Sentences with the word probability

вероятность, правдоподобие


- вероятность

- правдоподобность; правдоподобие

reports devoid of all probability — сообщения, лишённые всякого правдоподобия

Мои примеры


going by past experience there was a high probability that the visitors were lost — Судя по прошлому опыту, велика была вероятность того, что посетители заблудились.  
empirical probability — эмпирическая вероятность  
probability calculation — вычисление вероятности  
probability element — элемент вероятности  
low-probability outcome — маловероятный исход  
probability density plot — график плотности распределения  
probability plot — график распределения вероятностей  
probability point — значение вероятности (на графике)  
a posteriori probability — апостериорная вероятность  
access-denial probability — вероятность отказа в доступе  
event probability — вероятность наступления события  

Примеры с переводом

What are our probabilities?

Каковы наши шансы?

There is little probability that he will succeed

Маловероятно, что он преуспеет.

There is a low probability that you will be chosen.

Существует небольшая вероятность того, что выберут вас.

There is not much probability of his retirement

Его отставка не слишком вероятна.

His return to power was discussed openly as a probability.

Его возвращение к власти открыто обсуждалось как вполне вероятное.

Our hero had in all probability been sore sick.

Наш герой, по всей вероятности, был серьёзно болен.

There is a strong probability that the problem will recur if we do not solve it now

Есть большая вероятность, что эта проблема вновь встанет, если не решить её сейчас

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The probability of a coin coming up heads is one out of every two tries.

The probability is that smaller businesses will not have to pay the tax.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): probability
мн. ч.(plural): probabilities

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word probability, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use probability in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «probability».

Probability in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word probability in a sentence.

  1. The single particle survival probability is.

  2. The probability is that the 4-inch magazines exploded first.

  3. The total probability is equal to one, owing to the integral:.

  4. The probability density function (pdf) of the arrival time is.

  5. The defense was not optimistic about the probability of success.

  6. But the probability is, it will explode in a presidential election.

  7. Influenza vaccination also helps to reduce the probability of reassortment.

  8. In the continuous case, these formulas give instead the probability density.

  9. Hanna, and in all probability, his nomination had been scheduled for some time.

  10. Looking at him I felt the cold fear of the probability of another short reign».

  11. TSR gave a 65% probability that the landfalling ACE index would be above-average.

  12. The female breeding probability was 84%, and the annual population growth was 1.36.

  13. The probability of a given quotient q is approximately ln|u/(u − 1)| where u = (q + 1).

  14. It was deliberately chosen to be meaningless, «with a specious air of probability about it».

  15. There was a probability of 0.46 that initial letters were chosen amongst the top-six letters.

  16. The probability of a painted turtle surviving from the egg to its first birthday is only 19%.

  17. Moreover, pi is the probability that the state i is attained and k is the Boltzmann constant.

  18. The Survival probability conditioned on starting at y is given by the Wiener representation:.

  19. The team calculated the probability of accidental coincidence to be 10, or totally negligible.

  20. The prediction also included a 68% probability for a hurricane landfall along the United States.

  21. The forecast suggested an 81% probability that at least one major hurricane would strike the U.S.

  22. Arena increases a tank’s probability of surviving a rocket-propelled grenade by between 1.5–2 times.

  23. As a result, the probability that pathogens will reach sufficient numbers to cause illness is reduced.

  24. For each pair of elements, there is a certain probability that the algorithm makes the wrong comparison.

  25. Dole, the probability of a habitable planet being in orbit around Epsilon Eridani were estimated at 3.3%.

  26. But we could say that the probability of it not being a match with Tabak was less than one in a billion.».

  27. In all probability, friendly relations between Byzantium and Venice were not restored in Manuel’s lifetime.

  28. The lower the barrier and the masses of the fragments, the greater the probability per unit time of a split.

  29. The probability of a Brownian path x(s) can be expressed in the limit of a path-integral with the functional:.

  30. Economic damages due to climate change may be severe and there is a probability of disastrous tail-risk events.

  31. Gaussian ART and Gaussian ARTMAP use Gaussian activation functions and computations based on probability theory.

  32. We may assume that the British battleships embody good ideas and good practice—in all probability the very best.

  33. On May 19, prior to the start of the season, NOAA forecasters issued a 55% probability of above normal activity.

  34. When combined with the odds of the observed clustering of the arguments of perihelion, the probability was 0.025%.

  35. The probability of war cut the cruise short; Posen and the rest of the fleet were back in Wilhelmshaven by 29 July.

  36. The average number of iterations performed by binary search depends on the probability of each element being searched.

  37. For illustration, the probability of a quotient of 1, 2, 3, or 4 is roughly 41.5%, 17.0%, 9.3%, and 5.9%, respectively.

  38. The probability for a pre-existing tropical disturbance to develop into a tropical cyclone is between 10 and 30 percent.

  39. This probability can be used in conjunction with a random number generator to approximate π using a Monte Carlo approach.

  40. Giraffes have high adult survival probability, and an unusually long lifespan compared to other ruminants, up to 38 years.

  41. The central limit theorem explains the central role of normal distributions, and thus of π, in probability and statistics.

  42. Some wave functions produce probability distributions that are independent of time, such as eigenstates of the Hamiltonian.

  43. Another approach is to use Bayesian probability techniques to find the optimal combination of multiple independent records.

  44. Rood pattern search directly puts the search in an area where there is a high probability of finding a good matching block.

  45. Due to the smaller mass and size of Mars, the probability of an object colliding with the planet is about half that of Earth.

  46. When Cnut’s stepson Edward the Confessor succeeded Harthacnut, Stigand in all probability became England’s main administrator.

  47. As the probability of Diệm sidelining the Nhus was seen as virtually nil, the message effectively meant the fomenting of a coup.

  48. The age estimate is based on the probability of the members having their current orbits, rather than from any physical evidence.

  49. The probability of damage from this was low, but it is possible that the fill line assembly was loose and made worse by the fall.

  50. There he decorated the chapel of the hospital, but the wooden altar and the sculptures he created have in all probability perished.

Synonyms for probability

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word probability has the following synonyms: chance.

General information about «probability» example sentences

The example sentences for the word probability that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «probability» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «probability».

How to use probability in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «probability» and check conjugation/comparative form for «probability«. Mastering all the usages of «probability» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Hills offered 5/13, or a 17 percent implied probability, for ex-premier Francois Fillon; 8/1, or 11 percent probability, for Nicolas Sarkozy; 16/1, or 6 percent probability, for Macron; 28/1, or 3 percent probability, for Prime Minister Manuel Valls.
The difference between probability in sports and probability in an election is one of measurement.
Draghi said he saw no probability of deflation, however, and a low probability of recession.
If we do not know anything about the probability of each outcome, each reply has a ½ probability.
This compared to 43 precent probability for average human players, and 52 percent probability for strong human players.
When we measure a qubit, we get 0 with probability |a^2| or 1 with probability |b^2|.
The probability of dying young, by state Probability of death for this age group was interpreted as the probability in a particular state that a child would die before his or her 20th birthday.
They had a 12 percent lower probability of being married, and a 6 percent lower probability of having children.
Or it can be described by the probability that it’s in one or the probability that’s in the position zero.
What’s been happening as her probability goes up, biotechs go down, and as her probability goes down, biotech goes up.
It assigns a 15 percent probability to Brexit being revoked and a 65 percent probability for a deal being passed.
For example, the probability of Player A choosing Paper is 1/3, and the probability of player B choosing Rock is 1, so the probability of (Paper for A, Rock for B) is 1/3×1=13/3.
Oil prices have reflected these ex ante estimates of the probability of output cuts versus the probability of a production rollover.
Has cut the probability of no-deal Brexit to 240 percent and sees a 229 percent probability that Britain will not leave.
But during the calculation, each zero and one comes with a given probability amplitude—a complex number that, when squared, represents a probability.
«In general, people do not comprehend probability very well, especially when it has to do with the probability for unlikely events,» said Finn.
Probability models determined the importance of winning the first set, and the probability of winning the match if they did win the set.
Fitch views the probability of default on the senior non-preferred notes as the same as the probability of default of the bank.
The investment bank Goldman Sachs raised its probability of a no-deal Brexit to 15 percent from 10 percent, kept its probability of a delayed Brexit at 50 percent, and revised down its probability of no Brexit to 35 percent from 40 percent.
«For the new (rate) path we expect higher probability of a December hike and relatively low probability of a hike thereafter,» DNB Markets wrote.
In terms of game balance, what’s the difference between a 43 percent probability, or a 43.253 percent probability sourced from an anti-discrimination study?
Statistics consistently show that the probability of shooting a friend or a relative far exceeds the probability of shooting an intruder or an assailant.
Goldman said it saw the probability of a no-deal exit at 15 percent and the probability of no Brexit at around 35 percent.
«All the above is put into a Bayes probability classifier that keeps a working probability of a user being there to flirt,» he adds.
The probability of selection was inversely proportionate to telephone coverage in each strata and the probability of response, weighted by a modeled turnout score.
But for a pregnancy following a cesarean, there was a 17 percent increased probability of miscarriage and a 27 percent increased probability of stillbirth.
«There is no probability of deflation, there is very low probability of recession, there are no threats of de-anchoring of inflation expectations,» Draghi said.
But Goldman sees a 30 percent probability for its downside 2019 forecast of 2,500 and a 20 percent probability for its upside forecast of 3,400.
Green areas indicate a <22016% probability of 3 foot surge, yellow areas indicate 30-50% probability, and orange and red areas indicate 50% or greater.
Goldman has revised down the probability on a «no-deal» Brexit from 25% to 20% and the probability of «no Brexit» from 30% to 25%.
«There is no probability of deflation, there is very low probability of recession, there are no threats of de-anchoring of inflation expectations,» he said.
The question to ask is if it’s a probability, and in this case I don’t see it as a probability with respect to the parents involved.
But the probability of (Paper for A, Scissors for B) is 1/3×0=0, since there is a zero probability of Player B choosing Scissors.
They placed a 35 percent probability of a rate hike at the July 26-27 meeting and a 20 percent probability for one at the Sept.
While that’s barely a 1-in-4 probability, it’s up dramatically from as recently as May 24, when the probability was as low as 21 percent.
Prediction site Betfair puts the probability of a Conservative Party win at more than 80% while the probability for a Labour Party victory at around 10%.
It left the probability of a no-deal exit unchanged at 10 percent and the probability of a long extension to Brexit unchanged at 20 percent.
A Fed watch tool by CME assigns a 18% probability of a U.S. rate cut next week and a 68% probability of a cut in July.
However, Boyko Borissov, prime minister of Bulgaria which holds the EU’s rotating presidency, wanted more evidence so that «high probability becomes full probability» of Russian involvement.
P-values do not measure the probability that the studied hypothesis is true, or the probability that the data were produced by random chance alone. 3.
Godwin’s Law of Nazi Analogies states: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one — or a 100% probability.
The probability for a September hike rose to 65 percent from 57 percent, while the probability of a December hike rose to 0.98683 percent from 74 percent.
We use chart analysis to identify points where there is a higher probability of a shift in the balance of probability that leads to a trend change.
The probability for a September hike rose to 68 percent from 23 percent, while the probability of a December hike rose to 80 percent from 74 percent.
He placed a 55 percent probability on the Fed raising its rate at its next meeting compared with just a 30 percent probability in the prior poll.
JPMorgan raised the probability of a second referendum to 20 percent from 15 percent and the probability of a general election to 15 percent from 10 percent.
For this age group, the overall declines in probability of death were largely tied to reductions in the probability of dying from cardiovascular diseases, the researchers wrote.
The Gaussian correlation inequality says that the probability that a dart will land inside both the rectangle and the circle is always as high as or higher than the individual probability of its landing inside the rectangle multiplied by the individual probability of its landing in the circle.
He placed a 483 percent probability on a no deal Brexit, down from 20 percent, and a 50 percent probability on an orderly Brexit, down from 60 percent.
He placed a 10 percent probability on a no-deal Brexit, down from 483 percent, and a 50 percent probability on an orderly Brexit, down from 60 percent.
The probability of a no-deal Brexit has increased with time but even when it was just a small probability, our job was to get the system ready.
Traders have priced in a 76% probability of a 25 basis point cut, according to the CME’s FedWatch Tool, with a 24% probability of the more aggressive cut.
Objectively the probability that Sanders wins a majority of elected delegates is 1 percent and the probability that Clinton wins a majority of elected delegates is 99 percent.
And then there is a high probability or a reasonable probability that the law enforcement user will trust the system and not apply the same level of skepticism.
Overall, banks’ probability metrics for a no-deal Brexit remain low and haven’t changed in recent days — Berenberg, for example, maintain their probability at a slim 15 percent.
As prediction markets showed the probability of Sanders winning the Democratic nomination going up earlier this year, the probability of Trump winning reelection in November went up, too.
He placed a 10 percent probability on a no-deal Brexit, down from 20 percent, and a 483 percent probability on an orderly Brexit, down from 60 percent.
Gundlach, who oversees more than $130 billion in assets under management, said the yield curve and the New York Fed recession probability showed a rising probability of recession.
But among oil traders, the consensus seems to be that the ex ante probability of deeper production cuts is very low while the probability of a rollover is high.
But the probability of support from BBVA being used to support GBR is marginally lower than the probability of support being used by Garanti to service its own debt.
But, on average, scientists participating in the survey predicted a 75 percent probability of reproducing the statistical significance and a 50 percent probability of getting the same effect size.
Climate science confronts us with a skein of overlapping risks of varying probabilities, some of them high probability and moderately severe, many of them low probability but extremely severe.
«Intel community gives it a very low probability of success, but I do not believe the American people want to base my readiness assessment on a low probability,» he added.
«Intel community gives it a very low probability of success, but I do not believe the American people want (me) to base my readiness assessment on a low probability,» he added.
Once the user/client has gone through the screening he/she will get one of five results showing the probability that they are suffering from depression (no symptoms to high-probability).
JPMorgan raised the probability of an Article 50 extension to 60% versus 50% before and cut the probability of exit on the terms of May’s Withdrawal Agreement to 15% from 35%.
«Intel community gives it a very low probability of success, but I do not believe the American people want (me) to base my readiness assessment on a low probability,» he said.
CME Group’s FedWatch tool puts the probability of a quarter-point interest rate cut on Wednesday at 24.2%, with a 64.7% probability of a cut at its next meeting in July.
Fitch has assumed a minimum one-year default probability of 0.5% in its obligor concentration stresses, which is below the minimum one-year default probability of 1.0% assumed in the criteria.
Goldman Sachs analysts upped their «no-deal» Brexit probability to 15 percent from 10 percent, and cut their probability of Brexit not happening at all to 35 percent from 40 percent.
The final survey weight is equal to the likely electorate weight, divided by the initial probability of voting and multiplied by the final probability of voting, which incorporates self-reported turnout.
Fed funds futures on Friday suggested traders saw a 24-percent probability of a Fed rate hike later this month, roughly unchanged from Thursday’s probability, according to CME Group’s FedWatch program.
Stronger gun control was associated with a 0.8-percentage point decrease in the probability of being threatened or injured with a weapon at school, a 1.9-percentage point decrease in the probability of carrying a weapon at any location, and a 1.1-percentage point decrease in the probability of missing school due to feeling unsafe.
«Even with the strong number, markets are still pricing 100% probability of a 25bp ease at the July FOMC meeting, but that is down from 120% probability priced in Wednesday,» he continued.
«I, for one, also believe that the probability of there being life elsewhere in this big cosmos is just absolutely out of this world — I think the probability is there,» he said.
I think we entered this week with a high probability that the House would ultimately vote to impeach Trump in December — and I think the week largely ended with that same probability.
That implies a probability of just 15 percent that the Federal Open Market Committee will lift rates next week, compared with a probability of 24 percent at the close of trading on Friday.
«While we acknowledge a substantial probability of cuts as early as July, we continue to think markets are priced for more near-term accommodation than appropriately probability-weighted scenarios would suggest,» Mann said.
They calculated that in 2012, for an estimated 156,681 mothers, preeclampsia doubled the probability of a health complication soon after giving birth and nearly doubled the probability of a complication in their newborns.
The insurance company is happy to underwrite this probability for a small fee, just like they underwrite other sports-related low-probability events like prize-winning half-court shots and holes-in-one.
A CME Fedwatch tool puts the probability of a quarter-point interest rate cut by the Fed at 20%, with a 70% probability of a rate cut at its next meeting in July.
Only one of 50 respondents gave a probability above 50%.
The probability that someone gets killed doing this is reasonable.
So we will stay under 2000 percent in all probability.
«The probability for DNA gets better every year,» said Verano.
No, but it’s a probability that I’m pretty comfortable with.
The probability of success goes up by a big margin.
It is merely a guess at what the probability is.
The latest is the New York Fed’s recession probability index.
It dramatically raises the probability of infuriating or tragic outcomes.
There is a high probability the murders are drug related.
A third, a fourth, a fifth: «probability of attack, 100%».
The information on draw probability shall be true and effective.
«These really big eruptions are extremely low probability,» Krippner says.
There’s a probability he will go home to his mom.
Statistically, a probability of 85 percent or better is favorable.
But the probability of hitting all the milestones seems low.
This probability is nearly 20 percent higher than historical average.
The probability of a gain during those two weeks vs.
It kept the probability of no Brexit at 35 percent.
Our low probability (2000%) downside case suggests a $22017 stock.
The analysts see a small 0003 percent probability for Melenchon.
This probability has now been slashed to roughly a third.
Laws of physics and probability both lie shattered before us.
Familiarity with advanced calculus, probability and programming are minimum requirements.
I think there is a strong probability you will, too.
Suppose that the bribe increased a company’s probability by 10%.
But the balance of probability suggests they’ll strike it down.
I think people get vote share and probability mixed up.
OK, so what’s the difference between vote share and probability?
What’s the probability that these three voted for Donald Trump?
Probability and its sibling, risk, are unavoidable parts of travel.
Given these risks, the probability of failure must be high.
«No one, of course, knows the correct probability,» he wrote.
Stay for the … Probability that you’ll run into a model.
According to Zandi, the probability of a recession is jumping.
Instead, they keep a sophisticated probability distribution in their heads.
It will be a probability equation: What are the chances?
«That javelina was, in all probability, terrified,» he said Thursday.
New York City has a historical probability of only 11%.
Chelsea’s wounds will, in all probability, heal a little sooner.
«We admit, nevertheless, that the probability is low,» she said.
They all confirm a high probability the uptrend will continue.
But the probability that it will is far too high.
JPMorgan raised the probability of an Article 50 extension to 60 versus 50% before and cut the probability of exit on the terms of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement to 15 from 35%.
For instance, Reuters reported that bookmaker Betfair had calculated at the weekend a 70 percent probability of a vote to remain (although this was down from a 78 percent probability earlier in the week).
Harsanyi said that the payoff structures are not always known and come with a certain probability distribution so one should take probability into account when making a tactical economic move and calculating the results.
JPMorgan raised the probability of an Article 50 extension to 60% versus 50% before and cut the probability of exit on the terms of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement to 15% from 35%.
«From the viewpoint of probability, I feel the downside probability is more than upside because factors that pertain to the latter have already been discounted,» said Madhumita Ghosh, head of Corporate Solutions Victory Inc.
But U.S. government forecasters have cut the probability of La Nina occurring this winter to 21969 percent, down from an estimated probability of 22014 percent at the time of their May forecast (
A language model can input each of these sentences and output the sentence’s «probability«—how well the sentence fits the word associations the model has learned—and choose the option with the highest probability.
The team found only a tiny probability — 0.5 percent — that the glacier’s retreat could have happened in a «constant climate,» meaning there’s a 99.5 percent probability that the glacier is responding to modern climate change.
Yadav and her colleagues looked at both the probability of a particular symbol given the symbol preceding it — a bigram — and the probability of a particular symbol given the two symbols preceding it — a trigram.
So there’s a high probability that they mean nothing at all.
A few weeks ago that probability was less than 20 percent.
Your probability of dying on Mars is much higher than Earth.
Statcast rated the probability of making the catch at 2 percent.
«Trump’s Cabinet seems like an even lower probability,» the friend said.
The firm assigns a 50 percent probability to that baseline scenario.
Stock investors are attaching a high probability to both this year.
For the next two years, the probability was an unchanged 25%.
The probability of an increase rises to 58 percent in July.
But probability doesn’t work that way, and neither does bitcoin mining.
The probability increased after June auto sales fell by 5 percent.
After that, the probability falls to about 79 percent through December.
Still, he adds, «There’s a very high probability in this case.»
In each match, Manchester United’s win probability dropped to about 4%.
It has risen recently on the probability that Clinton declares victory.
Goldman Sachs puts a 40 percent probability on a no Brexit.
Goldman puts a 10 percent probability on a no-deal exit.
So, I think that there’d be a low probability of that.
Investors now see a March hike as an 80 percent probability.
The algorithm considers dozens of factors and calculates a probability estimate.
It was based on history and probability, given the early 1980s.
ING BANK Sees the probability at 20 percent, same as previously.
For the companies, these lawsuits are deemed low probability, high risk.
He added that the probability of this was «very, very low».
And boy, the Marlins hope that probability turns to reality soon.
Earlier in the day, that probability actually fell below 50 percent.
«I think the probability is probably low, but it could be.»
The French public also apparently believes this is a low probability.
The probability of developing Alzheimer’s doubles every five years after 2628.
There is a high probability it will act as support again.
There was a lower probability that these support features would fail.
However, brokerage Oppenheimer expects 80 percent approval probability, but with conditions.
How large was the probability that those risks would indeed materialize?
Fitch regards the probability of such simultaneous devaluations as very low.
Like Jacob Zuma, he is in all probability a dangerous criminal.
What was the probability of an ant’s being struck by lightning?
Wells Fargo’s Erik Nelson puts «no deal» at a 40% probability.
Right now the market has a pretty high probability for December.
This is understandable since regime transition is an ultralow probability event.
Injury probability stats, which are expected soon, indicate by how much. .
From this list, probability and statistics are perhaps the most interesting.
There is also a small probability of a 50 bps cut.
What’s the probability of having $250 billion in damage one season?
The probability of no-deal exit is unchanged at 20 percent.
Everyone would have one if there were a shred of probability.
As always the answer comes in some pretty uncertain probability stats.
«The probability has actually increased for a downgrade,» he told Reuters.
I see a decent probability that its price goes to zero.
Schuerger says there’s a «low probability» that anything survived in them.
But the probability held at 30% in the next two years.
A particle has a probability of appearing in a certain place.
Go deeper: Fund managers see highest probability of recession since 2011
Why it matters: It’s the highest recession probability since October 2011.
The value you see is determined based on some innate probability.
What increases the probability of consciousness, of continuing into the future.
ING has the probability of a deal passing at around 20%.
There’s even a 42% probability of a fourth move in December.
On the other hand, Maine had the lowest decline of probability.
The probability of working 30-34 hours also did not decrease.
Can adding a major shareholder to the board increase that probability?
It is avoidance, denial, fear, probability — with a sprinkle of strategy.
Probability — as well as my lived experience — says I’m an anomaly.
The probability is up from around 80% earlier in the day.
«They actually gave that a 95 percent chance probability,» he said.
It reduces the probability for a recession, which was low already.
Says the probability of no-deal Brexit remains at 230 percent.
The Source: An official Disney+ announcement Probability of Accuracy: Astonishingly accurate.
But I still see a probability of 70 to 75 percent.
But it has a substantial probability relative to the other options.
There is a low probability of a rally rebound toward $0.74.
Instead of certainty and cause, A.I. works off probability and correlation.
You just have to understand what you’re up against and find ways to measure the probability that a vulnerability is going to lead to an issue on your systems, while defending against the highest probability likelihoods.
«If the probability increases that Sanders wins the nomination then it increases the probability that the Republicans would have complete control of the government after the election,» said Dan Clifton, head of policy research at Strategas.
Women in the highest one-quarter for high-pesticide residue produce consumption had an 18 percent lower probability of pregnancy and a 26 percent lower probability of live birth than those in the lowest one-quarter.
Fed funds futures on Thursday implied traders saw just a 22.1 percent probability that the Fed would hike rates in March, up from Wednesday’s 17.7 percent probability but still low, data from CME Group’s FedWatch showed.
Despite that, credit default swaps show traders calculating a 73 percent probability Venezuela will default over the next year and a 77 percent probability PDVSA will default over the same period, according to Thomson Reuters data.
According to quantum theory, the physical properties of particles are probabilistic; instead of being representable as 1 or 20163, they can have some probability of being 1 and some probability of being 0 at the same time.
«They know there is a high probability of a small gain and a low probability of a big loss, so this has become a strategy that they are just willing to do — selling downside puts,» Nathan said.
Some analysts saw that as increasing the probability of a rate increase.
They—which is to say you, in all probability—are the problem.
But any correlation between the variables causes the joint probability to increase.
«A younger patient has a higher probability of getting addicted,» he said.
But what is notable is this probability drop compared to last week’s.
If that happened, the probability of a snap election would increase substantially.
But Boroden says the probability suggests the rally will take a breather.
For a Reuters poll graphic on U.S. recession probability, click
We can’t know for sure, of course, but the probability is high.
What if storms happen more often than probability suggests they would, though?
«Recession probability models have entered warning territory and it may be unavoidable.»
That would translate to a minimal probability for a hike next month.
» This should include a «reasonable probability (66%) of limiting warming to 1.5ºC.
The factor that’s missing in the comprehension of Probability of Precipitation (PoP)?
The actual «single shot probability of kill» of GMD interceptors is 56%.
It looks easy enough, but the probability of it happening is unlikely.
That increases the probability fall goods will be marked down, she said.
But his antics to date suggest a low probability he will succeed.
RMB’s survey found a «meaningful probability» that the ANC would lose power.
We spend a whole season forgetting this, in dutiful pursuit of probability.
And so we think that that increases the probability of success significantly.
There’s a much higher probability in December,» he said on «Squawk Box.
Secretary of State Tillerson knows well the high probability of that happening.
Physicists then square the magnitude of this number to get the probability.
Under this scenario, the probability is the highest for a kinetic event.
Financial markets are pricing in a 90 percent probability of a move.
We use chart analysis to identify high probability support and resistance levels.
Therefore, the probability of another China growth miracle is also quite low.
There was a high probability of a rally rebound from near $0.99.
Certain data points would be assigned probability scores to predict their class.
The balance of probability is against, but none of this is impossible.
It teaches about probability and investing your money wisely under changing circumstances.
«The probability of seeing something like this is very small,» says Mroz.
Long-term probability trends based on fixed characteristics are somewhat more reliable.
That low probability raised the risk of a bump higher in expectations.
Technical appendix We calculate the probability of Brexit via three main steps.
Based on prior experience, which candidates have the greatest probability of winning?
This is clearly wrong, since any probability must be less than one.
Then, in all probability, they will meet their inevitable doom once again.
Higher prices imply a lower probability of an increase in interest rates.
They kept the probability of Brexit being overturned unchanged, at 40 percent.
The more education, the higher probability a job hunter has of moving.
We’re taking concrete actions to lower the probability of an uncertain outcome.
«Everything is a temporary probability and not a fixed truth,» Jossa says.
The longer the track, the higher the probability for failure and sadness.
A crowd that understands probability knew that this might not come off.
The probability of a Russian invasion of a NATO member is low.
An unstable atom has a probability of decaying at a certain instant.
Solving this problem required expertise in both statistical probability and livestock biology.
Various market-based gauges put the probability at 43 to 55 percent.
This probability is limited by Guatemala’s sovereign rating of ‘BB’/Outlook Stable.
This scenario was such a low probability, nobody was planning for it.
The probability derived from asset prices stood at 94 percent on Wednesday.
The low probability of default (1.6% in 0003) indicates risk-averse underwriting.
Statcast’s data further illuminated his fielding prowess with something called Catch Probability.
A larger deal is of course possible but remains very low probability.
Each collision creates fragmentation debris, which increases the probability of future collisions.
But we think there’s an interesting possibility here (tho not a probability).
In all probability, they were among the healthiest members of the population.
The Times did try — for example, it translated the probability of Mrs.
The probability of a border-adjusted tax being imposed is highly uncertain.
None of those features suggests the probability of any change in trend.
The probability of dying in a fall increased to one in 114.
It’s not enough to say an event has a 10 percent probability.
Betting markets give him a 67% probability of winning the top job.
«There’s a very good probability there will be more violence,» he said.
They’re damn white-knuckle intense and the probability of success isn’t high.
Several prefaced said they regarded the probability of impeachment as very low.
That is, they increase the probability of signals being fired across cerebellum.
According to the Colorado State forecast, there is a 39 percent probability a major hurricane will strike the East Coast and a 38 percent probability such a storm will make landfall between the Florida panhandle and Brownsville, Texas.
The probability of these unlikely voters casting a ballot may increase as we near Election Day, but as of this writing, about 19 percent have indicated a zero probability of casting a ballot in this year’s presidential election.
They used Bayesian network modeling — a graphical model using probability, random variables and conditional dependencies — to combine data of ancient climates, herpes DNA and fossils and determine the probability of HSV-2 and how it might be transmitted.
In fact, the latest survey gives a 17 percent probability that real G.D.P. will decline a year from now — which is the average probability for a decline in one year given in all of the surveys since 1970.
And while the probability of Trump becoming the Republican Party’s nominee has risen to 79 percent as of Wednesday, the probability of Trump winning the general election ticked down to 34 percent, according to PredictIt, an online predictions market.
That implied a probability of just 15 percent that the Federal Open Market Committee would lift rates next week, compared with a probability of 24 percent at the close of trading on Friday, according to CME Group’s FedWatch program.
KEY RATING DRIVERS The senior secured notes are rated in line with Together’s Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) as Fitch views the probability of default on the notes as the same as the probability of default of Together.
While banks’ probability metrics of a no-deal Brexit remain low and haven’t changed in recent days — Berenberg, for example, maintain their probability at a slim 15 percent — increased signs of unease are showing up in currency derivative markets.
That implies a probability of just 15 percent that the Federal Open Market Committee will lift rates next week, compared with a probability of 24 percent at the close of trading on Friday, according to CME Group’s FedWatch program.
If we were to look at January of 2019, going out less than a year, the probability that this stock is down another 75 to 80 percent, is around a 15 percent probability,» Gilbert said Friday on «Trading Nation.
The laws of probability almost dictate that something like it will happen again.
HBG’s Support Rating of ‘5003’ reflects the moderate probability of support from HBK.
This means Rock, Paper and Scissors are each chosen with probability 13/3.
But that simply means that ESA has calculated a non-zero impact probability.
They also have trouble simulating the collective, probability-driven behavior of subatomic particles.
Finally, the predicted probability of any Democrat opposing Pelosi is not that large.
«Your probability of dying on Mars is much higher than Earth,» Musk said.
Qubits have some probability of simultaneously being zero or one during a calculation.
The Patriots comeback was unlikely, which is what the in-game probability showed.
A Trump candidacy was no longer a possibility — it had become a probability.
Some probability in between is the right thing to think at this point.
«We see very less probability of a deficit monsoon,» Ramesh said on Monday.
Respondents were selected from NORC’s AmeriSpeak Panel, which is recruited using probability methods.
Regardless, where there is smoke, there is high probability that there is fire.
The firm said there is a 65 percent probability that Clinton will win.
But the probability for a cut following the June meeting is just 22.3%.
The CME FedWatch tool puts the probability of a rate cut at 100%.
Higher liveness values represent an increased probability that the track was performed live.
At age 10, males and females have an equal probability of being murdered.
This probability is slightly more auspicious for the Democrats than prevailing opinion suggests.
A reflection on the misunderstood role of probability in finance and in life.
Market-implied probability indicates that the Fed won’t hike until at least December.
Betting markets put a 40% implied probability on Johnson winning the top job.
The bot-only teams were most successful, with a 74 percent win probability.
The probability that it was the result of chance was one in 50.
» He added, «The probability of death is quite high on the first mission.
The CME’s FedWatch tool suggests a 78% probability for a quarter-point cut.
You won’t know where to start and you’ll increase the probability of procrastinating.
The adoption of a softer diet simply increased the probability of this happening.
After all, the probability assessments that I would go rogue were zero, too.
The Source: An official announcement from Lucasfilm Probability of Accuracy: It’s totally legit.
GOLDMAN SACHS Says the probability of no-deal Brexit remains at 230 percent.
In our view the probability of downside from these levels is very limited.
But go over 1,000 comments and this probability skyrockets — to above 70 percent.
They held their estimated probability of a delayed Brexit deal at 50 percent.
DIS offers a compelling risk-reward when contemplating the probability of Disney+ success.
That gives him a 29 percent probability of winning, down from 33 percent.
A pessimistic simulation assumes each step is associated with a 85033-percent probability.
There’s virtually no chance assigned to March, with just a 2 percent probability.
Nevertheless, the market is already pricing in a high probability of an agreement.
The probability of a no-deal Brexit was now 5 percent, they said.
Probability—people may not have inherited all the same genes—life experiences, environment.
Ours is experimental in its probability methodology and use of underrepresented, unlikely voters.
The probability of some event that causes a drop in confidence is high.
The probability of support is reflected in BOI’s Support Rating (SR) of ‘3’.
«The straighter the path, the less probability of damaging the paper,» he explained.
Raising it by one percentage point reduces the probability of coups by 4.4%.
Others are higher probability, and so we have to prioritize in this way.
The meteorological probability of rain events like this are about 1 in 20163.
«There appears to be this relationship between phonological probability and aversion,» he said.
The implied probability of a December rate cut briefly hit 78% earlier Wednesday.
«They would so raise their probability of making a better decision,» he adds.
For December, the market sees a 39.4 percent probability of a rate hike.
It all comes down to liquidity and the probability of an expense shock.
«There’s a decent probability you get a populist government [in Italy], » Patterson said.
Betfair charts showed the implied probability had been as high as 27.5 percent.
Then subtract the price of a ticket, times the probability of winning nothing.
The higher probability is the Europeans will take some reduction of 20 percent.
That in turn would indicate something like a 56% probability of two cuts.
Other institutions, including Morgan Stanley, are predicting a probability of more than 50%.
In «Superbad,» he is obsessed with the probability of losing his best friend.
At some point it should become an exercise in probability for the vendor.
I think about the probability that he’ll struggle with these things as well.
On the other hand, probability theory seems to have abandoned New York Giants.
Does the probability of having blackouts regularly have anything to do with genetics?
Raised the probability of May’s Brexit deal eventually being agreed to 60 percent.
They increased their subjective probability of a rate hike at the Fed’s Dec.
But it could be, there’s a small probability, it could become very popular.
To solidify their decision, Holmes and his wife discussed the probability of regret.
But a few things can be said with a high degree of probability.
Now that we have experienced it, the probability will never be zero again.
Betting markets give him a 60 percent probability of winning the top job.
These comments raise the probability that the fed will cut rates in September.
In all probability, this is the end of the road for Justice Moore.
«There’s a higher probability that we’re going to catch their cargo,» he said.
Mr. Bezos, they said, accepts the probability of greater government scrutiny of Amazon.
«I wanted Javy where the highest probability was,» Cubs Manager Joe Maddon said.
The New York Fed’s recession probability indicator hit its warning level last month.
Those odds were then averaged to create a consensus probability of each selection.
«I think there’s an 80 percent probability that it goes through,» he said.
«The probability of the games being attacked is about 100 percent,» Nunnikhoven said.
The vote may increase the probability of a «soft» Brexit, helping the pound.
This time, with this boy, adoption isn’t just a possibility but a probability.
The source: Online reporting Probability of accuracy: This appears to be legitimate information.
In its good case, the index will return 853%, with a 25% probability.
And — but I think the probability that something gets done is quite high.
The Times’s Upshot graphic, for instance, moved from a high probability favoring Mrs.
The odds implied a 69% probability of the Tories winning an overall majority.
They now estimate that probability at 35 percent, down from 50 percent previously.
The Source: Mobile game Disney Magic Kingdoms Probability of Accuracy: Oh, it’s happening.
Disposable cutlery, cling wrap and coffee cups and lids have very low probability.
The probability was a still-high 40% for two rate cuts this year.
A series of elegant animations illustrate basic statistics, from probability to linear regression.
Or that you have a high probability that the criteria «clean» is important.
Whereas it is easy to imagine an equation that predicts a low or even zero probability of a given event, it is much harder to reckon with what are called probability amplitudes in quantum mechanics, which can actually be negative.
The Fed also asked respondents when they think it is most likely a recession occurs — they placed the highest probability on a U.S. recession first occurring in 173 or 2021, assigning a roughly 25 percent probability to each, on average.
First of all, people are bad at understanding probability so [laughs] … When you’ve got a binary choice, when you’ve got an underdog, to think that there’s no probability that the underdog will win is a pretty absurd, mathematically absurd, idea.
«There’s a 40 percent probability of a general election coupled with an Article 50 extension,» Smith said, referring to the notification Britain would leave the EU. He raised the probability of a no-deal Brexit to 25 percent from 20 percent.
Polls are showing the U.S. presidential contest tightening, Citigroup noted in a note dated Sunday, reducing its probability of a win for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton to 60 percent from 65 percent, with a 40 percent probability of a Trump win.
The post continues: News Feed will begin to look at both the probability that you would want to see the story at the top of your feed and the probability that you will like, comment on, click or share a story.
Citibanamex’s IDRs and SR reflect the extremely high probability of external support from Citi.
Those strengths, or amplitudes, translate into the probability of ending up with each outcome.
While that’s still high, it is well below the 87 percent probability from Monday.
When asked for such a probability, Ms Bitecofer said it «wouldn’t be mathematically based».
It cut the probability of a second referendum to 5 percent from 15 percent.
«[The] probability of a rate hike in March is still pretty low,» he said.
As with any genetic endeavor, testing your pet’s DNA is a game of probability.
There is a probability for the flipping coin to be either heads or tails.
«The laboratory determined that the match probability was 1 in 11 quadrillion,» Elfo said.
The average person is quite bad at performing basic risk analysis or understanding probability.
But here we are with a 2000% probability of a rate hike in December.
This would spread the costs more widely and decrease the probability of white elephants.
«The markets really haven’t priced in much of a probability of Brexit,» said Gilbert.
And I wouldn’t characterize the probability right now on what we’re going to do.
Citi’s Itay Michaeli sees increasing probability the shares plummet more than 22% to $36.
It’s Monday and it’s freezing so probability states you’re probably feeling a bit shit.
STEVE LIESMAN: Do you gauge the probability of recession higher than normal right now?
It’s really about improving the probability of safety, that’s really all you can accomplish.
But other firms, such as Morgan Stanley, put the probability just below 50 percent.
That probability is looking more likely than not with each day that goes by.
T In all probability, it also pours more fuel on Brexit-based societal division.
This led traders to price in a 100% probability of rate cut next month.
«The probability of encountering severe turbulence is about one in one million,» Sharman says.
The probability of this difference resulting from chance is less than one in 1,000.
They now price in a 17.3 percent probability of default, according to Refinitiv data.
There’s a high probability that you’re currently buying and wearing the wrong bra size.
Goldman Sachs puts a 50 percent probability on the ratification of a modified deal.
A further 32% were slightly less imperilled, with a probability between 50% and 70%.
The probability of this difference happening by chance is less than one in 500.
Goldman said it sees a lower probability that upside volume scenarios will be achieved.
We see an 80% cumulative probability of another cut at some point this year.
Her job included using mathematics to calculate the probability of catastrophic explosions within flight.
That’s the reason why the probability of a Fed rate cut just went up.
That’s gonna significantly increase the probability of the MSCI inclusion of A share market.
It’s just doing math, running a probability test against the data in its system.
But the probability of this happening very soon is getting lower by the day.
But the probability of a recession in the next two years was 35 percent.
«The probability of a downgrade in the next two years is remote,» it said.
As for a global recession, Luschini believes the probability of that happening remains low.
The probability of the sensor accepting the wrong fingerprint is 0.002%, the company claims.
The RWE reflects heightened probability that the rating may be upgraded, downgraded or affirmed.
As it happens, the probability of catastrophe is far higher than most people realize.
The research found a significant positive correlation between their NarcScore and the sheltering probability.
Traders put December at a 68 percent probability, based on Fed funds futures prices.
Compared to Monday’s swoon in the bond price, the increased default probability seems low.
This «probability» method may quantify voter uncertainty in a way that traditional questions cannot.
«Given the time and uncertainty of that process, it’s probably a low-probability event.»
«Your probability of dying on Mars is much higher than on Earth,» he said.
The probability that a client will cry during a session is roughly 50 percent.
Gambling markets showed that the probability of a Remain vote was close to 90%.
Implied probability is a conversion of fractional (8/21) odds into a percentage (14.3%).
Odds have consistently indicated a high probability of an «In» vote in the referendum.
Earlier this week, betting odds indicated a 72 percent probability of an in vote.
But for New York, the probability of another extreme flooding event increases every year.
The slimmest probability identified by ING, at 5%, is a revocation of Article 50.
What is the probability that two people are going to have the same birthday?
Probability models are used to calculate the amount of carbon stored in the forest.
Qatari CDS imply a default probability of 5.1 percent in the next five years.
For example, if you’re a technical person, you should expect probability and math questions.
Wilson, Virgadamo and Castagno said there is a 36 percent probability of this occurring.
«The probability that it is leaking from the CIA is approximately zero,» he said.
The market had priced in near zero probability of it happening but it did.
And that’s important, too, because the probability of being audited has gone way down.
The smaller the area, the smaller the strength, or the probability of an interaction.
Still, many scientists believe that the probability of life existing beyond Earth is high.
A pro-Trump contract on Tuesday indicated his probability for victory was 34 percent.
There is a high probability it will no longer pass regulatory tests of representativeness.
This compared with a 46 percent probability a week earlier, according to CME’s FedWatch.
«The probability of marine heat waves is projected to increase almost everywhere,» Frölicher said.
Pew Research Center’s results come from two online surveys derived from probability-based panels.
Just ask residents of Pavia, once home to a founder of modern probability theory.
Just ask residents of Pavia, once home to a founder of modern probability theory.
There’s no danger on a particular impact spot when the probability is so small.
The PredictIt market gave Clinton an 81 percent probability of winning the White House.
That’s the highest probability consumers have put on a rising stock market since 2002.
If I had to put a probability on it, I’d say it’s quite low.
The infection fatality rate (IFR) gives the probability of dying for an infected person.
For now, completion probability is more frivolous than illuminating, a nifty bit of trivia.
«You have to acknowledge that the probability of success is vanishingly small,» he said.
The Eagles, by going for it, improved their probability of winning by 0.5 percent.
The probability of a July cut rose to around 70% from 50% on Monday.
They are up on the perception of a higher probability of a ‘Remain’ vote.
«But I do not consider it to be a high probability event,» he said.
The first observation is that a retracement in the Dow is a high probability.
Put that way, the probability of it happening year over year stays the same.
There is a low probability of a rapid rebound from near the 3,000 level.
And people farther away have a lower probability of getting that infection as well.
And I would call the accident two days ago high consequence but low probability.
That includes the low probability of a rate hike as well: Following the Oct.
Since everyone has a probability of needing care, health insurance has value for all.
Blue Apron shares are positively skewed, Gilbert said, when considering its implied probability distribution.
Other studies focus on news reports that give heavy attention to low-probability threats.
There’s now even an 8 percent probability for a fifth hike in December. Disclaimer
The Source: A real-life astrophysicist Probability of Accuracy: In science terms, very accurate.
Each algorithm, or box, has its own predictions about the probability of an upset.
A Cowboys loss might increase your playoff probability a tiny bit, but that’s it.
Investment strategists can assign a negligibly low probability to the U.S.-EU trade war.
Good samples allow for generalizations, but there is always a slight probability of error.
It’s another thing entirely to accept a similar probability of killing millions of people.
Showing a «fair probability» of a conspiracy to commit a crime is not difficult.
Low probability aside, one of three scenarios could play out if enough electors defect.
The Goldman Sachs economists said there was a 20 percent probability of it happening.
However, the probability is that the overall U.S. trade deficit will continue to rise.
It is warranted because the probability of a rate cut in June just jumped.
The probability of someone dying between those ages declined in 31 states and Washington DC. But in five states—Kentucky, Oklahoma, New Mexico, West Virginia, and Wyoming—the probability of death had increased by 10 percent or more from 1990 to 2016.
Multiply the number of stars in our galaxy (which is large) by the probability that those stars have life-producing planets and then again by the probability that those planets have produced life today and you end up with a very small number.
Following the election, the positive shift in sentiment among investors suggested that the probability of tax cuts and easier regulation was higher than the probability of meaningful restrictions to trade and immigration, according to the note by economist Alec Philips dated Feb. 3.
While the average probability of respondents needing $2,000 for an unexpected expense fell to 32.3 percent in October from 33.6 percent in June, the probability of being able to come up with that amount increased to 68.3 percent from 66.9 percent in June.
Silver assigns just a 12.1 percent probability of the Republicans hanging on to the House.
The next object to visit our solar system—based on probability—should be a comet.
Hughes says in the video that «there is a probability» blast-off could happen today.
«In business, all you need is a slightly increased probability to be effective,» Pratt said.
The CDS price implied a 78 percent probability of default, according to the data provider.
In this case, the prior probability probably favours Mr Trump more than many forecasters believe.
The corollary is that the probability of meeting the two-degree target is currently low.
The probability for a cut by the end of the year is now at 99%.
Probability for an increase jumped to 2000 percent after the release, according to the CME.
Want to know the probability that the particle will be observed in a particular place?
The IDRs are driven by the probability of support from the Kuwaiti authorities if required.
It’s sophisticated enough that the firm believes there’s a «very high probability» it’s state-backed.
The probability of a deal approval has declined well below 50/50 chance, Taylor said.
A machine parser can compute the overall probability of all combinations and pick the likeliest.
«Sentiment improves in the festival season and there is probability of a bounce,» said Thakkar.
«Given the global context, the probability for rate hikes … is very low,» the note said.
That is enough to merit a 217% probability of winning the World Cup (see chart).
Political risk consultancy Eurasia Group puts a 60 percent probability on the Italian referendum passing.
The futures market is pricing in a 50-50 probability of another cut by Christmas.
Interbank futures imply a 8.33 percent probability of a further easing by December <0#YIB:>.
First, they are pricing in a greater probability that healthy lenders will get into trouble.
The probability of such a direct test of NATO members’ Article 5 promise is low.
A move above or below the line signals an increased probability of a trend change.
Michael’s already found two – so there is a high probability he could find a third.
If the probability is high, Freebird charges more for access to its mobile rebooking tool.
Furthermore, the probability that those portfolio would IPO or achieve a successful exit also increased.
While ForecastAdvisor doesn’t track that data, Floehr has looked at rain probability accuracy for ForecastWatch.
A serious oil-price shock remains a possibility at this stage rather than a probability.
What changes in background atmospheric conditions do is raise the probability of more proximate threats.
Bosses are relaxed about the low probability of Labour’s manifesto ever being put into action.
But he puts the probability of the prime minister’s deal failing as high as 50%.
This is a probability that is hard to grasp—it seems both obvious and diffuse.
Older, whiter, a higher probability of not having a postsecondary education, not living in cities?

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

In order to answer this question we must remember that there are many degrees of probability, and that induction, and therefore deduction, draw conclusions more or less probable, and rise to the point at which probability becomes moral certainty, or that high degree of probability which is sufficient to guide our lives, and even condemn murderers to death.

If, then, you properly put these statements together, and reason upon them a bit, you will clearly perceive that, according to all human reasoning, Procopius’s sea-monster, that for half a century stove the ships of a Roman Emperor, must in all probability have been a sperm whale.

In all probability the surplice is no more than an expansion of the ordinary liturgical alb, due to the necessity for wearing it over thick furs.

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Apart from the definite evidence, the theory of a racial distinction gains probability from the fact that it explains the survival of the distinction between the patricii, men with a family and genealogy, and the rest of the citizens, for some time after the latter had acquired the legal status of patres and were organized in gentes of their own; for on this theory privilege would belong not to all who could trace free descent but only to those who could trace descent to an ancestor of the conquering race.

In another room (Sala del Tesoro) was recovered a gigantic headless figure, in all probability of Mercury, also wrongly claimed at first for Leonardo, and afterwards, to all appearance rightly, for Bramante.

The mathematical theory of probability and the allied theory of the combinatorial analysis were in effect created by the correspondence between Pascal and Fermat, concerning certain questions as to the division of stakes in games of chance, which had been propounded to the former by the gaming philosopher De Mere.

He recognized, however, that in the event of a great European war the two nations would in all probability be found fighting on the same side, and that if they made no preparations for concerted military action they would be placed at a grave disadvantage in comparison with their opponents of the Triple Alliance, who were believed to have already worked out an elaborate plan of campaign.

A theory, which seems to have some probability in its favour, is that these mines were worked by the Khmer people during the period of power, energy and prosperity which found its most lofty expression in the now ruined and deserted city of Angkor Thom; while another attributes these works to the natives of India whose Hindu remains are found in Java and elsewhere, whose influence was at one time widespread throughout Malayan lands, and of whose religious teaching remnants still linger in the superstitions of the Malays and are preserved in some purity in Lombok and Bali.

It has been established by the calculations of actuaries that married persons — women in a considerable, but men in a much greater degree — have at all periods of life a greater probability of living than the single.

There is great probability that the central stems, together with the brain, must be looked upon as local longitudinal accumulations of ner vous tissue in what was in more primitive ancestors a less highly differentiated nervous plexus, situated in the body-wall in a similar way to that which still is found in the less highly o rga n ized C oelenterates.

  • Use the word PROBABILITY in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And in all probability I’ll be very happy to give her to you.

Oh, Daddy. And in all probability I’ll be very happy to give her to you.

In all probability He’s trying to make Polite conversation.

In all probability, they’ll attack.

He says, «In your Christmas box, will in all probability be the vice presidency of this bank. «

Of course, it’s a little outside probability,

In all probability you talked yourself into kingdom come.

A few things speak against the probability of the story he thinks i’m a swindler!

Do you know what the mathematical probability of that is?

Some secret hidden in her past in probability.

A second attempt will, in all probability, be made on this train.

If, however, he died a natural death we must assume that the thief happened to be on hand just at the right moment, which is outside the realm of probability.

«The probability of the loss «of two aircraft and pilots rather than one will be brought forcibly to each pilot’s attention.»

And so, in all probability Emily Gaunt dressed in her mistresses finery, went off to some secret tryst.

But you will consider, gentlemen, if that is consistent with any reasonable probability.

Are we supposed to jeopardize the lives of everyone for children who in all probability are already dead?

In all probability he had his reasons.

If discovered before launching… «probability of armed attack 91.6 percent.»

If discovered after launching, probability of peaceful negotiation 87.3 percent.

Of course, Timmie, the actual probability of your finding Sydney lashed to a tree is, mathematically, pretty fractional.

Unless this man is out of here by the end of the week you will not be in charge of this barracks, you will not be a sergeant you will in all probability be a permanent latrine orderly.

The probability of death is very great for both of us.

In all probability Mr MacHardie is burning money.

Various factors are brought into play here involving the laws of probability interspersed with the process of calculus fenaglian laws of chance and the subdivisional grepple which is based on the position of bodies in mathematical relationship to other bodies.

What isthe probability, what certainty.

I put your probability of success at 70, 80 per cent.

Our hopes for recalling the 843rd Bomb Wing… are quickly being reduced to a very low order of probability.

So, it is not merely a question of whether we go off in a vain search for food and in all probability starve to death.

I wonder if we shouldn’t examine Pascal the mathematician, who discovered and understood, perhaps better than we realized for two centuries, how to calculate probability.

The law of probability, Kiley?

The law of probability is against me.

They are, in all probability, lost… and just as short of water as we are.

What defies probability is that none of them had a rational explanation for quitting.

There’s always a precise probability mathematics might prove mathematics might…

In this galaxy, there’s a mathematical probability of three million Earth-type planets.

The probability is, he’s responsible for the destruction of the Antares, which would indicate a total disregard for human life.

They might be able to destroy this machine, but in all probability there are others waiting to attack us!

Unfortunately, statistics prove that between 30 and 40 years old, the probability that one uh..

If this had not been done… in all probability… the French could not have recaptured their control at Saigon.

But in terms of a communist domination of Indochina… that I do not accept as a probability.

Computer probability projections are useless due to insufficient data.

I told her the probability of something happening in Philadelphia is very low.

I’m sure the probability of Princeton not being hit is good.

Potential gain divided by probability.

With your hypothesis B, though the probability is slight, the possible gain is infinite.

«Unless the probability of salvation is nil, since infinity times zero equals zero.»

Yes, if I believe there’s any probability and that the gain is infinite.

Good. What’s a probability?

But you must face the probability… that he’s dead now.

  • Dictionary
  • P
  • Probability


    • US Pronunciation
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    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [prob-uhbil-i-tee]
    • /ˌprɒb əˈbɪl ɪ ti/
    • /ˌprɒb.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [prob-uhbil-i-tee]
    • /ˌprɒb əˈbɪl ɪ ti/

Definitions of probability word

  • noun plural probability the quality or fact of being probable. 1
  • noun plural probability a strong likelihood or chance of something: The probability of the book’s success makes us optimistic. 1
  • noun plural probability a probable event, circumstance, etc.: Our going to China is a probability. 1
  • noun plural probability Statistics. the relative possibility that an event will occur, as expressed by the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the total number of possible occurrences. the relative frequency with which an event occurs or is likely to occur. 1
  • idioms probability in all probability, very probably; quite likely: The factory will in all probability be relocated. 1
  • noun probability likelihood 1

Information block about the term

Origin of probability

First appearance:

before 1545

One of the 30% oldest English words

From the Latin word probābilitās, dating back to 1545-55. See probable, -ity

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Probability

probability popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 90% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

Synonyms for probability

noun probability

  • aftereffect — The aftereffects of an event, experience, or substance are the conditions which result from it.
  • apriorism — the philosophical doctrine that there may be genuine knowledge independent of experience
  • contingency — A contingency is something that might happen in the future.
  • credibility — If someone or something has credibility, people believe in them and trust them.
  • danger — Danger is the possibility that someone may be harmed or killed.

adj probability

  • arithmetical — Arithmetical calculations, processes, or skills involve the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of numbers.
  • demographic — Demographic means relating to or concerning demography.

adjective probability

  • numerical — of or relating to numbers; of the nature of a number.

Antonyms for probability

noun probability

  • criterion — A criterion is a factor on which you judge or decide something.
  • impossibility — condition or quality of being impossible.
  • impracticability — The quality or condition of being impracticable.
  • improbability — the quality or condition of being improbable; unlikelihood.

Top questions with probability

  • what is probability?
  • how to find probability?
  • what is probability value?
  • how to calculate probability?
  • what is the probability?
  • how to do probability?
  • how to find the probability?
  • what does probability mean?
  • what is theoretical probability?
  • what is experimental probability?
  • what is the probability of an impossible event?
  • what is the probability that a randomly selected?
  • what is the difference between theoretical and experimental probability?
  • how to calculate binomial probability?
  • how does probability relate to genetics?

See also

  • All definitions of probability
  • Synonyms for probability
  • Antonyms for probability
  • Related words to probability
  • Sentences with the word probability
  • probability pronunciation
  • The plural of probability

Matching words

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