Sentences with the word ring

кольцо, ринг, звон, круг, ободок, рым, конфорка, звонить, звенеть, звучать, раздаваться


- кольцо

wedding ring — обручальное кольцо (замужней женщины)
engagement ring — кольцо невесты (вручается при обручении)
split ring — разъёмное кольцо (для ключей и т. п.)
rings of smoke — кольца дыма

- обруч, ободок; оправа (очков)
- обыкн. pl спорт. кольца

fixed rings — неподвижные кольца
flying rings — кольца в каче

- кольцо для спуска (альпинизм)
- кольцо корзины (баскетбол)

ещё 22 варианта


- окружать (кольцом) (тж. ring about, ring

ringed (about) by enemies — окружённый врагами
the president was ringed (a)round by a party of policemen — президент был окружён кольцом полицейских

- обводить кружком; очертить круг
- ставить в кружок

to ring cattle — сгонять скот в одно место

- надевать кольцо

to ring a bird — кольцевать птицу

- набросить кольцо (в играх)

ещё 16 вариантов

Мои примеры


a ring of ships in the harbor — кольцо кораблей в гавани  
she had rings on every finger — Она носила кольца на каждом пальце.  
ring with cancellation — кольцо без делителей нуля  
centering ring — центрирующее кольцо  
to discover a spy ring — обнаружить шпионскую сеть  
to ring a doorbell — звонить в дверь  
jewel-encrusted ring — кольцо, украшенное драгоценными камнями  
group over ring — группа над кольцом  
memorial ring — памятное кольцо  
floating piston ring — плавающий поршневой палец  
gold ring — золотое кольцо  
key ring — кольцо для ключей  

Примеры с переводом

His story rings true.

Его рассказ звучит правдоподобно.

I’ll ring you later.

Я позвоню тебе позже.

The ring is solid gold.

Это кольцо — из чистого золота.

Ring the mistakes in red.

Обведи ошибку красным цветом.

Ring off! груб.

Замолчи(те)!, Заткни(те)сь!

Sally rang for a taxi.

Салли вызвала такси.

Why didn’t you give me a ring?

Почему ты мне не позвонил?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He retired from the ring at 34.

I rang the doorbell but no one came.

He slipped the ring onto her finger.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

ring in — вводить, представлять, окружать кольцом
ring off — давать отбой, вешать трубку
ring out — раздаваться, прозвенеть, прозвучать, провожать колокольным звоном
ring up — звонить, обзванивать, дозвониться, перезванивать, разбудить звонком

Возможные однокоренные слова

ringed  — с кольцом, в кольцах, отмеченный кружком, обрученный, женатый, замужняя
ringer  — звонарь, точная копия, первоклассная вещь, мастер своего дела, тот, кто звонит
ringing  — звон, вызов, трезвон, посылка вызова, звонкий, звучный, громкий
ringent  — губоцветный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: ring
he/she/it: rings
ing ф. (present participle): ringing
2-я ф. (past tense): rang
3-я ф. (past participle): rung

ед. ч.(singular): ring
мн. ч.(plural): rings

Sentences with the word Ring?



  • «a ring of ships in the harbor»; «a halo of smoke»
  • «an authentic signature»; «a bona fide manuscript»; «an unquestionable antique»; «photographs taken in a veritable bull ring«
  • «ring birds»; «band the geese to observe their migratory patterns»
  • «a flash car»; «a flashy ring«; «garish colors»; «a gaudy costume»; «loud sport shirts»; «a meretricious yet stylish book»; «tawdry ornaments»
  • «You must confront your opponent»; «Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring«; «The two enemies finally confronted each other»
  • «a high-crowned hat»; «an orange-crowned bird»; «a crowned signet ring«
  • «She played nervously with her wedding ring«; «Don’t fiddle with the screws»; «He played with the idea of running for the Senate»
  • «he had the gem set in a ring for his wife»; «she had jewels made of all the rarest stones»
  • «This ring was handed down through many generations»
  • «they were much in evidence during the fighting»; «she made certain that her engagement ring was in evidence»
  • «ring the bells»; «My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church»
  • «the physical topologies of local area networks include the bus, the ring and the star»
  • «it has the ring of sincerity»
  • «the distinctive ring of the church bell»; «the ringing of the telephone»; «the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells»—E. A. Poe
  • «The police smashed the drug ring after they were tipped off»
  • «remained unsuspected as the head of the spy ring«; «he was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected»; «unsuspected difficulties arose»; «unsuspected turnings in the road»

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


An ordered ring that is not trivial is infinite.

Упорядоченное кольцо, которое не является тривиальным (то есть содержит не только ноль), бесконечно.

Ugly ring, ugly ring, ugly ring

Inside the boxing ring and the political ring, I wish Manny nothing but the best.

Внутри боксерского ринга и внутри политического ринга я желаю Мэнни только самого лучшего.

Preferably, each ring is corrugated.

Наиболее предпочтительно, чтобы каждый из них был выполнен в виде разрезанного кольца.

Often only one ring acts as both wedding ring and engagement ring.

Часто только одно кольцо действует как обручальное кольцо, так и обручальное кольцо.

«Spirocyclyl» or «spirocyclic ring» refers to a ring originating from a particular annular carbon of another ring.

«Спироциклил» или «спироциклическое кольцо» относится к кольцу, берущему начало из конкретного кольцевого углерода другого кольца.

Preferably, the cycloalkyl group is a monocyclic ring or bicyclic ring.

Предпочтительно циклоалкильная группа представляет собой моноциклическое кольцо или бициклическое кольцо.

The ring is situated horizontally and I now place the sword on the ring so they lock together almost like a wheel.

Кольцо расположено горизонтально, и теперь я помещаю меч на кольцо, поэтому они фиксируются вместе почти как колесо.

In a «ring» of possible signers, all ring members are equal and valid.

В «кольце» возможных подписантов все члены кольца равны и действительны.

Each ring has short-term parking in the center of the ring.

Каждое кольцо имеет кратковременную парковку в центре кольца.

The lower gold content in a ring will not generally affect the overall look of your ring.

Более низкое содержание золота в кольце вообще не повлияет на общий взгляд вашего кольца.

In such polycyclic systems, the group may be attached by the aromatic ring, or by a non-aromatic ring.

В таких полициклических системах группа может быть связана посредством ароматического кольца или неароматического кольца.

That gaps were not between a loud speaker and ring, splen glued on the perimeter of ring.

Чтобы не было зазоров между динамиком и кольцом, по периметру кольца проклеил сплен.

In particular, the endomorphism ring of M is a commutative local ring.

В частности, кольцо эндоморфизмов модуля М является коммутативным локальным кольцом.

This ring… was his wedding ring.

Now I must return the ring without the ring… which makes it so much harder.

А теперь мне нужно возвращать кольцо, но без кольца это становится намного труднее.

And then one day that ring will just be a ring.

А потом придет день, когда кольцо станет просто кольцом.

The ring… you never talked about the ring.

Tungsten alloy is increasingly used for military ring making, it is tungsten military ring.

Вольфрам сплав все чаще используется для военных кольца решений, товольфрама военное кольцо.

Tungsten championship ring is the ring used as sports match or super star souvenir.

Вольфрам кольцо чемпионата это кольцо используется в качестве спортивного матча или супер звезда сувенир.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ring

Результатов: 41995. Точных совпадений: 41995. Затраченное время: 120 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


noun существительное

множественное число (plural):


















  1. кольцо

    golden ring
    золотое кольцо

    rubber sealing ring
    резиновое уплотнительное кольцо

    principal ideal ring
    кольцо главных идеалов

    gold wedding ring
    золотое обручальное кольцо

    ring in his nose
    кольцо в носу

    rings under her eyes
    круги под глазами

    diamond ring
    бриллиантовый перстень

    thin ring
    тонкое колечко

  2. звон

    crystal ring
    хрустальный звон

  3. ринг

    boxing ring
    боксерский ринг

  4. звонок

  5. конфорка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple):


причастие прошедшего времени (past participle):













  1. звонить

    ring the bell
    звонить в колокол

    ring the doorbell
    позвонить в дверь

  2. звучать

  3. раздаваться

  4. прозвонить

  5. окольцевать


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и ring:


Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений ring на 1 миллион слов: 62.

Примеры предложений

Tom put the ring on Mary’s finger.
Том надел кольцо на палец Мэри.

Don’t forget to give us a ring when you arrive in Kyoto.
Не забудь позвонить нам, когда доберешься до Киото.

In case of fire, ring the bell.
В случае пожара позвони в колокол.

This is a ring my grandmother wore.
Это кольцо, которое носила моя бабушка.

The ring has a great value.
Кольцо очень ценное.

The ring is round.
Кольцо круглое.

Tom can’t get his ring off his finger.
Том не может снять со своего пальца кольцо.

The ring was nowhere to be found.
Кольца нигде не могли найти.

She took her wedding ring off.
Она сняла обручальное кольцо.

Does the name Tom Jackson ring a bell?
Вам о чём-нибудь говорит имя Том Джексон?

Kate always shows off the big diamond ring she got from her fiance.
Кейт всегда хвастается большим бриллиантовым кольцом, которое ей подарил жених.

Tom took his wedding ring off.
Том снял своё обручальное кольцо.

Tom hid the stolen ring in a sock.
Том спрятал похищенное кольцо в носок.

Should we ring the bell?
Нам позвонить в звонок?

Mary’s wedding ring is made of pure gold.
Обручальное кольцо Марии сделано из чистого золота.

It doesn’t ring a bell.
Это мне ни о чём не говорит.

Pass the rope through the ring and tie it.
Пропустите верёвку через кольцо и завяжите её.

Tom bought a diamond ring for Mary.
Том купил Мэри кольцо с бриллиантом.

I’ll ring you up tonight.
Я тебе вечером позвоню.

You’re still wearing the ring Tom gave you.
Ты до сих пор носишь кольцо, которое тебе дал Том.

Whose ring is that?
Чьё это кольцо?

I heard my phone ring once.
Я слышал, как мой телефон прозвенел один раз.

The ring is mine.
Кольцо моё.

Did you ring the bell?
Вы позвонили в звонок?

Did you hear someone ring the doorbell?
Ты слышал, как кто-то звонил в дверь?

Whose ring is it?
Чьё это кольцо?

Tom was just about to ring Mary when she knocked on the door.
Том как раз собирался позвонить Мэри, когда она постучалась в дверь.

He gave her an engagement ring last night.
Он подарил ей обручальное кольцо прошлой ночью.

I gave a diamond ring to Mary.
Я подарил Мэри кольцо с бриллиантом.

Tom looked at the ring John gave Mary.
Том посмотрел на кольцо, которое Джон дал Мэри.

Examples of how to use the word “ring” in a sentence. How to connect “ring” with other words to make correct English sentences.

ring (n, v): a circle of any material, or any group of things or people in a circular shape or arrangement; to make a phone call to someone

Use “ring” in a sentence

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


  • Use the word Ring in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Time to square off in the ring— That is, the Septagon!

That gross diamond ring of Muzzy’s took my breath away.

On the enormous terrace squeezed in among the men in black tie and women in evening dress an illuminated boxing ring where two blacks fight for the European title beating the hell out of each other egged on by a frenzied audience bookies, tannoys whipped into a frenzy at the sight of such violence

And that ring on your finger, that’s about the realness.

I’m going to try and go to the outskirts of the city slyly and do a ring-road approach.

Like the ring on a finger of the tiniest lady with the slimmest of fingers.

Read what’s incribed in your ring.

Entering the ring, Accomplished pianist and an aspiring pop star,

[ dramatic music plays ] Daly: Entering the ring, the backup singer

Who got the ring back from Gollum?

With the strength of the cheetah My native voice shall ring

You hitched a ride in my car, and came into my Kingdom and now you dare to ring the doorbell to my house?

Can I have the ring-plates?

Only, your name didn’t seem to ring a bell.

Er, yeah, tell him I’ll ring him.

Right away I saw on her finger the biggest diamond ring I ever saw in my life.

Now, I gotta ask myself this question. What kind of a burglar robs a house and leaves a ring like that on the victim’s finger?

See, here I am, I’ve been batting my brains out trying to figure out about that ring and you guys had it all the time.

But this appraisal for $8,000 for a 3.6 — Carat, pear-shaped diamond ring with tapered baguettes in a four-prong setting.

This appraisal is for that ring, isn’t it?

«Where is your wedding ring

«If the ring slips off one’s hand, one hardly notices it.»

«I’d just like to bring your wedding ring back.»

If I ring the house, take this immediately to the address.

My husband is interested in every little thing, / Except for I, who wears his ring.

«The negro is coming, Quick! The ring!

see… see… our ring

A baby was born, but there ware not no wedding ring to the finger.

It is absolutely necessary that I get a ring like this one tonight!

I just discovered the fake ring. I came quickly to announce it.

«Will you… will you accept a ring as surety for your expenses, sir?»

Let her ring be placed upon the hand of the chosen.

But I’m not going to give her the ring until tomorrow.

«— ring to your heart’s content —«

here is your engagement ring.

With this ring, you must only… express a wish and it will come true!»

For the thief, the ring has lost its magic power.

This damned ring has turned him into a dog!

Through the power of imagination, with a normal ring, Jean has gained his self confidence.

«Those we encircle within this ring shall be sweethearts…!»

Give back the ring and the money!

Strange, a ring vanished from the box.

That is … my ring, you fine gentleman!

Use “ring” in a sentence | “ring” sentence examples

  1. He that runs fastest gets the ring.
  2. If I have lost the ring, yet the fingers are still here.
  3. They selected a diamond engagement ring.
  4. He has a gold ring on his finger.
  5. The men were standing in a ring.
  6. Sophie lifted the phone before the second ring.
  7. He picked up a metallic ring last night.

Is ring a noun or verb?

ring (verb) ring (noun) ring–fence (verb) ringing (adjective)

How do you use a verb as a ring?

ring verb (SOUND) If something rings, it makes the sound of a bell, and if you ring a bell, you cause it to make a sound: The phone’s ringing. I rang the doorbell. Please ring the bell for attention.

What is a noun in this sentence?

A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective.

What are 5 nouns?

The major ones are common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, and collective nouns.

What are nouns give 10 examples?

List of Nouns

Noun Type Examples
Singular Nouns name one person, place, thing, or idea. cat, sock, ship, hero, monkey, baby, match
Plural Nouns name more than one person, place, thing, or idea. They end with the letter -s. cats, socks, ships, heroes, monkeys, babies, matches

What are the 10 nouns?

10 Types of Nouns in English Grammar With Examples: The 10 types of nouns in English grammar with examples include proper nouns, common nouns, concrete nouns, abstract nouns, collective nouns, compound nouns, countable nouns, non-countable nouns, possessive nouns and verbal nouns.

What is adjective and give 5 examples?

Examples are old, young, new, five-year-old, and. Color adjectives are exactly what they sound like – they’re adjectives that indicate color. Examples include pink, yellow, blue, and. Origin adjectives indicate the source of the noun, whether it’s a person, place, animal or thing.

Where do we use adjective in a sentence?

These are a group of words that describe the noun in the sentence. The adjectival phrase can come before or after the subject of the sentence. The adjective in the sentence can be at the beginning, middle, or end of the phrase. In the examples below, the adjective phrase is in italics, and the adjective is bold.

Can you give me a list of adjectives?

The first part of this list features commonly used adjectives from the first four letters of the alphabet….A-D List of Adjective Words.

adorable adventurous aggressive
ashamed attractive average
awful bad beautiful
better bewildered black
bloody blue blue-eyed

What is adjectives and give examples?

An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun. It “describes” or “modifies” a noun (The big dog was hungry). In these examples, the adjective is in bold and the noun that it modifies is in italics.

What are the words of adjective?

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns: enormous, doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast. They can also describe the quantity of nouns: many, few, millions, eleven.

What is the verb of do?

The verb do is irregular. It has five different forms: do, does, doing, did, done. The base form of the verb is do. The past simple form, did, is the same throughout. The present simple tense do and the past simple tense did can be used as an auxiliary verb.

What is the adjective for volcano?

volcanic. (geology, planetology) of or pertaining to a volcano or volcanoes. (geology, planetology) produced by a volcano, or, more generally, by igneous agencies.

What are adjectives for kids?

An adjective is a word that describes an animal, person, thing, or thought. Adjectives include words that describe what something looks like and what it feels like to touch, taste, or smell. Adjectives can be colours and words that describe temperatures and sizes. Try describing yourself.

What are 5 adjectives that describe you?

These are great adjectives to describe yourself:

  • Able. I am able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.
  • Creative. I use a creative approach to problem solve.
  • Dependable. I am a dependable person who is great at time management.
  • Energetic.
  • Experience.
  • Flexible.
  • Hardworking.
  • Honest.

What are 3 adjectives that describe your child?

Here are 300 words to get you started:

  • determined.
  • encouraging.
  • assured.
  • credible.
  • loving.
  • delightful.
  • intellectual.
  • articulate.

How do you compliment a child drawing?

Kids Artwork: 4 ways to comment on it

  1. COMPLIMENTING: “That’s beautiful…” “That’s very good…” etc.
  2. VALUING: “I like that”.
  3. QUESTIONING: “What is that?” Many young children who are just making scribbles and free art cannot verbalize what they have made or are not even ready to make representational drawings.

How do you praise a child in 100 ways?

100 Ways to Praise Your Child

  1. That’s Incredible!
  2. How Extraordinary!
  3. You’re Very Talented!
  4. Outstanding Performance!
  5. Far Out!
  6. Great!
  7. Very Brave!
  8. Marvelous!

What can I say instead of good job?

The List

  • “Hmm!” Smile and nod. That’s right.
  • Tell me about this!
  • I can see that you_____. (
  • You look proud.
  • Describe + How did you do it?
  • Thank you!
  • Describe + I appreciate your hard work / effort.
  • Your face looks happy!

Can I say good job to my boss?

A simple well done or nice one is much more acceptable and can be used between people of any position. In the USA, the phrase good job is used much more often and has no negative connotations that I know of.

What should I say instead of good?


  • adj.pleasant, fine.
  • adj.moral, virtuous.
  • adj.competent, skilled.
  • adj.useful, adequate.
  • adj.reliable; untainted.
  • adj.kind, giving.
  • adj.authentic, real.
  • adj.well-behaved.

How do you say good job?

For a job well done

  1. Perfect!
  2. Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.
  3. Wonderful, this is more than I expected.
  4. This is so great I don’t need to make any revisions to it at all.
  5. I appreciate your critical thinking around this project.
  6. Well done—and ahead of deadline too!
  7. You are such a team player.

Ring sentence example

  1. He slipped the ring on her finger.
  2. We were startled by the ring of my cell phone.
  3. If Giddon was involved in a drug ring , Tammy needed a way out.
  4. No good calls ring in at that time of night.
  5. “This.” she said, slinging the ring in the dust at his feet.

Is the word ring a verb?

verb (used without object), rang, rung, ring·ing. to give forth a clear resonant sound, as a bell when struck: The doorbell rang twice. to sound loudly; be loud or resonant; resound (often followed by out): His brave words rang out.

Is Ring an action verb?

ring used as a verb: To make an incision around; to girdle. “They ringed the trees to make the clearing easier next year.” To attach a ring to, especially for identification.

What does the verb ring mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to cause to sound especially by striking. 2 : to make (a sound) by or as if by ringing a bell. 3 : to announce by or as if by ringing. 4 : to repeat often, loudly, or earnestly.

Is ring a noun or a verb?

ring (noun) ring–fence (verb) ringing (adjective)

Is rang a verb or noun?

rang in British English (ræŋ ) verb. the past tense of ring2.

What kind of verb is rang?

To answer the original question, “rang” is the past tense of “ring”, and “rung” is used as the past participle form of the verb.

Is grew a verb?

verb (used without object), grew [groo], grown [grohn], grow·ing [groh-ing].

Is Brang a word?

In some dialects the past tense of “bring” is “brang,” and “brung” is the past participle; but in standard English both are “brought.”

Is Bringed a word?

(nonstandard) Simple past tense and past participle of bring.

Is Bought a word?

Bought is the past tense and past participle of the verb to buy, which means “to obtain something by paying money for it.”

Is Brang a Scrabble word?

No, brang is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is brung a Scrabble word?

Yes, brung is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is brung a word in the English dictionary?

Similar words like ring, sing, and spring are modified with an “a” or a “u” for their past tenses and participles, like rang and rung, but brang and brung, although recognized by many dictionaries, are widely considered nonstandard—even further from standard exists broughten.

Is brung a slang word?

Brung is an improper inflection of the same verb. Bring becomes brought in the past tense, as mentioned above. Brung first appeared at some point in the 19th century but has never been considered proper English.

How do you spell drunk?

Correct spelling for the English word “drunk” is [dɹˈʌŋk], [dɹˈʌŋk], [d_ɹ_ˈʌ_ŋ_k] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for DRUNK

  1. drink in,
  2. drench,
  3. drink,
  4. drinking,
  5. drunken,
  6. dunk,
  7. dryness,
  8. drunkard,

Is thunk a word?

A: Yes, the verb form “thunk” is a word, but it’s not a new one. describes it as a “nonstandard” past tense and past participle of the verb “think.”

How do you use the word thunk?

6 Answers. Thunk occurs as the past tense and past participle of think in some regional dialects and is occasionally used in a jokey kind of way. In ‘Finnegan’s Wake’, Joyce wrote ‘I then tuk my taken~place lying down, I thunk I told you’ and in ‘Ulysses’ he used it as a noun: ‘Have a good old thunk’.

Is woulda a word?

—used for “would have” or “would’ve” in informal speech and in representations of such speech “I never woulda believed it.””Who woulda thunk it?”

What does the word thunk mean?

A thunk is a loud, deep sound, like the thunk your head makes against your desk when you fall asleep in math class. The informal, imitative thunk is a good word for the hollow thudding sound of something heavy making a dull impact.

Why is it called a thunk?

In computer programming, a thunk is a subroutine used to inject an additional calculation into another subroutine. They have many other applications in compiler code generation and modular programming. The term originated as a humorous, incorrect, past participle of “think”.

Is Thinked a word?

(nonstandard, informal) Simple past tense and past participle of think.

What does Who would have thunk it mean?

informal humorous (also who would’ve thunk that… ?, who woulda thunk it?, who’d a thunk it?) used for expressing surprise, or sometimes in a humorous way when something is not at all surprising: Who would’ve thunk it?

Who said who would have thunk it?

Edgar Bergen

Who is woulda?

Its means “Who would have thought it?” This is a phrase often used by older people.

Who would have thunk it book?

The story of Emma, George and Joseph Fraser three siblings who were placed in the foster care system after their mother became mentally ill and their father could no longer care for them. Based on fact, the story follows the trio as they bounce from one home to another looking for a family to call their own.

Who would’ve guessed meaning?

a question phrase indicating surprise or amazement; I would never have guessed that something so surprising could happen.

Who d a thought it meaning?

C2. used to say that you are very surprised something has happened: So, Alex is going out with Hannah.vor 7 Tagen

Would you have thought grammar?

“I would have thought that with the information available, a different decision would have been made (in the past).” “I would have thought the same as you if under the same circumstances.” “I would think that when I have the information (in the future), it will lead to this decision.”

Who would have thought examples?

Who would have thought that I would come up with something so shallow! So here I go! Who would have thought that a black will rule America. Who would have thought that the East India Company which ruled India for more than 200 years would be ruled by an Indian now.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The stem is firm, slightly pithy up the middle, but never hollow; it bears a floccose ring near its middle, as illustrated at Q, Q; this ring originates by the rupture of the thin general wrapper K of the infant plant.

The slowest speed is given by means of a tangent screw which is carried by a ball-bearing on the flange of the telescope sleeve, whilst its nut is double-jointed to a ring that encircles the flange of the heliometer-tube.

The sample under test is prepared in the form of a ring A, upon which are wound the induction and the magnetizing coils; the latter should be wound evenly over the whole ring, though for the sake of clearness only part of the winding is indicated in the diagram.

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Soc., 1886, 40, 486), who in 1886 published an account of some experiments in which the relation of magnetization to magnetic field was deduced from observations of the force in grammes weight which just sufficed to tear asunder the two halves of a divided ring electro-magnet when known currents were passing through the coils.

This in its simplest form consisted of a ring of wire nearly closed terminating in spark balls very close together, adjustable as to distance by a micrometer screw.

Dwarf towers, built on the arch ring at the fifth panel from either side, helped to support the girder above, in erecting the centre part of the arch (Seyrig, Proc. Inst.

Very early in his reign, Honoria, grand-daughter of the emperor Theodosius II., being subjected to severe restraint on account of an amorous intrigue with one of the chamberlains of the palace, sent her ring to the king of the Huns and called on him to be her husband and her deliverer.

Either mules, ring frames, cap or flyer frames, the choice of machine being determined by the size or count of yarn intended to be produced.

The muscular columns (c) attaching the foot to the shell form a ring incomplete in front, external to which is the free mantleskirt.

If the flame of a candle or lamp be closely examined, it will be seen to consist of four parts — (a) a deep blue ring at the base, (b) a dark cone in the centre, (c) a luminous portion round this, and (d) an exterior pale blue envelope (see Flame).

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