Sentences with the word sincerely

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Some will sincerely believe what they preach.

Часть из них даже будут искренне верить в те ценности, которые они проповедуют.

We communicate openly and sincerely, providing the full information required.

Мы общаемся открыто и искренне, предоставляя всю необходимую информацию, ничего не утаивая.

For only when we know our helplessness can we sincerely ask for help.

Ибо только тогда, когда мы знаем нашу беспомощность, мы можем искренне просить о помощи.

I am sincerely surprised that this planet exists.

«Я искренне удивлен тому, что эта планета вообще существует.

Anyone who wants to practice sincerely can do so.

Любой, кто хочет искренне практиковать, может это сделать».

Scripture nowhere condemns those asking honest questions or sincerely seeking assurance.

Писание никогда не осуждает тех, кто задает честные вопросы или искренне ищет подтверждения.

We sincerely regret any impact this incident may have on those we serve.

Мы искренне сожалеем о последствиях, которые этот инцидент может иметь для тех, кого мы обслуживаем.

His delegation sincerely hoped that those efforts would at last produce progress.

Его делегация искренне надеется на то, что эти усилия позволят наконец добиться прогресса.

We sincerely pray for the closure of this case.

Мы искренне стремимся к тому, чтобы это дело было завершено.

Ukraine sincerely welcomes them into our family.

Украина искренне приветствует их и рада видеть их среди нас.

I sincerely believe that together we can build a better world.

Я искренне верю в то, что совместными усилиями мы сможем построить лучший мир.

Or maybe he sincerely believed it.

И скорее всего он искренне в это верил.

And I love you because you sincerely believe in that goal.

И я люблю тебя потому, что ты искренне веришь в эту цель.

He sincerely believed was better to give than to receive.

Он искренне верил, что… отдавать намного приятнее, чем брать.

I’m sincerely sorry for your troubles.

Мне искренне жаль, что у тебя такие неприятности.

And I sincerely mean your girl no disrespect but…

Я искренне не хотел проявить неуважение к вашей дочери, но…

We sincerely appreciate everything our team members have helped us accomplish.

Мы искренне ценим все, что члены нашей команды помогли нам достичь».

Felt that the doctor was sincerely interested in helping me.

Создалось впечатление, что доктор был искренне заинтересован в том, чтобы помочь мне.

No wonder sincerely religious people strongly oppose abortion.

Не зря искренне верующие люди выступают категорически против проведения абортов.

People perfectly feel what is done sincerely and with dedication.

Люди очень хорошо чувствуют то, что делается искренне и с полной отдачей.

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- искренне, неподдельно

yours sincerely — искренне Ваш (в конце письма)

- честно, прямо

Мои примеры


to congratulate heartily / sincerely / warmly — сердечно, искренне, тепло поздравить  
to hope fervently / sincerely / very much — сильно, горячо надеяться  
to repent sincerely — искренне раскаиваться  
deeply / keenly / sincerely appreciative — искренне благодарный  
to thank smb. sincerely — искрение благодарить кого-л.  
to believe sincerely — искренне верить (во что-л.)  
declare solemnly and sincerely — торжественно и искренне заявлять  
«sincerely yours» is a formula used in letters — «искренне ваш» — обычная формула в конце письма  
hope sincerely — искренне надеяться  
sincerely yours — искренно преданный Вам; с уважением  

Примеры с переводом

‘Yours sincerely’ is a formal way of ending a letter.

«Искренне ваш» — это официальная форма окончания письма.

Henry sincerely believed that he was fighting a just war.

Генри искренне верил, что сражается за правое дело.

When I said you were my best friend, I was speaking sincerely.

Когда я сказал, что ты — мой лучший друг, я говорил искренне.

She praised him sincerely for his victory.

Она искренне похвалила его за победу.

Возможные однокоренные слова

sincere  — искренний, душевный, задушевный, честный, чистосердечный, прямой, чистый
insincerely  — неискренно, лицемерно, неискренне

Предложения со словом «sincerely»

My friends on Twitter realized that even when my words were aggressive and offensive, I sincerely believed I was doing the right thing.

Мои друзья в Twitter поняли, что при всей агрессивности и оскорбительности моих слов, я искренне верила, что поступаю правильно.

And I sincerely believe that we can do hard things, not just for them but for us and our future.

И я искренне верю, что мы можем преодолеть трудности, не только ради этих людей, но ради нас самих и нашего будущего.

So my plea today to everyone, especially those who sincerely believe in Islamist jihadism , refuse dogmatic authority, let go of anger, hatred and violence, learn to right wrongs without even attempting to justify cruel, unjust and futile behavior.

Я обращаюсь сегодня ко всем, особенно к тем, кто искренне верит в исламистский джихадизм: откажитесь от категоричных суждений, отпустите злобу, ненависть и жестокость, научитесь исправлять ошибки без попытки оправдать жестокость, несправедливость и бессмысленные действия.

And the thing that really surprises me is why do leaders find it so hard to apologize, I mean sincerely apologize, when our trust is broken?

И больше всего меня удивляет, почему руководителям так сложно принести искренние извинения, когда наше доверие обмануто?

‘ And you sincerely hope that either you’ve got a book or there’s something somewhere or somebody you can ring up and find out.

И ты всей душой надеешься, что у тебя есть книга или есть что — то еще, или кто — то, кому ты можешь позвонить и выяснить.

Not only he has to know his subject and be sincerely interested in it, but also to be able to get some feedback from his students.

Он должен не только безупречно знать свой предмет и искренне интересоваться им, но и уметь установить обратную связь с учениками.

I sincerely offered my place to make it work, and you dismissed it flat.

Я серьёзно предлагаю тебе мою квартиру, а ты освободишь свою.

And I sincerely hope this won’t cast a cloud over our date on Friday.

И я от всей души надеюсь, что этот факт не омрачит наше свидание в пятницу.

I did not wish to sound ungrateful and I thank you most sincerely for your help.

Я не хочу показаться неблагодарным и от всего сердца говорю тебе спасибо за помощь.

I sincerely hope you do not have cause to regret your generosity.

Я искренне надеюсь, что вы не пожалеете о своём великодушии.

I mean that sincerely , and I dearly want the answers to the questions that’re being asked.

Я хочу сказать, что от всей души желаю получить ответы на заданные сейчас вопросы.

Thursday was to be the wedding day, and on Wednesday Miss Lucas paid her farewell visit; and when she rose to take leave, Elizabeth, ashamed of her mother’s ungracious and reluctant good wishes, and sincerely affected herself, accompanied her out of the room.

Свадьба была назначена на четверг, а в среду мисс Лукас нанесла прощальный визит в Лонгборн.

The Royal Government sincerely hopes to achieve the goal planned if nothing serious happens in the stage of implementation.

Королевское правительство искренне надеется на то, что оно добьется поставленной цели при отсутствии серьезных препятствий на пути к ее достижению.

It sincerely wished to attain the standard reached by the most advanced countries in the human rights sphere.

Он искренне стремится достичь уровня передовых стран в области прав человека.

Sincerely Xandros is not bad… but certainly a nice Kubuntu is not bad…

Искренне Xandros не плохо… но, конечно, приятно Kubuntu не плохо…

I want to sincerely apologize for the trouble this very brief encounter with Miss Cooley caused the fans.

Хочу принести искренние извинения проблемы, вызванные нашей весьма краткой встречей с мисс Кули.

Mr. President, I thank you sincerely for the kind words and the good wishes you addressed to me.

Г — н Председатель, я искренне благодарен Вам за теплые слова и добрые пожелания в мой адрес.

He sincerely believed was better to give than to receive.

Он искренне верил, что… отдавать намного приятнее, чем брать.

We sincerely believe we are following the right path.

Мы искренне верим, что идем верным путем.

Although you maybe busy with your work We sincerely wish that you’ll be able to attend.

Несмотря на то, что Вы очень заняты, мы искренне надеемся на Ваше присутствие.

And I sincerely hope we can end this as good friends.

Искренне надеюсь, что мы останемся друзьями после всего этого.

It was necessary to implement the Declaration sincerely and to put into practice the standards set in it.

Необходимо, чтобы эта Декларация применялась честно, а нормы, прописанные в ней, реализовывались на практике.

I sincerely expect the greatest mutual benefit from our association, Mr. Spade.

Я искренне ожидаю значительной взаимной выгоды от нашего сотрудничества, мистер Спэйд.

And in conclusion, I would like to thank you sincerely for your kind words of welcome.

И в заключение я хотел бы искренне поблагодарить Вас за добрые слова приветствия в мой адрес.

We sincerely hope that those efforts will be made sustainable through the putting in place of a permanent monitoring mechanism.

Мы искренне надеемся на то, что этим усилиям будет придан стабильный характер на основе создания постоянного механизма наблюдения.

Due to an error on our part, you have been sent the wrong merchandise, for which we sincerely apologize.

По ошибке Вы получили от нас неправильные товары. Просим извинить за эту ошибку.

We are deeply affected by the passing away of your husband and wish sincerely to express our sympathy.

Нас глубоко тронула смерть Вашего мужа, и мы высказываем Вам наше искреннее соболезнование.

No, Mubarak, for decades, was bolstered in his position by the very Western countries which, Golts suggests, are so earnestly and sincerely focused on the promotion of “freedom.”

Нет, Мубарака в течение десятилетий поддерживали как раз те западные страны, которые, как считает Гольц, столь серьезно и искренне сосредоточены на продвижении «свободы».

“He is sincerely amused,” Pieniazek writes, “there is not a trace of anger or suspicion in his words.”

«И его это действительно забавляет, — пишет Пененжек. — В его словах нет ни следа гнева или подозрительности».

The new facility should once and for all remove the main excuse that has been advanced, sincerely or not, for building and maintaining homegrown enrichment capability.

Новый объект должен будет раз и навсегда снять главное оправдание, что была выдвинуто, искренне или нет, для строительства и укрепления национальной возможности обогащения урана.

Be assured, ladies, that Mrs. Collins and myself sincerely sympathise with you in your distress, which must be of the bitterest kind, proceeding from a cause which no time can remove.

Уверяю вас, леди, что миссис Коллинз и я, мы искренне сочувствуем вам в вашем горе, которое должно быть безутешным оттого, что ничего нельзя изменить.

I sincerely hope that your family will be a source of consolation and comfort for you: they will surely help you to cope with this loss.

Я надеюсь от всего сердца, что Ваша семья будет Вам утешением и радостью, она, конечно, поможет Вам преодолеть потерю.

We shall do our very best to deliver the consignment within the subsequent delivery time and apologize most sincerely for the inconvenience.

Мы постараемся сделать все, что в наших силах, чтобы поставить товар в нужные сроки, и просим извинить.

We sincerely hope to have carried out your order to your complete satisfaction and look forward to continuing our business relations.

Мы надеемся, что наше выполнение Вашей заявки Вас полностью удовлетворило и рады считать Вас и в будущем нашими клиентами.

I sincerely hope you will be able to help me.

Я искренне надеюсь, что Вы сможете помочь мне.

We sincerely regret that we have given you cause to complain.

Мы очень сожалеем, что мы дали Вам основание для жалобы.

People sincerely seemed to believe that, simply by replacing Mubarak, Egypt’s multitudinous problems would be solved.

Судя по всему, многие тогда искренне полагали, что если убрать Мубарака, это решит все многочисленные проблемы Египта.

NATO and even U.S. officials have recently visited Minsk to learn if Lukashenko could be sincerely willing to defect with his country to the Western camp.

В последнее время Минск посещают натовские и даже американские официальные лица, пытающиеся узнать, искренне ли желание Лукашенко переметнуться вместе со своей страной в западный лагерь.

Okay, well, first off, I just want to thank you again, sincerely , for bailing Molly’s out.

Так, ну во — первых, я хотел ещё раз искренне поблагодарить тебя, за спасение Молли.

Some years ago I would sincerely but mistakenly have told you that I used what would have sounded like a neat method for solving this problem.

Еще несколько лет назад я мог бы рассказать вам, что использовал метод, представлявшийся мне достаточно изящным для решения этой проблемы.

I would like to sincerely thank your firm for the kind hospitality accorded to me.

Примите мою искреннюю благодарность за оказанное мне гостеприимство.

I would like to sincerely thank you for the kind hospitality accorded to me.

Примите мою искреннюю благодарность за оказанное мне гостеприимство.

We sincerely hope that you soon make it through this difficult mourning period.

От всего сердца желаем Вам, чтобы Вы пережили трудное время печали.

She sat at the desk and with her bold, flowing hand wrote: Yours sincerely , Julia Lambert.

Джулия села за бюро и своим четким плавным почерком написала: Искренне Ваша, Джулия Лэмберт.

Sincerely yours, Ariadne Oliver, was written across it in a bold black hand.

Поперек фотографии было четко, крупно написано: Искренне ваша, Ариадна Оливер.

I have entirely misjudged your attitude to this case and if in doing so I have ever seemed either rude or ungrateful I am sincerely and humbly sorry.

Я ужасно ошиблась в вашем отношении к этому делу, и если я когда — либо казалась грубой или неблагодарной мне действительно искренне жаль.

And the old cavalry captain, Kirsten, shouted enthusiastically and no less sincerely than the twenty-year-old Rostov.

И старый ротмистр Кирстен кричал воодушевленно и не менее искренно, чем двадцатилетний Ростов.

It is a matter to which I have given some thought, and I can see that you are sincerely interested.

У меня есть кое — какие соображения на этот счет. Да и у вас, милый Пеннифезер, я вижу, эта тема вызывает интерес.

I sincerely hope there’s not been any further bungling?

Я искренне надеюсь, что не будет больше подобного растяпства?

He felt the greatness and goodness of his purpose so sincerely : others who heard him plead for it, could not but feel it too.

Он так искренне был убежден в величии и святости своей задачи, что слушавшие не могли ему не сочувствовать.

He is sincerely for the revolution and fully deserves the trust that the Yuriatin City Council has vested in him.

Он искренне за революцию и вполне достоин доверия, которым облек его Юрятинский горсовет.

Look, I believe sincerely that America cannot afford to have more than one international carrier.

Наша страна не потянет еще одного международного перевозчика.

She wished sincerely that she might do something to comfort him, but she knew that her efforts were useless.

Ей страстно хотелось утешить его, но она понимала, что это не в ее силах.

I have always sincerely wished Daria Evdokimovna a good husband.

Я всегда от всех чувств желал Дарье Евдокимовне хорошего жениха.

Henry rejoiced in my gaiety, and sincerely sympathised in my feelings: he exerted himself to amuse me, while he expressed the sensations that filled his soul.

Анри радовался моей веселости и искренне разделял мое настроение; он старался развлечь меня и одновременно выражал чувства, переполнявшие его самого.

He shared a flat with his brother, whom he loved sincerely although he was most unlike him.

Он жил, как уже сказано, на одной квартире с братом, которого любил искренно, хотя нисколько на него не походил.

Excellent friend! how sincerely you did love me, and endeavour to elevate my mind until it was on a level with your own.

Незабвенный друг! Как искренне ты любил меня, как возвышал меня до уровня собственной высокой души!

I sincerely wished to visit my poor brother…

Я хотел навестить своего братика…

Now think carefully and answer sincerely , because I won’t put up with even the tiniest lie from you.

Теперь хорошенько подумай и ответь честно, потому что я не стану мириться даже с малейшей ложью.

But I sincerely am a great admirer of your achievements.

Я ваш самый восторженный почитатель.

How to use sincerely in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «sincerely» and check conjugation/comparative form for «sincerely«. Mastering all the usages of «sincerely» from sentence examples published by news publications.

I want to apologise—sincerely—but it’s getting jumbled up with the wish to—sincerely—thank the guy.
«I sincerely put the money in, and I am sincerely actively looking for ways to invest the money,» he said.
NIGATU: My point, my point— BOOKER: I sincerely, sincerely, —I, I welled up when I heard Anne Hathaway sing that song.
«If someone writes ‘Regards’ or ‘Sincerely yours,’ and you write ‘Best,’ and they stick with ‘Sincerely yours,’ and you write ‘xoxo,’ and they’re still at ‘Sincerely yours,’ you’re like, ‘They don’t like me, this is cold,'» Mr. Schwalbe said.
HN: My point, my point— CB: I sincerely, I sincerely, I, I welled up when I heard Anne Hathaway sing that song.
Sincerely X with Sarah Kay Premiere Date: May 6What It’s About: Sincerely X is like the opposite of a very public TED talk.
To be sure, the American Civil Liberties Union does sincerely care about protecting civil liberties, and the League of Conservation Voters does sincerely care about the environment.
Simply said; I fucked up and I sincerely apologize .
» Her bit ended on a [mostly] sincerely note. «J.
Sincerely, Evan EngstromExecutive Director, Engine Bobby FranklinPresident & CEO, NVCA
At this point, we would like to sincerely thank Mrs.
We sincerely appreciate all of your concern and well wishes.
He sincerely apologized, but it wasn’t to keep a job.
I sincerely hope we can do that with a deal.
I love doing this because I sincerely love this country.
I sincerely hope he strengthens his benches in both companies.
Sincerely, Jeffrey P. Bezos Founder and Chief Executive Officer Amazon.
I sincerely hope we haven’t seen the last of him.
It’s been used ironically and sincerely and snarkily and commercially.
We do sincerely apologize for any confusion caused by this.
«I sincerely do apologize for their loss,» Da’Shaun told News10NBC.
Thank you, truly, immensely, sincerely and with my entire heart.
We recognize the severity of the situation and sincerely apologize.
«I’ve never, sincerely never, seen anything like it,» Harris gushed.
It seems like she sincerely believes everything she is saying.
Sincerely, Third Point LLC — With reporting by CNBC’s Lauren Hirsch.
We sincerely thank our customers for their understanding and patience.
They were all very sincerely apologetic, as well as surprised.
Sincerely, I am the most simple man in the world.
And he really did seem to be very sincerely outraged.
We sincerely hope she also gets to enjoy some herself.
«I apologize sincerely to @georgesoros,» she said in her tweet.
I sincerely hope his afterlife is a warm, peaceful… …haven.
I sincerely hope his afterlife is a warm, peaceful … haven.
» I do mean it when I say «Fuck you sincerely.
With warm regards, I am Sincerely yours, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Sincerely, Brooke Dear Brooke, Please don’t second guess your decision.
I assured him it was not; I sincerely wanted answers.
I seriously and sincerely just totally forgot about the challenge.
One reason might be that Trump sincerely believes these allegations.
I think he was sincerely trying to protect his men.
We sincerely apologize to Charlie and Candace for this misunderstanding.
Sincerely ~ Langston Hughes New York February 19, 1962 I gawped.
I sincerely regret what I now believe is an error.
We recognize that it could be offensive and sincerely apologize.
We all appreciate his service and sincerely wish him well.
«I sincerely apologize,» she said in a video she tweeted.
Is «sincerely» timeless and professional, or stodgy and overly formal?
«I sincerely apologize,» she said in a video on Twitter.
The audience laughed, and then Nanjiani addressed the question sincerely.
We may disagree, but I sincerely appreciate the good faith.
We sincerely apologize that the School failed to do so.
In fact, I sincerely hope that this does not happen.
I really feel bad for taylor and i’m sincerely sorry!
I sincerely, I’m not being coy, I honestly don’t know.
» He went on: «I sincerely apologize to her for that.
To the students who I have hurt, I apologize sincerely.
I sincerely don’t want to go back to my youth.
He spoke so sincerely that he seemed to believe himself.
She also said she was «sincerely sorry» for her actions.
I think they sincerely want to be here in Washington.
I sincerely hope that Alabama voters will surprise the nation.
«Real Housewives» is watched sincerely, it is watched as camp.
Polce sincerely believes he is doing something that is patriotic.
Prime Minister Abe said his government «sincerely» accepted the result.
Sincerely, Where the hell is the love of my life?
I sincerely respect those who believe abortion is morally wrong.
To be clear, these are things that I sincerely believe.
«We sincerely hope it does not come to that,» he said.
I say that to you sincerely; take care of yourself, please.
This helps no one, and we apologize sincerely for the error.
They have been vehemently — and sincerely — committing to continued defense cooperation.
And I sincerely hopes that will be with a negotiated deal.
They are arguably the most sincerely liberty-minded group of Americans.
I sincerely wish happiness and peace to my sisters and brother.
There are also enough good games for them to sincerely hype.
We sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by the products.
And I know to be sincerely sorry for those people’s problems.
«So I will sincerely say this guidance is a realistic one».
» «THANK YOU SINCERELY for all the birthday love,» she added. «#MakingMeBlush.
Everyone knows they’re Rickrolling ironically; everyone knows they’re ice-bucketing sincerely.
Sincerely, A Millennial Taylor Lorenz is a journalist and editorial strategist.
I doubt it sincerely, since nobody knows who you are anyway.
Sincerely yours, The media companies * With content you get for free.
I sincerely applaud your desire to buy seasonal and local produce.
No one doubts that Mr Ramaphosa sincerely wishes to uproot corruption.
«I sincerely feel like Jas deserves to be here,» Matt said.
It has been corrected and we sincerely apologize for the error.
I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to take part in today’s discussion.
«We sincerely regret that politics were inserted into the Scouting program.»
Sincerely, thank you for all the incredible experiences we’ve had together.
Massimo says «arrivederci» and I sincerely hope to meet him again.
I am both sincerely giddy and honestly disturbed by this news.
Billabong x Sincerely Jules Last Sun One-Piece Swimsuit, $109.95; nordstrom.
Billabong x Sincerely Jules Straight to It Crop Top, $39.95; nordstrom.
«I sincerely hope and pray that he will be released soon».
Sincerely I do believe that they all care about the issues.
I sincerely hope Ms. Griffin’s career does not sustain more damage.
It is unclear how sincerely they will compete in Kentucky’s caucuses.
I sincerely apologize if I disrespected you or hurt your feelings.
I was sincerely shocked by how painful it was to use.
The most famous dish at Chili’s, these ribs are sincerely delicious.
But I sincerely hope the learning process is actually a process.
«I can sincerely say that we lost everything,» Mr. Bitkov said.
Sincerely, The Greatest F—ing Fraternity in the History of Mankind.
Why hasn’t he written more than brief letters, signed with «sincerely«?
Sincerely yours, Donald J. TrumpPresident of the United States of America
Sincerely, Mother   July 28, 1861 Edward, Please excuse my last letter.
I sincerely love Wisconsin and this woman is an American hero.
Or, if she is sincerely concerned about racial inequality, maybe Sen.
Again, I sincerely apologize for not suggesting pots and pans before.
We sincerely apologize for this mistake and are providing a refund.
If you began with «dear,» then «sincerely» is appropriate, she says.
Today, when his sons voice similar sentiments, they appear sincerely apologetic.
It was so effortless you almost believed he sincerely cared for
I sincerely hope that should he lose the nomination to Mrs.
Or the kind of game you could sincerely burn in effigy.
If only I’d had the courage to sincerely ask for advice.
Sincerely, Emil This is developing … This article originally appeared on
We sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by the product.
Simply put: he cares about them, very sincerely and very unabashedly.
This was not intentional in any way, and I sincerely apologize.
The gestures are sincerely meant, though they can read as superficial.
Sincerely, Richard BlumenthalUnited States Senate This article originally appeared on
What they believe and how sincerely they believe it is irrelevant.
I do sincerely hope everything in your world is awesome though!
We sincerely regret that politics were inserted into the Scouting program.
His beliefs, sincerely held, can be packaged, presented and, ultimately, sold.
I sincerely hope ~the brands~ don’t do what they normally do.
We sincerely apologize to the citizens who have always supported us.
I’m also allowed to wish people well and sincerely mean it.
He apologized sincerely, while I looped the words in my head.
All of their semi-ironic internet boosterism had sincerely paid off.
Trump appears to sincerely live in a QAnon-style parallel universe.
I continue to regret this mistake and sincerely apologize for it.
Trump will come and go, she hopes more than sincerely believes.
Sincerely, Coretta Scott King Here is the text of the statement.
Sincerely, Adam B. Schiff Chairman; House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Yours sincerely, Donald Tusk, Jean-Claude Juncker Reporting By Andrew MacAskill
» Janet Maslin of The Times called it «sincerely nostalgic without campiness.
Sincerely, Debra S. Katz —The Associated Press contributed to this article.
«I sincerely believed that my advances were well received,» he wrote.
Sincerely, Jerrold Nadler Chairman House Committee on the Judiciary cc: The Hon.
Still, it was clear that everyone sincerely wanted the business to succeed.
Sincerely, 5,237* Amazon employees 5:13 pm: Updated with statement from Amazon
We sincerely hope someone in the White House isn’t using this password.
Sincerely,Adam Watch: WeWork’s revenue and net losses both doubled in 2018
When I believe in certain principles, I act sincerely on those beliefs.
«I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize,» Affleck tweeted.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Article updated to correct a misspelling of Ms Yeoh’s name
And I sincerely wonder: what more terms are there to come to?
For his singing directly into the mic, we sincerely say: Thanks Obama.
Republicans—though perhaps not Mr Trump—sincerely hope to shrink entitlement spending.
Keutsch sincerely hopes that technology like this never has to be deployed.
And it’s not because I refuse; it’s because I sincerely don’t know.
I sincerely regret that we have had to make those tough decisions.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience or concern this situation may have caused.
But we can sincerely encourage the president to reach for the stars.
«I am sincerely sorry for those tweets and apologize wholeheartedly,» Turner said.
Billabong x Sincerely Jules Keep It Simple Woven Shoulder Bag, $54.95; nordstrom.
They both inspired simply by being who they were, sincerely and authentically.
We sincerely apologize as we absolutely had no intention to offend anyone.
I really believe that they sincerely love each other and they’re brothers.
So the MaidSafe project are working hard and sincerely, and that’s good!
» Louise went on to say, «I sincerely take ownership of my mistake.
We’re sincerely sorry for the service disruption you’re seeing at the moment.
Nobody denies that some people are sincerely convinced they benefit from homeopathy.
More important, and bizarrely, he appears sincerely to believe he can win.
«To anyone he has offended, President Bush apologizes most sincerely,» he said.
Yours sincerely, Theresa May Reporting by Costas Pitas, editing by Estelle Shirbon
«I would like to sincerely apologize on behalf of Takata,» he said.
We sincerely and desperately need relief before there are no farmers left.
Without question, all of them sincerely want to make medicines more affordable.
I sincerely doubt we would have had Donald Trump without Roger Ailes.
I seek every day, and I mean this sincerely, to bless him.
I sincerely hope the lessons of 2019 lead him to this conclusion.
Do you feel sincerely bad, or do you just feel secondhand embarrassment?
I most sincerely wish my wife could be here to witness it.
«My one thought was to be a spiritual blessing,» he said sincerely.
I sincerely hope that none of my journalist friends work on SPEC.
Sincerely, Forbidden Love Dear Forbidden Love, Doing what we dislike is hard.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this incident may have caused you.
» As soon as it ends someone sarcastically but sincerely hollers, «sublime performance.
I sincerely hope that Republican leaders recognize this before it’s too late.
Rather, Yao sincerely wanted to understand why Delaney had made certain calls.
And many abortion opponents sincerely believe that women are victims of abortion.
The world will change — he believes this sincerely — if people only listen.
He sincerely wanted to close the Guantanamo Bay prison, and did he?
A sincerely frustrated and angered president who had willingly cooperated with investigators.
Sincerely yours, Donald J. Trump President of the United States of America
He does because he sincerely believes America’s heading on the wrong track.
Sincerely, Philip P. Pan The Grammys have revoked an award only once.
«I truly and sincerely thank you for firing the officer,» she said.
Students were uncertain whether Mr. Miller had even meant the remarks sincerely.
Sincerely, Troy Price Chair, Iowa Democratic Party CC: Don Ruby, IDP Secretary
It is Portland, ME, not Portland, MI. We sincerely regret the error.
We sincerely apologize if this experience made any student feel such discomfort.
She sincerely will be missed throughout the Musical World, Family, and Friends.
The Browns released a statement expressing disappointment and «sincerely apologizing» to Rudolph.
In a new campaign called Sincerely, Us, youth social change organization DoSomething.
«I sincerely hope that the office makes the man,» Senator Durbin adds.
Sincerely, A teenage girl who has had enough and is not alone
Yours most sincerely, Emma Thompson CNN’s Sandra Gonzalez contributed to this report.
The only thing you can do is say that you’re sincerely sorry.
Perhaps your friend can redeem herself by apologizing sincerely and repaying you.
And if that sincerely is your interest, I hope you saw Sen.
Men — whether dutifully or sincerely — chanted for Mr. Assad and the army.
I hope sincerely that the Bangladesh government does not deny me that.
HBO says the cast and crew sincerely hopes for a speedy recovery.
I do think the president sincerely would like to deal with DACA.
If you want to really, sincerely have a healthy country, let’s talk.
«We sincerely appreciate the fire chief’s professionalism and dedication to duty,» Gallo said.
I apologize sincerely for this, and I’m very sorry that this ever happened.
I should have known better and sincerely regret my thoughtlessness and poor decisions.
«I don’t think he’s sincerely converted himself but he’s very pragmatic,» Wong says.
We sincerely hope Miranda’s lobbying convinced lawmakers to preserve arts and humanities funding. 
For those not familiar with this breakfast delicacy, first off, I’m sincerely sorry.
Our passion for voter registration clouded our judgement and we are sincerely sorry.
I sincerely apologize to anyone that has been offended by my previous post.
We sincerely apologize to anyone who may have been upset by the design.
But — «sincerely,» as Manning signs his letters — this is one well-done spot.
It could be that he sincerely feels it is his duty to try.
Mr. Damon and Ms. Brown have sincerely explained and defended their respective positions.
We sincerely apologize to the fans and festival staff for this unfortunate situation.
«With all of this said, we sincerely apologize for these posts,» they said.
Sincerely, David Green, CEO Thanks for reading Mashable Humor: original comedy every day.
So contaminated that I would sincerely doubt whether it complies with the definition.
She denies it, sincerely terrified and seemingly unaware of what they’re talking about.
Billabong x Sincerely Jules Dos Palmas Ruffle One-Shoulder Bikini Top, $64.95; nordstrom.
«We sincerely regret that politics were inserted into the Scouting program,» Surbaugh wrote.
«They’re sincerely interested in the economy, in terrorism, in social issues,» he said.
Could it be that President Obama does sincerely want to depoliticize confirmation battles?
«I sincerely apologize,» she said in a 31-second video posted on Twitter.
We sincerely hope this is a promise the President will choose to keep.
«I sincerely apologize,» Griffin said in a 85033-second video posted to Twitter.
I sincerely hope that Senate moderates can tell the difference, and vote accordingly.
It’s the opposite of «highkey,» for when you’re sincerely or assertively into something
The New York Academy of Art sincerely hopes Epstein’s victims will receive justice.
I truly, sincerely hope this movie satisfies whatever itch they feel needed scratching.
Wu added that he «sincerely welcomed more American friends to visit» the region.
Sincerely,An overthinker Dear overthinker, Are you sure it’s you who depressed him?
In an interview after the race, Bjorgen seemed sincerely pleased with the outcome.
I am sincerely sorry for this boring as all hell quarantine diary. XOXO!
«I sincerely regret that I couldn’t bring it home for you,» he said.
Sincerely, Phil Witmer, the Guy Doing This Interview With You, and a fan.
Foley is sincerely worked up about this, his eyes teary, his voice wavering.
I sincerely loved the 2004-23 reality show «Airline,» which showcased Southwest staff.
The bishops should open themselves sincerely to confrontation, and gratefully embrace the results.
«I sincerely apologize,» said General Linder, the American Special Operations commander in Afghanistan.
And many Americans sincerely and passionately want to do their part to help.
» Rather, she said, «They seem to be voting for their sincerely preferred candidates.
«I sincerely hope they get the funds to transform transportation,» one source said.
«We sincerely apologize,» the Suzhou department said in a statement posted on WeChat.
I sincerely hope that Twitter didn’t think about this first and reverse course.
And in the United States, Democrats would sincerely like to avoid the issue.
The owner is sincerely sorry, but the workers have to tighten their belts.
Many Germans, who are often sincerely frightened of themselves, are grateful it did.
Opinion|What I Know About Famous Men’s Penises: And sincerely wish I didn’t.
I wish to sincerely apologize to the amazing people who have supported me.
Sincerely, Bill P.S.: I know I started out all excited about the snow.
Double-faced cotton top, $255; and cropped pants, $295; at Sincerely Tommy;
We are sincerely thankful for everything Eli has given our team and community.
»  «I can tell you sincerely he believes these children need a pathway forward.
I am, of course, humbled by my words and sincerely sorry for them.
I am, of course humbled by my words and sincerely sorry for them.
I said, sincerely, that at the time I would’ve liked a Muffin Case.
Sincerely,Barry Diller Expedia shares were down more than 4 percent on Monday.
«I sincerely hope and trust that these circumstances will change soon,» Steele added.
If nothing else, there’s a kindness to Yonder that I do sincerely love.
I sincerely do not know, and I don’t think anyone else knows either.
She also sincerely doubts that you will ever reread any of your books.
Earlier investors included Sincerely founder Matt Brezina, Maiden Lane Ventures, Winklevoss Capital and others.
Most of them no doubt sincerely believe that their own interests coincide with society’s.
We were all sincerely working together, trying to do the best job we could.
But I sincerely hope that Jurassic World 2 isn’t making demands of her weight.
While we’re at it, I sincerely hope everyone stops making demands of anyone’s weight.
Nancy Pelosi of California – but probably not because they sincerely disapprove of Waters’ incivility.
Sincerely,Jonathan RyanUpdate 12:03pm: Added response from Greenpeace regarding its relationship with Salesforce.
Conservatives in the House sincerely disapprove of the federal government’s large role in Obamacare.
«We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends,» a Fox News statement said.
But I do pray for him, and I do so sincerely and without anguish.
One of them, a mustachioed Hispanic man, seems sincerely proud of his depressing fiefdom.
I sincerely wish I had the power to solve this problem, but I don’t.
I recently met with a company that wants to do a sincerely good thing.
And they say that the Kavanaugh hearings sincerely and truly changed everything for him.
If you did feel that it hurt you in any way, I sincerely apologize.
«The family sincerely appreciates the outpouring of support from the community,» the statement said.
To anyone ive ever blasted or talked smack to on stream I sincerely apologize.
You’re cancer and I sincerely hope you end up like Lindsay Lohan and dead.
«We sincerely hope a rapid release can be secured by relevant authorities,» O’Carroll said.
For any women from my past who I may have offended, I sincerely apologize.
» Through a public defender on Monday, Chris said he was «devastated» and «sincerely sorry.
I wish her nothing but the best and sincerely thank her for her service.
Sincerely,At Least It Grows BackDear ALIGB,Two years ago, I got Rachel-ed.
«To all of the generations before us, we sincerely accept your apology,» Kasky said.
We sincerely apologize to Peter Tarka, and for the lapses in our approval process.
«We sincerely hope we can collaborate in the near future,» Price and Goodwin wrote.
Some — including yours sincerely — feel that the world may be poorer without headphone jacks.
I sincerely and unreservedly apologise to all First Nations people for this thoughtless action.
We sincerely apologize to the passengers of our customer airlines in this particular incident.
But I think this sort of grew, I actually do think somewhat sincerely, authentically.
«I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize,» Affleck tweeted on Wednesday.
We sincerely hope that these disruptions are not developing to a long-term conflict.
When Mr Trump seemed to test that taboo, lots of Republicans were sincerely horrified.
For that, I am truly and sincerely sorry to them — but also to you.
I sincerely apologize because those statements would be false, and I retract them unequivocally.
«Sincerely, Jar Jar Binks»Anyway, «Rollin Like a Dummy» is a pretty cool track.
Croft sincerely aspires to shield the world from cataclysm, often at great personal sacrifice.
I apologize sincerely for this and I am very sorry that this ever happened.
Studin: Regarding Canada, there is no political formation that sincerely wishes a Trump presidency.
I am sincerely sorry,» Nishimura wrote in a brief post entitled, «Winter is Coming.
I sincerely think it is one of the greatest rap albums of all time.
«I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize,» Affleck wrote on Twitter.
Sincerely, Me P.S. Thank you for protecting this lil’ angel from the horrible internet.
«I sincerely believe that this is the greatest challenge we face as a company.»
«We sincerely apologize for the issues this has created for our clients,» he wrote.
«We sincerely hope that the changes that need to happen, do happen,» he said.
«We sincerely apologize to anyone we may have offended,» the company told USA Today.
I also sincerely apologize to the audience that has embraced my work for decades.
«Once again, I sincerely apologize for my actions,» de Lesseps added in the statement.
The Court found that the company’s sincerely held religious beliefs had to be protected.
Sincerely, Angela Hardin, Future Antivax Hack Witch Doctor Dear Angela, Thanks for your note.
When the community came together, we sincerely felt like we were writing fantastic tales.
He promised a tougher war on ISIS, and was obviously and sincerely pro-Israel.
Sincerely, Lori Fogarty President, Association of Art Museum Directors Director, Oakland Museum of California
Sincerely, Lawrence S. Bacow CNBC’s Kevin Breuninger and Dan Mangan contributed to this report.
«I sincerely believe there is a human right here to be defended,» she said.
Imagine someone who is, in his occluded heart, sincerely put off by Cam Newton.
You sincerely hope you never have to use your martial art outside a dojo.
I Tell You This Sincerely … runs at the Chicago Cultural Center through July 31.
I sincerely apologize to the L.G.B.T.Q. community for my insensitive words from my past.
«I sincerely believe there is a human right here to be defended,» she said.
He spoke more sincerely about the long and storied history of the two companies.
I engaged, my successor has also sincerely engaged with RCEP because we value that.
In the end, it’s a position that I sincerely hope President Trump withdraws from.
«We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences aboard (Hawaiian Airlines Flight 23),» the airline said.
Her son sincerely hopes she will find that peace, though maybe not quite yet.
«We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this matter may have caused,» the letter added.
The worldwide teams working on Marvel’s Avengers sincerely appreciate the support you’ve shown us.
«I sincerely believe there is a human right here to be defended,» Gomperts said.
There wasn’t a mirror, so I sincerely had no idea what I looked like.
B.B. Once we apologize sincerely, it’s generally out of our hands whether we’re forgiven.
» It added: «We sincerely apologize for any offense or distress this may have caused.
I did sincerely present my art in a space without judgment, as did others.
Sincerely yours, Jack PS. You’re the only person who knows what’s wrong with me.
And the religious ministries sincerely believe that they cannot do what the government demands.
I sincerely hope there is a national commission, as there has been in Australia.
Real political will involves commitment to real (or sincerely perceived to be real) solutions.
«You can do something both ironically and sincerely at the same time,» Benjamin says.
I sincerely hope that today, at last, Habre’s victims will experience some sense of relief.
Nobody should ever have to see what you saw and for that, I sincerely apologize.
«I sincerely think [he] is the most science-savvy president since Thomas Jefferson,» he says.
KAYE: In his memoir, Blair wrote that Bush sincerely believed in spreading freedom and democracy.
Sincerely Bank CEO Reuters Breakingviews is the world’s leading source of agenda-setting financial insight.
When I finally got the courage to reach out to him, Brandon was sincerely apologetic.
Broodthaers was, by his own admission, sincerely involved in producing something insincere, something blatantly commodifiable.
«I don’t know what her sincerely held beliefs are because she’s all over the map.»
«I sincerely ask world leaders to make efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons,» another said, hopefully.
Sincerely, By: _________________________________________________________________________________ Jeremy Liew ACKNOWLEDGED AND AFFIRMED: Affirm By: _________________________________________________________________________________ This article originally appeared on
«We sincerely apologize to our community members and have immediately removed the display,» she continued.
Indeed, over the past five years, the salutation «sincerely,» seems to have lost its sanctity.
«I sincerely regret that I couldn’t bring it home for you,» he added, choking up.
It also allows voters to vote sincerely and is most likely to avoid perverse outcomes.
But Hassett really, sincerely believes this, and his views are influential in conservative economic circles.
Despite my many mistakes, I sincerely hope 500 will be able to continue that mission.
Her newly published book, a memoir-cum-campaign manifesto called «Sincerely«, is a best-seller.
I don’t doubt that many lukewarmers sincerely believe all this, and maybe Tillerson does too.
«We sincerely apologize for your negative experience last night,» the message read, according to WJAR.
It gets a spot on my playlist because I sincerely hope people have good intentions.
He is sincerely concerned about this issue and believes it is important to speak up.
He seems foolish enough to believe that Trump sincerely gives a damn about his opinions.
Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] If you haven’t heard back after one cold email, don’t lose hope.
But I sincerely hope the changes marked by 2016 will continue and be built upon.
Jeff Varner says he sincerely regrets outing Zeke Smith as a transgender man on Survivor.
Sincerely, it’s a space you are horrified by and maybe, possibly never want to leave.
«Any offence caused by its design was wholly unintentional and Primark sincerely apologises for this.»
» Affleck responded on Wednesday, tweeting: «I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize.
There was a sincerely sickening wet thud, like a ripe melon falling on the floor.
We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience, and have already refunded the amount to your account.
As of now, we have no answers, and the questions being asked are sincerely terrifying.
We sincerely hope this list of vape cloud GIFs has given your child a future.
Sincerely, there’s never been a better time to sharpen your blades and join the hunt.
She knows how to play the game, but she’s also sincerely offering some good vibes.
After Life is a minor triumph: bleak, bitter, cynical and, in the end, sincerely uplifting.
Sincerely, Anya Moon Anya’s mother sent her letter to the White House on May 20.
He said the President sincerely wants to get a deal done on health care, however.
«We sincerely apologize for any offence or distress this may have caused,» the spokesperson added.
«This was a serious mistake for which Audi wants to sincerely apologize,» the statement continued.
My students are sincerely trying to analyze death: its cadence and anaphora, its German origins.
«I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize,» Affleck later wrote on Twitter.
The authors wish to sincerely thank Dr. Jonathan Unkart for his help with this story.
I sincerely hope not, but he did lead the organization that broadcast this awful rhetoric.
We would sincerely appreciate your help in supporting families through our last day of business.
They sincerely thank the senators — on both sides of the aisle — for their hard work.
Nonetheless I feel we have let down our employees and for that I sincerely apologize.
Sincerely,Racism Sucks Dear RS, I think you should definitely love them from a distance.
Manufacturer Spin Master was forced to «sincerely apologize» for the defect in some toys. -VICE
But that’s getting jumbled up with trying to—sincerely—tell him to keep the change.
I sincerely hope you’ve never been mistreated because your parents came from a different country.
Sincerely,KelseyWelcome to Unprofessional Advice: a column to help you handle problems of all kinds.
Andrew WK still sincerely believes that partying will save lives and then save the world.
Sincerely, John VisentinVice Chairman and CEOXerox Holdings Corporation — CNBC’s Emma Newburger contributed to this report.
Because the one thing they haven’t tried yet is to address the facts sincerely.  5.
«To those who were injured or frightened by this experience, we sincerely apologize,» he said.
«I sincerely hope that we have your confidence to make the right decision,» he added.
Nonetheless I feel we have let down our employees and for that I sincerely apologize.
«Well, sincerely,» Mr. Booker told her, «our strategy in this primary is to win Iowa.»
When people complain about their friends posting pictures of their food I sincerely can’t relate.
«And I mean this very sincerely, Joe Biden is a friend of mine,» he said.
All that said, Bloomberg is by all indications sincerely outraged by Trump and his presidency.
«We sincerely accept netizens&apos criticism and advice and apologise to the public,» it said.
If only President Trump denounced neo-Nazis as passionately and sincerely as he castigates journalists.
«I sincerely hope you never have to experience what my friend @gabbygiffords experienced,» Flake wrote.
His other comments from Wednesday morning suggest he is sincerely interested in hearing from Ford.
«We sincerely apologize to anyone we may have offended,» The Coca-Cola Company said Thursday.
But I’m working on it, and I sincerely hope that I’ll eventually figure it out.
«I am sincerely sorry for what I said and how I said it,» it read.
Arnett is something of a spokesman for the app, but he seems sincerely into it.
We at the Times Late-Night Comedy Committee sincerely hope you’ve been enjoying these rundowns.
They are both fine executives and we sincerely wish them the best for the future.
If the United States shares that goal, he said, «we can cooperate sincerely and substantively.»
«We sincerely value the support we received from Google in this journey,» the spokesperson added.
Bethesda takes the privacy of our customers seriously, and we sincerely apologize for this situation.
And not just by Nana, who we sincerely hope never had to witness this gruesome scene.
It is unacceptable and I sincerely apologize with a heavy heart for the words I said.
Sincerely, Gracyn S. Gracyn, My favorite reader emails are the ones that teach me something new.
» She said Oler also had «sincerely held religious beliefs instilled in him at an early age.
So we ask you quite sincerely: Is there some point to the  ongoing humiliations  of Sessions?
The platform also gave a shoutout to Sincerely Jules’ Lux Sweatpants, which came in second place.
But The Case Against Adnan Syed is the first to sincerely wrestle with these inherent issues.
He meant to populate his forum with people sincerely in quest of lively and honorable debate.
I sincerely thank Fresh Bourbon Distilling Co. for choosing to build its distillery in our state.
Crute’s portrayal of the character is fantastic, and Wesley is a hero sincerely worth rooting for.
Sincerely, I don’t get it *** Dear I don’t get it, It sucks that fantasy isn’t reality.
«We sincerely apologize for this and we are committed to doing better going forward,» he said.
» He continued, «I sincerely and unreservedly [apologize] to all First Nations people for this thoughtless action.
What seemed like a sincerely invested attempt at socializing was actually a well thought out cover.
We take full responsibility for these recent events and sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended.
He sincerely thanks her for passing out cups, and insists that she not walk home alone.
We want to sincerely thank you for supporting us – and each other – at this year’s festival.
Tom Rooney of Florida said he has confronted «extremely angry» and «sincerely scared» constituents back home.
So far, Stu Maddux, the show’s prdocuer, has been sincerely impressed with the the group’s results.
Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] It’s smart to tap your network for introductions, but do your legwork first.
Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] When emailing someone you don’t know, research is just as key, says Aujla.
They explore the principles they operate on, and sincerely try to communicate them to each other.
Even if Kjellberg sincerely rejects alt-right philosophy, his comedy aligns with actual alt-right propaganda.
«I sincerely apologize to the LGBTQ community for my insensitive words from my past,» he tweeted.
We sincerely regret the reports of the discomfort experienced by the pet who consumed this food….
Before continuing, let me say that I believe you sincerely have Uber’s best interests at heart.
I sincerely apologize for the choices he made and the pain and stress they’ve caused people.
I want to sincerely thank my family and friends for all of your love and support.
«We sincerely apologize to Ms. Hudson for her experience in one of our stores,» DeAngelis said.
Sincerely, Compensation Committee: Arthur Blank, Chairman Clark Hunt Robert Kraft John Mara Bob McNair Art Rooney
I apologize sincerely to our customers and the regulatory agencies and the public for the misbehavior.
When she sincerely answered yes, I knew I needed to see where our relationship would go.
It’s going to be an absolutely terrific show and we sincerely hope to see you there.
Sincerely,Kelsey Welcome to Unprofessional Advice: a column to help you handle problems of all kinds.
«We sincerely apologize for causing significant difficulties to investors,» its Nomura Europe Finance unit told Bloomberg.
Blond and fair-skinned, Ramsland dresses in preppy, no-nonsense clothes and talks slowly and sincerely.
«We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience to all of our guests who were impacted,» Disneyland said.
I sincerely hope it’s real, and also I would like the email address of that therapist.
Sincerely, Cheater Dear Cheater, If you cheated on him, you didn’t want to stay with him.
While our recollections may differ, I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by my behavior.
Sincerely, Pune Dear Mr. Robbins, Just to be up-front, I didn’t come only for you.
Their million-selling records included two No. 1 hits, «Sincerely» in 1955 and «Sugartime» in 268.
And for those who are sincerely interested in improving educational equality, it promises a quick fix.
«The flight attendants sincerely wanted to assist him, but had no way to communicate,» she wrote.
«I sincerely apologize for my behavior at last weekend’s fight event in Dublin,» he wrote later.
But as a human being, I sincerely hope these two patients get the drugs they need.
I sincerely hope Carrie gets home to the monster wife I just now decided they have.
RuPaul’s Drag Race Let the joyous news be spread … [unrolls scroll] … she’s really most sincerely fled.
«I said no, we’re not going, and they very sincerely wished us luck,» Codekas told KOVR.
I think Google sincerely doesn’t want to do that, but that doesn’t mean it wont happen.
For this we sincerely apologize to all, and we pledge to do better in the future.
It is the prerogative of the injured party to reject an apology, even when sincerely offered.
«The majority of white Americans consider themselves sincerely committed to justice for the Negro,» he wrote.
«We sincerely hope that she will be found and that she is well,» the statement said.
If Mr. West sincerely apologizes, he rejects the message he sent when he pushed you offstage.
I sincerely doubt that sufficient financing has been incorporated into the final version of the bill.
Despite becoming increasingly commonplace, workplace diversity programs fail when companies aren’t sincerely committed to their success.
I sincerely hope we don’t have to turn to Manchurian Global or George Orwell to ask.
Sincerely, David Leonhardt If you are not a subscriber to this newsletter, you can subscribe here.
The attorneys general with whom I spoke sincerely believe that their lawsuits are serving the public.
«We deeply regret these missteps and sincerely apologize to anyone hurt by them, including Ms. Eramo.»
We sincerely regret not being more aware and sensitive to this issue, and we truly apologize.
«I sincerely hope that science and scientists differ from science fiction and its practitioners,» he wrote.
We sincerely hope you enjoy reading them as much as we liked selecting and editing them.
I’m sincerely sorry for any trouble or hardship I caused for Mr. Tillman and his family.
Chanel admits to hyping her rage for cameras, but she seems sincerely disgusted by the diss.
And if you’ve sincerely believe there’s no place for this kind of ridiculousness in professional sports?
With solidarity and warm regards, I am Sincerely yours, Hillary Rodham Clinton Join us on
We sincerely apologize to the artists, their families and estates and anyone who may have been offended.
And if that holds water, Sincerely, Future Pollution is a far cry from Timber Timbre’s self-titled.
I sincerely believe that the more that chefs and bartenders share knowledge, the better that everyone does.
«We would like to sincerely thank the persons responsible as it made our day,» the post read.
Irving says he understands why LeBron may have taken it personally, but sincerely doesn’t give a crap.
Sincerely,AmazoniansWe have reached out to Amazon and Palantir, and will update when we receive a response.
What Mir has been able to do in recent years is drastically and sincerely improve his striking.
«He’s one of my most favorite people in the world, and I say that sincerely,» Drenna said.
It is a sincerely held desire that American citizens be able to live according to their beliefs.
«I sincerely hope so,» said Coe, when asked if the fans can have confidence in the results.
And secondly, I really hope and sincerely hope that Peter Strzok doesn&apost just become the scapegoat.
Will Ferrell is one of few mainstream comedians who can make a textbook offensive impression sincerely lovable.
I sincerely apologize to the A’s organization, the fans, my teammates and my family for this mistake.
I have sincerely apologized to the president and the vice president, and they have accepted my apology.
«So long as you love the people sincerely and deeply, people will love you,» he told Amanpour.
Fall on your sword (as sincerely as possible) and kill her with kindness for the foreseeable future.
Again, I sincerely apologize and am sorry for any hurt, damage, or offense I may have caused.
I sincerely doubt that Fitbit is sitting on a revolutionary processor that can save Google’s smartwatch efforts.
«We sincerely apologize to Ms. Hudson for her experience in one of our stores,» the company said.
I sincerely hope that Star Child eventually makes its way to the good old PS4, headset-less.
And number two, that was a sincerely stated thing, and I take that for what it is.
«We sincerely apologize to the readers and the owners of the photographs for the mistake,» it said.
I escorted her back to her seat and just before I left, the mother sincerely thanked me.
I sincerely apologize for anything that I may have said or done that made her feel uncomfortable.
If is he sincerely interested in justice, he has to go after the 290 million in Canada.
I sincerely hope that the negotiations will not end with a resurgence of violence, death and mayhem.
Finally, we’d like to sincerely thank you for your partnership and support during the last 10+ years.
They live together in a house in North Hollywood that they have dubbed — completely sincerely — the Factory.
I sincerely apologise for the inability to continue serving and for all the shortcomings during my service.
The regime is still refusing to sincerely engage in any political talks to end the Syrian conflict.
With that in mind, we sincerely apologize if the latest news sends you straight over the edge.
We sincerely apologize for this inadvertent similarity and have permanently pulled the item from the tour collection.
«I sincerely believe any cuisine that is good can be made into a great restaurant.» says Layo.
«I sincerely and deeply regret if I have caused her any distress,» Rush said in the statement.
Sincerely, Fixating Dear Fixating, Being poly is hard, being monogamous is hard, being single is also hard.
We sincerely apologize that anyone was offended or misunderstood its intent, and we have replaced the display.
But I think Sanders sincerely believes he’ll be the stronger candidate against Trump, rendering this argument unpersuasive.
EGYPTAIR sincerely conveys its deepest sorrow to the families and friends of the passengers onboard Flight MS221.
But Trump seems, based on his public statements at least, to be sincerely convinced of two things.
«Trump very much wants to be liked by Putin and I think sincerely admires him,» Gessen said.
«Students should not be financially compelled to violate their sincerely held moral beliefs,» reads the bill text.
I have sincerely apologized to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology.
All of this is sincere to write about, because it’s spoken so sincerely on record by Skepta.
We sincerely apologize for our error and will be offering the impacted customers one year of LifeLock.
It is just the food I very sincerely love, and the cuisine that I want to cook.
«Blue Planet II» sincerely spins itself as not just family friendly, not simply educational, but even uplifting.
Many Bangladeshis sincerely believe in the three million figure, which symbolizes the huge sacrifices of the war.
I’d say I feel valued by my community because I’m often sincerely thanked for what I do.
Perhaps they were sincerely happy for me, which would suggest that they did respect me after all?
«I sincerely applaud Dem leadership for not excusing her bigoted and hateful comments toward @Israel,» Huckabee tweeted.
» The court said that General Guo, who turned 74 this month, «sincerely admitted and repented his crimes.
I argue that parents should consider whether a child will offer a prompted apology willingly and sincerely.
He said the Vatican would «work sincerely for the growth of genuine friendship with the Chinese people».
In this case, it intervened to say that office holders must «sincerely and solemnly» take loyalty oaths.
Georges, for all his faults, sincerely wants to protect his wife from the scourge of public ridicule.
«We very much regret this occurred and sincerely apologize to our guests and community,» the statement reads.
«We’re putting our best foot forward and our emotions on the line,» Mr. Martin said, more sincerely.
Sincerely,Not E-Fucking-nough Hi Not E-Fucking-nough, Different people have different takes on porn.
Before we get into the details, we wanted to take a moment and sincerely apologize for the
On the one hand, it is a sincerely good thing that McMahon doesn’t believe in burned bridges.
«I sincerely believe that it would be better for Latin America if Trump won,» Mr. Correa said.
I was wrong, I regret my comments, and I sincerely apologize to anyone whom I have hurt.
If things continue this way, we sincerely hope it becomes fodder for a Saturday Night Live segment.
S. Military Academy sincerely apologizes for an incident involving U.S.M.A. cadets and the Air Force Academy falcons.
Ever the gentleman, this enlightened aristocrat sincerely wishes he could pin the killing on some outraged husband.
«The company and its subsidiaries will sincerely cooperate with the investigation,» Kobe Steel said in a statement.
«Sincerely, we have the impression that the Russians want to send their gas into TAP,» he said.
I sincerely doubt that we’ll be able to get to that level on the corporate tax rates.
Many Republicans sincerely believe their stance on the guns is fundamental to the character of America itself.
Sincerely, the 40-megapixel front-facing camera is one of my favorite selfie cameras I’ve ever tested.
He is sincerely remorseful for the damage he has done to his personal and Coast Guard families.
She certainly had been using cold reading, but he felt that she sincerely believed in her abilities.
If there’s another group that you think is a moonshot factory, that’s an actively good thing — sincerely.
Sincerely, JohnVice Chairman and CEOXerox Holdings Corporation — CNBC’s Emma Newburger and Lauren Feiner contributed to this report.
«My past behavior has been deeply inappropriate and I am sincerely remorseful for my actions,» he added.
Sincerely, William P. BarrAttorney General This story has been updated to include the footnotes from Barr’s summary.
Sincerely, Shervin Pishevar Uber Investor, Former Uber Board Observer (2011-2015) and Advisor Coordinator, Uber Shareholder Alliance
«Sincerely«: This is the way Abraham Lincoln always signed off, so take that for what it’s worth.
Still, I sincerely hope you can enjoy this puzzle … especially if you solve with a loved one.
«I sincerely wish my initial response had been one of listening and humble reflection,» his statement said.
«It’s very special that I’m so meaningful to them,» he says quietly, coming across as sincerely modest.
Sincerely, America And Button co-founder Mike Dudas: There is no way to make light of this.
Things I can take credit for include, the sincerely introspective work I did while participating in rehab.
Sincerely,Relieved & Concerned Dear Relieved & Concerned,Have you ever been at a dinner party with a bad couple?
And if that is so, I sincerely hope that you do not abandon the newsletter and the podcast.
» Affleck later apologized to Burton on Twitter saying, «I acted inappropriately towards Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize.
Sincerely, Jerrold Nadler, Chairman, House Committee on the Judiciary Adam Schiff, Chairman, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
But while Republicans, mainstream and fringy alike, were apoplectic – some even sincerely so – Obama’s base was quite pleased.
«She sincerely thought of him as her trusted mentor…he ingratiated himself with her family,» Feden told jurors.
I sincerely believe the United States is the land of the free and the home of the brave.
«When Tillerson comes we will share these ideas with him sincerely, we will share our expectations,» he said.
And if you are a person who took offense to what I said, I sincerely apologize to you.
» Affleck later apologized to Burton on Twitter saying, «I acted inappropriately towards Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize.
Facebook might sincerely believe that the association will manage the Libra as a kind of glorified Western Union.
» Asked if any charges were likely to be filed against the father, she said, «I sincerely doubt it.
I stand by the points I made, but I sincerely apologize for using inflammatory language to make them.
» Rich was instantly suspended indefinitely, and soon issued an apology, writing, «I sincerely apologize for the insensitive tweet.
Yours sincerely, Louis Some One Direction fans view this affection as an obvious sign of more than friendship.
Rather, Trump could have fired Comey because he sincerely believed the Russia investigation was an unfair witch hunt.
» Coca-Cola also apologized, telling PEOPLE in a statement, «We sincerely apologize to anyone we may have offended.
So, why don’t we set our goals around giving sincerely and unconditionally in our personal lives and careers.
True reform sounds lovely, and we’re sincerely pulling for that — but we’ll believe it when we see it.
I sincerely hope I shall always be a credit to my race and to the motion picture industry.
We sincerely hope that this matter is concluded so that our client can have the closure he deserves.
«I sincerely wish to work … with the staff committee and IPSO,» Draghi said during an ECB press conference.
» «First off, I want to honestly and sincerely thank you all for welcoming me back to the show.
Here’s some good news, Andres: I think there’s a part of you that sincerely wants to change this.
Thoughts that ran through my head: Comments were rapidly scrolling through the Facebook feed—some jokingly (sincerely?) supportive.
Sincerely, Pressured & Confused Hey P&C, The minute I read your letter I had this immediate gut reaction.
«Mariska is just a really, sincerely nice person,» rapper and star of the show Ice-T told PEOPLE.
And conservatives very sincerely believe that adopting more investor-friendly policies will benefit everyone in the long run.
«What we’ve learned is that customers sincerely want a hands-on experience,» Frye’s CEO, Adrienne Lazarus, told CNBC.
Many Republicans sincerely believe their stance on the gun issue is fundamental to the character of America itself.
If the protesting NFL players are sincerely interested in justice, they will patiently engage in such serious deliberation.
«As chief of police, I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by Officer Valenti’s post,» Arenal said.
«There’s no better way to fall in love with a place than to sincerely photograph it,» he said.
And still, I have never said «empowerment» sincerely or heard it from a single one of my friends.
But at moments I sincerely doubted I would make it through my bout with the measles in 2023.
We have reached out to our customer and sincerely apologize for this mistake and are providing a refund.
«I sincerely regret that I couldn’t bring it home for you,» Gillum told supporters, drawing cheers and applause.
«To each and every one of you I sincerely apologize for all that I have done,» Hoegel said.
I hold a deep belief in compassion for others and encouraging growth, and sincerely believe this is possible.
But none of those men helped investigators as broadly, willingly or sincerely as Flynn, Mueller’s team has said.
Darker manifestations include dismissive laughter, which makes light of something someone said sincerely, and derisive laughter, which shames.
I sincerely hope that Taco Bell and Forever 21 can quickly manufacture some of these novel design concept.
Sincerely,KelseyAnimal Welfare Organizations:Born FreeHumane Society InternationalInternational Fund For Animal WelfareAnimal Defense League FundAfrican Wildlife FoundationBig Cat Rescue
We believe that current moderates sincerely want to condemn racism and to see an end to its effects.
Did you — and I ask this sincerely because the verb has many meanings — enjoy your time with Bannon?
After the Chinese legislature ruled that oaths must be taken «sincerely and solemnly,» what happened to the lawmakers?
I sincerely apologize for any part I’ve played in making it worse, and to anyone I’ve ever hurt.
«All farmers and growers sincerely hope there will not be a repeat of past events,» Ms. Rowling said.
Or ponder the possibility that he sincerely thinks he is supposed to be counting food groups, not boxes.
I truly and sincerely wish they would walk directly onto this field of rakes for an entire season.
Members of the panel, he wrote, had acted with «clear and impermissible hostility» to sincerely held religious beliefs.
Many Mexicans sincerely want to see change, believing that the country cannot endure more inequality, corruption and violence.
«Speaking for everyone on the board, I sincerely apologize,» said Mr. Feidler, an Atlanta-based private equity executive.
Members of the church sincerely want to be good people, and Jesus teaches us to love one another.
These and other executives may sincerely want to help the planet and make a positive contribution to society.
Mildred is one of the «excellent women» of the title, a designation Pym wields both ironically and sincerely.
If you want to show your friends and family some sincerely cursed GIFs, consider giving this a try.
Sincerely, [insert your name here] [insert date here] We often link to sites that limit access for nonsubscribers.
For one thing, the guy really does sincerely love his wife and kids, which is something, at least.
And we should applaud those who sincerely change in the hopes it will inspire others to follow suit.
Sincerely,Barack Obama Ashley told me she was shocked when she got a letter back from the president.
I was sincerely happy to meet exactly the same horse as I had wished for, for so long.
«I am truly and sincerely proud of being of service to you,» he said in a somber speech.
As a matter of fact— I sincerely believe that— consumers have not been protected enough in our society.
I was intoxicated and I sincerely apologize to everyone whom I disrespected and let down for my actions.
Q: Do you sincerely believe there’s EU appetite to admit new members/Balkan countries/Serbia into the bloc.
We are sincerely sorry to all of those who felt offended by any artwork included in the display.
The union understands how striking would affect the operations of schools and sincerely asks the schools to understand.
«We sincerely hope that this ordeal will soon end and that he will return home safely,» the team said.
«I personally and sincerely apologize to Ariana and to her fans and to the whole Hispanic community,» Ellis said.
The production was minimal, stripped back, allowing his hoarse voice to illuminate sincerely on some of his deepest thoughts.
Sincerely Dr. MISSY ELLIOTT,» she wrote, before adding «Thank you for this Honorary Doctorate Degree I am SO HUMBLED.
We sincerely apologize to Ms. Yamauchi and her son and we are refunding their tickets and providing additional compensation.
Sincerely, Raj Aggarwal, an analytics and mobile expert, is the co-founder and CEO of mobile engagement platform Localytics.
I fear for their reputation, their privacy and their safety, and I sincerely hope that they are getting support.
«We sincerely hope that this time will be used well to focus on [his] health and wellness,» Burgess says.
«I sincerely hope that he will make good on his words and bring justice to victims like Fr. Nilo.»
Instead, he sincerely brings up the roots of the conflict and suggests they work together, just for a while.
When to use it: Whenever you want to toast or congratulate someone on the internet — either ironically or sincerely.
If you are the perpetrator and you catch yourself in the act, apologize immediately and sincerely for your misstep.
First, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused from the temporary outage in the app over the past day.
For his part, Mr Flynt remains stuck for a while on «Sincerely«, but eventually gets to «We love you».
Barone said her sister joked about «mak[ing] a pamphlet,» but she thought it was a sincerely good idea.
They are the most sincerely and comprehensively new Beats product since the Apple takeover, and they are a triumph.
«We sincerely apologize and had no intention to dishonour the tragic events of 2013,» Mudd said in a statement.
Many officials are sincerely disgusted by Xinjiang, where perhaps a million Uighurs are being held in «re-education camps».
Sincerely, Smothered Dear Smothered, When I was a freshman in college I was friends with a group of girls.
«I personally and sincerely apologize to Ariana and to her fans and to the whole Hispanic community,» Ellis added.
Sincerely, L. Rafael Reif WATCH: Why the US thinks Huawei has been a massive national security threat for years
Lizzie: Once you start watching this video, you might find it difficult to stop, and I mean that sincerely.
At the annual meeting Mr Idermark said he «sincerely apologised», acknowledging that the bank had been «rigid» and «guarded».
» She added, «Helping a stranger in distress came naturally to you, and I am sincerely grateful for your actions.
I sincerely wonder if we’ll eventually learn who cracked the phone, should this all work out for the FBI.
Okay, I know you hear that «celebrities, they’re just like us!» baloney all the time (whether sincerely or sarcastically).
» In response, Affleck apologized to Burton on Twitter saying, «I acted inappropriately towards Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize.
«The president is sincerely appalled by late-term abortion,» Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America told Axios.
«We sincerely apologize for causing major concern to students and their parents,» said Tatsuya Mizogami, president of Matsuyama University.
«On behalf of my co-founders and everyone here at Honest, I sincerely apologize for this inconvenience,» he adds.
No one but a two-year-old or a sincerely and profoundly garbage person could consider this fun. 3.
According to this argument, a burden is substantial if the person claiming to be burdened sincerely believes it is.
«I would deeply and sincerely like to apologize to every one for this, and black women especially,» she says.
I sincerely apologize to you all and I hope with time, I am able to earn your respect back.
If he sincerely wanted to address the issue, he would have jumped to the case and demonetized the video.
Obviously we all hope sincerely that this moonshot of Kim Jong Un meeting with President Trump will be productive.
Sincerely, Captain Comes In Her Pants Dear Captain Comes In Her Pants, If you’re a freak, I’m a freak.
Mr. Lehman said he had spoken with Mike Dee, the team’s chief executive, whom he described as sincerely apologetic.
«Carnival sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciates our guests’ cooperation and patience,» the statement continued.
For the most part, these two seem sincerely satisfied with the choices they’ve made — at least in the beginning.
You are so brave to put it out there, to tell it like is, and I sincerely thank you.
We would like to once again thank the Ambassador for his time and sincerely apologize for this avoidable incident.
Prayer, as any one knows who practices their faith sincerely, is not a superstitious talisman against suffering and death.
Its roster of famous bloggers include Sincerely Jules (with 4.6 million followers) and Song of Style (4.6 million followers).
«The I.C.C. sincerely hopes that normalcy will soon return to Afghanistan and Pakistan,» the organization said through a spokesman.
«I sincerely apologize for anything that I may have said or done that made her feel uncomfortable,» Kihuen said.
I sincerely hope that Dr. Ford will accept my invitation to do so, either privately or publicly, on Monday.
Sincerely,Andrew Pollack#FixIt Feinstein invited Fred Guttenberg, the father of another Parkland victim, to Kavanaugh’s hearing on Tuesday.
Instead, the forum is framed—mock sincerely—as a kind of liberation for celebrities suffering from too much exposure.
And so do the newspaper and magazine publishers who sincerely want it to be economically feasible to preserve print.
The Colorado commission, he said, had shown a clear and impermissible hostility toward the baker’s sincerely held religious beliefs.
No Man’s Sky has always hinted at sincerely alien structures and spaces, but never quite managed to evoke them.
There’s no particular reason to believe that Pence is an unkind person, or someone whose beliefs aren’t sincerely held.
Whatever he does, he’s going to go into sincerely, and then he’ll leave it and go do something else.
Jin Air in a statement said it will sincerely cooperate with the hearing where it will express its position.
If you speak to your brother sincerely (and nonconfrontationally), you may find you have a lot to talk about.
» He said he replied to her email and told her, «I know I was wrong, and I sincerely apologize.
Prosecutors told the court in recent weeks it didn’t think Concord Management was sincerely preparing its defense for trial.
I ask this sincerely because, as you’ll see, I’m trying to think this through and I’m not sure how.
Some of those experts are truly on your side and sincerely want to help you be better with money.
Rolón’s latest solo show, I Tell You This Sincerely …, is the first in his hometown in over a decade.
If anyone who worked at the lab ever felt alienated, confused or offended by the environment, I sincerely apologize.
What I sincerely wish, however, is that journalists would stop referring to the «mental health system» in this country.
«We sincerely hope that this is a very careful and thoughtful look at what exactly happened,» Mr. Bailey said.
«We sincerely regret any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your understanding and patience given the circumstances,» he wrote.
I sincerely believe in what I write, and I get a kick out of getting those Washington mossbacks angry.
While he apologized profusely and sincerely, the movie never pins down what he was thinking when he did that.
I sincerely hope this puzzle’s theme, G AND HI, inspires us to find our own AND message of life.
«I sincerely think that humor will help save humanity from the swamp into which it is sinking,» he wrote.
» — JIMMY KIMMEL «I am sincerely relieved to say that it looks like there’s nothing wrong with the president’s health.
«I was wrong, I regret my comments and I sincerely apologize to anyone whom I have hurt,» Alford said.
One problem is that making fun of something spreads that thing just as quickly as sharing it sincerely would.
First, entitles that have «sincerely held religious beliefs» against providing contraceptives would no longer be required to do so.
The Native American protester could have inadvertently made things worse even if he was sincerely trying to calm things.
Schumer’s move is such a typical, inappropriate approach that it indicates that he’s not really sincerely interested in negotiation.
«Sincerely, the 50,000 tonnes is not most profitable in the feedstock that will go into the refinery,» he said.
«A true friend will understand and respect where you’re coming from, especially if you convey it sensitively and sincerely
But the Times Late-Night Comedy Committee is sincerely hoping Mr. Richie gets a moment to sing without accompaniment.
He’s flawed but fundamentally decent, if you consider how sincerely he tries to be a good father to Adam.
«I sincerely apologize for any interactions or behavior on my part that could’ve made anyone feel uncomfortable,» he said.
We sincerely thank our guests and their loved ones for their continued patience and understanding during this unprecedented situation.
Because Mr. Rabin and Mr. Peres were sincerely pursuing peace with the Palestinians through territorial compromise (the Oslo agreement).
He said it was easy, everything in Islam is easy—only a matter of a single declaration, sincerely made.
«We sincerely apologize for causing great trouble and worry to investors,» Nagai told the annual general meeting on Monday.
Because, I mean, how can anyone, realistically, sincerely, say that any single MK303 stage is «the one true track»?
» The message went on to blame the internet for bullying and added, «To anyone that was hurt I sincerely apologize.
«I sincerely hope that this was the beginning of society returning to peace and staying away from violence,» Lam said.
There are many reasons people voted for Trump, but I sincerely doubt that reversing Title II classification was among them.
Though the tweet was contextually satirical, Cernovich and his followers chose to read it as sincerely callous, and react accordingly.
«I use this word sincerely: I love Joe Biden,» Booker told Huffington Post during a swing through Iowa last weekend.
Sincerely, Fred Usher Aryduty Atlas Associates Chicago, Illinois Reuters Breakingviews is the world’s leading source of agenda-setting financial insight.
«I would ask prosecutors to look into a person’s background sincerely because I… [had] never been in trouble,» Booker said.
And we hope that they sincerely take actions not to see they will do it, but to actually do it.
» Donegan said Oler&aposs crimes were motivated by his «sincerely held religious beliefs instilled in him at an early age.
«As a minority and member of the Jewish faith, I sincerely apologize for my disrespectful and offensive comments,» he wrote.
There are no words, though, that can express how sincerely grateful I am for the privilege of working with you.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters the government would take the drop «sincerely as the voice of the people».
No one should deny this; to do so is to disrespect a vast majority of those who sincerely report them.
Presidents and prime ministers alike were instructed to burn the amulet and drink the ashes, while wishing sincerely for reunification.
«Customers will board a replacement aircraft which will depart to Zadar this morning and Ryanair sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience.»
Jenna Bush Hager is sincerely sorry for mistaking the movie title Hidden Figures for «Hidden Fences» at the Golden Globes.
Namely, «trans woman» should include anyone who isn’t already a natal woman and who sincerely self-declares as a woman.
How much would you be willing to pay if you truly—sincerely—believed you could harness that kind of power?
We sincerely hope they are all able to get those photo booth deposits back, because Hiddleswift is now Instagram official!
I’m not being self-deprecating when I say that I sincerely doubt it’s because I’m just that good a writer.
I understand that this will have caused some concern and inconvenience for our customers and for that I sincerely apologise.
«We sincerely apologize for offending people with this image of a printed hooded top,» H&M said in a statement.
Sincerely,Always Left Behind Dear Always,Last week, I got to my subway station just as the train was leaving.
Yet he supported the Constitution throughout the ratification debates and «sincerely rejoice[d]» at its eventual approval by the states.
I sincerely believe this community is what has given me the confidence to feel I am not doing anything wrong.
We want to sincerely apologize to the victims affected by Ameer’s actions…We do not tolerate abuse of any kind.
By all reports, Schutz is a thoughtful artist who was sincerely engaging with her subject with the best of intentions.
I sincerely admired his wisdom and courage, his ability to make balanced decisions even in the most difficult, critical situations.
We recognize that we have not always gotten everything right in the past and we are sincerely sorry for that.
In his defense, he appeared sincerely to love his President and has paid a high personal price for his loyalty.
I sincerely hope this article spurs the international community of conscience to avail itself of the Global Magnitsky Act’s powers.
«We sincerely tried our best to create a fun, free activity for everyone to enjoy,» Pez said in a statement.
Folks on both sides — call them hardliners — sincerely yearn for victory based on principle and morality, and despise symbolic defeat.
As sincerely as they played this moment, it’s clear that Wendy knew that she was revealing something to Lara here.
A Spanish count is celebrated for his devotion to the faith, and sincerely believes he is a benevolent slave master.
Leos are the performers of the zodiac, and you sincerely do love entertaining people and bringing joy to their lives.
«I sincerely apologize to everyone involved,» the former Saved by the Bell star said at the time of his sentencing.
City Parks Alliance and its bipartisan Mayors for Parks Coalition sincerely thank members of Congress for supporting this important initiative.
These families made choices I believe they sincerely thought were best at the time, and they should never be vilified.
Time will tell, but one thing is for sure: Any American who cherishes our constitutional rights should be sincerely concerned.
That’s the hard part: Khan may be willing to do so, and he seems to sincerely want peace with India.
It both ridicules the founding story of Joseph Smith and sincerely argues that the church is a net positive anyway.
Syed was asked to make an impossible choice: exercising his sincerely held religious beliefs or losing the job he loves.
Here is a case in which one sincerely hopes that studio executives will keep their filmmaker on a tight leash.
Congress should capitalize on this momentum by sincerely considering Cassidy and Sinema’s plan when they return from the August recess.
I sincerely hope Dr. Shirley’s music and his unique contribution to our culture continues to be discovered, shared and appreciated.
«We sincerely apologize for the premature and unprepared enthusiasm that fueled going on sale with this unprecedented festival,» he added.
And as he steps onto the closed off campus with Horatio, Marcus is (comedically, but also sincerely) a little horrified.
» Bateman concluded his tweets saying he «sincerely» apologized and that he «said a bunch of other stuff not very well.
«I am sincerely sorry for the insensitive remarks that I made last night while in the penalty box,» he said.
Like many of his peers, Ollie is heartbreakingly bad at school, and seems sincerely incapable of focusing in the classroom.
Sincerely, Peace-Loving Taurus Dear Peace-Loving Taurus,I feel so sorry for everyone traveling with family during these eclipses!
Sincerely,Sticking To Her GunsDear STHG,Years ago, I took an assistant job for a company that «fixed» college applications.
«EGYPTAIR sincerely conveys its deepest sorrow to the families and friends of the passengers onboard Flight MS804,» the airline tweeted.
Ask them how they like the streetcar and they will tell you, sincerely and in a fair bit of detail.
Word of the Day : not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed _________ The word unfeigned has appeared in one article on nytimes.
«I sincerely apologise for my behavior at last weekend’s fight event in Dublin,» the 29-year-old said on Instagram.
Matt: I hope Arya sincerely walks away from the whole thing and goes to have a nice life for herself.
«I would like to sincerely apologize for what I have done to each and every one of you,» he said.
Pro-life people who sincerely care about women and babies should insist that women not be punished for pregnancy losses.
We sincerely want them to enjoy their time here and to feel joy, and we want them to be safe.
«I would sincerely apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable in my presence, but I deny sexually harassing anyone,» he wrote.
«The family would like to sincerely thank the staff at CHSLD Résidence Riviera for their wonderful care,» the team said.
«I sincerely apologize to those who were offended by my comments during the telecast last night,» Remy wrote on Twitter.
It’s as if his nervous system simply cannot accept that people sincerely believe the crazy shit they so often say.
My dad and his girlfriend are super deep into Fox News and sincerely believe that impeachment is a giant hoax.
Perhaps our biggest challenge is to ensure that various Afghan groups work hard and sincerely toward defining our common future.
You can tune in and sincerely root for a lasting connection between a dental hygienist and a junior sales associate.
Then some decent moderates who are truly and sincerely torn with doubts won’t be able to stand the partisan pressure.
«I want to sincerely thank my family and friends for all of your love and support,» Padalecki tweeted on Sunday.
«I am sincerely sorry for what I said and how I said it,» she added in a statement to CNBC.
I sincerely hope the culture is better for employees under new CEO Anthony Noto, because I really like this app.
I will sincerely miss President Obama, but I cannot forgive him for putting himself before the country that one time.
This error has been corrected and the ISU sincerely apologizes for this mistake and the bad sentiments it has caused.
«We sincerely regret that our efforts to ensure medication security may have caused distress to those we serve,» he said.
We wish him all the best in his fight against cancer and sincerely, deeply regret offending him and his family.
«It was not about establishing a two way communication between killer whales and humans… I doubt it sincerely,» he said.
«We sincerely believe you will be pleased,» the academy’s seven elected officers said in a letter to members on Wednesday.
Sincerely, Tired Of My Coworker’s Perfume *** Dear Tired, If only office perfume and cologne could be regulated like dress code!
It will begin once our common humanity is accepted and we can begin to sincerely see ourselves in each other.
Fr. Spadaro suggests that those who criticize the Pope’s document may be trying to create division rather than sincerely seek answers.
«We sincerely apologize that, in this incident, it appears we did not deliver the customer service that we pride ourselves on.»
«We sincerely hope it does not come to that,» Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, told reporters Thursday night.
«Although he understands that words are hollow at this point, he is sincerely sorry for all of this,» his attorney said.
«I sincerely hope for a day when Christianity is synonymous with compassion and love, rather than of fear and hate,» Rev.
Check out the video above to meet Marie Francois and to join the feast—we sincerely hope you brought extra napkins.
Joel Sternfeld once said that «art provides what our daily lives cannot,» and I feel that very sincerely when I’m traveling.
«We sincerely regret that an incident occurred yesterday at our community pool that left neighbors feeling racially profiled,» the letter states.
I so wanted him to do well, especially because of how sincerely he apologizes whenever he is criticized for his mistakes.
Awesome sincerely believes he has a future as an entertainer, whether that’s comedy, television, motivational speaking or some other uncharted territory.
«CGV sincerely sends deep apologies to Vietnamese audiences and will comply with direction from the national regulatory authority,» the statement said.
«We sincerely regret the delay in the reporting of the results of last night’s Iowa caucuses,» Shadow tweeted on Tuesday afternoon.
Sincerely, Ali To: Ali, Katie, Ashley, Morgan, Gracie, Caitlin, NicoleFrom: Helene and Bob Carrington
Date: April 10 at 003:32 a.m.
He seems like a good guy who’s just trying to do his job, and I sincerely hope he does not die.
We honestly and sincerely know and believe that it is a food security issue, which leads to a national security issue.
I’m sincerely glad that everyone else is having fun, and Friday afternoon is a good time for a confusing group activity.
» Sayoc sincerely believed conspiracy theories that cast Democrats as evil and suggested that «Trump supporters were in danger because of them.
This may not be his first time looking for love on national television, but Nick Viall sincerely hopes it’s his last.
On Wednesday, Mr. Erdogan framed the House’s move as a political decision rather than the outcome of a sincerely held belief.
«I sincerely hope for the happiness of the people and further progress of the country, and for world peace,» he said.
In November China’s rubber-stamp parliament issued a ruling on how Hong Kong’s legislators should take their oaths («sincerely and solemnly»).
Certainly, some speakers sincerely believe it, but still, I think, the usage hasn’t spread widely enough for this to be persuasive.
Wilson says they were motivated by «sincerely held religious beliefs» but he says they must denounce their crimes and deter others.
We highly value our customers and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience today’s system slowdown may have caused during their shopping experience.
Sincerely yours, Donald J. Trump President of the United States of America Reporting by Reuters’ Washington newsroom; editing by Jonathan Oatis
It’s hard to believe Ajit Pai, who recently rolled back broadband subsidies for the poor, sincerely cares about low-income Americans.
«We sincerely apologize to Peter Tarka, and for the lapses in our approval process,» a spokesperson told The Verge by email.
And to all the media and the haters who are quick to pass judgment, I sincerely wish you a swift recovery.
But I don’t doubt that there are a bunch of Republicans on Capitol Hill who sincerely hope Mueller won’t get fired.
«First, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused from the temporary outage in the app over the past day,» they wrote.
He provided a glimpse of a sincerely held faith that, at times, prompted political action, rather than the other way around.
Those who sincerely believe that Rosenstein is a blight on the criminal justice system were ill-served indeed by Jordan’s announcement.
But for patients who sincerely hold this view, having a non-opioid alternative like naltrexone could encourage them to seek treatment.
Iran’s enemies see the Shiite militia as little more than mercenaries, but Freidawi and his comrades sincerely believe in their cause.
Central bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan was quoted as saying his team completely agreed with the watchdog’s findings and «sincerely accepted them».
I sincerely believe that American Airlines ought to be forced to change its name for reasons of patriotism and good taste.
«Please know that I am sincerely sorry for everything that happened to you while you were on active duty,» it read.
I sincerely doubt that eSports, and shooters more broadly, would even be a phenomenon if they were just an aiming competition.
Sincerely,The U.S. Military» As Kennedy would say two days later on Fox and Friends, he looked and sounded «fired up!
He said he was sincerely sorry for being a distraction and disruption to his family, friends, teammates, team and his fans.
Or, the leakers do so to undermine Trump policies they sincerely believe — in some cases correctly — are disastrous for the nation.
The crime that landed Caskey in the shelter was despicable, but he appears sincerely horrified by and repentant for his actions.
Houses of worship were not required to provide insurance coverage for birth control if it violated their sincerely held religious beliefs.
But if there’s any room at all for love in that universe, I sincerely hope Ellie is able to find it.
He believes, sincerely, that immigrants are dangerous, that even their children are threats, and so the means justify his nativist ends.
«I want to SINCERELY apologize to my fans for having let so many of you down over the years,» she wrote.
«We sincerely thank Bill Maher for his generous donation,» said the PAC’s president, J.B. Poersch, in a statement, according to Variety.
Despite the fact that I can’t quite figure out who the target audience for this is, I sincerely enjoyed using it.
«I sincerely hope that celebration of individuality we now see in fashion will be reflected in our vote,» Ms. Brinkley said.
Call him the eternal optimist … but Jim Brown says he sincerely believes the Cleveland Browns can turn things around next year.
«I sincerely hope we select one of the other G.O.P. candidates,» Mr. Sasse wrote, pledging not to vote for Mrs. Clinton.
I immediately regretted it and sincerely apologize to the family for what I said and any hurt my words have caused.
The left’s most realistic hope is for a candidate with a spotty record who enthusiastically and sincerely takes up its cause.
I submit that, given such circumstances, no leader of any of the major powers could sincerely agree to such a prohibition.
We sincerely appreciate King Abdullah II of Jordan for his consultations and for his care of Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem.
Supporters call it a religious liberty law that protects the sincerely held religious beliefs and moral convictions of individuals and businesses.
Nor is the subject of gun violence and its aftermath unworthy — at least when addressed, as in many recent dramas, sincerely.
I sincerely hope the young man wasn’t apprehended but instead was just scared off and won’t lurk around my home again.
What’s the distance between an outsized boast delivered sincerely and an imagined excessive boast delivered comically, but with a straight face?
Find one thing you don’t hate about the chapters (the story, a character, his use of metaphor) and praise it sincerely.
Based on this update by the FDA, we sincerely regret to inform you that you will not get a test result.
Few writers have been able to lampoon straight, white male insecurity while simultaneously speaking to it more sincerely than this one.
Moreover, I sincerely believe the show is attempting to tell stories in an awkward, nuanced middle ground that makes it laudable.
His mea culpa, though, was far from an admission that he should have taken the issue of brain health more sincerely.
Still, Hickenlooper said Colorado is «legitimately and sincerely» pursuing the opportunity and said he believes the prospect is still largely positive.
Thae, intelligent and sincerely seeking peaceful solutions, has absorbed the values and flaws of western diplomacy, including boundless faith in negotiation.
Mr. Ryan, who had dreamed of building a more inclusive party, was sincerely horrified by Mr. Trump’s divisive white-identity politics.
Some of those requests are being made sincerely, one assumes, and some are being made by those who see an opportunity.
Writing and directing this film was an honor and sharing it with audiences has been the most sincerely heart-warming journey.
«This tragedy extends well beyond Fort Hood and the outpouring of support from around the country is sincerely appreciated,» he said.
She was also in a denim shirt—pink to the young man’s baby blue—her expression as sincerely vexed as his.
In a statement Wednesday, Goodman said he «sincerely regrets» that his actions were a distraction from his job in Ohio’s legislature.
But maybe also about how to handle something like this: apologize sincerely if you’re wrong — and I was — and own it.
Since there’s no cash in Yonder (another element I do sincerely enjoy) making the most out of these exchanges does matter.
Democrats were careful not to completely dismiss the president’s call for bipartisanship, despite their reservations, though they sincerely doubted his sincerity.
There’s some chance you’ll sincerely enjoy this star-studded holiday movie, which includes Robert De Niro, Halle Berry and Jessica Biel.
I mean quite sincerely, I think the light you shine on Uber is a gift and I’m really grateful for it.
A lot of startups have some language about transforming the whole world on their Web site, which isn’t that sincerely meant.
Earlier this year, he was also reportedly being sincerely considered as a potential GOP candidate for the 2018 Michigan Senate race.
On the one hand, you can be sincerely very into it and committed to the pop culture moment that they have.
What’s more, many of the people making the argument for any of the reasons listed above also sincerely want other people to take them seriously — either so those people will join in the outrage ironically, thus contributing to the lulz, or so they’ll join in the outrage sincerely, thus creating the appearance that this socially constructed performance is authentic.
During the court hearing, she said she was «sincerely sorry» for her actions, and promised that she would never contact Oefelein again.
This is my first time voting in a presidential election and I sincerely hope others take it as seriously as I do.
I sincerely hope no women in their family are ever subjected to what Trump boasted he had done to other people’s daughters.
Parents sincerely asking why my English is so good are cringe-worthy yes, but it’s forgivable because they are curious, that’s all.
He sincerely had a heart attack and I was very shocked that the world would mock that or make fun of it.
On reflection, removing some of my opponent’s signs — for any reason — was a mistake on my part for which I sincerely apologize.
Johnny had told Ezra that he was going to «be the man they all were proud of,» and had sincerely meant it.
Sincerely,[Your Name] You could include a sentence or so about why you’re leaving and your future plans, but it’s not necessary.
At that hearing, Sullivan told Flynn he was disgusted by his actions and questioned whether Flynn sincerely accepted responsibility for his crime.
We understand that the result has caused some debate with our readers, and we sincerely apologize if we have caused any offence.
For the customers and employees affected by this mess, we sincerely hope there’s at least some sort of life preserver for them.
Sincerely,TomGenius co-founder & CEO * A couple different programmers have developed workarounds for people looking to disable Genius annotations on their articles.
I don’t know, but I sincerely hope bubble artist Dustin Skye finds a way to make some coin from his unique skillset.
So, if you’re a tightly networked company who sincerely wants to build a diverse team, I have good news and bad news.
«I thank you sincerely for your trust,» Drillisch Chief Executive Vlasios Choulidis told shareholders to applause at an extraordinary meeting in Frankfurt.
It has been a long journey and we sincerely thank each one of you for your years of love and support Path.
The apology, which was signed «Yours sincerely, Philip,» came after the Royal Family was widely criticized over its response to the accident.
The filming of Season 2 is officially underway and we sincerely hope this tweet isn’t a hint that they’ll get back together.
Any amount is sincerely appreciated, and we want this to reach as many people as possible so please feel free to share!
«It was a very terrible viewing experience for kids and parents, and I sincerely apologize for that,» Lai wrote in the statement.
There is a sincerely held belief among conservative economists and Republican lawmakers that reducing the tax burden on businesses will benefit everybody.
» Pentagon Spokesman Peter Cook offered an apology as well, saying, «We sincerely regret any offense the video may have caused in Qatar.
We are happy to answer any questions about this, and I sincerely hope you are able to find other sources for photos.
» According to a statement from Cárdenas, Smith called him later in the day and «took responsibility for the comment and sincerely apologized.
It was an insanely tense tribal and I said something really stupid in the heat of the moment that I sincerely regret.
«To My Wendy Watchers, I sincerely apologize if you feel that today’s show was less than stellar,» she began the lengthy post.
It’s the ultimate New York fantasy — but for Kai Avent-deLeon, owner of clothing and accessories boutique Sincerely Tommy, it’s a reality.
If your queue is sincerely lacking in the «movies about Howard Hughes» department, fear no more: The Aviator is coming to Netflix.
If FBI agents sincerely believed a presidential candidate might be compromised by a hostile foreign power, dreading his election is not «bias».
Some doubt that Mr Netanyahu is sincerely trying to save the deal, which he once called «a bad mistake of historic proportions».
Sincerely, Seth Segal (a shark enthusiast) Re: People Are Paying $10 for an App Where You Tap a Cactus for Luck — Nov.
After my first phone call to the local chapter, we were taken in by how attentive and sincerely appreciative the organization was.
«I sincerely regret having made any disrespectful comments and I unreservedly apologize in this regards to yourself and your government,» he said.
«Our family sincerely appreciates the efforts of our Homicide Unit to piece together the difficult investigation into Evan’s death,» the statement reads.
«I made a serious mistake that I sincerely regret and I am truly sorry for my actions,» Baer said in a statement.
«These cheques were re-issued last week and we apologise sincerely for this inconvenience,» a Ryanair spokesman said in an emailed statement.
We showed up every day for all of you and we hope you enjoyed the journey as much as we did. Sincerely,
«I respected and liked him very much and I sincerely apologize to his family and Bethenny for my thoughtless comments,» she wrote.
He says he sincerely wants you to know that he never stole any chicken nuggets and you shouldn’t believe everything you read.
«We sincerely accept this recommendation and we are making further improvement on internal controls,» Morgan Stanley MUFG securities said in a statement.
Thank you all for the love and support your giving my uncle, my family, and me… The responses have been sincerely beautiful!
I sincerely apologize to the many drivers who honked irately as I threw my back into swerving the Arcimoto through multiple intersections.
If you haven’t taken part in the yanny/laurel controversy over the last couple of days, allow me to sincerely congratulate you.
«We will comply sincerely with our international commitment to nuclear nonproliferation and strive to achieve the denuclearization of the world,» he said.
«They clearly thought about it very sincerely,» Winder’s attorney, James Abrenio, who worked the case pro bono, told NPR regarding the jury.
So ask humbly, and when people engage, discuss their responses sincerely, and treat their time and energy as valuable, because it is.
«I have the utmost respect for Stephanie and I sincerely regret my word choice that was not directed at her,» he said.
Few people see themselves as villains, and the worst things are done by people who sincerely believe they are in the right.
It takes more skill and experience to ascertain whether somebody sincerely professes a religion, whether the affiliation is recent or long-term.
In a statement, Goodman said he «sincerely regrets» that his action were a distraction from his job in the Ohio state legislature.
Yes, there is still a sizable portion of our electorate who do just that, but I sincerely believe they are the minority.
«We apologize again sincerely for the disruption and inconvenience our rostering failure has caused some of our customers,» Ryanair’s Kenny Jacobs said.
«We sincerely regret publishing this tweet on the day that we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.,» the post read.
As CEO, these thefts occurred during my tenure, and I want to sincerely apologized to each and every one of our users.
The nightmare reviewer is the reviewer who has some sort of agenda that precludes him or her responding sincerely to the book.
As CEO, these thefts occurred during my tenure, and I want to sincerely apologize to each and every one of our users.
«I have nothing but respect for the attitude these people have, and I sincerely hope that good will come to them soon.»
The email ends with «Sincerely, Dama» — referring to the prefix in the email address and a shortened version of his last name.
Sincerely yours, Donald J. Trump President of the United States of America CNBC’s Eamon Javers and Amanda Macias contributed to this report.
Sincerely, Angela Once you’ve actually scheduled a meeting with someone, «be sure you get the most out of your time,» Copeland says.
«The variations in their oath mean one thing, that they did not sincerely take the oath,» Mr. Cheng said in the interview.
«We are embarrassed by this and have apologized to Ibtihaj in person, and sincerely regret this incident,» SXSW said in the statement.
If you sincerely wish to analyze the good and the bad parts of my writing, then you’re welcome to my anonymous text.
«We sincerely believe the volatility of the current operating environment requires financial discipline,» Anadarko Chief Executive Al Walker told investors on Tuesday.
Sorry for the stress I’ve caused you these last few years, and I sincerely hope your career can take a new direction.
And there’s always the possibility that some could buy products to sincerely boost their profile, especially through the anonymity of their website.
He took the L.A.P.D.’s many past incidents of racism and brutality, which were sincerely troubling events, and he used them opportunistically.
Yours sincerely[Named removed]Editorial Department And the second…Dear Mr Galbraith,Thank you for offering us your novel The Cuckoo’s Calling.
On Facebook, Avogadro wrote that he «sincerely regrets if someone felt offended,» which is always an excellent way to start an apology.
Even though I gnashed my teeth while reading it, it took nothing away from my sincerely great time reading the previous works.
I sincerely believe that most of the senders had clear objectives for these messages and clear facts they wanted me to understand.
«I now find myself unable to sincerely support the deal agreed yesterday by cabinet,» she said in a letter posted on Twitter.
He seemed sincere, but it was possible that he was both sincere about my safety and sincerely wanting to control my coverage.
When the physicist assumes managerial standing over the conversation, she is saying that she cannot sincerely converse as an equal with you.
From his perspective, life is a series of invisibly overlapping moments, and he has lived each one as sincerely as he could.
I sincerely regret the error, I’m still not sure how that happened and I am going to start planning a vacation today.
Societal debates still rage over whether gender is a construct; according to Sincerely Queer, it has been for a very long time.
We kept hearing from the administration that it was a low risk to the US, and I think they sincerely believed that.
To the extent my behavior was perceived as disrespectful, I deeply and sincerely apologize and will ensure it does not happen again.
«Application of the mandate to entities with sincerely held religious objections to it does not serve a compelling governmental interest,» it says.
«We sincerely apologize to our passengers for this incident and thank them for their cooperation in the evacuation,» the airline statement said.
«To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,» the family said.
To the Editor: I certainly understand how some people view abortion as murder and sincerely want to protect the innocent, voiceless unborn.
It has been taken down, and we sincerely apologize both for the remarks and the error of judgment that led to publication.
But she is also an artist who can tell her own story sincerely and succinctly, with neither self-aggrandizement nor false humility.
Liberalism has no choice but to sincerely wrestle with its discontents, to become reacquainted with its moral blind spots and political weaknesses.
«Judge Chupp is a braindead moron and I sincerely hope someone accuses him of rape,» read one email presented by local police.
I sincerely apologize if I caused concern or alarm to anyone (85033/2) …The folks there and beyond are suffering unimaginable hardships.
I’m not proud of my behavior in those moments, and I’m sincerely sorry for what I said and how I said it.

Use ‘sincerely’ in a sentence | ‘sincerely’ example sentences

1- This school principal was sincerely against the war.

2- Your patience is greatly and sincerely appreciated.

3- But sincerely held ideas do still matter.

4- I must sincerely commend the writer again .

5- We sincerely hope you enjoy your visit!

6- He seemed sincerely sorry for what had happened.

7- They are sincerely interested in this knowledge.

8- They shall sincerely wish one another well.

9- She sincerely appreciated this connection and respect.

10- People are simply upset and sincerely want safety.

11- It sincerely regrets any inconvenience to customers.

12- I sincerely believe all forms of art creation are very therapeutic.

13- I sincerely regret overlooking any volume worthy of notice.

14- I am sincerely unhappy with “us”.

15- I sincerely hope it is the former.

16- I sincerely hope this helps bring closure for those directly affected .

17- I sincerely hope that you kill yourself .

18- We sincerely hope that these instructions are helpful.

19- As always we sincerely appreciate your fine service.

20- I sincerely believe that psychiatry and psychology are belief systems.

21- And she was genuinely, sincerely kind.

22- I sincerely hope UKIP survives and thrives .

23- Then I sincerely doubt anyone has seen it yet .

24- I sincerely hope this doesn’t happen.

25- The operative word is ‘ sincerely ‘.

26- I do sincerely appreciate you dropping this knowledge.

27- Have you resolved to live more honestly and more sincerely ?

28- I sincerely hope that this is not true.

29- We sincerely want to help solve this problem.

30- I am sincerely impressed with your ability and talent.

31- I sincerely hope this web site will help you.

32- I sincerely hope you become champion this year.

33- Do it regularly, specifically and sincerely .

34- I sincerely hope this woman knows how fundamentally lucky she is.

35- All we need to do is ask sincerely .

36- We sincerely seem forward to executing small business with you.

37- I sincerely hope that whatever is wrong with me.

38- I sincerely hope this was my wake up call.

39- I am willing to work hard and sincerely .

40- It is a scientific system verifiable by anyone who practices sincerely . I sincerely hope for their happiness.

41- If only you work sincerely, you will be trusted.

42- His employer was sincerely grateful for his cooperation.

43- I am sincerely sorry for hurting your feelings, and I hope you can accept my apology.

44- She sincerely believed she was helping you by not telling you about your father’s illness.

45- Jeanette spoke sincerely and forcefully of her fight against discrimination in her country.

46- Herbert is sincerely trying to do a good job in the office, it’s just that he isn’t an organized person.

47- We face the past and sincerely ask for forgiveness, the letter reads.

48- For that, we sincerely apologize,” read the team’s official statement.

49- We sincerely regret any inconvenience or concern this incident may cause.

50- I take full responsibility and apologize sincerely to Terrell,” he posted.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
Related Words:
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This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences.
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