Sentences with the word stock

запас, акции, шток, фонд, фондовый, шаблонный, снабжать, заготовить


- главный ствол (дерева)
- неодушевлённый предмет
- пренебр. глупый, бесчувственный человек; деревяшка, чурбан

to stand like a stock — стоять как чурбан /как болван/

- опора, подпора
- ложа (винтовки)

ещё 43 варианта


- имеющийся в наличии или наготове

stock item — номенклатурный предмет снабжения
stock size — а) стандартный размер; he is of stock size

- избитый, шаблонный, заезженный

stock joke — избитая шутка
stock argument — шаблонный /обычный/ довод
stock comparison — избитое /классическое/ сравнение
stock phrase — клише
it’s the stock dodge — это старая /избитая/ уловка

- биржевой
- скотоводческий

stock farm — а) скотоводческое хозяйство; б) животноводческая ферма
stock train — поезд для перевозки скота

- племенной

stock mare — племенная кобыла

- готовый, патентованный (о лекарстве)
- складской

stock boy — складской рабочий


- снабжать

to stock a farm — оборудовать ферму /хозяйство/
to stock a pond with fish — разводить рыбу в пруду
to stock a shop — снабжать магазин (товарами)
to stock one’s mind with knowledge — обогатить ум знаниями, расширить запас знаний
the fort was stocked with provisions — в крепости был запас продовольствия

- иметь в наличии, в продаже

to stock varied goods — иметь в продаже разнообразные товары
stocked by all chemists — продаётся во всех аптеках
the library is well stocked with sci-fi books — в библиотеке большой выбор научной фантастики

- хранить на складе; иметь в запасе
- создавать запас, запасать (тж. stock up)
- приделывать ручку, прикреплять ствол к ложе и т. п.

- корчевать (пни); выкапывать (деревья)
- полоть, выдёргивать (сорняки)
- вскапывать (землю мотыгой)
- амер. засевать (травой, клевером; тж. stock down)
- использовать (землю) под пастбище
- выгонять (скот) на пастбище
- давать новые побеги
- обыкн. p. p. задерживать, останавливать рост (растения, животного)
- собрать в колоду
- нечестно тасовать
- ист. сажать в колодки
- с.-х. случать (кобылу, корову); осеменять

ещё 12 вариантов

Мои примеры


a stampede to buy the stock — паническая скупка акций  
the trend of the stock market — тенденция фондового рынка  
commercial stock length — нормальная длина товарного проката  
stock floatation — размещение акций  
to hold shares / stock — быть держателем акций, акционерного капитала  
market stock — товарный скот, скот для продажи  
overissue of debenture stock — чрезмерная эмиссия облигаций  
to stock up on provisions — пополнять запасы провианта  
quire stock — непереплетённая книга  
stock / western saddle — ковбойское седло  
senior stock — привилегированные акции  
hold in stock — хранить на складе  

Примеры с переводом

The stock went south.

Акции упали.

Our refrigerator at college was always stocked with beer.

Наш холодильник в колледже был всегда забит пивом.

I’m sorry, that swimsuit is completely out of stock in your size.

Простите, но в вашем размере этот купальник полностью распродан.

The shop is well stocked with camping supplies.

В магазине имеется большой выбор туристических принадлежностей.

The stock market went phut.

Фондовый рынок рухнул.

Do you own any stock?

Принадлежат ли вам какие-либо акции?

Some of the money also may be used to stock the lake with additional fish.

Часть этих денег также может быть использована на пополнение поголовья рыбы в озере.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

An unwanted suitor is buying up the company’s stock.

There were rich pickings (=a lot of money) to be had from the stock market.

The Stock Market was becalmed yesterday as dealers waited for company results.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

overstock  — излишний запас, избыток, затоваривать
restock  — пополнять запасы
stocking  — чулок
stocky  — коренастый, приземистый
understock  — привитое растение, снабжать недостаточным количеством
stocker  — стокер, держатель
stocked  — имеющийся в наличии
stockish  — глупый, бесчувственный, деревянный
stockist  — фирма, имеющая запасы готовой продукции, торговая фирма
unstock  — истощать, обезлюдить, снимать со стапеля, прекращать постройку

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: stock
he/she/it: stocks
ing ф. (present participle): stocking
2-я ф. (past tense): stocked
3-я ф. (past participle): stocked

ед. ч.(singular): stock
мн. ч.(plural): stocks

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Volatility is much more predictable than stock prices.

В то же время, волатильность на много более предсказуема, чем цены на акции.

It’s also possible to convert shares of preferred stock into common stock, but not vice versa.

Также можно конвертировать привилегированные акции в обыкновенные акции, но не наоборот.

If you are considering investing in a stock, think about using stock options instead of the underlying stock.

Если вы планируете инвестировать в акции, подумайте об использовании опционов на акции вместо базового запаса.

Too much safety stock can result in high holding expenses of stock.

Слишком большой страховой запас может привести к высоким издержкам хранения запасов.

Active substances returned to saleable stock should be placed such that the stock rotation system operates effectively.

Лекарственные средства, возвращенные в основной запас хранения, следует размещать таким образом, чтобы эффективно работала система оборачиваемости складского запаса.

Faced with the prospect of selling a stock, investors become emotionally affected by the price at which they purchased the stock.

Столкнувшись с перспективой продажи акции, инвесторы испытывают эмоции, которые зависят от цены, по которой они эту акцию купили.

We recommend selling preferred stock before the record date and holding common stock.

Мы рекомендуем продавать привилегированные акции до даты фиксации реестра и держать простые акции.

Another situation, another stock, to reinvested his earning in this stock.

Другая ситуация, другая акция, чтобы реинвестировать его заработок в новые акции.

If there is a choice between cash or stock, then the investor faces a tax event even when choosing stock dividends.

Если есть выбор между деньгами или акциями, то инвестор сталкивается с налоговым событием даже при выборе дивидендов по акциям.

Google stock became Alphabet stock after a corporate restructuring.

Акции Google стали акциями Alphabet после корпоративной реструктуризации.

※ Preferred stock held by KDB and Korea Eximbank are convertible preferred stock.

※ Привилегированные акции KDB и Эксимбанка Кореи являются конвертируемыми привилегированными акциями.

Certificated stock is also called certified stock.

Фондовый товаров, которые сертифицированы называют также «сертифицированные запасы«.

Preferred stock has features of both common stock and debt.

Привилегированным акциям (preferred stock) присущи черты как обыкновенных акций, так и долговых обязательств.

The divisor is changed when a stock split or stock dividend occurs because these affect the stock prices.

Этот делитель меняется при расщеплении акционерного капитала или выплате дивидендов, потому что это влияет на цены акций.

The wealthy own stock, large blocks, and through stock ownership often have influence on corporate holdings of stock.

Богатые владеют акциями, большими пакетами, и через владение акционерным капиталом часто могут влиять на корпоративные инвестиции акционерного капитала.

Such actions are: purchasing and paying for the stock, checking stock quality, returning the stock or distributing it.

Возможные действия: покупка и оплата акций, проверка качества запасов, возврат запасов или их распространение.

This activity would precipitate a panic on the stock market, when all of the stock owners went to sell their stock.

Подобные действия должны были неизбежно ввергнуть в панику рынок ценных бумаг, когда все владельцы акций бросились бы продавать свои бумаги.

The available stock should not be confused with the stock on hand which represents the quantity of stock physically present on the shelf.

Доступные запасы не надо путать с наличными запасами — этот показатель отражает количество товаров, которые физически присутствуют на складе.

Active traders move from stock to stock to try to maximize capital gains on investments based on daily fluctuations of the stock market.

Активные трейдеры переходят от акций к акциям, стараясь максимально увеличить доходность капитала за счет инвестиций, основанных на колебаниях фондового рынка.

Complete understanding of how financial markets analysis interrelate within the stock market determines how the stock trader will execute positions in the stock market.

Полное понимание того, как анализ финансовых рынков взаимосвязан на фондовой бирже, определяет способ, которым биржевой трейдер будет выполнять позиции в фондовом секторе.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат stock

Результатов: 78235. Точных совпадений: 78235. Затраченное время: 180 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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stocks, ETFs and stock options

акции, ETF и опционы на акции




stocks, ETFs and stock options

акции, ETF и опционы на акции




its stock of pristine ecology.

ее запасов девственно чистой экологии.




its stock of pristine ecology.

ее запасов девственно чистой экологии.




Stock Markets’ Fear of Falling

Фондовые биржи в опасении спада




Housing stock in 2001- key figures

Жилой фонд в 2001 году- основные показатели




This stock can be tentatively divided into three main groups by type of residential buildings:

Этот фонд можно условно разделить на три основные группы по типу жилых зданий:



(Кино и масс-медиа)

Will Facebook dynamic ads stay up to date with my stock changes?

Будет ли динамическая реклама на Facebook обновляться согласно изменениям ассортимента?




Lock, stock, barrel, and a smokin ‘gun

Карты, деньги, ствол, и дымящийся пистолет




It’s processed pork parts, salt, and meat stock.

Там побочные продукты поросёнка, соль и мясной бульон.



Select Stock Images if you’d like to search for professional images to use in your ads.

Выберите Стоковые изображения, если хотите найти профессиональные изображения для использования в своей рекламе.


доля акций

(shares held by investor)

другие переводы 17


stocked / stocked / stocking / stocks


Click Master planning > Journals > Safety stock.

Щелкните Сводное планирование > Журналы > Резервный запас.




This is useful when you always stock a particular product in the same location.

Это полезно, если определенный продукт всегда хранится в одном и том же местонахождении.



(Бизнес для ИТ)

Uh, yeah, well, we can’t keep this stuff in stock.

Да, ну, мы не можем постоянно хранить её на складе.



I helped him with stock information in exchange for an apartment.

Я лишь снабжала его информацией о продажах в обмен на жильё.



Remember the Christmas I snuck into your house and your dad caught me stuffing your stocking?

Помнишь то Рождество, когда я проник в ваш дом и твой отец застукал меня, когда я наполнял твой носок?


другие переводы 2



имя собственное



This is a Titanium XXX limited edition ball stretcher that you can only get at the Stock Room.

Это прибор для растяжки яиц «Титаниум ХХХ», который можно купить только в Сток Руме.


Словосочетания (1480)

  1. As , opened joint stock company — As, Opened Joint Stock Company
  2. authorized capital stock — уставный капитал
  3. band stock — бандерольная бумага
  4. bank stock — акционерный капитал банка
  5. bar stock — брусок
  6. barometer stock — акции, курсы которых являются показателем состояния фондового рынка
  7. basic word stock — лексический минимум
  8. bit stock — коловорот
  9. black stock — мазутный крекинг-сырье
  10. blackandwhite film stock — черно-белая неэкспонированная кинопленка



stocks, ETFs and stock options
акции, ETF и опционы на акции

its stock of pristine ecology.
ее запасов девственно чистой экологии.

Stock Markets’ Fear of Falling
Фондовые биржи в опасении спада

Housing stock in 2001- key figures
Жилой фонд в 2001 году- основные показатели

This stock can be tentatively divided into three main groups by type of residential buildings:
Этот фонд можно условно разделить на три основные группы по типу жилых зданий:


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How can you use “word-stock” in a sentence? Here are
some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It is undeniable that the word-stock of a language can be derived from a vast corpus of its writing and speech to produce a dictionary; a grammar can be likewise derived, but such exercises are rare and are usually confined to work on dead languages.

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Etymological Survey of the Modern English Language.
According to the origin, the word-stock may be subdivided into two main groups: one comprises the native elements; the other consists of the borrowed words.

Native Words
The term native denotes words which belong to the original English stock known from the earliest manuscripts of the Old English period. They are mostly words of Anglo-Saxon origin brought to the British Isles in the 5th century by Germanic tribes.
Linguists estimate the Anglo-Saxon stock of words as 25-30 per cent of the English vocabulary. The native word-stock includes the words of Indio-European origin and the words of Common Germanic origin. They belong to very important semantic groups.
The words of Indio-European origin (that is those having cognates in other I-E. languages) form the oldest layer. They fall into definite semantic groups:
terms of kinship: father, mother, son, daughter, brother;
words denoting the most important objects and phenomena of
nature: sun, moon, star, water, wood, hill, stone, tree;
names of animals and birds: bull, cat, crow, goose, wolf;
parts of human body: arm, eye, foot, heart;
the verbs: bear, come, sit, stand, etc;
the adjectives: hard, quick, slow, red, white.
Most numerals belong here.
The words of the Common Germanic stock, i.e. words having cognates in German, Norwegian, Dutch and other Germanic languages are more numerous. This part of the native vocabulary contains a great number of semantic groups. Examples:
the nouns are: summer, winter, storm, ice, rain, group, bridge,
house, shop, room, iron, lead, cloth, hat, shirt, shoe, care,
evil, hope, life, need, rest;
the verbs are: bake, burn, buy, drive hear, keep, learn, make, meet,
rise, see, send, shoot, etc;
the adjectives are: broad, dead, deaf, deep.
Many adverbs and pronouns belong to this layer, though small in number (25-30 per cent of the vocabulary).
The Common Germanic words and the verbs of the Common Indo-European stock form the bulk of the most frequent elements used in any style of speech. They constitute not less than 80 per cent of the most frequent words listed in E.L. Thorndike and I. Lorge`s dictionary “The Teacher`s Wordbook of 30,000 Words, N.Y.1959, p.268).
Investigation shows that the Anglo-Saxon words in Modern English must be considered very important due to the following characteristics. All of them belong to very important semantic groups. They include most of the auxiliary and modal verbs (shall, will, should, would, must, can, may, etc.), pronouns (I. he, you, his, who, whose, etc.), prepositions (in. out, on, under), numerals (one, two) and conjunctions (and, but). Notional words of native (Anglo-Saxon) origin include such groups as words denoting parts of the body, family, relations, natural phenomena and planets, animals, qualities and properties, common actions, etc.
Most of native words are polysemantic (man, head, go, etc.)
Most of them are stylistically neutral.
They possess wide lexical and grammatical valency, many of them enter a number of phraseological units.
Due to the great stability and semantic peculiarities the native words possess great word-building power.

Borrowings (Loan Words)
A borrowed (loan) word is a word adopted from another language and modified in sound form, spelling, paradigm or meaning according to the standards of English.
According to Otto Jespersen loan-words are “the milestones of philology, because in a great many instances they permit us to fix approximately the dates of linguistic changes”. But they may be termed “the milestones of general history” because they show the course of civilization and give valuable information as to the inner life of nations.
Through its history the English language came in contact with many languages and borrowed freely from them. The greatest influx of borrowings mainly came from Latin, French and Old Norse (Scandinavian). Latin was for a long time used in England as the language of learning and religion. Old Norse and French (its Norman dialect) were the languages of the conquerors: the Scandinavians invaded the British Isles and merged with the local population in the 9th, 10th and the first half of the 11th century. After the Norman Conquest in 1066 Norman French was the language of the upper classes, of official documents and school instruction from the middle of the 11th century to the end of the 14th century.
Etymologically the English vocabulary is said to have a particularly mixed character. Therefore some linguists (L.P.Smith, I.H.Bradley) consider foreign influence to be the most important factor in the history of English. Other linguists (Ch.Hockett, J.A.Sheard) and our linguists, on the contrary, point out the stability of the grammar and phonetic system of the English Language and consider it necessary to examine the volume and role and the comparative importance of native and borrowed elements in the development of the English vocabulary.
The greatest number of borrowings has come from French. Borrowed words refer to various fields of social-political, scientific and cultural life. About 41 per cent of them are scientific and technical terms.
L.P.Smith calls English «half-sister» to the Romance languages.
The number and character of borrowings depend on many factors: on the historical conditions, on the nature and length of the contacts and also on the genetic and structural proximity of languages concerned. The closer the language the deeper and more versatile is the influence. Thus, from the Scandinavian languages, which were closely related to Old Eng¬lish, some classes of words were borrowed that could not have been adopted from non-related or distantly related languages: the personal pro¬nouns: they, their, them; also same, till, though, fro (adv).
Sometimes words were borrowed to fill in gaps in the vocabulary. Thus, the English borrowed Latin, Greek, Spanish words paper, tomato, potato when these vegetables were first brought to England and because the English vocabulary lacked words for denoting these new objects.
Borrowings enter the language in two ways: through oral speech and through written speech. Oral borrowings took place chiefly in the early periods of history, in recent times, written borrowings did. Words borrowed orally (L. Street, mill, inch) are usually short and undergo more changes in the act of adoption. Written borrowings (e.g. French communi¬que, belles-letres, naivete) preserve their spelling, they are often rather long and their assimilation is a long process.
The terms «source of borrowing» and «origin of borrowing» should be distinguished. The first denotes the language from which the loan was taken into English. The second denotes the language to which the word may be traced:
E.g. paper

Words like paper, pepper, etc. are often called by specialists in the history of the language «much-travelled words» which came into English passing through several other languages and not by means of direct bor¬rowing.
Though the borrowed words always undergo changes in the proc-ess of borrowing, some of them preserve their former characteristics for a long period. This enables us to recognize them as the borrowed element. Examples are:
the initial position of the sounds [v], [d], [z] is a sign that the word is not native: vacuum (Lat), valley (FR.), volcano (Ital.), vanilla(Sp.), etc;
may be rendered by «g» and «j» gem (Lat), gemma, jewel (O. Fr.), jungle (Hindi), gesture (Lat), giant (O.Fr.), genre, gendarme (Fr.);
the initial position of the letters «x», «j» «z» is a sign that the word is a borrowed one: zeal (Lat), zero (Fr.), zinc (Gr.), xylophone (Gr.);
the combinations ph, kh, eau in the root: philology (Gr.), khaki (Indian), beau (Fr.); «ch» is pronounced [k] in words of Greek origin: echo, school, [S] in late French borrowings: machine, parachute; and [tS] in native words and early borrowings.
The morphological structure of the word may also betray the for-eign origin of the latter: e.g. the suffix in violencello (Ital.) polysyllabic words is numerous among borrowings: government, condition, etc.
Another feature is the presence of prefixes: ab-, ad-, con-, de-, dis-, ex-, in-, per-, pre-, pro-, re-, trans- /such words often contain bound stems.
The irregular plural forms: beaux/from beau (Fr), data/from datum (Lat).
The lexical meaning of the word: pagoda (Chinese).

Assimilation of Borrowings
Assimilation of borrowings is a partial or total conformation to the phonetical, graphical or morphological standards of the receiving lan¬guage and its semantic structure.
Since the process of assimilation of borrowings includes changes in sound-form, morphological structure, grammar characteristics, meaning and usage, three types of assimilation are distinguished: phonetic, gram¬matical and lexical assimilation of borrowed words.
Phonetic assimilation comprises changes in sound form and stress. Sounds that were alien to the English language were fitted into its scheme of sounds. For instance, the long [e] in recent French bor¬rowings are rendered with the help of [ei:] cafe, communiquй, ballet; the consonant combinations pn, ps in the words pneumonia, psychology of Greek origin were simplified into [n] and [s] since pn and ps never occur in the initial position in native English words. In many words (especially borrowed from French and Latin) the accent was gradually transferred to the first syllable: honour, reason began to be stressed like father, brother.
Grammatical assimilation. As a rule, borrowed words lost their former grammatical categories and influence and acquired new grammati¬cal categories and paradigms by analogy with other English words, as for example: the Russian borrowing ‘sputnik’ acquired the paradigm sputnik, sputnik’s, sputniks, sputniks` having lost the inflections it has in the Russian language.
Lexical assimilation. When a word is taken into another language its semantic structure as a rule undergoes great changes. Polysemantic words are usually adopted only in one or two of their meanings. For ex¬ample the word ‘cargo’ which is highly polysemantic in Spanish, was bor¬rowed only in one meaning — «the goods carried in a ship». In the recipient language a borrowing sometimes acquires new meanings. E.g. the word ‘move’ in Modern English has developed the meaning of ‘propose’, ‘change one’s flat’, ‘mix with people’ and others that the corresponding French word does not possess.
There are other changes in the semantic structure of borrowed words: some meanings become more general, others more specialized, etc. For instance, the word ‘umbrella’ was borrowed in the meaning of ‘sunshade’ or ‘ parasole'(from Latin ‘ ombrella- ombra-shade’).
Among the borrowings in the English word-stock there are words that are easily recognized as foreign (such as decollete, Zeitgeist, graff to and there are others that have become so thoroughly assimilated that it is ex¬tremely difficult to distinguish them from native English words.(There words like street, city, master, river).
Unassimilated words differ from assimilated words in their pronun¬ciation, spelling, semantic structure, frequency and sphere of application. However there is no distinct borderline between the two groups. Neither are there more or less comprehensive criteria for determining the degree of assimilation. Still it is evident that the degree of assimilation depends on the length of the time the word has been used in the receiving language, on its importance and its frequency and the way of borrowing (words borrowed orally are assimilated more completely and rapidly than those adopted through writing). According to the degree of assimilation three groups of borrowings can be suggested: completely assimilated bor¬rowings, partially assimilated borrowings and unassimilated borrow¬ings or barbarisms.
The third group is not universally recognized, the argument being that barbarisms occur in speech only and not enter the language.
I. Completely assimilated words are found in all the layers of older borrowings: the first layer of Latin borrowings (cheese, street, wall, and wing); Scandinavian borrowings (fellow, gate, to call, to die, to take, to
want, happy, ill, low, wrong); early French borrowings (table, chair, finish, matter, dress, large, easy, common, to allow, to carry, to cry, to consider).
The number of completely assimilated words is many times greater than the number of partly assimilated ones. They follow all morphologi¬cal, phonetical and orthographic standards.
II. The partly (partially) assimilated words can be subdivided
into groups:
a). Borrowed words not assimilated phonetically: e.g. machine, cartoon, police (borrowed from French) keep the accent on the final syl¬lable; bourgeois, mйlange contain sounds or combinations of sounds that are not standard for the English language and do not occur in native words ([ wa:],the nasalazed [a]);
b). Borrowed words not completely assimilated graphically. This group is fairly large and variegated. These are, for instance, words bor¬rowed from French in which the final consonants are not pronounced: e.g. ballet, buffet, corps. French digraphs (ch, qu, ou, ete) may be re¬tained in spelling: bouquet, brioche.
c). Borrowed words not assimilated grammatically, for example, nouns borrowed from Latin and Greek which keep their original forms: crisis-crises, formula-formulae, phenomenon-phenomena.
d). Borrowed words not assimilated semantically because they de-note objects and notions peculiar to the country from which they come: sombrero, shah, sheik, rickchaw, sherbet, etc.
III. The so-called barbarisms are words from other languages used
by English people in conversation or in writing but not assimilated in any
way, and for which there are corresponding English equivalents, e.g.: Italian
‘ciao’ (‘good-bye’), the French ‘affiche’ for ‘placard’, ‘carte blanche’
(‘freedom of action’), ‘faux pas’ (‘false step’).

Translation Loans and Semantic Loans
Alongside loan words proper there are translation loans (or calques) and semantic loans.
Translation loans are words and expressions formed from the material already existing in the English language, but according to pat¬terns, taken from other languages, by way of literal morpheme-for-morpheme translation. One of the earliest calques in the vocabulary of the English language is ‘Gospel’ (OE god-spell-‘евангелие’ literally ‘благая весть’) which is an exact reproduction of the etymological structure of the Greek euggelion, ‘ благая весть’, borrowed into English through Latin. Other examples are: ‘mother tongue* from Latin ‘lingua materna’ (родной язык), ‘it goes without saying’ from French ‘cela va sans dire’ (само собой разумеется).
The number of translation loans from German is rather large:
‘chain-smoker’ from ‘Kettenrauchen’ (заядлый курильщик);
‘world famous’ from ‘weltberuhmt’ (всемирно известный);
‘God’s acre’ from ‘Gottesacker’ (кладбище literally божье по¬ле);
‘masterpiece’ from ‘Meisterstuk'(шедевр);
‘Swan song’ from ‘Schwanengesang’ (лебединая песня);
‘superman’ from ‘Ubermensoh’ (сверхчеловек);
‘wonder child’ from ‘Wunderkind’.
There are a few calques from the languages of American Indians: ‘pale-face’ (бледнолицый); ‘pipe of peace’ (трубка мира); ‘War¬path’ (тропа войны); ‘war-paint’ (раскраска тела перед походом).
They are mostly used figuratively.
Calques from Russian are rather numerous. They are names of things and notions reflecting Soviet reality:
‘local Soviet’ (местный совет);
‘self-criticism’ (самокритика);
‘Labour-day’ (трудодень);
‘individual peasant’ (единоличник);
‘voluntary Sunday time’ (воскресник).
The last two are considered by N.N. Amosova to be oases of explana-tory translation.
Semantic borrowing is the development of a new meaning by a word due to the influence of a related word in another language, e.g. the English word ‘pioneer` meant `первооткрыватель` /now, under the influence of the Russian word ‘пионер’ it has come to mean ‘член детской коммунистической организации’.
Semantic loans are particularly frequent in related languages. For example, the Old English ‘dwellan’ (блуждать, медлить) developed into ‘dwell` in Modern English and acquired the meaning ‘жить’ under the influence of the Old Norse ‘dwelja’ (‘жить’). The words ‘bread’ (‘кусок хлеба’ in OE), ‘dream’ (‘радость’ in OE), ‘plough’ (‘мера земли’ in OE) received their present meanings from Old Norse.

Etymological Doublets.
Etymological doublets are two or more words of the same lan¬guage which were derived by different routes from the same basic word, but differing in meaning and phonemic shape. For example, the word ‘fact’ (‘факт, действительность’) and ‘feat’ (‘подвиг’) are derived from the same Latin word ‘facere’ (‘делать’) but ‘fact’ was borrowed directly from Latin and ‘feat’ was borrowed through French.
In modern English there are doublets of Latin, Germanic and na¬tive origin. Many Latin doublets are due to the different routes by which they entered the English vocabulary: some of the words are di¬rect borrowings; others came into English through Parisian French or Norman French.
For example, the words ‘major’, ‘pauper’, senior’ are direct bor¬rowings from Latin, while their doublets ‘mayor’ (‘майор’), ‘poor’ (‘бедный’), ‘.sir’ (‘сэр’) came from French.
The words ‘chase’ (‘гнаться, преследовать’), ‘chieftain’ (‘вождь/клана’), ‘guard’ (‘охрана/стража’) were borrowed into Mid¬dle English from Parisian French, and their doublets ‘catch’ (‘поймать’), ‘captain’ (‘капитан’), ‘ward’ (‘палата/больничная’) came from Norman French.
The doublets ‘shirt’ (‘рубашка’) — ‘skirt’ (‘юбка’), ‘shrew’ (‘сварливая женщина’) — ‘screw’ (‘винт, шуруп’), ‘schriek’ (‘вопить, кричать’) — ‘screech’ (‘пронзительно кричать’) are of Germanic ori¬gin. The first word of the pair comes down from Old English whereas the second one is a Scandinavian borrowing.
Examples of native doublets are ‘shadow’ (‘тень’) and ‘shade! Both are derived from the same Old English word ‘sceadu’. ‘Shade’ is developed from the Nominative case, ‘sceadu’ is derived from oblique ease ‘sceadwe’. The words ‘drag’ and ‘draw’ both come from Old English ‘dragan’ (‘тащить’)
Etymological doublets also arise as a result of shortening when both the shortened form and the full form of the word are used:
‘defense’ — ‘защита’ — ‘fence’ — »забор’;
‘history’ — ‘история’ — ‘story’ — ‘рассказ’.
Examples of ETYMOLOGICAL TRIPLETS (i.e. groups of three words of common root) are few in number:
hospital (Lat.) — hostel (Norm.Fr.) — hotel (Par.. Fr.);
to capture (Lat.) — to catch (Norm. Fr.) — to chase (Par. Fr.).

Morphemic Borrowings
True borrowings should be distinguished from words made up of morphemes borrowed from Latin and Greek:
E.g. telephone< tele (‘far off) and phone (‘sound’).
The peculiar character of the words of this type lies in the fact that they are produced by a word-building process operative in the English language, while the material used for this formation is bor¬rowed from «another language)).
The word phonograph was coined in 1877 by Edison from the Greek morphemes phone (‘sound’)+grapho (‘write*).
Morphemic borrowings are mostly scientific and technical terms and international in character, the latter fact makes it difficult to deter¬mine whether the word was really coined within the vocabulary of English or not.

International Words
Borrowings or loans are seldom limited to one language. «Words of identical origin that occur in several languages as a result of simulta¬neous or successive borrowings from one ultimate source are called INTERNATIONAL WORDS». (I. V. Arnold).
Such words usually convey notions which are significant in the field of communication. Most of them are of Latin and Greek origin.
Most scientists have international names; e.g. physics, chemistry, biol-ogy, linguistics, etc.
Modern means of communication expand global contacts which result in the considerable growth of international vocabulary.
International words play a very prominent part in various spheres of terminology, such as vocabulary of science, art, industry, etc. The great number of Italian words, connected with architecture, painting and music were borrowed into all the European languages and became international: arioso, baritone, allegro, concert, opera, etc.
Examples of new or comparatively new words due to the progress of science illustrate the importance of international vocabulary: bion¬ics, genetic code, site, database, etc.
The international word-stock has also grown due to the influx of exotic borrowed words like bungalow, pundit, sari, kraal, etc.
The English language has also contributed a considerable number of international words to all the world languages. Among them the sports terms: football, hockey, rugby, tennis, golf, etc.
International words should not be mixed with words of the com¬mon Indo-European stock that also comprise a sort of common fund of the European languages. Thus, one should not make a false conclusion that the English ‘son’, the German ‘Sohn’ and the Russian ‘сын’ are international words due to their outward similarity. They represent the Indo-European element in each of the three languages and they are COGNATES, i.e. words of the same etymological root and not borrowings.


Etymological Survey of the Modern English Language
Exercise 1.

State the etymology of the given words. Write them out in three columns: a) completely assimilated borrowings; b) partially assimilated borrowings; c) unassimilated borrowings or barbarisms.
Torchère, wall, maharani, á la mode, datum, perestroika, gate, têtê-á- têtê, want, chalet, ad hoc, sheikh, parlando, nuclkeus, parquet, matter, bagel, á la carte, kettle, chauffeur, formula, pari-mutuel, shaman, finish, corps, alcazar, commedia dell’arte, money, souvenir, bacillus, pas de deux, ill, spahi, stratum, nota bene, spaghetti, ménage á trios, odd, memoir, parenthesis, hibakusha, padrona, incognito, thesis, coup de maitre, tzatziki, sabotage, ad libitum, stimulus, Soyuz, alameda, street, boulevard, criterion, déjà vu, torero, yin, Übermensch, macaroni, tzigane, sensu lato, hypothesis, bagh, pousada, shiatsu, shapka.

Exercise 2.
Write out international words from the given sentences:

1.    He gave a false address to the police. 2. I’ve seen so many good films lately. 3. Do you take sugar in your coffee? 4. Do you play tennis? 5. Arrange the words in alphabetical order. 6. Charlotte Bronte wrote under the pseudonym of Currer Bell. 7. He worked in radio for nearly 40 years. 8. Many people feel that their interests are not represented by mainstream politics. 9. We’ve visited the open-air theatre in London’s Regents Park. 10. I’m worried about my son’s lack of progress in English. 11. The government has promised to introduce reforms of the tax system. 12. He went on to study medicine at Edinburgh University.
Exercise 3.
Give the “false cognates” (false friends) in the Russian language to the given English words. State the difference in their meanings.
Model: argument
The false cognate of the word argument is Russian аргумент. The word argument means “an angry disagreement between people”, whereas the word аргумент has the meaning “reasoning”. 
Baton, order, to reclaim, delicate, intelligent, artist, sympathetic, fabric, capital, to pretend, romance. 

(I.V. Zykova. A practical course of English lexicology, 2006 )

Melvyn Bragg travels through England and abroad to tell the story of the English language.


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