Sentences with the word similar

Synonym: alike, like, same. Antonym: dissimilar. Similar words: similarly, similarity, simply, jubilant, mild, available, family, be available. Meaning: [‘sɪmɪlə(r)]  adj. 1. marked by correspondence or resemblance 2. having the same or similar characteristics 3. resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination 4. (of words) expressing closely related meanings 5. capable of replacing or changing places with something else; permitting mutual substitution without loss of function or suitability. 

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1 Insurance companies are already overburdened with similar claims.

2 Mary’s symptom is similar to Joseph’s in some way.

3 It’s similar in size to a tomato.

4 Some companies have already voluntarily disclosed similar information .

5 My father and I have similar views on politics.

6 The three portraits are remarkably similar.

7 We have similar tastes in music.

8 This is similar to the example cited above.

9 The two approaches are basically very similar.

10 Similar sentiments were expressed by many politicians.

11 To the layman all these plants look pretty similar.

12 The two boys look very similar.

13 All big cities are quite similar.

14 Your opinion is similar to mine.

15 What sets it apart from hundreds of similar small French towns is the huge factory.

16 The findings are similar to those reported in previous studies.

17 Educators try to put pupils of similar abilities into classes because they believe that this homogeneous grouping is advisable.

18 The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.

19 Blessing a new love,( similar to a permanent! Congratulations on your wedding day!

20 The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel.

21 He despised William Pitt, notwithstanding the similar views they both held.

22 The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models.

23 Similar instances are numerous.

24 Competitors have jumped on the bandwagon and started building similar machines.

25 It’s a musical instrument made of brass, somewhat like a cornet and with a similar compass.

26 People often mix us up because we look so similar.

27 The organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position .

28 All attempts by the Socialists to woo him back were spurned. Similar overtures from the right have likewise been rejected.

29 The makers of the car claim that it uses up to 50% less fuel than other similar cars.

30 We had a marvellous meal at that restaurant you recommended — incidentally, I must give you the number of a similar one I know.

More similar words: similarly, similarity, simply, jubilant, mild, available, family, be available, simultaneously, timing, milking, smile on, million, availability, familiar, military, diminish, minimize, to the limit, eliminate, militarism, limitation, optimistic, diminutive, preliminary, large, solar, be familiar with, declare, collar. 

похожий, подобный, сходный, схожий, копия, двойник, дубликат


- похожий, подобный; соответствующий

similar in colour [in shape, in size] — сходный по цвету [по форме, по размеру]
similar to smth. — подобный чему-л.; похожий на что-л.
exactly similar — совершенно одинаковый
slightly similar — несколько напоминающий

- мат. подобный

similar triangles — подобные треугольники


- что-л. похожее, подобное; копия; дубликат
- двойник

Мои примеры


similar case — похожий случай, сходная ситуация  
under similar conditions — при сходных условиях  
similar in colour — сходный по цвету  
a similar opinion — подобное мнение  
on similar occasions — в подобных случаях  
to be in a similar situation — быть в таком же положении  
similar in every respect — сходный во всех отношениях  
in a similar way — подобным образом  
geometrically similar model — геометрически подобная модель  
similar domain — подобная область  

Примеры с переводом

Your shirt is similar to mine.

Ваша рубашка похожа на мою.

You two look very similar to each other.

Вы двое очень похожи друг на друга.

We have similar tastes in music.

У нас схожие вкусы в музыке.

I had a similar experience last year.

Я пережил подобное в прошлом году.

Our cats are similar in size.

Наши кошки — примерно одного размера.

I was going to say something similar.

Я собирался сказать что-то подобное.

I would have reacted in a similar way if it had happened to me.

Случись это со мной, я бы примерно так же отреагировал.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The church members co-opted individuals from similar backgrounds to replenish the congregation

They had similar experiences growing up, even though they came from vastly different backgrounds.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«That apple is similar to the one I ate yesterday.«
(be: is/am/are, looks, tastes)

«The trumpet sounds similar to the trombone.«
(sounds, seems, appears)

«They remain similar in color.«

«The couple became similar in personality.«

Used with adverbs:

«These two songs are extremely similar.«
(extremely, very, awfully, fairly, somewhat)

«The twins are remarkably similar in personality.«
(remarkably, strikingly, surprisingly, quite)

«The teachers share roughly similar lesson plans.«
(roughly, basically, essentially, fundamentally)

Used with prepositions:

«The two rooms are similar in size.«

«He acts similar to his older brother.«

Used with nouns:

«I noticed a similar pattern.«
(pattern, scenario)

«The sisters have similar fashion.«
(fashions, personalities, backgrounds, sizes)



  1. аналогия

Множ. число: similars.

Синонимы: analogue, comparison, correspondence.


  1. подобный (соответствующий, аналогичный, одинаковый, идентичный, одноименный)
  2. похожий (схожий, сходный, близкий)


  1. по аналогии


similar situation
подобная ситуация

similar period
аналогичный период

similar results
одинаковый результат

similar book
одноименная книга

similar problem
похожая проблема

similar circumstances
схожие обстоятельства

similar characteristics
сходные характеристики

similar in spirit
близкий по духу


My brother looks very similar to me.
Мой брат очень на меня похож.

False friends are pairs of words in two languages that are similar in spelling or pronunciation, but differ in meaning.
Ложные друзья переводчика — это пара слов в двух языках, похожих по написанию или произношению, но разных по значению.

The climate of New Zealand is similar to that of Japan.
Климат Новой Зеландии аналогичен климату Японии.

Does French have a similar expression?
Во французском есть похожее выражение?

Uranus is similar to Neptune.
Уран похож на Нептун.

I think it’s unlikely that aliens similar to what we see in the movies have ever visited our planet.
Думаю, маловероятно, что инопланетяне, подобные тем, что мы видим в кино, когда-либо посещали нашу планету.

It was similar in some ways to soccer which is played today.
В некотором роде это похоже на футбол, в который играют в наши дни.

This verb is somewhat similar to «to drink».
Этот глагол отчасти схож со словом «пить».

I had a similar experience once.
Со мной как-то раз случилось нечто подобное.

Your idea is similar to mine.
Ваша идея похожа на мою.

She was similar to me in many ways.
Она во многом была похожа на меня.

Do you have a similar proverb in French?
У вас во французском языке есть похожая поговорка?

A display, aka monitor, is an appliance that displays video signal of still images and moving pictures produced by a computer or similar device.
Дисплей, или монитор, – это приспособление, отображающее видеосигнал статических образов и движущихся картин, сгенерированный компьютером или другим подобным устройством.

Tom likes people similar to himself.
То́му нравятся люди, такие, как он сам.

A national flag is often considered a unique symbol, but many pairs or groups of countries have incredibly similar flags to each other.
Национальный флаг часто считается уникальным символом, но многие пары или группы стран имеют невероятно похожие флаги.

Do you have any similar expressions in French?
У вас во французском языке есть похожие выражения?

The climate here is very similar to that of England.
Климат здесь очень похож на климат Англии.

Tom was dressed in clothes similar to John’s.
Том был одет в одежду как у Джона.

Her hair was similar in color to mine.
Её волосы были похожи по цвету на мои.

We encounter similar difficulties when we substitute rectangles for triangles in this configuration.
Мы встречаем похожие затруднения, когда заменяем в этой конфигурации прямоугольники на треугольники.

My opinion is similar to yours.
Моё мнение похоже на Ваше.

Your purse is similar to mine.
Твоя цель схожа с моей.

Your hat is similar to mine.
Твоя шляпа похожа на мою.

He suggested a plan similar to mine.
Он предложил план, похожий на мой.

Tom was wearing clothes similar to John’s.
Том был одет примерно так же, как и Джон.

The fruit is similar to an orange in shape and to a pineapple in taste.
Этот фрукт по форме похож на апельсин, а по вкусу на ананас.

Your watch is similar to mine in shape and color.
Твои часы похожи на мои по форме и цвету.

My problems are very similar to yours.
Мои трудности очень похожи на твои.

In a similar situation, I’d do the same.
В подобной ситуации я бы поступил так же.

I also heard a similar story.
Я тоже слышала подобную историю.

  • Use the word Similar in a sentences

Sentence Examples

His voice was spookily similar to the man’s.

As you can see, the molecular-sized nanobytes can break themselves down and reform into another shape of similar mass.

She probably thinks I just look similar.

I’ll tell you, I’ve replied before to a similar question, and the reply…

«This narcotic produces a deep sleep similar to death, but disappears the next day

I tried to kill her…» by stabbing her in the side with a similar knife…

But fairness and consideration for his friends would call him for caution, he ought to think it over and discuss it and similar catchphrases.

«Did you ever experience anything similar in your childhood?»

Yes — I had a similar case.

Laboratory for mechanical dolls and similar articles.

Festive Speaker for weddings, baptisms, engagement parties, consecrations of flags, jubilees, funerals and similar occasions

One who is a master of ceremonies, one who has acted in a similar capacity… in a great many institutions of this kind… both in this country and abroad… and one whom we hope to have with us for many, many years to come.

When I was a little boy, a similar accident happened nearby.

Evidence leads us to believe the children were victims of a crime similar to that committed last fall against the Doering siblings.»

If you might suffer sunstroke, might you not suffer some similar evil

May I refer you to a letter sent to you from London in a similar crisis?

Perhaps you’d make a similar one?

Did you experience similar problems?

You too are quite similar.

He said he’d had a similar experience.

Oh, something…something similar to what he’s wearing?

By the way, my trip to Europe has to do with similar purposes.

And unless I’m mistaken, we were both on a similar mission.

Yes, my nephew has similar ideas.

When the Shogun himself saw this blade, he said that it looked very similar to the small knife that he presented to Lord Izumo some years ago.

Why, I thought it was similar to a balance sheet, but not exactly.

I am similar to you as a person who contains blood,body and soul

But, uh, ladies on Riviera… also indulge in similar pastime?

Why, in this institution alone, three little girls were admitted at precisely the same time under circumstances similar to…


That’s a very beautiful ermine jacket you have on, very similar to one of mine.

I am familiar with a similar one.

I am picking up a similar case at the next much more complicated

Now, if the poison had been rubbed onto the glove… a stain similar to this would have resulted.

Doctor also find similar pair?

This is, gentlemen, my household cavalry… similar to that which guards the person of your Queen Empress.

You’ve never been caught in a similar situation? Yes, I have.

Killer use similar tube-like implement.

You will note that it is similar in design to the instruments used in hospitals to attack cancer tissue.

Ever since that time, similar acts of sabotage have occurred in our colonies… and now here in the United States.

Huh. This is plan of new bomber, similar to one destroyed two days ago.


Have also discovered similar scratches here on floor near one of these chairs.

«Matthew Nodbury.» You enjoy similar name, Miss Nodbury.

Doctor, I’m just suffering a similar disillusionment.

«Investigations by the R.C.M. P… have resulted in finding the remains of a Canadian Airways sea plane… similar to the one stolen by the five Nazis at Wolstenholme

Well, what price Goebbels, eh? — Very similar.

our destinies are very similar my parents too have died long ago

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