Sentences with the word realize

Synonym: appreciate, comprehend, conceive, follow, grasp, understand. Similar words: specialize, demoralize, realistic, utilize, deal in, real, realm, really. Meaning: [‘rɪəlaɪz]  v. 1. be fully aware or cognizant of 2. perceive (an idea or situation) mentally 3. make real or concrete; give reality or substance to 4. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages 5. convert into cash; of goods and property 6. expand or complete (a part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass. 

1. Only later did she realize her mistake.

2. Only love influence, and can realize born inspiration.

3. We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.

4. Don’t realize too much which will let you down.

5. Everytime you come to mind, I realize I’m smiling.

6. He didn’t realize what a gaffe he’d made.

7. I didn’t realize you were so unhappy.

8. Our ultimate aim is to realize communism.

9. I didn’t realize how much this meant to you.

10. I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime.

11. They didn’t realize the danger they were in.

12. I can realize all my dreams.

13. He didn’t realize his mistake.

14. He hadn’t the wits/wit enough to realize the danger.

15. I don’t think you realize how important this is to her.

16. The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

17. Therefore, if you desire love, try to realize that the only way to get love is by giving love, that the more you give, the more you get.

18. Some people just don’t realize how much their words can hurt someone.

19. I don’t think you realize the gravity of the situation.

20. Everytime you come to my mind, I realize I’m smiling.

21. As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.

22. Looking back across the years,we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise.Growing older only means the spirit grows serene.Happy birthday!

23. Don’t you realize we’re working to a timetable? We have to have results.

24. We don’t realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone.

25. When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know,[] to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind.

26. Is there anyone who hasn’t suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit’s always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but infact it’s very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.

27. When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no moreimportant in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forwardby time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forwardwhen another train goes by. It is the truth that we’ve all grown up.And we become different.

28. One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.

29. When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we’ve all grown up. And we become different.

30. A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, and realize how blessed you are for what you have.

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I think both candidates realize this.

И, похоже, что оба кандидата это понимают.

They eventually realize they love each other.

В конце концов, они понимают, что любят друг друга.

Maybe I could realize this if my relaxation were deeper.

Может быть, я мог бы понять это, если бы моя релаксация был более глубокой.

He helped them realize they had something unique to contribute.

Он помог им понять, что у них есть что-то уникальное, чтобы внести свой вклад.

I think most mathematicians realize this.

Я думаю, что большинство математиков осознать это.

This episode helped Lamborghini realize what he really wants to do.

Этот эпизод помог Ламборгини осознать, чем на самом деле он хочет заниматься.

Once you realize this, nothing will stop you.

Как только вы поймете эту концепцию, ничто не сможет остановить вас.

But you realize you have no choice.

Но ты понимаешь, что выбора у тебя нет.

Maybe you didn’t even realize the link got redirected.

Может быть, вы даже не поняли, что ссылка была перенаправлена.

And they realize they cannot really find success in these things.

И они понимают, что не могут по-настоящему преуспеть в подобных вещах».

Workers realize they have four days to get everything done.

Рабочие понимают, что у них есть четыре дня, чтобы все сделать.

Nobody is perfectly rational, and so-called rationalists obviously don’t realize this.

Никто не может быть полностью рациональным, а так называемые «рационалисты» этого, очевидно, не понимают.

You will realize how you really feel about foreign people.

Вы поймете, как вы на самом деле относитесь к иностранным людям.

As we progress we realize how obsolete our current way of functioning really is.

По мере того, как мы продвигаемся вперед, мы понимаем, насколько устаревшим является наш нынешний способ функционирования.

Successful people realize they cannot control everything, and anticipate mistakes.

Успешные люди понимают, что они не могут контролировать все, и предвидеть ошибки.

Etc… until you realize the truth yourself.

И т. д… пока вы не поймете истину сами.

It is also important you realize they help complete the atmosphere.

Также важно, чтобы вы осознали, что они только помогают завершить атмосферу.

First we realize something can be done.

В первую очередь нужно понять, что можно сделать.

BUT I now realize they were signs.

Теперь я понимаю, что это были какие-то знаки.

Just as we realize now that space is really consciousness.

Так же, как сейчас мы понимаем, что пространство — это, на самом деле, Сознание.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат realize

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

понимать, реализовать, осознавать, осуществлять, сознавать, выполнять


- осуществить, выполнить, реализовать (план, замысел); претворить в жизнь

to realize a plan — выполнить /провести в жизнь/ план
to realize one’s ambitions — осуществить свои честолюбивые замыслы
our hopes were realized — наши надежды сбылись

- представлять себе; (ясно) понимать, осознавать

to realize the difficulties — представлять себе /понимать/ все трудности
to realize one’s error [that one was wrong] — осознать свою ошибку [что был неправ]
I realize how it was done — я представляю себе /понимаю/, как это было сделано
I fully /quite/ realize the fact that … — я отдаю себе полный отчёт в том, что …
I can hardly yet realize the full extent of my loss — всю тяжесть потери /утраты/ я ещё не осознал

- делать ясным, живым, наглядным

these details help to realize the scene — эти подробности позволяют живо представить /воссоздают/ всю сцену

- реализовать, превращать в деньги, продавать

to realize securities — реализовать ценные бумаги, превратить ценные бумаги в деньги
the goods are difficult [easy] to realize — эти товары трудно [легко] продаются; эти товары не находят сбыта [находят сбыт]

- (on, from) выручить (сумму); получить (такую-то сумму за что-л.)

to realize a profit — получить прибыль
to realize a fortune — нажить состояние
he did not realize much for china figures — за фарфоровые статуэтки он получил немного
from overseas sales he realized enough to equip a new workshop — от экспорта он выручил достаточно, чтобы оборудовать новую мастерскую

- принести (прибыль); быть проданным (за такую-то сумму)

the goods realized £100 — товар был продан за сто фунтов стерлингов

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Do you realize you’re an hour late?

Вы понимаете, что опоздали на целый час?

She finally realized her goal.

Она наконец осуществила свою цель.

It was only later that I realized my mistake.

Только потом я понял свою ошибку.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize who you were.

Прошу прощения, я не знал, кто вы.

I suddenly realized that the boy was crying.

И тогда я вдруг понял, что мальчик плачет.

She realized that she had been cheated.

Она поняла, что её обманули.

I realize this is very short notice.

Я понимаю, что говорю это в самый последний момент.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…I didn’t realize it had gotten so dark in the room until my wife came in and turned on the lamp, momentarily blinding me….

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Возможные однокоренные слова

realizable  — реализуемый, осуществимый, осознаваемый, выполнимый, поддающийся пониманию
realized  — реализованный, осуществленный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: realize
he/she/it: realizes
ing ф. (present participle): realizing
2-я ф. (past tense): realized
3-я ф. (past participle): realized

Sentences with the word Realize?



  • «The water came to a boil»; «We came to understand the true meaning of life»; «Their anger came to a boil»; «I came to realize the true meaning of life»; «The shoes came untied»; «come into contact with a terrorist group»; «his face went red»; «your wish will come true»
  • «at that juncture he had no idea what to do»; «he must be made to realize that the company stands at a critical point»
  • «there was too much anger and disturbance»; «she didn’t realize the upset she caused me»
  • «Now I see!»; «I just can’t see your point»; «Does she realize how important this decision is?»; «I don’t understand the idea»

By reading through these scriptures, you can realize that

you will realize that it contain a purpose that goes

· To realize that in the long run good and bad things are bound to cancel out each other

· You have a party and the neighbors don’t even realize it

spot when you realize you acted against God’s will and

If everyone asked themselves that question and they answered the question with honesty, they would realize why they have what they have

you realize the depth of that person’s issues

Seeing Aiko’s pained face, her arms cradling the man on the floor, I finally realize

One has to realize that women evolved as child bearing and home defender- hence nurturing, loving and caring while men evolved as hunter (chaser!), protector, provider and problem solver

Please realize that even though an item is organic and found in nature it can still be dangerous

As it happened Will was a very good looking young man and even though he didn’t realize it yet, half the girls in his school were in love with him

I was only beginning to realize just how badly I had let him down

you will realize that they stay

We have the authority whether we realize it or not

Soon I began to realize that it was getting darker

Since there remains such an urgent need for more qualified elders in the Lord’s church it behooves all of us as preachers to realize more our responsibility in teaching and training these men

I realize there are minor things that need to be discussed and have brought up such in

Realize that the problem exists with the congregation and the faithful members be

We need to realize that there is a difference between «inference and assumption

I search through the computer and eventually realize where the picture is coming from,

As we walk around the Acropolis, I begin a conversation that is hopefully a start of a new, candid relationship with my son, «Apollo, I realize you are aware why Seth and the other members of the Corsair will be here tomorrow

They were passing over some distant realm he had never seen, making him realize how little he had seen, though he had journeyed a local year from the Kassikan, it was a small distance on the world when seen from this distance, not a twentieth of a circumnavigation

We realize how much the vanity and entertainment actually got in the way of God instead of leading us to Him

once you realize THIS is what really delights your heart

The soldiers began to realize that Son was sparing their lives

We start to realize that everyone here is doing the

Here’s the thing you might not yet realize – when you do this

Years later, I realize that this time

This is a deeper moment than we realize

He expressed this story and explained that he has come to realize that what he is living is a lie

“We do realize that we are imprisoned here, and we are at your

We don’t even realize that we are performing this sort of characteristic

“Oh no! You realize we don’t have insurance?” she said in such a deadpan way that he wasn’t aware she was joking till she started laughing

Going over this made him realize that he missed her

Do you realize what this will do to his career?

KELLY: Do you realize what he has done to her?

Alan hadn’t said much about it, but he might not even realize what she was trying to do because Nuran might not even consciously realize what she was trying to do

Once and awhile I went up to the door and started banging again only to realize it was open and probably had been for awhile

Anyone able to realize dysfunction and seek help is the closest to sanity most might ever achieve

He didn’t realize how hungry he was and ate two big steaming platefuls

The methane digester was high tech enough to make Alan realize it could have problems he might not know how to fix

Realize that it is a natural product of the mind

Just accept, realize, and let it go

The SECRET to cold and flu prevention just might be easier than you realize

cried, but I didn’t realize that she was pinned to her

they don’t even realize that they have died until they

but now I realize that the truth of our existence is

with others whether we realize it or not, since all

you have to realize which Ad-Spots works the best for

cleared, I realize things weren’t the same

In a low voice Dorsal declared, “Only now do I realize that you two have already joined as one

but only to realize months later that neither of you

What you have to realize is that when you pay $97 for a tool, if that tool

beginning to realize that he was not strong enough to pull the sled with the man all the way to his cabin

knowing all of the increase traffic to website techniques, you will never realize Mega Profits!

realize, once you master how to bring thousands of website targeted traffic

Do you realize that you can buy a program and put the entire program into

You know? I realize that you’re not getting, I mean, there is a time factor to consider, I mean

success whether you realize it or not

bed, seeming to finally realize that she was wearing next to nothing

All men may be created equal, but few realize their possibilities

I realize I have only a background of the most routine education, parents who have granted me my almost every wish, and scant talent or skill for actual life in the real world

The resultant stretch and rumple brought FA and LA into contact with the those other lonely forces so that through the progress of a now diatonic ascension and descension of any octave, having its existence among other octaves of similar nature, the forces could at last realize the imperative of their separation, i

home you failed to realize what was on the other side of your own door

Did he realize how far he was pushing her away? Emma couldn’t help running to her room

Well to put it in more correct terms: I am her man; she would not have anything to do with me until I knew what she was capable of, and what possibilities she could realize, which I at that time could not

The wide range of nationalities made her realize just how accurate her Grandmother was, when she would call her a Heinz 57, meaning a little bit of all

The rest of us can only bow in heartfelt admiration and awe of those few who realize that ideal on our behalf

It probably sickens you to realize what you’ve done it with already, but I still need a guide on this world

I still have some fear but I realize I can understand and do the problems if I study

I didn’t realize that September 24 was your birthday I would have wished you a very happy one in my last letter

’ She also had the consciousness to realize that I was trying to keep myself in check

When she looked into his eyes, the tear that had just slipped down his cheek made her realize how much she loved him

harder, hit better, run faster, and realize that they were in the best shape of their

That thought made her realize she’d better call the insurance company and report the accident, before Mike came unglued, after all it was his car

Again I’ll speak of an event that I’ll always remember to my dying day and it points out exactly how mean and evil Sister Alice was even if she didn’t realize what she was doing was mean and evil

To realize that I have him

I have come to realize that God is always working, so there is always something he wants to do

Not being mechanical, I didn’t realize that you shouldn’t ride a two cycle motorcycle many miles at a constant speed or you will burn out the engine

When I think back now, I realize I was pretty stupid when I was a lot younger, back then and didn’t realize really what stupid was

But after such a lengthy time with but the two of them alone in space, Gem was beginning to realize the Delphiniian and Argos had become friends

The more I study Jung, the more I realize the immense impact that his writings and philosophies have had on our modern society

Venders yet lined the streets hoping to snare passersby with the promise of a cheap cup of mead or wine, though all it took was a quick whiff of their product to realize there was no deal to be had

As I look back on those days, I realize that I learned to be a

They are the ones who have come to realize that their

You won’t be offended, Watson? You will realize that among your many talents lying is not one, and that if you had shared my secret you would never have been able to impress Smith to come here

way to realize we are in that place is through worship and praise,

we will realize that the Church is not a building, but people

did not realize that they had a destiny as well

The movements of the palace guards were so subtle that the trio almost failed to realize that they were being surrounded

If you think about it you’ll realize it was terribly hard for him to give up everything he ever knew and run off into a countryside he knew nothing about

Nevertheless, Bri Lynn was ready to disarm her mentor should he suddenly realize that the honor of their order had been put to question by an assassin

“Don’t you realize what happened here?”

And he has come! We realize now that the

for the politicians to realize that the tolerance

Those who know even a little abut Marxism realize that

They offer you leads that will allow you to realize the existence of the veil of ignorance hiding from your view the limitless lot of opportunities you were granted at the moment of your birth

One has to experience a situation of great vulnerability in his life to realize that the daily reality is largely influenced by energy

It is interesting to realize that every creation in our universe grows in itself the germ of its own destruction

I woke up one day, and I realized something

I realized that someday, hopefully many, many years from now, I’m not going to be here anymore

I realized that, God forbid, if that happens sooner rather than later, the information that I have in my head would not be left behind for my children or anyone else

I also realized it wasn’t just for my children, it was for you and your

Underling’s back that he was just in the process of doing that very thing when he realized at the last moment that it might look like he was being sarcastic

Underling’s outstretched hand before he realized that Mr

Big Petey quickly shook his head, and then realized there was no point in hiding it

Johnny, who was still protecting The Operator, realized he was floating off the ground and heading toward the ceiling at an accelerating rate

Johnny realized again that he was thinking about it, and tried again to push it out of his mind

As he was thinking, he realized there was a presence behind him

‘How dreadfully Kassidorian of you,’ she thought, but then realized how dreadfully Earthian she had been to him

But then he realized something else

i realized that Jesus took his pain

I had a quick look at the phone and realized it wasn’t Peter this time but a local number

I realized that I couldn’t do anything to help my family

Then she realized it lasted three or four on the planet below

Then I realized that God takes responsibility for His every word

Church have such authority on the earth which we have not realized yet,

whom he presented and he realized full measure of his authority as a

When we realized that we were not the sick trying to be healed,

Only later she realized why

The first time Glenelle really became personally uncomfortable about it was when Ava told her sister on the ground that Glenelle was with her now and they all realized that Ava on the ground knew her almost as well as this Angelic Ava who was her best friend

Leonora hadn’t realized they had all failed to introduce themselves!

The problem with mind control, she had immediately realized, is the problem of ‘who controls the controller?’ It was one of those dilemmas of recursions, like ‘who created God’? If a device was capable of mind control, it had to be programmed, so the programmer could control it

I realized also that the insurance policy I had wouldn’t cover this

Then I realized it was the sound of my heart pounding with fear

I realized that a man cannot heal another man

The cockney monkey next to me realized his balls up

I realized that the vicinity of the hospital is not the best place for heal-

Moses realized that God is a just God and, thus, demands justice from man

Joshua realized that Israel could not prosper when sin existed in the camp

After that travesty of a lesson in Janus last night, I realized all these years Alexander has been doing nothing but pulling our legs in there

Finally, when she realized I had no intention of spending so much money for her, she asked me to buy her a book of poems -and I did that

After a while though, I realized it was only remnants of you, memories of the years of manipulation

He wondered how Diam was arranging to cover other sensors, because too-late Bahkmar realized that they had to encapsulate all the ships instrumentation to keep the crew from noticing the effects of their intervention

But then he realized that if he exterminated all the insects in the tiny oasis, he would have no protein at all

It’s hard to tell how long my fall had lasted; suddenly, the spaceship seemed to decelerate and I realized I was arriving somewhere

down into the dungeon Son realized that the dungeon was larger than the

Pine-tree: It is a sign of prosperity; yet, it could also mean that someone needs your help and you still haven’t realized it

Then she realized it was going to take a whole bus to carry the output of this probe if the signal were full

Then Son realized that his dream was actually a memory from his waking

As Son lay on the ground he realized that he would probably not last

the soldiers began to look around they realized that they had all been given

Son looked at the man closely and realized that it was his little brother

was so drained and depleted; I realized I was not operating in a

Also as we spoke about earlier, you’ve realized that as the

When I look back and realized the health crisis that led to my

She sighed as she realized that the guileless young girl in

If he had taken a few minutes to think like a mature adult at any point along this descent into fantasy he would have realized that this could never possibly work out for him

they have already realized this and have made themselves part of

When I finally heard you I realized you had fallen off before they stopped and I’ve been following their trail back ever since

She went to his room, realized he wasn’t there, that he was using her shower

He too suddenly felt the rising tide and it surprised him with its intensity; he realized that he had never experienced anything as strong as this

It was then that Daniel realized to his surprise, that Michael was a virgin

The dragonets were delighted, and began to keen, even in their eggs; but they were upset when they realized that they couldn’t communicate with the large dogs

Winter was upon them before they realized it

Then he realized she was just giving Sally a chance to breathe

When she realized that Rah was on to her, she tried desperately to fly away

Oreo came forward and rubbed against him and he tried to push her away; it was then that Michael realized what these brave companions had done this day

She realized that she had to give the children free reign to make their own decisions

It was then that Jake realized that this was a planned attack — to do deadly harm

John looked at this beautiful woman and unexpectedly realized that he could actually see himself with her

Before he realized it, she had jumped him and they went tumbling down the slope before them

They realized that he understood they were the ones speaking, and he was fine with it

I had forgotten it happened, or not even realized by the time he walked away

I realized partially that what had happened was only because of medication and rest

Rah realized he was too far from Dragons Hill to call for help

Once the captain let him out, he realized that if Ava was missing, there was no one who could actually enforce his sentence

Coming from them, the news finally penetrated his thick skull, and he realized fully that he was going to be a father

«Heaven wasn’t realized until 2148,» he said, then remembered how dumb it was to tell her that since she was the first Angel in the west

She was holding on rather funny, and he quickly realized that she was falling

It was then that she realized for the first time just how big they were; they came up to her chest

By the time they realized their mistake it was too late

Embarrassment showed quickly on her face as Mistress Sera realized the time

Hopefully as we have explored these great tools for transforming fear, you have realized that you truly ―have nothing to fear but fear itself‖

Alexei realized she had been lied to about humans; just as Mistress Tara had suspected they lied about the Ogatu

Alexei realized then just how easily she could have killed him if she wanted; instead she saved him

After examining the child Myra realized her wounds were far worse than she thought; in all likelihood the child would die without further aid

realized it was their master, Peter cried out to Him,

realized how unnatural it was to be doing what he was

state, I realized clearly what the dream meant

I realized that Dr

Alexei chuckled to himself when he realized what was going on, and received a slug to the arm and a scowl from Altera

Eventually, it was realized that the tonsils form an

She realized she didn’t want to, that she was anticipating sex and would now be disappointed without it

I realized from this experience that this veil of

I realized from this experience that we truly are

She could not understand how anyone would ever touch another drop of it again, but then realized that those who don’t go to Alan’s universe don’t have a choice

” As she said that she realized that even if this person spoke Kassidorian fluently, she would have a hard time understanding any of that if she was really immersed in this ancient society

A startled Rayne jumped as she realized there were actual voices singing within the sound itself

husband, we realized that her Heart-Wall had probably

Now we realized her Heart-Wall was a bush

And suddenly, I realized where we were, because

They soon realized that as soon as these

I think he realized my difficulty, I caught him several times looking at me with an amused expression on his face

Thinking this was unlike Duncan; she studied the woman carefully and suddenly realized that it was Naria

realized my mistake, broke the connection, and she

Seeing this, Rayne realized she couldn’t push him much more

This was the first time Ava realized there was technique to rowing, not just strength

She would ask which echo that happened in, and realized she could be overheard asking about Him

All Rose wants is to keep dancing, but deep down she realizes she will have succumb to her parents wishes and concentrate on her studies to become a doctor or a lawyer or something prestigious

After shaking off the cobwebs in her head, Dizzie realizes she had the most fucked up dream in the history of dreams

“Fuck that motherfucker! I’ll fucking kill that fucker fifty times before he realizes I fed him his own cock through his asshole!”

John finally realizes she is there

As soon as he realizes I don’t intend to do so, he can barely hide his exasperation

Apollo is also embarrassed when he realizes he’s been staring at her this entire time

Apollo realizes he’s sitting in a corner of the library at the Acropolis

«I’m awake!» Apollo yells and he realizes its Antonia who’s speaking to him

“He is probably so dazzled by my report that he»s speechless! He»s probably worried that I»ll end up being promoted to HIS job! Maybe he realizes now that he can»t afford to pay me the millions of dollars a year that I»m worth

When one realizes that his parents are not

the depths of God’s love, he or she realizes that the safest place

He realizes that he is now traveling only through time and no longer space

wanted to be the one that realizes what anyway had to

several verses, realizes what tens of international

he does? And if at school he realizes there is not a single

But the labour of the manufacturer fixes and realizes itself in some particular subject or vendible commodity, which lasts for some time at least after that labour is past

Their labour, when properly directed, fixes and realizes itself in the subject or vendible commodity upon which it is bestowed, and generally adds to its price the value at least of their own maintenance and consumption

Before he realizes what’s happening he’s grabbed by the neck and pulled onto a waiting knife

Realizes what she’s thinking

Senta gasped, “What about the Matriarchy?! Does this make a drastic change in the direction of the Lascorii transition of power? What will the Matriarch do when she realizes her Heir is

Isin chuckled, “I hope I get to see the Hus-a-goof’s face when he gets to the end of his quest and realizes that he actually had the treasure in his hands but that it is his nemesis who is the embodiment of that treasure—that all his efforts were as futile as

” he realizes, “To the comfort of the fire lake!” And he cautiously makes his way back down into the depths of the cave

Orland realizes the impact this

This kind of thing happens when the guy realizes that he wants to have sex

He first realizes that he wants sex  he rubs on her  and then asks her if she wants to have sex, too

The public realizes elites are preaching class warfare of the well off against everyone else

The more that we realizes

And then this stood out in bold relief: “Scientific atheists who condescendingly argue that anyone who really understands evolution realizes that it implies atheism

When israel realizes she does not have the strength of

He is stronger than anyone I know, and warmer than anyone else realizes; he is a secret that I have kept, and will keep, for the rest of my life

An example is of a father who realizes that when his children were small, he placed his business interests above his wife and family, and even his own health

But once she realizes

One realizes that no negative action ever passes by without a harmful result; no positive deed ever passes by without a constructive outcome

When One realizes that this poem, is going no where

Jaden realizes it’s a red-tailed hawk and not an eagle

Jaden realizes she couldn’t hear him

He realizes the nanoscanners can pass through and see through anything perfectly

Jaden smiles as he realizes he changed history and seriously helped MASA with its spaceship orbiter that couldn’t properly send pictures and data to Earth

However, he quickly realizes this is not his room

It’s Saturday morning and Bob’s just about to set off on a round of golf, when he realizes that he forgot to tell his wife that the guy who fixes the washing machine is coming around at noon

Jaden realizes this is depressing him and he is beginning to sound a bit deranged

pleased until he realizes his mistake; in the same way pleasures

realizes as and when it get cleared of desires and fears

The scientist thus realizes where the electron

“Hmm?” She grimaces and then realizes her mistake

one realizes that if you defend someone that the Social Democrats

The wrestler cries out with great anguish—“Who will get justice for me from before the king?” Why? Because he realizes that it is the king who must be blamed

However, Rousseau is aware that not everyone realizes wherein his happiness lies

Where Neo realizes suddenly he is awake

Torin looks at the time and realizes that he and Raymond only have two hours to arrive at the dedication

“God realizes that you respect His creations, and that is one reason why He brought us together

will be when he realizes that he has been deceived all of his life

the blue lips and face and realizes time is short

when the son or daughter comes to their senses and realizes the love and care of

She’ll bargain once she realizes I’m not to be cozened or affected by a tantrum

When Marielle realizes that her tears are not noticed by anyone, she

During each encounter, the group realizes a unity and a wholeness that

“Meanwhile,” said Calvin, “she realizes you’ve been keeping secrets from her and misinterprets it—she thinks you don’t trust her

Once your child realizes that he or she is not “strange”

I am hoping and praying that the Texas AG realizes that you were convicted on the basis of perjured testimony and cuts his losses and cuts you loose

Burke realizes he has lost control

Her hand’s stamped, making it property of The Big Show! Whether she realizes it or not, the beautiful Vixcia is one of my performers now

I don’t think anyone realizes that Nico is a—»

The strange part is that after letting go of possessions, one realizes that no real loss occurs

It may be that he finally realizes all their gods are but statues

At his re-trial he faces his past victims and realizes how he has

When mankind realizes that there is more than simply looking different

Will the robots come and take him to the Joining rooms as Master has had done with so many others? As he stares into his wife’s frozen, watering eyes, he only now realizes that it doesn’t even matter

Bianca realizes somehow that everything she just witnessed was a reproduction of events

She wakes and screams when she realizes what the little droplets are and grabs my T-shirt, toweling at her ear canal and long dark hair

Slowly he realizes his mistake of trying to circumvent your authority by outright giving to the humans that which they have not yet earned—that which they must earn—the right to sit with you

Would you like to CRUSH the competition before he realizes what hit him?

Bridget once declared “I don’t even think she realizes she dose it”

The man who has cast off this fetter realizes that there is no one

Makarios of Egypt once reported that Father Logginos said to Father Akakios: “The soul realizes

realizes it, and who indeed lives by it

Of what avail is it now that G realizes that doomed are men who make light of the feminine sixth sense? Poor G, how I pity him! Didn’t the old jackal reduce G to sparing his wife as a sex bowl for someone’s cum! Not even Eskimo like, is it? Where is the reciprocity, leave alone any cultural constraint? Wonder, how life can make pimps out of husbands! Well, out of fathers for that matter

If only one realizes that by killing the other, he was burying the possibilities of his own life, won’t the sense of self-preservation obliterate the urge for revenge? And the law, instead of stressing upon the dangling by the rope, would serve well by highlighting the despairing aspects of life behind bars

Those who can transcend the intellect are Gemini’s natural superiors – and a Gemini realizes this

who realizes what is happening

She is also shocked that his new lover is only a year older than their own daughter, but realizes that many men have these sorts of relationships in these post-sexual

All that is not so hard, he realizes

―Well, old buddy, when your friend is around members of our weaker sex he will be bombarded by scents that will affect him sexually whether he realizes it or not

“The Council realizes this too, of course

realizes that his connection was

Seeing the big steel reinforced cage, he realizes that the Shelto must be inside

Archan realizes he had better shut up this oddity before someone else discovers he’s here

that’s impossible! You should be dead!” Katsuya declares, and then realizes that after a maximum shot it takes two minutes to re-charge, and with it seemingly useless against this man, Katsuya yells to his men over his headset, “Retreat! Retreat!”

The King suddenly realizes his

restrained, he frantically tries to look around but realizes that even his head is restrained to looking straight ahead

Squatted over the body parts, he realizes that Detective

The thief realizes it was a selfish thing he was doing…breaking

her mistake and realizes then that

“A bridge?” Xiona realizes that is why Shadow looks up, she was trying to tell them about the bridge

sinning against His will in many ways without realizing

realizing it, if they were given the opportunity to sin

’ Adrian started, then, realizing that his wife is winding him up, bursts out laughing

That’s what he figured Tahlmute was going thru, realizing he had been receiving messages from a ghost

indulges in his love; not realizing what awaits them,

elders realizing the conflicts that do exist among the brethren

“Oh, no, no, I’ll pass!” he exclaims in abhorrence and, without my realizing what’s going on, he pushes me away

Alfred lost no time in realizing the implications of this

Before even realizing it, I had already stepped in

After realizing that he

receive! Stepping up to the plate and realizing all those

niece’s arrest and realizing how it must have affected her

«Yes,» Alan told her, knowing what she meant and not realizing she didn’t know that til now

Daniel has explained how Archeologists stumbled into an egg chamber without realizing what they were doing

He was taken aback at first, but then realizing that she thought like a dragon, why not? “There are several ways to do this

Realizing that they were out matched, the big black bull left them to their fate

Realizing what had taken place he roared loudly and for a moment everything seemed to be in slow motion

This technique can be incredibly empowering because you reduce the size and magnitude of your fear by realizing that you can handle the things you would otherwise shy away from

The greatest benefit of this exercise is realizing that fearful

“There are many other things I have observed these past several days, my Lord” the stable master continued, “she does things our way without realizing it; things that only an Ogatu would know to do

Suddenly she stiffened, realizing what she was doing and pushed herself away

Realizing that Master Seatac was aware of her and Tarak’s new status, she smiled and blushed at his reference

Drew might have trapped emotions, not realizing that

They would measure here and there, and then confer with each other, not realizing it was driving him crazy

I was doing things the Ogatu way without even realizing it

Rapidly realizing the implications of this Captain Andrid repeated aloud, “Worse than that young man, this means there is a traitor among us

She was his match in every way, and he was just now realizing that he truly wanted to get to know her on a deeper level

She all but leaped up; then she began to chuckle, in a deep lusty voice realizing that Duncan had seen thru her little disguise

She was a bit taken aback by the number, realizing that humans and all life from Earth was a minute fraction of it

Harry asked for a Bitters and soda on ice and settled the black document pouch into his lap gradually realizing this was a ‘business dinner’ and why he was there

Spelman, not realizing that the storm at sea had abated and the ship once again sailed on smoothly

Realizing he had done it again, he said contritely, “I apologize for these puns, I really have no excuse

Realizing this could not bode any good for anyone, he stayed on his side of the street trying to avoid any dustup with the surly group

«Nothing» Emma responded abruptly, realizing she was scanning the area

Surely, any minute now, she would find herself in a dream without realizing she was in a dream; she had always been a bit bothered by the fact that she could never remember the very start of a dream, could not remember the exact moment she actually fell asleep, but tonight this did not worry her, tonight she was content

The town begins rather abruptly and unfortunately I blundered into it without realizing it was here

Realizing, the others were leaving – Mike grabbed her hand and ushered her off, in their direction

toward the kitchen for some water, realizing I could see my reflection on the hard

» She went on, moving the dirt around with the toe of her shoe, not realizing he was now standing only a few feet away

Commemoration was soon, set always at mid-summer, and he was in the midst of his final term before his realizing it

» realizing she was once again looking deep into his eyes, she quickly turned back

Realizing he had easier prey, John

By realizing that we are already in the Spirit

He briefly surveyed the rest of his surroundings, quickly realizing that he had managed to safely return to his cramped quarters above the Wayward Inn

realizing that I prophesied accurately

Some people might deny the existence of a potential they have never been aware of before while others, notwithstanding their good faith, see through the window pane not realizing the presence of the solid matter

As Adros slowly regained his senses he looked around, realizing he was still at the Hangar, and quite alive

easy to work for over four hours without realizing it

to realizing how to use it

“Sorry,” I said cooling down and realizing his exemplary motives

Realizing that she was already awake, Nerissa flailed on the cave floor

You are always on the go, without realizing that there is…nowhere to go to

But realizing that did not bring any of them comfort

As soon as Ralof raised an eyebrow the other blond Nord caught himself, realizing that what he knew could prove disastrous for the young woman if the knowledge traveled much further beyond him and his aging companion in bonds that night

let it slow, realizing that she was alive, and poor Geneia dead

Griffiths stared straight into his eyes, eventually calming down, realizing the reality that Arkaneh spoke of

Then realizing Homer couldn’t see it, she dropped her

You need to proceed at a steady pace in realizing your goals

In spite of realizing that fact; I know that has to be at least part of why we four would follow her to the gates of hell

Realizing that you can’t separate some of your thoughts and imagination of yourself that believes in fear and loneliness

Teachers have said there is no substitute for the power of spiritual patience when it comes to realizing our own identity from within

It depends on realizing that others have the same right to happiness as do you

One day slipped into another almost without the company realizing it

Which is why, as you are now likely realizing, your ‘family’ can adopt any coating required in the moment

I nodded in reply before realizing she couldn’t see me in the dark

” Sammy pulled his cock out when the flowing was definitely over and done with, dressed himself hurriedly, almost without realizing what he was doing, and left the house after promising he would be back the following day

Kurt sat there for a minute, realizing he had to keep going into the evening

you will move steadily toward creating or realizing your

Then he looked back to the group realizing that he had been reminiscing out loud and said, “It’s like what we’re getting tonight, weather off of Lake Erie,” he finished quietly without acknowledging Martin who stared at him with contempt

A bell tolled above their heads, and Russell looked around, realizing it was time

paused, realizing her question was an invasion of Rex’s

She had felt uneasy, realizing Jeff was deep in his thoughts again

Then she lifted her chin, packed up her cats, and went home without another word, never realizing the worst was still to come

What should I do?” Realizing my voice was about two octaves higher than usual, I cleared my throat and waited

Raven nodded, realizing just how overwhelmed the public had been with such propoganda

Hillary Clinton, presumably not realizing that she»s in completely over her head as Secretary of State, made the following peace-destroying blunder last week: „We believe … that it is in the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful and committed to nonviolence, that intend to compete for the Egyptian parliament and presidency

Usually we’d discover a gas station, small and a little shabby, property not realizing its potential, given the traffic

Imbrahim looked at Jhordel, realizing she was one of these; and he sat anxiously wondering

wringer, and realizing why Jhordel was such a formidable opponent

held on tight, wondering what the hell was happening, and realizing almost as quickly that it must

Esther actually surprised herself when she said it, only just realizing it was possibly true

I walked home, trying to look for Soot, however realizing that he was probably not to be found in the manner I was searching

He nodded, then realizing she was paying no attention to him, hastily added, “Yes

Unknown to everyone else, that was not ever their intention and realizing ethically that people were number one priority over greed and drug deals, they blocked off as many clearly racist infidels as they could

I stopped, then realizing what she was saying, said “I got a lot more than twenty dollars worth, thanks a lot

The volleys along the whole front grew more steady and regular, and General Hawkins, realizing the uselessness of irregularly facing the entire Spanish army, ordered the “rally” sounded

Garcia, realizing the impossibility of holding the entire west of the Bay against six thousand Spaniards, who might advance at any point of his scattered lines, asked and received permission from Shafter to ship half his men, under Rabbi, down the coast a few miles to Assedero, where, in conjunction with Colonel Estrada at Contre Maestre, they could hold a pass at the Aguacate River through which the Spaniards must march

When Arbitan entered, he gave no indication of realizing Sicarius was in the room

Realizing, finally, that the couple did not wish to be disturbed, he pointed his nose in the air and walked away

He was staring ahead at the Natural Bridge, realizing that his only escape from this time and place was to return the way he had come

Finally Kate, realizing Helen needed to see the paper as well, held it up in her direction

He saw driftwood, realizing he could build a fire for warmth

Then realizing he already said too much, cursed himself for saying

This proverb is about realizing our different circumstances and why we should not do things because others are doing them

It is about realizing that opportunity knocks but once

realizing that we are all connected and can learn from each other

He smiled then, realizing that most likely she was on heavy-duty painkillers and would sleep through anything

Reilly,” I said realizing that maybe the woman wasn»t as weak-minded as I had been lead to believe

“Ah,” I moaned realizing the game had taken on a new, albeit, very nice twist, “that would be the meaning of life according to the Zen Buddhist postulation on the moment of satori

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«I failed to realize what was happening.«
(failed to, began to, came to)

«The accident made me realize how much I love him.«

«You don’t seem to realize what is going on.«
(seem to)

Used with nouns:

«I finally realized the truth of the situation.«
(truth, danger, importance, seriousness)

«He realized his ambition.«
(ambition, dream, mistake, potential)

Used with adverbs:

«He soon realized his mistake.«
(soon, finally, quickly, eventually, suddenly, immediately, instantly)

«She slowly realized what was happening.«
(slowly, gradually)

«I didn’t realize it at first.«
(at first, fully)

«I realize now that I was wrong.«
(now, at last)

«She never realized how much she missed him.«

Examples of how to use the word “realize” in a sentence. How to connect “realize” with other words to make correct English sentences.

realize (v): to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly

Use “realize” in a sentence

He realized that his acting career was over.
I realize that this may sound crazy, but I think I’ve fallen in love with your younger sister.
One day you will realize the importance of saving.
I’m glad you realize that.
“You’re standing on my foot.” “Sorry, I didn’t realize.”
Pretty soon, I realized that I was lost.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

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