Sentences with the word rock

Sentences with the word Rock?



  • «around the rock the ragged rascal ran»
  • «Clear the manuscript for publication»; «The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography»
  • «a banded rock«
  • «it was built on a base of solid rock«; «he stood at the foot of the tower»
  • «stratified rock«
  • «This huge rock beetles over the edge of the town»
  • «a bit of rock caught him in the eye»
  • «a bluff headland»; «where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise»; «a sheer descent of rock«
  • «The rock calcified over the centuries»
  • «the salts calcified the rock«
  • «Don’t rock the boat or it will capsize!»
  • «carboniferous rock system»
  • «the rock caught her in the back of the head»; «The blow got him in the back»; «The punch caught him in the stomach»
  • «The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock«
  • «He dashed the plate against the wall»; «Waves were dashing against the rock«
  • «crazy about cars and racing»; «they are dotty about each other»; «gaga over the rock group’s new album»
  • «decalcify the rock«
  • «a detached part»; «on one side of the island was a hugh rock, almost detached»; «the separated spacecraft will return to their home bases»
  • «an inflexible (or die-hard) conservative»; «rock-ribbed republican»
  • «there are many differences between jazz and rock«
  • «The rock was dynamited»
  • «close-grained birch»; «fine-grained rock«
  • «rock fracture and rock flowage are different types of geological deformation»
  • «a fragment of rock«
  • «The girls giggled when the rock star came into the classroom»
  • «hew out a path in the rock«
  • «igneous rock is rock formed by solidification from a molten state; especially from molten magma»; «igneous fusion is fusion by heat alone»; «pyrogenic strata»
  • «the impregnation, whatever it was, had turned the rock blue»
  • «crossed the river on improvised bridges»; «the survivors used jury-rigged fishing gear»; «the rock served as a makeshift hammer»
  • «inseparable pieces of rock«
  • «he clutched a jag of the rock«
  • «His sharp nose jutted out»; «A single rock sticks out from the cliff»
  • «a mass of molten rock«
  • «metamorphic stage»; «marble is a metamorphic rock that takes a high polish»
  • «naked branches of the trees»; «lie on the naked rock«
  • «organic life»; «organic growth»; «organic remains found in rock«
  • «The rock star overdosed and was found dead in his hotel room»
  • «permeable membranes»; «rock that is permeable by water»
  • «the anchor fell plump into the sea»; «we dropped the rock plump into the water»
  • «her hands rested quietly in her lap»; «the rock star was quietly led out the back door»; «sit here as quiet as you can»
  • «he was her rock during the crisis»; «Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church»—Gospel According to Matthew
  • «rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock‘n’roll.»
  • «he threw a rock at me»
  • «that mountain is solid rock«; «stone is abundant in New England and there are many quarries»
  • «rock the cradle»; «rock the baby»; «the wind swayed the trees gently»
  • «solid gold»; «carved out of solid rock«
  • «The rock stratifies»
  • «The fish are stratified in barrels»; «The rock was stratified by the force of the water»; «A statistician stratifies the list of names according to the addresses»
  • «My son totaled our new car»; «the rock star totals his guitar at every concert»
  • «volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian»
  • «The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy»
  • «rock music appeals to the young»; «youth everywhere rises in revolt»

рок, скала, камень, утес, качаться, качать, укачивать, каменный, горный


- скала, утёс

the boat was wrecked on a rock — лодка разбилась о скалу
as firm as a rock — твёрдый как скала

- амер. камень, булыжник
- горная порода; скальная порода

to build on a rock — образн. заложить прочный фундамент, основываться на чём-л. прочном
rock decay — геол. выветривание пород
rock excavation — спец. скальные работы
rock exposure — геол. обнажение породы

- причина несчастья, неудачи или провала

the rock on which we split — а) камень преткновения; б) предмет разногласий; в) причина несчастья

- рокк (леденцовая карамель)

ещё 7 вариантов


- качать, колебать

to rock a cradle — качать колыбель
to rock oneself from side to side — качаться из стороны в сторону
the waves rocked the boat — волны качали лодку

- качаться, колебаться

the trees rock in the wind — деревья качаются на ветру

- трясти
- трястись

the explosion made the whole house rock — от взрыва весь дом зашатался
he rocked with laughter — он затрясся от смеха

- укачивать, убаюкивать

rock the baby to sleep — убаюкайте ребёнка
to rock a child in a cradle [in one’s arms] — укачивать ребёнка в колыбели [на руках]
the movement of the ship rocked us to sleep — мы заснули под слабое покачивание корабля
rocked in security — образн. беспечный, не подозревающий об опасности

ещё 6 вариантов


- в стиле рок

rock music — рок-музыка
rock festival — фестиваль рок-музыки

Мои примеры


a rock star and teen idol — рок-звезда и кумир подростков  
hew out a path in the rock — прорубить в скале путь  
to cave in rock — обрушивать породу  
to drill through rock — бурить по породе  
rock formation — горная система  
to rock an airplane — качать самолёт с крыла на крыло  
under / in the lee of a rock — защищённый скалой  
a packager of rock shows — организатор рок-концертов  
point of the rock — острый выступ скалы  
rock of gigantic proportions — гора огромных размеров  
voids in rock — пустоты в горных породах  
to rock a baby to sleep — укачать ребёнка  

Примеры с переводом

She gently rocked the baby to sleep.

Она нежно убаюкивала малыша.

Don’t rock the boat or it will capsize!

Не раскачивай лодку, иначе она перевернется!

The door was solid as rock.

Дверь была прочной как скала.

The rock was dynamited

Скала была взорвана.

The rock shattered the window.

Камень разбил окно.

The ship struck a rock.

Судно наскочило на скалу / ударилось о скалу.

He fell over a rock in his path.

Он споткнулся о камень, который лежал на его пути, и упал.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The rock has been blasted away.

The castle is founded on solid rock.

A loose rock tumbled over the precipice.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

rocker  — рокер, коромысло, балансир, качалка, кулиса, очень низкий
rockiness  — неумолимость, бесчувственность
rocklike  — твердый как скала
rocking  — качка

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: rock
he/she/it: rocks
ing ф. (present participle): rocking
2-я ф. (past tense): rocked
3-я ф. (past participle): rocked

ед. ч.(singular): rock
мн. ч.(plural): rocks

rock — перевод на русский


You want to rock, paper, scissors?

Хотите камень, ножницы, бумага?

They threw a rock through a window.

Швырнули камень в окно.

He’s the one who threw the rock.

Он-то и бросил камень.

— You threw a rock.

— Ты швырнул камень.

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Look, those rocks over there!

Посмотри какие там скалы!

We can push him off a rock and claim it was an accident.

Можно столкнуть его со скалы и сказать, что это несчастный случай.

Ain’t it always his burros that won’t march in line… stray off the trail and smash their packs against the trees and rocks?

Его ослы совсем не слушаются. Отходят от остальных и рвут тюки о деревья и скалы.

These horrible rocks, this desolation… that terror…

Эти жуткие скалы, это опустошение, этот ужас!

You know those three houses by that white rock?

Вы знаете те три дома у белой скалы?

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Rock of the Marduk Party.

Рок из партии мардуков.

I’m Rock of the Marduk!

Я — Рок из партии мардуков.

Rock is looking for them.

Рок их ищет.

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I’m into rock ‘n’ roll.

А вот рок-н-ролл.

Hey, rock ‘n’ roll!

Эй рок-н-ролл!

and Safeway and Rock and Roll and Prince Valiant

и тротуар, и рок-н-ролл, и принц Вэлиант,

Rock and roll’s been going downhill ever since Buddy Holly died.

Рок-н-ролл катится в болото с тех пор как умер Бадди Холли.

Rock and roll will stand, man.

ВУЛЬФМАН ПО РАДИО: Продолжаем слушать рок-н-ролл.

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I will take a peach schnapps on the rocks?

Я буду персиковый шнапс со льдом?

On the rocks it’ll be all right.

Со льдом будет хорошо.

— Bourbon… on the rocks?

— Бурбон… со льдом?

I’ll have a whiskey on the rocks.

Со льдом Сейчас

On the rocks?

Со льдом?

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I want to work in videos, but I want to be my own star in the video, because I want to be a pop singer, a rock singer, and write my own songs.

Я снимаюсь на видео, создаю особый образ, я буду поп-звездой и рок-звездой, хочу писать свои песни.

Mom, I want to be a rock star. Mm…

Мама, я хочу быть рок-звездой.

You wouldn’t like to be a rock star or something, like Elvis?

Разве ты не захотел бы стать рок-звездой, вроде Элвиса?

I’d love to be a rock star like Elvis or something!

Было бы здорово стать рок-звездой вроде Элвиса!

If only I was a rock star.

Если бы я только был рок-звездой.

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Honey, you like those rocks just as much as I do.

Милый мой, тебе нравятся эти горы не больше, чем мне.

They’re mostly magnetic rock and that sort of makes nonsense out of the compass.

Это рудосодержащие горы . Компасы исполняют пляску Святого Витта около них.

If our measurements and readings are an illusion also, one could find oneself materialized inside solid rock.

Если наши измерения и показатели являются лишь иллюзией, кто-то может оказаться внутри горы.

Getting bruises is part of the risks when you go on mission in the midst of the rocks.

Несколько синяков, когда отправляешься в горы на задание, неизбежны.

But here, you see, the rock foundation is a type of salt.

Но здесь, как видите, основание горы соляное.

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In a surprising development, a CNA cameraman, Huey Taylor, was shot and killed in a motel room in Eagle Rock City.

Наш оператор Фьюи был убит в мотеле возле городка Игл Рокс.

How come Rocks?

Рокс? Почему?

— But I like Rocks bet… — A dog!

Но мне нравится Рокс.

His name’s Rocks.

Его зовут Рокс.

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— lt’s headaches and rocking.

— Голова болит и качает.

I’m being rocked like on a ship.

Качает, как корабль.

Sometimes the earth is rocked too.

Землю иногда тоже качает.

And I’m being rocked from side to side.

И качает из стороны в сторону.

But we’re rocked from time to time.

Вот только качает иногда.

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Well’ how shall I explain it… The olivine rocks in melted form — mercury’ gold’ at a depth of 12 kilometers. — Incredible!

Это, как вам сказать… находящиеся в расплавленном состоянии оливиновые породы — ртуть, золото на глубине 1 2 километров.

Mantsev must confirm my theoretical findings about the melted rocks ofthe olivine belt sitting closer to the earth surface along the edges ofthe Pacific.

Манцев должен подтвердить мои теоретические изыскания, что расплавленные породы оливинового пояса ближе к поверхности Земли по краям Тихого океана.

— There’s enough loose rock and shale.

— Здесь достаточно рыхлой породы.

Igneous rock core, new planet, bound to be radiation.

Молодая планета с ядром вулканической породы обязана быть радиоактивной.

When he got to this precise point on the trail, where this slip of loose rocks crosses it, one of his horses stumbled.

Когда он добрался до места, где его путь пересекал оползень из разрушенной породы, одна из его лошадей споткнулась.

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Examples of how to use the word “rock” in a sentence. How to connect “rock” with other words to make correct English sentences.

rock (n,v): the dry solid part of the earth’s surface, or any largepiece of this that sticks up out of the ground or the sea; to (cause someone or something to) move backwards and forwards or from side to side in a regular way

Use “rock” in a sentence

This bread is as hard as a rock!
She gently rocked the baby to sleep.
Seen from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle.

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Him as the serpent of Brass and the Smitten Rock

knew Him as the Rock and the One Who Gives

Can a fireman who wants to build a great cavern do that by blasting a solid rock with a fire hose for a week straight, staying up with every bit of energy that he has, holding the hose blasting it at full power

Throw the cotton balls back into the tunnels and cover the entrance with a large rock

These fertilizers are a unique blend of rock powders and activators that are untreated, therefore, they contain secondary nutrients (calcium, magnesium and sulfur) plus many trace elements

Rock Dust: This stuff is so good that I wrote a whole chapter on rock dust and its many uses

See the Rock Dust chapter

It sounded foolish when God told Moses to strike a rock

She wished she could have seen the real thing, not just the dimly-lit base of the tunnel rim and the hewn rock disappearing into the blacker black of the mountainside against the black but star-strewn sky above

At points in this tunnel more than two miles of rock are above them

They plodded on for hours reaching that rock

Organic matter and rock powders form the basis of organic fertilizers, and benefit the soil as well as the plant

Organic Fertilizer mixes usually contain composted animal manure, plant residues, seaweed and fish products, and minerals (bone and blood meal, cottonseed meal, granite dust, phosphate rock and greensand)

Rock dust also has a high PH (8-9 PH) and therefore must be balanced with a slightly acid mulch/soil, compost

Rock dust will help to increase the energy level of the soil and in turn will quickly raise the roses and the soils energy levels

To avoid the dust, rock dust can be made into a milk like liquid and sprayed on the leaves

Use only 1 tablespoonful of rock dust and 1 tablespoon of Diatomaceous Earth

Into this place the mixture TGC+™ (equal amounts of organic tobacco, garlic powder, compost and the + stands for trace minerals such as rock dust)

On top of this place either a pretty rock or a nice clay pot to cover it, or simply mulch over, remembering where it is

Trees also love Rock Dust

The process is known as remineralization through rock dust application

doostEr was sitting on a comfortable rock after he fed them, still in his tattered old night fur

By replanting and remineralizing the earth through rock dust applications

The amount of minerals and the quality rock used to produce rock dust depends on the location of the for quarry, and the mining process

Many companies sell rock dust, but it is best to inquire about what minerals it contains and if there are any chemicals added

This may not have the necessary minerals for plants and trees, so it is best to buy rock dust from those companies that make it specifically for this use

Compost Production: Using rock dust in compost production increases its energy level by adding minerals, and increasing the activity of bacteria

Rock dust also helps heat up the compost pile

Add a thin layer of rock dust to the compost pile, alternating between layers of grass clippings, manure, kitchen wastes, etc

• Due to its high mineral content, rock dust helps in all aspects of the plants biological process

Rock Dust increases mineral content of the soil and the plants growing on it

When my parents died, he’d been a rock

Adding some rock dust to kitchen waste will help reduce smells and fly’s, and will also increase microbial activity

On one side is a rock garden of small gravel and with large boulders placed here and there with the gravel contoured about them

Rock stars and movie stars had come looking for him

«I’d rather not lie awake thinking of some giant rock about to fall on us, leaving us a winter Nightday that’s decades long

ramshackle collection of maybe 100 tin shacks clustered in the desert between a pocket of towering rock mountains

The report Ava’s radio had picked up from Sol said New Dallas had been destroyed within a half hour of releasing their first rock

John looks over his shoulder in the direction of the firing, takes off his wedding ring slowly, studies it sadly for a moment, digs out a small hole in the ground with his hand, buries it, puts a rock on top

together, images of limbs and contorted faces, of blood and bone and rock, and in the

I hold her and rock her back and forth, murmuring nothings as she lets go of all the stress and tension of the last weeks

The size of the rock heading for the planet was six and one half miles, too big for there to be any doubt about the outcome of a collision

«Did you know about the rock headed our way?»

He’s been worried for four years, ever since it first collided with the unobserved rock

Smith looked down upon the third rock out from a brightly burning star at the

little rock with a shrug, and left the madly sparking chemical squiggles to their own

between God and the third rock out from an insignificant little star

blocks of solid rock and the space was illuminated by the soft glow of candles,

The Al-Harron’s main section appeared to be a thousand-foot chunk of heavy rock with a hundred foot hole bored thru it that twinkled with containment fields

«So what do we know of the Kassikan’s capabilities against this rock?» Haadij Vincef Doesshef asked when the initial recital was over

«I’m sure the rock we knocked loose will insure the survivor count is zero,» Diam said

I try to make her change her mind, assuring her that I have been in this cafeteria before, that the environment is alright, that there is no danger -in vain: Helen remains as solid as a rock

From here I can see the village lying snugly in its valley bounded by hills on all sides, the largest lying to the south – Crook Peak with it’s knob of rock on the top

He had been certain for decades now that a major moon rock impacted that city

It could be that this rock is a decoy, meant to be a near-miss that will hold the world’s attention

We will find at the end that it misses, but we will find even later that it is shepherding a smaller rock that impacts the Kassikan, a rock they won’t notice till a couple days before the impact

I was especially impressed by a conch-like rock which was considerably larger than the others -as if it were their sovereign

Reaching the end of the path beyond the fabulous city, I entered the huge conch-shaped rock, crossed the dark passage quickly and found myself at the vast rosy seaside again

With each item listed in his panoply of destruction, images flowed and twisted together, images of limbs and contorted faces, of blood and bone and rock, and in the midst of it all, as if conducting a violent symphony of discord, there stood the man in black, his flowing locks streaming in the winds and currents of calamitous fatality as his arms gesticulated wildly

‘Can you imagine it? Me living in a manor house with staff!’ he chuckled, stooping to pick up another stone and throwing it with some power towards the same rock where it smashed

That part of his ethereal mind that bore the as yet unnamed form of Conscience added just a hint of chiding harmonic resonance to the song of the universe, and thus was born the conduit between God and the third rock out from an insignificant little star

and around on this big rock all

The gaoler fiddled with his keys and unlocked the door at the end of the passage, pushing it back to reveal a short flight of steps carved out of natural rock

The walls, like those in the corridor below, were hewn out of huge blocks of solid rock and the space was illuminated by the soft glow of candles, candles that, in this simulacrum of past glories, illuminated the stone in a wash of yellow and amber

Alan could have swum miles in the river after hiding under a rock to stay out of sight of the IR thru darkness

held in check by walls of manhandled rock

There is a legend that says that King David, while fleeing from Saul, hid out in the rock outcropping called Masada

You are my rock

amongst these red rock canyon hills

‘That rock there might have something in it

Under his tuition, I cautiously hit the rock which obligingly splits in two to reveal the twin of the ammonite he discovered only moments ago

refuge behind a large rock that was close to the smallest of the

dragon, so he came out from behind the rock

I have read the name engraved upon this rock, this marker

‘Sit down, there’s a rock behind you

I think I wouldn’t even mention it if it wasn’t for the rock that Nuplayy saw fall

Along the road out of town, I climb for about half an hour to where the bulldozers have scraped out the old rock to make the new road, and from there look back at the lights of Sophia, a tender pattern of sparks with a few gaps where mountain homes once stood

He got the rock worm chopped in the pan with the mooliuk

Can you perch on that rock for a moment?’

I lead Sefir to a rock and clamber onto her back

Together we stand on the rock, he confident – me slightly wary; taking my hand, he closes his eyes and begins a quiet but compelling chant

He really hit rock bottom when the invitations to play in charity golf tournaments stopped arriving on his doormat because the organisers were worried about Terry’s drink problems

When at last I caught up with the others, they were on the lip of a wide plateau of sandy rock and there, emerging from the wiry scrub, stood a tidy cluster of stubborn ruins and dry stone walls that seemed determined to stand forever

Underfoot, bits of rock crumbled and splashed into the water, sinking past fishes in the swaying seaweed to the greenness down beyond

» He overlaid the view with the same chart he had shown earlier with the raw activity levels, the lower level of activity in the targeted rock was striking

Tomorrow you will join me and Alessandra on the rock outside this hut where I will call the name of Athena and she will answer and come to strike out the hearts of these thieves

One or two monsters fluttered by, maybe bats, but I kept going up and up until at last I reached the oracle and sat on a rock, quite flushed with my achievement

For the whole of the next week Tiffany was a rock and roll

rock bottom when the invitations to play in charity golf

The Builders upon Rock and Sand: Matthew 7:24-27

unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock

Her curls were briefly silhouetted in front of lighter rock

“When I heard about that rock,” she said, getting up from the harness, “I knew I had to come back here

Granddad said that you couldn’t point at a rock or a crag or a tree and

The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation,

In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God

He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways is judgment: a God of truth and

The one that had grown over the rock, swallowing it like a giant clam

Shaun lives a twilight life, moving through the rock pools and shallows of the Atlantic coast line, selling directly sometimes, but usually preferring to move the merchandise on quietly through his own network of club and playground contacts

A large explosion from downstairs rocked the house

He wore a fancy top hat, but it was a size too big and kept slipping over his eyes while he rocked

He rocked close enough so that Peter could see his liver spots

Talshi came up with him and rocked him to sleep

scandal that rocked the country

That one simple, blithely delivered statement rocked me back on my heels

She rocked gently back and forth in her chair, spooning cat food into her mouth and smiling to herself

I can just about hear the sound of their voices above the gentle sloshing of the sea against the boards forming the walls of my cabin, and to those soothing, reassuring sounds, I drift off to sleep quickly, rocked by the motion of The Aquarian

Later, lying in my cabin, rocked by the waves, I drowsily contemplate this complicated man

He rocked back and forth

“You dear old rascal”, she whispered as they rocked gently back and forth with the giggles and with the wide eyed sharing of new best friends

Ken and Lucy rocked back and forth in time to the gentle, spiritual beat, mouthing silent words as the boy’s perfect voice soared in over the bass lines, the guitars and the unearthly breath of synthesised melody

The explosion rocked the

rocked her gently until she drifted off into the troubled land of her

She felt like she was still on the boat, which was so small it rocked when anyone moved around, but more so when she did

She rocked him with the scissors hold

“You dear old rascal”, she whispered as they rocked gently back

evidence that points to someone else?’ Jean rocked his

He merely rocked back and forth with her, until she stopped crying

He really rocked one of the pitches sending it very deep into the outfield

He held her close and coo’d to her, rocked her in his arms

The old man held his head in his hands and rocked back and forth slightly

«What!?!?» Alan was completely rocked by this news

Another blast rocked the Sanctuary, more powerful than all the rest

Now, she rocked against Tragus with a swaying motion, as she imagined a loving Mother

Yet the archers were firing, and the Thanes hacking downward with their swords, and still the wall rocked under the weight of the coming horde

They kissed wildly, holding each other as they rocked

He groaned as her hands moved along his back while they rocked together

She did not say anything to Kevin, but the water was now easily sloshing against her ankles as the car slowly rocked

floor, and rocked the switch a few times so the

‘ She rocked back and forth trying to stifle her laughter

I rocked her as we stood there, thinking about the gift and the horror of this place

She considered speaking to rouse him, but instead knelt there and rocked him gently

The patient rocked backwards and forwards in a vigorous motion and said the most peculiar things: ‘You know you can’t force me to burden responsibility for what I couldn’t have chosen to do, that was in no way my own choice to control, to do,’ the man said in a tremulous English home counties voice

The car rocked from the impact as if hit by a high velocity cleaning jet

The force of the wind, now about a category-3 hurricane, rocked the car to the point where it seemed that at any moment they would lose the ground

As he picked himself up, a second impact rocked the vessel

He crashed into someone as the ship was rocked yet again, and

Once I was able to corner the one that I had connected with through the wire mesh that wrapped around the front of the cage, I gently coaxed it into my little hand, and lifted its peeping little body outside of the cage and into my chest, where I rocked it back and forth, petting its tiny little feathers until it was nearly asleep in my hands (I’m pretty sure that I was a bona fide chicken whisperer)

her lap, she rocked and hushed and comforted, as though Toinette had

«He neither shall be rocked

Dawn sat behind her dad on a seat facing Sheena, her body moving rhythmically as the craft was rocked by the swell

Kay looked at the stone, and then rocked back, flushing even more deeply

The recent scandals (Pedophilia) that have rocked the Church have properly upset you as well they should

It rocked gently with his movements

you pretty rocked the place

I rocked tensely onto the balls of my feet

I rocked slightly at the touch, my mind ablaze with his madness even as I intellectually rejected everything that he had said

He rocked his thigh against my clitoris though my pants, and I arched my neck, pushing hard against the wall as I ground my hips into him

The words shot through me with a force that rocked me on my feet

I rocked back slightly in the chair at that revelation

He possessed me utterly, stroking my tongue, my mouth, moving with a slow rhythm that rocked my body, tying my brain and my hips and my lips and my center to him

The caves had been formed out of some primeval earthquake that rocked the area several million years ago

They all rocked in hysterical laughter

Tightly strapped in, he made an effort to forget it was a machine at all…he wiggled the stick and the wings rocked

Hilderich rocked himself back and forth on his toes and heels, his face beaming with health and good spirits

Her thigh was between my legs then and I gasped and my hips rocked of their own accord and my pussy rubbed little circles on her thighs, and she was rolling then on top of me, and my hips moved in little circles against her as my passion spread out from my crotch and sent more sharp, wonderful little twinges running up and down my legs and up my stomach and torso

I was dizzy and weak and tried to pull away to sob alone, but she clutched me to her perfect white breasts and rocked me as a child

While Celia instinctively rocked him gently, the girl nodded with bewilderment before speaking in a confounded voice as low as a whisper:

The machine rocked and jiggled from time to time, as they worked on it and made small adjustments and safety checks, but he had gotten used to it over the years

The yard man was nowhere to be seen, and nonplussed; she regarded the chuff-chuffing machine, as it rocked and vibrated about a half-metre away from her bedroom wall

“Yep – Hey Chi Girl, you rocked it out girl,” I said as sexily as I could in a deeper voice

He just smiled and went “hum, hom” as he always did and rocked back and forth on his feet

Bob smiled and said, “No kidding, she told you that? YEP, that was the last time I had rocked out

This time, I rocked it

I vigorously top rocked in a frolicsome circle then dove into pennies and attempted to bounce into a head spin but I didn’t quite make it; I serendipitously wound up spinning around on my shoulders a couple of times at an upright position

The rest of the night I socialized, rocked a move from time to time, and just chilled with all of my crew mates and our groupies (as I liked to call them) Tabitha and Sabrina

I did not know his name, but he was this cat that had rocked Atomic flares

Gawavolf, who had calmly rocked back and forth on his feet during her whole monologue, now stopped and looked up at her

We had even been loud enough that we could see Hazy, who was still inside of the Laundromat playing Pac Man, was grooving his shoulders, boppin’ his head along, and mouthing the words to, “Din Daa Daa” as he rocked his game

He had rocked it in one fell swoop; continuous motion

“Dude, you rocked out,” I said with a requited smile

“We’ve got it so far,” I told her but actually I was thinking we were in a tie and that included me factoring in my head spins that I hadn’t rocked yet

Fandango had rocked out dozens of air flares and halos but for whatever reason, he never did straight up head spins

He had rocked out, without a doubt, the best move of the night

Fandango had rocked it too tough, too Chicago; Tall Chicago

Chi Girl yelled, “Hey, there aren’t only Bboys here?!” and with the music being low enough the MC apparently heard her and said, “Sup B-Girl … I know you’re out there, I aint trying to diss … you rocked them flips girl!”

Telling me, “You really rocked out on the head spins bro!” They even started telling me how great my crew was and schlerniousness like that

” He rocked his head from side to side to indicate dementia

He rocked back and forth quietly and his lips moved as if he still whispered lowly to himself

She sat with Mevarn on the grass and he rocked her quietly while she wept and talked and wept

Ardara rocked back and fourth in her lonely throne, crazed and shaking

After that my dad wanted to pull me out of the testing experience for good and he asked me what I thought and so I gave him the only logical reply a young man my age could give: “No way! That rocked! Let’s do it again!”

But it rocked!)

The room rocked viciously and the cupboard crashed down next to her

rocked the runway and they tried to steady themselves

Kenichi grabbed hold of the console as another tremor rocked the Daiichi plant

The final Tsunami set rocked the house

as the tank rocked heavily from side to side

Their manes were long and unkempt, but their eyes shone brightly, and the wagon wheels rocked as they strained at their bonds

Lord Robert listened to the rhythmic clacking of the train wheels as the car rocked gently back and forth, rushing through the forest

During the night, the storm had intensified and the ship swayed and rocked with almost violent force

outcast whose depraved actions have rocked the military to its core

The explosion was so huge that the Earth rocked on its

Lowering herself to the ground, she rocked gently and stared ahead

“No, Jesse,” he said, leading her up a rocked walkway, “the cabin is ours

As they rocked gently in the swing, questions drifted into Jesse’s mind

pulled her close once again and rocked her back and forth while

In the den, there was a pair of rocking chairs that Leila liked

Peter woke up in a room with an old man sitting in a rocking chair

«Peter, what’s the problem?» Pop’s rocking chair creaked slowly

Wide-eyed, rocking back and forth, curled up into the smallest space that he

Similar to the Rocking exercise described in chapter four

Tiffany looked over her shoulder and, to her horror, she saw two uniformed policemen rocking backwards and forwards on the heels of their big black boots

‘They shoot into the sky and thank the stars they have such good company,’ he was a boy with his sister again, happy to be rocking and rolling to the rhythm of the choppy seas

The rocking of the boat helped the rocking of their union

the rumble of the wheels and the rocking of the

and sat heavily into a cushioned rocking chair

’ He said, rocking her in his arms

sat rocking, with head in hands, clumps of hair in

Ted staggers backwards, ramming the base of his spine against the corner of the fridge, rocking the lamp, making Alex shimmer

“Harry, please come to our rooms, mother is frantic at the rocking of the ship and is in such a state

in the rocking chair facing away from his bed, careful to prop the janitor’s head so

He was an old grouchy man, rocking

The motion of it was greater than that of the ship thru the void, more caring than sleeping in a mothers arms, more primeval than rocking in ocean swells

A simple rocking of her head let him know his assumptions were correct

look at Roman as he read in his rocking chair

When rocking around the Christmas tree started to play, she lifted her head and longed to dance, but by then Mike would’ve been doing good to stand

A small movement across the strings and green rivers of molten sound flowed down from the four pillars of the roof, while bass notes began rocking in red and green checkerboards on the floor


The rocking caused by the impending storm became unpleasant

He picked up a new pine rocking chair and handed it to Flitter

The rest of the congregation joined in with the chant, their heads rocking rhythmically, eyes staring glassily forward

gentle rocking of the boat and watching the stars

with her hands folded in a rocking chair, “If we all work

I pulled her against me and held her, rocking her as she shook

The rocking figure turned its head, sobbed more loudly and then turned back and hugged the still figure harder

It was late at night and I was roused from my sleep by the rocking of the ship

” Leah clasped her tiny hands around her knees, rocking back and forth

It was all bombs now the Turks had a lot as well as grenades which were still like rocking horse shit for us to get hold of

The young men were seated on blankets further from the fire, with the mothers and fathers and grandparents seated further back, some on wooden rocking chairs that must have been carried from the farmhouses

He was shaking from head to toe, rocking back and forth as he stumbled along

Tied up and the stadium was rocking

Back in the game, 20-14, with the stadium rocking

Walking slowly over to the tall rocking chair in the corner, Latrandura inspected the cleanliness of the room as she passed

This might have been one of the chicks that I had held close to my chest, quieting her peeps with my gentle strokes and soft words, putting it to sleep by rocking my hips back and forth, like I had watched Mom do with Jason only a few years before

“Then what happens?” asked the Thimble Down deputy, who had never been to sea before and was not accustomed to the constant rocking of the ship, something reflected in his slightly green pallor

Closing the doll’s house again, Dawn looked around, spotting a carved wooden rocking horse

rocking horse and the sled

When he finally managed to bring the car straight again — heart hammering in his chest — he was facing the way he’d come, rocking from side to side as a violent wind buffeted the car about

But as Babouscka sat by her fire, rocking, she began to think

A while later they moved deeper and the rocking motion stopped

without rocking its customary foundations… the requirements of an evolving society…

Rachel sat on the rocking chair close to the fire

Rachel released the pressure in her legs, the rocking chair rolled upright, without moving her body she opened her eyes widely

As the train sped along, rocking me back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm, I half dozed, only vaguely aware that Uncle Hobart was ordering something from the trolley service

She sat in the chair and was rocking back and

She stroked my hair, and my head, rocking me back and forth on the grass beside the bench

The boat slowed down and began rocking in the waves

Oh, so that was it: absolute proof of her lowly character! He just stood there rocking on his heels with his hands clasped behind his back and cast his gaze knowingly around the room

For Mike, what he was free of, regardless of whether he looked ahead or back, was always the same: Sylvia! Cruising the highway, with nothing in his hair but the wind and great tunes rocking from the stereo at full volume, was just this side of perfect

intensified the rocking motion

As it slowed on approach, the wake rushed ahead and began the big barge gently rocking

The gentle gait of the horse, and the steady rhythmic rocking of the cart, meant they were still progressing

Hilderich was positively brimming with excitement, his eyes and face were lit up and he was actually rocking about his toes and heel

Their journey south had been as slow and tiresome as before, with frequent side-tracking and much rocking and jolting over hastily-repaired roadbeds

My hands were on her hips then, and she was rocking them rocking them filling my hands

She traced light circles on my back and I was moaning softly, my whole consciousness those light circles, the touch of her lips, the feel of her rocking hips, and I moaned and opened my legs for her

Shuddering, frozen and barely able to shiver, yet rocking violently under the tremors of my mind, my eyes, twitching twitching, but he was there, he was there holding me

They were talking then, but it was too hard to concentrate on the words, so I just sat, rocking

She held me down and Argyl was above us, straddling us and the boat was rocking

Then I said, “But he is, and he can, and he was rocking it strong!”

I’ve always considered myself to be an excellent strategist, but this guy made me feel as though I was playing Pac-Man while he was rocking with Call Of Duty: Black Ops

Next, I saw Jet Drinkwater enter into a routine of his own that included swiping and down rocking — but he too had to shuck and jive to avoid getting his hands stomped on, and I was sure of it now

But Hazy who was only a few feet away from me, started reading my mind and began up rocking in my face

Mevarn buried his face in her hair and just continued his comforting rocking

This was equipped with tot-sized rocking chair and table, wall-shelves for doll’s china tea set and kitchen articles, and pictures from fairy tales on its walls

The supercilious gentleman received me from his throne — a newly-fashionable rocking chair in a stylishly bare room

Her clothes were in tatters, and she hid her face in her arms, rocking back and fourth, even though the cage wasn’t locked, or even shut

so what was this rocking back and fourth when he

The barrage battered against the helicopter, rocking it as it

Holes in the prow would partially fill with water in rough seas and dampen the violent rocking of the waves

Maggie was left with the rocking of the wagon and the lull of the noises outside

bumping and rocking back and forth as the Jeep driver thought he

She sat in a rocking chair in the corner of her room and listened to the creak of the floorboards

ground, grabbing at his head and rocking back and forth for a long, long time

The sun comes up each day, there is light and dark, winter and summer and basically everything seems to be rocking along in a normal fashion

She took me into her arms, rocking me back and forth as I cried

I stood up from my rocking chair,

This time, I picked a rocking chair to sit in

the constant thumping, rocking and jumping

giggling as they’d stood rocking and swaying with the rhythms of

Janelle sat with her knees pulled up to her chin, rocking

Petrov was standing by the head of the bed gently rocking the new

a troublemaker or rocking the boat? Is it that the allegations of child

One, don’t go, deal with the man who’s trying to kill you, lose out on all the years of your life spent on this forum and spend the night rocking in the dark

She gathered the boy from the Lost One’s grasp as close to her bosom as she could get him, rocking him like a restless child, though she was the one most in need of comfort

It was lucky for Penn and Starret that the rocking sampan

Perithnea instructed them to find a rocking chair, and said the biggest one of all should hold his body on her lap and rock it

In the morning Nuke said, “I am still rocking my baby

She could not believe that she had remembered the riding aids after all these years, and almost laughed out loud when after a squeeze of her inside leg, he started to canter with the lovely rocking motion that all big horses are capable of

His body must have understood for a while that the boat had stopped its slight rocking motion, but it was only now that his mind noticed also

The boat slid into the inlet, and at once stopped rocking, for here the water was like glass, and had hardly a wrinkle

nervous as a ling tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs?”

tied to it, which was rocking like crazy in the choppy water

for them to keep things safe by not rocking the boat, but was it

He held the old man for a while, rocking him gently in his arms

headed for the rocks, the accompanying Sea Rescue helicopters had to return to base as the waves were now high enough to be sucked

“You see those two by that evergreen? The rocks stacked and then the one with the collar?”

I have also used everything from wood to rocks to broken glass as barriers

The glaciers descend, grinding up all rocks and mountains in their path, remineralizing the soil

After walking to the far rocks and back they both agreed that it was time for a

There’s big crystal claws on the timbers when hauling rocks you understand

Bolt pushes along the fence row, snapping pictures as he walks of rocks, an acacia tree covered with windblown plastic bags, his shoe, a pile of garbage rotting in the sun, a dead sheep rotting in the sun

primordial soup was brewed, how tectonic shifts came to be and how the rocks and

Skies billowed and poured acid rain into fissures in those rocks, fissures that

feather to fall upon the barren rocks of our world

wait, if they’re dropping rocks, what am I doing here?»

This morning we went on an boat ride around the island: Picturesque caverns with blue, crystal waters; white arched rocks looming over emerald waves; swimming in the open sea near the Cave of Keri

The rocks and the dirt of the tunnel exploded around me when I heard that voice for the second time

The pink sand was studded with shell-shaped rocks of various sizes and colours

They skirted round a collection of rocks half sunk in the sand, keeping the sun on their left

What other deities are wise as our God is wise? What other deities have given and continue to give wisdom that affects time and eternity? Rocks do not speak

In dreaming of a peacock sky on some far distant world, Smith allowed a feather to fall upon the barren rocks of our world

Many have passed the rocks of gross sins… who have suffered shipwrecks upon the sands of self-righteousness

rocks into a pool which then led away down a channel out of the

Over another still water, framed by black shadow rocks,

He smiles at me and shows me how to split the rocks with the hammer he is holding

We potter in amongst the rocks at the foot of the cliff for some time, my small collection of fossils growing steadily as we take it turns to wield the hammer

“Lardyme, have a quick look around that pile of rocks

Lardyme took another look around the pile of rocks

when the sound of rocks and shingle falling,

reached the spot where the rocks stopped

«I wish we had something better than these rocks to mash these roots down on

in the same flow, imagine how we could erode the rocks

And you see those pointy rocks out there, half hidden by the waves? They’re The Manacles

There seemed to be a cafe near some rocks at the far end of the bay so with that as my turning point and the town some way behind me now, I staggered along the tide line

’ I said, fixing my eyes on the source of the sensation – a small pile of rocks set back a metre or so to the left of the Well

Without moving, I search with my eyes for a clue to where in the rocks the Element might be …

My voice ran round the rocks as I stared across into the restaurant and at that very

He felt too summery for Granddad on the rocks, instead he poured a big glass and made it light on the gin

But he hid there when he could live nowhere else because the nymphs of the rocks protected him from prying eyes

The boulders turned to rocks and it wasn’t long before we were in our stride, ever dropping down and down through that slit in the land, like kids on a school trip chattering about all the nonsense in our lives, down and down toward the little chapel on the beach

Further along, I realised I was not alone with the sound of startled lizards scratching over the rocks and you don’t know they’re there until they’ve gone

when we arrived all we found were large rocks swirling about; it had been totally destroyed

During the raging some had yelled and cursed and some threw rocks to ward off the devils in that boat but most had stood in fear

In the past I’d condemned the tales of the old Cornish wreckers, the poverty-stricken coastal villagers who misguided freighters onto rocks in a grasp for survival, but now I understood and was playing my part in condemning the robbers on the Kaliantikos to their deaths

‘ He pointed to a space between the rocks and as we drew closer we could see it had been a woman

There was a brushy embankment that went up to some rocks

it fast with some rocks and waded out into the surf to rescue the

rocks or the air,” the mysterious lady replied, “Or where machines

habitation, edged by rocks and mudflats

Joyce sat in her car and watched him kick rocks and curse as he inspected his car

tree roots and sharp jagged rocks, threatening to grab his feet from underneath him

Only yesterday, he had been swept away in this very river, battered on the rocks and rejected onto the shore

The rocks were like broken glass, and they were everywhere

The man sat on the rocks and cast out

He slapped his legs and stood to kick at rocks

they scrambled over rocks and protrusions to bear

At the end of the discussions, they dug a shallow grave, buried him, and covered it with loose rocks

Deprived of their focal point, her eyes dropped to the shingle by her feet, idly scanning the ground up rocks littering the shore

She took some minutes to find enough but soon had a border of rocks laid around the body

‘No rocks in this mud

She stood amongst the bushes watching as the sea slowly ebbed and flowed, gradually releasing the land from its grasp; the tide went out leaving rocks shiny in the sunshine

The slope of this beach was steep and the rocks were quite large

force of the trees, rocks, and creatures all around

The tide was right in; waves wildly swooshing up against the rocks scattering droplets of brine for metres up in the air where they sparkled in the sun, the wind-borne spray hitting her in the face

A wild maelstrom of white water swirled over the invisible rocks; uncontrollable and almost alive in its intensity, the sea tore at the cliff

‘Nothing much, I watch the sea and potter on the rocks when the tide is out

She stood awkwardly, the sound of the sea pounding against the rocks below filling the air

Once he was satisfied of their plumb he wedged their positions with rocks jammed and tamped down into the narrow spaces between the poles and the hole walls

He hit one of the rocks and bounced off it, splatting against another just as a massive wave struck the cliff

Chrissie gasped and watched anxiously as the turmoil of water surged and swirled over the rocks, but when the white water receded, there was no sign of the big man

covered rocks and boulders were the region’s most

the breakers crashing on the rocks at the foot of the cliffs below

waves crashing on the rocks below

little more that bare rocks, although one of them appeared to have a

“Those rocks are dreadful!” Tom interjected, “They must have

He peered down at the rocks on the beach below them

’ Mganga said, ‘I should think the cross currents round those rocks make a right maelstrom

We’d sat on the rocks and he’d told me that, as a child, he’d come to the Isle of Wight on a school trip once and fallen in love with it

Suddenly, Matt’s leg slipped and he was heading for the edge of the path and towards the jagged rocks below

This path went downhill, usually gently, often leveled with a log rail and fill in some spots, some rocks pried around in a few other spots

At the end of it the crippled man picked one of his teeth out of the rocks,

The rocks were sometimes covered with small plants, their texture told him they were related to the little soft-bodied ones from the desert

He climbed, rather than walked over huge roots and dead trunks, falling into drops under overgrown piles of dead branches and sliding on the dead leaves and damp rocks

the ever-changing direction of huge rocks in an asteroid belt

Some even threw stones and rocks at her and called her ugly

Here and there next to the house, wherever there was a crack between rocks, thick twisted vines with small clumps of long floppy leaves grew large, brilliant and aromatic flowers and hard green pods

defense will be the fortress of rocks,

During that time there was high energy technology based on burning rocks that were now all used up

The Pinto shot rocks from under its tires as I floored it out of the crude

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountain apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind

Other than gaining attention by dropping rocks, Gordon’s Lamp was a gnat to this civilization and would probably never be noticed in day-to-day life

Second, who would believe that a cute young girl was slinging rocks?

It grows in several parts of Great Britain, particularly in Scotland, upon such rocks only as lie within the high-water mark, which are twice every day covered with the sea, and of which the produce, therefore, was never augmented by human industry

Eventually the poet roped two heavy rocks around his waist to increase his weight factor, then tried again

He successfully negotiated the edge during a brief lull in the storm, fell into a peat bog, cut the rope quickly to release the rocks, he clambered back to the bank

«Place the tents and packs behind the rocks and lets explore around the lee of the mount» Fizzicist then jumped onto a boulder to attempt a better view forward, but the gale snatched at his coat and pushed him over

So the group, hand in hand skirted the heights of the mount, or tried to, for the rocks seemed to getting larger and the pathway steeper, until squeezing between huge boulder pillars they reached the summit

They followed the track down to the canyon and carefully skirted the fallen rocks and irregular path until by midday they met a waterfall and grassy area

Only a miracle would prevent her from being dashed against sharp rocks at its base

They dodged most of the rocks, though one guardsman fell with a great lump on his

It was more rocks

The rocks were from my sling, of course

You’ve got to breaks the rocks in the hot sun,

They seemed wonderfully nimble, landing on the smallest footholds, never slipping on rocks slick with spray

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Thus in the case of saxicolous lichens the mineralogical character of the rock has of itself little or no influence upon lichen growth, which is influenced more especially and directly by their physical properties, such as their capacity for retaining heat and moisture.

The last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was a rock ledge coming at her.

The rock wallabies are soft and woolly and often of a pretty bluish tone, and make moderately useful carriage rugs and perambulator aprons.

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The glacier or ice sheet overran all Maine, irregularly scouring out the bed rock to produce rock basins, damming up many river valleys with glacial deposits and completely disarranging the drainage lines.

It was carried off in carts to open spaces, where an exposure of some weeks to the air was found to pulverize the hard rock far more efficiently than the old method of crushing with mallets.

AILSA CRAIG, an island rock at the mouth of the Firth of Clyde, 10 m.

To these troops their chief now made known the pashas orders to massacre all the Mamelukes within the citadel; therefore, having returned Final by another way, they gained the summits of the walls massacre and houses that hem in the road in which the Mameof the lukes were confined, and some stationed themselves Manic- upon the eminences of the rock through which that U es.

Often bands of spherulites alternate with bands of pure glass, a fact which seems to indicate that the growth of these bodies took place before the rock ceased to flow.

A dull stony-looking rock results, the vitreous lustre having entirely disappeared, and in microscopic section this exhibits a cryptocrystalline structure, being made up of exceedingly minute grains principally of quartz and felspar.

His confidence was the only rock to stand on she’d found in this forsaken world of immortals.

 Meanings and Examples of ROCK


 n.  a large mass of stone that sticks up out of the ground or the sea

 n.  a type of popular music with a strong beat, which is usually played with electric guitars and drums

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  The thought of the animal’s suffering was intolerable to him and he struggled to raise himself, and could not because a rock, or some huge mass, seemed to be lying on him.

2  Reared in Charleston, he knew every inlet, creek, shoal and rock of the Carolina coast near that port, and he was equally at home in the waters around Wilmington.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XII

3  Miss Faith was driving, her face like a rock, and for once, her teeth were covered by her lips.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIV

4  It was as hard as rock candy and as tasteless as sawdust and after one bite Scarlett hastily handed it back amid roars of laughter.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXVIII

5  Maddened by terror, she lashed the horse again and again and it struck a gait that made the buggy rock and sway.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLIV

6  «Let us sit here,» Selden suggested, as they reached an open ledge of rock above which the beeches rose steeply between mossy boulders.

House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: Chapter 6

7  Lily dropped down on the rock, glowing with her long climb.

House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: Chapter 6

8  Selden stretched himself on the grass at her feet, tilting his hat against the level sun-rays, and clasping his hands behind his head, which rested against the side of the rock.

House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: Chapter 6

9  Inherited tendencies had combined with early training to make her the highly specialized product she was: an organism as helpless out of its narrow range as the sea-anemone torn from the rock.

House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: Chapter 11

10  He was an undefined mass, as solid-seeming as rock.

11  On this rock every one of the whale-naturalists has split.

Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 32. Cetology.

12  Seen from the mast-heads, especially when they paused and were stationary for a while, their vast black forms looked more like lifeless masses of rock than anything else.

Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 58. Brit.

13  Hand in hand, ship and breeze blew on; but the breeze came faster than the ship, and soon the Pequod began to rock.

Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 71. The Jeroboam’s Story.

14  Yet dost thou, darker half, rock me with a prouder, if a darker faith.

Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 116. The Dying Whale.

15  When she heard it there came before her imagination the figure of a man standing beside a desolate rock on the seashore.

Example Sentence: (159 in 11 pages)

16  And if we examine the bare rock at the base of the grassy hill we discover carved spirals.

17  He lifted up the rock without effort.

18  They lifted the heavy rock without effort.

19  A unique feature of these rock shelters was that they were dry.

20  Freeze it only until firm but not rock solid.

21  Discipline is the rock on which the game of golf is built.

22  He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff face.

23  We’ll have to use leverage to move this huge rock.

24  The magazine gives the inside story of life in a rock band.

25  Madonna has made a crossover from rock music to the movies.

26  Part of the rock wall overhung the path at one point.

27  The immense pressure causes the rock to fracture.

28  Push away, men, we’ll soon move this rock.

29  The radio was blaring rock music.

30  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to make a rock record.

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