Sentences with the word sell

Synonym: market, peddle, vend. Antonym: buy. Similar words: seller, sell off, sell out, self-, itself, cell, tell, bell. Meaning: [sel]  n. the activity of persuading someone to buy. v. 1. exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent 2. be sold at a certain price or in a certain way 3. do business; offer for sale as for one’s livelihood 4. persuade somebody to accept something 5. give up for a price or reward 6. deliver to an enemy by treachery 7. be approved of or gain acceptance 8. be responsible for the sale of. 

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1. You have no goats, and yet you sell kids. 

2. Catch the bear before you sell his skin. 

3. You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk. 

4. Cry up wine and sell vinegar. 

5. Sell the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear. 

6. If you sell the cow,[Sentence dictionary] you sell her milk too. 

7. Do not sell the bear’s skin before you have caught the bear. 

8. It’s no sin to sell dear, but a sin to give ill measure. 

9. Can you catalogue the VCD sets you sell?

10. They sell screws and nails by volume.

11. They sell all kinds of things.

12. This shop is licensed to sell tobacco.

13. Can you sell the chief on your plan?

14. The restaurant applied for a licence to sell wine.

15. We sell quality tools at the right price.

16. This yogurt is past its sell — by date.

17. Grocery stores sell many foods that have been processed.

18. Ready meals sell well because of their convenience.

19. It is illegal to sell alcohol to children.

20. I think more customers probably prefer a soft sell.

21. Advertisement helps us to sell goods.

22. The club were forced to sell their star player.

23. We sell all shapes and sizes of teddy bear.

24. ‘Are you going to sell your house?’ ‘Maybe.’

25. He was forced to sell off his land.

26. We sell a wide range of ales and stouts.

27. The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell.

28. They are still trying to sell their house.

29. Can she be persuaded to sell ?

30. We sell pots, gloves[], seeds and other gardening paraphernalia.

More similar words: seller, sell off, sell out, self-, itself, cell, tell, bell, yell, well, shell, himself, select, vessel, hello, spell, swell, by itself, closely, of itself, in itself, tell on, yellow, as well, by yourself, selected, by himself, dwell on, well known, well-known. 

sell — перевод на русский


Is the building owner okay with the idea of selling it?

Хозяин здания согласен его продать?

Anyway, they are things you can’t eat or sell.

Всё равно его нельзя есть и невозможно продать.

I will manage to sell them back.

Я постараюсь продать побыстрее.

Lord Choi’s soldiers? Because I couldn’t give Lord Choi’s farm rent in time, He took my one and only son to be sold as a slave.

Солдаты Господина Чхве? чтобы продать в рабство.

Gudule had resigned herself to sell her necklace, when…

Гуду уже примирилась с мыслью, что цепочку придется продать, когда…

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— And sell tickets.

— И продавать билеты.

I’d never tell you to sell those.

Я никогда не просил их продавать.

Ask them why they put me out of business, why we have to sell everything you brought here as a bride.

Спросите их, почему я разорился почему вынужден продавать твоё приданое.

We shouldn’t have sold it for 80 yen.

Мы не должны были продавать её за 80.

Are you the one who is advising Ms. Carter not to sell her castle? Oh, no.

Это вы советовали мисс Картер не продавать замок?

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Sold for $600.

— 600 долларов. Продано за 600 долларов.

Sold for $100.

Продано за 100 долларов… — 200.

Sold to this gentleman…

Продано этому джентльмену… — 600.

Sold to Hiawatha for $800.

Продано этому Гайавате за 800 долларов.

What am I offered for lot number 24? Fifty dollars. Sold for $ 50…

Продано за… 200!

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It’s from the Ziegler Music Corporation, Songs that Sell.

ќно из Ziegler Music Corporation, ѕесни на продажу.

I want you to know I don’t approve of their selling that clay thing.

‘очу, чтобы вы знали: € не одобр€ю продажу этих глин€ных голов.

We bought 145 boxes, and that’s what we’re selling.

Мы купили 145 ящиков и ровно столько выставляем на продажу.

I got something to sell.

У меня есть кое-что на продажу.

I’ve got something to sell, cheap.

У меня есть кое-что на продажу.

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If I don’t sell to him, I can’t continue in business.

Если я не буду торговать с ним, я сам буду вынужден закрыться.

You really can’t stand there selling things that don’t belong to you.

Как вам не стыдно торговать чужими вещами?

Then I noticed he was lame. I felt sorry for him. So I gave a job selling papers.

Я заметил, что он увечный, и сжалился над ним — взял к себе торговать газетами.

Tokuemon says he’s the new mayor, and he even started selling silk.

Ведёт себя так, как будто он уже главный. Даже шёлком торговать начал.

— You’re not allowed to sell here.

Проваливай! Здесь нельзя торговать! Уезжай от сюда!

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Once, twice, and sold to that very distinguished gentleman.

Раз, два, и продается, этому очень уважаемому джентльмену.

But whether they sell or not… you owe Dizar and Son $12,000 that must be paid.

Но вне зависимости от того, продаётся или нет… Вы задолжали «Дизару и сыну» $ 12 000, которые нужно уплатить

He said that if he doesn’t sell a little…

Он сказал, что ничего не продаётся…

They’re selling at $1,200.

Продаётся за 1200?

I’ll show you what sells well!

Я покажу Вам, что хорошо продаётся!

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When I refused, you said something about a letter belonging to my wife. As far as I could make out, you tried to sell it to me.

Вы сообщили, что у вас письмо, принадлежащее моей жене, и предложили мне купить его у вас.

I would buy this one if you agree to sell.

Эту, если вы нам уступите, я могу купить.

Do you want to sell? That’s something to look into. We’ll have to talk about it.

На острове семь или восемь человек, которые могут купить, надо известить их.

My father sold his jacket to buy it.

чтобы купить ее.

Do you think everything’s bought and sold?

Думаешь, всё можно купить за деньги?

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— Polish priest revealed under torture, he’s sold out.

— Ксёндз под пыткой показал, что он продался.

Because you were an idealist, Charlie, and you sold out.

Потому что ты очень идеалистичен, Чарли, и ты продался.

He sold out to the Klingons because of jealousy?

И продался клингонам из-за ревности?

The General Staff! Sold out to democracy! Caution!

Генеральный штаб продался демократам.

I ain’t the one that sold out, you are!

Это не я продался, ниггер, а ты!

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It looks so crazy and frowzy and dirty, just like that old woman who used to limp along the quay in paris selling fish. My poor, dead, darling baby.

это выглядит так безумно и затхло и грязно, точно так же как та старуха которая хромала на причале в Париже продающая рыбу моя бедная, мертвая дорогая девочка.

A mother who sold her daughter to a brothel may not pass judgement on anybody

Мать, продающая свою дочь в публичный дом не может никого осуждать.

And the people, well, maybe they dress a little differently… or talk a little differently here… but underneath they’re the same as your next-door neighbor, and you probably know them all— the cop on the beat, the kid selling papers… shopkeepers, lawyers, good people, bad people.

» люди, ну, возможно, они одеваютс€ немного по-другому, или как-то иначе разговаривают, но, на самом деле, они такие же, как ваши соседи и вы, веро€тно, знаете их всех: полицейского на посту, ребЄнка, продающего газеты, владельцев магазинов, адвокатов, хороших людей, плохих людей.

This is about a father selling his daughter, like a horse.

Речь идет об отце, продающем свою дочь, как лошадь.

A lot of idiots you are selling your birthright for a saucer of cold porridge.

Сборище отпетых идиотов, вот вы кто… продающих первородство за жалкую миску холодной похлёбки…

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Sold things, chopped cotton.

Вещи распродали.

You said you’d pay me in full when things got better… but instead you sold out.

Вы обещали все выплатить, как только дела наладятся но вместо этого вы всё распродали.

They had to sell everything or almost… they kept a cottage and a farm.

— Они распродали всё или почти всё… оставили только коттедж и ферму.

This is equivalent to selling our country.

Все равно что распродать страну.

They’ve come to sell out whatever’s left.

Они пришли, чтобы распродать то, что осталось.

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Sell can refer to:
A verb relating to sales
Sell, West Virginia, an unincorporated community in Preston County, West Virginia
Sell (professional wrestling), a wrestling term
SELL or Syndicat des éditeurs de logiciels de loisirs, a French organization that promotes the interests of video game developers
SELL Student Games, a multi-sport event for university and college students
Southern Evacuation Lifeline (SELL), a proposed road in Horry County, South Carolina (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Northcoast Research initiated its coverage of Blue Apron with a sell rating and a price target of $ 2 per share, or more than 75 % below where the stock began the day.


With every legacy position we keep, we determine a sell discipline and actively monitor it with our other core holdings to ensure the portfolio is structured for success.


Out of 49 of them who cover the company, 45 have buy ratings, while three have holds and just one has assigned a sell.


Both higher buy fee and lower sell fee can be explained with regulatory requirements.


Not even celebrity pedigree could help this house sell at its sticker price.


Where a VP could be the original buyer, a director who is responsible for the product’s use/processes, etc, could now be the decision maker for up and cross sell and retention where they were an influencer in the original purchase.


Either way it would be a sell signal (unless the market crashes).


If you hold WDAY, you should follow their lead and sell.


The partner can then use this information to make a sell api call.


And now 8 days in a row, this ratio has been sitting below.60 — that’s a sell signal.»


WHEN Ryan Stokes claimed to be launching Australia’s first 4G communications network at a function of 550 business people two weeks ago it was an easy sell.


Buying stocks individually requires paying a transaction fee with each buy and sell.


Your stockbroker will most likely sell you a mutual fund with either a back-end load or a front-end load.


There are 3 main types of investors today; each with their own characteristics and results: The buy high sell low investor, the index investor (passive management), and the value investor.


The truth is this deal represents a sordid sell out.


You might compare the business to similar businesses in the same market and find out how much other business sell for.


Since it takes a few days for currencies to move through exchanges, many of these transactions may have already been established so the sell off could all happen at once.


But is this boost in the Dow’s earnings a buy or a sell signal?


I think oftentimes what we’ll see in the chart viewpoint is a security that might report earnings favorably and you see, more than likely, a sell the news type of mentality and people are looking to take profits frequently on an earnings announcement.


200 shares of CHW (Financial): sold some shares just before the big sell off due to poor performance results and no dividend growth.


However, I think he didn’t do a good enough sell job on the overall vision of the budget.


Momentum continues to point to lower prices, with the MACD (moving average convergence divergence) index printing in negative territory after generating a sell signal during the second week of May.


Market order / market buy / market sell A simple purchase or sale on an exchange at the current price.


Politically, however, the creation of a middle category of worker would be a hard sell, with labor unions likely to oppose it, says Brishen Rogers, a professor of labor law at Temple University, out of fear that it might tempt many big employers to eliminate fuller-benefit jobs.


The first winner in the above spreadsheet was a nice pin bar sell signal at a key resistance level, as seen below.


But the sell off has also created an «opportunistic entry point» for a long-term investment, at least according to analysts at BMO Capital Markets.


«Keep this in mind the next time you are tempted to hit the sell button as markets dive,» says Ann Dowd, CFP, vice president at Fidelity.


The mere fact that Japan was now acting to reflate its economy meant that the sell yen, buy Japanese equities trade that has dominated markets in recent weeks remained intact, said ING’s Condon.


Best of all, this is a great product to cross sell while financing a client’s other request.


I shifted tactics and had the team sell based on the business value of the product instead of the technicalities.


It’s a tough sell in an environment where information becomes freer by the day.


Those expectations are leading to what’s known as a flattening of the yield curve, whereby shorter-term bond yields rise faster than yields on longer-term bonds, as the former sell off.


It’s a tough sell, and getting tougher, but Wall Street is still extolling stocks as a great buy when today’s super-stretched prices seem to signal the opposite.


But then again, why sell now when it seems like with the upcoming IPOs of AirBnB, Uber, DropBox, Prosper etc, there will literally be 10,000 new millionaires looking to buy a place in SF?


But when executives hit the sell button, it’s time to be careful.


Ethereum price is facing a lot of sell offers near the 0.1020 BTC and 0.1040 BTC resistances against the bitcoin.


Right now, the volume patterns tell us that institutions remain in sell mode (so our market timing model is as well).


We agree with Peter Cohan, author of the Inc. article «4 Ways to Know You’re Selling to the Right Market», on his thoughts on the importance of sell… Read More >>


Cryptocurrency prices extended their recovery this week, as positive sentiment lifted the market despite concerns that a certain bitcoin whale was planning his next major sell


This is also not a buy, sell, or hold recommendation for this project.


Changing a core product could have been a tough sell, but Morris said he kept in close touch with franchisees, and because he had their buy-in, the change was a great success: Quality of the product has actually improved, and the preparation time has been cut in half.


Zacks Investment Research raised shares of Insmed from a «sell» rating to a «hold» rating in a report on Tuesday.


I too was surprised by the sell bonds first message, plus the other highlight for me was that the usual total market portfolio performed poorly in retirement.


They consider equally weighted carry trade strategies that each month buy (sell) one-month forward contracts for the one, two or three currencies with the highest (lowest) beginning-of-month interest rates and hold to maturity.


«The S&P / ASX 200 index now joins other key global indices — Dow Jones, FTSE, Eurostoxx50, DAX and CAC — which activated technical sell signals on Tuesday night,» said QMG technical analyst Angela Mangan.


The concept could be a tough sell to many employees, who feel overworked as it is.


As a stock approaches its sell target, we usually reduce our position so we can purchase issues that we believe are more undervalued.


By Wednesday, prices stabilized around $ 137 at press time, though sequence books are heavy with sell orders in available markets.


Just like traditional stock market securities trading, buy positions allow investors to profit from a rising stock market while a sell order enables investors to benefit from a declining stock market.


The Shanghai Composite Index (SHASHR) actually peaked around the end of July 2009, had a sell off, recovered, and has been trending sideways since November.


продавать, продаваться, торговать, надувательство, обман


- продать

to sell a horse [a house, a book] — продать лошадь [дом, книгу]
agreement to sell — ком. соглашение о продаже
to sell for a song /for nothing/ — отдать почти задаром, продать что-л. за бесценок
to sell at best /at the market/ — бирж. продать по наиболее выгодной достижимой цене или по наилучшему достижимому курсу
to sell one’s life dearly — дорого продать свою жизнь

- торговать, продавать

- продаваться

- ком. поставлять товар

he sells gift shops /druggists/ — он поставляет товар магазинам подарков /аптекам/

- содействовать продаже

good advertising will sell goods — хорошая реклама помогает продавать товары
comics sell newspapers — комиксы обеспечивают спрос на газеты
his name on the cover sells the book — люди покупают книгу, увидев его фамилию на обложке
the radio sells many goods — много товаров удаётся продать благодаря рекламе по радио

- амер. рекламировать; популяризировать; пропагандировать; расхваливать, восхвалять

to sell soap on TV — рекламировать мыло по телевидению
to sell the free-enterprise system — пропагандировать /рекламировать, расхваливать/ систему свободного предпринимательства
this was the model set up and sold in many a lecture and pamphlet — этот пример приводился и восхвалялся во многих лекциях и брошюрах
to sell oneself — а) разг. заниматься саморекламой; to sell oneself and one’s ideas

- разг. находить распространение

do you think the idea will sell? — вы думаете, эта мысль будет подхвачена /найдёт отклик, будет воспринята положительно/?

- предавать (родину, дело и т. п.)

to sell one’s country [one’s cause] — предать родину [дело]
to sell one’s honour [one’s self-respect, one’s peace of mind] — поступиться честью [самоуважением, душевным спокойствием]
to sell a match [a game] — проиграть матч [игру] за взятку
to sell one’s vote — продать свой голос (на выборах и т. п.)
to sell justice — за взятку выносить неправосудный приговор
to sell the pass — а) выдать врагу военную тайну /пароль/; б) обмануть доверие; предать, изменить своему делу; совершить предательство

- (обыкн. on) амер. разг. внушать (мысль); уговаривать, уламывать, убеждать

- обыкн. pass сл. обманывать, надувать; разыгрывать


- разг. умение торговать, показать товар лицом

hard sell — навязывание товара; настойчивое рекламирование; броская /навязчивая/ реклама
soft sell — тонкое /ненавязчивое/ рекламирование; популяризация товара (путём бесед по радио и т. п.)

- разг. разочарование, досада

what a sell! — какая досада!, как жаль!
we were late for the lunch which was a sell — досадно, что мы опоздали к завтраку

- разг. обман, надувательство, «покупка»

it was just a sell — это была просто «покупка»

- предательство
- передача, выдача в руки властей

Мои примеры


advertisers who rely on cheesecake to sell products — рекламодатели, полагающие, что обнажёнка (фото обнажённой женщины) способствует продажам  
a story fabricated to sell magazines — история, которую сфабриковали, чтобы журналы продавались  
a restaurant which is licensed to sell alcohol — ресторан, который имеет лицензию на продажу алкоголя  
to sell into bondage — продавать в зависимость, продавать в рабство  
sell in bulk — продавать оптом  
to sell the whole caboodle — продавать всё вместе  
to go / sell like hot cakes — раскупаться, продаваться нарасхват  
to sell on consignment — продавать по накладным  
to peddle / push / sell drugs, to traffic in drug — торговать наркотиками  
to give / sell dummy — делать финт  
to sell on account — записать сумму покупки на счет, продать в кредит  
sell for a song — отдавать почти задаром  

Примеры с переводом

Buy low and sell high.

Покупай дёшево, продавай дорого.

Do you sell cigarettes?

Вы продаёте сигареты?

She sold me again.

Опять она меня надула.

The brothers sell shoes.

Братья продают обувь.

How can I sell the idea to my boss?

Как мне убедить в этом своего начальника?

Don’t sell me that love shit.

Хватит мне тут гнать про любовь.

Toni’s selling her car for £700.

Тони продаёт свою машину за семьсот фунтов.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

But Vietnam is hard to sell as a tidy, cathartic morality tale of troubled times overcome.

…when you figure that they usually sell for six dollars apiece, you’re getting quite a bargain…

…money, that great solicitor that has often succeeded in persuading people to sell their very souls…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

sell off — распродавать со скидкой
sell on — уломать, уговаривать
sell out — продавать, продаваться, распродавать, предавать, стать предателем
sell up — продавать с торгов

Возможные однокоренные слова

oversell  — продавать сверх своих запасов
resell  — перепродавать
seller  — продавец, торговец, ходовой товар, продаваемый товар, ходовая книга
undersell  — продавать дешевле других, продавать ниже стоимости
selling  — продажа, реализация

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: sell
he/she/it: sells
ing ф. (present participle): selling
2-я ф. (past tense): sold
3-я ф. (past participle): sold

Sell V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 is one of the verbs that are used very commonly in English tests as well as in everyday communication. Also, because it’s an irregular verb, sell doesn’t follow the regular rule. The verb “sell” has five different forms: base form, past simple, past participle form, present perfect, and present perfect participle. So what is sell‘s past? How do conjugate verbs with sell verbs?

Let’s find out with English tivi in the article below.

See more at: Verbs

Sell of Definition and Meaning

Sell is a verb that means to offer a product or service for sale.


Base Form (V1) sell
Past Form (V2) sold
Past Participle Form (V3) sold
s / es/ es (V4) sells
‘ing’ form (V5) selling

Sell of Past Simple V2

The verb Sell is also employed in its V2 form as “sold”’. It is used to indicate the past tense in sentences.

Sell of Past Participle V3

The V3 form is identical to the V2 form. The V3 form is “sold”. sold is used in the past or present perfect tense. 

+ In the present perfect tense, we use the word sell as ‘have + sold‘ or ‘has + sold‘. 

I, you, and we are used as ‘have + sold‘. 

‘has + sold‘ is used for he, she, and it. 

+ If you need to use the past perfect tense, use ‘had + sold‘ regardless of the subject.

You might also like: ALL the English Grammar Basics You Need

Conjugation of Sell V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Conjugation table: sell
Number Singular
Present Simple of sell I You She/He/It
sell sell sells
We You They
sell sell sell
Present Continuous of sell I You She/He/It
am selling are selling is selling
We You They
are selling are selling are selling
Present Perfect of sell I You She/He/It
have sold have sold has sold
We You They
have sold have sold have sold
Present Perfect Continuous of sell I You She/He/It
have been selling have been selling has been selling
We You They
have been selling have been selling have been selling
Past Simple of sell I You She/He/It
sold sold sold
We You They
sold sold sold
Past Continuous of sell I You She/He/It
was selling were selling was selling
We You They
were selling were selling were selling
Past Perfect of sell I You She/He/It
had sold had sold had sold
We You They
had sold had sold had sold
Past Perfect Continuous of sell I You She/He/It
had been selling had been selling had been selling
We You They
had been selling had been selling had been selling
Future Simple of sell I You She/He/It
will/shall sell will/shall sell will/shall sell
We You They
will/shall sell will/shall sell will/shall sell
Future Continuous of sell I You She/He/It
will/shall be selling will/shall be selling will/shall be selling
We You They
will/shall be selling will/shall be selling will/shall be selling
Future Perfect of sell I You She/He/It
will/shall have sold will/shall have sold will/shall have sold
We You They
will/shall have sold will/shall have sold will/shall have sold
Future Perfect Continuous of sell I You She/He/It
will/shall have been selling will/shall have been selling will/shall have been selling
We You They
will/shall have been selling will/shall have been selling will/shall have been selling
Conditional Present of sell I You She/He/It
would sell would sell would sell
We You They
would sell would sell would sell
Conditional Perfect of sell I You She/He/It
would have sold would have sold would have sold
We You They
would have sold would have sold would have sold
Conditional Present Continuous of sell I You She/He/It
would be selling would be selling would be selling
We You They
would be selling would be selling would be selling
Conditional Perfect Continuous of sell I You She/He/It
would have been selling would have been selling would have been selling
We You They
would have been selling would have been selling would have been selling
Present Subjunctive of sell I You She/He/It
sell sell sell
We You They
sell sell sell
Past Subjunctive of sell I You She/He/It
sold sold sold
We You They
sold sold sold
Past Perfect Subjunctive of sell I You She/He/It
had sold had sold had sold
We You They
had sold had sold had sold
Imperative of sell I You She/He/It
We You They
Let’s sell sell

See more at: Vocabulary

Example Sentences with Sell V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

In this section, we will learn about sell sentence examples:

+ They didn’t  sell you  the whole collection.

+ Ron sold it for like 10$.

+ How many did you sell today.

+ Try sell it on eBay it may work.

+ We had to sell something to pay for the wedding.

Synonym Words For Sell

Synonym of sell word list. Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the synonym of sell:

  • trade
  • vend
  • auction
  • barter
  • exchange
  • flog
  • resell
  • shift
  • dispose
  • dispose of
  • scalp
  • unload
  • offer
  • for sale
  • put on sale
  • trade in
  • auction off
  • part-exchange

Opposite Words For Sell

The antonym of sell word list. Here are some words that have nearly the opposite meaning as sell:

  • buy
  • purchase
  • acquire
  • attain
  • get
  • obtain
  • procure
  • collect
  • fetch
  • gain
  • grab
  • retrieve
  • score
  • secure
  • get hold of
  • go shopping for

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Some Frequently Asked Questions About Sell (Verb)

What is the V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 of sell?

The past tense of sell is sold. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of sell is sells. The present participle of sell is selling. The past participle of sell is sold.

Base Form (V1) sell
Past Form (V2) sold
Past Participle Form (V3) sold
s / es/ ies (V4) sells
‘ing’ form (V5) selling

What is the V2 and V3 form of sell?

+ The V2 and V3 form of sell  is  “sold.

What is the sentence of sell?

What is the past tense V2 of sell?

+ The past tense of sell is “sold“.

What is the past participle V3 of sell?

+ The past participle of sell is “sold“.

What is the present participle V5 of sell?

+ The present participle of sell is “selling“.


Let’s learn with the structure of the verb “Sell V1 V2 V3 V4 V5: Base Form, Past Simple, Present Continuous and Present Continuous and Present Continuous and Present Continuous forms. We wish you all the best of luck.

You should subscribe to the English TV YouTube channel if you want to learn more about the English language and improve your proficiency.

Here are other verbs V1 V2 V3 List

Base Form V1 Past Form V2 Past Participle Form V3
abide abode/abided abode/abided
arise arose arisen
awake awoke awoken
backslide backslid backslidden/backslid
be was/were been
bear bore borne
beat beat beaten/beat
become became become
befall befell befallen
begin began begun
behold beheld beheld
bend bent bent
beset beset beset
bespeak bespoke bespoken
bet bet/betted bet/betted
bid bid bid
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
broadcast broadcast broadcast
browbeat browbeat browbeaten/browbeat
build built built
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned
burst burst burst
bust busted/bust busted/bust
buy bought bought
cast cast cast
catch caught caught
chide chid/chided chid/chidden/chided
choose chose chosen
cleave clove/cleft/cleaved cloven/cleft/cleaved
cleave clave cleaved
cling clung clung
clothe clothed/clad clothed/clad
come came come
cost cost cost
creep crept crept
crossbreed crossbred crossbred
crow crew/crewed crowed
cut cut cut
daydream daydreamed
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
disprove disproved disproved/disproven
dive dove/dived dived
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
dwell dwelt dwelt
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
fit fitted/fit fitted/fit
flee fled fled
fling flung flung
fly flew flown
forbear forbore forborne
forbid forbade/forbad forbidden
forecast forecast/forecasted forecast/forecasted
forego (also forgo) forewent foregone
foresee foresaw foreseen
foretell foretold foretold
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
forsake forsook forsaken
freeze froze frozen
frostbite frostbit frostbitten
get got got/gotten
gild gilt/gilded gilt/gilded
gird girt/girded girt/girded
give gave given
go went gone
grind ground ground
grow grew grown
hand-feed hand-fed hand-fed
handwrite handwrote handwritten
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
heave hove/heaved hove/heaved
hew hewed hewn/hewed
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hurt hurt hurt
inbreed inbred inbred
inlay inlaid inlaid
input input input
inset inset inset
interbreed interbred interbred
interweave interwove
interwind interwound interwound
jerry-build jerry-built jerry-built
keep kept kept
kneel knelt/kneeled knelt/kneeled
knit knit/knitted knit/knitted
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
lean leaned/leant leaned/leant
leap leapt /leaped leapt /leaped
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lit/lighted lit/lighted
lip-read lip-read lip-read
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
miscast miscast miscast
misdeal misdealt misdealt
misdo misdid misdone
mishear misheard misheard
mislay mislaid mislaid
mislead misled misled
mislearn mislearned
misread misread misread
misset misset misset
misspeak misspoke misspoken
misspell misspelt misspelt
misspend misspent misspent
mistake mistook mistaken
misteach mistaught mistaught
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
miswrite miswrote miswritten
mow mowed mown/mowed
offset offset offset
outbid outbid outbid
outbreed outbred outbred
outdo outdid outdone
outdraw outdrew outdrawn
outdrink outdrank outdrunk
outdrive outdrove outdriven
outfight outfought outfought
outfly outflew outflown
outgrow outgrew outgrown
outleap outleaped/outleapt outleaped/outleapt
outlie outlied outlied
output output output
outride outrode outridden
outrun outran outrun
outsell outsold outsold
outshine outshined/outshone outshined/outshone
outshoot outshot outshot
outsing outsang outsung
outsit outsat outsat
outsleep outslept outslept
outsmell outsmelled/outsmelt outsmelled/outsmelt
outspeak outspoke outspoken
outspeed outsped outsped
outspend outspent outspent
outswear outswore outsworn
outswim outswam outswum
outthink outthought outthought
outthrow outthrew outthrown
outwrite outwrote outwritten
overbid overbid overbid
overbreed overbred overbred
overbuild overbuilt overbuilt
overbuy overbought overbought
overcome overcame overcome
overdo overdid overdone
overdraw overdrew overdrawn
overdrink overdrank overdrunk
overeat overate overeaten
overfeed overfed overfed
overfly overflew overflown
overhang overhung overhung
overhear overheard overheard
overlay overlaid overlaid
overpay overpaid overpaid
override overrode overridden
overrun overran overrun
oversee oversaw overseen
oversell oversold oversold
oversew oversewed oversewn/oversewed
overshoot overshot overshot
oversleep overslept overslept
overspeak overspoke overspoken
overspend overspent overspent
overspill overspilled/overspilt overspilled/overspilt
overtake overtook overtaken
overthink overthought overthought
overthrow overthrew overthrown
overwind overwound overwound
overwrite overwrote overwritten
partake partook partaken
pay paid paid
plead pleaded/pled pleaded/pled
prebuild prebuilt prebuilt
premake premade premade
prepay prepaid prepaid
presell presold presold
preset preset preset
preshrink preshrank preshrunk
proofread proofread proofread
prove proved proven/proved
put put put
quick-freeze quick-froze quick-frozen
quit quit/quitted quit/quitted
read read read
reawake reawoke reawaken
rebid rebid rebid
rebind rebound rebound
rebroadcast rebroadcast
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt
recast recast recast
recut recut recut
redeal redealt redealt
redo redid redone
redraw redrew redrawn
refit refitted/refit refitted/refit
regrind reground reground
regrow regrew regrown
rehang rehung rehung
rehear reheard reheard
reknit reknitted/reknit reknitted/reknit
relay relaid relaid
relearn relearned/relearnt relearned/relearnt
relight relit/relighted relit/relighted
remake remade remade
rend rent rent
repay repaid repaid
reread reread reread
rerun reran rerun
resell resold resold
resend resent resent
reset reset reset
resew resewed resewn/resewed
retake retook retaken
reteach retaught retaught
retear retore retorn
retell retold retold
rethink rethought rethought
retread retread retread
retrofit retrofitted/retrofit retrofitted/retrofit
rewake rewoke/rewaked rewaken/rewaked
rewear rewore reworn
reweave rewove/reweaved rewoven/reweaved
rewed rewed/rewedded rewed/rewedded
rewet rewet/rewetted rewet/rewetted
rewin rewon rewon
rewind rewound rewound
rewrite rewrote rewritten
rid rid rid
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
roughcast roughcast roughcast
run ran run
sand-cast sand-cast sand-cast
saw sawed sawn
say said said
see saw seen
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sew sewed sewn/sewed
shake shook shaken
shave shaved shaved/shaven
shear sheared shorn
shed shed shed
shine shone shone
shit shit/shat/shitted shit/shat/shitted
shoot shot shot
show showed shown/showed
shrink shrank shrunk
shut shut shut
sight-read sight-read sight-read
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
slay slew slain
sleep slept slept
slide slid slid
sling slung slung
slink slunk slunk
slit slit slit
smell smelt smelt
smite smote smitten
sneak sneaked/snuck sneaked/snuck
speak spoke spoken
speed sped/speeded sped/speeded
spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled
spend spent spent
spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled
spin spun/span spun
spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled
spread spread spread
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
stink stunk/stank stunk
stride strode stridden
strike struck struck
string strung strung
sunburn sunburned/sunburnt sunburned/sunburnt
swear swore sworn
sweat sweat/sweated sweat/sweated
sweep swept swept
swell swelled swollen/swelled
swim swam swum
swing swung swung
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
telecast telecast telecast
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
thrust thrust thrust
tread trod trodden/trod
typewrite typewrote typewritten
unbend unbent unbent
unbind unbound unbound
unclothe unclothed/unclad unclothed/unclad
undercut undercut undercut
underfeed underfed underfed
undergo underwent undergone
underlie underlay underlain
understand understood understood
undertake undertook undertaken
underwrite underwrote underwritten
undo undid undone
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen
unhang unhung unhung
unhide unhid unhidden
unlearn unlearned/unlearnt unlearned/unlearnt
unspin unspun unspun
unwind unwound unwound
uphold upheld upheld
upset upset upset
wake woke/waked woken/waked
wear wore worn
wed wed/wedded wed/wedded
weep wept wept
wet wet/wetted wet/wetted
win won won
wind wound wound
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
withhold withheld withheld
withstand withstood withstood
work worked worked
wring wrung wrung
write wrote written

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