Sentences with the word relative

Sentences with the word Relative?



  • «the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state»
  • «its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun»
  • «Her arms closed around her long lost relative«
  • «a relative stranger»
  • «a distant cousin»; «a remote relative«; «a distant likeness»; «considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics»
  • «the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions»; «the reproductive or generative organs»
  • «the relative security of the gay ghetto»; «no escape from the ghetto of the typing pool»
  • «the costs of reducing hardness depend on the relative amounts of calcium and magnesium compounds that are present»
  • «the relative poorness of New England farmland»
  • «the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime»; «earnings relative to production»
  • «`who visits frequently’ is a relative clause in the sentence `John, who visits frequently, is ill'»
  • «the judicial system suffered from too much technicality and formality»; «It is a tribute to the tribunals that the technicality at the heart of the appellate process in these tribunals can and does coexist with the relative informality in atmosphere and with procedural flexibility.»

относительный, сравнительный, взаимный, родственник, родственница


- относительный, соотносительный

relative position — взаимное /относительное/ положение
relative index — физ. относительный показатель преломления

- (to) относящийся к чему-л.; касающийся чего-л.

the papers relative to their case — документы по их делу
a letter relative to this matter — письмо, касающееся этого вопроса
matters relative to world peace — вопросы, связанные с обеспечением мира во всём мире

- условный, относительный

beauty is relative — красота — понятие относительное

- сравнительный

he did it with relative coolness — он сделал это сравнительно спокойно
what are the relative merits of the two candidates? — сравните достоинства этих двух кандидатов

- соответственный

supply must be relative to demand — предложение должно соответствовать спросу

- связанный, взаимосвязанный

the relative responsibilities — взаимные обязанности
relative phenomena — связанные явления

- грам. относительный

relative pronoun — относительное местоимение

- муз. параллельный

relative keys — параллельные тональности


- родственник; родственница
- грам. относительное местоимение

Мои примеры


the relative value of two houses — сравнительная стоимость двух домов  
the relative positions of the islands — относительное расположение данных островов  
a gathering of friends and relatives — встреча друзей и родственников  
complement relative to element — дополнение относительно элемента  
blood relative — кровный родственник  
close relative — близкий родственник  
distant relative — дальний родственник  
relative error — относительная ошибка  
relative minimum — относительный минимум  
relative accuracy / precision — относительная точность  
relative ratio — относительный показатель  
relative number — относительная величина  

Примеры с переводом

The donkey is a relative of the horse.

Осел — это родственник лошади.

He’s been nursing an elderly relative.

Он присматривает за престарелым родственником.

His aunt is his closest living relative.

Тётя является его ближайшей родственницей из тех, что сейчас живы.

Nothing could be extracted from him relative to his former associates.

У него ничего не удастся выудить относительно его прежних партнёров.

The last five years have seen a period of relative calm.

В последние пять лет наблюдался период относительного спокойствия.

Her boyfriend is a distant relative of mine.

Её парень — мой дальний родственник.

At the family reunion, I saw relatives I haven’t seen in years.

На семейном сборе я увидел родственников, которых не видел годами.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

“Who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” and “that” are all relative pronouns.

Tonight’s meeting will weigh up the relative merits of the two candidates.

It is a tribute to the tribunals that the technicality at the heart of the appellate process in these tribunals can and does coexist with the relative informality in atmosphere and with procedural flexibility.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

irrelative  — безотносительный, абсолютный, не относящийся к делу, неуместный
relatival  — относительный
relatively  — относительно, сравнительно, соответственно, по поводу
relativism  — релятивизм
relativity  — относительность, теория относительности
relatives  — родственники, родня
relativist  — релятивист

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): relative
мн. ч.(plural): relatives

Antonym: absolute. Similar words: relatively, relation, correlation, relationship, in relation to, legislative, relate, related. Meaning: [‘relətɪv]  n. 1. a person related by blood or marriage 2. an animal or plant that bears a relationship to another (as related by common descent or by membership in the same genus). adj. 1. not absolute or complete 2. properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to’. 

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1. Get a relative to look after the children.

2. Relative to the size,the city is sparsely populated.

3. Price is relative to demand.

4. They now live in relative comfort .

5. I’m a relative newcomer to the retail business.

6. Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative.

7. Supply is relative to demand.

8. The succession passed to the nearest surviving relative.

9. The children are being cared for by a relative.

10. He retired and lived in relative isolation.

11. Relative pronouns and adverbs introduce attributive clauses.

12. He is my distant relative.

13. Her boyfriend is a distant relative of mine.

14. It’s all relative though, isn’t it? We never had any money when I was a kid and $500 was a fortune to us.

15. Relative rates of house price inflation have evened out across the country.

16. Small town banks have to assess the relative riskiness of their loans.

17. The relative status of the speakers affects what language is used.

18. Caring for a sick relative is a task that brings both pleasure and pain.

19. Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.

20. The relative frequency of this illness in the area is of concern to all doctors.

21. This British author has chosen to live in relative anonymity on a Pacific island.

22. For holidays, I prefer the relative seclusion of the countryside.

23. We weighed up the relative advantages of driving there or going by train.

24. The council’s relative independence of the government means it can negotiate its own agreements.

25. Small town banks have to assess the relative riskiness of their.

26. We’ve lived here for 15 years, but we’re relative newcomers to the

27. The country is in a state of relative peace after ten years of fighting.

28. Given the failure of the previous plan, this turned out to be a relative success.

29. If he dies without making a will, his closest relative will inherit.

30. Her most brilliant work was done during several months of relative inactivity.

More similar words: relatively, relation, correlation, relationship, in relation to, legislative, relate, related, revelation, native, narrative, innovative, initiative, cooperative, alternative, conservative, administrative, representative, relax, active, motive, actively, incentive, Latin, detective, sensitive, objective, deceptive, cognitive, supportive. 

  • Use the word relative in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A distant relative left little Angle… with me…

Yes, little Angle… A distant relative left her with Jean Diaz…

«My only relative is my drunk and brutal step-father and my only friend is an alley cat. «

… it fills me with great joy to know that the wife of my late relative, … will be invited into your home.

«He should know why he is shunning the arrival of his relative, the Father!»

Our relative, Bernard de Mauprat, saved my honor and my life.

Do you have a relative in the mine?

She’s a distant relative of mine.

All right. I’m a relative and I’m here.

We’ll make-believe you’re Mrs. Gould’s relative.

Miss Gray is Paul Gray’s sister- his only relative, in fact.

This is very different relative.

This great artist is my nephew, my relative, friend.

And he’s the only relative I have. If he’s alive.

Another relative, I presume?

«look at your friend And relative lieutenant trent.

He’s a distant relative of mine.

If you’re worried about your professional standing… we might say that you’re a distant relative.

You tell him that you want to ask his advice about a relative of yours to whom you owe a favour.

I know this is really shameless of me to ask this of you, but I’m a very poor relative of hers, and I’d like to ask you for a loan.

If that woman is a relative, it’s strange that she hasn’t shown before now.

A relative of the prisoner’s?

He’s a relative of Mr. Charles.

Our story only has relative importance, now that we’re parents.

You’re his only living relative.

The complainant is a relative of the late Martin Semple.

In the interest of my client, the only other living relative… of the late Martin W. Semple… we cannot permit a fortune so huge to be dissipated by a person… whose incompetency and abnormality we shall prove beyond any reasonable doubt.

Are you a relative? — Then I have just as much right… to speak to her as you have, old boy.

More more hopeful close relative to accompany you

I am happy to see a relative of mine among you, the famous botanist, Irwin Molyneux.

It seems to me, Detective, that you could have more respect because I lost a relative and because of my dress.

Your relative poisoned someone else?

Waldo’s a sort of distant relative of ours.

Your relative is very good

It does not conform with our dignity to have a relative tapping wheels.

He’s by way of being a relative of yours, sire.

What do you mean, relative?

By George, Pick, this is some relative of hers she’s gone to, someone we know nothing about, genteel relations.

Mrs. MacTavish is Mr. Morris’s wife’s relative.

Are you a relative? — No!

Sometimes black magic very close relative to blackmail.

I’ll take the box and conduct you myself to er… your relative.

Evidently devoted to her relative.

She’s certainly left penniless and she’s certainly left on your hands. — She hasn’t a relative in the world that we know of.

I heard she’s at a relative‘s house.

So four is the relative change between the second variable and that of the first.

WebItalian Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette. For an Italian twist on salad, I mix greens with red onion, mushrooms, olives, pepperoncini, lemon juice and Italian seasoning. Add tomatoes and carrots if you’d like. …

1. Authentic Eggplant Parmesan. Our eggplant parmesan is a classic Italian dish that is popular all around the world. While you may have tried versions of this dish that bread the eggplant before frying, the traditional recipe, shared here, skips the breading for a low-carbohydrate meal that really lets the wonderful flavor of the eggplant shine.
2. Shrimp Ceviche. Elegant and special, you’ll impress your friends at your next dinner party or outdoor cookout when you serve this yummy shrimp ceviche recipe that’s naturally low in carbohydrates and fat.
3. Spaghetti Squash With Bacon Cream Sauce. This rich, creamy low-carb spaghetti squash with a bacon cream sauce is quick and easy to prepare. Spaghetti squash cooks into long strands that resemble pasta noodles, and a sauce of crumbled salty bacon with cream and Parmesan cheese make the dish incredibly decadent and delicious.
4. Steak and Cheese Stuffed Peppers. For all Philly cheesesteak lovers, here’s how to indulge in the flavors of your favorite sandwich without all the added carbs.
5. Low-Carb Pad Thai Noodle Salad. Thai food is a take-out favorite, but so many of its dishes are high in carbohydrates because of the addition of noodles and rice.
6. Mexican Omelet. It takes just 15 minutes to cook up this low-carb, satisfying Mexican-style omelet. Eggs are beaten with crema (or sour cream), Jack cheese, and mild spices, then cooked until set, and topped with salsa for a quick and easy dish suitable for any time of the day.
7. Baked Avocado Chips. Low-carb, vegetarian, gluten free, and keto friendly, these baked avocado chips are infused with chile and lime and made with almond or rice flour and just a hint of Parmesan cheese.
8. Low-Carb Chicken and Cauliflower Casserole. Classic comforting chicken casseroles are usually heaping with fat and carbs, but our take on this tasty dish uses cauliflower in place of rice, for a low-carb chicken and cauliflower casserole version.
9. Keto Cornbread. If you’re following a low- or no-carb lifestyle, bread is one of the first things to go, and likely one of the items you’ll miss the most.
10. Cloud Bread. This low-carb Cloud bread recipe makes a delicious bread-like round that is gluten free and keto friendly. All it takes is eggs, cream cheese, cream of tartar, and a little salt.


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English Collocation

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Used with verbs:

«She lives with her relatives.«
(lives with, cares for, stays with, supports, takes care of, visits)

«I found my relatives during the earthquake.«
(found, helped, lost)

«I was looked after by my relatives.«
(looked after)

«I have relatives all over the world.«

«The police contacted the relatives of the victims.«
(contacted, informed)

Used with adjectives:

«We are blood relatives.«
(blood, distant, close, immediate)

«I have many elderly relatives.«
(elderly, surviving, living)

«My mom has more female relatives on her side.«
(female, male)

«It was exciting to meet my long-lost relative.«

Previous Word by Frequency: rarely

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Sentence with the word relative age?

a relative age is the age of the rock compared to another

What is the relative pronoun in this sentence James is the one who left the keys in the car?

The relative pronoun in the sentence is ‘who’, which introduces
the relative clause ‘who left the keys in the car’. The word ‘one’
is also a pronoun, an indefinite pronoun.

What kind of grammar word is which?

* Which is your house? In this sentence, ‘which’ is a pronoun used as a question word. * He broke the watch which was very expensive. In this sentence, ‘which’ is a relative pronoun (can be replaced by «that»).

How do you use the word relative in a sentence?

The stress of taking an exam is sometimes relative to its importance in determining your final grade.I have a relative who lives in Guatemala.The axis of the Earth is tilted, relative to the plane of its orbit.

Which word is the relative pronoun in the sentence the birds that have the strongest talons are birds of prey such as falcons?

«The birds that have the strongest talons are birds of prey such as falcons.»The relative pronoun is ‘that’, which introduces the relative clause ‘that have the strongest talons.’ The relative clause gives information about its antecedent ‘birds’, the subject of the sentence.

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