Sentences with the word revolutionary

революционный, вращающийся, революционер


- революционный

revolutionary government — революционное правительство
revolutionary ideas — революционные идеи

- вызывающий крутую ломку или коренную перестройку; революционный

revolutionary discoveries — открытия, производящие переворот в науке

- вращающийся


- революционер

Мои примеры


revolutionary forces that were soundly defeated before reaching the capital — революционные войска, которые потерпели сокрушительное поражение на пути к столице  
revolutionary change — революционное изменение  
revolutionary epoch — революционный период  
anti-revolutionary — контрреволюционный  
counter-revolutionary crime — контрреволюционное преступление  
counter-revolutionary sabotage — контрреволюционная диверсия  
counter-revolutionary — контрреволюционный; контрреволюционер  
pre-revolutionary — дореволюционный  
revolutionary changes — революционные преобразования  
revolutionary gains — революционные завоевания  
socialist revolutionary — эсеровский; эсер  

Примеры с переводом

She looks more like a farmer’s wife than a revolutionary.

Она больше похожа на фермершу, чем на революционерку.

Genius usually follows a revolutionary path

Гений, как правило, идёт революционным путём.

The novel captures the revolutionary fervor of the period.

В романе запечатлён революционный пыл того времени.

He insists that he is a revolutionary not a common criminal.

Он упорно твердит, что является революционером, а не обычным преступником.

‘Land and Liberty’ was the rallying cry of revolutionary Mexico.

Боевым кличем революционной Мексики было «Земля и Свобода!».

The revolutionary movement was crushed by the forces of reaction.

Революционное движение было подавлено силами реакции.

They were imbued with a revolutionary ardor.

Они были охвачены революционным пылом.

The new cancer drug is a revolutionary breakthrough.

Новый препарат от рака является революционным прорывом.

Advertisers have hackneyed the word “revolutionary” so much that it now just means that a product is new.

Рекламщики затёрли слов “революционный” настолько, что теперь оно просто означает, что продукт новый.

This product was touted as a revolutionary invention.

Этот продукт был разрекламирован, как революционное изобретение.

The region, with its widespread poverty, provided fertile ground for revolutionary activitists.

Эта область, где широко распространена бедность, дала благодатную почву для воспитания революционных деятелей.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Wolfe’s theories were revolutionary and iconoclastic.

…what are the antecedents of the American Revolutionary War?…

It’s revolutionary music; it departs from the old form and structures.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): revolutionary
мн. ч.(plural): revolutionaries

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


What was once revolutionary is now standard.

Но то, что было революционным в то время, сейчас является стандартом.

Technology exerts revolutionary influence on society only when it is universal.

Дело в том, что технология оказывает на общество революционное воздействие только тогда, когда она обретает всеобщий, универсальный характер.

The revolutionary consciousness and revolutionary struggle of a class define its revolutionary Character.

So revolutionary solidarity is the complicity in revolutionary struggle between individuals in different specific situations who can nonetheless see that their revolutionary projects coincide.

Таким образом, революционная солидарность — это соучастие в революционной борьбе между людьми в разных конкретных ситуациях, которые тем не менее могут видеть, что их революционные проекты совпадают.

The revolutionary forces cannot be successfully organized and revolutionary work cannot be successfully conducted without the participation of revolutionary intellectuals.

While all revolutionary states are dissatisfied, not all dissatisfied states are revolutionary.

Несмотря на то, что все революционные государства чем-то недовольны, не все недовольные государства являются революционными.

This corresponds with the principle that a world revolutionary situation shall really become a consciously world revolutionary process.

Это соответствует принципу, который гласит, что революционная ситуация действительно станет сознательным мировым революционным процессом.

The situation is still objectively revolutionary; even the smallest strike could become the starting-point of great revolutionary battles.

Положение остается объективно революционным, и даже малейший повод может стать сейчас исходным пунктом великих революционных боев.

We have now come to the question of the revolutionary crisis as the basis of our revolutionary action.

In a revolutionary period, the revolutionary fights alongside the proletarian without any theoretical or sociological problem.

Во время революционного периода, революционер борется вместе с пролетарием без каких-либо теоретических или социологических проблем.

Ultimately, they must build a revolutionary leadership with the best elements who have led the revolutionary struggle in recent weeks.

В конечном счете, они должны создать революционное руководство из лучших элементов, которые вели революционную борьбу в последние недели.

Its critical-practical revolutionary activity is becoming an essential factor in the development and outcome of the revolutionary class struggle.

Его критически-практическая революционная деятельность становится существенным фактором в развитии и исходе революционной классовой борьбы.

The prevailing situation proves that the sharp vigilance and revolutionary position of our revolutionary armed forces are absolutely reasonable.

Основные параметры ситуации свидетельствуют о том, что крайняя бдительность и революционная позиция наших революционных вооруженных сил являются абсолютно оправданными.

Seventh are the new revolutionary bodies and societies which were the prototypes of revolutionary parties.

Седьмая — новые органы революции и революционные клубы как прообразы революционных партий.

In revolutionary situations it has often been observed that the revolutionary central leadership proved incapable of performing its tasks.

Зачастую при наличии революционной ситуации можно было наблюдать, что революционное центральное руководство оказывалось неспособным выполнить свои задачи.

The increasing role of intelligentsia in revolutionary ideology and revolutionary actions.

Now, fascism was a revolutionary tendency directed as much against conservatism as against the competing revolutionary force of socialism.

Фашизм был революционным течением, направленным столько же против консерватизма, сколько и против конкурирующей с ним революционной силы — социализма.

During the revolutionary movement of 1905 all the management was in the hands of the revolutionary committees.

It is easy to be a revolutionary and a rebel in revolutionary times.

Thus the absence of striking revolutionary events does not in any way mean that the revolutionary process had stopped.

Таким образом, отсутствие сколько-нибудь значительных революционных выступлений вовсе не означало приостановления самого революционного процесса.

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Sentences with the word Revolutionary?



  • «they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor»; «he felt a kind of religious zeal»
  • «at the time of its appearance, the movie must have seemed excitingly new, even revolutionary«
  • «the path of virtue»; «we went our separate ways»; «our paths in life led us apart»; «genius usually follows a revolutionary path»
  • «a revolutionary discovery»; «radical political views»
  • «revolutionary wars»; «the revolutionary era»
  • «revolutionary pamphlets»; «a revolutionary junta»
  • «This product was touted as a revolutionary invention»

A revolutionary is a person who either participates in, or advocates revolution. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Don’t expect earth shattering gameplay or anything revolutionary cutscene to cutscene, but for those looking for another stroll in Shepard’s boots, it’s worth the price of admission.


The all-new Kindle Fire — with all the content, Amazon’s revolutionary cloud-accelerated browser, free storage in the Amazon Cloud, Whispersync, 14.6 ounce design that’s easy to hold with one hand, brilliant color touchscreen, and a fast and powerful dual core processor — is only $ 199.


On view in the small gallery is a new Manifestos, a body of works in which Gaines creates musical scores through systematic transliteration of revolutionary manifestos.


Tamblyn: How much is this a revolutionary force around the world?


The one that started it all was a revolutionary blockbuster film when it came out in 2000, but Bryan Singer’s first attempt at bringing the X-Men to life has not aged well.


The game developer described the underlying theme of this new game as Theoretical Physics where the players will get a taste of «a revolutionary entertainment experience» that puts a thin line between television and gaming.»


Thank you for such revolutionary and life-saving information, Dr. Perlmutter; God bless you for using your gifts to help so many people.


The marketing is so amazing that it gives even professionals just a little bit of hope that this may, in fact, be revolutionary.


About Blog SkinB5 is a revolutionary natural acne fighting system that ACTUALLY WORKS!


People just don’t get how revolutionary it is that this exists now.


The other irony is the «revolutionary» forces which I fully expect to take power in many African nations by 2015 will expropriate Chinese properties just as they will expropriate any other colonial powers» «property.»


You can find out more about Dr. Pedre, the rest of the faculty (including groundbreaking doctors like Mark Hyman and Frank Lipman) and this revolutionary training here.


The TPLO is a revolutionary procedure where the veterinary surgeon creates a surgical fracture («osteotomy») at the top of the lower leg bone (the tibia).


This is not a revolutionary idea — it is how this country operates in an open, competitive marketplace.


It is playing the artist’s attempt to recall from memory the Portuguese revolutionary song «Grândola, Vila Morena» written by Zeca Afonso.


The exhibition to be seen at the Museo Reina Sofía includes some 270 works created in the course of more than sixty years (1949 to 2011), and shows both the extraordinary variety of media, techniques and genres that characterizes Hamilton’s production, and the importance, influence and relevance of his revolutionary work.


THE 3 WEEK DIET is a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight — it promises to help you lose more weight — all body fat — weight loss-faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.


While the framing device wasn’t exactly revolutionary — documentary-style footage of the conflict between mankind and alien life — the Johannesburgian director’s blend of visual panache with hard-hitting themes such as apartheid and political corruption reestablished a healthy pulse for the genre.


Like a master chef searching for that elusive perfect recipe, we are still working by something only marginally more informed than trial and error to search for a revolutionary room — temperature superconductor.


I have already indicated my own belief that ideas and ideals which offer hope of rescue or fulfillment to persons or groups where their vital interests are at stake can be powerful sources of constructive, even revolutionary, change.


Nice and revolutionary as they are these books are few at the moment.


Our revolutionary approach is founded on principles of «disciplined stewardship» that maximize efficiency and allows us to provide unparalleled service for all your property needs.


Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) was among the most revolutionary figurative artists in history, and his vast influence continues today.


Call-to-arms classic-rock staples by Bob Dylan or Simon and Garfunkel also seem too obvious when paired with Moore’s revolutionary material.


In terms of revolutionary technologies happening right now, none is as ambitious as the connected home.


My thoughts wander back to Zaid and his revolutionary work a decade ago.


Apple’s revolutionary tablet first went on sale eight years ago today, two months after its big unveiling at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.


Thanks to a # 1m grant from The JJ Charitable Trust, The National Literacy Trust has today announced the launch of brand new school improvement programmes which take a revolutionary whole-school approach, aiming to improve secondary school attainment by changing school culture and embedding literacy throughout the curriculum.


On the hopeful front, it’s also an opportunity to showcase some potentially revolutionary applications of digital health and surveillance.


Apart from publishing latest crypto news, the team behind KryptoMoney aims to boost the Blockchain Ecosystem in India by educating the masses about this revolutionary technology and helping blockchain startups in India.


What is it: A unique 2-in-1 formula from tarte that works as both a foundation and concealer.Who is it for: Anyone who wants the versatility and combined benefits of a foundation and concealer in one product.Why is it different: Infused with colored clay for skin-care benefits, the revolutionary Foundcealer will deliver full coverage and a natural-looking finish similar to tarte’s Amazonian Clay Foundation while working overtime as a full-coverage concealer.


For instance, a learner with interests in music may be encouraged to apply math and physics in creating a functioning guitar, or to discuss the historical or literary theme of revolutionary change as it relates to the shift from Romantic to Modernist Art.


His books are excellent and his solutions are revolutionary.


For example — if a company is on the verge of a revolutionary discovery, the market/public might already have anticipated it and adjusted the price accordingly.


Thompson appeared as a regular for three years on Garry Shandling’s revolutionary comedy series The Larry Sanders Show as Brian, the assistant to Hank Kingsley.


Awardees such as Doudna, who helped to invent the revolutionary gene-editing tool CRISPR, are already well-funded by public and private grantors such as the National Institutes of Health and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.


WAIMEA (KAMUELA), Hawai`i — Dr. Kip Thorne, world-renowned theoretical astrophysicist, 2017 Nobel Physics Prize Laureate, and executive producer of the blockbuster film Interstellar brought his revolutionary work to Hawai`i for a special W. M. Keck Observatory Astronomy Talk.


DUST 514 is a highly anticipated title set for 2012, CCP is ready to accept sign ups from fans and gamers eagerly awaiting their chance to try out the revolutionary shooter.


The first part looks at the resonance between the inspiring, bizarre and sometimes tragic stories of these diverse bandits, the outsider rebel par excellence, often rewritten as mere criminals (or naively romanticised as wayward figures) and excluded from the narrative of revolutionary struggle.


At fifteen, Julia falls in love with Theo, a handsome revolutionary four years her senior.


Supreme Commander offers gameplay on an unprecedented scale, with hundreds of units waging war across gigantic maps and a revolutionary Strategic Zoom that allows for immediate viewing and control of entire armies.


You will receive a FREE track to try our OmHarmonics technology — a revolutionary way to cut out the resistance and mental chatter you experience when you sit down for meditation.


Summary: Apple’s iPad is a revolutionary mobile device that would be a welcome gift for almost any recipient.


This was published by the imprint she founded, Urban Fox Press, «a revolutionary new press for the more radical 90s».


We remain true to our original goal and continue to provide and develop revolutionary betting tools and systems.


His unique combination of Romanticism and down to earth realism had a significant influence on his contemporaries, including the French Barbizon School, and laid the foundation for the revolutionary landscape painting introduced by French Impressionism.


Moto Guzzi Griso can be described as distinctively masculine and powerful with a revolutionary design stealing heart beat of the bike lovers.


VanDyke, a filmmaker, directed a documentary on the Syrian conflict, and called his NPU involvement an extension of his «work as a revolutionary» in an interview.


They also quote proverbs, for example «don’t mix napkins with rags» which is a French revolutionary quote that reflects on mixing social classes.


collaborate in our revolutionary methodology.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word revolutionary, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use revolutionary in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «revolutionary».

Revolutionary in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word revolutionary in a sentence.

  1. I was not a revolutionary.

  2. A revolutionary chorus echoes her words.

  3. Khullar’s biography of the revolutionary.

  4. The revolutionary has become a reactionary.

  5. It was a revolutionary side, very well-knit.

  6. The use of exposed cast iron was revolutionary.

  7. For a brief period in 1848, Smetana was a revolutionary.

  8. In the South African context, this was truly revolutionary.

  9. After his release Mukhtar resumed his revolutionary activities.

  10. The Early Neolithic was a revolutionary period of British history.

  11. Several revolutionary factions were active in East and North London.

  12. The VNQDD admitted many female members, which was quite revolutionary for the time.

  13. A small group of agitators seized the meeting and formed a revolutionary government.

  14. A bank cash shipment was stolen by Bolsheviks to fund their revolutionary activities.

  15. Her recent travels had made her particularly sympathetic to their revolutionary message.

  16. Mina planned to invade Tampico and assist the revolutionary army in the Mexican interior.

  17. There he is mistaken for a revolutionary agent and taken to meet General Santos of the Roncador Army.

  18. In July 1856, Smetana received news of the death in exile of his revolutionary friend Karel Havlíček.

  19. This concept was revolutionary at the time and helped support the then-developing ideas of extinction.

  20. In 1943, the revolutionary Mark 14 gunsight was introduced, which made these guns even more effective.

  21. Modern historians’ views range from regarding him as a sincere revolutionary to an ambitious opportunist.

  22. Salnish, who often went under the name Jacob Fogel, had been an active revolutionary since the age of 13.

  23. He travelled to Paris to seek out a discussion with the American revolutionary Benjamin Franklin in 1777.

  24. The large scale reproduction of a comic strip frame was considered radical and revolutionary at the time.

  25. In 1793, a revolutionary mob tossed her bones into a mass grave with those of the other kings and queens.

  26. President José Antonio Páez, another former revolutionary comrade, approved the application in March 1839.

  27. Bachchan featured as the revolutionary leader Surya Sen and Padukone played Kalpana Dutta, his confidante.

  28. Despite its simplicity, the music to Space Invaders was revolutionary for the gaming industry of the time.

  29. Goldman, in her political youth, held targeted violence to be a legitimate means of revolutionary struggle.

  30. He participated in Hồ Chí Minh’s revolutionary campaigns for Vietnamese independence and joined the Vietminh.

  31. MacGregor’s party was helped the rest of the way east to Barcelona by elements of the main revolutionary army.

  32. Thomson, Hirst’s development of swing bowling was almost as revolutionary as Bernard Bosanquet’s invention of the googly.

  33. NUFF’s leadership saw themselves as a vanguard organisation who would draw the working class into revolutionary thinking.

  34. Morris had produced «one of those classical yet militaristic Sino-Soviet ballets from the revolutionary repertory of Mme.

  35. During the war, internal tensions and economic deprivation in Russia continued to mount and revolutionary sympathies grew.

  36. Its origins lie in the mid-1920s, when a group of young Hanoi-based intellectuals began publishing revolutionary material.

  37. He became convinced that the American revolutionary cause was noble, and he traveled to the New World seeking glory in it.

  38. Special Branch suspected another individual, the Russian revolutionary Christian Salnish, of having organised the robbery.

  39. With encouragement from Yamauchi, Iwata pushed for development of a revolutionary product that would later become the Wii.

  40. Longtime collaborator Belafonte called her «the most revolutionary new talent to appear in any medium in the last decade».

  41. In 1965, Mondlane met with Argentine marxist revolutionary Che Guevara in Dar es Salaam to discuss potential collaboration.

  42. Utami stated that people from the revolutionary period «believed in dreams» and had a «strong sense of heroism and patriotism», things which she believed Indonesia needed.

  43. The 17-story Old Colony, built by Holabird & Roche in 1894, was considered one of the structural masterpieces of its time for its revolutionary portal form of bracing.

  44. The emergence of a nationalist revolutionary movement from the ranks of the mostly Roman Catholic lower-middle and working class made Yeats reassess some of his attitudes.

  45. The consensus was that Donkey Kong 64 lacked the revolutionary potential of Donkey Kong Country but was of a sufficient high quality to sell well during the holiday season.

  46. The film is about an ex-bounty hunter hired by a wealthy landowner named Frank Harlan to track down Mexican revolutionary leader Luis Chama, who is fighting for land reform.

Synonyms for revolutionary

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word revolutionary has the following synonyms: group action, radical, new, rotatory, turning, turn, revolutionist, subversive and subverter.

General information about «revolutionary» example sentences

The example sentences for the word revolutionary that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «revolutionary» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «revolutionary».

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Debidour suggests, to compromise him with the revolutionary parties and to bind him to the throne; but it is more probable that it was no more than an expression of the good will which the king had shown him ever since ‘Soo.

Of Russia enabled him by the Act of Unity and Security (on the 17th of February 1789) to override the opposition of the rebellious and grossly unpatriotic gentry, and, with the approbation of the three lower estates, establish a new and revolutionary constitution, in which, though the estates still held the power of the purse, the royal authority largely predominated.

In 1831 he was implicated in the revolutionary movement organized by Ciro Menotti (see Francis Iv., of Modena), and was condemned to death and hanged in effigy, but escaped to France, where he was given an appointment in the French corps of engineers.

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But there were strong Italian nationalists and anti-Austrian tendencies among the younger nobles and army officers, and the Carbonari and other revolutionary societies had made much progress.

He is the chief tragic poet of the revolutionary period, and as Camille Desmoulins expressed it, he decorated Melpomene with the tricolour cockade.

For a people so accustomed to revolutionary outbreaks, the Venezuelans are singularly deficient in military organization.

All the while a vast amount of revolutionary literature was being printed in Switzerland, France and England, and smuggled into Italy; the poet Giusti satirized the Italian princes, the dramatist G.

Calderai, who may be compared to the Black Hundreds of modern Russia, the revolutionary spirit continued to grow, but it was not at first anti-dynastic. The granting of the Spanish constitution of 1820 proved the signal for the beginning of the Italian.

He ardently embraced the revolutionary doctrines and took an active part in the insurrection of the 10th of August 17 9 2.

Nothing can be clearer or more frank and comprehensive in its destructiveness than the revolutionary anarchism of Bakunin.

  • Use the word revolutionary in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Armand is the president of the revolutionary Court.

The individual personality, having hardly had time to become conscious of itself… dissolved in the mass, and the mass itself became dissolved in the revolutionary ├®lan.

military revolutionary Committee

called up by the military revolutionary Committee. Entering the city for a decisive battle… the cruiser » Aurora».

Answering the call of the military revolutionary Committee.

military revolutionary Committee.

By the name of the military revolutionary Committee I declare the provisional Government overthrown.

«I’ll show you dirty revolutionary dogs!»

Our life and death are revolutionary.

I will not permit revolutionary ideas

Probably a revolutionary spy trying to get back to his own lines.

No more doubt: It’s a revolutionary uprising.

A descendant of the General of the revolutionary War,

Social revolutionary democrat… a striker.

Another revolutionary, huh?

Comrade collective farmers and distinguished revolutionary fighters!

A little bit revolutionary.

Republican; revolutionary, one of the leaders.

My, it looks quite revolutionary.

The script was written by a revolutionary of this time,

As to persons of the old grudge in normal times, totally he said that they are revolutionary parties

Jin Zijian,a revolution comrade Is he a revolutionary party

revolutionary party Grasp

At the same time, the warlord aspect also doubted that he is a revolutionary party

SHOT DOWN AS A revolutionary.

The revolutionary army is on its way;

This is a revolutionary request, monsieur.

Loveland, I found, was an army officer who’d retired with a bit of money. And Torres- Well, Torres was obviously an old bandit. Turned revolutionary and all that sort of thing.

It’s as dry as an old revolutionary.

For a long time now, France, lacking currency and exhausted by royal taxes, riddled with fanatical traitors and counter-revolutionary civil servants, torn apart by divisions and betrayed by its generals, is surrounded by 500,000 satellites, despots conspiring with Louis XVI to enslave us once again.

Members of the central committee of all the federates in the country. In agreement with the bureau of communication of the revolutionary sections in Paris. What if parliament doesn’t do it?

No, I’ll eat them out of revolutionary discipline. If you want to eat other things, it is very simple.

Immediately after, all the patriot churches in Paris will toll their bells. This will be the call to arms for all citizens of the revolutionary sections and the federates.

For a revolutionary, pacifist action is a much more effective weapon than a firearm.

What a revolutionary you are.

People have changed since 1848… and I doubt that you want to bring back the events of that revolutionary year.

Your bill is more liberal and revolutionary… than all the manifestos of the liberal revolutionaries taken together.

A wedding here is revolutionary!

He made quite a fortune for himself .. After soldiers were discharged from the revolutionary army. By cheating them in shady land deals.

Ever since my forefather, Caleb Appleby, founded Stonefield… in the dear, dead, sacrificial days before the revolutionary War… and down through the decades of American progression… we’ve managed to get along very nicely without factories or tourists… even without Michael Shea.

Father is an old revolutionary.

Then one day, they made a revolutionary flight.

The future of a sparrow, which a revolutionary clique has dressed up as a nightingale.

If however our belief in a renaissance of German music is revolutionary, then we are indeed revolutionaries!

Well, it can’t be the revolutionary War.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness the outstanding scientific accomplishment of all time, demonstrating the new principle of propulsion and included in that great revolutionary secret weapon,

Now that I think it over, connecting certain signs I noted a certain rebellious tone even revolutionary on Mr. Travet’s part.

A stray bullet from a revolutionary.

Definition of Revolutionary

pertaining to a substantial change

Examples of Revolutionary in a sentence

Due to Helen Keller’s revolutionary life, she was able to inspire others to do the impossible.


Striving to find a cure for cancer is a revolutionary approach to science which may save many people’s lives one day.


During the revolutionary era, the United States was able to become its own country, practice its own religion and establish its own government.


Kelly’s revolutionary way of thinking always gave the students in her history class a new perspective on the events that happened in the past.


Due to Thomas Edison’s revolutionary invention, people now use light bulbs to see in the dark.


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