Sentences with the word significantly

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However this season these areas have improved significantly.

До сих пор в этом сезоне, однако, обе эти области выглядят значительно улучшенными.

Small lifestyle changes can significantly impact mental wellness.

Небольшие изменения в образе жизни могут значительно повлиять на психическое здоровье.

Car sales aren’t likely to drop significantly.

По прогнозам, продажи автомобилей не будут существенно отставать от производства.

Researchers have found that people’s honesty varies significantly between countries.

Британские ученые выяснили, что уровень честности людей существенно варьирует от страны к стране.

Japanese companies are investing abroad significantly more than before.

Это подтверждает, что японский бизнес стал инвестировать значительно больше, чем раньше.

These effects were significantly stronger than the control group.

Однако эти эффекты не были значительно сильнее, чем у контрольной группы.

In 1972, that law was significantly amended.

Впоследствии в 1976 г. этот закон был значительно пересмотрен.

Functional features, materials used and other factors significantly affect the costs of product manufacturing.

Функциональные особенности, используемые материалы и прочие факторы существенно влияют на затраты при производстве продукта, т.е. на его себестоимость.

Is able to carry significantly more people.

Кроме того, он будет способен вместить значительно больше человек.

So a better understanding of how humans generate sentences could help significantly.

Поэтому лучшее понимание того, как люди генерируют предложения, может значительно помочь нам в этом.

Today both are significantly below those levels.

Причем оба этих показателя существенно хуже, чем сейчас.

Barnett says that team lowered safety standards significantly.

Барнетт утверждает, что эта команда значительно снизила стандарты безопасности.

I think it makes leaders and companies significantly more productive and successful.

Я думаю, что это делает лидеров и компании значительно более продуктивными и успешными».

Success in actually winning matches significantly decreased following marriage.

Успех в фактически выигрышных матчах значительно снизился после вступления в брак.

Sixteen million new jobs were created, while inflation significantly decreased.

Шестнадцать миллионов новых рабочих мест были созданы, в то время как инфляция значительно уменьшилась.

This saved $80 million per ship but significantly degraded air-search capabilities.

Это сэкономило 80 миллионов долларов на каждом корабле, но значительно ухудшило возможности воздушного поиска.

Furthermore, the other contractors project was significantly cleaner during and after construction.

Кроме этого и трасса другого подрядчика была значительно чище как во время строительства, так и после.

Note that your future earnings will affect your pension significantly.

Обратите внимание, что ваши будущие доходы существенно повлияют на вашу пенсию.

Those who used antidepressants also appeared significantly older.

Те, кто принимал антидепрессанты, тоже выглядели значительно старше.

Which suggests that social activity could significantly affect your position in search results.

Что говорит о том, что социальная активность может существенно повлиять на вашу позицию в результатах поиска.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 81656. Точных совпадений: 81656. Затраченное время: 146 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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существенно, знаменательно


- многозначительно

Мои примеры


a generous grant, enabling the library to significantly aggrandize its collection of books on tape — щедрое пожертвование, позволяющее библиотеке значительно увеличить свою коллекцию аудиокниг  
significantly different — значимо различный  
significantly below — значительно ниже  
at significantly reduced capital investment — при значительно уменьшенных капиталовложениях  
contribute significantly to — вносить значительный вклад  

Примеры с переводом

The scandal significantly damaged her career.

Этот скандал существенно повредил её карьере.

Health problems can be significantly reduced by careful diet.

Проблемы со здоровьем можно значительно уменьшить за счёт тщательного соблюдения диеты.

The device has lowered the rate of car accidence significantly.

Это устройство существенно сократило количество автомобильных аварий.

The cost of our raw materials has risen significantly.

Стоимость сырья значительно возросла.

If you take my advice, your chances of winning will increase significantly.

Если вы воспользуетесь моими рекомендациями, ваши шансы на победу значительно возрастут.

Modern machinery has significantly eased the backbreaking work of farming.

Современная техника значительно облегчила каторжный труд земледельца.

People who smoke have a significantly greater risk of developing lung cancer than people who don’t.

У людей, которые курят, риск возникновения рака лёгких значительно выше, чем у некурящих.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

insignificantly  — незначительно, с ничтожным эффектом, с ничтожным результатом
significant  — значительный, существенный, значимый, знак, символ, указание

Use ‘significantly’ in a sentence | ‘significantly’ example sentences

1- Any spacing between grain boundaries is significantly reduced.

2- The digital technology has changed significantly since 2008.

3- The middle tier has become significantly more diverse.

4- The main rotor blades were significantly damaged.

5- PAL has sometimes improved exam marks significantly .

6- Adult height between populations often differs significantly .

7- It significantly simplifies handling life cycle issues.

8- Cellular communications are often significantly impaired within buildings.

9- Your cost per response is significantly lowered.

10- These rates are usually significantly below standard auto loan interest rates.

11- The fish ladder significantly improved fish passage.

12- The inside wall space required is significantly reduced.

13- Maximum heart rates vary significantly between individuals.

14- These languages represent significantly different design choices.

15- Their final six games are significantly tougher too.

16- But different beverages had significantly different effects .

17- It thus contributes significantly towards optimizing healthy working processes .

18- The humanitarian situation has become significantly worse .

19- The last minute processing fees are significantly higher.

20- Even light rainfall would significantly increase deposition rates.

21- Minor boundary changes are significantly simpler to affect.

22- These demands contrast significantly with mainstream religions.

23- It has made my life significantly better.

24- The program has grown significantly through the years.

25- Ten years later this number had been significantly reduced.

26- Long runs drive down the unit cost significantly .

27- Your mortgage payments significantly reduced for 3 years.

28- Such symptoms usually improve significantly after amalgam removal.

29- Film thickness significantly affects coating quality and costs.

30- With each pregnancy my eating habits changed significantly .

31- The aging population is increasing significantly every day.

32- The therapeutic treatment process has significantly opened up.

33- Local trending topics can help significantly here.

34- Cambridge has always contributed significantly to world mission.

35- Engineers contribute significantly to global wealth creation.

36- The levels extend significantly during puberty as boys study pro adulthood.

37- This was significantly better than either therapy alone.

38- As a result wealth disparities are significantly increasing.

39- Do different product designs have significantly different hedging costs?

40- It is more significantly psychological and mental. Both drugs significantly reduced fluid secretion or increased fluid absorption .

41- A good fertilizer can significantly boost crop yields.

42- A good fertilizer can significantly increase crop yields.

43- Our sales volume has increased significantly since last year.

44- The economy improved significantly in the latter part of the year.

45- A woman’s risk for breast cancer goes up significantly after age 50.

46- Her English improved significantly after she got a British boyfriend.

47- Research shows that religious commitment varies significantly between countries.

48- Membership in our club has increased significantly since we voted in a new president.

49- Work conditions in the factory have improved significantly since it became unionized.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
signet – signeted – signeting – signets – significance – significances – significant – significantly – significants – signification – significations – signified – signifies – signify – signifying –

This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences.
You can easily memorize the word and the meaning of “significantly”
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20 examples of simple sentences of “significantly“
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Examples of how to use the word “significantly” in a sentence. How to connect “significantly” with other words to make correct English sentences.

significantly (adv): in a way that is easy to see or by a large amount

Use “significantly” in a sentence

This region has changed significantly since 2010.
My English has improved significantly.
Profits have increased significantly over the past few years.
If you take my advice, your chances of winning will increase significantly.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

She let her gaze fall significantly on the Indian girl.

He was specially admitted as an extraordinary member of the great priestly colleges; his name was included by the Arval Brethren in their prayers for the safety of the emperor and his house; at the games in the circus his appearance in triumphal dress contrasted significantly with the simple toga praetexta worn by Britannicus.

Whether you are for the organic food movement or against it, for genetically modified crops or against them, for corporate farms or seed banks or raw food or anything else, is influenced significantly by your larger view of politics.

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Now, as you well know, it is not seldom the case in this conventional world of ours—watery or otherwise; that when a person placed in command over his fellow-men finds one of them to be very significantly his superior in general pride of manhood, straightway against that man he conceives an unconquerable dislike and bitterness; and if he have a chance he will pull down and pulverize that subaltern’s tower, and make a little heap of dust of it.

Expressed both absolutely and as percentages of the price averaged from the 1st of October to the 31st of July, the range of movement, standard deviation, and mean weekly movement calculated between the times mentioned above (October 1st to July 31st), after diminishing significantly for some years after the later ‘sixties, have risen appreciably on the whole of late years.

His life, as they significantly call it, was untouched.

The relation of the Americas to each other and to the rest of the world, as the home of plants and animals, is greatly affected by the breadth of the adjacent oceans, and also by the geologically recent changes of altitude whereby the breadth of the narrower parts of the lands and the oceans has been significantly altered.

At the age of thirty-eight he honoured the French Academy by taking his place among its members; the speech delivered on the occasion was characteristically generous in its tribute to an undeserving memory, and significantly enthusiastic in its glorification of Napoleon.

Although the hall porter saw someone’s carriage standing at the entrance, after scrutinizing the mother and son (who without asking to be announced had passed straight through the glass porch between the rows of statues in niches) and looking significantly at the lady’s old cloak, he asked whether they wanted the count or the princesses, and, hearing that they wished to see the count, said his excellency was worse today, and that his excellency was not receiving anyone.

And fascinating new ways to transport foods will keep them significantly fresher.

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