Sentences with the word refuse

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Matrix cannot refuse, otherwise his daughter will be killed.

Матрикс не может отказаться, в противном случае его дочь будет убита.

Alex may ask you to, and you must refuse.

Алекс скорей всего тебя об этом попросит, но ты должна отказаться.

They can refuse treatment, too.

Ну а теперь и в лечении можно тоже отказать.

This is necessary so that in disputable situations companies cannot refuse compensation.

Это необходимо для того, чтобы в спорных ситуациях компании не могли отказать в компенсации.

You must be Commander-in-Chief and may not refuse the appointment.

Ваш долг согласиться занять этот пост, и вы не вправе отказываться».

And this is actually the money which we would voluntarily refuse.

И это на самом деле это деньги, от которых мы добровольно отказались.

Can even refuse, she says.

Могут даже отказать», — рассказывает она.

The worst they can do is refuse you.

Ведь максимум, что они могут сделать, это отказать вам.

Tom can’t refuse his grandchildren anything.

Том ни в чем не может отказать своим внукам.

I can’t refuse her anything.

Something we can’t refuse them.

То, в чём вы не сможете отказать.

I said you’d probably refuse.

Я сказал, что вы, наверно, откажете.

Because I can’t refuse you anything.

Потому что я не могу тебе ни в чём отказать.

I swear I couldn’t refuse anyway.

Клянусь, я все равно не смог бы отказаться.

There’s one offer none of them can refuse.

Есть одно предложение, от которого ни один из них не сможет отказаться.

I can refuse you nothing today.

Я тебе ни в чем не могу отказать.

Name one thing you would never refuse.

Скажи мне какую-нибудь вещь, от которой ты бы никогда не отказался.

If they find otherwise they may refuse your landing.

Если они будут указаны с ошибками, вам могут отказать в посадке.

When asked to join, I couldn’t refuse.

Когда мне предложили в нем участвовать, я не могла отказаться.

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отходы, мусор, отбросы, отказывать, отказываться, негодный, опровержимый


- отбросы, мусор

refuse consumer /destructor, eater/ — машина для уничтожения мусора

- подонки

the refuse of society — подонки общества

- остатки; отходы
- текст. угар, очёски
- брак


- отказывать, отвергать

to refuse a gift — отклонить подарок
to refuse an office — отказаться от назначения
he was refused a hearing — его отказались выслушать
he has never been refused — ему никогда ни в чём не отказывали
he will propose and she won’t refuse him — он сделает ей предложение, и она его не отвергнет
we were refused admittance — нас не впустили

- отказаться

to refuse obedience — не желать повиноваться
he refused to listen — он не хотел и слушать
the motor refused to start — мотор никак не хотел заводиться

- заартачиться (о лошади перед препятствием)
- воен. избегать боя (тж. to refuse combat)


- негодный

refuse wood — спец. неделовые остатки древесины

Мои примеры


a singing star so canonized by his fans that they refuse to believe anything bad about him — звёздный певец, которого настолько обожествляют его поклонники, что отказываются верить любой плохой о нём информации  
to collect refuse — вывозить мусор  
to withhold / refuse one’s consent — не давать согласия  
to refuse to deal with smb. — отказываться иметь дело с кем-л.  
to destroy refuse — сжигать мусор  
to deny / refuse admission — закрыть доступ, не пускать  
to disregard / refuse / turn a deaf ear to advice — не послушаться совета, пропустить мимо ушей  
to decline / refuse / reject an offer — отклонять предложение  
to refuse completely / outright / point-blank — решительно отказать  
to refuse a manuscript — отвергнуть рукопись  
to refuse an offer — отклонить предложение  

Примеры с переводом

She refused to see him.

Она отказалась его видеть.

She was smart to refuse.

У неё хватило ума отказать.

He refused them nothing.

Он им ни в чём не отказывал.

She refused a second piece of cake.

Она отказалась от второго кусочка пирога.

She asked him to leave, but he refused.

Она попросила его уйти, но он отказался.

Brakes refused to act.

Тормоза отказали.

Strike off her name, I refuse to have her as a guest!

Вычеркни ее имя! Я не хочу видеть ее у себя в гостях.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

refusal  — отказ, право первого выбора
refusing  — отказ, отказывающийся
refused  — отказавшийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: refuse
he/she/it: refuses
ing ф. (present participle): refusing
2-я ф. (past tense): refused
3-я ф. (past participle): refused

Synonym: decline, garbage, junk, litter, rebuff, reject, rubbish, rubble, trash, waste. Antonym: accept. Similar words: defuse, refuge, refute, refund, refugee, infuse, confuse, confused. Meaning: [rɪ’fjuːz]  n. food that is discarded (as from a kitchen). v. 1. show unwillingness towards 2. refuse to accept 3. elude, especially in a baffling way 4. refuse to let have 5. resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ 6. refuse entrance or membership. 

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1) My initial reaction was to refuse.

2) We refuse to talk to terrorists.

3) I refuse to bargain over the price.

4) I’ll refuse, for whatever reason.

5) He cannot refuse if you ask politely.

6) I refuse to believe that.

7) We refuse to bargain over the price.

8) Officials refuse to divulge details of the negotiations.

9) The council is responsible for refuse collection.

10) Go on, ask her; she can hardly refuse.

11) He made me an offer I simply couldn’t refuse.

12) No reasonable person could refuse.

13) She deemed it wise to refuse the offer.

14) I refuse to lie about it; it’s against my principles.

15) They might refuse to let us do it, but it’s hardly likely.

16) Those who refuse to repent, he said, will be punished.

17) People dump their refuse in the surrounding woods instead of taking it to the tip.

18) I refuse to submit.

19) The rebels are standing fast and refuse to be defeated.

20) Stratford police refuse to comment on whether anyone has been arrested.

21) I refuse to sink to their level .

22) I refuse to do demeaning work.

23) The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them, since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them. 

24) They invited us to the party, but we had to refuse because we were busy.

25) The local authority could find itself in the invidious position of having to refuse.

26) His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.

27) There are plenty of fish in the river, and good baits on my line,( but the fish are getting clever and refuse to rise to the bait today.

28) While there is breath left in my body, I will refuse.

29) There are plenty of fish in the river, and good baits on my line, but the fish are getting clever and refuse to rise to a bait today.

30) With me if you lack anything, heart wild know the refuse.

More similar words: defuse, refuge, refute, refund, refugee, infuse, confuse, confused, effusive, transfuse, refer, reform, care for, refill, prefer, therefore, beef up, refer to, reflect, defunct, forceful, doleful, forefront, ruefully, befuddle, to the full, graceful, be full of, grateful, reference. 


noun существительное

множественное число (plural):


















  1. мусор

    household refuse
    хозяйственный мусор

  2. отходы

  3. отказ

    reason to refuse
    причина для отказа

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple):


причастие прошедшего времени (past participle):


















  1. отказываться

    refuse flatly
    категорически отказываться

    refuse the evil
    отвергать зло

  2. отказывать

    refuse registration
    отказать в регистрации

  3. отказаться

    refuse the invitation
    отказаться от приглашения

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений refuse на 1 миллион слов: 9.

Примеры предложений

I refuse to be treated like a slave by you.
Я отказываюсь быть твоим рабом.

You did wrong to refuse his help.
Напрасно вы отказались от его помощи.

I refuse to go there with Tom.
Я отказываюсь ехать туда с Томом.

I refuse to work.
Я отказываюсь работать.

I refuse to obey you any longer.
Я отказываюсь впредь вам подчиняться.

I refuse to help.
Я отказываюсь помогать.

I refuse to sing that song.
Я отказываюсь петь эту песню.

If I were in her place, I’d refuse to do that.
На её месте я бы отказался это делать.

I refuse to be treated like a child.
Я против того, чтобы ко мне относились как к ребёнку.

I was not mistaken: the old man did not refuse the glass he was offered.
Я не ошибся: старик не отказался от предлагаемого стакана.

I refuse to do that.
Я отказываюсь это делать.

I refuse to help Tom do that.
Я отказываюсь помогать Тому это делать.

I refuse to help Tom.
Я отказываюсь помогать Тому.

Tom won’t be able to refuse you.
Том не сможет тебе отказать.

Tom will refuse to do that.
Том откажется это делать.

If I were you, I’d refuse to do that.
На твоём месте я бы отказался это делать.

In other words, she wants to refuse the proposal.
Другими словами, она хочет отказаться от предложения.

I refuse to answer your question.
Я отказываюсь отвечать на твой вопрос.

It was hard for me to refuse his request.
Мне было трудно отказать ему.

I refuse to answer the question.
Я отказываюсь отвечать на этот вопрос.

I refuse to discuss the question.
Я отказываюсь обсуждать этот вопрос.

My children refuse to eat fish.
Мои дети отказываются есть рыбу.

I refuse to sit there.
Я отказываюсь там сидеть.

Tom couldn’t refuse Mary’s request.
Том не смог отказать в просьбе Мэри.

I refuse to accept that.
Я отказываюсь принимать это.

I refuse to answer that.
Я отказываюсь на это отвечать.

She may well refuse to speak to you because she’s in a very bad mood.
Она может отказаться разговаривать с тобой, потому что у неё очень плохое настроение.

It was silly of him to refuse her offer.
С его стороны было глупо отклонить её предложение.

I refuse to reply to these charges.
Я отказываюсь отвечать на эти обвинения.

I can’t refuse my grandchildren anything.
Я ни в чем не могу отказать своим внукам.

SB 387 redefines loose material! in Transportation Code Chapter 725 by adding the term refuse which is defined as trash! tmj_orl_transp Hiring: director, transportation — CHEP (Orlando, ❋ Unknown (2009)

Yet politicians like Senator McCain refuse to open their minds to alternatives. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Did Mister Somin refuse to answer question #9, the racial profile question? ❋ Unknown (2010)

Is it that changes in refuse collection mean there are more bins outside houses to be scavenged. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If someone asks you to stop, puts their hand in front of the camera and looks clearly uncomfortable when you refuse is that not a blatant violation of their privacy? ❋ Unknown (2008)

Each swirling mass of refuse is massive and collects trash from all over the world. ❋ Unknown (2008)

If oil, paint or animal refuse is spilled, someone will sprinkle dirt over the slick, smelly or gummy spot. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Said to be twice the size of the State of Texas and comprised of about 3.5 million tons of plastic shopping bags and random pieces of trash, most of this lightweight and buoyant refuse is discarded onshore and carried out by wind and currents. ❋ Eddvick (2007)

Apple — which has mightily resisted tampering in any way with its 99 cent price point for tracks — said that if the rate hike goes through and the labels refuse to absorb the entire resulting increase, the iTunes music store will become unprofitable. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Do wear old shoes as the cement floors can get wet and are covered in refuse after all the early morning action. ❋ Unknown (2006)

The thought of Republican Senators making Bush and Cheney an offer that they can not refuse, is the sort of thing I would expect to hear from the Kool-Ade crowd. ❋ Unknown (2006)

He does the work of our Lord, whom no man can refuse, is conducting the Crusade agaist the Mohammedian Heresy. ❋ Unknown (2006)

I applaud the Charlottesville Police for being open-minded, and considering young black men of all backgrounds for DNA testing, but requesting their DNA with no probable cause, sometimes using intense pressure if they refuse, is just plain wrong. ❋ Unknown (2004)

A narrow window looked out into the bottom of a chimney-like pit, where lay the accumulated refuse from a score of crowded kitchens. ❋ Unknown (1920)

He had strayed out to the circus ground, and, being hungry, had made his way to the barrel that contained the refuse from the table of the circus people. ❋ Unknown (1907)

He had strayed out to the circus grounds and, being hungry, had made his way to the barrel that contained the refuse from the table of the circus people. ❋ Unknown (1907)

I, in short, refuse to allow anything of the kind to proceed; and I must ask you to respect my wishes in the matter. ❋ George Bernard Shaw (1903)

She was asked [to come on] a [motorbike] [ride] and couldn’t refuse. ❋ Firnherder (2013)

as i [said]…[whyyyy]??? ❋ No Hay Problema (2004)

❋ IkeM (2003)

John and [Michael] were being very [refusive] when asked to do their [duties]. ❋ Yourpalal (2010)

[Alex Trebek]: [Better than sex].
[Jeopardy] Contestant: What is Refused. ❋ Hej! (2011)

[Refused] changed [the face] of [hardcore] forever. ❋ UnstableVagrant (2004)

I am an [invisible man]. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allen Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fibre and liquids, and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. When they approach me they see only my surroundings, themselves, or figments of their imagination, indeed, everything and anything except me.
-Ellison, Ralph Waldo
[Invisible Man], [prologue].
The vital accessories to my work are my reference books, such as the complete Shakespeare and a prayer book, and a large refuse bin.
-Bainbridge, Dame Beryl Margaret
In The Guardian, 8 Aug. ❋ Kenobi1985 (2010)

Refused is [better than] [anything] you [listen] to. ❋ Andrew El Taco (2004)

[The two] were in [refusance] with one another as to who the better [singer] was. ❋ StarWarsH8r1111 (2009)

Similar to when one holds up a cross to [fend off] evil-ness. Say [a buddy] says, «Let’s go watch Twilight!» You would say, «No! Refusion! *hand [gesture]*» ❋ Bjealk (2010)

Definition of Refuse

to decline or reject

Examples of Refuse in a sentence

After the puppy continued to refuse to eat, the owners decided a visit to the vet might be in order.


The sorcerer offered the maiden a tempting deal that she couldn’t refuse.


Trainers explained that when facing a robber, store clerks should give into demands and never refuse to release the money.


I refuse to eat at a place where the cooks do not wear hairnets and gloves while preparing the food.


The inmate can refuse questioning, as it is his right to speak with counsel first.


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