Sentences with the word revised

revised — перевод на русский


Seeing you here causes me to revise my opinion of you.

Видя вас здесь, мне приходится пересмотреть свое мнение о вас.

And perhaps the time has come for you to start revising your opinions, sister.

И, возможно, настало время пересмотреть свое мнение, сестра.

We’ve also received word that the United Nations would like to revise its decision of November 29 granting us independence.

Мы также получили сообщение, что ООН готова пересмотреть… свое решение от двадцать девятого ноября… относительно нашей независимости.

If we wish to enjoy the fruit of our stay within these walls let us revise some of our rules

Если мы желаем наслаждаться плодами … нашего пребывания в пределах этих стен … мы должны пересмотреть некоторые из наших правил

You’re good at geometry, but if you don’t want to fall… you’d do well to revise the laws of gravity.

Ты силён в математике, но если ты не хочешь упасть… ты должен будешь пересмотреть законы гравитации.

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A coding sequence cannot be revised once it’s been established.

Кодирующую последовательность нельзя изменить после ее установки.

I know what it’s like to want to go back and revise history.

Я знаю, что значит хотеть вернуться и изменить прошлое.

Then perhaps we should revise your plan.

Потом можно изменить ваш план.

Do you care to revise your statement?

не хотите ли изменить показания?

Perhaps your client would like to revise his statement.

Полагаю, ваш клиент хотел бы изменить показания.

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Whatever is inconsistent with the facts no matter how fond of it we are must be discarded or revised.

Все, что не согласуется с фактами, как бы оно ни было нам дорого, должно быть отвергнуто или пересмотрено.

In light of new evidence, that may be revised.

В свете новых улик, дело может быть пересмотрено.

They’ve revised the zombie poison chapter.

Тут, например пересмотрена глава о яде зомби, которым ты интересовался.

The brochure is being revised.

Брошура была пересмотрена.

A number of internal agency procedures were revised in order to encourage increased implication of NGO in UCDI programs and projects.

Некоторые внутренние процедуры в агентстве были пересмотрены с целью увеличения вовлеченности негосударственных организаций в программы и проекты ЮСДИ.

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I revised it again.

Я исправил ее снова.

I revised that.

Я исправил это.

After Adele died, he revised his directive.

После смерти Адель, он исправил свои указания

Whoever it was revised your core programming so that you could wake yourself up out of sleep mode. See?

Кто бы это ни был, он исправил твое ядро так, чтобы ты могла включаться из спящего режима.

Cashman and Berryhill have to revise the response scenario…

Кэшмен и Бэррихилл должны исправить ответный сценарий—

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Here’s your revised timetable.

Вот ваше исправленное расписание.

— House got a new case. Revised OR schedule.

Исправленное расписание операций.

Revised… will.

Исправленное завещание.

I’ll need the revised brief tomorrow.

Завтра мне понадобится исправленное возражение.

The revised duty roster.

Исправленный график дежурств.

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Maybe I’m revising my theory.

Может, я пересматриваю свою теорию.

if I ask you to be my personal secretary, am I not already revising my own beliefs about homosexuality?

если я прошу тебя стать моим личным секретарем, разве это не значит, что я уже пересматриваю свои убеждения относительно гомосексуализма?

Ah, so you were revising to improve?

Ах, так вы пересматривали для улучшения?

When I revised the guidelines for detectives… it was Don Kent who had the most input.

Когда мы пересматривали инструкции для детективов, то именно Дон Кент внес самый большой вклад.

He never revised it.

С того времени он так его и не пересматривал.

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You came to revise your alphabet?

Ты пришёл повторить алфавит?

Luke’s helping us revise.

Люк помогает нам повторить.

Yes, I do. I’ve got to go revise before college.

Мне нужно кое-что повторить перед колледжем.

Was it English or physics we had to revise for?

Нам надо было английский или физику повторить?

Michel forgot to write his essay. He had to revise geography.

Забыл задание по географии, ему велели все повторить.

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You should be upstairs revising for your A-Levels.

Ты должен сидеть наверху и готовиться к своим экзаменам.

Gotta revise, Cass.

Должна готовиться, Кесс.

I’ve gotta revise, cos it takes my mind off being pregnant.

Я должна готовиться, потому что это отвлекает меня от того, что беременна.

Shit, I’ve gotta revise.

Чёрт, мне нужно готовиться.

I had to revise.

Я должна была готовиться.

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But why wait until now to revise her story?

Но зачем ждать столько для пересмотра своей истории?

Good, because I’ve already got Mike looking for ways to revise the agreement.

Хорошо, потому что я уже велел Майку искать пути для пересмотра соглашения.

Germany is holding firm, so we are stalled on a revised debt deal.

Германия держит марку, так что мы зашли в тупик в вопросе пересмотра долговой расписки.

I don’t think we discussed his revising the document.

Я не думаю, что мы обсуждали такой пересмотр документа.

But funerals are for the living… and revising history… only dilutes the lessons we should learn from it.

Но похороны для живых… А пересмотр истории… лишь разбавляет тот урок, который мы должны были из неё извлечь.

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Well, it wasn’t that difficult, considering I helped you revise the security measures for this building.

Что ж, это было не сложно, особенно учитывая, что я помогал вам проверить меры безопасности этого здания.

Well, we’ll just have to find a way to collapse it faster, revise the calculations.

Нужно просто найти способ побыстрее ее разрушить и проверить расчеты.

They said they wanted to revise the media plan, But I think what they really wanted was a budget To see how much of their money we haven’t spent yet.

Они сказали, что хотели проверить медийный план, но думаю, на самом деле они хотели узнать, сколько из их денег мы ещё не потратили.

Revise these accounts.

Проверьте эти счета.

Please revise count.

Проверьте, пожалуйста.

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- проверенный, исправленный

revised edition — пересмотренное (и исправленное) издание
the Revised Version — исправленное издание Библии (1870-84 гг.)
the Revised Standard Version — американское исправленное издание Библии (1952 г.)

Мои примеры


revised form — исправленная форма  
revised statute — статут с внесенными в него поправками  
revised estimate — скорректированная оценка  
revised prediction — пересмотренный прогноз  
revised product — модернизированная продукция  
revised chart — откорректированная карта  
revised approved estimates of incomes — пересмотренная утверждённая смета поступлений  
revised definition — пересмотренное определение  
revised judgment — пересмотренное решение суда  
revised laws — пересмотренные законы  

Примеры с переводом

The text is revised as appropriate.

В текст внесены соответствующие изменения.

We have revised our estimates of population growth.

Мы пересмотрели свои оценки роста численности населения.

Forecasts of economic growth are being revised downwards.

Прогнозы экономического роста были пересмотрены в сторону снижения.

The expected rate of inflation was revised upwards.

Ожидаемый уровень инфляции был пересмотрен в сторону повышения.

A couple of sections of the book will need to be revised.

Несколько разделов книги нужно будет исправить.

The college has revised its plans because of local objections.

Колледж пересмотрел свои планы из-за внутренних возражений.

We are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected.

Мы находимся в переходной стадии, в которой многие прежние идеи должны быть пересмотрены или отвергнуты.

The revised system chords perfectly with the original goals.

Пересмотренная система прекрасно гармонирует с исходными целями.

Возможные однокоренные слова

reviser  — ревизионный корректор
revision  — пересмотр, ревизия, доработка, проверка, осмотр

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word revised, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use revised in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «revised».

Revised in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word revised in a sentence.

  1. Maunsell and Holcroft revised No.

  2. The design was revised several times.

  3. The revised edition was published in 1877.

  4. As of 2008, the revised deadline was 2040.

  5. Jackson released a version with revised words.

  6. Officials deemed the revised work unexhibitable.

  7. A revised edition was published in February 2013.

  8. On 24 February, it revised the estimate to 4,000.

  9. Sports Illustrated soon revised its ranking to No.

  10. The realisation has since been extensively revised.

  11. McAdoo approved the revised design on September 28.

  12. Candide has been revised and reworked several times.

  13. The Fine Arts Commission approved the revised designs.

  14. Afterwards, the management of these units was revised.

  15. In the reprint’s introduction, Christgau said he had revised some of the content.

  16. Microsoft offered patches to remove the nude content and revised the box ratings.

  17. In 2020, Rolling Stone re-ranked the album at number 375 on another revised list.

  18. Throughout the mid-20th century, estimates of Pluto’s mass were revised downward.

  19. The new version features revised lyrics as well as a rap part pertaining to Haiti.

  20. Michael Phillips of the Los Angeles Times called the show «wholly revised and gleefully self-aware ..

  21. Boeing told Aviation Week and Space Technology that CFM International had revised its FADEC software.

  22. She revised the Space Brothers’ expected landing date several times, before finally settling on 2001.

  23. It was assigned the symbol Fa, but this abbreviation was revised to the current Fr shortly thereafter.

  24. A revised edition was published in 1974 to correct what Achebe called «certain structural weaknesses».

  25. However, the revised plan required the demolition of only 41 houses, six fewer than originally planned.

  26. His name appeared atop a revised list of secretaries—indicating that he was now in charge of the party.

  27. Since 1950 the work has been recorded on numerous occasions, in both the revised and original versions.

  28. All reduced their seasonal predictions in early August, but even the revised predictions were too high.

  29. On 6 December the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered the three services to prepare revised mobilization plans.

  30. Initially a trilogy was planned, but this was revised to two planned films because of the limited budget.

  31. In other efforts to update it, its orchestration was revised and amplified, such as Mozart’s Der Messias.

  32. Whitman revised the poem several times during his life, including in his 1871 collection Passage to India.

  33. This was superseded in 1937 by their New Practical Chemistry, which in turn had a revised edition in 1946.

  34. The planned movement of the 20th Division to Madang was revised in the light of events in the Bismarck Sea.

  35. Those whose concepts made the first cut would be notified by July 31, with revised submissions to be made by September 8.

  36. As such, scholars have revised his contributions as ones that furthered an ongoing process instead of a sudden discovery.

  37. Cost overruns due to higher-than-estimated land acquisition costs caused delays as the project was revised to save money.

  38. Art historians gradually revised their dating from 1450 to the currently accepted 1435–40, earlier in the artist’s career.

  39. A revised version, which still includes her as one of the topics, was presented to the Dutch government on 3 October 2007.

  40. Within four years he had published commentaries on all the Pauline epistles, and he also revised the commentary on Romans.

  41. Dissatisfied with Fowke’s scheme, in 1868 Waterhouse submitted his own revised design, which was endorsed by the trustees.

  42. The definition of schizophrenia remains essentially the same as that specified by the 2000 text revised DSM-IV (DSM-IV-TR).

  43. The ship was paid off on 16 November, but did not begin construction to a revised design until 24 March 1921 at Portsmouth.

  44. Jackson helped to create the advertisement, and suggested using his song «Billie Jean», with revised lyrics, as its jingle.

  45. On the state level, Shelby revised militia laws to make every male between the ages of 18 and 45 eligible for military service; ministers were excluded from the provision.

  46. In 1970 he revised an earlier book which was published as Dominant Mammal: the Biology of Human Destiny; it was followed by Endurance of Life, which was published in 1978.

  47. However, the Mint quickly revised the submission deadline to May 1; this proved optimistic as MacNeil did not submit his models, in the form of bronze casts, until May 18.

  48. MacNeil was given permission to do further work on his design by Woolley in late June, and in mid-August turned in a revised obverse different in detail from the original.

  49. The French name was retained by Jean Fortin in 1776 for his Atlas Céleste, while Lacaille Latinised the name to Hydrus for his revised Coelum Australe Stelliferum in 1763.

Synonyms for revised

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word revised has the following synonyms: altered and amended.

General information about «revised» example sentences

The example sentences for the word revised that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «revised» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «revised».

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The reform of the Nautical Almanac in 1829 was set on foot by his protests; he recommended to the British Association in 1837, and in great part executed, the reduction of Joseph de Lalande’s and Nicolas de Lacaille’s catalogues containing about 57,000 stars; he superintended the compilation of the British Association’s Catalogue of 8377 stars (published 1845); and revised the catalogues of Tobias Mayer, Ptolemy, Ulugh Beg, Tycho Brahe, Edmund Halley and Hevelius (Memoirs R.

Under an appointment by President Hayes, he prepared the second edition of the United States Revised Statutes (1878).

He visited Russia in order to collect documents on the political and economic organization of the Slav nations, and on his return published in the Revue des deux mondes (1882-1889) a series of articles, which appeared shortly afterwards in book form under the title L’Empire des tsars et les Russes (4th ed., revised in 3 vols., 1897-1898).

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Much of the traditional life, as given above, which is based upon that prefixed to the revised edition of the poem, undertaken by order of Baisingar Khan, grandson of Timur-i-Leng (Timur), is rejected by modern scholars (see T.

Vorsokratiker (Berlin, 2nd ed., 1906), with German translation); and Diels’ text is reproduced with a helpful Latin commentary in Ritter and Preller’s Historia philosophiae graecae (8th ed., revised by E.

This Revised or Later Version is in every way a readable, correct rendering of the Scriptures, it is far more idiomatic than the Earlier, having been freed from the greater number of its Latinisms; its vocabulary is less archaic. Its popularity admits of no doubt, for even now in spite of neglect and persecution, in spite of the ravages of fire and time, over 150 copies remain to testify to this fact.

This was Lumby’s revised date, but the progress of palaeographical studies has made it possible to demonstrate that MSS.

It appears to consist of an old story which has been heavily revised to form an edifying piece of exposition.

The Nicene Creed of the liturgies, often called the Constantinopolitan creed, is the old baptismal creed of Jerusalem revised by the insertion of Nicene terms. The idea that the council merely added to the last section has been disproved by Hort’s famous dissertation in 1876.3 The text of the creed of the Nicene Council was based on the creed of Eusebius of Caesarea, and a comparison of the four creeds side by side proves to demonstration their distinctness, in spite of the tendency of copyists to confuse and assimilate the forms.4 Creed of Eusebius, A.D.

An English translation of the Theses, with brief life of Erastus (based on Melchior Adam’s account), was issued in 1659, entitled The Nullity of Church Censures; it was reprinted as A Treatise of Excommunication (1682), and, as revised by Robert Lee, D.D., in 1844.

  • Use the word REVISED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Here’s the revised budget on the King’s Highway Bridge.

I swear by the revised statutes.

I have revised it according to his suggestions.

«But my aunt seems to have suddenly revised her opinion of him…»

I’ve got to Earth and get Hastings to give us… revised figures for our trip back.

It stated that he would receive a copy of the revised strategic plan for Overlord within ten days.

Article nine, paragraph six, revised.

I revised your credits in the morning!

Constantly being revised and brought up to date.

At your request, my basic directive has been revised.

Translated by jandek, proofread by ghilton @SMz revised by sineintegral and edam17@KG

She made it, and also revised it a week before her death.

Yes, your output for two years has been cleverly revised excerpts from Space Magazine, Aerial Digest and Popular Mechanics.

Now, this is your revised will… drawn in accordance with the requirements of the trust.

It’s brand-new. It’s revised. It teaches the children.

Yes, that’s the revised Douay.


The emperor yawns at the world. The section ‘of the cat’ in the encyclopedia is revised in the bathroom.

Furthermore, this evening the provisional government has in emergency, revised the constitution to remove the child welfare laws and dispatched the self defense forces.

And I think, Pritchard, any revised testimony you give about seeing me that night will be a waste of your breath, once it’s out you’re harbouring a murderer.


Lately, I revised your case .

»Sorry, schedule revised at last minute.

The Cultural Revolution has revised the organization of manufacture, and has attached the primal importance to political loyalty, rather than competence.

«revised Laws and Statutes of the State of Texas.»

Do you solemnly swear to uphold the letter of the law… as stated in The revised Statutes of Texas, 1855?

revised schedule for tonight.

But we have revised the script.

Push the blueprint room on those revised drawings… for the Cameron job, Carl.

The revised prints are in my office… for you to go over.

It was revised two years ago. My husband had resumed it.

He has revised his statement

Menfa revised his statement suddenly, saying the murderer wasn’t Tan — but a young man of 20, strong and beardless, always hanging around at the wine house in the south side of town

Menfa revised his statement

Now, give me a revised time fix, please.

revised timetable coming through, sir.

revised estimate on cloud visual contact.:3.7minutes.

The revised list of candidates for the equestrian order.

Then we’ll expect a revised report by the next council session.

I mean, you know… obviously, all ideas in science are constantly being revised. I mean, that’s the whole point.

I mean, you know… obviously, all ideas in science are constantly being revised.

A coding sequence cannot be revised once it’s been established.

Your status as a juvenile prevents me from imposing the punishment you deserve. And until our criminal codes are revised to incorporate a more realistic definition of juvenile offenders, society will continue to suffer

I’ve considerably revised my opinion of Mary.

…but then they revised it.

Yes, but I think that the revised goal that we talked about… was finding a position forJack McDermott, not forJesus Christ.

Peter’s got revised figures.

If you mean the first production-model automobile of the 20th century, the Model A would be a more apt analogy, since I am Dr Soong’s revised prototype.


Appeals Chamber introduced new convictions and revised the sentence, raising it from 7(1/2) years’ imprisonment to 15 years’ imprisonment.


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Апелляционная камера признала обвиняемого виновным в совершении других преступлений и пересмотрела приговор, увеличив срок тюремного заключения с семи

с половиной лет до 15 лет.



author received a three months’ suspended


and a fine of 2,000 euros. On 14 March 2003,


Grenoble Appeal Court upheld


judgement of


court of

first instance with regard to


author’s conviction, but revised the sentence to a two months’ suspended prison


and a fine of 300 euros.


context icon

Автор был приговорен к трем месяцам лишения свободы условно и штрафу в размере 2 000 евро. 14 марта 2003 года Апелляционный суд Гренобля подтвердил решение суда первой инстанции в

отношении вынесенного автору обвинительного приговора, но заменил наказание двумя месяцами лишения свободы условно и штрафом в размере 300 евро.


On 1 August 2003,

an Appeal Chamber of


Tashkent City Court revised the sentence by withdrawing certain charges which it considered were unfounded, but upheld




On 25 September 2003,


Judicial Chamber for Criminal Cases of


Supreme Court further revised the sentence by withdrawing a number of other charges

but also upheld





context icon

Августа 2003 года

Апелляционная коллегия Ташкентского городского суда пересмотрела вынесенный приговор, сняв ряд обвинений, которые она сочла необоснованными, но оставила смертный


в силе. 25 сентября 2003 года Судебная коллегия по уголовным делам Верховного суда также пересмотрела приговор, сняв несколько других пунктов обвинения, но тоже

оставила смертный


в силе.








phrase»in regard to

related opportunities for decent green employment», and revise the sentence to read.


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Во втором предложении опустить фразу<< в плане обеспечения соответствующих

возможностей для достойной занятости в сфере<< зеленой>> экономики>> и переформулировать предложение следующим образом.




suggestion of


Mr. Schoefisch(Germany), she proposed that the sentence should be


to read:»The proposal was not adopted.


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По предложению г-на Шефиша( Германия) оратор предлагает изменить предложение, придав ему следующую формулировку:<< Предложение не принимается.



determination as to whether the sentence or conviction should be


shall be taken by a majority of


judges of




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Определение того, подлежит ли пересмотру наказание по приговору или обвинительный


выносится большинством голосов судей Палаты.


He suggested that the sentence should be


to read:»During


period covered by this report,


following States have failed to cooperate in


Committee’s consideration.


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Он предлагает изменить это предложение следующим образом:» В течение периода, охватываемого настоящим докладом,

следующие государства не оказали содействие при рассмотрении Комитетом.



EPL was based on


Common Public License(CPL), but there are some differences between


two licenses:


Eclipse Foundation replaces IBM as


Agreement Steward in




EPL patent clause is


by deleting the sentence from section 7 of




Eclipse Foundation

sought permission from contributors to re-licence their CPL code under



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EPL создана на основе CPL( Common Public License), но есть некоторые существенные отличия между этими двумя лицензиями: Eclipse Foundation устанавливает IBM законным распорядителем в EPL лицензия

EPL изменила пункт об патентных соглашениях через удаление предложения из 7 секции CPL Популярные вопросы

об EPL Подтверджение в OSI неопр.

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Соответственно, первое предложение пункта 11 с внесенными в него изменениями будет теперь звучат следующим образом.


and had


result that five years of

the sentences

originally imposed for


WA offences would be served concurrently.


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и соответственно пятилетнее тюремное заключение по приговорам, вынесенным первоначально за преступления в Западной Австралии, он отбывал бы одновременно.


Wf if


evaporator fans are driven by an external motor; in this particular case


enthalpy method is not recommended.» English only.


context icon

to measure Wf if the evaporator fans are driven by an external motor; in this particular case the enthalpy method is not recommended» относится только к тексту на английском языке.


and expression form a basis for


full enjoyment of a wide range of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.


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основой для полного осуществления широкого спектра гражданских, политических, экономических, социальных и культурных прав.


Stating that a»revised sentence» would be considered,


Appeals Chamber ordered Aleksovski’s immediate return to custody and reserved its judgement on


prosecution’s grounds of appeal against


judgement announcing that a written reasoned judgement,


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Апелляционная камера постановила немедленно вернуть Алексовского под стражу и отложила свое решение относительно оснований Обвинителя для апелляции на решение, объявив, что

в должное время будет выпущено аргументированное письменное решение, включая пересмотренный приговор.



Commission also agreed that,


words»formally approve» should replace


words»enter into» in




and that


words after»familiarity with cross-border agreements» in




should be deleted.


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в третьем


слово» заключать» словами» официально одобрять» и исключить часть четвертого


после слов» знаний о соглашениях о трансграничной несостоятельности.



participants’ group representative stated that the revised memorandum of understanding should include the same sentence.


On March 15,


Supreme Court of Russia revised her sentence and reduced


punishment term from 7 to 3 years.

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Марта Верховный суд пересмотрел приговор по ее делу, смягчив наказание с 7 до 3 лет лишения свободы.


Government enacted the Revised


Guidelines containing specific measures in support of women’s rights

and curbing GBV.


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Правительство приняло поправки к основным принципам вынесения приговоров, предусматривающие конкретные меры в пользу прав женщин

и против НГО.


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It transpires that, as a result of this process,


Presidium of


Supreme Court reviewed


author’s case and ultimately revised his sentence, whereupon he was released from imprisonment.


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Из представленных материалов следует, что в результате этой процедуры Президиум Верховного суда рассмотрел дело автора и

в конечном итоге пересмотрел его приговор, после чего он был освобожден из-под стражи.


Article 6(6): as a matter of simplification,


withdrawal of reservations under




of the revised proposal of article 6(6),

as contained above in paragraph 67 could take effect immediately, instead of after a three-month period;


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Статья 6( 6): в целях упрощения отзыв оговорок в соответствии с первым предложением текста пересмотренного предложения по статье 6( 6), изложенного

выше в пункте 67, может вступать в силу немедленно, а не по истечении трехмесячного срока;


In imposing a revised

sentence, the

Appeals Chamber considered


element of double jeopardy, in that


appellant had had to appear for sentence twice for


same conduct and also that he had

been detained a second time after a period of release of nine months.


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Вынося пересмотренный


Апелляционная камера учла элемент риска двойной уголовной ответственности за одно и то же преступление, заключавшийся в том, что апеллянт был вынужден дважды предстать перед судом для вынесения приговора за одно и то же поведение, а также учла,

что он был задержан во второй раз после пребывания на свободе в течение девяти месяцев.




Appeals Chamber, by majority, Judge Shahabuddeen dissenting, revised




to 15 years’ imprisonment.


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Апелляционная камера большинством голосов( судья Шахабуддин приложил особое мнение) пересмотрела приговор, вынесенный подателю апелляции, и уменьшила срок наказания до 15 лет тюремного заключения.


Ms. Motoc said that she supported


proposal to retain a revised version of


second sentence of paragraph 16.


As a result, document A/C.3/52/L.43 should be revised as follows: the second sentence of paragraph 5 would read.


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В результате этого документ A/ C. 3/ 52/ L. 43 должен быть пересмотрен следующим образом: второе предложение пункта 5 будет гласить.


On 31 January 1951, John J. McCloy,


US High Commissioner in Germany,


his sentence to time served.

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Января 1951 года верховный комиссар США Джон Макклой смягчил приговор для большинства обвиняемых по делу.

On February 4, 2016,


Supreme Court of Russia revised Kravtsov’s sentence and reduced his imprisonment term to 6 years.

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Февраля 2016 года Верховный суд пересмотрел приговор Кравцова и смягчил наказание с 14 до 6 лет лишения свободы.

Synonym: alter, amend, change, correct, improve, rewrite. Similar words: revision, devise, revisionist, review, revive, peevish, brevity, revived. Meaning: [rɪ’vaɪz]  n. the act of rewriting something. v. 1. make revisions in 2. revise or reorganize, especially for the purpose of updating and improving. 

Random good picture Not show

(1) You must revise for the examination.

(2) The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report.

(3) He soon came to revise his opinion of the profession.

(4) His helpfulness today has made me revise my original opinion/impression of him.

(5) I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now.

(6) I’ll have to revise my ideas about Tom.

(7) I can’t come out tonight. I have to revise.

(8) His publishers made him revise his manuscript three times.

(9) I have to revise for maths.

(10) We may have to revise this figure upwards.

(11) I’ve got to revise my geography.

(12) You should revise your opinion of him.

(13) She undertook to revise my compositions.

(14) You must revise your English for the mid-term examination.

(15) The staff should work together to revise the school curriculum.

(16) If you don’t revise[Sentence dictionary], you run the risk of failing.

(17) Don’t revise a few topics to the exclusion of all others.

(18) In the light of these changes, we must revise our plan.

(19) Revise your roles in marriage where necessary or helpful.

(20) So some economists began to revise their assumptions.

(21) Occasionally you may need to revise your goals.

(22) This discovery made them revise their old ideas.

(23) It urged Mr Dornbusch to revise his opinion.

(24) Putin’s program would revise the antiquated pension system, rewrite the labor code and crack down on money-laundering.

(25) Legislation will be introduced to revise health and safety arrangements for offshore installations.

(26) It is hard to revise that opinion, having seen the early results.

(27) He has roughed out the article,but he has still to revise it.

(28) I’d better skip the party and stay at home to revise.

(29) With exports rising and unemployment falling, the merchants of gloom are having to revise their opinions of the economy.

(30) In the event of substantial revision being necessary to the manuscripts, we reserve the right to revise this royalty figure.

More similar words: revision, devise, revisionist, review, revive, peevish, brevity, revived, previous, peevishly, abbreviate, television, eviscerate, advise, previously, adviser, advised, abbreviation, improvise, judicial review, improvised, vivisection, vis-a-vis, evil, evict, evince, Rev., visa, deviate, deviant. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

From time to time, revise words you have already learned.

Другие результаты

He never has to revise his word or renege on a promise.

Ему никогда не приходится пересматривать Свое слово или отказываться от обещания.

And now let’s revise some words on our topic.

И для начала давайте повторим некоторые слова к нашей теме.

Translators have time to consider and revise each word and sentence before delivering their product to the client.

При последовательном устном переводе у переводчиков есть время, чтобы рассмотреть и пересмотреть каждое слово и предложение, прежде чем передать его клиенту.

«Spaced repetition», where you revise the word just before you’ll forget it.

«повторение с интервалом» и заключается в повторении слов чуть раньше, чем вы бы их забыли.

(Whether this would result in yet another proposal to revise the words to Hatikvah remains to be seen.).

(Еще предстоит увидеть, последует ли за этим предложение изменить слова израильского гимна «Hatikvah»).

To satisfy the United States delegation, she proposed to revise the words «It was stated» to «One State emphasized».

Чтобы удовлетворить делегацию Соединенных Штатов, оратор предлагает заменить слова «Было отмечено» на слова «Одна делегация отметила».

Unsending a message in the first 10 hours of transporting it means you can correct a mistake or retrieve something you repent transporting, but you can’t going to go and revise your word history.

Отмена отправки в течение первых 10 минут означает, что вы можете исправить ошибку или удалить то сообщение, о написании которого жалеете, но не можете вернуться назад и отредактировать более раннюю историю сообщений.

Last year, to speed up the integration of the Republic of Macedonia into NATO, a process was initiated to pass constitutional amendments and change the name of the state, in other words to revise the foundations of Macedonian national identity.

В прошлом году для форсированного включения в состав НАТО Республики Македонии был даже запущен процесс принятия конституционных поправок и переименования этого государства, пересмотра основ македонской национальной идентичности.

One suggestion was to revise the last words of draft article 13 along the following lines: «same or related contract or legal relationship».

Согласно од-ному предложению, заключительную формулировку проекта статьи 13 необходимо пересмотреть сле-дующим образом: «тем же договором или имеющим к нему отношение договором или правоотно-шением».

In paragraph 1 (a), the words «submit their bids» replaced the words «revise their tenders in respect of those features presented through the auction process».

В пункте 1 (а) слова «пересматривать свои тендерные заявки в отношении тех аспектов, которые представляются в процессе аукциона» заменены словами «представлять свои заявки».

I had to revise my meaning of the word destruction or choose some other word to describe what I saw.

Мне пришлось пересмотреть свое понимание слова «разрушение» или подобрать какое-то другое слово, чтобы описать то, что я видел.

Maybe we should heed the words of antiquity, and in some way to revise their menus.

Может, стоит прислушиваться к словам античности и каким-то образом пересмотреть свое меню.

We’ve also received word that the United Nations would like to revise its decision of November 29 granting us independence.

Мы также получили сообщение, что ООН готова пересмотреть… свое решение от двадцать девятого ноября… относительно нашей независимости.

In his words, Belarus has to revise its economic development plans too often.

Он отметил, что Беларусь слишком часто вынуждена корректировать планы развития своей экономики.

Revise the terminology used all over RID/ADR/ADN with regard to the word closure.

Пересмотреть терминологию, используемую по всему тексту МПОГ/ДОПОГ/ВОПОГ применительно к слову «затвор».

Word that some analysts have begun to revise forecasts for gross sales of iPhone 5.

Try to revise your writing to keep only those words and phrases that are necessary.

Попробуйте пересмотреть свой текст и оставить только те слова и фразы, которые необходимы.

Let’s revise what is blockchain, in simple words.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 52. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 240 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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