Sentences with the word rather than

Boxer, rather than street fighter?
Боксёр, а не уличный боец?

rather than that, technology, a bit more human.
Но вместо этого лучше технологиям стать ближе к человеку.

Rather than following your advice.
А не последовать твоему совету.

In other words — feel sympathy, rather than contempt.
Другими словами. почувствуйте симпатию к нему, вместо того, чтобы гневаться.

Emphasize visuals rather than text
сделайте акцент на визуальных элементах, а не на тексте;

Why boost consumption, rather than change what we consume?
«Зачем повышать уровень потребления вместо того, чтобы изменить, что мы потребляем?»

Use music rather than voiceovers.
Используйте музыку, а не закадровый голос.

And rather than seeking professional help, he self-medicated.
И вместо того, чтобы обратиться к врачу, он занялся самолечением.

Need to show, rather than tell?
Предпочитаете показывать, а не рассказывать?

Rather than replacing humans, robots can be human aids.
Вместо того чтобы заменять людей, роботы могут стать их помощниками.

Rather than looking after number one?
А не просто спровоцировать разногласия?

Rather than diluting hard and soft power, immigration enhances both.
Вместо того чтобы разжижать жёсткую и мягкую силу, иммиграция усиливает обе.

revealed through a story rather than stated.
раскрыто через историю, а не четко сформулировано.

Rather than going to Athens, they are now heading for Baku.
Вместо того, чтобы ехать в Афины, они теперь направляются в Баку.

Ministers acted like adversaries rather than partners.
Министры действовали как соперники, а не как партнеры.

Rather than shifting the burden, we need to start sharing responsibility.
Вместо перекладывания груза ответственности, нам следует начать делиться ответственностью.

They connect people rather than dividing them.
Они соединили людей, а не разобщили их.

Yet rather than dismiss it, Western leaders are promising more appeasement.
Но вместо того, чтобы не согласиться с подобным подходом, западные лидеры обещают занять еще более примирительную позицию.

This returns JSON rather than RSS/XML.
Он возвращает объект JSON, а не RSS/XML.

Rather than bowing to the military junta, he embraced the gallows.
Вместо того, чтобы подчиниться военной хунте, он выбрал виселицу.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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Все примеры собраны из уже переведенных текстов: официальных документов, сайтов, журналов и диалогов из фильмов.
Раздел Контексты поможет в изучении английского, немецкого, испанского, русского и других языков. Здесь вы сможете найти примеры
с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


But rewards simply control through seduction rather than force.

Но ведь поощрения точно так же «обеспечивают контроль, только вместо силы используется соблазнение».

So de-escalate rather than escalate; seek dialogue rather than confrontation.

Поэтому следует добиваться деэскалации вместо эскалации, стремиться к диалогу вместо конфронтации.

I prefer socialism rather than capitalism.

Если говорить в целом, я скорее предпочитаю социализм, нежели капитализм.

But they deal with it with humor rather than rancor.

Тем не менее они обращались с ним корректно и скорее с юмором, нежели с антипатией.

It’s about action, rather than reaction.

Так что дело больше в действии, нежели в реакции».

The squadrons were administrative rather than tactical units.

Группы сводились в эскадры, которые были в основном административными, а не тактическими единицами.

It emphasizes articulated rather than isolated actions.

Упор в этом плане делается на согласованных, а не на изолированных действиях.

Address his interests, rather than yours.

В первую очередь старайтесь ориентироваться на его интересы, а не на свои.

This is stagnation rather than development.

В настоящее время он находится скорее в состоянии стагнации, чем развития.

Focus on nuclear rather than conventional weapons.

Приоритет в них отдавался ядерному оружию, а не обычным, неядерным видам вооружения.

You give impulses rather than instructions.

Хочу заметить, — о поддержке, а не об инструкциях .

This creates confusion rather than clarity.

Это, скорее, приводит к неразберихе, а не к ясности.

Make the probing transparent rather than private.

99) Сделайте так, чтобы зондирование было прозрачным, а не личным.

Force always creates counter-force; its effect is to polarize rather than unify.

Насилие всегда порождает силу противодействия; ее влияние заключается в том, чтобы разделять, а не объединять.

Bringing people up rather than pushing them down.

Помочь другим подняться наверх вместо того, чтобы сталкивать вниз».

It is appreciation rather than amore.

Но это скорее благодарность, а не любовь.

That may be the problem, rather than academia.

В общем, это может быть вопрос в статистике, а не ‘академия’.

This violation is functional rather than organic.

Эти нарушения имеют функциональный, а не органический характер.

This way you will improve your health rather than injuring yourself.

В таком случае вы сможете защитить свое здоровье, и улучшить его, а не навредить себе.

They usually increase, rather than decrease.

Как правило, она увеличивается, а не уменьшается.

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When using comparative phrases like “rather than” or “instead of,” it’s good to understand the difference. You want to make sure you’re using them correctly when you write them, after all. In this article, we will look at what each one means and how they are used.

What Is The Difference Between “Rather Than” And “Instead Of”?

“Rather than” should be used to state a comparative preference (i.e., “I walk rather than run” generally means that someone prefers to walk over running). “Instead of” should be used to state a substitution (i.e., “I walked instead of running” means you chose to walk this time).

What Is The Difference Between "Rather Than" And "Instead Of"?

The two phrases are actually considered to be synonymous as well. You’re able to use them interchangeably, and most native speakers won’t be able to tell the difference. It’s up to you which one works for you at the time.

Generally, most people stick to the rules we mentioned above, but only in a loose sense. They won’t swear by “rather than” meaning a preference and “instead of” meaning a substitution. Instead, it’s generally accepted but isn’t always the case.

What Does “Rather Than” Mean?

So, to get a better idea about them, let’s first explore their meanings. We’ll start with “rather than.”

“Rather than” means, we’re comparing one thing over another. It’s used as a positive comparison, usually to mean that we prefer one thing over another thing.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, “rather” means “quite; to a slight degree” or “in preference to, or as a preference.”

We can use either of those meanings to show what we’re trying to convey when using “rather than.” Basically, we’re stating that we have a slight preference for one thing over another.

The objects you talk about may vary, but the preference is always the most important part of a sentence using “rather than.”

What Does “Instead Of” Mean?

Now let’s look at “instead of” and the meaning. It’s very similar and can be used interchangeably, but we won’t stop there.

“Instead of” means that we’re making a substitution of one thing over another. We might do this if we don’t have access to one thing or if we’re not currently able to do it. A substitution gives us something else to do instead.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, “instead” means “in place of someone or something else.” This indicates just how apparent the replacement and substitution portion of the phrase is.

Generally, we’ll use this one more independently than “rather than.” That means “instead of” works best when talking about a substitution, and “rather than” isn’t that suitable. However, “instead of” works well to replace the comparison meaning of “rather than” as well.

Can “Rather Than” And “Instead Of” Be Used Interchangeably?

We’ve mentioned already that the two phrases are interchangeable. However, we can apply some more information to this to show you which one is used more often in written English.

According to this graph, “rather than” is the current most popular choice. “Instead of” still gets used, but more people prefer the comparative tone of “rather than.” You can see the abrupt shift in popularity around the 1930s where the two lines switch over.

rather than vs instead of historical development

“Instead of” is a slightly more historical word that was used more commonly 200 years ago and further. However, “rather than” is a phrase that’s begun to increase in popularity over time. Many people find themselves in contexts that require “rather than” over “instead of.”

It’s also worth mentioning that to native readers; it’s important to write sentences that flow smoothly and look appealing. Generally, “rather than” is much lighter in a sentence and easier to read. Some readers see “instead of” as harsher and a bit jarring in the middle of a sentence.

7 Examples Of How To Use “Rather Than” In A Sentence

To help you understand what we’ve been talking about so far, we’ll go through using the two phrases in a sentence. “Rather than” will be first and we’ll include all the comparative examples we can to help you explore the idea.

“Rather than” is the more popular of the two phrases. It’s mostly used to make a preference judgment over two items.

  1. I’d like wine rather than beer if that’s okay.
  2. I eat apples rather than oranges because I prefer their sweet flavor.
  3. I play football rather than soccer because soccer is boring to me.
  4. I study math rather than English because numbers make more sense.
  5. I read books rather than watch movies because I prefer creating my own worlds.
  6. I go out to eat rather than eat-in because it saves me having to cook anything myself.
  7. I spectate competitions rather than compete in them since I’m not good enough at anything!

In all of these examples, we can see how “rather than” is used to evaluate two separate objects. Generally, the two objects have a close link to each other that we can work with. This link is then compared to see which one is more preferred by the speaker.

When we make this comparison, we’re always talking about one thing that we like more than the other. It doesn’t work as well if we’re trying to make a substitution like we would when using “instead of.”

7 Examples Of How To Use “Instead Of” In A Sentence

Using “instead of” is better suited for talking about a replacement of an object. However, it can also be synonymous with “rather than” in the right situations.

“Instead of” is the less popular phrase. It’s used to show a comparison of two objects but to talk about a replacement between them. Generally, we use it when something isn’t available to us.

  1. I ate an apple instead of a pear since I couldn’t find any at the store.
  2. I like walking instead of running to work because I can spend more time looking at the beautiful scenery.
  3. I play soccer instead of hockey because my school doesn’t have the correct equipment.
  4. You play the flute instead of the guitar because it’s a cheaper instrument.
  5. I went out to eat instead of eating at home because I found some spare time to do so.
  6. I needed fish instead of chicken, but I had to make do with what I had.
  7. She drinks water instead of beer because she looks after herself.

When we use “instead of,” we’re making a comparison that shows a direct substitution. What this means is that someone uses or does something over something else because of current availability.

We included further context in each example to show you what that context might be. It’s good to learn when “instead of” is more appropriate than “rather than,” even if the two words are interchangeable and most people won’t know the difference.

Should You Place A Comma Before “Rather Than” And “Instead Of”?

When it comes to comma rules, you might be met with a lot of resistance. Some people believe commas should be in places where they shouldn’t, while others believe no commas are needed when they are. It can be confusing at first.

You don’t need a comma before “rather than” or “instead of.” They’re both a main part of the original clause, and a comma works to break up a sentence into more than one clause. We need to keep them as part of the same clause as the two compared objects always.

There are no cases where using a comma before “rather than” or “instead of” works when you’re making a comparison in this way. If you’re comparing two objects or nouns with each other, both phrases go in between the two words without any further need for punctuation.

You might also like: Comma Before Or After “Instead”? Easy Guide (With Examples)

“Rather Than” And “Instead Of” – Synonyms

Now let’s go through some alternatives we can use for both of the phrases. Since they mean very similar things, we can use any of the following examples interchangeably. That way, we don’t have to worry about using the wrong phrase when we’re comparing things.

  • Something over something

Using the word “over” in the sense of comparing two objects is a good replacement for “rather than.” It shows that we have a preference for one particular thing. “I like apples over oranges” is a good way to see this written.

  • In place of

We can also use “in place of” when we’re talking about things that we replace in a sentence. This doesn’t work in all of the same cases as “rather than, but it can be used quite well for both phrases.

  • As an alternative

Simply saying “as an alternative” is another great way to compare two or more objects with each other. You can use this to present a better alternative than the one you previously spoke about.

  • Ideally

If you want to talk about something you’d rather have, you can use “ideally.” Sometimes, when we use “ideally,” we mean that something would be the ideal situation, but we don’t currently have access to that situation.

Is “Rather Than” Formal?

Using the phrase “rather than” comes in all shapes and sizes. You can use it in casual conversation quite well, but is there room for it in formal situations as well?

“Rather than” is a formal saying. You can write it when you want to formally make a comparison between two things to talk about a preference. “Rather” is a formal word that works well on all occasions.

So, if you need to make a preference comparison towards your boss or someone else, you now know that you’ll be safe to use “rather than.”

Is It “Rather Than” Or “Rather Then”?

Whenever we want to use the phrase “rather than,” it’s important we use the right word for “than.”

“Rather than” is the correct spelling because “than” is used to make a comparison between two objects. “Then” is used when you want to talk about time phrases, which is incorrect in this sense.

There are no cases where writing “rather then” is correct. “Then” is always used to talk about passages or time or periods of time when things happened. You can say, “one thing happened, then another thing happened,” but that’s not making a comparison between those two things.

A comparison is always done using the word “than.” This means you could say, “I like this thing rather than that thing,” and your comparison would make sense.

Make sure to remember this distinctive difference between the phrases.

What Is The Difference Between “Rather” And “Rather Than”?

When we don’t include the word “than” in the phrase, we’re left with the word “rather.” While similar, “rather” can’t be used in the same way that we use “rather than.”

“Rather” is used to talk about a preference in a matter (not comparing two objects but generally stating a preference). It’s also used to talk about something to a significant extent or degree.

To help you understand what we mean, take a look at these examples:

  • I would rather have an apple.

Here, we’re not directly comparing two objects as we have done throughout the article. Instead, we’re simply stating a preference that we have. This is one of the times we would use “rather” in a sentence.

  • He has a rather large nose.

If we want to emphasize something to a more significant degree, we can use “rather” to do so.

What Is Short For “Instead Of”?

The shortened version of “instead of” can be written simply as “instead.” Like with “rather” above, “instead” can’t be used in the same way.

Instead can be used to talk about a general substitution for something (we don’t compare two objects with each other).

There aren’t many other cases where instead is used. Generally, we would either start or end a sentence when we’re using “instead” because we’re not directly comparing two things with each other.

Here’s what we mean:

  • You shouldn’t do that. Instead, you should do this.
  • You shouldn’t do that. You should do this instead.

In both cases, “instead” is used to talk about something else we should do. It’s part of a new sentence, so it doesn’t compare two objects together and is used as a simple substitution in a more general sense.

If you use “instead” at the start of a sentence, you have to include a comma after it to separate it as a clause.

You may also like: “Rather” or “Whether” – Difference Explained (With Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.



Автоматический перевод

нежели, вместо того чтобы, вместо того

Перевод по словам

rather  — скорее, довольно, вернее, лучше, несколько, предпочтительнее, слегка, охотнее
than  — чем, кроме, как, чтобы


It was in semblance rather than in fact.

Это была больше видимость, чем реальный факт.

It exists in dreams rather than actuality.

Это существует скорее в мечтах, чем в реальности.

I chose to learn German rather than French.

Я выбрал для изучения немецкий язык, а не французский.

It exists in dreams rather than in actuality.

Это существует скорее в мечтах, чем в реальности.

Italians express coffee rather than filter it.

Итальянцы кофе отжимают, а не процеживают.

They obeyed him out of fear rather than respect.

Они подчинялись ему больше из страха, чем из уважения.

I have been a watchdog rather than a bloodhound.

Я был скорее сторожевым псом, чем ищейкой.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The mood is sad rather than hopeful.  

…dueled with blades rather than guns…  

The iron plates are riveted rather than welded.  

She prefers to steam carrots rather than boil them.  

Many movies for kids are animated rather than live-action.  

I found his eccentricities amusing rather than irritating.  

Cut the potato crosswise rather than lengthwise into thin slices.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

1 Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.

2 Fairness, rather than efficiency, is the guiding principle.

3 The problem was psychological rather than physiological.

4 Rather than being hoodwinked, I would endure anything.

5 The enrolment criteria are geographical rather than academic.

6 It was a jest rather than a reproach.

7 Her judgements are based on hearsay rather than evidence.

8 People lack the willpower, rather than strength.

9 He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.

10 I would describe her as handsome rather than beautiful.

11 They opted for rescheduling rather than outright cancellation.

12 The office was large and functional rather than welcoming.

13 I prefer tea rather than coffee.

14 He’d do anything rather than displease his parents.

15 The party’s policies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology.

16 We prefer to die a hero[], rather than live a slave.

17 They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions.

18 Really it’s a workmanlike conference rather than a dramatic one.

19 He cared for her as a whole person rather than just a sex object.

20 would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry.

21 Heat the liquid in a large, wide container rather than a high narrow one, or it can boil over.

22 They use opium as a sedative,[] rather than as a narcotic.

23 If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered.

24 I tend to watch the television for pleasure rather than edification.

25 They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps.

26 Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don’t leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.

27 It would be better to transport the goods by rail rather than by road.

28 His vision is of a world that coheres through human connection rather than rules.

29 McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.

30 The results of the research should be used for the common good rather than for individual profit.

In English, it’s often hard to tell whether phrases, such as as well as or other than, are working as prepositions or conjunctions, or just as combinations of individual words. This slipperiness also occurs with rather than, which is found in grammatically balanced compound sentences as well as sentences with subordinate clauses. (If any of this is confusing, read on. We’ll lay it all out.) Basically, the role of rather than depends on the type of sentence in which it’s being used.

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Get ready for some serious grammar instruction.

The word rather, itself, is commonly used in English as an adverb to indicate preference, degree, or accuracy.

I would rather not go.

It’s getting rather late.

She sings rather well.

He’s got a rather nice voice.

She is a doctor, or rather, a surgeon.

It took some time, but eventually grammarians and lexicographers got the message and recognized that rather than had meaning as a distinct grammatical unit. The key to telling whether rather than is a conjunction or preposition is to look at the words that precede and follow it.

As a conjunction, parallel grammatical constructions appear on each side of rather than. When used to coordinate verbs, it indicates that something is done in place of something else—and the verbs are inflected in the same way. Typically, the base forms of the verbs are used (often with to omitted before the verb following rather than).

For exercise, I walk rather than run.

He decided to call rather than text.

Rather than repair the car, I prefer to buy a new one.

Additionally, conjunctive rather than joins nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions that have parallel forms. In such instances, rather than indicates choice or negation.

I drink coffee rather than tea.

He bought red rather than green peppers.

She eats slowly rather than quickly.

Can we come over on Saturday rather than (on) Sunday?

As a preposition, rather than is synonymous with instead of and begins subordinate clauses (clauses that can’t stand alone as a sentence) that have a present participle (the -ing form) of a verb serving as a noun (in other words, a gerund). When rather than functions as a preposition, the verbs in the sentence are not parallel.

Rather than driving, he rode his bike to work.

Rather than using dried herbs, he picked fresh ones from the garden.

She took the blame rather than blaming everyone else.

In sum: when rather than has parallel elements before and after it, like walk/run from the above example, it’s wearing its conjunction hat. You’ll know its preposition hat is nearby when you see dissimilarity between verb forms—as in driving/rode—and rather than followed by an -ing verb to form a prepositional phrase. Now, as always, hats off to grammar!

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