Sentences with the word relationships

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Healthy relationships are not power struggles.

Здоровые отношения ни в коем случае не должны быть борьбой за власть.

Nothing can sour relationships faster than money issues.

Ничто не может расстроить отношения быстрее, чем В проблемы, связанные с неправильным использованием финансов.

Switzerland has traditionally attached great importance to privacy relationships with clients, including financial relationships.

Традиционно Швейцария уделяет большое внимание конфиденциальности отношений с клиентами, в том числе финансовых отношений.

This certainly affects relationships among individuals.

И это, безусловно, отражается на отношениях между конкретными людьми.

Understand that men need relationships, too.

Во-первых, вы должны знать о том, что девушки тоже нуждаются в отношениях.

A chance to improve my relationships.

Это, надеюсь, шанс для меня, чтобы улучшить мои отношения.

Even though both were in relationships.

И это при том, что оба они были в отношениях.

You had other relationships before you married David…

До того, как Вы вышли за Дэвида, у Вас были другие отношения

This definition of corporate partnerships and collaborative relationships explicitly excludes commercial relationships.

Это определение партнерств и основанных на сотрудничестве отношений с корпоративным сектором прямо исключает коммерческие отношения.

Only a subset of these relationships are market relationships.

Similarly, it is impossible, even in business relationships, to ignore direct relationships between people.

Аналогично невозможно, даже в деловых отношениях, игнорировать прямые отношения между людьми.

This card is a symbol of new relationships and leaving all bad relationships in the past.

Эта карта является символом новых отношений и оставляет все плохие отношения в прошлом.

Invest time in building solid relationships, but make sure these are relationships that move you towards your goals.

Инвестируйте время в построение прочных отношений, но убедитесь, что это отношения, которые приводят вас к вашим целям.

I have long lasting relationships with many of my clients, and my business depends upon those relationships for future referrals.

Я долго длительные отношения со многими из моих клиентов, и мой бизнес зависит от этих отношений для будущих направлений.

While these abilities are crucial for healthy relationships, their development is also dependent on secure relationships.

Хотя эти способности имеют решающее значение для создания здоровых отношений, их развитие также может происходить в надежных безопасных отношениях.

When you invent problems in your relationships, your relationships ultimately suffer.

Когда вы выдумываете проблемы в своих отношениях, ваши отношения в конечном итоге страдают.

Pacey look, long-distance relationships don’t necessarily follow the same rules and definitions as regular relationships.

Пейси, отношения на расстояние не обязательно должны подчиняться правилам обычных отношений.

Band relationships are some of the most intense relationships you can have.

Групповые отношения — это одни из самых интенсивных отношений, которые вы можете иметь.

Nowadays, personal relationships and mutual friendliness of the political leaders play an important role in relationships at the state level.

В наши дни личные отношения и взаимная приязнь политических лидеров играют не последнюю роль в отношениях на государственном уровне.

Additionally it is vital that you differentiate polyamory relationships from open relationships.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат relationships

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Мои примеры


a religious sect that expects its unmarried members to be completely celibate and its married adherents to maintain continent relationships — религиозная секта, которая требует от своих неженатых членов полного безбрачия, а от женатых приверженцев — поддержания целомудренных отношений  
the oft-repeated claim that any person on the planet can be connected to any other person through a nexus of six relationships — часто повторяемое утверждение о том, что любой человек на планете может быть связан с любым другим лицом через цепочку из шести контактов  
predatory-prey relationships — отношения жертвы и хищника  
structure-reactivity relationships — соотношения структура-реакционная способность  
chronostratigraphic relationships — хроностратиграфическая привязка  
command relationships — взаимоотношения лиц командного состава; порядок подчинения  
estimating relationships — установление взаимосвязей  
exchange relationships — товарно-денежные отношения  
ground rule of social relationships — основные принципы взаимоотношений между людьми в обществе  
interpersonal relationships — межличностные взаимоотношения; межличностные отношения  
isokinetic relationships — изокинетические соотношения  
trust relationships policy — политика безопасности  

Примеры с переводом

She has had many bad relationships.

У неё было много неудачных попыток наладить свою личную жизнь.

Relationships between the staff and the prisoners are good.

Отношения между надзирателями и заключёнными хорошие.

In real life, relationships are not perfect.

В реальной жизни отношения не являются идеальными.

I was getting too old for romantic relationships.

Я уже становился слишком старым для романтических отношений.

The book plumbs the complexities of human relationships.

Книга проникает в сложности человеческих взаимоотношений.

She seemed incapable of forming any relationships.

Казалось, она просто неспособна завязать хоть какие-то отношения.

People don’t fall in love anymore, they have relationships.

Люди больше не влюбляются, они заводят любовные связи.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

What does she know about relationships?

Having children can often unbalance even the closest of relationships.

Like most people her age, Deborah struck up relationships just for the fun of it.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

relationship  — отношение, связь, взаимоотношение, родство, сношение

Synonym: family relationship, human relationship, kinship. Similar words: relation, correlation, in relation to, championship, revelation, relative, relatively, violation. Meaning: [rɪ’leɪʃnʃɪp]  n. 1. a relation between people; (`relationship’ is often used where `relation’ would serve, as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment’, but the preferred usage of `relationship’ is for human relations or states of relatedness) 2. a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection) 3. a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries 4. (anthropology) relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption. 

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1) Distance doesn’t ruin a relationship. Doubts do.

2) I have quite a good relationship with my parents.

3) In any relationship, you have to make compromises.

4) She was the dominant partner in the relationship.

5) The book explores the relationship between religion and civilization.

6) There was nothing improper about our relationship .

7) She has a very close relationship with her sister.

8) Their relationship hasn’t always been amicable.

9) This was the first sexual relationship I had had.

10) We had a long, happy,( fruitful relationship.

11) Mo’s very upfront with him about their relationship.

12) A note of discord crept into their relationship.

13) He’s very passive in the relationship.

14) They kept their relationship secret from their parents.

15) Our relationship fizzled into nothing.

16) His relationship with the KGB came under scrutiny.

17) Their relationship was tolerated but not encouraged.

18) I’m not interested in a romantic relationship.

19) A relationship built on lies won’t last.

20) Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop.

21) They accused her of an incestuous relationship with her father.

22) I have established a good working relationship with my boss.

23) Their close and financially rewarding relationship was sufficient to call into question the independence and disinterest of the directors.

24) His new relationship with Germany is enshrined in a new non-aggression treaty.

25) We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends.

26) If the relationship doesn’t make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one.

27) No matter how strong you are how notable your attainments, you have endruring significance only in your relationship to others. 

28) A key task is to get pupils to perceive for themselves the relationship between success and effort.

29) We had been together for two years, but both of us felt the relationship wasn’t really going anywhere.

30) Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.

More similar words: relation, correlation, in relation to, championship, revelation, relative, relatively, violation, inflation, isolation, citizenship, population, regulation, installation, translation, legislation, speculation, calculation, conservation, consideration, demonstration, relate, related, telecommunications, munitions, conditions, nation, consumption, constitution, construction. 

  • Use the word relationships in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Not that you understand the complexity of female-male relationships

Long distance relationships are really hard.

Before, all human relationships were so sensitive, delicate…

I have developed relationships … with foreign countries.

Tonight I was engaged in relationships … with foreign countries.

Mrs. Bartlett, could it be that you, in your charming way, shall we say, forced Mr. Krayler to employ you on threat of exposing your past relationships with him?

In the service of your country, there are no human relationships.

Someone have relationships … Every day … want to renew.

relationships between modern young Americans seem most peculiar to a man of my years.

Well, if everybody felt good, then human relationships would be what they were intended to be, wouldn’t they?

relationships aren’t about who’s right or wrong.

Our patients are allowed to… mingle freely and routine everyday relationships.

Do I use the vaguest of all relationships… two strangers who marry sisters, as a wedge for the purpose of… —

This film doesn’t have the pretense of contributing a solution to the problem of the relationships between France and Germany problems that lasted I release time for the crimes of the Nazi barbarism perpetrated with the complicity of the German town and that they will be in the memory of the men…

It’s a matter of relationships.

Our only chance to last long enough to learn is by cementing relationships with influential American friends.

Through some oversight, documents which furnish proof… of his business relationships and financial standing… are not in the reference files.

With all the relationships she has, something should have turned up.

Other relationships always turn into something else.

Oh, come on, be good. lt is better to cultivate friendships, make new relationships.

Noah, one of the differences between matter and mankind is… that in matter all relationships can be stated… whereas between people they can rarely be put into words.

You see, here we like to establish calm, serene relationships.

Well, you’ve been very open and above-board about your relationships with…

He avoids even personal relationships where money doesn’t give him an edge.

paradise of the forms where the most mysterious relationships are established.

There’s going to be no employer-employee relationships at St. Anthony’s.

It’d mean something is possible between men and women besides the few, simple, physiological relationships you know about

no dark areas of misunderstanding in Mr. Bullard’s personal relationships that could possibly hurt Tredway Corporation.

You’ll have plenty of time to adjust family relationships after I’ve gone.

You lied about your childhood, about your relationships with your father and mother.

a break in the peaceful relationships!

I have no deep attachments, no demanding relationships… no responsibilities.

It’s a talent, forming what the psychiatrists call «doomed relationships

My relationships with the world had ceased with everyone except my wife.

«A penetrating examination of love «and personal relationships

He’ll soon be rid of that taste for unhealthy relationships.

I’m an expert in love relationships.

Competitive enterprise, rival firms, human relationships, the Davis Cup, they’re all forms of dueling.

Excuse me, but… your relationships… forgive me… How do you meet women? — Like everyone else does.

I want to film the relationships among students in the senior class.

So, it’s been established that… the relationships of the victim did not upset the accused.

I haven’t reported to Psycho that you have relationships with a woman.

However, the people we’re going to tell you about, their relationships, their approach to science, to life — that is all true.

I’d failed before in my relationships with men, many times.

Not like relationships between people.

To deny closer relationships?

In our relationships, our quarrels, we are just like two old lovers who don’t love each other anymore.

Even in our relationships with those we love.

I’ve had many relationships because I wanted to protect the women from disaster.

These three nouns often have very similar meanings, but are sometimes used in slightly different ways. Judging by the number of questions asked about them on forums, learners can find them quite confusing. In fact I think it’s even difficult for a native speaker to explain the difference; we just trust our instincts. So let’s try to work them out.

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1. Relations and relatives — members of the family

1a. When both relation and relative can be used

When we are talking about people who are in the same family as somebody else, these two words are interchangeable (and countable):

  • They’ve invited all their friends and relations / relatives.
  • She’s a relation / relative by marriage.
  • He’s a close relation / relative of my wife’s.

1b. Only relation (uncountable) used

In the following type of sentences, with no and any, we use relation, not relative:

  • She may look like me, but we’re no relation.
  • Is Mary any relation to you?

1c. Only relative (countable) used

When we think of a family as a group of things, for example types of animal or plant, we use relative, not relation:

  • The lion is a close relative of the tiger and the leopard.
  • Despite their names, strawberries and raspberries are not close relatives.

Exercise 1 — Choose between relation, relative or either

1. I have several ………. in the Unites States.
relations     relatives     either
2. Debby is not any ………. to me, we’re just good friends.
relation     relative     either
3. Peter isn’t a ………. of mine, we’re just classmates.
relation     relative     either
4. The newt is a close ………. of the frog.
relation     relative     either
5. Sammy often plays with Tommy at his house, but they’re no ………..
relation     relative     either
6. She’s a distant ………. of mine.
relation     relative     either
7. Mojoceratops was a ………. of the triceratops which lived 75 million years ago.
relation     relative     either

It’s interesting to note that while relative is a fairly recent word, it seems to be gaining ground over relation, especially it would seem, in more formal writing.

ngram chart

2. Relations and relationships — the links between people, groups and countries.

2a. More general — relations

We use relations (plural) to talk in general about how countries and groups etc behave towards each other:

  • The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
  • Relations between the UK and the rest of the EU can get a bit strained.
  • Teacher-pupil relations in this school are very relaxed.
  • Much work is being done to improve doctor-patient relations.

2b. More specific — relationship

Relationship (usually singular) is more about a specific connection between two people and/or groups:

  • British politicians like to talk of the special relationship with the US.
  • The close relationship between France and Germany is at the heart of the EU.
  • This teacher has a particularly good relationship with his pupils.
  • The relationship between doctors and nurses is a crucial one in running a hospital.

Nouns and adjectives which collocate with relations

The following words are used with relations, but rarely with relationships, at least not in these contexts.

Exercise 2 — Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.

1. When referring to the relationship between management and workers generally in a country, we usually talk about relations.
2. But when we are talking specifically about management and trade unions, the term relations is often used instead.
3. After its embassy was attacked by government-sponsored demonstrators, the British government broke off relations with the Middle-eastern country.
4. Many countries have introduced relations legislation to counter discrimination against ethnic minorities.
5. The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was a(n) relations disaster for BP.
6. Most retailers have (n) relations department to deal with queries and complaints.
7. Some organisations employ a(n) relations officer to deal with the media.
8. Helping different ethnic, religious, cultural, political, or linguistic groups live together is sometimes called relations.
9. One particular way of studying of how people interact with each other, especially in the workplace, is known as relations.
10. Many public companies have a(n) relations department to give information to existing and potential shareholders.

It would seem that with the expression between the two countries, relations is used more than relationship.

But as soon as we start talking of a close connection, relationship is now more usual.

3. Relations and relationships — the way in which things are connected.

3a. Either relation or relationship can be used (but see graphs below):

  • The relation(ship) between smoking and lung disease is well understood.
  • The relation(ship) of the fisherman to the sea.
  • He’s studying youth unemployment and its relation(ship) to crime.

3b. Expressions with the verb bear

  • The low salary bears no relation(ship) to the long hours.
  • The French we were taught at school bore little relation(ship) to the language spoken in France.
  • If what he’d said had borne any relation(ship) to the truth, he might have got off.

3c. The expression in relation to

This expression can mean ‘about / concerning’ (rather formal), or ‘compared with’:

  • We have some doubts in relation to the wisdom of this move.
  • The giraffe’s legs are very long in relation to its body size.

In this meaning, relationship seems to be taking over from relation.

But in expressions with the verb bear, relation seems to be more common.

The verb bear is often used with relation. It also collocates with certain other nouns.

Exercise 3 — Complete the expressions with the verb bear with suitable words from the box. Use the underlined prepositions to help you.

1. I can’t bear the of losing you.
2. It just doesn’t bear about.
3. She had really hurt him, but he bore little towards her.
4. In fact he never really bore a against anybody in his life.
5. I can’t bear the he’s always smoking in the house.
6. His latest film bears no with his brilliant early work.
7. That joke just doesn’t bear , it’s so awful.
8. He bore a distinct to his father.
9. He had borne a lot of in his previous job.
10. We were all in the wrong, you shouldn’t have to bear all the .
11. They had to bear most of the of their son’s school fees.
12. He still bears the from his last, disastrous relationship.

4. Relationships — friendship, love and sex.

4a. The way in which two or more people feel and behave towards each other

  • He has a very close relationship with his uncle.
  • It’s a typical father-son relationship.
  • She has a very good relationship with her employees.

4b. A close romantic friendship between two people, which is often sexual

  • She’s in a new relationship.
  • Have you had any serious relationships in the past year?
  • He’s not really looking for a relationship right now.
  • he would love to have a relationship with her.

4c. The family connection between people

  • What’s your relationship to Sandy? We’re second cousins.

Note — Look at the difference between these two sentences:

  • The judge asked the witness what the relationship was between her and the defendant.
  • The judge asked the witness if she had had sexual relations with the defendant.

The second question is very specific, but the answer to the first question could be any of the following, and many more besides:

  • I don’t know him from Adam.
  • We’re old school chums.
  • He’s my husband’s best mate.
  • We’re just good friends.
  • He’s my husband.
  • He’s my brother
  • We’re lovers

Collocations — adjectives often used with relationship.

Exercise 4 — Complete the sentences with the most appropriete adjectives. Be careful with casual and causal.

1. I think they have quite a(n) relationship, they both see other people.
2. Britain and France have a bit of a(n) relationship. Historically they’ve been both allies and bitter enemies.
3. We have a good relationship with our suppliers.
4. They’e in a(n) relationship and have been going out for a few months now.
5. Do you think there’s a relationship between computer ‘shoot-em-up’ games and street violence?
6. Ours is a strictly relationship. We hardly ever meet socially.
7. He’s a bit fragile. He’s recovering from a relationship.
8. It’s a bit of a(n) relationship; they’re always having rows.
9. We’re related by marriage, but we don’t have a relationship.
10. They seem to have rather a(n) relationship. One week they’re seeing other, the next it’s all over. And the next thing you know, they’re back together again.
11. He has rather a relationship with his parents. They don’t really approve of his life choices.
12. She has a very relationship with her granny and spends a lot of time with her.

Idioms connected to relationships

Exercise 5 — Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the box.

1. We got off on the wrong when we first met, but now we get on really well.
2. Tim and the new chap are getting on a like a on fire. They’ll make a great team.
3. I think you’re well there, mate. You can see that she likes you.
4. It’s a stormy relationship; they’re always at with each other.
5. He’s got a bit of a soft for the new girl.
6. But unfortunately for him, she’s keeping him a bit at arm’s .
7. Paul and Ryan don’t often see eye to eye things.
8. Everybody has to be at the boss’s beck and ; it’s no way to run a department.
9. They’ve had an argument and aren’t on speaking at the moment.
10. Martin has taken the new starter under his and will make sure he doesn’t have any problems.
11. It’s not difficult to see who wears the in that relationship.
12. She keeps him totally her thumb. Poor bloke!

Collocations — verbs to talk about relations and relationships.

Certain verbs are often used to talk about international and business relations, relationships etc.

Exercise 6 — Decide whether these verbs are positive or negative when talking about relations and relationships.

Positive Negative Positive Negative
1. break off 11. foster
2. build up 12. jeopardise
3. cement 13. maintain
4. cultivate 14. promote
5. cut off 15. restore
6. damage 16. resume
7. develop 17. sever
8. disrupt 18. sour
9. encourage 19. strengthen
10. establish 20. undermine

Which two of those verbs suggest starting relations again after some sort of break? Enter them in the same order as they appear in the list.

Which four verbs suggest that relations were stopped, even if only temporarily. Again enter them in order.


Which four verbs suggest that good relations are in danger. Again enter them in order.


Exercise 7 — Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1. We are trying to good relations through regular contacts with our opposite numbers.
jeopardisecultivatecut off
2. Relations between the two countries were when a spy plane was shot down.
3. We like to close relationships with all our key clients.
4. Relations between management and unions have as both sides have increasingly retreated into their own corners.
5. After a year’s break they have their relationship with their previous supplier.
6. Although this is a new market for the company, they have already close relationships with local suppliers.
7. Any more anti-British actions will seriously relations between the two countries.
cementbreak offjeopardise
8. They their new relationship by announcing a joint venture.
9. Diplomatic relations between the two countries have been after a two-year break.
broken offrestoredfostered
10. Cancellation of some debt as well as increased investment has helped good relations with this part of Africa.
11. Relations between the UK and the rest of Europe are constantly by the anti-EU section of the British press.
12. The company has relations with the star of its advertising campaign after complaints about his drunken behaviour in public.


  • BBC Learning English
  • Breaking News English — A lesson on men and rocky relationships
  • Bogglesworld — Crosswords and other activities
  • My English Teacher Blog — Various examples


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  • #1

Hi everybody!
I’m a bit confused with the words “relationship” and “relationships”. Can you explain to me the difference between them?
For example, what variant is correct:
I have good relationship(s) with my boyfriend.
I have good relationship(s) with my mother.
I have good relationship(s) with my family.
I have good relationship(s) with my friends.
Where should I use plural and where – singular form? Why? Am I right, that “relationship” means connection between two people while “relationships” mean connection between one man and a number of people?
(Yesterday I looked through a thread, touching a similar topic (friendship and friendships), but it didn’t answer all my questions).
Thanks in advance!

  • #4

Scholiast, sometimes it’s better to understand a basic meaning of something in order to go into detail afterwards. Your explanation has really made a situation clearer for me. Thank you!

  • #5

Thank you, Parla, for correcting my mistakes!

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