Sentences with the word put off

откладывать, отчаливать, ссадить, отделываться, мешать, вызывать отвращение


- откладывать, отсрочивать

to put off the meeting [the production of a play] — отложить собрание [постановку пьесы]
to put off a payment — отсрочить платёж
to put off till Doomsday — отложить до второго пришествия
we will put it off till another time [till tomorrow] — отложим это до следующего раза [до завтра]
he is always putting things off — он всегда всё откладывает
never put off until tomorrow what you can do today — ≅ никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня

- отделаться (от кого-л.); отменить (что-л.)

to put smb. off (with an excuse) — отделаться от кого-л. (под каким-л. предлогом)
to put off one’s guests — отменить (приём) гостей
to put off with a jest — отделаться шуткой
I won’t be put off with a promise — одних обещаний мне недостаточно
we are sorry to put you off today — к сожалению, мы не можем вас сегодня принять /должны отложить наше сегодняшнее свидание (с вами)/

- мешать; отвлекать

these interruptions put me off — то, что меня прерывают, мне мешает /сбивает меня/
stop watching me, you’re putting me off — не смотри на меня, ты меня смущаешь

- вызывать отвращение

the mere smell of that cheese puts me off — уже один только запах этого сыра вызывает у меня отвращение
it put me off my food — это испортило мне аппетит
his manner puts me off — мне неприятна его манера (вести себя)

- отбрасывать

to put off doubts and fears — отбросить сомнения и страхи

- отправляться

to put off on a long journey — отправиться в далёкое путешествие

- мор. отчаливать

we put off from the pier — мы отчалили от пристани

- мор. спускать (спасательную) шлюпку
- редк. подсовывать, всучивать, сбывать

Мои примеры


put off — откладывать  
to put off the meeting — отложить собрание  
put off till kingdom come — откладывать до второго пришествия  
put off the final decision — откладывать окончательное решение  
put off doubts and fears — отбросить сомнения и страхи  
put off with fair speeches — убедить прекрасными речами; успокоить  
put off an issue — откладывать вопрос в долгий ящик  
put off with a jest — отделаться шуткой  
put off on a long journey — отправиться в далекое путешествие  
put off the meeting — отложить собрание  

Примеры с переводом

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.

Her face quite puts me off.

Её лицо меня отталкивает.

Don’t laugh while I’m playing the piano, you put me off.

Не смейся, когда я за роялем, ты меня отвлекаешь.

How can I put off these fearful doubts?

Как мне избавиться от этих ужасных сомнений?

Please put off all the lights as you leave the building.

Выключи весь свет, когда будешь уходить из здания.

The ship at last put off, to the cheers of the waiting crowd.

Под радостные крики ожидающей толпы, корабль наконец отчалил от берега.

Synonym: circumvent, confuse, defer, disconcert, dishearten, dodge, duck, elude, evade, flurry, fudge, hedge, hold over, parry, postpone, prorogue, put over, remit, set back, shelve, sidestep, skirt, table, turn off. Similar words: put out, put on, out of, cut off, get out of, run out of, come out of, keep out of. Meaning: v. 1. hold back to a later time 2. cause to feel intense dislike or distaste 3. take away the enthusiasm of 4. cause to feel embarrassment 5. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues). 

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(1) Don’t put off what you can do today till tomorrow. 

(2) Never put off till tomorrow what can [may] be done today. 

(3) Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 

(4) Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. 

(5) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 

(6) Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 

(7) People are put off by his strident voice.

(8) Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.

(9) Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers.

(10) Never put off until tomorrow what may be done today.

(11) Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.

(12) Don’t be put off by his physical appearance .

(13) Don’t put off the party on my account.

(14) We’ve had to put off our wedding until September.

(15) People are put off by her strident voice.

(16) Once, she had been put off by his hauteur.

(17) She couldn’t put off the dreaded moment forever.

(18) I won’t be put off with such vague promises.

(19) The ship put off to sea.

(20) We put off from the quay.

(21) The ship put off at last.

(22) You must put off your doubts.

(23) The negotiations have been put off/postponed indefinitely.

(24) Where do you want to be put off?

(25) He had put off all personal cares.

(26) The meeting has been put off for a week.

(27) They didn’t think the meeting would be put off.

(28) The appointment was put off because of his illness.

(29) Why don’t you put off your coat?

(30) This afternoon’s meeting will have to be put off.

More similar words: put out, put on, out of, cut off, get out of, run out of, come out of, keep out of, out of work, out of date, out of order, out of sight, out of place, out of doors, out of danger, out of breath, out of control, out of practice, out of the question, put, put in, put up, input, put to, output, deputy, put away, put down, dispute, computer. 

I put off the conclusion.
Я отложил вывод.

A European banking union with joint liability cannot be put off much longer.
Европейский банковский союз и солидарная ответственность больше не могут откладываться.

This would be good for business, as affluent Western customers are now put off by the thought of buying blood-soaked jewelry.
Это было бы хорошо для бизнеса, поскольку состоятельных западных клиентов сегодня отпугивает мысль о том, что они покупают «кровавые» драгоценности.

never put off anything till tomorrow
никогда не откладывай ничего на завтра

“It shows that dialogue is being put off and opponents of any improvement of ties with Russia have scored another victory.”
«Это показывает, что диалог откладывается, и противники всякого улучшения отношений с Россией одержали очередную победу».

“The fact that this happened in the international terminal shows that it was an attempt to damage the country’s image and put off foreigners who have business activities in Russia,” Andrei Przhezdomsky, an adviser to the Federal Security Service’s anti-terrorism committee, said.
«Факт осуществления взрыва в международном терминале показывает, что это была попытка нанести удар по репутации страны и отпугнуть иностранцев, занимающихся бизнесом в России, — заявил советник антитеррористического комитета Федеральной службы безопасности Андрей Пржездомский.

Reform of the army was put off.
Армейская реформа была отложена.

He decided to put off his departure.
Он решил отложить свой отъезд.

Don’t put off the work till tomorrow.
Не откладывай работу на завтра.

The meeting was put off until next Friday.
Встречу отложили до следующей пятницы.

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today
Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня

The game may have been put off till next week.
Игра могла быть отложена на следующую неделю.

Never put off till morrow, what you can do today
Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня

They put off their departure due to the heavy snow.
Они отложили свой отъезд из-за сильного снегопада.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.

We have to put off making a final decision until next week.
Мы отложили принятие окончательного решения до следующей недели.

But the point is: now is not the time to put off action.
Однако сейчас у нас нет времени, чтобы откладывать действия.

I’ll put off my visit to England till the weather is warmer.
Я отложу свою поездку в Англию пока не потеплеет.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.
Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать послезавтра.

I have so much work to do that I have to put off my trip.
У меня столько работы, что мне придётся отложить мою поездку.


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We put off doing that scene for weeks.

Пришлось даже отложить съемки этой сцены на несколько недель».

May have to put off laundry until tomorrow.

Мне стоит отложить стирку на завтра.

Taxpayers who are in serious debt should not put off doing something about it.

Клиентам, попавшим в трудную финансовую ситуацию, не стоит откладывать решение вопроса.

When you jump to the extremes of the end result, the change seems unreasonable — and so perfectly acceptable to put off.

Когда вы прыгаете до крайности конечного результата, изменение кажется неразумным — и поэтому вполне приемлемо откладывать.

Repair everything that you put off for later.

Поэтому постарайтесь закончить все, что было отложено на потом.

Successful people never put off until tomorrow something they can do today.

Успешные люди никогда не откладывают на завтра то, что они могут сделать сегодня.

This ensures that people put off.

We do not put off for later — we act.

Мы ничего не откладываем на потом — мы действуем».

And later often gets put off to the next day.

И как часто бывает, мы откладываем это на последний день.

It occurs when we put off tasks that we should be focusing on right now.

Промедление происходит, когда вы отложили задачи, на которых следует сосредоточиться прямо сейчас.

Maybe you put off calling a friend because you fear rejection when you do call.

Допустим, вы откладываете звонок потенциальному клиенту, потому что боитесь услышать отказ.

First, put off breakfast and measure sugar every 1-1,5-2.

Сначала откладываете завтрак и измеряете сахар каждые 1-1,5-2.

This is all the more surprising that in times of crisis, usually contracted investment projects, and businesses put off modernization.

Это тем более удивительно, что во время кризиса, как правило, сворачиваются инвестиционные проекты, и предприятия откладывают модернизацию производства.

Pastebin comes with a few ads, so you might be slightly put off.

Pastebin входит несколько объявлений, так что вам может быть немного отложен.

That is why some websites put off large-scale changes for years.

Именно поэтому некоторые сайты откладывают масштабные изменения на годы.

I always put off going to the toilet on airplanes, they are usually an unpleasant experience.

Я всегда откладываю ходить в туалет на самолетах, это обычно неприятный опыт.

This would allow them to put off bankruptcy yet again.

Это позволит им снова отложить банкротство.

We then had to put off our vowed intentions for a while; then we consciously and openly made several concessions.

Тогда мы отложили намеченные нами цели на некоторое время, тогда мы сделали сознательно и открыто ряд уступок.

During the financial crisis, capital expenditures for logistics were put off because existing systems seemed to be able to handle the load.

Во время финансового кризиса, капитальные затраты на логистику были отложены, так как существующие системы, казалось, были в состоянии справиться с нагрузкой.

Always put off your homework until tomorrow.

Всегда откладывай домашние задания на завтра.

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  • Dictionary
  • P
  • Put off
  • Sentences
  • Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers. [V P v-ing/n]
  • The old priest tried to put them off, saying that the hour was late. [VERB noun PREPOSITION]
  • The high divorce figures don’t seem to be putting people off marriage. [V n P n/v-ing]
  • She asked me to be serious–said it put her off if I laughed. [VERB noun PREPOSITION]
  • They have put off the dance until tomorrow
  • They tried to put him off, but he came anyway
  • He was put off by her appearance
  • The accident put him off driving
  • We put off in the lifeboat towards the ship
  • To put a book on the shelf.
  • To put everything in order.
  • To put a child in a special school.
  • To put convicted spies to death.
  • I put him to work setting the table.
  • To put an army to flight.
  • He put the novel into French.
  • To put a poem to music.
  • You put a political interpretation on everything.
  • I’d put the distance at five miles.
  • To put two dollars on a horse.
  • To put it mildly, I don’t understand.
  • To put one’s knowledge to practical use.
  • To put an end to an ancient custom.
  • To put a question before a committee.
  • To put a tax on luxury articles.
  • To put one’s money in real estate; to put one’s savings into securities.
  • He put my failure to lack of experience.
  • To put the shot.
  • To put to sea.
  • To put for home.
  • They really put it to him in officer-training school.
  • She has certainly put herself out to see that everyone is comfortable.
  • He suspected that his friend had put something over on him, but he had no proof.
  • We were put to it to find the missing notebook.
  • The baby wouldn’t stay put, and kept trying to climb out of the playpen.

Definition of Put Off

an undesirable or unpleasant feature of something

Examples of Put Off in a sentence

Most people like to go to the movie theater, but loud and obnoxious audiences can often be a major put off for them.


I usually enjoy watching football, but if I don’t personally care about the teams playing it’s just a put off and I’d rather watch something else.


Normally I love playing with my friends’ pets, but cats are a put off for me and I try to avoid them if I can.


I was enjoying the movie for the first hour, but the dark mood of the second half was a put off for me.


Under normal circumstances I would have considered buying the car I wanted from the dealership, but its ugly color was an important put off for me.


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The English phrasal verb PUT OFF has the following meanings:

1. Put off = to postpone

(transitive) When the time or date of something is rescheduled to a later time, especially because of a problem.
With this meaning you can have the object in the middle of the phrasal verb or after it. You can say put the decision off (in the middle) OR put off the decision (at the end).

  • I need to put off the payment until the 15th.
  • Can we put off our date until next Saturday?
  • You can’t put the decision off any longer.
  • The wedding was supposed to be in July, but they put it off until December.

2. Put off = to cause someone to lose interest

(transitive) When something makes someone lose interest or have negative feelings toward something (or someone). Sometimes this happens because of what they said or did. To discourage someone from something.

  • I was put off by his arrogance.
  • I used to like that restaurant, but I’ve been put off by their bad service lately.
  • Maria was put off by John’s chewing with his mouth open.
  • That strange smell coming from the milk is putting me off from drinking it.

3. Put off = to distract

(transitive) To distract or disturb the concentration of someone.

With this meaning you can only have the object in the middle of the phrasal verb NOT after it. You can say put me off (in the middle) but you CANNOT say put off me (at the end).

  • Stop talking to me, you keep putting me off my work.
  • Don’t laugh at him or you will put him off.
  • The paper airplanes put him off marking the exams.
  • The fans shouted out obscenities in order to put off the penalty taker.

Put off – Summary Chart

PUT OFF - Meaning and examples of the English Phrasal Verb PUT OFF

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