Sentences with the word standard

стандартный, типовой, нормальный, стандарт, эталон, норма, норматив, знамя


- нормальный, стандартный, соответствующий установленному образцу

- общепринятый, нормативный, образцовый

standard English — литературный английский язык
standard pronunciation — нормативное произношение

- образцовый, классический; выдержавший проверку временем

standard history — классический труд по истории
standard authors — выдающиеся писатели, писатели-классики
standard reference work — авторитетный справочник

- средний, нормальный (о фигуре)

standard fitting — средний размер (одежды); размер для стандартной фигуры

- отвечающий санитарному стандарту (о продовольствии не высших сортов)

standard meat — мясо второго сорта

- стоячий
- штамбовый

standard roses — штамбовые розы
standard tree — высокоствольное дерево


- знамя, флаг, штандарт

to raise the standard of revolt — поднять знамя восстания
to march under the standard of smb. — стать под чьи-л. знамёна, быть приверженцем /последователем/ кого-л.

- стандарт, норма; образец

standards of international law — нормы международного права
work of high [of low] standard — работа высокого [низкого] качества
below [up to] standard — не соответствующий [соответствующий] принятому стандарту
to fall short of accepted standards — не соответствовать стандартам

- уровень

standard of life /of living/ — уровень жизни
standard of wages [of knowledge] — уровень зарплаты [знаний]

- pl. моральные и социальные нормы

he has no standards — он не понимает, что хорошо и что плохо /что можно делать и чего нельзя/

- критерий

standards of judgement — критерии оценки
to judge all men by the same standard — подходить ко всем с одной меркой

ещё 17 вариантов

Мои примеры


a window of standard width — окно стандартной ширины  
setting a high standard of excellence — установление высочайшего уровня качества  
reduce one’s standard of living — снизить чей-либо уровень жизни  
to calibrate manometer to standard — калибровать манометр по эталону  
to calibrate standard — градуировать меру  
to certify standard — аттестовывать эталон  
standard dialect — языковая норма, языковой стандарт  
to apply a double standard — применять двойной стандарт  
error due to the standard used — погрешность меры  
standard keyboard — стандартная клавиатура  
to calibrate a manometer to the standard — калибровать манометр по эталону  
standard concentration — стандартная концентрация  

Примеры с переводом

International standard

Международный стандарт

We paid them the standard rate.

Мы заплатили им по стандартному тарифу.

The movie was a pretty standard romantic comedy.

Фильм оказался довольно шаблонной романтической комедией.

His photographs set the standard for landscapes.

Его снимки стали эталоном пейзажной фотографии.

Eastern Standard Time

Восточное стандартное поясное время

Standard examples were drummed into students’ heads.

В головы студентов вдалбливались типичные примеры.

The rooms are of a good standard.

Уровень номеров — довольно хороший.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We are making no recommendation that children should use Standard English.

…bathtubs are a little too slippy for the elderly residents, so grab rails are standard fixtures…

A group of students made representations to the college about the poor standard of the accommodation.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): standard
мн. ч.(plural): standards

Examples of how to use the word “standard” in a sentence. How to connect “standard” with other words to make correct English sentences.

standard (n, adj): a level of quality; usual rather than special, especially when thought of as being correct or acceptable

Use “standard” in a sentence

Our standard charge for a letter is 25 dollars.
You need to lower your standards.
It’s standard procedure.
His work is not up to our standards.

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4 word sentence with cell phone in it?

Cell phone for sale!
4 words, a sentence using the word cell phone.

Frivolous used in a sentence?

The word «frivolous» is an adjective. An example of a sentence
using the word would be: She was unable to afford the maintenance
such a frivolous lifestyle.

A sentence using the word adverse?

I am adverse to answering this question.

Can you put the word piqued in a sentence?

«Her curiousity was piqued by the gossip.»

A sentence using the word aggravate?

My little brother likes to aggravate me.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

предложение словом

предложение со слов

фразу словом

предложение со слова «

I’m sure you know somebody who can’t say anything about any idea, plan, or activity without crutching the sentence with the word but.

Уверен, вы знаете людей, которые не могут говорить об идее, плане или деятельности, не испортив предложение словом «но».

He started a sentence with the word «atomic» or «nuclear» and then randomly chose words from the auto-complete suggestions.

«Я начинал предложение со слов «ядерный» или «атомный» и потом выбирал одно из автоматически предложенных вариантов.

Do not start a sentence with the word «but».

He just started every sentence with the word atomic or nuclear and gave the phone to fill in the rest.

Он просто начинал каждое предложение со слова «атомный» или «ядерный» и давал телефону заполнить остальное.

I made up a sentence with the word that I had just learned.

Starting a sentence with the word «you» almost guarantees a non-productive conversation.

Начинать фразу со слова «ты» — верный путь к непродуктивному разговору.

You don’t need to finish every sentence with the word «sir.»

You should avoid beginning a sentence with the word «also.»

You should avoid beginning a sentence with the word «also.»

It is grammatically incorrect to end a sentence with the word «and,» but I get so upset when I think about Ike.

Грамматически неправильно заканчивать фразу словом «и», но я так расстраиваюсь при мысли об Айке.

Insert a period after C, delete whereas and begin new sentence with the word Domestic.

Mr. de GOUTTES wondered whether it was necessary to introduce the second sentence with the word «Nevertheless».

Mr. Lallah suggested replacing the words «as to» in the third sentence with the word «affirming» rather than «stressing» or «suggesting».

Г-н Лаллах предлагает заменить в третьем предложении выражение «что касается» словом «подтверждая» вместо слов «подчеркивая» или «предполагая».

The United Nations Appeals Tribunal, by its decision of 10 October 2011, decided to adopt an amendment to article 5, paragraph 1, by replacing the word «two» in the second sentence with the word «three».

В своем решении от 10 октября 2011 года Апелляционный трибунал Организации Объединенных Наций постановил принять поправку к пункту 1 статьи 5, заменив во втором предложении слово «две» словом «три».

There are two reasons why a writer would end a sentence with the word «stop» written entirely in

СУЩЕСТВУЕТ две причины, почему писателю может захотеться закончить фразу словом «точка», написанным целиком заглавными буквами (ТОЧКА).

And it’s incredibly more for the control group that did the sentences without money and way less not only for the people who unscrambled the sentence with the word salary but also way less if they saw Monopoly money in the corner.

Большинство из контрольной группы, получившие предложения без упоминания денег, гораздо реже из людей, получивших предложение с упоминанием зарплаты, и даже люди, с деньгами из монополии, реже обращались за помощью.

Ok, Ferrari CEO Louis Camilleri implicitly stated that he does not intend to listen to «that word» in the very same sentence with the word Ferrari.

Во время презентации в прошлом году, генеральный директор Ferrari Луи Кэри Камиллери заявил, что не хочет слышать это слово «в той же фразе, в которой есть Ferrari».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 17. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 74 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

1. What is Word Order?

Word order is important: it’s what makes your sentences make sense! So, proper word order is an essential part of writing and speaking—when we put words in the wrong order, the result is a confusing, unclear, and an incorrect sentence.

2.Examples of Word Order

Here are some examples of words put into the correct and incorrect order:

I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters at home. CORRECT

2 brothers and 2 sisters have I at home. INCORRECT

I am in middle school. CORRECT

In middle school I am. INCORRECT

How are you today? CORRECT

You are how today? INCORRECT

As you can see, it’s usually easy to see whether or not your words are in the correct order. When words are out of order, they stand out, and usually change the meaning of a sentence or make it hard to understand.

3. Types of Word Order

In English, we follow one main pattern for normal sentences and one main pattern for sentences that ask a question.

a. Standard Word Order

A sentence’s standard word order is Subject + Verb + Object (SVO). Remember, the subject is what a sentence is about; so, it comes first. For example:

The dog (subject) + eats (verb) + popcorn (object).

The subject comes first in a sentence because it makes our meaning clear when writing and speaking. Then, the verb comes after the subject, and the object comes after the verb; and that’s the most common word order. Otherwise, a sentence doesn’t make sense, like this:

Eats popcorn the dog. (verb + object + subject)

Popcorn the dog eats. (object + subject + verb)

B. Questions

When asking a question, we follow the order auxiliary verb/modal auxiliary + subject + verb (ASV). Auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliaries share meaning or function, many which are forms of the verb “to be.” Auxiliary verbs can change form, but modal auxiliaries don’t. Here’s a chart to help you:

auxiliary verbs

As said, questions follow the form ASV; or, if they have an object, ASVO. Here are some examples:

Can he cook?  “Can” (auxiliary) “he” (subject) “cook” (verb)

Does your dog like popcorn?  “Does” (A) “your dog” (S) “like” (V) “popcorn” (O)

Are you burning the popcorn? “Are” (A) “you” (S) “burning” (V) “popcorn” (O)

4. Parts of Word Order

While almost sentences need to follow the basic SVO word order, we add other words, like indirect objects and modifiers, to make them more detailed.

a. Indirect Objects

When we add an indirect object, a sentence will follow a slightly different order. Indirect objects always come between the verb and the object, following the pattern SVIO, like this:

I fed the dog some popcorn.

This sentence has “I” (subject) “fed” (verb) “dog” (indirect object) “popcorn” (direct object).

b. Prepositional Phrases

Prepositional phrases also have special positions in sentences. When we use the prepositions like “to” or “for,” then the indirect object becomes part of a prepositional phrase, and follows the order SVOP, like this:

I fed some popcorn to the dog.

Other prepositional phrases, determining time and location, can go at either the beginning or the end of a sentence:

            He ate popcorn at the fair.      -Or-     At the fair he ate popcorn.

      In the morning I will go home.            I will go home in the morning.

c. Adverbs

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs, adding things like time, manner, degree; and often end in ly, like “slowly,” “recently,” “nearly,” and so on. As a rule, an adverb (or any modifier) should be as close as possible to the thing it is modifying. But, adverbs are special because they can usually be placed in more than one spot in the sentence and are still correct. So, there are rules about their placement, but also many exceptions.

In general, when modifying an adjective or adverb, an adverb should go before the word it modifies:

The dog was extremely hungry. CORRECT adverb modifies “hungry”

Extremely, the dog was hungry. INCORRECT misplaced adverb

The extremely dog was hungry. INCORRECT misplaced adverb

The dog was hungry extremely. INCORRECT misplaced adverb

As you can see, the word “extremely” only makes sense just before the adjective “hungry.” In this situation, the adverb can only go in one place.

When modifying a verb, an adverb should generally go right after the word it modifies, as in the first sentence below. BUT, these other uses are also correct, though they may not be the best:

The dog ran quickly to the fair. CORRECT * BEST POSITION

Quickly the dog ran to the fair. CORRECT

The dog quickly ran to the fair. CORRECT

The dog ran to the fair quickly. CORRECT

For adverbs expressing frequency (how often something happens) the adverb goes directly after the subject:

The dog always eats popcorn.

He never runs slowly.

I rarely see him.

Adverbs expressing time (when something happens) can go at either the beginning or of the end of the sentence, depending what’s important about the sentence. If the time isn’t very important, then it goes at the beginning of the sentence, but if you want to emphasize the time, then the adverb goes at the end of the sentence:

Now the dog wants popcorn. Emphasis on “the dog wants popcorn”

The dog wants popcorn now. Emphasis on “now”

5. How to Use Avoid Mistakes with Word Order

Aside from following the proper SVO pattern, it’s important to write and speak in the way that is the least confusing and the most clear. If you make mistakes with your word order, then your sentences won’t make sense. Basically, if a sentence is hard to understand, then it isn’t correct. Here are a few key things to remember:

  • The subject is what a sentence is about, so it should come first.
  • A modifier (like an adverb) should generally go as close as possible to the thing it is modifying.
  • Indirect objects can change the word order from SVO to SVIO
  • Prepositional phrases have special positions in sentences

Finally, here’s an easy tip: when writing, always reread your sentences out loud to make sure that the words are in the proper order—it is usually pretty easy to hear! If a sentence is clear, then you should only need to read it once to understand it.

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