Sentences with word become

Synonym: get, go, suit, turn. Similar words: become one, be considered as, economic recovery, come home, because, because of, record, second. Meaning: [bɪ’kʌm]  v. 1. enter or assume a certain state or condition 2. undergo a change or development 3. come into existence 4. enhance the appearance of. 

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1. He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star. 

2. Man will become better only when you will make him see what he is like. 

3. Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. 

4. You must become either a god or else a coupes. 

5. Wise men become wiser as they grow older, ignorant men more ignorant. 

6. Gender issues have become something of a hot button.

7. His dream has become a reality.

8. Women have become more assertive in the past decade.

9. We have become concerned with regards to …..

10. The bill will become law next year.

11. The boy decided not to become a sailor.

12. We must not become complacent over any success.

13. Whale-watching has become a growth leisure industry.

14. He had become fed up with city life.

15. If left untreated the condition may become chronic.

16. External causes become operative through internal causes.

17. In the rainy season the roads become a quagmire.

18. Elvis’s home has become a shrine for his fans.

19. By midweek(,(Sentence dictionary) the situation had become worrying.

20. With practice, you should become proficient within six months.

21. Parliament voted for the bill to become law.

22. She wants to become a professional cook.

23. The school trip has become an annual event.

24. The colours become mellow as the sun went down.

25. The fishing lines had become hopelessly entangled.

26. Complaints about school food have become a familiar refrain.

27. He rose through the ranks to become a General.

28. We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves. 

29. If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise. 

30. The more you fight something, the more anxious you become —the more you’re involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. 

More similar words: become one, be considered as, economic recovery, come home, because, because of, record, second, decorum, recover, economy, recovery, decorate, recommend, economic, recording, ecosystem, secondary, economics, economist, ecological, in due course, at the cost of, come, recognition, in the course of, economically, comet, home, some. 

He’s become a dog.
Он стал злым, как собака.

Low lying islands like the Maldives will become submerged.
Острова, которые располагаются невысоко над уровнем моря, такие, как Мальдивы, скорее всего уйдут под воду.

The report concludes that criminal libel has become “redundant and unnecessary.”
В докладе делается вывод, что уголовное наказание за клевету стало «избыточным и ненужным».

I was afraid they would do to me what they did to Helena’s husband, that I would become a bad man.
Я боялся, что они сделают со мной то же, что с мужем Елены, так, что я сделаюсь дурным человеком.

And he was finally brought back into school, not by the offer of GCSEs, but by the offer of learning how to become a carpenter, a practical making skill.
Он вернулся в школу не потому, что ему посулили диплом, а потому, что ему предложили выучиться на плотника, приобрести практические знания.

Yumi will become a teacher.
Юми станет учителем.

But watching entire countries become submerged beneath the waves will be a novel experience.
Но увидеть, как целые страны уходят под воду, это нечто новое.

The more the second interpretation is stressed, the more reluctant they become.
Чем больший упор делается на второй интерпретации, тем больше сопротивления они оказывают.

Over the past two years, it has become increasingly evident that the «modern» or «soft» left is, all in all, governing well.
За прошедшие два года сделалось ясно, что «современные», или «умеренные», левые партии в общей сложности управляют неплохо.

It has become much warmer.
Стало намного теплее.

The gas gets sucked through the extractor fans, passed into water and broken down to become, once again, completely harmless.
Газ уйдет через систему вентиляции, растворится в воде, и скоро здесь снова будет абсолютно безопасно.

As her film concludes, the robber baron has become something of a political dissident.
В фильме делается вывод, что олигарх стал чем-то вроде политического диссидента.

«Having become the only savior for the Ukrainian economy, they have the moral right to demand reforms as a precondition for funding.»
— Сделавшись единственными спасителями украинской экономики, они обладают моральным правом требовать проведения реформ, которые являются предварительным условием предоставления финансовых средств».

I’ve become so forgetful.
Я стала такой забывчивой.

For example, in Japanese cities aspiring to world-class status, limits on floor space will become a thing of the past.
Например, в японских городах, стремящихся к мировому уровню, ограничения на площадь пола уйдут в прошлое.

If you can laugh at something, he argues, it automatically becomes less intimidating and you become more powerful.
По его словам, то, над чем вы смеетесь, становится менее страшным, а значит, вы делаетесь сильнее.

Russians are helping Bolivia set up a «peaceful nuclear research» facility, and Moscow has become debt-doubled Venezuela’s «lender of last resort,» as Moises Naim, distinguished fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told me.
Русские помогают Боливии создать «мирную ядерную установку для исследовательских целей», к тому же, как поведал мне заслуженный член Фонда Карнеги за Международный мир Моизес Наим, Москва сделалась для погрязшей в долгах Венесуэлы «кредитором» на самый крайний случай.

Prosecution must become the rule.
Судебное преследование должно стать правилом.

We also assume an automatic acceptance of rules that in fact took a long time to become embedded even in the US.
Мы также допускаем автоматическое принятие правил, на самом деле на которые даже в Соединенных Штатах ушло много времени.

And they can become an important political constituency, so that decisions made about them are not made without them.
Также они могут стать важным политическим электоратом, чтобы решения, которые влияют на них, не делались без их участия.

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Sentences with the word Become?



  • «The prophet bid all people to become good persons»
  • «he would become emotional over nothing at all»; «she was worked up about all the noise»
  • «avionics has become even more important with the development of the space program»
  • «He promised that no harm would befall her»; «What has become of my children?»
  • «brainwashed prisoners of war»; «captive audiences for TV commercials can become brainwashed consumers»
  • «the capaciousness of Santa’s bag astounded the child»; «roominess in this size car is always a compromise»; «his new office lacked the spaciousness that he had become accustomed to»
  • «it was all done in play»; «their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly»
  • «he has become a cheerleader for therapeutic cloning»
  • «air travel has now become commonplace»; «commonplace everyday activities»
  • «he had become complacent after years of success»; «his self-satisfied dignity»
  • «The two streets connect to become a highway»; «Our paths joined»; «The travelers linked up again at the airport»
  • «She was destined to become a great pianist»
  • «She was intended to become the director»
  • «The republics federated to become the Soviet Union»
  • «a flimsy table»; «flimsy construction»; «vinyl siding has become the standard-bearer for cheap, insubstantial construction»
  • «He is grooming his son to become his successor»; «The prince was prepared to become King one day»; «They trained him to be a warrior»
  • «the Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar, but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard»
  • «he become reconciled to not dying heroically in her arms»
  • «limitless vastness of our solar system»; «The long unmeasured pulse of time moves everything. There is nothing hidden that it cannot bring to light, nothing once known that may not become unknown.»—Sophocles
  • «the institution of marriage»; «the institution of slavery»; «he had become an institution in the theater»
  • «she had become irritably exact»
  • «the great Moloch of war»; «duty has become the Moloch of modern life»- Norman Douglas
  • «The stories had become naturalized into an American setting»
  • «I hope to become one of their number before I die»
  • «an obscure turn of phrase»; «an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit»-Anatole Broyard; «their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear»- P.A.Sorokin; «vague…forms of speech…have so long passed for mysteries of science»- John Locke
  • «the house had its large windows oriented toward the ocean view»; «helping freshmen become oriented to college life»; «the book is value-oriented throughout»
  • «an overpowering need for solitude»; «the temptation to despair may become overwhelming»; «an overwhelming majority»
  • «the quickening of seed that will become ripe grain»
  • «the strike was supported by the union rank and file»; «he rose from the ranks to become a colonel»
  • «How would you rate his chances to become President?»; «Gold was rated highly among the Romans»
  • «the best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service, refusing to become the minions of a Minister»
  • «the mud subsides when the waters become calm»
  • «drugs have become a sickness they cannot cure»; «a great sickness of his judgment»
  • «slavish devotion to her job ruled her life»; «a slavish yes-man to the party bosses»- S.H.Adams; «she has become submissive and subservient»
  • «specialize one’s research»; «this kind of beak has become specialized in certain Galapagos finches»
  • «the hope that his superior campaigning skills would make a difference evaporated in the realization that electioneering had become a form of trench warfare»
  • «many English nouns have become verbalized»

Example Sentences of the Verb Become

Updated on August 25, 2018

This page provides example sentences of the verb «become» in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms.

Base Form become / Past Simple became / Past Participle become / Gerund becoming

Present Simple

He often becomes sad when he watches a film.

Present Simple Passive


Present Continuous

I am becoming used to living in Canada.

Present Continuous Passive


Present Perfect

He has become a new person since he left her.

Present Perfect Passive


Present Perfect Continuous

They have been becoming more and more anxious these past few days.

Past Simple

Alice became angry when she heard the news.

Past Simple Passive


Past Continuous

He was becoming used to his new life when he had to move again.

Past Continuous Passive


Past Perfect

Jack had become familiar with the account before the manager arrived.

Past Perfect Passive


Past Perfect Continuous

She had been becoming more and more anxious before he finally said yes.

Future (will)

We will become friends. I’m sure!

Future (will) Passive


Future (going to)

He is going to become director soon.

Future (going to) Passive


Future Continuous

My aunt will be becoming used to the sun this time next week.

Future Perfect

It will have become perfectly normal by the end of next week.

Future Possibility

She might become angry will you tell her.

Real Conditional

If he becomes director, I will become vice-president.

Unreal Conditional

If she became ill, she would visit a doctor.

Past Unreal Conditional

If she had become the boss, I would have left the company.

Present Modal

You should become the next leader.

Past Modal

They might have become rich!

Quiz: Conjugate With Become

Use the verb «to become» to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct.

He often _____ sad when he watches a film.
He _____ a new person since he left her.
She _____ more and more anxious before he finally said yes.
He _____ director soon.
He _____ used to his new life when he had to move again.
I ______ used to living in Canada.
They _____ more and more anxious these past few days.
Jack _____ familiar with the account before the manager arrived.
It _____ perfectly normal by the end of next week.
If he _____ director, I will become vice-president.

Quiz Answers

has become
had been becoming
is going to become
was becoming
am becoming
have been becoming
had become
will have become

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Nutrition information systems must become more demand-driven.

Системы информации по вопросам питания должны стать в большей степени ориентированными на спрос.

Even the shortest distance can become impassable.

Но все дело в том, что даже короткое расстояние может стать непреодолимым.

Children and teenagers become full members of…

Дети и подростки в итоге становятся полноправными членами общества, и от того, какие…

Many people invest but only some become wealthy.

К примеру, в акции инвестируют многие, но лишь немногие из них становятся богатыми.

Such predictions could become self-fulfilling prophecies if enough people believe them.

Такие прогнозы могут, вероятно, превратиться в сбывшееся пророчество при условии, что достаточно большое число людей поверит в это.

Instead we have become just another Soviet republic.

И, более того, он не превратился в еще одну Чеченскую Республику».

Identify someone who can become your accountability partner.

Кроме того, подумайте о том, чтобы выбрать человека, который станет вашим партнером по подотчетности.

Risk insurance will probably become more sophisticated.

В то же время рынок накопительного страхования, вероятно, станет более прозрачным.

The parents cannot become strangers for him/her.

Родители не могут стать для него чужими, если очень не захотят этого.

Your dream can become reality now because…

То, что когда-то было мечтой уже сегодня может стать реальностью, поскольку на о…

Please become the ally we need.

Я очень прошу вас стать тем союзником, в котором мы нуждаемся.

Transport corridors thus become economic corridors.

Для того, чтобы обеспечивать развитие, транспортные коридоры должны стать экономическими коридорами.

Eventually they all become his enemies.

И, в конце концов, каждый из них стал твоим врагом.

You become famous because your product becomes well-known.

Радуемся по той причине, что вы становитесь более конкурентоспособными, ваша продукция становится известной.

These changes will soon become habits.

Это те изменения, которые в самое ближайшее время станут обычной практикой.

Previous preconditions for talks have thus become necessary outcomes.

Таким образом, то, что раньше было предварительным условием переговоров, теперь становится их необходимым следствием.

Their lives become really meaningful only when…

Но их жизнь стала по-настоящему полноценной только после того, как у них…

Youtube has definitely become more fashionable.

YouTube, с другой стороны, должен был стать более юмористической формой.

He also helped Rumania to become independent.

Он также отметил, что удалось добиться того, чтобы РУСАДА стало независимым.

Employment Services Measures for helping people who become unemployed etc.

З. Мероприятия служб по трудоустройству, направленные на оказание помощи людям, которые стали безработными, и т.д.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат become

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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