Sentences with word barely

1, He barely escaped being pawed by the dog.

2, Sunlight barely penetrated the dirty windows.

3, The act was barely justified by the circumstances.

4, He growled with barely controlled fury.

5, Our accommodation is barely adequate.

6, He could barely read and write.

7, They had barely time to catch the plane.

8, His lips curved in a barely perceptible smile.

9, He waited with barely concealed impatience.

10, Her face was barely discernible in the gloom.

11, There was a barely veiled hostility in her tone.

12, A viral illness left her barely able to walk.

13, He could barely afford the railway fare.

14, At times,( the heat was barely tolerable.

15, I barely restrained myself from hitting him.

16, The water was barely dribbling out of the tap.

17, In August the heat is barely tolerable.

18, The hills were barely visible through the mist.

19, The fake was barely distinguishable from the original painting.

20, Her speech was slurred and barely comprehensible.

21, Her foreign accent was barely perceptible.

22, The islanders could barely survive without an export crop.

23, Though nearly twenty he was barely literate.

24, The male bird is barely distinguishable from the female.

25, She was barely able to stand.

26, The truck barely skinned through the gate.

27, Pasternak gave him a barely perceptible smile.

28, She was very old and barely able to walk.

29, We barely had time to catch the train.

30, Anastasia could barely remember the ride to the hospital.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


The atmosphere becomes so thin that it can barely support the aircraft.

На большой высоте атмосфера становится настолько разреженной, что она едва может удерживать воздушное судно.

At first, they may be barely noticeable.

На первых порах они, скорее всего, будут едва заметными.

Meanwhile the average wage has barely budged.

Но при этом средняя заработная плата почти не выросла.

I barely see my husband because he is constantly working.

Она почти не видит мужа, потому что он постоянно в военных походах.

He barely heard, but heard nonetheless.

Голоса были еле слышны, а все равно слушали.

She barely survived and was unable to reproduce.

Она еле выжила и не смогла произвести на свет потомство.

The animals become so fat they can barely move.

У этих животных настолько избыточный вес, что они едва могут двигаться.

I could barely run for eight minutes when I first started.

Я едва могла бежать в течение восьми минут, когда я впервые начала.

I look barely old enough to drive.

Я выгляжу достаточно едва старым, чтобы двигаться».

Forests are incredibly complex ecosystems that we barely understand.

Лес — это невероятно сложная экосистема, которую мы едва понимаем.

Many rural families can barely survive, let alone escape poverty.

Многим сельским семьям едва удаётся выживать, не говоря уже о том, чтобы вырваться из нищеты.

So he barely knew his father.

Своего отца он, к сожалению, почти не знал.

But the unemployment rate has barely budged from 9 percent.

Однако в такой ситуации уровень безработицы почти не вырос с 9%.

I could barely see her now.

Но теперь он едва мог на нее смотреть.

But we could barely rest before we were attacked again.

Но мы едва смогли отдохнуть, прежде чем на нас снова напали.

Like yourself, I barely escaped these foul creatures.

Как и вы, я едва спасся от этих глупых созданий.

He can barely speak his own language.

Естественно, на их языке он почти не говорит.

During a 12-month period starting in 1693, Newton barely barely slept.

В течение 12 месяцев, начиная с 1693 года, Ньютон почти не спал — час в лучшем случае.

I could barely walk from car to office.

«Мы едва могли пройти несколько шагов от машины до офиса.

Actually, the casualties in Poland barely exceeded numbers of one division.

То есть, собственно говоря, потери в Польше едва превышали численность одной дивизии.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат barely

Результатов: 22143. Точных совпадений: 22143. Затраченное время: 87 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Barely?



  • «The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano»
  • «We hit Detroit by noon»; «The water reached the doorstep»; «We barely made it to the finish line»; «I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts»
  • «he hardly ever goes fishing»; «he was scarce sixteen years old»; «they scarcely ever used the emergency generator»; «I can hardly hear what she is saying»; «she barely seemed to notice him»; «we were so far back in the theater, we could barely read the subtitles»
  • «I only just caught the bus»; «he finished the marathon in just under 3 hours»; «it was barely 5 a.m.»; «the network has barely 5 percent of viewers»; «the batter just missed being hit»
  • «he could barely make out their shapes»
  • «he could barely exist on such a low wage»; «Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?»; «Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day»
  • «he could barely see through the fogged window»
  • «We barely made the plane»
  • «a barely palpable dust»; «felt sudden anger in a palpable wave»; «the air was warm and close—palpable as cotton»; «a palpable lie»
  • «the purse barely covered the winner’s expenses»

едва, только, лишь, еле-еле, просто, прямо, открыто


- едва; только; чуть не; еле-еле; лишь, с трудом

we barely caught the train — мы едва не опоздали на поезд
he barely escaped — он с трудом унёс ноги
she is barely sixteen — ей едва исполнилось шестнадцать
it is barely 3 o’clock — сейчас всего три часа
with barely strength enough to move — едва двигаясь от слабости

- голо; бедно

the room was barely furnished — комната была бедно обставлена

- редк. прямо; открыто

he stated the case barely before us — он откровенно /прямо/ изложил нам всё дело

- просто; всего лишь

not barely in word but truly in deed — не просто на словах, но и на деле

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The ship was barely visible.

Корабль было едва видно. / Корабль был едва виден.

I can barely see you.

Я тебя почти не вижу.

She could barely understand English.

Она едва понимала по-английски.

His voice was barely audible.

Его голос был едва слышен. / Его голос было едва слышно.

She could barely conceal her anger.

Она едва могла скрыть свою злость.

He could barely restrain his anger.

Он едва мог сдерживать свой гнев.

His speech was barely intelligible.

Его речь с трудом можно было разобрать.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…he drives a beater that just barely runs…

They could barely keep the family fed and clothed.

Graham had barely finished his coffee when Henry returned.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

bare  — голый, босой, пустой, обнаженный, обнажить, обнажать, раскрывать
bareness  — нагота, неприкрытость, бедность, скудность

How to use barely in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «barely» and check conjugation/comparative form for «barely«. Mastering all the usages of «barely» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Andrew Yang: Yang barely qualified for Thursday’s debate, but barely making is better than barely missing.
He barely — and I mean barely — mentions his wife.
People from the ‘travel ban’ countries are barely involved in terrorism in the US When we say barely, we mean BARELY.
If anything, he barely, just barely, cleared an incredibly low bar.
The suspenseful moments barely register, and the jokes are barely jokes.
The S&P 500 is barely lower, the Nasdaq barely higher.
I barely ate, I barely slept, and I didn’t care about anything.
As of this morning, we are barely, barely hanging on to 1%.
Through the first verse, she is barely moving, barely singing, almost inaudible.
» While practicing, «I could barely sing, I could barely get the notes out.
We barely understand how to secure devices… We’re barely getting started with this.
Everything is always almost too much to bear, and then barely bearable. Barely.
«If I can barely breathe, I’m sure children can barely breathe,» she said.
«You have a dry creek bed and it’s just barely, barely running,» Frye said.
But I had barely slept the night before, and I barely slept last night.
When he goes, Biden — the frontrunner — will barely benefit, because the Coloradan barely registers.
The experimental efforts of a 19th-century scientist stand barely changed—and are barely questioned.
«There’s barely a few people that just barely make it out of the elevator,» explains Whitehill.
I can barely get a cactus to survive in my room and they barely need anything.
Watch — French can barely hold in his excitement … The Weeknd can barely put down his phone.
I have barely spit to lick a finger, barely a finger to stick upright for wind.
We barely understood what was going on, and thus, it barely got the limelight it deserved.
It has songs that barely bother with a beat; songs without choruses; songs that process his voice into unnatural, barely intelligible tones and songs that sound like sketches or barely finished demos.
Men who are barely earning above minimum wage are sexually abusing employees who are barely scraping by.
That barely, that involvement barely survived in the last go-around with the National Defense Authorization Act.
The dollar index was barely higher after May data showed moderate inflation as U.S. consumer prices barely rose.
Lying on the ground barely breathing, he felt like he was suffocating and could barely utter a sound.
You can barely think without emotions, and you can barely have emotions if there’s not some cognition involved.
«VHYes» is barely 72 minutes long, but that’s just one reason this outlandish picture barely qualifies as a feature.
It’s chaos as he barely maintains control, speeding through the air and eventually just barely poking out into space.
Mother could barely speak Reached by The Post Saturday, Bourdain’s mother, Gladys, 83, a longtime Times editor, could barely speak.
Because if they don’t, it could be the difference between barely beating Trump and barely losing to him in November.
And forget about purple or green lip shades — red lipstick barely made an appearance, thanks to music’s penchant for barely-there nudes.
I was exhausted and barely functioning, and the check barely covered my student loans, much less rent or food or anything else.
English had been leader for barely a year and lasted barely one more before being ousted by former central bank governor Don Brash.
«The Ghost in the Shell star added, «I have a lot of huge admiration for working moms…I’m barely, barely holding it together.
Either they can barely afford their monthly premiums, or their deductibles are so high that they barely feel they have insurance at all.
The typical American voter is a just-barely-left-of-center Democrat and Joe Biden fits perfectly into that slot (but just barely).
In the ideal scenario, the player sprints through a series of corridors, barely edging away from the monster tracking them, and escapes—barely.
You get more screen — a 6.5-inch display — in a form factor that’s just barely (and I mean barely) smaller than the 290 Plus.
What if you’re both so turned on that you can barely think, can barely talk, but everyone’s every movement is a yes unto itself?
The sense that your feet are barely, barely, touching the earth as you move towards friend and enemy alike, there’s nothing else like it.
His speech is barely paragraph-worthy, barely sentence-worthy; its closest model would be the text of a PowerPoint, delivered with a Yiddish krechts.
You can barely travel, you can’t really have a proper gig, you can barely sing, I mean you don’t really feel like doing music there.
Barely There Thong, available in three colors, $15I was surprised by the Barely There Thong’s high waist, but it ended up being my favorite aspect.
As the article correctly notes, Ms. Streisand is 74, so she was barely into her 20s at the time, not barely out of her 20s.
As the article correctly notes, Ms. Streisand is 21, so she was barely into her 2800s at the time, not barely out of her 8003s.
Because there’s a lot of people out there who are barely making it, barely surviving, can’t even put food on the table, can’t even afford healthcare.
It’s a soapy high school drama set in a world in which homework and parental supervision barely (and I mean barely) exists, leaving room for shenanigans.
She posed for beauty shoots with barely-there makeup and fashion shoots with barely-there clothing — every time allowing her unedited self to shine through. 9.
Reporters barely finish one big story, which would normally dominate the news for days, before they’re off chasing the latest Trump outrage, barely an hour later.
Where people sitting at desktop IBM computers in dank rumpus rooms divulge their deepest regrets and woes to a barely-listening, barely-literate room of strangers.
A smooth finish is a luxury of people who have made it past barely hanging on — and a lot of Detroiters are still barely hanging on.
I just went and looked in the mirror, and this foundation is still on, has barely, barely separated or, like, went into my crevices of dry skin.
If virtual reality is barely getting a hold on the mainstream, augmented reality — the kind that uses glasses, not your phone — is barely on most people’s mental radar.
«Are you at the end and can barely play and are just chasing this number and can barely get there?» he asked rhetorically through an interpreter last month.
The movie barely covers the growth of Frank’s family (another way he’s made to seem perma-middle-aged); it barely even distinguishes between his wife and his mistress.
The ruling could have significant repercussions in North Carolina, a state that Barack Obama barely won in 2008, and that the Republican Mitt Romney barely won four years later.
» — Kourtney «I can barely breathe in this body.
Massachusetts could thus manage — barely — to expand coverage.
Mr. Klein’s models were barely contained by their Calvins, courting scandal and the occasional recall; Mr. Simons’s are gawky in the European high-fashion style, and barely fill theirs out.
And we’ve barely begun to realize how much geography plays into this, how the diversity we see in America’s great urban centers has barely begun to spread into many rural areas.
But it was so short that our interns barely had time to figure out the subway and editors barely had time to get to know them before the class was gone.
But for the Minnesota Timberwolves, it was enough … barely.
Rob Lowe survived his first Comedy Central Roast … barely.
I’ve had 50 years here — she’s barely had five.
It’s a Facebook friendship — I barely know Rob Goldstone.
» But «that fact,» he complains, «gets barely one sentence.
These Republicans thought that he’d win the state — barely.
She barely reacted — until Mr. Koch’s name was mentioned.
Barely. — Ellen Gardner Manually dilated — Allison Nickerson Broken hip.
LONDON — Some of the girls had barely reached puberty.
» The doctor wrote, «The boy is alive but barely.
By the end of the experiment, King was barely recognisable.
It’s this barely watched cable channel, financed by the Russians.
She had her average barely halfway through the second quarter.
Barely a house in the west is unscarred, say residents.
» Rachel McAdams barely has a character to play in «Spotlight.
«Musicians don’t need 50 plugins they barely use,» says Martocci.
Barely, which has been a running joke in my family.
They’ve barely opened the door when Mr. Piggy shows up.
It barely had any structure and never really had punchlines.
With the smartphone market was barely even in its infancy.
OpenBiome believes in the power of pure, barely processed poop.
And she barely had any contact with the outside world.
At my new job, people barely go for takeout. 2.
Edit: When i just barely checked, they were at -32,000.
«I barely heard references about it somewhere,» he told Reuters.
But, let me be blunt: this is barely a thing.
Certainly not some person who’s barely taller than the player?
Woman: You keep saying that, but you barely know them.
I barely know how to play synths or program drums.
When I was 15, I could barely wear sunglasses outside.
The demise of his first marriage is barely addressed, though.
BTW, you can barely tell she’s about 6 months pregnant.
Why do I barely see examples of my people flourishing?
Which is to say, it’s barely a choice at all.
The muzzle is barely visible under a gray camouflage cloth.
Revels’ death barely got a mention in the Southern press.
Both are back into the green for 2018, but barely.
D’Agostino has his hands in the planning, but just barely.
Extraction continued as if the bombing had barely even happened.
It’s so crowded we can barely get the bartender’s attention.
I can barely afford to live in San Francisco, right?
» She added, «As a director, I can barely fathom this.
You could barely even walk, let alone stand, in there.
For eight days I could barely crawl around the house.
But this barely scratches the surface of their deeper fears.
Barely two years later, that dream seemed a distant memory.
Overall cancer survival has barely changed over the past decade.
Shaking her head before she can barely read a line.
And Paul Erickson, sitting next to my mother, barely moved.
Yet the real tests of tribal solidarity have barely begun.
A gig I’d been present at but could barely remember.
«Tokyo I think is still barely been discovered,» Chang says.
They barely acknowledged any slowdown,» Siegel said on «Power Lunch.
Newlyweds barely escape this — have you seen this on FOX.
Indeed, its story barely qualifies as a story at all.
It’s more elegant in my opinion, but only barely so.
Like the rest of his family, Jun could barely eat.
To Peter, Wendy is the girl he can barely remember.
Folks are barely going to get a chance to speak.
This Christmas, I saw my dad and barely recognized him.
I felt utterly homesick for someone I barely even knew.
He barely talked about the issue during his election campaign.
On Tuesday, the yield was barely changed at 2.37 percent.
And they have barely moved,» he said on «Closing Bell.
There was no moralizing, and there was barely a plot.
Children believes that scarcity will result in chaos barely contained.
» Earlier on Real Time, Yiannopoulos attacked Jones as «barely literate.
She says she barely has any memories of that time.
Most of the 10 most heavily traded stocks barely moved.
The crew took Taylor’s lead and barely listened to Lucas.
And some of Donald Trump’s signature initiatives barely got mentioned.
But it was to no avail — the polls barely budged.
The Home app is barely altered from its iOS counterpart.Stocks.
But she said she later realized she was barely functioning.
But the unemployment rate has barely budged from 303 percent.
» He jokingly added, «I’m barely a parent at this point.
«That’s just barely breaking even in our business,» Hauskens said.
He said a word to no one and barely moved.
Oil production is barely a quarter of what it was.
But those elements barely scratch the surface of The Founder.
Friday’s fix was again barely changed at 43 per dollar.
All this, and Donald Trump has barely said a word.
I could barely eat, and that never happens to me.
Barely a quarter of them exceeded one hour and twenty.
In contrast with Cuba’s authoritarian state, Haiti’s government barely functions.
That dreamy destination is barely a speck in the distance.
The slice is so big I can barely finish half.
He dunked while barely picking his feet off the ground.
Barely a week passes without brazen displays of arbitrary power.
In the second, it barely pays attention to the bot.
Again, the particulars of how this works are barely communicated.
In 2014 they barely missed making the College Football Playoff.
And yet today, in some places, it is barely flowing.
At this point, he can barely keep up with demand.
Candy wears a wig that barely covers her brunette hair.
A poll last month had it passing, but just barely.
The Swedish construction group’s shares barely budged on the news.
Instead, it became a dogfight that the Celtics barely won.
Allen could barely speak as she looked at her ring.
With only one other barely viable candidate in Texas Sen.
He barely talked his first month in the United States.
But Republicans say that Medicaid coverage is barely worth having.
In his final years, Ali was barely able to speak.
Brakes completely locking with barely a touch should never happen.
They produce no visible light, and they barely radiate heat.
She has barely appeared in public in the past year.
The problem is their graduation rate, which has barely improved.
«Barely,» Parscale responded when asked how well he knew Harris.
But they barely scratch the surface of what is needed.
Biden had entered the presidential race barely three weeks earlier.
Then, something amazing happened: I barely noticed it was there.
Since publicity began for the sequel, Depp has barely appeared.
At the time, Boehner could barely seem to believe it.
«I can barely contain myself,» Kelly said of the approval.
«No, I mean, I just barely squeezed…» I trailed off.
It’s so intense you barely have any time to react.
But barely a hundred people took part in the protest.
The dollar and U.S. government bond yields barely budged though.
Germany’s Bundesliga, in second place, earns barely half as much.
But they’ll barely trim carbon pollution from most commercial planes.
But for most locals the houses are still barely affordable.
It’s barely two weeks later, and here we are again.
Many were barely more than lists of podcast RSS feeds.
Soon, I’ll be back to barely even noticing them again.
But that barely exceeds the 20% the industry averages globally.
Candidates barely talked about tariffs, trade and manufacturing in Miami.
But by 2014, that number had dwindled to barely 6,000.
Wearing the QC35s, I barely noticed any of this noise.
It’s barely a passing grade, but at least it’s entertaining.
Bigwigs still embezzle; soldiers mug peasants; public services barely exist.
Gymnasts often need hip replacements when barely into middle age.
It’s an unseasonably warm October morning, barely past 24 a.m.
The economy is barely growing and inflation threatens to reignite.
Analysts think it will barely reach 1 percent by then.
We’re meeting next Sunday, and I’m barely halfway through it.
Balloons are hardly essential; they’re barely a means of transportation.
I feel like I can barely breathe half the time.
The burgeoning crook barely factors into ascension night after that.
Sajeesh flew back from Bahrain to find her barely conscious.
The female characters, even when they’re scientists, are barely clothed.
Tyga could barely put words together he was so dumbstruck.
Since the referendum of 2016 the proportion has barely budged.
You’ll barely feel the 5000 in your pocket or bag.
That is partly because it is barely 18 months old.
My ears hurt from the volume barely 10 minutes in.
I sent Jill another email that barely concealed my distress.
Shares barely moved after hours, when the promotions were announced.
Its shares have barely budged since news of the divorce.
Right behind is Mississippi, with an economy that’s barely breathing.
ANNA HAS just hit puberty and she can barely move.
He barely has infrastructure in states other than New Hampshire.
I can barely keep it together with The New Pornographers.
By Monday night, barely 24 hours later, the 500 oz.
We could barely stay in the room with each other.
Iron Fist season 1 barely needed to be a show.
But still, logistically the party barely operates in many parts.
Two years ago, Sierra Swartz barely escaped with her life.
The Pixel 1 felt barely distinguishable from a Nexus phone.
«The European Union barely survived the first crisis,» says Palacio.
And at the end … she could barely reach her car.
I want to barely be able to walk for days.
It just gets obliterated like it’s barely a soda can.
It’s barely more balanced than the Fugoo, but quieter too.
Barely three months after that now famous night of Feb.
Where they’re at: Back in a playoff spot, albeit barely.
They can barely handle each small hint of the future.
Those kinds of stories barely make the nightly news anymore.
As for bisexual men … well, they still barely exist onscreen.
Other speakers look great but can barely hold a conversation.
But back in the old days, music barely existed online.
It doesn’t even have a narrative or barely any characters.
Until a few months ago, I barely remembered it existed.
A major geopolitical event, and the oil market barely reacts?
He barely spoke to his family and raced off stage.
In fact, it’s barely about the mugs themselves at all.
Remember, it’s not like Trump barely edged out the establishment.
You barely even interact with the gods popularized by Marvel.
Guys, this dude can barely bridge relationships with Blac Chyna.
Local markets seemed unimpressed and Shanghai stocks were barely changed.
The proposed tool was «barely an idea» at the time.
But this whole saga was barely discussed in today’s hearing.
Now, as you might imagine, Johnson can barely contain himself.
Israelis live in denial; they barely even talk about Gaza.
He could barely hear because he did not have ears.
The cast assembled around Smith and Reynolds is barely there.
The movie is so understated that it’s almost barely there.
«Words can barely articulate the situation in Venezuela,» Marczak said.
A bigot,» Richards told me, «and she barely beat him.
Ronald Reagan lost — albeit barely — to Gerald Ford in 1976.
Right now, however, there’s barely anything to watch at all.
His face then breaks out into a barely suppressed grin.
The spot rupee, which has barely been trading since Jan.
The average smartwatch (like this one, incidentally) is barely waterproof.
But this week, she’s barely had any time to spare.
I can barely move at the end of the meal!
The boat was so crammed that they could barely move.
The spot rupee, which barely witnessed any trading since Jan.
Some had been beaten so badly they were barely recognizable.
These teenagers barely discussed their stalking while it was happening.
That barely makes a dent in the Syrian people’s suffering.
We barely see the image — instead, we hear about it.
They are barely getting buy when working AND receiving assistance.
You’ll barely notice the hole punch after a few minutes.
I barely touched the stuff for six years after that.
For what it’s worth … Bella and Kendall barely seemed phased.
I can barely type those words without convulsing a little.
He didn’t recognize them and they could barely recognize him.
What followed was a whirlwind that I only barely remember.
Really, it barely fosters much of a reaction at all.
Once a poet, Kamni could barely string a sentence together.
The hiring rate of 3.7 percent barely changed from November.
We were barely off Suboxone and our cravings had returned.
He tossed and turned all night, barely able to sleep.
Is it really a walkout if you barely… walk out?
Brad barely made it through a year of junior college.
She said she’s got barely enough money now to survive.
That was barely changed from last year’s total of 2,877.
In short, ICOs have barely touched mainstream tech companies yet.
You see, I’d picked him up barely 30 minutes ago.
She barely avoids being raped, fighting off her unknown assailant.
As a teenager, I barely understood my own mental health.
Our own immune systems barely care enough to fight it.
Black’s nose is so stuffed up she can barely breathe.
But the U.S. economy has barely flinched since the vote.
I barely saw her at all with the naked eye.
Oftentimes I could barely function because I was so despondent.
So quietly, in fact, that we can barely hear her.
The other is barely getting by with his mind intact.
The salesmen barely lift their eyes as Kienholz walks through.
«The president’s approval rating is barely 28503 percent,» Krone said.
The man behind the counter barely flickered a nose hair.
In fact, you can barely smell it on your skin.
The outside world barely noticed until it was too late.
I’m not a promoter or marketer, I’m barely a salesperson.
That stain wasn’t the only thing he was barely noticing.
The Russians, with barely concealed glee, make the same point.
Its moderate wing that made bipartisan deals barely exists anymore.
We barely acknowledge the sexual straitjacket we force upon women.
After the second time, I could barely sleep for days.
I never met her and barely engaged in any correspondence.
Here’s them meeting backstage, where he could barely contain himself.
The average gain for everybody else barely exceeded 4 percent.
The child was barely stirring, just hours after his rescue.
Light spreads into the space but barely penetrates its vastness.
How can he be missing when he was barely there?
Bread is now the region’s daily staple; beer barely registers.
I wanted to come so bad I could barely think.
The portable media player barely qualifies to be called portable.
BEFORE the late 0003s China barely had a middle class.
But it has barely escaped these kinds of niche communities.
So Sanders’s chances have narrowed to a barely there sliver.
Mazda 2 Oh, how we barely knew you, Mazda 2.
But it seems to barely sell in the United States.
Now … gas is barely available and basic necessities cost double.
LONDON, Nov 21 (Reuters) — It was barely worth the wait.
Barely half of them obtain a degree within six years.
The Kremlin could barely contain its glee at Trump’s move.
Obama won Florida by barely 1 percentage point in 2012.
But even during its peak, we’ll barely see a drizzle.
His father, John, was a shoemaker who barely spoke English.
The main airport in San Juan is crippled, barely functioning.
Mainstream parties barely get half the vote in national elections.
You can barely even spot it in the first image.
These were puzzling effects that were barely perceptible at times.
Its haze may be barely visible in New York City.
«The doctor came in and barely explained anything,» Hyden said.
By this point, the Crusader enterprise was barely hanging on.
Towering platforms met truncated hemlines, just barely reaching the thighs.
He may be barely holding it together in that car.
United States stocks wavered on Thursday and finished barely higher.
Let’s start with Martha, who is barely keeping it together.
The same report showed that wages barely rose last month.
The notion of border integrity barely exists in the region.
In barely two years, the mood in Washington had shifted.
They were barely 3 percent higher than one year ago.
«Right now, they’re barely keeping it together,» the person added.
FMLN barely held on to executive office amid the continued
«I was so excited I could barely speak,» she says.
Their exports now are barely 1.1 million barrels per day.
«There’s barely anything underwritten right now», said the first banker.
Data is the new oil, whose rents are barely taxed.
The «chin» has the widest bezel, but it’s barely wider.
At least a quarter of million people are barely surviving.
I was paranoid, and I was surviving — but just barely.
But Trump has barely paid lip service to these events.
Greece barely finished construction before the opening ceremony in 2004.
Caught up in Livia’s journey, you barely notice it’s there.
Farewell, Claire Foy’s Queen Elizabeth II. We barely knew ye.
Investment has fallen to levels barely enough to maintain capacity.
The entire awards ceremony was quick, lasting barely 20 minutes.
Still, three months of doubles is barely a down payment.
But barely a year into their new relationship, disaster struck.
When she caught her son’s eye, he barely acknowledged her.
Also, at barely 42 minutes, the episodes feel awfully scanty.
Barely five minutes into Ryan’s monologue, Trump cut him off.
At the moment this is the case, but barely so.
Her whisper was so soft they could barely hear her.
I can barely run because my feet hurt so much.
And some of us barely wear any makeup at all.
Tiny figures move about the landscape, barely formed, like larvae.
We were just barely teenagers, trying to navigate creative waters.
But it barely made a dent in its bottom line.
Jordan Spieth was still in the hunt, but just barely.
Barely an hour into the trek, it wasn’t going well.
Mike, from what I know, you can barely play checkers.
Clinton’s to a Sanders attack betrays a barely concealed weariness.
Mr. Kasich, on the other hand, barely exceeded 5 percent.
Trump seems to barely grasp the implication of his actions.
You can barely see them from a few feet away.
«Hi, Mr. Howe,» I said, barely croaking out the words.
«My daughter is barely 19 years old,» my mother scoffed.
«Fake, fake, fake, fake,» she answers, barely concealing a laugh.
Yet, Cortana is barely a personality and does not converse.
Current robots can barely walk, let alone have good sex.
Beirerle’s neighbors in Deltona, northeast of Orlando, barely saw him.
If you look at Thoughts & Prayers, it’s barely a game.
The denial surrounding this issue has barely changed since 22014.
I could barely make out the raw, craggy, mountainous landscape.
I could barely fit in them, but I wanted them!
Those are barely good enough to cut onions and carrots.
You’re both lost in a mental labyrinth and barely functioning.
Compared to my other cases, however, I barely knew Lee.
After car payments, he says he’s barely making ends meet.
Both women are based in Los Angeles, but just barely.
At this point, I could barely think, let alone speak.
And the forecast for SPX Q3 profit growth barely budged
She was barely conscious by the time she was rescued.
At its worst, Greek pizza is a barely edible doorstop.
We have amazing little lace ones that are barely there.
Her Twitter account is barely distinguishable from her live act.
For now, though, the technology has barely opened its eyes.
You can barely see the sensors, so I don’t mind.
Humans were barely capable of half this amount of driving.
Many of the projects also barely exist beyond a whitepaper.
Such a situation is still science fiction — but just barely.
The movie is barely into its stride when Harry dies.
By late June, Lee had barely slept for three months.
With votes split three ways, I barely won a majority.
Drnaso’s car had barely budged, but he was clearly upset.
When he walked on the beach, he barely left footprints.
Now he barely talks, and anyway we don’t eat together.
Russian buyers made up barely 2000 percent of the purchases.
Business spending barely increased, after surging in the first quarter.
But the huge cost and attendant challenges are barely addressed.
«With You» is barely distracting — it moves slowly, gently, casually.
The forest was cool, sunlight barely penetrating the dense foliage.
He was weakened and nauseated and barely able to eat.
Biden was more present than last week but barely. 10.
He stayed up all night and barely slept that weekend.
To some extent, it is barely a game at all.
At some point, your cellphone beeps and you barely notice.
There were barely any skirts on the runway at all.
Barely half of each class was graduating in four years.
I can barely even afford to take care of myself.
Yet workers’ paychecks were growing only sluggishly, barely outpacing inflation.
Some were key contributors, while others barely vacated the bench.
Glenn turned to me, speaking in a barely audible rasp.
For four and a half hours, the music barely stopped.
» Chris Cillizza says Biden came away as a winner, «barely.
She’s only barely documented; any trouble could get her deported.
In fact, there was barely enough room to turn around.
This conduct has become so routine it barely merits notice.
During Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, North Korea barely came up.
When it was over, Isner could barely hide the disappointment.
In fact, Big Tech’s dizzying expansion is barely getting started.
Rivers & Co. held up their end of things, but barely.
On Friday, there was barely any movement in the hospital.
You barely knew the battle had started before it ended.
Wondering where your favorite highly dysfunctional, barely capable superheroes are?
Because of «excessive exclusionary discipline,» some students barely attend classes.
» And this is mellow Marin County, which barely does «animated.
The wonderful musicians and the dancers’ feet are barely amplified.
Here’s the good news … the car still runs, but barely.
Barely an hour and change ago, Bethesda’s E3 Showcase wrapped.
Eilish sings barely above a whisper, a signal of intimacy.
The jury deliberated for barely an hour before acquitting him.
I could barely walk back to my classroom without collapsing.
«Before 2018, he barely even drank alcohol,» Ms. Kilner said.
He has barely anything to do with the other characters.
They dispatched Boston in five games, barely breaking a sweat.
Against the Miami Marlins, the Mets barely skipped a beat.
You can barely walk without stubbing your toe on one.
Most of the marchers get barely four hours of sleep.
Selling hay barely brought in enough money to cover taxes.
Invites to lunch were turned down, social gatherings barely tolerated.
In the week that followed, Germany’s stock market barely budged.
Until recently, Amazon barely involved itself in Seattle’s civic politics.
I don’t smoke, I barely drink, and I exercise frequently.
Roethlisberger just barely got the ball across the goal line.
Week 5, I was barely able to keep it together.
Other «big» launches are barely a fraction of Pokémon Go’s.
In fact, Japan barely allows in any immigrants at all.
The Milan bourse has fallen 22021% in barely three weeks.
We suffer through the heat of a barely ventilated house.
He’s barely stopped pacing the sidelines since the opening whistle.
But one student, Sheng Kang Zhou, could barely control himself.
The world is undergoing seismic change with barely conceivable consequences.
But at last month’s presidential debate, the two barely clashed.
For centuries before independence, the Dalits could barely clothe themselves.
And though they barely ate, they suddenly look full too.
Lee «can barely do email on my iPad,» he said.
That figure has barely changed in more than 15 years.
I could barely remember a meal that tasted as good.
«I think this is barely chartered territory,» Ms. Goldstein said.
I barely heard what was said about trying again tomorrow.
Really, I could barely get through my tears of joy.
Although the Cyberphone is a modified iPhone, it’s barely recognizable.
Farhad: Yeah, probably not; Mike can barely use his microwave.
The dollar is just barely positive in a week’s time.
During his reign GDP per head barely grew (see chart).
Because, to be honest, it’s barely a movie at all.
But c’mon: We can barely pass a budget on time.
Often I barely made it to my engagement on time.
Barely conscious, he managed to post an SOS on Facebook.
It was barely changed at $0.6549 as of 0324 GMT.
It was barely stitched together and slouching on one side.
The next day, she could barely get out of bed.
«I’m an introvert, I barely leave the house,» she said.
There is barely a graceless frame in the whole affair.
In her hapless funk, she barely noticed her husband’s passing.
Germany is barely halfway and won’t hit it before 2031.
Some customers barely opened the door or avoided eye contact.
Buttigieg, on the other hand, barely has any support there.
It also is a barely recognizable generation of pro athletes.
The two of them barely needed to move their feet.
Some could barely see the televisions from where they sat.
I barely remembered its whereabouts once the show was underway.
I barely show up to work and I’ve been caught.
Hulu had barely even touched on the topic, until recently.
But Ms. Warren herself is barely speaking of the proposal.
«The couch barely fit up the stairs,» Mr. Boritt said.
I had barely had sex with anybody at that point.
Then there is Civale, who barely speaks above a whisper.
Even Al Qaeda barely figures in our thoughts these days.
I barely got a dollop of toothpaste onto my brush.
Instead, the blades barely left a mark on the potato.
Or «Bohemian Rhapsody’s» barely there acknowledgment of Freddie Mercury’s sexuality?
They barely hit, but all looked well with their ace.
And he is only moderately — some would say barely — philanthropic.
As it was, I could barely remember my name. More?
The smashed cucumber salad was barely dented and scarcely seasoned.
Shares of United Technologies stock barely budged following the report.
Added together, these stopgap measures have barely moved the needle.
And they barely need your notes, let alone your numbers.
Previous debates have barely glanced over subjects including equal pay.
A neighbor she barely knows informs her of the news.
Sometimes the chairs stay empty, like barely used country houses.
It barely engages with the science of slumber at all.
It’s barely come up in the first three primary debates.
But that is barely half what it won last year.
«Huawei has barely existed in the US networks,» he added.
The current code taxes income heavily and barely taxes consumption.
Four fell at the same move barely half way up.
Private responders also said FEMA workers could barely be found.
Better optics in the new Gear VR. But just barely.
He shrugged, barely looking up before returning to his phone.
Queer plots are often barely submerged beneath the narrative surface.
At first, he could barely throw 80 miles an hour.
Since then, they said they barely spent a day apart.
» He said that Senate Republicans have «barely scratched the surface.
For starters, I barely had any money to play with.
He said Romney has barely spent any time in Utah.
He goes partly deaf and can barely lift a drumstick.
Nabra Hassanen’s death barely scores anything on the propaganda scale.
She barely even looks as though she’s broken a sweat.
Sanders’ numbers have barely moved, down 2628 percent since May.
Xiaomi’s Mi Note 10 makes the cut, but just barely.
The facility where Carlos arrived was barely fit for habitation
«It was so quick, I barely saw it,» Bochy said.
Incomes have barely budged, and consumer debt is increasing again.
It is barely audible under a thumping Stevie Nicks song.
It barely even aired advertisements in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan.
The two barely connected hemispheres made things tricky as well.
And his presidential campaign has barely registered with Democratic voters.
His mom and brothers have also barely left the house.
Temperatures barely broke the double digits in New York City.
Consumer prices barely rose in May, the Labor Department reported.
I barely even had time to take my pants off.
«They barely make ends meet as it is,» he said.
It’s that they can barely be bothered to hide it.
Afterward, Mr. McIntyre was so exhilarated that he barely slept.
It barely features The Leftovers’ regular characters who aren’t Nora.
«Since the Revolutionary War,» replies Portman, barely keeping it together.
I fear my body has changed, I barely recognize myself.
Built in 2010, «big» only barely describes the Amerigo Vespucci.
Unappreciated in its time, it was barely exhibited until 1968.
Unappreciated in its time, it was barely exhibited until 19503.
Do you count those minor things where barely anything happened?
The January transfer window has come and gone, barely noticed.
The government barely took action on these bold promises, however.
And there were some SMOKIN’ HOT ladies wearing barely anything.
I came out and was sweating … I could barely move.
He was texting and barely paying attention to my squats.
He’s just barely scraping by — as he always has been.
Morning Consult finds his approval rating barely cracks 50 percent.
Ford and Tesla made it barely through the last recession.
You know, that nightmare of a film you barely remember.
Snapchat, Instagram, all those things were … The iPhone barely existed.
Rating The story, such as it is, barely makes sense.
Weighing only 4.8 ounces, it’s barely noticeable in their bag.
Beverley barely caught it, but eventually stepped out of bounds.
I murmured the truth nervously, barely looking at my friends.
They’re quiet, usually with their heads just barely above water.
The results aren’t flattering to the standing desk trend: not only do standing desks barely reduce the amount of time that people spend sitting at work, but any reduction has barely any health benefits.
Barely a minute had been played when the call was made and barely two had passed when Robbie Brady banged his spot-kick in off the post and gave Ireland the most unexpected of edges.
It barely takes any pressure for pus to start spurting out.
That night, Carmen and I arrive late and barely squeeze in.
Lucas arrived that first day barely knowing any of the boys.
In previous debates, he was often barely acknowledged by his rivals.
By contrast, the film industry barely seems to be moving forward.
For personal data, at least, the current model seems barely sustainable.
In 2008 she barely mentioned her gender; now it’s a refrain.
The usual economies of scale, however, barely apply to 3D printers.
The same additional weight is barely noticeable in a heavy one.
The S&P index is now barely up over the year.
This is enough to prove that Will is inside, but barely.
The poor girl could barely speak as she recounted the incident.
Quaver is so small he can barely keep his eyes open.
Tesla’s used car inventory has barely begun to include Model 3s.
Barely a day later, that number had climbed to $113 million.
Andrew, you could barely even see him he got so thin.
«We’re still fighting Mr. Trump,» McKinnon says, barely hiding Pelosi’s glee.
They look so young as to have barely developed object permanence.
As you can see, he can barely fill the National Mall.
That movie sucked and she made it watchable, if only barely.
Meanwhile most rappers can barely get me to click a link.
I could barely afford to book one plane ticket for myself.
All their artistic, cultural, historical, and literary references are barely introduced.
Gorsuch, however, came out of the gauntlet with barely a scratch.
But here’s a guy who can barely walk, who’s the hero.
And as a bonus: Meyers barely mentioned President Trump at all.
Another barely noticeable upgrade on the iPhone 8 is the camera.
At the time, movies in the local Yakut language barely existed.
The devastation is widespread with barely a house intact following #CycloneIdaipic.twitter.
They barely have insurance on themselves, let alone on their kid.
The fans were quiet and barely recognizable during the quick test.
It was so rough that the internet could barely keep up.
The last appointment simply reads Kaiser in my barely legible handwriting.
In the meantime, she’s barely able to save for her retirement.
Of course, normal water will make a human just barely float.
Murph and Tuna Melt barely interact (when they do, it’s adorable).
At first the simultaneous occurrences barely compute – is this a flashback?
Barely closed on her new home, she’s already taking the reigns.
As it happened, rates barely budged and the bet paid off.
Most blue-chip names, which are usually heavily traded, barely moved.
Davos was another character who barely got to see any action.
Some people only have one barely-noticeable sore at this stage.
I barely remember half the times I went to raves before.
The technology sector was barely positive with a 0.03 percent gain.
When he arrives I am fast asleep and barely notice him.
The cgi removal of Henry Cavill’s mustache is barely noticeable. pic.twitter.
I woke up in a stupor, barely made my 8 a.m.
I’m just a drop in the ocean, barely making a wave.
But most stocks among the 10 most heavily traded barely moved.
I barely take my makeup off and then go to sleep.
The crown is experiencing such unrest with two barely visible shoulders.
We’re just barely missing getting into the house for the holidays.
And for decades thereafter, it seemed to be barely bother humans.
Mandy Moore has barely aged since her «Candy» music video days.
I can barely stand to walk behind people on the sidewalk.
If all goes well, Elysium players will barely notice any difference.
But the best part is that you’ll barely realize they’re there.
They do sound a little better than AirPods, but just barely.
Now I’m a physician, barely sleeping but hopefully making a difference.
Barely enough leather to cover the seats, dashboard, and side airbags.
Most other stocks among the 10 most heavily traded barely moved.
After I saw it, I could barely write for a month.
«There are times I barely recognize my old face,» she says.
And Hillary Clinton got one last night (barely) in Kentucky’s primary.
She was barely able to get words out as she wept.
It’s barely been a month, but they sure look super comfortable.
But American carmakers have filled barely half their quotas for years.
Amazon can barely keep up with the demand for certain books.
And here’s the photo Apollon shared, with a barely-visible bandage:
You then kill it by barely holding it in your hands.
We’re told Kelly barely says a word to him off camera.
It just barely rivals trapping your worst enemies in your park.
I almost just barely touched his life, I was so close.
In the grand scheme of supremely inaccessible London, it barely registered.
Compare that with barely three months’ worth of low-end supply.
We remember those decisions; we barely remember his part in them.
«There’s barely any representation for girlfriends in high school,» she said.
I was sweating immensely, drained of energy, and could barely walk.
He barely had enough to take Annie out to the movies.
It’s easy to assume they are barely read, let alone fulfilled.
We barely close our eyes —and I think that’s really special.
Back in 2011, we barely scratched the surface with 100,000 troops.
Ted Cruz (R) just barely ahead of his Democratic opponent, Rep.
He gave very few interviews and barely held traditional campaign events.
They can barely make roads accessible with the resources they have.
It’s Antetokounmpo’s third year in the NBA, but he’s barely 21.
Only the Democrats pulled it off, in 2006, and just barely.
Some groups had barely survived for years while sustaining chronic losses.
That may be why the Wildcats barely even talk about it.
Power, water, agriculture, transportation, construction and healthcare have barely been touched.
The issue of refugees barely featured in election campaigns in Hesse.
«I guess something has changed,» he said with barely concealed delight.
But in Minaj’s defense, she could barely handle her first one.
The euro was also barely changed, rising 0.02 percent to $1.1150.
They barely campaigned in the Deep South, outside of South Carolina.
I was such a fan I could barely look at them.
«I’d barely made it public that I was pregnant,» says Jaime.
So why over the past decade has Britain’s productivity barely improved?
Honky-tonk barely resembles pop country’s artifice and commercial rock’s gloss.
Real output per person has barely risen in the past decade.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures also barely budged at $47.18.
He and his son barely escaped as the floodwaters surged through.
Here, Jean has barely a moment of normalcy before she’s possessed.
And in this shape-shifting, unfathomable world, I’m barely halfway there.
But almost two years into his presidency, he’s barely built anything.
The networks are barely existent, present only in a few cities.
As it turns out: so limited I can barely believe it.
The spot rupee has barely seen any trading since Jan. 13.
Everyone knows the word, and it barely feels like web lingo.
China then confirmed it would retaliate but still traders barely flinched.
I feel like I can barely withstand another orgasm coming on.
The amendment barely passed, eking out 50.12% of the final vote.
Bad news: the friends you barely see still expect Christmas presents.
» : «I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, it’s barely down.
Tran: They range from the drastically transformed to the barely touched.
The trading post, where the fire reportedly happened, is barely standing.
The moment I read that magazine article, I could barely breath.
Ibrahim had barely put the phone down when he heard shooting.
In short: Germany’s armed forces are barely fit for purpose. Why?
But Copenhagen was a catastrophe, barely rescued in Paris last year.
That barely scratches the surface, and that is not an understatement.
Shoppers could barely carry the number of rolls they were snatching.
In a normal year the rest of Australia would barely notice.
In Japan, by contrast, barely a fifth of researchers are female.
Earnings from mobile payments amount to barely 2% of bank revenues.
For midterm elections, barely more than a third cast a ballot.
Before 1960, barely one quarter of Americans said they exercised regularly.
All our servers are bored and I can barely see straight.
He cited the consumer price index that barely rose in May.
I barely knew her, but she took a liking to me.
In Australia the incomers, mainly from Britain, considered Aboriginals barely human.
On the other, the deployment of British firepower had barely begun.
Jilla barely balks before trying it and immensely enjoys the dish.
And, did we mention the most expensive items barely brush $200?
In private, they had sex, but barely spoke to each other.
She’s like up there, she’s got like barely a harness on.
And U.S. interest rates are barely above the rate of inflation.
We are barely able to serve ourselves, much less anyone else.
The year had barely begun before Khosrowshahi’s plans began to unravel.
«The red heart is barely beating at the moment,» said Hewison.
EDF «can barely hold itself together,» he said in a statement.
Here’s what you need to know: • Cruz wins; Clinton wins, barely.
C. act» and a lawmaker «who barely showed up for work.
This is a funding category that barely existed several years ago.
He was so weak he could barely open the wrapping paper.
Italy’s living standards are barely higher than they were in 1999.
«I barely sleep thinking about this all the time,» she said.
But odds are that $10,000 barely covers his annual grocery bill.
Solo hit theaters barely five months after The Last Jedi premiered.
It’ll barely impact the taste, and you’ll get those nutritional benefits!
Honestly, my body image was something I barely ever thought about.
The atrocious human-rights records of some participants were barely mentioned.
But over the past three years the rain has barely fallen.
The spot rupee, which has barely witnessed any trading since Jan.
Husband works tomorrow, and I feel like I’ve barely seen him.
Film is the new kid on the block: 100 years, barely.
The workforce grew by barely 22010% in total during that period.
But wages are barely keeping up with the cost of living.
Bella Thorne barely covers up in a photo on social media.
There were barely buried bones on the ground, said Wa Lone.
«Most people are barely saving to begin with,» Anderson-Bialis said.
I barely make it through my Insta Stories before falling asleep.
That helped keep the U.S. economy moving ahead, but just barely.
In reality, you barely know how to add two cells together.
Once. Well barely, I met Eric Shanks but Jamie runs FS1.
The company is now barely holding just above its IPO price.
«Dukale was just barely surviving over the line,» Jackman tells PEOPLE.
No makeup today because I can barely function with shitty sleep.
S. trade war, while Euro zone manufacturing activity barely avoided contraction.
«I barely got to speak,» Fallon said once the scene concluded.
And true to KarJenner dress code: the barely there the better.
The spot rupee, which has barely seen any trading since Jan.
Yet world stocks have barely blinked and volatility is historically low.
«You barely give a regular message,» Disick says with a laugh.
But the envoys barely had time for a cup of tea.
The government barely functions, paralyzed by rivalries exacerbated by regional conflict.
The company «barely existed» at the time it filed the suit.
In the past decade, however, it has barely budged (see chart).
Hard to believe, but SPACs barely existed until two years ago.
Are you turning down your screen brightness to barely visible levels?
I feel like we barely saw the Healers and Hustlers tribes.
Even whopping fines there have barely registered with investors (see chart).
Alarms go off so frequently in emergency rooms, doctors barely notice.
Barely half of adult one-way permit holders are in work.
A decade on, it is barely used for its intended purpose.
There was barely any money for food, the supermarkets were empty.
The American Music Awards have barely started, and already there’s drama.
Today its order-book is barely half the size of China’s.
There’s no Wikipedia page and barely any information about it online!
Before I was diagnosed, I barely knew anything about it myself.
The lucky contestant looked like he could barely believe the outcome.
I was an existing anorexic, just barely holding down a job.
That’s so cool I barely know what to do with myself.
The fact that it barely seems to matter should speak volumes.
The plane barely missed power lines and other homes, Sandoval said.
Treasury yields were barely changed after a sharp drop on Wednesday.
Trump, for his part, barely seems aware that automation even exists.
Tesla’s Supercharger network of charging stations barely qualified as a network.
But he could barely take a step in Cleveland without being
It logged barely 10,000 miles during its star-crossed Iraqi days.
I barely have time to celebrate Thanksgiving on the actual date.
Trump barely won it, but Republicans have held it for decades.
He could barely stand up straight and couldn’t tie his shoes.
But the same norms and rules only barely exist for data.
Off air, Curry and Lauer had no relationship and barely spoke.
There’s barely room to move, let alone take a good photo.
Aside, of course, from an operating system that barely functioned offline.
«He was barely around,» said one employee who attended the event.
An extra few billion dollars would barely be a down payment.
So far, the Supreme Court has rejected challenges, but just barely.
Nearly every agricultural sector is either losing money or barely profitable.
I’ve been out since high school; I barely recall being in.
They say the place is barely recognisable since privatisation in 2013.
The road was barely car-width, even for her small rental.
Against the euro, the pound will barely move, the poll predicted.
This cup is barely a grande, but it’s full of secrets.
He shows us the greenness, the uncertainty barely masked by arrogance.
But Gupte barely spends time on solving the mystery at hand.
It’s worth noting that, as a new fund, BCD barely trades.
El Shehaby refused that, too, barely nodding his head in response.
The pink-windowed entryway is barely visible through the overgrown foliage.
These new foodie adventure games just barely scratch the surface, though.
I barely let anybody except my sister see me getting dressed.
Sometimes it’s more in the forefront, other times its barely audible.
Management provided bullish guidance for 2016, yet the stock barely budged.
That price barely covers production costs in top producer South Africa.
She barely contributes to her job as at a radio station.
She looks bored and her feet barely lift off the ground.
Dubai’s index barely moved as 15 shares rose and eight declined.
In October 2015, Sanders barely had any staff in South Carolina.
Yet these atrocities have barely registered in the Trump administration’s rhetoric.
Of course, Carson is barely figuring in the actual nomination battle.
Her depression deepened, and Rachel barely saw the point of living.
The turtle miraculously survived the whole ordeal and was barely phased.
They’re barely even comprehensive of the principles or standards of society.
The company still isn’t profitable, and membership numbers have barely budged.
If Raikkonen barely modulated his tone, Vettel was far more excited.
I took my hat off and barely knew what to say.
Black handmaids barely get first chances in Gilead, let alone seconds.
They barely glance up as they wordlessly scan item after item.
However, since its initial diversity release, Facebook’s numbers have barely budged.
Most of the time I barely break even after pay day.
In the opposite corner, the challenger could barely contain his jubilation.
A toilet, barely visible, installed inside the mouth of a cave.
At just $40 a pop, doggie strollers barely touch the bank.
«I barely talk with my husband about this, no,» she says.
And Amazon itself, after all, still only barely turns a profit.
This (barely) veiled homophobia isn’t restricted to Korean industry spaces either.
The apartment purrs with efficiency, but I can barely hear it.
Technology could barely keep pace with the whims of his charges.
The open internet accounts for barely 20% of the entire web.
We lose the woman to some electrocution — we barely knew ye!
He was severely beaten before being released, barely able to walk.
Though I’ve listened to them so much they’re barely playable now.
The team barely missed a beat when Mr Curry was hurt.
And her key to a subtle, barely there contour: cream products.
There’s absolutely no talking about it — there’s barely even any sound.
Ideological differences and arguments over policy barely register in election campaigns.
Its tally of monthly users, at around 213m, is barely rising.
A few barely miss the target, but others fall well short.
They just churn out whatever barely literate platitude occurs to them.
It was Luna, who’s barely appeared on the show at all.
But much of the interior is barely worth farming (see map).
However, the number of women in CEO roles has barely budged.
On Tuesday, there was «barely $4 billion pledged,» the Times reports.
It’s not surprising this one barely moved the needle on Spotify.
You are likely to think— He is barely holding himself together.
He didn’t want to play or eat, and he barely spoke.
We had barely finished ringing in the New Year when Sen.
It was barely mentioned on the presidential campaign trail last year.
Due to already imposed anti-dumping duties, China was barely touched.
«They’d barely cost you anything,» she told her parents at dinner.
Nearly seven months into 2018, Trump barely mentions the markets anymore.
The S&P 500 was also barely changed, closing at 3076.77.
Columbus could barely feel it through the sedimentary layers of pain.
The agony: Despite a talent-laden roster, the Nationals barely broke .
There is barely any public polling in those races you mentioned.
Friday’s gains notwithstanding, the major indexes have barely moved this year.
This horror-comedy is barely scary, often silly and entirely delightful.
Amazon, meanwhile, has a logistics network that’s barely four years old.
But the S&P 500 was barely changed on the year.
Three weeks later, he died in a country he barely knew.
The truth was that, despite my education, I was barely employable.
I lay agape on the biting ground below, barely feeling it.
There are barely any people of color in the entire collection.
«I was barely able to get any words out,» he wrote.
You barely sleep, like a child waiting for Christmas to arrive.
Translation: Your barely unwrapped holiday gifts must find new homes elsewhere.
Our response to the 2023 financial crisis may barely last 10.
They hovered around me like hummingbirds, barely able to stand still.
Of barely skirting the lines of poverty just to avoid work.
It does not take a barely adequate lifestyle to retire early.
In the Republican primary, in June, he barely beat Corey Stewart.
Tsitsipas barely flinched, though, and broke again with a belting forehand.
And that was all in the space of barely 48 hours.
The ball barely cleared the net, landing just inside the line.
In South Korea, the Kospi was barely changed, rising 0.1 percent.
It started in 2006 as a barely noted fluke by Amazon.
In effect, that makes them barely different than most modern PCs.
But as the chart below makes plain, that market barely exists.
In the wet plate photographs, Tā moko would barely show up.
Exhausted, I can barely manage a shower before I fall asleep.
For the next few days and nights, the ferment barely subsides.
Campaigning against Mitt Romney in 221, he barely mentioned climate change.
There were more choices than on an airplane, but only barely.
Faniel, barely conscious, reached out to grab the hand of Mrs.
Against a basket of currencies, the dollar barely budged at 96.978.
Barely can he sketch an outline without reaching for a sidekick.
From 2001 to 2016, the economy grew at barely 2 percent.
Ms. Mann has barely ventured off the farm since Emmett’s death.
Denzel Washington’s back, but Meryl Streep is barely in this one.
The board barely let him make appointments, let alone seize the
BBB-rated bonds are classified as investment grade, but just barely.
Nearly seven months into 2023, Trump barely mentions the markets anymore.
Somehow, that was the only time when I barely got wet.
Martín and Audemio got along, but they barely knew each other.
My hands barely extended past the ends of Chandler’s many shirts.
We know it’s mindless eating and we barely register the food.
She made about $21 an hour — barely enough to support herself.
Eastern European currencies barely moved on Monday against a steady euro.
They’re so strikingly lightweight, it feels like you’re barely wearing anything.
Newsday barely had time to get used to a new owner.
This is the private company’s third launch in barely two weeks.
Some of Rome’s speakeasies barely make an effort to disguise themselves.
Therefore, some positive data barely helped to support oil prices overnight.
«The assets were just barely north of $2 million,» Stewart said.
Xia’s mother was illiterate, and his father barely finished first grade.
He cannot walk, or even stand, and he can barely see.
We were prepared and ahead of the wave, but just barely.
The spot rupee has barely seen any trading since Jan. 27.
«We can probably do it, but just barely,» Mr. Janson said.
That was neat, but it barely ever actually worked that way.
Ms. Biles has been barely a blip in the coverage here.
Alas, both locations barely registered a blip, receiving failing grades overall.
Most families can barely manage one meal a day, if any.
Today, the New IRA has little sway, and barely a voice.
Uncertainty over Brexit is akin to picking at barely healed scabs.
Her brother said she has barely uttered a word for days.
Sometimes I can barely imagine seeing things the way people do.
That barely scratches the surface of just how bad things got.
Benchmarks barely budged, with all the action at the stock level.
Against the Japanese yen, the dollar was barely lower at 108.15.
The Korean won and shares barely reacted to the policy announcement.
That was better than expected for a barely marketed schlock thriller.
» Poll shows Menendez barely ahead in N.J, Senate race —   Politico:  «Sen.
Mrs Clinton is now barely clinging to a one-point lead.
I went running in the woods outside my house, barely dressed.
At other times, Mr. Trump’s rallies thrum with barely suppressed violence.
The KBE bank ETF is now barely positive on the year.
Mr. Harnoncourt lectured in rehearsal; Mr. Boulez said barely a word.
The Massachusetts colonial government barely maintained order, though it ­needed to.
The average score was just 61 percent, barely a passing grade.
He was barely elected senator when he began running for president.
Mind you, this is barely over two weeks into the month.
That’s barely enough time to blink or to take a breath.
And then, a few episodes later, their absence is barely felt.
She’s so spirited and emotional that she can barely contain herself.
What happened in Baltimore was barely a riot by our standards.
Again, look to the quiet, seemingly barely there voice actors strike.
Now he barely consumes any food and eats only to exist.
«Stalking you?» he said, just barely managing to contain his voice.
Unfortunately, Battlefront II is barely given a chance to explore this.
I can barely get my laundry done, and it’s just me.
Now it seems things have gone from worse to barely breathing.
Kicker and punt returner battles are raging between barely padded players.
I’m barely conscious and need a game that isn’t too taxing.
In fact, it’s the sort of venue that barely exists anymore.
It was barely a thing in the workplace in that era.
Dinner Dates Dinner dates with people you barely know are dumb.
But «we’re barely now understanding what those [factors] are,» Villeda says.
I could barely move, but I pulled her closer to me.
The game claims to tell a story, but it’s barely there.
Whereas on this record I barely even wrote the lyrics down.
Honestly, I can barely fuck with these movies at this point.
So far, markets have followed the 2017 playbook and barely blinked.
I’m barely into this marathon, and I’ve already hit a wall.
Madison is crying uncontrollably, barely able to get the words out.
Most sectors barely moved, with losses led by real estate stocks.
She barely registers in early opinion polls of potential Democratic candidates.
Skovmand experimented by just barely pressing her lips to the surface.
The internet barely existed when The Movielife broke up in 2003.
For nearly half a century, Funeral has barely been screened Stateside.
You can barely walk, sometimes, you can’t even think any more.
The lives of the other passengers and crew were barely considered.
It requires no emissions testing and has barely any charging stations.
Over three decades, the trend lines between the two barely deviate.
The FTSE 100 stock index closed barely lower for the day.
Campbell ended up going flying past Watson, barely making any contact.
Nearly seven months into 22017, Trump barely mentions the markets anymore.
«We’re barely in the first inning on that one,» he said.
You are still attached to the world, yes, but barely so.
He played hard, barely smiled, and ran you off the field.
Yet you will barely grasp the basic architecture of their relationships.
It seems ambitious, but actually only barely whistles over the net.
By the end Dad could barely get it back to him.
Yet Moneypenny is barely mentioned in the history of the sport.
Big factories are barely operational, and small businesses have been crushed.
The pace has slowed in the last few decades, but barely.
Its primary airport, Ataturk, can barely accommodate its current teeming masses.
He could barely make out where the front door had been.
It wasn’t riveting TV. And the speech barely made a blip.
Now they barely wait for September to take over the world.
» With a barely audible sigh, Jayapal said quietly: «Mostly, it’s hard.
It was so fast and confusing that my daughter barely whimpered.
Street traffic in Tokyo has barely budged from its historical average.
Its founders, barely out of their teens, had no real vision.
He barely struggled to his feet at the count of nine.
She can barely cook for herself, let alone pursue other hobbies.
Perceptions of gender inequities have barely moved, a WSJ survey showed.
Arriving barely able to read, she took English 2 six times.
Asked about the negative ads, Brooks could barely contain his frustration.
But without traffic from Google, the Raffs were barely holding on.
Ms. Siddappa, who cooks a lot, found the kitchens barely serviceable.
There have been other MMOs, but the genre barely exists anymore.
He was left barely conscious and was rushed to intensive care.
Other data on Tuesday showed construction spending barely rising in July.
Bruno, severely ill with malaria, barely responded to his mother’s caresses.
The last time SZA played Coachella, she barely made a dent.
As Negan reminds Rick, Carl is barely cold in the ground.
That barely moves the mark on aggregate OPEC levels of production.
To say this is a masterpiece is barely doing it justice.
They function well on opioids and can barely function without them.

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