Sentences with word allowance

припуск, допуск, разрешение, довольствие, выдавать паек, выдавать содержание


- порция; паёк; рацион, норма отпуска; квота

allowance of food — норма выдачи продуктов
water [bread] allowance — норма выдачи воды [хлеба]
allowance of ammunition — воен. боекомплект
to put on short allowance — перевести на ограниченную норму, урезать норму

- pl. воен. довольствие; виды довольствия
- денежное пособие, денежная помощь; содержание

dress [book] allowance — деньги (, получаемые) на одежду [книги]
liberal [modest, regular, intermittent, stated] allowance — щедрая [скромная, регулярная, нерегулярная, обусловленная] денежная помощь
family allowance — несовр. пособие многодетным семьям
cost-of-living allowance — надбавка на дороговизну
allowance in lieu — воен. пайковые деньги
to allot [to concede, to continue] allowance — устанавливать сумму выплаты [соглашаться на выплату, продолжать выплачивать определённую денежную сумму]

- амер. карманные деньги; деньги на мелкие расходы (школьника и т. п.)
- юр. суммы, выплачиваемые на содержание (кого-л., чего-л.)

entertainment allowance — средства на представительские расходы
travelling allowance — а) проездные; б) суточные; в) воен. путевые деньги

- принятие во внимание, в расчёт; поправка, скидка (на что-л.); оправдание (чему-л.)

allowance for wind — воен. поправка на ветер
to make allowance(s) — принимать (что-л.) во внимание; учитывать (что-л.); оправдывать (чем-л.)
to make allowance for smb.’s illness [youth, inexperience] — принимать во внимание чью-л. болезнь [молодость, неопытность]
to make allowances /every allowance/ — учитывать все обстоятельства /всё/; всячески оправдывать
to make allowance for future developments — учитывать возможность дальнейших событий

- скидка или надбавка с учётом (чего-л.)

depreciation allowance — эк. амортизационные отчисления
to make allowance for leakage [waste] — делать скидку на утечку [брак], учитывать возможность утечки [брака]

- ком. скидка

an allowance for cash on a bill — скидка за оплату наличными

- признание (обоснованным, законным и т. п.); подтверждение; уступка

allowance of claim — признание обоснованности претензии

- примиренчество; толерантность; одобрение

allowance of neocolonialism — терпимость к неоколониализму

- редк. разрешение; позволение
- фин. допустимое отклонение от стандартного размера и веса монеты
- тех. припуск; допуск; зазор (положительная разность)

negative allowance — натяг (отрицательная разность)

- спорт. гандикап, фора, преимущество


- книжн. рационировать потребление; вводить карточную или пайковую систему
- назначать содержание, паёк и т. п.
- (регулярно) выдавать в ограниченном количестве

Мои примеры


a monthly allowance for household expenses — ежемесячное пособие на содержание семьи  
the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C — рекомендуемая дневная норма витамина C  
dependency allowance — пособие на иждивенцев  
to grant an allowance — предоставить содержание  
allowance for seaming — припуск на строчку  
allowance for trim — припуск на оторцовку  
to specify allowance for — назначать припуск на  
shrinkage allowance — припуск на усадку  
supplementary allowance — дополнительное пособие  
at whole allowance — на полном пансионе  
prenatal allowance — пособие по беременности и родам  
language allowance — надбавка за знание языка  

Примеры с переводом

His father gives him a monthly allowance of £200.

Каждый месяц отец выдаёт ему на карманные расходы 200 фунтов стерлингов.

I am allowanced two glasses three hours before dinner.

Мне разрешают выпить два бокала за три часа до ужина.

His allowance was a quarter a week.

Его недельное содержание составляло 25 центов.

A child’s allowance should not be too generous.

Детские карманные деньги не должны быть чересчур большими.

He dealt her out a pittance of an allowance.

Он выплачивал ей жалкое денежное пособие.

The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room.

Отец не даст сыну карманных денег, пока тот не приберётся в своей комнате.

My wife has Multiple Sclerosis and is in receipt of disability living allowance.

У моей жены рассеянный склероз, и она получает пособие по инвалидности.

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Do you get an allowance for clothes?

He gets a travel allowance over and above his existing salary.

Each of their children gets a weekly allowance of five dollars.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): allowance
мн. ч.(plural): allowances

An allowance is an amount of money given or allotted usually at regular intervals for a specific purpose. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

# 32,531 + private healthcare + life assurance + attractive pension & holiday allowance (Monday — Friday.


This deal includes 7,500 miles per year allowance.


Balancing your withholding may require you to adjust your allowances several times during the year.


In some cases, abatement costs can be reduced through the use of complementary policies that address other market failures, but the types of «complementary policies» that have emerged from political processes have instead addressed emissions under the cap, thereby relocating rather than reducing emissions, driving up abatement costs, and suppressing allowance prices.


You can start by giving your kids an allowance that is tied to performance: completing chores, excelling in school, and having a good attitude can factor into their «compensation.»


Sure you have to ask your parents for your allowance, but it is still a pretty great deal babies.


Graduate Recruitment Consultant — Management Fast Track Scheme — # 20,000 basic + realistic first year OTE # 35,000 Are you looking for a long term career as a Graduate Recruitment Consultant in which you will receive up to # 23k 1st year basic salary, uncapped commission, car allowance scheme and holiday…


If the council is paying you a fostering allowance which is less than the government’s national minimum, you can use this letter to make a complaint.


Similar types of expense recoverable from funds raised for a particular campaign, eg, a deputy leadership campaign, could be «double» recovered from available travel allowances.


Look for a card that makes allowances and may allow you a higher limit based on a lower deposit.


Also, make sure you measure out her daily food allowance, don’t feed her scraps at the table, and give her adequate exercise (at least an hour a day.)


As a child’s anxiety escalates, the ways in which parents and caregivers tend to respond — by reassuring their kids, calming them, and making special allowances so they can avoid difficult situations — actually reinforce negative patterns and solidify anxiety’s hold, Lyons says.


However social security allowances that were delayed will eventually have to be paid.


From my understanding the personal allowance for the 2016-2017 tax year is: # 11,000 which I wouldn’t pay any tax on.


At the same time, the recommended daily is allowance of protein for mass builders is 1 to 2 grams per pound.


These banked ERCs or allowances can be applied to any future years, without limitations, encouraging states to meet their more stringent later-year targets in early years.


There are many types of Sugar Daddies, but most can be generalized as wealthy benefactors who provides gifts, financial allowances, career advancement and overall pampering to often younger, and attractive individuals — sugar babies.


A checked baggage allowance is included in your fare.


Yep, no plan ever has any allowance for error.


Children raised in single parent families don’t just have «token» chores to do in order to earn an allowance.


Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg was also concerned about the proposals for a daily allowance and said every pound claimed should be justified to the taxpayer.


The price of allowances would be incorporated in the market.


We tend to pay pretty well and are provide a generous CE allowance and dues for associations, etc..


Vodafone’s HTC Sensation offer is accompanied by 900 minutes, an unlimited text message bundle and a 750 MB data allowance for # 35 a month, over a 24-month period.


Before the NPFL season kicked off, there were viral photos of Rivers United players protesting for their allowances, however, those rumours have been dismissed.


As in a game of musical chairs, polluters must scramble to match allowances to emissions.


You craving to allowance queen bedroom sets for sale to StumbleUpon or other Social Media, if you incorporation bearing in mind this wall picture.


So we set up each member of the household (two adults, three teenagers) with their own cash card account, with a set allowance to spend however they like.


Once the Dynamic Reward Upgrade is processed, You are entitled to the respective baggage allowance, check-in and lounge facilities applicable to the higher class of travel.


— To maintain the integrity of the class II, group II cap, the Administrator may, through rulemaking, limit the percentage of each person’s compliance obligation that may be met through the use of destruction offset credits or banked allowances.


Big enough for 99.9 % of your daily coffee allowance, according to Health Canada.


The selected Curator-in-Residence [Office1] will receive an annual amount of $ 36,600, which includes a monthly residency stipend, a travel/research transportation allowance, and a monthly curatorial honorarium *.


According to this theory, there is also no allowance for duration of obesity.


Many financial advisers will even make a small allowance in your budget to allow for a reality check to help you remember there is more to life than just worrying about money, and on occasion you can spend a few extra dollars on something that will reward you for the efforts in tackling your debt problem.


Your employer may ask for evidence that you’re entitled to parental leave, including the child’s birth certificate, or papers confirming the award of their disability living allowance.


Consult your tax adviser to determine your specific contribution allowances.


I didn’t make allowances for what the film actually was, or had the potential to become.


Incidentally, it has not gone unnoticed around Westminster that apart from a few infamous Labour examples, such as Labour’s Ann Keen in Brentford and Isleworth, the vast majority of MPs in Outer London and the constituencies in the South East — who will lose out as a result of making those with seats «within travelling distance» of Westminster ineligible for the daily allowance — are Conservatives.


The psephologists have made allowance for the fact that the wards where elections took place yesterday were not representative of the country as a whole.)


I find I am hungry most of the time and should probably be eating more than I am, but I just struggle with making non-paleo allowances.


This will put you in a better position to negotiate your allowance.


Ed Vaizey: Mr Vaizey, who is Tory MP for Wantage in Oxfordshire, is reported to have had # 2,000 of furniture delivered to his London home when he was claiming an allowance on a second home in Oxfordshire.


One serving of mushrooms has a day’s worth of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D, which is 600 IUs (or 15 micrograms) per day.


It’s genuinely great to see gorgeous-looking PlayStation 4 games getting rendered on the screen of a smartphone, and if you have a good enough LTE connection and data allowance, you can even get it to work outside of your house.


The employment contract not only provided for an annual salary of $ 65,000; the right to participate in certain benefit plans and programs; a monthly car allowance of $ 750; paid vacation days, accrued at a rate of 6 % of total earnings; use of a company laptop; and reimbursement of up to $ 150 per month for the business use of the Respondent’s personal mobile communication device.


A press release also issued by the Minister of Health Kwaku Agyemang-Manu said there will be a launch of the restoration of the nursing trainee allowance on «October 10, 2017, at the Nursing and Midwifery Training School, Sunyani, Brong Ahafo.»


Rules about entitlement to benefits such as income support, housing benefit and job seekers allowance may variously change at 16, 18, 22 or 25.


This lease has an allowance of 10,000 miles per year.


The average Toronto sugar daddy is 38 years old, with an average income of $ 271,198, and he forks over an average sugar baby allowance of $ 51,684 a year, the site says.


Jillian Michaels, trainer from The Biggest Loser, recommends factoring a cheat food into your calorie allowance everyday so that you don’t feel deprived.


allowance — перевод на русский


You spend your allowance on this kind of thing?

Ты на это тратишь свои карманные деньги? Я…

— You’ve received your allowance.

— Ты же получаешь карманные деньги.

I am suggesting you and Fitzwallace and Hutchinson and the national security team take the next hour and find a response that doesn’t make me think we’re just docking somebody’s allowance!

Я предлагаю тебе и Фицуоллису и Хатчинсону и специалистам по вопросам национальной безопасности в течение следующего часа найти ответ который не заставит меня думать, что мы просто урезаем чьи-то карманные деньги!

He’ll need clothes, weekly allowance.

Ему будет нужна одежда, еженедельные карманные деньги…


Я купил его на мои карманные деньги, в том киоске, напротив зоомагазина.

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Your allowance check!

— Мистер Хелфготт! Ваш чек на пособие!

There’s always the allowance.

Всегда есть пособие.

Yes. There’s always the allowance.

Да, всегда есть пособие.

-And we’d still have the allowance.

— И у нас было бы пособие.

Vic is eligible for a bigger allowance from the VA than we thought.

— Вику полагается пособие на похороны из фонда для демобилизованных. Правда?

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I might even make her a small allowance .. temporarily.

Я даже могу назначить ей скромное содержание…

Just got my allowance yesterday.

Только вчера получил содержание.

— Why? Won’t she give him his allowance?

Она не хочет выплачивать ему содержание?

Well, one, he’s spent this month’s allowance.

Ну… Первое. Он истратил всё содержание в этом месяце.

Father will try to cut off my allowance and send me to Larrabee Copper in Butte, Montana.

Пойми, отец попытается урезать моё содержание и услать меня на медные рудники в Бьютт, штат Монтана.

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Two, he’s borrowed against next month’s allowance.

Второе. Он занял деньги под следующий месяц.

I got sick, and I used up the allowance my parents gave me, and I have to get back.

Я заболела и потратила все деньги, что мне дали родители, а мне надо вернуться.

The monthly allowance for your bastard son!

Где деньги за твоего ублюдка?

Will you send me my allowance, as before?

Тьı будешь присьıлать мне деньги, как раньше?

It appears she’s dependent on a monthly allowance from her father in New York.

Отец ежемесячно присылает ей деньги из Нью-Йорка.

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— How will I get my allowance?

— А как я тогда получу свои карманные?

— You get an allowance?

— Тебе дают карманные?

We can take a cut in our allowance, from 7 to 5 Euro.

Можем урезать карманные с 7 дo 5 евро.

For now, your allowance stays at 7 Euros.

А карманные пока оставим 7.

Did you get your allowance?

Ты свои карманные получил?

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One week of catching, a kid can make more than two years worth of allowance.

За одну неделю ловец зарабатывает больше, чем получает на карманные расходы за два года.

When you take into account what I shall save on Lydia’s board and pocket allowance,

Если посчитать, сколько я должен откладывать на гардероб Лидии и на карманные расходы,

The kind of raise that’ll allow me to give my kids a big allowance just for keeping their big mouths shut.

И часть прибавки отдам детишкам, на огромные карманные расходы… чтобы держали огромные рты на замке.

I’m definitely raising your allowance.

Я определенно повышу тебе карманные расходы.

Wow, someone got an advance on their allowance.

Ух ты, это всё на карманные расходы.

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You’ll get an expense account, a wardrobe allowance, not to mention a car and driver.

Ты получишь счет на представительские расходы довольствие на одежду, не говоря уже о машине и водителе.

At allowance to be itself and please herself.

У довольствие быть самой собой и нравиться самой себе.

To destroy part of the slaves and put the rest and the crew to short allowance.

Уничтожить часть рабов а остальной команде урезать довольствие.

You see it is artificially beaten to defraud the men of their just allowance of broth and pease soup.

Вы видите, она искусственно деформирована, чтобы обкрадывать людей на их законное довольствие бульоном и гороховым супом

Groping allowance.

Денежное довольствие.

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50 cents for my car fare, $2.00 for my allowance.

50 центов на трамвай, 2 доллара на расходы.

When did I ever ask you for an allowance?

Я когда-либо просил у тебя деньги на расходы?

You’ll get a monthly allowance to cover expenses.

Ты будешь получать ежемесячные выплаты на расходы.

Evelyn says her expense allowance is «stingy.»

Эвелин говорит, что ей зажимают деньги на расходы.

Three times the money, car allowance, moving expense, pension plan, the chance to work for a guy who gives a crap what people think.

В три раза больше денег, кредит на машину, расходы на переезд, пенсионный план, возможность работать с человеком, кому не безразлично, что другие думают. Тогда, почему ты просто не согласился? У меня здесь обязательство.

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From what I can make out, Henry will be relieved from his debts and the father will give them an allowance, which, in Italy…

судя по тому, что я слышала, Генри обещана уплата всех его долгов, и отец выдаст ему денежное пособие, что для Италии…

Your father, my love, is an excellent man and generous to a fault, but his idea of an allowance doesn’t go very far on the tour of Europe.

Ваш отец, любовь моя, превосходный и щедрый человек, но его денежное пособие не позволяет долго путешествовать по Европе.

Gaspari sorry, the INPS refused your application for the family allowance, again.

Гаспари, я сожалею, но INPS опять отказался выплатить денежное пособие твоей семье.

A car allowance, better parking space?

Денежное пособие на машину, парковку получше?

the allowance provided to you today…. is the blood, sweat and tears of the people.

Денежные пособия, предоставленные вам — это кровь, пот и слезы народа.

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Six thousand a fortnight, plus family allowance and overtime!

Шесть тысяч плюс паек на семью, а еще могут быть сверхурочные.

My allowance from the remand prison.

Мой паек из СИЗО.

Not until you raise my allowance.

Не раньше, чем ты повысишь мне паёк!

£20 of his allowance.

20 фунтов ему на паек. family allowance,.. ..eight hundred lire a day.

Плюс паек на семью, который составляет 800 в день.

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About 3769 results found using ‘ALLOWANCE’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • However, other lawyers said the allowance will leave non-doms at a disadvantage.  (open, save, copy)

  • You’ve got to be aggressive so there’s no allowance for movement in the contact.  (open, save, copy)

  • Salary is base plus commission, quarterly bonus and a monthly expense allowance.  (open, save, copy)

  • The ones for which jockeys get a kilogram allowance when weighing out for races.  (open, save, copy)

  • Some of the students used some of their allowance money to pay for the material.  (open, save, copy)

  • Most filmmakers know how hard a sci-fi flick is to pull off on a lean allowance.  (open, save, copy)

  • Would that include gifts to charities or the $12,000 yearly allowance per donee?  (open, save, copy)

  • Anyone with non-savings income below the personal allowance gets back even more.  (open, save, copy)

  • Children can earn an allowance and be encouraged to save money toward purchases.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘allowance’:

  1. An amount allowed or granted (as during a given period); «travel allowance»; «my weekly allowance of two eggs»; «a child’s allowance should not be too generous» [source]
  2. Put on a fixed allowance, as of food [source]
  3. A sum granted as reimbursement for expenses [source]
  4. An amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; «an allowance for profit» [source]
  5. A permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits [source]
  6. Valuation reserve: a reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company’s assets [source]
  7. In engineering and machining, an allowance is a planned deviation between an actual dimension and a nominal or theoretical dimension, or between an intermediate-stage dimension and an intended final dimension. … [source]
  8. An allowance is an amount of money set aside for a designated purpose. [source]
  9. The act of allowing, granting, conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission; sanction; tolerance; Acknowledgment; That which is allowed; a share or portion allotted or granted; a sum granted as a reimbursement, a bounty, or as appropriate for any purpose; a stated quantity, as of food or … [source]

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Sentences with the word Allowance?



  • «an allowance for profit»
  • «travel allowance«; «my weekly allowance of two eggs»; «a child’s allowance should not be too generous»
  • «He objected to the allowance of smoking in the dining room»
  • «was a big tipper»; «the bounteous goodness of God»; «bountiful compliments»; «a freehanded host»; «a handsome allowance«; «Saturday’s child is loving and giving»; «a liberal backer of the arts»; «a munificent gift»; «her fond and openhanded grandfather»
  • «She denies me every pleasure»; «he denies her her weekly allowance«
  • «hereafter you will no longer receive an allowance«
  • «The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room»
  • «a lean budget»; «a skimpy allowance«
  • «stint with the allowance«
  • «unexpended funds»; «his unspent allowance«

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