Sentences with word ambition

1. Until all is over one’s ambition never dies. 

2. Ambition never dies until there is no way out. 

3. Ambition, in a private man a vice, is in a prince, a virtue. 

4. His greatest ambition is to sail round the globe.

5. It had been her lifelong ambition.

6. His ambition is to sail round the world.

7. His burning ambition was to study medicine.

8. Her prime motive was personal ambition.

9. She’s a woman of driving ambition.

10. His ruling passion was ambition.

11. She’s got a lot of ambition.

12. Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.

13. He was frustrated in his ambition.

14. Her ambition was to be a famous singer.

15. Your ambition,I think(sentencedict .com), is swelling.

16. His ambition knows no limits.

17. Poor and stronger, not falling Albatron ambition.

18. Have grandiose aims but puny abilities, great ambition but little talent.

19. Reynolds has never concealed his ambition to be the top dog.

20. Her ambition and dogged determination ensured that she rose to the top of her profession.

21. She fulfilled her ambition to become the first woman to run the 10,000 metres in under 30 minutes.

22. He’s always had a burning ambition to start his own business.

23. She hoped to achieve her ambition to become a singer.

24. In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.

25. She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.

26. She showed her elation at having finally achieved her ambition.

27. The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.

28. We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don’t want to work hard to accomplish these things.

29. His decision to move to London is closely allied to his ambition to become manager of the company.

30. To remember that success lies within myself; in my own brain, my own ambition, my own courage and determination. To expect difficulties and force my way through them, to turn hard experiences into capital for future struggles.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


One reason why Clay had not realized his ambition had become apparent.

Одна из причин, почему Клей не осознала, что его амбиция стала очевидной.

Our next ambition is the Membership Action Plan for Ukraine.

«Наша следующая амбиция — План действий по членству (ПДЧ) для Украины.

The two had the same career ambition of being musicians.

У этих двух было то же самое карьерное стремление того, чтобы быть музыкантами.

We also supported innovative market-mechanisms to achieve this reduction which balanced environmental ambition and cost-effectiveness.

Мы также поддержали новаторские рыночные механизмы для достижения этого сокращения, в которых сбалансированы экологические цели и экономическая эффективность.

There are causes bigger than personal ambition.

Это приносит куда больше удовлетворения, чем личные амбиции.

They beg, because they have great ambition.

Это ошибочное мнение, так как у них большие амбиции.

Their ambition has ultimately matched where the club now stands.

Их амбиции в конечном итоге совпали с тем, где сейчас находится клуб.

Your ambition is perhaps best marked by your unshakeable patience.

Ваши амбиции, возможно, лучше всего можно определить вашим непоколебимым терпением.

He has character and ambition, like us.

У него есть характер и амбиции, как и у нас.

Other contributing factors include inordinate personal ambition, ethnicity, nationalism, religious intolerance and political adventurism.

Среди других факторов, способствующих этому, можно назвать неумеренные личные амбиции, этнические проблемы, национализм, религиозную нетерпимость и политический авантюризм.

Too bad your ambition outweighs your talent.

Очень жаль, что твои амбиции перевешивают твой талант.

But without the mean streak that often accompanies ambition.

Но без этой вот низости, которая часто ходит под руку с амбициями.

But personal ambition has never been what drives me.

Но личные амбиции никогда не были тем, что движет мною.

The point is is that we have ambition

Дело в том, что и у нас есть амбиции

He has this ambition to win…

«У него есть амбиции, чтобы выиграть…

That ambition obviously continues to guide us.

Это стремление, очевидно, и теперь является нашей движущей силой.

However, we know that our ambition is somewhat illusory.

Однако мы знаем, что наши стремления носят в некоторой степени иллюзорный характер.

Our ambition does not end here.

Тем не менее, наши амбиции здесь не заканчиваются.

I understood her strength and ambition.

В конечном итоге я поняла ее силу и амбиции.

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ambition — перевод на русский


Some of you may have ambitions.

Некоторые из вас имеют амбиции.

Personal ambition must be thrown aside… in the one great sacrifice for our country.

Личные амбиции должны быть отброшены в сторону… в одном грозном порыве жертвоприношения нашей родине.

This my friends, is Napoleon, Emperor of the French… whose overwhelming ambition swept him to world power.

А это, друзья мои, Наполеон Бонапарт, император Франции чьи амбиции позволили превратить страну в мировую державу.

Ambition, I guess.

Амбиции, я полагаю.

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We must awaken the children’s ambition

Цель нашего обучения в том, чтобы разбудить в детях честолюбие

Your ambitions are completely atrophied. — Wha..?

У вас совершенно атрофировано честолюбие.

A good rise in the salary, and ambitions, too.

Солидная прибавка к зарплате, ну и честолюбие, конечно.

She underestimated your ambition.

Лила недооценила твое честолюбие.

Envy, ambition

Зависть, честолюбие.

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Understand, our ambition is the same — the security of France. There is suspicion because your son is hidden.

Ваше Величество понимает, что наши стремления… в интересах Франции.

into the coffee grounds or into your crystal ball, shall my destiny ultimately attain the lofty heights of my ambitions?

В кофейную гущу или в Ваш хрустальный шар. Какая судьба меня ждёт и каких высот… Достигнут мои стремления?

Well, it’s a harmless enough ambition, I should have thought?

Ну, это безобидные стремления, ведь так?


Он никогда не воспринимал всерьёз мои стремления.

Always put herself last to bolster his ego, his drive, his ambition.

Пожертвовала свою молодость… Всегда ставила себя позади, чтобы поддержать его эго, его стремления, его тщеславие.

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But my real ambition is to be on Broadway in a musical.

Но моя настоящая цель — попасть в мюзикл на Бродвее.

My desire and ambition is but one.

Мое желание и цель одна, и только одна.

I like a man with a bit of ambition about him.

Мне по душе люди, у которых есть цель.

It’s my life’s ambition to join the Knights of Camelot.

Это цель моей жизни — стать рыцарем Камелота.

Your noble ambition finds harmonious echoes in my heart.

Твоя благородная цель находит гармоничный отклик в моем сердце.

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True, until now I lacked ambition, probably because I was alone.

Действительно, до сих пор я был недостаточно амбициозен, возможно, потому что я был один.

Yeah, I’ve got ambitions.

Ага. Я очень амбициозен.

No ambition.

Не амбициозен.

Ruthless and-and full of ambition, I-I, I imagine… qualities that I admire, of course, and, you know, wish I had more of myself.

Думаю, ты был настойчив и амбициозен. Это те качества, которые я люблю в людях и которых мне недостаёт.

I mean, he is all ambition.

Он амбициозен.

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To look distinguished, which is a low-class ambition, never use a meat knife with fish.

Желание выделиться уже само по себе вульгарно. Когда едят рыбу, ножом не пользуются.

It is therefore my ambition to see you married… as soon as is decently possible.

Сожалею, но мое желание, это видеть тебя женатым. И как можно лучше и быстрее.

I guess the game picked up on my ambition to be like you.

Я думаю, игра усилила моё желание, быть такой как вы.

It’s a fine ambition, to be a poet.

Стать поэтом – это прекрасное желание.

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My life’s ambition is to have my own place… my own sheep station, up in western Queensland, where I come from.

И зарабатывать деньги на сахаре. Мне кажется, это и есть мечта вашей жизни? Да нет.

My life ‘s ambition.

Мечта всей моей жизни.

There’s some burning ambition inside you, isn’t there?

Есть же у вас мечта?

— What’s the ambition of a napkin?

Какая мечта у салфетки?

Ahhh, the vaulting ambition of the writer.

величайшая мечта писателей…

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Is this your ambition?

Это твои устремления?

The Guinevere One space probe represents this country’s limitless ambition.

Космический зонд Гвиневра Один демонстрирует безграничные устремления нашей страны.

Apparently, that’s your life’s ambition.

Очевидно, таковы твои устремления.

But no matter how much we’re fueled by this natural Neurological impulse. Ambition isn’t carved in stone.

Но сколько бы нас ни подпитывал этот природный нейроимпульс, наши устремления не вечны.

Do your ambitions not exceed this?

Ваши устремления столь скромны?

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Ambition, everyone agrees, she’s the perfect wife for a painter.

Тщеславие. Все считают, что она — идеальная жена для художника.

Their ambition is based on personal insecurity.

Их тщеславие базируется на личной неуверенности.

Ridiculous ambition really.

Смешное тщеславие, правда…

His name was Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, and if his name has been forgotten today, it is for the reason that his ambition was restricted to a domain that leaves no trace in history:

Его звали Жан-Батист Гренуй. И ныне это имя предано забвению лишь потому что его тщеславие ограничивалось сферой не оставляющей следов в истории зыбким царством запахов.

They come to know desire, lust, passion, greed, fear, hatred, Anger, ambition, Gluttony, jealousy, everything that makes Life… Interesting.

Они познали желание, страсть, похоть, жадность, страх, гнев, ненависть, тщеславие, обжорство, зависть — все, что делает жизнь… интересной.

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I have ambitions in that area.

У меня есть планы на этот счет.

Actually enormous ambitions, but that’s all, for the moment.

На самом деле — большие планы, но на данный момент не более того.

Mr Hopkins you may agree with him thinking «Yes we should simply study our Mr Pritchard… «and learn our rhyme and metre and go quietly about the business… of achieving other ambitions.»

Мистер Хопкинс, Вы, возможно, согласитесь с ним, рассуждая, что «Да, мы просто должны учиться по нашему учебнику мистера Причарда учить рифму и размер и начинать думать о том, как воплотить другие планы.»

You’re not concerned that public knowledge of your wife’s trysts… could derail your diplomatic ambitions?

— Вас не волновало, что если общественность узнает о похождениях вашей жены… это может расстроить ваши дипломатические планы?

We were full of ambition

в поместье Тай Хинг, Туен Мун. У нас были большие планы.

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«Ambitions» is a song by Norwegian band Donkeyboy, taken from their debut album Caught in a Life. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I posted tales here and there with ambitions, nay pretentions to a spot of website writing and ghost blogging.


Wenger will look to bring in further established stars this summer and will feel that the capture of Higuain will aid in that regard with the signing of a big name helping to prove that the Gunners do have the ambition, and the means, to improve their squad in a push to challenge for major honours.


The general neglect of de Staël is a missed opportunity for American painters because his work is so generous in its ambition.


Are your ambitions reasonable, and in line with the company/industry?


Designed as a platform built atop of Android N, Google’s ambition with Daydream is to foster the creation of a broad and all-encompassing ecosystem.


This is a Mario game where ambition and talent come together to make a rich and rewarding experience from start to whenever you feel like you’ve explored enough.


Aberfeldy, Scotland About Blog All About Adventure provide outdoor activities, mountain safety, mountain training, instruction and guiding and technical advice throughout Scotland.We will offer you expert tuition in a wide range of activities and at levels to suit your ambitions.


Deck 13 claim that the sequel will «expand greatly upon the formula» with more ambition and scale featuring in a brand new environment, «a sprawling, devastated city.»


Simmons brings just the right amount of youthful ambition and early onset life weariness to his part but it’s an aggressive and forceful turn by Hawke that really stands out.


This utopian ambition is articulated through her establishment of All Access World, a fictional organization that subjects monuments to an irreverent process of appropriation and transformation, reimagining them as consumer products that can be customized to reflect individual tastes, interests, and experiences.


The harder aspect for those who are feeling lost in their job or career is determining just what is the best alternative path that fits both their skills and personal ambition and desires.


However, at times, the downfall of social media is the inability to remain focused on your career ambitions and mastering your skillset instead of focusing on others progression.


We fear that Exe: Late will remain a cult classic, a niche game in a niche genre, but it’s not for want of quality or ambition.


His undying ambition to buy -LSB-…]


With such high ambitions it seems almost impossible to live up to the promises, but we’ll see.


You need to be a hands on Recruiter with drive, ambition and the ability to lead and develop a team of successful Recruiters.


«At some point,» said Kenneth Sherill, «ambition can cloud the reason of even the most professional politicians.»


Speaker of the house of representatives, Yakubu Dogara, has revealed that former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar backed Bukola Saraki’s ambition to be Senate President in 2015.


There’s hope on the horizon, if Venus explorers can shrink their ambitions.


Gerwig is cast as the eponymous Mistress America (well, sort of, her name is Brooke), a mythical amalgamation of ambition and out of the box ideas that captivates the wayward Tracy (Lola Kirke), a shy college freshman after their parents get engaged, meaning that she and Brooke are about to become stepsisters.


Still, Peele is undeniably a born filmmaker with big ambitions and an even bigger set of balls.


«At stake is our ambition for Murray Goulburn to be a world-class dairy foods business for generations to come,» Tracey said.


Instead, it twins the frenetic, sleazy hunt for shocking footage with the career ambitions of a closet psycho who, naturally, rises to the top.


«I must say, the team has great ambition, a great togetherness and they respond always when they are in trouble and that’s a great quality.»


In truth, I have been bowled over with some of the shenanigans that apparently has occurred, and at times I asked is this conspiracy, ambitions, arrogance, and/or second-tier minds?


Expansive Jupiter is soaring through the top of your chart until November, bringing fresh possibilities to your tenth house of career and ambition.


These are our objectives for the negotiation ahead — objectives that will help to realise our ambition of shaping that stronger, fairer, Global Britain that we want to see.


— Takashi Murakami We are driven by an innate ambition to make art works that are shaped by societal observations — in a variety of media — which by their existence produce a new cultural impact.


The presidential ambition of former Vice-President, Atiku Abubakar, is gathering momentum as a group under the aegis of United Atiku Abubakar Support Group, has commenced campaign in his support ahead of the 2019 general elections.


While Churchill was a great orator, his words meant much back in those days but how soon does history tend to overlook such orations,,, For is it not a more wiser ambition to live freely among all religious persuasions and cling ever gently upon one’s own independent literacies even though self-indulgence of the religious socialisms may give rises toward individualized dementia?


And the shadow housing minister, John Healey, said: «The Tories have talked of little else but HIPs over the past few years, and this announcement merely highlights the limits of their ambition and concern — pleasing estate agents rather than supporting first time buyers.


No Man’s Sky (PS4): Inspired by classic science-fiction and its overwhelming sense of adventure and imagination, Hello Games presents a game of unprecedented scale and ambition.


Understanding the basics of immune systems, Rappuoli feels, will achieve one of the field’s biggest ambitions: vaccines to cure cancer.


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the meeting in an effort to build momentum, trust, and political ambition for a meaningful global agreement in Paris next year.


Whether it’s through world travel, big ambitions or just relentlessly being yourself, people prefer to be around others who are interesting and unique.


«What we did at YUDU was to assemble a creative team that had the capabilities of really looking at the ambitions of publishers, then we basically would reimagine the story to include the very cool features that iBooks Authors had.


«All these shouldn’t give room for speculation that someone was trying to persuade the other to shelve his ambition for the other.


Also required is adequate ambition of the individual contributions.


Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.


Tom Hanks may support Rita Wilson’s late life lounge singer ambitions.


Part of me wishes Jonathan Levine had done a little more with the material, as there isn’t as much emotional weight to this film compared to the excellent 50/50, and while it doesn’t have the ambition or the quality of films from last year’s doldrums like The Grey or Chronicle, it’s a more than acceptable way to kick off the 2013 film season.


Red Eagle’s visits to the reservation would fuel his career ambitions.


Laura Chisholm, a science teacher at a maintained secondary school in Portsmouth, said a friend, whose «life ambition» was to be a teacher, left after two years due to mental health problems.


Langgård often use nature or animals to represent human traits such as ambition, desire and fear.


But if I’m being totally honest, my skills can rarely keep up to my ambitions.


Although that was quite a few years ago I still have ambition to better my life…


The Seagulls showed plenty of ambition in a bid to claim something from the game, with Solly March and Davy Propper both going close, but the Gunners» extra quality ultimately told.


The Powerful Case for Developing Your Fiction Writing Platform (Emily Wenstrom on The Write Life): «Your author ambitions don’t stop with one book deal, right?


Although smaller in scale and ambition, and lesser in terms of emotional content, this sequel is lighthearted, comical, occasionally charming, and while, on the whole, it’s really all a superfluous money grab, it is well made and amiable enough to garner a recommendation for anyone who enjoyed the first film and is anxious for more.


While in the «Wrong» example, you show commendable ambition, everyone shows that in their resume.


Sentences with the word Ambition?



  • «abnormal profits»; «abnormal ambition«
  • «his mission accomplished he took a vacation»; «the completed project»; «the joy of a realized ambition overcame him»
  • «his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty»; «the artist’s gifts are at their acme»; «at the height of her career»; «the peak of perfection»; «summer was at its peak»; «…catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame»; «the summit of his ambition«; «so many highest superlatives achieved by man»; «at the top of his profession»
  • «his ambition is to own his own business»
  • «avid for adventure»; «an avid ambition to succeed»; «fierce devouring affection»; «the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity»; «greedy for fame»
  • «that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble»- Edmund Burke; «taking a mean advantage»; «chok’d with ambition of the meaner sort»- Shakespeare; «something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics»
  • «compelling ambition«
  • «Greed and ambition composed his personality»
  • «a driving personal ambition«; «the driving force was his innate enthusiasm»; «an impulsive force»
  • «Nothing can rival cotton for durability»; «Your performance doesn’t even touch that of your colleagues»; «Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents»
  • «extravagant praise»; «exuberant compliments»; «overweening ambition«; «overweening greed»
  • «ambition is immanent in human nature»; «we think of God as immanent in nature»
  • «Her ambition was to be in moving pictures or `the movies'»
  • «naked ambition«; «raw fury»; «you may kill someone someday with your raw power»
  • «vaulting ambition«

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