Sentences with word attend

посещать, присутствовать, ходить, следить, заниматься, заботиться, обслуживать


- посещать, присутствовать

to attend a lecture [a meeting, a concert, a ceremony] — присутствовать на лекции [на собрании, на концерте, на церемонии]
to attend school — ходить на занятия, посещать занятия
the meeting will be well attended — на собрании будет много народу

- (to) уделять внимание, быть внимательным

to attend to what is said — отнестись со вниманием к тому, что сказано
please attend! — слушайте!, будьте внимательны!
you are not attending! — вы меня не слушаете!

- (to) заботиться (о чём-л.); следить (за чем-л.)

to attend to the education of one’s children — следить за воспитанием своих детей
to attend to one’s own business — заботиться о своих собственных делах
if you go out, who will attend to the baby? — Don’t worry, everything will be attended to
I have an urgent matter to attend to — мне нужно заняться одним срочным делом /уладить один неотложный вопрос/

- (часто on, upon) ухаживать, заботиться (о больном)

he was attended by the best doctors — его лечили лучшие врачи
two nurses attended night and day on the dying man — две сиделки и днём и ночью дежурили у постели умирающего
he has a psychiatrist attending him — он находится под наблюдением психиатра

- (on, upon) прислуживать (тж. за столом)

she has many servants attending upon her — у неё много прислуги

- (to) обслуживать

to attend to a customer — обслужить клиента
are you being attended to? — вами уже занимаются? (вопрос продавца покупателю)

- сопровождать (высокопоставленное лицо); быть в свите (короля и т. п.)

noble ladies attended the queen — придворные дамы сопровождали королеву

- книжн. быть присущим или связанным; сопутствовать

our plans were attended with great difficulties — выполнение наших планов было сопряжено с большими трудностями
a method that is attended by some risk — метод, связанный с некоторым риском
danger attended everything he did — все его действия были связаны с риском
may good luck [success] attend you! — пусть счастье [удача] сопутствует вам!

- (upon) выполнять приказания, желания

your wishes will be attended upon — ваши приказания будут выполнены

Мои примеры


to attend a function — посещать приём  
to attend kindergarten, to go to kindergarten — ходить в детский сад  
to attend a lecture on literature — посещать лекцию по литературе  
to attend Mass — ходить к обедне  
to attend a party — присутствовать на вечеринке  
to attend a wedding — присутствовать на свадьбе, венчании, бракосочетании  
to attend a lecture — посетить лекцию  
to attend a meeting — присутствовать на собрании  
to attend to smb.’s needs — быть внимательным к чьим-л. нуждам  
to attend customers — обслуживать клиентов  

Примеры с переводом

We attend the same church.

Мы ходим в одну церковь.

It’s unlikely that she will attend.

Вряд ли она придёт.

She attends class regularly.

Она посещает занятия регулярно.

My husband and I will both attend the banquet.

Мы с мужем будем присутствовать на банкете.

Each nurse attends 15 patients.

Каждая медсестра обслуживает пятнадцать пациентов.

He had to attend a retraining session.

Он должен был посещать курсы переподготовки.

Did you attend the burial?

Ты присутствовал на погребении?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.

…she’s always haring off to attend to some emergency…

Menuhin’s playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation

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Возможные однокоренные слова

attendance  — посещаемость, посещение, присутствие, обслуживание, аудитория, услуги
attendant  — сопутствующий, сопровождающий, служитель, слуга, сопровождающее лицо

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: attend
he/she/it: attends
ing ф. (present participle): attending
2-я ф. (past tense): attended
3-я ф. (past participle): attended

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


When you attend classes more often, the cost is lower.

Если вы будете посещать уроки в дальнейшем, то стоимость их будет ниже.

Worldwide, 732 million children attend schools where corporal punishment is allowed.

Во всем мире, 732 миллионов детей посещать школы, где допускается телесное наказание.

Nowadays there are classes they can attend.

В настоящее время существуют мастер-классы, которые вы можете посетить.

If you can, attend a badges workshop.

Если вы хотите, вы можете посетить один из больших бондарских мастерских.

Participate virtually if you cannot attend.

Присоединяйтесь к просмотру в режиме реального времени, если не сможете присутствовать.

Working with others on-campus or locally means coordinating specific days and times so everyone can attend.

Работа с другими людьми на кампусе или на местном уровне означает координацию конкретных дней и времени, чтобы каждый мог присутствовать.

Then you’ll enter your religion and how often you attend church.

Мы не спрашиваем людей при входе об их вероисповедании и как часто они посещают церковь.

Children may attend both morning and afternoon sessions.

С детьми можно посетить как дневные, так и утренние сеансы.

Many cities offer open-air celebrations and street parties that you can attend.

Многие города предлагают празднования под открытым небом и уличные вечеринки, которые вы можете посетить.

Some people who rarely attend church may not even know them.

Некоторые люди, которые редко посещают церковь, их даже могут не знать.

Thus, water becomes the next need you must attend.

Таким образом, вода становится следующей потребностью, которую вы должны посещать.

Of course there are no restrictions on who can attend.

При этом площадка не имеет никаких ограничений в плане того, кто может ее посещать.

Join your local chamber of commerce and attend networking meetings.

Вы можете присоединиться к местной торговой палате и посетить местные сетевые мероприятия.

Obviously, they could not attend as representatives.

Очевидно, что они не могут присутствовать в качестве представителей.

Percentage of people in this age group who attend school.

Процентная доля детей, входящих в данную возрастную категорию, которые посещают школу.

When schools offer decent toilets, 11 percent more girls attend.

«Когда школы предлагают достойные туалеты, на 11 процентов больше девочек посещают учебные заведения.

Trump will not attend the opening.

About 4,000 children attend 27 kindergartens financed by the Company.

Около 4 тыс. детей посещают 27 детских садов, финансируемых компанией.

Albanian children attend elementary school in the Albanian language.

Албанские дети посещают начальные школы, где занятия ведутся на албанском языке.

However, almost all American children attend kindergarten.

Тем не менее, почти все американские дети посещают kindergarten.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат attend

Результатов: 19266. Точных совпадений: 19266. Затраченное время: 171 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Attend?



  • «several matters to attend to»; «it is none of your affair»; «things are going well»
  • «She attends class regularly»; «I rarely attend services at my church»; «did you go to the meeting?»
  • «Could you see about lunch?»; «I must attend to this matter»; «She took care of this business»
  • «attend to your duties, please»
  • «She chose not to attend classes and now she failed the exam»
  • «it was rather cold»; «the party was rather nice»; «the knife is rather dull»; «I rather regret that I cannot attend«; «He’s rather good at playing the cello»; «he is kind of shy»
  • «he added parenthetically that he would not attend the wedding ceremony»
  • «the auditor did not attend the stocktake or check the valuations»
  • «he requested time off to attend his grandmother’s funeral»

How to use attend in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «attend» and check conjugation/comparative form for «attend«. Mastering all the usages of «attend» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Meghan doesn’t attend the ceremony, but does attend the evening reception.
I don’t attend Super Bowl parties, because I attend the games.
The mosque is the central house of worship for Muslims in the same way that Christians attend church or Jews attend synagogue or Sikhs attend gurdwara.
Although Trump did not attend Barbara’s funeral, he plans to attend Wednesday’s service.
Although Trump did not attend Barbara’s funeral, he plans to attend Wednesday’s service. Mrs.
Please attend if you can and share with others who may be able to attend.
It costs $53,550 a year to attend Williams and $54,310 a year to attend Amherst.
«If I wanted to attend a MAGA rally, I would attend a MAGA rally,» fumed Sen.
Children living in the nation can attend either of the district’s two elementary schools, though most of them attend the Nation School, and they go on to attend LaFayette Junior/Senior High School.
Not only do security researchers, hackers and vendors attend the conference, law enforcement and federal agents also attend.
He did attend the event last year but, this year, SAP will send a regional executive to attend.
Just like rich kids can attend public school, they should be able to attend tuition free public college.
Just like rich kids can attend public school, they should be able to attend tuition-free public college.
Aimee Manion, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania My son is the first to attend college and I know he understands true success My grandparents didn’t attend college, my parents didn’t attend college, my brothers and I, no college.
Lewis told NBC he would not attend the inauguration — he also didn’t attend the Bush inaugural event in 2001.
To attend her son Stephan’s commencement ceremony, Sharonda Wilson was unable to attend her own from Ferris State University.
In nearby Yorktown, Virginia, families can also attend a breakfast with Santa or attend the Yorktown Lighted Boat Parade.
The lesson is that if we’re going to attend to the micro, we might also attend to the macro.
His wife, Kim Kardashian West, was scheduled to attend the Angel Ball in New York City, but did not attend.
TMZ broke the story … Brody was deeply hurt Caitlyn wasn’t gonna attend, instead choosing to attend a benefit in Vienna.
Laura Mitchell, Garrison’s superintendent of schools, said that of her district’s 301 students, 46 attend Haldane and 93 attend O’Neill.
The tiny minority of students who attend elite colleges do far better on average than those who attend nonselective ones.
«Just like rich kids can attend public school, they should be able to attend tuition-free public college,» she added.
The Trumps did not attend that ceremony, but are expected to attend Bush’s funeral service at National Cathedral on Wednesday.
ATTEND DOCTORS’ APPOINTMENTS I’m looking for someone to not only set up, but also attend all medical appointments for me.
Wright said Ashley had not responded to a request to attend Parliament to answer questions, nor agreed in principle to attend.
Karen Bass The lawmaker decided not to attend after conducting a Twitter poll on whether her constituents wanted her to attend.
He allegedly paid $175,000 so that Squerciati could attend the Dalton School and $131,000 so that she could attend Northwestern University.
While my husband will attend the national conference for his professional association this year, I couldn’t attend mine because I’m breastfeeding.
And it’s completely possible to build wealth no matter what college you attend — or if you don’t attend college at all.
He was supposed to attend a press conference at the Theater Complex of Buenos Aires last night, but did not attend.
Meghan Brown, 34, traveled from Virginia to attend the parade on Saturday and planned to attend the march the next day.
Older children can attend free, full-day pre-kindergarten and some go on to attend the HCZ network of charter schools.
Orthodox Jews typically attend longer synagogue services that are primarily in Hebrew, while Reform Jews often attend shorter, English-language services.
Though Charles’ parents didn’t attend the ceremony, they did attend the subsequent blessing at St. George’s Chapel, and hosted a reception afterwards.
But some of them failed to attend the investigation and we gave them 10 more days to attend or face the consequences.
After former First Lady Barbara Bush died in April, Trump did not attend her funeral, while First Lady Melania Trump did attend.
It has allowed whites to attend their traditionally white school while giving the same opportunity to blacks who also wish to attend.
Bernie Sanders didn’t attend his own prom back in the day, but he did attend this high school senior’s prom last Saturday.
But the amounts are usually manageable, because most students attend public colleges and those who attend private colleges usually receive financial aid.
Today, Benenden is more expensive to attend than Gordonstoun, costing pupils £37,950 ($49,524) per year to attend, according to Exam Papers Plus.
You also need to attend clinical visits at the corresponding campus, undergo two abdominal MRI scans and attend a monthly dietary meeting.
Today, 40 percent of Afghan children who attend school are girls, and 75,000 Afghans attend universities — 35 percent of which are women.
The council will invite top tech CEOs to attend a summit in June, but at least one major company — Uber — won’t attend.
The sample included 433 who said they plan to attend the caucuses in-person and 167 who said they plan to attend virtually.
Zelensky had not said that he was going to attend the debate, instead agreeing to attend a televised debate on Friday, April 21.
There was no way she could attend Columbine High, so she was given a special provision to attend high school outside the district.
Clinton chose to attend the inauguration in her role as a former first lady, after speculation about whether she would attend Trump’s celebration.
On the 180 acres in Dobbs Ferry, children live in cottages, attend school, play basketball or soccer and attend service in a chapel.
China’s Christian believers are split between those who attend unofficial «house» or «underground» churches and those who attend government-sanctioned places of worship.
A 1956 Virginia provision exempts students from the compulsory requirement to attend school if they would be forced to attend an integrated school.
Turner told CBS News that people scheduled to attend a conference, see a concert or attend a sports event shouldn’t alter their plans.
Festival goers can attend an axe-throwing workshop, or for a more sedate activity, attend a panel featuring Jon Hamm and John Hodgman.
Students who live east of Motor Avenue attend Castle Heights Elementary School, while those west of Motor Avenue attend the Overland Avenue Elementary School.
While there are politically conservative Jews who also attend Conservative synagogues, there are also politically liberal Jews who attend services at those same synagogues.
Attend City Council meetings Alternately, attend a City Council meeting to get an up-close view of what’s important to your city’s legislators. 6.
They insisted that government officials attend only in their own personal capacity, but Mr. Ghani’s government pushed to have them attend as government representatives.
Their studio fully covers a number of employees to attend GDC each year, but still allows others to attend out of their own pocket.
Likely caucus attendees who say they’ll «definitely attend» rather than «probably attend» the caucus are more likely to describe themselves as «fired up» (66%).
They aren’t homeless, lost, or just very eager to attend church: They’re here to attend a free clinic put on by Remote Area Medical.
Blacks and Hispanics, more than whites, believe churches should be more diverse, and attend mostly white churches more than whites attend black and Hispanic churches.
Pence was due to attend a fundraiser at Trump Tower, though reports suggest that Pence will no longer attend and the event will be postponed.
Though China had begun discussing plans to attend, but began rethinking whether to attend because of the possibility new tariffs may be announced this week.
Lewis also told NBC News that he wouldn’t attend the inauguration, making him the sixth House Democrat to publicly vow not to attend the Jan.
The pop star, 29, won’t attend the 2019 soirée on Sunday in Los Angeles, marking the second consecutive year she has chosen not to attend.
Weinstein also had to attend therapy sessions for at least three years — and attend his first session with Perkins — but this stipulation was never enforced.
President George W. Bush earlier Tuesday said he would attend the inauguration, and President Jimmy Carter confirmed weeks ago that he would attend as well.
The demands of his job made it hard to attend Mass regularly but he found it important to attend on feast-days, he recently said.
Five administration officials will attend the gathering for political leaders and global elites, pared down from roughly a dozen who were previously slated to attend.
Some of their brightest children attend Stuyvesant, a selective high school, and many of the most persistent and determined attend Borough of Manhattan Community College.
Members can attend as many times as they wish, as there are no financial or scheduling barriers that reside within having to attend therapy appointments.
Every candidate for chair of the Democratic National Committee except one — Peter Buttigieg — decided to attend a private donor retreat rather than attend the march.
There are also formal clothes swap events that you can attend locally that are sometimes free to attend, or might require a small entrance fee.
Malick got his first best director nomination for the movie, but didn’t attend the ceremony because the producers who betrayed him were set to attend.
But to get this invaluable feedback, you’ll need to have a pass to attend Disrupt SF. Sign up to get your pass to attend today.
The judge ordered McDonald to attend two AA meetings a week until his next hearing — and said he can only attend one meeting per day.
«The idea is that it’s easier for someone to attend a convention if it’s closer to them,» Jena says, which means you’re more likely to attend.
We will do it as you continue to attend services, celebrate the holidays, attend Camp Ramah, and return to visit Israel as we did in February.
While the couple did not attend the actual awards, with a plethora of glamorous afterparties available to attend, they dressed up in the red carpet finest.
Farhadi opted not to attend in protest over President Trump’s travel ban made it unclear whether he would even be allowed into the country to attend.
The Russian Defence Ministry said diplomats from the United States, Britain, France and Germany had been invited to attend the static display, but declined to attend.
Students in pre-K through Grade 2 attend Daniel Webster School, which has 425 students; about 380 in Grades 2107 through 22.25 attend Theodore Roosevelt School.
Mr. Torshin, he wrote, was planning to attend a reception being planned by Mr. Clay honoring wounded veterans that he expected Mr. Trump would also attend.
President Donald Trump will not attend the funeral, in order to «avoid disruptions,» but First Lady Melania Trump will attend as a representative of the White House.
After his Rihanna conviction, Chris had to attend domestic violence counseling — and later, when he violated probation in that case, he was forced to attend anger management.
President Donald Trump will not attend the funeral, in order to «avoid disruptions,» but First Lady Melania Trump will attend as a representative of the White House.
Although it’s unclear whether President Trump will attend the former first lady’s funeral, the Obamas and Bushes both confirmed that they plan to attend, according to Politico.
Clinton’s plan ensures that students can attend a four-year public college without loans for tuition, books or fees, and can attend community college completely tuition-free.
«I wouldn’t have been able to attend school without it,» she said, adding that she ended up receiving both merit- and need-based scholarships to attend Columbia.
Since it’s difficult for students who did not attend expensive private prep schools to gain admission to the best public universities, many students attend for-profit colleges.
President Donald Trump is scheduled to attend a rally in Houston this weekend for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, where 50,000 Indian Americans are expected to attend.
Ms. Williams, who will be the first in her family to attend college, has chosen to stay closer to home and attend Auburn University in the fall.
After the White House announced last week that Egypt and Jordan had agreed to attend, some Israeli diplomats said Israeli government officials were also likely to attend.
Trump was planning to attend the Alfalfa Club’s annual dinner Saturday night in Washington, but a White House source said a decision was made Thursday not to attend.
I can’t attend the actual prom—I’m almost 28 and am increasingly obligated to attend friends’ weddings—but Eva, my photographer, doesn’t know anybody getting married this night.
The president did attend the annual Gridiron Dinner earlier this month, leading to speculation that he may decide to attend the WHCA dinner on April 28 as well.
More pressure should come from Americans and other foreigners planning to attend a major investor conference in Riyadh this month, which the crown prince is scheduled to attend.
Two weeks after she took out a $2,000 loan to attend classes in the early 1990s, the Wilfred office she was going to attend was closed and abandoned.
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons are most likely to attend services, and a majority of both evangelical Protestants (58 percent) and historically black Protestants (53 percent) attend services regularly.
But Trump appeared to be leaning toward wanting to attend, noting that there are already «thousands of people already lined up» to attend the rally in Erie, Pennsylvania.
For a lot of people, he’s a surprising choice to attend a sports analytics conference, but for the organizers who convinced him to attend, it’s a no-brainer.
We broke the story … Kim held a raffle for a chance to attend the celebration with her and Mario for free, and 50 winners were invited to attend.
But it will be the first time that senior leadership will attend — though, Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg did attend a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing in April.
Mesiti also had been charged with domestic violence and ordered to attend anger-management classes, and jailed for failing to attend drug- and alcohol- treatment programs, the newspaper reports.
Confusion and scheduling conflicts for creators attending both VidCon and TanaCon meant that some were either unable to attend or just chose not to attend the event at all.
It’s not clear whether Rose will attend the event, and other business leaders who are invited are likely to face questions about whether they’ll still attend if he’s there.
«Even if a patient cannot attend all the sessions due to finances or distance or both, I encourage them to at least attend one or two sessions,» she said.
Multiple sources told NBC News that Prince Khalid planned to attend the funeral at Washington National Cathedral, but the outlet reported that he ultimately did not attend the service.
«Less than 5 percent of NBA fans can actually attend a game, but with VR, anybody can attend a game, anywhere in the world,» says NextVR CEO David Cole.
They will still be able to force employees to attend «captive» anti-union meetings, which employees, who have no right of reply, can be sacked for refusing at attend.
«I decided that I would be different and never attend any class I was signed up for but always attend a class I wasn’t signed up for,» he wrote.
Lower-income students who attend elite colleges fare even better on average than low-income students elsewhere — almost as well, in fact, as affluent students who attend elite colleges.
During the 1978 — 603 school year, it cost the modern equivalent of $17,680 per year to attend a private college and $8,250 per year to attend a public college.
He would also have to attend D.U.I. school, perform 50 hours of community service and attend a workshop where victims of impaired drivers detail how their lives were damaged.
During the 21 — 225 school year, it cost the modern equivalent of $22015,211 per year to attend a private college and $2745,503 per year to attend a public college.
But only 6% of them attend private institutions, and though the elite University of California system has significantly increased its Latino enrollment, just 20203% attend one of those campuses.
The Queen’s son, Prince Charles, was 4 years old, and was thus allowed to attend the festivities, making him the first heir apparent of a Queen to attend a coronation.
The poll found that 81 percent of people who attend church weekly say religion can answer today’s problems, while 58 percent of people who attend infrequently called church old-fashioned.
For them, being made to attend an industry cocktail party is rather like being obliged to attend the wedding of someone they barely know; an extended session of social purgatory.
On Wednesday, Judge Berman Jackson in DC District Court said Gates could attend some but not all of the holiday events he requested to attend over eight days between Dec.
More than 200,000 people have signed up on Facebook to attend the Washington march, and over 1.5 million plan to attend one of hundreds of satellite marches around the country.
Trump had already said he would not attend the annual dinner, instead scheduling a political rally in Wisconsin, but he had not decided whether anyone from his staff could attend.
More than 85033,000 people on Facebook have said they would attend a rally in New York City, and tens of thousands of others have said they will attend other rallies nationwide.
He became the highest ranking official ever to attend the annual March for Life this January — and he didn’t just attend, he bumped Kellyanne Conway to be the event’s keynote speaker.
While those who attend church weekly give Trump a 53% approval rating compared to 46% in November, the other big jump took place among those who never or seldom attend church.
About 2,551 delegates to attend Republican National Convention About 2,113 delegates — including at least 168 unpledged delegates — are expected to attend the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, in August.
That’s because Uber initially told us Kalanick, who had previously agreed to attend Code, couldn’t attend the event because he needed to be with his company when the report was released.
It is far from clear that anyone in uniform was ordered to attend, or ordered to attend in uniform, although this is a question that someone in the media should ask.
Older students attend Corona del Mar Middle & High School.
» — SETH MEYERS «President Trump did not attend the funeral.
Norway Deputy Governor Jon Nicolaisen will attend — 0900 GMT.
You should plan to attend both — and to duck.
If you want to move … • Attend a dance party.
The source added that protocol prohibits unmarried and un-engaged partners to attend the event, but they are more likely to attend the big bash afterwards, which tends to be less formal.
Already had planned not to attend inauguration Bush, who served a single term as President from 1989 to 1993, was already not expected to attend Trump’s inauguration Friday due to health concerns.
But the White House felt the rug was pulled out from under them — 80 players said we will attend, and at the last-minute said two players will attend and the mascot.
Voters who attend weekly religious services made up 2628 percent of the voters surveyed, while 28503 percent of voters said they ‘occasionally’ attend religious services and 22020 percent said they never do.
As we first reported … Suge’s not allowed to attend the funeral because he’s an inmate who falls under a category that makes him ineligible to attend funerals … that category is murder defendant.
A local nonprofit helped her raise money for her to attend, so she decided to create a nonprofit that would provide scholarships for children from all over the US attend Space Camp.
The source adds that protocol prohibits unmarried and un-engaged partners to attend the event, but they are more likely to attend the big bash afterwards, which tends to be less formal.
Tuition and fees at four-year colleges range on average from more than $216,1503 to attend a public institution as an in-state student to nearly $2150,215 to attend a private institution.
While a handful of reporters from publications, including The Hill, were invited to attend Pruitt’s opening remarks and the first portion of the panel Tuesday, other outlets were not allowed to attend.
The GOP senator indicated that he couldn’t attend the speech himself Wednesday because he has «not missed [a] vote since 85033» but said he recorded phone calls, apparently encouraging constituents to attend.
For weeks, he’s asked for exemptions on a case-by-case basis, to attend school and sports events for his four children, to vote in a state election, to attend family Thanksgiving.
Children in prekindergarten through third grade attend Lincoln Elementary School; those in fourth and fifth grades go to Hamilton Intermediate School; and students in grades six through eight attend Washington Middle School.
The exchange only shined a brighter spotlight on what had been a controversial World Cup run and an ongoing issue — athletes choosing to attend or not attend celebrations at the White House.
Statewide, African-American and Latino students typically attend schools where 70 percent of the students are low-income, whereas white students typically attend schools where 30 percent of the students are low-income.
Senior royals will attend the wedding, but not all of them are expected to attend like they did for Prince Harry & Meghan Markle’s big day, reports Rebecca English, the Daily Mail’s royal correspondent.
Seniors at Dixon High School in Sauk Valley, Illinois, are also getting ready to attend prom on Saturday — but if they walk out of class on Friday, they won’t be allowed to attend.
FYI, Trump’s team has reportedly notified the University of Alabama that he’ll attend Saturday’s game at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa … the 3rd big sporting event he’ll attend in just a few weeks.
Ken Buck, who’s on the Foreign Affairs Committee and was listed as a lawmaker who planned to attend, told BuzzFeed News that Buck did not attend but tweeted criticism of the closed testimony.
In Irvine, California, about 70-80% of buyers of new-builds are Chinese parents whose children attend, or plan to attend, nearby colleges, says Peggy Fong Chen, the CEO of ReMax Omega Irvine.
It is common to see the children of Filipinos playing outside while their parents attend Mass in Tagalog, and for the parents to sit and chat while their children attend Mass in Hebrew.
Some students who would have wanted to attend could not, she said, because Friday is a class day and the university would not excuse absences from classes or labs to attend the march.
For example, many students who attend the University of Texas at El Paso are Mexican nationals who legally cross over every day to attend classes, and the city flourishes from bi-national commerce.
Governors from Massachusetts, Ohio, Tennessee, Utah, and Colorado will attend.
Kelly Ayotte, and will attend upcoming events for Missouri Sen.
Hollie, an «integral part of the family now,» will attend.
I did not attend a formal university after high school.
On Tuesday, the royal couple will attend dinner with Gov.
They may also have to attend a prostitution awareness course.
Click here to learn how to get involved and attend.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Katy Perry are also expected to attend.
Astronauts get to attend for free, according to the site.
He has not said whether he will attend this time.
She will also attend a town hall in Las Vegas.
Last year, Musk was also invited, but did not attend.
For many individuals, it makes it easier to attend college.
They will attend onboarding sessions in Paris, Berlin and London.
Green’s advice to the many who don’t want to attend?
It is also tradition for the current president to attend.
As always, SASS’s lectures are free for all to attend.
Parson is planning to attend a prayer service later Friday.
About 1,850 students attend the school, according to its website.
Here’s a glimpse of what it’s like to attend Stanford.
About 2 million students attend the city’s 225,260 public schools.
Lewis said he does not plan to attend Trump’s Jan.
Family members were allowed to attend the burial, she said.
It was not known which state attorneys general would attend.
We like to attend parties and clubs, any social events.
Although invited, Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello declined to attend.
They attend award shows and go on tropical vacations together.
That pattern holds among those who plan to attend virtually.
Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich is also expected to attend.
Culverhouse did not attend the university, but his parents did.
Thousands of executives, investors and journalists are expected to attend.
Needless to say, he did not attend those years either.
Ironically, she was traveling to attend a conference on disability.
We’re told he will not attend the prison reform summit.
A school spokesman said he did not attend the school.
Were I ever to attend, I’d definitely be very nervous.
About 1,000 delegates from those churches attend its annual meeting.
I’m going to make it easier for you to attend.
«She will attend any summons after the elections,» he said.
On a further 14 occasions, the victim didn’t attend court.
Only 270 people were there; actors were required to attend.
The rumour is that President Xi Jinping himself will attend.
There is also the possibility that foreign delegations will attend.
The only senators to attend both hearings were Utah Sen.
I was surprised at how many people attend this event!
He just needed to know if she planned to attend.
He would also attend Dr. King’s funeral five years later.
South African cabinet ministers due to attend sent lackeys instead.
In what world does Rihanna not attend the Met Gala?
In Iowa, where state residents will attend caucuses on Feb.
Masked women attend an International Women’s Day rally in Dhaka.
Asked Tuesday if he’d attend the convention, former Florida Gov.
In Slovakia, 18% of young Roma children attend such institutions.
Iran responded by saying it was happy not to attend.
Factors beyond monetary considerations may drive students’ decisions to attend.
Contrary to some reporting, Bono did not attend or perform.
Kamelias (female KKK members) attend a funeral in Muncie, Indiana.
Celebrities are free to attend a red carpet immediately after.
This year, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. will attend.
He did not attend the winter meetings, which concluded Dec.
Koskinen was invited to attend the hearing but did not.
She’s too busy ruling the world to attend that anyway.
Then you have to attend the premiere in New York.
We commoners actually had a chance to attend this wedding.
It’s always been my dream to attend the Met Gala.
Still, Nehemy desperately wants to attend a regular high school.
He continued to attend partner meetings for the next decade.
She had a separate bridal shower that I didn’t attend.
And that’s what the people who attend these rallies want.
One of pop music’s biggest names isn’t expected to attend.
It wasn’t until 2017 that women could attend sporting events.
Be a part of #SDCC2017, even if you can’t attend.
I cannot in good conscience attend a convention supporting him.
Mike Huckabee said he’d «most likely attend» the Cleveland gathering.
Under pressure, Huseman eventually agreed to attend a future hearing.
He was originally scheduled to attend negotiations Wednesday through Saturday.
And the government cannot find leaders willing to attend meetings.
It was a family reunion people actually wanted to attend.
Gudeman, the other named plaintiff, did not attend the event.
He claimed to really attend James Madison University in Virginia.
A third of pupils in Newark now attend charter schools.
Only family members and security agents were allowed to attend.
John Kasich for his decision not to attend the convention.
Davis declined to attend the press conference announcing the merger.
Brennan rarely missed an opportunity to attend a country concert.
What’s new: Kline’s attorneys can now attend the scheduled interview.
Don’t we have infinitely more pressing news to attend to?
It didn’t even cross her mind to attend Trump’s inauguration.
Equal access enabled me to attend, stay & thrive in school.
These ceremonies are not something you should attend without preparation.
Siemens AG said CEO Joe Kaeser still planned to attend.
Its leader Catherine McGuinness is due to attend the conference.
Passes cost roughly $0003 a day to attend the conference.
Jay Inslee and attend a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee event.
But they made sure that they could attend TheFamily’s dinner.
Unmarried conservative couples attend pop concerts and embrace in public.
And want to attend the event in Berkeley this week?
To attend the 6pm reception and 7pm screening, RSVP here.
James will not attend the event, according to an aide.
The couple did not attend the Emmy Awards on Monday.
If there’s a game, Robert and I try to attend.
Younger Iranians attend mosque less frequently than their parents did.
I wonder why #AjitPai is «unable» to attend CES 143.
Until then, Suders had no plans to attend the event.
RSVP here if you’d like to attend our bookclub discussion.
Administrators found the girls after they did not attend class.
All parties involved will attend a hearing later this month.
He will also attend cultural events and an economic forum.
Prince Philip, 96, did attend the wedding on May 19.
I now attend LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City.
There are people from all walks of life who attend.
The teen from Vancouver, Washington, did not attend the hearing.
Among the Democrats who were expected to attend that event?
Saipov did not attend the Passaic County mosque, Qatanani said.
He was in the country to attend his stepson’s wedding.
Pena halted it Tuesday to attend to a personal matter.
They are less than half as likely to attend university.
Several members expressed a desire to be able to attend.
Finally, you never want to borrow to attend a wedding.
Witherspoon escaped to attend a yoga retreat on South Island.
Millions of children now attend schools financed with such loans.
They have some drama of their own to attend to.
Hierl went on to attend the University of Southern California.
More than 300 students and 500 guests registered to attend.
Nabiullina was meant to attend a forum session on Friday.
Vaccinations are a minimum requirement for students to attend school.
Many who attend the singing contests wager on the birds.
«Sinz» replied that he had to attend a family funeral.
The expectation is that the guests will attend the dinner.
They, by the way, have declined to attend the meeting.
Biden will attend the awards show with his wife, Jill.
He also can’t afford to attend if he gets in.
Zanganeh has confirmed that he will attend the Algeria meeting.
Organizers said they expected up to 15,000 people to attend.
He immediately called his wife, who wasn’t able to attend.
He and three friends spent $8,000 to attend the festival.
The two leaders did not attend Mnangagwa’s inauguration in Harare.
About 1,000 people were reportedly expected to attend the event.
Both groups attend the same classes in the same classrooms.
» Parents, in general, want their kids to attend «good schools.
This week, officers will attend more funerals in Baton Rouge.
But that has not deterred many who plan to attend.
Users can search the service and pay to attend events.
Tomi Johnson said it was a «no brainer» to attend.
Today, over 50 million children attend our nation’s public schools.
During London Fashion Week, Burberry is ~the~ show to attend.
Many attend schools near refugee centres or in immigrant neighbourhoods.
They expect George Lucas to attend but not to speak.
Around 50 people usually attend the church, according to reports.
Outspoken figures like Ava DuVernay and Janelle Monae will attend.
Rebels say they will not attend unless the bombing stops.
I did not attend the Women’s March in previous years.
Busy with the last stretch of campaigning, Nixon didn’t attend.
Christie did not attend the hearing in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Google has yet to say whether it will attend either.
Both were the first in their families to attend college.
You decline to attend Friday evening prayers at the mosque.
Zuma did not attend at the request of Kathrada’s family.
John Kasich, a Republican who didn’t attend the governors’ meeting.
He declined to name any of those who would attend.
Mnangagwa skipped Thursday’s meeting after initially indicating he would attend.
Seven Israeli players hoping to attend the championship on Dec.
We have several ways for you to attend the event.
Step one: Attend Orson Snyder, Russ’ dad’s, 75th birthday party.
Arpaio said he wasn’t going to attend Trump’s rally Tuesday.
If you were born on planet Earth, you best attend!
Dodge 2: We have the people’s business to attend to.
The children’s father, Trevor Noel, did not attend the sentencing.
He added that officials hoped the student would still attend.
MORE also said last week that they will not attend.
I asked him if he wanted to attend Stumpf’s execution.
Especially when you’re a public figure with appearances to attend.
The students attend East Middle School in Binghamton, New York.
Pence was supposed to attend in his running mate’s place.
More than half of children with disabilities don’t attend school.
Both plan to attend more shows in the coming days.
A convicted murderer was reportedly able to attend Army Sgt.
But just how expensive is it to attend a wedding?
Ruling Socialist Party legislators did not attend the congressional session.
Chris Murphy and Klobuchar will attend Wednesday’s White House meeting.
This is what happens when you never attend law school.
He had been traveling to Russia to attend a wedding.
A ticket is required to attend any of these events.
Spouses are welcome, if not encouraged, to attend the dinner.
In fact, he didn’t even want to attend college himself.
The company did not specify who would attend the event.
But please always attend the call to use fresh spice.
Is everyone in the group planning to attend the ceremony?
Officials from the Virgin Islands are also scheduled to attend.
Former President George W. Bush will also attend, among others.
The last, the filibuster, we can and should attend to.
President Vladimir V. Putin didn’t even attend last week’s summit.
He was planning a return trip to attend the opening.
Mr. Mayock will attend this week’s meetings in New York.
Mr. Trump was invited but is not planning to attend.
The family did not attend the reading of the verdict.
Not as a tourist, not to attend a medical conference.
Pena halted it yesterday to attend to a personal matter.
Because of her acting career, Monet didn’t attend traditional school.
Members of Trump’s family are also reportedly scheduled to attend.
My son will now attend elementary school without an EpiPen.
Here’s what it was like to attend as a VIP.
See how much it really costs to attend Burning Man.
Xi is the first Chinese president to attend the WEF.
He’ll also attend another parade in Andrews Air Force Base.
The event will reportedly ask attendees to pay $5,000 attend.
Hania’s father was not able to attend his daughter’s funeral.
More Americans subscribe to Amazon Prime than regularly attend church.
Meanwhile, Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari did not attend the event.
In the Netherlands, Burners can attend Where The Sheep Sleep.
Pompeo is also scheduled to attend the ceremonies in Brazil.
Kids can attend the tennis academy for $62,000 a year.
His wife will attend the memorial service in his place.
Earnest did not explain why Dylan decided not to attend.
Women are also now permitted to attend certain sporting events.
She did not attend school regularly until about seventh grade.
George H.W. Bush, the nation’s 41st president, will not attend.
Those hopefuls who did attend, though, tried to ignore Avenatti.
Diplomats said more than 100 countries had agreed to attend.
Americans who don’t believe in religion don’t often attend church.
I attend a seminar of the Stern Cohort Leadership Program.
She gave up a scholarship at Yale to attend Pennbrook.
Rubio authored the bill, but did not attend the vote.
I encourage you all to organize and attend talent shows.
The Freedom Caucus did not attend the White House meeting.
The students who attend A.U.A.F. are part of that generation.
Davis confirmed Monday that Trump is not expected to attend.
However, the city’s mayor, Martin J. Walsh, will not attend
Approximately 20 Dems have been invited to attend the meeting.
All he wanted was to attend art school for free.
He never wanted to attend the Summit of the Americas.
Now, tens of thousands of people attend events each March.
Mr. Reader did not attend the sentencing hearing on Monday.
Here, people can attend workshops, talks, readings, and social events.
Are children really not allowed to attend a metal show?
BROADLY: Why did you want to attend Richard Spencer’s speech?
Zuckerberg and the other companies’ top executives did not attend.
Benson wasn’t allowed to attend concerts until she turned 16.
In 2009, Rooney moved to Dublin to attend Trinity College.
To request an invitation to attend, please go to nytdealbookconference.
The rest of the children (28503) did not attend preschool.
Ensure greater numbers of people from deprived areas attend university.
Top congressional leaders are not expected to attend Tuesday’s meeting.
Fruman was supposed to attend but was stuck in traffic.
It almost feels like bad karma to attend the shower.
Last week, around 50 people had signed up to attend.
Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, is still planning to attend.
Historically, the final two women do not attend the WTA.
It is not clear yet whether President Trump will attend.
This year Peter expects more than 27,2.53 people to attend.
Miss Manners would not care to attend your family gatherings.
Do people attend the previews in person or send scouts?
And it forces us to attend to the present moment.
Do you attend a school now where students are tracked?
Neighborhood residents often did not attend hearings, the reports showed.
I am deciding between two institutions to attend this fall.
There are many reasons that one might attend SXSW Interactive.
But more than 3,000 students attend Stoneman Douglas High School.
Israel sees other reasons for the Arab powers to attend.
He hired multiple young women to attend to his needs.
Yet those Republicans still want their children to attend college.
Should visitors be reluctant to attend the Games this year?
Needs court’s permission to attend a Nissan board meeting. 8.
They created it in 1953 when Eisenhower agreed to attend.
About 219,219 students attend classes in its red brick buildings.
Attend the first debate with Amy Klobuchar or Mr. Ryan?
He is expected to attend a bail hearing Thursday afternoon.
That is, should anyone be willing to attend or perform.
And she did attend a fundraiser in Wisconsin as well.
He was going to attend his daughter’s wedding in Texas.
They would have left disappointed: The governor did not attend.
She and the children attend services three times a week.
As Americans, this was an especially good year to attend.
Organizers expected nearly 3,000 people to attend over the weekend.
Around two to three hundred people would attend these events.
Government officials and media outlets had been expected to attend.
Because of «excessive exclusionary discipline,» some students barely attend classes.
And many days, Jasleen cannot attend school for health reasons.
He plans to attend a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich.
A few were invited but said they did not attend.
«Benghazi victim’s mom to attend third presidential debate» says another.
Clinton nor Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont agreed to attend.
Myself and others did not attend, worried about large gatherings.
Grades three to five attend Connolly or Landing elementary schools.
She said the Secret Service cleared those individuals to attend.
He will attend the University of Wisconsin in the fall.
However, when he was invited to attend, Mr. Agnew agreed.
As an employee, Sarah said, she felt obligated to attend.
They all must attend an antidoping educational session, as well.
The pair had been expecting about 80 people to attend.
And you needn’t attend weddings of people who hurt you.
Attend that local community potluck we saw a flier for?
As things stand, fans will still be allowed to attend.
Many government workers plan to call in sick to attend.
An average of 1.3 million people attend the fair annually.
About 300,000 people are expected to attend this year’s parade.
Neither India nor Pakistan could not attend under Council procedures.
We want to hear from women who attend these services.
I will never attend my school again as a student.
In January 2019, she will attend Insead in Fontainebleau, France.
We would like them to attend the service as well.
They are now allowed to attend sports and recreational events.
His youngest son, Barron Trump, is not scheduled to attend.
But it was important, he said, to attend the draft.
This year’s trio might not attend even if they were.
Representatives of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) attend.
Each table comes with four tickets to attend the show.
Huawei told Business Insider it also still plans to attend.
People who care for children or other relatives cannot attend.
They attend meetings, give lectures, worry about crossing border checkpoints.
Mr. Comey has not yet said whether he will attend.
Children who are old enough attend school in nearby villages.
He decided to attend school but the atmosphere is tense.
He says he needs the money to attend a funeral.
But Chinese entrepreneurs, economists, financiers and government officials still attend.
I was the first in my family to attend college.
They could, however, still speak to donors and attend fundraisers.
Gambino — aka Donald Glover — did not attend the ceremony. Cardi!
They planned to attend a friend’s wedding earlier this fall.
At least 40 elementary aged boys now attend the school.
Asking how many people here attend Sunday Mass elicits puzzlement.
As the years pass, older people attend too many funerals.
Pete Ricketts (R) is also expected to attend the ceremony.
Kindergartners through fifth graders attend one of four elementary schools.
ASTANA (Reuters) — Kazakhstan’s energy minister plans to attend the Dec.
This event looks amazing and would have loved to attend.
The government meanwhile says it is ready to attend Jan.
Organizers expect up to 500,000 people to attend the event.
His counterparts from North and South Korea will also attend.
Some are even encouraging others not to attend the concert.
The event was canceled when no one agreed to attend.
It is unclear how many people will attend the Jan.
Those who wanted to pray could attend a private chapel.
The theme: Would he or wouldn’t he attend the wedding?
It is not clear whether she will attend the trial.
I got a press pass to attend the exclusive event.
Many schools are permitting other male role models to attend.
She plans to attend college but has not said where.
Its representatives did not attend the meeting with the president.
He did not attend meetings in other offices, sources said.
At least two parents chose not to attend the ceremony.
Hoping to attend an NCAA college basketball game this year?
More than 2,350 undergraduate and almost 1,000 graduate students attend.
She later received a full scholarship to attend U.C. Berkeley.
No experience is necessary, and boys, if accepted, attend free.
The siblings attend a public high school, free of charge.
He did not attend the last one in Oct. 31.
Mr. Farhadi said he had planned to attend the Feb.
LeBlanc and Alexander did not attend a hearing on Nov.
Three interracial couples attend a retreat at a former plantation.
They go shopping together and attend a church youth group.
Instead, her children attend charter schools in a different neighborhood.
On Friday, they are to attend further Bastille Day celebrations.
Jimmy and Gretchen attend a wedding, and there are fireworks.
Men attend a little league baseball game in Benham, Kentucky.
The public is welcome to attend both ceremonies, it said.
The cost to attend only tells part of the story.
Around 25,000 people from 200 countries were expected to attend.
A judge denied him a pass to attend her funeral.
Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, did not attend the summit.
For years, students could simply attend their local high school.
She came to Vancouver, from Harbin, to attend middle school.
Murray had sons who would later attend Harvard and Cornell.
Attend a lecture on a topic that inspires you today.
It’s not known if he will attend the 2018 meeting.
He did not say which executives would attend the meeting.
US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is still expected to attend.
Mr. Abadi is staying in Washington to attend that session.
Other lawmakers are also being invited to attend the event.
Do we respond first or attend to our families first?
The largest group to attend court so far came Wednesday.
The company has stayed silent on whether they will attend.
I was too chicken to attend my dream concert solo.
First, J Balvin did not attend the ceremony, in protest.
This undoubtedly affected Latinos, especially women who attend church regularly.
At the time, children had to pay to attend school.
Scavino did not attend the meeting with the Russian lawyer.
But he didn’t expect to actually attend that second meeting.
Here is more information on how to attend in person.
Mr. Sanders plans to attend a portion of the meeting.
Tickets to attend both nights were being sold for $3,000.
Local leaders and the restaurant’s management were expected to attend.
One friend recommended that I attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
Confused by the conflicting requirements, the woman didn’t attend classes.
We attend churches that bar us from their highest posts.
Trump did attend the third Fox debate earlier this month.
He said he was not planning to attend any parties.
Catch up quick: So far, 9 candidates will attend. Sen.
Then it was off to Switzerland to attend boarding school.
He was still welcome to attend and won two awards.
The couple planned to attend the march on Sunday, too.
The NSW government says the public is invited to attend.
The United States had also declined to attend the Sept.
What makes these people want to attend a boat church?
But El Salvador said it had been planning to attend.
Just 1% of those who are likely to attend in-person said affirmatively that they were considering every single candidate in the field, and no one who plans to attend virtually said the same.
A PLOS One study reported that people who attend religious services regularly experience less stress and were «55 percent less likely to die» over the next 18 years than those who did not attend.
Though he wasn’t able to attend his daughter’s wedding, as it was seen as a state occasion, Zorreguieta did attend the christenings of all three of his granddaughters, which were considered private, family events.
If he absolutely must attend a meeting, though, Bezos sticks to his «two pizza rule,» which states that he won’t hold or attend a meeting at which two pizzas can’t feed the entire group.
Perhaps Sulzberger agreed because he recognized that it was a no-win situation—either attend, and become part of the president’s anti-press PR push, or not attend, and be called out for cowardice.
About 22020,103 delegates to attend Democratic National Convention An estimated 210,211 delegates — 22020,768 pledged delegates and 771 automatic delegates, or superdelegates — are expected to attend the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in July.
One study of more than 2202,2628 low-income elementary and middle school students who regularly attend programs showed gains of 28500 percentiles on standardized math tests as compared to peers who did not attend.
The message asked fighters to attend the game on Thursday at Hamdania Stadium, located in the western government-controlled part of the city, adding that rebels who planned to attend would be offered safe passage.
They’re free to attend but have a limited number of seats [so it’s very competitive to attend them] and just 10 percent of people who take a national exam are really eligible for those slots.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will attend a NATO meeting at the end of the month, the State Department announced Friday, after previous mixed signals on whether he would attend sparked alarm among some allies.
Fatah and Palestinian Liberation Organization officials have told CNN that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will attend an «Arab, Islamic, and American Conference» in Saudi Arabia next Sunday, an event Trump is also expected to attend.
I also like the fact that due to a peculiarity of Jim Crow Laws, her native state of Virginia paid for her to attend Syracuse University rather than having her attend an in-state school.
Earlier on Saturday Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov said Putin would attend a summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Peru in November, adding that U.S. President Barack Obama was also expected to attend.
So this fall, the university started giving qualified students from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and all the New England states a deal: Attend the university at Orono for whatever it costs to attend their own flagship.
Many of those who do attend college, Vitale tells me, attend criminal justice programs that are primarily taught by instructors who are themselves former police, offering more of a «how-to» than a critical examination.
Students from both sides of the town attend classes on the first two floors, sharing some classrooms and the chemistry and biology labs — although they never attend classes with members of the other ethnic group.
Buttigieg had originally planned to attend events in South Bend, Indiana, — Buttigieg’s hometown and where he formerly served as mayor — before jumping to Iowa to attend the Brown and Black Presidential Forum, among other events.
«The prime minister will attend parliament on Friday and answer all allegations,» Information Minister Pervez Rashid told the legislature, adding that Sharif could not attend the session earlier due to an official visit to Tajikistan.
The class of 2015’s Harold Ekeh chose to attend Yale.
It is also the first time my boyfriend qualified to attend.
In 2000 students in England could attend university free of charge.
Kanye West doesn’t just attend the VMAs like any other artist.
And we’re offering you a chance to attend as a VIP.
None of these executives will attend the event, these people added.
Cargill Inc will also attend, participants and other sorghum traders said.
Emergency services arrived on the scene to attend to the injured.
Breslow, 22009, a left-hander, will attend the Marlins’ spring training.
In addition, borrowers must attend — and pay for — a counseling session.
But he still makes a point to attend almost every class.
Nearly 60,000 registered students attend classes on the sprawling urban campus.
Yet most of Clemson’s black players didn’t even attend the event.
Aswad hopes to arrive in Latakia safely and attend university there.
Cher, Katy Perry and Julianne Moore all were expected to attend.
Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip didn&apost attend.
He has also been ordered to attend drug and alcohol counseling.
Don’t forget: Trump said last month he wouldn’t attend the WHCD.
It is currently unclear whether Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend.
You do not need to have/bring a dog to attend.
Trump and his wife did not attend last year’s honors either.
She did not specify which members of the bloc would attend.
Meanwhile, Brown will attend a Tuesday memorial service for families affected.
We are more likely to attend college than our male peers.
All people selectively attend to things that interest or excite them.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, however, still plans to attend the event.
He had to attend anger management classes — 12 hours of them.
He skipped last year’s Asian summits which US presidents typically attend.
A spokesman declined to comment on who would attend the meeting.
A cabinet meeting was postponed to enable government ministers to attend.
What’s more, most Americans don’t attend selective schools like Johns Hopkins.
It was not immediately known if Trump would attend the meeting.
Several key Democrats declined invitations Monday to attend the nomination announcement.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is going to attend the inauguration.
Comey agreed to attend, because when the President calls, you go.
As a young woman, she wasn’t allowed to formally attend university.
President-elect Trump will attend a church service with his family.
The President and Vice-President will attend a military review. Where?
After the Freedom Ball they will attend the Military Ball. Where?
Tyga, 26, didn’t attend and the judge issued a bench warrant.
There’s never an entry fee to attend our ceremonies. Ever. 58.
It called for supporters to attend its national convention in July.
On Sundays, many attend a special service at Ambassadors of Jesus.
Some 14,000 people are expected to attend, the Chicago Tribune reported.
One ticket to attend TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin See you in Barcelona!
You should have asked sooner if you wanted him to attend.
Steyer also will attend Gillum’s victory party on Tuesday, Mack added.
Representatives from the G73 nations, known as sherpas, attend those gatherings.
Selena Gomez may attend the 2016 American Music Awards after all.
What inspired the offer to attend weddings and scare sleeping people?
It’s not surprising that Robertson decided to attend the inauguration, though.
It was not clear why the other three did not attend.
The story also teased that Alex Jones might attend future meetings.
I was in Bruges to attend a training course that day.
How can people find out about these witch gatherings you attend?
Pence also attend U.S. Capitol 12:45PM President Obama and Mrs.
Right: Perry and Jason Priestley attend a charity baseball event, 1991.
For example, say I need to attend class at 8 a.m.
In fact, never attend another party again in your entire life.
Saudi Arabia’s king has invited Qatar’s emir to attend the Dec.
Music fans attend day three of Coachella on April 20, 2014.
But Miss Manners agrees that you should not attend this wedding.
The District of Columbia attorney general, Karl Racine, will also attend.
Mr Xi was the first Chinese president to attend the event.
Mia Farrow and Dylan Farrow attend the 2016 Time 100 Gala.
«The most important thing is that students attend college,» he said.
I’m thankful to be able to attend such an amazing school.
You were given notice of this meeting but failed to attend.
His family had traveled from New Jersey to attend the event.
Mr. Fraser continued to attend HFPA events including the Golden Globes.
As a rule, only the developing world’s elites attend foreign universities.
Nor would Becca want to attend even if she was invited.
There are plenty of excellent reasons to attend Disrupt SF 2018.
He is the first person in his family to attend college.
Anyone interested can apply to attend the event via this form.
Dozens of New York University students attend a vigil on Oct.
Eleven individuals will attend the speech, according to the White House.
He has Charlie attend the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, a.k.a.
He’ll also attend a 35-minute French class once a week.
The legendary coach Bobby Knight will also attend, according to Trump.
A conference of disparate voices works only if all parties attend.
At P.S. 210, about 1043 students attend kindergarten through Grade 2104.
About 2,000 students attend the school, according to The Arizona Republic.
Only 1996 Republican nominee Bob Dole has said he will attend.
The first lady was in New York and did not attend.
So the family pushed for Nelson to attend St. Ignatius School.
Salvini did not attend the Metropol meeting, which took place Oct.
Larry Hogan nor Baltimore’s Democratic Mayor Catherine Pugh planned to attend.
To be clear, white people are welcome to attend the show.
Nicole Barncastle came from Gilbert, Arizona, to attend her seventh tour.
Then-President Ronald Reagan did not attend because of security concerns.
Senior staff must now attend courses on safeguarding the viewers’ trust.
Mitt Romney (R-Utah) were he to attend the annual convention.
IHS Markit has also announced it will not attend the conference.
In contrast, every white player is expected to attend the ceremony.
In the end, Thomas was unable to attend his daughter’s wedding.
However, he will only attend the negotiations on Thursday and Friday.
Ms. Jefferson’s mother was too sick to attend her daughter’s funeral.
Other 2020 candidates to attend the conference this weekend include: Sen.
It is unclear if Camille Cosby will attend the sentencing hearing.
Even Melissa’s father would not be able to attend the wedding.
Markle wasn’t able to attend the wedding because of health issues.
This comes after King Abdullah II announced Jordan would also attend.
Some 70 states and 30 international organizations and agencies will attend.
There are plenty who attend for the music and the experience.
She continues to attend AA meetings on a regular basis, too.
They could also attend optional group sessions several times a week.
Afterwards you attend the funeral, and talk to the family members.
Israel’s probation stipulated that she had to attend Alcoholic’s Anonymous meetings.
» When asked if she would attend next year, she exclaimed, «Absolutely.
Zuckerberg, Sandberg, and Kaplan are expected to attend and answer questions.
She fantasizes that her missing classmates could attend lessons with her.
More than 200 journalists and broadcasters from around the world attend.
Meanwhile, just 17 states had people searching «attend inauguration» more often.
The same goes for meetings, which many are required to attend.
But the guide says it’s not necessary to attend this meeting.
Total Chief Executive Patrick Pouyanné said on Monday he would attend.
One other suggested I attend an upcoming seminar hosted by Sears.
It wasn’t immediately clear if all parties had agreed to attend.
Ryan Lance, CEO of ConocoPhillips, who did not attend last year.
Text messages urging Thais to attend have been delivered en masse.
In the end, very few if any finance ministers will attend.
But Ruth decided not to attend her father’s funeral, Salloway said.
More than 20 presidential contenders will attend the Iowa State Fair.
In line with tradition, Akihito and Empress Michiko did not attend.
She rarely gave interviews, and she did not attend art events.
In May 2006, state investigators interviewed Dassey but Kachinsky didn’t attend.
People may attend services or visit graveyards to honor the dead.
Only a fraction of its originally planned 200 lawmakers attend sessions.
Amal and George Clooney arrive Saturday to attend the royal wedding.
Hayden said the student did not attend the online public school.
John, not wanting to appear a «hypocrite,» didn’t attend the funeral.
As medics continued to attend to Sears, play was indefinitely suspended.
«Taylor was never scheduled to attend the VMAs,» says the insider.
To only semi-attend the world’s biggest and probably best festival?
Mylan spokeswoman Nina Devlin confirmed that Bresch will attend the hearing.
Trump is scheduled to attend a reelection fundraising event on Aug.
Actress Phylicia Rashad is expected to attend as well, Wyatt says.
We often cook together, go hiking, and attend free local events.
My panel is the only 1 I’ll be able to attend.
The more you attend class the better you look and feel.
Go deeper: Saudi Arabia and UAE to attend Trump’s «economic workshop»
Prime Minister Theresa May is also expected to attend the Jan.
It’s unusual for a VP hopeful to attend a presidential debate.
Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel will attend the meeting in solidarity.
Folio Tour historic Kingsley Plantation or attend a Freethought society meeting.
SeattleThe Stranger See an outdoor movie or attend a poetry reading.
Guests must also be at least 21 years old to attend.
He did not attend the swearing-in ceremony at the palace.
But we really hoped Greg would attend his best friend’s wedding.
The Creeds are season tickets holders and attend every home game.
They’ll also still be allowed to attend an upcoming school dance.
I wonder if the press will want to attend, who knows.
African Americans are more likely to attend schools that are underresourced.
The White House later confirmed Trump planned to attend the gathering.
Not even the Governor General’s official photographer was permitted to attend.
There’s no «right» way to throw (or attend) a party anymore.
He decides to attend her wedding, even though he wasn’t invited.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is not slated to attend.
Zoë Ligon: I try to attend as many conventions as possible.
Beyoncé is also expected to attend the 2017 Grammys on Feb.
Markle is expected to attend the games — which run from Sept.
Even more concerning, Flynn was paid $403,000 to attend the event.
Last July, Gabe Marcelo wasn’t sure he could attend PAX Prime.
President George W. Bush did attend his funeral, and eulogized Rehnquist.
Passengers may attend one of three live «Conversations with Oprah» onboard.
She had fabricated her age in order to attend the trial.
He was the first child in his family to attend college.
Create his own aspirational event that people he admired would attend.
The E.P.A. invited only a small handful of reporters to attend.
She would attend her first ceremony — and win for Kramer vs.
But tuition is not the only cost when students attend college.
But key members of the film’s crew weren’t able to attend.
Berger has cut trips short to attend the draft in person.
He left to attend college in Jacksonville, where he currently resides.
He will attend a service but will not address the congregation.
And travelers from the future, it seems, are permitted to attend.
Sanders did not speak at or attend the June 2016 gathering.
There, he was able to attend classes and continue his education.
Officer Dorman — a huge Chesney fan — planned to attend the concert.
Trump won’t attend White House Correspondents’ Dinner, he says via tweet.
The secretary is slated to attend the Marrakech conference on Nov.
What we do know is that those who attend the Oct.
For those unable to attend, a livestream will be broadcast here.
The President won’t attend tonight’s game, though, because of security concerns.
Taylor said he planned to attend one on Saturday in London.
Azmin did not attend the leadership retreat, though Anwar was present.
Thompson and Estes will both attend a candidate forum on Thursday.
His delegation will attend the closing ceremony and also meet Moon.
Fans paid to attend his shows because the fights were great.
President Donald Trump didn’t attend last night’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner.
She couldn’t attend in person, so instead shared the video above.
Later, they attend a school wide BSU meeting calling for action.
Medical staff must attend to the exit wound daily, it says.
I’m planning to attend the Los Angeles Women’s March this year.
«Some pupils don’t attend class at all,» said Merveille Kaltouma, 17.
The show runner did not attend the mandatory sexual harassment meeting.
He still does not know if he can attend the Grammys.
But Pence didn’t just attend — he officiated, a source told CNN.
Kate Middleton is not expected to attend this weekend’s wedding either.
About 20,000 people are expected to attend Friday’s events, organizers said.
Why take the time and spend the money to attend Disrupt?
Still unclear if band members will attend any of the events.
Just about 400 have RSVP’d saying they would attend the protest.
I’d welcome him to the UK and would attend a rally.
Bolton is still expected to attend the summit itself, he said.
Kreedin’s mother was unable to attend the sentencing, according to KFOR.
Michael Caine and David Bowie attend a book party on Nov.
Donald Trump will attend his first NATO summit today in Brussels.
He has not decided which school he will attend this fall.
Cabinet secretaries will attend and the President will drop by, too.
Adams was invited to attend St. Patrick’s Day celebrations on Tuesday.
A spokesman for Hariri said the opposition would attend those talks.
Sturgis, South Dakota (CNN)Attend one of America’s biggest motorcycle rallies.
Attend a volunteer event, or search for opportunities either through the .
For children, it may mean not being able to attend school.
He did not attend the game though, as had been expected.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin abandoned plans to attend an Oct.
After all, Kaia could attend with her mom as her chaperone.
I’m not sure I want to attend sex parties anymore. Nothing.
This fall, they expect 8,000 entrepreneurs from 43,000 startups to attend.
Hundreds are reportedly expected to attend a Friday vigil for him.
But Comey also has his own personal myth to attend to.
A Clinton aide confirmed that Shillady will not attend the event.
Next up, the couple will attend Bunker Hill Community College together.
Calvin Coolidge became the first sitting president to attend in 1924.
The other four levels attend to Kalimpong’s mystical and mythic legacy.
He urged the nay-sayers to relent and attend after all.
Northam did not attend the National Governors Association meetings in Washington.
He said, however, that Kazakhstan would attend such talks if invited.
Hundreds of people from a variety of circles attend the events.
Some teens have left to attend high school in New Zealand.
The Unification Ministry did not identify the officials who will attend.
Undocumented students are already eligible to attend state and city universities.
White House records only show they were cleared in to attend.
Typically, Hutterites will attend church every day, and twice on Sundays.
She is committed to attend the Oscars for two important reasons.
He had recently received a scholarship to attend college in Chicago.
The government also said children would not attend school on Friday.
Members often invite spouses and other family to attend the SOTU.
Moon is in Germany to attend a summit of G20 countries.
Trump and the first lady attend a leaders’ working dinner tonight.
If you’re not able to attend the festivities in Indio, Calif.
Lawmakers also will have an opportunity to attend several bicameral workshops.
When they were married, her father did not attend the wedding.
So far, more than 215 protesters have signed up to attend.
Payless said the influencers were paid a small stipend to attend.
She has been forbidden to attend the picnic by Mrs. Appleyard.
He later did not attend McCain’s funeral, at the family’s request.
It was later disclosed that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro did attend.
The other Democrats slated to the attend Monday’s event include Sens.
It was not immediately clear which banks would attend Tuesday’s meeting.
Expanding dress rehearsals would allow 26,700 students to attend next season.
Woodside Priory School costs more than $70,000 per year to attend.
As a result, the Palestinian leadership refused to attend the meeting.
Her Majesty will always attend church every Sunday, no matter what.
Don’t expect all — or even most — of your guests to attend.
She went on to attend art school and start recording songs.
All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«He regularly attends meetings.«
(regularly, often, never, frequently)

Used with verbs:

«We are unable to attend the party.«
(be + unable, were asked, be + able, be + invited)

Used with nouns:

«I attend church with my family.«

«We attend the same college.«
(college, university, school)

«We attended the meeting together.«
(meeting, party, conference, wedding)

«He attended the birth of the child.«
(birth, birthday party, recital)

«She’s attending the soccer game with her sons.«
(soccer game, baseball game, football game, basketball game)

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