Sentences with the word subjective

subjective — перевод на русский





It’s all so subjective anyway.

В любом случае, это все так субъективно.

Looks is so subjective.

Это так субъективно.

That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.

Мы все — это одно сознание, которое ощущает себя субъективно

It’s all subjective.

Это все субъективно.

Sex it’s… it’s subjective.

Секс это … это субъективно.

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This is a subjective decision so it could differ between veterinarians you consult.


(Please do not consider this question subjective, I am just looking for advice and not necessarily the «right» answer).


They then go about searching the MLS for «sold» properties that they can shoe-horn into the calculation grids to justify (with more than a little subjective application of so-called «adjustments») their already arrived-at «opinions» of value.


In a rare display of flamboyance, Schechter uses subjective camera to place us in her shoes as she executes a move.


Classifying a neighborhood by «type», or what many investors refer to as a «grade», is typically nothing more than a subjective description.


And we say it every year, but this is very much our own highly subjective collection of gaming treats, chosen and savagely fought over by the Guardian’s cabal of reviewers.


As for the differences between Super AMOLED and LCD, well, those are a little more subjective.


The work of these artists is particularly prescient as we embark on a seemingly dystopian present and future in which primary experience is taking a back seat and fake news and subjective and ambiguous facts and sources abound.


They said «to hell» with the extremely subjective agent/publisher gate keeping going on.


Also noted were subjective criteria: group consciousness or self identification, and acceptance by the Indigenous community.


Ah well, all «best games ever» lists are subjective in nature.


Yes, these types of degrees offer access to monetarily profitable careers, but it is also important to consider the subjective and completely independent determination of wealth — something that is measured differently by each person.


And, of course, opinions are subjective, so they will inevitably vary.


Because hiring decisions are typically subjective, it is entirely possible that another recruiter might have chosen you.


Given any set of objective conditions or circumstances, the subjective experience of an individual (and the meaning assigned to any condition) will depend on the climate of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs s/he maintains.


All in all, which card is best for those seeking a large welcome bonus is subjective and will depend mostly on your needs, preferences and spending habits.


Religious beliefs in themselves are certainly in the realm of subjective experiences and thus trivially true, but they have to constitute beliefs about claims about the objective world lest they be mere metaphor or poetry, in which case it would be wrong to label them religious beliefs.


Possibly the most subjective of the categories, the sound rating is an evaluation of the relative merits of the sound signature, scaled to the best earphone I have heard.


It’s a good question, but obviously a largely subjective topic.


After 11 years as a mechanic I have learned that good service is subjective.


The mediated and moderated effects of collaboration on the relation between shared selves and well-being were robust when marital quality and subjective health were included as rival predictors.


I’m voting to close this question as off-topic because Most reasoning that isn’t subjective is Economics.SE material


In assessing the SALS criteria for reliability Campbell (FN9)(1997) notes that the SALS criteria are «vague and ill defined» and that as a result they invite a wide range of subjective opinion and therefor «Gardner’s criteria can not support expert testimony in legal proceedings».


The paintings in Kristopher Benedict’s «Tree Streets» take as their subject the suburban landscape and the artist’s subjective experience of it.


In-gear agility improves, too, but the subjective sensation of speed is eerily similar.


If science is subjective, then the industrial revolution never happened, we never went to the moon, airplanes don’t fly, cell phones don’t work, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.


Then there are more subtle and subjective differences that are often preferred.


Instead, the echoes resonate inside and outside the body, subjective and objective at the same moment.


In my reviews I try to describe the paths that lead to my subjective response so that readers can decide whether some part of my path might be theirs too.


The artist bolsters her paintings» unique and subjective contexts through evocative titles that alternately reference landscapes, as with Georgica Pond, and evoke emotional moments and relationships, as with the works Sunday and Joy Ride.


Qualitative content analysis refers to «a research method for the subjective interpretation of the content of text data through the systematic classification process of coding and identifying themes or patterns» (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005, p. 1278).


Honestly, with Blackberry I’m perhaps a little more subjective than all the other sites when I write comments or do tests on their devices.


It’s a highly subjective category that somewhat falls outside of «the cost of full-time travel», but is certainly «the cost of living» — depending on disposable income.


But I guess this just shows how subjective mile valuations can be; because my home airport is DFW, I value BA Avios at 2 — 3c.


Teacher and principal decisions were based on intangible, subjective perceptions about the children’s history of behavioral problems, perceived family support or lack thereof, and the children’s achievement in other academic subjects.


I’m guessing the former, but that’s really just an entirely subjective guess.


In nearly every objective and subjective performance category, the new Raptor excelled, thanks in large part to its supremely powerful 450 hp 3.5 L EcoBoost twin-turbocharged V-6 with an equally impressive 510 lb-ft of torque, mated to a new 10-speed automatic transmission.


That’s why subjective opinions, like what your friends think, become more important than the objective tech specs.


Marked by a sceptical humour and a focus upon the darker sides of human behaviour, place and social identity, Lewer’s work involves close observation and highly subjective encounters with family, religious, sport and criminal subjects, leading to insightful and absurd narrative reflections on good and evil, life and mortality.


Michael Frahm, Director at Blenheim Art Foundation comments: «[His] work is subjective, accessible and functional and he is perhaps best described as a sculptor who has redefined the artist-viewer relationship using language as his primary medium.»


He takes umbrage with Weigel’s un-Catholic emphasis on friendship with Christ, arguing that the Church begins with «Christ’s undeserved, atoning love,» not a «subjective» experience of friendship.


Paleo-climate reconstructions are even more dicey, as they often become nothing more than subjective interpretations of proxy data of questionable accuracy over cherry-picked periods of our distant geological past, applying argument from ignorance in establishing a preconceived attribution of some parameter to the reconstructed climate — in other words, not much better than reading tea leaves.


What constitutes good or excellent credit is subjective.


Whatever the form in which her works exist they become observations about existing protocols, as well as subjective elements looking for a fundamental transformation.


If most scientists were told that a archaeological artefact had been shown by radiocarbon dating to be at least 3000 years old with 95 % certainty, I think they also would expect the statement to reflect a confidence interval bound, with at least approximately probability matching properties, not a subjective Bayesian PDF.


I think the most subjective thing that will come out of this new addition to the Marvelverse is whether this one or the first Avengers film is better.


Though «what makes a good picture» is pretty subjective, the majority can agree that a poor photo is one that is blurry, or tacky, doesn’t show enough of the subject or shows too much.


I guess that just goes to show how subjective food is because I love the almond milk yogurt and don’t care that much for the coconut, lol!


I think we all agree that «good» and «evil» exist, though they are merely subjective, not absolute.


She combined her interests in dance, voodoo and subjective psychology in a series of surreal, perceptual, black and white short films.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word subjective, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use subjective in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «subjective». In addition, we also show how different variations of subjective can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are subjectively. If you click on the variation of subjective that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Subjective in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word subjective in a sentence.

  1. Stickers and lyrics are by nature subjective ..

  2. Direct treatment of the «thing» whether subjective or objective.

  3. The influence of these processes can exist without subjective awareness.

  4. This blurring of the subjective and objective returns in the final scene.

  5. The subjective events allow students more creativity than the objective events.

  6. The two narratives, the subjective and the objective viewpoints, complement each other.

  7. Indeed, the portrayal of the heroine’s subjective experience is central to its narration.

  8. Psilocybin is known to strongly influence the subjective experience of the passage of time.

  9. Hoorens and Nuttin concluded that there is no support for the subjective frequency hypothesis.

  10. The crew soon noticed a subjective change of air pressure, indicating that the aft door was open.

  11. Initially in awe of Newman’s reputation, Cardus soon discovered his own independent, more subjective voice.

  12. The competition consists of seven objective multiple choice tests, two subjective performance events, and an essay.

  13. How insecure it is to investigate natural principles using only the light of common knowledge, and subjective ideas.

  14. From the start, the film moves continuously between Barton’s subjective view of the world and one which is objective.

  15. Psilocybin induces region-dependent alterations in glutamate that can cause subjective experiences of ego dissolution.

  16. Grove characterises all three as musical evocations of nature, with little expression of subjective personal response.

  17. Roberts cautioned that any political readings into these sword-and-sorcery films with regards to fascism is subjective.

  18. Since Descartes’s time, philosophers had been concerned with proving knowledge from the basis of subjective experience.

  19. In addition to the seven objective events, there are three subjective events graded by judges: essay, interview and speech.

  20. The primacy of imagination and intuition over the subjective character of creation was a fundamental principle of El Greco’s style.

  21. The source of the problem is the force of public opinion, a force that is inevitably unstable, unserious, subjective, emotional, and simplistic.

  22. Wollstonecraft promotes subjective experience, particularly in relation to nature, exploring the connections between the sublime and sensibility.

  23. Postmodernists contend that truth is subjective, rather than objective, as it is biased towards each individual’s beliefs and outlook on the world.

  24. Various lines of evidence have shown that interactions with non-5-HT2 receptors also contribute to the subjective and behavioral effects of the drug.

  25. Wright intended for the film to be «as subjective as possible» in being from Elizabeth’s perspective; the audience first glimpses Darcy when she does.

  26. The scene represents a turning point that foreshadows the coming rupture and inversion of the «fairly subjective reality» that existed earlier in the film.

  27. This tension between objective and subjective points of view appears again at the end of the film, when Barton finds himself in a sense inside the picture.

  28. Other themes of the film include the destabilized contrast between insanity and sanity, the subjective perception of reality, and the duality of human nature.

  29. Early research into the impact of exposure showed that differences in subjective frequency yielded different results even when the actual frequency was identical.

  30. After ingesting psilocybin, a wide range of subjective effects may be experienced: feelings of disorientation, lethargy, giddiness, euphoria, joy, and depression.

  31. This barrier is namely present in Western countries where individuals enjoy comparatively high levels of objective and subjective wellbeing due to socioeconomic status.

  32. JanMohamed explains that while the objective, third-person narrative is factual and neutral, the subjective first-person narrative, Rosa’s voice, is intense and personal.

  33. His primary interest was the contemplation of nature, and his often symbolic and anti-classical work seeks to convey a subjective, emotional response to the natural world.

  34. Although the poem does not include the subjective involvement of the narrator, the description of the urn within the poem implies a human observer that draws out these images.

  35. Despite multiple control trials that have also demonstrated improvements in subjective and objective ratings of fatigue, there is no final conclusion regarding its effectiveness.

  36. That is, if existence depends on experience, as subjective idealism maintains, and if one’s consciousness ceased to exist, then the rest of the universe would also cease to exist.

  37. In its nearly religious approach and focus on subjective representations of nature, Bannister’s philosophy has been compared to both German Idealism and American Transcendentalism.

  38. Childe accepted that archaeologists defined «cultures» based on a subjective selection of material criteria; this view was later widely adopted by archaeologists like Colin Renfrew.

  39. She values subjective experience, particularly in relation to nature; champions the liberation and education of women; and illustrates the detrimental effects of commerce on society.

  40. Jones points out that the cantus firmus of the organ seems «objective», in contrast to the subjective «display of personal feeling» of the voice and the complexity of the other parts.

  41. Finally, Curtis Brown has criticized Putnam’s internal realism as a disguised form of subjective idealism, in which case it is subject to the traditional arguments against that position.

  42. She argues that subjective experiences, such as the transcendent emotions prompted by the sublime and the beautiful, possess a value equal to the objective truths discovered through reason.

  43. Criticized by modern biographers for its artistic license and highly subjective point of view, the book nevertheless remains an important source of information and perspective on Tubman’s life.

  44. The Good Terrorist is written in the subjective third person from the point of view of Alice, an unemployed politics and economics graduate in her mid-thirties who drifts from commune to commune.

  45. Thanks to Putnam, Saul Kripke, Tyler Burge and others, Davidson said, philosophy could now take the objective realm for granted and start questioning the alleged «truths» of subjective experience.

  46. Consensus guidelines from the German Multiple Sclerosis Society (GMSS) in 2006 state that amantadine produces moderate improvement in subjective fatigue, problem solving, memory, and concentration.

  47. Hilary Goldstein from IGN believed that the game was not deliberately racist, and though he did not personally find it offensive, he felt that others would due to the subjective nature of offensiveness.

  48. The events are split up into two groups: the seven objective tests (art, economics, language and literature, math, music, science and social science) the three subjective events (essay, interview and speech).

Subjectively in a sentence

Subjectively is a variation of subjective, below you can find example sentences for subjectively.

  1. However, the participants found them subjectively persuasive.

  2. For Putnam, this does not imply relativism, because not all descriptions are equally correct and correctness is not determined subjectively.

  3. This is one of the techniques of cold reading, with which a psychic can deliver a subjectively impressive reading without any prior information about the client.

  4. If such thresholds are not exceeded, four hours of maintenance and inspection are avoided instead of having pilots subjectively characterize the level of turbulence.

  5. Rodgers did not intend for the songs to become hits; instead they were designed to draw the audience into the action, as onstage events were described subjectively in song.

  6. As mentioned in anthropologist article, the group partake in a «journey» together, thus adding to the spiritual, social body, where roles, hierarchies and gender are subjectively understood.

Synonyms for subjective

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word subjective has the following synonyms: immanent, personal, prejudiced, unobjective and unverifiable.

General information about «subjective» example sentences

The example sentences for the word subjective that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «subjective» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «subjective».

1. Everyone’s opinion is bound to be subjective.

2. The criticisms are purely subjective.

3. As a critic, he is far too subjective.

4. We know that taste in art is a subjective matter.

5. Our perception of things is often influenced by subjective factors, such as tiredness.

6. The way they interpreted their past was highly subjective.

7. This view is subjective and therefore open to disagreement.

8. This is a subjective judgement of her abilities.

9. Taste in art is essentially subjective.

10. Experience is subjective and very hard to measure.

11. Human perception is highly imperfect and by definition subjective.

12. More specific and less subjective criteria should be used in selecting people for promotion within the company.

13. The ratings were based on the subjective judgement of one person.

14. A literary critic should not be too subjective in his approach.

15. This method is very crude and subjective.

16. It grossly exaggerates the amount of subjective culpability.

17. Evaluative core beliefs, however, are often highly subjective.

18. A person’s perception of stress is often very subjective.

19. The test is a subjective one.

20. Finally, the study reveals how information specialists’ subjective orientations further individualize the use of this ideology.

21. If action stems from subjective meanings, it follows that the sociologist must discover those meanings in order to understand action.

22. Nor are subjective meanings or rational choices independent of public social rules for doing the right or rational thing.

23. Both relatively objective and relatively subjective criteria present other problems.

24. A subjective view Choreographers can also take a more subjective view of their work.

25. I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective.

26. Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective.

27. Given the standard revenue account above there are two further issues which this objective versus subjective classification introduces.

28. Review over findings of fact has also increased as the judiciary have increased their control over open-textured and subjective conditions of jurisdiction.

29. This makes driving an ideal context in which to understand the concept of subjective risk and explore its relationship with memory.

30. Our second tentative conclusion is that social services may have reduced people’s subjective sense of inequality.

Use ‘subjective’ in a sentence | ‘subjective’ example sentences

1- The current analysis approach is therefore much more subjective .

2- Originally subjective forms were simply eternal objects.

3- It is called ” subjective cognitive decline.

4- But has their subjective efficiency ever been measured?

5- How things should be done is very subjective .

6- The definition of “middle class” is subjective .

7- But what really matters is subjective experience.

8- But balance is a wholly subjective concept.

9- This is thus a very subjective flaw.

10- The test is both objective and subjective .

11- Temperature ratings on sleeping bags are highly subjective things.

12- His mood was subjective rather than objective.

13- I basically vividly described my subjective experience.

14- The task of selecting software is largely subjective .

15- Respect is thus both subjective and objective.

16- This method is very crude and subjective .

17- Developing supporting themes is a somewhat subjective process.

18- The pain scale is my subjective rating.

19- Some phenomena are devoid of subjective meaning.

20- There are several difficulties encountered while studying subjective experiences like dreaming.

21- What we perceive is thus fundamentally subjective .

22- These are subjective forms used in conjugation.

23- Measuring personal growth is a subjective undertaking.

24- These location criteria are open to much subjective interpretation.

25- Objective data should support evaluations that are more subjective .

26- These latter prohibitions are often subjective in nature.

27- Finally rely on subjective yet numerical data.

28- The choice of discount rate is subjective .

29- This requires subjective judgement and is often very challenging.

30- This form is less clear cut and is more subjective .

31- The mechanisms of subjective tinnitus are often obscure.

32- The test is both subjective and objective.

33- What makes the best sweet onion is largely subjective .

34- So much of religion today is subjective .

35- The perception of brightness differences is very subjective .

36- The grading of essay tests is somewhat subjective .

37- Be aware that testimonies are always somewhat subjective .

38- These are values subjective to each person.

39- The line between self defence and assault is highly subjective .

40- Though such a measurement is rather subjective . These denicotinized cigarettes can also reduce subjective measures of craving in abstinent smokers.

41- Research suggests that there is a strong, subjective component to the perception of beauty.

42- The perception of beauty is influenced to some degree by subjective components which are culturally dependent.

43- If this stuff is subjective, why is it left to the employer to sort it out?

44- Tap has long been said to have a narrow subjective field: wit, joy, slyness.

45- But rating these sovereign wealth funds, it turns out, is a subjective affair.

46- Then you have private collections, with their mistakes, their subjective tastes.”

47- It is, of course, a subjective question for which there can never really be a right answer.

48- Aronofsky said “festival competitions are such a strange thing, because they are so subjective.”

49- As we shot the series, we realized within our own creative bubble that humor is clearly subjective.

50- For the most part, all they have are subjective reports of problems from the astronauts themselves.

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