Sentences with the word science fiction

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Alien is a 1979 American science-fiction horror film.

Robert Heinlein’s original 1959 science-fiction novel was militaristic, if not fascistic.

Пол Верховен, режиссёр: Оригинальный научно-фантастический роман Роберта Хайнлайна 1959 года был милитаристским, если не фашистским.

But those who can actually pull the genre off are right here on this list of the top science-fiction authors.

Но те, кто действительно может вытянуть этот жанр, находятся здесь, в этом списке лучших авторов научной фантастики.

The contest has no entry fee and is reportedly the highest-paying contest for amateur science-fiction and fantasy writers.

Конкурс не имеет входных денежных взносов и является одним из самых высокооплачиваемых для писателей-любителей научной фантастики и фэнтези.

The film is based on a science-fiction story about aliens.

Despite these rewrites, 20th Century Fox did not express confidence in financing a science-fiction film.

Несмотря на многочисленные переписывания сценария, компания 20th Century Fox не была убеждена в необходимости финансирования очередного научно-фантастического фильма.

We noted above how science-fiction movies sometimes mislead people.

Prepare yourself — the super-intelligent machines that used to be the stuff of science-fiction movies are now becoming reality.

Приготовьтесь — суперинтеллектуальные машины, которые раньше мы могли увидеть только в научно-фантастических фильмах, становятся реальностью.

Still, even before science-fiction existed people believed that each tree has its soul.

Впрочем, гораздо раньше появления научной фантастики как таковой, люди уже твердо верили, что у каждого дерева есть душа.

Please, remember that the basic ideas of the science-fiction all over the world are positivism, rationalism and humanism.

Помните, во всем мире идейной основой научной фантастики являются позитивизм, рационализм и гуманизм.

It’s like some of these science-fiction movies where you see this big meteorite just slowly moving.

Это как в научно-фантастических фильмах, где ты видишь медленно движущийся большой метеорит.

No paranormal or telepathic tests or research, no science-fiction.

I was at a science-fiction convention, and I saw a woman dressed as your half-ape character.

Я был на конференции научной фантастики и видел там женщину в костюме твоего полуобезьяньего персонажа.

In the mid-1970s, science-fiction films weren’t very popular.

VR technology has quickly gone from science-fiction to an everyday reality.

Альтернативные источники энергии превратились из научной фантастики в повседневную реальность.

Her literary subjects are based on ancient Japanese mythology and science-fiction fantasy that are deeply rooted in human reality.

В основе её литературных сюжетов лежит древняя японская мифология и научно-фантастические фантазии, которые глубоко укоренились в человеческой реальности».

Augmented Reality has come a long way from science-fiction concept to a science-based reality.

Дополненная реальность прошла долгий путь от концепции научной фантастики до научно обоснованной реальности.

Vivian also wrote several science-fiction stories, including the novel Star Dust about a scientist who can create gold.

Вивиан также был автором нескольких научно-фантастических произведений, в том числе романа Star Dust, который повествует об учёном, который научился создавать золото.

For science-fiction lovers, the world Facebook is starting to build is very cool and insanely ambitious.

Для любителей научной фантастики, мир, который начинает строить Facebook, очень привлекательный и безумно амбициозный.

In the mid-1970s, he landed another TV series, the syndicated science-fiction show Space: 1999.

В середине 1970-х он посадил другой телесериал, синдицированное Пространство научно-фантастического сериала: 1999.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат science-fiction

Результатов: 1025. Точных совпадений: 1025. Затраченное время: 69 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Use ‘science fiction’ in a sentence | ‘science fiction’ example sentences

1- And pulp science fiction was doing something different.

2- What was science fiction ten years ago is reality today.

3- This is indeed science fiction becoming science fact.

4- This flash fiction blends science fiction with 1960s domestic comedy.

5- science fiction became even more socially significant.

6- It has become more science fiction than science fact.

7- Landis came to science fiction through science.

8- A very original and charming science fiction film.

9- How many people read fiction outside science fiction .

10- How is quantum fiction different from science fiction ?

11- This is especially notable within science fiction and fantasy genres.

12- She is a keen science fiction buff.

13- science fiction comics were published in abundance.

14- There are many examples of youth science fiction .

15- The show used a few established science fiction authors.

16- It was followed by three more science fiction novels.

17- The show often features subtle references to classic science fiction .

18- She also occasionally attends science fiction conventions.

19- Generation ships are often found in science fiction stories.

20- A science fiction anthology later had the same title.

21- The short stories were published in popular science fiction magazines.

22- The game has a futuristic science fiction theme.

23- The comic strips and derivative movie serials greatly popularized science fiction .

24- science fiction is the improbable made possible.

25- Several prominent science fiction writers suffered some embarrassment.

26- Their lyrics favour urban and science fiction themes.

27- Stacey writes young adult paranormal romance and adult science fiction romance.

28- They are inhabiting a science fiction fantasy .

29- Two recent Canadian science fiction shows feature strong female leads.

30- It’s much more traditional science fiction .

31- In 1979, three notable science fiction films appeared.

32- science fiction is really, really hard.

33- His has been a life devoted to science fiction .

34- These types of technologies are not science fiction .

35- And this fantastic character was invented by science fiction writers.

36- Is my background applicable to science fiction ?

37- Another does specialty sculptures for the science fiction market.

38- Science has quietly stepped into the science fiction zone.

39- Had sort of a science fiction style. science fiction comics were published in abundance .

40- He’s very fond of science fiction.

41- Find someone who enjoys reading science fiction novels.

42- fieldShe writes science fiction novels which are very popular worldwide.

43- My favorite book genre is science fiction, but my girlfriend loves mysteries.

44- He has produced movies of various genres, including action, drama, comedy and science fiction filMs. Brian Aldiss once suggested that science fiction is the search for a definition of mankind, and his status in the universe.

45- 905325We get most of our ideas about robotics from science fiction.”

46- Nisi Shawl reviews science fiction and fantasy for The Seattle Times.

47- If you think back, most of what once was science fiction is now science fact.

48- I use the word ‘radioactive’ to give it an air of science fiction, Moldes said.

49- The Hallow is at its best setting up its mixture of folklore and science fiction.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
science – science class – science and technology – physical science – exact science – natural science – rocket science – science fiction – social science – modern science – hard science – medical science – environmental science – junk science – science fair –

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1 Science fiction stories often mention robots that can talk.

2 Anton has a consuming passion for science fiction.

3 He loves science fiction in particular.

4 Science fiction just doesn’t turn me on.

5 The idea belongs in the realm of science fiction.

6 The science fiction film had some marvellous special effects.

7 I saw the child reading a science fiction comic.

8 In this section you’ll find horror and science fiction.

9 He’s a great reader of science fiction.

10 He devoured science fiction books as a teenager.

11 The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy.

12 This novel is not science fiction,( nor is it Gothic horror.

13 I don’t like science fiction novels much. When you’ve read one, you’ve read them all.

14 Other people love science fiction or biographies.

15 Science fiction as a genre is relatively new.

16 Reading, particularly science fiction, travelling, and fell walking.

17 2001 is a classic science fiction movie.

18 Men read science fiction to build the future.

19 In Britain, more so than in other countries, science fiction has always had a stigma attached to it.

20 Split-brain studies have science fiction overtones which have led to their widespread publicity in more recent times.

21 Science fiction has been preoccupied with such matters for years.

22 Imaginary time may sound like something out of science fiction, but it is a well-defined mathematical concept.

23 These significant leaps in numbers have a certain science fiction quality and come to signify qualitative change.

24 Escapism isn’t just limited to dipping into science fiction or a romantic novel.

25 Surrealism and science fiction are derivative from the unrealities, consoling or menacing, of fairyland.

26 A historical adventure would be followed by a science fiction tale, then by another historical, and so on.

27 The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.

28 From that comes Terminator 2, Frankenstein, and a huge chunk of science fiction.

29 Undoubtedly the most modern method devised to preserve human bodies might well be said to belong to the realm of science fiction.

30 But, as we can now see, it was like being a science fiction writer really.


Автоматический перевод

научная фантастика, фантастика

Перевод по словам

science  — наука, естественные науки, знание, умение, научный
fiction  — вымысел, фикция, художественная литература, беллетристика, выдумка


Science fiction just doesn’t turn me on.

Научная фантастика меня просто не цепляет. (Разговорный вариант «turn on» в смысле «не интересует»)

Cryonics is more science fiction than serious science.

Крионика — это больше фантастика, чем серьёзная наука.

Time travel exists only in the realm of science fiction.

Путешествия во времени существуют только в сфере научной фантастики.

He bought some new books at the science fiction convention.

На конвенции по научной фантастике он купил несколько новых книг.

In her short stories, science fiction and romance intermingle.

В её рассказах научная фантастика смешивается с романтикой.

He made a little extra money by writing stories for a science fiction pulp.

Он заработал ещё немного денег написанием рассказов для дешёвых научно-фантастических изданий.

The movie is an uncertain ragout of fantasy, science fiction, and old-fashioned romance.

Этот фильм представляет собой невнятную мешанину из фэнтези, научной фантастики и старомодной мелодрамы.

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Английский язык,

вопрос задал belockaemilicka,

8 месяцев назад

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил kat77724



1 science fiction

2 skins

3 frightening

4 chores

5 board games

6 ruled

7 ancient

8 palace

9 eruption

10 tribes

Ответил answeryourquestion



1. science-fiction • научная фантастика

2. Skins

3. frightening •

4. Chores

5 board games. Настольные игры

6. ruled (управляла)

7 ancient

8. Palace дворец

9. . Eruption извержение

10. Tribes племена



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