Sentences with the word qualification

квалификация, ценз, оговорка, определение, уточнение, ограничение, характеристика


- ограничение; изменение, модификация

the qualification of smb.’s privilege — ограничение чьих-л. привилегий
to accept smb.’s statement without qualification [with certain qualifications] — принять чью-л. формулировку без изменений [с некоторыми поправками]
to use a term without qualification — широко пользоваться термином

- условие, оговорка

to assert smth. without any qualification — безоговорочно утверждать что-л.
to promise smth. without qualification — твёрдо обещать что-л.
to grant smth. with one qualification — согласиться на что-л. с одним условием

- диплом; аттестат; удостоверение; степень

a medical qualification — медицинский диплом

- обыкн. pl квалификация; подготовленность, годность (к чему-л.); опыт работы

to receive a doctor’s qualifications — стать врачом
to have qualification for an occupation — иметь право заниматься чем-л.
to have necessary qualifications for the job — иметь необходимые данные для получения работы
to have better qualifications — иметь более высокую квалификацию
to have qualification for military service — быть годным к военной службе
to be disclaimed one’s qualifications — быть лишённым какого-л. звания; быть признанным непригодным к чему-л.
qualification in arms — воен. квалификация /категория/ стрелка

- избирательный ценз

tax [literacy] qualification — налоговый [образовательный] ценз
residential qualification — ценз оседлости

- оценка, квалификация (чего-л.)

the qualification of one’s opponent — оценка /характеристика/ противника

- спорт. квалификационные отборочные соревнования

Мои примеры


a qualification which is equivalent to a degree — квалификация, которая эквивалентна высшему образованию  
doctor’s qualification — диплом врача  
professional qualification — профессиональная квалификация  
antitank qualification course — квалификационный курс обучения операторов ПТУР  
applicant qualification test — квалификационные испытания поступающего на действительную военную службу  
armed aircraft qualification — квалификационная подготовка на боевом самолёте  
armored personnel carrier/qualification course — квалифицированный курс обучения механика-водителя БТР  
audit qualification — ограничение масштабов аудиторской проверки  
automatic tool qualification — автоматическое определение режущей способности инструмента  
aviation qualification test — квалификационные испытания ЛС авиации; авиационный квалификационный тест  
basic qualification course — основной курс квалификационной подготовки  

Примеры с переводом

She has the qualifications for the job.

Она достаточно подготовлена для этой работы.

I haven’t got any qualifications in science.

У меня нет учёной степени.

After certain qualifications, the proposal was accepted.

После введения некоторых ограничений проект был принят.

40 percent of the prisoners lack any qualifications.

У сорока процентов заключённых отсутствует какая-либо квалификация.

A sturdy truthfulness was one of her best qualifications.

Непоколебимая правдивость была одним из её лучших качеств.

One of the qualifications for admission is an academic degree.

Одним из требований при приёме является учёная степень.

His new position involves a qualification of his party’s platform.

Его новая должность подразумевает изменение платформы своей партии.

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He didn’t have a qualification to his name.

He is studying for his teaching qualification.

She gained a qualification in marketing.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disqualification  — дисквалификация, лишение права, негодность, деквалификация, непригодность

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): qualification
мн. ч.(plural): qualifications

Examples of how to use the word “qualification” in a sentence. How to connect “qualification” with other words to make correct English sentences.

qualification (n): an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc.

Use “qualification” in a sentence

He left school with no formal qualifications.
What are your qualifications?
Do you have any teaching qualifications?

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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The only qualification admitted under the new convention is that it shall not apply when the debtor-state refuses or leaves unanswered an offer of arbitration, or in case of acceptance renders the settlement of the terms of arbitration impossible, or, after arbitration, fails to comply with the award.

The expenses in a rural parish are defrayed by means of a rate raised with, and as part of, the poor rate, with a qualification to the effect that agri cultural land, market gardens and nursery grounds are to be assessed to the rate at one-third only of their rateable value.

The old doctrine of types, which was used by the philosophically minded zoologists (and botanists) of the first half 1 A very subtle and important qualification of this generalization has to be recognized (and was recognized by Darwin) in the fact that owing to the interdependence of the parts of the bodies of living things and their profound chemical interactions and peculiar structural balance (what is called organic polarity) the variation of one single part (a spot of colour, a tooth, a claw, a leaflet) may, and demonstrably does in many cases entail variation of other parts — what are called correlated variations.

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In the case of Laennec himself this qualification takes nothing from his fame, for he studied so minutely the relations of post-mortem appearances to symptoms during life that, had he not discovered auscultation, his researches in morbid anatomy would have made him famous.

Its character is distinctly democratic. The property qualification of state senators and the restriction of suffrage to those who have paid county or poll taxes are abolished; but suffrage is limited to male adults who can read the state constitution in English, and can write their names, unless physically disqualified, and who have registered.

He had himself set the age qualification of the directors at forty, and thus debarred himself as candidate, as he was only thirtyfour.

After the i3th Vendmiaire the royalists too, deceived in their hopes, were expecting to return gradually to the councils, thanks to the high property qualification for the franchise.

If we add the qualification of relevance we destroy the cogency of the method.

The ministers refused to take the Oath of Supremacy without the qualification suggested by Usher.

The qualification that the circular function must apply to all time is important, and unless it is recognized as a necessary condition of homogeneity, confusion in the more intricate problems or radiation becomes inevitable.

  • Use the word Qualification in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Don’t say so , you have any qualification to talk about me

The Biblical injunction «Thou shalt not kill» is one that requires qualification in view of our broader knowledge of impulses behind homicide.

Actually, excessive sanity is not a necessary qualification… for that particular institution.

Great, the perfect qualification.

Or if you’d asked to perform an act of heroism, let’s say, that would’ve been qualification for the respect you seek.

And there’s nothing you wish to add to your judgment now by way of qualification?

Provoke him that he may for even out of that will I cause these of Cyprus to mutiny whose qualification shall come into no true taste again but by the displanting of Cassio.

You have your qualification form?

You’ve got every qualification to become expert in the use of weapons.

It’s not a word, it’s a political qualification that defines our enemies.

-It’s a political qualification.

There was not a qualification as the person of the soldier in the past Here now Even if not as enough to cherish as dead-alive person

We can therefore confidently predict that these antitheories will not easily be reduced to the silence that would seem to be their only logical implication, because in that case their authors would be deprived of the sole «qualification» that elevates them above the ranks of unskilled labor.

Well, I do have one other qualification, Councillor Zaius.

Only after watching them play, one pretending to be a matador and the other pretending to be a bull, only then did I know without qualification… that Montoya was lying.

On Saturday the 18th, at 20:25 pm, Live from Wembley stadium, England-Italy, qualification for the World Cup.

«qualification for the finals World Cup. «

But do not need a qualification?

To rule the country, you must have a qualification validated by all people.

That’s never been any qualification for a soldier.

I’m also working on my qualification.

Substitute teacher, qualification, all that…

Just because! Normally, the year of your qualification you see nobody.

I want that qualification!

The qualification‘s hard.

One day, you’ll have your qualification.

A veteran of two wars, he was now partnered with me, whose only qualification, as he was quick to point out, was that I was born to some low-class individuals from Berlin.

Until you don’t get a job… as per your qualification, take up this job.

I do not want to talk badly about the dead men, but only that shows his lack of qualification, is not it?

There’s only one man who meets that qualification… but can still shoot when he has to.

The engineering qualification is one of the toughest parts of the test.

You’ve taken the engineering qualification three times.

Computer, load Bridge Officer’s Test Engineering qualification, Section One.

Part of your qualification for command.

What I am suggesting, Mr. Williams, is that our problems seem highly coincidental… with my qualification of your mountain as a hill.

I never realized that was a necessary qualification for a stonemason.

The National Hitman qualification Tournament.

Haven’t received the qualification notice yet.

Hey, What’s her qualification?

What’s his qualification?

Call me old-fashioned… but that doesn’t sound like the best qualification to run a major alliance.

This seems to be their big qualification.

Ambition, Distraction, qualification and we also learnt Drawling

only ours the best ones and dedicated customers obtain the qualification honour for» platinum state. Ch┬│opaki I classify himself to of platinum!

Anyway, if it came out, we could turn it into a qualification. «I’ve been in the trenches of the drug war. I’ve seen the face of the enemy.

I think that’s my qualification.

Why is that an important qualification for semen donation?

It’s a big fucking… Sorry, a very important qualification.



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∙ 11y ago

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He needed to show proof that he had the qualification.

I really wanted this qualification.

There will be a qualification at the end of the apprenticeship. If you make it that far.

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I will need qualification that you can preform this job.

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1. I hope I don’t fail.I don’t want to resist the exam next month

2. I got an A+ in a be for my last two pieces of work. What marks did you get?

3. Can I borrow the notes you took in yesterday’s history class?

4. His excellence in baseball earned him a scholarship

5. No formal qualifications are required for the work you’ll get on the job training

6. This course is only for undergraduate degree students people studying at university prior to graduation

7. The professor gave a really interesting tutorial in her office a week before the exam

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2. I need to ask for a student loan because I don’t have enough money to pay for my studies.

3. The university has got great facilities.the science laboratories for example are amongst the best in the country

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