Sentences with the word stiff

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Besides, this outfit was very tall and stiff collar.

К тому же, у этого наряда был очень высокий и жесткий воротник.

Efficient and long-lasting windmills were also developed due to stiff competition.

Эффективный и долговечный ветряные мельницы были также разработаны в связи с жесткой конкуренцией.

That means you have some stiff competition.

Это значит, что у вас довольно жесткая конкуренция.

Their tails were relatively stiff and probably used for balance.

Их хвосты были относительно жёсткими и, вероятно, использовались для баланса.

Carry on stripe and stiff handles attached.

К сумке мы присоединили также ремень и жесткие ручки.

Nevertheless, she knows the competition will be stiff.

Тем не менее, он понимает, что конкуренция будет жесткой.

Foreign players are also facing stiff regional competition.

Иностранные игроки на рынке также сталкиваются с жёсткой местной конкуренцией.

High unemployment means stiff competition for the jobs that remain.

Имейте в виду, что высокий уровень безработицы означает, что существует жесткая конкуренция за любые рабочие места, которые доступны.

Popular jobs often have stiff competition.

Ведь представители популярных профессий часто сталкиваются с жесткой конкуренцией.

Eventually, your lung tissue becomes so stiff it can’t contract and expand normally.

В конце концов, ваша ткань легкого становится настолько жесткой, что она не может сокращаться и расширяться нормально.

A bronze statue could not be more motionless and stiff.

Бронзовая статуя, и та не могла бы быть более жесткой и неподвижной.

Very padded straps that may seem stiff at first.

Очень мягкие ремни, которые на первый взгляд могут показаться жесткими.

Their tails were relatively stiff and probably used for balance.

Хвосты этих животных были относительно жесткими и, вероятно, использовались для баланса.

Nonetheless, the company still faces stiff competition from other companies.

Но, не смотря на это, компания сталкивается с жесткой конкуренцией со стороны других компаний.

Many countries now impose stiff criminal penalties on divers who remove artefacts.

Многие страны в настоящее время применяют жесткие меры уголовного наказания для дайверов, которые удаляют артефакты.

There’s actually some pretty stiff competition.

Более того, здесь происходит достаточно жесткая конкуренция».

Eventually, the heart becomes stiff and may weaken.

В конце концов, сердце становится жестким и может быстро ослабнуть.

Warlords impose stiff taxes and tolls on a multitude of pretexts.

«Военные бароны» под самыми различными предлогами устанавливают жесткие ставки пошлин и сборов.

Despite stiff competition, French products enjoy a number of advantages.

Несмотря на жесткую конкуренцию, у французских вин есть ряд сильных преимуществ».

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жесткий, тугой, густой, труп, жадина, вексель, до смерти, до изнеможения


- жёсткий, крепкий; тугой, неэластичный

stiff brush [collar] — жёсткая щётка [-ий воротничок]
stiff cardboard — твёрдый картон

- окоченевший, застывший; оцепеневший

stiff with rheumatism — скованный ревматизмом
stiff in death — окоченевший /застывший/ (о трупе)
to be stiff with cold — окоченеть от холода
my legs feel stiff — у меня ноги совершенно онемели, у меня ноги как деревянные
I feel stiff — я не могу ни согнуться, ни разогнуться
I am stiff around the neck — я голову не могу повернуть

- напряжённый, деревянный

stiff smile — натянутая /вымученная/ улыбка
stiff face — напряжённое /деревянное/ лицо
stiff style — вымученный стиль

- плохо действующий, тугоподвижный

stiff hinges — тугие петли
the door is stiff — дверь не открывается
the handle is stiff — ручка не поворачивается

- полужидкий; вязкий, густой, плотный

stiff dough — крутое тесто
beat the egg whites until stiff — взбить белки в густую пену

ещё 20 вариантов


- сл. вексель
- поддельная банкнота
- поддельный чек
- тайное письмо; секретное послание; записка, переданная тайком
- нескладёха

- босяк, бродяга
- зануда, «сухарь»
- жадина, сквалыга
- мертвецки пьяный человек
- труп, мертвец
- участник соревнования, обречённый на неудачу (особ. о скаковой лошади); ≅ пустой номер
- парень, человек
- амер. рабочий (особ. неквалифицированный); работяга; батрак

ещё 8 вариантов


- до изнеможения, до смерти

to bore smb. stiff — надоесть кому-л. до чёртиков
to scare smb. stiff — напугать кого-л. до смерти

- жёстко; не сгибаясь

his clothes were frozen stiff — его одежда замёрзла и стояла колом

Мои примеры


heavy / stiff fine — большой штраф  
a stiff one — труп, мертвец  
stiff as a poker — а) негнущийся, жёсткий; б) чопорный, церемонный  
to carry /to have, to keep/ stiff upper lip — не терять мужества, не падать духом, держаться молодцом  
that’s a bit stiff — это уж слишком!  
lucky stiff — счастливчик  
poor stiff — бедолага  

Примеры с переводом

He was scared stiff.

Он оцепенел от страха.

He has a stiff hand.

У него онемела рука.

You need a stiff drink.

Тебе нужно выпить чего-нибудь покрепче.

He’s stiff.

Он пьян.

A stiff whisky for me.

Мне виски покрепче.

He bored her stiff.

Он надоел ей до чёртиков.

These new boots are so stiff that they rub the skin off my ankles.

Новые ботинки такие жёсткие, что трут.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Men were taught to keep a stiff upper lip.

…the stiff, gawky gait of a newborn colt…

His stiff deportment matched his strict demeanor.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

stiffen  — коченеть, деревенеть, окоченеть, окостеневать, одеревенеть, делать тугим
stiffness  — жесткость, неподвижность, оцепенелость
stiffly  — сухо, чопорно, крепко, жестко

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: stiff
he/she/it: stiffs
ing ф. (present participle): stiffing
2-я ф. (past tense): stiffed
3-я ф. (past participle): stiffed

ед. ч.(singular): stiff
мн. ч.(plural): stiffs

Sentences with the word Stiff?



  • «the piano had a very stiff action»
  • «in the old days she had been harsh and stiff; afraid of her husband and yet arrogantly proud that she had a husband strong and fierce enough to make her afraid»
  • «a starchy manner»; «the letter was stiff and formal»; «his prose has a buckram quality»
  • «the cadaver was intended for dissection»; «the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse»; «the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river»; «honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay»
  • «the government was not ready for a confrontation with the unions»; «the invaders encountered stiff opposition»
  • «a dependable worker»; «an honest working stiff«; «a reliable source of information»; «he was true to his word»; «I would be true for there are those who trust me»
  • «a frosty glass»; «hedgerows were rimed and stiff with frost»-Wm.Faulkner
  • «a potent toxin»; «potent liquor»; «a potent cup of tea»; «a stiff drink»
  • «a rigid strip of metal»; «a table made of rigid plastic»; «a palace guardsman stiff as a poker»; «stiff hair»; «a stiff neck»
  • «a stiff hinge»
  • «a stiff current»; «a stiff breeze»
  • «bored stiff«; «frightened stiff«
  • «a lucky stiff«; «a working stiff«
  • «their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind»

Stiff is a 1994 Australian crime thriller novel, written by Shane Maloney. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

No doubt some of the worship services that now use popular and casual idioms were not awe-filled to begin with but awful: bland, stiff and stifled.


You may have forgotten about this one as there’s a stiff threshold for getting a deduction and you have to go through the trouble of itemizing everything.


Increase the speed to high and whip until stiff peaks are formed, about 5-7 minutes.


As part of Citi FM’s series of reports on campaigns ahead of the primaries of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), we head to the Kpone Katamaso Constituency, where the incumbent Member of Parliament, Joseph Nii Laryea Affotey Agbo, is facing stiff competition from Joseph Akeuteh Tettey.


— better the AI — better the stiff animation make it more flow-able.


Put all of the ingredients into a food processer and process until it forms a stiff ball.


It’s loud, the suspension is stiff, creature comforts are minimal; for around-town, the home-to-work commute or hitting the freeway, it can quit being cute and settle into a grinding annoyance.


This sweater is so soft and comfortable The knit isn’t stiff at all and looks great with leggings or jeans.


Although he is in what is considered to be one of the safest GOP districts in New York, the fundraiser could indicate he is expecting a stiff challenge in 2018.


Powerful 180 mm hydraulic disc brakes, sturdy alloy platform pedals, stiff 15 mm thru-axle with……


Many of them are too stiff, bulky, shiny or short for my liking.


Tata Motors has stopped the production of the Indica hatchback and the Indigo compact sedan mainly due to poor sales and stiff competition in the segment.


In addition, any injury to the cervical spine could also lead to a stiff neck and slouching shoulders.


There are double wishbones at each corner suspending Land Rover’s super stiff Integrated Body-frame structure, while the cabin wraps around the driver creating an aura of intimacy and immediacy that could scarcely be more different to the wide open spaces offered by the Range Rover.


With a heavy-duty stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whisk the cream at high speed until it forms stiff peaks.


The lightweight suspension helps optimize fuel economy, offering a best-in-class V8 fuel economy of 23 MPG highway † while still being stiff enough to maintain the excellent ride this large SUV is known for.


Very defined look i love the angled applicator and the round brush end, im thinking im liking it so far, its pretty stiff so it helped distribute the product evenly and was pretty smooth.


Also if head isn’t stable in sitting position, or limbs seem stiff or floppy, or the baby favors one side of the body.


According to some reports, Android Wear may support iOS devices soon, which could create some stiff competition for Alcatel.


Well, earlier in the season he was a stiff so…


The interior design highlights outstanding craftsmanship that creates a premium-class experience, while the stiff body structure keeps noise, vibration and harshness to a minimum.


Find a time when your baby seems to be content, calm and happy, and if your baby turns his or her head and becomes stiff, follow their cues and try again another time.


And, no matter how good it feels, that’s still a stiff price for any man to pay for his underwear.


I agree with Mac in that it’s sprung surprisingly stiff.


But if we’re being completely honest, (and I have to be careful here as I don’t want to piss off Castlevania fans, they’ve already suffered enough) the stiff, rigid feeling of the jumps and the general clumsiness of your moves does not work in an environment like this.


The fabric over the knee is stiff and stays in place.


Giving the award, Miguel Cortina noted, «The suspension is just what you want to feel in a car like this — stiff, sporty, rigid.


Venezuela’s state-issued cryptocurrency has been met with stiff opposition from the U.S. Senate and other cryptocurrency and blockchain industry authorities and experts.


They play at Cincinnati on Sunday, then have Oakland and the Jets in Buffalo — where that stiff December wind can turn a passing game upside down — before the finale in New Orleans.


* If desired replace the frozen whipped topping with lightly sweetened whipped cream; beaten until stiff peaks form.


Years ago I was a national warranty adjuster for PAFCO INSURANCE CO. (subsequently bought out by a U.S. insurance giant and rendered defunct) which offered extended warranty coverage packages for all things mobile / mechanical / electrical / electronic etc. for a stiff fee at point of purchase.


Fitted with the whisk attachment, whip the egg white mixture on high until stiff peaks, about 8 minutes.


Full of texture, it has a slightly stiff feel and a subtle sheen.


The collagen stores here come from healthy animal sources and ensure that your body will not become stiff or difficult to manage.


They all seem a little stiff and generic.


From the indie night, mobile game, Clapper developed by Bridgeside Games won the Indie Sensation Award after seeing off stiff competition from the likes of ClusterTruck and Into The Woods.


This skeletal muscle disease is characterized by stiff muscles and a weakness that limits activity as it worsens.


So avoid anything boxy such as a straight skirt style as well as stiff fabrics


Back in the day, a stiff whisky cured all ills.


(If mixture has chilled for longer and is very stiff, let stand at room temperature for 1 hour.)


Those past dealings with the company have meant I have been left with high expectations when it comes to any new piece I might get, the clasp has to be smooth (I hate it when they are too stiff or get stuck), no odd scratches or tarnished parts (unless it has been made to look that way on purpose) and well you get the picture.


The smartphone market is full of mobile phones, so the Xperia XZ will have to face stiff competition when it hits the shelves.


The skirt is polyester with a stiff elastic waist.


The acting is stiff, mechanical and at times hardly believable.


Here, the film falls into the broad gags that had heretofore been avoided: Schmidt gets a stiff neck; Schmidt gets hyped up on painkillers, etc..


Add meat and stir to combine (the mixture will be fairly stiff but will loosen as it cooks).


Mix in gel food colouring or other extra extracts until the whites hold stiff peaks.


When someone slumps it shows his lack of interest, when you sit stiff it shows that you are nervous, sitting in the tip of chair implies that you don’t want to be here.


Both of those cars have extremely stiff bodies, which reduces (or, in this instance, eliminates) squeaks and rattles, improves crashworthiness and allows engineers to fine-tune the suspension system.


Buyers expect more style, technology, and performance than ever before, and the Q7 faces increasingly stiff competition from Germany, Japan, and even Sweden, whence the new Volvo XC90 has emerged as a tough contender in the packed segment.


Use ‘stiff’ in a sentence | ‘stiff’ example sentences

1- Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form.

2- It is extremely stiff yet very lightweight.

3- Reaction schemes are numerically stiff requiring reduced reaction schemes.

4- Then beat the mixture until stiff peaks form.

5- Their advance met stiff resistance and progressed slowly.

6- The stems are stiff and triangular shaped.

7- The plant stems are erect and stiff .

8- The proposal immediately ran into stiff opposition.

9- These cars are extremely lightweight and stiff .

10- The trunk in such species is rather stiff .

11- Very ” stiff ” frames are usually favoured by heavy skaters.

12- Despite reinforcements his progress was painfully slow against stiff opposition.

13- Austrian troops encountered stiff resistance and suffered significant casualties.

14- His moustache was very stiff and military.

15- Beat egg whites until stiff and peaks form.

16- The draw is somewhere between medium to stiff .

17- My elbow was getting sore and stiff .

18- They are busy without frantic energy and professional without being stiff .

19- The “statue” starts looking a bit stiff .

20- He was evidently unused to stiff collars.

21- Her walking is still pretty slow and very stiff looking.

22- The pivot movement was very stiff so pretty much unusable however.

23- The competition is pretty darn stiff , too.

24- Her voice was neither offended nor embarrassed, simply stiff .

25- Whip whites until stiff , add 80g sugar.

26- The hole halfway down is pretty stiff above 1.6.

27- No more ” stiff neck” in the morning.

28- Beat the whites until they form stiff peaks.

29- The spring constant measures how stiff the spring is.

30- She sat stiff with apprehension and excitement.

31- They were stiff as boards the next morning.

32- The dialog between the characters was stiff and uncomfortable.

33- She felt stiff from sitting so long.

34- This indicates that the left ear drum is abnormally stiff .

35- Add more water if the dough is stiff .

36- Your dough should be stiff and elastic.

37- It was lying stiff on the ground.

38- When she woke her neck was stiff .

39- But the body was cold and stiff .

40- The tires are hard and the suspension is stiff . Their muscles are stiff.

41- My shoulders feel stiff.

42- I have a bad stiff neck.

43- I have a stiff shoulder.

44- She gave me a stiff smile.

45- I walked till my legs got stiff.

46- His bearing was stiff and military.

47- His new shirt was still a little stiff when he put it on.

48- I feel the tension in my neck, where it gets sore and stiff.

49- Find someone who has bought glow-in-the-dark stickers.

50- stiffThe human body starts to go stiff within a few hours of death.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
sticklers – stickpin – sticks – stickup – stickups – sticky – sties – stiff – stiffed – stiffen – stiffened – stiffener – stiffeners – stiffening – stiffens –

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