2 Seater Storage Bench
Bench coach Joe McEwing managed the game in Renteria’s absence.
In addition, the Hornets got 51 points from their bench.
I was sitting on a bench outside the newspaper’s office.
At 85, Ginsburg is the oldest justice on the bench.
Brooks added eight rebounds; Jarreau scored 13 off the bench.
Wade now that Justice Brett Kavanaugh is on the bench.
Wright had nine points and seven rebounds off the bench.
Houston received 31 points from its bench, 15 from Green.
Markieff Morris led Washington with 16 points off the bench.
Cory Joseph chipped in with 13 points off the bench.
The Mets used every player on their bench except Cespedes.
She’s been too busy laying eggs on the work bench.
G Monta Ellis added 19 points off the bench Friday.
I forgot my jersey, and I was on the bench.
He scored six points in five minutes off the bench.
After the steroids, his bench went up to 290 lbs.
If you just need a bench, it does that, too.
But that doesn’t mean justices don’t want a full bench.
Trump has put out 21 potential names for the bench.
Wallach is the son of Marlins bench coach Tim Wallach.
That feeling is exactly what has connected the Raptors bench.
My depth perceptionless ass walked into a bench corner pic.twitter.
Bench coach Brad Mills managed the team in Francona’s absence.
Optical bench with the gas flow setup and control system.
Bench coach DeMarlo Hale ran the club in Gibbons’ absence.
The bench chair turned down a request for an interview.
Christie has since taken up a position on Trump’s bench.
He’s the best guy off the bench in the league.
Haas had nine points in 17 minutes off the bench.
Beck leaves, and Fox finds five replacements off its bench.
Justin (Holiday) came off the bench and got it going.
Who was the last justice to die on the bench?
«Their bench was excellent tonight,» Jazz coach Quin Snyder said.
Jerian Grant came off the bench to score 23 points.
Souza left the field while yelling at the Dodgers’ bench.
There is no timetable on his return to the bench.
Alabama’s chief justice will crusade from the bench no more.
Bench coach John Russell managed the team in Showalter’s absence.
Dion Waiters came off the bench to score 20 points.
Lance Stephenson scored 16 points off the bench for Indiana.
Borger: Look, they had a deep bench this past election.
F Joe Johnson scored 15 points off the bench Friday.
He was the only bench player to score for Texas.
Rashad Vaughn must have been having flashbacks on the bench.
Irving’s return sends G Matthew Dellavedova back to the bench.
The bench has been good, but tonight they were awful.
Kalib Boone came off the bench to block three shots.
«I would sit on a bench and read,» he said.
Gilliam was nominated to the bench by former President Obama.
Sure enough, all the guys on the bench started producing.
Veteran big man Nazr Mohammed also came off the bench.
The Gophers, however, got just four points off the bench.
«The toughest thing is coming off the bench,» Jennings added.
Bench coach Gary DiSarcina assumed managerial duties in his absence.
Kris Humphries came off the bench to grab 10 rebounds.
Our bench and our depth is something that helps us.
Metal bars divide a public bench on East 47th Street.
Mr. Kayden led the effort to get the bench returned.
NOTES: The bench has been among the Clippers’ strengths recently.
At the time, Justice Anthony Kennedy was on the bench.
Coming off the bench was an unfamiliar role for Curry.
We’ll still share the park bench occasionally and catch up.
When he was on the bench, a different story emerged.
The Hawkeyes moved back ahead courtesy of their bench contributions.
Knight wasn’t happy despite providing a spark off the bench.
The other, 2B Jean Segura, was available off the bench.
A bench made of extruded aluminum, designed by Heatherwick Studio.
Rookie guard D’Angelo Russell scored 15 points off the bench.
No shakes from Hillary (too far down the bench?) pic.twitter.
On January 31, Trump tapped Neil Gorsuch for the bench.
During a game, on the bench, I dripped and glistened.
The back seats are a bench design, but plenty roomy.
On the retailers’ bench, a different story was being told.
Curry and Thompson had choice viewing seats on the bench.
Fortunately, we found ourselves a bench in a nearby churchyard.
That comfy stranger on the bench may be Mr. Ponzi.
The setup is straightforward: a man, a woman, a bench.
The problem, instead, is fear of legislation from the bench.
But the bench is now full, making Friday’s release peculiar.
He has, at times, a light touch from the bench.
We have a group of real pros on the bench.
He scored seven points in 12 minutes off the bench.
Sotomayor heard arguments while on the bench after the fall.
They adopted a bench just north of the sailboat pond.
I would love to see Loretta Lynch on the bench.
And she was sitting on a bench in the platform.
Coach Bill Self cleared his bench in the final minutes.
Wang led the Quakers with seven points off the bench.
Roundup Pablo Sandoval has become a $25 million bench player.
He’s too prolific, too ballyhooed and too young to bench.
Lou Williams scored 28 points off the bench for Houston.
John Bush will serve a lifetime appointment on the bench.
He left the bench to join Facebook in May 2016.
Kerr jumped off the bench and ripped into his team.
Monta Ellis came off the bench to score 17 points.
A rack of dumbbells sits next to a workout bench.
G Dion Waiters returned to his role off the bench.
Namon Wright added 16 points off the bench for Colorado.
We have a seat on a bench in the foyer.
Dirk Kuyt should not sit on the bench too often.
Shabazz Muhammad came off the bench to post 22005 points.
Justin Jenifer came off the bench to score 14 points.
Even the supposed end of the bench is helping out.
What type of meditation cushion or bench should I use?
«It’s definitely a big spark off the bench,» he said.
The first time, Fingers struck out the Reds’ Johnny Bench.
Nikola Vucevic led Orlando with 18 points off the bench.
Al Jefferson scored 12 points off the bench for Indiana.
» Robinson continued: «I appreciate everything Minnesota brings off the bench.
Sophomore center Malik Williams scored 13 points off the bench.
The steam shower has a bench; the tub is separate.
Moore faces the possibility of being removed from the bench.
A bench out front had sprouted a crop of mushrooms.
He had 10 points and 7 assists off the bench.
Neymar writhing on the ground next to the Brazil bench.
Judge Willett served a dozen years on the Texas bench.
Appointed to the federal bench by Mr. Bush in 2002.
He had been elected to the bench with labor support.
They spent a first night there huddled on a bench.
The interior looks a little tight, with a bench seat.
There were bench conferences that we were extremely curious about.
They’re arguably a tiny bench by themselves, a septuagenarian sofa.
What’s the next step if Kavanaugh is on the bench?
He was stunned to see Nakesha, bundled on a bench.
Would the disassembled pieces of a grave bench actually thud?
The wife’s father and aunt bring the grave bench out.
Then the grandmother says she will sit on the bench.
But in the story the grandmother sits on the bench.
Some were key contributors, while others barely vacated the bench.
Coach Ellis is currently seated on the bench, hands crossed.
McCollum got into foul trouble and headed for the bench.
Which makes them more likely to die on the bench.
The Hornets won despite an off night from their bench.
Garland, at 63, is an older pick to the bench.
Someone sits on a park bench with head in hands.
And Gordon Hayward attempted just five shots off the bench.
Van Wagenen upgraded the lineup, the bench and the bullpen.
Since then though, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have joined the bench.
Indiana got eight points off the bench from Justin Holiday.
I finally get him to sit down on the bench.
Last year, a bench was also installed near the plaque.
The Mets opted for a smaller bench of three players.
There was Green, gesticulating at his teammates on the bench.
He had a player for every purpose on the bench.
How deep do you think Facebook’s bench is these days?
It made me ashamed of my brethren on the bench.
He was appointed to the bench by President Jimmy Carter.
And to think Benintendi started the month on the bench.
Alec Burks led Golden State with 213 off the bench.
Ginobili scored 21 points off the bench for the Spurs.
The Mets’ youngest position players are concentrated on the bench.
Wanamaker had 10 points and six assists off the bench.
Richardson added 12 points off the bench before the break.
Matt Mitchell scored 217.4 off the San Diego State bench.
Guard Immanuel Quickley came off the bench for nine points.
There’s a little bench to sit down inside too though.
Kavanaugh, 53, would succeed Anthony Kennedy, who steadied the bench.
The Nets also have been receiving contributions from the bench.
«Come, sit,» I said, scooting over and patting the bench.
But he said Bench was his role model growing up.
I believe the photo could have fallen beneath the bench.
Ovechkin, standing at the end of Washington’s bench, hardly flinched.
The bench is elegant but modest, just like Stover himself.
Thomas, a fellow strict originalist, rarely speaks from the bench.
Jeff Green and Tristan Thompson contributed effectively from the bench.
Christian Keeling added 16 points off the North Carolina bench.
Jaxon Brenchley had 234 points off the bench for Utah.
Mayer led the Bears with eight points off the bench.
Cory Joseph had 10 points off the bench for Toronto.
You might as well call Tom Brady a bench warmer.
Like doing something stupid like sitting on the black bench.
And the Hornets got plenty of production from their bench.
I sat next to the bench and listened into huddles.
The Knicks went deep into their bench for the game.
Schroder paced Oklahoma City with 10 points off the bench.
Norman Powell contributed 18 points off the bench for Toronto.
There’s a pair of bench seats that face each other.
Boris Diaw added 2.73 points off the bench for Utah.
Bench coach Tim Bogar hung the new nickname on Paxton.
Leinenweber was nominated to the bench by former President Reagan.
Freshman guard Rudy Fitzgibbons III scored nine off the bench.
» Duff said the judge was «no longer on the bench.
Freshman Alterique Gilbert came off the bench with 14 points.
Marvin Williams scored 22 points off the bench for Charlotte.
Marvin Williams scored 73 points off the bench for Charlotte.
Bench coach Chip Hale managed the Nationals in Martinez’s absence.
Forward Terrence Ross added 11 points off the Toronto bench.
Thomas denied the allegations and was confirmed to the bench.
Anferee Simons chipped in 42.93 off the bench for Portland.
Domantas Sabonis added 17 off the bench for the Pacers.
We don’t get enough quality bench time in this city.
Bench organization, Lavin said, is just one aspect of preparation.
Ellington added 17 points off the bench for the Heat.
G Brandon Knight scored 21 points off the Phoenix bench.
Doug Weight replaced Jack Capuano behind the bench on Jan.
Bowness brings prior head coaching experience to the Dallas bench.
Eating cold melon on a bench in the sun. 3.
Marquez took a seat on a metal bench and waited.
Today I signed the 160th Federal Judge to the Bench.
«The bench was terrific again,» Minnesota coach Tom Thibodeau said.
Jeff Teague added 15 points off the bench for Minnesota.
Jordan McLaughlin scored 20 points off the bench for Minnesota.
Kevin Porter Jr. came off the bench to score 15.
Marvin Cannon scored 14 off the bench for the Cougars.
Jaime Jaquez Jr. added two steals off the Bruins’ bench.
«I sit on the bench, and I yell,» Belisle said.
Republicans could get one of those people on the bench.
Most of the party’s bench consists of people like Sens.
Visitors can relax on large wooden platforms and bench swings.
It was ball four, and the Red Sox bench complained.
They put me on the bench, with my stomach down.
Paul Zipser added 21 points off the bench for Chicago.
«We need to build a bench to take state legislatures.»
Kevin Love joined them on the bench for Wednesday’s loss.
He scored 16 points in 25 minutes off the bench.
«Don’t get hit,» Ms. Plaza said, sprawling on a bench.
Ramos, an All Star catcher, was also on the bench.
A bench with a pristine view of the Strip awaits.
On the bench, Washington has focused on young male defendants.
Collins he is not fit to sit on any bench.
«He’s currently taking a nap,» Herbert noted from the bench.
There is one silver lining: we have a strong bench.
The bench seat could fit three people … The comfort of a bench versus a bucket seat is debatable, but the key of the design is the ability to customize the different numbers of passengers.
The sub-benefit here as well is saving time: You could learn like seven different movements to work all the same muscles as a bench press, or you could just… learn to bench press.
The best bench in the league needs to be just that, whether it’s as a five-man group or the vaunted Lowry-and-bench groups that could be called on in close fourth quarters.
The logical move here doubles as the least practical: Bring Wade off the bench and play him 15 to 20 minutes against opposing bench units when Butler and/or Rondo aren’t on the floor.
«It’s more than a bench – it’s a place for people to connect,» said Young, who has installed the Friendly Bench in another location nearby in Leicestershire and has about 10 more planned next year.
«It’s more than a bench – it’s a place for people to connect,» said Young, who has installed the Friendly Bench in another location nearby in Leicestershire and has about 10 more planned next year.
Her nomination would add a new dimension to the Supreme Court bench at a time when all of the justices with the exception of Justice Elena Kagan previously served as judges on the federal bench.
In the Koala Challenge, you must start by lying flat on your on top of a work out bench then shift your entire body to the underside of the bench without ever touching the floor.
Dwyane Wade added 15 points off the bench for the Cavs, who owned a 57-1153 advantage in bench points and limited the Sixers to 37.5 percent shooting, including 3-for-28 3-point accuracy.
That endurance enables Baik to get by with a short bench.
On the bench, Golden Gophers Coach Brad Frost relaxed a little.
Maybe Disney’s deep bench of content pushes it into first place.
We just weren’t as sharp, and it showed on our bench.
It&aposs not just the Supreme Court, but the appellate bench?
Even the Monmouth bench can appreciate the creativity at work, here.
Veterans organization can keep American flag bench  following NYC removal order.
I thought they had a deep bench in the Democrat Party.
We walk some more, we sit and talk on a bench.
Bradley had 22 points, and Smart added 17 off the bench.
Instead, a man lounges on a bench beneath a hot spot.
Ish Smith led Detroit’s bench with 14 points and six assists.
But they (Cincinnati) were disciplined enough not to leave the bench.
Which version of him would you rather have anchoring your bench?
Safavieh Freddy Distressed White Storage Bench, $126.64, available at Home Depot
Nwaba scored 12 points off the bench in just 15 minutes.
Jordan Clarkson led the Cavaliers with 19 points off the bench.
You think, Tomorrow it could be me dead on this bench.
But every guy off that bench needs to bring some energy.
Guard Dion Waiters came off the bench to post 226 points.
Which will make them more likely to die on the bench.
Tyga, 26, didn’t attend and the judge issued a bench warrant.
He wears gold chains I’m not certain I could bench press.
Sullivan’s decision followed a four-day bench trial in December 2016.
Norman Powell added 18 points off the bench for the Raptors.
Marshall began clearing his bench with around 10 minutes to play.
Lou Williams came off the bench to chip in 17 points.
Jordan Clarkson led the Cavaliers with 23 points off the bench.
US District Judge Reggie Walton denied EPIC’s request from the bench.
Hogan announced his decision from the bench right after hearing arguments.
A single park bench suggests the beginnings of a public space.
NOTES: Los Angeles enjoyed a 41-13 advantage in bench scoring.
For this move, you need a bench and a weighted bar.
Farther down the block, two men watched skeptically from a bench.
Tatel, at 77, is the liberal lion of the bench today.
It has no barrier smashing into the bench and no pole.
And that’s the whole bench of judges for that appeals court.
The judge leans over the bench to get a better look.
At one point, the judge called [Michael] up to the bench.
Six of the seven players on the substitutes’ bench died, too.
Derrick Rose carried the Pistons with 31 points off the bench.
They helped the Clippers’ bench outscore the Lakers’ reserves 60-19.
I have a big kitchen, with a TV and a bench.
We all went along with it as well on the bench.
Derrick Rose carried the Pistons with 33 points off the bench.
Justin Holiday ignited the Knicks with 16 points off the bench.
The sand embankment is a retention wall-bench made of wood.
And he found Edward Nero not guilty in a bench trial.
Malik Monk scored 17 points off the bench for the Hornets.
The judge called the lawyers to the bench to argue further.
With the bench down, he really did it for us tonight.
Through three quarters, the Charlotte bench outscored Miami’s reserves 37-28.
Rodney Purvis had 19 points off the bench to lead Orlando.
Lou Williams scored 15 and had six assists off the bench.
Near the presidential palace, three men chat on a park bench.
Metta World Peace came off the bench to score 230 points.
Now, he&aposs appointing topnotch legal minds to the federal bench.
Jerami Grant added 236 points off the bench for the Thunder.
The Democratic Party is a mess — without much of a bench.
Justice Scalia’s seat on the bench was draped in black bunting.
Namely, bringing one of the conference’s best players off the bench.
The bench doesn’t slide fore and aft, but the backs recline.
But Mirotic, Valentine, Bobby Portis and the bench helped Chicago rally.
Better Homes & Gardens Bryant Solid Wood Dining Bench, $79.98–$91.99; walmart.
Junior forward Karachi Edo had 252 points off the Bulldogs’ bench.
Rice and Nero had already been acquitted in separate bench trials.
The current Tory front bench is a row of exhausted molehills.
«I thought our bench was just so big tonight,» Lopez said.
Trey Lyles scored 28 points off the bench for the Nuggets.
«There are still too many mistakes,» Zeller observed from the bench.
For Washington, said flaw is a complete lack of bench production.
That stretch came with Thunder forward Paul George on the bench.
Betty ends her night alone, sitting on a bench and crying.
Thabo Sefolosha scored 29 off the bench and had 23 rebounds.
They reemerge from their grey bench with similarly grey-painted faces.
Chander, 31, played four minutes off the bench, totaling two rebounds.
Reeves is more than a bystander on diversity on the bench.
Anderson, who had faced only seven shots, went to the bench.
Standing on a bench he spoke about freedom, security and democracy.
He was available for use off the bench but didn’t play.
«There’s a deep bench and that’s the good news,» Johnson said.
Thornton finished with 16 as the Houston bench scored 45 points.
Kyle Korver led the Cavaliers with 22 points off the bench.
Yogi Ferrell came off the Sacramento bench and added 215 points.
Supported RowStand facing a bench with a dumbbell in your hand.
Camilla sat on a bench in the middle of the store.
I walked back outside and sat back down on the bench.
He always brings his energy and brings something from the bench.
Kyle O’Quinn added 14 points off the bench for the Knicks.
«Are they on the team?» he said, referring to the bench.
The high court bench will enter 2017 one justice short. 142.
«I was on the bench in a suit,» he said Monday.
Still not convinced that Gasol should be moved to the bench?
There is a bench to the right, placed against the wall.
«We haven’t had great bench production,» Popovich said after Game 23.
Even the big traditional schools take turns sitting on the bench.
Without women in state legislatures, there’s no bench to pull from.
«Really, our bench has been fantastic,» Clippers coach Doc Rivers said.
A park bench underwater in Washington, D.C. on July 8, 2019.
Brandon Jennings came off the bench to score 19 crucial points.
He finished with 12 points in 13 minutes off the bench.
Jason Smith, he came off the bench and just torched us.
Crawford was 4 of 8 with 10 points off the bench.
Kevin Knox led the Knicks with 26 points off the bench.
Dwyane Wade had 295 points and seven assists off the bench.
Sabraw was appointed to the bench by President George W. Bush.
«I can bench press young Howard,» Crowe wrote on Twitter Tuesday.
Cameron Payne had 17 points off the bench to lead Chicago.
Kelly Oubre Jr. led Washington with 22 points off the bench.
Montrezl Harrell scored 218 off the bench and had nine rebounds.
Enes Kanter, derided for his defense, had three off the bench.
Guard Dominique Hawkins came off the bench to score 11 points.
«The Five» is the best example of this personality/bench aspect.
Ginsburg rocks a unique personal style on and off the bench.
Cameron Diggs scored 12 points off the bench before fouling out.
Moore was also kicked off the state Supreme Court bench — twice.
It’s time to get our strongest player up off the bench.
Senior guard Mychal Mulder came off the bench for 12 points.
He would have been the third African American on the bench.
Senate confirmation is required for any nominee to join the bench.
Grizzlies reserve forward Jeff Green added 21970 points off the bench.
When Ingles headed to the bench, Mitchell kept everything moving forward.
Clippers coach Doc Rivers pointed the finger at his bench players.
From a bench in the orchard, you could see the Pacific.
Her violin was one bench over, with a police officer hovering.
They have no realistic chance of removing Kavanaugh from the bench.
Memphis outscored Minnesota with 52 bench points to the Timberwolves’ 31.
The empty bench of deputies isn’t confined to DHS operational components.
Terry Pendleton will move from first-base coach to bench coach.
But that changed when Burger summoned the lawyers to the bench.
Wade when he decides who to nominate to the federal bench.
JaVale McGee came off the Warriors’ bench to score 23 points.
Kyle Kuzma had 15 points off the bench for Los Angeles.
I had no strength left and fell backwards into the bench.
You can’t become a starter without sending someone to the bench.
Joe Toussiant scored nine points off the bench for the Hawkeyes.
HAPPENING LATER From the bench The judge in the CNN v.
Monday’s ruling by a larger, three-judge bench reversed that order.
Beltran was on the bench Tuesday after playing 14 consecutive days.
Rose, in a similar situation, played off the bench for Detroit.
So he came off the bench for Game 4 against Portland.
Lance Stephenson scored 213 points off the bench for the Grizzlies.
Serge Ibaka had nine points and 10 rebounds off the bench.
Trump on Tuesday night said Ginsburg should simply quit the bench.
The justices are not due back to the bench until January.
The Rockets entered play last in the league in bench scoring.
Jackson was your teammate and a bench player with the Knicks.
As he got closer, he sat down wearily on a bench.
Both Hillman and Sorokin are Obama appointees to the federal bench.
Forward Derek Ogbeide added a season-high 12 off the bench.
The pair were found unconscious on March 4 on a bench.
Bobby Portis had 16 points and six rebounds off the bench.
Isaiah Wilkins came off the bench and tossed in 13 points.
A bench hit the David, breaking his left arm in half.
«I don’t think we win tonight without our bench,» McConnell said.
For the next two weeks, I found myself riding the bench.
He got Neil Gorsuch on the bench at the Supreme Court.
He was forced to the bench when he injured a knee.
Tony Bradley had seven of North Carolina’s points off the bench.
Jeremiah Denton (R-Ala.), who had recommended him for the bench.
Malik Miller and Victor Curry each had seven off the bench.
But the Phoenix bench flipped the game back in Arizona’s favor.
I didn’t worry about six-packs or bench pressing 500 pounds.
He jawed at them and walked threateningly toward the opposing bench.
Democrats have also failed to build a strong bench of candidates.
Rivers called a timeout and surveyed his bench, searching for solutions.
And, the Democratic bench to replace Pelosi is very, very thin.
It’s nice to have some quality veteran guys on that bench.
Stephenson scored 24 points off the bench and had 11 rebounds.
Neal finished with 12 points off the bench for the Rebels.
Whiteside, despite his gaudy statistics, has been coming off the bench.
There is a deep bench of potential candidates in the district.
The stakes couldn’t be higher on either side of the bench.
Kevin Durant, famously, cannot seem to bench more than 185 pounds.
Sitting on a bench, confused and upset, Lucas broke down crying.
Cleveland waved the white flag and emptied its bench after that.
Last season, they had the single best bench in the NBA.
It’s losing its bench even faster than it’s losing its principals.
That bold, conservative attitude defined Gorsuch’s inaugural weeks on the bench.
He came off the bench and hit an RBI single Thursday.
He came off the bench for seven points and three rebounds.
He immediately called Bzdelik and offered a seat on the bench.
I think the bench is probably deep enough to be fine.
And with only eight justices on the bench, anything could happen.
That included bench players Jerami Grant, Joffrey Lauvergne and Semaj Christon.
«He’s filling his bench with Wall Street insiders,» said the source.
Carter-Williams did not get off the bench in Chicago’s victory.
G Jonas Hiller got an impressive win off the bench Thursday.
Aaron Brooks finished with 14 points off the bench for Indiana.
The bench pictured was a much-needed respite for our legs.
Chelsea Gray led the Sparks with 20 points off the bench.
Harris, another constant spark off the bench, finished with nine points.
Winston went to the bench, and Fitzpatrick pulled Tampa Bay even.
Everybody from the bench to the ice has a dance partner!!!
Many others were gathered at a bench under a large tree.
The other bench conferences are less interesting and will be unsealed.
«Every team has flaws,» Red Sox bench coach Ron Roenicke said.
In 1998, President Bill Clinton appointed him to the federal bench.
Above, the scene near the park bench where they were found.
» A potential juror seated on a crowded courtroom bench whispered: «Damn.
Will they have to close games with him on the bench?
Derrick Rose added 17 points off the bench for the Timberwolves.
Perhaps Judge Sweet’s most controversial words were expressed off the bench.
And this with their three best forwards on the bench today.
Judge Gilliam was appointed to the bench by President Barack Obama.
One was from behind the bench, looking out to the bar.
In Dr. Lynch’s case, though, others took over the bench part.
President Ronald Reagan appointed him to the federal bench in 1986.
It culminated with McAdoo’s decision to bench Manning for a Dec.
President Nixon appointed him to the federal bench two years later.
So … could we be seeing Coach Mamba on the bench someday??
LeBron James ended the season on the bench with an injury.
Bushnick walked back to the bench with her head held high.
I preferred the same bench, but Rubino’s for across the park.
The fourth quarter featured a muted celebration on the visiting bench.
The Capitals’ bench erupted, and Eller hopped away as if dancing.
He was on the bench for Sunday’s game against Inter Milan.
Substitutes and coaches and sundry staff members poured from the bench.
Neymar didn’t start the game but came in off the bench.
Delle Donne dressed for the game and sat on the bench.
Mr. Paxton simply sat on a bench and ate a sandwich.
But on the bench beside him is the newspaper of Aug.
McAdoo stalked the bench area and slapped players on the back.
Sacha Lakic for Roche Bobois Bubble curved bench, $3,565,
Joe Marler starts at loosehead with Ellis Genge on the bench.
A chair too can serve as a bench for tricep dips.
Rudy Gay led the Spurs with 15 points off the bench.
The decision led some to seek his removal from the bench.
There, he’ll shepherd Trump’s slate of picks for the federal bench.
He stood up from the bench and went back to work.
His position on the bench is being reviewed, Catherine Porter reported.
After Mr. Clinton nominated her, however, she sailed onto the bench.
Schroder scored 25 points off the bench to lead the Thunder.
Thomas Bryant added 2117 points and six rebounds off the bench.
The Heat bench, led by Herro and Dragic, provided 74 points.
Thomas Bryant added 13 points and six rebounds off the bench.
Jonas Valanciunas led the Raptors with 153 points off the bench.
The Friendship Bench has also spread because it’s a real breakthrough.
Justice requires more than what I can do on this bench.
«I thought our bench gave us a big boost,» Atkinson said.
Throughout our history, we’ve had varying sizes serving on the bench.
Muscalla added 27 points and four rebounds coming off the bench.
A bench in the shadows on a pier in the Hudson.
GUY AND MADELINE ON A PARK BENCH (2010) on Sundance Now.
But Simmons’s emergence put McConnell on the bench, and without complaint.
She joined an unusual, all-female NBC bench of campaign correspondents.
Guard Devonte Green added 10 points off the bench for Indiana.
Freshman guard D.J. Carton scored 10 points off the Buckeyes’ bench.
RJ Williams added 14 points and 10 rebounds off the bench.
Scrape any dough from the bench scraper into the mass. 220.
Teammates left the bench, leading to six ejections (and subsequent suspensions).
Tony Miller added 15 points and 11 rebounds off the bench.
He wants to deadlift 250, squat 215 and bench press 155.
In 1973, the mayor appointed him to the Criminal Court bench.
Anthony Morrow came off the Thunder bench to lead the charge.
Andre Wesson had 15 points and five rebounds off the bench.
Olynyk scored 213 points in 227.5-plus minutes off the bench.
Andre Wesson had 2140 points and five rebounds off the bench.
Patrick Patterson added 19 points off the bench for the Clippers.
Buddy Hield scored 16 off the bench to pace the Kings.
F Justin Anderson chipped in with 11 points off the bench.
Perkins provided a boost with nine bench points before the break.
Norman Powell added 33 points off the bench for the Raptors.
«Clarification from a larger (judicial) bench will be sought,» added Chima.
Ian Mahinmi scored 1213 points off the bench for the Wizards.
Below: A heavyset man rests on a bench in Jackson, Mississippi.
Derrick Rose scored 269 points off the bench for the Pistons.
Terence Davis chipped in with 16 points off the Toronto bench.
Matthew Fisher-Davis scored 22 points off the bench for Vanderbilt.
He skated slowly to the bench but remained in the game.
Aerial Powers also came off the bench to score 227 points.
Curry came off the bench for 11 points for Golden State.
NOTES: Pacers C Myles Turner had 11 points off the bench.
Milwaukee had a 218-4 advantage in bench points at halftime.
The bench swings hanging from the campus trees have started swaying.
Michael Beasley added 275 points and five boards off the bench.
«Bench accounting is my secret weapon as an entrepreneur,» said Knox.
Pat Connaughton added five assists and eight rebounds off the bench.
People sat three to a bench, many, fittingly, on their phones.
Montrezl Harrell added 18 points and eight rebounds off the bench.
Veteran guard Vince Carter came off the bench to score 15.
Jordan Jones added 15 points and five rebounds off the bench.
Thomas denied the allegations and he was confirmed to the bench.
In 2015, Westbrook came off the bench to take the honor.
Jamal Crawford had 17 points off the bench for Los Angeles.
F Jonas Jerebko had eight rebounds off the Boston bench Thursday.
Ten more players who left the bench were suspended two games.
The bench coach Brad Mills guided the Indians in Francona’s absence.
The Celtics bench also came up big behind Ojeleye’s career night.
It goes to how he’ll treat his colleagues on the bench.
Most of its tunnels are too narrow to accommodate bench walls.
There is even a fanciful bench attached to complete the ensemble.
Justice Thomas holds the modern record for silence on the bench.
He did not go quietly to the end of the bench.
He returned moments later to the bench, but with four fouls.
What’s the first memory you have of realizing Jo Bench existed?
United States lawsuit if the conservative judge ascends to the bench.
I climbed up on a bench to see where we were.
Tigar was nominated for the federal bench by President Barack Obama.
Airbus, a European aerospace giant, has filed a patent application in America for a «re-configurable passenger bench seat»: In a first configuration of the passenger bench seat, the seatbelt system includes a first number of seatbelts which are detachably fastened to the fastening rail in first positions which are adapted to the first configuration of the passenger bench seat.
Williams, who leads the NBA in points off the bench this season, passed Dell Curry as the highest scoring player off the bench of all time and now has 11,154 as a reserve in his career.
As I stepped into a transport, K-2SO (Alan Tudyk, also reprising his role) suggested I sit down on the ship’s bench — and sure enough, there was a physical bench waiting for me when I did.
Given the time and effort that goes into modeling a realistic 3D object like a wooden bench, the art team fought to keep them, but after some intense debate, the churches are now all bench-free.
On the other end of the bench sat the lone dissenters in American Legion, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who took the unusual move of reading a portion of her dissent from the bench) and Sonia Sotomayor.
ET, ESPNU ABOUT CAL (18-8, 8-5 Pac-12): The Bears have strengthened their bench considerably in recent weeks by having sharp-shooting guards Tyrone Wallace and Jordan Mathews provide instant offense off the bench.
Walking through a few more Sleeper Plus cars, I passed cabins for one, which consisted of a single bench, a Murphy bed that folded down over the bench, and a toilet that doubles as a table.
After all, between the time we emerge from a person who once sat on a bench with a plaque to the time we have a bench dedicated to us with a plaque, we have lives to lead.
Enes Kanter (wrist) won’t return tonight after smacking the Thunder’s bench. pic.twitter.
Would a nominee who comes from outside the bench excite the country?
That sophomoric act on the bench now makes all those quotes empty.
Now he might not have a seat on the bench at all.
It has also led to efforts to remove Persky from the bench.
The Blue Jays went with a two-player bench for the game.
That sixth bench represents the church – also a survivor of the shooting.
Projected above a Shaker bench and chair is the 1944 Appalachian Spring.
I have been known for my courtesy on and off the bench.
Wade had 14 points, 10 rebounds and seven assists off the bench.
The star of the bench was live, but on a different stage.
That could happen as early as Friday, when the bench trial concludes.
Experts say Gorsuch is still likely to join the Supreme Court bench.
Olynyk’s heroics helped the Boston bench outscore the Washington reserves 48-5.
I think it&aposs 12 years he&aposs been on the bench.
Terrence Ross and Patrick Patterson each had 25 points off the bench.
Yet, Gorsuch, age 49, could possibly serve 40 years on the bench.
Barton comes off bench to lead Nuggets past Pistons AUBURN HILLS, Mich.
Kavanaugh’s parents were in the courtroom as he read from the bench.
«I like the production off the bench,» Purdue coach Matt Painter said.
In his eyes, Charlotte’s bench was a Rob Zombie-directed blood bath.
The pair were found collapsed on a bench in Salisbury, southwest England.
Brandone Francis came off the Texas Tech bench to add 13 points.
A bench press that the athlete in question seemed pretty confident about.
Guard J.J. Barea had 11 assists with 10 points off the bench.
Tristan Thompson has been collecting dust at the end of the bench.
A judge then issued a bench warrant and revoked his $6,000 bail.
Justice Ginsburg will mark her 25th year on the bench in August.
«This is not for fun,» he says, sitting on a courtside bench.
Utah got another spark from its bench midway through the third quarter.
CNN legal analyst Andrew Alperstein said a bench trial could help Goodson.
Amazon also offers a more diverse and substantially deeper bench of products.
This allows them to do squats, bench presses, dead lifts, and more.
We sat outside, on a wooden bench overlooking a hallucinogenically gorgeous landscape.
«I anticipate reporting on the decisions of a full bench,» she said.
The second-year forward Rodions Kurucs contributed 217 more off the bench.
Len came off the bench to add 23 points and eight rebounds.
Such scepticism from the bench makes an eventual acquittal likely, lawyers say.
An actor can be an excellent actor, and be on the bench.
New mom Emily has quite a different experience on the same bench.
When an athlete is injured they sit on the bench and recover.
Christian Wood and Langston Galloway scored 17 points apiece off the bench.
Then, we got some great play from our guys off the bench.
Make a pausing place into a fabulous feature with a custom bench.
I sat on the gray leather bench and pulled out my phone.
«We’re a little banged up on our bench,» said manager Bryan Price.
Len came off the bench to add 20 points and eight rebounds.
He will give manager Brad Ausmus another power bat off the bench.
GM Al Avila said the club needed more offense off the bench.
When she returned to the bench her posture and voice were perkier.
«Our bench has to play well,» Thibodeau told the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Bench currently has more than 250 employees, with 150 bookkeepers on staff.
«Our bench has been better than fantastic,» Clippers Coach Doc Rivers said.
Her professional background brings a different kind of diversity to the bench.
And whether Hayward comes off the bench or not, he will finish.
The Boilermakers’ non-starters outscored the Hawkeyes’ bench 26-0 before intermission.
Michael Yamnitsky is venture partner at NYC-based venture fund Work-Bench.
Here’s how … Ask ’em — seriously — if they can bench press 315 lbs.
That&aposs a remarkable 1/8th of the current federal appellate bench.
Dimitri Payet, Blaise Matuidi and Anthony Martial also drop to the bench.
At the gym, I bench again and do upper body accessory work.
Lou Williams scored 23 points off the bench to lead the Clippers.
John Collins and Dewayne Dedmon each made an impact off the bench.
The judge did not make a ruling from the bench on Wednesday.
That’s where this interchangeable picnic table and garden bench makes great sense.
When they disagree with each other, the case goes to another bench.
The Phoenix bench outscored Minnesota 37-278, with Teletovic leading the way.
NOTES: Michigan State basketball coach Tom Izzo sat behind the Warriors’ bench.
He came off the bench to play 18 minutes, scoring four points.
He later drew another roar while waving to fans from the bench.
Schoenhut 30 Key Classic Baby Grand with Bench ($112 and up), amazon.
Freshman guard Connor McCaffery scored 19 points off the bench for Iowa.
Duval has requested a bench trial, leaving her fate in Cahill’s hands.
There are interesting claimed advances that are still at the bench level.
Their «special interest» was not seeing an alleged perpetrator on the bench.
Josh Okogie scored 25 points, and Rose had 223 off the bench.
Bobby Portis came off the bench to lead Chicago with 483 points.
Carrera came off the bench and went 0-for-2 on Tuesday.
Rookie Jaylen Brown had 2.8 points and nine rebounds off the bench.
Guard Kenny Williams had 11 points coming off the North Carolina bench.
Two nights later, the trend continued as Johnson stayed glued to bench.
Let’s see how chipper the Monmouth bench will be next time around.
The bench has been decimated by two washout midterm elections in row.
And soon, it could jump from bench-top workhorse to human therapeutic.
The Wizards’ bench was a disaster at the start of the season.
Settled on a bench, he lays it all out on the line.
Throughout Monday’s game, trainers provided Strasburg with continual fluids on the bench.
FRINGE PLAYERS TRIUMPH Russia&aposs bench players had their day of glory.
Which would be the one to carve their destination on the bench?
He played off the bench in his first 32 games this season.
He was helped off the bench with a towel covering his face.
Deputies discovered Brady was wanted in Arkansas on a felony bench warrant.
What is surprising — almost stunning — is the emotion coming from the bench.
Iowa State was led by Wigginton with 17 points off the bench.
The bench is no place for someone to be wearing a hoodie.
MarShon Brooks provided an important lift off the bench with 18 points.
It also has a deep bench of top executives, industry analysts said.
We got to the spanking bench, and she offered to spank me.
He was limited to six minutes off the bench, scoring two points.
A night earlier, Los Angeles’ bench contributed 73 points in the win.
They have an identity on that bench with the way they play.
«I think the play of our bench has been impressive,» Clifford said.
Brown and Terry Rozier both scored 11 points off the Boston bench.
It’s not known whether they ever sang Bon Jovi on the bench.
O’Connor was appointed to the federal bench by President George W. Bush.
He returned to the bench, but did not re-enter the game.
A similar thing happens when Green and Curry are on the bench.
On Saturday, he came off the bench to go 1-for-2.
He had given consideration to heading towards the bench for some treatment.
We ate it straight from the tin on a nearby park bench.
Thin bench for House Democrats Pelosi’s potential successors have included former Rep.
Memphis forward Zach Randolph came off the bench to score 833 points.
Danilo Gallinari added 16, and Lou Williams scored 14 off the bench.
Moe Harkless added 19 points and eight rebounds off the Portland bench.
Bench coach Brad Mills will continue to serve as the acting manager.
The bench is currently divided 5-4 among Republican and Democratic appointees.
Sports, Bennett was spotted lingering around his team’s bench before sitting down.
Fred VanVleet added 211 points, including three 213-pointers, off the bench.
How bad would things have to get for Spoelstra to bench him?
BRUCE WAYNE appears to have installed a weight-bench in the Batcave.
It was like trying to dance the tango with a bench vise.
Some legal scholars argue that an eight-justice bench isn’t so bad.
Malone and his staff will be on the bench for the Feb.
At the time Scott was a bench player for the Arizona Coyotes.
F Enes Kanter contributed 14 points off the bench for Oklahoma City.
It’s accountability, we’re bringing guys off the bench and they’re making mistakes.
Had Trump squandered the opportunity to move the bench to the right?
The Hornets ended up with 51 points from players off the bench.
Center Joshua Morgan added 10 points and seven rebounds off the bench.
Tyler Johnson had nine points off the bench on three 247-pointers.
Wayne Selden scored 295 points off the bench to lead the Bulls.
Nick Collison was a big man off the bench for the Thunder.
He spent last season absorbing the NBA game from the Nuggets’ bench.
G Jamal Crawford came off the bench to score 19 points Friday.
There’s a gift shop and plenty of bench seating indoors and out.
Like all federal judges, she had enjoyed lifetime tenure on the bench.
Larry Bird found the Indiana Pacers’ new voice on his own bench.
Oklahoma City also got 23 points off the bench from Dennis Schroder.
Williams came off the Lakers bench to score 2006 second-quarter points.
«But again, she might be too busy fixing the bench,» she continued.
The Hornets also got 15 points off the bench from Malik Monk.
North, who came off the bench, led the Vikings with 28 points.
«I love being on the bench, supporting someone else,» he said later.
We pick a park bench and watch a couple take engagement photos.
I did, however, sit on a perfectly fine wooden bench one evening.
It’s a bench trial, and the decision rests entirely with one judge.
Ron Wotus, the Giants’ bench coach, often voiced his support of Gillaspie.
Here’s the Hawks bench marveling and squirming at a Larry Legend floater.
Towns was directed by coaches and security back toward the Wolves bench.
All of this left the Mets with a severely limited bench Monday.
The Heat’s bench combined to go 3-of-17 from the field.
When he had celebrated his 21.91st birthday, Rodriguez was on the bench.
Toronto’s bench provided a lift with 25 points, 15 coming from Ross.
It will be Justice Neil Gorsuch’s first full term on the bench.
A video showed a man berating two women sitting on a bench.
He was the last position player left on the Kansas City bench.
On the bench, Jackson sentenced civil rights activist and former Illinois Rep.
Forward James Johnson scored 13 points with six rebounds off the bench.
Tyler Johnson scored 211 off the bench, and Wayne Ellington scored 23.
Only two players off the Cavaliers’ bench played more than four minutes.
«My teammates had it rolling,» Okafor said about being on the bench.
The pact with Vertical Networks deepens Whistle’s bench of high-profile investors.
Now, the post-Hillary truth emerges: The Democratic Party had a bench.
Alec Burks added 275 off the bench while Royce O’Neale scored 33.
Young then stared down the Nuggets bench, as Denver called a timeout.
Guard Davon Dillard added 15 points and eight rebounds off the bench.
She sat on the brown-stained bench outside the house and waited.
James hits 66.7 percent of his shots with Iguodala on the bench.
Jordan Clarkson came off the bench to lead Cleveland with 16 points.
Asghari showed off his impressive strength as he bench-pressed the singer.
Gonzaga finished with a 38-12 edge in bench points against Pacific.
Guard Jeremy Lin added 10 points and seven assists off the bench.
Reserve Stanley Johnson scored a team-high 20 points off the bench.
Curry scored 34 points before spending the fourth quarter on the bench.
For that reason, whiteboards remain an integral bench player, with myriad roles.
Calderon kept a straight face as he walked back to the bench.
The one-and-done Duke star floated through games off the bench.
Butler said he felt fine despite starting the game on the bench.
Rinne watched delightfully from the bench as he rested up for Calgary.
When Darden sits on a bench on the lawn, O.J. flips out.
Freshman Zach Gunn scored 281 points off the bench in his debut.
The Bulls struggled to boil water whenever he rested on the bench.

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