Sentences with the word punish

наказать, наказывать, карать, расправляться, налагать взыскание


- наказывать, карать; налагать взыскание

to punish theft — карать за воровство
the boy is punished for disobedience — мальчик наказан за непослушание
murder is punished by death — убийство карается смертной казнью

- разг. грубо обращаться

to punish a horse — загнать лошадь
he really punishs the car — он совершенно не щадит /не жалеет/ машину

- причинять повреждения

the ships were considerably punished by the batteries — батареи причинили кораблям значительные повреждения
to punish the engine — «запороть» движок

- воен. обстреливать; бомбить
- избить, исколошматить

the blows of his opponent punished him severely — удары противника сильно его измотали

- шутл. много есть, набрасываться (на еду, питьё)

to punish a bottle of port — прикончить /уговорить/ бутылочку портвейна
the boy punished the roly-poly pudding — мальчик набросился на пудинг с вареньем

Мои примеры


to punish cruelly — жестоко покарать  
to punish harshly / severely — строго наказать  
to punish lightly / mildly — налагать нестрогое взыскание  
authority to punish — власть наказывать  
punish without book — наказывать, не имея на то права  
punish a bottle of port — прикончить бутылочку портвейна; уговорить бутылочку портвейна  
punish capitally — подвергнуть смертной казни; казнить  
punish a child for a peccadillo — наказать ребёнка за шалость  
punish guilty persons — наказать виновных  
punish percy in the palm — мастурбировать  

Примеры с переводом

She was punished for lying.

Она была наказана за ложь.

You can’t punish a man for speaking the truth.

Вы не можете наказать человека за то, что он говорит правду.

You can’t punish me for something I didn’t do.

Ты не можешь наказать меня за то, чего я не делал.

It is in me to punish you.

У меня есть право тебя наказывать.

He really punishes the car.

Он так ужасно обращается с машиной!

It’s unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two students.

Это несправедливо наказывать целый класс за плохое поведение одного или двух студентов.

In some societies, theft is punished by death.

В некоторых странах воровство карается смертью.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…those little scamps are always getting into trouble, but no one has the heart to punish them…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

punishable  — наказуемый, заслуживающий наказания
punishment  — наказание, кара, взыскание, суровое обращение, грубое обращение
punishing  — карающий, тяжелый, суровый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: punish
he/she/it: punishes
ing ф. (present participle): punishing
2-я ф. (past tense): punished
3-я ф. (past participle): punished

Synonym: castigate, chastise, correct, discipline, penalize. Antonym: forgive. Similar words: vanish, Spanish, finish up, diminish, finish with, punch, unit, unite. Meaning: [‘pʌnɪʃ]  v. impose a penalty on; inflict punishment on. 

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(1) According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines.

(2) For your crime, the court will punish you with two years in prison.

(3) Never punish children by making them go hungry.

(4) How would you punish somebody for stealing?

(5) If you fail, don’t punish yourself.

(6) Don’t punish a child who wets the bed.

(7) They arrogate to themselves the power to punish people.

(8) You can’t punish me for something I didn’t do.

(9) Parents don’t punish their children so severely these days.

(10) He defended his decision to punish the boy.

(11) The law prescribes how to punish this crime.

(12) Don’t punish your child for being honest.

(13) It’s a bIt’strong to punish her for such a small thing.

(14) My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV.

(15) He was trying to punish her for deserting him all those years ago.

(16) He promised to punish severely any officials found guilty of electoral fraud.

(17) It’s unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two students.

(18) The government voted to punish corruption in sport with up to four years in jail.

(19) It’s a bit strong to punish her for such a small thing.

(20) My parents decided to punish me by withdrawing financial support.

(21) Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him.

(22) The House voted to punish the senator with a formal reprimand.

(23) He was adamant in his determination to punish the corrupt officials.

(24) It is the business of the police to prevent and detect crime and of the law courts to punish crime.

(25) If you persist in upsetting her[Sentence dictionary], I will have to punish you.

(26) We should try to reform criminals through labor rather than punish them.

(27) He said that when he was a boy, his father used to take a stick to him to punish him.

(28) We should try to reform criminals through labour rather than punish them.

(29) Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.

(30) The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day.

More similar words: vanish, Spanish, finish up, diminish, finish with, punch, unit, unite, unity, unique, union, uniform, junior, ministry, run into, dish, organism, minister, feminist, community, Irish, columnist, mechanism, munitions, municipal, bishop, wish for, Jewish, parish, administer. 

Punish is a technical-death-metal band from Switzerland, formed in 1996. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

When maturity came crashing down hard upon my head, all the «parry punishes» and «custom combos» in the world couldn’t help me with the realities of being an adult.


Metal Gear Survive punishes failure by making you spend more time with Metal Gear Survive.


The crime rate is extremely low, not only because there are serious punishes for a crime.


«The final tax reform bill released punishes homeowners and weakens homeownership»


Not to mention the mix-up potential and speed of light attacks that can be linked into Wolf Fang for quick punishes on block.


Though his move set is limited with Metal Shield active, the potential for devastating punishes is massive.


This should have warranted further action from the FA but they are content with their broken rule that over punishes for refereeing error rather than for the actual offence (if a dive is worth a 2 match ban, it should ALWAYS be worth a 2 match ban).


He displayed great understand of the game — defense, combos, proper punishes, sidestepping, spacing, backdashing, mixups and more.


This leads to a lot of dead falls in prince or early jumps that end up as ledge grabs instead of continuous runs (which the level design later on punishes with timed elements).


Once you’ve done this, learn why you’re getting hit, where you’re getting opened up, and why you’re getting your own punishes.


For one thing, his punishes savers by giving them anemic returns on fixed income products.


Advanced fighting game concepts like baiting, block strings and punishes were all present and accounted for.


A discipline system that educates instead of punishes.


If the god you believe in punishes people for lack of belief (a crime of thought) he is an immoral asshat.


We are not looking at the correct school reforms: an overhaul an archaic system and an overhaul of a system that rewards children for being early bloomers and punishes and humiliates children for being late academic bloomers.


«This should be done in a way that instructs rather than punishes,» says Bedford.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word punish, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use punish in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «punish».

Punish in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word punish in a sentence.

  1. Johnson wanted to punish Lee, and «make treason odious».

  2. In early 1069, Henry crossed the Elbe to punish the invaders.

  3. The king ordered Godwin to punish the town, and the earl refused.

  4. Begg observes that «if the court of man could not punish these men ..

  5. In one, a kangaroo cuts it off to punish the koala for being lazy and greedy.

  6. A series of trials known as the Bloody Assizes took place to punish the rebels.

  7. The King resolves to punish Tuptim, though she denies she and Lun Tha were lovers.

  8. Although Brian and Stewie punish Chris by grounding him, they try to clear his name.

  9. Instead, I decided to come out and really punish everyone for daring to fuck with me.

  10. Her father used violence to punish his children, beating them when they disobeyed him.

  11. Cadillac sent his lieutenant Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville to punish the Natchez.

  12. Mercer would punish girls by cutting their hair, and force boys to wear girls’ clothing.

  13. Its real purpose was larger, however: to punish the most prominent American critic of the U.S.

  14. Neither saw the need to punish Protestants who worshipped in private and did not take up arms.

  15. The Furies are the guardians of honor and the bane of traitors, who punish those they deem guilty.

  16. If enough players determined that the messages were a violation, an automated system would punish them.

  17. Orion returned to Chios to punish Oenopion, but the king hid away underground and escaped Orion’s wrath.

  18. Citing the victim’s stated unwillingness to punish Brown, the prosecution declined to appeal the verdict.

  19. The referee may punish a player’s or substitute’s misconduct by a caution (yellow card) or dismissal (red card).

  20. He had substantial support from Cardinal Guala who intended to win the civil war for Henry and punish the rebels.

  21. When a man tries to take what he was bartering for without payment, Cook again uses firearms to punish the theft.

  22. The Mohave did not respond violently to the attack, but Armistead decided to punish them for harassing the mail party.

  23. Harper discovers the affair, and warns Juliet that their leader Ben will punish Goodwin because he has a crush on Juliet.

  24. Without the knowledge of central command, Colvin sets up areas where police would monitor, but not punish, the drug trade.

  25. Both Croat and Serb residents believed the government had neglected it deliberately, in order to punish the Serb community.

  26. The French transferred Ehnni to the spahi regiment at Batna, possibly to punish Eberhardt (whom they could not harm directly).

  27. They compare them, see that they are identical and, together with Mistress Quickly and Nannetta Ford, resolve to punish Falstaff.

  28. He recalled that Joe often sat in a chair with a belt in his hand as he and his siblings rehearsed, ready to punish any mistakes.

  29. Etty felt that the work illustrated the moral that women are not chattels, and were entitled to punish men who violated their rights.

  30. Catherine, who was said to have received the news without emotion, made a tearful visit to Coligny and promised to punish his attacker.

  31. Elected by the cadets themselves, it had no authority to punish, but acted as a kind of grand jury, reporting offenses to the commandant.

  32. To counter these minor rebellions, chiefs could punish their subjects with 15 days in jail or 100 franc fines without due process of law.

  33. Hunters who obeyed her numerous taboos would be assured of success in the hunt; conversely, she would harshly punish any who violated them.

  34. Prayers to some deities, such as Amun, show that they were thought to punish wrongdoers and heal people who repented for their misbehavior.

  35. Alternatively, it could have been slighted after the Revolt of 1173–74 to punish the earl of Chester for taking part in a war against the king.

  36. According to the researcher William Persen, the aim of this expedition was to both preoccupy the Druze and punish them for siding with the Porte.

  37. Further religious allusions are implied by the Engineers’ decision to punish humanity with destruction 2,000 years before the events of the film.

  38. In the funerary text known as the Book of the Heavenly Cow, Ra sends Hathor as the Eye of Ra to punish humans for plotting rebellion against his rule.

  39. Such children may endanger themselves, cling to the adult, be excessively compliant, or show role reversals in which they care for or punish the adult.

  40. The painting portrays the results of a fire, caused by Lungkata to punish his two sons who did not share with their father the kangaroo they had caught.

  41. The punishment scenes, in which women punish women, were a means of subduing Larkin’s feelings of anger and frustration with his personal sexual failures.

  42. Rules of the NHL, the North American junior leagues, and other North American professional minor leagues punish fighting with a five-minute major penalty.

  43. The Alien and Sedition Acts were used for political impact against members of the Republican Party in order to punish them for criticizing the government.

  44. Lacey, the Lacey Act was «An Act To protect the birds and animals in Yellowstone National Park, and to punish crimes in said park, and for other purposes.».

  45. If this were the case, Helble concluded that the United States should tell Diệm that his regime must condemn the actions of the troops and punish the culprits.

  46. The law was used to punish those who continued to apply for emigration; more than ten thousand applicants were arrested by the Stasi between the 1970s and 1989.

  47. They were expected to promote morality in society, to punish the wicked, and carefully recognize in their sentences which party in a court case was truly at fault.

  48. Offended at her remark, the nymphs petitioned Poseidon to punish Cassiopeia for her insolence, which he did by commanding the sea monster Cetus to attack Ethiopia.

  49. Sullivan claims that «significant others», persons with the most power to reward and punish individual behavior, were primarily responsible for determining behavior.

  50. Its author emphasized that a monarch is required to make donations to the Church and regularly consult his prelates, but is entitled to punish clergymen who do wrong.

Synonyms for punish

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word punish has the following synonyms: penalize and penalise.

General information about «punish» example sentences

The example sentences for the word punish that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «punish» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «punish».

He had been tired of being ignored, so Ackers had found a way to cut through the volume controls and punish Vinnie for treating him with so little respect

I wouldn’t honestly have worried about a broken finger or two for me, or even a leg if it would protect my children, but not being able to do anything if they chose to punish Will

If you’re a bad boy then I’ll have to punish you

«I think Moamar’s first priority is to kill the wizards of the Kassikan,» Bin-Martis said, «Secondly punish their followers as much as possible

«We can punish,» Vincef said, «we cannot defeat

‘We can punish, but cannot defeat

Since they were tracking the raft, they could punish the native crew for lying about Alan’s disappearance

For that single moment I hated him and was glad he was in trouble, and I suppose I even exaggerated my panic a little just to make Auntie tell him off and so make him feel bad and to punish him

«We can only punish Alan if he is innocent,» Ava told him

“Try not to punish me with pounds I’ll have difficulty removing

“To punish Milton for what he did to those children, I destroyed all his children right in front of him

We other gods must all do as you bid us, but her you neither scold nor punish; you encourage her because the pestilent creature is your daughter

In her short time here, Nerissa had seen Praegon punish slaves for all manner of offenses

Many religions and religious people still condemn, punish and ostracize homosexuals

That she hasn’t sold me off at once, Nerissa realized, or even invented excuses to punish me, means she fears Theoton’s reaction

there are other ways to punish and better ways

satisfied that absence in his mind? Had she become both father and mother to him? The father he longed to punish and the mother he longed to love?

«Can’t they punish those bullies or something?»

care about a woman? They’re only put on earth to punish men, ever since that first one Pandora

turning benevolent at last, they’d chosen to punish her hubris by snatching away the daughter whom she would have loved so well

You’ll recall that Sisyphus angered the gods, and they set out to punish him

“I should punish you somehow

Under the republic no magistrate could have had authority enough to protect the slave, much less to punish the master

Where the security of the magistrate, though supported by the principal people of the country, is endangered by every popular discontent; where a small tumult is capable of bringing about in a few hours a great revolution, the whole authority of government must be employed to suppress and punish every murmur and complaint against it

All his brother sectaries are, for the credit of the sect, interested to observe his conduct; and, if he gives occasion to any scandal, if he deviates very much from those austere morals which they almost always require of one another, to punish him by what is always a very severe punishment, even where no evil effects attend it, expulsion or excommunication from the sect

How dangerous must it have been for the sovereign to attempt to punish a clergyman for any crime whatever, if his order were disposed to protect him, and to represent either the proof as insufficient for convicting so holy a man, or the punishment as too severe to be inflicted upon one whose person had been rendered sacred by religion ? The sovereign could, in such circumstances, do no better than leave him to be tried by the ecclesiastical courts, who, for the honour of their own order, were interested to restrain, as much as possible, every member of it from committing enormous crimes, or even from giving occasion to such gross scandal as might disgust the minds of the people

The farmers of the public revenue never find the laws too severe, which punish any attempt to evade the payment of a tax

feeling among all people in the North to capture and punish all of those Confederates who they thought were behind the

punish Booth and his conspirators

There was also confusion as to how to punish the leaders of the rebellion, or whether to

punish them at all

But you did exactly that! Now I have to punish her for your selfish acts!

Regardless of how the crowd had reacted, would Ruby Tower punish him? Would he face the firing squad? Or the dark room? The thought of solitary confinement and sensory deprivation made him shudder, and he prayed that whatever Ruby Tower had in store for him, it would not be that

He attacked her, not because he wanted to punish her, not to make himself feel better, but because his pain was ruling now and he didn’t know what else he could do

Of course now they really had good reason to be angry with him and punish him

McKinley’s failure to punish Otis makes the president guilty of horrendous callousness with regards to Filipino lives

A belief that equates wealth with “natural virtue” and poverty with sin inevitably fails to punish the wealthy for their crimes, and leads to a culture of lawlessness among financial elites

This is sometimes used to punish you but mostly punishment will be physical

In the US, many called for a blockade or invasion, to punish Mexico by a mix of force and economic and diplomatic weapons

In part this is a treaty that exists to placate the right wing on a problem that did not exist, except as an excuse to punish Iran

The US would have seen a Congress and president united in their intent to rebuild, united in their efforts for Black equality, and united to punish Confederate traitors and terrorists

She likely would have pushed for bailouts, and then failed to punish any Wall Street criminals, much like happened under Obama

Mother was away, but her Father was not going to punish Joseph; she would put a stop to that

Jesus Christ will return to punish the unbelieving world before

Punish me, punish me

“Then punish me again, for while I would have, he did not!” her blush was crimson with the shame of her public confession, but she stood her ground, as she shrieked her anger

The men outside, they will still punish you, but your soul will be bound to the one God

We will punish negative behaviour

– The Light does not punish

Mexico supports policies that encourage illegal immigration to the United States, yet Mexico has severe laws that punish those who come into Mexico illegally

Rosemary took it and drank every drop to punish herself for her fib, for she was not in the least thirsty, and to drink a fairly large cupful of water when you are not thirsty is somewhat of an ordeal

He was horribly ashamed because Faith Meredith had been insulted in his presence and he had not tried to punish her insulter

She hated to think of Walter fighting that little sneak, but oh, he had been splendid! And he was going to fight for HER-Faith Meredith—to punish her insulter! Of course he would win—such eyes spelled victory

«But it’s not only the wrong things we’re to punish ourselves for, but anything that might hurt father

«And no matter how we punish you it won’t help father

I suppose I did very wrong, since everybody says so, and I am sorry and I am wearing those awful stockings to punish myself, although father bought me two nice new black pairs as soon as Mr

«Yes—to punish ourselves for singing _Polly Wolly_ in the graveyard,» said Faith

«My child, I don’t want you to punish yourselves for that,» said Mr

He was staying there to punish himself for cowardice in that affair of the Warren ghost

It seems they have a club for bringing themselves up, and they punish themselves when they do wrong

«I must punish you, Carl,» he said sorrowfully

towards the ends of the Earth; the foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bore him; also to punish the just is not

You cannot harm or punish another without harming or punishing yourself

11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to

21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and

21 For, see, the Lord comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the Earth for their iniquity: the

1 In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that

that I will punish all those who are circumcised with the uncircumcised; 26 Egypt, and Judah, and Edom, and the children of

come from the north: where is the flock that was given you, your beautiful flock? 21 What will you say when he shall punish you? for

the plain, says the Lord; which say, Who shall come down against use or who shall enter into our habitations? 14 But I will punish

accomplished, that I will punish the King of Babylon, and that nation, says the Lord, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans,

of Babylon, and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the King of Babylon, that nation will I punish, says the Lord, with the

him not, and he caused you to trust in a lie: 32 Therefore so says the Lord; See, I will punish Shemaiah the Nehelamite, and his seed:

their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them

31 And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their

13 For I will punish those who dwell in the land of Egypt, as

hosts, the God of Israel; See, I will punish the King of Babylon and his land, as I have punished the King of Assyria

44 And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring out out of his mouth that which he has

14 I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery, for

2 The Lord has also a controversy with Judah, and will punish Jacob according to his

Nolan had promised her that if they were to punish her the way they had with other members who had used magic beyond their rank that he too would break himself apart, so that hopefully his soul could follow her

land of Egypt, saying, 2 You only have I known of all the families of the Earth, therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities

come to pass in the day of the Lord’s sacrifice that I will punish the princes, and the king’s children, and all such as are clothed with

9 In the same day also will I punish all those who leap on the threshold, which fill their masters’ houses with violence

punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, The Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil

“the only hope we can cling to is that the house can punish her serveerly for her crimes”

10 For these you did admonish and try, as a father, but the other, as a severe king, you did condemn and punish

20 For if you did punish the enemies of your children, and the condemned to death, with such deliberation, giving them time and

8 For with which you did punish our adversaries, by the same you did glorify us, whom you had called

I think Terry put you in a position where he wanted to punish you for your excessive spending and felt a legal battle would get him more money in the long run and get you back under his thumb in the short run

While the Roman Emperor Constantinus had become Kristau there had been a lot of backsliding and heresy, which God had to punish; that was why the barbarians overran the empire

go and see what havock he has made among us, and in the king’s land, and let him punish them with all them that aid them

14 For not as with other nations, whom the Lord patiently forbears to punish, till they be come to the fulness

punish the Jews of our realm in a body, with the infliction of a monstrous punishment

12 And it Lords it over the love of parents toward their children, for they punish them for vice; and it domineers over the

means our just and paternal Providence, becoming merciful to the nation, will punish the pestilent tyrant

2 «Note, the fire has burnt our flesh in this world; but how will it be when we are dead, and Satan shall punish our souls? Is not our deliverance long and far off, unless God comes, and in mercy to us fulfil His promise?»

It directs attention away from their efforts to suppress and punish those who are not seduced by their global warming hysteria, or the madness of government spending, but speak of the horror that is building for future generations

19 And the butler, to whom Joseph had interpreted his dream, forgot Joseph, and he did not mention him to the king as he had promised, for this thing was from the Lord in order to punish Joseph because he had trusted in man

At the same time, it will severely punish those who protect them, finance them and shelter them

‘You have to be punished … the police arrested you

I would probably be punished for being so late and missing dinner

For example, when an infant has an accident and is paralyzed for the rest of his life, I can never swallow the tale that “this event serves an invisible but good purpose” or “his soul chose this because he needs this experience”, or “he is punished for something bad he did in his past life” and all that paranoiac piffle

«I hated you for a long time, for a long time I punished you

bad as they say it’s their fault and they should be punished for their

concerned that these men be punished

yet we considered him punished by

punished you with that broken foot!’ said A and walked off cursing

Yet somehow, for some reason, he was seemingly being punished by his corrupt government, or the badly managed economic structure, or the power-mongering banking system, or perhaps even by God himself! Who were the true villains in this nasty, unspeakable situation he had been so unfairly subjected to? Who was to blame! The culprits had to be identified quickly so they could be scolded and punished and then things could be put back the way they were

be punished with everlasting destruction…» (2 Thessalonians 1:9)

«Where a very serious crime is punished by death and the

» be punished with everlasting destruction» (2 Thessalonians 1:9)

Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction…

Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction

That «they will be punished with everlasting destruction» –

That she’d be punished for eternity because he was her brother

As far as I’m concerned, they’re both despicable, and deserve to be punished

In Babylon no one ever dared interfere in state matters like he had, for he or she would be punished summarily

If Jupiter punished Psyche and Cupid for creating a demigod in their Temple, she might get some of her power back

These are crimes that will never be punished

Under the strange law currently in effect, a perpetrator is punished for what he (supposedly) thinks as well as for what he does

assassins had been promptly caught and punished

“This caused a number of his comrades to be killed but not content by the travesty he then saved his own skin and ran leaving his comrades to fight on this Sir is cowardice in the face of the enemy and must be punished by the correct sentence which is death

influence that wanted him tried and punished

Crime is wrong and should be punished, always, but it should be punishable by an appropriate prison sentence decided by a judge and jury, as has worked in our country for a long time

He was punished severely as he was told, ‘Rules are rules’

The sergeant would have known in which room the offender had been and that female cadet would have been severely punished

Ragged and ignorant as were Garcia’s soldiers, they did not steal and loot as charged, for theft is religiously punished with death in the rebel camps

» How many complain and how many are punished for this I wonder

Was I being punished for putting our five year plan before God? Ha! Our five year plan – that was a joke

Punished by Laughcraft

Despite the rumours to the contrary we never acted deliberately outside the laws (silly as they was) of the day and those who did and got caught were severely punished

Each Saturday at noon she was stood naked on the scale and if she was as much as two pounds from 128 in either direction, she was punished

I had expected a lot of drama, but Prism just told us to serve our new Master’s well or we would be severely punished, and then she gave us each the number of a hut that we were to report to

If unlucky, it all depended on the Sergeants mood, the rest of the platoon would be punished for “being f disgraceful and inviting the f wrath of God not only on himself, but also on his beloved sergeant f unfairly too since he is f known far and wide to be a God f fearing man

Not only was Otis never punished for atrocities, virtually no other US soldiers were either

No one was punished for causing these deaths

If soldiers are punished before they have grown attached to you, they will not prove submissive; and, unless submissive, then will be practically useless

William Colby was also not punished but promoted

Had the top Bush administration officials been punished the same as Japanese war criminals who committed the exact same war crimes, at least six Bush officials and Bush himself would have and should have faced the death penalty for torture

This punished with a sentence of up to twenty years imprisonment should any person “utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal…or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the military…or the flag

Can you still trust her? Or do you believe that she should be dismissed? Or punished?” He asked the questions lightly, but his gaze on me was intense, searching

What would you have done if I had said that I wanted her to be punished?”

Carter himself in recent years described conditions in Gaza and the West Bank as “apartheid” with widespread segregation, discrimination, and the entire population collectively punished by the Israeli government

Military dictatorships tend to only give up power by being forced out, and they often still insist on both veto power over what the public decides in elections and immunity from being punished for their atrocities

For both of the above to happen, former Confederates and white supremacist terrorists had to be punished, not pardoned

Abolitionist writings were punished with death or exile

“My humble apologies, and the men responsible have been punished,” said Dawley

All Haitians were collectively punished for half a century for what a few did

Haiti was still being punished by the French government as late as the mid twentieth century

And oh, how Edgar admired Raul’s echo-deep voice and strikingly macho, pencil-thin mustache! He prayed fervently to the Lord that he too could have such a one, but God punished his vanity and throughout life nary a hair sprouted from the skin of his upper lip

If anyone is going to be punished, it should be me

charlatan should be so punished, but the world that has

All infractions of love and equity in our social relations are speedily punished

They are punished by fear

His concern about being punished for being AWOL was inconsequential in comparison with what he had just heard, but knowing that Karol and his friends needed reassurance, he forced himself to calmly ask, “Is it possible that all of us can remain a few days in your house, Uncle Karol?”

One can say that God punishes us for our sins, or that we are punished by our sins, or that we reap the conse-quences of what we sow

She was afraid of being punished, he realized, struck by the guilty notion that it was him she was afraid of

Being minimally intrusive, it is clear that God can neither eradicate evil nor even be sure to have it properly punished, while rewarding good in any kind of obvious way

For instance, the corporations are obligated to create fiscal department or to hire services of third party to render accounts to the tax collection of the collection of tributes, social costs and declaration of revenues for not being punished by ignorance of the social legislation, tributary or labor

Gods that punished, strict codes imposed by traditions, and family and society were directing most people’s choices

Any such abuse should be investigated and roundly punished

It arrested, tried, sentenced, and punished its victims

it was pride they punished so

11 For this is a heinous crime; Yes, it is an iniquity to be punished by the judges

28 This also was an iniquity to be punished by the judge, for I should have denied the God that is above

Besides, Carl had been punished by having to wear Una’s dress all the rest of the evening

«When I think of it, only Jerry and I should have been punished

«I sang _Polly Wolly_ just the same as the rest of you,» said Una’s weak little voice, «so I had to be punished, too

Pro 22:3 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished

That is why you should be punished

And how are we to be punished? _I_ don’t think it’s fair, but let’s know what we have to do, Judge Meredith!» «The way I look at it,» said Jerry, frowning, «is that Carl was the most to blame

; do they deserve to be punished for the rest of eternity? Damned to Hell?

Through the observation, you can know what actions are appreciated, what is punished, what is

I have punished Jerusalem, by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: 14 So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are

hosts, the God of Israel; See, I will punish the King of Babylon and his land, as I have punished the King of Assyria

receive instruction; so their dwelling should not be cut off, howsoever I punished them, but they rose early, and corrupted all their

kindled against the shepherds, and I punished the goats, for the Lord of hosts has visited his flock the house of Judah, and has made

4 For though they be punished in the sight of men, yet is their hope full of immortality

10 But the ungodly shall be punished according to their own imaginations, which have neglected the righteous, and forsaken the

5 For by what things their enemies were punished, by the same they in their need were benefited

8 Declaring by that thirst then how you had punished their adversaries

16 That they might know, that however a man sins, by the same also shall he be punished

10 for that, which is made, shall be punished together with him who made it;

1 Therefore with the same they were punished worthily, and by the multitude of beasts were tormented

22 So he overcame the destroyer, not with strength of body, nor force of arms, but with a word subdued him who punished, alleging

21 This man shall be punished in the streets of the city, and where he suspects not he shall be taken

Anyone that would intervene to alter the course of their history in a dramatic way would be punished severely

and they who have rejoiced at your ruin, shall be punished

The cities which your children have served, shall be punished, and she

punished it by letting it be overrun by wild tribes from the north and east, both Alemaneira (German) and Eslaveira (Slav) who eventually overthrew it about a thousand years ago

I had not witnessed one, but I understand most of the accused are reconciled, admit their sins, and are variously punished with fines, imprisonment, wearing distinctive clothing, and such

Mikael: And Elena? What is she doing? How about Zeus, is he being punished for what he did to our lands?

head with the hair, they asked him, will you eat, before you be punished throughout every member of your body? 8 But he answered

I think I’ve been punished enough

they punished and destroyed with ignominy every polluted Jew who fell in their way; 15 killing such, in that day, above three

The law, contrary to all the ordinary principles of justice, first creates the temptation, and then punishes those who yield to it; and it commonly enhances the punishment, too, in proportion to the very circumstance which ought certainly to alleviate it, the temptation to commit the crime

One can say that God punishes us for our sins, or that we are punished by our sins, or that we reap the conse-quences of what we sow

31 For it is not the power of them by whom they swear, but it is the just vengeance of sinners, that always punishes the offence of the

our God and Lord of our fathers, which punishes us according to our sins and the sins of our fathers, that he do not according as we

28 We take to witness against you the Heaven and the Earth and our God and Lord of our fathers which punishes us according to our sins and the sins of our fathers that he do not according as we have said this day

seen the shepherds; and he said to me «What do you wish with me?» I said to him «Sir that you would order the shepherd who punishes to depart out of my house because he afflicts me exceedingly

God never punishes His children, because all of God’s punishment towards us was taken by Jesus on the cross! (Though He does discipline us in love, which is different than punishment

punishes the good players and rewards the bad? And would not the number one

they said: One man sins, God punishes all? Greeley had never been much of a spiritual man, but

You should understand that there is a culture present and mind set which punishes those who experience this

Once again, no one responds and he punishes that entire class until the problem is resolved

Now knowing that God punishes not, but loves his children, even with their faults, gives me a zeal for the road ahead and the plans that God has stored for me in this adventure

Allah says this punishes YOU! If that terrible

And in what must be the height of hypocrisy, Islam frowns upon adultery and punishes the involved with savagery! And, sadly, it is those Musalmans without moolah to circumvent the sharia that have to face the harsh music of Islam

Obsessions with materialism punishes all other deeds

The Almighty says: “Such is the punishment of your Provider when He punishes the sinful nations

The Law hates because it decrees what is right and wrong and hates and punishes the wrong, which is often love, since Love does not seek to condemn and punish, but to forgive and liberate

Then, disease, mishap and trouble will only ever affect him who deserves it, whether as punishment for a bad deed he had committed previously, for which Al’lah punishes him so as to cleanse his heart of the moral ailments and disease (caused by his being fond of the lowly desires that caused him to turn from the right path); or to raise the man from one state to a higher one, since all of the Almighty’s Behaviour is aimed at achieving goodness (amongst other Attributes) for this man, for which He is always praised

When one nation declares an area beyond its border its sphere of influence, who is allowed to influence whom, because cannot every state declare its own sphere of influence? When states are competing for influence, how much do you think they are cognizant of and represent your cause? For if what the State wants is some amorphous betterment for you and yours, how is that achieved by your death in war, rather than the equal sharing of the county’s wealth? How free are any under the influential sway of the armed, whose smile demands and whose frown punishes? A Zombie State is one that is dependent upon war, the subjugation of others, threat and fear

His mother never punishes him

The machine punishes me severely

And instead of protecting and rewarding you… it either ignores and neglects you if you conform… or it punishes you for the sin of not conforming

It rewards the criminals and punishes the honest

God that punishes him

to commit a crime against her husband, and he punishes

supposes that God punishes sinners eternally for sins committed in this brief and frail life is

A Scandal Against The Almighty: «For were a woman to commit a crime against her husband, and he punishes

surely the assumption that out doctrine supposes that God punishes

and he punishes her by holding her hand in the fire until the flesh burned off the bones, he would

“It makes you wonder if she punishes herself because it’s less than what others will give

He is a ruthless god and punishes his followers for his own amusement

something, and then punishes her for refusing

In the mental anguish version of Hell for sins after death, Hell is not a place but a state of mind, of anguish caused by separation from God, the sinner punishes himself after death; it is not God that punishes him, but where are all the sinners that are punishing themselves? If they are not in Heaven or Hell, where are they? Alexander Campbell: «The sinner’s suffering by mental agony, produced by sin, greater than could be caused by material fire,» «Five discourses on Hell» 1848

surely the assumption that our doctrine supposes that God punishes sinners eternally for sins committed in this brief and frail life is wholly gratuitous

A Scandal Against The Almighty: «For were a woman to commit a crime against her husband, and he punishes her by holding her hand in the fire until the flesh burned off the bones, he would be pronounced one of the most cruel beings in the world; and if he were to escape justice, he would be hunted as a wild beast; and when brought to trial and condemned, he would be pronounced worthy of thrice the punishment that the law could inflict

It is no concern of yours whether He redeems them or punishes them

He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills

Do you not know that to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth? He punishes whom He wills, and He forgives whom He wills

He punishes whom He wills, and He grants mercy to whom He wills, and to Him you will be restored

He forgives whomever He wills, and He punishes whomever He wills

On that Day, none will punish as He punishes

John Kent, «For were a woman to commit a crime against her husband, and he punishes her by holding her hand in the fire until the flesh burned off the bones, he would be pronounced one of the most cruel beings in the world; and if he were to escape justice, he would be hunted as a wild beast; and when brought to trial and condemned, he would be pronounced worthy of thrice the punishment that the law could inflict

When a democracy which is thirsting for freedom has evil cup-bearers presiding over the feast, and has drunk too deeply of the strong wine of freedom, then, unless her rulers are very amenable and give a plentiful draught, she calls them to account and punishes them, and says that they are cursed oligarchs

It would clearly be inappropriate and unconstitutional to inflict further significant punishment without an official trial by one’s peers, though the convicted government official is still subject to a subsequent trial in the same court system that tries and exonerates or punishes all American citizens

«See,» said he, «my dear friend, how God punishes the most thoughtless and unfeeling men for their indifference, by presenting dreadful scenes to their view

He had gone through the frightful education of social life, of that world where in one evening more crimes are committed in thought and speech than justice ever punishes at the assizes; where jests and clever sayings assassinate the noblest ideas; where no one is counted strong unless his mind sees clear: and to see clear in that world is to believe in

Imagine a completely crazy teacher in a classroom, who without any rhyme or reason randomly screams at some students, ignores some, rewards a few, and punishes others

This is a problem for traders, because the market is like this teacher; it often rewards incorrect behaviors and punishes perfectly correct actions

Just because you have access to a market and can execute effectively does not mean that you can profit in an environment that immediately punishes any errors or inaccuracies

These will avail ye nought! Nor will a Golden Ball within the Privy Place (tho’ some Italian Libertines avow ’twill serve), nor is it true, as the Spaniards believe, that passionate Coitus prevents Fruitfulness an’ Excess of Voluptuousness so punishes the Womb that ’twill not bear

‘The field marshal is angry with the Emperor and he punishes us all, isn’t it logical?

The stock market consistently rewards some strategies and consistently punishes others

Traders who “play the markets” with a mental framework oriented toward how external society rewards and punishes “good” and “bad” behavior are set up to lose from day one

It consists in representing the actual organization of the State, whether it be that of a liberal republic or of an arbitrary despotism, as something sacred and immutable, which therefore punishes by the most cruel penalties any attempt at revolution

We need only think of a man of our world, educated in the religious tenets of any Christian profession,—Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant,—who wants to elucidate to himself the religious tenets inculcated upon him since childhood, and to harmonize them with life,—what a complicated mental labour he must go through in order to harmonize all the contradictions which are found in the profession inoculated in him by his education: God, the Creator and the good, created evil, punishes people, and demands redemption, and so forth, and we profess the law of love and of forgiveness, and we punish, wage war, take away the property from poor people, and so forth, and so forth

“The field marshal is angry with the Emperor and he punishes us all, isn’t it logical?

Terrible examples have taught you how he punishes disobedience and crime

Violence, even in the most favorable case, when it is not used simply for some personal aims of those in power, always punishes under the one inelastic formula of the law what has long before been condemned by public opinion

But there is this difference, that while public opinion censures and condemns all the acts opposed to the moral law, including the most varied cases in its reprobation, the law which rests on violence only condemns and punishes a certain very limited range of acts, and by so doing seems to justify all other acts of the same kind which do not come under its scope

When he grasped the Hebrew by the throat he looked like a lover of Death, like one who has a secret relation with the passing of life, who advocates the claims of Death, and who punishes him who would cheat Death

When in the usual course of Divine Providence, who punishes nations as well as individuals, His destroying angel shall on this account pass over this country—and sooner or later, pass it will—I may be permitted to hope that over New England his hand will be stayed

proved too much for her to handle, and instead of punishing him, she chose to look

‘Do you think that God is punishing us?’

returned, Aetes had little interest in punishing me

Raven raised his eyebrows in disbelief, but before he could speak, Andre continued, “The prison sentence is more about consoling the public than it is about punishing the offender

by accelerating, the effect on the human body was punishing

had not just come through the punishing ordeal of the shift

The pirate had figured Cheeryup would have tired by now and chosen to hide rather than keep up her punishing pace

He was a brutal slave owner, breaking up slave families, selling off disobedient slaves, and punishing slaves severely, even publicly stating that slaves needed to be kept in line with whipping

Essentially Johnson threw away most of what Unionist fought the Civil War for, ending slavery and punishing treason

Meanwhile, she lashed out with accusation that Beth was punishing her for stealing the money when she refused a drug she could have self-injected

Pain and indignation may have blinded momentarily the Spanish voters, but by punishing the government, in fact they have also congratulated, applauded and emboldened those perverse terrorists whose only purpose consists in causing devastation and eliminating lives

The term can mean anything from business interests to the need for military bases to simply punishing any nation that does not agree with the US government

He just knew that God was punishing him for stealing that apple pie

Why are you punishing me this way? ¿Por qué me castigas así?

What did I do wrong? Maybe I was too excited about it and life is punishing me

They may even ask questions like: “why is God punishing me?” One of the biggest reasons for this is the false church with her false teachers whom make you practise and believe in a religion which is totally in vain!

You cannot harm or punish another without harming or punishing yourself

Evil has become their habit, very difficult to change them, only to find their weaknesses, punishing evil evil

30 Teeth of wild beasts, and scorpions, serpents, and the sword punishing the wicked to destruction

Ariana: Elijah has gone mad with anger and he is punishing my sister with no cause

Why was I continuing this ordeal, punishing myself so very severely, not calling it a day, I am at loss to explain

But then an image of my brother appeared in my mind, and every cell in my body angrily reacted to the words I was about to bring onto my lips, punishing me, hating me for what I was about to say

But here is my question: what if there were another neighbourhood that had even less wealth and a lower standard of living than our attackers? And what if that poorer neighbourhood were also to suffer from the Fourier complex and thus decide to punish our attackers the same way they are punishing us? In life, inequality of all sorts will always exist

think there was some superior being punishing us with the ash in

An awful lot of our friends thought that God was punishing

terrible and hurtful that she is punishing me by removing herself

He was punishing me

God is punishing me for not wanting her,” Emma said while sobbing on her bed

3 Whom when the tyrant beheld encircling their mother as in a dance he was pleased at them; and being struck with their becoming and ingenuous mien smiled on them and calling them near said: 4 O youths with favourable feelings I admire the beauty of each of you; and greatly honouring so numerous a band of brethren I not only counsel you not to share the madness of the old man who has been tortured before 5 but I do beg you to yield and to enjoy my friendship; for I possess the power not only of punishing those who disobey my commands but of doing good to those who obey them

punishing myself without his presence

That way we won’t feel worthy enough to come to God, or are fearful of Him punishing us

He knew it would not be long before the desertions began and punishing deserters would also deal a huge blow to the men’s morale, because seeing a comrade’s feet swinging from a jib is not the best way to keep a credible fighting force in check

Many have often mistaken reaping consequences of sin, for God punishing them

The mother will never stop making us feeling guilty and punishing us,

I sobbed and cursed, believing that God was punishing me for my past sins; that,

Aborting now would be punishing an innocent life for

Do you have faith in your GOD in heaven? Do you believe he is a punishing GOD or a loving GOD? Do you believe he has no power to control the

There is no need in me punishing you my son

It was the old variation of the original sin thing: you had to prove yourself worthy by purifying and punishing your soul

Zeus was punishing the whole camp because of me

Basically, people withhold forgiveness as if they are punishing their villains

In a punishing assault, he brutally raped her, the pain of the

Most teachers cope with the fear of losing control and being asked questions they can’t answer by rewarding obsequiousness and punishing individuality, turning their charges into the sort of lick-spittle employees most employers want

He accepted that if you put your finger in the fire you’ll get burnt, but where was the justice in punishing a simple mistake with a lifelong curse?

We had the choice of calling the cops or punishing the evil people ourselves

I couldn’t sustain such a punishing schedule even when I was younger

‘For a while, ragged groups of humans eked out miserable existences on useless land; fighting, worshipping their malevolent gods, punishing dissidents—carrying on as humans always have

Her scowl turned more threatening as she rattled the vial with a punishing shake

If the act involves force or coercion, many states prosecute the offender under the separate statutes punishing child molestation or aggravated rape

In my heart, Teacher, I agree with you, but in my head I still think that if I had been Jacob, I would have enjoyed punishing those rude fellows who presumed to attack you just because they thought you would not defend yourself

She had never guessed the punishing power of hard-woven silk cords

‘ Accordingly, since men so often and so violently ran into temptation, it became the habit of our forefathers to believe that God led them thither for testing, punishing, or strengthening

5 The Jewish leaders began the sordid business of supposedly getting rid of Jesus by offering bribes to the traitorous Judas, and now, when confronted with this embarrassing situation, instead of thinking of punishing the guards who deserted their post, they resorted to bribing these guards and the Roman soldiers

The gallant little bird was tired from being chased through the punishing saw palmettos and dense underbrush following his escape from the coop

Suddenly the thick body stopped its punishing undulations

Sam could only watch in disbelief and as the dog-caught man let out a sharp grunt and started beating the pendulous animal with the war-club; unable to generate punishing force due to the closeness of JY‘s head to his own

I didn’t know if Pallas was helping me or punishing me

Only Muhammad remains true to the teachings of God and demands the following of God’s laws; keeping the banks, merchants and politicians in check; women, and the troubles they create, under control, and punishing the blasphemers and heretics

«I can’t, not like this!» I cry, helpless to his punishing crashes against my body

Thanks to my Catholic education I lived in fear of a punishing God

The Arabs were punishing America for its support for Israel

(Q) Is the one known as Adolf Hitler still punishing himself or has he advanced?

calm?” The thinking brain is usually not really interested in punishing the

up punishing more than protecting or motivating


and gang-rapes as one of their methods of punishing, terrifying

with the aim of punishing, injuring or destroying

The boy felt God was punishing him by taking his mother away

Is that your fate? If it is your fate, why are you destined to be so hard on yourself? Maybe your feelings of anger from all the denial are being directed back at yourself, punishing yourself through continuing not to be yourself

Know that he is punishing himself, and move yourself on through choosing not to be a part of that punishment

This is especially true since you will be perceived as part of his self—for you have taken the responsibility of his self, as if becoming part of the self he feels justified in punishing

He had a fixation on punishing

In short, God punished Jesus instead of punishing us

It would stop the hateful, punishing guilt

Was that it? Was she being punished or punishing herself for her past?

followers, punishing those who disobeyed him, and he

Punishing her for her beliefs would not only be profoundly unwise: it would also be unjust and plain illegal

The monitoring agencies can do a better job at policing and punishing violators

I’d suggest punishing for the effects of bad judgment and eroded motor skills when they cause endangerment of life and limb, and not for the drug use itself

His internal strife was evident only in his twitching hand and inability to look directly at Feltus but was perfectly clear to the detective who waited patiently for a response from the man of the cloth torn between a desire to avenge the death of the young woman with his knowledgeable testimony that would incriminate the worthless husband and his dedication to his faith that would ultimately prevail over all by punishing the guilty for their deadly sins

Punishing her with distance, so what’s new? She had studied, or tried to study, but her

On the way up the long and punishing climb over cooling pumice and ash, to the remains of the low crater rim, they stumbled across the scorched bodies of Pete Lewis and his men in the thick layer of ash

punishing her in his big old house until she loved him back, but it was all just a tissue of

00am because it gave her time to watch the others, while keeping up with a punishing schedule

It was that God was punishing us for things that we had done wrong, and we were to cease from this heretic new Life

describe God punishing unbelievers with what seemed everything the priests and prophets could imagine, from dragons to brimstone, from floods to infanticide, from hornets to thunderbolts, from cannibalism to open sores, and even by smearing poop on their faces

‘’Your Church has been persecuting and punishing for centuries those who refused to follow its doctrine or disputed it, and all this based on blind belief in old books and manuscripts written by men a long time ago

As for the territories where we do not have allies yet, we will still intervene at the least sign that your Church is persecuting or punishing someone for so-called religious crimes, especially if that someone did nothing more than study or practice true sciences

“Well not only is Miss Margarita punishing Diane, she’s punishing us by having Diane in charge here

God was punishing me for not using my skills to

Punishing a child by shouting, slapping or denying arbitrary privileges will not teach your child what you are really trying to teach

rumors that he was just simply over stressed, or that he was punishing himself for the crimes he committed while under the influence of Kelvan technology

I can only think that she was punishing me for my excursion outside the concentration-camp walls

Do not be happy by punishing those who commit errors, but you should also hinder those who are willing to commit them

are punishing them down here

“This is as much about punishing individuals who were so greedy and corrupt in the first place, as it is about helping their victims,” Robin reminded her

punishing force into a scattering crowd of the undead

How to use punish in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «punish» and check conjugation/comparative form for «punish«. Mastering all the usages of «punish» from sentence examples published by news publications.

I’m not asking about who we should punish; I’m asking about how we punish the people we do punish.
You don’t punish your partners, after all, you punish disobedient children.
«May God punish you, may Allah punish you both,» the old man repeated.
Can Bach divine a way to punish Russia — like, really punish Russia — without triggering a boycott?
«If they punish Penn State, they’ve overreached; if they don’t punish Penn State, they overlooked it,» Feldman said.
The new tariffs are intended to punish Beijing for what the administration describes as unfair trade practices that punish American firms.
A President Trump would employ such laws to punish certain people, while a President Clinton would use them to punish other people.
It would punish doctors with a prison sentence for carrying out a banned abortion but would not punish women who seek the procedure.
The accused has punished himself and will punish himself for the rest of his life far more than any court of law can punish him.
The taboo begins to malfunction, and the prohibited action subtly shifts in status, sliding between categories—always punish the perpetrator becomes sometimes punish the perpetrator.
The accused has punished himself, and will punish himself for the rest of his life, far more than any court of law can punish him.
«I don’t like blanket tariffs and I don’t think you should punish your friends to try and punish your enemies in international affairs,» he said.
Just as he hopes we won’t punish people for their genetics, he said, we need to think about whether we punish people based on their lifestyles.
But there’s nothing incompatible with the idea that we should be fairer about who we punish and that we might want to punish them in a different way.
It would identify — and punish — an enemy, Mexico.
Thus, the legal remedy intended to punish racism — once a widespread and institutionalized plague in our country — is now all set up to punish any perceived offenses against one’s sexual identity.
When it encourages others to punish its critics — as when it demanded that the N.F.L., on pain of tax penalties, censor players — it is wielding state power to punish disfavored speech.
We saw firsthand what happens when the most passionate voters are inclined to punish compromise, especially when those that they punish fail to effectively communicate why that very compromise is necessary.
Right now, there’s this overwhelming pressure for you to hate your body, to punish yourself for having a body, and punish your body and apologize for your body: I want to remove that.
Iran vows to punish perpetrators Last week, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei accused Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of financing the perpetrators and threatened to «harshly punish» the masterminds.
Without proper identification police cannot punish a driver for speeding.
Ever since then, Bill Browder has campaigned to punish Russia.
Our desire to punish doesn’t always follow a logical course.
I’m gonna punish the hell out of you with this.
Put off doing things as a way to punish others?
Yet Republicans are attacking Omar and demanding Democrats punish her.
Can voters punish politicians for stupid spending after the fact?
There’s no reason to punish yourself by watching The Mummy.
If people punish women for assertiveness, maybe she’ll embrace softness.
They don’t try to punish one another by holding grudges.
It seems that they have already decided to punish them.
I don’t think they can punish us in any way.
Voters would punish any party that attempted such a thing.
One reason for locking people up is to punish them.
«We will punish sternly if the North provokes,» he said.
The Trump administration has tried several methods to punish them.
«This country does not punish its political enemies,» he averred.
«Our role is not to punish R. Kelly,» he said.
Trump’s threat to punish France should not be taken lightly.
I want to punish them for not being my friend.
He has to win, he has to punish and humiliate.
Twitter knew it had to punish Jones for his behavior.
Why you punish yourself like that, I have no idea.
Facebook and Oculus have declined to punish or demote Luckey.
Or even manipulate time to punish them, if you wish.
Voters will punish you more for failure than passage. 2.
But also, most academic institutions don’t punish wrongdoers, Clancy says.
Number one, the adult prison system is meant to punish.
And he’s clearly hungry to find and punish government leakers.
Lashings and fines were also used to punish perceived violators.
Some of them do want to punish women, after all.
We are loyal to our tribe; we punish the disloyal.
«It feels like they’re trying to punish me,» Darlene said.
Now the family wants the school to punish the boys.
You’d like to punish the smug, crisply packaged faux finite?
But how do you reprimand, discipline, punish bad corporate behavior…?
Federal prisons will also rehabilitate and heal — not just punish.
Wade and punish those who seek or provide abortion care.
«I think it’s easier to punish the other,» he added.
We need to punish who ordered this, who’s in charge.
It’s the whole reason we «punish» people for committing crimes.
And dumb rules are harder to consistently enforce and punish.
Don’t punish those of us who regularly use your service.
Its leaders say they do not want to punish Britain.
They don’t really want to punish anyone for this stuff.
But it’s hard to punish AI if it’s found guilty.
It also shows that they punish offers they consider unfair.
Here’s how it plays into continuing efforts to punish China.
«Shady thinks that Sisi wants to punish him,» she said.
That’s not a group of people you want to punish!
He threatened to punish General Motors for closing a plant.
Eventually, even her parents were enlisted to help punish her.
Trump has threatened to punish GM for closing the factory.
So Judge Filipe Luis Peruca opted to punish both twins.
Comey won’t be charged; can Trump try to punish him?
Just as the Constitution’s drafters intended, elections can’t punish them.
And this from a country we Americans continue to punish.
It is ironic that Fordham should punish them for ‘dishonesty.
Trump has also floated different ways to punish sanctuary cities.
Voters, in turn, will punish those who mishandle this moment.
Would officials make good on their threats and punish her?
I don’t think they were trying to punish red states.
» Ziqidonglaizhenren: «First you punish people for having too many children.
If you punish an activity, people do less of it.
They also punish those who aggressively question a company’s numbers.
They punish us, so that we will change our suppliers.
«I don’t want to punish him any more,» she says.
While they can punish, they cannot prevent or otherwise intervene.
Reluctantly or not, he’ll finally punish them all the same.
That’s nine seconds with which you can punish people handily.
They want to punish them as a warning to others.
Is it important to punish Republicans for obstructing Merrick Garland?
Our mathematical model shows that, as a result, choosing to punish wrongdoers can work like a peacock’s tail — if I see you punish misbehavior, I can infer that you are likely to be trustworthy.
Here’s the gist: Your school can punish you for missing class, just like they always can, but it can’t punish you more harshly for protesting than if you were missing class for another reason.
In her excellent new book Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor, Virginia Eubanks points out how systems ostensibly designed to efficiently administer government aid can punish working class people.
He wants to punish them and silence them as well perhaps.
Institutions also don’t frequently punish or implement other consequences for offenders.
Mr Assad is using reconstruction to punish refugees and reward loyalists.
Taiwan’s voters punish candidates who needlessly provoke China, or alienate Washington.
«I am not here to either punish or reward,» he said.
Why would we punish our brothers and sisters in refugee camps?
We are evaluating all legal remedies available to punish those responsible.
Is she about to punish Offred for some crime or slight?
With that exploit, the system couldn’t punish them for hurting it.
Authorities believe he killed his son to punish the boy’s mother.
Instead, they will punish the most marginalized and the most vulnerable.
The debate is how to punish that violation of the law.
As he now knows, they are not afraid to punish failure.
The best hope, they say, is for voters to punish nondisclosers.
Any letdown in Thursday’s earnings report could certainly punish the stock.
Plainly, Trump intends to reward success, while Clinton will punish it.
Like past deals, the ceasefire lacks a way to punish violations.
As he now knows, Mexicans are not afraid to punish failure.
It is hard to punish Mr Putin without alienating all Russians.
The FDA’s goal is not to punish, Califf says, speaking generally.
Mufti also branded the legislation «undue interference seemingly to punish Muslims».
When the gods wish to punish us they answer our prayers.
They don’t feel like you can reward them or punish them.
Australian voters may punish the Liberal Party for this latest tumult.
Companies can implicitly discourage or even punish employees from discussing money.
A general duty on steel would punish Britain’s most successful manufacturers.
«Calls for FCC to punish Colbert are misguided,» Huckabee tweeted Saturday.
There’s reason for that: Girls punish girls by leaving them out.
Some Afghans believe the border closure is intended to punish them.
Back then, Israel would often punish the authority for Hamas’s actions.
To punish them carries a real cost of demoralizing faithful Democrats.
Trade: Trump can punish countries, but jobs are unlikely to return.
The move was meant to punish China for alleged trade abuses.
Houthi actions and, implicitly, declaring it a U.S. responsibility to punish
PRC routinely tightly link foreign policy with trade to punish countries.
Some groups said they hope to punish senators who backed Kavanaugh.
Will he punish those who insult the President like his predecessor?
Alabama’s male lawmakers could have sought to punish the women themselves.
The sanctions would punish firms that do business with Iranian entities.
We punish Putin by risking our own national security launch capability?
I guess he was looking for a way to punish me.
These sanctions are part of U.S. efforts to punish his regime.
How the kingdom might punish General Assiri, however, is another question.
If Congress wanted to punish Saudi Arabia, what are the options?
«It was up to them to punish him,» he blandly declared.
There is no one to punish, no one to make suffer.
It is reprehensible to punish them for that basic human impulse.
But Farscape doesn’t deny her pleasure or punish her for it.
Robert stopped paying child support as a way to punish me.
My stepfather would punish me like he wanted to kill me.
They are gunning to end Roe, criminalize abortion and punish women.
A strike designed to punish Iran has ended up rewarding it.
Punish your enemies It’s just not any more complicated than that.
It is hardly unusual for American presidents to punish leakers harshly.
We knew that they would punish us but we did it.
But here’s my question: Why not let your God punish them?
The delay led to questions over Trump’s willingness to punish Moscow.
Several other NATO allies have also taken steps to punish Turkey.
The Trump administration has increasingly seized on tariffs to punish Europe.
The FTC can punish not only deception, but also unfair practices.
Teams then could decide whether and how to punish offending staff.
The S.E.C. must try to punish Mr. Musk, some experts say.
«We want to punish women who make these choices,» she said.
And there’s no good answer on how you punish a country.
America is constantly giving way to the temptation to punish white-collar criminals more severely: the Sarbanes-Oxley act (2002) and the Dodd-Frank bill (2010) both include measures designed to punish corporate types more severely.
«It’s one thing to punish me for my beliefs, but it’s another thing to punish everyone around me,» she said, noting the charges against her mother and the Rwanda Revenue Authority’s auction of her family’s business.
And the organization insists that it violates free speech to punish a businessperson for boycotting Israel, but it doesn’t violate free speech to punish a businessperson for boycotting people of a particular race, religion or ethnicity.
These rulings reflected Holmes’s long-held belief that free speech was «logically indefensible» — that just as government should be permitted to punish actions that cause harm, so it should be permitted to punish words that cause harm.
According to the singer, he would sulk and punish her for it.
The voters will get to punish or reward whichever party they choose.
So my whole youth was them finding creative ways to punish me.
No matter the reason, a child’s gender exploration isn’t something to punish.
They not only invalidate their (victimization); they actually punish them for it.
GUTFELD: — and punish you for the thoughts that they think you have.
Tourism is the quickest and most visible way China can punish Taiwan.
Republican primary voters like to punish congressional candidates they believe are spendaholics.
This hypothesis would satisfy the question of why we’ve evolved to punish.
Yet the law is surprisingly rich with attempts to punish humor heists.
I believed 100 percent that God would punish me if I left.
And Republicans are redefining income in other ways to punish their opponents.
No U.S. authority ever made any move to punish the executives responsible.
What’s more, the bill doesn’t punish copyright trolls who abuse the system.
Some say they punish savers, inflate asset bubbles and benefit the wealthy.
I like this French band called Punish Yourself too—they’re really cool.
So I’m grateful to travelers that they don’t punish the local suppliers.
But meet your new «punish the rich» crusader: President Donald J. Trump.
At least where the climate doesn’t punish for most of the year.
Trump has encouraged owners to punish players who kneel during the anthem.
Ministers have threatened to punish developers who «bank» land, rather than building.
This is the mindset which we need to address, change and punish.
He vowed to hunt down and punish those linked to the bomber.
He would reward team players some weeks, then punish them the next.
Bank examiners will not punish lenders for such forbearance, the regulators said.
Haley said that the sanctions would punish North Korean leaders in particular.
Markets tend to punish honesty about previously unacknowledged risks, not reward it.
Elgin was determined to punish the Qing for their mistreatment of hostages.
If Fox News’s boycott is meant to punish Twitter, then absolutely not.
But he was never going to punish Mooch, let alone fire him.
Ask yourself if you push yourself too hard: Why punish yourself, Cap?
They privilege certain types of communication and punish other types of communication.
She mouths off, so they punish her with chapters of group sex.
Let me ask you about your tools to punish that misbehavior, though.
Facebook has the power to punish wrongdoers, as it did on Thursday.
He repeatedly threatened to punish her if she came forward, she said.
A lot of people feel he could’ve done more to punish bankers.
We don’t use the law as a tool to punish political opponents.
Many fear voters will punish them for sharing power with Merkel again.
The existing laws predominantly punish the poor, people of color, and women.
Is that the kind of behavior we want the government to punish?
SEOUL (Reuters) — South Korea said it would punish Nissan Motor Co (7201.
» Under the Constitution, «each House may…punish its Members for disorderly behavior.
It’s an awful idea that will punish success and obstruct economic growth.
Beijing has promised to punish all those responsible and prevent a recurrence.
Do you know that they used rape to punish their political opponents?
But we can punish the worst offenders so that others take heed.
I’m not out to punish or to do things out of vengeance.
Trump has previously faced criticism for doing too little to punish Russia.
They decide: ‘We’re going to reward you; we’re going to punish you.
We will have to increasingly restrain and punish the polluters, of course.
«Don’t punish Kim,» Jimmy snaps, after referring to Chuck as Howard’s puppet.
The public wanted to punish the malefactors, but justice was never done.
«If they get close to your box, they punish you,» Guardiola said.
Our rules also unfairly punish American-based multinationals over their foreign rivals.
And if the law doesn’t punish a player, neither should the NFL.
But they are in power and I punish myself for my shortcomings.
«I also just wanted to punish him a bit, really,» she says.
«They would punish inmates for everything,» Sauytbay told Stavrou through an interpreter.
The tax code is setup to punish saving and to reward borrowing.
They prefer to complain about equity markets that often swiftly punish laggards.
And again, we’ve seen little if any evidence that voters punish obstruction.
I don’t want to punish this country for these decades of abuses.
They know no one is going to punish them for their negligence.
«We didn’t want to punish people and do a ‘gotcha,'» she said.
It has said it would punish companies for investing in certain sectors.
But voters are expected to punish the Labour Party too, and Mrs.
Congress’s power to punish refusals to cooperate is a more complicated matter.
«This kind of behavior is something that consumers will punish,» he said.
A default wave would punish bondholders, and banks could get hammered, too.
He publicly encourages prosecutors to reward his friends and punish his enemies.
They will punish a party that is not focused on those issues.
Or he might have wanted to punish the Taliban for snubbing him.
Both organizations were developed to help the people, not to punish them.
Both punish «non-conformity with an expectation about how men should behave».
He vows to tackle corruption and punish those responsible for the violence.
Even if they are able-bodied, let’s feed them, not punish them.
But a generation of politicians in Washington refused to punish those abuses.
DeGette also asked if the EPA would punish anybody for the violation.
Businesses are pressured to reward the clique’s friends and punish its enemies.
The Trump White House has also vowed new efforts to punish leakers.
We do not punish a teenage boy for venting in his diary.
They fear, rightly, that the market will punish honesty, not reward it.
They say the police use the laws to punish food delivery workers.
Gowdy fabricated documents and leaked confidential information to punish the Committee’s critics.
Major League Baseball did not punish the Astros players for their cheating.
The draft law would punish judges who speak out on judicial independence.
I also don’t believe either candidate wants to punish small business owners.
She also said the country could itself punish perpetrators through domestic mechanisms.
The league left it up to teams on how to punish players.
I told them: ‘Check our records and punish us if we are’.
Punish him, and the business that hosted him, by removing your patronage.
Trump though is not eager to punish Russia as some in Congress.
The governor said he would punish all those responsible for the deaths.
And lawmakers from both parties have proposed new sanctions to punish Russia.
Soon, though, Democrats will be out of tools to punish the president.
Mali’s government promised to hunt down the attackers and punish them. 3.
They did not punish Captain Grannis for leaving his ship without permission.
I’m not going to punish the rest of the players like that.
Society organizes itself very efficiently to punish, silence or disown truth-tellers.
I’m not going to punish someone else for moving on after tragedy.
Instead, we hear calls to punish businesses for achieving size and success.
Want to punish a player who was directly involved with the violations?
The N.F.L. could also punish Hill under its personal conduct policy. A.P.
The main driver behind the effort to punish the kingdom — Republican Sen.
Instead, they reward music with fantastic production and punish those without it.
The crime rate dropped, so there have been fewer murders to punish.
We will punish all those who refuse to wear the midi-skirt.
State legislation that would punish those who kill sharks is currently pending.
The teachers unions have threatened to punish lawmakers in the midterm elections.
While the bill itself, designed to punish large employers whose workers received public assistance, was shoddy and misguided, its true purpose was to punish Amazon by making it the face of corporations that underpaid and mistreated its workers.
We now punish the behavior we say we want more of by taxing it, and we reward the behavior that we say we want less of, so if you make a good investment, we punish you with a tax.
Bradly Boaz from Wilmington, N.C., however, thought prisons were intended to punish people: Since the creation of jails in the year 1790, these closed in barriers were invented to punish criminals for their actions — some more extreme than others.
The proper purpose of defamation laws is to deter and punish malicious lies.
Federal securities laws do not punish companies for failing to achieve their targets.
And they will likewise punish those Democrats if they vote against Mr. Kavanaugh.
Trump has so far resisted calls to punish Saudi Arabia for the killing.
But it will be interesting to see what he does to punish Google.
The agreement contains no mechanism to punish countries that don’t meet their targets.
«Don’t punish the kids who had nothing to do with it,» he said.
Other rules limit political activity and brutally punish criticism of the royal family.
In her mind, the alternative to Rikers should be to rehabilitate, not punish.
Butina’s lawyers countered that the government was trying to punish her for cooperating.
The internet can just as easily punish those who dare to speak out.
Todd has denied that his suit was an attempt to punish valid claims.
Beijing has long used different methods to punish foreign corporations that offend it.
Why would we punish Palestinian refugees for a mistake committed by U.N. Secretariat?
High schoolers can push their administrations to address and punish cyberbullying and harassment.
However, the judge refused to punish Margraves after he apologized for his behavior.
And that’s why, if my daughter does try vaping, we won’t punish her.
And finally, he wants to punish those who speak out against him. pic.twitter.
She also wants the company to punish Paul by taking down his channel.
Anu told people she had to kill Joe to punish him for this.
Critics of the deal said it didn’t do enough to punish the rebels.
I just want to punish myself and give myself the hardest time possible.
Mandatory sentencing laws were created to punish drug-related crimes with harsh penalties.
President Trump and his top advisers have discussed ways to punish Republican Rep.
It will also punish third parties caught financing the dispersion of dodgy material.
The Chinese government also found ways to punish South Korea in China itself.
Liberals hate it because it’ll likely cover fewer people and punish the poor.
America has long used class-action suits to punish firms and compensate consumers.
And at the worst level, you then punish the victim of the situation.
If they suspect someone is an insurgent, they basically punish the whole family.
But even these kinds of measures don’t just punish the stereotypical drug dealer.
Lawmakers want to punish people pushing what they consider «poison» into their communities.
Danish, Dutch and French voters stroppily used referendums to punish governments (see Charlemagne).
Putin asked Nurmagomedov’s father «not to punish him too severely» for the brawl.
And punish rivals in South Carolina with a harshly negative, military-themed pitch.
«The law to punish terrorism preparation has just (been) enacted,» he said Thursday.
«They (the German state) cannot punish others for their mistakes,» he told Reuters.
Authorities believe he killed his son to punish Estevez during volatile divorce proceedings.
Serbia must punish war criminals to speed up its European Union membership bid.
China opposes its neighbour’s bomb-building, yet is reluctant to punish it seriously.
Furthermore, it ordered the province to punish the officials responsible for the violations.
Nevertheless, the sanctions continued to punish the people of Sudan in horrific ways.
Hence, there is slight hope for the tariffs to actually punish the culprits.
The proposal sparked outcries that Trump just wants to punish his political enemies.
However, we should not punish innocent people and mistake them for hardened criminals.
«We must be neither complacent, nor try to punish the UK,» he said.
Rather than punish investment, the Trump plan will spur growth across the board.
Maui’s lesson: people who are taxed and can’t vote can’t punish their taxers.
Still, nations have moved to punish North Korea for developments in both areas.
But not all pushes come from those who seek to punish the poor.
«In this country, you don’t punish a person for his thoughts,» he said.
I’m looking to get rid of anti-Semitism, not looking to punish anybody.
Under the new law, colleges may not punish students because of their expression.
All 50 states, meanwhile, criminally punish attacks against state or local police officers.
How do we defend European institutions and punish Russian meddling in the EU?
Iraq, Iran and Turkey all tried to punish Kurdistan, yet Barzani hasn’t budged.
The sanctions are meant to punish Moscow for meddling in the 2016 election.
«We don’t punish parents criminally for the conduct of their children,» he added.
House GOP leadership has denied deliberately holding up the bill to punish Jones.
To punish fabric won’t solve the problems that led to these tragic deaths.
Also, all such a law could do is punish someone after the fact.
But that doesn’t mean the participants were consciously choosing to punish do-gooders.
Huey Long imposed special taxes on newspapers (a clear attempt to punish them).
The system is supposed to punish teams that sign contracts that go bad.
And they wanted leaders who could punish disloyal dissenters and control the agenda.
The partnership turned sour pretty quickly so Gebru decided to «punish» his partner.
As if she were trying to punish herself, as if she enjoyed suffering.
But the response to hate speech can’t be to prohibit and punish it.
Are the French becoming like Americans, who punish public officials for private sins?
It is a preferred way to discipline and punish a potentially volatile opposition.
If you’d like to punish your children, that might be a good option.
It is certain nothing will be done by Mississippi authorities to punish lynchers.
» And the verdict «shows that a jury is willing to punish for them.
Fly-by-night chemical producers were hard to uncover and punish, he added.
The rule isn’t intended to punish players for «cheap shots» or bad intentions.
Mr. Booker’s bill would punish those that won’t, by withholding community development grants.
The government has threatened to punish farms that do not immediately report outbreaks.
Quarantine may involve time in the same solitary cells used to punish inmates.
We need to pressure Mexican security forces to stop extortion, not punish businesses.
But the prison guards cut off his supply of water to punish him.
«I don’t think its fair to punish restaurants based on rumors,» she said.
But when teachers repeatedly punish young children, their efforts can cause lifelong harm.
Food, whether too much or too little, was a way to punish himself.
Instead of taking action itself, it demands that others punish its supposed enemies.
They could have created a better system that did not punish the poor.
But Block said investors will punish Equifax shares further if liabilities become massive.
He wants to punish Europe — but thousands of American businesses will suffer instead.
Its sweeping privacy law, introduced last year, can severely punish companies for violations.
Iran’s judiciary chief Sadeq Larijani ordered prosecutors on Monday to «punish rioters firmly».
He told other inmates that he would find the thief and punish him.
The memo outlined «guiding principles» for harassment policies and how to punish misconduct.
The tax serves as a way to essentially punish people for their independence.
She argues that these constant arrests aren’t meant to prove or punish guilt.
He also announced new sanctions to punish Tehran for launching a ballistic missile.
On Monday, Trump announced sanctions on Turkey to punish it for the offensive.
Mr. Trump was in the mood to punish those who would defy him.
This means Trudeau has few ways to punish Iran in the short term.
So you’re going to punish me because he took orders from the president?
» He called on the citizenry to punish the offending press with «public indignation.
We’ve got to change some of the ways we detain and punish people.
On Thursday, the President tweeted that he wouldn’t let the Navy punish Gallagher.
Despite the Commission’s findings, it will not punish the carriers in any way.
Attempts to use the Justice Department to reward friends and punish political enemies?
UN investigators said the violence was to punish locals for supporting government forces.
Hey, that would mainly punish people in tax-and-spend blue states, right?
But Trump shutting down the border would punish Americans, too — at least economically.
The 2012 law was intended to punish Russian officials responsible for Magnitsky’s death.
But the sex offender registry wasn’t designed to punish people like Brock Turner.
Today you reward the companies that do good and punish those that don’t.
We are more likely to punish when others are watching, and there is evidence that third parties think more highly of — and are more likely to later trust — those who punish bad actors versus those who sit back and do nothing.
«If the I.O.C. fails to act to severely punish this frontal assault on the integrity of the Olympics, it will forever lose the moral authority to punish any cheaters,» said the lawyer, Jim Walden, of the firm Walden, Macht and Haran.
The NCAA won’t punish North Carolina for LGBTQ discrimination after all The NCAA won’t punish North Carolina for LGBTQ discrimination after all North Carolina can discriminate against LGBTQ Americans and still host a championship sports game, as it turns out.
Instead, they serve as a reminder that our culture frequently does not punish wealthy, privileged white men who hurt women — although, as the case of former Oscar hopeful Nate Parker reminds us, we are occasionally willing to punish nonwhite men.
Some prominent liberals called for voters to punish Mr. Obama during the 2010 midterms.
It took the church community two weeks to decide how they would punish her.
«We don’t want to punish the British for their decision,» Mr Schäuble told Tagesspiegel.
Or why people pile on to punish people like Sacco to an unnecessary degree.
Opposition parties usually gain seats in midterm elections as voters punish the sitting government.
Their bellowing can completely decimate buildings, and they use their voices to punish foes.
Hate to punish them for being great, but they are killing women’s game. Watch?
Russia has shut down whole segments of cyber space to punish or threaten countries.
No pro-lifer would ever want to punish a woman who has chosen abortion.
It’s worth pointing out that China has taken some steps to punish North Korea.
But let not the sins of the past punish us with a blander future.
It’s true that the Ethics Committee did not punish him and just reprimanded him.
But he said the new move to punish students for overdue bills was wrong.
The prophet Nathan comes as an independent authority to reproach David and punish him.
It’s what every great boss should praise (and not punish) in a direct report.
The government’s stated reason for making the switch—to punish hoarders—made no sense.
For the past year, Washington has marshaled sanctions to isolate, punish, and coerce Iran.
The university has threatened to punish professors who try to ban guns in classrooms.
But leaders in Europe are strongly motivated to punish the U.K. for the Brexit.
Do Irish-American leaders really want to punish recent arrivals for accepting food stamps?
Thus Mr Trump’s tariffs may have caused the decision they were designed to punish.
But failure to punish those responsible could see violence could spiral out of control.
The commission can punish firms, which can then go to the courts to appeal.
Instead, tariffs serve nicely to punish China’s malign behavior and potentially deter future offenses.
He also wants to make it harder to punish police officers who kill suspects.
If you want to punish him for something he did as an adult, fine.
The point is to help the uninsured, not to punish or demonize insurance companies.
«A truly frothy market wouldn’t punish Salesforce and United Technologies like this,» he said.
Now, «I listen to how I feel, and I don’t punish myself,» she says.
The center is accusing Virginia officials of using the law to punish homeless alcoholics.
The judge says Amsel wanted to punish them for their role in a lawsuit.
Let the market reward or punish those who show fewer or too many ads.
«We believe Thai authorities can severely punish the murderers according to law,» said Hua.
«We punish people for intentional or reckless criminal conduct,» Castor said at the time.
The Chinese government has never admitted it cuts tourist numbers to punish other countries.
Snap polls taken yesterday suggest voters may punish the FDP for its walk-out.
The new supervisors will be able to interrogate, search, wiretap, detain and punish suspects.
You know, the point is this: you shouldn&apost punish the patient for this.
Will the machines eventually realize we’re mocking them and punish us for our insolence?
Syria’s foreign ministry urged the U.N. Security Council to condemn and punish the attack.
Analysts believe Beijing may now be using trade to punish Canberra for its criticism.
Separate sanctions remain in place to punish Iranian terrorist activities, the White House noted.
Wade, states could punish women if they made the choice to abort a pregnancy.
Mr Trump wants to punish China for the alleged theft of American corporate secrets.
That last part isn’t to punish Turner — it’s to protect us all from him.
The IRS has blinked, investigating only one church and choosing not to punish it.
Saudi Arabia has vowed to retaliate if the West moves to punish the Kingdom.
This sick tax will punish 30 million Americans with all different types of insurance.
Some transit agencies have tweaked how they punish evasion to make it more equitable.
Chicago’s leaders need to recommit to policies that punish criminals instead of protecting them.
Brzezinski characteristically favored military action to free the 52 American hostages and punish Iran.
Watch out for moves to punish China for its theft of U.S. intellectual property.
If they wanted to punish the ruling elite, it doesn’t appear to be working.
If they avoided taking a position the question, would voters punish them as opportunists?
If they un-endorsed Trump, would angry Trump loyalists punish them at the polls?
The officers’ supervisors agreed, deciding not to punish them for violating a department policy.
Instead, it would fine them $250 if they punish an employee for not responding.
Big corporations, rich donors, big media and trade deals that punish the little guy.
But if you feel like having periods of downtime, don’t punish yourself for it.
Let’s also not punish a terrific album for methodological errors committed in its defense.
Singapore, Malaysia, and Egypt — where the Facebook option isn’t available — all punish LGBTQ people.
Democrats say the proposed reforms will punish ordinary Puerto Ricans who did nothing wrong.
Second, Trump’s initial threats to «severely punish» Saudi Arabia, in this case, are unexpected.
Criminal processes, by contrast, exist to deter and to punish individuals for their wrongdoing.
The spiritual principle that the universe will reward good actions and punish bad ones.
It is intended to punish Russia for election interference and the annexation of Crimea.
Among Christian evangelicals, there is no central church authority to investigate, punish, or reform.
House Republicans have wanted to punish Democrats in some form for breaking House rules.
The rationale is to punish Russia for violating the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty.
Two years ago parliament passed a law to punish lawmakers who mention the genocide.
However, Chicago Fire Commissioner Jose Santiago said he does not plan to punish McGarity.
«God will punish you by giving you that disease,» his equally rejecting mother warns.
They might think investors will punish the company if it falls short of forecasts.
As a result, the commission was able to punish 63 party officials in total.
The best remaining hope is that voters will punish Republicans for their corrupt bargain.
Trump later sought to clarify, saying he wanted to punish abortion providers, not patients.
The tactic is meant to punish Iran for its attempts to develop nuclear weapons.
It added that authorities would severely punish tourists for illegally carrying meat into Taiwan.
The proper way to punish corporations is to hold the individuals and executives responsible.
The post, along with its accusation and incitement to punish, has never been removed.
It shouldn’t punish the poor with work requirements, unaffordable rents and deplorable living conditions.
Trump isn’t the first president to condemn unauthorized disclosures and vow to punish leakers.
Now, she wants Mr. Erdogan to harshly punish those who tried to topple him.
I’d count calories obsessively and work out to punish myself for consuming too many.
«»Second, to punish Saudi Arabia for its participation in the US ‘maximum pressure’ campaign.
But truck drivers fear former employers could use the database to unfairly punish drivers.
It’s unclear, however, whether Beijing was serious with its threat to punish the airlines.
They want to know who you truly are, and punish the cautious or unrevealing.
This means that when we punish the disenfranchised, we sit on shaky philosophical ground.
They’re less satisfying than the gut instinct to punish those who commit revolting crimes.
No matter: A white woman had been brutalized, and America demanded someone to punish.
If you’re unhappy, you shouldn’t have to punish yourself for the sake of income.
Many Democrats thought voters would punish Republicans for obstructing Obama’s SCOTUS nominee Merrick Garland.
And beyond slashing player pay, the National League didn’t punish any other dissenting players.
Last week the government vowed to punish the company under the Animal Protection Act.
And lastly, international courts must severely punish cyber-attackers who wage such destructive attacks.
GOP leadership has already closed ranks to punish members who won’t fall into line.
John Pershing led a punitive — and unsuccessful — expedition into Mexico to punish Pancho Villa.
Thousands of gamers disagreed on how video game companies should punish players for cheating.
Many residents worry that China is seeking to punish Taiwan for Mr. Trump’s actions.
«This country does not punish its political enemies,» he told the Senate Judiciary Committee.
But postconviction confinement is intended to punish and deter a rational person from reoffending.
And the Justice Department is moving to punish those who lie to obtain guns.
Two Democrats voted against the measure, wanting to further punish the social media giant.
Right, because this idea that failure, but then punish … Though failure is rewarded, correct?
«This is yet another attempt to punish refugee protection in this country,» she said.
As the reports were confirmed, Obama initially indicated that he intended to punish Assad.
White House officials have suggested that Mr. Trump is not likely to punish her.
Legally speaking, this is supposed to punish China for allegedly unfair technology transfer practices.
«We may also need to punish overconfident behavior more than we do,» she said.
But why are Republican state-level politicians so determined to punish their own base?
But it did not punish any of them or the 114 political figures named.
Would the Democrats really punish someone who tried that challenge not once, but twice?
A Senate bill aims to punish those who boycott Israel over its settlement policy.
He even knows the most effective way to punish young Ian without corporal violence!
On weekdays, caregivers may have been too «distracted» to punish their children, researchers speculated.
«God himself will punish those involved in homosexuality,» Seddique Mateen said in the video.
Mr. Breivik wanted to punish Europe for its multiculturalism and welcome of Muslim immigrants.
Slough off him, which the Bucks did on occasion, and he will punish you.
But Jon intervened, saying he wouldn’t punish children for the sins of their fathers.
He maintained the officers still need sanctions, like punitive segregation, to punish violent inmates.
Only Rome could investigate bishops, they said, and only the pope could punish them.
China’s social credit system is being used to punish people who conceal coronavirus symptoms.
And the European Union does not have the tools to effectively punish recalcitrant nations.
But some Democratic candidates and political donors hope to punish conservative politicians before then.
China appeared even more stunned by the decision to punish the state military company.
Mr. Zhang has circulated a petition calling on the party to punish local officials.
He described it as one of the most effective ways to punish Prince Mohammed.
It would still save money, but wouldn’t punish students desperate to afford college tuition.
It is unclear whether calls to punish Sweden economically will have any lasting effect.
» By contrast, with the harsher training, you have to «punish each and every mistake.
Despite the international condemnation of Myanmar, efforts to punish its government have been limited.
That is, voters like to punish the party that is in the White House.
They cannot punish someone, or replace him or her, for voting a certain way.
Then he demonstrates that he will punish dissenters in a cruel and ruthless way.
So another method is to use government advertising to reward subservience and punish uppityness.
It said it would establish a blacklist and punish firms involved in illegal practices.
«That would be an overreach for one president to punish one state,» he said.
This time, Spain’s judiciary is promising to punish anybody involved in organizing Sunday’s referendum.
But Beijing’s desire to punish North Korea’s economy is probably wavering, Mr. Zhao said.
The determination of bosses to find the whistleblower and punish them is so strong.
That led Browder to push other countries to punish the Kremlin as a result.
«Society organizes itself very efficiently to punish, silence or disown truth tellers,» she writes.
I’mma go into your hometown and f**kin’ punish you in front of everyone.
Any reasonable action should stop the bad behavior, punish the wrongdoer and compensate victims.
» — Max Boot: «Even if the Senate won’t convict, impeachment will still punish and deter.
The delay had led to questions over President Donald Trump’s willingness to punish Moscow.
Local police departments threatened to punish anyone who spread «false information» about the outbreak.
Republicans think Peterson’s district may punish him if Democrats in the House impeach Trump.
We shouldn’t punish millions of kids for the sins of a few parents, either.
The only issue is whether congressional Republicans are willing to punish him for it.
A work stoppage to punish a player for expressing his opinion may seem extreme.
The takeaway: There is no one easy way to punish a company for wrongdoing.
The President still has not imposed sanctions designed to punish election meddling by Moscow.
It will not always be able to support its friends and punish its foes.
Any protracted trade war could lead struggling farmers to punish the president in November.
Finally, Feinstein’s bill would punish red states because of how our federalist system works.
Given Trump’s penchant toward revenge, will he lash out at Canadians to punish them?
They worry that voters might punish a plan that uses taxpayer money for politics.
It’s not clear if State will or even would be allowed to punish Yovanovitch.
And the only way to punish a company that’s been convicted of a crime?
The same desire to punish Germany infused the Treaty of Versailles, several months later.
If you intend to punish them, it should be consistent and in small doses.
Twenty-six states have adopted laws that punish companies that choose to boycott Israel.
He promised to find and punish «the material and intellectual authors» of Valdez’s assassination.
He also allegedly used gossip to discredit the women whom he wanted to punish.
They claimed it was because of her pregnancy, but it was actually to punish her.
You kill out of revenge for a society that’s not going to punish your rapist.
This gives Goodell and the league way more latitude to investigate and, perhaps, to punish.
And Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham said the sanctions don`t punish Russia enough.
A fair point — but all this movie wants to do is punish him for it.
This is the president threatening to use his power essentially to punish his political enemies.
And the reality is, voters don’t like to punish incumbents when the economy feels fine.
Mr Sánchez could do better than in April, if leftish voters opt to punish Podemos.
Lie, blame the media, create fake news and then punish those who told the truth.
When the participants themselves were victims of an injustice, they were less likely to punish.
When we punish a moral failing, we’re broadcasting the fact that we, ourselves, are moral.
It is designed to redeem men for almost anything and punish women for almost everything.
The first Nazi camps, established in 1933, were first used to punish the political left.
The approach of Guantanamo Bay is entirely designed to punish inmates and to gather intelligence.
Hussein later drained the famed marshes of southern Iraq to punish the rebellious Marsh Arabs.
That would directly punish the people who most prominently tampered with the US election process.
The controversial new Alabama law could punish doctors who perform abortions with life in prison.
«(Friday’s) decision did nothing to reveal the truth or punish any person responsible,» she said.
It never happened to him, but the militants punish such infractions with fines and whipping.
Heskin then intentionally triggered the feature, designed to punish freeloaders, and bricked his own Switch.
But, schools can punish students for speech that they can prove is disruptive to learning.
«Real justice is to punish the intellectual authors behind this,» she told CNN en Español.
As long as governments punish violence against suspected witches, accusers are discouraged from attacking outright.
Graham has also called for bipartisan legislation to punish Turkey with sanctions alongside Democratic Sen.
If you pass a bad tax plan, voters notice, and suffer, and they punish you.
Trump may have agreed to one missile barrage to punish Syria for chemical weapons use.
His continued detention serves no real purpose other than to punish me and my daughters.
It’s also unfair in ways that punish athletes like Clayster while rewarding developers like Activision.
The president then took almost three months to weigh in on how to punish Escobedo.
Criminals play the villain in his speeches, and the plot climaxes when we punish them.
As a result she wants a judge to punish the insurance giant with crippling sanctions.
It has organised consumer boycotts of South Korean goods and entertainment to punish its neighbour.
Europe has also been threatened with U.S. import tariffs that would punish its car industry.
The past doesn’t want to be changed, and it’s determined to punish anyone who tries.
Let’s punish deceitful drug marketers, set up treatment centers and clamp down on prescribing painkillers.
The Chinese government has independent policies in place to monitor individuals and punish bad behavior.
People use social media to judge each other, to punish and reward, to regulate behavior.
The group asked both Uganda and the AU to «conduct proper investigations, punish those responsible».
The point of impeachment isn’t to punish the president but to protect the political system.
Meals and showers were minimal because the officer put the word out to punish me.
The proposed bills vary, but some would punish protestors who wear masks or block highways.
«You shouldn’t punish your fans who have no control over the politics!» one post said.
The system seems to be designed to look tough but punish only the occasional scapegoat.
I want to know what Comey did not because I&aposm going to punish them.
The jihadists clearly hoped again to punish the Kenyan elite, unnerve investors and deter tourists.
The Russian and Chinese governments often use complicated tax rules to intimidate or punish dissidents.
Nonetheless, Latin Americans seem more eager to punish civilian wrongdoers than to limit police violence.
The Trump administration said it would punish those who continued with sanctions on those countries.
China uses these outbursts of nationalism, whipped up by state media, to punish offending countries.
I want to know what Comey did, not because I&aposm going to punish them.
Her dad has decided that’s the best way to punish her for breaking the rules.
China has not played fair, and the urge to try and punish it is unsurprising.
An elderly villager in a white turban breaks forward, begging the justice to punish them.
The other part of that is we want to encourage behavior rather than punish it.
Jones has said he would punish players who kneel by keeping them off the field.
«There’s no provisions in the RNC rules that allow anybody to punish anybody,» Anuzis said.
My mother didn’t really try to punish me because it’s like, what can you do?
And if they don’t pass a bill now, how long will their base punish them?
Sites like Twitter and Facebook frequently ban, suspend, and punish accounts espousing left-wing views.
» McGee also said she witnessed Kelly punish the aspiring Florida singer for breaking his «rules.
The rationale: It will keep jurors from unjustly wanting to punish Uber for Levandowski’s actions.
Other scenes instruct the player to RIDE, PLEASE, FLEX, WATCH, TEASE, PUNISH, and even SEXT.
«No matter how much you punish yourself it’s not gonna change anything,» he tells Bellamy.
San Antonio wasn’t exactly blistering offensively, but the Rockets’ listlessness didn’t punish their pedestrian showing.
Vafa said authorities should punish the buyers of child sex trafficking rather than its victims.
Power stressed that the resolution is not meant to punish the people of North Korea.
And then the City wants the judge to multiply that times 3, to punish Jussie.
The Capitals exist to punish you and you exist to be punished by the Capitals.
«The truth is that with trauma, you can’t punish trauma out of somebody,» Cowan says.
So here’s a question: Why does Obama want to punish business, rather than reward it?
Events have become so bad that last November the government strengthened laws to punish perpetrators.
«Voters consistently and systematically punish incumbents for conditions beyond their control,» conclude Achen and Bartels.
Withholding funding from the humanitarian functions of the U.N. would punish them for it anyway.
Alex didn’t want to punish Alison for some crazy thing she did in her past.
It is only natural that Turks should be determined to identify and punish the conspirators.
The region’s culture of presidentialism makes them reluctant to punish an elected leader, however dictatorial.
Throughout the season, the president urged NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to punish players who protested.
TBS has indicated that it will not punish Bee further for her on-air tirade.
And many voters punish the posturing politician, even if they like his modified views better.
It’s scary for us kids to speak out; don’t punish yours for taking a stand.
How much are Republican voters going to punish you and your fellow Republicans— CRUZ: Yes.
Harassment laws punish perpetrators whose explicit motive was to cause harm or distress to victims.
They wanted to punish them for their failure to block the nuclear deal with Iran.
» And then, talking to these women, he said, «I will punish you all for it . . . .
Some states have laws that can punish adults if they store guns irresponsibly around children.
Salvini said the European Union was trying to punish the UK for voting to leave.
Anne-Marie: There are laws that punish parents when they are found to be negligent.
Don’t unsubscribe to punish them, or as economic leverage to force them to Do Better.
The plans inspired Foucault, who in «Discipline and Punish» probed the ways panopticism regulates behavior.
But that doesn’t mean that they prioritize the issue and punish politicians with contrary views.
»  «The answer is not to punish Texas farmers and ranchers and manufacturers and small businesses.
A stern postelection statement from Beijing said the Hong Kong government should punish independence activists.
He’d be free to reward friends and punish enemies until he got sick of winning.
Zuma said on Sunday the party should identify and punish members who voted against him.
He has also sought to punish Beijing for alleged intellectual property theft by Chinese companies.
Investors have shown they will punish airlines over even the possibility of an airfare war.
Now, the President’s Executive Order doesn’t punish contractors – it actually helps them follow the rules.
But, he argued, such a bill can’t «punish» Virginia for not expanding Medicaid under ObamaCare.
Demanding that Palestinians collectively punish their own people will exacerbate an already tense political situation.
So they awarded him $289 million in damages — mostly to punish the agricultural company Monsanto.
Failing to punish wrongdoers within its own ranks makes it harder to exert authority abroad.
Wright , it said that schools could punish children, physically, and without any procedure at all.
And will the people prioritize this issue and punish career legislators who oppose this effort?
The reason — until dog owners are on notice of aggression, it’s unfair to punish them.
We need sanctions to punish those responsible for this attack on our country from overseas.
That seems like a feature, not a bug, in a system designed to punish evildoers.
Lawsuits against CBS were dismissed and the FCC didn’t even punish Welles or the station.
But hey, you may believe the purpose of a lawman is to punish and kill.
Look at the beautiful color of the mud used to punish the villainous white explorer.
He added that there are some 30 statutes in Texas law that punish sexual predators.
Trump is facing pressure from lawmakers and Turkey to punish the kingdom for Khashoggi’s slaying.
If you punish small failures, you’ll just stifle innovation, experimentation and proactivity in your office.
But it also, necessarily, represented a chance to punish ideological opponents, or to exact revenge.
First, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and FTC should increase fines to punish illegal robocallers.
American efforts to prevent or punish Turkey’s intervention in Cyprus, for example, generated considerable anger.
So the United States antidoping group is looking for additional ways to punish the Russians.
The ACLU denied the administration’s allegations, and the justices ultimately declined to punish its attorneys.
U.S. and European Union sanctions to punish Russia for the land grab remain in place.
That’s because a fine high enough to punish wealthy people would devastate a poor person.
Alex Cruz, BA’s chief executive, has admitted that all the cancellations will «punish the brand».
Ms. Ortagus did not specify what the United States might do to punish Mr. Assad.
He regularly threatens to sue adversaries and rewrite libel laws to punish news media organizations.
Now that there are legal attempts to punish those responsible, they’ve conceded something did happen.
It seemed as if he wanted to punish me for his own moment of uncertainty.
It was supposed to topple dictators, to build social collaboration, to punish defection and isolation.
Critics warned that Mr. Duda’s government could exploit the law’s ambiguity to punish his enemies.
«He promised that he would follow the issue and punish the abusive trainers,» she said.
The gist: How do you meaningfully punish a company as enormous and profitable as Facebook?
In addition to arresting the Canadians, China is using its economic might to punish Canada.
Beijing denied any effort to punish Australia, and Australian politicians have brushed off these disputes.
She has high hopes for community justice forums, designed to punish crimes and resolve disputes.
It would set a chilling precedent for Washington to punish media companies over their coverage.
The participants indicated that they wanted to punish female perpetrators more severely than male ones.
Mr. Suleman often feels frustrated by the perception that inspectors are out to punish restaurants.
But the E.E.O.C. has no power to force the Bureau of Prisons to punish employees.
What Israel can do, Mr. Eiland said, is punish the Assad government for Iran’s buildup.
Alex Cruz, BA’s chief executive, has admitted that the cancelled flights will «punish the brand».
Audiences wanted to punish gay men; they disapproved, and wanted novelists to register that disapproval.
Would the president intervene if the Navy tried to punish Chief Gallagher after the trial?
The Constitution gives the House few powers to punish the president or coerce his compliance.
In recognition of this problem, Washington has already deployed financial sanctions to punish corrupt individuals.
Blizzard insisted that its relationships in China did not influence its decision to punish Blitzchung.
Democratic and Republican lawmakers argued that the F.T.C. didn’t go far enough to punish Facebook.
The document also contains a number of directives to punish anyone caught violating the rules.
China’s regulators will also step up supervision and punish fund managers who fail to comply.
There is intense debate about whether voters will punish Democrats next year for pursuing impeachment.
«Prison is not just to punish a person and then let him out,» he said.
If you don’t punish fake hate crime claims, you’ll get more fake hate crime claims.
To punish all the people who are having sex, who have succeeded, presumably, at seduction.
«Continuing to punish Reality Winner does not serve our national interests,» Ms. Grinter Allen said.
«What Trump has done to vilify immigrants, to physically punish immigrants, is wrong,» she said.
Today, both Republicans and Democrats seem determined to use Section 230 to punish Big Tech.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has been out to punish Tsai and her government ever since.
The delay had led to questions over US President Donald Trump’s willingness to punish Moscow.
It’s unclear if Amazon will choose to punish workers for engaging in this collective action.
«Sometimes you have to punish yourself to achieve maximum success,» the New York native explains.
Which is not to say we should punish sexual assault victims for not coming forward.
Whether the tariff exists to raise money or punish bad trade practices is likely irrelevant.
First, that the FTC can only punish companies for breaking their promises to consumers. Wrong.
Even more troubling is Trump’s promise to punish other countries in exactly the same way.
Multiple reports indicate the military service may still punish Gallagher and take his pin away.
YouTube will no longer punish pro gamers for playing violent games like &aposMortal Kombat&apos.
To punish those who sided with the British Army, Washington unleashed a campaign of terror.
Then you punish them again for what their mothers do or what their mothers think.
A more discerning market for initial public offerings continued to punish Peloton Interactive Inc PTON.
But it’s not too late to punish those lawmakers who violated House rules, Gohmert argued.
Conyers suggested that President Trump is using the Justice Department to punish his political opponents.
Here on the border, that strategy is to punish migrants as a form of deterrence.
This is defamation by redefinition, and its intention is to frighten and punish opposing voices.
Graham said he wanted the White House to punish Russia for aiding the Syrian regime.
It’s popular to want to punish flag-burners — pandering politicians, including Hillary Clinton, have tried.
Momentum is already building in the U.S. Congress to support Hong Kong and punish China.
Trump, in comparison, still has not imposed sanctions designed to punish election meddling by Moscow.
Mr. Trump threatened to punish China over its yawning trade surplus with the United States.
Plans to punish all four of the SEALs are now on hold, the official said.
But to punish them by, practically speaking, foreign laws, would be wrong in my opinion.
Trump is doing it to punish Brennan for speaking out so forcefully against his presidency.
Should we blame and punish billionaires for their own good fortune, hard work or talent?
So why would Republicans wait until Mr. King flatly defended white supremacy to punish him?
The problem is that the European Union appears poised to punish the US for it.
He also floated proposals to punish dissenting journalists and exile millions of mostly nonwhite residents.
The committee could ultimately recommend the House take action to punish or reprimand Mr. Gaetz.
Punish people severely enough when they step out of line and you deter potential protesters.
«My bill doesn’t punish any political activity,» Rubio wrote in a tweet defending his bill.
Did her mother punish her for something by carving words of shame all over her?
As it turned out, Russia decided to punish Americans looking to adopt Russian children instead.
Still, some in the state legislature want to punish teachers for participating in the sickout.
Is the point of the sex offender registry to punish people for what they’ve done?
Ukraine bans Russian social media sites in an attempt to punish the Kremlin Ukraine bans Russian social media sites in an attempt to punish the Kremlin Ukraine banned two popular social media sites Tuesday, in a new attempt to purge Russian influence in the country.
«If you are doping in a system that is similar to Russia, continue doing so because there is no reason to fight it because in the end the IOC will say they will not punish the system, but we will punish the whistleblower,» he said.
Presented with these hypothetical options, survey respondents of course wanted to punish United for its misdeeds.
«Consumer authorities will finally get teeth to punish the cheaters,» Europe’s Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova said.
MACCALLUM: OK. The U.S. Congress passed a sanctions on Russia to punish them for their behavior.
We do not want to punish that competitor when we’ve encouraged them to compete and succeed.
Some of them were ordered to halt new user registrations, suspend services and punish accountable staff.
It was premeditated and motivated by unfounded jealousy, anger and a desire to punish Ms. Rukundo.
Some donors, like Vlock, never came around — and threatened to punish Republicans who enabled Trump’s rise.
» This references the character’s famous line, «In the name of the moon, I will punish you!
These prisons punish for profit, break up families and communities, detain immigrant children and impede visits.
But they’re camps created to punish a whole class of civilians via mass detention without trial.
The attorney general doesn’t just want to punish me in my role as a business owner.
The President said the «hard-hitting» sanctions will financially punish Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
There should be demands that Russia apologize, punish those responsible, and immediately release the Ukrainian sailors.
President Nixon had subordinates break the law to punish and collect information on his political enemies.
«While the intent is to punish Huawei, ultimately U.S. companies are also being penalized,» Jacobson said.
The CRPA, though, said it wasn’t fair to punish all gun owners for one person’s misdeed.
Even Sister Jane of the Rosary, usually so quick to punish, came in but did nothing.
Speaking in a tent erected in a village, he urges voters to punish the other side.
Is it moral, Kieslowski seems to ask, for a government to punish wrongdoing by doing wrong?
Syriza officials accept that voters will punish Mr Tsipras at the next election, due in 2019.
We used to punish manufacturers that exported their goods, charging them higher taxes than other states.
That’s why I’ve signed into law policies that embrace and promote — not punish — transformative business models.
Ottawa had earlier blacklisted many Russian officials to punish the country for its annexation of Crimea.
This information would be self-reported, but regulators could punish app makers who provide false records.
If there’s one thing Game of Thrones likes to punish characters for, it’s puffed-up cluelessness.
Graham said «everything would be on the table» to punish Saudi Arabia, including blocking arms sales.
«It doesn’t make sense to punish people if you believe they’re primarily hurting themselves,» Tree says.
It was intended to punish sexual immorality, as well as the intentional killing of a foetus.
Member countries can prohibit or punish Uber in their own countries without involving the European Union.
Officials vowed to punish 123 government workers in connection with the blasts, citing dereliction of duty.
Congress wants to use targeted sanctions to punish Iranian officials who preside over human-rights abuses.
It says that websites need to clean up and law enforcement agencies need to punish offenders.
«It is entirely appropriate to discipline and punish corporate malefactors who violate our laws,» he said.
What’s happening: Ridesharing companies have adopted policies that punish drivers for discriminating against people with disabilities.
«If you scream, I will punish you, do you understand?» he asks her at one point.
You shouldn’t punish yourself or make yourself feel guilty because you need to take the time.
He would punish project leaders one week, then decide they weren’t at fault in another episode.
This is partly because authorities are increasingly quick to punish institutions that let down their guard.
And Google, Uber seems to say, is trying to punish an engineer for doing exactly that.
But the antidote to that history is not to punish the innocent and the guilty alike.
On cop shows, bad guys do bad things, and good guys catch them and punish them.
Suspense is mounting as to how and when, rather than if, India plans to punish Pakistan.
Presumably to carve off enough votes from Trump to punish the GOP for having nominated him.
Students were frequently assessed, not to punish teachers but to pinpoint areas where help was needed.
Mr Trump said he would punish Guatemala and El Salvador if they let the migrants pass.
In May this year, Beijing proposed new regulatory policies to punish companies who breach privacy agreements.
The woman claims that the video was released to punish her for going to the police.
Many regions in Africa, for example, have laws that punish the «crime» of homosexuality with death.
The prison had been in lockdown for 36 hours to punish the inmates for the riot.
Third, it must be possible to punish the offender if they do not adjust their behavior.
It accused the company of making false statements and failing to punish employees and senior management.
Some have argued the Espionage Act can be used to punish media for publishing classified information.
The Lethbridge goalie decided to punish them with the craziest shot you’ll see in a minute.
Punish people after they’ve been in prison and not allow them to assimilate [back] into society?
Perhaps the NCAA will find evidence beyond the bizarre draft night bonanza and punish Ole Miss.
When Hendricks lunged and fell short, Thompson would punish him with that skip back rear straight.
Chicago also used to punish violators of its gun policies more strictly than it does today.
Joanna’s lawyer, Raymond J. Rafool, tells TMZ … they want to punish Brandi for her «vile» statement.
And now, legislators in Raleigh are weighing ways to punish local governments that take sanctuary steps.
Firtash said he is an innocent victim of American efforts to punish political allies of Putin.
The bill would have made it illegal for employers to punish workers who discuss their salaries.
But then again, if you said he tripped somebody, then you’d probably have to punish him.
He said Bharara and his office were part of a government determined to punish the banks.
Last week, Senators unveiled a Russia sanctions bill to punish Moscow for the election year hacks.
How do you punish a customer who orders a three-course meal 15 minutes before closing?
Trump said that NFL should punish and possibly fire those did not stand for the anthem.
Even before sentencing, which could take years, voters may punish the worst at the ballot box.
«I told them we wanted to blood sample to protect him, not punish him,» he wrote.
Donors often reward democratic reforms; they also try to punish corruption and backsliding, as in Malawi.
The primary role of the welfare state then became to punish those who were not thought
Others are using them to aggressively silence and punish their critics, inside and outside their borders.
Recent reports show there may be efforts underway to punish those who have stolen intellectual property.
But marijuana, generally believed to have a calming effect, was also linked to parents who punish.
But it is the first time GOP leaders have taken concrete, official action to punish King.
«I always think you should punish regimes but not the people of the regime,» he said.
The simple fact is that anti-abortion politicians support laws that shame, pressure, and punish women.
The Trump administration imposed sanctions on Turkey to punish it over the incursion earlier this week.
The agency will still punish companies if their emissions end up exceeding what they had predicted.
Russia previously said the IPC’s decision was politically motivated and would punish dozens of innocent athletes.
Such a move would amount to an unprecedented use of presidential authority to punish political rivals.
They are entitled to that belief, as long as they don’t weaponize it to punish strangers.
Editorial Observer «Dissident» is a loaded word in Cuba, a label used to discredit and punish.
The American President says he will punish the Prime Minister of Canada — monetarily — for saying that.
Societal homophobia wants us to be ashamed, and finds ways to punish us if we refuse.
If voters decide to punish Hunter, that’ll bring the Democrats one seat closer to a majority.
It will also give the Federal Communications Commission more time to investigate and punish illegal robocallers.
In the years that followed, Browder strenuously lobbied for a law that would punish those responsible.
Virtually any movement to restrict or punish, especially by the government, would immediately generate constitutional barriers.
Such a duty, critics argue, could stifle innovation and unnecessarily punish billionaires merely for their success.
If they arrest you for doing the same thing again, they will punish you much harder.
The United Nations Security Council responded Friday by passing another round of sanctions to punish Pyongyang.
In the end, keeping promises counts in politics — even inattentive voters can spot and punish hypocrisy.
He and the Republican Congress could punish the U.N. in several financial ways once he’s president.
Dorsey has denied the charge, stating that his company does not punish users for political viewpoints.
Trump has promised to punish companies that shift work overseas, pressuring manufacturers like United Technologies Corp.
Instead of enhancing tariffs to punish imports from China, he would have to increase exports there.
Even when certain stories of abuse became public knowledge, nobody did anything to punish the men.
Will the association begin to police and punish programs and schools that fail along these lines?
A Hillary Clinton-style review board with the power to punish companies with unjustified price hikes.
In today’s society, we have the means and the ability to punish criminals without killing them.
«Getting benched» is what happens to you when the coach wants to discipline or punish you.
It should also punish companies that engage in anticompetitive practices, such as pay-for-delay agreements.
Voters will punish legislators for failing to keep their most repeated and clearest campaign promise. 2.
But conservatives are terrified that the base will punish them if they concede even an inch.
«I thought they were going to punish me for cutting the grass,» Reggie said on Saturday.
And it never occurs to him to punish his characters for wanting it and having it.
Thésée rashly concludes his son is guilty and again invokes Neptune, this time to punish Hippolyte.
The two Democrats voted against it, saying it did not go far enough to punish YouTube.
Even after Italy abandoned its tariffs, France continued to punish Italy for years with high tariffs.
Moral judgment inspires outrage and a desire to punish wrongdoers, forming a potent source of aggression.
If you think that we shouldn’t punish as many minorities as we do now, that’s fine.
This also isn’t the only measure being considered that would punish Saudi Arabia for Khashoggi’s death.
«Is he doing it from a business perspective, or is he trying to punish?» she said.
Still, some critics say the bills could backfire and unfairly punish parents for their children’s actions.
Thiel, rightly offended, began a stealth campaign to punish Denton for his callous and cavalier behavior.
The company doesn’t plan to punish him for it, and now it’s trying to explain why.
Sadly, the sisters lost more money trying to punish the brother than if they hadn’t bothered.
The move is meant to prevent grooming policies or dress codes that disproportionately punish black workers.
The prevailing impetus to oppose abortion is to punish the woman who doesn’t want the child.
So it is not unreasonable for the US to punish Huawei for flouting this US law.
«You didn’t say nothing in 40 years and now you’re coming to punish people,» he lamented.
It was a first step by a state attorney general to punish Facebook for privacy violations.
It also expands early-release programs and modifies sentencing laws to more equitably punish drug offenders.
Should we care about, reward or punish what artists do beyond the parameters of their art?
If the horrors are unfolding now, it invites other countries to intervene and punish the perpetrators.
It is also further embracing Saudi Arabia to punish Iran but avoid damaging the global economy.
Neighboring countries in Southeast Asia also punish illegal drug production and use with lengthy prison sentences.
It swiftly announced that it was investigating the matter and would punish the fan if necessary.
He said his aim was «neither to punish nor reward» Britain’s decision to quit the bloc.
But none of those steps has ever proved sufficient to prevent misconduct or punish repeat offenders.
First announced in 2014, the social credit system is used to both reward and punish citizens.
Prison employees said it was common to punish inmates by transferring them to a different facility.
On Twitter, Mr. Grassley said the bill would make «streets safer» and punish opioid drug deals.
New York’s county sheriffs still have wide latitude to punish people who smuggle the treatments inside.
He accused federal agencies like the Justice Department of weaponizing their power to punish political enemies.
Trump has sent mixed signals on whether he wishes to punish Saudi Arabia for Khashoggi’s disappearance.
«I guess I’m the softy of the group, because I never wanted to punish,» he said.
The National Hockey League tests players for marijuana use, but doesn’t punish them for failed tests.
Too often, the Trump administration has relied on financial sanctions to punish Russian and Iranian aggression.
Or will the government retain enough power to punish the handmaids with even more repressive conditions?
But operation Car Wash has shown that we can punish politicians and executives for their crimes.
I do not want to punish my children by forcing them to deal with money problems.
She believed her boss should punish this horrendous crime, and indeed earlier ones, with air strikes.
Basically, Congress has to deal with big corporations the way rich white people punish their kids.
Punish those mistakes more harshly instead of punishing Biles, who executes her new dismount with ease.
Worse than that, medieval Muslim jurists invented severe blasphemy laws to punish anyone who insulted Islam.
What this shows, researchers suggest, is that people will pay a cost to punish antisocial behavior.
Too often, in response to the conservative impulse to punish, the liberal impulse is to pity.
Yet not all experts agree that laws should dictate how parents decide to punish their children.
In the UK, conservative governments have continued to punish the most vulnerable people with drug dependence.
She ate to protect herself, to make herself less attractive, to comfort herself, to punish herself.
The sanctions are meant to punish Russia over its alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. election.
In other words, it would be hard to severely punish Iraq without touching its oil industry.
There’s a history of the Chinese using tourism as an economic weapon to punish other countries.
At the facilities where she lived, staff used solitary confinement to punish kids, she told Vox.
But they differ on how to punish companies that are found to be violating those laws.
Officials say that all options are on the table to punish foreign and state-sponsored hackers.
With today’s global supply chains, punishing Bombardier will punish global supply companies, mechanical systems and maintenance.
A society like ours that believes so deeply in personal responsibility should punish individuals as individuals.
That’s the strategy: Appease the rich on the front end; punish the poor on the back.
It is trying to improve the dysfunctions in the administration and to investigate and punish anomalies.
It’s bizarre and somewhat troubling that Apple could unilaterally punish a competitor for its privacy sins.
If addiction is a disease, is it fair to punish people for showing symptoms of it?
India has been struggling to find a way to punish Pakistan for the attack last week.
His killing has tarnished Prince Mohammed’s reputation and spurred efforts in Congress to punish the kingdom.
The government will also punish local authorities who do not enforce the regulations correctly, he said.
We also need to punish (more) and we know that we can’t be hesitant on that.
Because almost no one in the E.P.P. wants to punish Orban because of this very context.»
When we punish, even the ultimate punishment of death, we do not seek to extract pain.
BoJack wants Diane to write an article taking him down, because he wants to punish himself.
Left to their own discretion, teachers disproportionately punish African American students for alleged «disrespect,» Klehr says.
It’s likely the administration has chosen to act now because it does want to punish Russia.
Is the purpose to punish, is the purpose to warehouse, or is the purpose to rehabilitate?
Consumers can’t punish bad behavior by switching ISPs, so said bad behavior only continues in perpetuity.
And with Silver able to further punish Green, he could risk being suspended for Game 6.
Efforts to push back against these trends would punish workers by dragging down the overall economy.
«Despite repeated commitments to end the violence, protect civilians and punish perpetrators, to date, there is no evidence or available public information of any genuine efforts by the government to investigate, prosecute and punish violations and abuses, some of them amounting to international crimes,» the report states.
The Back the Blue Act was introduced in the aftermath of the unthinkable shooting of police officers in Dallas this summer, but was, in every respect, federal over-reach and over-reaction to crimes the states have the constitutional duty to punish – and already punish severely.
I think China will trade more and we won&apost punish China for trading with North Korea.
But maybe she’s also a sign that voters really do punish — and therefore consider — terrible VP picks.
He also allegedly admitted zip-tying the child to punish her for climbing on the kitchen cabinets.
Hellerstedt, a case about Texas state laws custom-built to punish women and restrict our fundamental rights.
The other day, he suggested we should punish flag burners and even strip them of their citizenship.
A third player watches this interaction, and can choose to punish the first player for acting selfishly.
Amazon and Google never officially permitted this practice on their servers but they didn’t actively punish it.
Akilov had said he wanted to punish Sweden for joining a coalition against the Islamic State group.
I’ll never know what went through his mind, and I can’t punish myself by doting on it.
We don&apost seek to punish them for trying to do what&aposs right for their families.
The recently passed TRACED Act also grants the FCC new powers to pursue and punish illegal robocalls.
It would be a shame to punish the news side for the missteps of the opinion page.
» The report recommended commanders «root out and punish severely any lingering gang-like behavior by its deputies.
And rights groups say the country’s defamation law is routinely used to punish critics of the powerful.
Negan, looking to punish the group for killing Saviors, whips out Lucille and lines up the survivors.
The students’ lawyers asked the court to halt those collections and punish the department for its actions.
So no matter where you are in the world, traveling with a baby is a total punish.
And it appears to be an effort to silence or punish the president’s supporters and his advocates.
Judges have always had more incentives to punish harshly than leniently, and elections only increase these pressures.
Eyebrows have been raised over the Commission’s apparent tolerance for rule-breaking (or reluctance to punish offenders).
To punish suspects who face no criminal charges would illegally single out Muslims from any other group.
Moreover, he would not punish the children of American diplomats for the tensions between the two countries.
Kay Ivey signed into law in May, would punish doctors who perform abortions with life in prison.
Congress has debated—but not yet approved—a bill that would punish judges and prosecutors for «abuses».
Congress also has a plan to punish Turkey, though Trump’s executive order will go into immediate effect.
This attempt to punish trans people for not looking «real» enough affects everybody who doesn’t look «right».
Like if you don’t pay attention to school, the solution at that time was to punish you.
Russia might look away if American strikes only punish the Syrian government in a relatively limited way.
Schools can choose to punish students for skipping class, but they can’t clamp down on free speech.
We rely on our lawmakers to preside in ways that uphold our laws and punish the guilty.
«Threatening to punish your rivals as political blackmail is something we’d see from the Kremlin,» Grijalva said.
At least 36 mobsters were killed in that period, and police were desperate to punish the perpetrators.
He watched with dismay as the West failed to punish Syria for using chemical weapons in 2013.
«It’s not uncommon to punish pregnant women for the disease of addiction and their reproduction,» Terplan says.
However, the strike is only one part of a broader set of policies intended to punish Pakistan.
But voters will likely see right through this political act and punish her for not disavowing Trump.
And if they will not do so, Israel’s voters should use the ballot box to punish them.
Lopez was allegedly upset that the cat had walked into his apartment, and decided to punish her.
Then, they gently punish me switching between double penetration and the boys taking turns eating me out.
Prison, for Taystee, is a waking nightmare: Every time she laughs, a guard’s around to punish her.
They made no secret that they wanted the president to punish Russians harshly for the Kremlin’s actions.
States across the U.S. have been introducing legislation that would punish people for switching to electric vehicles.
«The electorate wants to punish the whole party for the misrule of the Park era,» Delury said.
The Trump administration has made threats to punish sanctuary jurisdictions a key piece of Trump’s immigration agenda.
Once word got out, the Vatican poured the full force of its Inquisition to investigate and punish.
The association encourages member schools to be Title IX compliant, but it doesn’t punish those who aren’t.
While the stars appear aligned heading into tomorrow’s report, any sign of weakness will undoubtedly punish shareholders.
This means working with U.N. and European allies to punish disruptive actors, using political pressure and sanctions.
So if you don’t have a legal system to punish there will be a disaster in society.
Presumably, market forces would punish the smart device company, but that’s only if the market finds out.

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