Sentences with the word quit in it

бросать, покидать, увольнение, уход с работы, отделавшийся, свободный


- (quitted [-{kwıt}ıd], амер., разг. quit) оставлять, покидать

- разг. увольняться; уходить в отставку
- амер. бросать, кончать (какое-л. занятие, дело)

to quit work when the siren sounds — прекращать работу по сигналу сирены
to quit at noon — кончать в полдень
to quit a siege — снять осаду

- прекращать, бросать; оставлять

to quit smoking — бросить курить
to quit school — бросить школу
to quit music — перестать заниматься музыкой
quit that! — разг. прекрати!
quit your nonsense! — разг. оставьте ваши глупости!

- бросать попытки что-л. сделать; прекращать борьбу; признавать поражение
- выпускать (что-л. из рук)

to quit hold of smth. — разжать руку, отпустить что-л.

- поэт. отплачивать

to quit love with hate — платить ненавистью за любовь

- выплачивать (долг); выполнять (обязательство)
- освобождаться, избавляться (от чего-л.)

to quit oneself of fear — избавиться от страха

- арх. refl вести себя

quit yourselves like men — ведите себя, как подобает мужчинам
to quit it, to quit the scene — сл. умереть


- амер. разг. увольнение, уход (с работы)
- свободный, освободившийся или отделавшийся (от чего-л. или кого-л.)

to get quit of one’s debts — разделаться с долгами
to get quit of an uneasy fear [of the trouble] — отделаться от гнетущего страха [от неприятностей]
to be well quit of smb. — счастливо отделаться от кого-л.
to be quit for a fine — отделаться штрафом

Мои примеры


the courageous decision to quit rather than obey an illegal order — смелое решение уволиться, но не подчиниться незаконному приказу  
to give up / quit a job — оставить / бросить работу  
to quit a debt — выплатить долг  
to quit the University a month short of graduation — бросить университет за месяц до окончания  
to quit the stage — уйти со сцены  
to quit / stop work — окончить, завершить работу  
quit command — команда прекращения (сеанса)  
quit error — исправимая ошибка  
he refused to quit the building — он отказался покинуть здание.  
to quit one’s job — уволиться с работы  
a quit from employment — уход с должности  

Примеры с переводом

She quit smoking years ago.

Она бросила курить много лет назад.

He quit for personal reasons.

Он уволился по личным причинам.

I quit school at 16.

Я бросил школу в 16 лет.

Why did you quit your job?

Почему вы ушли с работы? / Почему ты уволился?

He refused to quit the building.

Он отказался покинуть здание.

They quit work at one o’clock.

Они заканчивают работу в час дня.

I wish you’d all quit complaining.

Я желал бы, чтобы вы все прекратили жаловаться.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

After coming this far, to quit now would be inconceivable.

Amos quit the company, determined to go solo (=work for himself).

The landlord gave them notice to quit the premises within seven days.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

quittance  — квитанция, освобождение, отплата, возмещение
quitter  — лодырь, трус, прогульщик, человек без выдержки
quitting  — выбывший

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: quit
he/she/it: quits
ing ф. (present participle): quitting
2-я ф. (past tense): quit
3-я ф. (past participle): quit

Synonym: abandon, cease, depart, desist, discontinue, end, halt, leave, refrain, resign, retreat, stop, vacate, withdraw. Similar words: quite, equity, acquit, iniquity, ubiquity, inequity, quite a few, antiquity. Meaning: [kwɪt]  v. 1. put an end to a state or an activity 2. give up or retire from a position 3. go away or leave 4. turn away from; give up 5. give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat. 

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1. Winners never quit, quitters never win.

2. If I don’t get more money I’ll quit.

3. Quit dillydallying;are you going or not?

4. We quit work at five.

5. You’re never a loser until you quit trying.

6. No, thanks. I quit smoking.

7. Quit telling me what to do.

8. If I don’t get a pay rise I’ll quit.

9. You really ought to quit smoking.

10. I’m still trying to quit smoking.

11. Let’s quit while we’re ahead.

12. quitters never win and winners never quit.

13. He quit the sport when he realised he didn’t have the killer instinct.

14. She was really stupid to quit her job like that.

14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

15. Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.

16. She quit herself of all worries and devoted herself to the study of science.

17. He quit the show last year because of bad health.

18. He quit his job after an argument with a colleague.

19. Quit lying to me.

20. Would you quit your job if you inherited lots of money?

21. He has decided to quit as manager of the team.

22. If I knew how to quit you,Zthat should have much good.

23. He quit his job as an office boy in Athens.

24. I quit my job.

25. He wanted to quit himself of any blame for our failure.

26. I’ve quit my job.

27. His wife has left him but he is glad to be quit of her.

28. She was unable to hold her own, and she had to quit.

29. Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit.

30. In brief, I have made up my mind to quit job.

More similar words: quite, equity, acquit, iniquity, ubiquity, inequity, quite a few, antiquity, acquitted, equitable, acquittal, iniquitous, ubiquitous, propinquity, inequitable, suit, suite, fruit, suited, guitar, fruity, tuition, lawsuit, biscuit, pursuit, recruit, circuit, fruition, suitable, fortuitous. 

Sometimes, past participle forms of verbs don’t follow the usual rules you’d expect (where you add “-ed” to the end of it). In the case of using “quit” or “quitted,” this rule seems to be even more confusing. Let’s look at the past tense for “quit” and how to use it.

What Is The Past Tense For “Quit”?

The past tense for “quit” is “quit” and “quitted,” but “quit” is by far the most popular and recognized choice. Everyone uses “quit” in the past tense (i.e., “I quit my job last week”). “Quitted” is more commonly used synonymously with “left” (i.e., “I quitted my city and never returned”).

What Is The Past Tense For "Quit"?

According to The Collins Dictionary, both “quit” and “quitted” are correct. They are both past participle verbs relating to the infinitive “to quit.” It seems more common for “quitted” to be used in British English. However, the popularity of “quitted” has diminished over time.

Historical Development In The Usage Of Quit And Quitted

We can go right back to the early 1800s to see how the two words varied in usage in history.

Historical Development In The Usage Of Quit And Quitted

If you look at this graph, you’ll see that both words were commonplace in the 1800s. However, they both slowly began to fall off in popularity towards the end of the 1800s, which is about the time that “quit” leveled off, while “quitted” continued to fall.

Now, it’s rare ever to hear anybody use or write the word “quitted” in any form. Its most closely related synonym is “left,” but otherwise, it doesn’t get used unless it’s in formal literature.

What Is The Past Perfect Of Quit?

While “quit” has two varying past participle forms, with one being more popular than the other, it only has one past perfect form.

Generally, we use the past perfect after an auxiliary verb like “have” or “was.” In the case of “quit,” we’d almost always use “have” or “had” before it.

The past perfect of “quit” is “quit.” The sentence, “I have quit my job,” is correct.

How To Use “Quitted” In A Sentence

There are times where quitted may still be used, although they are very rare (and usually only in the most formal circumstances).

The most common time to use “quitted” is when you’re replacing the word “left” in a sentence (as in physically leaving a place or person).

  1. I quitted my city and never returned.
  2. I quitted my wife after I heard about what she did.
  3. They quitted me as soon as they got the chance.
  4. I quitted the country and returned a hero.
  5. My parents quitted me long ago.
  6. You’ve quitted your hometown, and now you’re lost.
  7. I feel like everyone has quitted me.
  8. We quitted the country together.

As you can see from these examples, “quitted” is not a common word to see in any form of writing. However, if you replace “quitted” in each example with the verb “left,” you’ll see what we mean about the being synonymous with each other.

Common Mistakes With “Quit” And “Quitted”

There are a couple of common mistakes that it’s good to know about when making sure you use “quit” or “quitted” right. Generally, “quitted” is only used in the case of physically leaving a place or a person.

“Quit” means to either choose to leave something or to stop doing an activity. The following examples show you when quit is appropriate and when quitted is not.

  • Correct:I quit my job on Thursday and haven’t looked back since.
  • Incorrect:I quitted my job, and now I regret my decision.
  • Correct:I’d like to get an education, but I quit school when I was young and stupid.
  • Incorrect:I quitted school early in life, and now I’m struggling to pick up the pieces.
  • Correct:I quit smoking for the last month, but it’s harder than it looks.
  • Incorrect:I quitted smoking for about three weeks, but I failed after that and am back to the habit.

As you can see, in these examples, we’re choosing to give up or stop doing an activity or thing. When we’re talking about school or work, we always “quit” when we’re talking about stopping them. The same applies to the activity of “smoking” and other habits that need quitting.

You may also like: Had Run Or Had Ran? Here’s The Correct Version (+14 Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Definition of Quit

to leave a place or stop doing a task

Examples of Quit in a sentence

The teacher wanted to quit her job, but she has to find another one first.


Michael is trying to quit smoking through the help of his doctor.


The boy’s mom will force him to quit the football team if he doesn’t do well in school.


We quit playing dolls and started drawing instead.


When the woman walked in the room, the shocked band quit playing.


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means that those who start receiving treatment should continue taking


not quit it.


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Необходимо, чтобы те, кто начал лечение, не бросали его.


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The installation freezes at 100%, and the game fails to install when I quit it.


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Установка зависает на 100%, и игра не устанавливается, когда я выхожу из установки.


You wouldn’t be hurt now if you hadn’t quit it.

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Раз тебе сейчас не больно, то ты это уже и не бросишь.

Among those who smoke 40 per cent are eager to


but could not help


16 per cent stated that they want and will


17 per cent confurmed that they could


but would not do


19 per

cent have no desire to


and could not help quit it.


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Среди курящих жителей России 40% хотят

бросить курить,

но не могут, 16% курящих хотят и могут


17% в состоянии расстаться с привычкой


но не хотят этого делать,


If anyone has to quit, it‘s you, not her.

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That quit, it looks a lot like one that I have lost.

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Это одеяло, оно очень похоже на то, которое у меня пропало.

Robot enters into a transaction or quits it in case of certain changes in the price chart of the trading asset.


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Робот вступает в сделку или выходит из нее при определенных изменениях на графике цены торгуемого актива.


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Now, quit it and don’t embarrass me.

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If this were not charity, I would quit it… right now.

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это была не благотворительность, я бы бросил… прямо сейчас.

In late 1996, after more than five years of addiction to heroin,

Frusciante quit it cold turkey.

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В конце 1997 года, после более чем пяти лет героиновой зависимости,

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