Sentences with the word reform

Sentences with the word Reform?



  • «faith is his anchor»; «the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money»; «he is the linchpin of this firm»
  • «His laziness has bottlenecked our efforts to reform the system»
  • «health care reform is needed urgently»; «the soil desperately needed potash»
  • «reform, in fact, is, rather feebly, on the win»
  • «The Republicans are floating the idea of a tax reform«
  • «refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility»; «a suggested reform that was unfeasible in the prevailing circumstances»
  • «oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform«; «oblivious to the risks she ran»; «not unmindful of the heavy responsibility»
  • «he was testing the government’s receptiveness to reform«; «this receptiveness is the key feature in oestral behavior, enabling natural mating to occur»; «their receptivity to the proposal»
  • «parliamentary reform«; «a parliamentary body»
  • «penal reform«; «penal code»
  • «The Church reformed me»; «reform your conduct»
  • «justice was for sale before the reform of the law courts»
  • «the family rejoiced in the drunkard’s reform«
  • «reform a political system»
  • «reform gas»
  • «reform oil»
  • «reform the health system in this country»
  • «The lazy student promised to reform«; «the habitual cheater finally saw the light»
  • «whang away at the school reform plan»

реформа, преобразование, исправление, реформировать, исправлять, исправляться


- реформа, преобразование

sweeping reforms — коренные преобразования

- исправление, улучшение

the reform of the Calendar — исправление календаря


- улучшать, преобразовывать; реформировать

to reform administration — улучшить /реорганизовать/ управление

- исправлять, перевоспитывать

to reform juvenile offenders — перевоспитывать малолетних правонарушителей

- исправляться

with years he grew wise and reformed — с годами он поумнел и изменился к лучшему

- редк. искоренять (ошибки)

Мои примеры


reform the health system in this country — реформировать систему здравоохранения в этой стране  
an enlightened approach to prison reform — просвещённый подход к тюремной реформе  
introduce a reform — проводить реформу  
judicial reform — судебная реформа; правовая реформа  
reform juvenile offenders — перевоспитывать малолетних правонарушителей  
labour reform — реформа в сфере труда  
land reform policy — политика в области земельной реформы  
land tenure reform — реформа землепользования  
reform of land tenure — реформа землепользования  
implementing legislative and legal reform — проведение законодательной и правовой реформы  
legislative reform — законодательная реформа  
pursue currency reform — проводить валютную реформу  

Примеры с переводом

He promised to reform.

Он обещал исправиться.

We will try to reform him within the community.

Мы попытаемся исправить его в своём кругу (не прибегая к помощи посторонних).

The Church reformed me.

Церковь изменила меня к лучшему.

He again exhorted a reform.

Он снова предложил какую-то реформу.

The forces of reaction made the reform difficult.

Реакционные силы затруднили проведение данной реформы.

The outcry over such practices has led to reform.

Громкий протест против подобных методов привёл к реформе.

He has urged complete reform of the welfare system.

Он настоял на полной реорганизации системы социального обеспечения.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the reform movement was just beginning when it bang ran into opposition…

… to the eye anxious for reform in the city and forgetful of conditions in the countryside …

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Возможные однокоренные слова

reformed  — преобразованный, исправившийся, исправленный
reformer  — реформатор, преобразователь, деятель эпохи Реформации
reformist  — реформистский, реформист
reformable  — реформируемый, улучшаемый
reforming  — реформировать, исправлять, исправляться, преобразовывать, перестраивать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: reform
he/she/it: reforms
ing ф. (present participle): reforming
2-я ф. (past tense): reformed
3-я ф. (past participle): reformed

ед. ч.(singular): reform
мн. ч.(plural): reforms

Definition of Reform

to make changes in something by removing or correcting faults, problems

Examples of Reform in a sentence

The school board was voting on reform that would change the grading system in the district.


In order to reform his negative behaviors, his parents placed him in a boarding school.


The people wanted to enact reform on how the politicians received their campaign money.


The loan application process was lengthy and in need of reform.


Because she wanted reform in her underprivileged town, the woman ran for mayor.


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  • Use the word Reform in a sentences

Sentence Examples

As you can see, the molecular-sized nanobytes can break themselves down and reform into another shape of similar mass.

No one believes I want to reform.

The Sandbar, a cable’s length from the wharf, has vanished now — wiped out by commerce and reform.

Impossible to reform lines. —

Tell Colonel Tolliver to reform and hold at all costs.

Officers, reform your men!

Arrived in time to reform forces. —

I don’t like junior crossing the rails on his way to reform school.

Her place is in… ÔÇô A reform school!

I am not trying to reform anybody right now.

Oh, she’ll probably go to reform school.

Can you imagine a guy getting romantic in a reform school?

I expect someday he will reform while on the road, but for now I must give him a cold reception.

And in reform school, when we got a hold of that saltpeter.

The only school I went to was reform school.

You got weird ideas on reform, ain’t you.

Thomas, I’m going to send you to the reform school.

It would be good if we send him for a year to a reform school so he might…

My dear, Mrs. Burns someday you’ll be grateful we sent your son to a reform school.

Then you agree that he should be sent to the reform school for a while?

Well, don’t you think it would be wisest to send James to a reform school for a time?

You’re in a reform school now.

And where’s all those cute little reform boys, huh?

I thought you’d given up the idea of trying to reform my place.

I haven’t laid eyes on her since I got out of reform school!

Why, Withers was the idol of the reform element!

Morgan loses the reform vote anyway.

Oh, the old reform gag, eh?

We need a man of his experience… in the great work of reform… and we are going to ask him to continue this work… in the city of his birth.

Yeah, give us the lowdown on the reform racket.

Which would be in keeping with the high ideals of reform… for which I stand.

What’s the idea of bringing… the reform candidate into a place like this?

That’s the way to reform the town!

He may be running on the reform ticket… but believe me, he’s a regular feller!

If this is reform, let’s have reform!

Well, what do you expect me to think… parading the reform candidate around like that?

Allowing a reform candidate to put on an act like that!

To reform them, I suppose. Rats!

Tell us all about how you’re going to reform this burg.

It’s alright to make a bluff of reform… but you’re going too far.

And if you think I’m going reform at my age, you’re crazy!

But the government takes no heed of the constant cry of the people for reform!

All this reform stuff is funny to me.

In fact, if you’ll reform, I’ll willingly consider marrying you.

How to use reform in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «reform» and check conjugation/comparative form for «reform«. Mastering all the usages of «reform» from sentence examples published by news publications.

It’s a structural story: land reform, bank reform, tax reform.
He upended liberal orthodoxy with a quadruple whammy of tax reform, trade reform, immigration reform and regulatory reform.
It’s a major part of Trump’s trade reform agenda, which is part of his four-point economic strategy: tax reform, trade reform, regulatory reform, and energy reform.
«Reform, reform, reform,» he said on Twitter, without going into details.
Now more than ever, we need to distinguish fake reform from real reform All politicians are guilty of promoting fake reform over real reform.
We see the beginning of this: labor reform, tax reform, budget reform, its moving forward.
The tax-reform delay and limited progress on the electricity pact reform highlights slower reform momentum.
I’ve got three things on my mind right now: tax reform, tax reform, and tax reform.
The public editor’s take: Tax reform, health care reform, immigration reform — all are to be avoided.
» He concludes, «To turn the economy around we need to take the muzzle off, and that means regulatory reform, tax reform, budget reform, and monetary reform.
State-owned enterprise reform, fiscal and taxation reform and financial reform have become key reform areas in almost all N.P.C. policies of the past several years.
His website lists his major priorities as, in order: health care reform, China-United States trade agreements, Veterans Affairs reform, tax reform, gun rights and immigration reform.
Reform your network industries, reform your telecommunications, your transport industries, reform your harbour industries or facilities rather.
The six legislative areas were reform, building a , infrastructure, personal tax reform, corporate tax reform and repatriation.
«I’ve always said I’m for healthcare reform, I’m not for entitlement reform, and that makes it a healthcare reform bill and not an entitlement reform bill,» Heller said.
We have seen Brazil and Argentina move in the right direction, with varying degrees of intensity, on fiscal reform, tax reform, labor reform, pension reform, and other issues.
«Police reform is the only reform that is visible, that is a real reform for Ukrainians,» she said.
That means no health care reform, no tax reform, and no gun reform for the next ten years.
Candidate Trump laid out a four-pronged plan of tax reform, trade reform, regulatory reform and energy reform to make America great again and put Americans back to work.
That opposition underscores the fundamental need for reformreform in our policy, but reform in our thinking as well.
And this economic reform probably, I would set — the one which are the most important, the healthcare reform, the tax reform, the trade reform, and anything linked to the infrastructure investments.
» Regulatory reform: «We’re doing a lot of regulatory reform.
It would require that everything — tax reform, regulatory reform, infrastructure, education reform and more — be enacted and work exactly as predicted.
Because tax reform is a perpetual effort, it is not too early to start considering post-tax-reform tax reform ideas.
Budget, appropriations and pension reform The bill establishes special committees to work on budget and appropriations reform and pensions reform. Sen.
What Republicans have talked about for a long time with health reform is repeal and replace Obamacare, reform Medicaid, reform Medicare, and ideally reform the unlimited tax break for employer-based health coverage.
If we’re talking about immigration reform, let’s pass immigration reform.
Meaningful criminal justice reform, they say, must include sentencing reform.
Tax reform President Trump is pushing hard for tax reform.
Revisit antitrust reform and tort reform while they’re at it.
Prison reform, bail reform, those are things people care about.
In addition to bail reform, we also need discovery reform.
By passing sentencing reform that doesn’t look like sentencing reform.
«Firms are optimistic both because of regulatory reform but also because they expect corporate tax reform and overall tax reform,» Hassett said.
They demanded political reform, labor reform and social reform, and declared that they would withhold their votes from any party that didn’t respond.
How about tax reform — big-time tax reform, the type of tax reform that takes our morbid economy and puts supercharges under it?
They need to address that via pension reform and tax reform.
«Judicial reform is the last reform because it’s dirty,» Padilla said.
McConnell said that healthcare reform had to come before tax reform.
I worked on immigration reform, health care policy, criminal justice reform.
Chuck Grassley — are not settling for prison reform without sentencing reform.
The Reform party’s move follows the Centre party’s rejection of an overture from Reform leader Kaja Kallas because of disagreements over tax reform plans.
WATTERS: Yes, there&aposs a difference between sentencing reform and prison reform.
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This is why we not only need tax reform, but spending reform.
Ryan pushing tax reform and McCarthy on reg reform and workforce development.
It was never real reform, it was fake reform the entire time.
Tax reform instructions are provided, but tax reform must be deficit neutral.
Tax reform Another major focus for the week will be tax reform.
Two building blocks to raise productivity are tax reform and regulatory reform.
They do not include sentencing reform, focus solely on prison reform, and undermine bipartisan efforts to develop a comprehensive reform package that most Americans support.
But all the executive orders in the world are not going to give Americans what they really need: tax reform, healthcare reform, and immigration reform.
Go deeper: Inside Trump’s embrace of sentencing reform White House clears hurdle on criminal justice reform Kim Kardashian joins White House discussion on pardons, prison reform
Sanders also briefly touched on a number of other topics during his speech including criminal justice reform, police department reform, minimum wage and Wall Street reform.
The future of GOP tax reform On the Republican tax reform plan, only 21% of Americans say they support the GOP tax reform proposals in Congress.
The way we reform (the EU) is stay in and reform, not leave.
Throughout this time there has been some economic reform but no political reform.
This is why I say I believe in Muslim reform, not Islamic reform.
The key challenge with any reform, especially tax reform, is ensuring its longevity.
Among Trump’s key policy pillars are tax reform, infrastructure investment and regulatory reform.
» On how this affects tax reform: «This does make tax reform more difficult.
Passing tax reform—and, perhaps, entitlement reform—would nevertheless leave a colossal legacy.
Uninterested in reform, this political class remains incapable of reform on its own.
» Democracy reform and voter suppression: «There is no question — democracy reform is critical.
It is the Union for Reform Judaism, not the Union of Reform Judaism.
Support for tax reform is unanimous amongst Republicans, and by passing a budget resolution that unlocks tax reform, Republican senators can prove their commitment to tax reform.
Police reform Police reform is an area where Sessions is expected to make changes.
Tax reform Lastly, and perhaps most importantly for many Republicans, will be tax reform.
«We will proceed with tax reform, we will continue with tax reform,» he added.
Tax reform, supposedly the next big effort, is as fraught as health care reform.
That is going to require political reform — significant and sustained political reform and liberalization.
And we must reform – for reform will be the greatest contribution of our generation.
It is the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act, not the Multistate Employer Pension Reform Act.
We ought to focus on tax reform, on regulatory reform, on ObamaCare, on jobs.
Tax reform: Public dialogue on tax reform has yet to reach a fever pitch.
And we must reform — for reform will be the greatest contribution of our generation.
Pence’s support for pro-growth tax reform, regulatory reform, energy and health care policies.
«You don’t revolt your way to reform, you reform your way to revolt,» perhaps.
«Legislative reform is protected by law, whereas administrative reform can be reversed at will.»
Trump’s campaign promised three major initiatives: tax reform, business regulation reform and infrastructure spending.
Cohn was brought on to help Trump navigate through business reform and tax reform.
I support reform, and the proposals that have been made (by the reform committee).
Bold, pro-growth tax reform and much-needed welfare reform would be important accomplishments.
But like any major policy reform project, election reform can be difficult and confusing.
So, is it gonna be messier than regulatory reform was or tax reform was?
Inaction on health reform complicates some of the policy choices in tax reform, too.
Go deeper: White House clears hurdle on criminal justice reform Trump would overrule Sessions, support criminal justice reform Kim Kardashian joins White House discussion on pardons, prison reform
Sanders hewed closely to his standard hits — justice reform, education reform, economic reform — but delivered with an enthusiasm that reached fever pitch as he interacted with the crowd.
Big picture: The Judiciary Chairman will continue talking with the White House about comprehensive criminal justice reform including sentencing reform and mens rea reform, according to Hartmann. Sen.
Overall, my entire economic plan – tax reform, regulatory reform, energy reform, and trade reform – will create at least 25 million new jobs over the next 10 years, assuming an average growth rate of 3.5 percent, and I believe we will reach 21625% growth.
Malpass, in a CNBC interview on Friday, called for greater infrastructure spending as well as tax cuts, trade reform, regulatory reform and energy reform, although he gave few specifics.
There is, within the Senate at least, already a number of cross-aisle initiatives being pursued on topics such as budget process reform, tax reform and veterans’ benefits reform.
As such, the community would have played offense in working with House Republicans to initially move much-needed tax reform, healthcare reform, domestic energy development and regulatory reform measures.
On the domestic side, Trump has promised tax reform, regulatory reform and a secure border.
How Texture Reform Was Born Texture Reform, on the other hand, was a complete accident.
He’s also, by the way, running a government reform effort and spearheading criminal justice reform.
But the Trump administration has indicated that healthcare reform would take precedence over tax reform.
Trump also in another interview Wednesday said health-care reform would come before tax reform.
» Tax reform: Trump promised to pass the «first major tax reform in over 30 years.
The politicized, zero-sum focus of insurance reform is a Sisyphean approach to healthcare reform.
Tax reform A GOP senator has come out against the Senate tax reform bill. Sen.
But critics of the bill argue meaningful criminal justice reform must also include sentencing reform.
Maybe conservative priorities like regulatory reform or spending cuts, maybe something pragmatic like infrastructure reform.
But reform didn’t fail in 2007 or 2013 because we lacked a pro-reform president.
Now more than ever, we must understand the difference between fake reform and real reform.
The men talked for two hours, bouncing from tax reform to energy reform to education.
Speaker Ryan’s enthusiasm notwithstanding, tax reform faces just as many challenges as healthcare reform did.
Republicans are expected to discuss tax reform, workforce development, government and congressional reform, and infrastructure.
The president knows that comprehensive tax reform and comprehensive immigration reform are off the table.
Prison reform: The House is expected to vote on a prison reform bill this week.
The Senate will become an incubator for legislative proposals on tax reform, campaign finance reform, fiscal stimulus initiatives, regulatory reform, wedge issue reforms (LBGT rights, abortion issues, affirmative action, voting rights and criminal justice reform); Clinton will lead on energy issues, education and the environment.
The White House has pinpointed many of the right approaches, including tax reform, debt reduction, infrastructure spending and regulatory reform (immigration reform and raising the retirement age would also help).
He called for sound monetary reform, tax relief, access to American energy, regulatory reform, and trade.
Jim Jordan (R-OH) has proposed attached welfare reform to tax reform in the budget resolution.
Economic reform was thought certain to spur political reform in China and integration with the West.
» Tax reform: «Tax reform is a pass-fail exercise and we’re going to get it passed.
We want to have GSE reform but we also want to have more broadly housing reform.
Holden said he hopes prison reform can be the start to broader federal criminal justice reform.
Charles Barone is the director of policy at Democrats for Education Reform and Education Reform Now.
More limited welfare reform: The group had an important conversation about defining what welfare reform means.
WARREN BUFFETT: Just the word reform, I mean, reform is usually when your taxes are cut.
Ultimately, yes, there is still unfinished business on foreign aid reform generally, and USAID reform specifically.
So it may look for an internal reform of its aims, which is an ideological reform.
As this design process begins, Price and other policymakers must support safety reform, not tort reform.
GOP leaders had pushed for passage of healthcare reform before tackling tax reform, another top priority.
Sheldon Whitehouse, introduced prison reform legislation mirroring the House bill that does not contain sentencing reform.
Grassley said afterward that he believes prison reform and sentencing reform can be moved in tandem.
I had talked about criminal justice reform, my bill, bail reform, and the disparity in race.
Reform the reform that is the Affordable Care Act and do it on a bipartisan basis.
PENCE: They call it comprehensive immigration reform — they call it comprehensive immigration reform on Capitol Hill.
Republican tax reform will, like health care reform, effectively be a massive transfer of wealth upward.
We need policing reform, sentencing reform, and the reversal of the Republican Party’s voter suppression campaign.
Kushner continues spearheading criminal justice reform, and met yesterday with Kim Kardashian to discuss prison reform.
US reform will also force the UN to reform, and the ripples will cross the globe.
But the mass commutation isn’t the only effort to reform criminal justice reform in the state.
First, they’d pass a budget setting up reconciliation for tax reform, and then pass tax reform.
Policy Option 3: Patent reform Patent reform could also reappear on the congressional agenda in 2017.
The deal establishes two committees to work on budget and spending reform, along with pension reform.
He adds, «Democrats are not opposed to tax reform; we’re opposed to harmful tax reform.» pic.twitter.
TAX REFORM After his health care overhaul failed, Mr. Trump said he’d pivot to tax reform.
Lawmakers say past efforts at prison reform sank because the issue was coupled with sentencing reform.
Support for this budget equals support for tax reform, while opposition means opposition to tax reform.
And that would work for Forbes, who can see income-tax reform following corporate-tax reform.
However, we are unwilling to support flawed prison reform legislation that does not include sentencing reform.
Why it matters: In a White House meeting with criminal justice reform advocates, Sessions seemed open to pursuing prison reform in order to save money, but sentencing reform was not discussed.
Tax reform could hit some states harder than others Here’s how homeowners can benefit ahead of tax reform Pass-throughs save under GOP tax reform: Here’s how to join their ranks
Both health care reform and tax reform could still be enacted this year, but to do so will require that House and Senate leadership acknowledge lessons learned from past reform efforts.
But he warned that tax reform, the government’s next major economic reform push after pension reform was passed this year, may take longer than he or business and markets would like.
Updates to simplify the U.S. tax code also provide new opportunities, but reform must be approached in a way that supports capital investments — not simply reform for the sake of reform.
«Overall, I go home encouraged by the commitment of all the political forces ‎to continuing and accelerating reform, economic reform, anti-corruption reform, in particular judicial reform,» she said at the end of her first official visit to Kiev since the political shakeup earlier in April.
From welfare reform to immigration reform to health care reform—over the past few decades we have watched «compromise» decimate communities, leaving them to fight to hold unjust, untenable, and discriminatory lines.
Moore also said he thinks it would be smart to separate business-tax reform from individual tax reform and pass legislation that includes business tax reform and infrastructure spending with Democratic support.
The new administration in Washington is pushing for tax reform, a major infrastructure program, and regulatory reform.
The would-be «Beijing consensus», the idea that economic reform can continue without political reform, is illusory.
The only hope for reform is to replace the majority that is stopping reform at every turn.
But it looks like this reform is now stuck as some European countries disagree with this reform.
LARRY KUDLOW: Tariffs are part of the trade reform, a very important part of the trade reform.
But you’re right: We can’t reform our economic system if we don’t reform our political financing system.
He could step up his game and take tax reform more seriously than he did health reform.
Why sentencing matters: Scott said prison reform without sentencing reform doesn’t do enough to address racial discrimination.
Let’s hope they make both pension reform and Social Security reform a priority in the near future.
If Congress is serious about addressing the debt, lawmakers should pair tax reform with sustainable spending reform.
I think the four big priorities are tax reform, repealing ObamaCare, regulatory reform and confirming strong constitutionalists.
Sitting between Republicans and tax reform is a brewing debate over a second push for welfare reform.
He made deals with the new Republican majority on welfare reform, a balanced budget and immigration reform.
Tax reform was his issue, and he spent all of his political career working on tax reform.
Tax reform, political reform and an end to the prison industrial complex, by and large never came.
But reform is very different than cuts, and it is tax reform that we should be pursuing.
Going forward, lawmakers in Washington should revisit the welfare reform playbook as they think about Medicaid reform.
The House has passed tax reform legislation, and the Senate is working through similar tax reform legislation.
Obviously, Governor Chris Christie did a lot in New Jersey on drug sentencing reform and bail reform.
He advised Pence on major issues such as tax reform and health care reform this last year.
He said he’d also push Biden on college affordability, criminal justice reform, childhood poverty and immigration reform.
But this may be the moment to reform the entire job description, and thus to reform ballet.
The White House wants to lead on tax reform — it just needs a tax reform plan first
Everyone would win if this small reform were Everyone would win if this small reform were affected.
Or perhaps it’s a sign that if healthcare reform is shelved, Trump will focus on tax reform.
Tax reform is desperately needed, and well-designed reform can do much to unlock faster economic growth.
Pro-reform Republicans and pro-reform Democrats do make up a majority of the House, after all.
Opposition parties are demanding a reform of the electoral system reform before a parliamentary election in October.
Delays in health-care reform push back the rest of the Republican agenda, which includes tax reform.
It could easily offset some of the benefits that we’ve seen from regulatory reform and tax reform.
The big encore to tax reform for Ryan and many Republicans in Congress would be entitlement reform.
If such sentiment persists ― it just raises the degree of difficulty for tax reform, particularly if the White House doesn’t change its position on keeping corporate tax reform tied to personal tax reform.
«But I feel from all the budgets that I’ve passed, normalizing entitlement reform, pushing the cause of entitlement reform, and the House passing entitlement reform, I’m very proud of that fact,» he said.
And she now has seized this issue, prison reform and sentencing reform, and God bless her for it.
The pension reform is seen as the most important economic reform for Brazil and its mounting fiscal deficit.
Attempts to reform healthcare law still lie in shambles and the promise of tax reform increasingly lacks credibility.
Instead, repeated attempts to reform Obamacare ran into the sand and the prospects for tax reform are uncertain.
The few sensible elements — tax reform and regulatory reform — cannot plausibly undo the damage of the other proposals.
He opposed welfare reform in the 1990s and voted against the 1996 reform bill that Bill Clinton signed.
«Tax reform, regulatory relief and immigration reform are all possible with the new administration and Congress,» he said.
«If there is a good tax reform, particularly corporate tax reform, that would certainly help,» Lagarde told CNBC.
While health-care reform simmers on the back burner, the president should go right to business tax reform.
Tax reform Tax reform is expected to be a priority for both the administration and Congress in 2017.
Tax reform is long overdue, but bipartisan agreement on the need for reform hasn’t yielded a workable proposal.
While talks now appear focused on prison reform, advocates say sentencing reform isn’t off the table just yet.
NAM said that the focuses of its summit will be tax reform, regulatory reform, infrastructure and workforce development.
Marijuana reform measures: 2016 might go down as the year, when the marijuana reform movement turned the corner.
Tax reform messaging Priorities is the latest group to inject a messaging campaign into the tax reform debate.
Recent CNN polling on tax reform suggested Americans were nervous about the tax reform proposals considered by congress.
Immigration seems to be an immutable problem that has eluded all efforts at reform — but reform it needs.
Dodd-Frank, the 2,300-page financial reform law passed in 85033, is now itself the target of reform.
The Joint Select Committee on Budget and Appropriations Process Reform is a real opportunity to reform the process.
But voters urging reform have reason for skepticism about whether they will get the reform they’re hoping for.
Tax reform is a mixed bag … and of course, on health-care reform, we’ve got no relief whatsoever.
The group also pushes for causes including campaign finance reform, transparency, and justice reform at the policy level.
Kushner also supports sentencing reform, but has agreed to start with prison reform given Sessions and Trump’s stance.
Tax reform is a must Tax reform is another must-pass item before the end of the year.
They will also be working on regulatory reform and a budget to pave the way for tax reform.
Booker has liberal views on abortion, LGBTQ rights, climate change, electoral reform, gun control, and criminal justice reform.
Closed sessions will focus on policy areas including tax reform, workforce development, government and congressional reform, and infrastructure.
President Trump has indicated his intention to pursue the reform of welfare programs after his tax reform effort.
Both the miners’ and House-approved multiemployer reform are «just a pure bailout without any reform,» Greszler said.
Some Republicans think a potential solution is to merge the healthcare reform measure and the tax-reform bill.
Republicans plan to sell tax reform over the August recess, following the release of shared tax-reform principles.
«Poland badly needs reform of the judiciary, and I am a total supporter of this reform,» Duda said.
It turns out that the recent «tax reform» passed by the Congress and signed by President Trump as much as anything else makes the case for the reform we needed first: campaign finance reform.
Entitlement reform and tax reform (actual reform, not just the cuts passed in 2017) are necessary, but also represent politically and substantively challenging problems that aren’t being solved by the National Defense Strategy Commission.
In the past, efforts to reform the bloated, inefficient, overly complicated tax code have failed because the supporters of tax reform in theory begin by dividing into camps pushing their favorite tax reform plan.
That’s why I’m hoping that Clinton takes a different, big-tent tack, and combines passion projects with attention to areas of common Democratic and Republican interest: tax reform, immigration reform, maybe even education reform.
And to me reform is part of that, regulatory reform, tax reform, small business formation was lowest it’s ever been in a major American recovery, mostly because of regulations and lack of access to capital.
In doing so, Durbin would become the first Democratic senator to support the legislation, which would combine a House-passed prison reform bill with sentencing reform provisions from the Senate’s Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act.
It refused to go with constitutional reform last year, a reform that one top Italian CEO told me was a «meta reform» essential to unlock the rest of the country’s ascent into the 21st century.
But I can&apost give them a break on Medicaid reform, which failed as part of health care reform.
«When you get more money to deal with [tax reform] with Medicaid reform, that’s a lot of money,» Sen.
In other words, the ’90s reform shaped the very framework with which we’re using to discuss immigration reform today.
Silicon Valley lobbying groups recommended reform on both bills, but were resoundingly more insistent on 215 reform than 702.
Ryan has long chased two of the most elusive policy unicorns in Washington — entitlement reform and comprehensive tax reform.
We made the major reform in the insurance system, again on the same idea for a more progressive reform.
Next on the list of top priorities for growth were tax reform (36 percent) and regulatory reform (15 percent).
He said he expects Congress to address financial regulatory reform after it finishes work on a tax reform bill.
Tax reform and the housing credit Comprehensive tax reform is unimaginably complex, including both corporate and individual tax policy.
Businesses will also stall, «if their numbers look better with tax reform and, importantly, with regulatory reform,» he said.
Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania suggested, which is why he says Republicans should take up infrastructure reform before tax reform.
If Sessions is confirmed now, advocates say it could threaten marijuana legalization, police reform, immigration reform, and voting rights.
Massachusetts’s health reform plan was closely examined as those in Washington tried to hammer out a national reform plan.
Interview  the people trying to reform bad policy or those affected by bad policy and why they want reform.
He prefers to emphasize their shared goals, including the repeal of ObamaCare, comprehensive tax reform and broad regulatory reform.
«Before the reform you’re not allowed to switch, and after the reform you don’t have to switch,» he says.
He intends to work on international tax reform legislation this year and lay the foundation for comprehensive tax reform.
The battle over mens-rea reform ultimately contributed to the failure of a criminal-justice reform package in 2016.
Now is the time for true health care reform: reform that puts patients and doctors in the driver’s seat.
Reform prospects Tighter control of conflict minerals is just one area of reform being proposed for Uganda’s mining sector.
Government reform The new leader said he would bring real reform to his administration, addressing corruption, absenteeism and bureaucracy.
Chairman Brady has been pushing for international tax reform and is now working on a blueprint for broader reform.
The pension reform is seen as the single most important economic reform for Brazil and its mounting fiscal deficit.
On health care reform, Republicans cannot replace ObamaCare with a Republican version of reform that calls the shots federally.
I don’t use the word reform, there was a lot of reform too, very positive — I don’t use it.
Furthermore, individual tax reform can be separated from corporate tax reform, because this will make passage easier and quicker.
Health care reform — or, rather, tax cuts under the banner of health care reform — was to be round one.
Meaningful sentencing reform is considered key to any reform package that could be brought to vote in the Senate.
Pension reform will soon be signed into law, but tax reform could be pushed back well into next year.
Tax reform, healthcare reform and infrastructure programs may be the first items on the docket for the 115th Congress.
«No other reform is more important than the tax reform,» he said in an interview to TV channel GloboNews.
But any reform of the immigration system will cost money in the short run — and reform is long overdue.
Futures are indecisive this morning as investors assess the future of health-care reform, tax reform and interest rates.
In 85033, Congress took steps to begin the reform process by passing the Civil Action Forfeiture Reform Act (CAFRA).
While tax reform has been discussed at length in recent years, and many have grown skeptical of the possibility for action in the near-term, the recently released House Tax Reform Task Force blueprint demonstrates continued interest in tax reform in the U.S. Congress and lays additional groundwork for future action on reform.
Unfortunately, some in Congress have decided to do just that: pursue a criminal justice reform strategy that does not include sentencing reform but focuses instead on so-called prison reform, the back-end of the system.
«That’s going to delay his ability to be really, really effective in terms of pushing through tax reform and pharmaceuticals reform and certainly will delay coming back for another bite of this healthcare reform,» Odeluga added.
Medicaid reform was not, and I think it’s very much to the House’s credit that they decided to include Medicaid reform in this bill, because Medicaid reform is very important, fiscally and from a coverage standpoint.
Calls for reform A bipartisan bill introduced this week in Congress calls for reform of visas for highly skilled workers.
The organizations collectively tackle a variety of issues, including gun violence, climate change, education reform, racial justice, and prison reform.
Moreover, the next election could produce another hung parliament, which will make pressure for voting reform and constitutional reform irresistible.
It’s not just that welfare reform had a racially disparate impact, it’s that welfare reform was enabled by racist politics.
For both political and procedural reasons, the GOP aims to pass health-care reform first, then turn to tax reform.
President Trump yesterday defended his decision to pursue healthcare reform before tax reform, arguing that it was a voluntary choice.
The two most defining and fundamental legislative changes proposed by the president were the healthcare reform reset and tax reform.
Even with Obamacare reform stuck in purgatory, tax reform still has its best chance in a generation of being realized.
Instead, Californians who believed in working for immigrant rights, criminal justice reform, tax reform and same sex marriage got busy.
Though GOP plans for tax reform are still far from complete, the budget assumed the reform would be revenue-neutral.
» In his view, «the thrust of the next ten years of education reform must be democratically controlled, community-based reform.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Friday that tax reform in many ways is «a lot simpler» than healthcare reform.
Sheldon Whitehouse’s bill as well, which addresses the prison reform portion of the Grassley-Durbin bill, but not sentencing reform.
It’s hard to avoid this point, as the Freedom Caucus is literally proposing to tie welfare reform to tax reform.
«I believe tax reform happens, but I think tax reform and ObamaCare are intertwined,» he said on Fox Business Network.
Cornyn said there appears to be a better path forward for prison reform under the current administration than sentencing reform.
«I think the work on tax reform, the work that’s being done on regulatory reform is very important,» he continued.
Congress included Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform as part of the sweeping tax reform bill it passed this week.
Tax reform The House passed a budget resolution Thursday, clearing the way for fast-track work on tax reform legislation.
Including more small businesses under the umbrella of corporate tax reform is consistent with tax reform objectives, and increase support.
All else equal, it’s probably better for reform to come from lawmakers themselves, and voters often struggle with complex reform.
Dick Durbin, Corey Booker and Kamala Harris are demanding that sentencing reform be included in any criminal justice reform effort.
Tax reform proposals are also close to being finalized and will be announced once pension reform is approved, he added.
Asked, besides the repeal of ObamaCare, what Trump’s initial legislative priorities are, Spicer says immigratoin, tax reform and regulation reform.
And it may color state legislators’ thinking on ethics reform in Albany, where attempts at such reform have historically fizzled.
But because few problems have simple direct answers, real reform often lacks the whiz-bang messaging resonance of fake reform.
Police reform activists, including Communities United for Police Reform, have said public trust in the review board process has dropped.
«That’s going to be the $94 question, whether it’s on tax reform or whether it’s on healthcare reform,» said Rep.
Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist shares with The Hill the 3 reasons you should care about tax reform.
First, it was based on the promise of pro-growth policies undertaken in 2017 like tax reform and regulatory reform.
When he thought campaign finance reform would harm Democrats or help him win higher office, he backed campaign finance reform.
This is not the health reform package Donald Trump promised his voters, it’s not the health reform package conservative policy experts recommended to House Republicans, and it’s not the health reform package that polling shows people want.
And we need to really you know continue to press our government to continue to tackle these issues including the economic recovery as well as the Social Security reform, labor market reform, agricultural reform and so on.
CZI is also investing in justice and opportunity, with focuses on criminal justice reform, economic opportunity, housing affordability, and immigration reform.
Congress has a lot to do: appropriations, tax reform, health insurance, campaign finance reform, housing, environmental protection, energy sufficiency, mass transportation.
What Reagan did is he began with tax reform and regulatory reform, unleashing the engine of the American free enterprise system.
The changes in outcomes between these regions after the electoral reform is likely to be a result of the electoral reform.
A typical trope in the Western media is that there has been substantial economic reform in China, but no political reform.
She has voted for Republican tax reform, and has said, «It is a myth that tax reform only benefits the rich.»
Other issues readers mentioned included gun reform, criminal justice reform, the Iran conflict, Puerto Rican and D.C. statehood, and student debt.
Trump and his top aides have repeatedly stressed the seriousness of tax reform to urge health care reform get done first.
But reform prisons were a distraction from wider problems, suggests Andrew Neilson of the Howard League for Penal Reform, a charity.
She touts «criminal justice reform» — and much reform is needed — but she misses one of the lowest hanging pieces of fruit.
Yet he has also made a number of moves away from Trump, opposing his pushes for ObamaCare reform and tax reform.
Tax reform House Speaker Paul Ryan is giving a major speech on tax reform Tuesday at the National Association of Manufacturers.
That initial optimism appears to have faded as trouble passing healthcare reform delayed work on building a consensus around tax reform.
Through deregulation, tax reform, immigration reform, and fair trade, Trump hopes to help the economy grow by 3 percent each year.
Lawmakers say it would be wise to decide what to do on healthcare reform soon and move on to tax reform.
The two senators have been vocal proponents of reform and pushed for a vote on the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act.
As long as we hold on to the myth that health care reform eliminates an industry, there will be no reform.
Congress should combine the House bill on prison reform with the Senate bill on sentencing reform and pass that combined bill.
On March 16, 2017, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved H.R. 756, The Postal Service Reform Act of 2017.
However, Paul is bringing to the forefront important issues ranging from criminal justice reform, civil liberties, drug reform and foreign policy.
The money on this faux tax reform would be much better spent on infrastructure, education, job retraining and immigration law reform.
Let’s hope this Congress achieves real tax reform in 2017 and completes the unfinished business of Ronald Reagan’s 1986 tax reform.
Reform-minded Chinese officials and scholars are also coming around to the idea that real structural reform will benefit China’s economy.
And in Colorado, another coalition plans two ballot initiatives — one that would reform congressional redistricting, and another to reform legislative redistricting.
Cassidy are looking [at] structural reform … that discussion continues, but we will be pivoting in the near term toward tax reform.
And Jared Kushner, the criminal justice reform advocate in the White House, has decided prison reform is the only way forward.
The Supreme Court has tied in a ruling on immigration reform, effectively ending President Obama’s immigration reform efforts during his administration.
We must resolutely reform what should and can be changed, we must resolutely not reform what shouldn’t and can’t be changed.
The research also found that Latino voters are open to multiple messages on immigration reform, including a comprehensive immigration reform package.
And yes, that also makes addressing and fixing our spending problems more important than tax reform or even health insurance reform.
We are desperately in need of reform, he insists, but we must reform the right things, and address the true problem.
House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittees will hear from regulatory reform task forces from the EPA, Interior Department and Energy Department.
This next time around, the reform itself is blamed for the death of the baby, and an opposite reform is proposed.
«Consistent with the mission of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, his focus has been government reform,» the statement reads.
Republicans’ plan to use budget reconciliation to pass health reform and tax reform still works, as a matter of Senate rules.
What’s next: On the Hill, it’s not likely that the bipartisan bills including both prison reform and sentencing reform such as the Grassley-Durbin Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act will see much movement as a result of this meeting because of the controversy surrounding sentencing reform, former legal counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives Lars Trautman told Axios.
Sanders’ voice grew more and more hoarse as he made his final impassioned plea for support, talking up the «radical ideas» of economic reform, health care reform and education reform he has been peddling across the state for months.
Tonight, DuVernay will continue her efforts in raising awareness about prison reform during TIDAL X: BROOKLYN, the fourth annual benefit concert for criminal justice reform that donates to Innocence Project, Equal Justice Initiative, REFORM, and other non-profit organizations.
Trump adviser suggests splitting tax reform into two bills: An economic adviser to President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would recommend the incoming administration consider tackling business tax reform in a separate bill from individual tax reform.
The Massachusetts study looked at county-level mortality data in 2001 to 245 (pre-reform) and 2000 to 22008 (post-reform), and compared the changes to carefully selected control groups in other states that had not enacted health reform.
Sanders’s plan focuses on three main areas: ending corruption in national party conventions and presidential inaugurations, public election reform, and congressional reform.
«It has to be linked to tax reform, because we believe tax reform is going to happen,» Jordan said in an interview.
CZI funds programs in science and education as well as social issues focused on criminal justice reform, housing affordability and immigration reform.
«Until we accept that meaningful prison reform means changing how we punish violent crimes, true reform will not be possible,» Pfaff writes.
The authors found that girls in households exposed to the reform were slightly less likely to volunteer after the reform than before.
Some more traditional Jews do not consider Reform conversions to be valid and would deny Judaism to anyone converted under Reform practices.
Prison reform has more bipartisan support, while sentencing reform is often seen as being «soft on crime» by hardline conservatives like Sessions.
This week, the president also said he would tackle health-care reform first, casting more doubt on the timing of tax reform.
China Structural Reform Fund Corporation Ltd, whose mission includes the reform of state-owned companies, will also invest up to $301.6 million.
Tax reform One promise for which Trump did provide some details, his tax reform plan, seems to offer little to small businesses.
But the reality is that reform won’t happen overnight, as Republicans are pushing their own farther-reaching version of financial regulatory reform.
This meeting was part of a week-long event to discuss police reform and President Obama stressed the need for structural reform.
Go deeper: The details of the bill Chuck Grassley twists Trump’s arm for criminal justice reform Sessions & Trump open to prison reform
Be smart: Nothing that happened last week includes major structural reform, and drug companies are still reaping gigantic windfalls from tax reform.
Thirty years after the last major tax reform effort, many in Congress have expressed an interest in tackling tax reform once again.
In a statement late last month, Grassley said sentencing reform provisions are necessary if prison reform is to move through the Senate.
Jim Jordan (R-OH), a founding member of the Freedom Caucus, said of a proposal to tie tax reform to welfare reform.
Cornyn says he’s open to trying to negotiate with Grassley, potentially floating that prison reform and sentencing reform could be moved separately.
He is a co-founder of Americans for Financial Reform, a progressive organization that advocates for financial reform in the United States.
The locations of some of these seats were pivotal during the push for health care reform and tax reform in 2017. Reps.
«Pension reform is the toughest job on the domestic agenda,» said Lin Wan-yi, deputy chief of the National Pension Reform Committee.
Let’s turn our energy to the likes of true immigration reform, Affordable Care Act repair, tax reform, regulatory reduction, and fiscal policy.
Obviously, Trump is inconsistent with the rest of the tax reform officials, making the negotiations prospects for tax reform even more uncertain.
We understand that tax reform is not free, however, and congressional leadership has indicated it intends tax reform to be revenue neutral.
The Republican tax reform plan that was passed in the dead of night last weekend is not really a tax reform plan.
But unlike welfare reform in the 1990s, this state-level innovation has had no impact on health care reform debates in Washington.
Ryan, who has a well-documented love of charts and graphs, has spent his congressional career pursuing entitlement reform and tax reform.
Rising expectations about what the world could offer could in turn force Pyongyang to consider further economic reform, and even political reform.
But if you talk about tax reform, which is in the news every minute of every day, this is not tax reform.
Criminal justice reform, especially sentencing reform, seems to have widespread legislative buy-in, notes Ross Baker, a scholar of bipartisan legislative efforts.
These C.E.O.s were going to be the ambassadors for the administration to talk about tax reform, about health care reform, about infrastructure.
Patent reform has historically attracted high levels of bipartisan support, and the prospect of passing venue reform this year is still alive.
Fact is, though, advocates of election reform frequently lose enthusiasm when they discover that reform may actually cost them a favorite incumbent.
«We were going to get to tax reform if [health-care reform] passes or it doesn’t pass,» Cohn said late last month.
Mnuchin: Tax reform shouldn’t add to the deficit: Steven Mnuchin also said Thursday that he thinks tax reform should be deficit-neutral.
Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist on Monday said he expects that Republicans will unveil tax reform legislation by late September.
But if we do [tax reform], we do welfare reform, we straighten out health care, we do some infrastructure, we’ll be conservative.
Tax Reform Poll Results This poll was one of the earliest tax reform polls conducted by America First Policies, back in June.
Immigration reform Previous administrations have sought to reform U.S. immigration laws, and Trump has publicly made this a cornerstone of his administration.
Pfizer’s Bourla said that his company was committed to reform but that any reform should take a look at all market segments.
Both chambers of Congress have currently split on party lines on an array of issues, including tax reform and health-care reform.
And in the aftermath of Snowden’s leaks, they launched a coalition, called Reform Government Surveillance, to press for reform of the NSA.
It’s possible, however, that Republicans will eventually want to just cut their losses and move on from health reform to tax reform.
I’m hoping before this that we get some criminal justice reform and mental illness reform, but if not, throw those things in.
The plan had been for the FY2017 reconciliation bill to be health care reform, and then FY2018 bill to be tax reform.
We expect the other half to come from changes to pass-through taxation and individual tax reform, as well as from a combination of regulatory reform, infrastructure development, and welfare reform as proposed in the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget.
We’ve put forward three laws in the state of New York — on speedy trial reform, discovery reform, and no-cash bail reform [which gets rid of cash bail for non-felony crimes] — and yet not one of them has been done.
The White House advisor, who has been tasked by Trump with leadership roles on a range of issues including sentencing reform and criminal justice reform, noted that he had not originally gone to Washington, D.C., to work on immigration reform.
FBR’s Chris Meekins was on CNBC on Thursday, reiterating points made in a note by his colleague Ed Mills: If health-care reform efforts blow up, tax reform will take longer, and the chances of comprehensive tax reform will decrease.
And an economist’s study of the first year of reform showed they did just that: Consumers saved $6 billion that year alone from reform, and it’s likely that amount has grown in the five years since reform has been in effect.
One path, providing prison reform alone, has the backing of President Donald Trump, and the other, a comprehensive approach including sentencing reform, enjoys the support of a broader constellation of criminal justice reform advocates, but faces longer odds to passage.
FF: The three important reforms I want to pass during the first 103 days of my five-year term, if the French trust me, are a reform of corporate taxation, a reform of labor laws and a criminal justice reform.
Myth 4: Law enforcement is opposed to prison reform Perhaps because the most vocal detractors to sentencing reform happen to be prosecutors, people have the misconception that the entire field of law enforcement practitioners is against federal criminal justice reform.
They mentioned repeal of Obamacare, infrastructure investments, personal tax reform and repatriation of cash as positive and corporate tax reform as very positive.
Indeed, he tried to run for the Reform Party nomination in 22015, but the Reform Party(!) was organized enough to stave him off.
And it’s possible they’ll tie this resolution not just to healthcare reform but also to the other big GOP legislative goal: tax reform.
JOHN HARWOOD: What should the sequencing be for infrastructure, immigration, tax reform— CHUCK SCHUMER: Immigration reform, which passed the Senate 68 to 32.
Investors would like to see Macri’s government keep promises for a capital markets reform, labor reform, and a revamping of Argentina’s tax code.
Google disclosed that new discussion topics with regulators in the fourth quarter included its search technology, criminal justice reform and international tax reform.
Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said Republicans have four priorities: health care, tax reform, regulatory reform, and confirming conservative justices to the Supreme Court.
He has since revived his talk of healthcare reform, saying that he wants to pass healthcare legislation before trying to tackle tax reform.
I doubt that we will see meaningful tax reform this year, but this is potential bedrock for such reform after the 2016 elections.
We need to tell Italians that this is not a reform about one person, but a reform which will serve all of Italy.
Immigration reform Immigration reform has been a central plank of Trump’s platform and is expected to be a priority early in his term.
If tax reform doesn’t pass this year, it’s likely that comprehensive tax reform would be pared down to be a tax-cut bill.
However, what they lose in the health reform they will gain back in the tax reform, so they should support a combined package.
«Just at the time when we need it more, when we need to accelerate reform, there is a deceleration of reform,» Gurria said.
Tax reform The GOP’s creation of a tax reform plan took a big step forward with the Senate’s passage of a budget resolution.
Trump failed to pass health care reform earlier this year and is currently working — without much success so far — to pass tax reform.
Whether the Republicans pass a tax-reform bill this year, next year, or ever, the real issue in need of reform is spending.
Risks Preoccupation with constitutional reform might drain energy from non-constitutional efforts or fracture the reform coalition by stoking arguments about controversial texts.
Benefits like these explain why such a reform should be at the top of the list as Congress moves to consider tax reform.
McConnell has planned all along to pass healthcare reform and tax reform under budget reconciliation, which requires only a simple majority to pass.
McConnell warned in an interview with Reuters that passing healthcare reform will be tougher than tax reform, another of President Trump’s top priorities.
The staff director of the Senate panel predicted this week that sticking points will include funding levels, military health reform and acquisition reform.
There have been recent labor law reform efforts in Mexico, both in 2012 and an ongoing effort to reform Mexico’s labor justice system.
The case sparked outrage from criminal justice reform activists, who pointed to the sentence as an example of the need for justice reform.
He filled out a domestic policy portfolio with «reform conservative» ideas on welfare reform, health care, higher education and family-friendly tax policy.
It believes that economic revival — through tax reform, trade reform, and enforcing our borders and immigration laws — holds the key to future prosperity.
Bobby Scott and Jason Lewis, who cosponsored a bipartisan, comprehensive criminal justice reform bill in the House, are still hoping for sentencing reform.
This is another big step toward implementing prison reform in the federal criminal justice system, however some criminal justice reform advocates — including Sen.
Barton, who participated in the 1986 tax reform debates, said he’s «skeptical» tax reform can get done by the end of the year.
Now I want tax reform and tax cuts… so I say tax cuts, tax reform and I want a very big infrastructure bill.
In the end, Bush’s Social Security reform met the same dismal fate as Ryan’s health care reform, and for much the same reason.
Forty years after the Bail Reform Act, the DOJ’s powerful statement against the bail system is mobilizing a new push for bail reform.
Temple Emanu-El, a Reform congregation on the Upper East Side, hosted the affair, in which some 40 Conservative and Reform rabbis participated.
Tax reform faces different obstacles than those that plagued the healthcare reform effort, but those hurdles may prove just as difficult to overcome.
With health care reform all but dead for this year, Wall Street is beginning to write the obituary for tax reform as well.
Yet the Better Deal is silent on a host of policies that would encourage that new investment, like tax reform and regulatory reform.
He was location-scouting for the movie at a reform school, though he didn’t know it was a reform school at the time.
They need regulatory reformreform which ensures regulators in future administrations actually listen to and take seriously the concerns of America’s small businesses.
«They should have done reform and they had plenty of time to do reform and they somehow couldn’t make it happen,» they said.
We could all agree that our immigration system needed comprehensive reform — and that our politicians had thus far failed to deliver such reform.
Like Jan standing next to Marcia on «The Brady Bunch,» regulatory reform often gets overlooked in favor of the more popular tax reform.
Crafting tax reform should be smoother than the process of repealing and replacing Obamacare, Americans for Tax Reform founder Grover Norquist predicted Monday.
Jeff Sessions may prevent federal reform of Baltimore’s troubled police department Jeff Sessions may prevent federal reform of Baltimore’s troubled police department The city of Baltimore wants federally regulated police reform, but U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions may not let them have it.
Vacation guilt costs workers $66.4 billion in lost benefits Year-end tax moves to make before reform lands Homeowners: Use these year-end tax moves to save before tax reform Pass-throughs save under GOP tax reform: Here’s how to join their ranks
That said, a 6900-day deal to fulfill the basic operations of government and badly needed disaster aid will hardly enter the pantheon of great historical bipartisan efforts such as the 2628 tax reform, the 28503 immigration reform, and the 22019 welfare reform.
«The CJRA has potential to advance needed criminal justice reform, but it is not police reform and does not disrupt discriminatory broken windows policing that propels racial disparities in policies and outcomes,» said Monifa Bandele, a member of Communities United for Police Reform.
Sanders is far from the first candidate to release a criminal justice reform plan; Joe Biden put out a similarly comprehensive plan in July, Amy Klobuchar and Cory Booker have unveiled clemency reform proposals, and Kamala Harris released proposal focused on marijuana reform.
They could conceivably give up on Obamacare and use the current budget for tax reform, or they could give up on Obamacare and pass a new budget designed for tax reform, but they can’t do tax reform while they’re still working on Obamacare.
«I would love to be able to do tax reform on a bipartisan basis, but I think most of the Democrats today believe tax reform is a tax hike, and tax reform is about making America more competitive,» he said last week.
Labor reform was gutted by a court after right-wing opposition and, like the recently revamped tax reform, has caused confusion regarding its implementation.
The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced that SOEs must open their reform plans to public consultation in May and June this year.
«The Vacancies Reform Act nowhere says that, if another statute remains in effect, the Vacancies Reform Act may not be used,» Steven Bradbury wrote.
Even if infant mortality drops and health outcomes improve after an electoral reform, it’s tough to be confident that the electoral reform caused it.
Earlier this week, the parliament gave final approval to a pensions reform bill, the latest major structural reform passed by the Islamist-led government.
The ACLU itself is working on bail reform in 1903 states, including California, where Ofer says he is optimistic reform will happen this year.
Though the plan had a few noteworthy ideas, it misfired on issues ranging from tax reduction and reform to regulatory reform and trade policy.
«We will call for pragmatic and concrete criminal justice reform, areas such as alternatives to incarceration or drug courts, or sentencing reform,» he said.
House Oversight and Reform CommitteeYou also have the option of bypassing media outlets altogether and watching at the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s website.
HM: The schedule is being followed and the Social Security reform is not an easy reform or a non-controversial one in any country.
«If tax reform is the goal, dealing with entitlement changes simultaneously, I believe, makes the tax reform effort much harder, not easier,» Dent said.
EST: The Federation for American Immigration Reform is laying out an immigration reform blueprint for the Trump transition team at the National Press Club.
Trump held an event on prison reform last week, and at a White House meeting earlier this month signaled support for criminal justice reform.
Powerful lobbying groups all across Washington are advertising their willingness to work on top priorities such as trade, infrastructure, tax reform and regulatory reform.
The ongoing battle over healthcare reform has largely put on hold the GOP’s work on tax reform — a key legislative priority of President Trump.
But he said if Congress is ever going to do something meaningful to reduce mass incarceration, sentencing reform has to happen alongside prison reform.
The contentious primary battle led to the formation of the «Unity Reform Commission» by the DNC to recommend ways to reform the nomination process.
RELATED: Trump pitches tax reform to ‘bring back Main Street’ When it comes to actually passing a big agenda item like tax reform, Sen.
«We have supported prison reform legislation … as part of broader criminal justice reform legislation that includes critical reforms to federal sentencing laws,» they wrote.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, having fulfilled one of his long-term goals by passing tax reform, is now after his white whale: entitlement reform.
Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a conservative senator who is currently undecided on the bill, cautioned his colleagues against combining healthcare reform with tax reform.
Tax reform advocates in Congress and the administration are to be commended for their desire to reform our nation’s complex and outdated tax system.
The Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act would end business as usual and bring about real reform of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
This simple and cheap reform, proposed for years by reform groups and by the federal government’s Productivity Commission, has yet to be taken up.
While touting «tax reform,» Senate Republicans have just released a budget outline that makes a mockery of any real reform of the tax code.
Disclosure forms say that Eris Group will primarily be focused on financial services reform as established under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law.
WSJ reporter Richard Rubin says on Twitter the budget discussions signal «an unmistakable shift from revenue-neutral tax reform to revenue-losing tax reform
Philip K. Howard is chair of the nonpartisan reform group Common Good and has advised political leaders of both parties on civil service reform.
In the article, Sanders outlines issues he’s known for: economic inequality, campaign finance reform, climate change, criminal justice reform and immigration, among other topics.
Payment reform, drug pricing reform — then you can say you’re going to bring system [costs] down, and we can create a different inflation factor.
John Cornyn has introduced a prison reform bill, which focuses on re-entry programs and excludes the more controversial sentencing reform aspects of Sen.
When the discussion of criminal justice reform, policing reform, and racial profiling came up, voters saw a «huge contrast» between the two, she says.
While comprehensive tax reform is a worthy goal, if small business reform can pass by itself, Congress and Trump should move forward with it.
The House could have chosen not to include Medicaid reform in this bill, but I’m glad they did because Medicaid reform is extremely important.
And to those who say you only need to reform, you cannot reform a system that was fundamentally designed to produce these exact outcomes.
«We want tax reform that is pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-worker, pro-family and, yes, tax reform that is pro-American,» he said.
«We support this week’s Senate compromise bill because it includes several key sentencing reform provisions» carried over from the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act.
Tax reform can succeed only if Congress can confront the army of lobbyists who will mobilize to safeguard special tax provisions against tax reform.
To date, other legislative priorities such as tax reform, fiscal year 2018 appropriations, regulatory reform, health care and immigration have received all the attention.
Failing to successfully act on tax reform in a unified Republican government, after the party campaigned on reform for a decade, would be catastrophic.
Most politicos will tell you tax reform is difficult because true reform must take away special tax privileges that benefit well-organized special interests.
In fact, debit reform saved consumers $6 billion in its first full year alone, according to the most authoritative study of reform so far.
But we really do need to have comprehensive immigration reform — and some of the same people who hire people are opposing comprehensive immigration reform.
More than seven in 10 Brazilians reject plans for pension reform, and nonetheless a pension-reform law is on the verge of being passed.
Congress was united on the need for intelligence reform, passing the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 220006 (IRTPA) with overwhelming bipartisan majorities.
Those accomplishments include legislation repealing and replacing the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, border security legislation and education reform.
Correia said he made the contribution because Sanders has been the most positive candidate about the drug reform movement — including criminal justice sentencing reform.
However, this interpretation could become frustrated quickly, particularly if the Trump administration’s promise of tax reform and infrastructure spending collapse as healthcare reform did.
I would’ve done the corporate tax reform, which we desperately needed – both sides of the aisle, really, knew that we needed corporate tax reform.
These include a calendar for August with 31 reasons for tax reform, and a pocket card that discusses how tax reform will benefit people.
It also takes bipartisanship and the right mix of meaningful reform proposals to get a tax reform bill to the president’s desk for signature.
The lesson I take from the politics of Obamacare, however, is that successful health reform, even if incomplete, creates the preconditions for further reform.
Without a new resolution on tax reform, none of the debate over border adjustments or comprehensive reform will be more than an academic argument.
The Republican Party is supposed to be the party that stokes dynamism by giving everybody the chance to venture out into the frontier of their own choosing — with education reform that encourages lifelong learning, with entitlement reform that spends less on the affluent elderly and more on the enterprising young families, with regulatory reform that breaks monopolies and rules that hamper start-ups, with tax reform that creates a fair playing field, with immigration reform that welcomes the skilled and the hungry.
What’s next: Mark Holden, the senior vice president of Koch Industries who has worked on criminal justice reform, said he’s hopeful for a «second step act» that would address issues such as bail reform, asset forfeiture, prosecutorial reform and ensuring the right to lawyers.
Thus, issue areas like income inequality, a $15-per-hour minimum wage, campaign finance reform, the big banks, universal healthcare, criminal justice reform, student debt, voter suppression, climate change and tax reform are issues where Clinton has been forced to move to the left.
European parliament votes for controversial copyright reform (yes, again) An amendment that would have thrown out the most controversial component of the copyright reform — a.k.a.
«We’ve got to do both,» Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, of Utah, told Politico, about addressing tax reform and healthcare reform together next year.
How do we create extra, like we did in ’18 with tax reform and some of the regulatory reform, how do we create extra stimulus?
He’s developed a reputation for bipartisanship and notes he has worked productively with Graham on issues like immigration reform, criminal justice reform, and foreign aid.
The Republican-led U.S. Congress faces a tough challenge in passing tax reform legislation, having already failed to deliver on healthcare reform sought by Trump.
«The Chinese government has stopped their reform process and decided to ease off the gas, and slow down reform, and slow down restructuring,» he said.
Teeing up the fall season of tax reform, he’ll be giving a speech on tax reform next week at the Ronald Reagan Center in California.
RELATED: Four big things that could stand in the way of tax reform Heller teased the upcoming tax reform fight, saying he’ll be heavily involved.
They have promised to reform Dodd Frank and there is no good reason that the Durbin Amendment should not be included in the reform package.
Reality check: So far, the administration’s tax reform plan has lacked crucial details that would suggest a complete reform of the tax code is happening.
Last month, Mucci attributed the growth to President Donald Trump’s pro-business agenda, including tax reform, regulation rollback and the potential for health care reform.
The States Act, in the view of many drug reform advocates, is wholly inadequate to be described as «comprehensive reform» for a number of reasons.
Tax reform is meant to reform what is broken, and the use of a state-tax deduction is discriminatory, unfair, and, worst of all, enabling.
But a source familiar with the talks confirmed the White House does not view sentencing reform as part of prison reform or a way forward.
Matteo Renzi, Italy’s reform-minded prime minister, says he will resign if the result of a referendum on constitutional reform goes against him in October.
With European pressure and a reform-minded administration, Ukraine stood on the threshold of true reform, as international pressure aligned with the new Zelensky regime.
The controversy over the lack of sentencing reform in the bill has underscored sharp divisions among Democrats and other advocates of sweeping criminal justice reform.
» Immigration reform Pelosi also discussed the future of immigration reform on Wednesday night, where she said Congress is «very close to having a bipartisan agreement.
Moskowitz’s refusal to condemn the administration—even as other education reform leaders were speaking out in protest—cost her greatly within the school reform movement.
We were also able to reform welfare, end generational dependency; reform the pentagon to strengthen our defenses, cut the capital gains tax and much more.
HOUSE DELAYS FLOOD INSURANCE REFORM VOTE: House leadership on Tuesday afternoon postponed a vote on a popular flood insurance reform bill that’s expected to pass.
» BRIAN JACOBSEN, CHIEF PORTFOLIO STRATEGIST AT WELLS FARGO FUNDS MANAGEMENT IN MENOMONEE FALLS, WISCONSIN «Republicans should have prioritized tax reform ahead of health care reform.
He previously worked with Senator Bill Bradley on his efforts to reform the federal income tax, which culminated in the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
The question for many analysts around the world was whether he represented genuine reform or was merely using the language of reform to consolidate power.
«They really want to see pro-business regulatory reform and tax reform at the top of the agenda and are seeing everything but,» he says.
Basically, reform conservatives tend to think that the Republican Party’s longstanding commitments to free markets, free trade and entitlement reform are all well worth preserving.
But judging from these opinion pages, white collar crime reform is back on the agenda while mass incarceration reform is on the far back burner.
Many believe there is a much greater possibility of achieving bipartisan support for tax reform even though the last comprehensive tax reform occurred in 1986.
It was the premise of the reform by President Reagan and the Democratic Congress in 22019 — specifically that reform satisfy both revenue and distributional neutrality.
As the spotlight shifted to new issues, such as North Korea and tax reform, a few big things changed the dynamic of health care reform.
FCNL pointed to the bipartisan sentencing reform bill in the Senate and the prison reform legislation in the House as opportunities to change the system.
Sanders is proposing a huge, disruptive reform here — he owes the public answers to the most central, obvious questions about how that reform would work.
«Tax reform is complicated enough, and when you add health care reform in at the same time, it continues to complicate it,» Murkowski told reporters.
Some Americans are uncomfortable talking about police reform in the context of race, and have urged reform so that policing can be better for everyone.
It’s been very successful, with nearly all states passing some type of reform, including GOP-controlled states: Among the champions of reform is Georgia Gov.
That’s what Mr. Reagan did in his landmark 1986 tax reform, as a cursory look at any of his speeches promoting that reform would show.
While promising to be open to external input on the pension reform, Philippe said that he is determined to carry out the pension reform plan.
Advocates and most members of Congress agree that the system needs reform, and the debate over that reform is complicated because the system is complicated.
Van Jones and criminal justice reform Trump told a story about CNN host Van Jones urging him to press for a criminal justice reform bill.
That means they have 60 days to carve out a tax reform bill, work out a deal for repatriation of capital and reform health care.
The Trump administration approach to tax reform stands in stark contrast to the 1986 Reagan tax reform, which was aided hugely by President Reagan’s leadership.
This view forces Congress to make a false choice between otherwise pro-growth tax reform tied to additional revenue raisers, and no reform at all.
It is not easy or popular to reform the entitlement programs, but reform is necessary to insure their benefits will be available to future generations.
He promised big tax reform and sweeping regulatory reform, improved trade terms, and a big, beautiful wall paid for by a magical surcharge on Mexicans.
«If you don’t reform yourself, you’re going to get run over and others are going to reform for you in ways that you don’t like.»
Republicans are divided over whether to take another shot at healthcare reform, which failed in the House last month, or move on to tax reform.
The Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda executive order will create a task force and regulatory reform officer at each federal agency, appointed by agency heads.
Norquist: Corker can fight with Trump and still help with tax reform:  Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist on Monday expressed confidence that Sen.
As such, this may mean that previous commitment to a series of policies such as healthcare reform, tax reform, economic stimulus policies may be delayed.
This week she unveiled a criminal justice reform package aimed at addressing criticism from the left and reform advocates for her career as a prosecutor.
«Welfare reform» and «entitlement reform» mean cuts to Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, nutrition assistance, Social Security disability insurance and, potentially, Social Security retirement and Medicare.
But their discussions focused narrowly on prison reform, not on a broader criminal justice reform proposal that some lawmakers and the Koch network have championed.
Such a movement must include automatic registration, election modernization, campaign finance reform and felony re-enfranchisement — to empower Americans to vote for economic justice reform.
Yes, we should wean ourselves off of fossil fuels, reform a racist criminal justice system and enact comprehensive immigration reform with a path toward citizenship.
That is why he was willing to buck his own party at times, occasionally work across the aisle on campaign finance reform and immigration reform.
Those reform advocates scored a major victory earlier this year, when the House passed its more scaled-back reform bill, called the Email Privacy Act.
At his February 3 meeting with the forum, Trump promised business leaders an exciting future with tax reform and health reform on the near horizon.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady said his committee had been working on tax reform in parallel with the failed healthcare reform push.
So the White House decided to sign on to GOP leaders’ preferred agenda of health reform first, then tax reform — an agenda that’s now in shambles.
If that&aposs what it takes for them to talk about prison reform and sentencing reform and issues like — WATTERS: Yes, it&aposs a boring topic.
I think these are coming from policies like tax reform and regulatory reform that are actually straight out of the Heritage Foundation&aposs economic growth playbook.
That’s despite that tax reform has been promised only after the Affordable Care Act is replaced, and Mnuchin has set an August deadline for tax reform.
» ZHOU XIAOCHUAN, GOVERNOR OF THE PEOPLE’S BANK OF CHINA: «While the reform direction is clear, managing the reform pace will need windows (of opportunity) and conditions.
And some of it might reflect the hard truth of health reform that Obama encountered: Passing the health reform package you want is really, really hard.
In January, Kushner and Trump led a roundtable with advocates on prison reform — a significant step for the administration in highlighting prison reform as a priority.
«We are going to see vehicles like healthcare reform and tax reform and others that will give you an opportunity to codify new laws,» says Tusk.
According to Americans for Tax Reform, a lobbying group, 377 companies have announced pay awards linked to the tax reform, including AT&T and American Airlines.
«We need real tax reform, bipartisan tax reform that invests in our families,» the 46-year-old Navy veteran and former prosecutor told CNBC last month.
Immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship, equal pay for women, paid family leave, debt free college and criminal justice reform — it was all there.
And while the Fed may have some real issues to address and reform, just as any government agency does, conspiracy theories harm real efforts at reform.
Paul was the lone GOP nay on the budget framework for tax reform, although his position on tax reform itself appears to be on the edge.
«There is no magic bullet that will set things right, but meaningful campaign finance reform must be at the center of a reform agenda,» Gilens says.
Here’s the full list from the Tax Policy Center: The point here, clearly, is that tax reform will be just as complicated as health care reform.
There are also renewed calls from the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform and other civil society groups to reform the law — which Nuril was charged under.
As we mark National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, we hope that reform advocates give victims’ groups a seat at the table to help shape justice reform.
Joe Barton (R-TX), who participated in the 1986 tax reform debates, said he’s «skeptical» tax reform can get done by the end of the year.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady said his committee had been working on tax reform in parallel with the failed health-care reform push.
A tax reform and the 2017 budget have been passed without major tensions in recent months, and the government remains committed to its structural reform agenda.
The initial plan from Republicans in Congress was to have health reform on the president’s desk by Easter, have tax reform on his desk by August.
Earlier this year, Mucci attributed the growth to President Donald Trump’s pro-business agenda, including tax reform, regulation rollback and the potential for health care reform.
But after years of Black Lives Matter protests and calls for criminal justice reform, maybe some local and state policymakers will move forward with reform anyway.
Trump and Republican leaders have said they still intend to pass a healthcare reform law first, casting further doubt on when Congress may consider tax reform.
One reason that proponents of reform have yet to break through is that a national reform requires a national consensus on the problems and the solutions.
The critical context for the current tax reform impasse is that House Republicans’ originalvision for tax reform relied on ideas that have long since been abandoned.
The recent reform of the stability bank levy entails upfront payments this year, offsetting a projected shortfall from tax reform and cuts to employers’ social contributions.
It has been more than 30 years since the passage of the last comprehensive immigration reform bill, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA).
» During a briefing, White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that reform of high-skilled visas is «a part of a larger immigration reform effort.
«This is change; this is reform; this is moving forward,» Ms. Mark-Viverito said in a phone interview on Tuesday, citing her criminal justice reform efforts.
I could pretty safely predict to you that Hillary Clinton is going to be working on criminal-justice reform and sentence reform, sex trafficking, racial reconciliation.
This means that Trump and the GOP must choose between either the health care reform or the tax reform to enact the reconciliation process this year.
«Her top three legislative priorities are good ones, especially for Chicago and Illinois — criminal justice reform, rebuilding the middle class and immigration reform,» the editorial continued.
This would also increase the chances of reaching the kind of consensus necessary to make progress on difficult issues such as healthcare reform and tax reform.
Tax reform Still, some lawmakers expressed optimism that Mnuchin would approach the tax reform pitch with more finesse than he brought to the debt deal. Rep.
Yet Sadr is outflanking him on the pro-reform side, threatening to stage a no-confidence vote in Parliament against Abadi’s government if no reform passes.
Despite Republicans’ high-profile failure to pass healthcare reform this year, the White House and GOP leadership have expressed confidence that tax reform can eventually pass.
But that tendency rankled many police-reform advocates and some on the Council, particularly its black and Hispanic members, when it came to legislating police reform.
The measures lack changes sought by government reform activists who hoped a series of corruption cases involving lawmakers and people tied to Cuomo would propel reform.
But immigration reform and Middle East peace present far higher hurdles than criminal justice reform, and some lawmakers are already calling Kushner’s efforts dead on arrival.
The gridlock at the center of the system resists efforts at political reform as easily as it resists the bills political reform is meant to enable.
The bottom line is that, in 2020, the politics of health care system reform are feckless and the politics of healthy food system reform are untouched.
In his CNN town hall Tuesday, he promised to fix the failing Veterans Affairs health care system, make comprehensive immigration reform happen and support tax reform.
But other prominent conservatives, including Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist, have warned that linking infrastructure and taxes could make tax reform less pro-growth.
«There’s been a lot of talk of reform but serious reform hasn’t actually started yet,» said Kirsten Gettys Downs, chief of the city’s public defender’s office.
Before I get to what I wish for tax reform, let me start with what I fear: unpaid-for tax cuts pretending to be real reform.
The House Ways & Means Committee and President Trump have published thoughtful pro-growth tax reform plans that illustrate how comprehensive tax reform would benefit all Americans.
Tax-reform challenges go beyond border fight: The fight over a border-adjustment tax isn’t the only challenge for Republicans in their push for tax reform.
«‘Breakthroughs’ in SOE reform has, so far, been to drive bureaucrats and SOE managers to busy themselves with sustaining the appearance of active reform,» Xie said.
With campaign finance reform virtually dead on Capitol Hill, cities and states have passed measures to reform the way money is raised and spent in politics.
We started with tax reform, and we will accept healthcare reform but not take our eyes off the multiple issues they need to resolve in Washington.
Trump promised to «dismantle» the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, and House Republicans are aiming to start moving on bills to reform the law in May.
Even though neither the White House nor congressional Republicans have released legislative text or even a detailed plan for tax reform, major business lobby groups have already committed considerable sums of money to airing ads in support of the reform plan — whatever that reform plan may be.
«I insisted during my discussion with the (German) Chancellor about my willingness to reform our labor market, to reform our vocational training system, to reform our education and to deliver a sensible fiscal trend,» Macron told CNBC shortly after meeting Angela Merkel in Berlin on Thursday.
On the Trump campaign, he was the director of congressional relations, which allowed him to develop relationships with leaders on Capitol Hill on policy interest areas, including trade, tax reform, health-care reform, transportation, energy, financial services reform and numerous other issues, the company website says.
To coincide with today’s launch of ‘MMF Compare’, Fitch has also published ‘European MMF Reform — What Investors Need to Know,’ a concise summary of Fitch’s views on European MMF reform, including the responses to the most commonly asked investor questions on European money market fund reform.
Mr. Rubio, who once worked with Democrats on comprehensive immigration reform legislation reform, has backed away from that idea and now wants to focus on border security.
Healthcare before tax reform: President Trump told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that he won’t start working on tax reform until the administration passes a new healthcare bill.
«I think that’ll probably be necessary, honestly, to get the kind of tax reform done that we’re looking at: pro-growth, pro-jobs tax reform,» Portman said.
Constitutional reform needs to be approved by parliament, which is stacked with members chosen for their loyalty to the party — meaning the reform will not be blocked.
«When this all started, the thing we heard from the Hill was ‘transformative tax reform,'» said a strategist who consults with major companies focused on tax reform.
PARIS (Reuters) — French President Emmanuel Macron’s government unveiled a highly anticipated labor reform plan seen at home and abroad as a crucial test of his reform mettle.
Some investors fear that if the healthcare reform act runs into trouble or takes longer-than-expected to pass, then Trump’s tax reform policies may face setbacks.
«If reform falls short of requirements, or if illegal activity continues in the reform period, this regulator will strictly implement heavy punishment according to law,» CAC said.
Of the 10 largest ‘popolari’ banks targeted by the reform only two, Banca Popolare di Sondrio and Popolare di Bari, have yet to comply with the reform.
Pro-reform Republicans believe immigration can become the conservative issue that unifies the party under its core principles — if GOP leaders ignore the far-right reform opponents.
As the debate over comprehensive immigration reform begins to boil in 2017, look for E-Verify reform to be an area of cooperation between the two parties.
But the government was forced to moderate its proposal for an income tax reform last year and a capital markets reform eagerly awaited by investors has lulled.
Big questions remain about whether a reform plan can encompass individual as well as corporate tax reform, and whether Republicans will accept higher deficits in the process.
When pressed by the host as to why healthcare reform must come first, Trump admitted that business managers who say tax reform is more impactful are correct.
Proponents of the reform have said that the benefits from cutting taxes would boost the economy, which would be a key element of keeping the reform neutral.
Last week, Trump said health care comes before tax reform, and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said his original target of August for tax reform was too aggressive.
«This is a key reform for President Trump and the Republican Congress, and it will cost them politically if they fail to do tax reform,» he said.
While I am no fan of the proposed healthcare reform, I do absolutely believe there are straightforward steps that can be taken to reform the current law.
He has worked for more than 20 years developing federal and state policy and legal strategies around campaign finance reform, government ethics, corporate accountability and tax reform.
The conservatives or right-wingers are very concerned about regulatory reform, and you can actually achieve a lot more regulatory reform through a means-tested tax credit.
Claire McCaskill to join Republicans’ tax reform efforts — and called on voters in the state to vote her out of office should she vote against tax reform.
Prison reform: The Hill — A House committee this week approved a White House-backed prison reform plan that faces a cooler reception in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
A quarter-century ago, Walker’s predecessor, Tommy Thompson, led state-level welfare reform that spurred and informed federal welfare reform signed into law by former President Clinton.
There is a long legislative road to travel in achieving major tax reform, and it will not be easy as the 1986 reform has already shown us.
CHEMICAL SAFETY REFORM PASSES HOUSE: The House voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to pass a sweeping bipartisan compromise chemical reform measure after years of legislative work, negotiations and wrangling.
«While we are going for political reform, we need to work on economic reform too, to develop the economic and social situation of the people,» he said.
And it demands that any reform raise more money over the next decade, too, which is a gigantic barrier to any reform that would boost economic growth.
TAX REFORM Despite being raised every congressional session, the debate around tax reform has too often offered more lip service rather than delivering on any real action.
And in Michigan, where voters were firmly split on candidates for governor and U.S. Senate, 2628 percent voted for redistricting reform, and 28503 percent for voting reform.
The blood feud between Republicans and Democrats over healthcare reform this year in Congress is just a skirmish; not the decisive battle in the health reform war.
«The first thing health reform should accomplish is to stabilize or reduce the costs of healthcare,» Pitts said at a hearing on health reform ideas on Wednesday.
The idea is he could very well get the votes needed, and that would clear the way for health-care reform and then, tax reform comes next.
The goal of welfare reform was to kick people off of welfare; the goal of healthcare reform was theoretically to get more people onto health insurance plans.
The critical context for the current tax reform impasse is that House Republicans’ original vision for tax reform relied on ideas that have long since been abandoned.
A pension reform bill is moving toward passage in Congress after facing stiff opposition, but President Jair Bolsonaro’s tax reform and privatization ideas may face similar challenges.
On tax reform «The best sustainability program is profitability,» Perdue says, explaining that tax reform has benefitted both small farms and mega-farms, from a business perspective.
How much do you feel reform will need to come through federal and state law, and how much reform can happen at the campus and grassroots levels?
The subject matter has ranged from prison sentencing reform to tax reform, and participants have included lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, Cabinet secretaries and staffers.
He has gone from being a champion of comprehensive immigration reform legislation to someone who now argues that the reform effort should be broken up into pieces.
First, an energy reform must be completed, including the full market liberalisation of the gas sector from April followed by a market reform of the electricity market.
Brady told Fox News’s «Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo» that his committee had been working on tax reform in parallel with the failed healthcare reform push.
The group is currently pushing for the passage of legislation that would reform Pennsylvania’s probation and parole system and has raised millions to promote criminal justice reform.
Some of the things he’s «learned» since taking office aren’t true, like when Paul Ryan convinced him Republicans had to do health care reform before tax reform.
Any discussion of housing finance reform is inherently a discussion of housing affordability and getting housing finance reform right is a critical component to addressing housing affordability.
» The chorus cools with electric piano chords and an almost wistful melody, but it stays hardheaded: «Pop pop pop goes the shooter/Reform, reform should’ve came sooner.
But the Hatch bill is reform that starts before both of those factors come into play: Criminal intent reform can stop wrongful convictions in the first place.
«I think people understand that it’s more about tax reform than the budget, and it’s a necessary step so we can move to tax reform,» said Sen.
Although the Tax Reform Act of 1986 was heralded as the greatest tax reform bill ever, history chronicles the bear market and recession that followed in 1987.
Many people in both parties agree that the United States needs corporate tax reform, but we have a harder time passing tax reform than our international competitors.
That Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch became attorneys general, for example, was the starting point for the possibility of federal criminal justice reform — not the reform itself.
«It goes into a level of Medicaid reform, traditional Medicaid reform, that had nothing to do with [the Affordable Care Act,]» she said, using ObamaCare’s formal name.
Earlier on Wednesday, new Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said the government would review both the reform of cooperative lenders and another landmark reform of large mutual banks.
Civil asset forfeiture reform is mostly a bipartisan issue, but the biggest champions of reform are some of the most conservative lawmakers in the country, including Sen.
Supporters of reform are mobilizing a last-ditch assault on Capitol Hill, hoping to convince lawmakers that reform is a matter of public safety and fiscal prudence.
This included support for LGBTQ rights, health care for all, criminal justice reform, immigration reform, gun control, climate change, and race relations, just to name a few.
» McCain’s stated reason for killing reform was that the bill in front of him «fell short of our promise to repeal and replace Obamacare with meaningful reform.
«Regulatory reform» is a popular battle cry for congressional Republicans these days, so long as «reform» actually means restricting the ability of agencies to protect the public.
Tax reform is «now increasingly important to the economy, and increasingly important to Republicans’ political prospects in the future,» Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist said.
Steven T. Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, said at an event sponsored by Axios on Friday that he thought tax reform would be «simpler» than passing health reform.
«We’ve been hugely disappointed with her record on police reform and accountability,» said Monifa Bandele, a member of the steering committee for Communities United for Police Reform.
Mike LeeMichael (Mike) Shumway LeeMcConnell, allies lean into Twitter, media ‘war’ Conservatives buck Trump over worries of ‘socialist’ drug pricing Criminal justice reform should extend to student financial aid MORE (R-Utah), another proponent of reform, said Republicans held two meetings on Capitol Hill to discuss a potential compromise that would link a House-passed prison reform bill with four sentencing reform provisions that have bipartisan support in the Senate.
Shulkin would be wise to note the continuing issues with the VA appeals process, but also to take note of why the reform package did not pass, and be open to new ideas for reform as opposed to simply rubber-stamping the appeals reform package of his predecessor.
And that takes a leader who can bring us together to do things worthy of our energies and dedication — like proper health care reform, immigration reform, tax reform and infrastructure investment, or properly working with China and Russia where we can and drawing red lines where we must.
House Republicans, eager to move to tax reform, are under the impression that if Congress can pass a 2018 budget resolution, they can move on to tax reform under new reconciliation instructions and vote on a tax reform bill, even if health care remains unresolved in the Senate.
Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said he had urged China to carry out currency reform and map out a mid-term structural reform plan with a time frame.
While other [conservative] parties want to reform it by taking away certain things, they want to reform it by kicking non-natives out of the welfare state system.
Tackling immigration reform would be another massive legislative endeavor, piling on top of Trump’s already ambitious goals of repealing and replacing Obamacare and passing a tax reform package.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, however, says it’s an important part of tax reform, and on Thursday he said serious talks on tax reform won’t begin until the spring.
But mainly he echoed similar sentiments as Liu He in that…Liu He said we’d be surprised by reform, by the pace of reform, in his Davos speech.
Our fed was aggressive, our fiscal program was big, and our reform to the financial system was a structural reform that we needed here in the United States.
Partial privatization would serve as a token of change and reform in a country that is often seen in the West as excessively hostile to change and reform.
Focus also remained on Brazil’s social security reform, but investors are worried about a delay and changes made to the original pension reform promised by President Jair Bolsonaro.
Holly Harris, head of the bipartisan sentencing reform organization U.S. Justice Action Network, said reform efforts have taken hold even in deep-red conservative states where Republicans dominate.
«Tax reform is not just a one-time event, where it passes and that’s the end of the story,» Odintz, former Treasury senior adviser for tax reform, said.
In addition to repealing FATCA, some groups, such as Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, are pushing for tax reform to include a move to residency-based taxation.
We will work together on tax reform, regulatory reform, and we will keep the government out of the way so that real, family sustaining jobs can be created.
Comey’s firing came at a time when Republicans were seemingly getting ready to move forward on tax reform as they got the ball rolling on health care reform.
CHICAGO (Reuters) — Tax reform is up next for our Attention Deficit Disorder Republican government, which just rushed through a chaotic, ugly battle to reform our complex healthcare system.
Tax reform Wall Street is in pretty good shape right now, so President Trump pitched his vision of tax reform as a chance to help out Main Street.
Tax reform is likely to be the government’s main economic priority in the second half of this year, after a focus on pension reform in the first half.
Fight over criminal justice reform President Donald Trump held a bipartisan summit this week on criminal justice reform — an issue that could be ripe for compromise in Washington.
In the late 1980s, due to escalating costs and increased demands on the program, the DoD began exploring a reform initiative known as the CHAMPUS Reform Initiative (CRI).
Prior to that, he worked closely with Senator Bill Bradley on his efforts to reform the federal income tax, which culminated in the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
Like Booker, Harris is a longtime advocate for criminal justice reform but has held back from endorsing the prison and sentencing reform deal under negotiation in the Senate.
Part of the sales pitch for Tax Reform 2.0 will undoubtedly be a claim that wage growth skyrocketed after and because of passage of the original tax reform.
It has been 31 years since the last comprehensive tax reform, for a reason; tax reform is hard to move forward and faces stiff resistance from entrenched interests.
That approach was endorsed, during the tax reform debate, by a wide range of groups, from the Council on Foundations to the Philanthropy Roundtable’s Alliance for Charitable Reform.
Tax reform The House is convening Monday — a day earlier than originally scheduled — to vote on a motion to go to conference with the Senate’s tax-reform bill.
Congress never held any hearings to address laboratory payment reform or understand the impact reform options could have on small businesses or Medicare beneficiary access to laboratory services.
President Emmanuel Macron’s government has already faced down street protests over labour reform and risks more industrial action over plans to reform the pension and unemployment insurance systems.
Many of his rivals offer similar stances on sentencing reform and mass incarceration, but only South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has articulated a more sweeping vision for reform.
For those who are growing impatient with the pace of reform, it is important to remember that reform itself can be destabilizing in a place like Saudi Arabia.
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) on Sunday urged his colleagues not to mix healthcare reform and tax reform while pushing an alternative healthcare bill that he co-authored.
ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER PROCESS REFORM: Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai continued his shake-up of the agency on Thursday, announcing his fifth reform measure in four days.
Proponents of the reform have said that the economic benefits from cutting taxes would boost the economy, which would be a key element of keeping the reform neutral.
The bride, 29, is the Reform community educator at Rutgers Hillel in New Brunswick, N.J., where she oversees programming and education for the Reform Jewish students at Rutgers.
But tax reform won’t be a cake walk—in fact, it faces many of the same hurdles that health care reform did, and some new ones as well.
A. Reform — democratizing reform — is still a preferred scenario, but the window is closing fast, and historically not a single Communist regime has been reformed into democracy successfully.
He boasted that «normalizing entitlement reform, pushing the cause of entitlement reform» was something he was proud he accomplished through pushing his budgets and his record as speaker.
«The main reason for that, Mr. President, is because of the pro-growth policies that you have put in place on tax reform and regulatory reform,» she said.
Pending financial regulatory reform legislation provides a vehicle for restructuring the governance of the CFPB as well as subjecting it to the appropriations process — another much needed reform.
Republicans had scheduled replacing Obamacare ahead of tax reform this year, since they were looking for savings and tax cuts in the plan to help with tax reform.
The two sides of the liberaltarian policy model, pro-growth regulatory reform and pro-mobility social policy reform, are complementary and mutually reinforcing: Neither works without the other.
In October, the Senate Judiciary Committee unveiled its latest criminal justice reform bill — the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act — to eliminate many mandatory-minimum sentences for drug crimes.
His explanations of this are invariably fuzzy because in fact there is no statutory requirement for him to do health care reform before he works on tax reform.
Ted Cruz, who last week singled out full expensing as one of his top goals in tax reform, as well as the influential advocacy Americans for Tax Reform.
He needs to line up allies and supporters of tax reform to help make members of Congress feel that the risks of voting for tax reform are manageable.
Zuma’s land-reform minister, presumably intending to highlight the failures of earlier administrations, announced that ninety per cent of reform projects in the past quarter century had failed.
But others, including Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist, have said that the two issues should not be connected because doing so could make tax reform harder.
The FIRST STEP Act, a bill aimed at criminal justice reform, passed the House earlier this year, but stalled in the Senate due to differences on sentencing reform.
Trump campaigned on the promise of tax reform, but economist Diane Swonk said there is a lot of rhetoric in Washington now on tax cuts instead of reform.
«This will ultimately indicate the likelihood of a reform happening, how aggressive the proposed tax reform package will be and how it may be funded,» Lakos-Bujas said.
If the Republicans are serious about using tax reform to improve the competitiveness of American businesses, the best thing they can do is reform employer-based health insurance.
The most likely outcome to the latest negotiations will be an economic reform package that fails to deliver either sufficient financing and debt relief or substantial structural reform.
I viewed Johnson as a candidate who could force the conversation on many important progressive issues that are largely being ignored like recreational drug reform and copyright reform.
Down the road, under the rubric of «entitlement reform» (another «reform«), they would start cutting essential programs that ordinary people count on, such as Medicare and Social Security.
Republicans are including tax reform as part of reconciliation instructions in their budget to set up a fast-track process for tax reform preventing Senate Democrats from filibustering.
Sanders released a plan on Saturday to pay off $22005 billion in existing medical debt, reform the 22009 bankruptcy reform bill, and set up a public credit registry.
Some investors fear that if Trump’s healthcare reform act runs into trouble or takes longer than expected to pass, then his tax reform policies may also face setbacks.
Business tax code reform is the largest financial chunk of this issue, and when coupled with individual tax reform can change dramatically the daily life of struggling Americans.
Jeb Hensarling’s (R-Texas) proposals to reform the Dodd-Frank regulatory reform act, what one sees is largely a return to pre-2008 laissez-faire, hands-off approaches.
Republicans intend to use the next budget to write reconciliation instructions for tax reform; Senate rules preclude using the next budget resolution for health care reform as well.
«Maybe we as the Freedom Caucus can live with a higher budget number if in fact we do real welfare reform on the tax bill — work requirements, time limits on able-bodied adults [are] part of that package,» Jordan said of a proposal to tie tax reform to welfare reform.
Ultimately, the department has no ability to reform Title 5 without legislative action which puts the fate of Tillerson’s workforce reform initiative in the hands of the House Oversight and Government Reform and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees — not the department’s oversight committees where Tillerson’s influence is greatest.
The poll surveyed nearly 563,000 officers on race relations, morale and reform — the first nationally representative survey since protests over fatal shootings sparked a national conversation on police reform.
Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced Monday he would step down after being defeated in a constitutional reform referendum, as voters showed a «clear» rejection of legislative reform measures.
So all of the momentum that the economy has right now, thanks to tax reform and regulatory reform, it would be put at risk if those plans move forward.
Dietrich told «Closing Bell » that independent economic analysts believe if Trump’s policies of tax reform, regulatory reform and infrastructure spending go through, the economy can grow by 3.5 percent.
Shetty said that Brazil’s finances are still exposed to risks surrounding politics, the government’s economic reform agenda, and high levels of public spending despite last year’s landmark pension reform.
Incase Reform 15-inch Brief with TENSAERLITE Freelancers and remote workers will love the robust storage and protection the Reform Brief gives their MacBook Pros (up to 15 inches).
Graham told us he believes there’s real work to be done when it comes to sentencing reform and prison reform — particularly when it comes to black and Hispanic men.
Not only do authoritarian voters oppose immigration reform, but as they’ve shown in flocking to Trump, authoritarian voters want the exact opposite of immigration reform: harsher policies toward immigrants.
But the fact that some insurers are making money from reform (and their profits are not, by the way, all that large) isn’t a reason to oppose that reform.
Kim has been fighting for prison reform, and in September she met with President Trump at the White House to discuss prison reform and clemency for non-violent convicts.
He also addressed the audience, complimenting Clinton’s «intelligence» and «experience» as well as highlighting her policy plans for fairer income distribution, unemployment reform, universal healthcare, and «compassionate» immigration reform.
TRUMP ADVISER BRIEFS TECH ON TAX REFORM: White House chief economic adviser Gary Cohn said that he expects a tax reform bill will be considered by Congress in September.
It’s believed that any House tax-reform plan that includes the border-adjustment tax would be met with opposition in the Senate, greatly complicating the GOP’s tax-reform efforts.
» Trump suggested he’d sign a DACA bill without comprehensive immigration reform, saying, «I think we’ll do DACA and we can certainly start comprehensive immigration reform the following afternoon. Okay?
«We have high expectations that parliament will approve pension reform in the coming months, and then it’s onto tax reform,» Mourao said at an event in Rio de Janeiro.
Big-ticket legislative items like comprehensive immigration reform and tax code reform have gone by the wayside, mired in partisan arguments that Obama has shown little ability to mitigate.
INGRAHAM: Brian, I think the president is really committed to this idea of prison reform, and they are going to I think I&aposll tackle sentencing reform as well.
Transformational reform of the FAA’s structure and programs is the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s highest priority and one of the most important reform efforts Congress can pass this session.
Hopes fade for using tax reform on infrastructure: Hope is fading on Capitol Hill that tax reform will be used to pay for President Trump’s $1 trillion infrastructure package.
«The reason for that is the focus is no longer health-care reform, it’s on pricing reform and that is specific to the drug and biotech industry,» he said.
After the AHCA’s defeat last month, Ryan and Trump signaled that they would move away from healthcare reform and focus instead on other policy areas, such as tax reform.
President Trump on Wednesday praised the 1986 Tax Reform Act while unveiling his administration’s plans on tax reform, marking an apparent reversal from his previous criticism of the law.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo can make good on his own professed vision for reform by supporting new and improved bail reform legislation during the regular session this year.
Those who oppose adding any sentencing reform to the First Step Act are stuck in the 1980s and are completely ignoring criminal justice reform successes at the state level.
The coalition plans to come up with a set of principles on tax reform that will serve as a foundation for members as they participate in tax-reform discussions.
But the impact of today’s Republican caucus on the tax reform bill may be much less significant than the impact of the tax reform bill on tomorrow’s Republican caucus.
Ware believes the White House’s priority and pace of handling probes, headlines and health-care reform has left the market pessimistic that tax reform will be passed in 2017.
The tax reform process now underway in Congress offers a chance for policymakers to continue to reform the CTC to ensure it provides relief to struggling working class families.
It’s also critical for Trump to finally fill in the blanks and put forward his specific proposals on other serious issues like healthcare reform, entitlement reform, energy and education.
All the energy and effort could have been spent on literally any other plausible legislative effort—infrastructure funding, further criminal-justice reform, the opioid crisis, or drug-price reform.
«We know from polls over a number of years that a majority of New Zealanders support cannabis law reform,» said Sandra Murray, a spokeswoman for the Cannabis Reform Coalition.
As the market pays close attention to the upcoming Trump’s tax reform happening on Wednesday, a number of details about the tax reform bill were leaked on the weekend.
Jim Lardner is a senior fellow at Americans for Financial Reform, a progressive organization which advocates for financial reform in the United States, including stricter regulation of Wall Street.
Quick passage of the labor reform bill was important for the government to show that its reform agenda aimed at restoring economic growth and business confidence is on track.
Passage of the bill would: Bipartisan support for mental health reform is strong, only two representatives voted against mental health reform when it passed the House on July 6.
On Monday, Guedes and senior Economy Ministry officials had an informal dinner with central bank President Roberto Campos Neto to discuss the post-pension reform economic and reform landscape.
Despite a zephyr of reform blowing across the continent, with many countries moving towards decriminalization (or de facto decriminalization) and medical reform, progress at a national level is slow.
Moreover, during a House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee hearing that month, Representative Elijah Cummings said the DOJ had contacted lawmakers to voice opposition to the FOIA reform bill.
After getting pension reform to the brink of full Congressional approval earlier this year, the government has made tax reform a priority for the second half of the year.
The question often is if it’s—if a decision is between 60 votes, a filibuster, or passing common sense gun reform, I’m going to choose common sense gun reform.
The difference with Ms. Rainer is that, while it’s less clear how she wants to reform the world, it’s far more precise how she wants to reform dance itself.
As he’s scaled up his presidential campaign, Bloomberg has apologized for stop and frisk, while putting out criminal justice reform plans that attempt to show he’s serious about reform.
Like the reform efforts of 1964, 85033 and 1997, both the House and Senate offer radical reform on both the business and the individual side of the tax equation.
Members of Congress need to solidify votes for a budget that accommodates comprehensive tax reform by September, while party leaders demonstrate the benefits of such reform to the public.
President Trump celebrated the House’s passage of the GOP tax-reform plan Thursday, saying in a tweet that the vote was a «big win» for tax cuts and reform.
In particular, he and his allies in Congress are making it a priority to unravel financial reform — and specifically the parts of financial reform that protect consumers against predators.
FLOOD INSURANCE REFORM CLEARS FIRST HURDLE: A bill meant to reform flood insurance with a shot of private sector innovation unanimously cleared the House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday.
«We’re trying to do health care reform and tax reform, and that takes a lot of time to get that right,» said Senator John Hoeven, Republican of North Dakota.
Economy Ministry undersecretary Maria Cecilia Guerra said Italy would only approve the ESM reform if it had guarantees over other proposals for euro zone reform currently on the table.
Lisa Donner is the executive director of Americans for Financial Reform, a progressive organization that advocates for financial reform in the United States, including stricter regulation of Wall Street.
Tax reform Republicans can’t move a fiscal year 2018 budget, which they need for tax reform, until they finish work on a fiscal 85033 budget needed to repeal ObamaCare.
Gramm’s point is as valid today as it was then: If Republicans want to address entitlement reform they must first pass tax reform that jumpstarts Obama’s slow-growth economy.
The close relationship between the Trump plan and the ideas of House and Senate Republicans on tax reform, regulatory reform and support for work furthers the case for optimism.
Banking reform The Senate is expected to wrap up its work on legislation reforming the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law after a fight over amendments stalled the bill.
Sanders outlined four major issues confronting the Hispanic community: the need for comprehensive immigration reform, an inclusive economy, criminal justice system reform and the financial crisis in Puerto Rico.
Where conservatives sometimes struggle with criminal justice reform is in the appearance of being soft on criminals or anti-law enforcement, and reform opponents seek to exploit this tendency.
Tax reform, which on the business tax structure, as a larger footprint on the American economy is sorely needed a hand off or in conjunction with individual tax reform.
Senate pivots to tax reform: Senators are digging in for a looming fall fight over tax reform, as Republicans look to move on from their setback on ObamaCare repeal.
«For us to achieve 3 percent G.D.P. growth over the next 10 years from tax reform, we have to have welfare reform,» according to Rod Blum, Republican of Iowa.
But Goldman recently told clients to tamp down their expectations for tax reform, and stocks sensitive to tax reform, infrastructure spending and deregulation have reversed their post-election gains.
Pathway to citizenship: unclear Abolishing ICE: no, but reform At a Las Vegas town hall in May, Sanders said he would roll out a «comprehensive immigration reform plan» soon.
» • «We have a proposal for business tax reform.

Sentences starting with reform

  • Reform in its antagonism inclines to asinine resistance, to kick with hoofs; it runs to egotism and bloated self-conceit; it runs to a bodiless pretension, to unnatural refining and elevation, which ends in hypocrisy and sensual reaction. [6]

Sentences ending with reform

  • I mean those who give themselves up to the unction of the reform. [4]
  • I tell you what it is, gentlemen, I shall go in for reform. [5]
  • Luigi’s whole heart was in it, and even Angelo developed a surprising amount of interest-which was natural, because he was not merely representing Whigism, a matter of no consequence to him; but he was representing something immensely finer and greater—to wit, Reform. [5]
  • The interest to us now in the observation of this phase of modern life is not in the least for purposes of satire or of reform. [4]
  • I handed him the watermelon and told him to reform. [5]
  • I might gladly the separable verb also a little bit reform. [5]
  • And Whitredge says that Jake Botcher is talking reform. [9]
  • I never saw such a reform. [5]
  • But a more special interest of his lay in prison reform. [4]
  • But I have seen enough of life to prophesy your end and you do not reform. [9]

Short sentences using reform

  • Put in a reform mayor. [9]
  • Will my reform reach perfection? [5]
  • Where was reform now? [9]
  • You will reform, now, Alden. [5]
  • She could reform me. [5]
  • I’ll reform the customs. [11]
  • She could reform any burglar. [5]
  • Temperance, the reform, 141, 152. [6]
  • Reform! [5]
  • Dress reform! [4]

Sentences containing reform two or more times

  • No, the admiration must be reserved for the town’s sewerage system, which is called perfect; a recent reform, however, for it was just the other way, up to a few years ago—a reform resulting from the lesson taught by a desolating visitation of the yellow-fever. [5]
  • He was going into this campaign to tell the truth, but to tell all sides of it, and if they wanted reform, they’d have to reform themselves first. [9]
  • In him was centered the hopes of the whole reform element of the town; he was the chosen and admired champion of every clique that had a pet reform of any sort or kind at heart. [5]

More example sentences with the word reform in them

  • A real reform would settle them once and for all, and wind up by giving us an alphabet that we wouldn’t have to spell with at all, instead of this present silly alphabet, which I fancy was invented by a drunken thief. [5]
  • Hawkins, it will work the grandest moral reform of the 19th century. [5]
  • The latter commences with Professor Tzschirner’s appointment and the reform in the school. [10]
  • Besides being occupied with his estates and reading a great variety of books, Prince Andrew was at this time busy with a critical survey of our last two unfortunate campaigns, and with drawing up a proposal for a reform of the army rules and regulations. [2]
  • Even the Professor, who was traveling in the interest of Reform, couldn’t wake up a discussion out of such a state of mind. [4]
  • Thrice-blessed State, in which there were now three reform candidates for governor! [9]
  • From Mrs. Hammond we learn that on the 31st (the day after Johannesburg heard of the invasion), «The Reform Committee repudiates Dr. Jameson’s inroad. [5]
  • Its declared purpose was «simply to instruct the young, reform the old, correct the town, and castigate the age. [4]
  • But they began to notice that some streets were quiet and clean, and, though never so quiet and clean as Boston streets, that they wore an air of encouraging reform, and suggested a future of greater and greater domesticity. [8]
  • General attention was thus drawn to the poor fellow, and a great many people came forward and helped him toward reform with their countenance and encouragement. [5]
  • Fielding had dreaded this, had tried to make preparation for it, had begged of the Government this reform and that—to no purpose. [11]
  • The note of this reform is discipline, and its success rests upon the law of habit. [4]
  • I wanted to think that out; and moreover I wanted to think out some way to reform this evil and persuade the people to let the foolish fashion die out; but thinking was out of the question in the circumstances. [5]
  • In spite of these known facts, the impression of popularity, of repudiation of reform by a large majority of level-headed inhabitants had reassuring and reenforcing effects. [9]
  • As a consequence the workers in the field were increasing by degrees, and the reform was steadily spreading. [5]
  • Everything depends upon the spirit in which a reform or a scheme of philanthropy is conducted. [4]
  • The crowd in the rotunda makes a lane, and Mr. Crewe, glancing neither to the right nor left, walks upstairs; and scarce is he installed in the bridal suite, surrounded by his faithful workers for reform, than that amazing reception begins. [9]
  • The influence of the reform he introduced must have been more or less felt in this country, but not much before the beginning of the eighteenth century, as his great work was not published until 1675, and then in Latin. [3]
  • Reform, contrary to the preconceived opinion of many, is not made of icicles, nor answers with a stone a request for bread. [9]
  • That would be the most radical reform of the day. [4]
  • It has been the manner of reform since the beginning of the world. [5]
  • He thought of the Honorable Heth’s reform speech in Congress, and laughed loudly in the echoing woods. [9]
  • He may convince the doubter and reform the profligate. [6]
  • Don’t you see that the rational thing to do is to reform the brakeman and keep him? [5]
  • They are worse than failures now, because the public mind is lulled into a false security by them, and efforts at genuine prison reform are defeated. [4]
  • At length he spoke firmly: «Yes, I’m going to reform, but it’s on one condition. [11]
  • Also, in a speech, Reformer Lionel Phillips informs the public that the Reform Committee Delegation has «been received with courtesy by the Government Commission,» and «been assured that their proposals shall be earnestly considered. [5]
  • The protection of society by the removal and reform of the criminal class, when the public determines upon it, will call into the service a class of men fitted for the great work. [4]
  • This country is so spread out, without any social or literary centre universally recognized as such, and the narrow ‘a’ has become so prevalent, that even fashion finds it difficult to reform it. [4]
  • He ended by saying that his reform should begin at this moment, even here in the presence of death, since no longer time was to be vouchsafed wherein to prosecute it to men’s help and benefit—and with that he threw away the bottle of whisky. [5]
  • The minute I saw it was green I was sorry, and began to reflect —reflection is the beginning of reform. [5]
  • I would have said to General Grant: «Put the drunkenness in the Memoirs—and the repentance and reform. [5]
  • It may be said in passing that the indeterminate sentence would be in itself to any man a great stimulus to reform, because his reformation would be the only means of his terminating that sentence. [4]
  • The reform rallies resemble matinees no longer, and two real reporters accompany Mr. Crewe on his tours. [9]
  • We want a reorganized cuisine of invalidism perhaps as much as the culinary, reform, for which our lyceum lecturers, and others who live much at hotels and taverns, are so urgent. [3]
  • Mr. Ballou made remarks of similar purport, and began the reform he could not live to continue, by throwing away the ancient pack of cards that had solaced our captivity during the flood and made it bearable. [5]
  • But is that reform worth anything? [5]
  • The Professor, whose reform sentiments agreed with those of the newspaper, advised it. [4]
  • He said he reckoned a body could reform the old man with a shotgun, maybe, but he didn’t know no other way. [5]
  • No more striking proof of this fact can be cited than the modern experiment in prison reform in which hardened convicts, when «given a chance,» frequently become useful citizens. [9]
  • I recalled my promises of reform and preached to myself persuasively, upbraidingly, exhaustively. [5]
  • Both reform and progress come from exterior influences. [4]
  • The two great political parties of England are really formed on lines constructed after the passage of the Reform Bill of 1832. [4]
  • He cried, he pleaded for forgiveness, promised to reform over and over again, and then received his dismissal, feeling that he had won but an imperfect forgiveness and established but a feeble confidence. [5]
  • Yet he is oppressed by the gloom hanging over the booksellers’ trade, which he thinks will continue until reform and cholera have passed away. [4]
  • Spelling reform has only made it bald-headed and unsightly. [5]
  • As he goes on in life, he begins to doubt his ability to destroy all evil and to reform all abuses, and to suspect that there will be much left to do after he has done. [4]
  • You cannot converse on anything nowadays that you do not run into some reform. [4]
  • All the world of hope and discontent went there, with its projects of reform. [4]
  • As a matter of fact, they intended to buy up enough of these to count, but to mention this would be to betray the methods of Mr. Worthington’s reform. [9]
  • There can be no reform from outside. [11]
  • Your reform will never quite reach perfection, for your temper will beat you now and then, but you come near enough. [5]
  • It is even necessary in reform. [5]
  • Think of it—my name will live forever in the affections of good men as the man, who, solitary and alone, accomplished this noble and elevating reform. [5]
  • Again Aurelia was moved to break the engagement, but again love triumphed, and she set the day forward and gave him another chance to reform. [5]
  • It is neither more nor less than with Prince Vasili’s son Anatole, whom they wish to reform by marrying him to someone rich and distinguee, and it is on you that his relations’ choice has fallen. [2]
  • He is much more likely to reform then than he would be after he had had a term in the State prison and was again convicted, and the chance of his reformation would be lessened by each subsequent experience of this kind. [4]
  • And Mr. Stephen Merrill, who had come to Brampton out of the kindness of his heart, had only arranged this meeting in a conversation with Jethro that day, after the reform speech. [9]
  • He was a member of the Connecticut commission on prisons, of the National Prison Association, and a vice-president of the New York Association for Prison Reform. [4]
  • They had made many changes and popular concessions, but they resisted parliamentary reform. [4]
  • Miller Gorse alone made no remarks, but in spite of his silence he emanated an animosity against reform and reformers that seemed to charge the very atmosphere, and would have repressed any man but Ralph…. [9]
  • Though the village loved and revered Cynthia, Coniston as a whole did not rejoice in that reform. [9]
  • Can we reform London and Paris and New York, which our own hands have made? [4]
  • But what is it in human nature that is apt to carry a man who may take a step in personal reform into so many extremes? [4]
  • No; for it is reform by force and has no virtue in it; it merely stops that form of lying, it doesn’t impair the disposition to lie, by a shade. [5]
  • Sorrow for wrong-doing is but one step towards reform, and the very easiest step. [5]
  • Had she herself inspired, by some unknown psychological law, this first attempt of his to reform the universe, this theory which he had rather spoken than thought? [9]
  • Nature is entirely indifferent to any reform. [4]
  • If he is incapable of reform, he must stay there for his natural life. [4]
  • Sometimes she trembled in indignation, and then afterwards gave herself to the work on the estate or in the household—its reform and its rearrangement; though the house was like most in Jamaica, had adequate plate, linen, glass and furniture. [11]
  • And never have I the desire had the noble language to hurt; to the contrary, only wished she to improve—I would her only reform. [5]
  • So intent was I on overcoming her objections, that I resorted unwittingly to the modern argument I had more than once declared in court to be anathema-the argument of the new reform in reference to the common law and the constitution. [9]
  • I confess that I am oftener impressed with the powerlessness of the press than otherwise, its slight influence in bringing about any reform, or in inducing the public to do what is for its own good and what it is disinclined to do. [4]
  • When Mr. Bedloe Hubbell had undertaken, in the name of Reform, to make a witch’s cauldron of the city’s politics, which Mr. Beatty had hitherto conducted so smoothly from the back room of his saloon, Mr. Plimpton had unselfishly offered his services. [9]
  • Mary did her honest best to reform her husband, but the contract was too large. [5]
  • A gentleman of high position told me in Johannesburg that he had in his possession a printed document proclaiming a new government and naming its president—one of the Reform leaders. [5]
  • O my friends, hear me and reform! [5]
  • Krebs has a head-piece on him, and I tell you if any of this reform dope is worth anything his is. [9]
  • Well, Jethro,» said he, with a twinkle in his eye, «are you goin’ to reform? [9]
  • Do you often have to reform people in that way? [5]
  • Of course, I have ideas of dress reform. [5]
  • That little progress has been made is due to public indifference to a vital question and to the action of sentimentalists, who, in their philanthropic zeal; fancy that a radical reform can come without radical discipline. [4]
  • One of the handsome brothers invited us into the refectory, a place as bare and cheerless as the feeding-room of a reform school, and set before us bread and cheese, and red wine, made by the monks. [4]
  • But our citizens had become weary…. As a topic, however, this effective suppression of reform was referred to with some delicacy by my friends and myself. [9]
  • Many mistake this for repentance and an intention to reform, when generally it is only the desire for a new shuffle of the cards. [4]
  • This excellent woman first made him familiar with the maternal feminine solicitude, closer observation of which afterwards led him, as well as Pestalozzi, to a reform of the system of educating youth. [10]
  • In short, the first citizen, as became him, had delivered the first reform speech ever heard in Brampton, and the sensation which it created was quite commensurate to the occasion. [9]
  • Although we have failed to induce some of the commercial powers to adopt a desirable melioration of the rigor of maritime war, we have removed all obstructions from the way of this humane reform except such as are merely of temporary and accidental occurrence. [7]
  • I’m sick of every sort of reform. [4]
  • Therefore I am emboldened to ask the assistance and encouragement of all whose sympathies are with Progress and Reform. [5]
  • Stavely was immediately elected to the vacant magistracy, and, oozing reform from every pore, he went vigorously to work. [5]
  • Arid if he didn’t reform, I told him I’d see that he didn’t get any more of my trade—nor anybody, else’s I knew, if I could help it. [5]
  • General Campan’s division did not seize the first fortification but was driven back, for on emerging from the wood it had to reform under grapeshot, of which Napoleon was unaware. [2]
  • He had a desire to reform the world and he wanted to be a great painter or sculptor, or both; and he entered New York with a new sense developed. [11]
  • Every violent reform deserves censure, for it quite fails to remedy evil while men remain what they are, and also because wisdom needs no violence. [2]
  • Does n’t that depend upon whether the reform is large or petty? [4]
  • The Sanitary Reform, dating from about thirty years ago, had a great effect on the condition of the place. [6]
  • There is no competent, and lasting, and real reform for him but to take away his whiskey entirely, and fill up his jug with Pitman’s wholesome and undiseased alphabet. [5]
  • The time has come for reform. [11]
  • Within the present century considerable advance has been made in regard to prison reform, especially with reference to the sanitary condition of places of confinement. [4]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word reform in a sentence? How do you use reform in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word reform?
It contains example sentences with the word reform, a sentence example for reform, and reform in sample sentence.

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For our welfare reform efforts to be successful, we must empower local charitable organizations with the resources to address their local community needs.

Mel Carnahan



Via Old French from Latin reformāre to form again.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Reform is a verb and can also act as a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb reform in English.



Reform means the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory, etc. The use of the word in this way emerges in the late 1700s and is believed to originate from Christopher Wyvill’s Association movement which identified “Parliamentary Reform” as its primary aim. Reform is generally distinguished from revolution. The latter means basic or radical change; whereas reform may be no more than fine tuning, or at most redressing serious wrongs without altering the fundamentals of the system. Reform seeks to improve the system as it stands, never to overthrow it wholesale. Radicals on the other hand, seek to improve the system, but try to overthrow whether it be the government or a group of people themselves. Rotation in office or term limits would, by contrast, be more revolutionary, in altering basic political connections between incumbents and constituents. Developing countries may carry out a wide range of reforms to improve their living standards, often with support from international financial institutions and aid agencies. This can include reforms to macroeconomic policy, the civil service, and public financial management.

Definition of reform in the English dictionary

The first definition of reform in the dictionary is to improve by alteration or correction of abuses. Other definition of reform is to give up or cause to give up a reprehensible habit or immoral way of life. Reform is also to change the molecular structure of to make it suitable for use as petrol by heat, pressure, and the action of catalysts.




I reform

you reform

he/she/it reforms

we reform

you reform

they reform

Present continuous

I am reforming

you are reforming

he/she/it is reforming

we are reforming

you are reforming

they are reforming

Present perfect

I have reformed

you have reformed

he/she/it has reformed

we have reformed

you have reformed

they have reformed

Present perfect continuous

I have been reforming

you have been reforming

he/she/it has been reforming

we have been reforming

you have been reforming

they have been reforming

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I reformed

you reformed

he/she/it reformed

we reformed

you reformed

they reformed

Past continuous

I was reforming

you were reforming

he/she/it was reforming

we were reforming

you were reforming

they were reforming

Past perfect

I had reformed

you had reformed

he/she/it had reformed

we had reformed

you had reformed

they had reformed

Past perfect continuous

I had been reforming

you had been reforming

he/she/it had been reforming

we had been reforming

you had been reforming

they had been reforming

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will reform

you will reform

he/she/it will reform

we will reform

you will reform

they will reform

Future continuous

I will be reforming

you will be reforming

he/she/it will be reforming

we will be reforming

you will be reforming

they will be reforming

Future perfect

I will have reformed

you will have reformed

he/she/it will have reformed

we will have reformed

you will have reformed

they will have reformed

Future perfect continuous

I will have been reforming

you will have been reforming

he/she/it will have been reforming

we will have been reforming

you will have been reforming

they will have been reforming

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would reform

you would reform

he/she/it would reform

we would reform

you would reform

they would reform

Conditional continuous

I would be reforming

you would be reforming

he/she/it would be reforming

we would be reforming

you would be reforming

they would be reforming

Conditional perfect

I would have reform

you would have reform

he/she/it would have reform

we would have reform

you would have reform

they would have reform

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been reforming

you would have been reforming

he/she/it would have been reforming

we would have been reforming

you would have been reforming

they would have been reforming

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you reform
we let´s reform
you reform

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


Synonyms and antonyms of reform in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «reform» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «reform» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of reform to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of reform from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «reform» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

canh tân

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

மீண்டும் ஒன்றிணைத்து

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of reform


The term «reform» is very widely used and occupies the 8.367 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «reform» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of reform

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «reform».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «reform» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «reform» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about reform


Famous quotes and sentences with the word reform.

It always takes a scandal to bring about reform.

Liberals are wrong to think that opposition to health reform is a rejection of big government. If health reform consisted of extending Medicare to everyone, people would be delighted. There are millions of 64-year-olds out there who can hardly wait to be 65.

Of course, the genesis of a good portion of the gridlock in Congress does not reside in Congress itself. Ultimate reform will require each of us, as voters and Americans, to take a long look in the mirror, because in many ways, our representatives in Washington reflect the people who have sent them there.

It’s not health care reform to dump more money into Medicaid.

When I first met Tony Blair in 1996, he was open and idealistic, keen to bring a breath of fresh air to government. But something happened — was it just the arrogance of power? — that narrowed Labour’s vision from purposeful reform and investment, to peevish and petulant pragmatism.

Rather than passing a thousand pages of tax reform legislation and restarting the tax code manipulation process, we should change the paradigm. It is time to eliminate the IRS and repeal the 16th Amendment.

Tax reform is taking the taxes off things that have been taxed in the past and putting taxes on things that haven’t been taxed before.

For our welfare reform efforts to be successful, we must empower local charitable organizations with the resources to address their local community needs.

The Conservative Party is not honouring the commitment to Lords reform and, as a result, part of our contract has now been broken. Clearly I cannot permit a situation where Conservative rebels can pick and choose the parts of the contract they like, while Liberal Democrat MPs are bound to the entire agreement.

We’ve got to have major health care reform because that is the 800-pound gorilla. That is the thing that can swamp the boat fiscally for the United States.


Discover the use of reform in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to reform and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Inside National Health Reform

This indispensable guide to the Affordable Care Act, our new national health care law, lends an insider’s deep understanding of policy to a lively and absorbing account of the extraordinary—and extraordinarily ambitious—legislative …


Welfare Reform: Effects of a Decade of Change

In Welfare Reform, Jeffrey Grogger and Lynn Karoly assemble evidence from numerous studies to assess how welfare reform has affected behavior.

Jeff GROGGER, Lynn A. Karoly, Jeff Grogger, 2009


Radical reform: Islamic ethics and liberation

In this new book, Ramadan addresses Muslim societies and communities everywhere with a bold call for radical reform. He challenges those who argue defensively that reform is a dangerous and foreign deviation, and a betrayal of the faith.


The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China

Combining theoretical ambition with the flavor of on-the-ground policy-making in Beijing, this book is a major contribution to the study of reform in China and other communist countries.


Prostitution: Prevention and Reform in England, 1860-1914

This indispensable book reveals: * reformers’ attitudes towards prostitutes and prostitution * daily life inside reform institutions * attempts at moral education * developments in moral health theories * influence of eugenics * attempts at …


UN Security Council Reform and the Right of Veto: A …

Analyse af FN’s sikkerhedsråd og en reform af dette.


Health Care Reform Around the World

The book discusses trends in medical care, options for the organization of medical and other services, and reasons why market modes of organization are in the ascendant at the expense of democratic and professional interests.

This book is a landmark in American political thought.


Pay for Play: A History of Big-time College Athletic Reform

This book traces attempts at college athletics reform from 1855 through the early twenty-first century while analyzing the different roles played by students, faculty, conferences, university presidents, the NCAA, legislatures, and the …

Ronald Austin Smith, 2011


Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of …

Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of ‘brainwashing’ in China


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term reform is used in the context of the following news items.

Tsipras secures backing of Greek MPs for crucial reforms

The Greek parliament backed a second round of reforms demanded by creditors early on Thursday but the vote revealed a deepening rift in the radical leftwing … «Financial Times, Jul 15»

Hong Kong Lawmakers Reject Electoral-Reform Proposal Backed …

Proponents said the reforms would be a first step in a longer process of democratization, while the opposition said they would instead lead to political stagnation … «TIME, Jun 15»

UPDATE 1-G20 discusses plans to sidestep US on IMF reforms

But the Obama administration, which supports the reforms, has been unable to persuade the U.S. Congress to pass funding changes necessary for the … «Reuters, Apr 15»

Greece says sending reform list on Friday

Greece has sent its creditors a long-awaited list of reforms with a pledge to produce a small budget surplus this year in the hope that it will unlock badly needed … «CNBC, Mar 15»

Economic Reform Is Best Path for Greece

Greece has no good Plan B’s. Its only rational course of action is to work with its eurozone creditors to reform its economy. Alexis Tsipras, the prime minister, is in … «New York Times, Mar 15»

Greece readies reform promises after Eurogroup climbdown

Greece’s government prepared reform measures on Sunday to secure a financial lifeline from the euro zone, but was attacked for selling «illusions» to voters after … «CNBC, Feb 15»

Why didn’t Obama pass immigration reform when he had the chance?

Reform was a «serious concern,» Obama told a group of regional reporters in March … to believe he was committed to introducing a comprehensive reform bill. «Washington Examiner, Sep 14»

Here’s One Republican’s Sweeping Plan To Overhaul America’s Tax …

«As Democrats, we believe it is vital that tax reform encourage economic growth, support working families, broaden the middle class, and address income … «Business Insider, Feb 14»

5 Reasons Immigration Reform Is Going Nowhere Fast

House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday that he can’t see a path forward on immigration reform and asked President Barack Obama to do more on the … «TIME, Feb 14»

Text of Republicans’ Principles on Immigration

In addition, we must ensure now that when immigration reform is enacted, there will be a zero tolerance policy for those who cross the border illegally or overstay … «New York Times, Jan 14»


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