Sentences with the word relaxation

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Comfortable bath-house with big fireplace hall, perfect sauna and rooms for guests‘ relaxation was built at the end of 2002.

В конце 2002г. была построена и предлагается гостям уютная баня с большим каминным залом для 35 человек, отличной сауной и комнатами для отдыха гостей.

The museum has a research section, a library, a conference room, and corners for guests and tourists‘ relaxation.

В музее созданы научно-исследовательское отделение, библиотека, конференц-зал, уголки отдыха для гостей и туристов.

One said ‘relaxation‘, Three said ‘honesty’, and a whopping Six out of Ten said ‘staying awake’.

Один ответил: «Отдых», трое ответили: «Честность», а остальные шесть единодушно сказали: «Не заснуть».

The data scientist would have to read all these results and then manually group them into categories that they felt were significant, such as ‘nature’, ‘activities’, ‘sightseeing’ and ‘relaxation‘.

Аналитик данных должен был бы прочитать все эти результаты, а затем вручную сгруппировать их в категории, которые, по его мнению, были значимыми, такие как «природа», «деятельность», «экскурсии» и «отдых».

Children are not entitled to attend the parents‘ relaxation zone.

‘Relaxation and hypnosis are often used in cancer patients.

Опиаты и наркотические обезболивающие часто используются у раковых больных.

In the presence of the paramagnetic gadolinium ion, the atoms‘ relaxation time is shortened, making these regions brighter against the background under MRI.

В присутствии парамагнитных ионов гадолиния время релаксации атомов сокращается, что делает области его накопления более яркими относительно фона.

This is not ‘relaxation‘, for true relaxation can be maintained only when doing nothing.

Это не расслабление, так как настоящая релаксация может поддерживаться только, если вы ничего не делаете.

What does ‘relaxation‘ mean to you?

Following this approximately 60 minutes must be spent in a ‘relaxation room’ to allow the substance to spread throughout your body.

Затем в течение около 60 минут необходимо сохранять «состояние покоя», чтобы вещество распределилось по организму.

Just because the kids are having a good time, doesn’t mean that parents‘ relaxation time should be negatively impacted.

То, что дети хорошо проводят время никак не должно влиять на моменты релаксации родителей.

A zoo in the Philippines is offering tourists a ‘relaxation‘ session with a sneaky twist.

Зоопарк на Филиппинах предлагает туристам «расслабляющую» сессию со скрытым кручением.

‘Relaxation‘ means to loosen the mind, to let everything go, to strip off all ideas and thoughts.

Достичь расслабления — это значит снять напряжение ума, оставив все как есть, отбросив все идеи и мысли.

Visitors are given the chance to sit in this ‘relaxation area’ while renewing their spiritual levels (a bit challenging when accompanied by a 3-year-old monkey!).

Посетителям предоставляется возможность посидеть в этой «зоне отдыха», обновляя свой духовный уровень (что может быть немного сложно, когда их сопровождает маленькая «обезьяна»!).

In Benson’s words, the ‘relaxation response’ is an opposite, involuntary response that causes a reduction in the activity of the nervous system.

Релаксационный ответ, по словам Бенсона, является «противоположным, непроизвольным ответом, который вызывает снижение активности симпатической нервной системы».

Rg1+ Played after 20 minutes‘ relaxation.

«Фенербахче» ведёт у «Химок» «+10″ после 20 минут игры

She said she could not use the word ‘relaxation‘ now because people try to relax, so she uses soft, gentle tones of voice instead’… soothing… soothing…’

Она сказала, что теперь не может использовать слово» relaxation», потому что люди пытаются расслабиться, поэтому она вместо этого использует мягкий нежный тон голоса, успокаивающий… успокаивающий… Это весьма действенный метод.

The term ‘Relaxation Response’ was created by Dr Herbert Benson, Cardiologist, Professor, and founder of Harvard’s Mind/Body Medical Institute.

Термин «реакция расслабления» ввел доктор Герберт Бенсон — кардиолог, профессор, основатель Медицинского института разума и тела при Гарвардской медицинской школе.

For Children, to attend the parents‘ relaxation room

In the first study, conducted in 2008, 20 volunteers received eight weeks of training in various mind-body practices (including several types of meditation, yoga and repetitive prayer) known to induce the ‘relaxation response’, a physiological state of deep rest.

Во время первого исследования, в 2008 году, 20 добровольцев в течение 8 недель упражнялись в разнообразных практиках взаимосвязи сознания и тела (различные виды медитации, йоги и повторяющихся молитв).

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ‘ relaxation

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Relaxation stands quite generally for a release of tension, a return to equilibrium. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Similarly, in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) both CBT and relaxation training improved fatigue as in our study, although the effect of CBT which combines


However, the Department of Education will soon release an updated mandate process, which includes a significant relaxation of equity in teacher distribution.


Around the side of the house, the gardens form outdoor rooms that make perfect spots for play or relaxation.


If you are trying to stop smoking, you may find it helpful to use the relaxation exercises taught in pregnancy, to take a shower or bath, to do pleasant activities with your baby, cuddle your baby, go for a walk with your baby, keep your hands occupied, or meet up with other mothers, perhaps at a La Leche League meeting.


If you arrive before your scheduled appointment, please have a seat in the relaxation room and Dr. Go will be with you shortly.


They report fewer wrinkles due to the relaxation of facial muscles, but also the noticeable rapid healing of blemishes and burns is also a regular occurrence.


A large pergola covers the entertainment and relaxation areas, all equipped with stylish furnishing and the latest technology.


The product contains a wide variety of worksheets, activities, relaxation music for children, audio and colouring that are all designed to encourage the development of mindfulness in children aged between 5 — 13 +.


Give your neighbors the gift of relaxation with this DIY coconut oil salt scrub.


Once you have finished your kiting session, repeat the 3 poses in the opposite order and end with a few minutes of relaxation lying on your back.


The Brazilian Emerald Villa is an architectural masterpiece designed for entertaining and relaxation, This 12,000 square foot villa with 5 bedrooms each with an en-suite bathroom and two additional powder rooms for a total of 7 bathrooms.


This island is perfect for a day’s shopping and wine tasting, or several days of indulgent relaxation.


The sun is warm, the grass is green, and an inviting breeze sends promises of leisure and relaxation.


Serenity is weightless and airy, like the expanse of the blue sky above us, bringing feelings of respite and relaxation even in turbulent times.


Breath is a source of energy, relaxation, and calm when needed.


The beautifully landscaped complex offers relaxation and recreation — as well as access to the nearby Elkhorn tennis courts.


As such it is an ideal treatment for stress reduction and relaxation and allows participants to tap into an unlimited supply of «life force energy» to improve health and enhance the quality of life.


For me, it’s a place of total relaxation and beauty, but also a place of deep personal connection.


This is the city for champagne, relaxation, and shopping.


The decor of the one hundred year old home is that of elegance, yet warm and inviting so that guests may have an evening of privacy, relaxation, or romance.


If relaxation is in your plans, we welcome the opportunity to help you shed those stresses and worries!


I have gone from poet and improvisational performance artist to full-time earth mother to creating infinite outfit combinations for fun and relaxation.


Understanding what the key stress symptoms are, incorporating some valuable relaxation techniques into your daily routine and recognising when you’re exhibiting the signs of stress all work together to provide a valuable set of resources from which to delve into when times get tough.


It is the ultimate relaxation retreat, conveniently located just three minutes of the New England Highway.


The free T3/reverse T3 ratio can be valuable in evaluating potential deiodinase dysregulation and measuring the speed of the relaxation phase of the muscle reflex, and the basal metabolic rate can also be helpful additions in the evaluation of tissue thyroid levels.


Our group is for people who like to read Chick Lit books for fun, relaxation, humor, and/or entertaining characters.


Magnesium provides relaxation and comfort.


«We found that with increasing stress relaxation, especially combined with increased stiffness in the hydrogel, there is an increase of osteogenic — bone cell — differentiation,» said Luo Gu, postdoctoral fellow in the Mooney lab and co-first author.


It just begs for relaxation and a sense of Zen.


The main components of IBSM were applied relaxation and various stress management strategies including activity scheduling, structured problem-solving and increasing recuperating activities.


Google notes that U.S. export controls and sanctions programs prohibit the company from offering certain software downloads in some countries, but that these restrictions evolve and this appears to be an example of relaxation.


Because when their feet are massaged, when their tongues are bathed in dark chocolate, and when they are immersed in honey bubble bath, their babies are enjoying an atmosphere of relaxation and contentment as well.


From traditional Asian massages to modern European treatments, the spa at The Farm offers holistic therapies to suit you, whatever your health and relaxation goals.


The hotel has a relaxation area with a sauna, steam room and infra red cabin and a small lounge gives you… Read more


Perfect for at home relaxation or a snuggly night in!


Over the past 45 years, Dr. Richard Miller has developed a program called iRest ® (Integrative Restoration) Yoga Nidra Meditation for promoting deep relaxation and healing, restoring resilience and well-being, and awakening to our essential wholeness and true nature.


Embraced by a vast and well-manicured garden, this wonderful hotel is perfect place for relaxation during the relaxing beach holiday.


These visitors come in search of fun and relaxation in this pristine destination, known for its fine sandy beaches, tranquil surf, and colorful hotels and resorts.


If I had to give up all of my relaxation time in order to become financially independent I absolutely would not do it because I know its important to my mental health.


[11] It involves practicing different physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and relaxation.


Recipe for relaxation: add one part unspoiled sandy beach, two parts clear torquoise water, top with miles of blue sky and enjoy!


Wailea Beach Resort has taken advantage of its 22 acres by creating three very distinct pool experiences, allowing guests to choose their own space for relaxation, rejuvenation and (often) exhilaration.


BACK MASSAGE 30 minutes — $ 90 Allow your body to completely unwind with a series of deep muscular techniques (sustained pressure, kneading) for total relaxation.


The sunloungers and palm-thatched umbrellas have relaxation written all over them, while brightly painted beach shacks line up the drinks and snacks.


Mental relaxation does not only affect us emotionally, cognitive and behaviorally.


Driven by the relaxation of professional rules that limited the ability of law firms to advertise their services, a raft of new products emerged that sought to rank and recommend lawyers.


• Stelle Restaurant and Zest: Urban sophistication meets island relaxation at Stelle Restaurant, and Zest.


Take advantage of a day filled with both adventure and relaxation with this zipline and catamarn adventure!


The Health Benefits of Friendship No doubt you’ve heard the good-health prescription: Eat a colorful, natural diet; exercise regularly; manage your stress with relaxation, recreation, and meditation; get enough sleep; and have the proper checkups and screenings for your age and history.


Now GENTLE LOVE explores Hibino’s history in the videogame industry with Prescription for Sleep: Game Music Lullabies, performing soulful arrangements of some of the best and most memorable moments that videogames have to offer, all with the goal of creating a soothing atmosphere to lull you into a state of relaxation and sleep.


релаксация, расслабление, отдых, ослабление, развлечение, передышка


- расслабление, ослабление

relaxation of muscles — расслабление мышц

- уменьшение (напряжения и т. п.); спад

relaxation of tension — ослабление напряжённости, смягчение напряжённости

- отдых; передышка; развлечение

to seek relaxation in books — искать отдыха в чтении
to take some relaxation — сделать передышку, отдохнуть
relaxation after the day’s toil — отдых после дня работы
this occupation is a relaxation for my mind — за этим занятием отдыхаешь

- смягчение

the relaxation of discipline — ослабление дисциплины
the relaxation of the royal authority — ослабление королевской власти

- юр. частичное или полное освобождение (от штрафа, налога и т. п.)
- спец. релаксация; возвращение в исходное состояние

Мои примеры


relaxation exercise — упражнения на расслабление  
feeling of relaxation — расслабленность  
relaxation of discipline — ослабление дисциплины  
relaxation technique — техника расслабления  
relaxation inverter — релаксационный инвертор  
relaxation algorithm — релаксационный алгоритм  
relaxation operator — релаксационный оператор  
ecological time of relaxation — экологическое время релаксации  
acoustical relaxation — акустическая релаксация  
fragment relaxation energy — энергия релаксации фрагментов  

Примеры с переводом

I play the piano for relaxation.

Я играю на фортепиано, чтобы отдохнуть.

What I need is some rest and relaxation.

Что мне нужно, это немного отдохнуть и расслабиться.

Meditation allows you to enter a state of deep relaxation.

Медитация позволяет войти в состояние глубокого расслабления.

I like to play the guitar for relaxation.

Я люблю играть на гитаре для развлечения.

He needs more time off duty for relaxation and rest.

Ему нужно больше свободного времени для отдыха и развлечений.

Sewing is relaxation for some, purgatory for others.

Для одних шитьё — отдых, для других — сплошное мучение.

They decided to take a bike tour of the island for recreation and relaxation.

Они решили отправиться на велосипедную экскурсию по острову, чтобы отдохнуть и расслабиться.

Success keeps her busy. “Relaxation?» she asks, feigning puzzlement. “What’s that?»

Успех не даёт ей сидеть без дела. — Отдых? — с притворным недоумением спрашивает она. — А что это такое?

Students need to have time for relaxation and cultural activities, as well as for academic work.

Студентам необходимо иметь время как для отдыха и культурных мероприятий, так и для научной работы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We went camping for relaxation and refreshment.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): relaxation
мн. ч.(plural): relaxations

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word relaxation, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use relaxation in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «relaxation».

Relaxation in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word relaxation in a sentence.

  1. Together, these produce a feeling of calmness and relaxation.

  2. The relaxation of the full-for-empty SOP had undesirable effects.

  3. On October 13, the low became better organized due to a relaxation in the shear.

  4. Other chemicals and relaxation of the ampullae allow for release from the substrate.

  5. Concerns over child health and growth led to a relaxation of the diet’s restrictions.

  6. He installed a billiards table in the basement, which became his favoured form of relaxation.

  7. Ranavalona’s succession initially resulted in a relaxation of state control over Christianity.

  8. The relaxation time varies by cluster, but a typical value is on the order of one billion years.

  9. The relaxation of the full-for-empty SOP was to have undesirable effects later on in the campaign.

  10. For relaxation there were amateur theatricals, and educational activities in the form of lectures.

  11. He spent most of the off-season working out at the Houston Astrodome and, for relaxation, fishing.

  12. Yoga sessions often end (and sometimes also begin) with a period of relaxation in corpse pose, Shavasana.

  13. The sequence describing the deer hunt is unspecific and nonviolent, with an air of relaxation and exhilaration.

  14. However, past a critical thickness misfit dislocations will form leading to relaxation of stresses in the film.

  15. The device measured autonomic nerve functions, namely pulse, and incorporate acquired data into relaxation products.

  16. Stalin’s death in 1953 allowed a certain relaxation of the cultural totalitarianism in Russia and its satellite states.

  17. These stresses may be tensile or compressive and can cause cracking or buckling among other forms of stress relaxation.

  18. A grassy area facilitates «al-fresco» seating and allows for relaxation, reading, sunbathing, and other leisure activities.

  19. The third stage of the jump is the trigger relaxation of the flexor muscle, which releases the tibia from the flexed position.

  20. There is little evidence of formation of palimpsests through viscoelastic crustal relaxation, unlike on other large icy moons.

  21. Less successfully, he opposed the relaxation of eligibility rules for the County Championship to allow overseas players from 1968.

  22. This signalling molecule triggers smooth muscle relaxation and allows blood flow into the corpus cavernosum, which causes an erection.

  23. According to The Times journalist and historian Ben Macintyre, to Fleming the alcohol consumption «meant relaxation, ritual and reliability».

  24. Stress and relaxation of stresses in films can influence the materials properties of the film, such as mass transport in microelectronics applications.

  25. Thus, visitors from France, Spain, and Italy often combine tours of the cases á impluvium in Enampore or Mlomp with a few days of relaxation in Carabane.

  26. The relative cultural and political relaxation resulted in a better freedom of speech environment, exercised for example by the respected weekly Polityka.

  27. The subsequent rapid tibial extension is driven mainly by the relaxation of the elastic structures, rather than by further shortening of the extensor muscle.

  28. For relaxation, the battalion set up athletic events, and Derrick became well known for often winning cross-country races—and for organising a book on the outcomes.

  29. The last of Berlioz’s operas is the Shakespearean comedy Béatrice et Bénédict (1862), written, the composer said, as a relaxation after his efforts with Les Troyens.

  30. Ships carrying dangerous cargo were not allowed into the harbour before the war, but the risks posed by German submarines had resulted in a relaxation of regulations.

  31. Other factors that enhance sexual pleasure are positive memories, fantasies, relaxation, meditation, breathing techniques, and most importantly, trust with a partner.

  32. Viscous relaxation allows gravity, over geologic time scales, to deform craters and other topographic features formed in water ice, reducing the amount of topography over time.

  33. Strain in thin films can also be measured by x-ray diffraction or by milling a section of the film via focused ion beam and the relaxation observed via scanning electron microscopy.

  34. Energy is put into the store at low power by slow but strong muscle contraction, and retrieved from the store at high power by rapid relaxation of the mechanical elastic structures.

  35. Eventually, as a result of gravitational relaxation, all stars will either fall into central supermassive black holes or be flung into intergalactic space as a result of collisions.

  36. The characteristic interval for this to occur is the relaxation time, related to the characteristic length of time a star needs to cross the cluster and the number of stellar masses.

  37. Namco also opened the Riraku no Mori, a companion to its Namja Town park that held massage parlors for visitors; Namco believed it would help make relaxation a source of entertainment.

  38. Cassini observations provided a much closer look at the crater distribution and size, showing that many of Enceladus’s craters are heavily degraded through viscous relaxation and fracturing.

  39. The various musical themes associated with the Rhinemaidens are regarded as among the most lyrical in the entire Ring cycle, bringing to it rare instances of comparative relaxation and charm.

  40. Beyond HRT, the majority of behavioral interventions for Tourette’s (for example, relaxation training and biofeedback) have not been systematically evaluated and are not empirically supported.

  41. On these days, Catholics may not work or do activities that «hinder the worship due to God», but «performance of the works of mercy, and appropriate relaxation in a spirit of joy» are permitted.

  42. Xenophon suggests that «by so doing he caused among most of the enemy a relaxation of their mental readiness for fighting, and likewise a relaxation of their readiness as regards their array for battle».

  43. The music associated with the Rhinemaidens has been portrayed by the Wagner commentator James Holman as «some of the seminal music in the Ring»; other descriptions have noted its relative charm and relaxation.

  44. Sufficient internal pressure, caused by the body’s gravitation, will turn a body plastic, and sufficient plasticity will allow high elevations to sink and hollows to fill in, a process known as gravitational relaxation.

  45. Over the next few years additional Cattle Dogs arrived in the UK from the Netherlands, Kenya, Germany and Australia, although prior to relaxation of rules regarding artificial insemination, the UK gene pool was limited.

Synonyms for relaxation

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word relaxation has the following synonyms: easiness, liberalization, liberalisation, loosening, slackening, relaxation behavior, relaxation method, rest, ease and repose.

General information about «relaxation» example sentences

The example sentences for the word relaxation that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «relaxation» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «relaxation».


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How to use relaxation in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «relaxation» and check conjugation/comparative form for «relaxation«. Mastering all the usages of «relaxation» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Check out the list of the 10 college majors with the most free time: Hours of relaxation per week: 12.72 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.76 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.76 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.78 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.82 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.93 Hours of relaxation per week: 13.08 Hours of relaxation per week: 13.08 Hours of relaxation per week: 13.7 Hours of relaxation per week: 13.84
Check out the list of the 10 college majors with the most free time: Hours of relaxation per week: 12.72 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.76 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.76 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.78 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.82 Hours of relaxation per week: 12.93 Hours of relaxation per week: 13.08 Hours of relaxation per week: 13.08 Hours of relaxation per week: 13.7 Hours of relaxation per week: 13.84 This is an update of a story that appeared previously.
Relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation can improve sleep and relieve anxiety and fatigue.
Participants who engaged in an active relaxation strategy — like progressive muscle relaxation—were able to calm themselves.
Dr. Stubits says that you can get to that relaxation state in other ways, like guided relaxation apps or breathing exercises.
Dry flotation is completely different, in that the focus is on relaxation of the muscles, the joints and imparts a feeling of weightlessness and deep relaxation.
If undue stress triggers a Raynaud’s attack, try to avoid stressful situations and routinely practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation, progressive muscle relaxation or the relaxation response.
More deliberate relaxation techniques may need some practice to be effective, however, perhaps explaining why the conscious relaxation cues did not improve running economy in our study.
The extra time at the beginning is devoted to a virtual relaxation, the aesthetician helping with the relaxation by touching the client’s body in time with the meditation.
Check out the place … it screams rest and relaxation.
The trip is giving Beador some valuable rest and relaxation.
Give your pup the gift of relaxation for $99.95 here.
The domes were designed as a meeting and relaxation space.
They bring a sense of comfort and calm and relaxation.
These types of relaxation techniques are not just for kids.
Boredom, I came to learn, was just unplanned mental relaxation.
They googled relaxation techniques, and kindly texted me the results.
He saw this relaxation as an economic and diplomatic necessity.
This week saw a relaxation of banking rules (see article).
Alessandra Ambrosio apparently lives in a perpetual state of relaxation.
ER: My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh.
Price: $20 Price: $24.00These mugs will provide fun and relaxation.
Could the same relaxation properties be applied to anal sex?
It was a bit of relaxation from their hectic schedules.
Rosie Dutton tours schools teaching children about relaxation and mindfulness.
But it gave no details or timeframe for the relaxation.
There’s a «relaxation tent» with fur pillows and twinkle lights.
Only one more thing is necessary for utter relaxation: beer.
BTS is currently taking a period of «rest and relaxation
The possible relaxation of those regulations was an undercurrent here.
The reward is bliss, relaxation, good wages for pleasant labor.
Downtime for N.B.A. players is a study in relaxation techniques.
Ultimately, each blend is crafted toward relaxation, del Campo says.
I think there’s a lot of relaxation apps out there.
Through relaxation, you’ll be able to accomplish some major breakthroughs.
Pier 63 and Pier 64 offer outdoor recreation and relaxation.
» Surfaces are important in «My Year of Rest and Relaxation.
Try a meditative relaxation strategy, suggests the National Sleep Foundation.
You may certainly buy some tasteful sweats for indoor relaxation.
Learn relaxation and mindfulness techniques, like concentrating on your breathing.
Just looking at it fills me with joy and relaxation.
Serena Williams and Roger Federer have this relaxation to them.
EU diplomats are speculating about a coming relaxation of sanctions.
In my relaxation time I absolutely feel smothered with guilt.
Yoga may help with relaxation and stress relief, Goffman added.   
Will he offer sweeteners such as early relaxation of sanctions?
We also know that relaxation strategies can improve running economy.
But our phone can be a source of relaxation, as well.
So often, people experiencing anxiety hold their breath, which inhibits relaxation.
Take some meditation classes, get a relaxation app on your phone.
She called the «forced relaxation» the silver lining after the fall.
But I am grateful for a night of fun and relaxation.
Countries seeking a modest relaxation have a strong case to make.
Or maybe you will find some inspiration or exultation or relaxation.
I have this intense sense of complete relaxation and normality here.
Somehow, I doubt that young people simply prefer overwork to relaxation.
And they were the picture of utter — and utterly deserved — relaxation.
Her team ran through relaxation exercises and skits, which usually worked.
«Any relaxation by the press will be extremely costly to democracy.»
I had time for one final push, a relaxation last stand.
So take a deep breath — relaxation is only a click away. 
It’s summertime, so we’re attempting to find relaxation wherever we can.
Even a short walk can provide meaningful mental relaxation and clarity.
However, the hype around CBD stems from its purported relaxation effects.
Others seek an escape from grueling schedules, and tips on relaxation.
It also has preset lighting schemes calibrated to relaxation and work.
But who says relaxation needs to stop after vacation is over?
According to scientists, the phenomenon can inspire a state of relaxation.
MY YEAR OF REST AND RELAXATION By Ottessa Moshfegh 288 pp.
The typical Caribbean getaway is all about ONE thing: unadulterated relaxation.
Enjoyable sex and masturbation is about relaxation, and that takes practice.
Many had planned for weeks, even months, this weekend of relaxation.
Consider meditation or progressive relaxation before bed or while falling asleep.
To that end, he presided over an unprecedented relaxation of censorship.
Years ago, MMOs were a big part of my relaxation ritual.
A state of pure relaxation helps people function well, she says.
He said the relaxation of any sanctions was not under consideration.
Some changes to individual regulations may be warranted, Yellen said, specifically mentioning possible relaxation of the Volcker rule limit on banks’ equity trading, and further relaxation of rules that apply to medium-sized and smaller banks.
What Johnson preaches is a relaxation of government involvement in all spheres.
Even Apple has a relaxation app for its Watch wearable, called Breathe.
Load up your devices with these tools for mediation, mindfulness, and relaxation.
All that relaxation led Benioff to one big revelation: He’s too busy.
It is the meeting point between blissed out relaxation and arrogant swagger.
But that’s just me — to each their own method of responsible relaxation.
I think things like nature, relaxation, and spirituality are tight as hell.
Thyroid hormone levels directly affect cardiac contraction, relaxation and coronary blood flow.
It «lowers blood pressure and releases relaxation hormones,» says psychologist Robin Gurwitch.
All you have to do is lean back and enjoy the relaxation.
Turns out, there isn’t a secret formula — or magic spell — for relaxation.
Instead, a process called viscous relaxation is likely the culprit, Sori said.
Seacrest says the pair is all about a little rest and relaxation.
The relaxation of muscles can make the vagina more or less accommodating.
For relaxation, there’s a private, all-weather tennis court on the grounds.
China Beach was a relaxation spot for U.S. soldiers back from combat.
For most women, the spa is a place of rest and relaxation.
Passengers can unwind in the relaxation lounge before and after spa treatments.
Western people often treat city parks as a refuge for quiet relaxation.
And your relaxation time will be even shorter if you get lost.
DARIEN «The Art of Relaxation and Awareness,» paintings by Lori DuBois-Caruso.
Drink non-caffeinated tea (herbal teas) to ease into a relaxation state.
«Relaxation seems to be an important part during cancer treatment,» Hilfiker said.
Yoga, meditation, coloring or progressive muscle relaxation are all techniques experts recommend.
The whole family is excited for a week of fun and relaxation.
Now that you’ve set mom up for ultimate relaxation, add a drink.
Yeah, the creaky doors and stumbling footsteps initially invoke alertness not relaxation.
Give your spouse the gift of relaxation by booking her a massage.
Although it may have peaked, there is no clarity about a relaxation.
When you can’t decide between adventure or relaxation, it’s the perfect compromise.
«They’re probably relaxation events from the sixth nuclear test,» the official said.
Others have found playing the instrument to be a source of relaxation.
Some relaxation of CDA 230’s total immunity, I think, is appropriate.
A small but lovely spa offers extra relaxation; my facial was superb.
When you travel, are you looking for adventure, relaxation, culture — all three?
There’s the revelry, the relaxation, the brief suspension of time and responsibility.
The house also features a main living room for more indoor relaxation.
A lowered heart rate can lead to feelings of calm and relaxation.
To win over voters, he’s announced a relaxation of some austerity measures.
The pinnacle of relaxation — like putting cucumbers on your eyes, but better.
Fair warning: The intro music could not be less conducive to relaxation.
Leaving the world of physical relaxation, I departed to the mental one.
So smiling may increase relaxation among runners, while frowning may increase tension.
Often, Towns-Miranda would do relaxation and breathing exercises with her son.
These dismissals are the latest example of the relaxation of marijuana enforcement.
Possible interventions: behavior management, empathy training, relaxation techniques and treatment for depression.
Pajama pants might allow a dash of seriousness to temper my relaxation.
Jenner is also trying to add a little relaxation to her interior design.
Can you talk how meditative states and relaxation continue to influence your work?
It’s almost vacation time, which means rest, relaxation, and maybe a few drinks.
The «celestial ambience» will aid «vision, imagination and relaxation«, explains the government, hopefully.
Pokemon Sun and Moon was the game I played the most for relaxation.
But for me, gaming is a form of relaxation more than anything else.
This edition of daily deals is brought to you by one word: Relaxation.
That includes relaxation techniques and organizational solutions to make every bedroom a sanctuary.
It allows you a little relaxation in the middle of your crazy day.
«Art fairs can be stressful, so I’ll share some relaxation techniques,» he says.
The other, and perhaps more important, thing is the relaxation of distribution bottlenecks.
Canada’s relaxation of cannabis laws culminated in legalization for recreational use in October.
These networking tips and relaxation techniques are realistic and effective methods for success.
She said she tried hypnosis, relaxation techniques, and melatonin, none to great effect.
«Sometimes, this may include relaxation exercises as another coping tool,» Dr. Schneier says.
Meditation, Exercise, proper rest and time dedicated to relaxation can help alleviate stress.
«A little relaxation, a lot of work,» is how he described his weekend.
Massage is important to me, not just for relaxation but also for circulation.
When you think about it, babies have really mastered the art of relaxation.
As a means of deep relaxation, I’d liken birding to yoga or meditation.
Sunday is for rest, relaxation, and recuperation in preparation for another working week.
Scoring a goal at the Capitol can actually be easier with some relaxation.
But don&apost forget to schedule in some time for relaxation, as well.
The location is breathtaking, very well situated for adventure day trips and relaxation.
Is it because we’re finding relaxation or euphoria versus actually blocking pain receptors?
Skin treatments have become much more advanced, clinical, and less focused on relaxation.
These relaxation techniques, like breath holding, may not work for everyone, Soifer notes.
So doing anything to counter that—relaxation, taking deep, restorative breaths—can help.
We usually think of swimming pools as places for fun, relaxation, and exercise.
For more active relaxation, there’s yoga by both the ocean and the bay.
The mountains make for an ideal getaway if you’re seeking solace and relaxation.
Also, try to restrict activities in the bedroom to sleep, relaxation, and sex.
Six videos feature yoga and meditation exercises to improve circulation, mobility and relaxation.
«Digital detox» is an important part of the relaxation experience, said Ms. Stirewalt.
Or does it look like your brain is in a state of relaxation?
«There is no relaxation of our intention to protect the innocent,» he said.
Surrender as the sound lulls you into a state of relaxation and peace.
Be sure to build in time at your hotel for rest and relaxation.
Take all that to the living room, and reserve your room for relaxation.
However, Wang said «any relaxation now seems unlikely with regulators becoming increasingly cautious».
All the best bits of escapism and relaxation without any of the work.
Outside, there’s plenty of space for rest and relaxation as well as entertaining.
Clients go through breathing exercises, followed by the relaxation of each muscle group.
Such congruence creates alpha waves in the brains — the neural resonance of relaxation.
Gregory CowlesSenior Editor, Books MY YEAR OF REST AND RELAXATION, by Ottessa Moshfegh.
Avoiding confrontation, often in the form of «ghosting,» becomes a substitute for relaxation.
And finally, the best step, a little rest and relaxation with the Hollywood hunk.
In the absence of a garden, this room is used as a relaxation area.
«I felt just relaxation for the first time in over a decade,» he said.
The United States allowed a temporary relaxation of curbs against Chinese telecom giant Huawei.
It’s about more than sexual satisfaction; I use it as a form of relaxation.
We both got sucked in by the promise of relaxation, free cake, and tea.
There are times and places for relaxation, but wasting every weekend was self-defeating.
Review articles conclude relaxation techniques are an important therapeutic strategy for stress-related diseases.
Being constantly connected keeps us amped up even on our days off, discouraging relaxation.
The space also features standing desks and a large lounge for relaxation and socializing.
And would it be willing to give it up in exchange for a relaxation?
For some people who have vulvas, an orgasm doesn’t lead to total-body relaxation.
Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has instead urged a relaxation of EU fiscal rules.
The North may also hope to secure a relaxation of increasingly harsh UN sanctions.
In the same way that spirituality means something different for everyone, so does relaxation.
Hopes for a long-term relaxation of repression in the PRC have proved chimerical.
«Apple is not directly impacted, but relaxation of some sort is possible,» Arcuri said.
But advocates for legalisation doubt any such relaxation of the law will occur soon.
Visit Vacation Island and experience RECREATION, optimal RELAXATION, and classic human pastimes like SUNBURN.
«Inflation is policy relief (easing tensions) but not grounds for policy relaxation,» Varathan said.
Even with the relaxation of some restrictions, though, the number of defections has surged.
Instead, we have to choose how to spend these gaps between work and relaxation.
Furthermore, the Washington-based institution also raised concerns against a relaxation of financial regulation.
This fire-breathing dragon drink holder could not be any further from poolside relaxation.
Why can’t Fireplace for Your Home be the summertime Holy Grail of relaxation, too?
Like kayaking, camping for a night is a terrific mix of activity and relaxation.
Progressive muscle relaxation You can do this exercise from sitting, standing or lying down.
He will spend his golden years enjoying rest and relaxation at home with Bonifaci.
I lucked out in that the class I’d happened into was entirely relaxation focused.
I chose a 20-minute nap with a voice that guided me through relaxation.
However, Gates’ view has evolved, and he now recognizes the importance ofrest and relaxation.
But when you’re sitting alone, it could be a key to productivity and relaxation.
He did not say when the relaxation on foreign ownership would come into effect.
So it’s understandable that we’d associate drinking with relaxation, de-stressing, or letting loose.
The second two because they are kitschy and seem to offer legitimate relaxation benefits.
Dr. Levin, from his position, too, has observed the waning days of extended relaxation.
«We almost definitely won’t give a relaxation for nickel (ore) and bauxite,» Pandjaitan said.
The mainland is also the center of relaxation — there’s a 5,200-square-foot spa.
They’re a relatively inexpensive, effective, and medication-free way to encourage calmness and relaxation.
Princess Tower residents and their guests had access to a public lounge/relaxation area.
The app also has educational information and mindfulness exercises, like breathing and relaxation techniques.
While the language around men’s drinking is one of relaxation and innocent fun, i.e.
They definitely look like they’re getting some good relaxation in, plushy bathrobes and all.
The Nugget play couch can be configured into different shapes for relaxation and play.
Packed airports with long queues induce a sense of anything but relaxation among visitors.
It’s a mix of meditation areas and relaxation-focused VR videos, the company said.
I also find, thus far, that I’m unaware of any relaxation of my talent.
«I want more freedom, a relaxation of the strict rules,» said Muhammad Badijan, 19.
One participant explained that the music helped with relaxation and getting around mental blocks.
There is, in somewhat oxymoronic fact, a bustling market for relaxation tech at CES.
Necessity. Interrupting your hard-earned day of rest and relaxation to vacuum the house?
Businesses throughout America would have been harmed by any relaxation of the consent decrees.
When you go on vacation, are you looking for adventure, relaxation, culture — all three?
Most offer some combination of guided relaxation, meditation, breathing exercises, or cognitive behavior therapy.
Make time for relaxation and for spending time with friends and lovers today, Gemini.
You’ve seen the relaxation of cross-ownership of newspapers and television, the same market.
«The results suggest that a simple relaxation tool — in this case a meditation relaxation recording — was able to reduce maternal stress during breastfeeding, favorably affecting breast milk volume and/or composition and positively influencing infant sleeping behavior and growth,» Shukri said by email.
They force you to surrender to a sort of relaxation that doesn’t exist for me.
Think about the ocean, the relaxation, the sun and the sounds to inspire your décor.
All Cameran Eubanks wants for her first Mother’s Day is a little rest and relaxation.
In addition to stretching, Canyon Ranch also made videos that cover relaxation and sleeping techniques.
Savor relaxation and the beauty of spring this weekend while the Moon takes her rest.
His relaxation TV: He watches Golf Channel, a favorite of his on the campaign trail.
I need to get in as much relaxation as I can before the summer begins.
I love that Miraval puts emphasis on sleeping well and eating well, unplugging and relaxation.
The sense of relaxation never seemed to last for more than a couple of days.
L-theanine also increases GABA, serotonin, and dopamine levels, which all help to promote relaxation.
But, as you can see here, relaxation wasn’t exactly at the top of their list.
It follows a similar relaxation of the restrictions from Emirates and Turkish Airlines last week.
Instead, consider how stress hurts your immune system, and write yourself a prescription for relaxation.
Even comfort and relaxation is more for the mind than for what the body wants.
Unplug Once A DayLiving in a world of constant notifications is not conducive to relaxation.
The app tracks and measures his progress, leading him to become an eventual relaxation expert.
Plus, it comes with a nifty neck attachment that reportedly promotes relaxation while alleviating stiffness.
More fiscally-prudent countries, such as The Netherlands, disagree with any relaxation of the rules.
The one thing I always worry about: Making enough time for personal fitness and relaxation.
I am told to do mediation, deep relaxation and creative visualization three times a day.
By overreaching, Mr Trump and Mr Putin have made the relaxation of sanctions politically toxic.
Do whatever it takes to get yourself into a state of zen-like blank relaxation.
Lavender oil, for example contains linalool, a terpene found to induce relaxation and reduce anxiety.
To learn more about CBD oil and its purported relaxation properties, read our article here.
This place was built for relaxation and fun, so we use it in that spirit.
Perhaps the most well-known relaxation app is Guided Meditation VR, created by Cubicle Ninjas.
You’ll also learn how to combat stress with breathing and relaxation techniques and mindful communication.
The company already has formulas for other specific needs, including sleep, relaxation, and pain relief.
Other positive effects can include stress reduction, mindfulness, improved concentration, muscle relaxation, and better sleep.
It is an attitude rather than a recipe, evoking relaxation with close friends or family.
This is a shot taken of the user’s propped-up feet, a sign of relaxation.
She seems to have passed up one of her favorite relaxation spots: Italy’s Amalfi Coast.
The Moon is in Leo, lighting up the rest and relaxation sector of your chart.
He has a rounded chin and thin lips, and his eyes are closed in relaxation.
Choose what you want to read, and keep it where you spend your relaxation time.
He sought relaxation in solitary intellectual pursuits, and seemed ill at ease in a crowd.
Currently the packs come in Lavender, Orange Blossom, and Jasmine, all scents linked to relaxation.
There’s an infinity Jacuzzi, a salt relaxation room, and curved a bar to entertain guests.
Come weekend, their idea of relaxation is to work up a sweat to stay fit.
This session inspiring relaxation and balance in the saddle was a turning point for me.
The company, which believes in «no taxation without relaxation,» is giving away free shaved ice.
While your recipients may differ wildly, the desire for comfort and relaxation is near-universal.
The Moon is in Capricorn, lighting up the rest and relaxation sector of your chart.
Keep your bed a place of relaxation, and opt for regular pillows in your room.
Meanwhile, you learn to do relaxation exercises to control the physiological effects of the fear.
In-room hammocks provide a cozy place to keep the relaxation going after the sail.
It brings joy, relaxation and is pretty funny: that’s why I’m taking it on tour.
But we could all do with more relaxation—especially if you’re a burnt out millennial.
Some find an appealing treatment in the relaxation, bodily postures and breath control of yoga.
It’s usually the only day where I can get some level of relaxation or whatever.
How do you think making time for more relaxation and fun might enrich your life?
«There’s a sort of natural relaxation, conscious or unconscious, but it is there,» Deschamps said.
But of course, most of us don’t turn to relaxation strategies after we consume news.
There are a number of apps that are supposed to help with meditation and relaxation.
It was a joy, a moment of relaxation, a different kind of training — clowning around.
What they clearly do want is a relaxation of the parts they consider most onerous.
These pants will carry your friend from spin class to the couch for relaxation time.
Upon reaching the hammocks, or cocoons, Steffan and Riitta lead guests through sensory relaxation exercises.
It’s perfect for a mom looking for moments of relaxation during an otherwise hectic day.  
MB: And the feeling of relaxation will be caused by both audio and visual stimulation?
Gudetama isn’t so much about relaxation as about the unbearableness of the world around it.
Yes, turned me into a completely different person, especially when it comes to social relaxation.
Endel is an app that generates reactive, personalized «soundscapes» to promote things like focus or relaxation.
Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique in which clinicians help their patients achieve a state of relaxation.
When they’re done they can use the rest of the spa facilities, including a relaxation lounge.
Since the relaxation of capital controls in July 2016, the inflow of deposits has been subdued.
I think anybody doing this work just hasn’t been able to get really rest and relaxation.
Keep your phone turned off for maximum relaxation—unexpected calls are likely to come this evening!
Burger wanted the store to be a place of relaxation instead of a hub for connectivity.
His hands were low, his chin was high, and his expression was one of complete relaxation.
Vacationers in the French Riviera this week hoped to enjoy a little sun, waves and relaxation.
«You can use our technology for entertainment purposes … relaxation, meditation, education and also working,» he added.
At the 285-room Public Hotel, let relaxation and comfort be the star of the show.
He told the site that he was «just resting, getting some relaxation» with his time off.
At the Adobe and Pines Inn, rest and relaxation are intended for all guests — pets included.
It might improve depression symptoms, too, since the sights and smells of a garden promote relaxation.
Researchers blamed this finding on the relaxation of U.S. laws relating to the use of fireworks.
«I think lightness adds to relaxation, and my best work comes when I’m relaxed,» he says.
Part of it had to do with some relaxation of foreign ownership of domestic Chinese companies.
She says it’s common for people to experience discomfort during the treatment, but intense relaxation after.
Some are covering the cost of subscriptions to relaxation and meditation apps like Headspace and Calm.
Relief over Washington’s relaxation of curbs against Huawei helped boost U.S. stocks in the previous session.
Pantsdrunk: Kalsarikanni: The Finnish Path to Relaxation by Miska Rantanen will be published Tuesday June 5.
Relaxation—especially for people with vaginas and those with general anxiety—is essential for reaching orgasm.
Prince Mohammed said the relaxation of austerity was due to improved oil and non-oil revenues.
Liquid Honey Tincture offers big relaxation in teeny-tiny quantities for $5 off its usual $20.
This would have the effect of boosting assumed revenues from tax reform and relaxation of regulations.
It’s giving mom the gift of ultimate pampering and relaxation, which is more than well deserved.
Some officials feared a relaxation of the policy would lead to an influx of migrant workers.
This mindful breathing necklace will help her ease into relaxation on even the most brutal workdays.
Not high in that I couldn’t function, but more just a sense of relaxation and calmness.
As soon as we’re through a full moon, we’re in a relaxation state for two weeks.
Another new health app is called Breathe and is designed to encourage relaxation and breathing techniques.
If you’re curious about CBD oil and its relaxation properties, read our article on it here.
Iraq and Venezuela have also opposed a relaxation of production cuts, fearing a slump in prices.
They command relaxation, managing somehow to slow the heart rates of even the most incorrigible multitaskers.
The Moon is in Sagittarius today, lighting up the rest and relaxation sector of your chart.
Consumers are gravitating to this supplement for its reported relaxation properties, of which there are many.
Next Afshar led E.R. through relaxation, visualization, and breathing exercises, and a technique called systematic desensitization.
That reflects on: the initiative to expand imports and relaxation of the joint ventures policy requirements.
Enjoy some much-needed relaxation, then charge the cost of your treatment to your hotel room.
It is no ordinary catch, though, and it is not solely for relaxation or familial bonding.
The recent decline in asylum seekers coincides with the relaxation of the policy starting in 2013.
Evenings are better suited for relaxation, discussion, and the kinds of lessons only parents can impart.
You are, in your head, «balancing out» the years of difficulty with years of complete relaxation.
Participants leave her room with hair thoroughly detangled and, perhaps, in a state of zombielike relaxation.
But it’s a certain quality of a voice that creates a relaxation and sort of tingling.
«They watch it strictly for entertainment value or for relaxation,» Mr. Ross told The Orlando Sentinel.
Sessions end with a few minutes dedicated to relaxation, similar to a traditional yoga class’s Savasana.
Mayo Clinic notes that relaxation techniques can lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and combat fatigue.
Outside, for overnight guests, a «Nordic relaxation area» with five hot tubs and a sauna beckons.
Organize them by size, and arrive at your destination in total relaxation knowing where everything is.
Many ASMR videos, besides offering tingly auditory triggers, mine the relaxation of feeling in safe hands.
Right to free medical care, right to free education, and my favorite, a right to relaxation.
It’s a crowded metropolis of nearly 22 million people that still offers peaceful places of relaxation.
At the Resort at Squaw Creek in California, the Kids Chillax Spa offers customized relaxation sessions.
I don’t do much of anything else in regard to relaxation other than my video games.
While the policy relaxation didn’t cover cross-border foreign exchange flows or big outbound investment deals, especially overseas investments initiated by Chinese companies that don’t relate to their core businesses, it was the first relaxation of outbound capital control in nearly two years, the sources said.
They also offer infant massage, which is great for bonding with parents and has added benefits like improvements to the circulatory and digestive systems and the all-important relaxation (hey, exiting the womb is a traumatic life event; relaxation sounds like exactly what the doctor should order).
Yet, Wednesday night’s episode, «Arrest And Relaxation,» suggested the Ramona Non-Apology Cycle may finally be broken.
On Friday, the Disney star headed to Palm Springs for some rest and relaxation with her girlfriends.
There are hot springs all over the world, but these unique baths are relaxation worth traveling for.
«The relaxation in tensions is welcome,» said Joachim Lang, head of the BDI Association of German Industry.
«You have this feeling of relaxation and freedom, like you can do whatever you want,» Puertolas says.
Through colorful graphics, mesmerizing GIFs, and concise numbered instructions, it makes mindfulness and other relaxation techniques accessible.
Its puzzles, a series of colorful, connected triangles, offer just the right balance between challenge and relaxation.
Rounding out fitness, Samsung includes breathing / relaxation apps and a brand-new widget for tracking your weight.
Ortiz joined CBP in 2008, amid a relaxation of hiring standards aimed at boosting the agency’s ranks.
He is now helping draw up plans with the army to create more relaxation areas inside barracks.
» —valancy «It is an instant relaxation technique for anxiety and can help me prevent my panic attacks.
The relaxation of constraints on capital movement have assuaged the fears of companies looking to repatriate profits.
Other less demanding tours include relaxation on a beach, an aviation show and even a beer festival.
This is the constriction and relaxation of muscles, and is used to move food along the bowels.
«The Garden» (2019) is an installation made for relaxation and yet it’s constantly being invaded by trouble.
Conscious meditation can improve relaxation, too—Winter recommends a Muse meditation device that has a helpful trainer.
Facilities at the centre includes gyms, swimming and hydrotherapy pools, alongside social spaces and places for relaxation.
His attention to small details and moments of relaxation are arguably why his fantasies are so immersive.
All are aimed to help you hit the state of relaxation you need to go to bed.
It should be a thing that promotes wellbeing, and love and joy, and a state of relaxation.
Meditation is a great way for anyone to improve their mood and induce a state of relaxation.
Unello Design has come up with some meditation and relaxation experiences for Google Cardboard and Oculus Rift.
And let me tell you, I never thought I would experience that level of relaxation ever again.
The EPA tucked its proposed relaxation of radiation guidelines into its «transparency in science» proposal in April.
It’s designed to induce relaxation and enhance pleasure without the psychoactive effects that usually come with cannabis.
Mitchell Gomez: Feelings of euphoria and relaxation, sedation, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, respiratory depression or arrest, and death.
Austin Radcliffe’s book teaches a secret to relaxation: taking in colorful photos of meticulously ordered everyday objects.
Drerup also suggests different relaxation strategies that help distract people from the fact that they’re not sleeping.
It was a great way to ease into relaxation mode and her intuitive insights made complete sense.
Your bedroom should be a place of sanctuary and relaxation, a place you feel relaxed and comfortable.
Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas are pushing for more relaxation of Obamacare regulations.
From plush pads to stylish teepees, we’ve picked the best dog beds for your canine’s relaxation needs.
Avoiding social media can make a major difference in reclaiming your weekend in the name of relaxation.
Created by Andrew Johnson, a specialist in relaxation and coping skills, the app is worth a download.
Plus, relaxation of the facial muscles can help relieve headaches, neck pain, and even ward off wrinkles.
The Moon is in Capricorn today, activating the sector of your chart that rules rest and relaxation.
Take 10 or more long, deep breaths while resting in awareness of a state of complete relaxation.
The Moon is in Gemini today, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules rest and relaxation.
Mike was on vacation, so I asked him to share his own day’s relaxation agenda with me.
As more nations adopt biometric passports, there should, in theory, be scope for further relaxation of restrictions.
«Consider lavender essential oil for extra relaxation; or to uplift, try grapefruit, orange, or peppermint,» Beider says.
Michel Temer, Brazil’s interim president, is also said to be considering a relaxation of foreign-ownership rules.
Of course, you might want to consider turning off the volume for the video’s full relaxation power.
The president said his weekend will be filled with «a little relaxation» and «a lot of work.»
On the mental side, Tai Chi, along with yoga and Qigong, improve mental clarity and induce relaxation.
People like marijuana for all kinds of reasons, including relaxation, pain relief, and overall good vibes, right?
America’s public lands are a national treasure, providing recreation and relaxation to millions of Americans each year.
One factor likely to ease pressure on banks is the recent relaxation of bad-loan buffer rules.
A calm pleasure washed over me like I was close to completing an hour of guided relaxation.
This therapy—which also incorporates mindfulness, meditative breathing and relaxation techniques—is meant to be practiced daily.
Great sativa can make you feel euphoric and creative, while strong indica can provide aid with relaxation.
The Moon is in Aquarius, lighting up the part of your chart that rules rest and relaxation.
Sometimes, they do it in the shower or the bath, and all of this equals increased relaxation.
«After school and their homework tutorial, they will have the time for relaxation and a balanced life.»
Strategies like cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques and meditation have all been shown to help treat insomnia.
Bring your knees back into your chest for a final hug before we move into final relaxation.
Anyone who purchases a spa treatment can use the eucalyptus steam rooms, relaxation lounges, and rooftop solarium.
Get adequate sleep, exercise regularly, practice mindfulness, spend time in nature and employ relaxation techniques when stressed.
«I think people are just searching for help with sleep and relaxation in general,» Mr. Will said.
«I don’t talk when I’m shaving, I don’t want to disturb the person’s relaxation,» Mr. Rodrigues says.
It’s how I find peace and relaxation and it can always give me a sense of relief.
That break — and the projection of relaxation — helped Leicester’s squad gather its spirits for the run-in.
He found relaxation riding the subway, one station to the next, so long as it kept moving.
Some relaxation is possible now because the banks are much stronger than they were a decade ago.
Borrowing costs in the euro area were higher this morning, reflecting the relaxation in U.S.-Iran tensions.
Consumer products, like CBD shots added to drinks, claim to guarantee relaxation, improve mood, and relieve pain.
At the time, German officials urged the group not to push for fiscal relaxation of EU rules.
A relaxation of restrictions on non-automakers producing electric cars in China has also encouraged more entrants.
Add to those demands CEOs’ personal needs — for rest, relaxation, time with family, exercise and doctor appointments.
Progressive muscle contraction/relaxation This practice is all about using the mind to speak to the body.
These massage «guns» use concentrated, rapid vibrations to alleviate pain, increase blood flow, and deliver pure relaxation.
So I’ve read self-help books, sought counseling, fiddled with meditation, mantras, positive visualization, and relaxation exercises.
» Asked about his downtime, the singer added, «Just resting, getting some relaxation — we’re gonna ride some bikes.
Often, those that use music do so to take you on a musical journey or foster relaxation.
Since the relaxation of international Iran sanctions, European companies have scrambled to get into the Iranian market.
You’re saying what you want it to do; it’s not forcing you into a state of relaxation.
We’re literally doing Pavlovian classical conditioning: We’re having people do a relaxation exercise and eat fruit at the same time, and we have them do that over and over and over and over again, with the hope that eventually, just the strawberry alone will automatically elicit this relaxation response.
Ottessa Moshfegh let us publish an entire chapter from her forthcoming novel, My Year of Rest and Relaxation.
It is unclear what prompted the relaxation by the government, which has never openly spelt out its policy.
A few days of post-travel hydration and relaxation makes bivalves and crustaceans taste fresher, plumper and juicier.
That can create interference in terms of being able to give oneself over to complete relaxation and pleasure.
Robe on, I headed to the relaxation room for a short mental break before hitting the frigid streets.
Additionally, to amp up the relaxation, The Loren offers a signature Mother-to-Be treatment at its spa.
The Moon entered Leo early this morning, activating the sector of your chart that rules rest and relaxation.
The sloth retirement home is designed to be a place of rest and relaxation for aging zoo sloths.
Hot Chocolate Bath Bomb Cupcake, $11-$13, from EtsyThe gift of sweet, sweet relaxation is close at hand.
Serena, on the other hand, is broadcasting from a spa where she is covering the latest relaxation trend.
London (CNN)The Mediterranean has long evoked images of azure waters, warm weather and relaxation at reasonable prices.
Deep breathing is one of the easiest forms of relaxation you can practice and use on your own.
We went back to bed as they fixed their mess, and eventually settled into a day of relaxation.
But with the rule relaxation, «I would say we will go back to the peak time very soon».
Red WineReally, we all know that a little alcohol goes a long way when it comes to relaxation.
For a season that’s all about relaxation and fun, summer is a pretty high-maintenance time of year.
«And alcohol or any sedating medications [can cause snoring] because they contribute to muscle relaxation,» Dr. Suurna explains.
In addition to their work on phobias, Psious and VirtualRet also have solutions for generalized anxiety and relaxation.
My mom [Goldie Hawn] taught me when I was young, and it’s still my go-to relaxation method.
«I am a big believer in mindfulness meditation and other relaxation techniques like massage therapy,» Dr. Barone says.
It’s worth noting viscous relaxation probably impacts other parts of Ceres’ topography, including erasing the dwarf planet’s craters.
Calm started in 1003 as a meditation app and has grown into a guide for sleep and relaxation.
Dating since last November, the singers often travel to Shelton’s ranch in Tishomingo for some rest and relaxation.
Unfortunately, her day of relaxation had to be postponed, as she wound up babysitting her niece on Monday.
The weekend is finally here and it’s time for a little rest and relaxation for a few days.
The evening incorporates moments of relaxation, sensory games, and two cooking sessions followed by a discussion and tasting.
Curfew in Imphal East and West districts of Manipur is again in force after nine hours of relaxation.
A few soulful twangs will send this dog into a blissful state of relaxation that is extremely contagious.
There’s also a relaxation/massage room, pool, and plenty of room for guests or collaborators to shack up.
The walk-through includes drawing exercises throughout the museum and relaxation activities in the Japanese Buddhist Temple Room.
In the rulemaking, DEA said the drug is used to elicit euphoria and create a state of relaxation.
And that means you’ll have that much more time to enjoy the ultimate vacation benefit: relaxation (and rosé).
Unlike the rest of the treatment, this part was solely relaxation with no verbal interaction with my technician.
There have been reports circulating since last month about a relaxation in joint venture requirements for foreign automakers.
Just remember everyone’s practice is different, and alternate forms of relaxation and therapy are always available to you.
Aid your mom in getting some true relaxation with this rich bubble bath made with fresh, calming lavender. 
Washington (CNN)It’s (almost) the Fourth of July — a day for rest and relaxation for most of us.
As a result, they want a relaxation of EU rules to be able to fill those campaign promises.
«My Year of Rest and Relaxation» is a page-turner about a woman who is almost always asleep.
The reason why it’s common to fart in yoga class comes down to two factors: relaxation and stretching.
Excerpted from Ottessa Moshfegh’s upcoming book, My Year of Rest and Relaxation, out next summer from Penguin Press.
The Moon enters Gemini today and lights up the sector of your chart that rules rest and relaxation.
It’s a reliable source of relaxation, which you know you can always use a little bit more of.
His face’s resultant brightness and tightness inspire relaxation: a trap for those without the knack or the privilege.
This was a welcome relaxation of hostilities with America’s closest friends, the same ones Trump recently called foes.
This little relaxation station is Li’s nod to the nap pods and play areas strewn around Google campuses.
He treated his patients, variously, with medications, talk therapy, hypnosis, and relaxation techniques, often combining several of these.
The increasing role of the military has already led to a relaxation of civilian control, Mr. Aguirre said.
But the argument went that any relaxation of disciplinary efforts could let a killer slip through the cracks.
And sometimes it’s not ideal, because when does the work life [end], and when does the relaxation start?
Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency announced a sweeping relaxation of environmental rules in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Moon is in Capricorn today, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules rest and relaxation.
In-room relaxation offerings, she added, were particularly well-suited to dealing with the worries of fearful guests.
We make lists of clothes to pack and museums to visit, anticipating the relaxation and fun to come.
And that gives me a lot of meaning, and that, to me, is the ultimate form of relaxation.
Environmental activists said those moves forward would not make up for the relaxation of standards in other areas.
Next year, he said, will bring more focus on foods that help with detoxification, weight loss and relaxation.
Rather, it’s the more humble «Pied Piper,» a sort of slow disco number that’s emphatic in its relaxation.
Major oil and gas producers oppose Trump’s relaxation of rules on emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
The relaxation includes not only export proceeds but also other income as well, it said in a statement.
The relaxation of protections in 2012 under the leftist Workers’ Party led deforestation to climb again in Brazil.
If you liked Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation, then this is right up your street.
«Overall relaxation and well-being can be another reason,» he added, though the findings were only an association.
It is this «aesthetic of relaxation,» as Mr. Caramanica put it, that has defined late-period Mariah Carey.
For that, and other relaxation techniques, consider checking out a free app (with in-app purchases) named Digipill.
You’ll have a much more relaxed holiday shopping season, and couldn’t we all use a little more relaxation?
The relaxation of protections in 2012 under the leftist Workers’ Party led deforestation to climb again in Brazil.
Not only will it get your face clean, it might become a newfound source of relaxation and relief.
The company’s ad imagery centered on themes like pleasure and relaxation, socialization and romance, and style and identity.
There’s also a feature called relaxation training that will give you breathing instructions to help lower your stress level.
Right now, you can achieve instant rest and relaxation anytime, anyplace by purchasing a SitPack 2.0 of your own.
They’re in full relaxation mode: almost everyone is wearing sunglasses, and Turner doesn’t appear to be wearing any pants.
THC activates CB1 receptors in brain areas that are associated with euphoria, relaxation, anxiety, and short-term memory impairment.
The thing about crafting a sense of relaxation in music is that you have to hit a sweet spot.
After two weeks, mothers in the relaxation group had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their milk.
Drink chamomile tea; learn some breathing exercises; listen to relaxation tapes you previously thought were too goofy for words.
Increasingly, video games that mimic real-life occupations have become a choice post-work cocktail of entertainment and relaxation.
After her shocking early days in N.Y.C., her family is happy to provide the relaxation and comfort Cody deserves.
This tells us that dosage is going to be very important: Too much muscle relaxation isn’t a good thing.
I scroll through Instagram with the second Sex and the City movie on in the background…ahhh, pure relaxation.
The first few experiences, though not exactly a spa treatment, do lend themselves inherently to some semblance of relaxation.
«Cloudy gray with subtle hints of pale blue accompanies your moments of leisure and relaxation,» the product description read.
It provides mindfulness exercises, relaxation activities and «Sleep Stories» for kids of all ages, which are updated every week.
Plan an entire day for the two of you that hits all the high points — sentimentality, relaxation, and togetherness.
BNP Paribas was one such beneficiary under a recent relaxation in buffer calculation requirements under the European Central Bank.
Albeit, ustwo is arguing both apps are essentially utilizing the same physically interactive approach to encouraging mindfulness and relaxation.
Zoroufy emphasized three things when making lifestyle changes to improve sleep: use of technology, sleep schedule, and mind/relaxation.
It campaigned against divorce, which became legal in 2004, and against last year’s relaxation of the strict abortion law.
Do you get quality time to spend when someone is passing and they need peace, and they need relaxation?
There’s a spacious, swanky bar, and calming mood lighting and images that are meant to lull passengers to relaxation.
The simple act of taking a meditative, deep breathing has been shown to help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
Your brain will also begin to adapt and view relaxation (and not low-level chronic stress) as the norm.
Mindfulness teachers also believe that the mere act of sustained breathing resets our bodies by eliciting a relaxation response.
The sector is benefiting from a pickup in interest rates, positive economic data and a relaxation of populist fears.
Instead, this type of self-care is about learning and practicing skills like stress management, relaxation, and anxiety reduction.
Often the problem was fleeting pain associated with yoga in the mindfulness group and relaxation in the CBT group.
Benefits listed include increased strength and coordination, positive impacts on circulatory and digestive systems, increased lung capacity, and relaxation.
The UN is expected soon to certify that Iran has dismantled its programme, leading to a relaxation of sanctions.
Some have suggested there may be a corresponding relaxation following the meeting, but experts CNN spoke to were skeptical.
In most substance abuse treatment settings, acudetox is done in a group, with the lights lowered to facilitate relaxation.
«The decision is one more step along the roadmap towards a full relaxation of capital controls,» the ministry said.
Our ideal best friend for many reasons, Rihanna is a true role model when it comes to relaxation style.
Competitors are scored on a scale of one to 10, based on things like rhythm, relaxation, straightness, and impulsion.
The high value represents the peak pressure during heart contraction; the low value represents the pressure during heart relaxation.
Using the internet as a reward, relaxation, or release may be leading you down a path to major disturbance.
Banks’ balance sheets are also likely to get a boost from a recent relaxation of bad-loan buffer rules.
She told Glamour that she likes to «rub this puppy all over my body and neck for ultimate relaxation
Mercedes says there are also a variety of teas available and «relaxation programs» for passengers sitting in the back.
It exists only in the complete absence of stress and nuisance and feeds off feelings of happiness and relaxation.
«We have to get out of European champion mode, that party mode, that state of relaxation,» Santos told reporters.
Yoga appeared beneficial, but less so, when people practiced regularly but didn’t focus on breathing and relaxation or meditation.
Opioids help to reduce patients’ perception of their suffering and can induce a state of extreme relaxation and euphoria.
Demand is mounting for massages and relaxation treatments in London, as its residents deal with post-Brexit-vote stress.
Sabatier also makes time for relaxation, taking long walks and trips to the park or practicing yoga and meditation.
Far from complying with new demands, oligarchs seek further relaxation of offshore regulations and other forms of sanctions protection.
«The debate about a possible relaxation of the production restrictions should preclude any renewed price rise,» Commerzbank analysts said.
The proposals were more generous than a recent relaxation of a public sector pay cap announced by Britain’s government.
Between the sleep, relaxation, concentration and meditation products on display, you couldn’t walk five feet without encountering another pitch.
In the wild, koalas sleep closer to 14 hours a day, but also fit in five hours of relaxation.
Yes, the low voice/slow vocal is what best conveys the relaxation because his tone is so non-threatening.
They receive cold lavender-scented towels during sweat sessions; oranges and tea are provided afterward (in a relaxation room).
The Institute will feature «Sip x Slime» nights with cocktails and «CBD x Slime» nights for even more relaxation.
She tried relaxation therapy, but a teacher suggested she try acting after he noticed she was good at accents.
Geissinger said even for presidential trips focused on rest and relaxation, travel staff included more than a dozen people.
For any of us, however, doing some yoga, Tai chi or light stretching before bed could help with relaxation.
I think about my motion, and my breathing, my muscles, and their state of agitation or stress or relaxation.
Public interest groups fear major corporations like Sinclair or CBS would grow more powerful through the relaxation of rules.
There are specific teas for each medical condition, for example, chamomile tea is used for relaxation and deep sleep.
While cooking has been his relaxation, there is a confluence of food and music that’s apparent from Keen’s output.
I try to always be reading something in those last moments before sleep only for pleasure and as relaxation.
If you’re looking to escape the cold, go to the city’s only Hammam Spa for a day of relaxation.
You need to relax — the right relaxation that gets you fresh for when you need to work and compete.
The spread of pain clinics across the country has also been aided by the relaxation of India’s narcotics laws.
I try to balance work and relaxation, but the best that I can do is get a rhythm going.
Crawford greeted Cukor with a sudden relaxation of mood, and what could even be called a self-deprecating laugh.
As soon as you slip it on, it’s as if you’re immediately induced into a state of relaxation, right?
And healing sound baths are the drug of choice these days to achieve both heightened awareness — and utter relaxation.
Macron has promised to stimulate growth with training programmes and a relaxation of labour laws, while reducing state expenditure.
It’s a very safe look, for both women, if not one that conveys fun or relaxation — or even modernity.
«Again, the same for both foreign banks and insurers, policy relaxation does not guarantee success in China,» Wu said.
Arkansas Coleman’s study also looked into the effect that free time and relaxation has on other areas of life.
It’s just as important to plan out your relaxation time as it is to plan out when you work.
Overall, I was more than satisfied with my experience, and enjoyed several minutes of blissful, albeit strange, relaxation inside.
He enjoyed his work, which was understandable because he dealt with people who were traveling for fun and relaxation.
«The worry is that this could be a very brief relaxation of restrictions, just a temporary reprieve,» he said.
We pay the friendly chef with cash, dodge day-trippers and head back to our Airbnb for showers and relaxation.
We’re teaming up with Free People, Yogascapes, and Greatist for a retreat that’s equal parts total relaxation and total reset.
Going to the shooting range with friends and family is one of his favorite off day activities for some relaxation.
The «Idea Train» is pulling into the station and with it comes workout stations, a children’s lounge, and relaxation compartments.
However, some relaxation in individual income tax slabs or tax rate is expected in order to boost urban disposable incomes.
It’s called a «relaxation hoodie,» and unlike normal hoodies, this one zips up over your head to provide ultimate isolation.
The relaxation should also ensure that owners of Huawei smartphones will continue to have access to critical Android software updates.
Some believe the benefits are linked to phytoncides, antimicrobial organic compounds given off by plants, which may aid in relaxation.
Caffeine is a stimulant that works primarily by blocking the receptor for adenosine, a neurotransmitter that causes relaxation, Benowitz says.
You can set up rave lights for parties, mellow lights for relaxation, or dark colors for your daily brooding sessions.
» On Monday, Bieber cancelled his Purpose World Tour, saying in a video that he’s going to be «getting some relaxation.
Summer is just around the corner, meaning time for lots of rest, relaxation, and if you’re anything like us, wine.
One of the most faddish biophilic trends is to use natural sounds as a soothing backdrop for work or relaxation.
The musical compositions are geared toward helping «the listener achieve certain neurological brain states» such as productivity, restfulness, or relaxation.
I plugged into the relaxation session with hopes to calm down and pass the time, and that’s just what happened.
What no one warns you about is that skiing with young kids can suck the relaxation right out of you.
Neurotech is now a hot market, with dozens of companies developing devices to modulate mood, generate energy or promote relaxation.
The product comes in little suppositories made of cocoa butter infused with THC and CBD, cannabinoids associated with muscle relaxation.
«It may bring relaxation, reduce anxiety, help you find answers to life questions and simply make you happy,» Vullers says.
Her post-practice beauty mantra focuses on the art of relaxation: First up for the gymnast after hours of training?
Her drawer is full of relaxation tools, like lavender essential oil from L’Occitane and Nubian Heritage Mango Butter Hand Cream.
The drink has 75 mg of caffeine in each bottle along with L-theanine, which is used to promote relaxation.
While the famous duo enjoyed nice weather and plenty of relaxation, there was one near road bump in the weekend.
«Under SREs we hope they will give us relaxation and allow us to buy some Iranian oil,» the source added.
It’s a «gut-directed» therapy that includes progressive relaxation, soothing imagery and a focus on easing the individual’s abdominal symptoms.
Simply putting your phone on the bed isn’t enough, though, you must turn it off for the full relaxation effect.
In recent years a relaxation of restrictions on travel from the mainland to Hong Kong has made their work easier.
Concentrating on the feeling of the warm water or the smell of the soap stimulated the brain and promoted relaxation.
Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari said there should not be any relaxation ofregulations that have tightened oversight of Wall Street.
Foreign investment could help with their recapitalisation, which may have been a motivating factor behind the relaxation of ownership rules.
This state of deep relaxation is said to help give a fresh perspective and lessen feelings of anxiety or stress.
The President’s commitment has grown exponentially since the December 17 announcement through a continuous relaxation of regulations in this sector.
Jess Taras knows a thing or two about relaxation … and she did just that in Playa Del Rey this week.
Apart from the gardens and «relaxation zones», the campus has a putting green, a gym and various cafés scattered within.
S. relaxation and the opening of the gates to the STAR Market, investors could watch tech shares in the interim.
Observers are unsure whether this will result in a tightening of regulations on house churches, or possibly even a relaxation.
The vehicle can then automatically adjust the speed and driving dynamics to give the driver even greater comfort and relaxation.
So when I plan a spa outing, I want to get the most relaxation and tension relief as humanly possible.
I walked out feeling calm, serene…and REALLY hungry; four hours of intense relaxation will do that to a girl.
Four hours of intense relaxation also costs a whopping $495, so it’s not something you’re going to indulge in monthly.
Rarely are there so many opportunities for relaxation at a festival — some attendees assembled a mini-community and served tea.
Lastly, the Pacifica app is a bit of a Swiss army knife for relaxation because it combines many different techniques.
Mansueto said any relaxation of the rules without a tax increase would only push public finances deeper into the red.
Who stays here: Honeymooners and couples looking for privacy and relaxation, families interested in resorts that have all the amenities.
Certainly more women are using yoga, which may help with relaxation, may help with stress relief, may help with stretching.
The cozy gondola has armchairs, a nook, and a sofa bed so guests can pick their relaxation spot of choice.  
The interactive program included training in relaxation, problem solving, using pleasant imagery and changing negative thoughts to cope with pain.
New York may be called «the city that never sleeps,» but it also has its share of relaxation to offer.
S. relaxation and the opening of the gates to the STAR Market, investors should watch tech shares in the interim.
The introduction of display ads and sponsored messages to Facebook Messenger may indicate a relaxation of WhatsApp’s stance against ads.
Nikoladze began making beat machines for fun and relaxation «after doing a lot of theoretical work» on his PhD project.
«It’s not clear whether it is an understandable and reasonable relaxation or a turning away from the effort,» she said.
This set of mineral bath salts, mist, salve, and lotion, will wash any stress away and bring on major relaxation
I’d go with something sturdier if you’re a fan of slime you can build with, but it’s great for relaxation.
The weekend is here, so that means it’s time to kick up your feet and get some much needed relaxation.
How much fun, relaxation and not having to think about the goings-on in the world can one person take?
Some will take to relaxation and breathing exercises before bedtime, including sophrology (easy physical and mental exercises), yoga or massages.
It teaches people to challenge disruptive negative thinking and replace it with positive thoughts that counter arousal and induce relaxation.
Ottessa Moshfegh, whose new novel is «My Year of Rest and Relaxation,» is said to have risen at 5 a.m.
Just be aware that while the beach is exceptional for relaxation, the ocean is not ideal for a leisurely swim.
Guests will be able to get content on relaxation and sleep-guided meditation through the Hyatt loyalty program mobile app.
Ms. Fudge, the travel agent, said she’s never seen this kind of relaxation of the rules in the cruise industry.
Upcoming trade negotiations between the U.S. and the U.K. are raising concerns over a relaxation of food standards in Britain.
Seek a state of relaxation: What I hadn’t realized at the time was how the activity of drawing relaxed me.
This Taiwanese massage method is supposedly great for the body, but as far as relaxation goes … we’re not so sure.
I&aposd never taken an all-inclusive vacation before, but after a stressful year, I decided I wanted total relaxation.
«You’re in a state of relaxation in the mind, body, soul,» said Ms. Robinson, a reiki master and crystal healer.
Today, Mafate’s economy relies heavily on the hikers who pass through looking for rural relaxation and jaw-dropping mountain views.
«After I potted my croton and calathea — and a handful of other botanical beauties — I expected instant relaxation,» she wrote.
My relaxation through my hobbies is more likely to be seen as time wasting, but a man’s is more productive.
Typically, the groups are split half-and-half between Koreans seeking relaxation or a group bonding activity and foreign tourists.
There’s something else to bear in mind, too: The relaxation brought about by laughter opens our minds to creative thinking.
Here are the highlights of my quest, and some of the silliest or alternatively most exciting relaxation tech at CES.
Calls and emails to Soft Fun, which operates as SCM Relaxation Spas in South Carolina, were not immediately returned Saturday.
He presented his relaxation-measurement method to the Faraday Society, a group of physical chemists, in London the next year.
Finally, can a simple relaxation cue — to imagine delicately holding a crisp between your fingers — improve running economy with practice?
In moments of relaxation and satisfaction he would rock his long frame back and clasp his hands behind his head.
When they get tired of dancing, there are toys and blocks to play with and a fenced-off relaxation area.
Take it easy today, Capricorn: The Moon is in Sagittarius lighting up the rest and relaxation sector of your chart.
The chemical in marijuana responsible for producing mood elevation and relaxation, THC, interferes with the exchange of information between neurons.
But toward the end of the debate, Americans also got some tips on relaxation — and Marco Rubio’s funniest remark yet.
Noticing this, fan Berkley Rothmeier decided Rick Raisman and Lynn Faber were long overdue for a day of rest and relaxation.
Opioids, which also were mentioned in the book, would have provided pain relief, some sense of euphoria and relaxation, Keefe said.
These findings line up with what sex therapists have noticed for decades—that relaxation, closeness, and connection often make sex better.
Think foldable sunhats, transitional travel wraps to carryalls turned clutches, chic slip-on sneakers, tinted-lip sunscreens, and relaxation-enhancing snacks.
Thailand plans to sell 300,000 tonnes of rice to Iran following the relaxation of international sanctions, Thai officials said on Jan.
She’s written on topics ranging from relationship advice to terrorism, and even has a series of fear-of-flying relaxation CDs.
Some brought their own yoga mats, eye masks, and weighted blankets to help them get into a deeper state of relaxation.
With goggles on to cover her eyes, Nina lays under the red light for a few minutes of heat and relaxation.
Balancing rocks in Jenga-like stacks is a popular hobby, part pseudo-spiritual new age relaxation technique and part Dad Art.
Just don’t party too hard—the Moon is now in Scorpio, lighting up the rest and relaxation sector of your chart.
We do not believe that loan growth was driven by a relaxation of underwriting standards and expect loan growth to slow.
So while you’re taking those 15 minutes of relaxation, you can rest assured that you’re also giving your skin a reboot.
I sank deeper into relaxation when she asked me to lie down on a bed, still warm in my white robe.
Wall Street executives are eagerly awaiting a relaxation of the supplemental leverage rule, which governs how much their firms can borrow.
If your idea of unwinding is racing go-karts or singing Iggy Pop songs, then let them be your relaxation counselors.
The recent public and private investment in new waterfront parks is aimed at providing rest and relaxation at the water’s edge.
» Kuhl says the Burrow store is «our expression of a home, and the entire point is to celebrate moments of relaxation.
But for many others, they felt personally drawn to nature, relaxation, simple beauties and pleasures, presence and awareness, love and devotion.
Because «there is no taxation without relaxation,» the shaved ice company has re-named Tax Day as National Chill Out Day.
Add to that Apple also announced a relaxation-focused app for the Apple Watch called Breathe at WWDC earlier this month.
Your relaxation shouldn’t have come with a constant worry that someone could be using your devices to hack into your life.
In many places, a coalition of rarely aligned religious conservatives and left-wing feminists fiercely opposes any relaxation of the rules.
For example, Kin puts the food supplement version of the neurotransmitter GABA in its beverages because it’s thought to promote relaxation.
We also have deals on CBD oil for better relaxation, as well as web design and coding online courses from Udemy.
Another approach is to learn effective relaxation strategies to help return your body to a calmer state after you get anxious.
Relaxation app Calm raised said Wednesday it has raised $2320 million in its second funding round, valuing it at $1 billion.
If power-washing porn is your cup of tea, then historic painting conservation is going to be your new relaxation destination.
Feilding advocates the worldwide relaxation of what she sees as an unnecessarily restrictive grip on the use of potentially therapeutic drugs.
Take the right amount and you get relaxation or euphoria, but take too much and it’s a long ride of paranoia.
Last month, they complemented a rate cut with relaxation of lending rules and changes to monetary operations aimed at boosting growth.
When you search for «dog relaxation music» on YouTube, you’ll notice one channel come up over and over: Relax My Dog.
» After being spotted by TMZ near the beach in Southern California, Bieber said he plans on «just resting, getting some relaxation.
The Obama administration’s changes were viewed as a significant relaxation of tensions between US and Cuba since Fidel Castro’s 1959 revolution.
Weekend relaxation activities include these too, as well as spending time with friends and family and participating in a favorite hobby.
The relaxation of the pilot qualifications lowers the barrier to entry for commercial drones allowing more aviators to enter the market.
Thunder slide by shorthanded Spurs OKLAHOMA CITY — The Thunder chose rhythm and the Spurs chose relaxation Saturday night in Oklahoma City.
Contrary to common sense, the trick to mental relaxation isn’t powering off the brain so much as switching up its focus.
Viewers lie down on comfortable beds in the room with their shoes off, lulled into a state of relaxation and ease.
Half of them also got weekly group sessions for stress management that focused on things like relaxation techniques and coping skills.
It affects over 18 million Americans and is caused by relaxation of the throat muscles that normally keep the airway open.
Wiggle your feet into the cloud-like shoes, and heat them up using the USB feature to achieve the ultimate relaxation.
The Cyclades — the islands south of Athens — offer unrivaled beauty and relaxation, particularly if you stay away from the party destinations.
The relaxation hack Winter designed worked: After just six weeks of practice,96% of pilots could fall asleep within 120 seconds.
Moreover, it suited the air of an establishment doubling as an 8,500-square-foot storehouse of hopes for relaxation and refreshment.
Founders of Kokon, Veronika Bartosch and Elinor Samuelsson, hope to use their relaxation device to transform workspaces into places of care.
«[We] will not allow any relaxation of regulatory policies that are already established, nor allow house prices to rise,» It said.
Relaxation of risk weights on consumer loans, combined with lower provisioning requirements, could mean inadequate coverage of risks in retail portfolios.
During treatment, relaxation practices had the strongest fatigue-reducing effect, but after cancer treatments are complete, yoga provided the biggest benefit.
«What that kind of work has at its core is just a sense of relaxation,» Mr. Doyle said of improv comedy.
While the relaxation rooms, saunas and a secluded deck for nude sunbathing were all gone, somehow the bathhouse’s spirit lives on.
I had a full day of unregimented relaxation ahead of me, and baby I was going to take advantage of it.
The Moon in Leo is lighting up the rest and relaxation sector of your chart, so make it an early night.
The Moon in Pisces is activating the sector of your chart that rules rest and relaxation, so give peace a chance.
«Focused breathing and other relaxation techniques can help to restore focus and reduce any anxious feelings during the flashback,» he says.
Europe sees the pact, limiting Iran’s nuclear activities in exchange for the relaxation of economic sanctions, as vital for international security.
Find some way to stand down for the next two or three months so there’s some space for dialogue and relaxation.
Don’t forget to pick up an Atlas Hammock Suspension System to strap your hammock to a tree for some spontaneous relaxation.
They join the ranks of traditional white noise and sleep machines with settings said to aid relaxation or alleviate jet lag.
A steam bath and outdoor relaxation area with bathtub and rainfall shower in a tropical garden is included with every suite.
In 1993, when China made its first bid to host the Olympics, I was released in a show of political relaxation.
The Trump administration’s own estimates indicate that its relaxation of coal pollution rules will kill more than 1,000 Americans every year.
Relaxation is a new thing for her, «something I’ve embraced in the last post-partum therapy I went through,» she said.
The treatment harnesses the power of relaxation, childhood memories, family structure and other tools to heal, calm and nurture the residents.
After passing through the reception vestibule, if you walk left, you’ll find yourself in a small relaxation area with some chairs.
Using far-infrared energy, it also helps improve your blood oxygen levels, promotes muscle relaxation, reduces stress, and increases blood circulation.
And when they come home from a long day of fun or relaxation, they don’t want to leave that experience behind.
At night, I had the spa’s great-smelling steam room and relaxation room with blue-lit water beds — all to myself.
Ottessa Moshfegh recently wrote a novel, «My Year of Rest and Relaxation,» about a woman who basically sleeps for a year.
But mindfulness meditation was more effective than simple relaxation at helping athletes to maintain their ability to focus, she points out.
His best-selling book, «The 4 Pillar Plan,» guides people to improve their health through better sleep, movement, relaxation and food.
August — or rather, Europe’s peak summer vacation season — is when many head out of town in search of rest and relaxation.
The relaxation includes not only export proceeds but also other income as well, Assistant Governor Vachira Arromde said in the statement.
We know you’re probably settling in for a day of relaxation and rest, but we’re here to interrupt with something exciting.
At nearly 13 years old, Lunar is basically an ancient child, so any amount of relaxation is probably good for him. 
The moves come as the Trump administration offers other hints of a significant relaxation in the government’s approach to occupational safety.
The relaxation of the rules, coming after U.S. President Donald Trump’s visit, marks a diplomatic solemnification of a process already underway.
It uses the principle of deep pressure stimulation—the same principle by which Temple Grandin calmed anxious cows—to induce relaxation.
Arctic Cocooning costs €98 ($109) per person and includes a guided walk through the woods as well as sensory relaxation exercises.
«It’s also a good thing if you look at the positive side, I needed a few days of relaxation,» Halep said.
Loungie Micro-Suede 5-Position Flip Chair — $159.99 See Details Relaxation has no rules when it comes to this convertible pouf.
The bath usually starts with a heated relaxation room, followed by a full-body scrub and wash, ending with a massage.
New CMO, Michelle St. Jacques, has partnered with Leo Burnett to create Coors Light’s new media campaign, invoking chill and relaxation.
Call us wusses, but we view beds as zones of relaxation, rather than a place of exploring our most primal fears.
You don’t ever get that sense of gratifying relaxation here that you do on Earth after a long day at work.
In both films, he plays overgrown slackers, men content to work just hard enough to finance a lifestyle of vice and relaxation.
Aesthetically, punk rebelled against the relaxation (both of mindset and jean fit) of the hippie movement and sparkly clean shine of disco.
Silentmode is also working with some large companies to pilot these products in office spaces where relaxation is a rare commodity, indeed.
Listening to it is as close as you’ll get to a state of total relaxation without the aid of a spa coupon.
With Jupiter in an air sign, your idea of fun relaxation is a bit more active because your mind is always on.
In the case of Burrow, the company is peddling relaxation, which is meant to mimic the actual experience of owning a couch.
Both The Pisces and My Year of Rest and Relaxation show readers an alternative to trying to fix ourselves all the time.
Other films made during the war also suggested a relaxation of the racial codes which had governed Hollywood’s use of black characters.
«The relaxation of existing curbs will ease restrictions on investment inflows to China,» wrote Raymond Yeung, ANZ’s chief economist of Greater China.
KratomNC claims on its website that the drug is used for energy, to increase attention, relaxation and to treat pain and addiction.
Though I’ve never combined the two, I’m no stranger to 420 relaxation and have tried every hardcore period intervention I can find.
Relaxation carries over into the advice the Gypsy star would tell other pregnant women, which would be «to nap» while they can.
Supporters of a relaxation of laws on land ownership say the reform would boost Brazil’s recession-hit economy and increase food production.
There, they learned anal relaxation techniques and «how to avoid messy situations,» according to a College Fix reporter who attended the class.
The truMedic website bills the chair as a «relaxation experience» that uses airbag technology moving in waves to mimic real hand movements.
There will be «some relaxation» for Friday prayers, K. Vijay Kumar, an adviser to the state’s governor, told the Indian Express newspaper.
When they used Explore, the relaxation in the pelvis allowed them to open up and enjoy the experience for the first time.
» [To test for relaxation] you would have to scale the orgasms, and say «when the orgasm does this, does that reduce anxiety?
A relaxation of visa restrictions would be provide some relief to Australia’s rural travelers, which have been beset by frequent flight cancellations.
The two-child policy is itself a relaxation of the «one-child policy» that led to forced abortions and infanticides for decades.
The jaw starts to slack as relaxation sets in, the shape of their eyes shift from right to left underneath their eyelids.
Foria claims to work by promoting relaxation and increasing blood flow, jumping off the cannabis plant’s long-standing reputation as an aphrodisiac.
Instead, it has been known to produce pain relief and feelings of relaxation, meaning it’s perfect for a chilled-out yoga session.
But the relaxation may not last long, the previews for next week show Meredith on a plane, and that seems highly dangerous.
As Bloomberg reported: [Deiuliis] acknowledged that a relaxation of regulations on mining and carbon emissions under the Trump administration would help coal.
After bidding adieu to 2016, Scherzinger jetted to Hawaii for some rest and relaxation and showed off her bikini body on Instagram.
In keeping with its rallying cry of «No taxation without relaxation,» Kona Ice trucks will hand out free shaved ice on Tuesday.
Doctors discouraged the Lamaze method of childbirth, which focuses on breathing and relaxation techniques, and instead favored anesthesia during labor and delivery.
«We use relaxation techniques where people focus on their breathing and just keep a lid on some of those nerves,» Fletcher said.
On the bridge deck is a citrus-themed spa, which includes a relaxation room with carved stone lemon trees on the walls.
Known for its miles of white sand beaches, striking scenery and raging nightlife, Phuket, Thailand provides a mix of relaxation and fun.
She would like you to thank your clothes for how hard they work and ensure that they get adequate relaxation between wearings.
The anti-establishment parties are hoping for a relaxation of EU fiscal rules, including the 3 percent threshold for a public deficit.
«The exclusivity and privacy of Aman allows for the utmost relaxation,» Ava Harb, who stayed there for five days, told Business Insider.
Just add water and one or more of your favorite essential oil scents to get up to eight hours of pure relaxation
At the bottom of the list, massage, relaxation, resistance exercise alone, aerobic exercise alone and cognitive-behavioral therapy alone were less effective.
In fact, during the Vietnam conflict and since, United States troops have enjoyed going to Thailand for rest and relaxation (R&R).
Dermal Korea Collagen Sheet Masks, Pack of 16, $9.99The gift of 16 Korean sheet masks means at least 16 nights of relaxation.  
After your swelling’s subsided or if you’re dealing with chronic issues like back pain, heat can sometimes reduce tension and promote relaxation.
Those plans are now starting to bear fruit and the Indonesian government is rewarding investors with a relaxation on the export rules.
A little like a relaxation-mode Impossible Road shot through the set of 2001: A Space Odyssey, only also nothing like that.
In particular, the deep-space mice exhibited diminished vasodilation—relaxation of blood vessel walls—related to the blood vessel’s innermost «endothelium» layer.
It wasn’t until the late 1800s that our modern concept of honeymooning-as-relaxation took hold, according to Honeyfund CEO Sara Margulis.
Studies have found that aquarium-watching helps reduce stress and anxiety, increase feelings of relaxation, and decrease heart rate and muscle tension.
China’s online education industry has flourished following the government’s relaxation of the One-child policy, with English language providers enjoying robust demand.
Learning mindfulness skills, cognitive skills, and relaxation skills «will be instrumental in helping [you] manage anxiety and feelings of depression,» she says.
Cons: The party goes all day and night so getting sleep and relaxation in is tough with noise bleed into guest rooms.
And then retreat to Inscape NYC, a meditation and relaxation studio in Chelsea, to unwind with a stress-busting CBD Saturday session.
Avoid a wedding day meltdown with relaxation gummies or give yourself some me time with the scents of a heart-opening candle.
Your body overall is also in a state of deep relaxation during deep REM sleep, which is another key factor in climaxing.
Cannabis counselors — government employees — will advise on, among things, which marijuana strains induce relaxation or euphoria, as well as possible harmful effects.
It requires a delicate dance — learning to read unpredictable tides of control and relaxation, and shutting down posts that would irk Beijing.
One began a program of supervised relaxation training, during which they listened to calming music and learned to systematically relax their muscles.
The more an athlete in the relaxation group had practiced relaxing, the less his mood had tended to decline, the researchers found.
He is also expected to take up Rome’s call for a relaxation of European Union fiscal rules that critics say stifle expansion.
Animated by rest, relaxation and unplugging, the Vacation Collection includes five pared-down pieces in calming hues, some with spare floral illustrations.
NEW FACILITIES MFA studios are located in Weil Hall, a brand-new building with light-filled spaces for installation, relaxation, and collaboration.
Tapping into the universal sentiment of beachside relaxation he upends that calm with a surrealist scenes that disintegrates into confusion and loss.
A source close to Weinstein tells us he was at the hotel for a vacation and to get some rest and relaxation.
After adopting their husky, the Pijuans were inspired to create dog retreats designed to offer canines the rest and relaxation they deserve.
With its promise of gentle movement and relaxation, a well-designed rocking chair can be a source of comfort in trying times.
I think I was hoping for neon stripes, a rich paisley, a garish gingham — something that would connote relaxation even from space.
Maxsoft Scalp Massager Shampoo Brush, $7-$9 This small brush delivers the everyday dose of soothing relaxation she never knew she needed.
In an interview with the New Yorker, the company’s CEO, Larry Hall, said his facility represented «true relaxation for the ultra-wealthy.»
For much of «Mayflower,» and into «Arrest And Relaxation,» Ramona refused to see any of this logic or why the photo was harmful.
Moreover, following completion of the second review, the Greek government has announced a further relaxation in capital controls effective from 1 September 2017.
It’s Memorial Day weekend and there’s truly no better way to wring out some relaxation than by taking a dip in the pool!!!
But unlike that game, Cycles doesn’t have any hidden interactions or scenarios that unfold, it is intended purely as a tool towards relaxation.
Only Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, and Khloé Kardashian (with the kids) make the trip around the world for a little sun and relaxation.
Some authorities have indicated they would oppose such a move, saying it signals a relaxation of austerity measures needed to bolster investor confidence.
Write down what you want to get out of an experience, including what you want to feel, whether that’s comfort, relaxation, or connection.
Warm light (think candles or fire) has been shown to boost creativity, and staring at fire actually induces relaxation and lowers blood pressure.
If you’re looking for ways to squeeze relaxation into a jam-packed schedule, take note of how these five billionaires de-stress.1.
Pacifica provides users with relaxation techniques, mood tracking devices, and self-help audio lessons to help you feel less overwhelmed and more relaxed.
It can help them numb pain, manage mental health issues, inspire creativity, or just aid them in their pursuit of post-work relaxation.
The 3-year-old turned her recent time out into a relaxation session – and mom Kim Kardashian West caught her in the act.
You don’t even need to be in the tropics to have a slice of outdoor relaxation heaven this summer thanks to Crate & Barrel.
Soothing Relaxation Spending the entire day indoors staring at the computer, as is required by so many jobs today, is truly the worst.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The effect of the fatigue substances upon the contraction of the tissue is manifest especially in the relaxation process.

But as early as the 7th century there is proof of a relaxation of this rule which had so well safeguarded the authenticity of the relics.

A widely-spread relaxation of morals, and also, as far as the educated class was concerned, an eagerness for the discussion of all social and religious problems. The fierce excitement of political life had quickened thought, and the most anciently received doctrines were held of little, vorth until they were brought to the test of reason.

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In 1665 the relaxation of this system was brought about by the continual remonstrances of the people, but for more than a century afterwards (until 1776) the policy of exclusion was enforced.

The book of Johann Busch, himself a canon of Windesheim, De Reformatione monasteriorum, shows that in the 15th century grave relaxation had crept into many monasteries of Augustinian canons in north Germany, and the efforts at reform were only partially successful.

When those occasions arose, Betsy stepped in and tried to talk Howie into the state of relaxation he required.

The reaction against the inevitable tendencies towards mitigation and relaxation led to a number of reforms that produced upwards of twenty different congregations within the order, each governed by a vicar-general, who was subject to the general of the order.

This body at once raised the question of the relaxation of subscription, which was in a few years seriously taken up by the church, and the National Church Union, feeling that in this, as well as in the growth of liberal opinion in the church its object had been attained, discontinued its operations.

By this time his unpopularity had nearly died away, and generally revered and beloved, he occupied a dignified and enviable position, which he constantly employed for the promotion of culture and in particular for the relaxation of subscription to ecclesiastical formularies.

Finally, the same cause, a relaxation of tension, accounts for sleep, decay and death of man and for the dissolution of the world; after death the disembodied soul can only maintain its separate existence, even for a limited time, by mounting to that region of the universe which is akin to its nature.

  • Use the word RELAXATION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

All active people should allow themselves a bit of relaxation.

According to Bode, the beauty of movement is based on the rhythmic change …of tension and relaxation of the muscles.

Niddy Impekoven, the famous dancer, shows us the artistic relationship … between tension and relaxation with her ‘grotesque’ dance performance of «The Decadent Doll»

Note the complete relaxation of the muscles when catching the ball and the immediate tightening when throwing. (Normal and slow-motion recordings)

This is just a little let-down… a relaxation, you know?

What you need is some relaxation.

You should have complete rest and relaxation.

He said I need rest and relaxation.

Well, there’s your rest and relaxation.


[DANCE MUSIC PLAYING] We been working late, see and need a little relaxation.

Nuts! After that days work… I need some relaxation.

Michael, my boy, you came to New York for relaxation.

Complete relaxation while you’re taking it. Here you are.

After the search, some of them needed relaxation.

# Looks like you’ve got to have relaxation #

I believe that one through relaxation, prolonged and constant, can store up sufficient energy to surmount any emergency that arises… where vitality is called for and force is needed.

What I’d like now is the relaxation of a good murder case.

A good evening of relaxation might help.

Frank has had a shock. He needs complete relaxation.

The relaxation will do you a world of good.

we’ve now arrived at the Hippodrom at the Great Freedom, the venue known to all seafaring people around the world, where the sailor finds relaxation after a long journey and hard work.

Things that are all right in peacetime — thrift and relaxation — that made many a fortune, but are plain dishonest in wartime.

You have the most peculiar ideas of relaxation.

A little relaxation never harmed anyone.

After which we shall both need some relaxation.

Along the lines of relaxation, I mean.

Those girls need relaxation.

A man must have some relaxation.

Poker’s the only relaxation I get around here.

Mighty expensive relaxation at $500 a throw.

I was driving the herd all day and kind of tired… and felt like getting some relaxation. Didn’t happen to drop into a place… called the Last Chance, did you?

I think I’ll take a ride over to El Paso tomorrow… and get me a little fun and relaxation.

Yes, a little relaxation is mighty pleasant… after a man’s been chasing Satan all the way from here to Austin.

However, his specialty was spectacular jewel robberies and for relaxation he was addicted to the study of mathematics.

I’m going to help Henry to rest and get some relaxation.

A man needs his relaxation.

Besides, I need a little relaxation.

And while some people work… others are rounding off an evening of relaxation.

I think you and I could use a little relaxation… sort of a Sunday in the country or something.

You know, I’ve never gone in for any strenuous form of exercise… I’ve always got my relaxation in a complete mental change, like this.

I intend a full month’s relaxation in Rome.

They come here for relaxation.

So settle back for 15 minutes of relaxation and diversion… while we take you to the homey little breakfast table of Steve and Ramona Gladwyn.

Gentlemanly relaxation with the opposite gender.

We came in here for a drink and a little relaxation.

Other forms: relaxations

The noun relaxation describes the act of making something less strict. If your boss announces a relaxation of the company dress code, that means lots of happy people will be wearing jeans to work.

Relaxation carries many shades of meaning. It can describe being free from responsibility, like a relaxation of your usual obligations that comes while you’re on vacation. The feeling of rest and peacefulness that can come from this freedom is also called relaxation. It comes from Latin: re- means «again,» laxare means «loosen,» and the suffix -ation means «the state of.» So relaxation is the state of loosening something again.

Definitions of relaxation

  1. noun

    freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)


    ease, repose, rest

  2. noun

    a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry

  3. noun

    the act of making less strict

  4. noun

    an occurrence of control or strength weakening

    relaxation of requirements”


    loosening, slackening

  5. noun

    (physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers

  6. noun

    (physics) the exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance

  7. noun

    a method of solving simultaneous equations by guessing a solution and then reducing the errors that result by successive approximations until all the errors are less than some specified amount

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘relaxation’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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