Sentences with the word runner

Sentences with the word Runner?



  • «the second baseman made a bobble but still had time to throw the runner out»
  • «The runner breasted the tape»
  • «call a runner out»
  • «He finished the dishes»; «She completed the requirements for her Master’s Degree»; «The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 hours; others finished in over 4 hours»
  • «the marathon tests a runner‘s endurance»
  • «the fabulous endurance of a marathon runner«
  • «The nurse palpated the patient’s stomach»; «The runner felt her pulse»
  • «fleet of foot»; «the fleet scurrying of squirrels»; «a swift current»; «swift flight of an arrow»; «a swift runner«
  • «the shortstop got the runner at second on a force»
  • «the runner slid headlong into third base»
  • «he ruled that the runner failed to touch home»
  • «The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed»
  • «he made a great maneuver»; «the runner was out on a play by the shortstop»
  • «The pitcher retired three batters»; «the runner was put out at third base»
  • «he sent a runner over with the contract»
  • «the runner was called safe when the baseman dropped the ball»
  • «the spare figure of a marathon runner«; «a body kept trim by exercise»
  • «the singers have to warm up»; «the marathon runner did not warm up and hurt himself»

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word runner, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use runner in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «runner».

Runner in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word runner in a sentence.

  1. Cuse served as show runner and head writer.

  2. Derrick Walton was runner up in the 2013 Mr.

  3. McKee was Navy’s key runner, gaining 85 yards.

  4. He was an enthusiastic amateur runner, despite having asthma.

  5. The 2011 season saw her emerge as an elite level road runner.

  6. The runner turned professional, escaping Brundage’s jurisdiction.

  7. If it had been a runner in the background, there would be no scandal.

  8. En route to Athens, Revithi encountered a male runner along the road.

  9. Marc Scott (born 21 December 1993) is an English long-distance runner.

  10. He had the physique of a runner, but at first, was awkward and clumsy.

  11. He is a self-described slow runner, but has said that he always hustled.

  12. Hornsby laid down a sacrifice bunt to Shocker, moving each runner up a base.

  13. The injured Ray Lindwall came out to join Hassett at 7/365 without a runner.

  14. Vidal Basco Mamani (born 8 February 1996) is a Bolivian long-distance runner.

  15. Show runner David Mirkin then approved the story when Cohen pitched it to him.

  16. A colt has to be a real runner to do this consistently and get away with it.».

  17. In addition to this, an accomplished British runner put in a good word for Scott.

  18. As Fonyo had, Hansen paused at the spot Fox’s run ended to honour the late runner.

  19. As its short wings suggest, the species rarely flies, but it is a powerful runner.

  20. A batter, particularly one who is a fast runner, may also attempt to bunt for a hit.

  21. The carrier’s Swordfish discovered, bombed and sank the blockade runner Elbe on 6 June.

  22. While easily hunted, it was a fast runner and able to fly, though it did so reluctantly.

  23. It depicts the very moment the runner leaves the blocks once the starter’s gun has fired.

  24. When the 3rd Infantry landed at Licata, Sicily, on 10 July, Murphy was a division runner.

  25. Mieczysław Długoborski (10 January 1931 4 April 2020) was a Polish middle-distance runner.

  26. Simo Važić (22 August 1934 – 25 February 2019) was a Yugoslav middle-distance runner.

  27. Mantokoane Pitso (25 May 1975 – 22 January 2006) was a Lesotho middle-distance runner.

  28. The winner and runner up of this tournament qualifies for the Oceania Handball Champions Cup.

  29. Jérôme Grosset-Janin was runner up in the FIA European Rallycross Championship in the same year.

  30. A runner may be stranded on base when a third out is recorded against another player on the team.

  31. Sarah was the grandmother to American Civil War Confederate blockade runner James Iredell Waddell.

  32. As first runner up, Dávila received the right to represent Puerto Rico at Miss Intercontinental 2012.

  33. Henri Manninen (born 3 January 1985) is a Finnish long distance runner who specialises in the marathon.

  34. From there, assisted by the blockade runner Captain Frederick Tresca, he reached Bimini in the Bahamas.

  35. Sonic Runners was also an endless runner, but was unsuccessful and was discontinued a year after release.

  36. He was appointed reserves coach at Subiaco in 1979, and also served as a runner and selector for the club.

  37. She was considered for use as a blockade runner for an operation to the Philippines, but was not selected.

  38. Other notable examples include Kenyan runner Bernard Lagat, who became a United States citizen in May 2004.

  39. In 2004, Chrono Trigger finished runner up to Final Fantasy VII in the inaugural GameFAQs video game battle.

  40. Martin stole the sign and the runner was out when pitcher Allie Reynolds threw a pitchout, killing the rally.

  41. One black runner, Tommie Smith, told writers on October 15, «I don’t want Brundage presenting me any medals».

  42. He was the ADP candidate in the 2019 Lagos State Gubernatorial election in which he was the second runner up.

  43. The Romans modelled the ships of their new fleet on a captured blockade runner with especially good qualities.

  44. Open Cup champions, Seattle received the $100,000 cash prize while Chicago was given $50,000 as the runner up.

  45. It had strong hind limbs with short thighs and rather long feet, indicating that it was likely a swift runner.

  46. Hubbard suggested that the right runner of Kumaritashvili’s sled rose up the fillet, launching him into the air.

  47. The Astros’ lone run was scored following three walks and a batter being hit by a pitch, advancing a runner home.

  48. As a child, Shea had no interest in engineering; he was a good runner and hoped to become a professional athlete.

  49. The finale’s narrative brings closure to several prominent story arcs created during Davies’ tenure as show runner.

  50. Stalking the front runner until the final turn, he took the lead in the homestretch and won by 1+1⁄2 lengths.

Synonyms for runner

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word runner has the following synonyms: base runner, blue runner, Caranx crysos, smuggler, contrabandist, moon curser, moon-curser, stolon and offset.

General information about «runner» example sentences

The example sentences for the word runner that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «runner» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «runner».

runner — перевод на русский


Cimoli had the ball but dropped it, and the runner is safe at first.

Симоли поймал мяч, но выронил его, и бегун занял первую базу.

He’s more than a runner.

Он не просто бегун.

Matter of fact, I want you as a runner tomorrow.

Завтра ты понадобишься мне как бегун.

He’s a good runner, isn’t he?

Он отличный бегун, верно?

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We’ve got a runner in sector G.

У нас беглец в секторе G.

We got a runner.

— У нас беглец.

— We got a runner!

-У нас беглец!

— Looks like the Feds have a runner.

— Похоже, у федералов беглец.

You are a Runner.

Вы беглец.

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They also got the numbers runner you conned: a guy named Mottola.

На их счету также тот курьер, которого вы обдурили — парень по имени Моттола.

The runner didn’t come?

Курьер не успел?

You think the runner’s on his way?

Думаешь, курьер скоро подъедет?

That’s our runner.

Вот наш курьер.

So they know you’re a runner.

Чтобы они знали, что Вы — курьер.

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I’d like to know why you did a runner from my bedroom last night.

Я бы хотела знать, почему ты сбежал вчера из моей спальни.

Did a runner when we tried to interview him.

Сбежал, когда мы попытались с ним поговорить.

-He got out, did a runner.

— Он выбрался и сбежал.

He did a runner when Monika was pregnant.

Он сбежал, когда Моника забеременела.

So when he pulled a runner, everybody thought we were belly-up.

Он сбежал, и все решили, что цирку пришел конец.

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But I’m a good runner

Но я отлично бегаю.

No, I am a mighty good runner, mister.

— Нет, я неплохо бегаю, мистер.

Yes, but I’m the fastest runner in the world.

Да, зато я быстрее всех в мире бегаю!

I’m kind of heavy, I’m a slow runner…

У меня лишний вес, я медленно бегаю…

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And he was a 400-meter runner.

Он занимался бегом на 400 метров.

But o’brien was 44 years old and according to this, a marathon runner.

Но ведь ему было всего 44. К тому же, здесь написано, что О’Брайан регулярно занимался бегом.

I was a runner most of my life. In the ’97 Boston Marathon, I felt strangely tired.

Всю жизнь я занималась бегом, и во время Бостонского марафона в девяносто седьмом почувствовала странную усталость.

I see you’re a runner? I-I ran tr-track since middle school, and my dad coached.

Я занимаюсь бегом со средней школы, меня тренировал папа.

I never figured you for a runner.

Просто я не представляю тебя в бегах.

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Runner at first base, nobody out.

Раннер на первой базе, никто не вышел.

Runner on first with one out to the lanky left fielder.

Раннер на первой базе после первой попытки, между правым и левым филдером.

I think the general consensus is that runner day, her father, did it.

Общее мнение — что виновен Раннер Дэй, её отец.

Runner’s gone, don’t know where.

Раннер незнамо где.

Runner been in here?

Раннер приезжал к тебе?

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You’re Road Runner, trying to beat your own record.

Ты как марафонец, пытаешься побить свой собственный рекорд.

— Clear, are you a long-distance runner?

— А! Марафонец? — Ага!

And it’s basically like a marathon runner hitting a wall in a marathon.

Как если бы марафонец на всем ходу врезался в стену.

Are you a marathon runner?

Ты, случаем, не марафонец?

Brenda is a marathon runner.

Брэнда у нас марафонец.

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I’ll use him as a runner.

Я сделаю его посыльным.

I was just a runner.

Я был простым посыльным.

Hey, guys, let me introduce you to our new runner. All right?

— Эй, ребят, позвольте познакомить вас с нашим новым посыльным.

Once or twice when he was Torrio’s runner.

Один или два раза, когда он был посыльным у Торрио.

Word is, Clay Parker was a runner for Marcus.

Поговаривают, Клэй Паркер был посыльным Маркуса.

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And listen, Falco’s got two runners he ain’t paying for.

У Фалько есть два гонца, за которых он платит.

Goldman, get me a runner up here.

Голдмэн, позови сюда гонца.

— And sent a runner.

— И послал гонца.

My buddy Runner has a bone-cracking bout of malaria.

У моего приятеля Гонца зубодробительный приступ малярии.

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  • Use the word RUNNER in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I always heard of you as the fastest runner of all heroes, let’s run, you and I, for the first draught!

Mar├®chal, runner, bookmaker, former coachman of Vandeuvres, nominees of the latter.

No, she always says ‘danner’ that means runner.

…Cheyenne Kent is the runner up.

I’m a faster runner, too.

«Floor runner for the dormitory. «

Providing old man Possumbury can fix the right runner.

runner boy want take paper back.

I want to see the runner boy in my tent.

I made the runner guide me here.

You’re only thinking of your little runner!

I’m gonna hang up the runner.

But you are a blockade-runner. For profit, and profit only.

What’s the matter with your regular runner?

Your money went to help finance a slave-runner from Africa.

Abolitionist money financing a slave-runner?

Oh, look, a runner. Who is that citizen?

A convoy could meet us at our Amarillo outpost rush the gold to Galveston, then by a blockade runner all the way around to Wilmington, then here.

Elliott’s already sent a runner for some.

The runner will be back in a day or two.

Paddy, get that runner away.

i’m the world’s fastest runner one and a half days?

My batman and runner are among the prisoners i’ll send my runner to vienna, to fetch a bottle

I can’t think where our runner is

it’s hopeless no, baron, our runner is gone

please, sit down — the poor princess my runner has been killed, and i fear the worst for isabella no, she is alive

And with a small runner alongside of it for the dog.

runner-up in the heavyweight division.

Tell him who you were runner-up to.

Hey now, with a man on first, the batter will try to hit it behind the runner into right field.

Then we can put a runner in for you, okay?

His quick peg holds the runner on third.

Is it true he’s also a really good runner?

Either I need a new watch or we’ve got a new runner.

I sell my horse, who’s a runner, to buy a bus?

Drummer, bugler, dispatch runner

Brigade runner, Captain Flagg. — Send him in.

It will take me for a runner.

Is the object a long-distance runner?

The best swordsman, the finest horseman, the fastest runner, and the strongest wrestler.

Kneeling stools covered with red damask, the runner.

I knew that the job I’d been given was impossible, so I used my common sense, got my men behind cover and sent a runner back to company headquarters with a report on the situation.

My runner got hit and the message never got there.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Sow salading every ten days; also carrots, onions and radishes for drawing young; and chicory for salads; sow endive for a full crop. In the first week sow Early Munich and Golden Ball turnips for succession, and in the third week for a full autumn crop. Sow scarlet and white runner beans for a late crop, and cabbages for coleworts.

Noteworthy in the animal life of the lower Sonoran and tropic region are a variety of snakes and lizards, desert rats and mice; and, among birds, the cactus wren, desert thrasher, desert sparrow, Texas night-hawk, mocking-bird and ground cuckoo or road runner (Geococcyx Californianus).

She heard the runner before she saw him and watched as one of the warriors breezed past her toward Ne’Rin.

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But his play was as sharp as usual as he handled a hard ground ball to his left, cleanly gunning the runner out by three steps.

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