Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word shake, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use shake in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «shake».
Shake in a sentence
Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word shake in a sentence.
The gable roof is wooden shake shingles.
We therefore shake our heads and say ‘Ah!
When I write I can shake off all my cares.
The gable roof is covered with wooden shake shingles.
The Venetian shades began to shake one way, then another.
After the verdict, Crichton refused to shake Kessler’s hand.
Nick encounters Tom and initially refuses to shake his hand.
Dwight could not shake Calhoun’s commitment to republicanism.
What will the thunderclap be that will shake down these masses?
And the vibration on this railway is to shake down timber trees!
Willis shake on a truce over state line markers erected in 1915.
Before taking off in alarm, they often shake their head sideways.
Pacific Title/Mirage also enhanced shots with digital camera shake.
They shake excess water off and then fly to a nearby branch to preen.
Unable to shake the illness, Jones died in his home on June 29, 1856.
She doesn’t just shake hands but clasps a visitor’s hand in both her hands.
It also introduces the ability to shake the Vita to collect suns and money.
Actors shake these flags to represent waves, fire, wind, or moving vehicles.
He asked, «I suppose that you will not care to shake hands with a German spy?
I want to make people think about how they live every day, shake them a bit.».
Throughout the video the women click their heels and shake their hips and legs.
Marina can shake «grabbed» objects to throw them as projectiles or to find loot.
A wizard’s power of Changing and of Summoning can shake the balance of the world.
The passenger then offers to shake hands with Lam Sheung Yee, calling for a truce.
Birds regularly fluff up their plumage and repeatedly shake their bodies while preening.
I left the party early, walking carefully past those big dogs, unable to shake my revulsion.
He visited the dressing rooms of opponents after every game to shake hands with each player.
The city of Fort Scott only experienced trembling, whereas Iola had houses and tableware shake.
As Nairne was being removed into military custody, he attempted to shake Lody’s hand in the dock.
Fears that widespread forgery of banknotes would shake confidence in the pound ended his proposal.
According to some American press stories, Hitler left the stadium rather than shake hands with him.
Observers noted that Huskisson did not appear to be in pain, and instead lay watching the leg shake.
After the question has been asked Tubes goes to shake the questionees hand thanking them as he does.
A cameraman asked a large group of those gathered to shake their fists and yell so he could get a picture.
Carnal, and a handful of students who had been educated about AIDS and were unafraid to shake Ryan’s hand.
Birds fluff up and shake their feathers, which helps to «rezip» feather barbules that have become unhooked.
The 1849 church was originally topped by a wooden shake roof, and its windows had double-hung wooden sashes.
When the chaos began to shake the confidence of New York’s banks, the city’s most famous banker was out of town.
The script called for Cesare to gasp and struggle for air, then shake violently and collapse in Caligari’s arms.
If the tilt shake is used too often, however, all flippers will lock out, leaving the ball to fall down the drain.
Only while touring abroad could the Emperor shake off the formal existence and demands of the life he knew in Brazil.
The purlins and rafters were reconstructed using treated yellow pine, and support a new roof of cedar shake shingles.
The scene’s realism was deliberate: the audience hears Northcott’s neck breaking, his body swings, and his feet shake.
When it was clear that Secretariat would win, the sound reached a crescendo that reportedly made the grandstand shake.
City’s attacking continued, and a shot from Hardy appeared to shake Lewis in goal as he did not gather the ball cleanly.
The male will then shake their heads in a similar way to when they are guarding their nest, but with their wings closed.
The jolts and shocks of the ship in the hold of the energy ribbon were created by camera bumps and motors to shake the set.
In the 1940s, steam engines carrying heavy loads over the bridge caused the catwalk on the west side of the bridge to shake.
At any point in the bonus round, the player may trigger a tilt shake that rattles the table and affects the ball’s trajectory.
If there is disagreement on the selection, the pitcher may shake off the sign and the catcher will call for a different pitch.
Synonyms for shake
Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word shake has the following synonyms: handshake, handshaking, handclas, milkshake, milk shake, shingle, tremble, shiver, trill, wag, waggle, agitate, didder, judder, rock, sway, shake off, throw off, escape fro, stimulate, shake up, excite, stir and stir up.
General information about «shake» example sentences
The example sentences for the word shake that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «shake» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «shake».
shake — перевод на русский
Yeah, well, I couldn’t shake your hand with my foot, or… but you don’t want that.
Ну да, я бы не смог пожать твою руку своей ногой или… но тебе это и не надо.
You refused to shake hands once.
Вы как-то отказались пожать мне руку.
So, you refuse to shake hands with me, eh?
— Умоляю! Так вы отказываетесь пожать мне руку?
Мисс Фиби, помня, что мы уже встречались сегодня, я все же настаиваю на том, чтобы еще раз пожать вашу руку.
Except, I’d like to shake your hand and tell you how sorry I am… for bein’ such a fool suspicionin’ you.
И еще я хотел бы пожать вам руку и сказать насколько мне жаль что я был таким идиотом и подозревал вас.
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You’re still shaking, Rick.
Тебя всё ещё трясёт, Рик.
I come in their room, and that girl is shaking her hand at the baby.
Я иду к ним в комнату, и эта девушка, оказывается, трясет ребенка за руку. Я говорю: «Жестокая!
— It’s hard and I’m shaking
— Меня всего трясет.
«On a train, the dead are more shaken than us.
«В поезде мертвецов трясет сильнее нас.
I’m not trembling, I’m shaking.
А я не дрожу, меня трясёт.
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— You’re shaking like a leaf.
— Ты дрожишь как лист.
You’re shaking like a hophead.
Ты дрожишь как военнопленный.
You’re shaking.
Да ты дрожишь!
Why, you’re shaking.
Ты дрожишь.
You’re shaking
Ты дрожишь.
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Your hand shakes like an old woman.
У тебя руки трясутся, как у старухи.
Your hands shaking?
Твои руки трясутся?
Your hands are shaking.
Но у тебя трясутся руки.
Your hands are shaking, as if you were stealing chickens.
— Руки у тебя трясутся, будто курей воровал.
I can see the British shaking now.
Я уже вижу, как трясутся англичане.
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-A milk shake?
— Молочный коктейль.
You had a milk shake.
Вы пили коктейль. Да, правильно.
Anybody want a milk shake?
Кто-нибудь хочет молочный коктейль?
Cognac. Cognac and cherry shake with a drop of vodka.
Коньяк и коктейль с каплей ликера
— Could I have a milk shake or something?
— Можно мне молочный коктейль, например?
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Shake it baby!
Потряси буферами!
— Shake your head.
— Потряси головой.
Shake it, don’t break it It took your mama nine months to make it
Потряси ею! Не разбей её! Твоей маме потребовалось 9 месяцев, чтобы создать их.
— Go ahead. Shake it.
— Не бойся, потряси.
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See, the whole thing just made me want to take her and shake her, too. You know what I mean?
Даже мне тoгда захoтелoсь схватить ее и хoрoшенькo встряхнуть.
The wormhole can shake you up, all right.
Червоточина вполне могла встряхнуть вас.
He’s only shaken up… maybe with some sweets and soda, he’ll be OK.
Его только встряхнуть… возможно помогут конфеты и газировка и он будет в порядке.
-You gotta shake it up.
— Надо встряхнуть.
Well, try shaking it.
Попробуй ее встряхнуть.
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No need for us to shake hands.
Нам незачем пожимать руки.
You’re not obligated to shake my hand, but I’ll extend it anyway.
Вы не обязаны пожимать мне руку. И всё же я вам её протяну.
Remind me not to shake your hand during the religious festival.
Да. Напомни мне не пожимать тебе руку во время религиозных праздников. Я в это не верю.
I don’t know whether to shake your hand, kiss it or bow or what.
Не знаю руки пожимать, целовать или кланяться.
He’ll shake everyone’s hand.
Он будет пожимать всем руки.
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Captain Pringle, my belief in the army has been shaken to the core.
Капитан Прингл, моя вера в армию потрясена до основания.
Recently, a large section of humanity was shaken to the core by the outbreak of an ideology Nazism, which brought a resurgence of torture and genocide from the distant past
За последнее время большая часть человечества была до глубины потрясена новой волной идеологии нацизма воскресившей пытки и геноцид далекого прошлого.
I was so shaken:
Я потрясена:
There’s something about a room, everything going dark, she was very shaken up.
Что-то о комнате, всё вдруг потемнело, она была очень потрясена.
She’s pretty shaken up, sir, but she’s planning to hold classes tomorrow in a cargo bay, if that’s OK.
Она потрясена, сэр, но она собирается продолжать уроки завтра на складе, если вы не против.
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Somebody wanted to shake Mulwray down.
Кто-то хотел стряхнуть Малврэя вниз.
That might shake us loose.
Это может стряхнуть песок.
Well, rumor has it that we might owe you for shaking those yellow monkeys out of the trees.
по слухам, это вам мы обязаны тем, что можем стряхнуть желтых обезьян с деревьев.
Nicky couldn’t even go for a ride without changing cars… at least six times before he could shake all his tails.
Он должен был менять машины. по крайней мере шесть раз прежде, чем он мог бы стряхнуть все его хвосты. Из-за самолетов, он должен использовать подземные гаражи.
I can’t shake them.
Я не могу их стряхнуть.
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” My hands shake
I shake my head, there can’t be anything else inside me now
John tries to shake it off
held his hand there for a moment and then with a shake of his head he turned his
As we walk through the entrance into the house – a pretty mansion originally built in the middle ages and rescued from dereliction early in the 20th century – he gives himself a little shake
I shake my head as he rushes into his study … oh Stephen, Stephen, you do wear your heart on your sleeve! Chuckling, I take myself out of earshot … it would be far too tempting to listen in and Stephen didn’t close the study door properly
He’s of the opinion that your Mother will never speak to him again, at least that is the impression he is giving me … though to be honest I could just shake him!’
They all shake hands
Although his first impulse was to go to Darklow and shake the small town criminal community into information about a beautiful 19 year old girl with a foreign accent who had been forced into the local sex trade, Melinda’s information somehow made him believe that he should stay on course, that all these things were related
terror coursing through his veins, he managed to shake his clothes out and dress,
I go in and shake hands with the man standing behind the desk while at the same time I am uncomfortably aware that he is scanning what I am wearing, leaving me with the disconcerting impression that he knows what colour my knickers are
He put his face into his hands and began to shake
One or two men shake their fists
He wanted to take the old woman and shake the truth from her
Every time it came round to my turn to shake and roll, with every attempt that I made to scale the ladders of hope by constructing impossible plans for my salvation, with every throw of the dice, I just slipped down another snake
I started to shake and tears broke through the dam of sullen resistance that I had built up during these last few days of torture
She introduced me to three plump and gauky guys as an author and an artist, then we did the round of the offices once again, I had to shake hands and smiles with all those astonished people, once again we arrested everybody’s attention
Through it all, through the jokes and the bonhomie, all boys together in the relief trench, I couldn’t shake a nagging sense of indignation
Just as I started to get the image into some sort of focus, at the critical moment when I started to remember details about the garden, their clothes and the house, right then the truck would bounce or shake over rough English roads, and these carefully assembled pieces of the picture puzzle would break and scatter
He has to literally shake his head out of the bewilderment when she laughs
I wanted to grab hold of Beniamin and shake some sort of sense back into him
Are you willing for the potential word that will shake and challenge your beliefs? Are you willing to possibly have to change?
shake in anticipation as the front gate clanged open
’ Gilla said giving a little shake
Maybe this was the way it would have to end up, Desa would shake him loose as a mother turns a grown son out into the world and Luray would be his first real relationship? Could he stand that? Did he have a choice? Should he discuss this with her?
Big John grabbed Daniel’s hand in a shake that united them as equals
You just can’t shake your complexes, can you?
(The JUDGE exits, ROBERT and ERICK shake hands, JOYCE remains in her chair with her head bowed low, KELLY and MARIA put their arms around SAMANTHA
shake the world with the howl
‘Have you eaten anything today?’ I shake my head
‘Did you doubt it?’ I asked stunned, sometimes his insecurities shake me
I shake my head, still taken aback
They decided on one last shake of the dice
He gives a little shake then carries on undressing,
Alastair rises to his feet to shake hands and admits that yes, he and Laura have met before
you can’t seem to shake
The boots started to tingle, shake and shudder so much that
This has set off a sequence of thoughts and she sits staring into space for a moment before giving herself a mental shake and apologising to me
twitching flesh and he started to shiver and shake and moan
They shake hands and mutter the usual inanities
He likes to jump on the comforter when I shake it out
rise up to shake hands with the sky, there was once a young boy
’ He said, holding out a hand to shake hands
And felt the thunder shake the house
He cocks an eyebrow at me but I shake my head
Billy has never quite been able to shake off the provincial history of the six counties
Off stage he has a drink with the owner and a couple of the owner’s friends and they shake on a return visit
The movement of air threw strands of hair across her face, making her shake her head like a pony with an overlong mane
’ She repeated, trying to shake his hand off without making it too obvious
Harry was actually compelled to shake a few gentlemen’s hands as they departed after dinner
Billy can’t shake the insane feeling that somewhere behind those eyes there is an answer
years, and never could shake the name
Maggie is the first to come to her senses, and although she is winded, she is able to shake off the intoxication of violence
He backtracked and loitered and did all the tricks used in cinema to shake a tail, but Yugor had stuck thru it til lunch time of Morningday
Harry reached for the widow’s hand and clasped it with a gentle shake, “Pleased, ma’am” he said
shake, then my bed, and then the entire room
The man in white held out his hand hoping to shake
I shake my head at the memory; get on with the ironing, Jo!
shake his prey, and a subtle but distinct change in manner
Roman tried to shake his head no, but it was useless
the ends of her fingernails—a nervous childhood habit she could never shake
with a smile and a quick shake of the head
All she could do, was shake her head yes then No then yes again
At first, he could only shake his head, and then the words came rolling off his lips
It was the man from the picture, and the pond, she grew so fearful, that she actually started to shake
13that it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of
Now that he had made the final break with the ship, was he about to make the final break with Desa? He began to shake with the very real possibility that his elders might know more than he thought and he might soon be chased out of town
He did though shake
mug in hand but set it aside to shake Roman’s hand
looked on with sullen faces of envy as they waited to shake our hands
didn’t you? Or was that a lie?’ A short shake of the head,
shake of the head
eloquent squint of her nose or shake of the head
Then there was an earthquake and the plateau began to shake
He wanted to reach out, grab her by the shoulders, and shake her, screaming, «Damn you leave
will move the earth and shake nations
He couldn’t shake free from her grip, her strength being fueled by the desperation in her eyes
Brice’s only response was to close his eyes and shake his head
with an emphatic shake of the head
shake me and I took it as casually as just another entry in the
I was terrified and hoped no one could see my hands shake
She tries to laugh it off with a wave and a head shake
Holds out a hand to shake with a smile
” As had long since become a reflex, she extended a hand for a firm, friendly shake
The male Breton could not shake the feeling that she faced the beast with a strange familiarity
Mercer joined her as the pair moved back and more inward, watching the dragon shake off the magic and glare down at them
Then, a dismissive head shake and a confident stride in the evening
While there was very brief hesitation, the blond took the dark-haired man’s hand in his own for a strong shake
But he would have to shake off those chills for now
Mercer’s cry of pain from the strike was enough to shake her loose and call upon her courage
Elenir chuckled, shut her mouth and tried to shake off her disbelief
But she could not shake the agitation that Carius’ words had evoked in her this night
Faced with the same antagonists of all of those years ago and yet, simultaneously having to shake their hands and curse them behind closed doors was a strange twilight reality
For the Nord could not shake a sense of responsibility, of culpability when it came to the Breton’s most current plight
Unlike Roscius he did not let it shake his body, instead standing still and appearing dispassionate
Wide-eyed, he could only moisten his dry lips and shake his head fearfully
Never could shake this tobacco habit, and I was paying for it, certain as the sun rises
I could see his shoulders shake from sobbing
Can we shake on it? I mean, can I have your word that my new hourly wage will begin at the beginning of next month?(Markus holds out his hand
Shaken, I stare at him for a moment
’ I said, shaken by the report on the radio
It is not often that I see Stephen shaken by a crime – he sees too much of that sort of thing – but this has hit him
‘A bit shaken but we had a reasonably friendly chat and she sounded a lot less anxious by the time we’d finished
I’d heard him coming but it was obvious that Liz hadn’t and she was shaken rigid … I saw his face when he spotted her though he covered it immediately … yes, it was the right thing to do, going and getting Liz
It is plain that this whole incident with the car has shaken Liz badly
together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
of the situation as they left for home with a still shaken
Gilla starts as though shaken by the reference to our relationship, but rushes off to do her bidding
‘I think Joris’ death has shaken him up both as a man and as a Gottesman
Talking to Rob has shaken me
She was a young girl of 14 summers, badly shaken by the loss of her entire family to a Scather raid
‘Well, I reckon she was pretty shaken by how much her dad had let the place go – not his fault, poor chap, his health had been terrible for some time and her mother was less than useless … an’ she was only a young woman
Visibly shaken, Matai backed up to the wall and pressed himself against it
heavens shall be shaken:
Several of the tenants extremely shaken by the event – as though screaming would help! Decided that strong measures required – announced a midnight feast, and hauled them all into the common room for tea and cake, babes and all
‘Well, the yobs tried to break in late at night and although the police arrived in time and carted them off, several of the tenants were pretty shaken by the event
The swiftness with which death could oust life had shaken him to the core
‘Why?’ Andy asked shaken by the sudden change of direction
Mrs Brown, looking pale and shaken, was sipping a glass of water, perched on a chair near the door as though getting as far away from the horror at the end of the corridor as she could
Ozzie’s reaction had shaken her
In the moment that his thumb depresses the switch and light blossoms in the kitchen Ted’s faith in boundaries is shaken to the core
For the first time, James Middlesex was shaken out of his poise
Though I’d been shaken by this conversation, I put it out of my head, determined to enjoy the rest of the day … I would think about the connotations later
The carriage occupants were too shaken to help themselves, so it fell to George and Jameson, Belle, Titania and Hipolyta to send for the doctor, rescue the driver and passengers from their now very crumpled carriage, extricate the horses from their harnesses, right the nearly overturned carriage, remove the damaged carriage and still unhurt horse to the livery and lead away the injured horse
Harold was thumped soundly upon his back and his hands were again shaken vigorously by both Harry and Mr
Alan was shaken by the whole incident
«Wait!» He called, too shaken by her abrupt departure to remember to take the truck out of gear before, reaching to pull her back in
The janitor was visibly shaken by the conversation at Carl’s and he
These things are so ingrained in us that they sometimes must be shaken and beaten out of us through unpleasant circumstances
When she said good night, having filled his water-jug and shaken up his straw for him, Toad was very much the same happy, self- satisfied animal that he had been of old
Everything will be shaken but that which is built on
«Holmes!» «Can’t you hear me, Holmes?» There was a rustling, as if he had shaken the sick man roughly by the shoulder
shaken in times of trouble, for their hope is in God alone, and
lead them into a relationship with God that will not be shaken
although clearly shaken by recent events
And one fine Sum day when all was humming with bees and sweet nectar the valley was shaken by a roaring that even made Granny look out of her kitchen window in suprise
«One I shouldn’t have played with,» she said, too shaken to guard her words
The other men had by now shaken the jelly from their hands and were earnestly looking for a door through which to escape
She was shaken after the loss sand
“Yes,” I said deeply shaken but presently relieved a little to find a
and I was shaken to my foundations
I am not shaken that easily, I must say, but this sound
would have shaken the stoutest of soldiers, who sit calmly on our
comforting fact was that I wasn’t the only one shaken; it had not
He’s shaken, nervous and confused
He picked up her clothes and put them next to her on the couch, visibly shaken by this unexpected turn of events
The stunned young Nord just continued to stand by watching as his shaken commander unfolded the parchment and began to read the note
Penelope had shaken the Altmer woman’s hand most languidly, which of course Elenwen answered with a hollow, “Poor thing, I cannot even imagine your heartache, gods be with you”
Whatever his friend had seen had shaken her, evident in her voice and her bruised frame
He desires nothing else, and cannot be shaken by the heaviest burden of sorrow
Though she was visibly shaken, she turned to offer the Nord as confident of a smile as she could muster
Marla had just shaken him off as though he were an annoying puppy
There was almost a deadness to his countenance that had shaken the Nord slightly
Victor a little shaken, not with the tele-port,
shaken but not stirred as their faces were
He was too shaken up
After what had happened they were all a little shaken up and carrying Lucy and her rucksack for any distance was not really viable so he could only think of one thing to do
The balance of the entire realm would be shaken by a war such as this
Chris slowly got to his feet, shaken by what had happened
But that immense and well-built fabric, which all the wisdom and virtue of man could never have shaken, much less have overturned, was, by the natural course of things, first weakened, and afterwards in part destroyed; and is now likely, in the course of a few centuries more, perhaps, to crumble into ruins altogether
shaken otters held paws above the bridge of his
shaken by the absence of Rex on the plane
Grant was shaken, his face torn with grief
Lee was visibly shaken and
I am weary and shaken from last night’s ordeal, and the music is soothing
Was it fear or the heady feeling of his strong arms that left her shaken?
He saw the pain in her eyes and knew that he had shaken up bad memories for her
“If he hadn’t been shaken in the beginning, do you think he would have won?”
The day before, they would have declared that no power on earth could prevail against the gods of Ashanti; but when they saw Prempeh, the natural head of fetish, forced to humble himself and afterwards be taken prisoner, when the sacred houses and blood-washed trees, the very abode of the spirits, were destroyed by the white man’s powder, and still the gods availed them nothing, their faith was shaken
While in Kumassi the number of sick swelled to rather an alarming extent, and the Medical Officers anxiously looked forward to the day the mud of Ashanti should be shaken off
Visibly shaken at the obvious disobedience of his Captain and shook as if having a fit
It had shaken her to the core and she grasped at once the fact, that even though she could prove that she hadn’t been aware of the illegalities, it wouldn’t save her career if the truth ever got out
The configuration of the ground seldom admits guns remaining far in rear of the advance, but there is no justifiable hope in advancing strong masses of troops against an entrenched position without preparatory artillery action, and no assault should be ordered until the artillery duel has silenced the enemy’s guns and shaken the defending forces
temper snapped, had shaken the twins, raged at the housemaid, and had
Being physically separated from Dawn this way had shaken Alex from his self-cantered behaviour, made him realise that he had to change, make up for the loneliness he’d caused his daughter
Wings and paws were shaken
, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken
There appears to be among Men of Science a Will towards God but nothing approximating the traditional Godlike Qualities that typify the faith of true believers but rather the assumption of godlike features originating from Reason‘s assault on Faith, that, having shaken its resistance, seeks to discredit the conventional propositions of Eternal Wisdom
I am shaken and in truth sick of this
Coffee and tea with sandwiches filled the hollow in our stomachs since the truck ride had shaken out anything that had been in there
Yet the prophets of The Lord shall stand fast, they can not be shaken
It was the first time Brokin had killed a fellow badger, and loath though he was to admit it, the experience had left him shaken
Being treated so roughly by the guards had left him shaken
«What?» Rooten mumbled, still shaken by the smell of blood that hovered over Thesa
Thomas’s normal self-confidence was more than a little shaken
Sitting on what was left of the roof, I clutched a very shaken and very naked Miss Pinchard to my chest, conscious of the fact that we were being closely ogled by members of a religious sect, who from the looks on their faces obviously thought I was the devil incarnate
Too open in some ways, because what Marcia had shared had shaken Karla to her very core — leaving her cold and numb
Beth stood stock still, shaken by the intensity of her fury, watching in mute fascination as the can slammed to the counter top
“She was badly shaken,” an officer testified, “from the brutal treatment received at the hands of her husband
I did not want to give the shaken woman a chance to get her brain into gear – old cop trick
He may not have approved of or even liked Enrique Segovia, but his grizzly murder had shaken him deeply nevertheless
“What happened to the plan of cutting down the big ones first?” I asked him and saw he was a bit shaken, not the bad motherfucker he was supposed to be
He looked visibly shaken, and some of his skin seemed singed as well; his great, dragon-like wings had been reduced to skinned bones and straps of leather
A totally unexpected turn of events! Edgar was shaken: he had to step out of the room for a minute to get back into the role of ‘tough interrogation officer’, and think
They dropped into the water from all about her like apples from a shaken tree
He shakes his head, pulls into a parking lot next to a hospital compound
John shakes his head
They watch him leave, then Zitteraal shakes his head, turns to John
He shakes his head in confusion, slowly closes the door
He shakes his head, gets back into the car
John raises an eyebrow, shakes his head, looks at his watch
John raises one hand, shakes his head in shock and
Baker shakes his head
John shakes his head and Baker leaves
John just shakes his head slowly, clearly disturbed with things
Enoch shakes his head sadly
Weakly, John shakes his head from side to side, begins to cry
She shakes her head
She shakes her head sadly, pushes away
He comes over and shakes hands with John
He shakes his head, passes the bottle back to John
He shakes his head
John shakes his head, grins
John shakes his head, walks out the door, living Rosita stroking Dave’ cheek
(grins, shakes his head)
Russ digs out a chaw of Redman, offers it to John, who shakes his head
Ricci shakes his head, holds up his hands to calm Ahmed
Workman 2 shakes his head
Workman 1 shakes his head
He pushes himself up sits, shakes his head groggily and looks about, reads the placard — next to him — that knocked him cold: «Islam is the Final Solution: For More Information, Contact Shaheet Islamic Center 325567
Bolt shakes his head, grins stupidly
Russ laughs, shakes his head
Russ shakes his head, glances over at Abdullah, who is cleaning his ear with the barrel of his pistol
‘Yes … I mean, who would want to …’ she stops and shakes her head
Ahmed yawns shakes his head, unconvinced but faltering
The customs official looks at Russ askance, shakes his head, begins to stamp the passports
The plane bounces and shakes through some bad turbulence as Russ snores while holding a drink in one hand
He shakes his head in frustration, sighs, takes a deep breath
The soldier shakes his head, points at his ear to show he doesn’t understand
Bolt shakes his head
Hamo points at a car in front of his, shakes his head in disgust
She smirks, shakes her head
Her artificial limbs would still work and the palsic shakes that came on would go away once she adjusted to them, but she wouldn’t have the same fine control as before, not until the damaged interfaces were replaced back at Sagan
It shakes the house and rattles the pictures on the walls
He clicks his tongue against his teeth and shakes his head
The hopelessness of our love has been a fact of life for so long that the possibility that it might not be as impossible as I thought shakes me to the core
He shakes his head and starts re-applying himself to his maths
it’s not quite six weeks … that shakes me – six weeks?
‘Isn’t there anything that you’re sentimentally attached to, Abi? Something which you had as a small child?’ I asked, concerned that the child was being too pragmatic, but she shakes her head
He rises and shakes hands with them
Sticking her head over the banister, she shakes her head and tells me that they are all in North Wales
He pauses then suddenly shakes his head and grins at me in the mirror
Simon holds his hands up and shakes his head, ‘Not my scene, Alastair!’ he chuckles as I mouth the word ‘coward’ at him
“And he shakes all the time,” Cathy said, holding Twiggs
He laughs and shakes his head at me
Helen shakes her head
Bex shakes her head
Jim puts his hands on Leona’s shoulders and shakes her roughly, trying to get a response, trying to jiggle the batteries and switch the current back on
He steadies himself with the arm of the chair and shakes his head a couple of times
Sergeant Miller shakes his head
Billy shakes his head
Alex holds up a hand and shakes his head
Ken looks over at Ted and shakes his head
Bex whispers once but Carol shakes her head and leans forward
Have you asked Mum yet?’ Abi shakes her head – what are they up to?
It’s terrific seeing Sally on her feet again … shakes me a bit … have to fight back the tears seeing her truly herself again … what an emotional roller coaster of a week!
literally going through the shakes
10Before them the earth shakes, the heavens tremble, the sun and
looks sad and shakes his head
«I’m sorry but time is of the essence so there is no time for you to go thru the shakes right now,» it said as it mainlined her with that needle
*This is NOT to say that you should eat as many burgers, fries and milk shakes as you
He shakes his head as he dials his cell phone
Mark winces, shakes his head
She shakes her head with a laughing sigh
She shakes her head with a shrug
She indicates the monitor as she shakes her head
Patrice shakes her head, this time in denial
Patrice shakes her head then turns to go
Jayson glares, shakes his head in disgust then looks out his windows
Patrice shakes her head, waving it off
Patrice laughs and shakes her hand
Mark shakes his head
She steps back as she shakes her head
“Is it a zombie?” he says, shaking
” Sam went to shower whilst Tatania arose from the massage table with some relief, shaking her head
Who on earth enjoyed that? Her legs shaking from the unexpected stress, she made her way to her dressing room at the far end of the opulent suite
Well? Well what? What was Henry doing here again? He looked down at his hand and saw the sales report clutched in a shaking, life threatening grip
He’s always up at weird hours, shaking the web
amazingly my hand is not shaking
He was trying to project an aura of mild disappointment, like he was strong enough to take this, but Ava could see each piece of paper shaking as he put it back in its folder
’ I said, raising a shaking finger and pointing
Violet tried clicking and shaking the reins
And then she started shaking all over
After shaking off the cobwebs in her head, Dizzie realizes she had the most fucked up dream in the history of dreams
‘Dreadfully!’ she agreed, shaking her head and pursing her lips
a weak and thin smile, turned on his heels and walked back towards the bar shaking
Annoyingly, my hand is shaking … that was unexpected to say the least
shaking his head as he said, “See what I mean
He was shaking
He panted hard, still mired in the primeval floor, but managed to steel his shaking
Russ smiles at Khalid, who is still shaking from the experience
My breath was shaking
She was shaking, Mum
earth, shaking the foundations of the world to rubble, and finally, in the heart of
I summoned a little of the anger in my blood, using the adrenalin as an antidote to the pain, and held out a shaking hand
I caressed each object, staring at it, turning it over and over in my shaking hands, discovering the simple joy of some bright plastic birthday nothing as if for the very first time
Jordo was the last to get there and when he did, Paladin, Dirty, Holdout and Gush stood in front of the window next to the airlock, shaking their heads
’ He said, standing and shaking my hand
Then he turned towards the door, shaking his head
We turned over completely, then surfed down it on the hull, then over again and this time it held us down for a long time, shaking us underwater
When you are shaking from a deep-‐seated fear that grips
A flood of marine shapes colonised the roaring seas, monsters roamed the earth, shaking the foundations of the world to rubble, and finally, in the heart of blackness that was a shallow echo of Smith’s loneliness, there was a dream of companionship
shaking the dead heat
His shaking hand fumbled through the shrieks
Shaking with every flak burst, grinding out every second,
The woman was shaking her head yes and pointing up
Let’s go around him,” she said shaking her head
She joined him shaking her head and laughing
» Desa tried to sound calm but her shaking voice failed
She was shaking her head, “you… you don’t understand Daniel,” she said softly and turned to leave
“It’s no use…” shaking her head she took a step back and turned and darted down the hall, he heard her running down the stairs and then the back door slammed
It took another claw at the spot where they’d climbed into the tree, then began rumbling off after the herd again, brushing against the trunk of the frond Alan was in and shaking it enough to almost knock him out of it
Joris throws more and more absurd imprecations at his friend’s back, making me giggle even more — the only suggestion that Berndt can hear any of this being the occasional shaking of his shoulders as he fails to suppress his laughter at the ridiculous things being said
Desa stopped shaking and finally let go of him
The dirt all around him was shaking, and a whirlwind suddenly started above his head
SAMANTHA: (shaking her head) No, no, no
’ He said warmly, holding out his hand and shaking us all by the hand as Berndt introduces us
Sally smiled at Kate and bid her a silent ‘thank-you’ shaking her head
’ He said, shaking his waterproofs and dumping them in the corner of the room
I was shaking with fear at first and angry because Uncle just stood laughing while Auntie showered me in kisses and shouted at him for failing to protect me
After shaking hands and getting permission to leave my stuff in the bar, I moved off round the bay towards the distant beach
’ He said, shaking his head ruefully
” Andrew’s eyes were wide and Daniel could see that he was shaking with excitement
’ He reminded me, shaking his head at my – to him – stupid comment
I turned and stood with my back to her, unable to look at her, shaking and staring through the window, seeing nothing
My aunt bore it all as best she could but in the moment she dropped some soil onto the lid, she sank to her knees beside the shallow grave and buried her face in her hands, trembling and shaking, overwhelmed with grief
‘ She huffed again, knitted her heavy black eyebrows and stared at me, shaking her head in despair
” He was shaking his head
’ I replied, shaking my mantel and hanging it on a nail I’ve found on the wall
The school psychiatrist was insane, kept shaking his head in despair and telling me I was mad until he told me once too often
‘Come on, lad, let’s walk before I burst,’ she was shaking with laughter
I was shaking
My neighbour nudged me, shaking his head, me thinking he meant it embarrassed him to sing in public
Almost a minute went by before someone sniggered, then someone else and it became contagious until, just like in school, the giggling grew to laughter until they were shaking their heads in uncontrollable mirth and wiping their eyes on chaotic squares of cotton
I pictured food in the pot and someone, perhaps the cook from his ship, wiping down the wooden table then shaking out the cloth through the window — not realising he was scattering seeds
There was a lot of muttering but more nodding than shaking of heads by the time that was presented
She was shaking violently, back and forth, back and forth
Duncan was shaking his head back and forth, “God help us all
Shaking his head in denial he asked, “So she’s nothing more than a weapon of the Scathers; a weapon that will activate when the signal is given
I find to my horror that my hands are shaking
Shaking hands all round, with a special word for Abi, he leaves us and goes back to his party on the other side of the room
The small baby lay there, shaking in fear, moaning in pain, staring up at Myra with wide violet eyes
It was shivering from the cold and shaking all over so she began rubbing its small body rigorously to get its circulation going
Taken aback, Tarak looked at Rayne shaking his head back and forth, “Life with you is going to be very interesting my mate, very interesting indeed
Everyone was laughing heartily except Patass who was shaking his finger at her
” With that she rode off, leaving her mate grinning and shaking his head
Yellelle was shaking her head
First Kai was heard laughing and shaking his head as he headed out the door
I’ve tried all sorts of tactics … turning it inside out and grabbing hold of the corners of the duvet through the cover and trying to get the wretched thing to turn itself back the right way; winding the cover back over my arms and then grabbing the duvet and shaking hard … nothing seems to work
shaking from that moment and his charming,
’ I said, shaking hands with her
I was moving toward her and Cordra’s strained face was shaking
taught, sir,” he said, shaking hands
Shaking his hand, and confirming that he is correct, I take a seat at the table and put my pad on the table
He is shaking
Granny paused again, shaking her head slowly
The club is just waking up and shaking off the lethargy of the sleeping day
Petr was shaking badly, and as weak as a new-
The young Initiate was shaking
down to the ground where he lay shaking
By the time she reached the barracks, she was shaking – part from reaction and part from cold
was shaking all over, his strength almost gone
a scrunched nose while shaking his head and
His hand is shaking
The doctor gives Jock a foul look but out of the corner of his eye he sees Helen shaking her head
Tom and the others joined in the general shaking of heads at this
The shaking starts
“No worries my friend,” Carl responded, shaking his head and smiling at
probably because Brunno preferred shaking his head repeatedly instead of
He looked around at the cluster of Guardians, who were shaking their
Briz smiled, shaking his head
then looked at Johnny who was shaking his head like a disappointed parent
“I’m sorry,” she said shaking her head
earth being blessed, with salvation, God did shook the
Schulz shook his head
They shook at their perch and it wobbled loose
Tobias shook his head
Underling shook his head as he looked at what Henry would have to search through
” He shook his head and kicked the ground
Ackers shook his head
Brandon shook them off and sprinted to the auto shop
Ackers shook his head as he switched off his database and computer, “If Agent Seventy-Seven has nothing to add to this mission except herself, then perhaps we don’t need any more of her help
The Lord just shook his head and said, «What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter?»
Johnny shook his head and followed after her
Big Petey quickly shook his head, and then realized there was no point in hiding it
“You haven’t even been alive for forty years,” Vinnie retorted as he shook his head in frustration
After a couple of weeks he got over it and we settled down again, though he wasn’t interested in sex … I tried to seduce him a couple of times, but he just shook me off … not nastily or anything, just indifferent
Johnny shook himself out of his thoughts to see that Ms
The rifle never shook
How excitin’!» She shook both fists in the air
Her arms were folded as she still lingered at the table, she frowned and slowly shook her soft blond curls, «And I don’t think those ghosts can help you
The Lord just shook his head and said, «What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter!»
whispered and shook their heads
simply shook his head
smiling at me, and then he shook his head
Travis shook his head, rubbed his eyes
«I was only 21 when they promoted me to regional manager, do you know what that’s like?» I shook my head
I shook my head
shook it off and came back into the town where he was stoned and pro-
Theo’s gun shook in his hand
He gagged, then shook his head
Scientists nodded, theologians shook their heads
Wambach’s nostrils flared as he shook his head
Tig shook his head 2 degrees in either direction
Then that sound, that inescapable sound in his head got louder until it shook what little he could still see into a blur
He thought for a moment and then shook his head
» She shook her head and exhaled
My hands shook as I pulled the trainers on
I cowered and shook
To my utter surprise and absolute delight, Menachem simply took my outstretched hand in his, shook it vigorously and said in a strong and jovial voice, “Marwan
Steven collected the breakfast trays, winked at us and shook his head
It was Yankee Swamp Fever and Waldeis had transmitted it when they shook hands when they were both scratched from hunting in the brush
The accountant shrugged his shoulders, took a packet of low tar cigarettes from his jacket pocket and offered one to his companion, who shook his head
They hung together in their pleasure a little longer, then he got out, shook a little water off, put his clout back on, and strolled aft
shook Nihar and Dolly from their slumber to step out of
He motioned with the coffee pot asking if she wanted some, she shook her head no
He took it in his and they shook on it
backs and shook hands
The whole house shook, several pictures fell off the walls, and she froze in mid step
“Nice to see that you’re still with us Daniel,” they shook hands, and he tipped his cap to Kate
” She held her at arms length and shook her shoulders, “you know he is the one! And I know for sure that he’s mad for you! But I haven’t said a thing, not a word came from my lips!” She was smiling at her
They all came up and wished them well, shook hands with Daniel, and kissed Kate on the cheek
He picked it up and there was a slight electric shock and his body shook uncontrollably
The big one raised and shook it’s plume, clacking it’s pincers as high as their faces
From the very beginning when you first found me and we bonded, did not a great love developed between us? Kate shook her head in ascent
Looking at him with pure lust, she shook her hair free, and she began to undress all the while prancing towards him
I paid my fare, we shook hands and with a toot of his horn, he pulled away and melted into the traffic heading for Athens
There was a mighty roar from all the dragons, and the earth shook
There was one incident that really shook me
They all shook their heads in agreement
“Are you sure Andrew?” He shook his head yes; his eyes were huge as he look up at her
All of their heads shook no in answer to her question
Captain Dimitri shook my hand as I thanked him for the safe crossing of the Styx
I began to tell her about Yiannis the taxi driver, Kostas at the hotel, my swim and my singing on the ferry and although she nodded and shook her head at all the appropriate moments, I could tell her mind was elsewhere
Godfrey, welcome,’ her voice shook a little
Ichor roared the Dragon Chant of Approval so loud that the mountain shook
So with the sea below us and the sky above us, and really nothing left to worry about, I looked at this man and he looked at me and we shook hands
John shook his head, Lets just see what pans out, ok Jake? As to the enhancement, hell yes! Who knows, maybe all that info will help
” She shook her head no and moaned again
Both Michael and Steve shook their heads
Mikri followed from a distance, sometimes catching up but when I reached the end of the lane, he stopped, watched me for a little, shook a paw, then turned and plodded back to the house
Old Zacharias looked on, helpless and shook his head, glaring at the men
Turning to the window, I gazed past my reflection into the darkness and shook my head in happy disbelief
” He looked from Kate to Daniel and shook his head from side to side
” They shook hands
He slowly moved his hand to the hilt of his blade; Daniel reached for his arm and shook his head
Uttah just shook her head, ‘He tells such lies
” She held out her hand and he shook it smiling back at her, “Welcome to Dragons Hill stranger,” she said sweetly, staring at the handsome stranger and blushing
We shook hands, waved to each other and then I ran to catch up with my chauffeur
And burials have been found also,’ he shook his head and gave a long and tender sigh
The old man sucked in his cheeks and shook his head
He shook his head then made all the breakfast decisions for me
The boys shook their heads
I shook my head and outlined
The old Lotto man wandered among the passengers and as he passed, he interrupted his chanting and shook his head in despair
Omi shook his head
” Tarak shook his head back and forth, “You see they took out their anger on the world that had helped us
But it shook me how angry I got
” He shook his head up and down
idea what this might be about, and she shook her
” Alexei shook his head back and forth, “Well, in any case please, please continue with what you were saying
His whole body shook with the reaction to that yank
The officer shook his head, so did the woman
‘We saved him, Ish we saved him,’ I said as I shook Ish’s shoulders from
Govind shook his head
‘I agree,’ I said and we shook hands
There was a discussion of Ava and the three women looked at her wide eyed and shook their heads
She shook her head and leaned in close to him
Ava pointed at herself and shook her head
“Alexei,” Duncan smiled as they shook hands, “I understand from Naria that you have quite a story to tell
I went to the bed and shook the sheets and comforter and suddenly the monster leapt on the bed and growled
Gripping both of Altera’s shoulders Naria shook her gently and continued,
дрожание, сотрясение, встряска, дрожь, трястись, трясти, поколебать, дрожать
существительное ↓
- встряска
to give smth. a shake — встряхнуть что-л.
to give an appletree a shake — потрясти яблоню
a shake of the hand(s) — рукопожатие
to give smb.’s hand a shake — пожать кому-л. руку
by /with/ a shake of one’s /of the/ head — покачав головой
the dog gave itself a shake — собака встряхнулась
- толчок; удар
to give a shake — толкнуть, нанести удар
to be destroyed by the shake (of an earthquake) — разрушиться при землетрясении
- дрожание, тряска; вибрация
the shake of a ship in a storm — вибрация корабля в бурю
- дрожь
to show no shake of fear — не выдать дрожью свой страх
all of a shake — весь дрожа
- лихорадка, озноб
he is having a fit of the shakes — его трясёт лихорадка
ещё 10 вариантов
глагол ↓
- трясти, встряхивать; сотрясать
- дрожать; трястись; сотрясаться
- пожимать (руку)
to shake hands (with smb.), to shake smb.’s hand, to shake smb. by the hand — пожать кому-л. руку, обменяться с кем-л. рукопожатием
- качать
to shake one’s head — покачать головой (в знак сомнения, укоризны и т. п.)
he shook his head in answer to my question — в ответ на мой вопрос он покачал головой
she only shook her head at /over/ my behaviour — она только (укоризненно) (по)качала головой, узнав о моём поведении
to shake one’s finger [one’s fist] at smb. — грозить кому-л. пальцем [кулаком]
the wind shook the trees — ветер раскачивал деревья
- качаться
to shake in the wind — качаться /раскачиваться/ на ветру
the vase on the mantelpiece shook perilously — ваза на камине закачалась и чуть не упала
ещё 7 вариантов
Мои примеры
shake the salt out of the salt shaker — вытряхивать соль из солонки
She gave her skirt a vigorous shake. — Она энергично встряхнула юбку.
to shake out a casting — выбивать отливку
to shake one’s fist — трясти кулаком, грозить
to shake hands with smb. — здороваться с кем-л. за руку
to shake the pagoda tree — быстро разбогатеть
to cast off / fling off / shake off (all) restraint — отбросить всю сдержанность
to shake with cold — дрожать от холода
to give smth. a good shake — хорошенько встряхнуть что-л.
to give a shake to memory — покопаться в памяти, вспомнить
to shake off a bad habit — избавиться от дурной привычки
shake like a leaf — дрожать как осиновый лист; дрожит как осиновый лист
Примеры с переводом
C’mon, shake a leg!
Давай, шевелись!
She shook him to wake him up.
Она потрясла его, чтобы разбудить.
Shake up the medicine before drinking it.
Встряхните лекарство перед употреблением.
The whole house started to shake.
Весь дом начало трясти.
He shook his black chevelure.
Он тряхнул своей чёрной шевелюрой.
We could feel the earth shake.
Мы чувствовали, как дрожит земля.
We felt the ship shake and reel.
Мы почувствовали, как корабль затрясся и задрожал.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
He was shaken from his dreams
…the town’s dowagers frequently shake their heads over the younger generation…
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Фразовые глаголы
shake down — утрясать, утрясаться, трясти, постилать, сжиться, стрясать
shake off — сбагрить, стряхивать, отряхивать, избавляться
shake out — вытрясти, вытряхивать, вытрясать, выметаться, развертывать
shake up — взбалтывать, взбить, взболтать, расшевелить, взбивать, перетряхивать, взбудоражить
Возможные однокоренные слова
shaken — дрожащий, качающийся
shaker — шейкер, шекер, вибрационный грохот
shaky — шаткий, дрожащий, сомнительный, трясущийся, нетвердый, тряский, ненадежный
shakes — озноб, лихорадка, страх
shaking — сотрясение, покачивание, лихорадка, качающийся, дрожательный
shakable — поддающийся убеждению, уговорам, поддающийся уговорам
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: shake
he/she/it: shakes
ing ф. (present participle): shaking
2-я ф. (past tense): shook
3-я ф. (past participle): shaken
ед. ч.(singular): shake
мн. ч.(plural): shakes
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Shake a hand and ask a simple question.
Просто пожмите руку и задайте какой-нибудь один короткий вопрос.
Shake them gently to remove most of the water.
После чего хорошо встряхнуть щетку, для удаления большей части воды.
Shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds and strain into a martini glass.
Встряхнуть в течение 15-20 секунд и перелить в бокал для мартини.
Shake the tree and you will find a small red seeds.
Потряси дерево и ты найдешь маленькие красные зернышки.
Shake the bottle to mix the content evenly.
Встряхните бутылку, чтобы равномерно распределить содержимое.
Shake the solution and rinse the plastic containers again.
Встряхните раствор и снова промойте пластиковые контейнеры.
Shake your hand to make the wings move.
Встряхните вашей рукой, чтобы крылья начали двигаться.
Shake down your narks, talk to the street.
Встряхните своих доносчиков, пообщайтесь с обитателями улиц.
Shake all ingredients and strain in rocks glass over ice.
Взбейте все ингреденты в шейкере и процедите в бокал рокс поверх льда.
Shake vigorously and strain in cocktail glass.
Интенсивно взбейте в шейкере и процедите в коктейльный бокал.
Shake the shoulders back and forth.
А теперь — все вместе трясём плечами вперёд и назад.
Shake well, then sleep with.
Shake well before using because oil and vinegar don’t mix.
Вы должны встряхнуть смесь перед использованием, так как вода и масло не смешиваются.
Shake the bottle every week or two.
Shake oral suspension well before using.
Примечание: хорошо встряхните пероральную суспензию перед использованием.
Life without B is new ground, said Shake.
Жизнь без «Б» — это новая почва», — рассказала Шейк.
Shake them and tell them to do it.
Подбодрите их и скажите, что они могут это сделать.
Shake hand whenever you meet someone.
Shake them off and be you.
Так что отбрось их в сторону, будьте собой.
Shake every day for at least 1-2 weeks.
Растирать суставы по 2 раза в сутки на протяжении как минимум 1-2 недель.
Предложения, которые содержат Shake
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