Sentences with the word relaxed

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1. Everybody was in a very relaxed and jolly mood.

2. He sat in a relaxed pose.

3. The hotel had a lovely relaxed atmosphere .

4. She was in a relaxed, confident mood.

5. Jill has such a lovely relaxed temperament.

6. Take a deep breath, and you will feel relaxed.

7. You need to ensure that a patient feels relaxed enough to discuss things fully.

8. After work she relaxed with a cup of tea and the newspaper.

9. He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world’s Press.

10. I am feeling relaxed.

11. They have a relaxed mode of life that suits them well.

12. Gail was lying in the sun looking very relaxed and happy.

13. Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space.

14. She seemed relaxed and in control of the situation.

15. Did you feel comfortable and relaxed at the party?

16. I relaxed, letting the salt water buoy me up.

17. I was very relaxed about the decision.

18. He was doing this to make me more relaxed.

19. The Mafia has relaxed its grip on local businesses.

20. They were deep in conversation , relaxed and smiling.

21. Hughes believes that immigration controls should not be relaxed.

22. She has a calm relaxed manner.

23. The atmosphere at lunch was relaxed.

24. She swam and sunbathed, went sightseeing and relaxed.

25. Restrictions on freedom of assembly have gradually been relaxed.

26. Jim relaxed, knowing he was among friends .

27. She’s a bit too knowing for me to feel relaxed with her.

28. As soon as I had made the final decision,[] I felt a lot more relaxed.

29. He climbed onto his horse and set off at a relaxed trot down the lane.

30. Wheat color skin to a healthy sense of vitality, wearing Nike a complete set of pure white pink edge sportswear, the tiny curly brown hair tied in a relaxed and lively braids, always the confidence of cute expressions.

More similar words: relax, relate, prelate, related, relation, relative, related to, relatively, correlative, correlation, relationship, in relation to, foreign relations, lax, galaxy, vexed, mixed, fixed, perplexed, perplexedly, mixed economy, belay, delay, elate, elapse, elated, belabor, elation, eyelash, homeland. 

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She had seemed relaxed enough then.

Не смотря на это, он казался достаточно расслабленным в тот момент.

Just remember to look relaxed, as though you own the stage.

Просто помни о том, что нужно выглядеть расслабленным, как будто ты владеешь сценой.

Your cat must be relaxed and feel safe.

Кошка должна выглядеть полностью спокойной и чувствовать себя в безопасности.

You guys seem pretty relaxed about this.

Я смотрю, вы довольно спокойно к этому относитесь.

Don’t forget to smile and look relaxed.

Помни о том, что нужно улыбаться и выглядеть непринужденно.


Знаешь, с тобой гораздо приятнее, когда ты расслаблен.


Впервые в жизни я спокоен, я счастлив и мне весело!

Your guests will feel happy and relaxed.

А ваши гости будут чувствовать себя спокойно, комфортно и расслабленно.

He practices sport under pressure while his children are much more relaxed and spontaneous.

Он практикует спорт под нагрузкой, в то время как его дети гораздо более расслабленные и спонтанные.

We believe that students should be happy and relaxed while studying.

Мы считаем, что студенты должны быть счастливы и расслаблены во время учебы.

Some people feel relaxed after they write about their feelings.

Некоторые люди чувствуют себя более расслабленными после того, как они напишут о своих чувствах.

Affirmations work best when we are relaxed.

Позитивные аффирмации запечатлеваются лучше всего, когда мы наиболее расслаблены.

She could see his face, relaxed and peaceful.

Вы можете увидеть ее выражение лица, что она расслаблена и спокойна.

You can see that he’s more relaxed.

Вы можете сами видеть, что он стал более расслаблен.

It somehow more relaxed and humanly.

В ней все как-то более расслабленно и по-человечески.

Congratulate him and be relaxed and casual.

Поприветствуй его и будь расслабленной, словно ничего не случилось.

The trouble is I feel so relaxed.

Проблема в том, что я чувствую себя такой расслабленной.

He seems pretty relaxed for someone getting arrested.

Он как-то уж очень расслаблен для того, кого арестовывают.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат RELAXED

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

relaxed — перевод на русский

Relax, dear.

Расслабься, дорогая.

You just relax and take your time about coming back.

Расслабься и выздоравливай.

Relax, I know what I’m doing.

Расслабься, я знаю, что я делаю.

Relax, Stevey, this isn’t French, it’s music.

Расслабься, Стиви, это не французский, это музыка.

Relax, or I won’t be able to help you.

Расслабься, или я не смогу тебе помочь.

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Oh, now relax, will you?

Успокойся ты.

Benny, relax! Rela…

Бенни, успокойся!

—Relax, kid, it’s just me and my big mouth.

Успокойся, детка, не обращая внимания.

long. Relax girl.

Успокойся, дорогая.

Relax, nothing will happen.

Успокойся, ничего не случится.

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Relax, I’m reversing the charges.

Спокойно,плата за счет адресата.

Relax, will you?


How does that concern you? Relax, Bart.

Спокойно, Барт.

Just relax.

Только спокойно.

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If I may make the suggestion, don’t you think you’d better relax?

Осмелюсь предложить вам, сэр, лечь в постель и отдохнуть!

Colonel, unless there’s something urgent, I’d like to relax a little.

Полковник, если нет ничего срочного, мне бы отдохнуть.


Отдохнуть? О, пани Тура!

I think you’d better relax.

Вам лучше отдохнуть.

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Can’t he find some other way to relax?

А он не может найти другой способ расслабляться?

He’s beginning to relax.

Он начинает расслабляться.

When do we stop relaxing and start doing something?

Когда мы закончим расслабляться и начнём хоть что-то делать?

I go there with my dad to relax.

Мы с папой тоже ходим туда расслабляться.

Try to relax a little from time to time.

Постарайся расслабляться время от времени.

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— You look relaxed.

— Ты выглядишь расслабленным.

— I feel relaxed.

— Я чувствую себя расслабленным.

He won’t be so relaxed.

Он не будет таким расслабленным.

You’d be more relaxed, less afraid.

Ты будешь более расслабленным и менее напуганным.

Make you relaxed when you get back to the office.

Вернёшься в офис расслабленным.

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The director told you to relax.

Ражиссер сказал тебе отдыхать.

The Lord allows workers to relax!

Господь не запрещает труженикам отдыхать.

Well, one needs to relax a lot in a job like mine.

Моя работа настолько утомительна, что приходится часто отдыхать.

I’m here to relax and clip coupons, and, damn it, I mean to do it.

Я приехал отдыхать и вырезать купоны из газет! Я не шучу, чёрт побери!

What is the point of my coming here if you people won’t let me relax?

Какой был смысл переезжать сюда, если вы не даёте мне отдыхать?

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Relax your foot.

Расслабь ногу.

Relax your diaphragm.

Расслабь диафрагму.

Okay, just relax your arm.

Ну-ка, расслабь руку, расслабь руку.

Now just relax your hand. Thank you, ma’am.

Расслабь руку.

Relax just fot a second.

Расслабь шею на секунду.

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It relaxed me.

Это меня расслабляет.

Classical music is so relaxing, isn’t it?

Классическая музыка так расслабляет, правда?

Very relaxing.

Очень расслабляет.

Only the elevator, the most relaxing one.

Только лифт, он гораздо расслабляет.

And the invitation doesn’t exactly relax me.

И это приглашение не очень-то меня расслабляет.

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Relax. He’s fine where he is.

Не волнуйся,он там,где следует.

Relax, Renfield.

Не волнуйся, Ренфилд.

Relax, Mace. This is what I do.

Не волнуйся, это я беру на себя.

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The hot bath relaxed her.
Горячая ванна помогла ей расслабиться.

He relaxed his hold on me.
Он ослабил свою хватку на мне.

Hold the game controller with a relaxed hand.
Держа геймпад, ваша рука должна быть расслабленной.

You slip deeper and deeper into a relaxed state.
Ты погружаешься все глубже и глубже в расслабленное состояние.

Hey, who is that relaxed and approachable guy?
Эй, и кто этот раскованный рубаха-парень?

Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal would prefer to see sanctions against Russia and Iran relaxed or rolled back completely.
Греция, Италия, Испания и Португалия предпочли бы ослабление санкций против России и Ирана или полный от них отказ.

That should keep you nice and relaxed.
Это поможет расслабиться и прийти в чувство.

Signing email with DKIM, sign with relaxed canonicalization.
Подписывая электронную почту с помощью DKIM, используйте ослабленную канонизацию.

And you can tell, it’s relaxed right now.
Вы точно можете сказать, что сейчас он расслаблен и спокоен.

You are in a relaxed state of hypnosis now.
Сейчас ты находишься в расслабленном гипнотическом состоянии.

He was a guy who had interesting ideas in the Gandhi area, the Nelson Mandela area — relaxed and groovy.
Это был человек с интересными идеями вроде Ганди, Нельсона Манделы — веселый и раскованный.

Immigration controls, for example, have been relaxed in several European countries (notably Germany) due to declining populations and educational shortcomings.
Например, в некоторых странах Европы (особенно в Германии) был ослаблен иммиграционный контроль, как следствие сокращения численности населения и потребности в людях с определенными специальными знаниями.

But Putin has never once relaxed or relinquished control.
Но Путин ни разу не расслабился и не снизил уровень контроля.

Even though China has relaxed legal strictures against religion, persecution remains real.
Хотя Китай ослабил суровые меры ограничения в отношении религии, преследования до сих пор не прекратились.

Your upper arms should be relaxed at your sides.
Ваши плечи должны быть расслаблены.

Obama expertly blended oratory with a relaxed, TV-optimal persona.
Обама умело сочетал ораторское искусство с расслабленной манерой, оптимальной для телевидения.

European economic sanctions are also likely to be relaxed, as it won’t be “easy to convince everyone to prolong them” next year, Westman said.
Европейские экономические санкции, по мнению Вестмана, вероятно, будут ослаблены, так как «трудно будет убедить всех их продлить».

“And that we can be relaxed about it, too.”
— И что мы можем успокоиться и расслабиться на сей счет».

Having relaxed the opening criteria, the Commission also proposes making negotiations more flexible.
Ослабив критерии вступления, Комиссия также предлагает сделать переговоры более гибкими.

Moves in a relaxed manner, dresses sporty, doesn’t seem nervous.
Двигается расслаблено, одевается в спортивном стиле, не похоже, чтобы он нервничал.


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- непринуждённый, раскованный
- спокойный, уравновешенный
- успокоившийся
- нестрогий (о дисциплине и т. п.); снисходительный (об отношении); мягкий; гибкий (о правиле и т. п.)

Мои примеры


a section of the park in which nannies like to gather for a relaxed natter — часть парка, в которой любят собираться нянечки, чтобы спокойно поболтать  
a relaxed environment well-disposed to the appreciation of good food and fine wine — спокойная обстановка, располагающая к наслаждению прекрасной кухней и изысканным вином  
relaxed manner — расслабленность, раскованность  
relaxed / comfortable posture — расслабленная, удобная поза  
friendly / informal / relaxed atmosphere — дружеская, непринуждённая обстановка  
relaxed condition — ослабленное условие  
relaxed problem — задача с ослабленными ограничениями  
relaxed filtrate oil mud — буровой раствор на нефтяной основе с её частичной фильтрацией  
relaxed filtrate — нефтяной фильтрат бурового раствора; свободный фильтрат  
relaxed limitation — ослабленное ограничение  
relaxed movement — расслабленное движение; уступающее движение; пассивное движение  
his muscles relaxed into a smile — его лицо расплылось в улыбке  

Примеры с переводом

His face relaxed in a smile.

Его лицо расплылось в улыбке.

Jim relaxed, knowing he was among friends.

Джим расслабился, зная, что он среди друзей.

The pressure of his fingers had relaxed.

К тому времени его хватка уже ослабла.

We have a relaxed dress code at the office.

У нас на работе нет строгого дресс-кода.

Jill has such a lovely relaxed temperament.

У Джилл такой лёгкий непринуждённый темперамент.

He relaxed his grip on my arm.

Он чуть ослабил хватку на моей руке.

The horse relaxed its course as it approached me.

При приближении ко мне лошадь замедлила свой бег.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He’s a very relaxed guy.

He relaxed in the hot tub

We relaxed in decadent luxury.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

relax  — расслабляться, отдыхать, расслаблять, ослаблять, ослабляться, смягчать, смягчаться
relaxing  — расслабляющий, смягчающий

Examples of how to use the word “relaxed” in a sentence. How to connect “relaxed” with other words to make correct English sentences.

relaxed (adj): feeling happy and comfortable because nothing is worrying you

Use “relaxed” in a sentence

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Sentences using the word relaxed. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use relaxed in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for relaxed.

  • He relaxed into a broad smile. (9)
  • Death relaxed his hold in her hand. (10)
  • It relaxed her stroke of arms and legs. (10)
  • His arm relaxed in the clutch of her figure. (10)
  • His arm relaxed in the clutch of her figure. (22)
  • He drew one of his hands from her relaxed hold. (10)
  • Feeling him linger, the Countess relaxed her grasp. (10)
  • His face relaxed; he made a little movement of one hand. (8)
  • With mortification Winifred saw his dark sardonic face relaxed. (8)
  • And he, too, remained bowed over his hand, and his smile relaxed. (8)
  • Necessarily, after a fall, the pitch of their conversation relaxed. (10)
  • Then one of the farm dogs barked; her grasp relaxed, she shrank back. (8)
  • His face, after a moment of question, relaxed into joyful recognition. (9)
  • William Fleeting relaxed the knot of his brows and lifted the letter. (10)
  • William Fleeting relaxed the knot of his brows and lifted the letter. (22)
  • And the tired faces of the mourners relaxed from their tense seriousness. (13)
  • Mr. Fenellan gathered himself together; he sipped, and relaxed his bracing. (10)
  • But, bright as it was, the baronet relaxed nothing of his vigilant supervision. (10)
  • He relaxed the grip of his arms; she sank down and stayed unmoving on the grass. (8)
  • Alone there with the serene, the blue, the sunlit sea, his heart relaxed a little. (8)
  • She never moved from his room, never relaxed her noiseless vigilance, which seemed to Jon angelic. (8)
  • Barbara felt a movement in her heart, like the twang and quiver of an elastic band, suddenly relaxed. (8)
  • He relaxed his exertions sufficiently to take this new burden on his brain, and immediately cast it off. (10)
  • He relaxed his exertions sufficiently to take this new burden on his brain, and immediately cast it off. (22)
  • She relaxed a little toward them when she saw Beaton leaning against the wall at the end of the row next Mrs. March. (9)
  • Often of late she had been sharply stung, relaxed as well, by the observations of Danvers assisting at her toilette. (10)
  • She seemed to hold herself tense against any praise of him, as if she should fail him somehow if she relaxed at all in his favor. (9)
  • The stranger relaxed the frown he had put on at the greed of her suggestion; it might have come from ignorance or mere innocence. (9)
  • The convulsive rigidity relaxed, and from that unbelievably emaciated body there broke forth a sobbing like the moan of a wind of doom. (12)
  • Her sole idea was her holding her country by an unseen thread, and of the everlasting welfare of Italy being jeopardized if she relaxed her hold. (10)
  • The long, lugubrious folds in his cheeks relaxed somewhat after seeing him, especially as he now perceived that Soames alone was represented by silk. (8)
  • Soon the shrewd physical bracing, acting momentarily on my brain, relaxed; the fitful illumination ceased: all ideas faded out-clung about my beaten body-fled. (10)

Also see sentences for: relax, relaxation.

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  • Use the word RELAXED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The head should be held fairly high but relaxed.


He should have been relaxed a little.

Yes, and I’m fairly relaxed.

So we must remain calm and relaxed.

The search will be relaxed.

now, dear, I’ve never relaxed so well like I did in these holidays

I’ve been relaxed for three weeks and look at me nowÔÇö reduced to pounding the pedal of a bass drum for a little excitement.

Do not you feel much more relaxed ? Then request you

Because you are a very capable person Such a thing is too relaxed for you

If you stay more relaxed, do it.

It’s nice and relaxed here, don’t you think?

I want you to be relaxed.

We could entedernos if you were more relaxed.

She has been raised in a good home like yours and is quite relaxed.

You and Edith look so relaxed.

Would it be all right if I stood up and relaxed to spiel my piece?

With a relaxed smiler, you give the man our tickets

When I’m relaxed my thoughts are clear.

Chin up, shoulders relaxed and don’t forget to smile.

Shoulders relaxed and don’t forget to smile.

HE’S MORE relaxed. LUTHER?

Calm and relaxed like he was on his yacht.

I feel so nice and relaxed.

Because his soul has escaped of that threat, should be relaxed.

Tension in the Pacific and the Far East has relaxed as a result of the peaceful mission of Japan’s special envoy, Mr. Saburo Kurusu.

You’re completely relaxed.

If only you gals could realise how important it is to be quiet and relaxed.

Yeah, and I ain’t relaxed, neither.

I’m relaxed. She will be here for dinner?

I’m perfectly relaxed standing up.

-If I relaxed, I’d drop dead.

You said if we only relaxed, everything would be lovely.

People are more friendly, more relaxed.

Oh, if everybody could be like that. If everyone in the whole world could get together with that relaxed spirit.

I’m very relaxed, you understand?

lying back so relaxed. He’s got plenty to be nervous about, too.

It’s necessary that you be completely relaxed.

I didn’t know then, relaxed and happy in the sun, that I wasn’t the fisherman. I was the bait.

Happy, relaxed… wouldn’t you like to find out How charming I am?

And in the early hours of the morning, When you’re relaxed and tired, I’ll…

I just relaxed and let everything pour out.

Now, Mr. Belvedere, I’ll be behind the camera, and I’m going to ask you a few questions, so just be perfectly relaxed… young man, I need no instructions.

But we’ll both feel better after we’ve had a drink and relaxed.

English Vocabulary: Relax, relaxing and relaxed |

There are many different ways to talk about relaxing in English. However, I’ve noticed that many English learners have difficulty using the verb relax and the adjective relaxed correctly.

In this lesson, you’ll learn how NOT to relax! You’ll also learn the 4 forms of relax and how to use them in a sentence.

After a hard day at work, I just want to relax myself

You cannot relax yourself. When you use the verb relax, the listener or reader already knows that you are doing it to yourself. You don’t need to say He relaxes himself or I relax myself. That’s what relax means!


After a hard day at work, I just want to come home and relax.

It’s difficult for me to relax when I’m working on a stressful project at work.

When I want to relax, I put on some comfortable clothes and I read a good book.

I relaxed when I realized the plane wasn’t going to crash.

Relax! There’s no reason to get so worked up over such a small problem.

I like to relax by watching TV, listening to music, or going to the gym.

2. Relaxing on the beach!

This is the gerund form of relax. A gerund is a verb that acts like a noun. Relaxing is the noun form of relax!

I spent my vacation relaxing on the beach in Mexico!

Ways of relaxing include taking a bath, going for a walk or listening to music.

Here’s a picture of my mom and me relaxing by the pool.

Some people like to spend their vacation relaxing at home.

3. I feel so relaxed!

I get relaxed when I exercise.

Relaxed is an adjective, but it is not something you can get. You can feel it, be it, but you can’t get it.


After a day at the spa, I always feel so relaxed!

I just took a bath. I feel so relaxed now!

When I saw her after the exam and she seemed very relaxed.

I love going to that gym. It has such a relaxed atmosphere.

He always looks relaxed when he’s giving a speech.

Even though the project was over budget and out of time, the project manager always seemed relaxed.

4. Relaxing Music

Relaxing is also adjective. You can use relaxing to describe a noun.

A swim in the ocean, a massage, and an afternoon nap. What a relaxing way to spend the day!

Gardening is so relaxing.

When I have trouble sleeping, I put on some relaxing music.

After a hard day at work, I like to take a hot bath. It’s so relaxing.

She has a very relaxing way of speaking.

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