Sentences with the word promotion

Synonym: advancement, betterment, improvement, lift, progress, rise. Antonym: demotion. Similar words: promote, motion, notion, negotiation, production, projection, proportion, protection. Meaning: [prə’məʊʃn]  n. 1. a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution 2. act of raising in rank or position 3. encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something 4. the advancement of some enterprise. 

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1. If you are successful, you can expect promotion.

2. May I offer my heartiest congratulations on your promotion?

3. I want a job with good prospects for promotion.

4. He got the promotion. —Whoopee.

5. I have every confidence in his promotion.

6. She won her promotion by deceit.

7. Kelly’s promotion means more money and more responsibility.

8. The new job is a promotion for him.

9. His promotion to manager was a popular appointment.

10. The company encourages internal promotion.

11. She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion.

12. Her job offers very little scope for promotion.

13. He muffed a good opportunity for a promotion.

14. Promotion in the job was by seniority.

15. That clerk is labouring for a promotion.

16. I got a promotion today. —Great.

17. I didn’t think through the consequences of promotion.

17. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

18. Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.

19. He’s intent on getting promotion, and no one’s going to stop him!

20. She deserved her promotion, but I wish she wasn’t so damned smug about it.

21. If they want promotion, United have got to pull their socks up.

22. It’s just not realistic to expect a promotion so soon.

23. He got a promotion.

24. If you really want the promotion, you’ll have to be more assertive.

25. Promotion will mean that I’m immediately above him in rank.

26. His promotion was assured.

27. She was very smug and self-satisfied about getting the promotion.

28. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.

29. She was filled with deep resentment at being passed over for promotion.

30. It’s all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion.

More similar words: promote, motion, notion, negotiation, production, projection, proportion, protection, prosecution, in proportion to, motive, motivate, environmental protection, prompt, prominent, compromise, promising, from time to time, provision, profession, professional, action, option, nation, auction, section, edition, portion, question, fiction. 

promotion — перевод на русский


Well, I’m not really sure it’s a promotion.

Ну, я не уверен, что это повышение.

I think you should give her the promotion.

Мне кажется, ты должен разрешить ее повышение.

No, so long as it has the semblance of promotion.

Нет-нет, ничего похожего на повышение.

— Well, Pa heard this afternoon that you’re going to get a promotion.

— Ну, папа слышал сегодня после обеда что тебе собираются дать повышение.

— The manager of the bank offered me a promotion yesterday.

Управляющий мне вчера предложил повышение!

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Now along comes my promotion and us — 11th row centre.

А теперь, меня повысили, и мы, — на 11-ом ряду, по центру.

He was passed over for promotion.

Его не повысили.

— What, you got the promotion?

Говори за себя, друг мой. А что, тебя повысили?

Anyway, my wife got a promotion.

Кстати, мою жену повысили,..

Did he get the promotion?

Его повысили?

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This is not the reason of his promotion.

Его продвижение не связано с этим.

You are then eligible for promotion to other, more attractive spheres.

Тогда вы получите право на продвижение в других и возможно более привлекательных сферах.

I mentioned your promotion for the post of inspector of the academy…

Я упомянул ваше продвижение на должность инспектора Академии…

If he fails, your promotion fails.

Если он потерпит неудачу, ваше продвижение терпит неудачу.

Puntiglio is happy, you’re happy… and I get my promotion.

Пунтиглио счастлив, вы счастливы… и я получаю мое продвижение.

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It was a mistake for you to accept promotion.

По моему мнению, это было ошибкой с вашей стороны, принять продвижение по службе.

Sam and I were discussing a promotion… we were going to put into effect next week.

Мы с Сэмом обсуждали его продвижение по службе… начиная со следующей недели.

Most companies, individual promotion is at a cost to a coworker.

В большинстве компаний продвижение по службе происходит за счет коллег.

It’s your life, Muriel, your promotion.

Это твоя жизнь, Мюриэль, твоё продвижение по службе.

Big promotion.

Большое продвижение по службе.

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I got the promotion.

Я получил повышение!

I was with him in the ambush that won him his promotion, sir.

Попал с ним в засаду, за которую он получил повышение, сэр.

I got the promotion!

Я получил повышение!

— So, Chuck got the promotion. — Mу God !

— Вот так, Чак, получил повышение.

Got your picture in the paper and a big promotion.

Твоё фото оказалось в газете, и ты получил повышение.

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— This is a rather shameless promotion.

— Довольно нелепая реклама.

No, it’s just a promotion for the Rialto film festival.

Нет, это просто реклама кинофестиваля в Риалто.

So, first off, new promotions.

Так что первое это новая реклама.

It’s a promotion.

Это реклама.

It’ll be a huge promotion for us.

Это отличная реклама для нас.

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Your husband has thanked me for his promotion.

Ваш супруг поблагодарил меня за новую должность.

I could lose my case, I could lose my promotion, I could even lose my job.

Я потеряю клиентов, потеряю должность и даже могу потерять работу.

Again. Van Camp blackmails De Haeck and steals his promotion from him.

Ван Камп шантажирует де Хаака и захватывает его должность.

All right? He got the L. A. P. D to pay for my masters at U. S. C., and he got me my first promotion.

Он заставил Управление заплатить за моё обучение в университете, и он достал мне мою первую должность.

You want to know why I gave that promotion to Annabel?

Знаешь, почему я отдал эту должность Аннабель

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-Did you like it there? — Big promotion.

Повышение по службе.

What, you don’t want a promotion?

Что, вам не нужно повышение по службе?

Maybe it’s thanks to me he got his promotion.

Может благодаря мне он и получил повышение по службе.

— If it helps, think of this as a promotion.

Это как некое повышение по службе.

don’t give Andrea the promotion.

не давайте Андрее повышение по службе.

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Sir, would you like me to suggest what you can do with that promotion?

Сказать, где я видел это ваше назначение?

I guess putting me in for promotion was one of Captain Sisko’s last official acts.

Я полагаю назначение меня лейтенантом это одно из последних официальных действий капитана Сиско.

I mean, you just got the biggest promotion of your career.

Ты ведь только что получил самое большое назначение в своей карьере.

But he also told me you didn’t stop by his office to discuss your promotion to Assistant Chief.

А еще он сказал, что ты не пришла к нему обсудить твое назначение.

you humiliated him in front of the whole station floor and gave him a bogus promotion to what, set an example to the rest of the force?

ты унизила его на виду у всего полицейского участка, выдав обидное назначение. Зачем? Чтобы это стало примером для остальных?

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It’s our big Christmas promotion.

Это наша большая рождественская акция.

Well, the special promotion we’ve been running in your area ends tonight at midnight.

Специальная акция, которую мы проводим в вашем районе, заканчивается сегодня в полночь.

We’ll give you a better room as kind of a promotion.

У нас проходит акция, и мы даем вам лучшую комнату.

— Fuck off promotion!

— Гребаная акция!

It’s a new promotion, I get a free crate of beer and all I got to do is fill in the form and tell them whether it was shit or not.

Это новая акция, я получаю бесплатно ящик пива и всё, что я должен сделать, — это заполнить анкету и рассказать им, было ли это дерьмом или нет.

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Sentences with the word Promotion?



  • «We were expecting a visit from our relatives»; «She is looking to a promotion«; «he is waiting to be drafted»
  • «John is bucking for a promotion«
  • «You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you have done»
  • «all due respect»; «due cause to honor them»; «a long due promotion«; «in due course»; «due esteem»; «exercising due care»
  • «a circle of policemen stood dumbfounded by her denial of having seen the accident»; «the flabbergasted aldermen were speechless»; «was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion«
  • «people were in line at the checkout counter»; «she was in line for promotion«
  • «a promotion long overdue»; «something long hoped for»; «his name has long been forgotten»; «talked all night long»; «how long will you be gone?»; «arrived long before he was expected»; «it is long after your bedtime»
  • «she made frequent mention of her promotion«; «there was no mention of it»; «the speaker made several references to his wife»
  • «all the tinsel of self-promotion«
  • «he acted unselfishly when he helped her get the promotion«

продвижение, поощрение, содействие, стимулирование, продвижение по службе


- содействие (развитию); поощрение, поддержка

institutions for the promotion of learning — учреждения по распространению научных знаний

- подстрекательство
- продвижение по службе, повышение в должности; производство в чин

promotion by merit — воен. внеочередное присвоение звания
promotion by seniority — повышение (в должности) по старшинству
to obtain /to get one’s/ promotion — получить повышение по службе

- учреждение, основание (акционерного общества и т. п.)

promotion money, expenses of promotion — расходы по учреждению (акционерного общества и т. п.)

- реклама; рекламная кампания; рекламирование; рекламно-пропагандистская деятельность

promotion man — посредник, агент

- реклама; рекламный материал; листовки, проспекты и т. п.
- шахм. продвижение пешки

promotion square — поле превращения
to be on one’s promotion — а) иметь право на повышение; б) вести себя примерно в надежде на повышение, шутл. тж. на женитьбу

Мои примеры


a well deserved promotion for a hard worker — заслуженное продвижение усердного работника по службе  
a promotion to captain — производство в звание капитана  
a promotion to the rank of professor — присвоение звания профессора  
to make / win one’s promotion — получить продвижение по службе  
promotion material — рекламные материалы  
promotion program — программа содействия развитию  
sales promotion devices — способ продвижения товаров  
local promotion — продвижение на местном уровне  
promotion of health — укрепление здоровья, оздоровление  
promotion of a company — продвижение компании  
get promotion — получить повышение  

Примеры с переводом

Afterward, she got a promotion.

Впоследствии, она получила повышение.

I want a job with good prospects for promotion.

Я хочу работу с хорошими перспективами роста.

She was aiming for a promotion.

Она стремилась получить повышение.

She is looking to a promotion.

Она с нетерпением ждёт повышения по службе.

She expects to get a promotion at midyear.

Она ожидает получить повышение (по службе) к середине года.

He made his promotion to major.

Ему присвоили звание майора.

That promotion was a real boost for her ego.

Это продвижение повысило ее самомнение.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She was given a well-deserved promotion.

His promotion has caused a lot of static.

We had a big blowout to celebrate his promotion.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

promoter  — промоутер, покровитель, подстрекатель, патрон, тот, кто способствует
promoted  — выдвинутый
promotional  — рекламный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): promotion
мн. ч.(plural): promotions

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word promotion, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use promotion in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «promotion». In addition, we also show how different variations of promotion can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are promotion’s, promotions and promotion—and. If you click on the variation of promotion that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Promotion in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word promotion in a sentence.

  1. His officer promotion dates were:.

  2. Minimal promotion was undertaken in the UK.

  3. The top three teams gain automatic promotion.

  4. Army shortly after his promotion to Scout executive.

  5. Adams’s promotion of public virtue took several forms.

  6. I won promotion at Carlisle but there’s no comparison».

  7. The victory made a hero of Cox and led to his promotion.

  8. His first promotion was to lieutenant on 30 January 1973.

  9. Many Song court cases serve as examples for the promotion of morality in society.

  10. York won another promotion in 1964–65, but were again relegated after one season.

  11. Congress approved his promotion to full general in June 1996, and General John M.

  12. Punk balked at Laurinaitis’ promotion and verbally attacked him as a dull yes man.

  13. The side won promotion the following season, but were again relegated in 1899–1900.

  14. Dönitz was rewarded by promotion from Commodore to Rear-Admiral and was made Flag Officer of U-boats.

  15. He was responsible, apparently through spite, for preventing Powell’s promotion to the rank of major.

  16. In the 1985–86 season, Gillingham had finished fifth and missed out on promotion by two places.

  17. Johnson’s most significant contribution in this area was his promotion of German-language literature.

  18. Yao was not angry with the promotion because he was not familiar with American stereotypes of Chinese.

  19. The event was a new initiative in pop promotion and furthered the significance of the album’s release.

  20. The 2008–09 campaign, Coyle’s first full season in charge, ended with promotion to the Premier League.

  21. The match, and subsequent promotion, was estimated to be worth around £90 million to the winning team.

  22. This was part of Ealdred’s promotion of the cult of Saint John, who had been canonised only since 1037.

  23. Goals from Des Hamilton and Mark Stallard gave them a 2–0 win, which secured promotion to Division One.

  24. He feared that the promotion would fail to draw people to the ballpark and that he would be humiliated.

  25. Reading moved to within one point of promotion on 19 April 1976 with a 1–0 home victory over Brentford.

  26. By winning promotion, Cardiff became the first Welsh side to reach the top tier of the Football League.

  27. The promotion began on July 15, 1999 and took place at 1,055 Hollywood Video stores across the country.

  28. In 1955, his promotion to General of the Armies was proposed in Congress, but the proposal was shelved.

  29. In the first season in Klasa A, the club finished second, thus missing out on immediate promotion back to the sixth tier.

  30. A Naruto avatar made a guest appearance in the MMORPG Second Life for a Jump Festa promotion titled Jumpland@Second Life.

  31. Despite some heavy promotion, the black comedy approach was not what audiences wanted to see, especially with Paul Lynde.

  32. Urner Goodman Camping Award, recognizing lodges that have excelled in the promotion of camping within their host council.

  33. Fortunately in the season 2005/2006 [Karol Łaszkiewicz built a team who achieve big success winning promotion to A-klasa.

  34. His reputation for piety and sanctity led to his promotion to the episcopate and, eventually, to his becoming archbishop.

  35. They were named Champions in the first season (1894–95) going on to defeat Swindon Town in a test match to win promotion.

  36. Movie chains did not use the film’s title in their promotion, instead using references such as The Four-Letter Word Film.

  37. McCandless left the club soon after and was replaced by Cyril Spiers who led the side to promotion in the 1951–52 season.

  38. The label aimed its promotion at alternative markets and press, and released the album on vinyl as part of this strategy.

  39. The character ultimately did not appear in El Camino, but many remarked that the promotion answered a question long posed by fans of Huell’s fate after Breaking Bad ended.

  40. A highly successful first season saw promotion back to the First Division and another visit to Wembley, again in the League Cup final, this time losing 1–0 to Aston Villa.

  41. They also became only the second side to win promotion to the First Division in their first season in the Football League, equalling the feat of Tottenham Hotspur in 1909.

  42. Robert Cathcart, as the senior surviving lieutenant, was recommended for promotion by Earl St Vincent, a recommendation the Admiralty accepted, advancing him to commander.

  43. He achieved substantive air officer rank on his promotion to substantive air commodore on 23 September 1948, gaining promotion to temporary air vice marshal on 1 May 1950.

Promotion’s in a sentence

Promotion’s is a variation of promotion, below you can find example sentences for promotion’s.

  1. The promotion’s pay-per-view revenue was $24.7 million.

  2. It was held for wrestlers from the promotion’s Raw and SmackDown!

  3. It was held exclusively for wrestlers from the promotion’s SmackDown!

  4. It was held for wrestlers from the promotion’s Raw and SmackDown brand divisions.

  5. The promotion’s pay-per-view revenue was $21.6 million, greater than the previous year’s revenue of $16.9 million.

  6. In 2001, the Extreme Championship Wrestling promotion was closed down due to financial issues and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) acquired the former promotion’s assets in 2003.

  7. Dubbed «The Biggest Party of the Summer,» it is one of the promotion’s original four pay-per-views, along with WrestleMania, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series, referred to as the «Big Four».

Promotions in a sentence

Promotions is a variation of promotion, below you can find example sentences for promotions.

  1. Halo 3 also had marketing tie-ins and promotions.

  2. The match ended 2–0 and saw Watford secure back-to-back promotions.

  3. His son, Mike, was the promotions director for the White Sox in 1979.

  4. Halo 2 ‘s release was preceded with promotions and product tie-ins.

  5. The marketing plan for the album focused on retail and press promotions.

  6. Polar Medals and promotions were given to other officers and crew members.

  7. Not all lemur researchers agree with the species promotions supported by these books.

  8. His steady accumulation of aerial victories resulted in regular promotions and awards.

  9. Endicott also proposed to Congress a system of examinations for Army officer promotions.

  10. Condé Nast was not interested, and refused to assist Analog with marketing or promotions.

  11. Many of the diary’s entries were lists of Nazi party promotions and official engagements.

  12. Sales of «VIP Pass» promotions throughout financial 2011 nearly doubled over the year prior.

  13. Disco Demolition Night remains well-known as one of the most extreme promotions in MLB history.

  14. After a number of further relegations and promotions, the team have competed in League One since 2013.

  15. In all, 452 of 523 graduates who served in the war received battlefield promotions or awards for bravery.

  16. Also, many companies that employ actuaries have automatic pay raises or promotions when exams are passed.

  17. There were two intended promotions associated with the original Apogee release, both of which were cancelled.

  18. Cartoon Network ran several marathons for either commercial promotions or special airings of one of their shows.

  19. Training courses were set up for staff inductions and promotions, and seminars were started for senior officers.

  20. All the promotions and honors that have come to me cannot possibly outweigh these heartaches and disappointments.

Promotion—and in a sentence

Promotion—and is a variation of promotion, below you can find example sentences for promotion—and.

  1. York finished in 15th place, and the season’s highlights included doubles over Norwich City—who won promotion—and Fulham—who were FA Cup finalists that season.

Synonyms for promotion

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word promotion has the following synonyms: forwarding, furtherance, advancement, publicity, promotional material and packaging.

General information about «promotion» example sentences

The example sentences for the word promotion that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «promotion» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «promotion».

Examples of how to use the word “promotion” in a sentence. How to connect “promotion” with other words to make correct English sentences.

promotion (n): activities to advertise something

Use “promotion” in a sentence

I just got a promotion and a raise.
He deserves a promotion.
Let’s celebrate your promotion.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Thus the promotion of the interests of the capital and the centralization of the public and commercial life of the country have formed an integral part of the policy of the state since the restoration of the constitution.

He is said to have spent his long reign in the building of reservoirs, bridges and canals; in the promotion of agriculture, horticulture and manufactures; in the establishment of schools and colleges; and in the maintenance of justice and the encouragement of virtue.

Suffolk’s promotion to a dukedom in July 1448, marked the height of his power.

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The interception by the state of the unearned increment, and the promotion of co-operative agriculture, were the most striking features in his programme.

The establishment of internal tranquillity, the expulsion of interlopers and marauders like Turks and Uzbegs, the introduction of salutary laws and the promotion of public works of utilitythese alone would render remarkable his two-score years of enlightened government.

The knight bachelor whose services and landed possessions entitled him to promotion would apply formally to the commander in the field for the title of banneret.

The date of his promotion to the abbacy is uncertain.

Where any part of the country appears to be threatened with or is affected by any formidable epidemic, endemic or infectious disease, the Local Government Board may make regula tions for the speedy interment of the dead, house-tohouse visitation, the provision of medical aid and accommodation, the promotion of cleansing, ventilation and disinfection, and the guarding against the spread of disease.

However Mr. Bell suggested that—and all her friends who are interested in her scheme should organize an association for the promotion of the education of the deaf and blind, Teacher and myself being included of course.

General Burnside recommended him for promotion to the rank of major-general U.S.V., which was not however awarded to Humphreys until after Gettysburg.

  • Use the word PROMOTION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Application for promotion denied on account of»-

While I was there, I cleaned the cafeteria during the hours I wasn’t studying and still graduated top of my class, only to take a job delivering mail to unappreciative overpaid little cocksuckers, then to finally get the big promotion that would allow me to answer your phones and be both racially and sexually harassed for the next nine months.

I’ll get a promotion out of this.

If they do, that will mean promotion, won’t it?

Fighting for a promotion.

Maybe I shouldn’t bother you with my sales promotion plan tonight.

Yes, I wanted you to do promotion on our next Rhine cru ise.

There’s a promotion for the man who puts a finger on Jerry the Mug.

Found myself working hard for promotion.

Maybe if I do, I’ll get my promotion.

But if I could get my promotion now, I could be an adjutant and an officer.

promotion and a bit of hoopla is all right.

If Asakura can return to Tokyo alive, he’ll obtain a handsome promotion.

Is it promotion you care for?

You imposed Laura on this enterprise, with the excuse of promotion and advertising.

If that don’t get your promotion, kid, nothing will.

Thanks for the promotion.

It’ll mean a promotion for you.

You’re about first in line for promotion.

National Weekly is a great piece of property right now, and with our editorial and promotion machine, we could build it into the largest five-cent weekly in the country.

Well, I’m not really sure it’s a promotion.

I think you should give her the promotion.

Please give her the promotion.

No, so long as it has the semblance of promotion.

«from his colleagues on his promotion to stationmaster at Buggleskelly.»

Frederick Miller is entitled to promotion by seniority.

«To the honored memory of Jonathan Brookfield who hath founded Brookfield School to the glory of God and the promotion of piety and learning in the year of our Lord 1492.»

Though remember, there’s always the chance of a promotion.

A steady job with a good chance for promotion.

Now that I’ve won my calluses… they tell me I’m in line for promotion.

It’s good luck to touch a bride, and I got a promotion coming up.

Thank you, sir, and for the promotion.

That’s my business: promotion.

York, Sergeant Parsons recommends your promotion to the rank of corporal with special detail as instructor in target practice.

And I’m going to approve your promotion to the rank of corporal.

To bloody war and quick promotion.

Only my name, for a stock promotion.

Save it. I’m gonna find a promotion for you.

Oh, so you got a promotion?

We have to celebrate Sugai’s promotion

There’s been a promotion.

It wasn’t me who got the promotion.

Sorry, I didn’t get a promotion.

Moreover, congratulations for your promotion.

Well, Pa heard this afternoon that you’re going to get a promotion.

You are mentioned as a student of tactics, a good disciplinarian, worthy of promotion.

Gee, here goes my promotion.

I don’t know who, but somebody recommended you for promotion to warrant.

Definition of Promotion

advancement; elevation to the next step

Examples of Promotion in a sentence

Hoping for a work promotion, Jessica tried to pick up extra shifts and help out the manager as much as possible.


My promotion did not come with a raise, but I am just glad to be moving up in the company.


Advancement and a promotion in the marketing field are possible with hard work and an eye for the right sales plan.


Three people are being considered for the promotion, but only one will receive the title of lead teacher.


The soldier worked hard to receive promotion to the next rand and was quickly elevated.


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