Sentences with the word punishment

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Everybody eventually gets his reward or punishment.

И в соответствии с ними в своё время каждый человек получает награду или наказание.

Reinforcement increases behavior; punishment suppresses it.

Надо обратить внимание на то, что подкрепление усиливает реакцию; наказание — ослабляет ее.

Corporal punishment in schools is prohibited.

Что касается положения в школах, то в них телесные наказания запрещены.

The punishment seemed disproportionate to the infraction.

Но я думаю, что это наказание было непропорциональным в связи с нарушением.

Child psychologists and pediatricians discourage corporal punishment.

Эксперты в области детской педиатрии и психологи рекомендуют воздержаться от физических форм наказания.

He who transgresses against it shall suffer painful punishment.

Тот же, кто данный указ преступит — подвергнется суровому наказанию.

Corporal punishment, which includes humiliation and fear.

Пускаем в ход телесные наказания, вызывая страх боли и унижения.

He could have exacted any punishment he wanted.

Он был готов согласиться с любым наказанием, которое могли на него наложить.

A large amount of drugs will yield a more severe punishment.

А это означает, что большее количество торговцев наркотиками будут получать более суровое наказание.

How crime and punishment is different in other countries.

Несомненно, что понятия преступления и наказания в разных странах неодинаковы.

Ignorance is not an excuse to escape punishment.

Ваша неосведомленность не является оправданием для того, чтобы избежать наказания.

Worldwide, 732 million children attend schools where corporal punishment is allowed.

Во всем мире, 732 миллионов детей посещать школы, где допускается телесное наказание.

First, any behavior changes that result from punishment are often temporary.

Во-первых, любые изменения в поведении, которые являются результатом наказания, часто носят временный характер.

You think that by being so perfect you can avoid punishment.

Вы думаете, что, будучи столь идеальными, вы сможете избежать наказания.

It consists of 282 laws, most concerning punishment.

Он состоит из 282 законов, большинство из которых касается наказаний.

According to some communicative theories, condemnation itself sufficiently justifies punishment.

В соответствии с некоторыми коммуникативными теориями, осуждение само по себе достаточным образом оправдывает наказание.

The fact that punishment can modify behavior is well-founded.

Факт того, что наказание может изменить поведение, хорошо обоснован.

This is just as important as punishment for bad alternatives.

Это так же важно, как и наказание за плохие альтернативы».

Persons who have committed serious crimes, not exempt from punishment.

«Те, кто совершил особо тяжкие преступления, не будут освобождаться от наказания.

David will receive his rightful punishment.

Как и Дадаев, они будут отбывать наказание.

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punishment — перевод на русский


Because nothing… no sentence, no punishment, no revenge could ever come close to making up for what you’ve done.

Потому что ничего… никакой срок или наказание, ни одна месть и рядом не стоит с тем, что ты со мной сделал.

This is punishment for fooling with robots.

Это наказание за ваши махинации с роботами.

Your punishment will be decided later

Твое наказание я определю позже

You women sure take a lot of punishment.

Вы, женщины, покорно принимаете наказание.

Have you read Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky?

А «Преступление и наказание» Достоевского читали?

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John Mayer must definitely receive his punishment.

Джона Майера… следует строго наказать.

Punishment on Ishida!

Наказать Ишиду!

Give her punishment!


I will think about their punishment later.

Позже я подумаю, как наказать их.

I will decide about your punishment later.

Я решу позже как тебя наказать.

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The punishment for sinful lust is the worst of all.

Кара за грех страсти самая страшная.

Tenchu! ‘Heaven’s Punishment’!

Кара небес!

Say ‘Heaven’s Punishment’.

Главное — это «Кара небес»!

His punishment will be greater.

Его кара будет огромной.

Stanley’s punishment is level 9. He will man the bellows there until his arms and legs give out, and then he will lose his head.

У Стэнли кара девятого уровня – будет качать мехи, пока не откажут руки и ноги и не отлетит голова.

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— The Tribune is now calling for capital punishment.

В «Геллен Трибюн» призывают к смертной казни.

He’s just jumpy cause we’ve been talkin’ about capital punishment.

Он дергается, потому что мы говорили о смертной казни

Your speech was the best against capital punishment I’ve heard in years

Может, если бы иначе… Ваше выступление… против смертной казни было, пожалуй, наилучшим, из тех, что я слышал.

And don’t forget the polls show the American people want capital punishment and they want a balanced budget and I think even in a fake democracy people ought to get what they want once in a while just to feed this illusion

И не забудьте провести общественный опрос Что думают американцы о смертной казни и о бюджете Я думаю что даже при лже-демократии люди имеют право получать то чего хотят хотя бы изредка чтобы подпитать иллюзию что они что-то решают.

A perfect argument for capital punishment.

Идеальный аргумент для смертной казни.

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He’ll find out that the penalty of the court Is always the smallest punishment.

Человек не может быть наказан в зале суда сильнее, чем самой жизнью.

You deserve punishment for this foul.

Фоп должен быть наказан.

By order of His Majesty the King of Oudh, the public is warned that there will be severe punishment for anyone spreading rumors that the Company is taking over our realm. The Company forces are not marching on Lucknow.

Его величество, король Авада, повелевает, что каждый, кто будет разносить слухи о будущем переходе власти в султанате в руки Компании будет арестован, объявлен преступником и сурово наказан.

For punishment you’ll sit still, and don’t you budge!


Now. Punishment.

А теперь ты наказан.

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— The end… The culprit’s punishment is included in the ticket price.

В детективах виновного всегда наказывают.

The punishment for such an offense is flogging round the fleet, I believe.

За такое нарушение наказывают публичной поркой, кажется.

— You get a little punishment.

— Вас слегка наказывают. — Меня слегка наказывают.

Although I don’t know why I’m receiving your thousand punishments with you.

Хотя не понимаю, почему и меня заодно с тобой наказывают.

Like when they send you to your room in punishment, because then you will no longer want to be there.

Например, когда тебя наказывают и оставляют в твоей комнате, тогда ты не хочешь быть там.

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However if it gets proved that you had opened my trunk then the appropriate punishment for that you have to face it.

Если расследование покажет, что ты вскрыл мой сейф, тебе прийдется понести наказание.

She said she wants to receive her punishment now.

Говорит, что готова понести наказание.

I know it was wrong, sneaking off like that, but I was trying to help my family through a difficult time and I’m prepared to accept my punishment.

Знаю, нельзя было так, втихаря, но я пыталась помочь родственникам в трудное время, и готова понести наказание.

I’m more willing to face punishment than to live knowing what he will do to you.

Лучше я понесу наказание, чем буду жить зная, что Апофис сделает с тобой.

I’m the only one who deserves punishment for this

Они и не собирались учиться. Только я понесу наказание за это.

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You let me talk because you know hearing my words is punishment enough.

Ты позволяешь мне говорить, потому что знаешь, что мои слова для меня достаточное наказание.

That’s punishment enough for a farmer who deals primarily with sheep.

Достаточное наказание для фермера, что имеет дело преимущественно с овцами.

Robert, honey, Caroline clearly used very bad judgment, but don’t you think spending a night in jail is punishment enough?

Роберт, дорогой, Кэролайн совершила большую ошибку. Но тебе не кажется, что ночь в тюрьме — достаточное наказание?

I… guess that’s punishment enough.

Думаю, это достаточное наказание.

Isn’t that just cruel and unusual punishment?

Разве это не достаточное наказание?

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«Do you believe in capital punishment for murder?»

«Вы поддерживаете смертную казнь за убийство?»

Your speech was probably the best speech… against capital punishment that I’ve heard in years

Ваша речь, осуждающая смертную казнь, была лучшей из того, что я слышал за последние годы.

Let’s use capital punishment the same way we use sports and television in this country to distract people and take their minds off how bad their being fucked by the upper 1%.

Так давайте же использовать смертную казнь для того же для чего мы используем спорт и ТВ в этой стране Для того чтобы занимать умы народа и отвлекать его от мысли о том как сильно 1% властьдержащих имеет этот самый народ.

The Torah doesn’t prohibit capital punishment.

Тора не запрещает смертную казнь.

I’m the leader of a democracy. 71 % of the people support capital punishment.

Я лидер демократов, Том. 71% людей поддерживает смертную казнь.

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-As punishment, their law demands that our ship be dismantled.

— В качестве наказания, их закон требует, чтобы наш корабль был демонтирован.

Officer Lee Sun-Ae was transfered as a punishment to the traffic department.

Офицер Ли Сун Э в качестве наказания была переведена в дорожное управление.

That’s why this time when kids died, it wasn’t punishment enough to sacrifice your life to your parents, as you did.

Поэтому сейчас, когда погибли дети, в качестве наказания недостаточно было пожертвовать вашей жизнью ради родителей, как вы и поступили.

He wants The Ash replaced as a punishment, wounded ornot.

Он хочет замены Эша в качестве наказания, живым или мертвым.

Like a punishment?

В качестве наказания?

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наказание, кара, взыскание, суровое обращение, грубое обращение


- наказание; взыскание

capital punishment — смертная казнь, высшая мера наказания
corporal punishment — телесное наказание, порка
summary punishment — а) наказание, которому подвергают немедленно; б) воен. дисциплинарное взыскание; в) расправа на месте
men under punishment — лица, получившие взыскания
to inflict a punishment upon smb. — наложить взыскание на кого-л.
to be brought to punishment for one’s crimes — понести наказание за преступления

- разг. грубое, суровое обращение

to inflict severe punishment on a team — нанести сокрушительное поражение команде; ≅ разделать команду под орех
the engine can withstand a lot of punishment — это очень надёжный двигатель; этот двигатель выдерживает самое варварское обращение
man who can stand /take/ punishment — боксёр, хорошо держащий удар

- урон; повреждение

to receive punishment — получить повреждение

- воен. сильное воздействие, интенсивный огонь, обстрел

Мои примеры


forms of punishment barred by the Constitution — виды наказаний, запрещённые Конституцией  
a persuasive argument against capital punishment — убедительный довод против смертной казни  
cruel punishment — суровое наказание  
to deal out punishment — наказывать  
abolition of capital punishment — отмена смертной казни  
to endure punishment — отбыть наказание  
to exact punishment — налагать наказание  
glutton for punishment — любитель наказаний  
the punishment which matches the gravity of the crime — наказание, соответствующее тяжести преступления  
harsh punishment — строгое, суровое наказание  
to mitigate punishment — смягчить наказание  
mitigation of punishment, mitigation of sentence — смягчение наказания  

Примеры с переводом

I was sent to bed as a punishment.

В качестве наказания, меня отправили спать.

Capital punishment has no place in a modern society.

Смертной казни не место в современном обществе.

The Court decides what punishment to impose.

Суд решает, какое наказание наложить.

Decency, not fear of punishment, caused them to do the right thing.

Порядочность, а не страх перед наказанием, заставила их делать правильные вещи.

What would be a just punishment for such a crime?

Что было бы справедливым наказанием за такое преступление?

Take care or you will be visited with punishment from heaven!

Берегись, или тебя постигнет кара небесная!

Why single him out for punishment?

Зачем делать из него козла отпущения?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The gunmen will not escape punishment.

…an evenhanded meting out of punishment…

They got the punishment they so richly deserved.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): punishment
мн. ч.(plural): punishments

Sentences with the word Punishment?



  • «the abolition of capital punishment«
  • «abusive punishment«; «argued…that foster homes are abusive»
  • «an apologist for capital punishment«
  • «sufferable punishment«
  • «a contumaceous witness is subject to punishment«
  • «he understood the foulness of sin»; «his display of foulness deserved severe punishment«; «mouths which speak such foulness must be cleansed»
  • «severity of character»; «the harshness of his punishment was inhuman»; «the rigors of boot camp»
  • «infernal noise»; «infernal punishment«
  • «the rationale for capital punishment«; «the principles of internal-combustion engines»
  • «the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime»; «earnings relative to production»
  • «reformative and rehabilitative agencies»; «reformatory punishment«
  • «interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven, a supernal punishment for the sins of men»
  • «unjust punishment«; «an unjust judge»; «an unjust accusation»
  • «he was unjustly singled out for punishment«
  • «a scene of unusual beauty»; «a man of unusual ability»; «cruel and unusual punishment«; «an unusual meteorite»

A punishment is the imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon a group or individual, meted out by an authority—in contexts ranging from child discipline to criminal law—as a response and deterrent to a particular action or behaviour that is deemed undesirable or unacceptable. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It’s not «jailing» him (and don’t use it as punishment).


Or on the flip side, it’s easy to fall into the trap of «bringing down the hammer,» to put a stop to the anger through intimidation or punishment.


Quick comment though — if a behavior decreases it is punishment, not reinforcement.


The reward trainer will follow a hierarchy of principles working from positive reinforcement down to positive punishment.


Although most nations of the world have abolished capital punishment, both the United States and China still put large numbers of people to death.


Harsh punishment will only make things worse.


The crate is never used as punishment, it is a safe and secure place for them to sleep.


(b) grant to a person a respite, either indefinite or for a specified period, from the execution of punishment imposed on him for an offence; or


Cornerstone had a rocky reception during the 2012-13 school year after allegations that some staff members, in their zeal for structure and discipline, prohibited students from using the bathroom and removed students» shoes as a punishment.


Though permanent same-sex relationships are still not supported, there is no longer talk of capital punishment and there is a greater engagement with the issue of sexuality.


Punitive damages are meant as a punishment to the defendant as well as a deterrent to others.


Unfortunately, this reinforces parents in their belief that corporal punishment is a good method for modifying many actions of a child.


An E.P.A. spokeswoman said that the agency was satisfied with the couple’s efforts to limit distribution of the video and was not currently considering any punishment.


Over the years, no amount of reward or punishment has been successful at getting them not to do this to me in public.


This four-armed beast is capable of absorbing considerable punishment and has a few abilities that feed off the game’s magic system, whereby at the start of each round five tokens are tossed on to the table which represent the different types of magic available.


Earlier this week, a regulator ordered CBA to keep an extra A$ 1 billion ($ 750 million) in cash reserves as punishment for the alleged money laundering breaches, which it is contesting.


These are not adult sexual activities but signs of normal curiosity and don’t warrant scolding or punishment.


However, if your Dalmatian puppy does do something naughty like this then it’s vital that you stay calm and do not use physical punishment such as hitting or yelling.


«Yale has some very good cost-benefit-analysis lawyers who talk about the school’s liability,» says Bruno, the lawyer from the Victim Rights Law Center, as she walked through a hypothetical example of likelihood that a male student will sue for an expulsion versus the chances a female student will sue for not issuing a harsh enough punishment.


Whereas Adam’s object of punishment is a project, Eve’s is again a person.


Whatever you decide, your teenager is likely to see it as punishment and be resentful, but if you don’t take any action you are making it more difficult for yourself next time.


bondage submissive looking for bondage dominant who uses bondage for punishment, discipline and his own amusement.


«Two discredited papers have subjected a leading Japanese research center to an extraordinary form of collective punishment,» wrote Dennis Normile in this week’s Science.


Giroud most face some serious punishment for getting that ridiculous red card, let him donate his pay to some good charity or even let him clean the showers.


It allows for learning and growth without disconnection and punishment because it assumes that the child doesn’t have the skills necessary to get their needs met using better behavior.


The stakes are higher in Stalin’s universe, with verbal blunders met by bullets rather than Iannucci’s favoured (and very English) punishment of stinging, crippling embarrassment.


Risk-taking propensity and sensitivity to punishment in adolescents with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder symptoms and/or reading disability.


After a slight tussle full-on brawl with Hunter Strickland, we are waiting to see what sort of punishment awaits Nationals» star Bryce Harper after he charged the mound.


Dogs that develop an aversion to hands due to physical punishment are at risk of biting a human, child, or another moving target later in life.


When I was about 20 years old, I met an old pastor’s wife who told me that when she was young and had her first child, she didn’t believe in striking children, although spanking kids with a switch pulled from a tree was standard punishment at that time.


They are as different as the words «punishment» and «discipline».


Use discipline to guide and protect your child, instead of punishment to make him feel badly about himself.


Heck, virtually every Christian I know, yourself included, believes the most childish of things that they would never contemplate swallowing in their day to day activities — dead men rising, mind reading sky gods, life after death, being under constant supervision for the purposes of reward or punishment in some magic postmortem kingdoms — heaven, hell, purgatory, limbo etc…


If the owner gets increasingly frustrated with the dog, she may increase the severity of the punishment, and depending on the dog’s temperament, it may respond by becoming fearful of the owner and avoiding her.


Sammo himself plays their teacher, Yu Jim-yuen («Yu Ho» in the film) tough (hitting the kids with a stick is his preferred method of punishment) but sentimental and adorably awkward at times.


The biggest drawback to punishment is that it aims at stopping an undesirable behavior, rather than teaching and encouraging a desirable one.


Wake up sweet baby, Momma luvs U — Terra Mizu -16 mins After a slew of mean Mommies and diaper punishment and humiliation, what better way to


Even in death, Webster looked formidable, with a muscular thickness from head to foot, a body that seemed designed to absorb and mete out punishment.


Those who hold public office must safeguard that trust, and those who violate their oath must incur just punishment.


Pupils respond better to praise and encouragement than punishment.


The death penalty therefore lacks an essential ingredient of just punishment.


Recent changes to Canadian legislation suggest the future holds slightly stricter punishments.


Try to make sure your preschooler never equates death with punishment: «No, definitely not.


The puppy is not aware that he is urinating; he’s just excited and any punishment will only confuse him.


Later, he expounded, «I’m torn on capital punishment generally; but treating abortion as homicide means what it means.»


Do you want more of that kind of punishment?


The parents of John the Baptist were barren until old age, not as punishment (they were righteous), but so that he could be the forerunner that Scripture had spoken of.


I on the other hand can say that you wish people to be able to continually break Ontario laws without punishment, and that you believe that people totally untrained in RE law or any other law should be able to deal with consumers in any way shape or form regardless of the law, putting them in jeopardy with no ERRORS and OMMISSIONS Insurance as is required by REBBA 2000 to fall back on when they screw up.


Authoritative control reflects child-oriented and inductive discipline techniques such as guiding the child’s behavior cognitively, giving information, and stimulating responsible behavior of the child, while authoritarian control refers to adult-oriented, coercive, restrictive, and firm discipline techniques and emphasizes the negative aspects of control such as harsh punishment and love withdrawal (e.g., Baumrind 1968, 1971).


I was taken with the difference between the phrases «self discipline» and «self punishment».



noun существительное

множественное число (plural):


















  1. наказание

    collective punishment
    коллективное наказание

    using corporal punishment
    применение телесных наказаний

    punishment of life imprisonment
    наказание в виде пожизненного заключения

    punishment of war criminals
    наказание военных преступников

    punishment for his sin
    наказание за грех

    death punishment
    смертная казнь

    disciplinary punishment
    дисциплинарное взыскание

  2. Кара

  3. расправа

    threats of physical punishment
    угрозы физической расправы

  4. возмездие

    fair punishment
    справедливое возмездие

  5. мучение

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений punishment на 1 миллион слов: 19.

Примеры предложений

I am against using death as a punishment. I am also against using it as a reward.
Я против использования смерти в качестве наказания. Я также против ее использования как награды.

Tom deserved the punishment he got.
Том заслужил то наказание, которое получил.

The punishment must fit the crime.
Наказание должно соответствовать преступлению.

The punishment for Tom shall be death.
Наказанием Тому станет смерть.

He deserved the punishment he got.
Он заслужил наказание, которое получил.

She deserved the punishment she got.
Она заслужила наказание, которое получила.

According to European laws, the punishment for having a portrait of President Lukashenko in one’s apartment or house is a life in Belarus.
По европейским законам наказание за портрет президента Лукашенко в квартире или доме — провести жизнь в Белоруссии.

In my family, the punishment for lying was severe.
В моей семье сурово наказывали за ложь.

Tom didn’t deserve the punishment he received.
Том не заслужил доставшегося ему наказания.

The punishment should be proportionate to the crime.
Наказание должно быть пропорционально преступлению.

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Мечтатель — это тот, кто может найти дорогу лишь при свете луны, а наказание его в том, что он видит рассвет прежде остального мира.

Teenagers are God’s punishment for having sex.
Подростки — это Божье наказание за занятия сексом.

The punishment should be in proportion to the crime.
Наказание должно быть соразмерно преступлению.

I will abolish capital punishment.
Я отменю смертную казнь.

What’s the punishment for this crime?
Какое наказание полагается за это преступление?

The trend of public opinion is against corporal punishment.
Общественное мнение поворачивается против телесных наказаний.

You can teach good manners to children without resorting to punishment.
Ты можешь научить детей хорошим манерам, не прибегая к наказанию.

Corporal punishment is now prohibited in schools.
Сейчас телесные наказания в школах запрещены.

Tom won’t escape punishment.
Том не избежит наказания.

She took the punishment with a smile.
Она приняла наказание с улыбкой.

Corporal punishment is forbidden in Sweden.
Телесные наказания в Швеции запрещены.

Their punishment was harsh, but just.
Их наказание было суровым, но справедливым.

In some countries capital punishment is illegal.
В некоторых странах смертная казнь незаконна.

As a punishment, you will receive fifty lashes.
В наказание вы получите пятьдесят ударов плетью.

The perpetrators received a well-deserved punishment.
Преступники получили заслуженное наказание.

Corporal punishment is still allowed in many countries.
Телесные наказания до сих пор разрешены во многих странах.

I don’t think that I deserved the punishment I got.
Я не думаю, что заслужил наказание, которое получил.

Personally, I think that corporal punishment is a necessary evil.
Я лично считаю, что телесные наказания — необходимое зло.

I’m totally against capital punishment.
Я категорически против смертной казни.

Tom doesn’t deserve punishment.
Том не заслуживает наказания.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word punishment, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use punishment in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «punishment». In addition, we also show how different variations of punishment can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are punishments, punishment—as and punishment—up. If you click on the variation of punishment that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Punishment in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word punishment in a sentence.

  1. It was punishment — undeserved punishment.

  2. The punishment for non-compliance was death.

  3. The inhabitants received no further punishment.

  4. Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Comoros.

  5. Alexander admonished them but imposed no punishment.

  6. On another occasion, 130 others received the same punishment.

  7. The laws also set out crimes and their associated punishment.

  8. This depiction of military punishment trivializes Byng’s death.

  9. The OC agrees to make an exception and exclude Ken from punishment.

  10. Sometimes Set is made to carry Osiris’s body to its tomb as part of his punishment.

  11. Indeed, Terhune regularly decries the use of physical punishment to gain obedience.

  12. Some trainers have tried to train elephants without the use of physical punishment.

  13. Wishart was a reformer who had fled Scotland in 1538 to escape punishment for heresy.

  14. The punishment was not decided, and was not to have been announced until September 14.

  15. Sometimes he introduced more serious causes: capital punishment, modern architecture, the works of D.

  16. During the torture, a SMERSH assassin enters and kills Le Chiffre as punishment for losing the money.

  17. One Greek myth tells of Lycaon being transformed into a wolf by Zeus as punishment for his evil deeds.

  18. As Playford did not commute Stuart’s sentence, Dunstan introduced a bill to abolish capital punishment.

  19. In his 1974 autobiography, Pierrepoint changed his view on capital punishment, and wrote that hanging:.

  20. Dubois praises flogging and other types of corporal punishment as a means of addressing juvenile crimes.

  21. Many saw it as a punishment from God when Henry was later struck down with unknown but chronic illnesses.

  22. Graven’s defeat frees the gods he had imprisoned, and they bring him back to life for eternal punishment.

  23. As a result, he was frequently sent to the «alcove», a punishment cell reserved for disobedient students.

  24. In one game, Miller was reported for showing dissent to a goal umpire, but was let off without punishment.

  25. The punishment did nothing to deter him from stealing, and by August 1976 he had stolen again three times.

  26. Another Maratha leader, the general Santaji, inflicted the punishment for breaches in military discipline.

  27. This was the customary Byzantine punishment for treason and means of sidelining potential political rivals.

  28. Opponents of capital punishment gathered at the Utah State Capitol to hold a rally during the final appeals.

  29. As punishment for following the Christian faith, Christians were to face exile or condemnation to the mines.

  30. Misery banishes the player to the Labyrinth deep inside the island as punishment for interfering with the Doctor’s plans.

  31. The death penalty was retained, but not used; instead, the most severe form of punishment was a boycott of an individual.

  32. The Aborigines in the KMT slammed President Tsai over the criminal punishment of a hunter of Bunun Aboriginal background.

  33. Jane Pierce wondered if the train accident was divine punishment for her husband’s pursuit and acceptance of high office.

  34. By virtue of a Hindu belief that killing of a brahmin (Bramhatya) was a sin, capital punishment was not applicable to them.

  35. The punishment could only be meted out to those within the confines of the Forest of Hardwick, of which Halifax was a part.

  36. Theses 14–16 discuss the idea that the punishment of purgatory can be likened to the fear and despair felt by dying people.

  37. An amendment to abolish capital punishment completely, suggested before the bill’s third reading, failed by 127 votes to 23.

  38. According to this practice money could not be paid or received during marriage and those who did were liable for punishment.

  39. Dulles), and revocation of citizenship as a punishment for desertion was struck down that same year in another case (Trop v.

  40. By February 1866, however, Johnson was publicly attacking these Radical Republicans, who demanded harsh punishment of the rebels and federal action to assist the freedmen.

  41. Augustine believed in the existence of a physical Hell as a punishment for sin, but argued that those who choose to accept the salvation of Jesus Christ will go to Heaven.

  42. Bureaucratic affairs were completed during Diocletian’s stay: a census took place, and Alexandria, in punishment for its rebellion, lost the ability to mint independently.

  43. Hopley claimed to be a paedagogical follower of John Locke, who had decried the use of corporal punishment except in cases of extreme obstinacy on the part of the student.

  44. Paul Suris states that official Church teachings have neither absolutely condemned nor promoted capital punishment, but toleration of it has fluctuated throughout the ages.

Punishments in a sentence

Punishments is a variation of punishment, below you can find example sentences for punishments.

  1. There was a uniform and an elaborate system of rewards and punishments.

  2. Early Han punishments of torturous mutilation were borrowed from Qin law.

  3. They would be protected from excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishments.

  4. To increase production, Speer introduced a system of punishments for his workforce.

  5. Eusebius characterizes Urbanus as a man who enjoyed some variety in his punishments.

  6. The less culpable mutineers were given lighter punishments, such as reduced rations.

  7. Further, he asserted that Hitler had wanted more shootings of POWs and harsher punishments.

  8. Although no injuries resulted from the fight, we still must mete out some slight punishments.

  9. He encouraged the spread of Christianity by meting out severe punishments for ignoring Christian customs.

  10. All parties were severely punished initially; however, a few months later the punishments were rescinded.

  11. There are depictions of blameworthy activities, from gossip to murder, with their corresponding punishments.

  12. Censorship increased in strictness over the following decades, and violators could receive harsh punishments.

  13. A series of reforms abolished mutilation punishments with progressively less-severe beatings by the bastinado.

  14. Fez has no enemies, bosses, or punishments for failure—the player-character quickly respawns upon falling to his death.

  15. Biographers emphasise his enforcement of the prohibition of alcohol, and he increased punishments for those who violated it.

  16. Other reforms in this period saw the number of punishments inflicted decrease from 184 in 1913 to 57 in 1914, and 35 in 1915.

  17. Instead, punishments were commonly monetary fines, periods of forced hard labor for convicts, and the penalty of death by beheading.

  18. Song judges specified the guilty person or party in a criminal act and meted out punishments accordingly, often in the form of caning.

  19. They also called for punishments to be handed out to people who took advantage of the disorder by hoarding goods or speculating on food.

  20. The Court of High Commission and the Star Chamber, courts which had inflicted severe punishments on Puritan dissenters, were also abolished.

Punishment—as in a sentence

Punishment—as is a variation of punishment, below you can find example sentences for punishment—as.

  1. Petre Gheorghe and Nicolae Atanasoff were found guilty of «crime against the state’s security», being sentenced to capital punishment—as had been requested by the military prosecutor, Major P.

Punishment—up in a sentence

Punishment—up is a variation of punishment, below you can find example sentences for punishment—up.

  1. Serious punishment—up to and including death—awaited any worker who mentioned the new ship.

Synonyms for punishment

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word punishment has the following synonyms: penalty, penalization and penalisation.

General information about «punishment» example sentences

The example sentences for the word punishment that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «punishment» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «punishment».

1. Punishment is justice for the unjust. 

2. Let the punishment fit the crime. 

3. The liar’s punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else. 

4. Guilt always hurries towards its complement, punishment; only there does its satisfaction lie. 

5. The thief received a just punishment.

6. The punishment was very fair.

7. As punishment,the corporal was demoted to private.

8. The punishment should be proportional to the crime.

9. Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.

10. He argued in favour of capital punishment.

11. He advocates the return of capital punishment.

12. Expulsion from school is a harsh form of punishment.

13. Most democracies have abolished capital punishment.

14. The punishment for murder is death.

15. Schools should not mete out physical punishment to children.

16. Community punishment is used for less serious offenders.

17. Punishment will be due those criminals.

18. If you do wrong, you deserve the punishment.

19. , the punishment wasn’t too severe.

20. As punishment, the men were confined to barracks.

21. The punishment was harsh and unfair.

22. They got the punishment they so richly deserved.

23. I’m strongly opposed to capital punishment.

24. The Court decides what punishment to impose .

25. Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.

26. Would you sanction flogging as a punishment for crimes of violence?

27. Because it was his first offence, the punishment wasn’t too severe.

28. Obviously what she did was wrong, but I don’t think it warranted quite such severe punishment.

29. He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.

30. Group counselling is used as an alternative idea to punishment.

Предложения со словом «punishments»

They only asked for punishments that fitted their crimes.

Они только просили о наказании , соответствующем тяжести проступка.

The most serious of punishments that can befall a knight.

Самые серьезные из наказаний что может случиться с рыцарем.

The brutal routine, harsh punishments , and hideous surroundings had pounded most of the resistance from him.

Жестокий распорядок, суровые наказания и устрашающая обстановка почти начисто выбили из него желание сопротивляться.

Information campaigns should also focus on deterring potential perpetrators, by providing information on possible legal consequences and punishments .

Информационные кампании должны также иметь в центре своего внимания задачу сдерживания потенциальных правонарушителей посредством распространения информации о возможных правовых последствиях и наказаниях .

The intervention of the Legal Chancellor has helped to stop violations and officials who were found guilty have received due punishments .

Вмешательство канцлера юстиции помогло положить конец нарушениям, и должностные лица, признанные виновными, были должным образом наказаны .

Punishments for children depended on the gravity of the crime.

Меры наказания , применяемые в отношении детей, зависят от тяжести преступления.

Of these, four were dismissed and seven were given punishments varying from a final warning through to loss of financial increments and loss of promotion prospects.

Из них четверо были уволены, а семеро понесли различные наказания — от строгого предупреждения до лишения прибавки к заработной плате и возможностей служебного роста.

New regulations with severe punishments have been adopted.

В рамках этих усилий были приняты новые положения, предусматривающие суровые наказания за такие преступления.

How do the punishments imposed compare with those imposed by other States and by international criminal courts and tribunals?

как назначенные наказания соотносятся с наказаниями , назначаемыми другими государствами и международными уголовными судами и трибуналами?

Mr. de GOUTTES suggested that it should be emphasised that the Islamic courts established by the Taliban handed down degrading or cruel punishments .

Г — н де ГУТТ предлагает подчеркнуть, что исламские суды, созданные талибами, выносят решения о применении унижающих или жестоких наказаний .

The following chart contains statistics on punishments which were handed down in 1990 and 1991.

В приводимой ниже таблице содержатся статистические данные о числе наказаний за 1990 и 1991 годы.

Severe punishments have been prescribed under the Act, which includes life imprisonment and confiscation of property both moveable and immovable.

В этом законе предусматриваются суровые меры наказания , включая пожизненное тюремное заключение и конфискацию движимого и недвижимого имущества.

However, punishments differ in case of Muslims and non-Muslims.

Однако в случае мусульман и немусульман наказания различаются.

Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia still lives under “telephone law” — a system in which punishments are triggered by phone calls from higher ups.

Прошло 20 лет после распада Советского Союза, а Россия все еще живет по нормам «телефонного права» — системы, в которой наказание определяется по звонку сверху.

Such arguments might still not be shared by people who believe criminals deserve their punishments , but there’s also a utilitarian argument.

Конечно, эту точку зрения вряд ли разделят те, на чей взгляд, преступники всего лишь получают по заслугам. Однако в ее пользу существуют и практические аргументы.

There are no sanctions or punishments the West can impose that outweigh this acquisition.

Никакие санкции или наказания со стороны Запада не способны перевесить этот эффект.

No matter how strait the gate or charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

Стесненность врат мне не важней, грехов мне список целый дан, хозяин я души своей, судьбы своей я капитан.

it works if everybody has a fair chance and corporate theft receives highly visible punishments .

Он работает только в случае, если все люди имеют равные шансы, а корпоративные кражи открыто преследуются законом.

In fact, as Daniel Larison has noted, “It’s almost as if Western punishments are useful to Moscow, because they provide something for it to ignore and/or defy.”

На самом деле, как отмечает Дэниел Ларисон (Daniel Larison), «похоже на то, что карательные меры Запада приносят Москве пользу, ибо они дают ей то, что можно игнорировать, и чем можно открыто пренебрегать».

The secret to high performance isn’t rewards and punishments , but that unseen intrinsic drive — the drive to do things for their own sake.

Стремлении создавать вещи ради них самих.

The punishments being considered – expulsion from the G-8, for example, – would be laughable were the threat to Europe’s peace not so grave.

Рассматриваемые наказания – например, исключение из «Большой восьмерки» – были бы забавными, если бы угроза миру в Европе не была бы настолько серьезной.

The commission has promised severe punishments for anyone caught in the act.

Комиссия обещает сурово наказывать тех, кто занимается этим делом.

These latest punishments show that it may be impossible to de-link the problems in the bilateral relationship from the opportunities, as the Obama administration wants to do.

Новые санкции свидетельствуют о том, что сейчас уже практически невозможно разграничить проблемы в двусторонних отношениях между США и Россией и возможности сотрудничества, как хотела администрация Обамы.

Lrh started to devise a system of penalties or punishments or what he called ethics.

ЛРХ стал разрабатывать систему взысканий или наказаний , или того, что он называл ЭТИКОЙ.

Before I devise an excellent and endless series of punishments for each and every one of you, could someone explain, very simply and immediately, exactly what is going on?

Прежде чем я изберу отменные и нескончаемые наказания для каждого из вас, я требую простых и незамедлительных объяснений! Что здесь происходит?

The sight of a mother and daughter is one of our most cruel punishments ; it arouses the remorse that lurks in the innermost folds of our hearts, and that is consuming us.

Для нас видеть мать с дочерью самая тяжкая пытка; пробуждаются угрызения совести, укрытые в тайниках сердца, они пожирают нас!..

What punishments they were able to imagine!

Какие наказания они для нас придумывали!

Learning about the punishments in Hell, you can vividly feel the pain

Узнавая об адских пытках, можно на себе ощутить острую боль.

And with the laws, the punishments-and there were only two-a quick and murderous fight or ostracism; and ostracism was the worst.

А там, где существовали законы, там существовали и наказания наказания всего двух степеней: короткая жестокая драка или остракизм; остракизм был хуже.

Apparently even the notion of a hell with its complicated system of punishments was no longer present in his mind.

Даже представление об аде и его мучительных возмездиях (за каждый грех — возмездие особенное), по — видимому, покинуло его.

The punishments are to stop immediately.

Немедленно прекратить наказания !

She agreed to do punishments , like cleaning out the public bathrooms on her hands and knees with a toothbrush, while other people she knew were stepping over her.

Она согласилась принять наказание , вроде мытья общественных уборных на четвереньках зубной щёткой, в то время как её знакомые перешагивали через неё.

There are failures great and small… and there are punishments great and small.

Бывают ошибки большие и малые… и наказания за них большие и малые.

One of the principal functions of a friend is to suffer (in a milder and symbolic form) the punishments that we should like, but are unable, to inflict upon our enemies.

Одно из главных назначений друга — подвергаться (в смягченной и символической форме) тем карам, что мы хотели бы, да не можем обрушить на врагов.

He doesn’t care much about the philanthropic side of things; punishments , and that kind of thing.

Филантропическое ее применение ему не слишком интересно уголовные наказания , ну и так далее.

And there’ll be no punishments , no recriminations, nothing, I promise, just so long as you call.

И не будет никаких наказаний , никаких обвинений, ничего, я обещаю, пока ты будешь звонить.

I always had to be the bad guy mom, giving out the carrots and the punishments , and he would breeze in from God only knows where and get to be the cool, fun dad.

Я была мамой — плохим парнем, раздавала кнуты и пряники а он приносился невесть откуда и был классным, весёлым папой.

Tell him he can’t double up on punishments like that.

Скажи ему,что он не может удвоить вот так наказания .

In the past White Fang had experienced delayed punishments , and he apprehended that such a one was about to befall him.

Белый Клык помнил, что боги иногда откладывают наказание , и сейчас ждал расплаты за свой проступок.

Citizens are protected from cruel and unusual punishments

граждане защищены от жестоких наказании , а также…

There are punishments far worse than death.

Есть наказания по — хуже, чем смерть.

This wagon, all lattice-work, was garnished with dilapidated hurdles which appeared to have served for former punishments .

Эта фура, сквозная со всех сторон, была снабжена разбитыми решетками, которые казались отслужившими свой срок орудиями старинного позорного наказания .

Punishments were more savage then than they are now.

Наказания в те годы были более жестокими, чем в наше время.

But your punishments should fit your crimes.

Но ваше наказание должно соответствовать преступлениям.

His punishments for the smallest infractions were beatings that often left him unconscious.

Он избивал сына за малейшие провинности, так что тот потом часами лежал в бреду.

According to Chinese mythology, one of the most dreadful punishments in the 18 levels of hell involves having one’s tongue ripped out.

Согласно китайской мифологии, одно из самых страшных наказаний ада включает в себя вырывание языка.

Rush deemed public punishments such as putting a person on display in stocks, common at the time, to be counterproductive.

Раш считал, что публичные наказания , такие как выставление человека на всеобщее обозрение в акции, распространенные в то время, контрпродуктивны.

The Blockburger test, originally developed in the multiple punishments context, is also the test for prosecution after conviction.

Тест Блокбургера, первоначально разработанный в контексте множественных наказаний , также является тестом для преследования после осуждения.

These strict punishments for drug offenses shined light on the fact that drug abuse was a multi-faceted problem.

Эти строгие наказания за преступления, связанные с наркотиками, проливают свет на тот факт, что злоупотребление наркотиками является многогранной проблемой.

The king was chief administrator, chief legislator, and chief judge, with all laws, orders, verdict and punishments theoretically originating from his person.

Король был главным администратором, главным законодателем и главным судьей, и все законы, приказы, приговоры и наказания теоретически исходили из его личности.

The Church received a portion of local taxations and ecclesiastical law applied to Christian morals and could result in punishments .

Церковь получала часть местных налогов и церковного права, применявшегося к христианской морали, что могло привести к наказаниям .

Camp life was dirty and cramped with the potential for a rapid spread of disease, and punishments could be anything from a flogging to a death sentence.

Жизнь в лагере была грязной и тесной, с возможностью быстрого распространения болезней, а наказание могло быть любым — от порки до смертного приговора.

This type of parenting is very lax, with few punishments or rules.

Этот тип воспитания очень слабый, с небольшим количеством наказаний или правил.

The harshest punishments , such as burning at the stake, were usually reserved for crimes committed against the very young, or by violence.

Самые суровые наказания , такие как сожжение на костре, обычно назначались за преступления, совершенные против самых маленьких или с применением насилия.

In ancient Japan, those in positions of authority could administer punishments to those convicted of crimes that were beyond the criminal code.

В древней Японии те, кто занимал ответственные посты, могли наказывать тех, кто был осужден за преступления, выходящие за рамки Уголовного кодекса.

Social learning theory emphasizes the rewards and punishments that children receive for sex appropriate or inappropriate behaviors.

Теория социального обучения акцентирует внимание на вознаграждениях и наказаниях , которые дети получают за соответствующее или неподобающее поведение в сексуальном плане.

Transactional leaders use reward and punishments to gain compliance from their followers.

Лидеры транзакций используют награды и наказания , чтобы добиться уступчивости от своих последователей.

The model is also viewed as very straightforward and understandable due to the simple reward and punishments system.

Модель также рассматривается как очень простая и понятная благодаря простой системе вознаграждений и наказаний .

Similar punishments included turning the crank machine or carrying cannonballs.

Подобные наказания включали в себя вращение кривошипной машины или ношение пушечных ядер.

These games can also be effectively used in the study of third-party punishments with respect to distribution and cooperation norms with some modifications.

Эти игры могут также эффективно использоваться при изучении наказаний третьих лиц в отношении норм распределения и сотрудничества с некоторыми изменениями.

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