Sentences with the word relax

Efforts to relax competition have many faces.
Существуют разнообразные способы ослабить конкуренцию.

Now, relax your elbow joints.
А сейчас, расслабь локтевые суставы.

A day to relax, and go back tomorrow.
Денёк на отдых, а вернёмся завтра.

Early on, the government proposed legislation to increase labor market flexibility and relax constraints on firing rules.
В самом начале правительство предложило законодательство по повышению трудовой гибкости рынка и ослаблению ограничений на правила увольнения.

Christine, relax, this is cotillion.
Расслабься, Кристин, это всего лишь котильон.

Governments could also relax regulations for small remittance transactions.
Правительства также могут ослабить законы о мелких денежных переводах.

Relax just fot a second.
Расслабь шею на секунду.

And I had time to relax and to grieve.
и у меня было время на отдых и печаль.

The problem is that for poor economies, raising the capital needed to relax binding growth constraints is difficult.
Проблема заключается в том, что слабым экономикам трудно добыть капитал, требуемый для ослабления ограничителей роста.

Whoa, whoa — just relax, all right?
Стоп, успокойся — просто расслабься, хорошо?

Bush had been trying to get Putin to relax his authoritarian rule to no avail.
Буш пытался убедить Путина ослабить авторитарную хватку, но безуспешно.

Stretch out and relax your legs.
Протяни и расслабь ноги.

Astute feline observers will note that in addition to boxes, many cats seem to pick other odd places to relax.
Те, кто внимательно наблюдают за кошками, заметят, что для отдыха многие кошки выбирают не только коробки, но и другие необычные места.

The pot could be further sweetened by offers to relax existing sanctions and provide a security guarantee if Iran remains non-nuclear.
Дополнительно можно было бы «подсластить пилюлю» предложениями по ослаблению существующих санкций и обеспечению гарантии безопасности, если Иран останется безъядерным.

Couple of shots first to relax?
Пару рюмочек для начала, чтоб расслабиться?

It would be unwise to assume that low interest rates will last forever and simply relax fiscal discipline.
Было бы глупостью рассчитывать, что низкие процентные ставки будут сохраняться вечно, и просто ослабить бюджетную дисциплину.

Relax your arms and hands when you’re not actually using game controllers.
Когда геймпад не используется, расслабьте руки и кисти.

Governments can’t legislate happiness or ban depression, but public policy can play a role in ensuring that people have time to relax with friends, and pleasant places to do it.
Правительства не могут принять закон о счастье или наложить запрет на депрессию, но государственная политика может сыграть роль в предоставлении людям большего количества времени на отдых в компании друзей и приятных мест для такого отдыха.

But with China and other countries beginning to market their drones, the United States is looking to boost its sales by exploring ways to relax American export controls.
Но поскольку Китай и другие страны начинают поставлять свои беспилотные летательные аппараты за границу, Соединенные Штаты также намерены расширять свои продажи, и для этого они изыскивают способы для ослабления мер экспортного контроля США.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I usually paint after work to relax.

А у нас, как правило, пьют после работы, чтобы расслабиться.

Starting with drinking after work to relax.

А у нас, как правило, пьют после работы, чтобы расслабиться.

The only time he could relax was during lunch break.

Единственное время, когда он может отдохнуть от несения службы, это обеденный перерыв.

Guests can relax with a TV in each room.

Гости могут отдохнуть перед телевизором, который есть в каждом номере.

And people who like to relax.

You can’t relax and underestimate your opponent.

То есть, тебе нельзя расслабляться и недооценивать своих противников.

Not that they dared relax completely.

Естественно, они не дают расслабиться в полной мере.

So just relax and give some space and time.

Вместо этого немного расслабьтесь и дайте ей время и личное пространство.

Some people drink tea to relax.

По этой причине люди пьют чай, чтобы расслабиться.

It allows a person to fully relax.

Это сделано для того, чтобы человек мог полностью расслабиться.

Enjoy a coffee, relax, and people watch.

Наслаждайтесь кофе, расслабьтесь, и понаблюдайте за людьми на площади.

I had to constantly remind myself to relax.

Я постоянно напоминал себе о том, что надо расслабиться.

So you can fully relax during your massage.

Таким образом, вы можете полностью расслабиться во время поездки.

As I spoke I could see them relax.

Когда я закончила говорить, я увидела, что они расслабились.

Attracting money is fun if I relax and allow it.

Привлечение денег становится забавным, если я расслабляюсь и позволяю этому быть.

He will use utmost restraint and we can relax.

Он будет проявлять максимальную сдержанность, и мы сможем расслабиться».

A person cannot relax if someone carefully observes him.

Человек не может расслабиться, если кто-то внимательно наблюдает за ним.

As we sleep, muscles tense and relax.

В то время, пока мы спим, наши мускулы напрягаются и расслабляются.

One of my friends said, Just relax.

Один из его друзей рассказал: Таким образом, он расслабляется.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain relax

Results: 31936. Exact: 31936. Elapsed time: 106 ms.


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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: ease up, loosen, rest. Antonym: tighten. Similar words: relate, related, relation, relative, relatively, correlation, relationship, in relation to. Meaning: [rɪ’læks]  v. 1. become less tense, rest, or take one’s ease 2. make less tight 3. become loose or looser or less tight 4. cause to feel relaxed 5. become less tense, less formal, or less restrained, and assume a friendlier manner 6. make less severe or strict 7. become less severe or strict 8. make less active or fast. 

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1. Deeply relax all your muscles.

2. I meditate in order to relax.

3. I just want to sit down and relax.

4. He stretched and flexed his knees to relax himself.

5. Just relax and enjoy the movie.

6. A bit of music will help you relax.

7. Relax, and let us take the strain .

8. Don’t tense your shoulders, just relax.

9. I don’t know. Just relax, I’ll help you.

10. I ought to relax and stop worrying about it.

11. I could not relax and still felt wide awake.

12. Relax your stomach muscles , then stretch again.

13. Don’t worry about it, just try to relax.

14. Relax your muscles before starting to run.

14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

15. Let your muscles relax slowly.

16. He stretched and flexed his knees to relax.

17. Let’s just relax and enjoy ourselves.

18. Muscles contract and relax during physical activity.

19. When I’m tired, I like to relax into a deep armchair.

20. Downstairs there’s a breakfast room and guests can relax in the cosy bar.

21. The government found it expedient to relax censorship a little.

22. He needed to relax after the exertions of a busy day at work.

23. Relax when you dance.

24. Relax, kid, we’re not about to roust you. We just want some information.

25. There’ll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.

26. I like to get everything done before the guests arrive and relax for a moment in the calm before the storm.

27. When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.

28. A gentle form of exercise will increase your ability to relax.

29. The doctor will be here soon. In the meantime, try and relax.

30. He lay down on the bed and tried to relax.

More similar words: relate, related, relation, relative, relatively, correlation, relationship, in relation to, galaxy, delay, homeland, elaborate, revelation, rely, The last rites, barely, barrel, rely on, or else, relief, release, relieve, derelict, severely, entirely, relevant, reliable, before long, reluctant, preliminary. 

Allow your body to relax

Once he pulled that one off, he thought, he could relax and be ‘exclusive’ for at least two or three years

Hermann sighed, letting himself relax

Save and relax

Relax and stop worrying

«Because it is the place where families most often relax together

I tried to relax but there was a horrible dull pounding, like heavy road works, that was setting me on edge

and I relax and feel my shoulders drop as the

» I want to inquiry what’s going on but Apollo talks before I can, «Just sit and try to relax

His shoulders relax

He had to put it aside, figure on losing another week and just relax, or at least pretend to

A glance at the clock speedily obliterated her self-satisfaction and set her running … her train was due to leave in five minutes’ time! Safely on the train, though still panting from the exercise and more than a little overwhelmed by the crowds of commuters thronging the station subways, she settled herself in a seat and, leaning her head against the headrest, closed her eyes, forcing herself to relax

‘That should relax you

Another hour? What to do? There was nothing for it but to find a quiet corner and shut down, not necessarily to go to sleep but to relax

The departure TV displayed Stephanos — Gate 5 — Area A, and since my luggage was hopefully in transit since Bristol, I thought I might as well check in right away and relax

Relax for a few moments before proceeding to:

After this variation lie fiat on your back and relax for a few minutes

Lmore stopped by and sat behind her, taking her in his arms and letting her relax and caress with him

and after the second performance of the Cobra relax before you

Relax before proceeding to the

Relax for a few moments and then repeat this movement

If, therefore, you have a nervous temperament, and who has not in these troubled times, and you suffer from symptoms of eyestrain, you may be able to overcome these symptoms simply by learning to relax

It helps if you are by a fire when you relax and if there is a slow and beautiful piece of music playing in the background, for this will help to put you into a drowsy and peaceful mood

Close them again and relax

Tratak is an excellent and soothing exercise for the nerves and helps to relax the mind as well as the eyes

movement of the eyes four times, blink and relax for a few

your eyes and relax before proceeding to the next exercise

If there is any pain or watering please blink your eyes tightly and then relax

I relax and look around at the countryside

He told me to sit and relax and in doing that I got up after a minute and started circling him

As the drugs were starting to kick in she relaxed me with a Scientology technique to relax the nerves

‘As I was told by my father once, “Greece always offers something special to the tired and bruised traveller, but you have to relax to know the offer is on the table

In Felix I sensed the businessman, I could tell he was in the habit of entering his problems in his mental search engine and waiting for a list of alternatives to come up but this time he didn’t stand a chance because the wide blue was smiling as wide and as blue as only the wide blue can smile and the balmy air was becalming his twiddling and so he was forced to relax a little more, close his eyes and lay back

‘Now, as you relax and go deeper

Once submerged, I relax

Imperceptibly, I see Berndt relax, holding his head slightly higher and remember what Gilla told me about his perfectionist traits – surely he hasn’t been thinking that he has failed me?

Now please don’t worry, just relax and take care

This will be a good ice breaker for the two of you and can let you both relax in an environment that you enjoy

I squatted on the pillion and couldn’t get any wetter, so I relaxed into the rain like you relax into the sea, and right away felt much better, calmer

I force myself to relax the muscles one by one but although it at least makes me feel I am doing something positive, it does not help much

Still, it was good to relax out of the sun and well out of sight

The three of use relax over our coffee, leaning on the table

I lean forward so he can put his arm around my shoulders then relax against him enjoying his closeness

When you entrain with the natural vibrations of energy healing, you can feel yourself relax into alpha and even theta states of consciousness

She retired to her bed but could not relax

into the evening that Karen had the chance to sit down and relax

halls of pain, and he likes to relax in a well-worn armchair that

again and allowed to relax

” Placing his hand on Rayne’s shoulder he felt her slowly relax, he whispered to her, “Ease down my little warrior, there is no need to sully K’nada with their blood

take time out to relax

It was the first time Tarak had allowed himself to relax in a very long time

“Yes, we’re going to have to give you something,” she said, “just a mild sedative to relax you a little

He tried to center himself and relax; as he calmed down he floated back to the landing

relax and just ‘be’ in this space without any effort

He kissed me again afterward, and told me to relax, that he wouldn’t push me, but he wasn’t going to give up on having someone so gentle and affectionate like me in his life

Damash felt his body relax and waver slightly from the astonishing statement so casually delivered

” She took a deep breath and willed herself to relax

Settling comfortably against the rock behind her, she closed her eyes and basked in the warmth of the sun, feeling it relax her

Once inside the sea of green, Petr started to relax

Petr felt his skin relax as that unusual

Judging by the stain spreading across the front of the man’s trousers it is obvious that he has started to relax already

throwing a line into the lake, but there was a way to relax, a way to escape

But what if he doesn’t … he said he would … gradually, inch by inch, I relax

‘Something to relax you, then

Olorhleng went to his bathroom and pulled out a large box of pills, and ate the lot, then proceeded to return to his lounge chair, put his feet up with a newspaper, and relax

Though he would never admit it, Andrew was terrified of all the troubles his friends and he had faced, and his greatest wish was for a peaceful world where he could relax for once, a world where he would not be afraid to smile, or to cry, or to run

«Relax,» he responded with a firm hand on her shoulder

Alan started to jump, but remembered the incident during his reading lesson and forced himself to relax and go along with it

Seems you don’t have enough time to relax and sleep at all

But it’s okay now, back to normal and still have time to relax in the afternoon

“Thanks Carl, but I think I’m just going to relax at home

THE SUN calls us to relax

circumstances, but it was impossible to relax

«Yes, it does work well,» she said, and tried to relax enough to lean her head on his shoulder

Here she could relax and lean back against him with his arm around her shoulder

Relax on the white sandy beach and sip coconut water, whilst watching the graceful Siva Dance

evening so that we could relax, wind down, and prepare

Drau’d’s thick shoulders seemed to settle with the stone, and for the moment he could relax

was disarming, and Jean began to relax

two of resting, eating and drinking, they all began to relax

feeling he could relax now that he was within a relatively

Most, however, come to relax

He didn’t need another complication in his life right now, so he tried to relax and focus on the immediate task at hand

He took it easy around the house and decided to relax until it was time to leave for the palace and lunch with the royal family

This was where they could relax and talk about anything under the sun

Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to relax and take it easy

“Oh relax, my pretty cousin

«Relax, I didn’t hear anything that you said, if that’s what worries you

This should help all parents to relax a little when Jason doesn’t read by age 3 (like Jill); but when he does learn to read, he may develop a higher level of reading comprehension more quickly

Now she could relax and enjoy the occasion together with the rest of the family

After having run around like a headless chicken the whole day, he certainly deserved to relax a bit

How Practice Can Help You Relax Out of Stress

feel it when you are «on guard» or even simply sitting in meditation, you will have to relax, draw

Take three or four deep breaths to relax

Some people think of meditation only as a way of learning to relax

Now it does more harm than good, while learning to relax and be happy is what can ensure a long and healthy life

Many of the poses in hatha yoga help you to relax and concentrate, two basic requirements for meditation

And as much as he desired to cast the note aside and relax in a noiseless room awash with the aroma of burning herbs, he chose to concentrate his renewed attention on the note’s closing lines

In my dream, his heart was still beating strong and loud against my cheek, and I was able to relax against him

“Please try to relax, Helen

therefore relaxed his stance on the wearing of hats

Men need to learn to deal with stress through mental shielding which involves developing the ability to disengage from hostile comments and remain in control, first by achieving a calm, relaxed state, and then creating a mental shield between yourself and person responsible for causing stress

This relieves stress and produces endorphins in the brain that make you feel relaxed and happy

She sounded a lot more relaxed

The main requirements are that we should sit erect, with the spine in a straight line; that we should sit relaxed (without slumping) so that there is no tenseness anywhere in the body, and that we should drop the chin somewhat, so as to release any tension in the back of the neck

Meditation is an interior act, and can only be performed successfully when the body is relaxed, rightly poised and then forgotten

in a holiday when everything is relaxed and lethargic

«What media source do you represent?» Theo was still relaxed, but the young woman had intrigued him

doostEr was relaxed by this time, they had passed the densest Brazilian settlement during Noonsleep and had heard and seen nothing out of place

He kept smiling, and assumed the relaxed, legs crossed,

He sits back in his chair, smiling and as relaxed as can be, sips from his drink

For a nasty moment we just look at each other … in the friendly chatter of the book packing, we had both relaxed

Sarah relaxed and even lowered her seat

The drive home is relaxed, Stephen’s arm round me, I nestle into his embrace and rest my head on his shoulder

He has relaxed pretty well now – doubtless the whiskey taking effect

‘It’s only that I’m totally relaxed, Nick

’ He seemed relaxed and soft, quite out of character, which made the meeting all the more sinister

He relaxed in the front court of the house once lunch was done

Listening to the night-dead creaking of the building and to the faint strains of a television playing further down the hall in the room where the guards brewed our tea and relaxed when not on duty, I wondered again about this friendship

She watched as the Inspector left the room, closing the door behind him, and relaxed

They drove back to Taunton in companiable silence, both pleasantly relaxed by the sun and the seaside experience

She’d dragged a detailed version of my adventures in Italy out of me when I’d been too relaxed to resist and has no illusions about the very real dangers attendant on this quest of mine

Remain relaxed for a few

This exercise strengthens the eye muscles and increases the powers of concentration by fixing all the attention on one point and through that to the central nervous system, which will be soothed and relaxed

erect but with the body quite relaxed

As the drugs were starting to kick in she relaxed me with a Scientology technique to relax the nerves

Unfortunately, Cyberia’s appreciation of art and craft was based on the experience gained at her finishing school, where she had spent relaxed Wednesday afternoons fiddling with watercolours and making decoupage kittens out of old socks and yoghurt pot lids

You’ll look relaxed and calm when you’re wearing an outfit that is

Nikos could see the man wasn’t welcome in our crowd but being host, he was determined to create a relaxed atmosphere so, throwing his arms in the air, he announced to the room, ‘OK everybody

‘I think you’re a little bit too relaxed, that’s not very nice

You inhibitions will also be relaxed so things you didn’t consider doing before you

I squatted on the pillion and couldn’t get any wetter, so I relaxed into the rain like you relax into the sea, and right away felt much better, calmer

They smile, discuss, and are most relaxed

He felt very relaxed, at ease, not worried at all about anything

The more we entered his wilderness home amongst these natural meadows of lushness with their chestnut and cherry trees standing guard, the more he relaxed and began shouting sudden ‘whoopas’ and slapping his thigh and asking questions of the goats and pointing to things that weren’t even there

Quitting on Saturday, or any two or three days in a row that don’t involve work, has the advantage of you being relaxed and laid back

He’s obviously relaxed with the concept that Simon is comforting me which is a relief

Enhanced by this deeply relaxed and receptive state, your immune system becomes strengthened through two powerful energy healing methods

The security guard relaxed as he saw us with someone white

Dinner at the Vicarage was very relaxed

through her next test feeling relaxed and confident,

Times had changed and with them had come a more relaxed

spent relaxed Wednesday afternoons fiddling with watercolours

Once you both feel comfortable and are relaxed, you

and feels much more relaxed, which is how he

As I go into the bedroom, my bed beckons welcomingly … relaxed and sleepy, I undress and snuggle down under the covers

“To effect the transfer, you must be as still as he is, and as completely relaxed

“Think about something that will keep you still and relaxed

At first, my mind said it was made up, but she was too relaxed, and it was also spontaneous

noticeably as she relaxed into her story, or perhaps it was merely the

relaxed in their sheltered spot, they were passed by a horse-drawn

‘ Dave replied before I can say anything, he has subsided onto Graham’s chair and is looking a lot more relaxed

visibly relaxed when he saw the carefully-tilled plots of land, with

of the day and they soon relaxed

comfortable and relaxed, “There is a long history – indeed, many

The armed men relaxed and joined in with the

They left the kitchen and Chrissie relaxed

She relaxed again

he became more relaxed all external sounds died

Despite the usually rather relaxed attitude affected by the

content enough to allow him to chatter on, enjoying the relaxed

Roman stood still with arms to the side, relaxed and waiting

He stopped at a different cafe each day and strolled the paths, visited the museum or relaxed at lakeside, casting happily for the denizens of the lake

Spelman sat relaxed, enjoying the aftermath of the tale

What is love anyway? Yes, I’m very comfortable with him … more relaxed than with anyone I have ever known before … but love? Yes, he makes my pulse beat fast just by looking at me … but is that love? More to the point, how does he feel about me? I’m ten years older than he is … he was surprised when he found out – so was I, he looks older than he is … probably his time in the tropics … he seems to enjoy my company … oh come on, Anna, you can’t question that! It’s pretty clear that he does! But as to where we go from here … if anywhere … I don’t know

Ken McCoist sits, uncomfortably relaxed, by a barn wall

We don’t talk much as we walk back down to the houses but it is a friendly and relaxed silence and, when we part at my gate, I feel that we have somehow become closer friends than we were before

guests relaxed, little realising that Henri was, in fact,

a sip of wine, he visibly relaxed and changed the subject

Henri relaxed and apologised to his wife

The company laughed with the happy couple at this and relaxed in the Sitting room before dinner was called

“The next step is to not focus your eyes on the balls at all, just keep your eyes relaxed and allow your hands and arms to do the work on their own

Alan relaxed a bit now

swayed and his legs relaxed

’ Jean was more relaxed than

Claude relaxed a little and returned the smile with

Softly she kissed, his forearm, and relaxed back against his broad chest

When she relaxed to the knowledge they were safely upstairs in their suite, she suddenly realized they were in Harry’s former suite and Titania was holding out her hand for Kaitlyn to have his bed

With a collective, simultaneous sigh, the travelers relaxed and one by one essentially said

had relaxed their hold slightly in response to a gesture

in a much more relaxed frame of mind

’ Marcel relaxed a little,

reaction, and relaxed a little

She relaxed her back and eased herself back against his chest

more relaxed and didn’t erupt one time on the mound

Otto relaxed in one of the sumptuous leather armchairs and checked the time

sound of traffic abates, the pace becomes more relaxed

obviously relaxed about whatever it was Emma had called

there – to enjoy the relaxed, friendly lifestyle of Toscana

relaxed for the first time in half an hour

relaxed, and – all in all – it promised to be a wonderful

He relaxed his manner

spiritually strong, their relaxed attitudes had led them to

Sam relaxed and then he held his arms out to her

he was feeling more relaxed and comfortable

‘Annabelle? Is she here?’ The two women relaxed

Once she relaxed and thought about how many couples on the ship hadn’t met until the afterlife, she noticed that she enjoyed working with Thom

relaxed so they can feed their children and live in relative

The tithes in the villages of the upper Aude were relaxed,

in the park — what would make you feel relaxed, self-love, and self-

It relaxes, rejuvenates, and energizes the body and aims to bring the body and the mind into a harmonious union

This Yoga Pose straightens the spine, slows the metabolism, relaxes your body and still the mind and prepares your body for the different asana

It relaxes her pottering about with the weeding and dead heading, and by the time Stephen gets home, she is almost normal

He relaxes visibly – silly man, did he honestly think I was going to say anything else?

Almost imperceptibly she relaxes … ah! ‘I’m interested in how it is organised, how you select women, how it is financed

Oh how I love this man! I smile at him and he relaxes a tad, his expression changing to one of warm, deep joy

Jock looks at the can, feels its weight and nods to Ken, who, although he does not let go of Ted, relaxes his grip

With the pace and distance settled, Alex relaxes his grip on the wheel and starts to think about his next move

She relaxes at this and looks pleased

A plentiful subsistence, therefore, it has been concluded, relaxes, and a scanty one quickens their industry

This relaxes and releases stress

The airport stands out as one of the most beautiful and comfortable that I have ever seen: it relaxes the body, comforts the soul and enriches the spirit

She launches into the story of our first day, and my body relaxes, but I still feel heavy

His mouth opens like he’s about to say something, but then his chin drops to his chest and his body relaxes

Apparently, it relaxes the user and removes any inhibitions that they might have

Jaden relaxes in the soft, white hospital bed

He closes his eyes, and relaxes

Jaden relaxes on the bed, but has his head towards Bellona

At once, my forehead relaxes

I rest my head on his chest while he relaxes his head on my shoulder

” Emily relaxes her head on my shoulder, and we turn back to the movie, but I’m not watching

As if he’s never left, he relaxes on the sofa, leaning on his elbow as he faces me

” His face tightens then relaxes as he turns, looking at me

But the blob relaxes

relaxes the muscles of the forehead and temples

The lower number (80) is the pressure when your heart relaxes between beats

o As a result, the muscle tone in the tissues of the throat relaxes

He sits… very slowly… and then relaxes

Finally Galluk slowly relaxes and rubs his sore bottom

Miriam guiltily relaxes with her new lover, her first, Yoseph, not yet wed to him

Having won her, he relaxes and redirects

Simon visibly jumps and looks around nervously; everywhere seems quiet and deserted and he relaxes a little

Steve relaxes and sits back in the chromium chair; �Been a nightmare this one, you’ve told me some of it on the phone now you can tell me the rest

Simon stares angrily back and strains at the plastic sacks and curtain chord, not able to loosen any of the tough binding he relaxes his body

Steve had wondered where her gun had appeared from and he relaxes sensing no threat from Curly Pete

The microchip cools when transmission is complete and Grailem relaxes a little

The old man looks to be in his seventies; as does the scruffy wire haired black and white dog! Suzy relaxes and smiles, if this old man was sent to follow them he would have no chance in keeping up

Beyond the security checkpoint, the atmosphere relaxes

“Actually, it relaxes Cynthia and me

“Ah, yes,” Elizabeth said as she waved her right hand then tapped her temple, “but my mind never relaxes

His face relaxes

She relaxes behind the wheel for a moment…then the Dictators arrive

She took deep breath, drinks a glass of water and relaxes for a while then continues her speech with some anger and hard criticism on government officials as now her voice became louder and louder;

He nods, relaxes his fists, and heaves a long sigh

My eyelids droop as my body relaxes deeper, and my mouth lifts into a smile

The white magician relaxes into a state of indifference, whereas the black magician clenches up into a state of heightened tension

Then he blacks out, his body, so tense a moment ago, relaxes

The body relaxes in a spirit of acceptance

It also relaxes the

«It relaxes me to the point of

Tearing open a slot to speak through, she clears her throat and nervously laughs, then smiles and relaxes

Relaxes the body

Anthony’s lips narrow and his expression relaxes a little

conditions for his flock before he himself relaxes, a Bodhisattva

slowly back and forth until the fish relaxes the fins and you can release it into the tank

Once you begin to focus on breathing only, your mind relaxes to relieve stress and gives

He tenses for a moment, then relaxes with a groan

She relaxes her shoulders for the first time since they left the castle, and looks around the room with a contented smile on her face, almost as if this crowded, stinking pit is a nostalgic childhood home

The good news is that whenever you are not contracting your sense of self through small truths, such as judgments, the sense of your self naturally relaxes and opens

The ox cannot see anything moving, relaxes, and then joins the others

The inspectors can see that all is in order, and the atmosphere relaxes

The water relaxes you more that ever

Relaxes the body

Since it relaxes the body

The guards eyes find hers again and he relaxes

experiences its Infinite I will create for it that day; and the Player buckles up, relaxes, and

It is amazing how money relaxes rules around the country

relax is when their leader relaxes because they

A few minutes later, Tara’s body begins to vibrate, then completely relaxes

Thus the vessels near the skin, which are in direct touch with the water relaxes and dissipates all heat outside the body

This relaxes and dilates the coronary arteries promptly, thereby stopping

He gazes at me for a moment, and he relaxes

He relaxes momentarily, so I feel his entire, delicious weight on me

He takes a deep breath and visibly relaxes in front of me, like a great weight is lifted from his shoulders or something

That didn’t necessarily mean meditate, but do something that relaxes and distracts you; let your unconscious mind go to work, making connections from disparate parts of the brain

Ciere sucks in a breath, then relaxes the hold on her immunity

The investor who relaxes his safety requirements to obtain a profit-sharing privilege is frequently not prepared, financially or mentally, for the inevitable loss if fortune should frown on the venture

This drug relaxes the heart and stops its pumping

He finally relaxes his powerful grip enough for me to breathe

Kat instantly relaxes, dropping her arms to her sides as she says, “Oh, good

Emerson smiles as she relaxes in her seat

After a long day at work, finally at home, Crowley relaxes in his recliner in front of the tube

It relaxes and soothes until the little creature goes to sleep and dies without violence

It is known to the world, that Great Britain regulates her own trade, in war and in peace, at home and in her colonies, as she finds for her interest; that in war she relaxes the restraints of her colonial system in favor of the colonies, and that it never was suggested that she had not a right to do it, or that a neutral, in taking advantage of the relaxation, violated a belligerent right of her enemy

Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine such as soaking in a hot bath or hot tub and then reading a book or listening to soothing music

A relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime conducted away from bright lights helps separate your sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make it more difficult to fall asleep, get sound and deep sleep or remain asleep

The 1960’s iconic American sport was her way of relaxing and releasing aggression safely

’ I said starting to frown then deciding it hurts too much and relaxing my brow quickly

Of all the nights that I had spent sleeping under the English sky, this was, I think, the most relaxing

«So it’s still OK to have breakfast?» she asked, relaxing a little

He’s fuzzy and comfortable and I think it’s going to be so relaxing having him share my nest

Practice all the Yoga asanas described in the chapter on constipation, and in particular practice the water-drinking habits of the Yogis and the relaxing and contracting movements known as Uddiyani

Think yourself into a calm state of mind before you lie down on the floor and practice stretching and relaxing

It has the effect of relaxing the nerves and relieving eyestrain, but it can also be used for the purpose of practicing concentration

’ He is relaxing now and I am relieved to see it

One of the most relaxing ways to dissolve fear and reconnect with

Then, start deliberately calming these reactions by breathing slowly and deeply, relaxing your muscles and mentally staying in the present moment

living room, where the youths had been relaxing

He’s relaxing more now – good! ‘I liked the next one – she’s an undergrad at the university

Breathing in the gorgeous scent of the man, I bury my face in his shirt, relaxing in his embrace

” He leaned back in the chair as if relaxing from a hard day’s work, “I had the entire resources of the store at my disposal last autumn on all those days y’all were busy on the Bungalows

A lone merchant on break was relaxing with a bite to eat and a the newspaper

the cobblestones of a nearby street, relaxing only as they

tennis, swimming, and generally relaxing

A relaxing island in the western Pacific, it’s easy to find a white sandy beach with no footprints

They sound so relaxing,

there for a relaxing couple of days

damage to the car engine, we could have a relaxing

The repetition of his motions relaxing

«Good,» she said, relaxing her form

But rather a relaxing into quality,

relaxing on a lounge chair


After a while the torches were switched off and then the only light was the relaxing, pulsing glow of the heater

I had never felt anything as warm and relaxing

Micro-gravity meant there was no need to physically rest against something but somehow Tony missed the relaxing sensation of dropping into a soft chair

The candles flickered on the table as they sat relaxing

So we ended up in the front parlour just chatting and relaxing in each others company until the girls came down and went into the kitchen

On the other hand it has been said one person can find golf relaxing, while another individual might think it the most stressful sport in the universe

As golf can be a tremendously relaxing sport it is also a competitive sport and to achieve your best swing, your accurate puts and the best score you have ever dreamed of having most of us have to endure at least a few lessons

Felines were curled up here and there, quietly and inconspicuously relaxing while they awaited relocation

Never relaxing his attack, Mitzi was a whirlwind of claws and teeth atop the panicked dog

The forming of the Eastern Alliance was intended to have a moderating influence on the more extreme practices of ancient law, but the relaxing of state (autocratic, some would say) control to allow temporary zones of tolerance only resulted in an increased crime rate

himself relaxing somewhat, convinced as he was that they’d now skirted at least one potential

Bosco also noticed that the servant girl was still there in front of him, relaxing with her chin on her hands

The moment you pay a bribe (relaxing your standards) you opened yourself to continuous blackmail in the future

It had been a rough week, and she wanted a relaxing soak

relaxing, not saying much at all

In addition to very pleasing flavours they have relaxing, healing and healthy properties

“Of course I did,” she agreed, her shoulders finally easing, her body relaxing against his

She moved from one guard to another, relishing the security of the sword in her hand, relaxing with the sure sequence of movements

Leland scanned the room as he skidded to a stop, his face relaxing in relief as he spotted Kay leaning back on her bed

We were having a braai at Marco and Josie’s house after church, with the usual crowd of friends and were all sitting around under the lapa relaxing

relaxing mood, and while Crowley foretold the constellation of stars wouldn’t hint at Adriano getting

computer game should fade in such a way with some relaxing background music

I waved an okay at him and headed up the stairs for a nice long, relaxing bath

Drive all the way to Pennsylvania to bring him back? What for? I had just enjoyed my most relaxing three weeks in thirteen years! ‘Keep him,’ I yelled into the phone

She couldn’t imagine herself in the little town Sylvia had insisted she see, Montezuma: the image she had painted of a single’s scene and discos was about as far from the relaxing peace she needed as could be

Once in that location, tourists should extend their walk to the peaceable and relaxing Merlion Park, located on the shore of the river, behind the Parliament building

He considers traveling as an escape of enchantment while relaxing in an undisturbed and sunny beach of Labadee in the Caribbean and gazing at the awe inspiring Sounds of New Zealand

The cans went among the assorted essentials in her toiletries bag and weren’t thought of again until evening, finally at home on the deck at La Hacienda, relaxing and Sal telephoned

Houdini learned to trust them more, and they began relaxing with each other

While he was relaxing thinking about her charms, the phone rang and Linda was on the other end

She even knew how Sylvia should spend the money: a relaxing vacation with her friend Caroline (Sylvia’s treat, of course) and also had in mind the perfect place: Bocas del Toro, Panama

Relaxing somewhat, Mrs Harrison let out the breath she’d been holding

She began to laugh, relaxing

Regardless that Gordon had prepared him, it was a shock to find the entire exercise yard a sea of blankets with family groups relaxing and children darting to and fro

Still, it was manageable, even relaxing

“It’s been a long drive and I would love to have a bite to eat and a relaxing drink

The heat was much more sensible, and their sleep had felt much more relaxing and refreshing than before

He steeled himself for the confrontation, muscles tensing and relaxing in quick succession

For the briefest moment he thought about contacting the Procrastinator Militant asking for his assistance, perhaps telling him even to go as far as relaxing their vigilance in an effort to bend but not strictly break the Law

He slowly opened his eyes saying, “I wasn’t asleep, just mediating and relaxing

Dinner at the Greek restaurant was fun and relaxing

They were sitting on the porch of the house, relaxing in the breezy night air

I like the blue light; it suits the situation and I start relaxing

At each step down I feel my system relaxing further and the environment becoming wild but beautiful

As soon as the process was complete, the warnings ceased all at once, and your brain released the fight-or-flight state, relaxing your body and allowing your natural happiness to emerge

“You’re hot when you’re commanding,” admitted Nico, relaxing her shoulders a bit

She closed her eyes to try and picture being at home, relaxing

Closer to the house, sociable thrushes established their territory where they could watch us relaxing and eating outside under the leafy green canopy in summer

At this they seemed to melt in relief, and un-froze, relaxing somewhat, though

The next day was the first day of the festival, but we stayed and enjoyed a relaxing day at home

We were all relaxing on sofas

We were still relaxing in the garden late that afternoon, when Cuiauhxochitl came to get us for dinner

It was electric with the peace that made the air heavy and relaxing

We rarely caught anything, but it was more relaxing than hanging around the residence

Not long after his marriage, plague broke out around Napoles claiming Ferrante, who was relaxing in Pozzuoli west of the city, as one of its victims

relaxing, stylish décor as the public areas of

upscale place to have a relaxing,

“What news do you bring?” I asked Ishvara, relaxing a little at the fact that it wasn’t Adrinius who had disturbed my catnap, but still tense at the prospect of Ishvara and I being alone in my locked house, with Levi hating me the way he did

appear above the eastern sky, he sat, relaxing his head

«I wonder why it isn’t hard to watch a train go by, perhaps because they create a relaxing feeling with their constant motion,» she wondered aloud

This may be one room or more, including space for the tv, music, reading, relaxing, entertaining and could also be an optional space for office work, recreation and special projects

Plus…sex is pretty relaxing

They are attractive and relaxing and

That is a city beautiful in its appearance, relaxing in its movement and stimulating in its ensemble

With more than ten million inhabitants, Metro Manila is, without any doubt, a delightful, showy and relaxing metropolis

Visitors can relish a relaxing stroll through that outstanding collection of plants artistically displayed amidst placid lakes and picturesque views

On a Tuesday, when there was silence around, things looked normal, everyone relaxing in their rooms, Ramasamy was out meeting his doctor, Krishnan snatched those brief moments to be with his wife

The journey proved to be enjoyable and relaxing

relax — перевод на русский


Relax, dear.

Расслабься, дорогая.

You just relax and take your time about coming back.

Расслабься и выздоравливай.

Relax, I know what I’m doing.

Расслабься, я знаю, что я делаю.

Relax, Stevey, this isn’t French, it’s music.

Расслабься, Стиви, это не французский, это музыка.

Relax, or I won’t be able to help you.

Расслабься, или я не смогу тебе помочь.

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Oh, now relax, will you?

Успокойся ты.

Benny, relax! Rela…

Бенни, успокойся!

—Relax, kid, it’s just me and my big mouth.

Успокойся, детка, не обращая внимания.

long. Relax girl.

Успокойся, дорогая.

Relax, nothing will happen.

Успокойся, ничего не случится.

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Relax, I’m reversing the charges.

Спокойно,плата за счет адресата.

Relax, will you?


How does that concern you? Relax, Bart.

Спокойно, Барт.

Just relax.

Только спокойно.

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If I may make the suggestion, don’t you think you’d better relax?

Осмелюсь предложить вам, сэр, лечь в постель и отдохнуть!

Colonel, unless there’s something urgent, I’d like to relax a little.

Полковник, если нет ничего срочного, мне бы отдохнуть.


Отдохнуть? О, пани Тура!

I think you’d better relax.

Вам лучше отдохнуть.

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Can’t he find some other way to relax?

А он не может найти другой способ расслабляться?

He’s beginning to relax.

Он начинает расслабляться.

When do we stop relaxing and start doing something?

Когда мы закончим расслабляться и начнём хоть что-то делать?

I go there with my dad to relax.

Мы с папой тоже ходим туда расслабляться.

Try to relax a little from time to time.

Постарайся расслабляться время от времени.

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— You look relaxed.

— Ты выглядишь расслабленным.

— I feel relaxed.

— Я чувствую себя расслабленным.

He won’t be so relaxed.

Он не будет таким расслабленным.

You’d be more relaxed, less afraid.

Ты будешь более расслабленным и менее напуганным.

Make you relaxed when you get back to the office.

Вернёшься в офис расслабленным.

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The director told you to relax.

Ражиссер сказал тебе отдыхать.

The Lord allows workers to relax!

Господь не запрещает труженикам отдыхать.

Well, one needs to relax a lot in a job like mine.

Моя работа настолько утомительна, что приходится часто отдыхать.

I’m here to relax and clip coupons, and, damn it, I mean to do it.

Я приехал отдыхать и вырезать купоны из газет! Я не шучу, чёрт побери!

What is the point of my coming here if you people won’t let me relax?

Какой был смысл переезжать сюда, если вы не даёте мне отдыхать?

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Relax your foot.

Расслабь ногу.

Relax your diaphragm.

Расслабь диафрагму.

Okay, just relax your arm.

Ну-ка, расслабь руку, расслабь руку.

Now just relax your hand. Thank you, ma’am.

Расслабь руку.

Relax just fot a second.

Расслабь шею на секунду.

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It relaxed me.

Это меня расслабляет.

Classical music is so relaxing, isn’t it?

Классическая музыка так расслабляет, правда?

Very relaxing.

Очень расслабляет.

Only the elevator, the most relaxing one.

Только лифт, он гораздо расслабляет.

And the invitation doesn’t exactly relax me.

И это приглашение не очень-то меня расслабляет.

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Relax. He’s fine where he is.

Не волнуйся,он там,где следует.

Relax, Renfield.

Не волнуйся, Ренфилд.

Relax, Mace. This is what I do.

Не волнуйся, это я беру на себя.

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Отправить комментарий

расслабляться, отдыхать, расслаблять, ослаблять, ослабляться, смягчать, смягчаться


- расслаблять, ослаблять; разжимать

relax your hand — не напрягайте руку
to relax one’s hold /grip/ on smth. — ослабить хватку, отпустить; ослабить контроль или власть над чем-л.
relax your features — не хмурьтесь

- расслабляться, ослабляться; разжиматься

his muscles relaxed — его мышцы расслабились
his face relaxed into a smile — его лицо расплылось в улыбке

- ослаблять, уменьшать (напряжение и т. п.)

to relax one’s efforts — уменьшить /ослабить/ свои усилия
to relax international tension — ослабить /смягчить/ международную напряжённость

- уменьшаться, спадать (о напряжении и т. п.)

the cold is relaxing — мороз слабеет

- отдыхать; иметь передышку

to relax for an hour — отдохнуть часок

- давать отдых

I read it to relax my mind — я читаю это для отдыха

- снимать нервное напряжение, уменьшать стресс; успокаивать тревогу

smoking a cigarette relaxes me — выкурю одну сигарету и сразу становлюсь спокойнее
he is feeling relaxed now — сейчас он чувствует себя менее напряжённо; он уже расслабился

- успокаиваться

just relax, everything is OK — не волнуйся, всё в порядке

- смягчать, делать менее строгим

to relax discipline — ослабить дисциплину
she relaxed her tone of severity — тон её стал не таким суровым
to relax immigration laws — смягчить законы об иммиграции
to relax restraints — ослабить ограничения

- смягчаться, делаться менее строгим, суровым

he relaxed — он стал не таким суровым, он смягчился /оттаял/
he hoped that the committee would relax in its opposition — он надеялся, что противодействие комитета станет менее ожесточённым

- делаться менее церемонным

she relaxed towards him as they walked — во время прогулки она стала держаться с ним проще

- ист. передавать преступников, осуждённых инквизицией, светским властям для казни
- спец. релаксировать, возвращаться в исходное состояние

to relax the bowels — очистить кишечник

Мои примеры


to relax a muscle — расслаблять мускул  
to relax one’s attention — ослабить внимание  
to relax the rules — смягчать правила  
to lessen / relax / slacken supervision, to ease up on supervision — ослабить контроль, надзор  
to ease up [relax] supervision — ослабить контроль [надзор]  
relax tension — ослабить напряжение  
ability to relax — способность расслабляться  
relax the state of emergency — снять некоторые ограничения, вводимые чрезвычайным положением  
relax tight muscles — расслабить мышцы  
relax tolerance — увеличивать допуск  

Примеры с переводом

Relax! Everything’s fine.

Успокойся! Все нормально.

Try to relax and enjoy the ride.

Постарайтесь расслабиться и получить удовольствие от поездки.

I just can’t seem to relax.

Я никак не могу расслабиться.

I just want to sit down and relax.

Я просто хочу сесть и расслабиться.

Relax and enjoy the view.

Расслабься и наслаждайся видом.

His face relaxed in a smile.

Его лицо расплылось в улыбке.

I was too wound-up to relax.

Я был так взвинчен, что не мог расслабиться.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He relaxed in the hot tub

A hot bath should help to relax you.

Hughes believes that immigration controls should not be relaxed.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

relaxing  — расслабляющий, смягчающий
relaxant  — релаксант, слабительное
relaxed  — расслабленный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: relax
he/she/it: relaxes
ing ф. (present participle): relaxing
2-я ф. (past tense): relaxed
3-я ф. (past participle): relaxed

Examples of how to use the word “relax” in a sentence. How to connect “relax” with other words to make correct English sentences.

relax (v): to (cause someone to) become less active and more calm and happy, or to (causea part of the body to) become less stiff

Use “relax” in a sentence

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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Maybe if he saw that she didn’t go near the building, he would relax his guard.

The old courtier Maurepas, jealous of Turgot and desirous of remaining a minister himself, refrained from defending his colleague; and when Turgot, who never knew how to give in, spoke of establishing assemblies of freeholders in the communes and the provinces, in order to relax the tension of over-centralization, Louis XVI., who never dared to pass from sentiment to action, sacrificed his minister to the rancour of the queen, as he had already sacrificed Malesherbes (1776).

Not even the commuters who lied to themselves and everyone else by saying the hour and a half at each end of the day was a pleasurable time to relax and read the paper.

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Among the marks of the second half of the 17th century was growing material prosperity, and there were those who thought their fellows unduly willing to relax church tests of fellowship when good trade was in question.

She didn’t relax until they emerged onto the street, away from the Guardian.

However much they might personally disapprove, ‘ zealous priests could not forbid their parishioners to dance on Sunday, if the practice had won widespread toleration; on the other hand, they could not relax the usual discipline of the church on the strength of a few unguarded opinions of too indulgent casuists.

She was beginning to relax when he launched the question.

Having live music from the quartet can really add to the celebratory atmosphere as guests relax and enjoy themselves.

You’ve accompanied me there on the few days I’ve gotten to relax over the past few years.

Now you just sit down and relax while I finish supper.

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