Sentences with the word spoils

портить, портиться, баловать, грабить, добыча, вынутый грунт, трофей


- останки, труп животного

Мои примеры


spoils system — дележ добычи  
spoils of chase — трофеи  
spoils of the chase — охотничья добыча  
divide the spoils of war — разделить трофеи  
dredge spoils — грунт выемки  
extractability from acid mine spoils — экстрагируемость из кислой среды шахтных отвалов  
spoils of thieves — воровская добыча  
the spoils of war — военная добыча; трофеи  
dredging spoils — грунт выемки  
spoils of the office — награда за политические услуги победившей партии  

Примеры с переводом

They tried to take more than a fair share of the spoils.

Они попытались взять себе больше положенной по справедливости доли добычи.

The meat goes bad / spoils.

Мясо портится.

Sparing the rod spoils the child.

Пожалеешь розгу, избалуешь ребёнка.

If you break the rules, it just spoils the whole game.

Если вы нарушите правила, то просто испортите всю игру.

She always spoils me on my birthday.

Она всегда балует меня на мой день рождения.

The meat must be eaten before it spoils.

Мясо нужно съесть, пока не испортилось.

To the victor belong the spoils of the enemy.

Трофеи врага принадлежат победителю.

The hotel spoils their guests with fine dining and excellent service.

Гостиница балует своих гостей изысканной кухней и превосходным обслуживанием.

Too much indulgence spoils a child.

Чрезмерное потакание портит детей.

A huge nuclear reactor now spoils the view.

Теперь вид портит огромный ядерный реактор.

The bandits escaped with their lives but not with the spoils.

Бандитам удалось унести ноги, но не добычу.

Возможные однокоренные слова

spoil  — портить, портиться, баловать, грабить, добыча, вынутый грунт, трофей
spoiled  — испорченный, избалованный, балованный
spoiler  — неожиданный победитель, помеха, третий лишний, интерцептор, прерыватель потока

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


It brought spoils, which allowed the state to develop intensively.

Он принес добычу, что позволило государству интенсивно развиваться.

And it wasn’t just the thirst of glory, but in the unwillingness to divide the spoils.

И дело было не только в жажде славы, но и в нежелании делить добычу.

Two Russian oligarchs are battling in a London civil court over the spoils of Russian privatization.

Два российских олигарха сражаются в лондонском гражданском суде за трофеи российской приватизации.

«To the victors belong the spoils,» exclaimed a certain respectable Mr. Marcy.

«Победителям принадлежат трофеи», — воскликнул какой-то уважаемый мистер Марси.

Nothing spoils a fun game like bugs and awkward language bloopers.

Ничто так не портит удовольствие от игры, как баги и досадные языковые ляпы.

Now we cannot say that irrational nature spoils our lives.

Теперь мы не можем сказать, что неразумная природа портит нам жизнь.

Nothing spoils the gaming experience as easily as bugs and bungled language.

Ничто так не портит удовольствие от игры, как баги и досадные языковые ляпы.

Because consciousness spoils and clouds over almost everything it touches.

Поскольку сознание портит и помрачает почти все, до чего оно дотрагивается».

Nothing spoils a good party like genius.

Ничто так не портит хорошую вечеринку, как гений.

After according his men a respite for the traditional sharing out of the spoils, he called them to order the following day.

Предоставив своим людям отдых для традиционного раздела добычи, он призвал их в строй на следующий день.

Scientists have proven that wine spoils the color of tooth enamel.

Ученые доказали, что вино портит цвет эмали зубов.

Often ignorance of elementary things spoils the whole impression of the mask.

Зачастую незнание элементарных вещей портит всё впечатление о маске.

The spoils of prosperity are fed back into the system to fund new and, perhaps, functionally unnecessary jobs.

Трофеи процветания возвращаются в систему для финансирования новых и, возможно, функционально ненужных рабочих мест.

Of course, it spoils the original form, however, retains a unique natural creation.

Конечно, это портит оригинальную форму, однако сохраняет уникальное естественное творение.

People who do not like the capital believe that this only spoils the old image of the city.

Люди, которые не любят столицу, считают, что это только портит старинный образ города.

A cracked dashboard spoils the appearance of your car interior and needs to be repaired or replaced quickly.

Потрескавшаяся приборная панель портит внешний вид салона автомобиля и требует быстрого ремонта или замены.

The student seems to feel obligated to everyone, so this responsibility, of course, crushes and spoils the fine mood.

Студент как бы чувствует себя всем обязанным, поэтому такая ответственность, безусловно, давит и портит прекрасное настроение.

It should be noted, that the excessive commercialization of the city is slightly spoils it.

Стоит отметить, что чрезмерная комерциализация города его немного портит.

There are a number of people who are of the opinion that technology ‘spoils‘ children.

Есть ряд людей, которые думают, что технология «портит» дети.

Alcohol (especially wine) not only spoils the quality of sleep, but also reduces night sleep and contains many calories.

Алкоголь (особенно вино) не только портит качество сна, но также сокращает ночной сон и содержит множество калорий.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат spoils

Результатов: 1523. Точных совпадений: 1523. Затраченное время: 89 мс


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word spoils, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use spoils in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «spoils».

Spoils in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word spoils in a sentence.

  1. The victory produced the usual spoils of war.

  2. They stake their shares of the anticipated robbery spoils.

  3. Harrison had campaigned as a supporter of the merit system, as opposed to the spoils system.

  4. It was only an outbreak of dysentery among the Rus’ that forced them to depart with their spoils.

  5. Jackson’s theory regarding rotation of office generated what would later be called the spoils system.

  6. Philip, disappointed by the spoils in Mysia, proceeded south and plundered the towns and cities of Caria.

  7. In general, cooperation will not emerge if individuals can not share the spoils obtained through their joint effort.

  8. The peace treaty was to be followed up by the Congress at Rastatt at which the parties would divide the spoils of war.

  9. The latter largely carried grain for the horses, although later it was used to transport the spoils of the chevauchée.

  10. In order to secure a peaceful passage through the land of the Khazars, the Rus’ promised the Khazars half of their spoils.

  11. The city was thoroughly sacked and plundered; according to the Arab accounts, the sale of the spoils went on for five days.

  12. Among the spoils was the sumptuous imperial tent with its treasures, which allegedly had to be carried off on seventy camels.

  13. In Australia, it damages many cereal and fruit crops and spoils cereal crops, animal feed and stored grain with its droppings.

  14. The Nihon Shoki records that Ōtomo no Satehiko brought three bronze bells back to Japan in 562 as spoils of war from Goguryeo.

  15. At Mantinea, Thebes had faced down the combined forces of the greatest states of Greece, but the victory brought it no spoils.

  16. Garfield sympathized with them, believing the spoils system damaged the presidency and distracted from more important concerns.

  17. Upon Katie’s encouragement, Glen reconnects with Sara, and spoils her and hires her as a receptionist despite her incompetence.

  18. The spoils from Oreus had been reserved for Sulpicius, who returned there, while Attalus stayed to collect the spoils from Opus.

  19. Having accumulated a considerable fortune in that book, Crevel spends his time in La Cousine Bette enjoying the spoils of his labor.

  20. The Rus’ stayed in Bardha’a for several months, using it as a base for plundering the adjacent areas, and amassed substantial spoils.

  21. Reformers feared Arthur, as a former supporter of the spoils system, would not commit to continuing the investigation into the scandal.

  22. When the men returned to their respective islands each night, they hid their spoils in a variety of places, in case the Excise men raided.

  23. On the day of the festivities, the Flavian family rode into the capital, preceded by a lavish parade that displayed the spoils of the war.

  24. Tyler was soon at odds with President Jackson, frustrated by Jackson’s newly emerging spoils system, describing it as an «electioneering weapon».

  25. In the spring of 199 BC, the combined Pergamon and Roman fleets took Andros in the Cyclades, the spoils going to the Romans and the island to Attalus.

  26. These strengthened their position; they stored up arms and food, and collecting the spoils of Jerusalem they stored them there, and became a great snare.

  27. They continued northeast along the Macedonian coast to Acanthus, which they sacked, after which they returned to Euboea, their vessels laden with spoils.

  28. On the Third Crusade, he made an enemy of Leopold V, Duke of Austria, by showing disrespect to his banners as well as refusing to share the spoils of war.

  29. Petersburg, Catherine II was willing to mop up the spoils of war for the Russian Empire but did not want to get involved in another costly European conflict.

  30. Hayes took office determined to reform the system of civil service appointments, which had been based on the spoils system since Andrew Jackson’s presidency.

  31. The author Robert Lee surmised that Teach and Hands intentionally ran the ships aground to reduce the fleet’s crew complement, increasing their share of the spoils.

  32. The Iroquois claimed these captives as war spoils, since they were not part of the fort’s garrison, and prepared to kill some of them in retaliation for their own losses.

  33. He intended to defer to the judgment of Congress on legislative matters, with sparing use of his veto power, and to reverse Jackson’s spoils system of executive patronage.

  34. Among the spoils taken were the massive iron doors of the city, which al-Mu’tasim initially transported to Samarra, where they were installed at the entrance of his palace.

  35. In the New Kingdom, when Egypt was an imperial power, these donations often came out of the spoils of the king’s military campaigns or the tribute given by his client states.

  36. The White, Green and Crimson Drawing Rooms include a total of 62 trophies: carved, gilded wooden panels illustrating weapons and the spoils of war, many with Masonic meanings.

  37. Hayes took office determined to reform the system of civil service appointments, which had been based on the spoils system since Andrew Jackson was president forty years earlier.

  38. In the 1870s, the municipal government in Buffalo had grown increasingly corrupt, with Democratic and Republican political machines cooperating to share the spoils of political office.

  39. Both Democratic and Republican leaders realized that they could attract the votes of reformers by turning against the spoils system, and by 1882 a bipartisan effort began in favor of reform.

  40. Both Democratic and Republican leaders realized that they could attract the votes of reformers by turning against the spoils system and, by 1882, a bipartisan effort began in favor of reform.

  41. Leaders of both parties, including Bayard, realized that they could attract the votes of reformers by turning against the spoils system and, by 1882, a bipartisan effort began in favor of reform.

  42. From 1854 until 1860, he was appointed a member of various navy boards that dealt with matters ranging from promotions and equipment purchases to war spoils and standardization of naval uniforms.

  43. Although 90% of Curaçao’s population was of African descent, the spoils of the economic prosperity that began in the 1920s benefited whites and recent immigrants much more than black native Curaçaoans.

General information about «spoils» example sentences

The example sentences for the word spoils that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «spoils» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «spoils».

Use ‘spoils’ in a sentence | ‘spoils’ example sentences

1- One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

2- More significant art collections were acquired through spoils of.

3- Scotland took the spoils winning 2–0.

4- No spoils of the city were taken.

5- The victory produced the usual spoils of war.

6- The cynical answer is the spoils of patronage.

7- Dry soil round the roots spoils the flowering.

8- Greece essentially funded its vast spoils distribution system with borrowed money.

9- A fairy entering a dairy spoils the cream.

10- And it certainly spoils its verbal consistency.

11- The spoils of conquest are self-evident today.

12- With Allah are profits and spoils abundant.

13- The latter shamelessly spoils a rather big plot development.

14- Any change in the recipe beyond sensitive limits spoils the fun.

15- It spoils the joy that Christians should share.

16- To the victor, untold spoils and riches.

17- Land use change spoils entire habitats with the forests.

18- The spoils system did not originate with Jackson.

19- The situation was complicated by the American spoils system.

20- This suits some birds and spoils things for others.

21- They stake their shares of the anticipated robbery spoils .

22- This is partly a battle over spoils , partly ideological.

23- It kinda spoils things a bit for me .

24- Doing this may avoid ambiguity that spoils the effort.

25- B) The spoils system was a bad idea.

26- A correlation between box office and Academy Awards spoils is undeniable .

27- H2O2 never ” spoils ” or goes bad.

28- A non reach-adjustable steering wheel spoils driving position, however.

29- The British army saw these slaves as spoils of war.

30- And should they be allowed to keep their battlefield spoils ?

31- It just spoils remembering them as they really are.

32- A weak dancer playing Albrecht or James spoils the total effect.

33- And how do we divide the spoils ?

34- spoils of war is a unique passive ability.

35- E) The immediate end to the spoils system.

36- They are also entitled to share in the war spoils .

37- Mona spoils Erica to fill the void Eric left behind.

38- These included sharing in the disposition of spoils of war.

39- If they think it spoils their chances.

40- I believe many do not share your spoils of war . Too much liberty spoils all.

41- One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

42- To the victors go the spoils of war.

43- Too much spoils, too little is nothing.

44- The figure on the left spoils the unity of the painting.

45- There is a Ghanaian proverb which observes that one falsehood spoils a thousand truths.

46- In the Middle Ages, the tiny nation of Switzerland grew quite rich on the spoils of war.

47- The kitchen should be an area where both of you are doing work and enjoying the spoils.

48- spoils of prosperity As Karratha’s mayor, Peter Long sees a lot more hope for the town.

49- Argentina’s World in Union Image copyright David Davies / PA To the winner go the spoils.

50- 48335And if the Justice League is not careful, the spoils of war will all end up with her!

More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
Related Words:
splutters – spoil – spoilage – spoiled – spoiler – spoilers – spoiling – spoils – spoilsport – spoilsports – spoke – spoked – spoken – spokes – spokesman –

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Synonym: botch, damage, decay, destroy, impair, injure, mar, rot, ruin, upset. Similar words: oil, soil, boil, foil, toilet, embroil, broiler, turmoil. Meaning: [spɔɪl]  n. 1. (usually plural) valuables taken by violence (especially in war) 2. the act of spoiling something by causing damage to it 3. the act of stripping and taking by force. v. 1. make a mess of, destroy or ruin 2. become unfit for consumption or use 3. alter from the original 4. treat with excessive indulgence 5. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of 6. have a strong desire or urge to do something 7. destroy and strip of its possession 8. make imperfect. 

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1. Don’t spoil the ship for a ha’porth of tar. 

2. Spare the rod and spoil the child. 

3. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 

4. Spoil (or Lose) the ship for half penny worth of tar. 

5. Some kinds of food soon spoil.

6. Don’t eat too many nuts-you’ll spoil your appetite .

7. Don’t let him spoil your evening.

8. Don’t spoil your appetite by eating between meals.

9. He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening.

9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

10. I don’t want to spoil things for everyone else.

11. It would be a pity to spoil the surprise.

12. It’s important not to let mistakes spoil your life.

13. Don’t eat that cake now; you’ll spoil your appetite.

14. Your present behaviour would spoil your future.

15. Frosts spoil the last of the flowers.

16. You would go and spoil it, wouldn’t you!

17. Don’t spoil your appetite by eating sweets before meals.

18. His mother and sisters spoil him rotten .

19. We didn’t let the incident spoil our day.

20. She didn’t want to spoil this magic moment.

21. Don’t let the bad weather spoil your holiday.

22. Don’t spoil your appetite by eating sweets between meals.

23. A hot plate will spoil the table’s polish.

24. I don’t want to spoil your fun.

25. A fond mother may spoil her child.

26. Go on, spoil yourself. Have another piece of cake.

27. We all know that fats spoil by becoming rancid.

28. Spoil yourself with a new perfume this summer.

29. The rage of a wild boar is able to spoil more than one wood. 

30. I won’t tell you what happens in the last chapter-I don’t want to spoil it for you.

More similar words: oil, soil, boil, foil, toilet, embroil, broiler, turmoil, boil down, point, appoint, point to, point out, pinpoint, boiling water, to the point, pointless, in point of, checkpoint, point of view, pointillism, appointment, a case in point, counterpoint, spot, spoon, spouse, espouse, spotted, sponsor. 

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