Sentences with the word shy

Synonym: bashful, coy, demure, timid. Antonym: bold. Similar words: shyness. Meaning: [ʃaɪ]  n. a quick throw. v. 1. start suddenly, as from fight 2. throw quickly. adj. 1. lacking self-confidence 2. easily startled or frightened 3. short 4. wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things. 

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1) Once bit [bitten] twice shy.

2) Once bit, twice shy.

3) Once bitten, twice shy.

4) She’s very shy with adults.

5) He was a quiet,( shy man.

6) The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal creature.

7) As a teenager I was painfully shy.

8) The child was shy and hid behind his mother.

9) He was too shy to speak to her.

10) She didn’t speak loudly because she was so shy.

11) Please don’t be shy?I won’t eat you!

12) I felt clumsy, shy and awkward at the party.

13) Mary is a shy girl.

14) Mary was shy at her introduction to the company.

15) He’s at a disadvantage being so shy.

16) She was a shy and retiring person off-stage.

17) The children, at first shy, soon lost their inhibitions.

18) He’s very shy and never makes eye contact.

19) She was too shy to ask anyone for help.

20) They’re shy animals and don’t often come out in daylight.

21) sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.

22) She is slim and shy — the very antithesis of her sister.

23) She was very shy while she was in elementary school.

24) At that age they can start becoming shy with the opposite sex.

25) Alan sings with shy intensity, hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar.

26) Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.

27) From «shy Mary,» she morphed into a business person and working woman.

28) She’s shy around strangers.

29) She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.

30) Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature.

Sentences with the word Shy?



  • «standoffish and antisocial»; «he’s not antisocial; just shy«
  • «He is basically dishonest»; «the argument was essentially a technical one»; «for all his bluster he is in essence a shy person»
  • «The teacher tried to bring out the shy boy»
  • «The therapist drew out the shy girl»
  • «faineant kings under whose rule the country languished»; «an indolent hanger-on»; «too lazy to wash the dishes»; «shiftless idle youth»; «slothful employees»; «the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy«
  • «The shy student lingered in the corner»
  • «it was rather cold»; «the party was rather nice»; «the knife is rather dull»; «I rather regret that I cannot attend»; «He’s rather good at playing the cello»; «he is kind of shy«
  • «unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work»; «a shy retiring girl»
  • «Don’t sell your students short—they are just shy and don’t show off their knowledge»
  • «eleven is one shy of a dozen»
  • «shy of strangers»
  • «he gave the ball a shy to the first baseman»
  • «She is too shy to solicit»
  • «an unsociable nature…shy and reserved»; «generally unsociable except with intimate friends»; «unsociable behavior»; «an unsociable neighborhood»

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


But this kid is usually pretty shy.

Такой малыш сутулится, как правило, довольно застенчивый.

For authors who might be shy.

Это значительное преимущество для исполнителей, которые могут быть застенчивым.

Look who’s being suddenly shy.

Taylor admits she was a shy child and had few friends.

Тейлор рассказывает, что была стеснительным ребенком и что у нее было мало друзей.

Please believe in your shy little boy.

Прошу вас, верьте в своего робкого маленького мальчика.

Baby puppies often demonstrate their weak nerves by acting shy.

Маленькие щенки часто показывают свою слабую нервную систему, когда ведут себя робко.

People who whisper or speak quietly may be shy or have low confidence.

Люди, которые шепчут или говорят тихо, могут быть застенчивыми или иметь низкий уровень доверия.

Those people are likely shy just like you.

Вероятно, эти люди так же застенчивы, как и вы.

I was incredibly shy and just wanted to disappear.

Я была очень стеснительной и просто хотела исчезнуть и быть незаметной».

She knew my insecurities and how nervous and shy I was.

Она знала о моей неуверенности и о том, насколько нервной и стеснительной я была.

It was hard because I was very shy.

Для меня это было очень трудно, потому что я была очень застенчивой.

People who are shy often hesitate before trying something new.

Люди, которые застенчивы, часто стесняются, прежде чем попробовать что-то новое.

I always thought she was just extremely shy.

Я же всегда думал, что она была просто чересчур застенчивой.

In fact, some are quiet and shy.

На самом деле, некоторые из них… тихие и застенчивые.

No one remembered the shy, introverted kid.

Никто больше не помнит того застенчивого, «неспособного» мальчишку.

They tend to be very shy and timid towards other predators.

Они, как правило, очень застенчивы и робки по отношению к другим хищникам.

You cannot afford to show her you are shy.

Вы не можете позволить себе показать ей, что вы застенчивы.

This means that the dog must neither be shy nor vicious.

Это означает, что собака не должна быть ни застенчивой, ни порочного.

Think of the shy or socially awkward kid who had trouble fitting in at school.

К примеру, представьте себе застенчивого или социального тяжелого ребенка, у которого были проблемы с обучением в школе.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word shy, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use shy in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «shy».

Shy in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word shy in a sentence.

  1. I was very shy about it.».

  2. I’m too shy to go looking for dirt.

  3. Ponsford was a shy and taciturn man.

  4. At that particular gig he was very shy.

  5. Modest, dignified, shy and scholarly ..

  6. He was shy, but performed very well in school.

  7. He was shy and often hid his personal feelings.

  8. They are shy, generally quiet and inconspicuous.

  9. Ponsford was a shy person, on the field and off.

  10. Sherwood described him as «almost painfully shy ..

  11. She described herself as a shy person at the time.

  12. Otherwise, they are generally rather shy of humans.

  13. George grew into a healthy, reserved and shy child.

  14. She has admitted to being shy and quiet as a child.

  15. Meggett fell just 43 yards shy of the 500-yard mark.

  16. Like other pittas, the rainbow is a secretive and shy bird.

  17. An extremely shy man, Etty rarely socialised and never married.

  18. Though not unsociable per se, he was extremely sensitive and shy.

  19. A shy and elusive species, the eastern green mamba is rarely seen.

  20. A shy and sensitive boy, he was deeply affected by his life experiences.

  21. The russet sparrow is described as shy and wary by some observers, but J.

  22. Always a shy girl, she now also developed a stutter and became withdrawn.

  23. They are quite peaceful and do not tend to shy away from approaching boats.

  24. Previously isolated and shy, he became more outgoing and confident as monarch.

  25. He was, however, still no more than a boy, and a shy, insecure and immature one.

  26. García Márquez describes him as «intelligent, methodical, shy, and superstitious».

  27. Unlike the closely related white stork, the black stork is a shy and wary species.

  28. With that said, Nothomyrmecia is a timid and shy species that retreats if exposed.

  29. Tilden of New York, had 184 electoral votes, just shy of the 185 needed for victory.

  30. McCain did not shy away from addressing his shortcomings, and he apologized for them.

  31. Temperament, whether an animal is bold or shy, has also been found to predict success.

  32. He was the complete contradiction.» Sellers was shy and insecure when out of character.

  33. According to Pascou, it was a shy animal that fled on the ground instead of in the trees.

  34. Mustaine interacted with the fans at Metallica’s earliest shows because Hetfield was shy.

  35. They are generally wary birds, although they can be less shy in urban and suburban areas.

  36. Unlike her younger sister, Vera, she had a calm temperament, but she was also extremely shy.

  37. Early next day, the hurricane reorganized as it reached winds just shy of Category 5 status.

  38. O’Reilly refused to shy away from his opinions and was dropped by the Melbourne publication.

  39. A noticeable difference in personality was that Robin was shy, whereas Tony was more confident.

  40. He had been recommended to me as a man of energy and enthusiasm, but he seemed shy when we met.

  41. A shy man, he did not welcome this fame, and preferred to be left in peace to compose and teach.

  42. There, with Bryant by his side, he died on October 17, 1920, a few days shy of his 33rd birthday.

  43. His 1938 opponent was so shy that Voorhis had to introduce him to the crowd at a joint appearance.

  44. The shy Pipette throws herself at Sergeant, who unwillingly ducks and dodges, trying to avoid her.

  45. In November, Dilworth won by almost as large a margin as Clark, taking just shy of 58% of the vote.

  46. Brod soon noticed that, although Kafka was shy and seldom spoke, what he said was usually profound.

  47. That season, the team fell two points shy of their third-straight Presidents’ Trophy with 99 points.

  48. Nancy Fox was cast as Ellen Turner, a shy student nurse who becomes Noland’s most faithful follower.

  49. In 1987, a shy young woman, Yorkie (Mackenzie Davis), visits the nightclub Tucker’s in San Junipero.

  50. Images of small, shy men dominated by their taller or fatter wives appear frequently in Rarebit Fiend.

Synonyms for shy

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word shy has the following synonyms: diffident, timid, unsure, unconfident, insufficient, deficient and wary.

General information about «shy» example sentences

The example sentences for the word shy that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «shy» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «shy».

застенчивый, уклоняться, пугаться, бросок, попытка


- застенчивый, стеснительный, стыдливый; робкий, тихий

shy girl [smile] — застенчивая /робкая/ девушка [улыбка]
he is very shy with strangers — он очень стесняется посторонних

- пугливый, осторожный (о птицах, животных); норовистый (о лошадях)

flamingoes are very shy — фламинго очень пугливы
today the fish are shy — сегодня рыба не клюёт

- (обыкн. of) не склонный, не могущий решиться или осмелиться (сделать что-л.); нерешительный

he is shy of taking the responsibility — он не хочет брать на себя ответственность
he is shy of interfering — он не решается вмешиваться
they are not shy of such a hypothesis — они не боятся такого предположения
why are you so shy in owning it? — почему вы не решаетесь /боитесь/ признать это?

- (of) боязливый, недоверчивый

to be shy of death — бояться смерти
to be shy of people — сторониться людей

- редк. уединённый, тихий; укромный

shy recesses — укромные уголки
shy house — уединённый дом

ещё 4 варианта


- отступать, останавливаться (перед чем-л.); не решаться, колебаться

he won’t shy at treachery — он не остановится перед предательством
he will never shy to do it — он сделает это не задумываясь /без колебаний/

- пугаться

to shy at the sight of blood — испугаться при виде крови
she shies at the very thought of it — она дрожит при одной мысли об этом
the horse shied at an automobile — лошадь испугалась /шарахнулась от/ автомобиля

- сторониться, избегать; уклоняться, увиливать (тж. shy away, shy off)

he has shied us lately — он сторонился /избегал/ нас последнее время
he shies the subject — он избегает /уклоняется от/ этой темы
he shies his work — он увиливает от работы
to shy away from the thought — отбрасывать от себя мысль
her eyes shy away from mine — она старается не встречаться со мной взглядом
to shy off from all allusions to the fact — избегать всякого упоминания об этом факте
she was shying off from us — она нас избегала

- вспугивать, отпугивать (тж. shy on)
- бросаться, швыряться

to shy at a cow [at a cock] with a stone — швырнуть в корову [в петуха] камнем

- бросать

to shy a ball to the other end of the field — бросить мяч в другой конец поля

- спорт. бросать в цель


- скачок (испугавшейся лошади и т. п.)
- разг. бросок; швырок

to have a shy — бросать

- спорт. бросок
- резкий выпад

to have /to take, to get/ a shy at smb. — делать выпады против кого-л., прохаживаться на чей-л. счёт

- мишень (для насмешек и т. п.)
- разг. попытка

to have a shy at doing smth. — попытаться /попробовать/ сделать что-л.

Мои примеры


shy glance — робкий взгляд  
publicity-shy — стесняющийся своей известности  
a shy boy — застенчивый мальчик  
to fight shy of smb. / smth. — избегать кого-л. / чего-л.  
shy girl — застенчивая /робкая/ девушка  
shy dinner — скудный /скромный/ обед  
to shy at a cow with a stone — швырнуть в корову камнем  
shy at the sight of blood — испугаться при виде крови  
fight shy — избегать  
shy on — отпугивать  

Примеры с переводом

He is shy of cameras.

Он не любит сниматься. / Он избегает фотокамер.

He was a quiet, shy man.

Он был тихим, застенчивым человеком.

She was very shy with strangers.

Она была очень застенчива с незнакомыми людьми.

Help yourself if you want more. Don’t be shy.

Если хотите ещё — налетайте, не стесняйтесь.

He gave her a shy smile.

Он одарил её застенчивой улыбкой.

He was too shy to come sit by me in class.

Он был слишком застенчив, чтобы сесть рядом со мной на занятиях.

I was painfully shy as a teenager.

Я был болезненно застенчивым подростком.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Oh, have you gone all shy, Jenny?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

shyer  — пугливая лошадь
shyness  — застенчивость
shyly  — застенчиво, робко

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: shy
he/she/it: shies
ing ф. (present participle): shying
2-я ф. (past tense): shied
3-я ф. (past participle): shied

срав. степ. (comparative): shier
прев. степ. (superlative): shiest

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