Sentences with the word state

государственный, состояние, государство, констатировать


- государственный

- (обыкн. State) амер. относящийся к штату

State law — право штата, закон штата
State legislature — законодательное собрание штата (в США)
State prison — тюрьма штата (в США)
State flower [bird, tree] — цветок [птица, дерево] как эмблема какого-л. штата (утверждаются в законодательном порядке)


- тк. sing состояние, положение

- строение, структура

gaseous state of water — газообразное состояние воды

- общественное положение, особ. высокое; сословная принадлежность

persons in every state of life — люди разного звания /общественного положения/
the state he is surrounded with — его общественная среда
in a style befitting his state — как подобает человеку его положения

- великолепие, пышность; помпа, парадность

- напряжённое или возбуждённое состояние

to be in a state — быть в затруднении или в волнении
to work oneself into a state — взвинтить себя
he was in quite a state about it — он был очень взволнован этим
in a great state — в большом волнении, в возбуждённом состоянии
now don’t get into a state! — пожалуйста, не выходите из себя!
what a state you are in! — в каком вы виде!

ещё 8 вариантов


- излагать; заявлять; формулировать

to state the question [facts, an opinion, reasons, a rule] — излагать вопрос [факты, мнение, причины, правило]
to state a case — юр. формулировать спорные вопросы по делу
to state an account — дать отчёт
the plaintiff stated his case — истец изложил суть своей жалобы
state your case! — изложите свои соображения!
he stated Verner’s law with great lucidity — он очень ясно изложил закон Вернера

- констатировать, утверждать

he positively stated that he had never seen the accused man — он решительно утверждал, что никогда не видел обвиняемого

- устанавливать; точно определять

to state the time for a meeting — назначить время собрания
this condition was expressly stated — это условие было особо оговорено

- редк. помещать, располагать, размещать

Мои примеры


water in a gaseous state — вода в газообразном состоянии  
the solid and liquid states — твёрдое и жидкое состояния  
a de facto state of war — фактическое состояние войны  
in no fit state to continue — не в состоянии продолжать  
bring to a state of — приводить в какое-л. состояние  
national / state budget — государственный бюджет  
national / state capital — национальный капитал  
a state of chaos — состояние беспорядка  
a state of confusion — смущение  
constraint on the state — фазовое ограничение  
counsellor of state — государственный советник  
to deflect the state policy — изменить государственную политику  

Примеры с переводом

Please state your name and address.

Пожалуйста, укажите ваше имя и адрес.

The price of the tickets is stated on the back.

Стоимость билетов указана на обратной стороне.

What a state you are in!

В каком вы виде! (разг.)

Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid.

Вода существует в трёх состояниях: жидком, газообразном и твёрдом.

The witness stated that he had not seen the woman before.

Свидетель заявил, что никогда не видел эту женщину раньше.

She lay in a comatose state.

Она лежала в коматозном состоянии.

The country was in a state of war (=officially fighting a war).

Страна находилась в состоянии войны (т.е. официально вступила в войну).

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The voters were balloting in this state

They popularized coffee in Washington State

He sat there in a blissful state of comfort.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

instate  — вводить в должность, обеспечивать
overstate  — преувеличивать, переступить
restate  — вновь заявить, формулировать иначе
stated  — установленный, сформулированный, зафиксированный, высказанный, назначенный
stately  — величественный, величавый, величественный, величавый
statement  — заявление, утверждение, оператор, высказывание, изложение, ведомость, сообщение
static  — статический, неподвижный, стационарный
statical  — статический, неподвижный, стационарный
station  — станция, пункт, место, станционный, вокзальный, размещать, дислоцировать
statist  — статистик

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: state
he/she/it: states
ing ф. (present participle): stating
2-я ф. (past tense): stated
3-я ф. (past participle): stated

ед. ч.(singular): state
мн. ч.(plural): states

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Remark: The state in its actuality is essentially an individual state, and beyond that a particular state.

Attitudes also change from state to state.

Though-these rules vary from state to state and can change over time.

Важно отметить, что эти правила варьируются от штата к штату и могут меняться с течением времени.

Currently, laws governing late-term abortions vary state by state.

В настоящее время законы, регулирующие процедуру проведения абортов, варьируются от штата к штату.

Laws and practices regarding property taxes vary from state to state.

Законы о различных аспектах недвижимости и формах налога на недвижимость варьируются от штата к штату.

Tax regulations, such as overtime, vary from state to state.

Налоговые правила, например, такие как оплата сверхурочных, варьируются от штата к штату.

Each state has special adoption agencies owned or licensed by the state.

В каждом штате имеются специальные агентства по усыновлению, принадлежащие штату или действующие по лицензии штата.

The laws vary from state to state, sometimes significantly.

Требования могут варьироваться от штата к штату, иногда — очень значительно.

The state must control its officials, who serve this state.

Государство должно контролировать свой чиновничий класс, который, собственно, этому государству и служит.

These guidelines are usually comparable from state to state.

Эти руководящие принципы, как правило, сопоставимы от штата к штату.

Our state consists entirely of structures that imitate processes occurring outside the state.

Наше государство — все из таких структур, имитирующих процессы, которые происходят вне государства».

The laws vary from state to state regarding licensing.

Конкретные руководящие принципы варьируются от штата к штату в отношении требований к лицензированию.

Farming controls the state with wheat areas moving throughout the state.

Сельское хозяйство доминирует в штате, и пшеничные поля простираются по всему штату.

A state which submits a request for international cooperation in criminal procedure to another state is the requesting state.

Государство, которое обращается к другому государству с ходатайством об осуществлении международного сотрудничества в сфере уголовного производства, является ходатайствующим государством.

Laws about how hunting and fishing vary from state to state and even within a state.

Законы о как охота и рыболовство варьируются от штата и даже в пределах государства.

Each state has its own corporate legislation, which is often vastly differs from state to state.

Так что каждый штат имеет своё собственное корпоративное законодательство, которое часто очень отличается от штата к штату.

Anti-bullying laws are determined state by state, so you should know where your state stands.

Законы о борьбе с издевательствами определяются государством, поэтому вы должны знать, где находится ваше государство.

This state is really called the whole state in the state.

A successor state is a sovereign state over a territory and populace that was previously under the sovereignty of another state.

Государство — преемник является суверенным государством над территорией и населением, который ранее был под суверенитетом другого государства.

The state governor, elected by registered voters, has responsibilities that vary from state to state.

Обязанности губернатора штата, которого избирают зарегистрированные избиратели, варьируются от штата к штату.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат state

Результатов: 707660. Точных совпадений: 707660. Затраченное время: 695 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Государственное автономное
профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Самарской области

«Самарский колледж сервиса производственного оборудования
имени Героя Российской Федерации Е.В. Золотухина»





Методическое пособие
для самостоятельной работы студентов  2 курса всех специальностей  очной и
заочной форм обучения.

2016 г




/Стряпунина Н.В./

«          »          _____2016

к изданию





директора по УМР

   /Дудникова Ю.И /

«          »          _____2016

Морозова Т.Е.

Русяйкина Г.Н.

Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов вторых
 курсов  всех специальностей очной и заочной форм, обучающихся в Самарском
колледже сервиса производственного оборудования. Пособие включает темы, с
которыми в процессе изучения английского языка сталкиваются студенты  всех специальностей.

     Структура тематического материала проста и
эффективна, так как содержит не только тексты, но и задания к ним, что
способствует их продуктивному усвоению. Задания к текстам направлены  на
активное использование лексико-грамматической информации и на закрепление
данной темы. В текстах предлагается материал общей лексической  ориентации,
который позволяет учащимся ознакомиться с основными сведениями по лексике и
грамматике английского языка.

      Методика преподавания иностранного языка
предполагает как работу с преподавателем, так и самостоятельную работу
студентов как во время занятия так и в свободное время дома. Структура данного
методического пособия позволяет успешно выполнять эти задачи.

Пособие может быть
рекомендовано к использованию в образовательном процессе.  

Mass Media

EXERCISE 1. Read, translate, and study the use of
the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:

1) media, mass media.

2) a viewer.

3) a stream, a steady stream.

4) to entertain, entertainment.

5) a quiz.

6) a feature film, a carton, a fictional serial.

7) an affair, current affairs.

8) to run.

9) to advertise, advertising, advertisement, ad, advertiser.

10) a profit, to make a profit.

11) to subscribe.

12) a fee, to pay a fee.

13) to deliver.

14) to broadcast.

15) a satellite.

16) to transmit.

17) to receive, a receiver.

18) an advantage, a drawback.

19) average, on average.

20) means.

21) to compete.

22) forecast.

23) an ability.

24) a tabloid.

25) an editorial.

26) either.

27) to reach.

28) to annoy, annoying.

29) a consumer.

30) a poster.

Translate the following world combinations. Pay attention to the prepositions:

1) with a TVset

2) at home

3) about people,

4) in faraway lands

5) million of viewers

6) events of worldwide interest

7) in  fact

8) supported by the government

9) on cultural subjects

10) for most public TV stations

11) run by private companies

12) to pay for their operating  cost

13) to make a profit for the companies

14) for this service

15) delivered to home TVsets by cables

16) in the largest urban areas

17) from a satellite.

18) in space .

19) at least .

20) on  average .

21) for about 7 hours.

22) in the world .

23) with one another .

24) from country to country.

25) by telephoning .

26) about the topic.

27) for entertainment .

28) specialize in one kind of music.

29) by actors .

30) for entertainment .

31) specialize in one kind of music.

32) by actors.

33) for the widespread use of radios.

34) in parks.

35) at beaches.

36) at beaches.

37) along the street.

EX 3 Fill in the gaps with the
proper prepositions.

1) TV is one … our most important means … communication.

2) It brings pictures and sounds around the world …
millions… homes.

3) Communication satellites … space transmit TV pictures …
oceans and continents.

4)  … the late 1970`s such devices as video cassette
recorders, videodisc players, and personal computers have changed the way
people use television … their homes.

5)… example, TVsets may by used … such purposes, as playing
electronic games and receiving televised information services.

EXERCISE 4. Read the text , try to focus on its
essential facts, and choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph

1) The Importance  of Television 2) Satellite Television 3)
Cable Television 4) TV is One of the Important mass Media 5) Different Kinds of
programmes 6) Public and Commercial Stations


   Television, also called TV, is one of the most important
mass media. People with a television set can sit at home and can see and learn
about people, animals, and things is faraway lands.

Millions of viewers around the world can watch sports events
and other events of worldwide interest.

   TV brings its viewers a steady stream of programmes that
are designed to give information and to entertain. In fact, television provides
more entertainment programmes than any other kind of mass media. The programmes
include sports events, variety shows, quiz shows, feature films, cartoons,
fictional serials called soap operas, etc.

    There are two main Kinds of television station: public
stations and commercial stations. They  usually broadcast more educational programmes
and programmes on . News and current

affairs  programmes  make up an important section of
programmes for most public television stations. Commercial television stations
are run by private companies They sell advertising time to pay for their
operating cost and to make a profit for the companies that run the stations.

     People can also subscribe to cable television system.
Viewers pay a fee for this service. Cable television signals are delivered to
home TVsets of their customers by cables. Some cable systems carry more than
one hundred  channels-far more than can broadcast even in the largest urban

    Satellite broadcasting is another form of subscription
television. The signals are transmitted to home TVsets from a direct
broadcasting  satellite in space. The viewer must have a dish-receiver aerial
to receive the programmes.

     We may speak about different advantages and drawbacks
of television but almost every home has at least one TVset. On average, a TVset
is in use for about 7 hours each day. Thus, television is the most effective
means of mass communication known to mankind. It has become the people`s eyes
and ears on the world.

EXERCISE 5.Read and give a summary of the text.


     Radio is also one of the most important mass media.
Radio broadcasts news, discussions, interviews, description of sport events,
drama, religious programmes, music, and advertising.

     There is at least one radio station in every country in
the world, and altogether there are more than 25,000 stations all over the
world. Radio stations compete with one another.

  Radio programmes vary from country to country. But in all
countries, programmes primarily provide information and entertainment.
Programmes that provide information include news and current affairs, live
broadcasts of sports events, weather forecasts, talk shows. Many talk shows
allow listeners to take part in the programme by telephoning the radio station
to ask questions or give their options about the topic. Such programmes are
sometimes called phone-ins.

     In most countries up to 90 per cent of all programmes are
designed for entertainment. Music is a popular kind of radio entertainment.
Most music stations specialize in one kind of music, such as pop, classical,
jazz or folk music. Some stations broadcast several kinds of music. There are
also comedy shows and plays performed «live» or recorded in the studio by

    A major reason for the widespread use of radios is their
portability, which means the ability to be carried around easily. People listen
to the radios almost everywhere – at home, in parks, at beaches and picnics,
while driving a car, and even while walking along the street.

EXERCISE 6.Quote the sentences in which these words
and word combinations are used in the texts:

1) in faraway lands                                      
8) a dish-receiver aerial                                   

2) a steady stream                                       
9) at least

3) soap operas                                            
10) compete

4) by the newspapers                                 
11) weather forecasts

5) current affairs                                        
12) phone-ins

6) to make a profit                                     
13) widespread

7) pay a fee                                                
14) at beaches

EXERCISE 7.Find in the texts English equivalents
for these words and word combinations:

1) средства
массовой информации         22) составляют важную часть

2) телевидение                                         
23) продавать рекламное время

3) телевизор                       
                       24) затраты

4) дома                                                      
25) приносить прибыль

5) в далёких
странах                                 26) управлять станцией

6) по всему миру                                      
27) кабельное телевидение

7) спортивные
новости                             28) вносить плату

зрители                                                  29) намного больше

9) постоянный
поток                                30) спутниковое вещание

10) фактически                                         
31) преимущества и недостатки

11) развлекательные
программы             32) по крайней мере

12) чем какой-либо
другой                      33) в среднем

13) развлекательные
представления       34) соревноваться друг с другом

шоу-викторина                                   35) трансляция в прямом эфире

15) художественные
фильмы                   36) прогнозы погоды

мультфильмы                                      37) принимать участие

17) художественные сериалы                 
38) задать вопросы

18) мыльные
оперы                                   39) выразить мнение

19) общественные
телевизионные          40) по теме

41) фольклорная музыка

транслировать                                     42) главная причина

21) текущие
события                                 43) везде

44) на пляжах

EXERCISE 8. Fill in gaps with the missing words in
the following sentences, the first letter of each world has been given to help

1) One of the most important m… is TV.
2) There are a lot of e…programmes on TV.
3) I want to watch this new f… film.
4) The most important part of programming is news and c… affairs programmes.
5) Some private companies r… commercial TV stations.
6) You may s… to this newspaper.
7) C… deliver cable TV signals to home TVsets.
8) Radio b… different kinds kinds of programmes.
9) Commercial TV stations sell the a… time.
10) V… are brought a steady stream of programmes on TV.

EXERCISE 9 Translate the following sentences from Russian into
English. You will have a story on the topic as a pattern.
1. Телевидение – одно из самых важных средств
массовой информации.
2. Миллионы зрителей во всём мире могут сидеть дома и узнавать о людях,
животных, о многом другом в далёких странах по телевидению .
3. Телевидение предоставляет своим зрителям много информационных и
развлекательных программ.
4. Существует два главных вида телевизионных станций: Общественные и
5. Общественные телевизионные станции поддерживаются правительством.
6. Они обычно транслируют больше образовательных, информационных и культурных
7. Коммерческие телевизионные станции управляются частными компаниями.
8. Они продают рекламное время, Чтобы оплатить расходы и принести прибыль своим
9. Зрители могут подписаться на кабельное телевидение, но должны внести плату эту
10. Чтобы пользоваться спутниковым телевидением, необходимо иметь
тарелкообразную приемную антенную
11. Радио – также одно из средств массовой информации.
12. Существует более 25 000 радиостанций во всём мире.
13. Главным образом, радиостанции транслируют информационные и развлекательные
14. В большинстве стран до 90 % всех радиопрограмм – развлекательные.
15. Люди слушают радио почти везде: дома, на работе,  на пляжах, На пикниках, в

EXERSICE 10. Answer the following questions about
different kinds of mass media.

1) What kinds of mass media do you know?

2) why is TV one of the important mass media?

3) What is the reason for the widespread use of radios?

4) What do newspapers provide?

5) What kinds of mass media do you prefer?

6) How many TVsets do you have at home?

7) How mach time a day do you watch TV?

8) What are your favorite TV programmes? Why?

9) Do you have a radio at home?

10)What is your favorite radio station ? Why?

11) Do you subscribe to any newspapers?

12) Do you buy newspapers? What kind of?

13) Do you have cable or satellite television at home? How
much do you pay for for these services?

14) What films do you prefer to watch?

15) Do you like to watch ads?

16) sometimes advertisements are very annoying, aren’t they?

17) Do you prefer to buy things according to the advertising
or not

18) Do you watch educational programmes?

19) Do you use Internet? For what ?

20) Do you have your own computer?

a) Read and translate the following dialoque;

                           b) Memorize and
dramatize the dialogue;

                           c) Act out a similar


A. Alex, how many newspapers do you subscribe to?

B. I don’t subscribe to any. I buy some papers every
morning on my way to college. Newspapers provide an excellent means of keeping
well informed on current events.

A. You are night. Newspapers can cover more new and
in much great detail than television and radio new bulletins can.

B. And do you subscribe to any papers?

A. No, I don’t, either. Once a week, I buy one of the
weekly newspapers, usually a tabloid.

B. And what articles do you prefer to read in it?

A. As a rule, I don’t read editorials I prefer
feature articles and entertainment items. Weekly newspapers in general serve
much smaller areas than daily papers. And what articles do you read in the
newspapers you buy?

B. From the there main kinds of papers, daily,
weekly, and special-interest newspapers, I usually buy daily newspapers because
I live to read articles about world nation and local news.

A. By the way, have you ever read the British
national daily papers?

B. No, I haven’t. And what about you?

A. No I haven’t, either. But I know that there are
ten national daily papers in the UK: the Daily Express, the Daily mail, the
Daily Mirror, the Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, the Independence, the Sun, the
Times, the Financial Times, and Today.

B. Great! In the USA, there are also many daily papers, such
as Washington Post, New York Time, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Time,
Philadelphia Inquirer and others. Once I even tried to read one of them, but is
was very difficult to understand.

A. No doubt!


A delegation of American students has come to one of our
colleges. Russian and American students have already discussed different
problems. At the moment  they are exchanging impressions of advertising (advertisements,
adverts, or ads) in their countries.

— Oh yes, we do. Many kinds of advertising reach people almost
everywhere :while relaxing at home, shopping at a supermarket, traveling to and
from work, on enjoying leisure activities. People some into contact with a
large number of advertisement. It seems to me that there is a lot of
advertising in your country too.

    — Sure. It is very annoying sometimes. The purpose of
most advertising is to sell products of services, to again new customers and
increase sales. Advertising plays a pat in the competition among businesses for
the consumer’s money .

    — Andrew, I have found the way out of it. The majority
of TV commercials last from 30 to 60 seconds. The commercials are usually run
in groups of three to six. And I use this interval for a grass of juice or a
sandwich .

  — Printed advertisements make up large part of newspapers
and magazines. Poster ads appear in many buses, in shops, in public buildings,
and even in the mailboxes.

  — I agree with you.

   EXERCISE 12. Discuss the following proverbs
together with your friend and say if you agree with them.

1) Knowledge is power.

2) Time brings wisdom.

3) Lost time is never found again.

                           Theme: Different Kinds of Arts

EXERCISE 1.Read. translate, and study the use of
the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:

1) a stage, to stage.

2) a script.

3) a playwright.

4) makeup.

5) a puppet, a puppet theatre.

6) an soon as.

7) activities, social activities.

8) to create.

9) an awe, to awe.

10) painting, to paint.

11) to arrange.

12) fear, grief.

13) reveal.

14) justice.

15) the plot.

16) film.

17) an award

18) mood.

EXERCISE 2.Translate the following word
combinations. Pay attention to prepositions:

1) comes from a Greek word

2) a place for seeing

3) in this sense

4) refers to the space

5) in a broad sense

6) in production

7) in addition

8) a part of human culture

9)in ancient times

10) forms of drama

11) for its creation

12) a director of the theatre

13) all aspects of production

14) different kinds of theatres

15) around the world in Russia

16) one of the oldest arts

17) in religious ceremonies

18)dates from about 2500 B. C.

19) in other arts

20) other forms of dancing

21) in all cultures

22) in ceremonies

23) in work

24) a state of mystery

25) a feeling of distance from the daily world

26) for their own satisfaction

27) in a choir

28) in a band

29) provides with

30) for many reasons

31) first of all

32) on the surface

33) interested in some paintings

34) at work

35) at rest

36) a source of pleasure

37) about important events

38) agree with you

39) about the history

40) during which

41) about the customs

42) the people of past societies

43) for me

44) with you

45) based on the novel

46) written by a journalist

47) gone with the wind

48) search for two years

49) for the best actress of the year

EXERCIZE 3. Read the text, try to focus on its
essential facts, and choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph.

1) What is Theatre? 2) Theatres around the World 3)
Theatre and Drama 4) Different Theatre Specialists 5) Different Kinds of


The word «theatre» comes from a Greek word meaning a place
for seeing. In this sense, the word refers to the space where performances are
staged. However in a broad sense, theatre includes everything that is involved
in production, such as the script, the stage, the performing company, and the
audience. In addition, theatre refers to a part of human culture that began in
ancient times.

Theatre is not the same as drama, though the words are
frequently used interchangeably. Drama refers to the literary part of a
performance, that is the play. There are different forms of drama, such as
tragedy, serious drama, melodrama, and comedy.

Theatre is one of the most complex arts. requires many kinds
of artists for its creation. These specialists include a playwright,
performers, a director, a scene designer, a costumier, a lighting designer, and
various technicians. For many productions composers, musicians, and a
choreographer ( creator of dances) are needed.  A director of the theatre
integrates all aspects of production including scenery, costumes, makeup,
lighting, sound effects, music, and dancing.

There are many people who love and visit different kinds of
theatres: drama theatres, puppet theatres, opera and ballet houses. A
successful theatrical event is a exciting and stimulating experience.

There are a lot of theatres around the world. The theatrical
centre of the United Kingdom is London. There are more than 40 theatres in West
End of London, such as the Royal National

Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, which operate a
repertory system and use a regular company. The best-know centre of
professional theatre in the United States is New York City, though Chicago and Los Angeles have become major centres as well. Moscow and St. Petersburg are
the two major theatre centres in Russia. The Maly and Bolshoi Theatre are known
all over the world.

EXERCIZE 4. Read and give a summary of the text.


Music is one of the oldest arts. People probably started
singing as soon as language developed. Many ancient peoples, including the
Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians, and the people of India, used music in religious
ceremonies. The first written music dates from about 2500 B. C.

Nowadays, music takes many forms around the world. There are
two chief kinds of music:  classical and popular. Classical music includes
symphonies, operas, and ballets. Popular music includes country music, jazz,
rock music. etc.

Music plays a major role in other arts. Opera combines
singing and orchestral music with drama. Ballet and other forms of dancing need
music to help the dancers. Film and TV dramas use music to help set mood and
emphasize the action.

Music plays an important part in all cultures and social
activities. Nearly all peoples use music in their religious services to create
a state of mystery and awe, feeling of distance from the daily world. Many
people perform music for their own satisfaction. Singing in a choir or playing
a musical instrument in  a band can be very enjoyable. Music provides people
with a way to express their feelings.

EXERCIZE 5. Quote the sentences in which these
words and word combinations are used in the texts:

1) comes from

2) in a broad sense

3) such as

4) the same as

5) that is

6) a lot of

7) Royal

8) repertory

9) as well

10) all over the world

11) as soon as

12) B. C.

13) nowadays

14) etc.

15) set mood

16) a state of mystery and awe

17) from the daily world

18) in a choir

EXERCIZE 6. Finds in the texts English equivalents
for these words and word combinations:

1) место для просмотра

2) в этом смысле

3) однако

4) в широком смысле слова

5) где осуществляется постановка спектаклей

6) театральная группа

7) публика

8) человеческая культура

9) в древние времена

10) хотя

11) взаимозаменяемо

12) то есть

13) такие как

14) один из самых сложных видов искусства

15) различные технические работники

16) для многих спектаклей

17) объединяет

18) грим

19) освещение

20) кукольные театры

21) театры опера и балета

22) успешное театральное событие

23) по всему миру

24) постоянная труппа

25) также

26) главные театральные центры

27) как только

28) в религиозных церемониях

29) относится к

30) до нашей эры

31) в наши дни

32) принимает многие формы

33) музыка в стиле «кантри»

34) фольклорная музыка

35) создать настроение

36) усилить действие

37) в общественной деятельности

38) почти все народы

39) состояние тайны и благоговейного страха

40) повседневная жизнь

41) выражение чувств

EXERCISE 7. Fill in the gaps with the missing words
in the following sentences, the first letter or each word has been given to
help you.

1) The performances are staged in staged in the t…

2) The words ‘’theatre’’ and ‘’d…’ are used interchangeably.

3) Theatre requires many kinds of artists, such as performers,
a lighting designer, a s… designer, etc.

4) There are different kinds of theatres, such as  drama
theatres, opera and ballet houses, p… theatres, etc.

5) A successful performance is always an e… experience.

6) The Royal Shakespeare Theatre operates a r… system.

7) Chicago and Los Angeles are m… theatrical centres as

8) Many peoples use m… in religious ceremonies.

9) Opera combines singing and o… music with drama.

10) Films use music to set the m…

EXERCISE 8. Fill in the banks with the articles a,
an, the where necessary.

1)Theatre is … live performance before … audience. 2)It
includes every from of … entertainment from … circus to … play. 3) In …more
traditional terms, … theatre is … art from in which … script is acted out by …
performers. … performers usually with … assistance of … director, interpret …
characters, and situations created by …  playwright … performance takes  place
before … audience in … space designed for … purpose.

a) Read and state the function of the verbs be, have.

b) Fill in the blanks with the verbs be, have.

   1) Painting … one of the oldest and important arts. 2) Since
prehistoric time, artist … arranged paints on the surface in ways that express
their ideas about people and the world . 3) The paintings that artists create …
great value for humanity. 4) They … providing people with both enjoyment and

EXRSICE 10. Mind the world order: a) Extend the
following sentences with the words given in brackets:

1. Theatre requires artists (many, for, kinds, its,
creation, of).

2. Many people love theatres (visit, an, kinds, different,

3. Some theatres operate a repertory system (company,
regular, and , use, a).

4. Moscow is a theatre centre (major, Russia, in).

5. Ancient peoples used music (many, religious, in,

b) Put the words in the following sentence in
order, the first word in each sentence is in italics., cultures, Music, all, plays, part, an important.

2. all, Nearly, use, religious, peoples,, music, in, their,

3. perform, music, own, their, satisfaction, Many, people,

4. is, drama, Theatre, the same, not, as.

5. interchangeably, The words, often, used, are.

c) Give possible beginnings of sentences:

1. … from a Greek word.

2. … in ancient times.

3. … that is the play.

4. … and comedy.

5. … and dancing.

d) Complete the following sentences in a logical

1. The word <<theatre>> comes from a Greek word
meaning …

2. Theatre includes everything that is involved in

3. Theatre refers to a part of human culture that …

4. Theatre is not the same as drama though …

5. Theatre requires many kinds of artists for …

6. A director of the theatre integrates all aspects of …

7. Many people love and visit  different kinds of theatres:

8.  In the UK, there are more than …

9.  In the USA, the best-known theatre centre is …

10. In Russia, the two major theatre centres are …

11. Music combines singing and …

12. Opera combines singing and …

13. Ballet needs music …

14. Film and TV dramas use music to help …

15. Music proved people with a way…

EXERCISE 11. Translate the following sentences from
Russian onto English. You will have a story on the topic as a pattern.

   1. Слово ‘’theatre’’
происходит от греческого слова, которое обозначает ‘’место для просмотра’’.

2. В широком смысле слова театр включает в
себя сценарий, сцену, театральную труппа, публику.

3. Театр – одно из самых сложных видов

4. Театру необходимы различные специалисты: драматург,
актеры, режиссер, костюмер, музыканты, хореографы и многие другие.

5. Директор театра  объединяют все аспекты
постановки спектакля: декорации, костюмы, грим, освещение, звук , музыка,

6. Музыка играет огромную роль в театре.

7. Она помогает создать настроение и усиливает
действие спектакля.

8. Существуют различные виды театров. такие
как драматические театры, музыкальные театры, театры кукол, театры оперы и

9. В мире очень много театров.

10. Театральный центр Соединенного Королевства
– Лондон, в Вест Энде – более 40 театров .

11. Самый известный театральный центр
Соединенных Штатов  Нью Йорк Сити, хотя Чикаго и Лос-Анджелес стали также
театральными городами.

12. Москва и Санкт-Петербург – два самых больших
театральных центра в России.

13. Большой театр известен во всем мире.

14. Многие люди любят театры и часто их

15. Удачная театральная постановка – это
всегда волнующее и стимулирующее зрелище.

EXERCISE 12. Answer the following questions about
theatre and music

1) What does the word ‘’theatre’’ come from?

2) What does theatre include?

3) In theatre the same as drama?

4) What does drama do you know?

5) What forms of drama do you know?

6) What does theatre require?

7) Who integrates all aspects of productions in the theatre?

8) What kinds of theatres do you know?

9) Where is the theatrical centre in the UK?

10) How many theatres are there in West End of London?

11) Where are the theatre centres in the USA?

12) What theatre centres In Russia do you know?

13) Have you ever been to Bolshoi Theatre?

14) Do you often visit theatres?

15) What kind of theatre do you prefer?

16) What kin of music do you like?

17) What kind of classical music do you know?

18) What kind of popular music do you know?

19) Why does music play a major role in other arts?

20) What does music provide people with?

EXERCISE  13  a) Read and translate the following
b)Memorize and dramatize the dialogue;
c)Act out a similar dialogue.

. Bob, do you enjoy painting?

B. Yes, I do.

A. And why do you like it?
B. You see , I enjoy painting for many reasons. First of all, I like 
the colours and the way different artists arrange the paint on the surface.

A. Sorry for interrupting you  … As to me, I am
interested in some painting because of the way the artists express some human
emotions, such as fear, grief, happiness, or love.

B. You are absolutely right. Even painting of such
everyday scenes as people at work or at rest, and of such common  objects as
food and flowers can be a source of pleasure.

A. And besides , painting also teaches. Some pictures
reveal what the artists felt about important events , including death, love ,
religion , and social justice.

B.I agree with you. And you know that some provide
information about the history of the period during which they were created.

A. Yes about the customs and different painting
styles. Do you know any?

B. Certainly, such as romantism , realism,
imperessionism and many others.

A. Have you ever visited any picture galleries?

B. Of course. I have been twice to the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

A. That’s fine. It was a real pleasure for me to talk
with you.

B. You are welcome.

EXERCISE 14. Act as an interpreter.


Richard Stilman , am American film producer from Hollywood has come on a visit to Russia. Now our Russian film producer is talking with

    — David  O. Selznick, a Hollywood film producer decided
to make a film, based on the novel written by a journalist from Atlanta
Margaret Mitchell, “Gone with the Wind” .

        By the way , do you remember

        the plot?

   -Absolutely right. So, David O. Selznick chose a famous
film star or the time Clark Gable for the part of the tall and handsome hero
Rhett Butler, but he couldn’t find  anyone for the part Scarlett. He was
searching for more  than two years.

  -Yes, when Selznick saw the beautiful face of Vivien
Leigh, he decided at once: “She will be Scarlett O’Hara!”

  — Well, as far as I remember, the picture took thee years,
half a million feet of film and 4.25 milition dollars to producte. Don’t forget
it was 1933.

  -Surely. This film won eight Academy Awards, including  an
award for the best actress of  the year and the best direction. It is
considered to be one of the year and the greatest motion            pictures of
all times.

 -You are welcome.

  EXERCISE 15. Discuss the following proverb
together with your friend, and say if you

 agree with it:         

Art is long, life is short.

Theme: Problems
of Our Planer

a) Read, translate, and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the
texts and dialogues:

1) to pollute, environmental pollution.

2) smoke.

3) to poison.

4) to damage

5) fertilizer, pesticide

6) to scatter rubbish and litter.

7) a vehicle, a motor vehicle.

8) noise.

9) to cause.

10) disastrous.

11) to harm.

12) the survival.

13) an illness.

14) to reduce.

15) ugliness.

16) to benefit.

17) exhaust.

18) a percentage.

19) to discharge.

20) a crop.

21) immediately.

22) gradually.

23) to lessen.

24) to enforce.

25) invisible.

26) waste.

27) weapons, nuclear weapons.

28) X-ray machines.

29) to determine, to influence.

30) cancer.

31) exposure.

32) a cell.

33) to ban.

34) to eliminate.

35) to devote.

36) drugs, drugs addiction.

37) except.

38) perception.

39) crime.

40) abuse.

41) unemployment

a) Translate the following word combinations.

Pay attention to the prepositions:

1) to dirty the air with gases

2) to poison the water with chemicals

3) in various ways, on the land, in the water

4) to fill the air with noise

5) one of the problems

6) destruction of the ozone layer

7) harmed by pollution of soil

8) brings ugliness to our naturally beautiful world

9) from cars

10) for millions of people

11) job for people

12) for the growing of crops

13) the amount of pollution

14) from radioactive substances

15) from nuclear weapons

16) are produced by a variety of electronic devices

17) exposure to large amounts

18) in reproductive cells

19) in the atmosphere.

b) Fill in the gaps with the proper preposition.

     Spring is green. … spring nature awakens … its long
winter sleep. The trees are filled … new life, the earth is warmed … the rays …
the sun. The weather becomes gradually milder The field are covered … fresh
green grass. The forests are filled … the songs … the birds. The sky is blue
and cloudless. It sometimes rains, but the rain is warm and pleasant, Spring is
a hard time … farmers.

EXERCISE 3. Read the text, try to focus in its
essential facts, and chose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph.

      1) Environmental Pollution is a Complicated Problem.
2) What is Environmental Pollution? 3) How to Reduce Environmental Pollution.
4) Environmental Pollution is a Serious Problem.


    Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the
ways by which people pollute their surroundings., People dirty the air with
gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances, and
damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. People also pollute
their surrounding in various other ways. They ruin natural beauty by scattering
rubbish and litter on the land and in the water. They operate motor vehicles
that fill the air with the noise.

    Environmental pollution is one of the most serious
problems facing humanity today. It causes global warming, destruction of the
ozone layer, and other disastrous processes. Air, water, and soil – all harmed
by pollution – are necessary to the survival of the all living things. Badly
polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and
other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land available for
growing crops. Environmental  pollution also brigs ugliness to our naturally
beautiful world.

     The pollution problem is as complicated as it is
serious. It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that
benefit people. Exhaust from cars causes a large percentage of all air
pollution, but the car provides transportation for millions of people.
Factories discharge much of the material that pollutes air and water, but
factories provide jobs for people and produce goods that people want. Too many
fertilizers or pesticides can ruin soil, but they are important aids for the
growing of crops.

      Thus, to end or greatly reduce pollution immediately,
people would have to stop using many things that benefit them. But pollution
can be gradually reduced. Scientists and engineers should work hard to find the
ways to lessen the amount of pollution that such things as cars and factories
cause. Governments should enforce laws that require enterprise or individuals
to stop or to reduce certain polluting activities.

EXERCIZE 4. Read and give a summary of the text.


Radiation is an invisible that can be highly dangerous. Nuclear
radiation comes from radioactive substances including waste from nuclear
weapons testing and from nuclear power plants. Small amounts of electromagnetic
radiation are produced by a variety of electronic devices including computers,
lasers, microwave ovens, TVsets, and X-ray machnes.

Scientists have not determined exactly wheat effects small
amounts of radiation influence people. But exposure to large amounts can cause
cancer and harmful changes in reproductive cells.

International have agreements ban most testing of nuclear
weapons in the atmosphere .Such regulation have helped to eliminate the major
sources of radiation . However ,the amount of radioactive waste is constantly
increasing .Scientists are studying the ways to eliminate these wastes safely
and permanently.

the sentences in which these words and words combinations are used in the

1) Refers to
2) by which
3) by scattering
4) the survival

5) available
6) exhaust
7) thus
8) would
9) an invisible pollutant
10) waste
11) a variety of
12) in reproductive cells
13) ban

EXERCISE 6.Find in the texts English  equivalents for these words and
word combinations  :

1) загрязнение окружающий среды
2) который относиться
3) окружение (окружающие места )
4) газами и дымом
5) отравлять воду химикатами
6) слишком много удобрений и пестицидов
7) разными другими способами
8) естественная красота
9) мусор отбросы
10) шумом
11) с которой сталкивается человечество
12) оно является причиной
13) разрешения озонового  слоя
14) разрушительные (гибельные )процессы
15) выживание всех живых существ
16) сильно загрязненный воздух
17) даже смерть

18) загрязненная вода

19) загрязнение почвы
20) имеющая в распоряжении для выращивания урожаев
21) первозданно красивый мир
22) сложный

23) приносить пользу
24) выхлопные газы
25) проценты содержание
26) производить товары
27) слишком много
28) важные средства
29) таким образом
30) немедленно
31) вынуждены были остановить
32) постепенно
33) должны упорно работать
34) вводить силу закон
35) невидимый загрязнитель
36) очень опасный
37) отходы от испытания ядерного оружия
38) атомные электростанции
39) микроволновые печи
40) точно не определили
41) большие количества
42) вредные изменения
43) репродуктивные клетки

44) соглашения запрещают
45) однако
46) постоянно
47) надежно

EXERCISE 7:Fill in gaps with the missing words in
the following sentences ,the first letter of each word has been giver to help
you .

1)People often p…their surroundings.2)People … the soil with
too many f…3)People s… rubbish and litter on the land.4)Cars fill the air with
the n…5)Environmental pollution c… disastrous processes.6)The pollution problem
is c…7)Factories d… much of the material that polluters air and
water.8)Pollution can be r…9)E… to large amounts of radiation can cause
cancer.10) International agreements b… most testing of nuclear weapons.

EXERCISE 8:Fill in the blanks with the articles a ,
an, the where necessary.
b)Fill in the blanks with the verbs be, have.

Illegal drugs… considered to … a serious problem in both the
US and the UK. Drugs like heroin, cocaine… often described as hard drugs. Hard
drugs cause a lot of crime because their users become very dependent on them
and constantly need money to buy more drugs. Drugs like cannabis, ecstasy, and
LSD… often described as soft drugs because many young people believe that they…
not seriously harmful. But they… mistaken . To… such drugs … considered to… a
EXERCISE 9:Mind the word order.
a)Extend the following sentences with the words given in brackets.

1.Polluted air can cause illness(and , death, even, badly).
2.They ruin beauty (rubbish, natural, scattering, by).
3.People damage the soil (fertilizers, with, many, too).
4.Factories provide jobs (people, for, goods, and, produce).
5.Fertilizers can ruin soil (pesticides, or, much, too).

b)Put the words in the following sentences in order, the first words
in each sentence is in italics.

1.can, highly, be, radiation, dangerous.
2.can, gradually, be, pollution, reduced.
3.should, government, laws, enforce.
4.should, enterprises, activities, polluting, certain, reduce.
5.can, exposure, cause, large, to, amounts, cells, in, changes, harmful,
c)Give possible beginnings of the sentences:
1…. beautiful world. 2…. benefit people. 3…. in the atmosphere. 4…. highly
dangerous. 5… X-ray machines.
d)Complete the following sentences in a logical way.

1.People dirty the air with…
2.People poison the water with…
3.People damage the soil with…
4.People also pollute their surroundings in…
5.They ruin natural beauty by…
6.Motor vehicles fill the air with…
7.Environmental pollution causes global…
8.Polluted air can cause…
9.Polleted water kills fish and…
10.Pollution of soil reduces the amount of…
11.Radiation is an invisible pollutant that…
12.Nuclear radiation comes from…
13.Exposure to large amounts can cause…
14.International agreements ban most testing of…
15.Government should enforce laws that..

EXERCISE 10:Translate the following sentences from
Russian into English. You will have a story on the topic as a pattern.

1.Загрязнение окружающей среды – одна из самых
серьёзных проблем ,с которой сталкивается человечество в наши дни.2.Люди
разрушают воздух газами и дыомом.3.Они отправляют воду и почву разными вредными
веществами.4.Люди разрушают естественную красоту окружающей среды, разбрасывая
мусор и отходы на земле и в воде.5.Загрязнение окружающей седы является
причиной глобального потепления, разрушения озонового слоя и других гибельных
процессов.6.Сильно загрязненный воздух может быть причиной болезни и даже
смерти.7.Загрязнённая вода убивает рыбу и других обитателей морей.8.Загрязнение
почвы уменьшает количество пригодной земли для выращивания урожаев. 9. Радиация
– это невидимый загрязнитель, который может быть очень опасным.10.Маленькие
количества вещества электромагнитной радиации производят различные электронные
приборы, такие как компьютеры , лазеры, микроволновые печи, телевизоры, 
рентгеновские аппараты .11.Ученые ещё точно не определили, какое влияние
оказывает  на людей маленькое количество радиации. 12. Облучение большим
количеством радиации может явиться причиной рака и других вредных изменений в
репродуктивных клетках. 13. Загрязнение окружающей среды – очень сложная
проблема. 14. Ученые, инженеры должны упорно работать , чтобы найти пути
уменьшения загрязнения окружающей среды. 15. Правительства различных стран
должны вводить в силу законы о сохранении чистоты окружающей среды.

Answer the following questions about environmental pollution.

1. What does the term «environmental pollution» mean?

2. How do people pollute the surroundings?

3. What does environmental pollution cause?

4. What can badly polluted air cause?

5. What does polluted water cause?

6. Why is the pollution problem complicated?

7. Where does nuclear radiation come from?

8. Have you a computer of your own? How much time do you
spend before the display?

9. Do you often watch TV?

10. Does you family prepare food with the help of a
microwave oven?

11. Do you know the influence on people of the small amounts
of radiation?

12. Do you often go to the seaside? How much time do you
spend there?

13. Do you smoke? And what about your friends?

14. Where do you live? Are your surroundings clean?

15. How can we reduce the pollution of the  surroundings?

a) Read and translate the following dialogue. b) Memorize and dramatize the
dialogue. c) Act out a similar dialogue.


A. All evening yesterday I was watching TV and one of
the TV programmes was devoted to drugs addiction of the people, how it can ruin
the lives of the people.

B. I do know about it. Many harmful effects often
accompany drug use.

A. Yes, you are right! Just fancy! They include not
only failure to achieve personal aims, physical illness but also death…

B. Yes, unfortunately … even death. I have read  a
lot about it. After the constant use of certain drugs, some people develop a
condition called drug dependence. The need for a drug may become so great that
nothing matters expert getting more drugs…

A. And as a rule, many people begin and continue to
use drugs because they want a pleasurable change in their state and mind…

B. Sorry for interrupting you… But drugs only change
the brain`s perception of  difficulties and problems, the user`s real problems
always remain.

A. Certainly! Besides, many drug users turn to crime
to support their habit. Drug abuse also damages families and other personal

B. Drugs abuse is one of the problems of the humanity
nowadays. But still let`s change the topic of our conversation.

A. Yes, you are right.

Act as an interpreter.


There are a lot of them. First of  all, the students, most of them, have
to work to pay for their education, because the education at the universities
is very expensive. Second, it is the problem to get the job after graduating
from the higher school.

Yes, there is. There is a problem of unemployment. Sometimes, the size
of it is great.

Students like to go to the disco clubs to listen to music and to dance.

Unfortunately, there is such a problem, but we are studying the ways how
to reduce it. There is a lot of advertising  against addiction on radio and TV.
There is a course of lectures on this topic at our university.

To tell the truth, it is rather high. Drug users very often turn to
crime to support their habit.

I agree with you. International meetings of young people fighting for
peace, national independence and democracy should be traditional.

Discuss the following proverbs together with your friend and say if you agree
with them.

1) Easier said than done.

2) Knowledge is power.

3) Good health is above wealth.

Theme: Famous People

a) Read, translate, and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the
texts and dialogues:

1) the Commonwealth

2) to christen

3) a heir, a heiress

4) royal

5) to assume

6) to marry

7) a descendant

8) annually

9) to elect, an election

10) to prepare a speech

11) a battle

12) to link

13) a vote

14) to inaugurate

15) a trip

16) an adventure

17) to be tired

18) to reject

19) landscape

a) Translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the prepositions:

1) The head of the Commonwealth of Nations

2) at the age

3) the death of her father

4) the heiress to the throne

5) from early childhood

6) for the royal duties

7) among many duties

8) visits to foreign countries

9) important to her

10) one of the most important duties the State Opening of
the Parliament

11) after a general election

12) for her

13) prepared by Prime Minister

14) an addition

15) a set of powers

16) the defenders of the monachy

17) the great value of the work in March

18) by the time

20) battles of American Revolution

21) at the Constitutional Convention

22) in the country

23) number of votes

24) at that time

25) with public affairs

b) Fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions:

1) Arthur Conan Doyle was born … the capital … Scotland.

2) His father was an artist … profession.

3) Arthur inherited the talent … story-telling … his mother
and it helped him as writer.

4) … graduating … the medical faculty … Edinburgh University

5) Conan Doyle went as a ship`s doctor … the Arctic and
later … West Africa.

6) He began his medical practice … a small English town South

7) Here, he published his first detective story. 

Analyze the following sentences:

1) We know that time brings wisdom

2) We suppose that he was born with a silver in his mouth.

3) You should not promise much, but you should better do

Read the text, try to focus on its essential facts, and choose the most
suitable heading below for each paragraph.

1) The royal Family

2) The importance of the royal Family

3) Elizabeth II and Her Parents

4) Queen Elizabeth’s Deities

5) Elizabeth II is the Queen of the UK


Elizabeth II is the queen of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland and the head of the Common-wealth of nations. She
became the queen at the age of 25 after the death of her father, George VI.

Elizabeth was born in London on April 21, 1926, when her
parents were  the duke and duchess of York. She was christened  Elizabeth
Alexandra Mary. Her Father became the heiress to the throne.  Elizabeth was
trained from early childhood for the royal duties she would some day assume.

Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten, formerly Prince  Phill
of Greece, in 1947 in Westminster Abbey. Their first son, Charles Philip Arthure
George, was born in 1948. Then two more sons and a daughter were born. Prince
Charles became the heir to the throne when his mother became the queen. Philip
was made a prince in 1957. Queen Elizabeth and her husband, children and other
close relatives make up the United Kingdom’s royal family. The royal family’s
name Windsor. But in 1960, Queen Elizabeth announced that her descendants would
have the name Mountbatten-Windsor.

Amount Queen Elizabeth’s many duties are the regular visits
she makes to foreign countries, and especially those of the Commonwealth, whose
interest are very important to her. One of the most important official duties
is the State Opening of the Parliament. This ceremony is performed annually
after a general election. The Queen reads a speech prepared for her by the
Prime Minister. In addition, the queen still has a set of powers know as Royal
Prerogative. The most important is the right to appoint the Prime Minister.

The defenders of the monarchy emphasize the unique
historical character and great value of the work which it regularly fulfils for
both government and nation.

Read and give a summary of the text.


George Washington, know as the <<Father of his
Country>>, was the first president of the United States. He was born on
February 22, 1723 in Westmoreland Country, Virginia, then a British colony.

In march 1775, Washington was elected to the Second
Continental Congress. By the time he attended the Congress, the opening battles
of American Revolution had already been fought in Massachusetts. In June, G.
Washington was elected to be the commander-in-chief of the colonial army.

In 1787 Washington was elected to head the Virginia
delegation at the Constitution Convention. In the country, people linked his name
directly to the new Constitution. Washington was elected the president in
February 1789 with the largest possible number of votes. He was inaugurated in New
York City, at that time the capital of the United States.

George Washington was 65 when he left the presidency, but he
did not lose connections with public affairs. He also made trips to watch
constructions of the new city Washington, D.C., which was then called the Federal
City. At the time of his death, he had the rank of lieutenant general. In 1976,
the U.S. Congress gave him the title of general of the armies of the United States.

Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the

1) at the age

2) from early childhood

3) make up

4) foreign countries

5) one of the most important official duties

6) a general election

7) in addition

8) the great value

9) both … and …

10) a British colony

11) be the time

12) the commander-in-chef

13) of that time

14) the rank of lieutenant

Find in the texts English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

) глава Содружества наций

2) в возрасте 25 лет

3) после смерти отца

4) родилась

5) стала наследницей

6) с раннего детства

7) королевские обязанности

8) когда-нибудь

9) вышла замуж

10) раньше

11) Вестминстерское Аббатство

12) их первый сын

13) затем

14) наследник престола

15) другие близкие родственники

16) составляют

17) королевская семья

18) объявила

19) среди многочисленных обязанностей

20) постоянные визиты

21) зарубежные страны

22) особенно

23) происходит ежегодно

24) после общих выборов

25) подготовленную для нее

26) более того

27) все еще

28) королевская прерогатива

29) исключительное право

30) назначать

31) защитники монархии

32) подчеркивают

33) уникальный исторический характер

34) огромная популярность

35) огромное значение

36) был избран

37) начинающиеся битвы уже велись

38) главнокомандующий

39) связывали его имя непосредственно с новой

40) с максимально возможным количеством

41) оставил президентский пост

42) не потерял связи

43) общественные дела

44) совершал поездки

45) звание генерала-лейтенанта

Fill in gaps with the missing words in the following sentences, the first
letter of each word has been given to help you.

1) Their child was c… in this church .

2) She was the h… of all that property.

3) She was going to a… the royal duties.

4) He was the member of the r… family.

5) He got a great number of v… at the election.

6) George Washington was i… in New York City.

7) She made a lot of t… to foreign countries.

8) He has read a book about different a…

9) She was t… of her job.

10) She r… his help.

Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the where necessary:

1) Arthur Conan Doyle is among my favorite writers.

2) He is … famous for his … detective stories.

3) He started … fashion of … detective stories.

4) His character, Sherlock Holmes, is known all over … world
as … most famous detective of all … times.

5) … collection of … detective stories under … title «Adventure
of Sherlock Holmes» made A.C. Doyle … famous.

a) Read and state the function of the verbs be, have.

1) No doubt, all the stories with Sh. Holmes are the
most popular.

2) What sort of man is Sh. Holmes?

3) We are learning a lot about him from the stories
in which he appears.

4) He has a thin face and intelligent eyes.

5) He is smoking a pipe all the time.

6)  Sometimes he plays the violin.

7) He speaks when he has something to say.

8) He is loving at 222 «B» Baker Street in London.

9) With the words «It is elementary, my dear Watson …»
Sh. Holmes always starts to explain a crime to his friend Dr. Watson.

b) Fill in the blanks with the verbs be, have.

1) Prince Charles … the first son of the British queen,
Elizabeth II.

2) He … expected to become the next British king.

3) His official royal title … the Prince of Wales.

4) Charles married Diana Spencer in 1981 and they … two
sons, Prince William and Prince Harry.

5) Charles … known for his interest in architecture and

6) His speeches on these subjects … caused a lot of
discussion and disagreement.

a) Translate the sentences.

b) Fill in the blanks with the proper conjunctions.

1) … Elizabeth was a child, she was trained for the royal

2) G. Washington was inaugurated in the New York City, … at
that time it was the capital of the US.

3) G. Washington left the presidency … he did not lose
connections with public affairs.

4) In 1787, Washington was elected to head the Virginia delegation at the Constitutional Convention, … in 1789, he was elected the

5) G. Washington made trips to the new Federal City,
… he wanted to watch its construction.

Mind the word order.

a) Extend the following sentences with the words
given in brackets.

1. Elizabeth became the queen ( her, the death, father,
after, of).

2. Elizabeth II reads a speech ( State, Parliament, Opening,
at, the, of, the).

3. G. Washington was elected the president ( votes, of, the,
possible, largest, with, number).

4. G. Washington had the rank of lieutenant general (his,
time, at, death, the, of).

5. The U. S. Congress gave him the title (of, of, of, the,
the, general, armies, States, United).

b) Put the words in the following sentences in
order, the first words in each sentence is in italics.

1. parents, Elizabeth`, the Duke, and,
the Duchess, York, of, were.

2. became, at, the, the, twenty-five, She, queen,
age, of.

3. Philip Mountbatten, Abbey, in, Westminster,
married, and, Elizabeth.

4. have, sons, three, They, daughter, and, one.

5. her, children, husband, relatives, make up, Queen,
and, Elizabeth, and, close, other, family, royal, the, Kingdom`s, United.

c) Give possible beginnings of the sentences:

1. … the head of the Commonwealth of Nations.

2. … Elizabeth Alexandra Mary.

3. … in 1948.

4. … in 1957.

5. … after a general election.

d) Complete the following sentences in a logical

1. Elizabeth II is the queen of the United Kingdom of …

2. Elizabeth II is the head of …

3. She became the queen at the age of …

4. She was trained for the royal duties from …

5. Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten in …

6. They had three sons and …

7. Prince Charles became the heir to the throne when …

8. The royal family is made up of …

9. The royal family`s name is …

10. But Queen Elizabeth announced that …

11. Queen Elizabeth has many …

12. One of the most important official duties is …

13. The queen reads a speech prepared for her by …

14. The queen also appoints …

15. The defenders of the monarchy emphasize …

Make up general and disjunctive  questions:

a) about Elizabeth II:

1. Elizabeth is the queen of the UK.

2. Elizabeth was born in London.

3. Elizabeth married Philip in 1947.

4. The royal family`s name is Windsor.

5. Elizabeth`s descendants will have the name

b) about George Washington:

1. George Washington is the first president of the United States.

2. He was inaugurated in New York City.

3. G. Washington left the presidency at the age of 65.

4. Washington, D. C. was called then the Federal

5. G. Washington had the rank of lieutenant general at the
time of his death.

Make up special questions ( with «when»):

a) about Elizabeth II:

1. Elizabeth was born in London on April 21, 1926.

2. Her father became King George VI in 1936.

3. Her first son was born in 1948.

4. Philip was made a prince in 1957.

5. Elizabeth became the queen in 1952.

b) about George Washington:

1. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732.

2. G. Washington was elected to the Second Continents
Congress in March 1775.

3. He was elected to head the Virginia delegation at the
Constitutional Convention in 1787.

4. He was elected the president in February 1789.

5. G. Washington left the presidency at the age of 65.

Make up questions the answers to which will be words in italics. The words in
brackets will help you.

1. Elizabeth was born in London (where).

2. Her father became King George VI (who).

3. The royal family`s name is Windsor (whose).

4. George Washington was inaugurated in New York City (where).

5. G. Washington watched construction of the new
city of Washington
, D. C. (what).

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Add some more information

1. Prince Andrew became the heir to the throne.

2. Queen Elizabeth has many duties.

3. George Washington is known as the «Father of his Country».

4. G. Washington didn`t take part in the battles of American

5. G. Washington lost connections with public affairs
leaving the presidency.

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. You
have a story:

a) about Elizabeth

1. Елизавета II
королева Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.

2. Она также возглавляет Содружество наций.

3. Елизавета родилась 21 апреля 1926 года в

4. Ее отец стал королем Георгом VI в 1936 году, и она стала наследницей престола.

5. С раннего детства Елизавету обучали
королевским обязанностям.

6. Она стала королевой в возрасте 25 лет после
смерти своего отца.

7. Елизавета вышла замуж за Филиппа
Мунтбаттена в 1947 году.

8. Их первый сын Чарльз стал наследником

9. королева Елизавета, ее муж, их дети, другие
близкие родственники составляют королевскую семью Соединенного Королевства.

10. Защитники монархии подчеркивают уникальный
исторический характер и огромную популярность королевской семьи.

b) about George Washington 

1. Джордж Вашингтон – первый президент
Соединенных Штатов.

2. Он родился 22 февраля 1732 года в
Вирджинии, британской колонии.

3. В марте 1775 года он был избран во Второй
Континентальный Конгресс.

4. В это время началась Американская

5. Джордж Вашингтон был избран
главнокомандующим колониальной армии.

6. В 1787 году Д. Вашингтон был избран главой
делегации Вирджинии на Конституционный Съезд.

7. В стране люди связывали его имя
непосредственно с Конституцией.

8. Джордж Вашингтон был избрал президентом
Соединенных Штатов с максимально возможным количеством голосов.

9. Его инаугурация (торжественное введение в
должность) прошла в Нью-Йорк Сити, тогда столица Соединенных Штатов.

10. Д. Вашингтон оставил президентство в
возрасте 65 лет, но продолжал заниматься общественными делами.

Exercise 18.
Answer the following questions about Royal Family of the UK:

1. Which member of the Royal Family opened a building with
the words: «I declare this thing open, whatever it is»?

2. What relation is Viscount Althorp to Princess Diana?

3. Which of the present Royals said: «There are lots of new
stars to fill the centre stage. I`m in the back row of the chorus»?

4. Which regiment did Prince Edward join up with when he was

5. In a TV interview, she was asked what she would like to
be in another life, she answered: «A long distance lorry driver». Who was it
who said this?

6. Which member of the Royal Family said: «If men had to
have babies, they would only have one»?

7. Who gave this unforgettable piece of gardening advice: «To
get the best result, you must talk to your vegetables»?

8. What was original about the birth of Prince William?

9. Whose favourite dogs are corgis (порода декоративных собак)?

10. Who is the author of Budgie`s children books?


1. Prince Philip; 2. He is her brother; 3. Princess
Alexandra; 4. The Royal Marines; 5. The Princess Royal; 6. Princess Diana; 7.
Prince Charles; 8. First heir to the throne to be born in a hospital than a
palace; 9. Queen Elizabeth; 10. Duchess of York («Best»).

Exercise 19.
a) Read and translate the following dialogue.

b) Memorize and dramatize the dialogue.

c) Act out a similar dialogue.

                           CONVERSATION ABOUT A.C. DOYLE

A. What`s  your hobby?

B. I am fond of reading books.

A. And who is your favourite writer?

B. I like to read books of many authors and Arthur Conan
Doyle is among them.

A. And what is your favourite story or novel written by
Conan Doyle?

B. I like almost all his stories and novels, but prefer to
read a collection of detective stories under  the title «The Adventures of
Sherlock Holmes».

A. Oh, Sherlock Holmes is known all over the world as the
most famous detective of all times.

B. Yes, you are right. All the stories with Sh. Holmes are
the most popular…

A. Sorry for interrupting you. As far as I remember, in one
of his stories, Conan Doyle «killed» Holmes.

B. It was then when he was tired of writing detective
stories. But the public didn`t like it. Conan Doyle had to write another story
in which Holmes came back.

A. Did Conan Doyle write only detective stories?

B. Besides detective stories, Doyle also wrote historical
novels, war books. Don`t you remember his fantastic stories «The Lost World», «The
Poisoned Belt»?

A. Not quite. I would like to read them once again.

B. I have one of them, «The Poisoned Belt», at home. Come to
me, and  i`ll  give it to you.

A. With pleasure!

Exercise 20.
Act as an interpreter.


    Russian students are asking questions an Englishman from
London, who is fond of painting, about the English painting.

— England, didn`t have its own school of painting up to the
XVII century. William Hogarth was the first artist who rejected foreign
influence and created English national school of painting.

— He created a set of satirical picture called «Marriage a la
Mode» («Модный брак»)
and many others.

— Another famous artist is Joshua Reynolds, a brilliant
portrait painter of his time, the main painter of the king…

— Thomas Gainsborough is also a portrait painter. But he
also the firs to create the English school of landscape painting. His total
number of paintings is above 300.

— John Constable is a very famous painter. I like his
paintings of the countryside, too. But my favourite artist is William Turner. I
like to visit the Tate  Gallery in London to enjoy his pictures of the
countryside, the sea, and the sky.

— You are welcome!

Exercise 21.
Discuss the following proverbs together with your friend and say if you  agree
with them.

1) A good name is better then  riches.

2) To be born with a silver in one`s mouth.

The predicate is the second principal part of the sentence which expresses an action, state, or a quality of a person or a thing denoted by the subject.

We distinguish simple and compound types of predicate.


simple verbal: He came there.

simple phraseological: She gave a cry.

compound nominal: I am 17.

compound modal: I can do it.

compound aspect: She stopped talking.

The simple verbal predicate is expressed by a verb in a simple or a compound tense form.

# Erick arrived early.

# I have been waiting for you for two hours.

There is a special type of predicate – the phraseological predicate. Here we use different phraseological constructions (to get rid of, to take care of, to pay attention to, to lose sight of, to have a smoke, to give a cry, to make fun of, to take part in, to change one’s mind, to get in touch, etc).

# The man gave a violent start.

# He was making fun of us.

The compound predicate consists of two parts: a finite verb and a predicative expressed by some other part of speech (a noun, a pronoun, an adjective, etc).

The compound nominal predicate consists of the link verb and the predicative (expressed by a noun, adjective, numeral).

# He grew more cheerful.

# He was a nice-looking fellow.

# The dance continued fast.

# She will make a good wife.

The compound verbal modal predicate may consist of a modal verb and an infinitive, modal expression, a verb with a modal meaning and a infinitive or gerund (can, may, must, to hope, to intend, to try, to want, to wish, to be able, to be obliged, to be willing, to be going, to be bound, to be anxious, to be capable, etc).

# You can prove everything.

# I have to work for my living.

# He wanted to throw himself into the whirlpool of Paris.

The compound verbal aspect predicate expresses the beginning, repetition, duration or ending of the action (to begin, to start, to go on, to finish, to keep on, to continue, to give up, etc). After the verb comes either infinitive or gerund.

# She began to study English.

# He kept speaking.

# It has stopped raining.

1. Read the following sentences. State the type of the predicate in each sentence:

1. Mary came rather late that morning.

2. She’s been working here for 20 years.

3. She used to be beautiful in her youth, but now she seemed rather weary.

4. Mark didn’t take any part in our work.

5. The British Isles were known as «Tin Islands».

6. He was looking through the window at the river.

7. I can tell at once what is going on.

8. She remained silent.

2. State the type of the predicate in each sentence:

1. He speaks English well.

2. He is speaking English now.

3. Do you know him?

4. He has invited me to his birthday party.

5. They will return tomorrow.

6. When Helen had gone, I returned to Rose.

7. «Well, what do you make of it?» – «I think, she’s telling the truth now,» said Rose decidedly.

8. The dog began to bark.

3. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Я сегодня иду в библиотеку.

2. В нашем городе есть хороший парк.

3. На нашей улице не было магазина.

4. Ему следует быть более вежливым.

5. Ты выглядишь усталым.

6. Мой брат станет инженером.

7. Она вполне здорова.

8. Когда ты будешь свободен сегодня?

9. Мой отец против моего поступления в колледж этой осенью.

10. Что ты делаешь? – Я готовлюсь к урокам.

11. А можешь мне помочь?

12. Килограмм винограда, пожалуйста.

Данный текст является ознакомительным фрагментом.

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