Sentences with the word stressful

These quick tax tips for attorneys will make tax season a little less stressful.


Divorce is a stressful event in and of itself, and placing additional stress on children and their parents is needless.


Enterprise Car Sales made my car buying less stressful.


One of the most stressful things a school librarian can encounter is a materials challenge.


But unfortunately, eating out is also one of the most stressful times for people dieting.


Your vet should try to avoid painful or stressful procedures without sedation.


Resilience is the ability to successfully manage life and adapt to stressful events.


Moving day is always exciting but it can be very stressful.


If you’ve had a stressful day or are in a bad mood, it’s probably not a good time to groom your cat.


Moreover, a deadline that gets closer and closer is a stressful factor, for sure.


Also, as these particular moments in the plane can be stressful, it’s advisable to let your baby suck on a pacifier.


In their review of children’s responses to stressful situations, Garmezy and Rutter (1985) in addition to the protective role of families, highlight two other protective factors — dispositional attributes of the child and a supportive environment.


Avoid mentioning a time when you put yourself in a needlessly stressful situation.


She enjoys the challenges of veterinary medicine and helping people and their pets during stressful times.


Many women find that the time around menopause is stressful.


There are ways to make July 4th safer and less stressful for pets.


Later on, when Vinnie injured his knee, she tells her readers of the struggle they had deciding if their well cancer dog should undergo stressful knee surgery.


In contrast, some yoga is actually quite stressful.


Vehicle modifiers or otherwise known as «gear heads» who get a kick out of adding parts to their cherished cars to make them look more fancy are confronting an issue that might be more stressful than a broken down car itself which is higher automobile insurance costs.


i can’t imagine how stressful everything was for you.


If you too are struggling with the topics given by your professor and are worried about your academic performance, then hand over all your stressful assignment writing task to us.


It can be emotional at times depending on where you are, so it can be stressful.


Mothers are under enough pressure and I’ll say it again, having both parents work when kids are young is extremely stressful for many families.


That is a good idea for people with any home size as it can be stressful to host.


There is nothing more stressful than those nagging overdue bills.


«Teaching can be stressful enough without having someone who can’t break the ice at the right time with parents, kids, or other teachers,» adds Stone.


Pregnancy can cause a lot of feelings for the expectant mom, but it can be equally stressful for the dad to be.


Funny thing is, once you actually dig in, youâ $ ™ ll most likely realize itâ $ ™ s not all that difficult or stressful as you thoughtâ $» and keep right on going.


Summer should be a time for families to relax together, don’t let anyone (or yourself) make it needlessly stressful.


Traveling over the holidays can be notoriously busy, expensive and stressful, but don’t let a roadside emergency like a flat tire, dead battery or lockout get you down.


i hope this time isn’t too stressful for you and kiel!


Coping efforts serve two main functions; the management or change of the source of stress (problem-focused coping) and the regulation of the individual’s emotional responses to the problem or stressful situation (emotion-focused coping)(Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).


… It’s always stressful to be pregnant.


This situation was discouraging and stressful for many postdocs and, we felt, devalued our graduate school training.


«I am a counselor and psychotherapist experienced in helping people who are dealing with stressful events and emotional issues such as: depression, anxiety, relationships, parenting concerns, life transitions, and ADHD and learning disabilities.


Families in our programs may be impacted by significant stressors such as financial challenges, stressful relationships, mental health concerns, or chemical dependency.


It can be wonderful one day and then exhausting, stressful and overwhelming the next.


Buying a new car or SUV can be a stressful task.


That’s because, while flying is among the safest means of mass transportation today, it is also — increasingly — becoming one of the most stressful.


This process adds unnecessary strain to an already stressful situation, when what you should really be doing after being downsized is maintaining a calm pose and taking stock of your situation.


You may see shake-offs during stressful situations but also after the situation has resolved.


Sherrie Bourg Carter, a psychologist and author who specializes in women’s stress, says that a mom’s search for balance is stressful and never-ending.


Keep the sense of humour at arm’s length Whilst a quip or wise crack is a great way to lighten a stressful situation, those amusing little sentences on your resume may not turn an employers» frown upside down.


Second, children who tend to respond aggressively may show even higher levels of aggression when they encounter stressful events.


It’s actually a bit stressful at times.


Your day is super stressful and you need a break.


A wannabe actor, Mitch squandered a decade avoiding maturity and responsibility, whilst Dave strived for the American dream with a wife, three kids, and a stressful job as a lawyer heading towards partner.


She didn’t question the fact that the increased emphasis on writing and thinking — all stressful activities — at my alma mater, Hillsdale High in San Mateo, Calif., is a good thing, after I noted many of the changes were made by Stanford education school graduates.


Most cats and cat owners find the visit to the veterinary clinic stressful — and some much more than others.


Finally, losing weight can be stressful and leave you feeling irritated, but oolong tea can relieve these symptoms.


стрессовый, напряженный, создающий напряжение, ведущий к стрессу


- напряжённый (о положении и т. п.)
- создающий напряжение (психическое, умственное); ведущий к стрессу, стрессовый

Мои примеры


emotionally stressful situation — ситуация, вызывающая эмоциональный стресс; стрессогенная ситуация  
reintroduction of stressful flight maneuver — ввод стрессовых полётных манёвров после перерыва в полётах  
stressful activity — деятельность, вызывающая сильное напряжение  
stressful flight maneuver — полётный манёвр, вызывающий стресс  
stressful region — район, подверженный стрессу  
stressful situation — ситуация, вызывающая напряжение; ситуация, вызывающая стресс  
stressful task — стрессогенная задача; стрессовая задача  
stressful working conditions — условия работы, вызывающие стресс; стрессовые условия работы  
stressful zone — стрессогенная зона  

Примеры с переводом

I had a stressful day at work today.

У меня сегодня был напряжённый день на работе.

The long, stressful days and sleepless nights gradually etiolated him.

Эти длинные, напряжённые дни и бессонные ночи постепенно лишили его сил.

Moving house is reckoned to be nearly as stressful as divorce.

Переезд считают почти таким же стрессовым событием, как развод.

The band broke up when their arguments over money grew too stressful.

Группа распалась, когда их споры из-за денег стали слишком уж напряжёнными.

He had the onerous and stressful job of notifying the families of soldiers killed in action.

На нём лежала тяжёлая и изматывающая нервы обязанность — извещать родственников погибших в бою солдат.

Interpersonal relationships are very stressful for him, so he lives as a virtual isolate on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Межличностные отношения вызывают у него большой стресс, так что он живёт фактически отшельником в Верхнем Вест-Сайде Манхэттена.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘Some people find it very difficult to work quickly.’ ‘That’s right, and they often find exams very stressful.’

Teaching can be very stressful, and many teachers eventually suffer burnout.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

stress  — стресс, напряжение, усилие, акцент, подчеркивать, ставить ударение

  • Use the word STRESSFUL in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Then go dancing to the bed, ‘ve had a stressful day.

I have a headache, chess is stressful

But this, believe me has been a stressful morning.

Monk, that lady’s got the most stressful job in North america.

of a mimical nature… of either race… in stressful environments.

The workload doesn’t look stressful.

Inspector Rogas had just return from a very stressful mission… to find the judges killer, When he returned to the capital he showed signs of mental imbalance.


‘That was incredibly stressful.’

I know how stressful these things can be.

Fast food is one of the most stressful environments… because of the demands on you.

It’s a big… it’s a big responsibility, waiting for disaster to happen. lt’s very stressful.


This must be very stressful for you.

He’s the right age, had to be a stressful profession, obviously a heavy smoker.

Yeah, well, you know, it’s a stressful time of the year for most people, Maurice.

It was a very stressful time for me the war, I’ll tell you why;

You have to start thinking in terms of «we.» — It’s a very stressful situation. — You’re engaged.

Man, this is so stressful.

I know this is a stressful time.

Two most stressful things in life… moving and divorce.

Oh, these family outings are always so stressful.

That was quite stressful.

It often is very stressful.

You know, in these stressful times it’s nice to have a quiet moment to get to know each other.

We’ve had a very stressful night.

The new job has made things more stressful around here.

Time travel is a very stressful thing.

It’s just too stressful. You said that yourself.

Or your job is more stressful than I thought.

If we tested you where you practised, it wouldn’t be stressful.

We were looking for a partner but under these stressful conditions, I didn’t wanna put her through it.

It is to me. After I crashed and burned as a lawyer, I had to find something less stressful.

which, when combined with a stressful work environment… leads to a myocardial infarction… of the interior wall of the left ventricle.

Now, listen, I could try to explain my behavior by saying that these are stressful times we live in, that

But, but… these are stressful times we live in and

We think you had a stressful rush-hour commute, you overheard something.

We hope it wasn’t too stressful.

I never realized how stressful it is to be a parent.

You’ve had a very stressful day that’s affected your ability to think clearly.

The vet says it’s stress. What do you have to be stressful about?

Stress causes one, and I’d say… polygraph test for murder… is a pretty goddamn stressful situation… especially with Mr. Creepy over here.

We’re role models. It’s very stressful.

lt`s been very stressful for him.

Things have been really stressful lately.

Shawn, it’s obviously been a very stressful day for you, and I think you should come back to The Centre.

Otherwise living here would be very stressful.

Definition of Stressful

causing emotional or mental tension or stress

Examples of Stressful in a sentence

The woman’s stressful job caused her many nights of restless sleep and emotional distress.


Though sitting in traffic can be stressful, it is better than being part of the ten-car pileup.


Because too much homework can be stressful on students, the teacher tries to reduce their worry by giving none.


John’s wife’s constant nagging was stressful and caused major tension in their home.


Because the police officer’s day job was so stressful, he had to take time to unwind and destress at night.


Other words in the Tough category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

English students often learn syllable and word stress rules before venturing into sentence stress. This is because sentence stress rules are far more variable and complex, while the rules for correct intonation in English generally stay the same. To demonstrate the differences, let’s look at a few different examples of stress in English.

Syllable Stress vs. Sentence Stress

When you learn how to pronounce different vowel and consonant sounds, you must also learn how to stress different parts of a word correctly. Stress is just another way to say “emphasize.” This means that some parts of a word are stronger (and slightly louder) than others. Here are a few examples:

  • Away (pronounced: a-WAY)
  • Delicious (pronounced: de-LI-cious)
  • Anticipate (pronounced: an-TI-ci-PATE)
  • Communication (pronounced: comm-un-i-CA-tion)
  • Autobiography (pronounced: au-to-bi-O-gra-phy)

Some longer words have a primary stressed syllable and one or more secondary stressed syllables. The primary stressed syllable is always stronger than the secondary stressed syllable, while both are stronger than unstressed syllables. Be sure to check out our guide on stressed and unstressed syllables to learn more about using proper English intonation.

Sentence stress refers to the words in a sentence that get the most emphasis. While common sayings and phrases usually have unchanging sentence stress rules, you can emphasize different words in a sentence to create new meanings. For example, let’s look at the common saying: I told you so!

The most common way to say this phrase is to put the primary stress on “told” and the secondary stress on “so,” like this:

I TOLD you SO!

However, you could also change the implicit meaning of the phrase by emphasizing “I.” By doing this, you will stress the fact that you (the speaker) were the one who told them (the listener) about something. 

Which words should you stress in a sentence?

So, how can you know which words to stress in a sentence? Again, there are no hard-and-fast sentence stress rules, but there are some general principles that will help you use stress properly when speaking in English. You can often tell which words should be stressed based on the parts of speech and where the words fall in a sentence.

  • Content words (nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and main verbs) are usually stressed.
  • Function words (determiners, prepositions, and conjunctions) are usually unstressed unless you want to emphasize their role(s) in a sentence.
  • Question words (who, what, when, where, why, and how) are usually unstressed unless you want to emphasize their role(s) in a sentence.
  • Subject pronouns (I, You, He, She, We, They) are usually unstressed, while object pronouns (me, you, him, her, us, them) are usually stressed.

Sentence Stress in a Statement

Pronoun Main Verb Adverb Preposition Determiner Noun
ran quickly to the desk.
unstressed unstressed STRESSED (primary) unstressed unstressed STRESSED (secondary)

This example denotes the natural rise and fall of the sentence. However, as previously stated, you could stress different words to alter the meaning:

  • I ran quickly to the desk. (emphasizes who is doing the running)
  • I ran quickly to the desk. (emphasizes what action is being done)
  • I ran quickly to the desk. (emphasizes the way in which you ran, but does not fundamentally change the meaning of the sentence)
  • I ran quickly to the desk. (inappropriate sense stress, but emphasizes the direction in which you ran)
  • I ran quickly to the desk. (inappropriate sense stress, but emphasizes that it was a specific desk)
  • I ran quickly to the desk. (emphasizes the object or location to which you ran)

Sentence Stress in a Question

Pronoun Modal Verb Main Verb Preposition Determiner Noun
Who  will come to the party?
unstressed unstressed STRESSED (primary) unstressed unstressed STRESSED (secondary)

Like the previous example, the sentence stress here also denotes the natural rise and fall of the word combination. However, you could still ask this question six different ways to convey six slightly different meanings:

  • Who will come to the party? (you want to know who the party attendees are)
  • Who will come to the party? (you want to know who will definitely be attending the party)
  • Who will come to the party? (you want to know who will attend the party, but this form does not change the standard meaning of the question)
  • Who will come to the party? (inappropriate sense stress, but emphasizes the location of the party) 
  • Who will come to the party? (inappropriate sense stress, but emphasizes which party you’re talking about)
  • Who will come to the party? (you want to emphasize the party, possibly in contrast to a separate event)

Sentence Stress and Intonation in English

If you couldn’t already tell, sentence stress is often linked to the way our voices rise and fall (intonation) while speaking. The natural rise and fall in pitch usually determines which words are stressed and unstressed. This is why the two example sentences above have similar structures. They are both examples of falling intonation.

In American English, there are two basic types of intonation: rising intonation and falling intonation. Falling intonation is far more common. When you speak with falling intonation, the pitch of your voice starts high and gets lower by the end of the sentence. More often than not, sentences with falling intonation use stressed verbs and objects. For example:

  • I saw a crab at the beach.
  • They never return my calls.
  • Frank is a responsible person.
  • My dad doesn’t like to wash the dishes.

Alternatively, rising intonation occurs when the pitch of your voice starts lower and gets higher at the end of the sentence. This type of intonation is less common, but you can use it when you want to ask a Yes/No question or when you want to express a negative emotion, like anger. Similarly, the stress often falls on verbs and objects, though this can vary depending on the meaning you want to convey. Here are some examples:

  • Are you sure?
  • Do you want to go to the park?
  • You’re so mean!
  • I don’t want to talk to you!

What is sense stress?

You might have heard of sense stress, which is very similar to the concept of sentence stress. Sense stress simply refers to the use of stress on different words to convey different meanings. Thus, sense stress is a form of sentence stress. Usually, people refer to appropriate or inappropriate sense stress. Appropriate sense stress sounds natural and correctly conveys the meaning of a sentence. Here are some examples of appropriate sense stress:

  • How many HAMBURGERS should we get?
  • What TIME is it?
  • He ANSWERED the phone.
  • They did NOT want to go swimming.

Alternatively, inappropriate sense stress sounds unnatural and conveys strange or incorrect meanings. Here are a few examples:

  • Where do you want to eat?
  • Did you go to the doctor?
  • I never go to the supermarket by myself.
  • She was watching a movie when the guests arrived.


Sentence stress is an element of English that can be difficult to grasp, especially for beginner or even intermediate learners. However, with practice, you can use stress to accurately express yourself. With time, you’ll find that sense and sentence stress are some of the best ways to get your point across to other English speakers!

If you’d like to hear native English speakers using sentence stress, be sure to subscribe to the Magoosh Youtube channel!

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