Sentences with word amount

amount — перевод на русский


— She analyzed Mr. Dubois’s stomach emissions and found that, along with a minuscule amount of strychnine, there was a large quantity of ipecac.

— Она исследовала рвотные массы мистера Дюбуа и обнаружила незначительное количество стрихнина, и очень много ипекакуаны.

I don’t mind a reasonable amount of trouble.

Я, за разумное количество проблем.

About the same amount that I’d have used if I’d wanted to use poison.

— Немного соды. Примерно тоже количество яда, если бы хотел тебя отравить.

— Piddlir amount.

— Достаточное количество.

Piddlir amount.

Достаточное количество.

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Don’t forget to mention the amount we’re suing for.

Не забудьте упомянуть сумму иска.

However, oddly enough, they are trying to write it off this a large amount of money.

Однако, как ни странно, они пытаются списать эту крупную сумму.

For a considerable amount of money, subject to negotiation, of course…

За значительную сумму денег, которую мы обговорим, конечно…

I’d be willing to offer a fair amount for information like that.

Я был бы готов предложить хорошую сумму за информацию, равную ей.

«I expect full amount by Thursday. »

«Жду полную сумму к четвергу.»

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For example, if there was an excessive amount of radioactive material in the rain that night…

Что если в дожде было слишком много радиоактивных веществ…

He’s lost a critical amount of blood.

Он потерял слишком много крови.

I give you a certain amount of time to go from phone booth to phone booth.

Я дам тебе не много времени, чтоб ты успевал дойти от одной тетефонной будки до другой.

The problem is I’ve got a tremendous amount of work to get done before I go back to Paris.

У меня ещё очень много дел до того как я отправлюсь в Париж.

I believe that you consumed rather a generous amount of Romulan ale in the officers mess on the night in question.

Я полагаю, что вы выпили слишком много Ромуланского пива и у вас на борту возникли беспорядки.

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I don’t care how trifling the amount, it’s still my money!

Не важно сколько, это мои деньги!

I don¡¯t care the amount, I need a lot of money

Сколько можешь,мне нужно много

I wonder, can you imagine the amount of effort and money we’ve put into this?

Интересно, можете ли вы себе представить, сколько усилий и средств мы вложили в это?

If you want money, I can give you money. Any amount.

Если хочешь денег — могу дать тебе денег, сколько угодно.

I’m telling you, if you want money, I’ll give it to you. Any amount.

Я тебе говорю — хочешь денег, дам сколько угодно.

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In the detachments, they’ll pay me the same amount that a Japanese woman gets.

В оперативной группе мне будут платить столько же, сколько японкам.

You’re the only one who pays me the same amount as a Japanese woman.

Ты единственный платил мне столько же, сколько японке.

Well, me and Tector don’t think that he ought to get the same amount.

— Ну, мы с Тектором не думаем, что он должен получить столько же.

Well, the same amount comes out there as I put in here.

Выливается ровно столько, столько я заливаю с этого.

Same amount of time.

Столько же времени.

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But it’s a large amount of money.

Но это большие деньги.

Kostya, you gave your own prize, such big amount of money and you are happy now… You should to cry, but you are happy

— Костя, отдал из своих рук такие деньги и прыгаешь Тебе плакать надо, а ты радуешься!

Bank the entire amount to his name, Shaddam IV.

Положи все деньги в банк на имя императора Шаддама IV.

We’ve put a certain amount of money into research.

Мы выделяем деньги на исследования.

Some people can’t be bought, not for any amount of money.

Некоторых людей не купить ни за какие деньги.

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Yeah, well, I can give you a certain amount of intelligence, but nothing that will compromise homeland security…

Я могу предоставить вам большой объём информации, но не скажу ничего, что поставит под угрозу национальную безопасность.

That amount of matter in so small a space would undergo instant gravitational collapse and form a black hole.

Такой объем вещества в таком пространстве подвергся бы гравитационному коллапсу и сформировал черную дыру.

Unlike such closed universes as the sphere open universes have in them an infinite amount of space.

В отличие от замкнутых, например, сферических, открытые вселенные имеют бесконечный объем пространства.

The equivalent amount of imported mineral water sells for twice that.

Тот же объем импортной минеральной воды продается вдвое дороже.

It’s digital massive amounts of data which extend right to the higher harmonics.

Цифровой код большой объём информации на сдвоенных частотах.

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They’re losing a tremendous amount of money.

Они теряют огромные деньги.

It can be the same amount of mass of mont Everest coming out from the Sun and flying out into the space.

Огромные массы размером с гору Эверест отрываются от Солнца и летят в космическое пространство.

In this world, there are some people who are willing to wager huge amounts of money to find brilliant liars.

В этом мире, есть люди, готовые держать пари на огромные деньги, чтобы найти блестящих лжецов.

They use that interest and that extensive amount of money they have to lobby Congress to give us the kind of farm bills we now have.

Они используют эту выгоду и огромные деньги, которые тратятся на лоббирование в Конгрессе, чтобы протолкнуть то фермерское законодальство, которое мы сейчас имеем.

Every time I look deeper, I find more clients, larger amounts of money and a web of financial and political connections all over the world. I think the Dollhouse is underground.

Стоит мне копнуть глубже, как я нахожу все новых клиентов, огромные денежные инвестиции, целую сеть политических и экономических связей по всему миру я думаю, что Доллхаус под землей.

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What are you going to do with that awful amount of time?

И на что тебе такая уйма времени?

It’s a helluva amount.

Чёртова прорва времени.

It just seems like an insufficient amount of time has passed.

Просто кажется, что прошло недостаточно времени.

They promised that if no other host was found within a reasonable amount of time, the symbiote would sacrifice itself rather than stay in an unwilling host.

ќни обещали, что если новый носитель не будет найден в течение разумного времени симбионт пожертвует собой, но не останетс€ в носителе против его воли.

You’ve got a limited amount of time to pick the next guy and confirm him before the midterms politicize everything.

У тебя мало времени для поиска другого человека . и убедить его до промежуточных выборов, когда всё станет слишком политизированным.

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I pay Bob such a small amount. -Mr.

Боб получает у меня так мало.

200 million dollars. It’s a fair amount.

200 миллионов долларов — это не мало.

200,000 won is not a small amount, you know

200,000 вон — это не так уж и мало, знаешь

— So we’ve a limited amount of time.

— Так что у нас мало времени.

We all have a finite amount of time.

У нас у всех мало времени.

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Отправить комментарий

сумма, количество, общая сумма, итог, составлять, достигать, составлять сумму


- количество; величина

- всё, весь объём, вся масса

a great amount of negligence — большая степень халатности; непростительная небрежность
the amount of evidence against him is great — против него собрано огромное количество улик
he has an enormous amount of energy — он человек неистощимой энергии

- общая сумма, итог

what is the amount of the debt? — какова общая сумма долга?

- бухг. основная сумма и проценты с неё

amount due — сумма к получению, причитающаяся сумма
amount at risk — страх. страховая сумма


- составлять (сумму); доходить до; достигать (чего-л.); равняться (чему-л.)

the bill amounts to £25 — счёт составляет сумму в 25 фунтов

- (to) быть равным, равносильным, равнозначным; означать

to amount to a refusal [to a threat] — быть равносильным отказу [угрозе]
to amount to very little, not to amount to much — быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения
what does it amount to? — что это значит?
it amounts to this /that/ — это означает следующее

- становиться (кем-л., чем-л.), добиваться (чего-л.)

he’ll never amount to anything — из него никогда ничего не выйдет

Мои примеры


an adequate amount of food for four people — достаточное количество пищи для четырёх человек  
the amount of shelf space available — количество доступного полочного пространства  
a considerable amount of time — немало времени  
to dispute the amount of damages — оспаривать размер компенсации ущерба  
to debit an amount to smb.’s account — вносить сумму в чей-л. дебет  
discount in the amount of… — скидка в сумме…  
fair amount — изрядное количество  
generous amount of storage space — огромные складские помещения  
amount of advance — длина проходки  
aggregate amount of labour — совокупные затраты труда  
limited amount — небольшое количество  
the full amount — полный объём  

Примеры с переводом

The bill amounts to £40.

Сумма счёта составляет сорок фунтов стерлингов.

This amounts to a refusal.

Это равносильно отказу.

What is the amount of this?

Сколько это составляет?

What, after all, does it amount to?

Что, в конце концов, это означает?

The amount due is 45 dollars.

Сумма задолженности составляет сорок пять долларов.

The amount has increased twelvefold.

Сумма увеличилась в двенадцать раз.

He ate an astounding amount of food.

Он съедал поразительное количество пищи.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…our lives don’t amount to a picayune in the great scheme of things…

…preparative warning that the injection was going to cause a modest amount of pain…

…from his perspective as a billionaire, what the governor got paid was a piffling amount…

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Формы слова

I/you/we/they: amount
he/she/it: amounts
ing ф. (present participle): amounting
2-я ф. (past tense): amounted
3-я ф. (past participle): amounted

ед. ч.(singular): amount
мн. ч.(plural): amounts

Sentences with the word Amount?



  • «This idea will never amount to anything»; «nothing came of his grandiose plans»
  • «aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year»; «the aggregated amount of indebtedness»
  • «she does an amazing amount of work»; «the dog was capable of astonishing tricks»
  • «an adequate amount of food for four people»
  • «he borrowed a large sum»; «the amount he had in cash was insufficient»
  • «such an enormous response was astonishing»; «an astounding achievement»; «the amount of money required was staggering»; «suffered a staggering defeat»; «the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying»
  • «in a frightful hurry»; «spent a frightful amount of money»
  • «They claimed on the maximum allowable amount«
  • «a considerable quantity»; «the economy was a considerable issue in the campaign»; «went to considerable trouble for us»; «spent a considerable amount of time on the problem»
  • «The city has to put up half the required amount«
  • «The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester»; «The cabin pressure fell dramatically»; «her weight fell to under a hundred pounds»; «his voice fell to a whisper»
  • «subtract this amount from my paycheck»
  • «I want a definite answer»; «a definite statement of the terms of the will»; «a definite amount«; «definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol»; «the wedding date is now definite»; «a definite drop in attendance»
  • «distressing (or disturbing) news»; «lived in heroic if something distressful isolation»; «a disturbing amount of crime»; «a revelation that was most perturbing»; «a new and troubling thought»; «in a particularly worrisome predicament»; «a worrying situation»; «a worrying time»
  • «the proper amount and distribution of electrolytes in the body is essential for health»
  • «enthalpy is the amount of energy in a system capable of doing mechanical work»
  • «exorbitant rent»; «extortionate prices»; «spends an outrageous amount on entertainment»; «usurious interest rate»; «unconscionable spending»
  • «the amount was paid in full»
  • «it cost a considerable amount«; «a goodly amount«; «received a hefty bonus»; «a respectable sum»; «a tidy sum of money»; «a sizable fortune»
  • «He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do»
  • «an incomputable amount«; «jewels of inestimable value»; «immeasurable wealth»
  • «The amount of work increased»
  • «like amounts»; «equivalent amounts»; «the same amount«; «gave one six blows and the other a like number»; «the same number»
  • «there are limits on the amount you can bet»; «it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight»
  • «a minuscule kitchen»; «a minuscule amount of rain fell»
  • «the amount of litigation resulting from minor accidents is reduced by no fault insurance»
  • «She never objected to the amount of work her boss charged her with»; «When asked to drive the truck, she objected that she did not have a driver’s license»
  • «outstanding bills»; «the amount still owed»; «undischarged debts»
  • «a precise mind»; «specified a precise amount«; «arrived at the precise moment»
  • «round off the amount«
  • «in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately»; «he called each flip of the coin a new trial»
  • «the amount of energy falling on the earth is given by the solar constant, but very little use has been made of solar energy»
  • «needed a specific amount«
  • «the report shows a surprising lack of hard factual data»; «leaped up with surprising agility»; «she earned a surprising amount of money»
  • «uncommon birds»; «frost and floods are uncommon during these months»; «doing an uncommon amount of business»; «an uncommon liking for money»; «he owed his greatest debt to his mother’s uncommon character and ability»
  • «an unknown amount«; «an unknown island»; «an unknown writer»; «an unknown source»

1 1/2 — 2 tablespoons matcha powder (adjust this amount according to the type of matcha you have and/or your taste)


Interest rate derivatives account for about $ 35 trillion of Goldman Sachs» $ 43 trillion of notional amount of derivatives contracts.


Planning a unit (or five, or six…) takes an incredible amount of time and energy, and it’s impossible to do it on the spot when August rolls around.


• 95 — 100 percent approval rate • No down payment required • Or lower down payment compared to unsecured options • Varying amounts based on the collateral


I have made and lost huge amounts of money in penny stocks.


The deduction for cash equivalents is for the amount of the contribution (s) and may be taken up to 50 % of adjusted gross income.


For those that already have a large amount of wealth, this is the method of choice, but if you’d like to choose this option (and have a decent profit per quarter), you’ll first have to amass a mountain of cash first.


You can borrow from $ 5,000 up to the total amount of your child’s education expenses.


«We were looking for a tool that could deal with a large amount of blight at once,» said Mike Score, president of Hantz Farms.


Shortly afterward, three company executives — Chief Financial Officer John W. Gamble; Joseph M. Loughran III, the president of U.S. information solutions; and Rodolfo O. Ploder, the president of workforce solutions — sold large amounts of their shares of Equifax stock.


Exchange accounts typically come with a wallet, which keeps track of the amount of bitcoins you own; that wallet will be updated automatically each time you make a new currency purchase.


Having pumped a far greater amount of money into the American and UK economies, the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve will face a daunting task in unwinding the effects of quantitative easing.


Its responsibility is to evaluate the long-term investment performances of the four private equity funds, and adjust the amount of future funding provided to them accordingly.


While Kabbage also has a line of credit, the maximum loan amount is only $ 150,000 and APRs are higher at 20-80 %.


On the CAPEX for this year, is it still on the same dollar amount, but importantly being spent in the same direction or allocation?


If you watch these markets behave, once you know what you’re looking for, you can see that other people are doing some amount of algorithmic trading.


Historically, though, the annualized return — the amount of money you actually receive per year, instead of the inaccurate «averaged return» many investors use — for the market has been 6-7 % over its duration, when adjusted for inflation.


PEP is the phaseout of the personal exemption and Pease (named after former U.S. House Representative Donald Pease) phases out the value of most itemized deductions once a taxpayer’s adjusted gross income reaches a certain amount.


Just a bit lower it shows the total amount of social security taxes you have personally paid, and how much your employers have paid toward your account.


If the market has a big downturn, you will owe tax on the full amount at conversion even if the account value drops by 30 percent before year-end.


The comments only serve to highlight the amount of prejudice and intolerance there is against Christians.


Caution 1: You can only use this feature to realize gains in an amount that «fills up» the 15 % bracket.


«B.C. provides the least amount of upfront, non-repayable student aid in Canada — 70 per cent below the national average.


The best time to use Abra to buy bitcoin is when you want to buy an amount of bitcoin with your bank account that falls within our


I’m aware that a certain amount of what I’ve done and said was to impress other people.


Discount points can be expensive and sometimes increase the amount of money required at your closing.


But if you’ve made both deductible and nondeductible IRA contributions to your traditional IRA, and you don’t plan on converting the entire amount, things can get complicated.


However, it’s not just the amount of irritation that separates safety razors from their inferior counterparts, as the quality of the steel used in the razors also plays a major role in how sharp they end up and thus how well they shave.


Also, their low risk environment and low fixed spreads ensure that traders keep on investing more and more amount with this broker.


Both Overt and covert acts of anti-Semitism have soiled the pages of history with unforgettable amounts of both blood and shame which stand forever on the Christian church’s record.


That’s an insane amount of wasted productivity, and that’s before you factor in the effects of continuous partial attention on mental acuity.


You simply enter the amount you want to borrow and some basic information about yourself and then the site displays a customized list of options for you.


You will need to have stock, as well as a place to hold it, which will cost a large amount of money, depending on your product.


Against the backdrop of a 3 percent decline in television viewing so far this season, David Poltrack, chief research officer at CBS, unveiled research showing that streaming on Netflix and other services has started to cannibalize the amount of time viewers spend watching traditional television.


It allows for a better amount of air movement inside it without being too stuffy or otherwise tough to use in any manner, thus offering a good layout and setup all the way through.


A number of factors make cross-border payments important to follow now: B2B trade is now global for all sizes of companies, workers immigrating for better jobs send money home, and simply the number of transactions and amounts paid grow.


Since counties and cities collect real estate taxes and assess property values according to their own set of rules, the best way to evaluate property taxes is based on the amounts homeowners report paying as a percentage of actual home values.


Flexible credit line — the amount of your deposit determines your initial credit line — up to $ 3,000 and increase your credit line anytime with additional deposits.


I also put lump sum amounts in too if there’s something interesting to buy.


We want to use this tool to estimate the total amount of searches, which will be represented here as impressions, as the tool is estimating how many times a hypothetical ad would be seen.


The withdrawal rate is the amount you take in year one of your financial independence.


For high income earnings you start having to pass specific tests that limit the amount of deduction you can claim.


Nevertheless, sales of substantial amounts of our Class A common stock, including shares issued upon exercise of outstanding stock options or warrants or settlement of RSUs, in the public market following this offering could adversely affect market prices prevailing from time to time and could impair our ability to raise capital through the sale of our equity securities.


So, you will hardly get back the exact amount you invested; even if you decide to withdraw your funds.


In exchange for higher returns, you promise not to withdraw your money for a specified amount of time — usually ranging from three months to five years.


The allure of that: Every month you put it off, up to age 70, the amount you’re paid in the future rises.


This usually involves buying a property that requires a significant amount of repair work.


Information that we automatically collect when you use the Services, such as your IP addresses, browser type and language, referring and exit pages and URLs, date and time, amount of time spent on particular pages, what sections of the Website you visit, order information, and similar information concerning your use of the Services


This has quickly made technology companies the most valuable in the world, and added great amounts of private and public wealth to their home nations.


If a homeowner can find a better deal on interest and loan terms while paying the same amount each month, they can cut months or years off of their mortgage loan term.


Synonym: measure, price, quantity, sum, value. Similar words: amount to, paramount, tantamount, mount, surmount, dismount, mountain, mounting. Meaning: [ə’maʊnt]  n. 1. how much of something is available 2. a quantity of money 3. how much there is of something that you can quantify 4. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers. v. 1. be tantamount or equivalent to 2. add up in number or quantity 3. develop into. 

Random good picture Not show

1. A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times.A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. 

2. I credit him with a certain amount of sense.

3. We’ve saved a considerable amount of money.

4. We had a surprising amount in common.

5. People should decrease the amount of fat they eat.

6. What is the total amount?

7. Cut down your overall amount of physical activity.

8. They spend an inordinate amount of time talking.

9. Somebody goofed and entered the wrong amount.

10. By any yardstick, that’s a large amount of money.

11. There’s only a minimal amount of risk involved.

12. We have accumulated a great amount of evidence.

13. No amount of discourse is sadness for the prelude.

14. It took an extraordinary amount of work.

15. You will receive a bill for the full amount.

16. He made an immense amount of money in business.

17. Only a minute amount is needed.

18. What is this amount for?

19. They ate and drank a ridiculous amount.

20. He earns almost treble the amount that I do.

21. They didn’t deliver the right amount of sand.

22. She eats an unbelievable amount of food.

23. The tank had leaked a small amount of water.

24. The total amount is in the fifties.

25. Humidity means the amount of moisture in the air.

26. They cost a tremendous amount of money.

27. She could only pay half the amount.

28. The sheer amount of data makes the mind boggle.

28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

29. The total sales of the company didn’t amount to more than a few million dollars.

30. You should allocate the same amount of time to each question.

More similar words: amount to, paramount, tantamount, mount, surmount, dismount, mountain, mounting, surmounted, mountaineering, insurmountable, bounty hunter, clamour, famous, paramour, infamous, enamoured, camouflage, mound, count, bounty, county, country, account, recount, counter, count on, count out, discount, fountain. 

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