Sentences with word argument

In logic and philosophy, an argument is a series of statements typically used to persuade someone of something or to present reasons for accepting a conclusion. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I don’t think that early toilet training warps a child psychologically, and I think the environmental arguments for it are compelling.


The ESPN FC panel answer your tweets on Paul Pogba’s future at Manchester United and the argument for sacking Ernesto…


I never said I was an athlete, I was just dismissing your argument that basketball players run 10 miles in a game, which they don’t.


She says «the threat of divorce during an argument can be devastating to hear.»


I’m not one to easily back down from an argument, especially when it comes to anything food-related.


Let me share with you his basic argument.


You can not make any sort of argument so you try to have the last word then take your ball and go home.


«The US government acted as police force (identifying the foreign government’s crime), prosecutor (making the legal arguments), jury (ruling on the evidence), and judge (sentencing the foreigner to US retaliatory punishment),» Chad Bown, a senior fellow at the pro-free trade Peterson Institute for International Economics, wrote in a memo about Section 301’s history earlier in August.


She said she was influenced by the 2008 documentary, «The Business of Being Born,» an argument for natural childbirth produced by television personality Ricki Lake.


Byfield’s blog post made a powerful argument for why Bill 24 is necessary to protect LGBTQ students, wrote Postmedia columnist Graham Thomson.


Before this starts to sound like the annual lecture from management — perhaps you’re one of those corporate employees forced to sleepwalk through an intranet quiz once in a while to prove to your higher-ups that you’re familiar with the company’s code of conduct — consider DeMars’s argument for the value of the ethical office from a personal standpoint: «In order to live happily and at peace with ourselves, we have to live in ways that are congruent with our morals,» she argues.


No side of the argument is more correct than the other, but both opinions appear entrenched.


The third argument falls apart on the basis of comparison with its repercussion.


Fortunately, Gensler isn’t running the SEC but his legal arguments can and probably will be used at some point.


Susan Morse and Stephen Shay have blogged today on Procedurally Taxing about the Ninth’s Circuit oral argument tomorrow in Altera Corp. v. Commissioner, as has Dan Shaviro on his blog, Start Making Sense.


«That’s where the compelling argument is,» O’Reilly said.


What has happened in your life, or what arguments for/against the existence of God do you hold to?


Considering the tremendous amounts of volatility stock investors have had to deal with over the last decade and the returns from holding a mix of bonds and stocks that investors should expect to earn over the next decade, Mr. Bernstein, who passed away in 2009, would surely be making the same argument.


For more than two hours, the board heard speaker after speaker, pro and con, who repeated the passionate arguments that have been heard for months.


While risk at the firm had been sharply increased with the bet on European sovereign debt, there was a compelling argument for Mr. Corzine’s strategy.


This proposal is easy enough to state briefly yet impossible to defend short of lengthy analysis and argument.


The importance of getting ref decisions right is absolutely vital and should be paramount to the argument about technology.


One of the reasons is that there are members of both groups who do not know or, during the heat of argument, do not acknowledge that there have been many varieties of the gold standard.


The U.S. president’s relationship with Republican lawmaker Bob Corker soured further during a Twitter argument.


Sornette uses a similar argument to describe a speculative bubble advancing toward its peak (italics mine):


John Hagel’s makes a 21st Century argument that organizations must develop a spirit of collaboration between co-workers and customers (buyers) that pulls them towards improving both worlds via the organizations.


I’ve made the argument before that consumer debt, particularly for middle-income households, is still too high.


Just a few years ago, subsidies and other incentive policies were the only objective argument to attract investors into renewables.


Unfortunately neither Pablo Zabaleta nor Patrice Evra can offer much of an offensive threat which maybe another argument for returning Cresswell to a left (wing) back role.


No that we had gotten into a big argument, he said that people who leave him during hard times are not good people.


That is an odd argument given that the bartender’s testimony about the victim’s drinking and inquiry about where to go to have fun was almost certainly evidence that the defense elicited at trial; Huon does not explain how a report that credits defense evidence with contributing to a verdict of acquittal could defame the successful defendant.


Her initial argument (in one of Casey’s links) that «using full-time [police] officers would result in thousands of dollars in overtime» missed the point, of course.


I’m not going to interject into the lengthy argument here, but I want to comment on David» comment:» it is becoming more and more evident that there are those who are victims and support the right of victims to be heard and believed, and then there’s the side of those who victimize and their supporters.There seems to be no grey area in between.»


There’s some knitting in here that I’m pretty excited to give a closer look at, but until then, this book sits on our coffee table for all to pour through the pages of farm life, and the amazing creative fiber works that come out of that (Calvin keeps stealing it away to his bed to look at the sheep — I think I’ve got an ally on the sheep argument).


Assuming for the sake of argument that the federal government does not wield a big constitutional stick, it also appears woefully short of political carrots.


Nor should we forget that this element of De Præscriptione has roots in Apologeticus, which is precisely an argument for religious toleration.


It is like the arguments of climate change deniers, or religious fanatics, they are so beyond the realm of logic that the only thing to do really is to mock them.


It presents one of the most cogent arguments for the need to forcibly downsize TBTF banks, and it’s certainly one of the few calls for this approach coming from such a powerful federal regulator.


When confronted with arguments that a 360-hour threshold would actually help people in need, Stephenâ $ ™ s stock response is that there are «better ways of spending that money.»


In fact, those are exactly the arguments that some people make.


This left the statutory immunity argument.


I also think that the leverage argument is minor or not a largely attributable value/parameter to differentiate between stocks and real estate.


«I suppose he could raise the Nunes memo as an argument that the investigation is somehow biased against him.


The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in December on an appeal from a Colorado baker who also cited religious beliefs for refusing to make a wedding case for a same-sex couple.


There are a number of examples in Canadian case law where issuers were attempting to sell «utilities» or something similar to modern day tokens and coins, where the court simply didn’t buy the argument.


CNN called Hobby Lobby’s oral arguments, scheduled for March 25, a «high-stakes encore» to Obamacare.


And when it comes to how things get decided, I want the argument to go forward in terms everyone can understand — even if they don’t share the premises.


Circumcision: The word alone can start an argument these days!


All the while, these companies have made an overarching argument that they should not have to follow the kinds of laws that every other industry in the country — very much including the ones that they are disrupting — follow.


My buddy’s argument is that Powell will be slow to react to this development.


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Defendant’s second argument is likewise unconvincing.

Второй аргумент того же автора также не достаточно убедителен.

Additionally, she praised him for his argument.

При этом она добавила и свой аргумент в его защиту.

Kautsky long ago used this argument against Rosa Luxemburg, and the argument is indisputable.

Этот довод Каутский давно выдвинул против Розы Люксембург, и этот довод неоспорим.

But remember to support your argument with evidence.

Однако, не забывайте, что свои доводы Вы должны подтвердить доказательствами.

So we have these models — argument as war, argument as proof and argument as performance.

Поэтому мы используем следующие модели: спор как война, спор как доказательство и спор как представление.

The abuse of something is no argument against its proper use.

Тем не менее, само по себе неправильное употребление чего-либо не является аргументом против правильного употребления.

So he also rejected that argument.

Таким образом, он также отвергает данный аргумент.

His argument proved that subjects like mathematics and philosophy truly existed.

Его аргумент доказал, что такие предметы, как математика и философия действительно существуют.

However, this argument is an argument from silence, similar to the old vestigial organ argument.

Finally, the argument concerning the risk of government failure is not an argument against government intervention.

И наконец, аргумент, касающийся риска провала государственной политики, отнюдь не равнозначен доводу против государственного вмешательства.

This argument is particularly relevant in relation to the historical argument.

Аргумент этот приобретает особую значимость в связи с историческим аргументом.

They believed that for every conceivable argument, an equally valid opposite argument could be offered.

Они считали, что на каждый мыслимый аргумент можно выдвинуть равный противоположный аргумент.

One argument for e-cigarettes is that they could help smokers to quit, but our study does not support this argument.

Одним из аргументов в пользу электронных сигарет является то, что они могут помочь курильщикам бросить курить, но исследование не поддержало этот аргумент.

The economic argument is simplistic but not incorrect, although the geopolitical argument is dead wrong.

Данные экономические аргументы упрощены, но их нельзя назвать лишенными смысла, а вот геополитические доводы абсолютно ошибочны.

You can learn a lot by listening to an argument without needing to win the argument.

Вы можете многое узнать, выслушивая аргументы без необходимости одержать победу в споре.

It is a faith-based argument, not a scientific argument.

Since this argument is in conflict with the third argument, one or the other interpretation must be chosen.

Поскольку данный аргумент противоречит третьему аргументу, однако же, необходимо выбрать ту или иную интерпретацию (толкование).

So understood, the cosmological argument does not rely on notions central to the ontological argument.

Будучи таким образом понятым, космологический аргумент не опирается на понятия, центральные для онтологического аргумента.

Another version of the argument about the sanctity of life is the argument from natural law.

Другой версией аргумента о священности жизни8 является довод о естественном праве.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат argument

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аргумент, довод, спор, параметр, аргументация, доказательство, дискуссия


- довод, доказательство, аргумент

weak [unconvincing] argument — слабый [неубедительный] довод
argument from design — филос. телеологический довод
to refute arguments — опровергнуть доводы

- аргументация; аргументированное выступление (в защиту чего-л.)

let’s settle this affair by argument not by fighting — давайте уладим дело обсуждением доводов каждой стороны, а не нападками друг на друга

- спор, дискуссия

an argument with the referee — спор с рефери
It is beyond argument that … — совершенно бесспорно /и спорить нечего/, что …

- тема или основная идея (литературного произведения)

the central argument of his paper was presented with clarity — главная тема его работы была изложена ясно

- краткое содержание (книги)
- лог. средний термин силлогизма
- мат. аргумент, независимая переменная
- информ., вчт. параметр

argument list — список параметров
argument passing — передача параметров

Мои примеры


the basic premises of the argument — основные посылки аргументации  
the gist of the prosecutor’s argument — суть выступления прокурора  
a coherent argument — логически последовательный довод  
compelling argument — убедительный, серьёзный аргумент  
contentious argument — спорный аргумент  
to ditto smb.’s argument — повторить чей-л. аргумент  
to take the edge off an argument — ослабить силу довода  
the greenness of our argument — несовершенство нашего аргумента  
heated discussion / argument — горячий спор  
to poke a hole in smb.’s argument — найти изъян в чьей-л. аргументации  
airtight argument — неопровержимый аргумент  
lubricous argument — уклончивый аргумент  

Примеры с переводом

This is a nonsensical argument.

Это бессмысленный спор.

The argument grew warm.

Спор разгорался всё больше.

This is an argument of weight.

Это веский довод.

He made a compelling argument.

Он привёл убедительные аргументы.

Your argument isn’t very convincing.

Ваш довод не очень убедителен.

What’s the logic of your argument?

В чём логика вашего довода?

Clearly the argument is infirm.

Понятно, что аргумент довольно шаткий.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…presented a very analytical argument for the defendant’s guilt…

…as the argument grew more heated, his gesticulations got bigger and wilder…

Henning told the police that she and her husband had an argument before he left.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): argument
мн. ч.(plural): arguments

When you disagree with someone, do you refer to it as an argument or arguement? One of these spellings is correct, and the other is not. By this argument vs argument article’s end, you will quickly know the correct spelling.

An argument is a fact or statement that supports a reason or proposition. It refers to the process of reasoning featuring a series of organized propositions with an intended conclusion. This noun also refers to a verbal dispute or a quarrel. In contrast, arguement is a misspelling of argument.

The only difference between argument and arguement is the «e» in the second spelling. However, in English spelling, one letter can make a significant difference. Read on to determine what difference this letter has in this case, and much more.

orange woman

Argument Vs Argument: Similarities In Relation To The Word «Argue»

Apart from their nearly exact spelling, another similarity between these words is that they come from the root verb «argue.» In English spellings, you can form a noun from a verb by adding the suffix «-ment» at the end of the verb. Therefore, the best way to understand the nouns formed from root verbs is to define the root verbs first. It is because their definitions are usually related.

To argue means «to present reasons that support or are against a thing or a subject.»

Another definition of «argue» is «to contend with someone in an oral dispute, a quarrel, or dispute.»

This verb also means «to persuade or drive by reasoning.» For example, «to argue someone out of a project.»

Another meaning is «to maintain in reasoning.» For example, «to argue that the report is incorrect.»

A simple meaning of ‘argue» is «to show, prove, or indicate.» For example, «Mark’s statements argue illiteracy.»

Definitions Of Argument And Argument

The term argument has multiple definitions that apply in different contexts or subjects. This section will cover all these definitions, plus the definitions of arguement.

Definitions Of Argument

An argument is a verbal disagreement, opposition, quarrel, or contention.

Another source defines an argument as «a series of propositions organized to create a logical flow towards a conclusion.» An argument is usually the premise of a conclusion or a final proposition.» An argument is also «a series of reasons» or «the process of reasoning.»

Another definition of an argument is «a discussion featuring different points of view,» like a debate. An argument is also «a matter being questioned,» like a business that engages in counterfeits.

In literature, an argument is «a composition in writing intended to persuade the reader.» It may also be the subject matter or theme of a piece of writing, like an article. In poetry or creative writing, an argument is an abstract containing the significant points in the piece of writing.

In mathematics, the word argument has several definitions:

  • A function’s independent variable
  • The angle a specific vector makes with the reference axis (the amplitude)
  • The corresponding angle to a point denoting a specific complex number in polar coordinates

In computer programming, an argument is a variable in a comp program to which a value is assigned when running the program. The argument is usually given in parentheses after the function name. It also comes in handy when calculating the function.

In programming, an argument is an equal parameter as opposed to a formal parameter. In astronomy, an argument is a quantity on which another measure in a table depends.

The archaic definitions of an argument are:

  • An evidence
  • A subject of contention or quarrel

Definitions Of Arguement

Arguement is an obsolete spelling of argument. Other sources refer to this word as simply a misspelling of the word argument.

How To Properly Use Argument And Argument In A Sentence

Most people learn new words so they can enhance their vocabulary. Improving your vocabulary means using the words you learn in writing and verbal conversations. Below are some practical guidelines for how you can use the subject words of this article in sentences:

How To Use The Word Argument

Use this noun in a sentence to mean:

  • An exchange of opposite points of view (in an argument or confrontation)
  • A respectful exchange of diverging points of view (in a general or neutral conversation)
  • A summary of a published material’s theme or subject matter
  • A forceful statement of a belief about a fact
  • Reasons that support an idea
  • An objection about a trivial or important matter
  • A field in computer programming or computing
  • Evidence used in reporting
  • An idea submitted for consideration

Argument is both a countable and an uncountable noun. Therefore, when using it in general contexts, refer to it as an uncountable noun without a plural form. On the other hand, when using it in specific contexts, like when referring to types or collections of arguments, you can use the plural form.

How To Use The Word Arguement

Since this is an incorrect spelling and is not in any dictionary, you should not use it in sentences. Instead, use the correct spelling above.

Argument And Argument: The Differences

The content above explains that argument and arguement are not similar words. They neither have the same meaning nor are their meanings related. Below are some key differences between these words:

office marketing

The Spelling

The primary difference between these words is the «e» in the second spelling. This spelling is understandable because the root verb for these words is «argue.» Therefore, most people assume that it is correct to add the noun forming suffix «-ment» immediately after the word «argue» without omitting any letter.

While this may apply to some English words like amaze (amazement) and commence (commencement), it does not apply to the word argue. There is no specific explanation for why this is so because the rules for spelling and grammar in English have several exceptions.

The Origin

Also, the word argument comes from the old French word «arguement.» This explains why some sources refer to arguement as an archaic spelling of argument. In fact, the spelling «arguement» was popular and accepted in the 13th century in French.

In contrast, the first recorded use of the word argument was in the early 14th century. This word has Latin roots from the word «argumentum» and «arguer,» meaning «a logical argument, evidence, or to make clear or prove.»

List Of Examples Of Argument And Argument Use In Sentences

With the guidelines and definitions above, you can easily form sentences with the word argument. However, we saw it fit to give you some samples. Here are some excellent examples:

Example sentences of the word argument

  1. The students had a compelling argument on why they should attend the gala without chaperones.
  2. Mrs. Jones disapproved of the argument printed in the newspaper about her book.
  3. The argument between the Smith brothers forced their parents to move them out of the family’s primary residence.
  4. The argument between the sisters went on for hours because none of them would back down.
  5. The argument he presented to the court to defend his conduct got him in more hot water.

Example sentences of the word argument

  1. The arguement was not as clear as the poet thought. (INCORRECT)
  2. Jim and John could not stay in one room without an arguement erupting. (INCORRECT)
  3. The arguement erupted as soon as the opposing candidates took to the stage. (INCORRECT)
  4. The arguement would have become violent if the teacher had not intervened. (INCORRECT)
  5. The professor’s arguement is not convincing. (INCORRECT)

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Argument is the correct spelling, while arguement is an obsolete spelling. Therefore, you should only use «argument» in sentences. Now that you know this, feel free to construct sentences with this word.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Argument | Argument Sentence

  • This argument is plausible.
  • That argument went on for some time.
  • The argument implies that we should be wrong in doing so.
  • The difficulty of the argument can no further go.
  • For the argument is asserting the existence of not-being.
  • A very pretty Argument this!
  • Effie May used neither argument nor explanation.
  • The argument of St. Paul demands this interpretation.
  • He has an argument as simple as his system with which to answer mine.
  • But we have a still more fundamental objection to the argument in question.
  • This famous argument entirely overlooks the question of power.
  • They ring conviction and sincerity and their argument is usually unanswerable.
  • But this is not to analyze the argument itself, and show it to be a sophism.
  • Indeed, it is not even an attempt at argument or rational criticism.
  • This argument is plausible; but it will not bear a close examination.
  • But when this argument failed, she found another far more harrowing.
  • Only Brigham remained recalcitrant, and no argument could induce him to shave.
  • Edwards and Dick, however, would only apply this argument to human volitions.

How To Use Argument In A Sentence?

  • His argument was that his antagonists had taken up arms against their lawful king.
  • Every argument for the change was a thoroughly good one which should weigh with them.
  • Doubtless there was reason in this argument before the present scarcity, but now there is none.
  • She gave up when she found me proof against an argument that had hitherto always disarmed me.
  • Now, is this a sufficient and satisfactory reply to the argument of the atheist?
  • Hence, if the argument proves anything, it proves the absolute fatality of all human volitions.
  • This refutes the objection of Bayle, and leaves his argument without the shadow of a foundation.
  • But Lord Bolingbroke has refuted this argument by reasoning from their own principles.
  • It clearly does not; and hence there is a radical defect in the argument of these learned divines and the school to which they belong.
  • Personal contact with a king is more effective in removing baleful prejudices than is any amount of argument drawn from tales and histories.
  • Other suitors pressed their claims, and often urged an argument which it was beyond his means to supply.
  • To these he added other expressions, which showed the firmness of his purpose, and that all argument would be fruitless.
  • This assumption has been incautiously conceded to the atheist by his opponent, and hence his argument has not been clearly and fully refuted.
  • But certainly we are conscious of the act itself; all men will concede this, and this is all our argument really demands.
  • Descartes met the argument of the necessitarian, not by exposing its fallacy, but by repelling the conclusion of it on extraneous grounds.
  • On the contrary, he has stated and enforced the great argument from cause and effect, in the strongest possible terms.
  • To this argument of Leibnitz we may then well apply his own remarks upon another celebrated philosopher.
  • I sometimes posed him a little, but then he had one argument that always settled the question; he would threaten to knock me down.
  • It may be said that this is an appeal to human ignorance, rather than a reply to the argument of the Universalist.
  • Never mind about me; I am only desirous that you should carry on the argument in the best way, and that you should take me with you.
  • This was a dashing, hard-fighting general of division, whose element was close quarters and whose favorite argument was the cold steel.
  • Now this argument seems just as plausible as that which we have produced from the same author, in his work on Original Sin.

Definition of Argument

To put forward as an argument; to argue. | A fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason. | A verbal dispute; a quarrel.

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence

On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Argument in a sentence

Argument sentence

sentence with Argument

Argument used in a sentence

Argument make sentence

make sentence with Argument

make sentence of Argument

Argument sentence in english

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