Sentences with the word prove

Sentences with the word Prove?



  • «agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God’s existence»
  • «when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?»; «three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three»
  • «even numbers are divisible by two»; «the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible»
  • «a false friend»; «when lovers prove untrue»
  • «they had to prove their fitness for the position»
  • «The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing»
  • «predatory capitalists»; «a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal»- Peter S. Prescott; «a predacious kind of animal—the early geological gangster»- W.E.Swinton
  • «he entered the argument with a predetermination to prove me wrong»
  • «prove a will»
  • «this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable»; «the uncomfortable truth»; «grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye»; «an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest»; «the teacher’s presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable»

Synonym: certify, check, confirm, demonstrate, document, establish, justify, show, substantiate, verify. Antonym: suppose. Similar words: approve, proverb, improved, approve of, improvement, provide, province, provoke. Meaning: [pruːv]  v. 1. be shown or be found to be 2. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment 3. provide evidence for 4. prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof 5. put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to 6. increase in volume 7. cause to puff up with a leaven 8. take a trial impression of 9. obtain probate of. 

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1. Prove thy friend ere thou have need. 

2. Prove thy friends ere thou have need. 

3. My tears, my grief it can only prove.

4. What are you trying to prove?

5. This scandal could prove seriously damaging to the government.

6. He’s just saying that to prove a point .

7. Are you just doing this to prove a point?

8. You’re wrong, and I can prove it.

9. If she gets ill again it could prove fatal.

10. Philosophers use logic to prove their arguments.

11. Tax-cutting proposals could prove irresistible to lawmakers.

11. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

12. It is impossible to prove the existence of God.

13. I must prove his honesty.

14. Making the wrong decision could prove expensive.

15. They were not able to prove these suspicions.

16. This advice was to prove valuable.

17. Can you prove that what you say is true?

18. This information could prove useful.

19. Time can prove that I love you .

20. Can you prove your innocence ?

21. They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence.

22. Membership of the union could prove advantageous.

23. This new evidence will prove their innocence.

24. Some alternative treatments may prove highly beneficial.

25. Can you prove it to me?

26. There wasn’t enough evidence to prove him guilty.

27. She was determined to prove everyone wrong.

28. He felt he needed to prove his point .

29. We could not prove he was concerned with the crime, so we had to release him.

30. Just give me a chance and I’ll prove it to you.

More similar words: approve, proverb, improved, approve of, improvement, provide, province, provoke, extrovert, provider, provided, approval, provision, controversy, controversial, over and over, oven, over, move, love, cover, glove, novel, shove, stove, lover, pro, oversee, move on, be over. 

доказывать, подтверждать, зарекомендовать, утверждать, пробовать, оказываться


- доказывать

to prove smb.’s guilt [innocence] — доказать чью-л. вину [чью-л. невиновность]
to prove one’s good will — продемонстрировать добрую волю
it remains to be proved — это ещё не доказано /надо доказать/
the exception proves the rule — исключение подтверждает правило

- удостоверять, подтверждать документами; (за)свидетельствовать

to prove one’s identity — удостоверить свою личность
to prove a will — утвердить завещание
all the evidence goes to prove that … — все показания свидетельствуют о том /подтверждают/, что …

- испытывать, пробовать

to prove smb.’s honesty — испытать чью-л. честность
this he said to prove her — он сказал это, чтобы испытать её
prove all things; hold fast that which is good — библ. всё испытывайте; хорошего держитесь

- спец. подвергать испытанию, испытывать

to prove a new weapon [a new car model] — испытывать новый вид оружия [новую модель автомашины]
to prove ore — исследовать руду; проводить анализ руды

- оказываться

to prove (to be) satisfactory [useful, insufficient] — оказаться удовлетворительным [полезным, недостаточным]
to prove unequal to one’s task — не справляться с задачей
the operation proved fatal — операция оказалась смертельной
the report proved false — сообщение оказалось ложным
the play proved a success — пьеса имела успех

- показывать; демонстрировать

to prove oneself — проявлять себя, показывать себя
he proved himself (to be) a coward — он вёл себя как трус, он оказался трусом
to prove one’s skill — проявить своё умение

- мат. проверять

the correctness of the subtraction has been proved — правильность вычитания проверена

- полигр. получать пробный оттиск
- горн. разведывать
- кул. производить расстойку (теста)
- испытывать, переживать

to prove the extreme depths of poverty and sorrow — испытать крайнюю нужду и горе

Мои примеры


mathematicians trying to prove a theorem — математики, которые пытаются доказать теорему  
boys trying to prove their masculinity — мальчики, пытающиеся доказать свою мужественность  
to prove / substantiate a charge — доказать обвинение  
to prove a deposit — проводить разведку месторождения  
failing to prove — неубедительный, бездоказательный  
to prove by induction — доказывать по индукции  
to prove / show one’s innocence — доказать невиновность  
to confirm / prove smb.’s alibi — доказать чьё-л. алиби  
to prove / show one’s mettle — выказывать отвагу, смелость  
to prove wrong — не доказать  
to prove an equation — доказывать справедливость уравнения  
to prove by exhaustion — доказывать перебором вариантов  

Примеры с переводом

She proved to be right.

Она оказалась права.

You’re wrong, and I can prove it.

Вы не правы, и я могу это доказать.

Tests have proved that the system works.

Испытания доказали, что система работает.

He thinks I can’t win, but I’m going to prove him wrong.

Он думает, что мне никак не победить, но я докажу, что он ошибается.

You will have to prove to the police that you were at home that night.

Тебе придётся доказать полиции, что той ночью ты был дома.

This afternoon I proved my rifle-gun.

Сегодня днём я испытал свою винтовку.

Despite all the rumours his new performance proved to have a success.

Вопреки всем сплетням и слухам, его новый спектакль действительно имел успех.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Tax-cutting proposals could prove irresistible to lawmakers.

…acutely conscious of his bastardy, he always felt the need to prove himself…

Reagan’s presidency may prove to have been the high watermark of the US-Israeli alliance.

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Фразовые глаголы

prove out — проявлять себя в полной мере, доказывать готовность, преуспеть

Возможные однокоренные слова

disprove  — опровергать, доказывать ложность, доказывать ошибочность
improve  — улучшать, улучшаться, совершенствовать, совершенствоваться, усовершенствовать
proven  — доказанный
reprove  — порицать, упрекать, бранить, корить, делать выговор
provable  — доказуемый
proving  — доказывание, испытание, утверждение, опробование
provence  — Прованс
prover  — снимающий пробный оттиск, средство доказательства

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: prove
he/she/it: proves
ing ф. (present participle): proving
2-я ф. (past tense): proved
3-я ф. (past participle): proved or proven

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word prove, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use prove in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «prove».

Prove in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word prove in a sentence.

  1. Johnson prove the U.S.’ innocence.

  2. What on earth were we trying to prove?

  3. It is impossible now to prove either way.

  4. He has nothing more to prove to any of us.».

  5. You don’t have to die to prove you’re a man».

  6. You must prove yourselves worthy of your history.

  7. Dehydration and overheating can also prove fatal.

  8. And this we will prove beyond all reasonable doubt.».

  9. He intended to prove that the Claimant was Arthur Orton.

  10. Farouk would prove critical to these continuing efforts.

  11. Burnet was, however, unable to prove this experimentally.

  12. Only in Australia did this approach prove less successful.

  13. We can easily prove that Benjamin was the only genius in the Confederate cabinet.

  14. His body was brought to Leicester and openly exhibited to prove that he was dead.

  15. But it was negotiations with the Federal Government that were to prove the hardest.

  16. It is often difficult for White to prove an advantage in symmetrical opening lines.

  17. Seeking to prove the superior endurance and durability of Arabian horses to the U.S.

  18. These improved field methods were sometimes motivated by attempts to prove that a C date was incorrect.

  19. Osborn was like Marsh in many ways, slow and methodical, but would prove a damaging influence on Marsh.

  20. By the end of 1933, Hepburn was a respected film actress, but she yearned to prove herself on Broadway.

  21. Of course, I can’t prove this, but I doubt that you can find a single strong player who would disagree.

  22. Children’s Hospital’s relationship with Washington University would prove useful for both institutions.

  23. However, in Huskisson’s agitated condition Whatton felt that traumatic surgery would likely prove fatal.

  24. Rosencrantz also assaults Ashley to prove that he is not a suitable candidate for the powers of Darkness.

  25. Alternatively, Cooper may have been «a thrill seeker» who made the jump «just to prove it could be done».

  26. Dangerously, in a storyline that saw them trying to prove the originals were better than the new version.

  27. She finds several witnesses who testify to the resemblance and is ultimately able to prove her suspicions.

  28. Webber refused to buy any car unless the seller could prove the car’s endurance by driving it to his home.

  29. This did not prove to be the case, and none of the coins sold out before sales ended on December 27, 2019.

  30. RNAi will prove its potential for inhibition of photorespiration to enhance the productivity of C3 plants.

  31. It was assigned a naming committee under the expectation that it would prove to be a dwarf planet in 2008.

  32. Balzac wanted to challenge Sue’s supremacy, and prove himself the most capable feuilleton author in France.

  33. The driving force behind the escalation was predominantly groups of young, male fans who wanted to prove their toughness.

  34. Determined to be the best woman, Workman was also a meticulous record-keeper so that she could prove her accomplishments.

  35. He still had an heir in his daughter Isabel, but he was unconvinced that a female would prove to be a suitable successor.

  36. Von Neumann also used his axiom to prove the well-ordering theorem: Like Cantor, he assumed that the ordinals form a set.

  37. Edmund Wilson stated that «To expose oneself in maturity to Uncle Tom’s Cabin may therefore prove a startling experience.

  38. A brief and unhappy visit to Mallorca with Sand in 1838–39 would prove one of his most productive periods of composition.

  39. It was premiered in June 1947 at the Opéra-Comique, and was a critical success, but did not prove popular with the public.

  40. Though the Spartans prove a tremendous weapon against the Covenant, they are too few to turn the tide in the UNSC’s favor.

  41. Nevertheless, he offered him a contract, provided he prove his fitness in testing at the AVUS track early in the next year.

  42. Penney, for one, feared that this would likely prove to be beyond the financial resources of Britain’s war-ravaged economy.

  43. Segrè enlisted his colleague Perrier to attempt to prove, through comparative chemistry, that the molybdenum activity was indeed from an element with the atomic number 43.

  44. The defense wanted to read into evidence several of the Talat Pasha telegrams collected by Armenian journalist Aram Andonian to prove Talat’s culpability for the genocide.

  45. Within these populations, some objects are large enough to have rounded under their own gravity, though there is considerable debate as to how many there will prove to be.

  46. Others still are able to prove that 1⁄3 = 0.333…, but, upon being confronted by the fractional proof, insist that «logic» supersedes the mathematical calculations.

  47. In principle, poll taxes were adopted to ensure that eligible voters had sufficient financial independence to prove they were qualified and their vote could not be bought.

Synonyms for prove

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word prove has the following synonyms: demonstrate, establish, show, shew, raise, leaven, rise, test, try, try out, examine, essay, testify, bear witness, evidence, turn out and turn up.

General information about «prove» example sentences

The example sentences for the word prove that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «prove» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «prove».

Examples of how to use the word “prove” in a sentence. How to connect “prove” with other words to make correct English sentences.

prove (v): to show a particular result after a period of time

Use “prove” in a sentence

‘I know you’re lying.’ ‘Prove it!’
This doesn’t prove anything.
Give me a chance to prove it.
She is trying to prove the existence of ghosts.

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  • Use the word Prove in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And that their contempt of truth shall not go unpunished I shall ask their indictment for perjury on the same evidence that in one minute will prove the identity of these defendants with that of 22 active members of the mob that stormed and burned the jail and lynched Joseph Wilson!

Take care, Your Majesty, that it does not prove detrimental to yourself, and to France.

Math and science do prove useful.

This is our time to prove that we are worthy.

In order for Dooley to prove his worth, I’ll have to make sure that he shows up there.

He says he knows your department has him under suspicion for those other robberies, but that they can’t prove anything.

I’ll prove to you, I’m not.

You’re crazy, you can’t prove anything like that.

Admit it, you wretches, or prove your innocence!

«On the day of trial I will prove his innocence.»

Only let me prove my love for you once and for all.

«… We would have been poisoned … to prove his innocence … «

If so, I can prove the innocence of my husband.

Finally … I was trying to prove you were innocent!

«You’ll have to prove it first!»

«I merely wanted to prove how frightfully careless your husband is to leave you alone in the dead of the night»

I’m not guilty but I can’t prove it.

Any jealous attempt on your part to interefere with the performance will prove disastrous to your career.

I shall prove tlo you the debth of my love. You may return to your world for the present.

The documents that prove her lineage are in Vilnius, in the hands of Baron Kempelen.

I’ll give you a chance to prove that.»

May I prove my friendship by giving you good advice?

«To prove that the Moon is not unreachable, «Helius sent there the experimental remote-controlled rocket H.32. «Its blast was observed

«Now, Gustav, you have to prove to me «that I can count on you !»

But I’m going to prove it to you.

Dear Maria, I go with Dr. Johannes to attempt the north face because it leaves me no peace I want to prove that I can achieve something, too Don’t be angry, we’ll be back this evening and hopefully we’ll stay alone after that.

And as if to prove all I have said, here is one of the first to go.

What willl do to prove to you I’m not lying?

You’re a-going to prove how good you are, before you leave the fort.

And I have to prove to them that it might have been a man’s voice, especially a high-pitched man’s voice— just like mr.

We pray that you will prove worthy of this trust we place in you and successfully complete your goodwill mission

If you want to prove that something runs in your family, this is the spot.

You can prove that you’re not.

But I have been unable to prove it.

He makes the mistake of inviting someone to fire a bullet at him, hoping to prove his immortality.

On the contrary, it may prove to be most enlightening.

Mark my words, he will prove dangerous-

I’m going to prove that this killing was done in a fit of temporary insanity.

We shall drink to an affiliation which will prove, I am sure, a pleasure and a benefit to us both.

You love Fanny, and I can prove it.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The theological professors took the alarm at passages in the Meditations; an attempt to prove the existence of God savoured, as they thought, of atheism and heresy.

In recent years there has been an immigration of Italians into Louisiana, which seems likely to prove of great social and economic importance.

In the last-mentioned work he seeks to prove that the St Petersburg Codex, for so many years accepted as the genuine text of the Babylonian school, is in reality a Palestinian text carefully altered so as to render it conformable to the Babylonian recension.

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His idea of revelation depends upon the same mechanical conception of the relation of God to the world which dominates his Natural Theology; and he seeks to prove the divine origin of Christianity by isolating it from the general history of mankind, whereas later writers find their chief argument in the continuity of the process of revelation.

Although the direct object of Pasteur was to prove a negative, yet it was on these experiments that sterilization as known to us was developed.

Having been bribed by Polyneices with the necklace of Harmonia, she persuaded her husband to take part in the expedition of the Seven against Thebes, although he knew it would prove fatal to him.

On the other hand a map drawn on the surface of a sphere representing a terrestrial globe will prove true to nature, for it possesses, in combination, the qualities which the ingenuity of no mathematician has hitherto succeeded in imparting to a projection intended for a map of some extent, namely, equivalence of areas of distances and angles.

A reference to the terrible weekly casualty lists would at once prove the falsity of this statement.

Months of suspense followed; for the powers had threatened to cast their weight into the scale against whichever side should prove the aggressor, and Mehemet Ali was too astute to make the first move.

That the insect is likely to prove adaptable is perhaps indicated by the fact that in 1906 it made a northward advance of about 60 m.

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