Sentences with the word rough

Sentences with the word Rough?



  • «the approximate time was 10 o’clock»; «a rough guess»; «a ballpark estimate»
  • «an estimate of what it would cost»; «a rough idea how long it would take»
  • «boisterous winds and waves»; «the fierce thunders roar me their music»- Ezra Pound; «rough weather»; «rough seas»
  • «a rough ride»
  • «managed to make a crude splint»; «a crude cabin of logs with bark still on them»; «rough carpentry»
  • «she is someone you can really rely on when times get rough«; «you can rely on his discretion»
  • «a black-edged card»; «rough-edged leaves»; «dried sweat left salt-edged patches»
  • «a house built of hewn logs»; «rough-hewn stone»; «a path hewn through the underbrush»
  • «wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus»; «the nomad life is rough and hazardous»
  • «had harsh words»; «a harsh and unlovable old tyrant»; «a rough answer»
  • «the heaving of waves on a rough sea»
  • «the vase remained intact despite rough handling»
  • «landward, miles of rough grass marshes melt into low uplands»
  • «pugnacious spirits…lamented that there was so little prospect of an exhilarating disturbance»- Herman Melville; «they were rough and determined fighting men»
  • «the rocky road to success»; «they were having a rough time»
  • «she was a diamond in the rough«; «rough manners»
  • «a rough draft»; «a few rough sketches»
  • «an uncut diamond»; «rough gemstones»
  • «trees with rough bark»; «rough ground»; «rough skin»; «rough blankets»; «his unsmooth face»
  • «he was pushed roughly aside»; «they treated him rough«
  • «ride rough«
  • «a rough-and-tumble fight»; «rough-and-tumble politics»; «undisguised bare-knuckle capitalism»
  • «a textured wall of stucco»; «a rough-textured tweed»

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word rough, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use rough in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «rough».

Rough in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word rough in a sentence.

  1. The latter was quite a rough lad.

  2. They were a rough, physical team.

  3. Others have a jumbled or rough texture.

  4. I sent Malcolm X some rough chapters to read.

  5. Two people drowned from rough surf in Florida.

  6. Both sides were hampered by the rough terrain.

  7. The rough winds were hard on the Swedish ships.

  8. In 1992, Roncor found an 11-carat (2.2 g) rough.

  9. With age, the gill edges can become jagged and rough.

  10. The rough surf washed away a house on Captiva Island.

  11. There were 33 minor injuries caused by rough landings.

  12. Ad astra per aspera (a rough road leads to the stars).

  13. Historical records give a rough estimate of its range.

  14. The ship was well regarded as seaworthy, able to keep an even keel in rough seas.

  15. The rough edge of Dylan’s singing unsettled some but was an attraction to others.

  16. Heavy rain flooded the streets of Santo Domingo and rough surf pounded the coast.

  17. The rough terrain of the glens made it difficult to harvest timber from the area.

  18. Figures, animals and trees made of stucco and rough pumice adorn the lower walls.

  19. A rough cross marked the burial site, until it was replaced by a tall granite column six years later.

  20. I remember watching a rough cut of the film and these characters have these big, square, weird hands.

  21. After an uneventful voyage through rough seas, Bismarck reached Gotenhafen (now Gdynia) the next day.

  22. Inspiration struck Pei in 1968, when he scrawled a rough diagram of two triangles on a scrap of paper.

  23. In February 2015, a collection of rough mixes of outtakes from the Californication sessions was leaked.

  24. Fullerton drew a rough sketch of what he believed Jason should look like, and had it approved by Miner.

  25. One of the Dakotas blew a tyre touching down on the rough airstrip; another tried to land on one wheel.

  26. If a party or the boys got a little loud or rough Tom would get his sketching kit and wander off alone.

  27. Solidago radula, the western rough goldenrod, is a North American plant species in the sunflower family.

  28. Deck-edge palisades were installed in 1927 to keep aircraft from blowing over the side in rough weather.

  29. Robinson nonetheless became the target of rough physical play by opponents (particularly the Cardinals).

  30. Smaller wildland fire engines suitable for movement over rough terrain were deployed throughout the park.

  31. The Icelandic is a «five-gaited» breed, known for its sure-footedness and ability to cross rough terrain.

  32. Many of Port Aransas’s frame buildings, piers, and other coastal structures fell victim to the rough seas.

  33. A rough cut was shown to ABC Television, but they rejected it as incomprehensible to mainstream audiences.

  34. Mader also enjoyed that she only requires a small amount of hair and makeup done, saying that «I just wanted to rough it.

  35. Along the coast of North Carolina, the hurricane produced light winds and rough waves, as well as moderate precipitation.

  36. The rough, forested terrain of the Northern Range provided safety for NUFF’s approximately three dozen guerrilla fighters.

  37. The site’s rough terrain and buried unexploded munitions make the task of grass cutting too dangerous for human operators.

  38. Nature is presented throughout the poem as rough and indifferent, constantly threatening the order of men and courtly life.

  39. The added weight in the prow compromised the ship’s manoeuvrability, and in rough sea conditions the corvus became useless.

  40. It usually has a single stout trunk, which is often twisted and gnarled, with the rough grey bark characteristic of Banksia.

  41. Manohla Dargis of the Los Angeles Times found it «almost unfair» to critique Affleck, given that he «had such a rough year».

  42. Having produced rough tracks via trial and error, she honed the finished songs in collaboration with other writer-producers.

  43. All abelisaurids had a rough, sculptured texture on the outside faces of the skull bones, and Majungasaurus was no exception.

  44. The rough ground and the limited room to manoeuvre between Broxburn and the steep northern slope of Doon Hill hampered this and it was incomplete when halted by nightfall.

  45. Jean, Scully, Reiss, Swartzwelder, Vitti, Mirkin, and Meyer wrote 25 pages each, and the group met one month later to merge the seven sections into one «very rough draft».

  46. Mating takes place in the water and can be rough, the male biting the female on the muzzle which often leaves scars on the nose and sometimes holding her head under water.

  47. Due to rough surf from the precursor low, local National Weather Service offices issued a High Surf Advisory for much of the coastline from Florida through North Carolina.

  48. They then enter a notorious stretch of heavily forested hills nicknamed «Pinball Alley» for the way the rough terrain bounces sleds into trees, rocks, and other obstacles.

Synonyms for rough

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word rough has the following synonyms: angulate, bidentate, biserrate, ciliate, ciliated, crenate, crenated, scalloped, crenulate, crenulated, crispate, dentate, denticulate, emarginate, erose, jagged, jaggy, notched, toothed, fimbriate, fringed, laciniate, lacerate, lacerated, pectinate, rimose, runcinate, serrate, serrated, saw-toothed, serrulate, spinose, simple, unsubdivided, compound, approximate, approximative, inexact, boisterous, fierce, stormy, crude, unskilled, grating, gravel, gravelly, rasping, raspy, scratchy, cacophonous, cacophonic, harsh, unpleasant, unkind, pugnacious, aggressive, rocky, difficult, hard, bumpy, jolty, jolting, jumpy, uncut, unsheared, unpolished, unrefined, unsmooth, abrasive, alligatored, cracked, barky, broken, rugged, bullate, chapped, roughened, corded, twilled, costate, ribbed, cragged, craggy, hilly, mountainous, crushed, homespun, nubby, nubbly, slubbed, tweedy, imbricate, imbricated, lepidote, leprose, scabrous, scaly, scurfy, squamulose, lined, seamed, pocked, pockmarked, potholed, bouldery, bouldered, stony, roughish, rugose, sandpapery, saw-like, scabby, shagged, shaggy, textured, rough-textured, coarse-textured, verrucose, warty, wartlike, coarse, irregular, nonslippery, uneven, unironed, wrinkled, roughly, rough in and rough out.

General information about «rough» example sentences

The example sentences for the word rough that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «rough» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «rough».

грубый, шероховатый, грубо, неровность, грубиян, терпеть лишения


- неровный, шероховатый; шершавый

rough road — неровная /ухабистая/ дорога
rough paper — шероховатая бумага
rough skin — шершавая кожа
rough edges — неровные обрезы (книги)

- труднопроходимый (о местности и т. п.)

rough ground /terrain/ — пересечённая местность

- грубый

rough food — грубая пища
rough hands — мозолистые /жёсткие/ руки
cloth that is rough to the touch — сукно, грубое на ощупь
rough grazing /pasture/ — с.-х. пастбище с грубыми травами
rough fibre — с.-х. мешочное /тарное/ волокно

- неотделанный; необработанный, неочищенный

rough rice — неочищенный рис; рис-сырец
rough coal — рядовой уголь
rough leather — невыделанная кожа
rough logs — лес. кругляк; неошкуренный, необработанный лесоматериал
rough store — склад сырых материалов /полуфабрикатов/

- неотшлифованный

rough diamond — а) неотшлифованный алмаз; б) неотёсанный мужлан с золотым сердцем

ещё 21 вариант


- грубо (в различных смыслах сообразно значению прилагательного)
- полигр. первая корректура
- разг.; = roughrider


- неровная местность
- «бурьян», неровная часть поля (гольф)
- нечто грубое на вид
- нечто шероховатое, неровное
- трудный, тяжёлый период в жизни

the rough(s) and the smooth(s) — превратности судьбы, неудачи и удачи
to take the rough with the smooth — стойко переносить превратности судьбы; мужественно встречать невзгоды

ещё 4 варианта


- делать шероховатым, грубым
- становиться шероховатым; грубеть
- допускать грубость (в разговоре и в обращении)
- допускать грубость по отношению к противнику (футбол)

he was sent off the field by the referee for roughing — он был удалён с поля за грубость

- ерошить, лохматить, всклокочивать (волосы и т. п.)

ещё 4 варианта

Мои примеры


people living rough on the streets — люди, живущие на улицах под открытым небом  
the rough skin of a shark — шероховатая кожа акулы  
a rough idea how long it would take — примерное представление о том, сколько времени это займёт  
rough breathing — сильное придыхание  
rough / uncut diamond — неотшлифованный алмаз  
engine is running rough — двигатель работает жёстко  
engine runs rough — двигатель работает неустойчиво  
an approximate, rough estimate — грубая оценка  
rough texture to the feel — грубая на ощупь ткань  
rough going — трудности, затруднения  
rough grain — грубое волокно  
to live rough — жить без привычных удобств, скитаться по углам  

Примеры с переводом

He is rough to deal with.

С ним очень трудно иметь дело.

Her hands felt rough.

Её руки были шершавые.

Rugby is a very rough sport.

Регби — очень жёсткий вид спорта.

Life has been treating her pretty rough.

Жизнь обходилась с ней довольно грубо.

Rough him up a little.

Надо ему задать лёгкую взбучку.

The wind will rough up my hair.

Ветер мне взлохматит волосы.

Poor kid, he’s had a rough day.

Бедный парень, ему сегодня досталось.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He plays rough with the dog.

The ship went down in rough seas.

They hiked through rough terrain.

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Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

roughage  — грубые корма, грубая пища, высушенный
roughen  — грубеть, делать грубым, делаться грубым, делать шероховатым
roughly  — грубо, приблизительно, бурно, резко, неровно, небрежно, начерно, невежливо
roughness  — шероховатость, грубость, неровность, шершавость, терпкость, резкость, грубоватость
rougher  — человек на подготовительных операциях, более тяжелый
roughing  — черновая обработка, обдирка, черновой, обрабатывать начерно
roughish  — грубоватый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: rough
he/she/it: roughs
ing ф. (present participle): roughing
2-я ф. (past tense): roughed
3-я ф. (past participle): roughed

ед. ч.(singular): rough
мн. ч.(plural): roughs

срав. степ. (comparative): rougher
прев. степ. (superlative): roughest

Synonym: blunt, broken, brusque, bumpy, choppy, coarse, crude, curt, difficult, fierce, gruff, harsh, irregular, rowdy, rude, severe, shaggy, snippy, surly, tough, uneven. Antonym: mild, smooth. Similar words: through, roughly, drought, go through, thorough, get through, all through, throughout. Meaning: [rʌf]  n. the part of a golf course bordering the fairway where the grass is not cut short. v. prepare in preliminary or sketchy form. adj. 1. having or caused by an irregular surface 2. (of persons or behavior) lacking refinement or finesse 3. not quite exact or correct 4. full of hardship or trials 5. violently agitated and turbulent 6. unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound 7. ready and able to resort to force or violence 8. of the margin of a leaf shape; having the edge cut or fringed or scalloped 9. causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements 10. not shaped by cutting or trimming 11. not carefully or expertly made 12. not perfected 13. unpleasantly stern 14. unkind or cruel or uncivil. adv. 1. with roughness or violence (`rough’ is an informal variant for `roughly’) 2. with rough motion as over a rough surface. 

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1 Take the rough with the smooth. 

2 A boisterous horse must have a rough bridle. 

3 Their car bumped along the rough mountain road.

4 The rough cloth prickled my skin.

5 Jeeps are rugged vehicles, designed for rough conditions.

6 His behaviour is sometimes rather rough.

7 Trim rough edges with a sharp knife.

8 The car jolted us badly over the rough road.

9 The rough road made the car vibrate.

10 Many a rough man has been civilized.

11 The tractor had been damaged by rough usage.

12 The wanderer has to sleep rough.

13 This instrument will not stand rough usage.

14 They live in a rough part of town.

15 Her hands were rough with hard work.

16 A jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain.

17 Here is a rough and ready measure-ment.

18 The rough road often leads to the top.

19 They hurried over the rough rocky ground .

20 The skin on her hands was hard and rough.

21 The house was built solidly of rough wooden planks.

22 He enjoys rough and tumble play.

23 The monkey’s skin has a rough feel.

24 The vehicle is sturdy enough to withstand rough terrain.

25 Today was a rough day at work.

26 Are the walls rough or smooth?

27 It was just a bit of rough and tumble.

28 It’s hard to pilot a boat in rough waters.

29 We are going to rasp off the rough edges.

30 The truck jolted and rattled over the rough ground.

More similar words: through, roughly, drought, go through, thorough, get through, all through, throughout, cut through, fall through, put through, run through, thoroughly, come through, look through, pass through, pull through, carry through, break through, follow through, tough, dough, though, enough, ought to, a thought, as though, although, toughness, even though. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Despair just had a rough balloon edge to denote a ragged, rough voice.

У отчаяния просто был грубый край воздушного шара, чтобы обозначить рваный, грубый голос.

However, for rough estimation use, volt-per-thickness ratings are fine.

Тем не менее, для грубой оценки использования, напряжения в толщину рейтинги в порядке.

He’s had a rough time since he left power.

Он прошел тяжелые испытания с момента, когда он ушел из власти.

I know that reading that file was rough.

Я знаю, что тебе было тяжело читать то досье.

Usually they have a rough skin.

Они также, как правило, имеют грубую кожу.

If by rough, you mean legendary.

Если под «тяжёлой» ты имеешь в виду «легендарную».

Boy, talk about a rough day.

Ну ничего себе, если говорить о тяжёлых днях.

We heard you had a rough night.

Мы слышали, что ночка у вас выдалась тяжёлой.

We heard you had a rough night.

Мы слышали, что у вас была тяжелая ночь.

My rough calculation: one mouse every ten square feet.

По моим грубым подсчетам: одна мышь на каждые 10 кв. футов.

Fishing boats like these are made specifically for rough waters.

Рыболовные суда, такие как эти, сделаны специально для грубых вод.

Hedge funds had a rough 2019, and investors noticed.

Для хедж-фондов 2019 год был весьма тяжелым, и инвесторы заметили это.

What I saw here was machined, rough and unattractive.

То, что я увидел здесь, было механическим, грубым и непривлекательным.

Their performances have been getting rough since they went on TV.

Их выступления стали грубыми с тех пор, как они попали на ТВ.

You mean Rosie gets rough with you.

Вы имеете в виду, что Рози становилась грубой с вами.

These Westies can be pretty rough.

Эти «Вестис» могут быть довольно грубыми.

Thanks for making a rough night a little less… rough.

Спасибо за то, что сделала этот тяжелый вечер не таким… тяжелым.

People having the disease due to rough oral surfaces require immediate treatment of dental problems like rough teeth, fillings and irregular denture surface.

Люди, которые больны из-за грубых поверхностей ротовых полостей, нуждаются в срочном лечении зубных проблем, например, грубых зубов, пломб и неровной поверхности протеза.

The reason rough endoplasmic reticulum is called ‘rough‘ are the ribosomes.

Причиной грубый эндоплазматический ретикулум называется ‘грубой‘ являются рибосомы.

The best Turkmen dogs are rough and strong type with short or average length, rough and dense wool.

Лучшие туркменские собаки грубого и крепкого типа с короткой или средней длины грубой и густой шерстью.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат rough

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Definition of Rough

Having a surface that is irregular not smooth

Examples of Rough in a sentence

Rough seas tossed the boat high in the area, causing it to sink.


Driving over a rough road can cause wear and tear on your tires.


It is much easier for a runner to jog on a flat surface than it is to run on rough terrain.


Before it could be used for a table, the carpenter had to smooth out the rough wood.


Using a file, the nail tech smoothed out the rough edges on the surface of my nails.


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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Aguilas is built on the landward side of a small peninsula, between two bays — the Puerto Ponente, a good harbour, on the south-west, and the Puerto Levanto, which is somewhat dangerous to shipping in rough weather, on the north-east.

On the west another rough and hilly tract, similar to that which divides it from the Sierra de Guadarrama in the east, separates it from the Sierra de Gata, the westernmost and the lowest of the Spanish sierras belonging to the series.

He looked at the fire on the hearth, and at the rough table and benches.

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Leonardo da Vinci’s rough map of the world in 8 segments (c. 1513) seems likewise to have been intended for a globe.

Wheels of fine sandstone fed with water are used for making slighter cuts and for smoothing the rough surface left by the iron wheels.

Some of the finest and largest stones have come from the Jagersfontein mine; one, the Jubilee, found in 1895, weighed 640 carats in the rough and 239 carats when cut.

A, Winged female; B, winged D, viviparous wingless female from in patches from old apple trees, where the insects live in the rough bark and form cankered growths both above and below ground.

To these is added water, which combining chemically with the cement conglomerates the whole mixture into a solid mass, and forms a rough but strong artificial stone.

Bort (or Boart) is the name given to impure crystals or fragments useless for jewels; it is also applied to the rounded crystalline aggregates, which generally have a grey colour, a rough surface, often a radial structure, and are devoid of good cleavage.

The fleet was, as it chanced, delayed by a storm in the Bay of Navarino, and rough fortifications were put up by the sailors on the promontory of Pylos.

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