Sentences with the word pride

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


There’s definitely a future because we have pride and strength.

«У итальянского футбола точно есть будущее, потому что у нас есть гордость, способности, целеустремленность.

I turned my fear into pride.

Вы тут же перевели мои страхи в гордость.

I think he’s hurt more than his pride.

Я думаю, он сам пострадал больше, чем его гордыня.

First and greatest sin is pride, Norman.

Первый и самый большой грех, Норман, это гордыня.

I admit I have a problem with pride.

В духе я услышала, что у меня проблема с гордостью.

Bulgaria has a long history and many reasons for pride.

Основанный в 1937 году, он имеет богатую историю и немало поводов для гордости.

When I remember those days, I feel only pride.

И когда я вспоминаю о тех днях, то испытываю только гордость.

And spiritual blindness has only one cause, namely pride.

А духовная слепота имеет только одну причину, а именно, гордыню.

Female lions stay with pride forever until they die.

Львы женского пола остаются с гордостью навсегда, пока они не умрут.

The instruction said the parade will promote national pride and self-confidence amid economic hard times.

В инструкции говорится, что парад будет способствовать развитию национальной гордости и уверенности в своих силах в условиях экономически тяжёлых времён.

They certainly struggled with pride and arrogance like every fallen human being.

Конечно же, они боролись с гордостью и высокомерием, как и всякий падший человек.

I earned that, he says with pride.

Но мы сделали это», — говорит он с гордостью.

The peace might be local, but our pride is international.

Мир здесь, возможно, и носит местный характер, но наша гордость приобретает международные масштабы.

Embarrassment is a form of pride.

Стыд — это ведь тоже своего рода гордость.

Make the disagreement based on fact rather than personality or pride.

Лучше сделать конфликт, основанный на фактах, чем на личности или гордости.

It’s pride that drives her.

То, что ей движет, — это гордость.

We are there to take pride and insist on respect.

Мы здесь для того, чтобы вызывать гордость и настаивать на уважении к нам.

At least he salvaged his pride.

По крайней мере, он утолил свою гордость.

Well, maybe too much pride.

Ну, возможно, гордости как раз многовато.

I have pride despite my dismal circumstances.

Несмотря на мое положение, у меня все еще есть гордость.

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pride — перевод на русский



Но вы потеряете гордость Франции — самую знаменитую картину в мире…

‘Tis naught but your pride that’s hurt I’m very much afraid

Но то, что ваша гордость полна ран, Меня вгоняет в сильный страх.

Why haven’t I any pride?

Где моя гордость?

And here come the armoured tanks, the pride of Tomainia’s army.

«А вот и танки — гордость армии Томении.»

It’s just your pride, that’s all.

Это просто твоя гордость, вот и все.

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Yes, I pride myself on it.

Да, и я горжусь этим.

It gives me great pride that it was a member of my own sex who pointed the way.

Я горжусь быть одного пола с автором книги кто указал нам путь.

Why, I just showed pride in my family.

А что, я показал, как горжусь своей семьей.

Captain, I pride myself on my knowledge of your Earth history.

Капитан, я горжусь своими знаниями истории вашей Земли.

Your courage gives me great pride.

Я очень горжусь твоей храбростью.

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It’s pride!

Это все гордыня!

Perhaps it’s selfish of me not to let Roy know… but I’ve got a stupid sort of pride about it.

Кити, возможно, мне гордость не позволяет сказать обо всем Рою. Наверное, это даже глупая гордыня.

Was it love or pride?

Была это любовь или гордыня?

What the hell do I care if it’s pride or not?

Мне плевать, гордыня это или что-то еще.

Your pride blinds you.

Жорж, ваша гордыня вас ослепляет!

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You’ll pardon my saying, but Mr Claude and Mr Eustace are on board the SS Pride of Natal.

— Простите меня, миссис Грегсон. Но мистер Клод и мистер Юстас сейчас на борту Прайд оф Натал.

Why didn’t you come back to Pride Rock?

Почему же ты не вернулся в прайд?

There’s a whole pride of lions here!

Здесь целый львиный прайд!

A solitary lion stands no chance, but the whole pride is here.

У одного льва нет никаких шансов, но здесь — целый прайд.

This elephant will feed the whole pride for at least a week.

Этот слон будет кормить весь прайд в течение, как минимум, недели.

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And I will wear it with pride.

И буду носить его гордо.

You’re wearing your wounds with pride.

Вы же гордо носите свою.

Pride of the family! — Welcome, boy.

Гордо(ть (емьи.

Yes! And mourn the dead with pride and love.

А также гордо нести траур по герою, так?

How long before we can lift up our heads with pride?

Где те времена, когда мы жили с гордо поднятой головой?

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And now I take great pride in presenting our dear friend, Señor De La Garza, Inspector of our school district.

— Имею честь представить вам нашего дорогого друга сеньора Де ля Гарса, инспектора нашего школьного округа.

Dumouriez had denounced this penchant for sublime parry being used by the Right today, which gives the masses the facile emotion of courage without risk and pride without sacrifice.

уже разоблачил показуху правых, которые распространяют в массах веру в храбрость без риска и честь без жертвы.

Giacomo. Your approval fills me with great pride. However, with your permission, I want to say that my capacities go beyond what you have just been a spectator of.

Ваша похвала… ваша похвала делает мне честь, тем не менее, вы позволите мне заметить, что мои способности не ограничиваются тем, что вы только что видели.

Mr. Lippman, it is with great pride that we undertake this partnership…

Мистер Липпман, это большая честь, начать сотрудничество…

You were all at each others’ throats, but over time, I’ve had the pleasure and pride of watching this crew learn to work together as colleagues, even friends.

Вы были друг другу как кость в горле, но, через некоторое время, я имел честь и удовольствие наблюдать, что эта команда учится совместно работать как коллеги и даже как друзья.

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Yes, he thought he would embarrass the Führer. Yes, a doctor should have more pride.

Да, у врача должно быть достоинство.

We deal with our pride as best we can.

Моё достоинство пусть вас не беспокоит.

I’ve never seen anybody take so much pride in mopping a floor.

Тебе удается сохранять достоинство в любых условиях.

I believe in having a certain pride in yourself.

Я верю в некоторое собственное достоинство.

Mortify someone’s pride?

Унизить чьё-то достоинство?

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I wonder which is hurt more,your pride or your curiosity?

Что у тебя мучает: самолюбие или любопытство?

There is nothing that can hurt your pride.

Тут нет ничего, что может ранить ваше самолюбие.

But pride…

Но самолюбие…

Your pride is wounded.

Твоё самолюбие пострадало.

It’s not a question of pride.

Самолюбие тут не при чем.

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Г-н мэр, вы считаете хорошим делом гей-парад на этой неделе?

Fucking gay pride parade?

Ёбаный гей-парад?

How long are you staying,Howie Coz it’s gay pride weekend and we are kinda «all up and out» proud thing

Потому что в выходные будет гей-парад, и мы типа будем гордо вытворять все эти безумства.

Gay pride.. Howie.. is for gay people

Гей-парад, Хоуи, он для геев.



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As you may know, next Saturday is Gay Pride Day.

— Скоро парад геев и лесбиянок.

Well, gay pride, right?

Гей парад устроить?

So, if Lady Hugh hadn’t been killed, you’d have had to cancel the Gay Pride march?

По-правде, если я неправ, если бы Леди Хъю не была убита, тогда вам бы пришлось отменить ваш парад?

You can wear them all to the gray pride parade.

Можешь надеть это всё на парад в честь серого цвета.

Go Pride!

Пошли на Парад!

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гордость, гордыня, чувство гордости, гордиться


- гордость, чувство гордости

to feel pride in smth. — испытывать чувство гордости за что-л.
to take (a) pride in smth. — гордиться чем-л.; чувствовать гордость за что-л.

- чувство собственного достоинства или самоуважения (тж. proper pride)

his pride would not allow him to accept any reward — гордость не позволяла ему принять вознаграждение

- самолюбие

false pride — ложная гордость; ложное самолюбие

- предмет гордости

the boy is his parents’ pride — мальчик — гордость своих родителей

- лучшая, отборная часть (чего-л.)
- спесь, заносчивость; гордыня

pride of place — а) высокое положение; б) упоённость собственным положением; в) почётное место
to hold [to give] pride of place — занимать [предоставлять] почётное место
pride of place this week must surely go to an exhibition of old masters — на этой неделе почётное место безусловно принадлежало выставке полотен старых мастеров

- (the pride) наивысшая точка, высшая степень, расцвет

in the pride of youth [of years] — в расцвете молодости [лет]
in the full pride of harvest — в самый разгар уборки (урожая)
May was in its pride — май был в самом разгаре

- поэт., арх. блеск, пышность, великолепие
- прайд, стая львов
- пыл, ретивость, горячность (лошади)
- уст. течка, половая охота (у самки)

pride of the morning — туман или дождь при восходе солнца
to pocket /to swallow/ one’s pride, to put one’s pride in one’s pocket — поступиться своим самолюбием; проглотить обиду
pride goes before a fall /destruction/, pride will have a fall — гордыня до добра не доведёт


- refl гордиться

to pride oneself on /upon, in/ smth. — гордиться чем-л.
he prided himself upon his skill [on being punctual] — он гордился своим мастерством [своей пунктуальностью]

Мои примеры


nebulous distinction between pride and conceit — смутное различие между гордостью и самомнением  
to throw out one’s chest (with pride) — выпячивать грудь вперёд (от гордости)  
feeling of pride — чувство гордости  
instinct with pride — (пре)исполненный гордости  
pride of lions — стая львов  
to appeal to smb.’s pride — взывать к чьей-л. гордости  
to burst with pride — сиять от гордости  
to hurt smb.’s pride — нанести удар по чьему-л. самолюбию  
to take great pride in one’s children — гордиться своими детьми  
fierce / great / strong pride — большая гордость  
injured / wounded pride — уязвлённая гордость, уязвлённое самолюбие  

Примеры с переводом

Pride will have a fall.

Гордыня до добра не доводит. (посл.)

It hurt his pride when his wife left him.

Это задело его гордость, когда жена от него ушла. / Уход жены задел его гордость.

It was a slap to my pride.

Это был удар по моему самолюбию.

I let my stupid pride come between us.

Я позволил своей глупой гордыне встать между нами.

Success in sport is a source of national pride.

Успех в спорте является предметом национальной гордости.

Pride would not allow her to give up.

Гордость не позволит ей сдаться.

Do they have enough pride to defend their principles?

Хватит ли у них гордости, чтобы отстоять свои принципы?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He wore his medals with pride.

His garden is his pride and joy.

Your should take more pride in your work.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

prideful  — гордый, надменный, ликующий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: pride
he/she/it: prides
ing ф. (present participle): priding
2-я ф. (past tense): prided
3-я ф. (past participle): prided

ед. ч.(singular): pride
мн. ч.(plural): prides

Pride is an inwardly directed emotion that carries two antithetical meanings. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«To strike gold in two sports is no mean feat, and it pays tribute to her talent, pride and determination and also the work of British Athletics and British Cycling, with the support of National Lottery funding, to help her achieve and surpass her goals.


As a doula, I love supporting VBAC Moms and being beside them as they experience those profound, curative feelings or pride and strength.


Unexpected benefits — your child’s newfound pride and independence can increase eagerness to feed and dress him — or herself, and improve responsiveness to parental instruction


«Physician heal yourself» (Lk 4, 23) quoted here is no more than a cynical attempt to manipulate the local carpenter for the sake of civic pride.


Carbonzero takes pride in showcasing our credibility.


The emotion which imbued much of his speech, when talking about the pride and perils faced by Britain, were very closely related to those he projected on to his family.


We pride ourselves on making great tasting products that are better for you and better for the environment.


After the week we have had we needed that, superb performance, that’s all we ask for as fans, a bit of pride on the pitch, it’s definitely been a worth while trip, get in Arsenal.


I used to pride myself in my ability to sleep anywhere under any conditions.


This might be the reason why technocrats in Brussels, German politicians and German newspapers in particular are not able to comprehend how the current situation affects Greek national spirit, citizens and families and hurts their pride beyond imagination.


When teachers see one of their own suggestions implemented, it empowers them and provides a sense of pride.


The dating sites specially created for big women gave them the opportunity to show their true self without any hesitation, nay, with pride.


Is arrogance and pride central to Jesus» instructions in your sect of Christianity?


And to our eyes at least (there was an awful lot of booing as the credits rolled, although booing Malick has become a badge of pride for a certain section of the press corps) it felt like a more coherent, deeply felt and satisfying film than its predecessor, and one of the highlights of the festival so far.


With multiple ways to personalize your profile, you can rest assured that someone will take pride in your efforts.


Noted Hanson, «We take great pride in seeing this kind of growth progression over time.»


We here at Pajama Mommy pride ourselves in the ability for a multi-section network for your -LSB-…]


Unlike our rivals, we take great pride knowing that our stuffs are washed extensively with products such as Dreft and Natures Organics.


First, we take great pride in providing unbiased and critical reviews that provide insightful and informative views on style and content.


At the Lane, they had a childrens enclosure where both sets stood and cheered with their scarves and rossettes worn with pride.


Likewise, as a L.G.B.T. friendly dating site sometimes its» all about meeting new girlfriends instead and we take great pride in maintaining a database of real local Yukon Florida lesbians.


(Cajuns pride themselves on always planning ahead in this respect.


Perhaps that’s why we spend so much time fixated on the physical motes in the eyes of others (sexual sin, for example) and neglect the spiritual logs — like pride and hypocrisy — in our own.


Our commercial cleaning service professionals take pride in offering professional floor care of the highest quality, especially since we know how important it is to the overall look of your office or commercial facility.


Especially when it is contrasted with the pride, presumption, and delusions of divinely ordained power that sometimes attended talk about «Christian America.»


Had this great feeling of pride when I opened my browser today to the NY Times!


stomer and we take pride in the fact that you ¿ ¿ ¿ ve provided us with exceptional positive feedback.


She wears on that injured arm a cast, a perverse badge of pride as to prove to her contrary mother that she was right all along.


We pride ourselves on a client focused, cost effective approach to family law matters.


Located in the southwest corner of the island, Galle Fort stands as an icon of historical pride in the city of Galle.


It was being practiced more and more by middle-class professionals «seeking to give their children a sense of black pride,» TIME reported in a 1991 feature.


«We pride ourselves on excellence through creative service while constantly changing and adapting to our customers» needs.»


We put the same pride, time, and effort in each and every order, whether it is a complete dissertation, reference, or just proofreading.


And there’s nothing quite like watching a child’s face light up with the joy of discovering new friends, the pride of accomplishment, and the wonder that nature offers.


TripSavvy is a travel site written by real local experts with hometown pride.


The cleaner the space, the more responsible the dog trainer because it reflects the pride and care he has for his customers.


I expressed enough milk to keep my baby fed and my freezer stocked and I took no small pride in that.


8-11); the same faith-political position of vs. 7 enunciated again, now in castigation of pride (vs. 12; this is a central theme of Isaiah); Assyria again, characterized in her own words and prophetically condemned in highly deft verbal form:


We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer support.


Rustic open shelving gives colorful ceramics pride of place.


I make sure I look after myself both physically and mentally, and I love women who carry themselves with pride and confidence.


Place love, its a matter of pride and the fact that im a buddhist dating website prude, but i think we should.


It’s a source of pride for Mings that his only business for the past fifteen years has focused on these crazy little cars.


And he goes on to say that the Metropolitan is «a huge alchemical experiment, turning the worst of man’s attributes — extravagance, lust, gluttony, acquisitiveness, envy, avarice, greed, egotism, and pride — into the very best, transmuting deadly sins into priceless treasure.»


And did anyone else have a twinge of national pride that another Yank finally got to play a Brit instead of the other way around?


But no one, no one has the right to attack or deny our celebration or our pride of our great heritage.


One thing is sure, though — few who visit these memorials remain unmoved or return home without deep feelings of, perhaps, sorrow, pride and hope.


The Humane Society of Pinellas is not just an adoption center — we are a resource for all things animal welfare and pride ourselves on being able to offer exceptional services, while maintaining our deep-rooted connection with our community.


The effective manner in which the US has dealt with air pollution in cities since the passage of the Clean Air Act is a point of pride for environmentalists as well as legislators.


We pride ourselves on being technologically cutting-edge with our approach to Emergency Veterinary Medicine.


Synonym: dignity, egotism, self-esteem, self-respect, vanity. Antonym: modesty. Similar words: take pride in, bride, rider, ride on, side by side, rid, arid, ridge. Meaning: [praɪd]  n. 1. a feeling of self-respect and personal worth 2. satisfaction with your (or another’s) achievements 3. the trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards 4. a group of lions 5. unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins). v. be proud of. 

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(1) Pride goes before a fall.

(2) Pride goeth before, and shame cometh after. 

(3) Pride feels [finds] no cold.

(4) Pride is the mask of one’s own faults. 

(5) Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak. 

(6) Pride will have a fall.

(7) Pride and grace dwelt never in one place. 

(8) When pride rides, shame lacqueys.

(9) Comfort is better than pride.

(10) Pride goes before, and shame follows after. 

(11) Pride and grace dwell never in one place. 

(12) Too much humility is pride.

(13) Pride goes before a fall(or destruction). 

(14) Pride never left his master without a fall. 

(15) Human pride is human weakness.

(16) Humility often gains more than pride

(17) By ignorance is pride increased; those most assume who know the least. 

(18) Pride that apes humility.

(19) If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence. 

(20) Pride goes before destruction.

(21) Pride apes humility.

(22) Pride must be pinched.

(23) I looked with pride at what I had achieved.

(24) Their reputation for fairness is a matter for pride.

(25) We take great pride in our achievements.

(26) They have a fierce pride in their traditions.

(27) I take pride in my work.

(28) We take pride in offering you the highest standards.

(29) It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride

(30) If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thoughts, as well as men of action, to put aside pride and prejudice; and with courage and single-minded devotion—- to find the truth and teach the truth that shall keep men free. 

More similar words: take pride in, bride, rider, ride on, side by side, rid, arid, ridge, bridge, get rid of, corridor, price, prime, prior, print, prize, priest, prisoner, private, privacy, culprit, comprise, prior to, primary, principle, principal, spring up, offspring, sprinkle, priority.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word pride, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use pride in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «pride».

Pride in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word pride in a sentence.

  1. Even the pride of ancestry ..

  2. So I take a certain pride in that.».

  3. It was another body blow to American pride.

  4. Female lions stay closer to their natal pride.

  5. Their only reward for the bet is personal pride.

  6. Large kills are shared more widely among pride members.

  7. As a poet, he finds a pride of place in Kannada literature.

  8. Their creations have the pride of place in Indian art tradition».

  9. He later said it was a matter of pride to him not to miss a game.

  10. We have returned to you both memory and a sense of human pride.».

  11. The Whigs decided to take pride in the cabin and cider the Democrats had derided.

  12. Her mother encouraged this type of attention, due to her pride in Barbara’s looks.

  13. Females form the stable social unit in a pride and do not tolerate outside females.

  14. Music has given aborigines both a sense of pride and a sense of cultural ownership.

  15. He took pride in not relying on attractive words but rather simple, effective prose.

  16. He is shown as unwilling to look within himself and see the pride that drives him to do what he does.

  17. Against Brazil, when both teams had only pride to play for, the score was 1–0 to Brazil at half-time.

  18. Representing your country is a source of huge pride, but there are far more important things in life».

  19. Furthermore, elections were generally free of chicanery, engendering pride in the national parliament.

  20. However, Shackleton took lifelong pride in his Irish roots, and frequently declared, «I am an Irishman».

  21. Love for power justifies that everything else is forgotten, be it pride, love or any other consideration.

  22. He meets gay pride parade participants, politicians Alan Keyes and Bob Barr, and African-American youths.

  23. When told the news, Sarah, in a fit of pride, told Marlborough to return the key to the queen immediately.

  24. Let me liveTowards Your patient love that can forgiveThe blasphemy and pride of wordsSince once You spoke.

  25. How can the housemaid take pride in a job to which the mistress will insist on putting the finishing touch?

  26. This work finds its pride of place in Kannada’s epic poetry as the longest poem in the folk sangatya metre.

  27. We’d the Triumph and the Mars,And the Sov’ren pride of tars,Billy Ruff’n, and the Brunswick, known to fame..

  28. Khrushchev was present at the bloody defense of Stalingrad, a fact he took great pride in throughout his life.

  29. Male cubs are excluded from their maternal pride when they reach maturity at around two or three years of age.

  30. By profession I am a soldier and take pride in that fact, but I am prouder, infinitely prouder to be a father.

  31. Such was my mother’s pride in her children that everything that happened to each one was of the utmost importance to her.

  32. The king, who ascended the throne in 1076 and ruled for fifty years occupies a pride of place in the history of Karnataka.

  33. Usually, the mother does not integrate herself and her cubs back into the pride until the cubs are six to eight weeks old.

  34. As a rule, the white Rhodesians overseas combined stridently pro-British attitudes with an even stronger pride in Rhodesia.

  35. While her husband sulked or withdrew with hurt pride from a situation, she came to the forefront to plead his case or cause.

  36. The Drapier emphasises his humble nature and simple understanding when appealing to the pride of his audience, the nobility.

  37. Lions tend to assume specific roles in the pride; slower-moving individuals may provide other valuable services to the group.

  38. The loss of the battle standard, or aquila, was indicative of a crushing defeat and a serious affront to Roman national pride.

  39. Shelley was the only contributor to Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopaedia to give such pride of place to female biographical subjects.

  40. When first introduced to the rest of the pride, lion cubs lack confidence when confronted with adults other than their mother.

  41. Females often fiercely defend their cubs from a usurping male but are rarely successful unless a group of three or four mothers within a pride join forces against the male.

  42. The house is a Victorian pseudo-Gothic pastiche described as architecturally «devoid of interest» by a local guide book and «ugly» by his wife, but is Tony’s pride and joy.

  43. During her childhood, Murray never received a formal education, and in later life expressed pride in the fact that she had never had to sit an exam before entering university.

  44. But this heartrending tale filled Indians with hope and pride then.» The film was remade in the Telugu language as Bangaru Talli in 1971, and in Tamil as Punniya Boomi in 1978.

  45. Such a theme is strengthened by the image of Troy, a powerful nation once thought to be invincible which, according to the Aeneid, fell to the Greeks due to pride and ignorance.

Synonyms for pride

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word pride has the following synonyms: pridefulness, superbia, plume and congratulate.

General information about «pride» example sentences

The example sentences for the word pride that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «pride» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «pride».

as she judged her cereal boxes as the winner and she got pride of

” He beamed with pride as if it were him that was getting through the security instead of the Super Chip

It is something he does well, even with a bit of pride

But instead of joy and pride in his task as guardian, and overwhelming jealousy bubbled in his stomach

He found EndsWaving willing to take Estwig bareback and BobbingTwo was all bushy with pride at getting to have a human ride on him

If it wasn’t for them, how could I have done that stupid mindless job day in and day out, year in and year out, squeezing whatever bit of pride out of it that could be found?

I took a good hard swallow of pride, ignorance and stupidity

It was an event of great national pride for Brazil when the Lula was launched

Floating on air, I make my way back to the car park and, in a glow of pride and happiness at a job well done, I drive home singing along to the songs on the radio in the car

this type of attitude, but the most prevalent is be pride

Their heart is filled with pride and the desire is to control the church

The pride of Diotrephes was rebuked by John in his third letter that was addressed to

Looking at them from my place in the crowd, I am overcome with pride for them as they stand near the stone cross in the churchyard watching as representatives of the local organisations lay wreaths around its steps

Pride sounded loud in her voice as she went on, ‘I’m told that he’d killed several men the previous day, protecting his principals … getting them back safely

They conquered other nations out of pride

This national pride ran deep

Laws were put in place to uphold peace, but when morality and law is subjective, and pride and conquest are the root of your nation, peace is impossible

And it is this pride got home—because that neighbor would call to report what of ancestry from which an oppressed or subjugated people he or she saw that child do

Iain looked up at this, a tinge of pride in his eyes

Nihar had beamed with pride and pleasure when the

He felt his heart burst with pride for

Young and white, tall in the pride of a blonde, tattooed girl,

But what kind of humility did Moses exude that would allow him to make that statement, and yet at the same time he is telling the truth? When we have come to a place where we can make that kind of a statement about ourselves, and not have a hint of pride in the statement, then we have reached ultimate humility

JayJay not only performed in this extravaganza but also compered, introducing with great pride all the students he has helped hone their skills to professional status

Issa nearly burst with pride when I mentioned it to her last time I was at Abery

With sweat and pride

Isn’t this the time that we would expect Jesus to shoot down that kind of Jewish nationalistic pride? Jesus’ answer actually doesn’t imply this

Those same nations that are rooted in pride and exultation shall be brought low and be submissive

One poured the wine and introduced himself as Manoli as he presented with great pride his signature salad, ‘This will be my first business and you are my first tourist client

Alex was looking at all of them as a mother looks with pride on her children

’ He said, affection and pride warring in his voice as he describes his home in detail — sounding not unlike an estate agent I once met when I was across in Bristol

Their dragons suited them well and when given the choice, when the time came, it was with great pride that they elected to accompany the Second of the Ancients overseas

’ He said, pride showing in his voice

’ He replied as I nearly burst with pride at my gg’s performance

She cried and cried and cried, grieving for the pride and the utter folly of her previous existence that had now laid her down so low

Findel shows us the sanitary arrangements with a pride I do not understand if the truth be told

’ I said, pleased to see his pride in his daughter

And when they sang and I saw such a bold display of pride and such skill in crafting mantinada they left me astonished and full

” There was definite pride in that last statement

” The last was spoken with great pride

Ali’s bat had not hit the ball, but his pride

‘Look at his pride! This two-bit shop and a giant ego,’ Mama said

They took pride in their home and without the expense of youngsters nipping at their heels they were able to fill their lives with activities designed to displace their mutual sense of loss and longing

As he puts down the phone, Simon is almost luminous with pride

I could see the pride in Ish’s face

don’t break their pride, they will stay hoons for the rest of their life

Ish’s chest swelled with pride as Fred had called him equal in role

But try as they might, his family couldn’t cure him of his pride

Anna is virtually glowing with happiness when we arrive and ushers us in, introducing Simon with an air of pride which is delightful

«Pride goes before a fall», she moaned

story to stop them being hateful and full of pride

they announced to the world their pride and joy in the fact that little

Access to the grounds of the villa is via a pair of wrought iron gates which look very impressive but to be honest the place is slightly run down in the way that Mediterranean properties tend to be – I don’t know if it is the heat or just a cultural difference but they don’t take the pride in their properties that the English do

” Rayne noted a certain sense of pride in Sera’s words as she spoke

Believe me, it will have pride of place in our home

She cried and cried and cried, grieving for the pride and the utter

The Dictum of Pride and Strength- a Klingos!

is definitely acceptable to have pride in yourself

If that pride is earned:

But having pride in something which you haven’t earned is simply

Develop pride for the help you have given

If it is surrounded with trust and love, it will naturally think of us as its pride

sun? A person of pride will have his or herself hacked into their downfall by

When you hear the word pride, what do you think of?

pride in being the citizen of a certain country

there is another kind of pride that is insidious and

The kind of pride that hurts us is sometimes called

False pride is selfish

with this kind of pride is that it makes you unwilling to

that: she or he will also have pride in what is done

Unshaken Pride— Through a pride that is hidden yet strongly their’s, she

They took pride in their home and

He told me that he took pride in staying on the outside of the acceptable norm for today’s Macho Male Types

’ Dave said, a hint of pride audible in his voice

her reasoning being that our marriage was worth more than her pride

The effect was not lost on Belle, and new-found pride swelled in her breast for her husband’s elevated status and recognition among the citizens—so long overdue

as love could change the amoral to moral? I pride

Belle wondered for a moment how many generations of George’s family had asked those very questions and she swelled with pride and resolve that her family would now both carry on the old, and begin the new traditions of so remarkable a lineage

George smiled to Belle and they smiled to Harry who returned it with the same pride they all felt for their girls

George came from the store room into the great room, “Very good,” he said simply, a grin spread across his face in obvious pride

With tears streaming down each others faces, they whispered of their love and pride for one another and then with their great passion for each other nearly unchecked, they tenderly kissed

He takes pride in his craft

In the crowd of waiters, waitresses and chefs, stood Jameson Connor in his new white kitchen jacket, beaming with pride

the stuffed dragon’s head above it still holding pride of place, burnt

This was fuel for Kaitlyn’s pride for her new friendship with the young man of many talents

Her beaming smile and her father’s expression of devotion and pride met the roar, and the performers bowed their appreciation for the response, a little taken aback that so few an audience could produce so loud an ovation

Allcock expressed his pride of manufacture and command of his chosen markets

for pride or dignity, and he wasted no time in mounting his

Allcock’s expression could not be easily described, but was a sincere reflection of the extremes of fatherly pride he felt at Harry’s triumph, and the eagerness which he tried to constrain in broadcasting this news to everyone he encountered

” He proclaimed with a father’s pride

Harry’s subsequent interview with the headmaster and the accommodation which Malvern College made on Harry’s behalf was cause for celebration when first received and read aloud; even now it rekindled a warmth of pride in them at the recollection of Harry’s triumph

For some children these were welcome visits and opportunities for showing the pride of their work; for others it was not

The hooligan menace had abated dramatically, and there was a new found civic pride in the younger members of the community

All this to the extreme gratification of Miss Mandy Hill and her own pride in her now very accomplished protege

She could see that this was hard for her, Valla had such a need to preserve her pride

took some pride in them, nonetheless

A new interest and enthusiasm laid hold of the community, an almost tribal pride of their bubbling fountains of Arts and Education

He took pride in the fact that he

When he gathered the letter and official plans for his departure the next morning, whether by whim, pride of authorship or simply out of habit, he rolled up his own revisions and tucked them under his arm as he left for the return visit to those administrative offices in which he had already wasted the previous early evening

with an eerie pride, something that gave them satisfaction in being a part of a

She prided herself

Kara signed herself out of the records office and the two women walked in silence along the street towards the little café – one of the larger chains that prided itself on the quality of its coffee, Kara noted with dismay

people he had only just met, and indeed prided himself on his ability

He prided himself on the flavors he could imagine from them, and was interested in souls with highly developed culinary senses

They prided themselves on the professions they pursued without regret, nor with any feelings of personal sacrifice or loss of womanly opportunity

Big Ed prided himself on knowing all of our names because authoritarian figures have more power when they know your name

everything she had always prided herself against

The door, as always, was open; she prided herself on always

If present attitudes are any indication of contemporary society‘s harsh assessment of its past, our society should not expect much sympathy from future generations that can only wonder how a society that called itself civilized and prided itself on its ―evolving standards of decency‖ could have condoned such barbarous practices

Sylvia always prided herself on her ability to identify people’s character

Johnson prided himself on being a responsible person and he saw that giving Mia away was evading his responsibility

always looked for good workers and prided himself on hiring those persons whom he thought would work out in the best interests of

He prided himself on conquering white females; something his grandfather could not lay hands on—combining sizzling Kamasutra experiments with artistic and sensitive foreplays

They prided themselves on openness and freedom of choice

Businessmen didn’t stay there with their families; they visited and stayed for a few days; software people there were young couples and childfree; but musicians lived there and prided themselves on their houses

She worked herself up to GS-9 lab technician and prided herself on being the first woman to supervise men there, back when that was “unusual

Not that he prided himself on a deep

He prided himself on his

His comments were all slanted toward moving what I prided as my objectivity to a more liberal viewpoint

He prided himself on what a stroke of genius it

He prided himself in thinking he was the

He wrought the victory with his arm and scattered those who prided themselves in their opinions

The cheese too was potent, a local blending, he assumed, not one he recognised, but every village he had ever travelled through always prided itself on the distinctiveness of its own local cheeses

Casey Jones had prided himself in making such fast time, that he’d named his locomotive “The Cannonball

The pub prided itself on the table service and diners would come from miles around to enjoy the traditional meals and pleasant ambiance that resulted from an elegant décor and soft carpets underfoot

“Time was when I prided myself on being and being called a British subject

One day she was polishing a set of two sterling-silver tankards that she prided having in her possession and realized that apart from her wedding ring they were the only two valuable material things that she possessed

One of the things he prided

―Inside the movie theatre, I prided myself on not being afraid of anything (or not much at least)

The Greek prided himself on his smarts and felt the equal of any man in the game of wits

Bill had always prided himself on his self-control

prided himself, maybe foolishly, that he was one step ahead, and

Her skin had a youthful glow to it and she prided herself in the way her new cloths fitted her

Stellar Interstellar prided itself on the confidentiality with which it conducted its clients’ business

Riz prided himself at being the best, so arriving a week before anyone else was nothing new

He prided himself on seeing a greater picture than other people, an encompassing understanding of humanity

” After all, not everyone could be as perfect and proper as the British who had prided themselves upon these characteristics for generations

I have always prided myself on being a fighter, and

It was something I always prided myself on

They prided themselves on maintaining, unblemished by alcohol, the fastest of responses

shopkeepers who prided themselves on running clean, honest businesses

Undoubtedly, poor preparations by a military force that prided itself on thoroughness was a major factor that contributed to failure

He prided himself with the production figures of the German armaments industry, which he had boosted to an amazing extent; preferring to overlook the fact that the enemy’s armaments figures were immensely higher

Pierre and Susan prided themselves in being open-minded, tolerant people, but the way their daughter’s career as a field agent of the Time Patrol was turning was not much to their liking

prided himself on his ability to blend in with the natives of the planet he was visiting

Earlier, perhaps, Arjun had prided himself on the excellence of his skill

The agency prided itself in reliability and low cost

Terrorists seen as heroes among the disenfranchised, prided themselves on suicide missions, giving their lives happily as ‘patriots’ who hoped their acts of murder and destruction would force the powers-that-be to return their ‘homeland’ to their own people

Even in a city that prided itself on its pleasing architecture, the temple’s majestic appearance stood out like a sore thumb

They believed that they were the descendants of Satan himself and prided themselves on being evil

Although I prided myself on our productions, I saw now that we were barely professionals

Canberra prided itself on its harmony with the natural environment

Caramarin prided himself on being good for his age

She should have felt embarrassed at showing such emotion—Aazuria had always prided herself on being stone-faced, as was expected of undersea royalty

He had always prided himself on his skill as a swimmer

This DOL grant was competitive and I always prided myself on getting our grant writing staff to outline and submit the best grants in the nation

It seemed difficult to believe, but Robin prided himself on being ready to believe anything at a moment’s notice, especially if it was the worst, and he called it having an open mind

He had always prided himself on being able to bring men home to their wives and children at the end of the season

Petra prided herself on grand exits

They’d always prided themselves on being able to read each other’s thoughts

Madam Agnes prided herself on her understanding of men, but Jamie McGregor was a puzzle to her

My sister prided herself on her morals and taking money for a séance where the ghost was a friend of mine probably bordered on unethical in her book

He’d never experienced a recruit like this one, not in all his days, and he prided himself fiercely on his acquisition

ways prided myself on being a great teacher; but, to have a great

speed but in the past I have prided myself on being a quick

He was an elderly gentleman, obviously intelligent who prided himself on being frank and upright

Inside the movie theater, I prided myself on not being afraid of anything, or not

It hurt to lose in something I prided myself about, but I got over it, just barely

I nodded, “Chantry has always prided himself on sending his people out with the best of everything

All of the bravery and courage she prided

a mortal into the city, a city that prided itself for millennia on being full

’ They prided themselves on a theology built exclusively on revelation

But, in short, it is very manifest that he had one alone whom he made mistress of his will, to whom he commended himself very frequently and very secretly, for he prided himself on being a reticent knight

But besides all this, he reminded him that if he prided himself on being a gentleman and a Christian, he could not do otherwise than keep his plighted word; and that in doing so he would obey God and meet the approval of all sensible people, who know and recognised it to be the privilege of beauty, even in one of humble birth, provided virtue accompany it, to be able to raise itself to the level of any rank, without any slur upon him who places it upon an equality with himself; and furthermore that when the potent sway of passion asserts itself, so long as there be no mixture of sin in it, he is not to be blamed who gives way to it

In fact, he rather prided himself on his narrow escapes, and liked to thrill the girls with graphic accounts of his triumphs over wrathful tutors, dignified professors, and vanquished enemies

«Am I selfish?» The question slipped out involuntarily and in a tone of surprise, for the one virtue on which he prided himself was generosity

Madeline prided herself on not caring what other people thought, but she cared about Renata thinking less of her daughter

Her shoes were the newest thing in footwear (Edy Boardman prided herself that she was very petite but she never had a foot like Gerty MacDowell, a five, and never would ash, oak or elm) with patent toecaps and just one smart buckle over her higharched instep

As athletes they prided themselves on their self-discipline

It was clear that Chervil prided himself on knowing his rabbits by name

And at the confectioner’s, and at Fomin’s, and at Foulde’s he saw that he was expected; that they were pleased to see him, and prided themselves on his happiness, just as every one whom he had to do with during those days

She unmistakably prided herself on her courage, and wished Anna to appreciate the fidelity of her friendship

When he’d been younger and more foolish, he’d prided himself on his ability to drink other men, men twice his size, under the table

He had always prided himself on his politics

The regiments had entered and left the town with their bands playing, and by the Grand Duke’s orders the men had marched all the way in step (a practice on which the Guards prided themselves), the officers on foot and at their proper posts

«The men of Helium have prided themselves that they have ever shown Barsoom how a nation of red men should live, now is our opportunity to show them how they should die

Though with us she prided herself on her hero, Liza perhaps behaved quite diSferently alone with him ; I suspect so indeed from various facts, of which, however, I will also speak later

He prided himself on them, and was quite a specialist on the mechanism of the revolver

The Epanchins prided themselves upon the good opinion people held of them

Then Lyamshin, who prided himself on playing the fool, took a bunch of grapes from the plate; another, laughing, followed his example, and a third stretched out his hand for the Chateau d’Yquem

Maria Alexandrovna prided herself on this room, and always used it on state occasions

I knew a gentleman who prided himself all his life on being a connoisseur of Lafitte

As we suffer death and suffering in our own lives and prides, we start to see what the resurrection truly is

side of the entry, the owner prides itself with

Lions live in groups called prides consisting primarily of

their prides from other lions and predators

In a country that prides itself in exem-

someone who prides herself on being «independent», it was sometimes a hard lesson to

He prides himself on getting his merchandise out quickly

We walked back in silence, each feeling resentful, and keeping along the cliff passed, just before we came to Sellin, a little restaurant of coloured glass, a round building of an atrocious ugliness, which we discovered was one of the prides of Sellin; for afterwards, driving through the forest to Binz, all the sign-posts had fingers pointing in its direction, and bore the inscription _Glas Pavilion, schönste Aussicht Sellins_

On my third try, I found an owner who said that her business prides itself on meeting the needs of all of its customers

«Ours is only to lose the prides of our heart to their whims?»

To guard his territory from other encroaching males, and other prides

ranger had told us that there were prides of lion in the area and therefore extreme caution

There’s gravity in his low voice that makes me more than uneasy; a young man that prides himself on his courage, I taste the sudden ash of fear

For the enlightenment of those who are not so intimately acquainted with the minutiae of the municipal abattoir as this morbidminded esthete and embryo philosopher who for all his overweening bumptiousness in things scientific can scarcely distinguish an acid from an alkali prides himself on being, it should perhaps be stated that staggering bob in the vile parlance of our lowerclass licensed victuallers signifies the cookable and eatable flesh of a calf newly dropped from its mother

Maybe there’s a simple explanation? Maybe Will and Cate decided just to walk home? Seeing Dad was two hours late? Or went over to their granddad’s, like last time? The even temper Keith prides himself on is evaporating

She was a magnet that invisibly drew good-luck charms, saints’ medals, Roman coins, theater stubs, handkerchiefs, stickpins, while the audience ran riot, convulsed as these rabbit men stood peeled of all prides and protections

The Illustrated Man bent violently above the old old dead dead thing, his prides of beasts drowned deep in sweat, his right hand thrust in hammering demand upon the air: Live, live

«The man coming is big and fat, about fifty years, with regular features, and proud, contemptuous manners, on which he prides himself

The man who for decades has delivered invitations for all the exclusive parties prides himself on knowing every person worth speaking to in the city

Priding himself on uncompromising religious neutrality, rugged anti-Congress-ism and plebeian rootedness, Nitish had lost no opportunity after breaking with the BJP to heap veiled scorn on those relying on PR machines, media and advertisements to build their image

Rome, the metropolis of heathenism, or Corinth priding itself on the

world, Paul in writing to Rome, the metropolis of heathenism, or Corinth priding itself on the

writing to Rome, the metropolis of heathenism, or Corinth priding itself on the Grecian tongue,

Our Lord in addressing Himself to the Jewish people, Luke in writing a Gospel for the Gentile world, Paul in writing to Rome, the metropolis of heathenism, or Corinth priding itself on the Grecian tongue, James, Peter, and Jude writing to Christians wherever scattered over the earth, all alike use this word as universally understood

Priding themselves on earth, and scheming evil

‘I don’t like those fashionable churches,’ she said, evidently priding herself on her independence of thought

On the contrary, she seemed continually priding herself on her luckless lover’s action as though it were the loftiest heroism, though she tried to avoid all dis-

The foreman’s wife kept looking in at the door, whilst the frightened maid with the earrings brought in the dishes; and the foreman smiled more and more joyfully, priding himself on his wife’s culinary skill

“I don’t like those fashionable churches,” she said, evidently priding herself on her independence of thought

This ideal of glory and grandeur—which consists not merely in considering nothing wrong that one does but in priding oneself on every crime one commits, ascribing to it an incomprehensible supernatural significance—that ideal, destined to guide this man and his associates, had scope for its development in Africa

Suppose we had descended from those nations—from the last, especially, which stood self-condemned, on her own confession, as incapable of free government, hugging her chains, glorying in her shame, priding herself in the slave’s last poor distinction, the splendor of her tyrant master? Had we sprung from the loins of Frenchmen, (he shuddered at the thought!) where would have been that proud spirit of resistance to Ministerial encroachment on our rights and liberties, which achieved our independence? We should have submitted to the tea tax, the stamp act, and the whole train of Grenville and North ministerial oppression

The education of Greece generally, even when the Greek mind had attained its highest culture, was still largely physical—philosophers, statesmen, and poets priding themselves as much upon their athletic feats as upon their intellectual endowments

Sentences with the word Pride?



  • «too big for his britches»; «had a swelled head»; «he was swelled with pride«
  • «civil rights»; «civil liberty»; «civic duties»; «civic pride«
  • «gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion»- H.T.Moore; «nebulous distinction between pride and conceit»
  • «her damnable pride«
  • «fill a container»; «fill the child with pride«
  • «she reviewed her achievements with pride«
  • «he takes pride in his son’s success»

How to use pride in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «pride» and check conjugation/comparative form for «pride«. Mastering all the usages of «pride» from sentence examples published by news publications.

I’ve watched videos expressing queer pride, native pride, and ethnic pride.
There is a galactic version of Baker’s rainbow flag, as well as flags for a multitude of different identities, including bisexual pride, pansexual pride, genderqueer pride, lesbian pride, and genderfluid pride.
People will be able to express their pride, their pride as Irish-Americans, their pride as L.G.B.T. Americans, their pride as New Yorkers.
These include: Celebrate Pride: Rainbow Your Life, Pride Filter and Make Me Pride (Flag).
«Heartland Pride,» June 17-25  River ride, Pride pageant, parade, festival and Youth Pride.
«Kalamazoo Pride,» June 26-11 DJs, Pride brunch, Miss(ter) Pride and the famous Maple Street Middle School Choir.
Tituss Burgess has two new wines to enjoy, Pinot Pride and Rosé Pride, just in time for NYC Pride.
During the most recent Pride Month, Starbucks unveiled its «Pride Cup,» while Target released a Pride line of clothing and accessories.
But that pride and inspiring that pride through a brand.
I saw so much pride in their eyes — pride in all they had accomplished, pride in who they were about to become.
I hope they see pride that pride that comes with that.
This nation has pride and you can’t toy with our pride.
You’re not referring to national pride; you’re referring to racial pride.
Pride 2010, you were driving down the Pride parade in the convertible.
There’s no pride in hate, and no room for hate at Pride. ●
«Central Oregon Pride,» June 003 Fair, Pride ride, movies and even bowling.
These claims are ignorant of disability pride, Deaf pride, and our culture.
There are new Pride-themed MetroCards with New York Pride logos on the front and a calendar of city Pride Month events on the back.
«Pride month has always been very special to us and for Pride, the Arizona Diamondbacks are having a Pride night and they asked us to open up the night as grand marshals for the team’s pride parade,» Jacobi said.
While the rainbow flag represents the entire LGBTQ+ community, there’s also a Bisexual Pride Flag, a Pansexual Pride Flag, an Asexual Pride Flag, and many others.
The Straight Pride Parade has been criticized for parodying the gay pride parade.
«Brooklyn Pride,» June 11-13 Pride run, parade, fair, comedy and staged entertainment.
It’s about taking pride, and that’s what you do: Take pride in yourselves.
Those events have exploded in recent years; now, in New York, there’s not only the historical march, but over a dozen other happenings throughout «Pride Week» — Pride Fest, Pride Island, Youth Pride — that offer ever-more branding opportunities for corporate sponsors.
Earlier this month, a group called No Justice No Pride boycotted Capitol Pride in DC, and plans to do it at New York’s Pride march on Sunday.
» — TREVOR NOAH «Now if you are wondering the difference between the gay pride parade and straight pride parade, the gay pride parade will have women at it.
Customers can also customize their own rainbow Pride shoes and add Trans Pride flair.
The Pride Trains are one of several ways the MTA is celebrating Pride Month.
Many Vegas acts take pride in their wardrobe — sometimes a little too much pride.
You can make them with the pride base but then add trans pride touches.
The first Pride was a protest, and so now must this Pride be one.
» They replied: «Brighton Pride,» and Brit shouted to the crowds: «What’s up Brighton Pride!
If pride is humanity’s original sin, then pride is also what takes humanity down.
Sure, pride parades are still relatively corporate-friendly affairs, and the same types of mega-corporate sponsors still reign—New York Pride is sponsored by the likes of T-Mobile, Delta, TD Bank, and Coca-Cola; New Orleans renamed this year’s pride celebration «GE Digital Presents: New Orleans Pride;» Pittsburgh’s pride is now named after a fracking company.
Members of Cincinnati Bell’s Pride Employee Resource Group are leading the company’s Pride Month initiatives, which include being a corporate sponsor of the June 22 Pride Parade in Cincinnati.
A video from last summer’s UK Black Pride event in the summer, complete with sporadic zoom-ins The founding of UK Black Pride distinguished itself from mainstream pride organisations.
There is no pride in using Indigenous peoples as props in a settler fantasy; there is no pride in racist caricatures; and there is no pride in cultural appropriation.
The adult lions of the Marsh Pride have exiled the Northern Pride, destroying their family.
Apple is launching a new Pride watch face today as part of LGBTQ Pride Month.
PRIDE 1 was a roaring success and the PRIDE phenomenon was well underway in Japan.
Black pride does not carry the power to shut others out as white pride does.
«Pride and Prejudice» alone has countless progeny — from the classic 1995 BBC adaptation, to more fanciful variations like «Pride and Prejudice and Zombies» and «Twilight» (Pride and Prejudice and Vampires).
All of the US’s Ikea stores will also raise the Pride Rainbow flag this pride month.
You also feel that incredible pride— a pride shared by one really and truly grateful nation.
Here’s celebrity pup Marnie the Dog expressing her extra special sense of pride: Happie pride pic.twitter.
In addition, MLB employees will volunteer at the Pride run and Youth Pride on June 23.
Microsoft is creating a special pride Surface Type Cover and skin for gay pride this year.
The rainbow Pride flag is so iconic, but it’s not the only Pride flag out there.
Madrid World Pride coincided with the 40th anniversary of the first LGBT pride protest in Spain.
Now, there’s much more pride in just doing stand-up—there’s much more pride in it.
Then we had the second Pride in Odessa, the first Pride to happen outside of Kiev.
In 20173, Turkey banned Istanbul Pride ceremonies — the largest Pride regularly celebrated in the Muslim world.
For example, a Pride staff member resigned after Pride backed away from its promises to BLMTO.
Despite Google employees petitioning San Francisco Pride to exclude the company from participating in the Pride parade this weekend, SF Pride says Google will be allowed to march in the parade.
This weekend at Pride in New York City, Burgess is unveiling two new wines — Pinot Pride and Rosé Pride — at three events (a brunch, a dinner, a party) all over the city.
The same opposition that led to the creation of Pride still exists — and still threatens Pride events.
Mary is 32 as Pride and Prometheus begins, 12 years after the events of Pride and Prejudice.
«Twin Cities Pride,» June 225-200 Coffee crawl, beer crawl, parade, worship services and a Pride dance.
London’s Pride Festival is in full swing, and it’ll culminate with the Pride Parade on July 8.
«A mascot is a symbol of pride, but it is not the source of pride,» she added.
I think their response was looking to pride in their past, and pride in who they are.
» Marchers hoisted signs with statements such as «My trans pride is not business marketing» and «Decolonize Pride.
It was the Equality March for Unity and Pride, not the Equity March for Unity and Pride.
The nation’s capital is kicking off LGBT Pride Month with a slew of Pride Weekend events and decorations throughout Washington D.C., however the president has not yet officially recognized June as Pride Month.
Converse recently introduced its LGBTQ Pride sneaker line, which now includes sneakers modeled after the Transgender Pride flag.
He actually wore it to San Diego Pride last year, but reshared it on Twitter for Pride Month.
Below is a list of pride merch that took it a step too far: Pride packs are back!
It’s Pride month and that can only mean one thing: TIME TO FIGURE OUT OUR NEXT PRIDE ANTHEM!
Instagram will show 🌈 rainbow hashtag 🌈 (#pride and #prideisthebestmonthoftheyear) for the Pride Month this year (June 2018)!
She insists the event will be more than just a gay pride festival, and will celebrate community pride.
The Houston Pride organization hosts Skate Sober, the official dry Pride night where you can skate substance-free.
The Pride marchers carried on to the Pride party, to come together with other members of their community.
But, his pride for our teams came from a pride for the city that he grew up in.
As is usual during pride festivities, dancing will commence on the West Side piers — known as Pride Island.
«We do pride ourselves on our beef, but we pride ourselves on our cuisine in general,» says Kurien.
Arrests at Straight Pride Parade The legal debate stems from arrests at the «Straight Pride Parade» on Saturday.
And for pride weekend: the trans march, the drag march, the dyke march, and the alternative pride march.
The Internet giant released a custom map called Places of Pride, which allows people attending a Pride event this Sunday to add rainbow Pride Pins to mark places that mean something special to them.
If I were to classify Pride memes scientifically, I’d say that they tend to fall into one of two categories: anti-corporate Pride memes, which mock corporations for their participation in Pride Month, or extremely niche pro-gay Pride memes, which are far more affirming and serve the LGBTQ community directly.
When you have spent years being at war with your own image and hating yourself, any act of genuine celebration that comes from pride in yourself, pride in your body, pride in what you look like, or pride in how you feel just in that moment, can be remarkably significant.
VICE Impact: What Pride means to you in 2017 Tyler Oakley: To me, Pride has always been about honoring our history while fighting for our future, but Pride in 2017 doesn’t exist in a vacuum.
This year’s festivals include Chicago Black Pride (July 1-4); Miami Beach Brothaz (July 14-16); Charlotte Black Gay Pride (July 16), in Charlotte, N.C.; Portland Latino Gay Pride (July 213-31), in Portland, Ore.
Pride Month, pride celebrations, and pride marches are how LGBTQ people and allies address the ongoing work for acceptance and equality, which ultimately brings us to the Stonewall Riots of 2000 in New York City.
The 2018 edition of Pride Island — the two-day festival that evolved from the longtime New York City Pride tradition Dance on the Pier — is being called the biggest live music event in Pride history.
The rally is part of World Pride NYC, which culminates on June 30 with the annual NYC Pride March.
White pride is scary; Irish pride is celebrated with marching bands and by dyeing the Chicago River iridescent green.
Boston Pride, Providence Pride, a conversation on queer photography in NYC, and performing in two different queer dance festivals.
Oh, and because it’s June and there’s also a Pride watch face, Apple also introduced a rainbow Pride band.
She also proudly helmed the Savannah Pride Festival in its inaugural year, even hosting their Miss Gay Pride pageant.
There were rainbow pride flags, trans pride flags, even American and Puerto Rican flags with rainbows as their stripes.
We take pride in playing at home, but we’ve got to take more pride in playing on the road.
Instagram Instagram added a special LGBTQ sticker set for Pride 2017 and launched a global Pride-inspired photo project.
«But the Pentagon Pride theme is not ‘Gay Pride,’ » she wrote in a commentary for LGBT magazine The Advocate.
In June, Google’s LGBTQ employees petitioned San Francisco Pride to revoke the company’s sponsorship of the 2019 Pride Parade.
Pride is partisan During the Obama years, Republican pride slipped 10 points, from 78% in 2009 to 68% in 2016.
Lyft will also embody its Pride campaign with a presence at 50 different Pride events across the globe next month.
It’s Pride month and for many LGBTQ+ people and their allies, that means one thing: A great big Pride parade.
New York’s annual gay pride parade, which will be bolstered by World Pride visitors, will be held on June 30.
The song simultaneously calls out mean keyboard warriors and acts as a Pride anthem — just in time for Pride Month.
Pride problem In North Carolina, a rainbow-drenched float is fine for the Pride parade — unless it supports Donald Trump.
Pride is another opportunity to do that, Pride is a chance to tell our collective story — and our individual stories.
The upcoming six-day pride event will feature a lineup of workshops, film festivals, social events and a pride march.
Apple orginally provided the Pride watch bands as limited editions to employees participating in the 2016 San Francisco Pride Parade.
Each fighter individually introduced by «crazy PRIDE lady» Lenne Hardt while PRIDE FC’s exhilarating theme tune blared in the background.
Last year, Levi’s created a Pride collection that honored the Stonewall Riots, the historical moment that gave rise to Pride.
When she recalled her father’s irrepressible pride in his children, I remembered my own father’s irrepressible pride in his children.
The message the organizers wanted to send was clear: The NYC Pride March has lost its way — and its pride.
An organizer of the event told CBS News that the 2019 Magical Pride is the first official pride event organized by Disney, though unofficial Magical Pride events have occurred at Disney parks for a number of years.
Beyond Pride: The activist group No Justice, No Pride gained national attention when they disrupted the Capital Pride parade in DC. Their mission was to create a more inclusive pride that respected the lives of trans people, queer people of color and two-spirit Native Americans amongst other gender and sexual minorities of various identities.
Long passages in Comey’s thesis are also devoted to explicating the various sorts of pride that Niebuhr argued could afflict human beings — most notably, moral pride and spiritual pride, which can lead to the sin of self-righteousness.
Gay pride abs This Pride Month, Abercrombie & Fitch will be donating proceeds (up to $100,000) from their Pride collection and Fierce cologne line to the Trevor Project, a suicide intervention and crisis prevention nonprofit serving the LGBTQ community.
So, the Anti-Violence project has developed some Pride safety tips to help Pride goers come up with an action plan.
For Pride Month, Philly added two colors — black and brown — to the existing pride flag, and hoisted it outside City Hall.
But where else might gay folks of all stripes go during the gay pride weekend to end all gay pride weekends?
At the gay pride event in Glen Rock, Mr. Frank, 77, looked on as Officer Stanislao raised the gay pride flag.
Pilgrim’s Pride (PPC) – Pilgrim’s Pride fell 10 cents a share short of estimates, with quarterly profit of 14 cents a share.
» • «Celebrations such as gay pride day are ridiculous because they assume an individual’s sexual orientation should constitute a source of pride.
This means that someone could have an ad interest listed as ‘Gay Pride‘ because they have liked a Pride associated Page or clicked a Pride ad, but it does not reflect any personal characteristics such as gender or sexuality.
Jamaica held its first Pride parade in 2015, and in recent years, both public and private Pride celebrations have continued to increase.
The latest list includes: Pilgrim’s Pride Poultry Items recalled: Pilgrim’s Pride issued a recall of 5,176,844 pounds of fully cooked chicken products.
The song simultaneously calls out mean keyboard warriors and acts as a Pride anthem — and was just in time for Pride Month.
Patriotism and pride On the country’s social media sites, such as the Twitter-like Weibo, messages were full of patriotism and pride.
High school valedictorian Mason Bleu put the pride in Pride Month when he ended his graduation speech by coming out as bisexual.
Also, it is Pride Month, so I bought a rainbow backdrop because I wanted to do a cute, like, rainbow Pride look.
An LGBT pride flag flew over the Wisconsin State Capitol for the first time on Friday in recognition of Pride Month. Gov.
This year, World Pride, the international pride celebration, is coming to New York City to celebrate the city that started it all.
You’ll want to support this cause all Pride long because the Pride Pudding is their famed Banana Pudding with a rainbow twist.
Throw Your Own Sober Pride Party If Pride events in your area don’t include sober-friendly ways to celebrate, plan one yourself!
I learned that there’s pride in saying you’re in compliance with the law; there’s pride in saying that I don’t sell anymore.
As members of the L.G.B.T.Q. community celebrate Pride Month, we asked readers what pride means to them and what should come next.
A now-common refrain during Pride Month is that the very first LGBTQ Pride was not a party, it was a protest.
At the end of the episode, we go to a different type of pride celebration called Pride de Nuit, where these marginalized communities gets together to make pride political again—more of a radical political statement and less of a party.
It’s also where you can find a high number of black LGBT homeowners — years ago, the neighborhood had the city’s first club for black gay men and its own annual pride celebration, known as Dallas Southern Pride or Dallas Black Pride.
As part of the campaign, Smirnoff is hosting a House of Pride pop-up and is welcoming the millions of traveler coming through all of the NYC airports — Laguardia, JFK, and Newark — by broadcasting the Pride Sweet Pride ads starring Cox.
Judy exclaiming her pride in me, and our collective pride as a community, feels like magic conjured in a vacuum, against all odds.
Forty-percent Detroit may seem low, knowing that techno is a generator of authentic pride in a city that eats pride for breakfast.
«They strayed into a pride of lions — it’s a big pride so they didn’t have too much time,» Fox told AFP news agency.
Pride is a virtue: On May 20, LGBTQ Russian immigrants held Brighton Beach Pride on the southern nook of Brooklyn, New York’s shores.
He took pride in this, the same pride he’d felt as a child when he exposed his classmate’s dirty secrets to the world.
Take, for example, Adidas, which has a special section of its site called the «pride pack» selling rainbow merchandise to honor Pride Month.
At first, LGBTQ Pride was typically celebrated on the last Sunday of June as Gay Pride Day or Christopher Street Gay Liberation Day.
She’s full of pride, and she has to descend from that pride in order to grow in another way, which was very interesting.
But my favorite kickoff to Pride weekend is the NYC Drag March, which happens the Friday before the actual, main NYC Pride Parade.
Both were at the Empire State Pride Agenda dinner, when Rabbi Kleinbaum asked Ms. Weingarten to speak at the Gay Pride Shabbat service.
Reclaim Pride, in that tradition, believes that Pride is overpoliced and bloated by corporate influence, including floats for big banks and chain restaurants.
Cathy Renna, spokeswoman for Heritage of Pride, said police will be attending NYC Pride as participants of the march and for security reasons.
Take pride parades: The LGBTQ community in New York City took to the streets of Manhattan for the first pride march in 1970.
In San Francisco, a weekend of gay pride events was finishing with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Parade and March through the city.
Similarly, 89% of us take pride in our military, and 85% expressed pride to the pollsters on matters of American culture and the arts.
Ahead, we’ve rounded up the Pride events happening in 10 major cities around the U.S. So scroll through and start planning your Pride celebrations.
When Refinery29 asked NYC Pride-goers this year (almost 50 years later) why celebrations and parties like Pride are important, many echoed Brown’s sentiment.
Not ‘pride‘ in its original, positive, and political sense as a visible opposition to fear and shame, but ‘Pride‘ with a capital, capitalist ‘P’.
Though that didn’t stop one group of activists from deploying a stealth Pride flag, since it’s illegal to fly the Pride flag in Russia.
Fellow activist Michael Page, who created the Bisexual Pride Flag in 1998, encouraged Helms to create her own design for a Transgender Pride Flag.
It’s her efforts that helped gay activists lay the foundation for weeklong celebrations of gay pride leading up to the climactic Gay Pride Parade.
It was belonging, and music, and pride in your roots and your homeland, even when that pride means pushing your homeland to do better.
Though it can be unwelcoming to many women, Sandra assured me that «Pride is important» because the troubling issues which necessitated Pride still exist.
Pilgrim’s Pride — Pilgrim’s Pride is buying smaller chicken producer GNP Co. from its current owner, meatpacking company JBS, in a $350 million cash deal.
The queer activist group No Justice, No Pride (NJNP) is an ad-hoc coalition against Capital Pride in Washington DC founded earlier this year.
Participants kiss as they take part in the 2019 World Pride NYC and Stonewall 50th LGBTQ Pride Parade in New York on June 30.
One thing all these movements share is a devotion to pride, particularly manly sorts of pride, and especially pride that involves the loud proclamation of an unwillingness to apologise—for the Southern Strategy, for Franco, for Vichy, for Mussolini, for the Raj, for the Confederacy.
This is not a new thing—the bright, recognizable colors of the French and Pride flags make them easy to duplicate in makeup looks, and rainbow looks have been a mainstay of every Pride makeup tutorial since Pride immemorial—but the context is different.
The San Francisco Pride (SF Pride) legal team has determined that a vote last week to remove Google and YouTube as sponsors and participants in future SF Pride celebrations was not legally binding, per an emailed statement from the organization’s leader received by Mashable.
But guess what, sex might be a sin out of marriage, pride is a sin, too, and I feel like this is a pride thing.
At first glance, Pride month seems to be all about the LGBTQ+ Pride parades that happen in most major cities across the U.S. in June.
But even though Pride parades might not look the same as they did at the beginning, much of the motivation behind Pride remains the same.
Coinciding with the annual Scandinavian parade is Los Santos Pride, a GTA V mod that brings the pride parade to the streets of Los Santos.
Protesters also gathered in nearby buildings, with rainbow flags symbolizing gay pride and multi-colored balloons spelling out the word «pride» hanging in the windows.
Pride events are typically held during June — LGBT Pride Month — or at a time that commemorates a turning point in a country’s own LGBT history.
You establish pride in the guy and pride in his job, he’s going to be a lot more successful when he gets out of here.
This issue came to the forefront when Black Lives Matter Toronto halted last year’s Pride parade to present a list of demands to Pride Toronto.
Some members of DOJ Pride were upset when Guy Benson, a Fox News contributor, was chosen to speak at last year’s annual gay pride celebration.
«We’re asking you to join us,» organizer of Starkville Pride and the pride parade Bailey McDaniel said during the meeting, according to the Daily News.
It’d be great if pride was just an excuse for a party—I mean, it is, but there’s still an element of pride that’s affirming.
Sunday’s march caps off a month of events that included a rally commemorating Stonewall 50, Youth Pride and Pride Island, a three-day outdoor music festival.
The company will also illuminate its signage on top of the building using Pride colors for the month of June in honor of LGBT Pride Month.
«I am so proud of our Pride Employee Resource Group members, and their leadership in driving Cincinnati Bell’s Pride Month celebrations,» Fox said in the release.
At Pride in Huntsville, those children and grandchildren, dancing to Lady Gaga in rainbow lipstick and pride flag capes, were still managing a lot of pain.
These 14 LGBTQ activist moments caught our attention over the past year, between Pride Month 2015 and Pride Month 2016, for their inventive takes on protesting.
Pilgrim’s Pride — Pilgrim’s Pride earned an adjusted 26 cents per share for its latest quarter, falling 14 cents shy of estimates, with revenue slightly below forecasts.
When other variations of the pride flag have been introduced, such as striped flags representing bisexual or transgender pride, there was significantly less criticism, she said.
One told me «I used to hide the rainbow flag after pride parade, but now I gotta find a place to show it with pride.» pic.twitter.
Yet pride movements for people with disabilities — like Crip Power or Mad Pride — have not gained the same sort of traction in the American consciousness. Why?
PRIDE quickly acquired many of the best fighters in the world and the PRIDE 2000 Open Weight Grand Prix marked a watershed moment in the sport.
The Soviet Union frequently tapped into nostalgia and pride about its victory in WWII as a means of shoring up national pride and reasserting its legitimacy.
Within a year of Stonewall, the G.L.F. organized three simultaneous gay pride marches in three cities — before the concept of a «gay pride parade» even existed.
The energy of L.G.B.T.Q. activism and pride is reverberating throughout New York as the city hosts its annual Pride festivities and, for the first time, WorldPride.
For its part, Heritage of Pride, which organizes the official NYC parade, said it has tried to be accommodating to Reclaim Pride despite the organizations’ differences.
For decades, contingents of lesbian motorcyclists calling themselves Dykes on Bikes have led the San Francisco Pride Parade, along with Pride parades in many other cities.
«It’s one of the key pillars of why Pride exists, to provide visibility,» said Chris Frederick, the executive director of NYC Pride, which commissioned the project.
The Toronto Pride organizers acknowledged that, calling the additional police presence «not ideal,» but said they would take steps to make all Pride-goers more comfortable.
The survey asked questions like how far the respondent would plan to travel for a Pride event (42 percent said more than 50 miles), if a Pride-friendly destination impacts their decision on where to travel (74 percent), and top bucket list places to celebrate Pride.
This summer, the Washington, DC–based No Justice No Pride, a group seeking to protest the corporatization of pride and center queer people of color in celebrations, saw widespread media coverage when they formed a human chain to block participants from Lockheed Martin at Capital Pride.
In South Africa, amid complaints that Johannesburg Pride is a «celebration of whiteness and freedom» and that Cape Town Pride lacks inclusivity, focus has shifted over the past several years toward bringing pride to townships like Kanana and Khayelitsha, where queer people face discrimination more acutely.
No gay-pride celebration has ever been allowed on the capital’s streets (the picture on the previous page shows a small display of pride in a park).
The first float leading the march, which is managed by Heritage of Pride, a non-profit that runs all official NYC Pride events, is a special one.
In New York, a Heritage of Pride spokesperson told THUMP that the massive Pride march Pier Dance would most definitely take place as scheduled on June 26.
So we talked with James Fallarino, media director of NYC Pride, for his tips and trick to making a Pride parade everything you want it to be.
Last year, Black Lives Matter protested Toronto’s pride for its police presence, leading to the decision that police will not march in uniform at this year’s pride.
Earlier today, about 100 Google employees urged SF Pride to ban the company from participating in this weekend’s Pride parade and drop the company as a sponsor.
But Philadelphia’s Pride flag is slightly different: The city’s organization More Color More Pride added two new colors — black and brown — to acknowledge LGBTQ people of color.
Using Post-its in the colors of the Pride flag, the team spelled out «PRIDE» on 85033 windows extending from the 9th to 16th floors, WLWT reports.
We know that the Pasta Incident had occurred shortly before the LA Pride parade, as James apologized to Lala at one of Lisa Vanderpump’s annual Pride parties.
Pride in one’s heritage, respect for one’s ancestors/ancestral traditions, a focus on the family… Then it moves from ‘ancestral pride‘ and ‘family’ to ‘supremacy’ and ‘exclusion.
To coincide with sponsoring Pride in London, Budweiser’s British arm released beer cups in the colours of nine different Pride flags, including asexual, intersex and non-binary.
Pride Month 2019 From exhibitions to music and movies, we offer over 25 options for commemorating the 6th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising and celebrating Pride Month.
To coincide with sponsoring Pride in London, Budweiser’s British arm released beer cups in the colors of nine different Pride flags, including asexual, intersex and non-binary.
We marched in a Pride parade, participated in interviews with local TV stations and attended a week of concerts, parties and dinners in celebration of L.G.B.T.Q. pride.
And while embassies had said the flag displays had previously been routine around Pride Month, multiple US embassies were denied permission by the Trump administration to fly the rainbow pride flag from their flagpoles to commemorate LGBTQ Pride Month this year, two senior State Department officials told CNN Friday.
Paducah, Kentucky’s Cinema Systers Film Festival claims to be the only entirely lesbian film festival in the US. From Greenville, North Carolina’s Teadance Film Festival to Fresno Reel Pride to the Bloomington PRIDE Festival to Colorado West Pride, AQFF is far from alone in making inroads in unexpected places.
More than 100 Cincinnati Bell employees created the mural at the headquarters Wednesday, which spells out ‘PRIDE‘ in the colors of the Pride flag, CNN affiliate WLWT reported.
He says that his first act as owner this time was to only allow pride flags after the Trump administration put a ban on embassies flying pride flags.
Instagram’s official account shared a few of their favorite Pride posts, from balloon unicorns at Chicago’s pride parade to the above beautiful photograph taken by Nicola Antonio Espósito.
Tennis legend Billie Jean King will be one of the grand marshals of New York City’s gay pride march as cities around the world hold LGBT pride events.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, the inspiration behind the Pride marches and parades that soon followed and have come to define pride month.
Dittman, 44, heard his friend Denna was heading to Pittsburgh Pride with Free Mom Hugs, an organization that assists LGBT people and also provides hugs at Pride events.
Read these stories next: These Colorful Pride Tattoos Will Make You Want Ink This Is What LGBTQ Resistance Looks Like Why LGBTQ Pride Deserves More Than One Month
No Justice, No Pride: As a sign of progress and acceptance, Washington D.C.’s annual pride parade is huge, with somewhere close to 300,000 people participating last year.
The Capital Pride parade was among a bevy of gay pride events this weekend scheduled for cities across the United States, including Boston, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Girl — which aired in 1974 on BBC Two — has been re-released via the BBC Store as part of its Prejudice and Pride collection for Pride in London.
When he tries to fill Sarabi and the pride in on what is going on outside of Pride Rock, they chase him off and try to eat him.
The publication reports that the Pentagon did not issue a memo marking LGBT Pride Month, which is usually circulated annually at the beginning of Pride Month in June.
Beirut Pride — which became the first Arab gay pride week in 2017 — was effectively shut down this year following the detention of organizer Hadi Damien under morality laws.
Pride can be tough to swallow in college football, especially among hated rivals, but Texas and Texas A&M need each other more than they need their pride.
We also wanted them to recognize that a Pride parade that claims to embrace the full diversity of the LGBTQ2S community can’t be a Pride that celebrates cops.
I tell kids and people who say ‘Oh we don’t need Pride anymore’ that we have an example right now of why Pride is more important than ever.
Steve Taylor, a board member of the European Pride Organizers Association, a networking group that supports the planning and promotion of pride celebrations, said he found that unacceptable.
Millions of people worldwide take part in marches to celebrate gay, bisexual and transgender achievements, rights and pride, most of which take place during Pride Month in June.
They were there for a «Straight Pride Parade,» an event organized by a group Boston Pride warned were white supremacists attempting to bait the queer community into outrage.
Through Creators for Change, Khalaf produced Fighting for Pride, a 30 minute documentary about LGBTQ activists trying to arrange the first pride in the African country of Swaziland.
Byarugaba said the club event, where a Mr. and Ms. Pride was to be selected was a precursor to a Gay Pride march planned for Saturday in Kampala.
More than two months after Black Lives Matter Toronto halted the city’s pride parade to protest racism within the LGBTQ community, Pride Toronto has issued a public apology.
The flag was unveiled at a recent Pride Month kick-off event in Philadelphia as part of a new campaign, More Color More Pride, which aims to recognize nonwhite LGBT communities as part of the broader pride movement, starting with the most visible and widely-recognized symbol of the LGBT community.
In October, Murphy couldn’t bring himself to admit some portion of responsibility for the changes he had wrought in himself; that would be pride, and pride is a sin.
The announcement of the new features comes just a few days after Twitter launched a new «Pridemoji» that incorporates both the LGBTQ pride flag and the trans pride flag.
HOROWITZ: As far as point of pride, putting that sword in Snow White’s hand and having that be the first time, for me, that’s a real point of pride.
Every summer for the past six years, Robinson has also put on Rocket City Pride, the premier Pride event for North Alabama, which attracted over 10,000 guests last year.
In honor of gay pride month, pride flags flew high across the globe Sunday to honor the 23 Stonewall Riots, the milestone demonstration that sparked the LGBTQ rights movement.
And a group called No Justice No Pride is currently arguing that Washington, DC’s pride celebration should restrict or remove its police presence and refuse sponsorship from Wells Fargo.
The city has scored 100 out of 100 on the HRCMEI for the last five years in a row and Tempe celebrates gay pride with Phoenix Pride every May.
Ticket prices for Pride events worldwide have also skyrocketed; this year, Manchester Pride came under fire for selling tickets for 70 pounds for an event that’s supposedly about inclusivity.
The NYC Pride March is the largest pride parade in the United States and is meant to celebrate the LGBTQ community and bring awareness to issues the community faces.
Over the span of 18 fights in Pride, he bounced around weight classes; despite his unimposing size, he twice fought former Pride and UFC heavyweight titleholder Antonio Rodgrio Nogueira.
In December of 1996, Nobuhiko Takada signed with a new promotion called PRIDE and Rickson Gracie was convinced to fight him at PRIDE 1 on October 11 th 1997.
The Norfolk Police Department is investigating an incident in which an anti-LGBTQ sticker explaining «misplaced pride» was placed over a gay pride bumper sticker on a woman’s car.
» Unlike the commercial behemoth that is Pride in London, Trans Pride stands out with its emphasis on transgender lives—or, as its website puts it, «putting the T first.
Related: There’s a New Pride Flag in Town Openly Gay Skateboarder Brian Anderson Bares All in His First Zine ‘GTA V’ Mod Brings LGBTQ Pride Parade to Los Santos
Reclaim Pride organizers have been meeting weekly since last year’s Pride march and negotiating with the city for about six months to get their own march off the ground.
«You establish pride in the guy and pride in his job, he’s going to be a lot more successful when he gets out of here,» the program’s director explained.
We met another woman who was attending her first Pride ever because she just retired and only now doesn’t fear being outed at Pride and fired from her job.
It was not a gay pride-themed game, but among the St. Kilda cheer squad’s oversized pompoms and giant banners, a pair of pride flags waved with each goal.
Sessions was asked by an intern about the White House’s lack of recognition for LGBT Pride Month and responded that the Justice Department would «celebrate» LGBT pride next week.
Militarizing these events increases the potential for harm to our communities and we hope in the future SF Pride will consider community-centered approaches to security at pride events.
It’s 2018 and pride is — finally — everywhere. Everywhere.
«She has — how we say — pride?» he recalled.
It has fleets of drones, which have been deployed at events like the NYC Pride Parade, despite the fact that LGBTQ activists have resisted heavy police presence at Pride events.
Tony Evers issued an executive order stating that the pride flag will be flown over the State Capitol Building for the rest of June, coinciding with Pride month world-wide.
The technicolor font was created through a partnership called Type With Pride, spearheaded by media and arts organization NewFest, NYC Pride, Ogilvy & Mather’s design agency, and font creation platform Fontself.
Along with volunteers, Baker tie-dyed and pieced together the first gay pride flags at a gay community center, unveiling them in a June gay pride parade, the Times reports.
You donated all proceeds from the launches of Rosé Pride and Pinot Pride to GLAAD and Equality Florida to support the victims of the mass shooting at Pulse in Orlando.
The action highlighted just how politically fraught many pride celebrations have become, and how 2017 may have represented a sea change in the trajectory of the pride movement in general.
As pride events grow ever more corporate—such as Pittsburgh Pride, which sold its name to a Republican-supporting fracking company this year—backlash is growing from the LGBTQ community.
The first Pride parade was held one year after Stonewall, meaning that although we’re celebrating the 50th anniversary of Stonewall this year, this will be the 49th annual Pride parade.
I think for the same reasons why it’s important for people to show their pride that they are LGBTQ, we should also be allowed to experience that pride in ourselves.
Part of what got him there are his consistent and powerful affirmations of black pride, Compton pride, which don’t let up throughout this project («look at my heritage, we blessed»).
Nick Diaz went east and signed with PRIDE FC. At the Japanese promotion’s 2007 Las Vegas event, PRIDE 33, he met the consensus best lightweight in the world, Takanori Gomi.
«It is something that North Carolinians take pride in, and have taken pride in for so long,» said Mr. Southern, the author of an anthology about sports in North Carolina.
Patriotism is pride and the Trump administration has undermined patriotism and pride of country by destroying fundamental values such as fairness and decency that make people proud to be Americans.
The young Alexandria, Virginia, woman was getting ready for Washington D.C.’s Capital Pride Parade on Saturday when her grandmother came into her room and spotted her bisexual Pride flag.
If you are planning to attend a public Pride celebration, there are key safety steps you can take to keep yourself — and other Pride-goers — protected from anti-LGBTQ+ violence.
For LGBTQ Pride Month, Instagram is rolling out a special set of pride-flavored features, including a sticker set (Instagram has stickers now, you’ve probably noticed) and a rainbow brush.
This week they’re hosting multiple Pride events, including the first prom night for LGBTQ youth, with the Grey Bruce Pride organizers reaching out to Toronto collective Bedroomer to provide music.
Guy Benson, a Fox News commentator, was chosen to speak at a gay pride event over the objections of the department’s L.G.B.T. affinity group, DOJ Pride, Justice Department lawyers said.
And even though it’s coming in the middle of LGBTQ Pride Month, the march is not meant to be a traditional Pride parade; it’s geared more toward protest than celebration.
While LGBTQ Pride events foster an inclusive ethos of bringing everyone together under the queer umbrella, Straight Pride is about the celebration of some identities at the expense of others.
But Povondra takes inordinate pride in having played a role in history — and we watch, over the course of the book, as that pride curdles into shame and then horror.
That month she was also on hand in New York to accept the Heritage of Pride honor at the inaugural Village Voice Pride Awards, hosted by the actor Alan Cumming.
The organizers of NYC Pride are closing this year’s monthlong celebration with Pride Island, a new three-day music festival held on Hudson River Park’s Pier 26 in Lower Manhattan.
This week we’re talking about how we can simultaneously feel pride in Pride and recognize the limits and blind spots of the parade and the gay rights movement in general.
Other coaches and teams in Australia already treat the Pride as a feeder, recruiting the best players, sometimes pushing them to prioritize tournaments that conflict with school or Pride training.
San Francisco Pride, the country’s largest annual lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) pride celebration, is kicking off this weekend without one of its grand marshals: Black Lives Matter.
He followed Pinot by Tituss by releasing two more wines, Pinot Pride and Rosè Pride, during NYC Pride Week in June, donating all proceeds from three days of events to GLAAD and Equality Florida to support the victims of the mass shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, that same month.
HOLLAND COTTER FIRST FRIDAYS: BLACK LGBTQ WORLD PRIDE EDITION (June 7) This fifth annual dance party, hosted by Lee Soulja from Black Pride NYC and including a performance by the drag legend Harmonica Sunbeam, will celebrate World Pride with the music of DJ Missy B and Craig Nice and DJ Frankie Paradise.
Pride celebrations Tight security and tributes marked Pride celebrations across the country this weekend, just two weeks after 49 people were killed by a gunman at a gay nightclub in Orlando.
Everyone celebrates Pride differently, but one easy way to spread all that love around is to put your money where your pride is: donate to organizations that honor the LGBTQ+ community.
Most recently, New York and Wisconsin raised the Pride flag over their respective capitol buildings and FDR’s Four Freedoms Park was transformed from gray granite into the city’s largest Pride flag.
GOAL’s history with Pride is both storied and fraught: When they marched openly at Pride soon after the group’s formation, cops who were policing the route turned their backs on them.
Hotel searches for Pride weekends have increased by more than double digits when compared to 2018, according to Orbitz, in addition to an increase in flight searches and Pride package considerations.
While RUSA LGBT has participated in New York City’s famous Pride Parade, they are taking it local for the first time with the Pride Parade in Brighton Beach on May 20.
However, Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, co-founder of UK Black Pride, said companies should bring inclusive practices into the day-to-day running of a business, «and not just during Pride month».
Activists in New York and San Francisco have made similar calls to end police participation in pride this year, but so far those pride celebrations have committed to a police presence.
This year also marked a broader symbolic change for the annual celebration: a name change from Gay Pride to Pride Amsterdam, to better acknowledge the full spectrum of the LGBTQ community.
The Storm also marched in the Seattle Pride parade and, this past weekend, WNBA team the New York Liberty became the first professional sports team to ever participate in NYC Pride.
In related news, according to Toronto Pride organizers, LGBT Syrian refugees — who have been especially vulnerable in the instability of their native region — will also take part in Toronto’s Pride Parade.
There was also a random collection of Pride t-shirts on sale that didn’t impress us, but the prices weren’t spectacular, and Pride month had been over for a few weeks.
It’s credited to Brenda Howard, a bisexual New York activist nicknamed the «Mother of Pride,» who organized the first Pride parade to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.
On June 11, the Golden Valley Pride Run invites athletes to take a jaunt through Minneapolis’s Brookview Park and Pride festival to get doused in paint, all for a good cause.
Plenty of teams have the «Pride» jersey, so it’s probably easy for this to get looked over as some random data filled into a template, but, also: WHITE PRIDE sounds awful!
JULIANNE McSHANE WORLD PRIDE OPENING CEREMONY (June 26) A benefit concert including Whoopi Goldberg, Chaka Khan, Ciara and Billy Porter will kick off what may be the biggest Pride to date.
But there are plenty of ways to celebrate Pride away from some of the weekend’s most crowded events — including Ms. Minogue’s Sunday appearance at Pride Island, which is sold out anyway.
As members of the L.G.B.T.Q. community celebrate Pride Month and reflect on the milestones of the rights movement, we asked readers what pride means to them and what should come next.
» Mark Fletcher, CEO of Manchester Pride, said in a statement: «At Manchester Pride Live we’re truly honored to be welcoming Ariana back to the city to help us celebrate LGBT+ life.
The vigil in Toronto comes as the city kicked off its first-ever Pride month, ahead of the Pride parade in July, one of the biggest LGBT festivals in the world.
» Next with 20 percent was «pride in my work.
» Second glances let love bloom in «Pride and Prejudice.
There’s a very strong sense of community — even pride.
The first Pride was a protest — not a party.
I put my pride aside — and I’m very prideful.
She beamed with pride … just like she does here.
We don’t have to display — we display our pride.
» Careful readers might pick out the acronym «DAIRY PRIDE.
Now the pride parade … it’s just a capitalist parade.
I handed over my half — $2,000 — glowing with pride.
»   «The gunman attacked an LGBT nightclub during Pride Month.
«The bishop said that Catholics shouldn’t go to Pride, shouldn’t support the LGBTQIA+ community, so we’re taking Pride to them,» said Lazzerini, who also serves as the LGBT liaison to the mayor.
Two of the crosswalks in Ames feature the colors of the inclusive Pride flag, which adds black and brown to the rainbow LGBTQ Pride flag designed by Gilbert Baker in the 1970s.
After a Drag Story Hour for kids at the local library and a pride potluck in one of Laramie’s parks, the last pride event was a vigil in honor of Matthew Shepard.
According to a press release from Pride Houston, Imran Yousuf, a military veteran and bouncer at the LGBT nightclub Pulse, will act as the honorary grand marshal during the city’s pride parade.
The team has joined up with Venice Pride — the organization behind the massive Venice Pride block party — and has sponsored the blue lights in the letter «C» in the famous VENICE sign.
«In celebration of #Pride & the desperate cry for more love in this world,» Cyrus wrote of the song, which she released to celebrate LGBTQ Pride month and rally for social change. SURPRISE!
In Belgrade, their first Pride march, called Pride Weekend, was held between June 23-26, and was attended by around 200 people, a minuscule number compared to other countries in the region.
«In honor of pride, we’re kicking off a global initiative to turn walls in cities around the world into colorful beacons of support,» said a blog post announcing the new Pride features.
So, in the spirit of resistance, we took to the NYC streets this Pride to ask LGBTQ people one question: How has the meaning of Pride changed since President Trump took office?
In their letter, the Democrats ask Mattis why the Pentagon’s Personnel and Readiness Office did not issue a memo for Pride Month and why no Pentagon leadership spoke during the Pride event.
NYC Pride (through Sunday) This centerpiece of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month returns with renewed urgency in light of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando on June 12.
At memorial events in Sarov that included a gun salute, Rosatom head Alexei Likhachev praised the deceased nuclear experts as the «pride of the country» and the «pride of the atomic sector».
A nondescript NYPD surveillance photo shows the Gay Liberation Front at the 22018 Gay Pride March, the first commemorating the 1969 Stonewall riots, and the first Pride march in New York City.
Pop & Rock The organizers of NYC Pride are closing this year’s monthlong celebration with Pride Island, a new three-day music festival held on Hudson River Park’s Pier 26 in Lower Manhattan.
After the game on Friday, American winger Megan Rapinoe was asked about playing during Pride Month, and on a weekend when many cities around the world were holding their annual Pride events.
The picks range wildly, from more conventional and relatively faithful costume dramas like the 1995 Pride and Prejudice miniseries to the looser adaptations, which include Clueless (based on Emma), Metropolitan (based on Mansfield Park), Bridget Jones’s Diary (based on Pride and Prejudice, very loosely indeed), and Bride and Prejudice (a Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice).
One person will reasonably say that everyone loves Pride and Prejudice, so that one’s best, and another person will explain that Pride and Prejudice is for basics and real Austen fans love Emma.
«Either you meet queer people in the pride marches, or you meet them at gay parties, or you would meet them at film festivals,» Pride Circle co-founder Srini Ramaswamy told CNN Business.
«We stand against cops at pride,» tweeted organizers for the Reclaim Pride Coalition, which says that LGBTQ people, particularly transgender women and people of color, continue to face profiling and discrimination by police.
» Europe’s largest LGBT campaigning organization, Stonewall, has criticized Pride in London’s actions and statements, with CEO Ruth Hunt writing, «Pride in London had a duty to act and protect trans people … They didn’t.
The protest group, No Justice No Pride, said in a statement that Capital Pride also needed to add a transgender minority woman to its board and bar police from marching in the parade.
Alabanza says the retailer did little to support them following the incident and has only just apologized – at the end of Pride month – but the brand does, of course, have a Pride campaign.
There is a tension, we have to acknowledge that, but I think you have to equally try and reconcile a progressive outward-looking liberalism with a pride in community, a pride in belonging.
It took Facebook two years to realize that white nationalism is just an expedient synonym for white supremacist values rather than a harmless form of pride akin to American pride or Basque separatism.
Magical Pride is all set to be a truly unforgettable event, with a Magical Pride Parade, character meet and greet, and a dance party with renowned DJs and live performances from top acts.
It’s a film about pride—about being as proud of your own flesh and blood as you are of your metal machines, and about the craziness that flares up whenever pride gets hurt.
In June, during LGBT pride month, WWD reported that five employees at the LGBT media group Pride Media were laid off after a year of drama surrounding payment and funding at the company.
Ortagus added that embassies are permitted to hang the rainbow Pride flag or display other Pride images without violating the State Department’s directive, but flag poles should be reserved for the U.S. flag.
The jerseys from Spain, Holland, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia together made up a rainbow, similar to the well-known LGBTQ pride flag In Russia it’s illegal to display the LGBT pride flag.
Pride has gotten so bland over the years, and the folks making decisions at Capital Pride have gotten so out of touch with the actual community as they pursue big, glamorous, expensive celebrations.
Corporate revenue also takes the financial burden off advocacy groups and community nonprofits with tight budgets, said Cathy Renna, a spokeswoman for Heritage of Pride, which has organized the Pride March since 1984.
The counter-march — planned for the same day as the traditional Pride demonstration, June 250 — will be perhaps the largest counter-demonstration to NYC Pride in history if organizers’ projections come to pass.
The counter-march — planned for the same day as the traditional Pride demonstration, June 214 — will be perhaps the largest counter-demonstration to NYC Pride in history if organizers’ projections come to pass.
Monica Helms, creator of the Trans Pride flag, says the continued challenges of being LGBTQ even in a time of relative acceptance are why queer and transgender people celebrate Pride to begin with.
We feel intense pride in our city and country, though we don’t feel the compulsion constantly to profess that pride as proof of our patriotism or as an expression of a cultural resentment.
Streaming June is Pride Month — commemorating the gay rights movement that had its roots in the Stonewall uprising of June 21987 The streaming platforms FilmStruck and Fandor are offering special Pride Month programming.
The office’s representatives get pride of place at civic functions.
Salesforce takes a special pride in embracing the latest technologies.
She took pride in how good she was at it.
For months, I feel alternating levels of pride and shame.
«Pride Equality Peace,» the side of the police car reads.
This wasn’t just about pride, but also about regaining respect.
San Marino residents take pride in preserving their historic homes.
And it gives me such pride that they get it.
It started when we hosted the first Pride Day ever.
«Love you back and take great pride in our relationship.»
Or flex on the children with your new Pride tumbler.
But now Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, in theaters Feb.
«Man, f— your pride,» Rihanna sings in the catchy song.
It’s a beautiful time to take pride in our accomplishments.
In some ways, it’s seen as a point of pride.
There’s no overblown man pride here, and we so approve.
Caddies pride themselves on knowing what to say and when.
There and elsewhere, localism has become a point of pride.
«We’ll break the stage,» says Taeyong, eyes glimmering with pride.
It’s their pride, it’s their identity; it’s their economic wellbeing.
As many as 100,000 people attended Istanbul Pride in 2014.
It’s so hospitable and that’s what we pride ourselves on.
We want our community to feel a sense of pride.
Respect Many Mexicans argue what’s really at stake is pride.
He held up a pride flag at a campaign event.
And Talladega should be free to do so with pride.
Confronted with his bankruptcies, he reacted with pride, not shame.
The room emanates with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
We … pride ourselves in bringing Pakistani politics to (the) internet.
A couple in Central Park after Pride, June 26, 1975.
Ahead, see which stars are exposing their piercings with pride.
I’m glad that they’re taking a moment to appreciate pride.
There’s no price on pride, especially for the formerly poor.
Grateful to share my American pride with my baby girls!
It wasn’t something you felt a sense of pride in.
Yet pride is not the only emotion the system evokes.
And when I got money, that way I developed pride.
London hosts an annual gay pride parade on June 25.
Pilgrim’s Pride and Sanderson both said they were also cooperating.
Day 1: Harry waving a pride flag around on stage.
Later he wore with pride his belt buckle from Alcatraz.
For those that don’t know, June is LGBTQ Pride Month.
Wear them with pride, and may the best team win.
Still, it is possible to do a Pride parade wrong.
NOWHERE IN ASIA celebrates gay pride as flamboyantly as Taipei.
The group’s songs were also popular choices for Seoul Pride.
Singer will have a float featured in Atlanta’s PRIDE parade.
Stauer said she took pride in being the family historian.
About bringing pride back to the schools and this city.
Why don’t younger women feel that same pride and sisterhood?
Of course straight folks can — and do — go to Pride.
Go deeper: U.S. embassies find loopholes to celebrate Pride Month
Since then some progressives have worn the badge with pride.
Took pride in taking care of his fiancée and children.
«We should have more pride,» center DeAndre Jordan told reporters.
But no matter what, play this all during Pride month.
So did Mr Fares’s chief pride and joy, Radio Fresh.
The branding of Pride should fully benefit all LGBTQ+ people.
Jennifer and Lisha and I rode on the Pride float.
It’s national pride and patriotism … a whole lot of it.
Maternity is considered a mark of vitality, and national pride.
I’m doing that the day before I do Gay Pride.
Particularly worrying, in this respect, is pride centred on ethnicity.
But limited options mean price is likely to trump pride.
I’m filled with the greatest pride to be his caretaker.
If you’re a North American full of regional pride: Mexico.
The posts also include the phrase «LOP»: loyalty over pride.
I take a lot of pride in being a nurse!
U.S. diplomats in Jerusalem joined marches for Pride and tolerance.
Facebook’s little rainbow Pride reaction is sadly missing this year.
There’s a majesty, and almost this pride, and a posturing.
The Cake Boss star’s cute confections are beaming with pride.
She takes pride in executing her assigned kills with flair.
The pride you feel when you’ve convincingly pretended to masturbate.
He seemed to take pride in creating above all else.
Most people know what the LGBTQ+ pride flag looks like.
Wellington Pride has not replied to a request for comment.
«He beamed with pride at his second son,» she writes.
Remember her iconic running spurts in the Boston Pride Parade?
They pride themselves on poaching, with said funds, established talent.
For World Pride, my drink of choice is the LGBTini.
That first Pride parade was held on June 28, 1970.
«We are restoring American strength and American pride,» Trump said.
For others, it is the official symbol of black pride.
«I’ll display my X with pride to anyone,» Shupe said.
I do take a lot of pride in my offense.
Welsh actor Luke Evans expressed his pride in London’s resolve.
They take pride in their defensive part of the game.
Tech companies are a point of pride in my homeland.
Pride is a violent thriller wrapped in a horror flick.
Internally, Facebook at first watched Insta­gram’s relentless growth with pride.
By Saturday lunchtime, I was heading down to Brighton Pride.
Only 503 bottles of this rare Glenmorangie Pride 1974 exist.
«It’s just pride around here,» defensive tackle Kawann Short said.
Pride and lust being 2 of the 7 deadly sins.
Manchester Pride organizers did not respond to requests for comment.
On the other side, Wisconsin coach Paul Chryst expressed pride.
I had always taken pride in being an eccentric dresser.
He warns against pride, hypocrisy and smugness in the Church.
«We actually pride ourselves on being ‘Number 2,'» Batiz said.
Bennett in the 1995 BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice.
There’s a real sense of pride and ownership in that.
Hey, at least Pizza Rat had pride in its city.
It was pathetic, and I take little pride in it.
We pride ourselves on transparency, and Snapchat seems very honest.
And as white as a loaf of Mother’s Pride bread.
It means that they have lost all pride in themselves.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Pride Month.
Jaymes Mansfield: Ah, the pride and joy of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
His nutcracker collection takes pride of place above the fire.
We have lost our sense of civic pride, civic engagement.
Working can indeed bring a sense of pride and achievement.
But Ronan’s Celtic pride even dictated her Oscars dress selection.
Instagram’s Pride celebration also isn’t staying solely on your screen.
To take part head to the Pride in London stage.
Mexico tried to choose pride over security, and got neither.
This year, patriotism shouldn’t just be about pride of country.
If you pride yourself on brutal honesty, be brutally honest.
But Kimora wasn’t the only parent beaming with prom pride.
He has also yet to express support for Pride Month.
«It’s absolutely fantastic,» says Derrick, with a hint of pride.
We’ve got to play with more pride than we did.
Magical Pride in Disneyland Paris — £79 per person See Details
It’s a country with a lot of pride and bravery.
Number one is to take pride in what you’re doing.
Perhaps that’s the main source of pride that I have.
Many more began drifting up towards Trafalgar Square and Pride.
Politicians have always lied but now they take pride in
If these productions are crude, it’s a badge of pride.

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