Sentences with word as soon as

as soon as

На этом уроке мы разберем сложные и простые предложения с союзом as soon asкак только, а также употребительными выражениями as soon as you can, as soon as possibleкак можно быстрее.

Союз as soon as значит «как только». Обычно предложение с этим союзом строится по схемам:

1. Главная часть в Future Simple, придаточная в Present Simple

А произойдет, как только произойдет действие Б

I will call you back as soon as I find the ticket. — Я перезвоню тебе, как только найду билет.

As soon as I get on the plane, I’ll text you. – Как только сяду на самолет, я тебе напишу.

2. Обе части в Past Simple

А произошло, как только произошло Б.

I opened his present as soon as I came back home. – Я открыл его подарок, как только вернулся домой.

We turned on the TV as soon as it was fixed. – Мы включили телевизор, как только он был отремонтирован.

3. Обе части в Present Simple

Закономерность: А происходит, как только происходит Б

You go online as soon as you get to work. – Ты заходишь в Интернет, как только приходишь на работу.

As soon as he finds a girlfriend, she dumps him! – Как только он находит девушку, она его бросает!

As soon as you can, as soon as possible, ASAP — как можно быстрее

Четвертую схему стоит рассмотреть отдельно.

4. Главная часть в повелительном наклонении, придаточная в Present Simple

Делай А, как только произойдет Б.

Call me as soon as you get on the plane. – Позвони мне, как только сядешь на самолет.

As soon as you finish your lunch, come back to work! – Как только закончишь обед, возвращайся на работу!

Схема примечательна тем, что в ней часто используются выражения: as soon as you can, as soon as possibleкак можно быстрее.

Come here as soon as you can. – Приходи сюда как можно быстрее (букв.: так быстро, как можешь).

Call me as soon as possible. – Позвони мне как можно быстрее (букв.: так быстро, как возможно).

As soon as possible – настолько популярное выражение, что в интернет-переписке его принято сокращать до ASAP: Call me ASAP. – Позвони мне как можно быстрее.

Примечание: предложение с as soon as possible — простое, а не сложное, т. к. as soon as possible – это не придаточное предложение, а обстоятельство, в отличие от as soon as you can.

В шаблоне «as soon as you can» и «as soon as possible» наречие soon можно заменить на другое подходящее по смыслу. Получится выражение: «как можно + наречие». Примеры:

Carry the glasses as carefully as you can possible. — Неси стаканы как можно осторожнее.

Explain your theory as briefly as you can possible. — Объясните вашу теорию как можно короче.


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Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

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1, As soon as you have drunk, you turn your back upon the spring. 

2, Our economy must be restructured as soon as possible.

3, Yes. As soon as possible.

4, The dogs ran off as soon as we appeared.

5, We shall notify you as soon as he arrives.

6, As soon as he saw her, he was smitten.

7, Stop nagging—I’ll do it as soon as I can.

8, The water regurgitated as soon as the pump stopped.

9, Places are strictly limited, so you should apply as soon as possible.

10, Her head spins dizzily as soon as she sits up.

11, The tree began to decay as soon as it was cut down.

12, The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible.

13, As soon as we can afford it,( soon as.html) we’ll move out to the suburbs.

14, We’re hoping for a return to normality as soon as possible.

15, As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out.

16, As soon as I was on board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving.

17, As soon as he finished reading the collect letter, he flew into a rage and tore it into pieces.

18, New cars start to depreciate as soon as they are on the road.

19, He sells the wine as soon as he can brew.

20, Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you have located it.

21, The band struck up as soon as the Queen stepped ashore.

22, Fire-engines turned out as soon as the fire broke out.

23, As soon as I opened the front door I smelled the distinctive aroma of fresh coffee.

24, My plants revived as soon as I gave them some water.

25, The baby can cry as soon as he is born.

26, Disease, enemy, and debt —these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow. 

27, We must weed out the yellow flowers among the onions as soon as possible.

28, The police told people to stay off the super-market and leave there as soon as possible.

29, Great pressure was put on the police to catch the terrorists as soon as possible.

30, The love of their country is with them only a mode of flattering its master; as soon as they think that master can no longer hear, they speak of everything with a frankness which is the more startling because those who listen to it become responsible.

As soon as — это союз, который используется, когда что-то происходит сразу после какого-то другого события.


I came as soon as I heard about Andrew. — Я пришел сразу же, как только узнал о Эндрю.

Главное правило, касающееся этой конструкции, которое надо запомнить — as soon as употребляется в настоящем и прошедшем времени. В будущем времени не употребляется.

As soon as I came home

Обратите внимание, что имеется в виду именно та часть предложения, которая относится (можно сказать, «прилегает») к этому союзу. Вторая часть может быть в любом времени.

Чтобы было понятнее, вот ещё несколько примеров предложений:

As soon as I get to work, I will call you. — Как только я приду на работу, я позвоню тебе.

We’ll come as soon as we can. — Мы приедем, как только сможем.

I will read it as soon as I can manage. — Я прочту это так скоро, как смогу.

He’ll faint as soon as he goes in. — Он упадёт в обморок, как только войдет туда.

I hit the ground as soon as I heard the shots. — Я упал на землю, как только услышал выстрелы.

I came as soon as your sister called. — Я приехал сразу, как позвонила твоя сестра.

Tell him to get here as soon as he can. — Скажите ему прибыть сюда так быстро, как он сможет.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


As soon as he comes home, you start.

Да, как только он приходит домой, я уже служанка.

As soon as people stop taking these addictive substances, their health dramatically improves.

Очевидно, что как только люди перестают принимать эти вещества, вызывающие зависимость, их здоровье значительно улучшится.

As soon as we arrived the process started.

Как только я зашел [в суд], процесс начался.

As soon as I began college, it started.

Как только мой сын пошел в школу, так и началось.

As soon as you step outside’ll start feeling better.

Как только ты перешагнешь за порог этой двери… ты начнешь чувствовать себя лучше.

As soon as you know their background, decide fast.

Как только вы признали свою оплошность, задумайтесь над тем, как ее преподнести.

As soon as I get it working…

Я думаю, что как только я смогу работать,…

As soon as teenagers were invented, they were feared.

Как только тинейджеры были «изобретены», они стали вызывать страх.

As soon as the film starts the projection surface becomes invisible.

Как только фильм начинается, поверхность, на которую он проецируется, становится невидимой.

As soon as someone comes in you know immediately.

Как только кто-то пытается проникнуть, вы мгновенно об этом узнаёте.

As soon as they go on sale.

Причем, как только он поступит на рынок продаж.

As soon as this happens, it cannot be changed or modified by any means.

Как только это происходит, это не может быть отменено или изменено каким-либо образом.

As soon as you discover that the person has passed away, you need to move quickly.

Как только человек понял, что потерялся, необходимо сразу остановиться.

Infancy As soon as they are born, infants begin learning to use their senses to explore the world around them.

Младенцы, как только они рождаются, начинают использовать свои чувства для изучения окружающего мира.

As soon as that comes into place, we’ll commence immediately.

Как только оно будет — мы сразу же будем приступать.

As soon as the economic situation allows.

As soon as I could read, I began to write.

Как только я смог сделать это, я начал писать.

As soon as the stimulation stopped, she immediately regained consciousness without remembering the event.

Как только стимуляция прекратилась, женщина немедленно пришла в сознание, не сохранив никакой памяти о случившемся.

As soon as you find them, fix them.

Как только вы их обнаружите, чините сразу.

As soon as the budget is reached, the game should stop.

Как только эта сумма будет достигнута, игру следует прекратить.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат As soon as

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As soon as

  • It is used to denote two simultaneous past actions .

That is,  the two past actions happening at the same time.

To understand it, let’s go through the following two sentences.

reached the railway station.   At once, the train arrived.

Here we can see two actions.

  1.  Reached   and    2.   Arrived.

But how can we understand that  the two  are simultaneous actions..?

Of course,  by the phrase  ‘At once’,   we can understand it.

Similar terms  and phrases  are   ‘soon’,   ‘when’,  ‘then’,   ‘no sooner….than’,   ‘scarcely….when’,   ‘hardly….when’  etc…

  • In practical study,   ‘As soon as’   is used to  rewrite or  combine  sentences.
  • That is,  it  can be used to combine  two sentences,   or   rewrite  a single sentence into another  by maintaining the same meaning.
  • Now let’s study how to use ‘As soon as’  in combining sentences.

1   To combine  two  sentences,   ‘As soon as’  should be written in the beginning of the sentence that shows the first past action.  

Eg:  I  gave her a birthday gift.   Soon,  she expressed her thanks to me with a kiss.

Here,  the first action   ‘gave’  is mentioned in the first sentence.   So  while combining these two sentences,  ‘As soon as’  should be written in the beginning of the first sentence as,

As soon as I  gave her a birthday gift……

2   After putting a coma, then  write the second sentence by avoiding the word  meaning similar to  ‘As soon as’.

 That is,   the word  ‘soon’. 

So now we can combine the above sentences as,

         As  soon as I gave her a birthday gift,   she  expressed her thanks to me with a kiss.


  • Now, let’s study how to rewrite sentences with ‘As soon as’.

Here also,  the same method  should be applied.

That is,  the part of the sentence mentioning the first past action  should begin with  ‘As soon as’

Then the words meaning similar to   ‘as soon as’   is to be avoided while writing  the next part of  the sentence.

Eg:  1. When I gave her a birthday gift,  she expressed her thanks to me with a kiss.

            As soon as I gave her a birthday gift,  she expressed her thanks to me with a kiss.

Here the word  ‘when’ is avoided.

       2    No sooner did I give her a birthday gift  than she expressed her thanks to me with a kiss.

Here the part,  mentioning the first action,  begins with  No sooner,  and  it is written in auxiliary beginning interrogative style

When the part begins with   As soon as,  the phrase  No sooner  is to be avoided, and  its interrogative style is to be changed into statement form as,

As soon as I gave ( did + give) her a birthday gift…….

Then,  the word  ‘than’  in the second part is to be avoided.

Then we get the answer as,

As soon as I gave her a birthday gift,  she expressed her thanks to me with a kiss.

3    Scarcely / hardly  had I given her a birthday gift when she expressed her thanks to me with a kiss.

Here, the word  Scarcely/ hardly is to be avoided at first  and  the auxiliary beginning interrogative style of the first part in past perfect tense is to be changed into  statement form in simple past tense after writing  ‘As soon as’  at first.

That is,  while changing the interrogative style  into statement form,  the past perfect tense form of  the part  is to be changed into  simple past form  as,

As soon as I gave her a birthday gift…….

Then the word  ‘when’  is to be avoided while writing the second part.

Thus we get the answer as,

As soon as I gave her a birthday gift,  she expressed her thanks to me with a kiss.

  • So, we have studied to combine  and  rewrite sentences with   ‘As soon as’.

Note that,  ‘As soon as’  should be written at first in any case ,  and  also  when ‘as soon as’ is used,  the two simultaneous actions are to be mentioned in simple past tense.

Now,  let’s try to rewrite  the following sentences with  ‘As soon as’.

  • No sooner did my father reach the railway station than the train arrived.

As soon as my father reached the railway station,  the train arrived.

Here,  ‘No sooner…..than’  is avoided.

  • Hardly had he finished his education when he got a job opportunity.

As soon as he finished his education, he got a job opportunity.

Here,  ‘Hardly……when’  is avoided,   and also the past perfect tense  interrogative style of the first part is changed into  simple past tense  statement style.

Now  let’s try to combine the following two sentences with  ‘as soon as’.

         The exam started.  At once, he reached the exam hall.

         As soon as the exam started, he reached the exam hall.

Here, the phrase ‘At once’  is avoided.

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