Sentences with the word satisfactory

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All the countries report that their terminals offer satisfactory or good accessibility by rail.

Все страны сообщают о том, что к их терминалам имеется удовлетворительный или хороший доступ по железной дороге.

The UAE received satisfactory status in its last review in 2008.

Отметим, что ОАЭ получили удовлетворительный статус в ходе своего последнего обзора в 2008 году.

All agreed that a satisfactory result was vital.

Все согласились с тем, что достижение на ней удовлетворительных результатов имеет жизненно важное значение.

All but one audit was rated satisfactory.

Во всех случаях, за исключением одного, положение дел было оценено как удовлетворительное.

However, for reasons sketched in 7.3, type theory is hardly satisfactory.

Тем не менее, по причинам, изложенным в 7.3, теория типов едва ли является удовлетворительной.

I have no way to verify that any email service is satisfactory.

У меня нет возможности убедиться в том, что какой-либо сервис электронной почты является удовлетворительным.

It emphasized that intra-religious tolerance was satisfactory, despite a few isolated incidents.

Было отмечено, что, несмотря на отдельные инциденты, состояние религиозной терпимости в стране является удовлетворительным.

Some representatives felt however that the article was not entirely satisfactory.

Вместе с тем некоторые представители сочли, что эта статья не полностью удовлетворительна.

I think your conclusion is highly satisfactory.

There is probably no satisfactory solution.

Again, results in this area have also been quite satisfactory.

Опять-таки, результаты, которых удалось добиться в этой области, также оказались вполне удовлетворительными.

They face considerable technical, operational and waste disposal problems that are still without satisfactory solutions.

С ними связаны значительные технические, эксплуатационные проблемы и проблемы с удалением отходов, которые пока еще не имеют удовлетворительных решений.

We deem this cooperation fruitful and satisfactory.

Мы считаем, что такое сотрудничество является плодотворным и удовлетворительным.

These are realities but provide no satisfactory answers.

None of these interpretations therefore appear satisfactory.

I find you… absolutely… satisfactory.

Some proofs produced by the school are not considered satisfactory because of foundational difficulties.

Некоторые доказательства, полученные в рамках итальянской школы, ныне не считаются удовлетворительными по причинам трудностей в основаниях этой науки.

General condition: satisfactory, active lifestyle, clear consciousness.

На момент обращения общее состояние удовлетворительное, положение активное, сознание ясное.

However I don’t think their overview is quite satisfactory.

Однако, не думаю, что их обзор можно назвать полностью удовлетворительным.

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удовлетворительный, достаточный, приемлемый, хороший, приятный


- удовлетворительный, удовлетворяющий; достаточный

- приятный, хороший

satisfactory marriage — удачный брак
the cooking is very satisfactory here — здесь очень хорошо готовят
a satisfactory horse to ride — хорошая лошадь для верховой езды
it is satisfactory to hear of his success — очень приятно слышать о его успехах

- рел. искупающий (вину)
- редк. возмещающий, компенсирующий

Мои примеры


the eggs were fresh and hence satisfactory — яйца были свежие, а потому хороши на вкус  
satisfactory solution — удовлетворительное решение  
satisfactory accuracy — достаточная точность  
satisfactory evidence — достаточные, убедительные доказательства  
satisfactory excuse — достаточная причина для оправдания  
satisfactory fit — удовлетворительное соответствие  
satisfactory growth — удовлетворительный рост  
satisfactory performance — удовлетворительное исполнение  
to prove (to be) satisfactory — оказаться удовлетворительным  
bring negotiations to a satisfactory conclusion — удачно завершить переговоры  
satisfactory completion — удовлетворительное завершение  

Примеры с переводом

The situation is, on the whole, satisfactory.

В целом, ситуация удовлетворительная.

The hospital described his condition as satisfactory.

В больнице его состояние определили как удовлетворительное.

There was no satisfactory option.

Выбрать было абсолютно не из чего.

The results of the conference are called satisfactory.

Считается, что конференция дала положительные результаты.

The movie was brought to a satisfactory close.

Фильм довели до хорошего конца.

The job requires a satisfactory level of performance.

Эта должность требует хорошего уровня показателей.

Results are less satisfactory than had been anticipated.

Результаты оказались не такими хорошими, как ожидались.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

satisfactory — перевод на русский


If it’s not satisfactory…

Если это не удовлетворительно…



Your progress so far has been quite satisfactory.

Пока что вы действуете вполне удовлетворительно.

Very satisfactory.

Весьма удовлетворительно.

Is that satisfactory?

Это удовлетворительно?

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— Did you find your room satisfactory?

Тебя устраивает твоя комната?

Which I find eminently satisfactory, doctor.

Это меня вполне устраивает, доктор.

That will not be satisfactory.

Но меня это не устраивает.

Not at all satisfactory.

Совсем не устраивает.

And as a matter of fact, I have also taken a new lover who at the moment, is proving more than satisfactory. — Who is that?

У меня тоже новый любовник, который меня больше устраивает на данном этапе.

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We trust you found the settlement satisfactory.

Надеюсь, вы довольны вознаграждением.

I hope the meal was satisfactory.

Надеюсь, все остались довольны.

I hope you will find the accommodation satisfactory.

Надеюсь, вы будете довольны жильём.

Is your life proving satisfactory?

Довольны жизнью?

We want all our customers to have a satisfactory experience.

Мы стараемся, чтобы все клиенты были довольны нашим обслуживанием.

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— Will that be satisfactory?

Этого будет достаточно?

— Is that satisfactory, Mr. Darrow?

— Этого достаточно, мистер Дэрроу?

Perfectly satisfactory.

Вполне достаточно.

That should be satisfactory.

Этого будет достаточно.

Everything quite satisfactory?

Тьi забудешь о своих сомнениях, когда у тебя будет достаточно денег, чтобьi делать все, что захочешь. Наверное, тьi права. Поэтому завтра тьi поедешь с нами к Лонгстаффам.

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Up to now, it’s been very satisfactory.

До сих пор все было очень хорошо.

Report: Very satisfactory.

Отчёт: очень хорошо.

— Very satisfactory.

— Очень хорошо.

Most satisfactory.

Очень хорошо.

That seems satisfactory.

Что ж, хорошо.

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Is that satisfactory?

Это вас устроит?

Would a check be satisfactory?

Чек Вас устроит?

I’m sure you’ll find one room satisfactory.

Уверен, одна комната вас устроит.

My communications officer generously vacated the rooms hoping you would find it satisfactory.

Мой офицер связи любезно уступила вам свою каюту в надежде, что она вас устроит.

I hope this is satisfactory.

Надеюсь, он вас устроит?

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I hope this is satisfactory.

Надеюсь, Вас это удовлетворит.

Is that satisfactory?

Это вас удовлетворит?

If the images aren’t satisfactory I have here a disk of special operations from the DISS.

Если запись вас не удовлетворила то у меня есть жёсткий диск с записями о всех спецоперациях, проводимьlх дисс.

Look, I know my answers are less than satisfactory.

Я понимаю, мои ответы не могут вас удовлетворить.

And was it not satisfactory?

И данный контакт тебя не удовлетворил?

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I hope this is satisfactory.

Надеюсь, вы удовлетворены.

I hope that is satisfactory.

Надеюсь, что вы удовлетворены.

— Is that satisfactory, Mr. Barris?

Вы удовлетворены, м-р Бэррис?

I hope everything was satisfactory with our aid package.

Я надеюсь, вы удовлетворены нашим пакетом помощи.

That’s satisfactory, isn’t it?

Ты удовлетворён, не так ли?

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Oh, that would be most satisfactory.

это было бы очень приятно.

Absorption of data most satisfactory, master.

Поглощение данных чрезвычайно приятно, хозяин.

I call that very civilized, very satisfactory.

Очень вежливо, весьма приятно.

Sounds most satisfactory.

Звучит крайне приятно.

— You’ll find it much more satisfactory.

Думаю, ты сочтешь его очень приятным.

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But I think you’ll find this young woman satisfactory.

Но думаю, эта женщина вам понравится.

I hope you’ll find these quarters satisfactory.

Надеюсь, каюта вам понравится.

Was everything satisfactory, Mr. Mendel?

Вам понравилось, господин Мендель ?

I’m sorry your stay was not satisfactory.

Мне жаль, что вам тут не понравилось.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word satisfactory, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use satisfactory in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «satisfactory». In addition, we also show how different variations of satisfactory can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are satisfactory—and. If you click on the variation of satisfactory that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Satisfactory in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word satisfactory in a sentence.

  1. The result, I believe, was satisfactory.

  2. St Donat’s perhaps satisfactory at proper price.

  3. Despite these modifications, the ship was not fully satisfactory.

  4. This did not prove satisfactory, and Marston Mat had to be laid down.

  5. This was not entirely satisfactory, and a small island was added in 1939.

  6. He wrote again on May 7, asking if Ortmayer’s new design was satisfactory.

  7. Frustrated that its records did not see satisfactory overseas distribution, R.E.M.

  8. It would be a very satisfactory answer to say, ‘In the reign of King George the Third’.

  9. This is found quite satisfactory and the proceedings are concluded with «joy unbounded».

  10. Diagnosis not yet complete but results seem satisfactory and already exceed expectations.

  11. Morgan, had died in January), but that Sinnock had not yet submitted satisfactory designs.

  12. The results were apparently satisfactory, and the price was raised with the November 1959 issue.

  13. Cooking something delicious is really more satisfactory than painting pictures or throwing pots.

  14. Privately, Birkett believed that «there will never be a satisfactory law in England about obscenity.

  15. Although he examined the man for psychiatric problems, he was unable to make a satisfactory diagnosis.

  16. According to Rosen, «This settlement is a satisfactory ending to what was a very complex set of issues.

  17. The Congress decided on a petition to the king; Henry prepared two drafts, but neither proved satisfactory.

  18. They also considered new geared turbines that had proved satisfactory in the new destroyer Enseigne Gabolde.

  19. Harrison considered it the least satisfactory of the three albums he had recorded since All Things Must Pass.

  20. Beschter’s proficiency in English as well as his native German made him a satisfactory solution to the dispute.

  21. His academic and sporting achievements there were satisfactory, and the school encouraged his musical development.

  22. Despite his generally satisfactory situation in Venice, Monteverdi experienced personal problems from time to time.

  23. He had liked and worked well with Kennedy, and did not develop such a satisfactory relationship with Lyndon Johnson.

  24. Minor modifications were made to improve the turret’s performance, but it was never considered genuinely satisfactory.

  25. The passengers are overjoyed that Daisy is alive and Poirot concludes that it is «a most satisfactory solution indeed.».

  26. Two more compressors were fitted as well as rope breechings to restrain the guns, but neither was entirely satisfactory.

  27. The team worked with Otani through many meetings to develop satisfactory musical themes for the game’s individual colossi.

  28. After Messager’s commitments obliged him to leave Paris for London, Debussy found the performances much less satisfactory.

  29. They often lacked satisfactory educational resources on their reservations, undermining their pursuit of marketable skills.

  30. Amaury de Montfort came to terms with Henry, but Henry and William Clito failed to find a mutually satisfactory compromise.

  31. The inventory found the condition of the bridge deck and the substructure was satisfactory, while the superstructure was poor.

  32. The detail cannot, however, be termed satisfactory, nor does the exterior architecturally express the purpose of the building.».

  33. Deborah Solomon considers the painting the least satisfactory of the series as she feels it is congested and somewhat «didactic».

  34. Sales were satisfactory, but Silberkleit decided to experiment with the digest format, which was starting to become more popular.

  35. The design of the preceding Conte di Cavour-class battleships was generally satisfactory and was adopted with some minor changes.

  36. In October 2005, after satisfactory results from the legislation and its enforcement, FATF lifted the non-cooperative designation.

  37. One of his first challenges was to craft a cabinet satisfactory to all factions; this he did by excluding the leaders of all sides.

  38. However, several noted that the training of the aircraft pilots for night formation flying and navigation was far from satisfactory.

  39. The reverse of both the quarter dollar and the half dollar, as shown on the coins struck from the polished dies, are satisfactory ..

  40. According to Lupton, this movement also affects the book’s organization and quality, making it a less satisfactory sequel to Caged Bird.

  41. This was regarded as a satisfactory product by the Los Alamos Laboratory, so on 26 December 1946 enrichment activity at Y-12 was curtailed.

  42. If these combinations are found to be satisfactory, then all of the other axle groups on this type of vehicle will usually be satisfactory.

  43. Mandeville immediately died, and Longchamp took over as joint justiciar with Puiset, which would prove a less than satisfactory partnership.

  44. Cobain and Novoselic put an ad seeking a replacement drummer in The Rocket, a Seattle music publication, but received no satisfactory responses.

  45. While this was satisfactory, the Taff Vale Railway Engineer, George Fisher, declared himself extremely unhappy with the Cowbridge Railway track.

  46. Although the Peregrine appeared to be a satisfactory design, it was never allowed to mature since Rolls-Royce’s priority was refining the Merlin.

  47. The tropical heat caused problems in cooling the bomb magazines, and the food storage rooms and the ventilation proved to be barely satisfactory.

  48. The opinion must have been satisfactory, as Roosevelt approved Pratt’s obverse design in mid-May, subject to minor changes requested by the Mint.

  49. Eventually, Brundage promoted Monique Berlioux to be IOC director in the last years of his tenure, and apparently found her services satisfactory.

  50. This was less than satisfactory to the Panamanian diplomats who arrived in Washington shortly after the signing, but they did not dare renounce it.

Satisfactory—and in a sentence

Satisfactory—and is a variation of satisfactory, below you can find example sentences for satisfactory—and.

  1. The new tank proved satisfactory—and even bettered the FT in some aspects—and the Spanish Army ordered the construction of four prototypes.

Synonyms for satisfactory

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word satisfactory has the following synonyms: acceptable, good, adequate, passable, fair to middling, tolerable, all right, fine, o.k., ok, okay, hunky-dory, alright, comforting, cheering, satisfying, copacetic, copasetic, copesetic, copesettic, passing and right.

General information about «satisfactory» example sentences

The example sentences for the word satisfactory that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «satisfactory» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «satisfactory».

Sentences with the word Satisfactory?



  • «the step makes a satisfactory seat»; «I would kill for a decent cup of coffee»; «a decent wage»
  • «actually, we all help clear up after a meal»; «actually, I haven’t seen the film»; «I’m not all that surprised actually»; «she hasn’t proved to be too satisfactory, actually»
  • «therefore X must be true»; «the eggs were fresh and hence satisfactory«; «we were young and thence optimistic»; «it is late and thus we must go»; «the witness is biased and so cannot be trusted»
  • «the agreement was mutually satisfactory«; «the goals of the negotiators were not reciprocally exclusive»
  • «satisfactory living conditions»; «his grades were satisfactory«

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